The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1898, Morning, Page 11, Image 11

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Honesdalc Now In the Height of lis
SCRIPT! VH OP ITS iiiktouv, AT
The visitor to Honeselule thoe clns
s made aware, soon utter his nnlvnl,
of ii marked elirfeteiii'p, In ntiiinilii ic
plcttircsqiifncss nnel HimounilltiRi. In -tvvcon
It nml the olinuu'trilxtlis of Mm
avringo Xm thitiHtci n l'e iinliiiil.t
community. Tlii-io Is o,il within slKlit,
to he Hiire, but none nf the iirIIiicsh
attrntlliiK lta pioclui'tiiin: tlicip aie In
dustrie, but none of the squnlor lisu
nlly nssocintoet with thein. lnste.ul,
the Impression Imparted Is of a
New KtiRlnnd lllnpe. Natuie smlln8
from ti.1l. nllev ntul wiiteuiuuse In
the New KriRlanel faishlon, and the peo
ple have the home rmnfoitH and the
evidenced lulturu of the down Kust
erneis Lately, too, there hae been symp
toms of an awakening of the spirit of
municipal enterprise which cnriles out
the Idea of Yankee oilKlll. Itoneoiliile
has beRiin to let her llsht shine foith.
We hate before us a chculai Issued
1 the Citizen under the luspli.itlon of
Its enterpiisliiK editor, 11. A IVnnlman,
esq which puts Into c oinpact foim u.
wist deal of Miluablc Information about
Honesdale nnd Wayne count. This
Is bring wldily circulated and con
stitutes n, valuable advertisement of
the town. It Is as follows:
The borough of Honcsdale, the coun
tv s-eat of U'ajnc couutv. is one of
the most flouilshliiR towns In Noith
enstern Penns.vhnnla and Is liciltliful
Ij and beautifully located on the L.irk
awaxen liver, at the junction of the
West Ilraneh and D.v lie-i I , tvventv
thiee miles noithwest of l.ue kmv axon.
It Is 131 miles from New York clt,
via the 11ic lallway. with tlueo
EeiiKer Mains, dallv, em li vav, and ..J
miles fiom Scranton with which it
Is connected by the celcbiated Giavlty
lailioad, sK p.issenKer Mains dally,
each way. beliiB mil ovei the Its
mail facilities ate unequalled foi .1
small town liming four nulls dally
from New Yoik elt.v. and fotu e.u h
vvuv dallv, with Seinnton and other
points In the Lackawanna v.illej
lp to 1'Jfi, when nethe opeiatlons
In the constiiictlon of the IVl.iwaio
and Hudson canal weie Hist ciininieni
ed the site of the village was a wilder
iipss hut dating from that event, the
Kiowth of the town, whlih vas named
Honesdalc, in honor of Philip Hone, an
earlv and efficient p.itiou of the Dela
ware and Hudson canal oinpanv, has
been rapid and ioiitiuuiu Hone-dale
lies In latitude 41 dcfiiecs, ni minutes
and JO seconds noith. and loiiRtitude
?j degrees, 16 minutes and SO vm nmli
w ast
Washington Irving visited Hones
dale in 1S41. at that time ho climbed
to the top ol the massive ledne of
l icks rivcrloi kins our town, which to
this dav beais his mum- 'livings
liff In the 25th volume of his wolks
we nnd the following lettet
Hont xil.d, Ausii't 1 1 11
Mv li,, ir Sister I wrllj- Mom ,11110115
t'n m i.utulim In the i.i p.m of lc hi.
sv'h 11 1, limn a vIIIjcjc which In a
! nt i prung into cvIhIciuc u, tin. U. -li
isii .1 a great coal iclein. aad which
is cell d alter our frlciul Philip Hone,
wl 1 w is lUicmolv c tin lent in (dueling
eti'-rrii e Into this qtwrti r I cum ii i
al ip 1 ho Dclaw it. end Hud-cm c ud,
v ,1 i ct. nils In 111 tin Hudt-on rJv r,
' ill. I'litMcill iiH'iirialns upnuid ot a
1 il milci- hit tin Inteiior, ti.iv n
1 1- -1 1111 ol the most lirnutiiul p.uth is
t -1 in 1 of the Hate ot Niw inn,
ai 1 p mti iting the Mute- of Piniis.
