Uhiti SCllANTON TKIBUNJ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. 1898.1' 6s DAY'S DOINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON Furtber Movement Toward a United Mloo Workers' Branch. Mi:r.Ttxa iihld last kvenino in O'DONNKLL'S n.u.--rmvATi: fit nhiial ov mrs. christian ii. sciiauah-marqui:ttu council commit thh is arranging toil its annual uxcursion - suv khal 1'oints in virw ult noni; has uuus sulhcthd. Aii effort ms ugnln niailo last even ing to fuith'-r peifott the local bin udi of United Mine Milken. The meci ing was held In O'Doniieirn hall Tho nrlv nttrnd.ancc was not very oilCOllr- ngulu, but ns the evening siotv older i finite a thiniiR of lntenstml mmns piejventcd themselves. The national 01. gantztr of the oidcr, Chi is Hvuns, wns present and tlrllvcied a stliiinc aeldteis on united labor. Di mils ilnnnon, pies lilent of the Ioc.il In ant h, also spec. Another meeting will be held later. UHNHRAL OK MRS KCHAHAH. The fu.Kinl of Mm. fJInMlun II. Senium wns hnld eitttdiiy nftcinnoii ul her lile home on North Main uv nue. Rev llt-nrae H. fjtilld, of the l'roldenie Vimbv terlan church, was the otlluntlrig elirgvinan lie deliver ed an eloitueiit luneial pennon. The lloial onViings wore inan and beauti ful. The iiiiiniiil was pilvate. Inter lneiit was made In Dunmoro ceme loi y. y. m. i. hncursion. The committee selected by Marquette oouncil, Youns Men's Institute, met last evening lor the purpose of choos iilR a suitable ies.nit toi ihe annual ex tiimlon which the council pioposes to have sometime ne.t month. Several places uuotlng ee client attiactlons weio nvntloned The following com prise tho (nmmltti-e. J.inus Uiier, ihattinan, .lohn Mullen, secietat.v. The otheis mo Thomas Healcv. John II. Kelly and James I Lv nott. TOI.D IN A TOW USES. Hum Reese, of l'lv mouth, was In town yesteidaj. He wad called here by the death ul his lath-1 'leoige Hums was atialgncd lust evening befoie Aide rnnu Roboits on charges piefirifd bj A. 11 Haivev all'! held In ball on a charge of assaull and battery. T. II C Malomy has ngain bee n mi the still hunt for tho llquoi law di e eiulois. Kcfoic Alderman Rejhit Michael Gllbov, Paul miili and Maiv Mnsteison wiie Given luailn?1- ntid iM'tf held In bill In the sum of S'iO.1 each for thfli appearance et muit. Th". memleis ni j.usttiu Stni mm manuei. Knights of Malta mil -iir-llclpntp in the stiet p.n.ade whir h i-. tr be colidl cted b the dlff. lent wditlis of the oickr In the city and count1 In commemoration cf St. John" d.iv. which falls in Satuidav, June Ji n entirlalnmi-iit In the Adan.-. avi l".e juiiioi will f i'Ihw the p n ul Mr? Hnipid li, in tin. nt Summit ave llM". is liliiif, n lathes 'r New YnrK The tnmirltlHC nntli' uzed 1 tilt WelMi Pun" leuntlonnl .'iui h m pur-ih.i'- n i. for tin pinj soil new Q, &, Globe Warehouse j H ot Weath rt Waist Fashions come and go, but the Hot Weathei Shiit Waist for La dies' wear has come to stav. because no gaiment has ever been deised that served its special purpose so well. Ttue, The Shirt Waist Conforms to Fashion's deciee. and ch.vnofes in style with each succecdinc vear. Thus it is that the Summei Waist lor that weie so populai in iJSi7 as anything well c.n be. Hmphatic pi oof ol this fact can be found bv a visit to our Shirt Waist De p u tment any dav this week, Wed like voti to call while the display is at its very best, and as an inducement olfei lor six days only. The Following Extra Specials 59c Stylish Gingham t-flect Waists in all the lavoute blocks and fancy checks, in every good shaife; also in black and white elfects, They're worth j-, S5C B.ii gain piice, , OV 0- -s -o 89c Buys a pretty White Lawn Waist qf exquisite make and fine quality, - The figure ought to be $1.25. So they're o, a bargain at - - - - OIJL While we are talking Shirt Waists chiefly today, we mav as welt remind you that we carry the laigest stock ol Hot 'Weather" Comfort Garments for Ladies' Wear in the city. V" VWW.v,X'WW Globe Warehouse church met last evening. Nothing eUtl nlto wn decided. 