The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Orders for the Two Michi
gan and 9th Massa
chusetts Regiments.
Another Brigade Will Follow
Within a Week.
soldi fin ncns i.nsistkd n Mrsn
m 'inn nhw ijanp and tih:n
iu3xni'iu:i a vhp.dict that thi:
TO OIlDl'ltS llUl'UIVUl) I'-s-TfcRDAV.
hntiii-siasm jiv tup- thiii-
Spe-rlil from a Staff Col respondent.
Camp Algoi. Va., June 21 The two
Michigan icrflnient and the Ninth,
Massw hu-sotts, (Jonoial Tlulllolil's lit I
gade leave tomotiow fm New poll
New? One bundled wagon have boon
ordered to report at dnjbteaU to ion
vev tho baggage to Aloututlrln Oi'ii Carreti-on'n bilgado will follow
within a work
K er thing Is bustle nnd hum In
the tamps of tho sl iigiinonts being
pioparod foi the arm that will soon
proceed to Cuban watus.
The pi f tent piogianimo (ontomplates
getting General DiUHi'lil's btlgade,
riii't-tlilid and Thlit-fouith Mlilii
gin an 1 Ninth Masfcai husott on the
r id l tomoiiow and sending out
hhiii utoi them the Ulglith Ohio Hlth
lllin ii and Slth MasMiihusettB, cum
in tndetl bj Gonoial Ganetson Tho
last details of oiiuipmont hao about
been lomplotid and the men are ptat
tuall.N nad to strike lamp and bo off.
Tin s lcglmonts a numeilial
suength of over 4,"UD men and will t.i
th utmost Lop.Klt. of the twosttam
eis the Yale and llaiwud. which aiu
ti Kiiniv tlu m ti mil New poll News
Th will go dh ee t fiom the point of
embarkation to Santiago and if needed
will asit Gonoial Shaftci In tin San
ii.iv idnipalgii.
If Ctiinal Shafler ian not u-o them
tin will be ooiupled In peilettlng the
in rk of ostabllshlng a base of supplies
at "-aiigliig the hospital and helping on
tho uiti one hiiienl until siah time as
Geneial Miles (nine along with his
Potto file nn expedition when the will
fail in with theii own arm) and head
f i thru ultimate destination
ii sipiad ot leciultri that arihtd
t ai glit llllod tin Tliliteeuths i.inhb
t tn. ii tun eomplcmont A few others
win bo taken to fill vacancies caused
h nanstiis to the division hospital
Thi band at tfio solicitation of the
m-n plavod a few (-elections tonight
and urn cheeied t tho echo. "Th 'U
el i was the general comment.
' I'ommi ' Miles will ruiho tomoi-r-'W
to bocome chief musician
The .Thirteenth looeliod ordui.s toda
to hetyin lt two ilas pru tkc inru.h
Thuisdai inouilng
X'rivati Chailus Spiamkl, of Com
pan V was aiclekniall.i stabbed In the
chin this u onlng by ,i baonet whiih
he lollidod with In emetglng lioin his
tent T. J Duff.
hperl-il fn m u Staff Coiirspnnutut
'""ninp Mgei Va . Juii" 21 - No logl
ment d the bilgnde ne'dved tin- news
of tJi ncral Gobin's coming with more
g'liiuno enthusiasm than tin Thli
t. mil and no tommandoi will give the
nradlu a heaitiii wiliume than col
n Ifuuisen whom he supplants, col
onel Com sen wanted the position but at
no time did he suk to lie piefoned to
Ins ild bilgndlei His candidal) was in Gonoial ColiIn wlth
d'awai tiom the llild and as so.n as it
was -, n tiuit Gtiuia! ejobln thosi. the
held at the lisk of his .lolitkal ambi
tion Colonel Couiscn . cased onnihlei
ing the posslbllit) of U'ceiviug th"
binpi With the in nk nnd file of tlio
leginicni the feeling was "If we an't
have Cuuisen, ele us Gohln by nil
lieutenant Colonel Matte, win Is
deposed ftrni the eoinnihlld ot the icgl
mont waa thi boaui uf the now jf
Genei.r Goblns coming and the en
thusiastic niannci In which ho impaited
thi infoimatlon left no doubt ns to his
feelings In the inattei "It would luivu
been a groat honoi to tin leglmunt, ' he
said to have Its colonel madi a lulg
nd'ei nnd it Is unneipssarv to say it
wuiild havo been a fticai ijiatlflcatlon
t me to continue In command . f the
ltgini'nt if I would bo limuiuito
en ui to come bv the appointment,
hut when it comes to pnss tint we aio
ti havo a bilgndlei Iiom outside, we
an iieasii) bpnnd iiKasuir that Uen
eia Ouijiii is the mini "
General Gubln'n pomlns mcany a Rood
fat pltuc for one Puiins) lianln 'o) and
Uia vUue bo) is. well deoivliig ot It.