vai i I ueromninleci Uk directing of
ii- Delaware and Hudson canal in ihctr
n11im.1l vij-lt of crimination Ainons Hie
1I110, tors are Philip lion, and m fit. ll
I'l-v t 1 do not know who. I !ur
ni.. lr .1 more gratirvtng cnirslou with
r--p. t to 11.1t 111 ul bienctj or nine iei"i-e-Mins
fiom the stupendous woiks of nt
'J n canal is laid a gical ran ot tin wnv
aluiig romantic valid w.iteud 1j tho
Rniuloiit, tln Lack.iwaon etc Pur miles It Is built up tiding the face
ot perpendicular precipices iNIi'g into
htuprndous cliffs with oveihiinglng fin
est hi strut'lng out Into v ist pioniou
t rii - while on tho othei idle vuii look
rinwi upon the Ddiwaie fuanilng lunl
lulling below jou at the loot of nn Im-men-e
wall 01 emb.inkmi i.l which sup
ports tho canal Altogethei It Is one ef
the most d uln,? inidu takings I have ever
witnc-ed to carrv an aititldal rlvo
ovei ioik mountains, and up tin rit
savage and almost inipi.ic ticnble id tiles;
nml all thl-, tuo has hjen achieved l
the funds of an association composed cr
a handful of Indlvidial- Pur upwaids
of ninetv miles I went through a con
stant succession of mpuh that would
have been famous hnd It existed In nnv
part of Lai ope the Catsklll iiiuiimuliis to
the north, the Sliawniiuink mountain 1
to the south, and between tluni luvdv
Vallevs with the most Itlxtili tltt wood-luncl-
and plctuieseitic stieams. All tuts
Is a lesion about which 1 had heaid noth
ing-1 legion entlielv unknown to fame;
bet so It Is In tan cnhnli We have
Romi main routes foi the fashionable
trivedr nlon, which ho is huirled In
btcamUciat and lallrond cut ; while 011
evcrv side cxtenil regions of beaulv,
about winch ho hears and knows nnthlim.
Bonn of the mut enc hunting scenes I
Imvo beheld since ni 11 turn to tho
t nitccl States, have lcen In out-nf-the-wa
places Into which I have been acci
dentally led Washington living.
Few towns in the state have more
pic ant suirouudlncs than those of
H 'iiesdale the hills and mountains ad
jacent giving the scent a beautiful le
llef with two htieams that lure mut,
plowing through in striking . rfe. t
Honesdalc while .wssing 11 modul
ate degree of wealth has uImj culture
and refinement, nnd many other attrac
tions ns a plnte of residence or sum
mer lesort, mid also piescnta other
advantages to manufacture! s. Tho
town has 11 population of 0 000, with
one In cveiy six ot tho number en
gaged In maiiufac tin lug. A Hapllst,
Methodist, Presbv tcrlan, L'plscopal,
Ueiman Lutheian, Sjnugogue, nnd two
Catholic chinches meet tho tcllgloua
wants of eiur community; two hugo
and commodious guided schools; na
tional and savings banks, both sub
stantial and wtll-miinagcd Institutions;
Ihst-clnss lueitnutlle houses In nil
brant lies of tiade; font hotels Hotel
Vuyni Allen House, National nnd
Coyne; nn upein house; skilled cat pen-
tern, blacksmiths, pnlnteis, etc.; coal
works that extend 11 mile up nnd down
the valley; thice newsp.ipeis minister
to the Intellectual appetite, whllo lavv
eis, vi ell vcised 111 legal due, and
dentists, elottois nnd suigcons of skill
nnd extieilcnce me ever lendy to as
sist us; a handsome and massive court
house, paik with a totmtalii and sol
tlleis' monument, ndorn the eentinl
petition of oui town, while Park Lake,
Riverside Paik and Ninth Paik 111 e
nttui'tlve features of the uppei , our
thorotighfaiesj 1110 maendambetl; our
walks aie all paved with stone, ample
shade Is pi ov died by the bundle ds of
maples and elms that lino our stieets.
giving oui boiough, when viewed fiom
any of the sin rounding mountains, tho
appeal mice of a fotcst, yet malaria
nnd mo-cultoes are lately known;
water, gas and electric walks, the
put est ah in abundance, being located
1000 feet above tide water; Company
11, Thhteenlli leglment, N. U. P., made
up of the very best mateilal to bu
found In the town, 11 lit 0 tnicnt,
tomposed of two steamers nnd all
needed appantus, which Is eqttnlled
by few nnd extolled by none, It is tho
greatest coal stoilng station on tho
face of the globe, thete Is now In
Honcsdale 11 single piece of coal weigh
ing sl tons the seonoiv Is supeib and
line i eld d anvwheie in this section of
tho slate the town Is suiioundcd by
mountains, fiom the summits of which
the tountiy Is spiead seventv-sW nat
ural lakes, easy of access, well stocked
with bass, pel ill. plckcicl nnd other
fish, while the whole countiy Is (llled
with trout sti earns, wheie the spoils
man can enjoy himself to his hemt's
content, the C.i,ivlt lailioad Is alike
a novelty and ntti action of itself, af
foidlug as It does, fiom the summit of
the JIoosic mountain0. 2 000 feet above
the ocean level, 11 view of the Cntkllls
and huudieds of miles of ellveislflcd
and loniantd land-cape th it almost
outiivals Switzeilnnd Itself, splendid
watei puwer ! at hand, and in ahund
mice all mound us, 01 If coal 01 wood
Is preteued foi manufactuilng pur
poses, doth can bo had In unlimited
quantities and at low flguies tho
labeling classes aie thrifty, haidwoik
iug and Indu-M ions to a lemaikable
elegiee nine-tenths of the lesldents of
Honcsdale own the houses In which
the: lesldc, the Western I'nlon and
Postal Tekgiaph luinlshes us- with
speedy tomtnunle.itlon with the outside
wol Id, while tlnee lines ol telephone.