13r. D. H. Jenkins, of Notth Main avenue, Is lerio'cnllng the Luckuw.in ua Medical nrsot lallon tit the conven tion of physicians now lie Ins hell in Denver, Col. H U Mr. nnil Mi. lniacr"naunrdii. f Green stieet. are entei talnlnjff thbir dnughtcr, Mm. John Stopfotd, of Hon esdale. The fiinei.il of llenrv HceseMvlll he held tonioirow afternoon Ht his lute home on Wnyna n Venue. The tenislni will be taken to the Welsh Consregn tlonnl rhuich, wheio services :ue to bo enndueted by Rev Dr. H. H. J one". Km Ml will be made In the Washburn stiect cemetciy. DUNMORE. The clam exert les of the Clas of 'OS were held In Washington all Init night. Ho Rruut wim the attendance tint latge numbcis weio compelled to stand The cxctrlM'g opened with n sour by Ihe oln. MKs Lutiiu O'lloio follow ed with the tluss history ThM was fol lowed by 11 lecltatltn "The One-Hegsed (ioo'-e," b ThiinuiM Joulaii The ' Cla-s In Hpiessloi" a dilll, was then given b.v members uf Ihe clairi .Mlssfs Jesle Wen and Genevieve Hie sicUei nuiR a duet In a thaimliiK man in r MI--8 Maijule Hdtn icelted and .Mbf llainiinl leiideied the i lass iioem. The tecil.tlloii, "Sn U.i I." was Riven by Mli-s .lessif. Wtit Mis Helen saiiR a solo Ml1- Nellie ImuRhcity lecltid "The Hed Pun" Miss Hvebn Mont unmet y tollovved with the clans iiioph et In which during a tilp UiiourIi the fniiuti.v, she saw her ilassmates engag In vatlous di cupatlond. The labhaux, "The Plight ftom Pompeii." "The I.a-t Uevort of the Gauls" and "When Mercy Seasons Jus tice," closed the enteitalnment After the enteitalnment n large number par ticipated In the dancing. HHSSHR ITEMS. The graduates of the High school since lS'.iii will have another meeting In tho Central building this evening. The Idea of having the banquet mi July Gth wae not favniable to a greut many, and It Is possible that the date may be changed James Linton, the gypy who was ar rested foi illsnuieilv conduct Monday night, was given a healing before tlurgess Powell jesteiday nioinlug. He was fined $130 Miss Maiy Poster, of Honosdalc, Is the guest of Mrs. W. D. Deckel, of Cheiry .street. Invitations have been lsued for the maniaKe of Peter Mutiny and Miss Miu O'Hoio. Mls Diana Capwell, of Cherry street, who has been visiting fi lends at Lake Wlnola for tho past few days, has re fill ned home Manager Courtrlght, of the Dunmoro Heat. Light and Power company. Is serloiu-dy 111 at his home on Di Inker stieet. Mis. Hairy Dupln, or North Klakely street, spent Sunday with fi lends In Avoea. Miss Klanche Capwell, of Lake Wln ola. Is the guest of her slstei, Mrs. William Packaid, of Chetiy street Miss Jennie Secor lias leturned home fiom a vMt with fi lends in New Yoik Chailes Knss, of Companv D, Thli teenth legiment. Is home on a furlough. He will leturn to camp Thuisday The commencement of the class of is will In- held In Washington hall Pilday evening at S oclork The pi ice of admission fill be. -25 cents er i8n8 is as different from the waists S y 98c At this figuie we show an el egant line ol high grade waists, m all the new wide stiipes with biased stripe fronts, etc. Others ask Si.js. Our price o this week. - - - - )OL 5 $ i .25 Finc White India Linon Waists at this pi ice, with full plait front and pioper making, are