Ho is rtofeiniciital Adjutant W'l , Nor
1 IP if the rirfhlh Pen i'lv il H d
utaot Nor s uas un inh 'le-cnmp on
Ofnnai tli tin s V nt mul gii.nd .sta'f
and wh n t js ulput that tlio stuff
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Imparts to the stomorh health ond
Btrengtli. Pleooont to take,
n 4. Bioni .niii" rt mi nnil in ootlir..
was not to lie nmsteiPtl In with the
tliM oliintsrrs at Mt. Clrctnii. Cup
tnln XmrlB lflcncd his ilics pninilr
lioiiut and iicxrplcil ii lletitciinncy In the
1'IrIUIi. dcxprtliiK his fine homo, fn-h-lonulilf
filolulB mill Intuitive law pine
tlif In HniiMiuri for a limit law or
than his own In the volunteer ntniv
Lli tii'Miant s'ottis jmn imronHliicly and
ui(liiousl kept th Ciobln Imoni K'ln
In the Hold while tl.e zeueinl and hH
l.'iliticnl fi lends nu pulling tho wliei
at home, and while Ills erfoit may liuvo
had little- to do with tin Kcnoral ap
pointment .if lulRiidlpr. It Ind much to
do with his being iisslsneil to this brig
a I-
Tlir rrdiii'Bt from tho P nnvlinnln.
colonel and General 'iiah.un to lmvo
(ivnctal Gobln npslgneel to tlio eionel
ainiv corps was tho otitinme- of a stig
Ki.ilcin of Llenloiianl Nnnls He wont
r "l.ltntomni" N.urls long
.Tift huw many place Ciobln
will hao at hi llioiil Is not Known
to a leitnlntv lieie. but It l iiulto cer
tain that tin ulnilpal position ad
lutunt genet it brigade "ingeon. iiiar
teiniiMer and ruiiimlfcsniy, will not li"
loft foi his ihoosliiB, tho dopaitmcnt
icsorilng those a-lsnmonts for ltelf.
One of tho position that of (ominls
ui of iilwtoiii o. was llllod be foi o
doner il (lohln was ont hoio Ciptnln
Cab ill iipoillii'j; to Colonel Coiuon fm
dut In that position jistoidaj It la
tinUo llkoU that the otlioi positions
named will ho llllod in a slmllai inun
tioi If the position of liilg.ulo snifioon
Is loll to Gobln to (III 11k i e Is
ovri hope that Major luk will bo
given tho place. Ii Is piobablo how
ooi, thai mir of tho lwotu-seon
litlgatl" sin pi on 10 utl aiipolntod by
the pieoldont and imv waiting mound
foi assignment will In mount' In a dav
or two with ordoi to tepoit to Gen
el nl Gobln foi dllt
It I a singuiai thing tint Goiu'tal
C'obh' was about the last man in the
biisrade to linn of his assignment He
was on his wa) fiom Washington to
tin camp mi a visit to Geneial Giahim
when tho aiuioiinioment of his appoint
ment was sent to Geneial Guih un bv
vilie Colonel lloltmin had pio.ul the
news thioughoiu the camp and th"
Pennsylvania bo)s wore hoaie shout
ing foi the 'gland old man" befoie h"
le.uliod imps' hoadqiiittei! and lcain
tld the glad tiding
'nlonii Giiatds pionosod Rcneial
conn mat tint was looked upon as a
good juke The an used togiottod that
tho tlilof sui"oon Ind soi n fit to create
wt bin now that the thing was
stalled, thoi pinpoi-o to gin hltn lib'
1111 of eoiiii ntaitlal ' ThW 1- tortalnl
good said one oflli i who nspntetl
lo be baulid i'i foi it In! If we
woio glliltv whore would Cololi"l Gll
uid get n btnid of iiflleor 111 tin cunp
to sii) so Then again. It we till' to
admit that w did litlt !- his toiidint
wi have JiiOii) men lioie who will sueni
Hi it Ills t undue t was e'e selling oL t rlt
lilsm. Tho i lilof Milton has don a
rio.u li'iinv unwise things, but Ibis is
(oit.ilnh the most linpiudont of all If
this toiiit maitlal went thiouuli Col
i nel Gliaid would be the defendant U
fnie It vi. is on mail) rta '
The 111 st at u si mulei the old dlstiitt
law mrbiddlng the sale m gift of llqinn
to soldli r wa made )tsteid.i) In
southeast Washington by oillin Rob