Including the long distance, brings
111. my plaros of business to our very
doors, it is one of the most healthful
towns in tho state, the societj is 10
llned and of the best, and stiangeis
aie alwajs wilcoinc. Honesdad 1- the
centei ot a laige ineicpiuile Made and
the moral status of the commuuitv Is
fill above the avctage.
In fac t. If ou me In seaich of health,
plcasuie 01 piollt 01 If ou aie weaiy
of business, and vvlh to build a castle
on a link, with a splendid panorama,
fiom even window, then come to
Honesdalc, It will do juti good With
climate the most hialthful, in tho
center of a ilih ngilcultuial distilet.
with cveiy faclllt fm Made and manu
facturing:, mid delightful sitiioundlngs,
Honcsdale nffeis inducements toi set
tle mi nt and Investment whbh cannot
fall to (ittinct the attention of capital
ists, and the ftttuiu Is blight with
piomlo for this pietty, busy llttlo
The first Ion. motive that ever tinned
i' wheel upon n uiilroad in Ameilta.
was the b'toutbtldgu Lion," l.ilh ,ad
the' Dclawnio nnd Hudson tliavity;
place Honesdalc, U'ajne count, Pa;
date August ls.'fl, inglncii Hota
tlo Allen who died at .Monti use, N.
,1 , Deccmbei !i, l'i, aged S7 jeais, 7
months nnd "1 da3 TIpio is now- In
Hoinsdale e living witness of the above
event, Hon Otis Avciy. The Hist load
uf ma! passt,(j eiu the road October 0,
lSJ'J The Hist passenger Mains 10111
niinced iiinning over the Oiavlty pill
5, 187:. (iaugc of tiack, 1 feet and ,T
luehis Weight of pa-scnger coaches,
lb.000 pounds fnpicitv, .'" pas-engeis
Speed mi plnnes. ji miles pci hour.
A llde ot tlilitj minutes over tho
flravity will take jou to "Parvdw,"
J.oyi feet above Nov Yoik city, nnd mi"
of the most delightful evulsion lesuits
In Ameiko.
In turning fiom Cm dominie to Hon
isdnle 011 the C.iavlty, thcie aie twelve
planes eight up h'll and tour down:
the up hill ones following each other
and are liumbeied, commencing at Cai
bondale, tiom one to eight, iiumbei sic
b"lng the shoiUat, or I.CjJ feet long,
nunibei one, the loiiECht, being 147)
teet The four down planes am num
bered 0, 10, 11 and 1 ', the shmtest being
l.IJi feet, and tho longest 1,4C1 tm tin
sliepist being No 5 wheio the usieut
Is one loot In 1) 91-100 feet. Attn de
sc ending pleno No l., Wnymmt Is
uaihed and Mom there to HonedaIe
dlstmuo ten mlks, called Ten Mile
Livtl the cars 11111 by theli own giav
lt. the giade being 43 1-2 feet per mile.
In returning to Caibondile thcie me
eight plines, all up hill, numbeicd 11 to
20, the shritest, No 14, luing h.'9 feet,
and the longest No. Ill, .' CJ0 fee' Th.
giade of No II! at H"ne-dnle foot
In 0 flii-loo feet and the other extreme Is
No Is whie It Is one fi ot in 1 72-100
feet Thfie aie levels between nil th'
plmis fti 'he light tmk the ne fiom
the summit to Carboiujalo is sis 'miles,
Hi m
School Lesson for June 2L
Second Quarterly RevSeWo
Secretary of American Society of Religious Education."
INTROniTTION.-Dlltilig tho qu irtor
now closing the Sunday schools of Chris
tendom have studied in tho last cur of
tho public mlnlstiy of Jisus. Tho lessons
have been detached passages taken trom
the book of Mutthow, containing In all
eno hundred and forty veres, or what
would form less than live pages ot nn Mo,
bonk of long premier tj pe This fart is
In itself a miivel. Was thero ever such
condensed blegtiiphy? Who would ix
pect the mrmoiv of any nun to survlvo
Ills generation of whom theio wcro such
slight lecnrils'' Who would expert that
millions of adults and children, widely
Fcatlcred In lands far distant from Jmlca,
would engetly pore over theto tragmtnts,
ns-enilillng for twelve consecutive hab-dath-
to report and to compaia tho v
stills of their Invcstlgnti ms. No other
thenn could hold such prolonged atten
tion. In this lev lew It Is proposed to
giotip the lesions under a cl issltled list
of topic, tho hettei to show what wo
have leaned concerning Him.
MIRACLE. One lesson only. The first,
ehlhlls the powers of Jesus Tho mlr
111I11 wioinjht In tho cases of Tie nnd
feldon mav be recalled under several as
pects. The woman, In her humility, her
porslst"ticc, her faith, is a splendid exam
ple lor all who sctk any dlesslng nt tho
hand of Christ nn cMimplo Increasing In
driiity and value ns the centuries go bv.