not easilv got. This one is easily worth i.7s. I;oi this week only, - - PI.25 - s- AVN N" V, .SAAA LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Pavement (or Hyde Park Avenue Soon Do Laid. Will MIVH OP THE CKHDIT KOIl SHCPR 1NO THE IMI'IIOVPMENT IS DPP. TO THE HPPOK'IS OP II. D. JONES AND A. M. MOUSE-IN A SALOON PIOIIT KDWAIID KELLET. OP EY NON STHEET, IS BKIUOL'SLY CPT PPNEP.AL OP MltS MAHY M NAI.I.Y HELD YESTEHDAY MOHNNH-OP-Plc-nnS OP ALUMNI ATHLETIC A3 SOPIATION. Step by step the work of sci tiling n. pavement on Hyde Pa lit nvinue Is pio giesstng lind, If favotable pinatess on tliittes, the pave will bo laid before winter sets In. II. D. Jones, f North Hv- Paik nvenue, und A, M Mi use, of Soit'h Kioniley nvenue, ha i ev pended mi.eli time and personal e.mrt dtfilug the past yeui to secure this much-needed Improvement. The 111 st effoits tow aids circulating a petition for the pavement was made about tlnee leais ngu bv Mr. Jones. It :n(Vil tinsiueessful a' that time, but vvtis In a "-cno an entering vedgc. Two vcuk later the matter was btousht to the nttelitlon ot the West Side board of tiadc and It wns le fened to the stiet" and bridges com mittee of the boaid. Messrs. Morse and Jones me mm that committee. which lontlnued the agitation Much opposition wac nneounteied nt 111 st Though asphalt was the kind of material III st contemplated, it was later changed to v lttlfled bilck. and this will be laid. The street is reedy so far ns sewering and gas and water mains ate tonceined, and the necos saiy legislation has passed councils. The pave will evtend fiom Division street to Lafavette stieet. a distance of iVi blocks. Eveiy propetty owner In the block between Division and Washburn stteets signed the petition, though this wns not the case In the remaining blocks. A majority number of ov nets' slgnatuies was, hovvevet, seemed. In a saloon light Mondav night at the coiner of Eynon and South Eighth street", Edwnid Kellct, cf G15 Eynon ieet, w is seriously stabbed He wm slmhed in fevcial place-about tin lm.ul j mid shouluett. After th melee Kellet was lemoved to his hon.e His friends became nlamed ard nt 3 o'clock yes teiday momlnc Alderman Kelly, of the Eighteenth ward, was awakened and hurried to the wounded man's bed-Mo. Dr. Movian, who was attending Kel let. did not consider his con lltlcn ruti cal. but his statement of the light v as recuided. On this Information war l.ants vtere Issued for the anest of Join: Wngner, sr propiletor of the saloon, and J. A. NaJmann. and given to Pa tiohrcn Thomas .Tones. I-tei and Evmim to serv , The men weie ar laignrd and waived a lieuilnz w!i" ana gned They were held In ball ci the charce of felonious wounding It is believed Kellet will soon lie uelo to lcae his b'.l YESTERDAY'S MARRIAGES. The mnnlage of Miss Anna McDnn nld, daughter of Mrs James McDonald, of 170S Irlce street, to William J. O'Rojle, of Lackawanna avenue, oc cuned yestetday motnlng nt 10 43 o'clock at St Patiick's church In the ptesenco of many frl"tids. Rev. J. It. Whelan, lector, peitotmed the ccre mon. The bilde. attired In a handsome gown of stone blue poplin, wns at tended bv her cousin, Miss Ressle Grant Miss Grant woie a gown of similar mateiial to the bride's gown, and both ladles curled pearl praver book John Hums acted as best man. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal part.v repalied to the bride's lesldence, where a reception was held and a post-nuptial tepast served. Only the Immediate relatives nnd friends of the contracting paitlcs were present. At noon, Mt and Mrs O'Roylo de pal ted on their weddlns tour to At lantic City, Philadelphia and New York. Upon theli leturn they will re side nt 170S Price street and will be nt home to their friends after June 27. Mrs. O'Hoylo foimerly resided In Pitts ton, but enjoys a wide dido of ac quaintances heie Mr. O'llojle Is a well-lcnown business man of this city. Miss Hiidget, daughtei of Mt and Mis. John McNulty, of .117 Twentv second stteet, was united In man Inge to John P. Ilairctt, of New York city, vesteiday morning at St. Patiick's church nt 11 o'clock The cciemnnv was jici formed by the icctui. Rev. J. I B heian, and was witnessed y a large number if fiienis and telatlves of the 1 cum acting paitUs. Mis Sarah Gurvell attended the bilde as biiUcsinnld and Harry Cannon .acted as eiooinsmiiti Mls Rose Conway pla.ved the wedding marches The Initio was piettily costumed In a gown of cadet blue, while her inuld wore a hnndsomc gown of sage green. Hoth ladles cairled iofcs. At the conclusion of the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bible's patents, which was attended only by tho Im mediate telatlves of thp contacting patties, A sumptuous wedding iepast was seived, Mr. nnd Mis. Rartett laler depaitcd on their wedding tour to Philadelphia nnd Atlantic City. They will icslde in New York cltv with his parents nnd will be at home to n lends after July 1. Mis. Haiictt leaver a wide clrclo of ft lends, she being very favorably known on this side. Mr. Ran ett Is as sociated with his father in the fit 111 of Mairett, Sweeney & Co., biasa found- C13. THEY ENJOY THEMSELVES. That tliemen ate not nveise to the enjoyment of good miisli, Is attested b a iccent action of the Franklin En gine companv. The company has pur chased a combination piano nnd otgnn Instrument nnd Impromptu conceits ate now "the gu" at the companv 's nuatters on Noith Hyde Paik avenue. There nre several good slngets among the members of the company and Chorister Rlchaid Davis, who also acta as organist. Is oiganlzlng a glee paity. In addition, theio me members who In different wajs can assist In getting up a first-class enteitalnment on shoit notice, This most iccent move of this vvlde-nwnke company seives seveial ends, but most of all It promotes the feeling of good fellowship among the men nnd furnishes the means of spend ing an enjovuhio evening "at home" FUNERAL OF MRS. MARVM'NALLY The funeinl of the Into Sits. Mary McNally was held yesteiday morning from the lesldence, 116 North Van jBurcn nvenue and was attended by THEY WANT TO TELL Thooo Grntoful Vomon Who Havo Boon Holpod by Mrs. Plnkham. Women who have. MifTcroil severely nnilbfen relieved of their Ills by Mrs. I'itikhnin's ndvlce anil medlclno nro constantly urglnf; publication of their statements for the benefit of other wo men. Here arc two bitch letters: Mrs. Li77in Uevkui.v, 2S8 Mcrrlmac St., Lowell, Mass., writes: "It affords me great pleasure to tell nil i suffering women of the benefit Ihnve received from taking Lydin 13. Pink ham's Vegetable' oinpouiul. Icnnhard ly find woirilRtoesprossmy gratitude for what she has done forme. My trouble was ulceration of the womb. 1 was un der tho doctor's caro. Upon examina tion he found fifteen very large ulcers, but he failed to do me good. 1 took scv cralbottlesof Lvdia E. Plnkhtim's Vege table Compound, also used the Sanntivc Wash, nnd nm cured. Mrs I'inkham's medlclno .saved my life, and I would recommend it to all suffering women." Mrs. Avion Tuomiilkav, Ellcnburgh Ctr .'