oi t 1. I.i i The piisomi was John
KIliR, a mint l . lot t -seven jtius old
King's homo N in Cnibondnli, Pa,
and he had bun in the ill) onlv a
fen houiM hi fine he was taken into
eustoiij lo was seen bu.vlng llquoi
and giving It to sdlois King had a
bottle of whlskcv in his ii(itsskun
King claims that he wius not guilt)
uf violating the law, and that he did
not give the soldieis a think He alo
s.i)s In is a sti.mgt.' line, and had
no know ledge ot mi) suili law This
will piobabl) be a tint t.iso The dt -clsion
will ho watt hid Willi Intel est
b) those engaged in the llquoi business
Ovti .1 tlilid of the imps was out of
the tamp riundn) going to en mining
fiom the banks of the Potoiunt, nine
niilis aw a) The unattached bilgude
composed of
the Tlili t -thlitl and
Michigan and Mnth
Massat hussetM left on Sunda) inoin
lng and who to lonidln until 1'iiesdav '
mnining. but, as alread) told, vvciu I
tailed back huirlidly b) cnuilers ills
P itched late Sunda) night and letuin- I
id to tump at J ocloik )iritoida) af
tei noon, wondoiing wlint It all meant.
It was nut until !at at night that
tlie men iicml tho leason of their
hullda) being cut slioit.
Tho So uml brigade of the Second
division ernislstliiR ot the Seventh Illi
nois, rouitli, Mlssouil nnd Slsth IVnn
s.vhanin, hit at d.i)bieak toi a 'luilu
Ijihlo a mill and a half above Gcoigi
town Thov vvete i luely lollowcd by
the I'hst biluade of the Kiiit division,
composed of the Plist, New Just),
Slst) -filth New imk, and tiovciitb,
Ohio These lattei tioops went to Dlf.
Imilt Ruiiii mile latthei up the llvei.
ilvi r
Major Geneial Ruth i thought to give
his Plist division mi n i little some
thing e.stia in the way of p. at Ike and
unauRod to attatk thorn on theii n
t in u tiip wltli a Hoop of i avail) and
eapture theii wagon ttaln it puislb!e
The si iKin leaked out and was omoii
slbl) (ibaudoiii'd Geneial Iltilbi, bow
ever, had the t limpets make nad) e.ul)
in tin mnining and when the iufamiy
was well on Its wnv stalled ihe
Hoopers off b) anothfi luute to In ail
them off
Pom niili'x fiom tamp, at a emss
loud, the cavali) swooped down upon
theii quail), bioke past the scouts and
think guards on a Mild gallop and,
dashing In upon the pinvisiou tialn,
pi leoedod to suiiound It eaptUKd the
guild and heeded the mules down the
(toss-ioad Thov had succeeded In get
ting well down the load with a half
d'uen of the waguns when a battalion
of Infuuti) ov ei took them and. by
show of superlm uumbeis In battle
Ilia vanquished the Hoopers As the
sioip was a tie. both sides weie hlghl)
please 1 with the cNPerleiue
The Peniis)lvanlii bilgado espeels to
take Its match, bath and bivouac be
! it the weik Is ovei ll was to oteur
Woilnesdii). hut ns the Tlilitienth was
tti liululed tin inspicilon on thnt tla).
Genual llutlei said h wonbl seloit
nnollin dote lor the nni'h. Hi lias
hut pet iiliotlioi' da) foi l hi muieli. but
I In1 inspectlop has In 'n' put foiwnid
mo day and It Is iiw hnir suhpeitod
th ,i the nun eh will take plait Wed-
in sduy ami that Geneial Uutler Is not
Koine to give the mdoi until the lust
tniimti, Ii ordci to soo what time the.
famed Pminsylianlans ran make in
?ottliig Into innichlng ordoi and tnk
rr tn the load Those matches will
bo kept up ns long us tioops nie lieic,
Uhough aenoiul Goliln's olunttoi
bilgado lias but thio lcglmonts as
1 inpaiiil wi'tli fii which lonjpilsed
his National guaul coinnmnd, ho will
have innie mrn tliidei him when he us
siiMits his nw command next Kilday
thiin h cvoi had In tho National puaid.