The woman s rime nnd antecedents nro
alt unknown, she is Immortal on the pago
uf s.iiinl historv as a successful pleader
(Matt, vll, S), a, bright evhlblt of possi
bilities, even in tho spiritual darkness of
henthenlsm. 2 '1 ho deed of Christ on
Hint oic islon Is h tuitions as showing Ills
largeness of he irt (John . ltd, nnd tin
plan and condition of His merev. With
holding until tl cro bad been the fullest
tilal and exhibition ot faith, lie at last
(.rants the request In n waj to lanko gl id
every heart and incoaiage ill In their ap
pioach to Him He cures a distant
diiigliter toi her mothers sake. 3 The
dl-elples wei'e patterns of undeveloped
and mis inetllled hum mil v Anxious to
escape ainiovnnie thc sought Jesus In
tho womin's behalf, but expressed no
svmpithv for her and no couccin tor her
ilivii-toiinnteil child
PRLDK TION Les-011 two presents
the fore-know ledge ot Jesus Tile whole
race of Adam has Journeveel on, each
step bring one of timei talntv , no peioti
able to s,iv how or when this ninitnl life
would clos- Rut Jesus, while tiivcllng
nliniir t r 1. lit, in nml inrlrlm.- tiilr.i,i f
knew constntitlv what would bo tho end
ot Ills caner. Hefuro Him was the en
niltv, the 1 ruel peisrcutlon, nnd the
cio-s Ho s iw Himself ln the city of
Jerusalem 111 rested, ilellvend to the
inltr- jitit to dentil To Ilitu this was
all to vivid tint lie predicted it neirl
a oar in advance, spiaklng of It to Ills
disciples vi'ot thev might better uneloi
stnnd Him and plop no. for whit would
tr inspire And jet He spoko with com
pusuie and piocicdid with His wont
with all the coinage and tianquilltv
which might lnvo been expected had He
oec 11 approac mug 111c iiiguesi eariiiiy
dlgnltv. This prescience was proof of
illvinltv. N.iv moie, it wis proof that
the life of Imnianutl aiiiong men had alt
dien prcdctci mined and pioinunged:
tint His ml-sloii In tho world Involved
and requited His sacrifice (Isa, llii, 0-5).
EXALTATION The e.uthly life of
Jesiiw fiom bcKiiuiing to end was one . f
hiiiuili itlon (Phil li ?i True In Ills
words and deeds the wot Id might see evi
dences, of His superior 11 ituie. Uul 0110
event, the tiai.sflguiation iceordcd In
called fix Mile Level, tho grade being
Id feet to the mile, at and near Shop
he 1 el's Ciook. The diameter of the ca
bles Is 1 l-l inches Honesdale to Par
vnnv. via the light track, is 11 30 miles.
I'mview to Cqrbondale, Union station
via the light track, is 12 miles. Piom
Wnv mait to Honesdale, via the loaded
Mack, is y.S miles. Uiaelc, 11 60 leet
per mile Aveiage giade, 7J 10 teot per
mile ile-avbM grade at "White's," 117
feet per mile Longest piece of stialght
Mack. S.ITi ftet. or C-S of a mile
C.uhrndalo Is Just 13 inllts west ot
Hon. sdale In mi air line Fiom tho
I'nlon depot, in Ciibondak, to Hones
dale, via the leaded Mack ot the C.'av
itj. Is 15 " jrlks, mid fiom Honesdale
to th" U11I01 depi t in Caibondile, via
the light track. Is .'J 27 miles.
Honesdale Is 9SI feet above
watei; Piompton, 1.103, Wnjmait
115. Cnibnndale, 1,070, Scianton
(itavitv lailioad summit,, 1.U17; Pavil
ion nt Tan low, 2,0V!. High Point, near
Parvlew S..1JS; the top rail of the hlgh-e-t
observatory nt Parvlew, 2..I45; Al
denvllle, 1.2JU, Starucca, 1.4J4; Pleasant
Mount, i.OtlO, Hnwle, SOI. White Mills,
'.'5; Raid Mount, Clinton, 2,287; Reth
nnv. 1,440, South Canaan Hotel, 1,400;
Cadjah Lake, Cheiry Ridge, 1,100. Elk
Lake, Clinton, 1 l.'O. White Oak Lake,
Clinton, 1,175, Stanton Lake, Canaan,
1,360, Keen's Lake, Canaan, 1,277; Her-
llck Center. 1 S03, L.inosboto, SSJ
eiuehannn, flrt; Ai.ttnt Summit,
Montrose, 1.6S6; Wllkcs-Barre,
Plttstein, S71. Tunklianuock, 611
mont, Mt. Pleasant, J 010, Ram at Uel
mont, 2,160. Pleasant Mount, 2,060; J.