. Y.. writes: " I took cold at the tlmo my baby was born, causing mo to have milk legs, and was sick in bed for eight weeks. Doctors did ine no good. I Bitrely thought I would die. 1 was al so troubled vv IHi falling of tho womb. I could not cat. had faint spells as often as ten times a day. One clay a Jady c amo to fcco me and told me of tho benefit she had derived from taking Lydia K Pinkhpin's medicine, and ad vised me, to tr.v It. I did kc, nnd had taken only half a bottle before J was able to sit in a chair. After taking Ihreo bottles I could do my own work. I am now in perfect health." many fiiend and telatlves. The re mains weie boine to St. Patiick's church at i no oVlurk, where a lilch mass ot teipjleni was celebrated by Rev. D. A. Dunne At the conclusion of the service the leinalns were taken to the eathcdtal cemetery for Inter ment. The pall-btaters were: .Messrs. Caw ley. Lallv. Lavclle, Guuell, Mc Deimott and liibbons ALUMNI ELECTS OPPICHRS. A regular meeting of the Alumni Athletic association wns held last ,,X0lnK at tl,p iltlence of rorbes Enton, on Tenth street William Ellas. piesiucnt, presiueo an election or oni ters was held. Following the business session a shot social time was en Joyed. Refreshments wete served by Mts. Eaton. The oflicers elected ate: E. D. Morse, orcsldent; P. K. Ma govetn, vice-piesident: Robeit Carson, sectetary, L'ouis Davis, treasurer.. PERSONAL M.ENTION. Rev. nnd Mis W E Morgan, of Tenth stieet, ate entertnlnlng their son, Rev. Renjamln Morgan, and w Ife, of Clrcleville, N. V. Mis Pi nnk Williams, of Willlams poit, Is the guest of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Miller, of Wnshbuin stieet. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Fern, of Noith Sumner nvenue, have as their guest their daughter. Mis Louis Sklllhorn, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Sidney Markwlck nnd daugh ter, Miss Lauta, "f Twelfth street, leave for Now Yoik city this evening and will sail tomonow for England, wheie they i III spend the summer. Herbert Evnns has teslgned ns Jani tor at the West Side hospital. He has held this position and given faithful service since the hospital was opened. Mrs. H. M. R.tis of N'otth Sumner avenue, Is enteitulnlns Mrs. C. Wells, of Danville. Miss Edith Janus, of Honesdale, is the guest of Miss Edith James, of South Sumner nv enue. James Heavers, of South Hyde Park avenue. Is enjojlng a fishing ttip at Rushklll, Pike county Mrs P. R Duffv. of Price stieet, has returned ftom n visit at Hlnghatnton. Miss Saiah Metedlth, of Jackson stieet, has 1 etui ned fiom a visit at Plymouth. The man Inge of Miss Kathrvn Mc Coy, of Tenth street, to Mlchnel Cole man, of South Van Huron avenue. Is announced to take place Wednesday, June 20. at St Patiick's chinch. Laundrv man Louis Schoc n, of the Modfcl laundiv of Jackson stieet, has added a handsome new dellveiy wagon and hoise to h!s business. The funeral of the late John Gllbrlde will ho held from the lesldence, bOl Eynon stieet, this afternoon nt 2 o'clock Interment will be made at the cathedial cemeteiy. MINOR NHWS NOTES A laige committee fiom St. Uten den'.s council, No 24.5. Young Mens In stitute is pi 'pailng for tho council's annual eMursion, which will Do enn dueted this j ear to La.ie At lei, Tues dav. August 9. A challenge to pitch quoits has been Issued bv Robeit How lev, of North Lincoln iv enue, nnd Robeit Moigans, of Lafayette stieet, to all tomeis. Con ditions, two and one-hnlf pound quoits, IS-, aid pitch. JIO. Monej to be posted at Alexander Stevenson's, corner of Lnfuvtttc stieet and Lincoln avenue. St. Murks Lutheran congiegatlon has selected Lake At Id tor the annual excuislon on August 10. GREEN RIDOE. Mr. nnd Mis. II. S. Lewis street, have returned fiom visit in New ,Teiey. of Marion t ten das' Mr. r.nd Mis. Albeit finj, o! nvenue, have i etui ned homo Pen n from