The National guaid bllgrpbi aonslst il
. f nbmit 'Win mon 'ncliidlng the hide
I indent iirKuiilAUlons. The Third brl-
I.ct Thnt Siiminrr Suit Wait Until tlio
W cntlipj I Settled.
"Tlinnk geoiliieis f nm ilif of those
things for a v bile. '
So speaks 'he man who casts aside his
ha or clothing to put on Ids sumni t
lalmi'iit. Ho goes to btnlncfs on so no
treacheio'isly lino da, lenxlns ids wnMt
coat behind him. Toward ovonhig a
loollsh breeo sprit rs tip nnd of corns"
i oil know wlint happens nest Tin? man
In thin clotVs Is a pie to a "Uinmir
cold wlili h Is more llkelj to attack tho
stomach and bowels iliiin ihc tluoat and
lungs And the umniPi eold I u
wlilt as daiiRcrpus ns tho winter eold It
must bo immeil! iKli eombuted oi ibsas
b i follows soon
l'lislcuns who dn not pi on ill,p
alioliol ordoi Iheli patlontb to t tko i
sound pin c whlko foi the bowel enin
plalnt so piiMitent In summer Diiffi s
Mini Mult W lilUi i ha mid iKspims Ihe
it iititiitlmi of IiIiir tspeeialli inluibli
In tin so nisi It hcalthfutl) stlmuHtis,
Ii ilitiks illiiiilioeu and Its encllll Lift it
Is In arioiilng and upliltlng
A n one who ups It will fol Its
Mirngtlieulng qualities tluoiigii and
iituiall so laniou and list ful a protl
lii t i unscrupulous!) Imitated See that
ion f,et the ital Duffy s and no suljsll
luti glide now eonslst. oi will wlion the le
uult aio nil hoio, whl li will bo In n
dny or two, at Hie outside, of nearly
L'.UJO nun Lino in the i:ightn. Sss in the
Twelrth and "- In the Thlit'onth and
'ill these Infaniiy
Tho latest additions to Khantytown
an a MiudoMllo show, a lire llisuiuuce
eillleo a stcieoptloon ehil)itlou and a
eobbloi vhop About the only aitlele
not oftoiod tin ale on tlio grounds is
w Iralow gliss
The National It' lief assm latlon Is
p'petlug a wooden building neat Tlist
jdiilslnn lieadouaitois to bo us el as u
' stuiihou-e Dlsttlbutlons will be made
lij an agent upon uiiulsltlons fiom
the hospital sutgeon. Thi woik of
gettlmr the depot In woiklng order is
blng snporvitid b llalibl Joseph
Kiauskoupf. of I'hlladelphla. a mem
hoi of the associations ib-ld lommls
slop II. will establish similar depots
at ( hlcknm.iURa nnd Tampa
Tho 'law of ill was ouloied to be
cnfnieed in Washington jesteielay and
fiom this out no one In soldlei unl
foini can senile lntoliants within the
limits of the Dlstilet of Columbia, mi
ll's a saloonkocpei tan be found who
Is willing to ilk lioing lined $J0 and
loso his lltensp foi a second offense
H.stia li.n tendois uie being engaged
for the tin (i saloons In Rossi) n. the
'l town no the Vli'jlnla side of the
uquodui t bridge while is located the
toiminal oi tho Washington, Ailing
ton and Talis Cliuieh tiolliv line bj
wlili h tho suldleis ltach Washington
Tin polite foicc of tlio town tonsists
of one tolorod lonstabto but It Is eiv
piulitible that a laige pioiost guard
will be peimune.itK stationed tliolo to
prevent tumble
Riquisltioi, has boon made In Qu.ii
totiiinstei Con for wob e.utriilge belts
to supolanl the loatlioi belts and cait
ildgi busts with which the leglmont
Is now equipped One bundled l omuls
of initiidgos i an bo tallied In the belt,
while the pit sunt box will hold onl
twt lit)
HilgadiM Gonoial Cole has icpoited
foi tint) and Ins boon assigned to the
Thhd bilgado of the Seeond division
Majoi C R Paike. ailing bilgado
siugeon. is'oiitntalnliig his wife and
his fnthei, Rev Dt. N C. I'.nUe, ol
Mis DuRoIs uud diUightoi. Mlr-s Hello
UuUois, of Washington, weio guests
i vt"loidai of Pilvate Umie Chase, of
Compain G
Compan) Cloik Hdwaid Coniioll). of
II is again tiom his fuilough
Private John L Kioniei. ot Company
I! whoso homo is in Dalton: Piivnte
Michael A Kllialn Compan) G, whtflo
home Is In Hallstond and Company
Cook Alex Mnloi. of C. ii itsidont of
St iniitoii. lilt last night on seven dav
i futloughs
Tho Thiite. nth wont un foi Inspcc
I! u today ind possibly on Thurdav
