8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1898. -- HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Hi a Case of Too Much Matrimony With William Davis. ki.d in uaiij in Tin: sum or j:,ooo nv alderman I.ENTES TO AN dwr.ii uuaiiues or l'lnuntY and UlCJAMY- CONSTAM.E woei.kekp IS THi: rKOSECLTOR-SCHANION athletic :r.un has olc'ided to CONDUCT AN I.M. C11S10N TO HAR VEY'S lake. William Davis, a :oung man whose, homo was until recent yenrs nt Tunk hannocW, wui, arraigned befoio Aldoi man Lontea last evening on the chaigos of blguiny and putjuiy, prnferred by Constable .lo"f'ph AVoelUeis of the i:ioenth ward. lie was held in $2,000 ball which was furnished last even ing by his brother-in-law, Jacob Geler. The affair is an Interesting one, It being the thhd tlmp Davis has bppn nt rested on th charge of hU.imv. About fiix months ago Giace Smith, who claims she wax marrlpd to him at Tuiiklunnock two yo.ui ago, had a warrant Issued for Davis. lie was held to ball, but befoie thp sitting of thp grand jmy, an agi cement was made between Davis and his 'wife, Grace Smith, mid slip did not appear and the cane was tgnoied. Until rc centl ho was permitted tl live with his second wife, who was a Mls 15on ner, of Nicholson. They wcie mar ried u car ago by the same cleigyman und at the same place lie took Miss Smith foi better or vvoree. Constable Woelkeis liad a bill against D-ivIs foi eosttc In the first case, and the latter made many piom lses to llauidate. His word was not fulfilled and with the consent of Mid. l)als No 1, Mr. Woelkeis had u vv.u lnnt Issued Monday for the an est of Dais on the charge of bigamy. He was arraigned foi a hearing ester eluv before Aldprnian Rentes and At torney M. .1 Donahue ac ting for Davis, inKcd the point that his client n ehaiged with an offense allpged to have been committed in Wyoming count. It was out of the Juiisdictlon of a magis trate Jn another coiintj to issue a waiiant foi the aircst, hence the dis missal of the second chnige ot big.im. The constable was not to be outdone and he post basic went to W.vomlng's county seat and had. wanants Issued for perjury and bigamy. He was In thp city again at suppei, and -eied the wanants and took his priMinei to Aldeimnn Lenten' ollke again John 1 Scingg was piesent for Woelkpis and Attorney Donobne appealed for Davis. Davlswalved a heating and ball was demanded In the -uni of ?,00n. Mr. Gelei, who was pi cent to finality as bondsman, was staggered when be heard the amount requited He vwm not piepaied to meet the demand, loiter ball was entered befoie Aldet nian K.isson in the cential city. Two weeks ago Davis commenced ptoceed ings against his (list wife foi a dl v orce. Xl'HS OF NEWS The Gospel meeting at the South Side Young Women s Christian association, lO.'l Cedar avenue, Sunday afternoon at ri.4, odoik will lie led bj Mis E. iWVWA1 jlobejarebo(Jse k Big Pays bee Selling Tomoirow out Lice Department will be convened into ,i b.irg.tin hunters' Paradise, ami filled with b.ircams of exacllv the kmcllnn want. The many offerings unucMiauic: guuus,, mn iiiciuue omy such Laces and accessories as are most in demand. Space forbids us entering on details and conlines us to but a few examples : ' Ruby and Antique Vals With Insertions to match. All exclusive designs and the product of the finest manufacturers in the world. 2so patterns of French "Val" I.aces from one-half to one and one-quarter inches wide. Here are the prices for Saturday onlv: 300 doz. of regular 50c Laces at 36c 250 doz. of regular 60c Laces at 47c 200 doz. 25 doz. Fringed s s 7 inches wide, in pinks, sky worth $2. so each. 500 doz. Summer Corsets Our best half-dollai make, all Ladies' Neckwear Puffs, String Ties and Bows in Plain Satins and Gros Grains Latest Plaids, htc, All the new cuts and shapes at special value fijiures. On Saturday - - - r-i-t-i m m ..