Av oca. Mis. Joseph Lnmniolle, of Philadel phia, Is the guest of her slstei. Mis, John Eurico, of Wnshlngtun nvenue. Miss Ciitheilne Kennedy, of Wash ington avenue, is spending the summer at New pott. Theio was a pleatant surprise paity given In hunot uf Miss Emma Hem mlck at hei home on Mousey avenue last evening. Joseph McGnreth, of Honesdale, Is the guest of E D. McNally, ot Penn avenue. Miss Minnie RIlss, of East Maiket stieet. Is spending tho miitmci at Clark's Summit Thomas Lvmh, of S .nth Caiollnn, who hns been spending onr time with his patents en SaMdcso,, avenue, has ....;..., .i. rot ui ned south CASTOR I A For Infante and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of C4!ajfT'CV HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Several Flags Raised with Appropriate Ceremonies. NATIONAL HMIJI.EM Pt.OATED AT THE NATIONAL IiItHAKEU, MEAD OW HllOOK SIIAPT AND SIMPSON SILK MILL-SEVERAL LIVELY P.OXINO ROUTS DECIDED P.NDEH THE Ac'SPIi'KS OP Till: INDEPEND ENT SPOUTING CLPK - VICIOUS DOG RITES A LAD AND IS SHOT I1Y LILt TENANT HANG. Plag lalsing exercises at Industries on this side were the principal features of yceterduy's happenings In this eee tion. At the Nntlonal bieakcr of Connell and coinpan, near the cltv Urn. a flag 12 by IS feet wif set nllo.it with titling ceiemony In the afternoon at 2,50 o'clock. Colonel E. II Hippie was chaltmau of the occasion He made a stirring addiess at the beginning of the exercises The Poiest band was In attendance and gave a progi amine of patriotic selection before the gather ing was called to otdei. When tho signal was given to unfu.l the tmblem, two slate picker boys pulled the tope, and amidst tlieets the band struck up the "Star Spangled Eaniiet " Tho crowd joined and sang. Howell Hauls, of the survej or otrM, wns railed to od iltess the nsemblage. nnd lie dellveted a speech that moved his hcateis to a, high pitch of enthusiasm A pioi ession wao toimed bv the bleaker bos head ed bv the band. They matched to tho Meadow Hrook shafi whcie another (lag was set afloat. The Meadow Riook ralelng wns not attended with any piogramme of ota toiy, ns the Stars and Stripes were swung from the fastenings, the band again played, 'ind a mighty cheer went up fiom the crowd. Colonel Rip ple then announced that each slate picker was to recefvo a bag of peanuts nnd candy and a bottle of soft drink. The scene that followed can be con jee ttlied The emplojes of the Simpson silk mill raised a large Hag over tli' mill at noon time estciday. Supeilntendent Kutler made the address and the em plojcs sang popular eelectlone nOXING TOURNAMENT. The Independent Sporting club, a Twelfth waul organization, conducted a tournament at Central Park Gaiden hall last night. The opening go was between Tighe and Evans. At the end of the third lound tho bout was stop ped and called .1 diaw. Tho next bout was between Jack Mc Connell and Pert Giles, coloted. They boed fot thiee rounds The deela!nn of Referee Mot an wns a draw. "Com mer" Malonej and John Giles, brother of Pert, were announced fot the follow ing bout The Ir go was a repetition of the preceding one. In the frtirth rotlul both men pounded one another until ex hausted, and fell into each other's arms and laughed until time was called. Maloney was given the decision. "Moxle" Jordan and John Can fought four lively rounds Their engagement was the cleanest of the number. They weie evenly matched, and et the dose of the fourth round nnother siort one of a minute nnd a half was oulered to gain a decision, which was aw aided to Cai r. FLAG R USING JULY Camp 430, Patriotic Order 4 Sons of America, will have flair