will sti'lt on Us inn das' piaetieo
manli The riit btlgade of thi Plist
division consisting of the Plist Now
Jeiey. Sist) llfth Now Yoik. and the
Seventh Ohio stautd out this inoin
lng Thump tit ilie eavnlrv squad
ion staite.l laiti bv a dllfonnt mute,
and will eii'leavot to stiipile and i ip
lino tho intitutDiiit n'b baggage ti ln
Tin Thlitponlhs men dcclnto that It
in) i avah y liotheis thoit tialn when
tin) stait on the maiih. thoie will bo
i lot of dude tioop'is from New Yoik
walking homo without tlioli clothes
s manv of tho icciulis as could l3
tliitd at" alie.idv unllormed and ns
last as the others aulve the.v wl'l be
put Into the bbi's The guns have been
sent for and almost any da) Quarter
niistei Cos espoots hi ipqulsition to
he h noied The neioonieis are having
a much eislti ilmo of It than tile 'it
i iincfiitrados ' laid at Mt. Gietua
Rl inkets. unifoinis ti nt end plcnt) to
at waiting them is slightly dlffeiPiit to
what the Ml. Gi ctn i icciuits found
wnltlng them
Jlnjoi tjeneial M c Hutlci and his
adjutant Major P P Stiong. visited
Colonl Cum ten and staff scstonliy
11. H. Smith, of Pci.inton, was tho
guest of Quuiterinfistei Cox scsteidny
A large bus of Clink i; Snovci hai
been iccolvcd fiom Colnnol, Ripple It
Is a ii uch appreciated gift
Sergeant f'olvln of Compan) F,
Fourth Artllloi), statlon"d nt Foil
Myet, visited his old comiadcs In Com
pan) A yesttrdnv, Iinm"diatci) upon
his li.insfei to tlie cavali) he was; given
a place at sergeant This was n com
pliment to tho excellent tecoiil ho mad
dm ing his foimei term of "oivlco with
Hits icmmand
Pilvute Gioige Rkiekwcll. ut Com
panv O has hem tailed to his home Ii
tian'.cn bv the i,eiious llllic.ia of I1I3
J mothei.
Aithur Chase, p. funnel leslt'ciit of
1 Siiauton now imi emnlnvo of tho navy
)aiil. 6pent vestetnay with filonds In
tlio Tlilitci'iith
Captain Pellows. of CKimpany I', w is
I much f.iatlllcd )esieuiay by tho incelpt
of a 1 ongialulatoiy addicss fiom th
pupils of the lntfin edlato guide of No
I is school it told of how Captain Pol-
lows anil company l weio 1 mindly
1 cheered by tlu school on Hip 1 lo-din
da) and convvod the lonipcn) the Inst
wllws of tin pupjls foi u pleasant tout
apd safe letuin. 'it was signed bv all
tho pii Us.
,tos"i h Wesley, of C.ieat Hend, Is vis
iting Company O
lustlco of (ho Pence Charlos Crook,
of Hallstead, Is tho sinst of tho "Hund
01 s" in Cumiany O.
William Pike, of Hallstead, pilvato
Fccictaty to Hon Onlusha A. Oiiw,
calli'd on the KuMiuchumm ho)B yoster
duy Prlvato Hi arc I'liiwn, of Coiiipany O,
Is euteilaliiing hit' jwneniH. Mr and
Mis. Pletihoi Hi own, and his slttei, of
Jnekmn Ta.. his nunt, Min Slrcng and
cousin Mhs Htiong. of BtaruccM
Cantaln Smith, ot Cinuuti) 1". Is otll
crr of the da) Sorgcant Knlrrky. of
the same compan), Is cremnt of the
glial d
I'llMito William Oi usher, uf Com
pany CI. and Lou's A. Ralph, of 'om
liuii 11, were estiday's orderlies
T. .1. Duffy
Thomas Miles, a member of Bauer's
band since lss,, enlisted in tho Peiin
s)lanlu Infantry, Thirteenth leRlment,
for two )cais, Jlondav. a bandiiiasloi
of the Hallstead band, whiih volun
teered In a bodv and left Sci anion os
tcrdnv inoinlng for Camp Alger In a
body Mr. Miles was a aluablo inom
bt i of Hanoi 's oiRitulzntlon, lining the
position an solo tnrnetei In the baud
and oiilioslia foi sevenl )pbis. Ho
has a wife and one t blld. wh will
liieak up housekeeping at tluli home
on Canouse avenue The nioinbeis of
Hanoi's band, aftel ieheatal on Mon
ti it ovenlng, gave theii old lnenibei,
who so Millautlv ii'fl home and fi lends
to go to tho fiont. a musing faiowell
rcieptlon. Rcfieshmints were seived
nnd sevcial of tho membeis csjirossod
themsolv os In words befitting the ot -tasloii
Mi Miles will leave tot Camp
Alger tills morning at 8 o'clock on the
Dolawaie Laikawnnna and Wetirn
lallload and will be Ojcolteel to the
station b) the baud.