L Sherwood's farm, Pi estop, 1,610;
Maple drove chinch, Mt Pleasant, 1 -
M4, It M Kennedy's, Mt. Pleasant,
1,760. Moase Hill. Mt. Pleasant, 2 016;
Crockci Hill chinch, Canaan, 1520;
Salem Mount, "Wayne and Lackawan
na, 2.265; Reach Lake. 1,320, Lake
Ariel, 1.425: the thlity lakes of Pres
ton, from 1,900 to 2,000; Sugar Loaf and
Aiarat mountains In Pieston, 2,4'0 and
2,600 lcspet lively. The lowest point in
Wujno county Is in Damascus. 761 feet;
the thieo lakes from which Honesdale
gets Its water supply, 1,470; Irvlng's
Cliff, 1,301, mid 337 feet nbove the
waters of the Lackuwuxen river, which
Hows at its base.
All that Editor Penninian says In
praise of Honesdale will be leadlly
Indorsed by vlsltnis who have been in
Moduced to Its beauties dining tho In
comparable month of Juno.
One ol tho Attraction" ol Life in the
Piom the New Yoik Sun.
The greater part of tho natlvs pro
bably 75 per cent on tho Island of
Luzon in mid about Manila are of sov
erul iaeo mlxtuieB Theli oiiglnnl an
cestors weie tho Tagals and the Span
ish. Sometimes there Is a strain ot
Malay In these people. They aie known
111 Manila society as mestizos. A few
mestizos are rich. Tho mestizo wo
men, fiom 15 to 2r are posltlvelyiibout
the most bewltchlngly ntttnetivo In the
vvoild. They ago early mid me blase
at SO. Tho English call them huftian
huttet flics. I huvo heard visitors in
Manila for the first time go wild over
tho striking beauty of the mestizo glils
that ono seei. n tho pfumonade of tho
Lunetn The even of the Philippine
are gieat, languishing, dreamy, shaded
by Jons lushes unci set off by a profu
our thlril lesson, manifests his glory, In
llireo wajs: 1. Ills persona! nppcaiati'e,
with shining fnco and apparel on tho
mountain top, In tho presence of threo
overpowered disciples, showed that Mo
did not belong to this world, that Ills
ordinary nppoaranco was 0110 ot tempo
rary abisement. J, Tie coming of Moses
and Ellas, tho representatives of 11m
Levltlcal nnd Prophetic periods, after
crntuiles had elapsed since their death,
was an honor to Christ, whllo the con
versation concerning His deceasn ot
Jerusalem proved tint tho prcicilin,? dls.
pensatlon regarded Him and tho atone
mebt through lllm as the goil ot pre
Christian centuflcs. 3 Tho volco fiom
heaven, dei luring Ills sonshlp and an
nouncing Him as tho teaclur to bo heard
above others, declared His supeilorlty,
whllo the sudden depirturc of the ce les
tlil visitors leaving Jesus alono visible,
slgnilled that all uimlng generations
must IK their gaze upon lllm lllcb. Ill, 1)
TEAC'HINO 1 osseins foul, sit, seven
and eight, crntaln teachings of Jesus,
nnd dlsplav Ills wisdom. Tho lesson on
Porglvc ness shows how ono disciple must
treat another who has Injuied him, nnd
makes th it tieiittnent the ba-ls or condi
tion of tho pntdon, which Mod grants.
It opens up the law nf tho spiritual uni
verse. In forco on e irth ami In heaven,
designed to be tho one regulation fur all
spiritual latere ouise Tho mirrligc feist
portrivs tho hoi or that will be accorded
to Jesus as the Son of the Infinite, anil
tho pnpaiatlon which must be niaele by
those who are admlltid nt last Into His
piesenee to enjoy His glnrv The lesson
on Watchfulness tails tho believer to tho
faithful dlsihiige of dull In tho absence
of his Lord to whom he must give nn
account at Ills nrpeiring (Rom lv, 12).
The Dav of Judgment Is (he flml exami
nation to bo made by Jesus, who shall
coma to separate His pcoplo from tho
gieat mass and call them to their etern il
revvat d It will be ---en that all thee
four lessons aie designed principally for
Iho followeis of liiil-t Thev mo all in
tho concreto containing veiv few ab
stract statements This was the f.avoiito
method with Jesus causing Ills words to
linger forever In the minds of men, to bo
studied with Increasing Interest.
INSTITUTE All men who have anv
thought of perpetuating themselves or
their work In the world, establish somo
organisation. 01 Institution, or society,
the maintenance) of which, after their
death, shnll preserve and transmit fiom
generation to geneiation, tho Ideas unci
principles which aie deemed to bo of per
manent value He who docs not do this
soon passes out of thought nml Is foi
gotten (Psalm m 17) Now what dll
Jesus c-tahlMi with Iho hopo that It
would survive lllm0 Lesson nine nn
swers a memoilnl feast The Loin's sup
per, so simple, substituted for the Pass
over of the Jews, was tint one Institution
bv which Jesus expected to publish to
men and to keep alive In the hearts of
Ills followers the central fait and eloc
Mlne of th Uospel (Horn, v, fit. He asked
not that His birth should be commemor
ated, that a maminient should do eiec'ed.
thit any high and Imposing coionvinlal
should bo observed but tint nn Inexpen
sive feast should be spread the occasion
to be one of solcnmlty and thanksgiving.