tatMng exer cises at their hall on Plltston nvenue the motnlng of July 4 In fton of the building Is a sixty-foot pole et un adorned, but the b jys of Cnmp 430 hnve decided to set nflopt a big Hag. The vatlous societies of this side will be In vited to paitlcipate and If the cimp lec elves sufficient acceptances theio will be a parade The commute- in chaige of the event aie1 Charles Web ber, jr. chalinian- Augus-t Whvmeyer, William Mnus, Jr., Theodeio Haas und George Wil Hi. TOURIST CLIJI1 OFFICERS. The Tout 1st club, reccntlv otganlzed by the young men of St. Maiy's con giegatlon. elected the following ofllceis at a special meeting Monday night: Piesldent, Geoige Rolf, vlce-ptesldent, William L. Jnnsseii, secretaiv, Fiank P. Kins, tieasurer, John Lansdorf; nudltots, Adoiph Moser and William Hluege The Tom 1st club will have an adjourned tegular meeting next Mon day evening to adopt constitution und by-laws. PITTEN RY A DOG. i.'eorge Teanpe, of River street ane1 his lle- car-old son weie watching th tcim of the Century Hns companv go tlnuiigh thelt usual evening dtill Mon day evening when a dog belon-rlng to John Miller, a neighbor, bit the little lad A deep wound was made on the bov'b lett leg Dt. Kolb was called to c.auterle the wound.. Lieutenant Vawz bliot the beast Inst night I NUBS OF NEWS. The nnnunl picnic of the Century Hose company will be held nt Cential Paik gntden this afternoon nnd even ing Judging fiom the immense sale of tickets,, the affair will be a rousing success. The excuislon of the Sabbath school of the Ilickoiy Stieet Piesbyteii.in t lunch jesteiday to Lake Ailel was attended by several hundted pet sons. The funeial of Mts. Pattirk Smith, of Cneirv stieet, will ei ui this nioin lug. Intel in e nt will be made at Mill City. ri oin his late lesldence on Tig stieet the fui.c-tal ot Janus Keogh, st , will be held this- morning Sen lees will bo held at St. John's i hureh, nnil Intet ni ens made in the cathedial cemcterj. JUNCTION WAS QRANTDD. In Hie I'ljiilty Cittfl llrotiglit Acniiivt Couiilr ()inclnl. Hon. L. A. Watres, rcpieseutlng the Spilug Hmok Water Supply company, took uctlon In equity yesteidaj to rc stialn County Tieasmet Kelley and the county commisslonets from selling at tnv sale twenty-one tuuts of land In Spilng Hrook township , 'T, " a R V. . ,i'i. anil has. since Match I. 189' been i used solell foi the pin poses of Ineeu liiiiatlou, nnd the state tu has been ! paid on Its capital stock, and all taxes Imposed b.v state lawn have been paid, but notwithstanding this the county conimlssluneis have caused these tincts to be nsessed fot countv pui poses, al though thov had no legal light to do so, and In default of pavmeut of lha tux on their assessment they piopose to sell It ns unseated lnud. Judge Hdvvards granted an Injunc- HKHnnHnKnnnni.KK.nKKnKrnKr,nnnnnKHiHwinr.itKi I H fc LJgflHI V V V V V V - m ("MWMM( 124 and 126 Wyoming Avenue. V ; . ! Wash Dress v New goods only and at prices that arc astonishingly low. Sell- f JJ" tng in this department is reaching its high water mark on thestrcngth oi tnc values wc are ollermg. MJtch them at our prices it you can v Ic For 6c quality i.ility Lawns, very newest patterns. Best in all the 2 styles and patterns ' V V V V ' ft,' ' V values yet olTered, 0 For isc Printed Batistes. Lawns and Organdies, 32 inches wide. V - K I Undergarments. vnee,y. Our Muslin Underwear Sale V goodness ot eveiy garment offered iwK. which I'luiuiscb iu uu u juv lurc-vcr. mierior underwear ai bargain puce is dear no matter how cheap you get it. Look to j tne quality ociorc you uuy. for jqc 9Cr ,or 'qc gowns. OU chemise. 