Tho eleiks and man) pitrons of the
Dime and Iilscoiint bank, wcie thiown
Into n state of estltemeiu )cstrda
inoinlng 1j a totelRii-boin customci of
tlio Institution Ho hnil bieii In the
bank with a friend and loft aftei trans
acting some business He returned on
a i mi and shouted out the loss of a
poikeibunk ontalnliig MOO He said
ho had left it on the counter when ho
was In the bank. Nobody could tlnow
an) light on tin whoteabouts of the
missing mono) and the man loft the
plate He letitined shmtl) ana vvpnt
thiough the same esi Ited luanoeuwe
riiinlly tho ft lend who was with him
nn the (list Ilt dipla)ed tin missing
pockotbook and the two loft the build.
Ing, the ft lend esplHtnlng that lie had
boon teaching the otliei not to bo care
less. A pleasant lpeeptlon was given at
the Young Women s Christian associa
tion last ev tiling foi Miss Rachel
Tolles who was gonoial storetar.v fm
a In lit time .Miss Tolle is on lit r
wa) home fiom New Yoik cits and Is
the guest of .Miss MrGuilRho). The
leteptlon was entliils Intoimal, no piogrnmmt being given Mis
Ripple was pitsn; nnd Intioduecd the
guest of hoiuu Miss IMna Judd
plaved a nuinboi of plnno selei tlons
and Miss Pit da Kann gave mandolin
solos, width wen gientl) enjoyed
Rev. A. I. Rami i pastor of St
Mink's Lutlioian ihuiih, has left tnivn
foi a two weeks' Slav. He will attend
the jfiaduatliiK exeitlsL of Mulilen
beig" folltge nt Allentown, Juno Jl to
J! Ho will icpiesent tho Ccntial
Liithei League of Northeastern Penn
svlvania at the State Luthei League
convention. w,hich holds its animal sis
slon In l'lthlchem Pa , June JJ and "!0.
Photomapher T I Dillon has lln
IshPd some exi client photogiuphs of
gioups at the polloemcn's outing at
Lake Hair) hist week All .no good,
but the one of escellence
shows th whole pain waiting foi the
tialn at the Maplowood depub
An open-air tonieit will he glvpn In
Nay-Aug pirk at .' o'cloek Patutday
afleinoim bv Hanoi 's band Arr.inge
'ments aio being made b) the park
tonimlssinriPiK to give a soiles of eon
teits at the park during the summer
Dr ( liurcot s Ionic Inblets, thogrint Par
iRlnn reinedi, Isn gimiantced cure foi tlio
Urink Iliihlt, also nervousneis ami melan
olioli luiisoilbj over-lnduli;euie.
It I):stro s the Appetlt) (or Alcoholic ind
al Iutoslcitlng llcver iRei, anil leave mnii
is ho shoiill he It cuii be lulmlnlMrrel
without the Uiiom loilnoof the patient vvlieio
neiesar) semi for pamphlet
Wm 0 Clark, 32b Penn Ae , bcrnnton la,
Is a pre 1 .iratlon ot the Drue bv vvhieh Its
Inliirlous trfiits .no icmoveri while iho
viilutlilo 'iicillom d piopeitl s hip 1.
talned It possi ses .ill the seilitlvo
nnndvne .mil mti ipasinoiib iovveis of
ill nun but piodmis no sickness of the
st'initirli ni vomiting no cosilveness no
he bo Tn aeutt urvous dlsordcis it
Is nn iuvulunhle remedv and Is rceoni
nn ndud b) the best physicians
E. FERRETT, Agent.
371 Pearl St.. New Wl.
Ice Chests
434 Lackawanna Avj.
340 Adams Ave., Opp. Court Moult,
Solo Acents for lilcbardeon Boyntoa'J
f'urntrej. and lUnzov
1 iiiredvrlth Anlnint Kvtrutts. I'rea book
I W until ngton, U, V,
l2ANl12",,,, WASHINGTON Ayenue
To lighten our Stock previous to semiannual
Foulard Silks
Of a fine quality in a wide range of styles, formerly were
$i.oo a yard, " To Close at 25 cents
Fancy Jacquard Silks
In various color combinations, worth 75 cents,
To Close at 39 cents
Our entire stock of Fine Waist Silks in the latest
plaid, stripe and fancy effects, all to go at a decided
reduction to close out the stock.