RECEPTION' How was Jesus recelv 1
bv HI- contemporaries- Whit did thev
think of Him" How did thev teel towaid
lllm' Whit was the luf'ueme upon the
public mind of the di-plas ot Ills powii,
wisdom, preseieree and glnrv .' Thtee les
sons of tho qua! tor answer, the fifth,
sion of tho blackest hair that over
grnv Hair Is the chief gloiy of the
Philippine beauty .Jt Is long, rich,
thick, inado glo-sy by the caio be
stowed on it. Oftfti it is cleaned and
washed with lemon Iulco and oil mado
fiagiant with peifume. Some of the
women woat their hair hinging down
their backs, entiiely iina.ioiued, whllo
otheis, especially the mations, build it
up In a coll or knot held bj a golden
comb unci ornamented by pins, or
adorned by a blight, fragiant llovver.
Th. mestizo young v mien m grace
ful and coqi ettlsh. They love music
and I nevei knew one not lame who
could not dance beautiful! v. They have
a slow, gliding dance, somewhat like
our wait, with longer step, al
ternating1 with rislnir on the toes in
time to the pocullai music. It " not a
tax on their physical stu'iigth and the
mestizos dance ftom sunset to sunrise
sometimes. Whenevci a naval vessel
ties up at Manila or Cnvite tor a few
davs the oung olhceis are restless to
got nshou to meet the piettv mestizo
gills Imitations to a mestizo ball aie
eageily accepted, although tho Spanish
people feel themselves sitpeilor to the
mestizos The mestizos women dress
In blight ooiots and go b.aieheaded.
Their gaib includes a little shl't made
of the famous plni cloth, having wide,
short sleeves. This is worn loose, quite
unbound to the lltjuie Around It nt
the waist is girt a petticoat, called
s.ia made of gay eolots Si metlmes
It is also of plna cloth, the quibtv if
induing fiequently voij beautiful ond
sometimes cheap and common Out of
doots another mtlcle of dress, a 1 ipiz
or shawl, Iswinpped tightly around the
loins and waist above the saja, and
generally It Is black or dmk blue with
mil row white ttilpes. A pieft'slon of
btacelels nnd chains and oai rings, all
of beautifully w 01 keel rl'l or silver,
usually completes the tjllot of n Tagal
beauty. The 11101 e opulent possess val
uable Jivvcls, and aie seen with neck
laces and biacelets of diamonds and
Tho Cnptnln ol the Gunboat Did Not
Ll!. to Olicv Orders.
Fiam the Sracuse Standard.
Captain Schley Is descilbed as 5 feet 9
Indies In height, with blue eyes, a mus
tache und imperial, both gia, I1I3
hair Is glowing vciy thin on top, but
he artfully biushes It so ns to hldo the
bald spot, ho weighs about 170 pounds,
Is icstles.s In mannei, walking up and
down and all around the poison to
whom he Is talking, is modest In dress
and democratic In all tilings In the
civil war Schley had command of n
gunboat under Admlial Puiiagut, and
l)r C hiireot s I'onlci Tablets, tlio creat Tar
Islun remedy, Is a Kimruutceil curte for tue
Urlnk Unblt; also nerousnes and melan
choly catibed Ly oer-lndulgence.
It U(5troy the Appctitt for Alcoholic nnd
all lntoNtrutlnc !ieer.iKei, und lcacs mnn
as lis nuould be It can be ndmlnUterei
williouulie knovlcdgooftlie pntieut where)
neccnry hend for pamphlet
Wm U, Clurk, 336 Pcnn Ave,, Scranton Pa,
lheo tiny L'apaulrii ur-
IjnconvrnlfDCc HlleTllonnl MlIT
in wiMCU c opaium ii,v'"i
licicua nntl mirreiuna 11111.
tenth nml eleventh, showing that His re
ception was In two opposing torms. Tho
triumphal entty rilspliyed tlio sudden nn
restrained approval of tho populace. Ho
had won tho hearts of tho common pco.
plo (Mailc xll, 371, by His deeds of kind
ness, bv His words of wisdom which they
understood, by Ills slmpto manner nnd
by His holy living. They received Him
as He was, a King. On tho other hand
the church authorities regarded Jesus U3
their enemy. Because Ho condemned
their sins, they condemned Him, nnd
clamored In the ears of Pllato until tho
sentenio of death was plonouncol. He.
cause Ho stood In the way of their Mes
sianic hopes and plans, all purely earch
l, they determined to heap upon lllm
their wrath nnd cover lllm with Ignom
iny. Tho scenes In the hall of tho gov
ernor and about tho cross contrasted
with that Jovful entrance occasion. The
humhlo noor and the haughty ruais
passed Judgment, tho ono In lovo and the
other In hate.