39c Shirt Waists. ? Biggest and most complete Shirt Waist stock in Scranton to- 3 day and by far the stock that offers you the greatest values. 3 V i: 11r for SC)C ir'wJvv waists. 49c . x ILebeck x ' umnier Furnishing Here Are a Few Ingrains. Everything to be had worth the having. New designs. Unique color effects. Spe cial values ut 50c, 65c, 75c. Straw flatting. All this reason's importations. The coolest, most snnltno covering to be found. Here arc sample values: China Matting. $4.50 roll, toynrds, value $n.00 $6.00 roll. 40 yards value $H oil $8.00 roll, JO j ards, value 910,00 WILLIAMS & McANULTY 127 Wyoming Avenue. i OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given io Bust. Hess and Pergonal Accounts. Liberal Accoinmodatiom K. tciulcd According to Ualaucca ani Kcsponsiblllty. a Per Cent. Interest AUovvci oti Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits, $200,000 350,000 79,900 W3I- CONNELL, Prpsident. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice Prcs. W1LLIA.U II. PECK, Cashier The vault of this hank is pro tected by Holmes' Electric Pro. tective system. and a Big Lot . or Cantslip Belts Just arrived at CONRAD'S 305 Lacka. Ave. tlon ard fixed next Mondnv as the time for a luailng The injunction icstialns His treitEUiei fimn selling the tiaets. OBITUARY. Mr I'alrlck fLiurlinii. cf Citi lilt km , stu-et, elii'd nt 1 o clock jeneiday nftei Itoon aflei n wttk'H Uln". .Mis. Uuiifli.m was .17 vcars of nee. nnd Ii mil vlvcd b hci hiisluii.d Hiiro voting chil dren, a tuthor, John Hairrtt. two siHlers, Mis. M. O'Hora and Mis. John Muy. n.id two brothers. Jrbn and IMtilck H.uro't. The funeral wllle hold tomonow mom-luff. 3 . Goods. ttvncclySale. v (JJ For 12c Printed Corded 3 Dimities and Lappet -J Cloths, in all the very S newest colorings and con- a ccptions. ni n For 20c quality Printed i Grenadines in the very J 2 est styles and color ings made. Sale. goes mcrrilv on. The extreme has made a teputation for this 3 AO drawers. 3 3 alc. for 7qc waists 75c for $1.25 waists. & Corin .1 Special Values: Japanese flatting. Sea our lino nt 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c per ard Discount by tho roll. Tokio Rugs. Highest quality hand-made same as Turkish goods. New lino Just opond, specially adapted for tho cottage or th veranda. All the sizes. flWJnt.. . , . $12.00 11111x7 (I at 9.00 ii x uni .. . . .. 5 nq U7at 5.0C Jlxilnt . 1 5C Somo special hall ru,?s, 3x9, 3x12, 3x15. LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. Everj thing to be found in a flrst-clasi stock at right prices. BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS PRICES FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS ONLY. sS Our S20.IKI Platfftfor 510.(10 Our 18 00 I'lateifor lino Our iii.011 Tin en for 8.011 Our l I. no I'lnten for 7 no Our l'.'.oo Plate for 00 Our in.no Plate rnr fi.on Our H.00 I'intes for . . . 4 on Our il.oo 1'lutes for a.00 Ilililefwork . a. 00 tiolet ( rnu ns, '2k 3,()fi (old rilllu.M 1 00 up riattiiiim I'llllngR Tfto silver rillincR . ftOo l'oreolnin rulings . - roo Cement rulings 3A0 Boston Dental Parloro Corner I.ackananna ond Wjomlng Aves. (Over Newark Shoe Store.) THE Ml POWDER CO. ltooms 1 and Coin'ltli B'l'd's, SCRANTON, PA. Mining and Blasting POWDER Jlade at Moolo uud Itashdale Work. LAIXIN H RND POWDF.R CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Llectrlc IJatlerleu. Llcctrlc Lxploderi, lot esploillng bltnu, safety Kuse uad Repauno Chemical Co's ex"lo'sivBs Strawberries. Finest Hume Grown for Canning. Rei Raspberries, Black Rasp berries, Blackberries, Cherries, Apricots and Peaches, ' Water Melons and Canteloup?s. Pierce's Market