Remnants of Silks, Remnants of Black Goods
Remnants of Colored Dress Goods,
At 50c on the Dollar
127 and
A lot of laundiy machineo, a
Siew laundr) wagon two tin bine
wutei wheels, boilers, engines,
d)namos, etc one Morgan travel
ing crane, 10 ton capaclt) span
45 ft 6 in . lot of good second
hand hoisting rope, air compres
sors, pumps, steam drills, derrick
fittings, mine cars, etc
70Q West Lackawanna Avenue.
Scranton, Pa. Telephony 3951
bcranton nnd Wllkcs-ilnrre. I'i.
Manufacturers of
Hollers, HoMting and Pumping Machlncr)
lienernl Office, scranton I'.i
UfiWC Villi Sore 1'lmplcs i op.
rlrtVC IUU pei Ciloiert Spota, ehP,
Old sjores, L'liers in Mouth, Hair riilllm:''
Write COOK KUMI.DV CO , 651 Vlmnnle
Temple, Chicago, 111 , for in ion of earns
Capital, $500,000. orsi ciisiw 1 tired t igto
j5ilas loo-pjge book tree
It has always, been the custom to make a very low price on
sample wheels and second hand wheels at the close of the
season, but we are not going to wait until the good riding is
all gone. To do this we have a lot of fust-class, second hand
bicycles, that we will sell loi about one-hall their value for cash.
These wheels are all in good shape and are all guaianteed to
be all right. This lot includes some ot the lollowing well known
Barnes Spalding Keating
Scranton Racycle
Ranging in Price from $10.00 to $30.00.
I a good wheel cheap.
211 Washington Aye. Qpp. Court House. Scrantan.
eflN8 srid nn. he na m sum i
Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine KnIM
lawed to uniform lengths constantly un liunil. I'cclod Ilfanlocli
I'rop Timber promptly furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the UnlTalo and Stisqnc
imnna Kallroad. At Mina, Potter County. I'a.i on tin J
Port Allegany Hullroad. Capacity- 100.UOO feet per day.
GliNLUAL OFFICU-liourd of Trade Uuildlng, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4011.
Gomettnei cJt t idlible, oothlT, rnalitlns; rnedlelce, Oalr humltu esA
tho pnrcit drugs ihould be uieJ. It jou rat the bi, get
Or. Peal's PeBinyt'EByaB Pills
They am prtmpt, itle end cerUln in reiull. The sennlne (Dr. Teel'i) ptf erdUap.
nolut. Boat aoTwbcrc, Jl.OO. Aildrew fiUL Unoiciac Cfl Clcnliiid, O.
' T -a
For Sals by JOHN H- PHELPS,
Spruco street.
f a ac
129 Washington
See the
Special Bargains We Have
to Offer in
Unredeemed Pledges.
Auctioneer) and Brokers,
227 Washington Ave.
Oppoilte Court House.
I.OVVh'sr l'ltKKS,
tvelBht preserved iiml heidiehes pro
vented by having )our eyes properly and
Fclentineully eititilni'd and dttetl. liyei
examined I'ee. Iha latest st)lesof hpec
luUes and e) ea'amei at tho lowest pricoi
305 Spruce Street.
WAV VVUSr.R, Pont and Shoe Maker,
llest shoes to order from & 1 To up Men's
Fob s nnd heels, HOC. bodies soles and heels,
.sue. ll work iiuiantood
127 Penn Avenue. bCRAINTON, PA.
Sterling Fenton
Majestic Credenda
Conic and get
PhnrmBClst, cor. .Wvomlng avenua and
Old Post-Offlce nulldlnc.
Cor. Spruce bt., and Penn Ave . Scranton. Pa
lias rtturniiil trom his Western lnpt
anil will now icniain iicrrnaiient-
1 ut his liomo olllec
Tilt: UNlVl'llSITY OI' I'DNNsl ,VA-
UUIIY AT Till! MlDlCO-e'inil-UltGlf'AI.