inil'.MI'H. - Lesson twelve. "Tho
Risen Loid." Is tho climax of the quar
ter Jesus had advanced In His mlnlstiy
from stage to stage, having passed from
city to city, frcm ono end of tho lanu to
tho other, nt last at rested and put to
death, Ills body being deposited In tho
tomb. To nil human nppeaianccs Ills
Ufo was a total failure. Ills enemies
had tilumphed. Thej had pursued lllm
with question nnd aspers'on, they hid
accused lllm of treason nnd arraigned
lllm nt tho bar of the. civil coitit; they
haeV mocked Him nnd reviled Him. Af
terward the bad m.ido Ills lestlng place
secure, by stationing a watch of Roman
soldleis. nut they aie compelled to h".ir
from those samo sentinels of His trl
upmh and their elefeat. llo c.imo forth
from tho place of the clean stianger man
when He entered Ho began to rebuild
out of tho se ittered nnd discouraged
remains of ob-curo followers tho c lunch
of tho future He tested all after tri
umphs for His cause uion their lov
altj. and commlsslemid them to do what
would seem to be ItnpO'slhlc. lie made
them know that His teaching was world
wdlo In its cope being designed for all
men and that It must be delivered by
man to man. And then iln went awnv,
piomlslng. howevei, to be peipctuallv
present with nil who should labor fo.
lllm. Tho Risen Lord Is tho object of
our faith and hope.
SUMMARY Looking Kick over the
twelve lessons and gathering them Inio
still moio compact form, what Is the
dominant thought" What do all the les
sons signify to us" Tho working ot the
miracle upon .1 heathen child, the un
folding of tho. future concerning Hlmscif,
tho mountain dltclosuro of the glory of
the wonderful Pet-on, the four teachings
to disciples, tho leccptlon by tho humblo
and rejection by the gieat, tho foimlng
of an Institution to bo a memorial and
bond of union, the bicaklng of death's
chains to the confusion ot foes and the
revival of Ills eai-e. what Is all this bat
true representation of tho Jesus of our
Jiearts In miniature? Power, foresight,
glorv, wisdom, reception, rejection, tri
umph, these uro the elements that en
leied Into HI- wondeious character nnJ
mado Jllm tho worlds deliverer. Wo
n iv pmso for a. time In delightful con
templation of anv cue of thc-e, but when
thev all blend like the lavs of the prism
In ono rav of white light wo shall bj
ready liko the talntlv Caspars to fall
down and oxelilni, ' O thou nles-ed Jesus,
thou art far above my highest thought.
T can lot do other than odoio and lovo
and trust Thee."
they tell this story to illustrate how he
Farrngut summoned him one 'morn
ing, anTT pointing to a conferedato fort
"Do j 011 see that place, Schley? Go
knock It to pieces "
Schley wont and was hammering tho
fort to bits when his quartet master
lushed up to him and said:
"Captain, the admiral has signalled
us to stop and return to the fleet."
"To with the signal, I won't see
It," answered Schley
Ho kept pounding away at the fort
until It was In ruins Then he returned
to the licet was angiy nnd
summoned him. Reforo all the ofllceis
of the flagship he gave Sc hlev a flerco
dressing down for not obejlng tho 10
call signal.
' I didn't see it," protested Schley.
"You must have shut the eve that
ou put the glass up to," said Far
rngut After ogaln taking him fore and aft
for his disobedience the admiral took
him Into the cabin nut of sight of tho
other ofllceis and gave him a dilnk of
the finest liquet aboaid
I Ska laa)
Tiiroh occtuhl ik without piln olr
fi,cntl cojtcel tJhU!o!e hmall nnd eisy
to lake 1Ui1mi t- Pills usfist nut 111 ,
hllniiiliitlnR to licalihtnl uctllt the 11m p,
bowels nml either digestive oir.i'is e,i.
Iiik tho bowels In a natural coiulitlun
without uny bdd alter effects,
Sick Headache,
Constipation, Piles,
a"? Liver Disorders.
Ohnrn thf follow Inc sinptom. ie
MlltlllST from dice apes ot the digestive nr.
Bins I'onhtip itlon. Inward piles, full,
ness of blood in the head ncldltv of the
htcimaeh, nausea, heaitbiirn illftrusi ,.f
food, fullness of welphl nf the Monnirh
hour eiuctatimis, slnklna or suffocating
sensations when In 11 llnpr pontine dim
ness ot lhlon dots or webs lit toi t the
siKht fcer and dull pain In the head d, -llclenec
of perspiration yellowness of tho
skin and eves pain In the slele chest
limbs and budden Hushes of heat, burn.
lliK In the flesh.
A few doses of 11ADWAY H I'U.l.S
will llco the sibtcm of nil tho ubotc
named disorders.
Price 25c p:r box, Sold by Druggists or
tent by mall.
55 Elm St, New York.
Bcrnnton and Wilkei-llarre, I'.c
UoiltM, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery
deneral Oflice, bcrautou, I'o.
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hijannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that
has homo and does now bear ? r , on every
the fac -simile signature of 'Qz&Z&&Zm wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
the homes of iho Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and sec that it is
tho hind you have always bought rf r m ie
and has the signature of C&syjfr&c&M wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March 24,1898. nJ? , s?
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he docs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
0 f r mnFT &r. s a
jF&5 & & ' t'w
Insist on Having
The End That Never Failed You?.