Tins Ann chronic nik-
VOT S, SKIN. hi:aiit
The doctor nnd his staff nf English and
Goimnri pli Iclnns make a rpoclalty nf ill
form of Phrnnli Nervous Dlienscs, bl i,
'Vnmb Blood Dlsct t-es
Inctudins rplleptle I its Convulsions, tlys
terla, St. Vims' Dunce, Wakefulness
11HA1N WfJllM-Ub, both men and w .
mm win S3 ihticus bjatcms liivo bun
broken down and shittenil from oi.-i-work
no mattei from vvlut iause, tan
he U'stnrd bv m method
All who cull up i tho Doctoi Irom now
on will ii'eive advlrc, examination, mi
vlco nnd exumiiiation fiei. Iir llrewei s
nluli standing In tho Stato will not alln'V
him to accept any Inenrabln c.ipcs If
they citmot ture jou thej will frankly
tell jou so
Diseases ol the Nervou. Sjstsm.
Tho svmptonis of wtiuli aic dlinpss,
I itk of lonllUcnte, ttxual vvrakiieas in
nun nnd vn mi.ii bill ri&lnj. In the Unoit,
fpots tloallns b'foro tlie iei loss of
inemoiv unnblo to coiieeiiti it tin. iiiind
on ono Mihjtit kiihll) Btuiilidwh n simk
en suddcnlv to, und ami, I1l8tu'ked mind,
whiih in. His them for t" itormlm; ilm
actual duties of life, mnl lnt; hapnlne-n
Imposblblc. distresHiuK tho netion of ihn
heart, cnusir,K lliibh of heat. dcpre-.hioi. f
kpiiits ovll toiibodlnes. townnllce text,
riieanis meluneholj. tire oasi of teim
nain fccllnc as tired In tho mot nine .i
when retlrlnc lack of enieiBi, ucrvons
ni'ss, constipation weakness of iliu limbs,
cn 'iticiisc bo affected phoutd ronsult us
Immediately and be rebtored to perfut
Lost Manhood Pestored, Weakness o! Younz
.Men CuieJ
If vou liivo been clvcn up by jour phv.
elctan ill upon the doetoi and bo exin.
Hied Ho mrtu tho worst kind of Nervous
Debllit sirofula, Old boics. L'uiiiih,
Piles t'emnle Weakness, Artei tlnns of the
lie l'ai Nobe. Throat. Abtlinu Utat
ntbS and Cripples of eveiy deseripti jm
Tumors Camera and Unite m removed
wiiliout tho uso of knife or piluful cajs
tlLb bj our newlj dclM'd absurhent m-tn.
od known a tho 'ULECfllO.liLltMI-
C And' our nzO-NlTH OAS cures Catarrh
nod ( alnuliiil Deafness
Consultation freo and strlctlv saori'd
nnd confidential OTce hours d.ill fiom
10 n m to 4 30 p m 7 to 8 BO p m Bun
dij fiom 10 a m to I p in
"1 ALL2stTiuu Xicrttr tailing Mda
orj, Impoteucy, HlftpiDe, oui . c&QMii
hj Abuo or other Fxcogsea Ana In4tr
ory, Impottmcy, HlplDe, oto . caaMj
vj Abue or otner rxcogsea nna inaii
crattona. llicy iuUUv awl surety
T rutorelostMuUty In oldorjocnrLam
fai inn iviai. Auir. rn sett en a r
rcttore Jjost quality in oiaoryoonixauit
lit a raau for study, butlncasor marriage,
ni'icTttrit Insanity nn ronumDtlaa It
m lor study, tjuanoaaor miirri
it Insanity an
Biruta thowi in
tiikiia fatimn. Tbelrute tliowa ittmodltUo (orxoTCs
meat and effects a CUIlC rturoiill rthr fail la
l cuilu wimro
ut upoa navinr tno ccnuino Ajax jouieii, j.cj
haYflenrtui thnnannda nnrl fvlllcuravau. Wo elra ADOi
Ut npoa havlnr the ccnuino A:
ill? e writ leu nuurnnte to eSect a euro Cfi PTQ In
cacboaaoor refund tho tnooty i'rire Wi U liJiper
packaget or els ikgta (full treatuenti for tlv Uf
mall, la plain wruitor, ujon rw-ii tof i rlco t Ircultr;
" AJAX REMEDY CO., Kg-tf--
for sile in ermitoii, Va., by Matthew
llros, and II C. Hiuvicnou, duuiHU.