An External Tonic Applied to the Skin Beutifies it as by
iVWjtt,Nc.: toiXil""- TOflwssSjyi&roSs '
Thounnds' hao tried fr,-m tun im
niemnrial to din ever some elllcarious
lcmedj foi wrinkles nnd olher imper
fections of the innipb xiem but none IimcI
et succeeded until the Mis-,es Hell, tho
now famous crnnlexinn Specialists, of "
l'lfth Avenue New York CMtv oflcre.I
the public their wonderful ( omph xlon
Tonic The leascm so manv lalleel to
inako this discovery before is plain be
cause thej htvo not fnllowel tho light
principle. Balms. Creams Lotion-, etc ,
never have a tonic effect upon the fckln,
heneo tho failures
'Iho Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic has
11 inot exhilarating- efiect upon the cutl
de nbsuibliiR and curving off all Im
purities which ihe blood by lt'i naturil
uetlon Is eonstantlv toning to tho sur
face of tho skin It Is to the s-kln what .1
v it illzlng tonic i to the blood and nervej,
a Kind of new life that Immediately ex
hilarates und stiengtlnns whciever ap
plied Its tonic effect Is felt almost Im
medlatelv and It speeelllv banishes, foi
ever from the skin freckles pimples,
blacklieaels moth pitches, wrinkles, liver
spots roughness olliness, eruptions, and
dl-coloratlons of anv kind
In older that all maj be benefited bv
their Dlsecivei). the Hisses Hell
will, during tho present month, givo to nil
THE MISSES BELL, 78 Fifth Ave., New York City.
The Misses Bell's Complexion Tonic, Complexion Soap, Skin Food
and Depilo are for sale in this city by
317 Lackawanna Avenue
Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Rath
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hemlock
Prop Timber promptly i'tirnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork, I'otter Co., on tlio Buffalo and Stisquc.
hanna Railroad. At Minn, Potter County. Pa., on Coudersport, nnJ
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GENERAL OIT ICE-Donrd of Trade Uuildlng, Soranton, Pa.
Telephone N'o. 4014.
For Salo by JOHN H- PHELPS.
Bpruco street
PChlchetter'a KngUib Illamond llranl.
rlglnul ftml Only Grnulne,
rc tUwtja rtlluit tou ik
IrufiUt for CMckttttn Knqhih iia .
win letviej wm, cut nouoo 'lake
ooolhrr. fttfiutdanatrvui tulttitu.
ItMLM an, I tMifjfiniis li DrnriHifi nt a J M
la ttmrt Ut rnicolrt tritlmooUU b4
"iiMier rp i adletVituur r rtlmru
M nil. 1 0.UOO TMtiracnlil fiw aptr.
Boll t U Local Drugglm. 1'J1ILAIC.. i'X
fA &K1
L w
r A &
ciller nt iheli p irlors one trial bottle or
tlVMr nnipb xlnn Tmiiu nhsonitey free,
an 1 in oienr thai t!io-e who cannot call
or who live una) linm New York m ly bo
bencllted thev will seuel one bottle to
nnv nclclress ,tii , h irg s prepaid, 011 thei
reetipi 01 i, cents istatnps sllvcrl to
ceivti cost of picking and clellvetlng Tho
price of tills wonderful tonic 1s $1 ml per
bottle, nml this liberal ofter shuuld bu
cnibiaced by all
Tho Misses Hell luivo just published
th lr new book, 'Secrets of lleout."
This valuable work Is free to nil desliing'
it Thu book tieats exhiii-tively of tho
Importance of 11 good complexion; telli
how u woman m ly aiciulio be mtj ami
keep it Special chapters on the care of
tho hair, how to huvo ItiMiilaut growth,
harmless methods ol making tho lulr
pieseivo its naturil beauty and coloi
even to advanced age Also iiisttiicUnn?
how to hMilih superfluous hall ironi tho
face, neck and arms without injuiy to tho
skin Tills book will bo mailed to uny
aelelrcs on riciuest
FRI1H Trial H titles of Wonderful Com
plexion Tonic free nt pirlnis. or 2 rents
icost of packing und mailing) to thoso
at a distance.
Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad
dress, LUMBER CO.,
When In doubt vctsat to ute for
Ncrvouo Debility. Lost ot Cower.
Irapotency.Atropnv, Varicocele and
rcher vccaVnrKc, f rom any cause.
UK Scxine rllli. Uralm checked
and full visor quickly restored.
If ac!wt, loeb iroibui retail f.ulJr.
Mailed for $1 00,6boies J3 00. With
$5.00 orders vvc cive a guarantee to
cure or refund toe money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O.
Pharmaolat, cor. Womlno avanuo and
Boro 'Iliront, I'linploa, Cop.
iwr t ilorpit Snota. Aclin
um Mores, ruera in Meiiilli, ll.eir lalllni: .
Wrlto COOK iU'.Mi.UY CO., 651 Alaonlo
Temple, Chicago, III , for proofa of mreii,
i Capital, $500,1100. Worst cnisoj cureilt 1 ijtu
Jjdas. loo-pajc book tree