& . Globe Warehouse m tecviw5fe5ga H, nipple. AH women oio Invited to attend. Good slnglnc. The Scianton Athletic club met In special session last evening to decide to tun an cxcuislon to Harvey's lake during the week beginning Aug. 22. Columbus Council, Young Men's In stitute, gave a complimentary dunce last evening In Pharmacy hall to the young Indies who assisted at the re cent picnic conducted by the Institute. Carl Matz, of Lancaster, the general director In charge of the eacngorfest at that city this month, was In the city last evening, us noted In yesterday's Tilbune He was tccclved In Saengcr tunde hull, the Yunger Mnennerchor and the Sjcngeriundu combining and entertaining him. I'etcr Marker and Joseph Gelger, well-known oung men, will leave to day with n number of enlisted leau lais A farewell leceptlon was given them last evening at Geoige ltosen's hotel Nelson Babbitt, of Ituffnlo, who has been residing here foi seveial months, icturned to his home yesterday. GREEN IUDGE. Mr. nnd Mis. E. M. Green, of Deln waie Bttcet, arc spending a few days at I'aupaek 13. H St urges, of 'Washington ave 11110, has icturned home fiom South port, Conn Mis. Katnhnui and daughtei, Leon, of Breaker stieet, nro spending a few das in Windsor, N. Y. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. F Klllnm and fam ily, of Capotiso avenue, nie spending the sumniei in l'lke count,. The (hlldieu connected with the HoliPinlan mission of the Providence nnd Green Ridge Presh,teilan churches will have Chlldien's day exoiclses to moirow nfteinoon at 4 o'clock In the Sunday school looms of the Piovldence church They will be In chnige of Rev. Mr. Klusak, the mlslonaiy. The pub lip is Invited to attend. Older of ser vlics: Hvinn, "My Hope Is Built. ' Piaver Addiess . . .. . rtrv Mr. Klusak Be( Itatlon, "Who Can Tell?' Annie 1'lavka Recitation . .. .Andievv liuUalc Hvmn. "My Cour.trj TIs of Tli-e.' Ro( Itatlon Battle Smlthborgcr Tableau Hsmn. "Stand Up for Jrsu." "Little Blnls" M.i Buclitn, Bfntilce Klusnk Lirzle Bilebta, Chllstic Kill- sak. Will Buclitn. Ilccitiitlon MikrIc Bennett IIpi Itatlon Mary Buclita Hvmn, "Saviour Send Us." Address . ..Rev. Geoige n. Guild 11 mn. "Good-Be." Benediction. MINOOKA. The home team will journey to Dun moie giounds Sunday and wiestle for honois with the Lackaw annas. The Maiooiio and the Uniques, of Scranton, will eioss bats on Mlnonka grounds. The t xcurslon committee of the St. Joseph's society met Inst evening. Preparations for the nftair aip well under way and the event piomlses to be a imccess John Hlggins. son of Peter Hlggins, will leave today foi Camp Alger. Mr Hlggins has enlisted in the volunteer in my stationed at that place He In the ninth reciuit from this place In one week The funeial of Thomas Kearney, whose death is mentioned In another column will take plate Sund.i In terment will be made In Mlnooka Cath olic cemetery VWW VWAAAA do not consist of odd or job lots of of regular 75c Laces at 55c blue, black and white, Thev're Saturday, $1.98 sizes, On Saturday, 38c ) LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTOIS Features ol Children's Day Exercises Arranged for Toroornow. MAT13KIAL IS ON TUB UIcOUND TOB. Tin: roxsTiircTioN or the: new Ct'LJI WA8HKBY TO BBPLACK TUB ONK DUSTHOVr.D AT TIH3 OX POBD PIBB-BYBOX WATKLNS' BYB BADLY JXJCBKD BY A BLOW THOM A STOXn-SBCOND OP Tin: SKBIBS Or COUNTRY DAXCI3S. The members of the Sabbath i hool of the Scranton Street BaptlsM .hut eh will conduct the service I minnow moi nlng nt 10 30 o'clock Instead of the regular preaching service, i lll be theli observance of Children'' ''nv, and nn excellent pioRrnnimo ha- t en In preparation for scvet.it week Super intendent David T. Evani will hive chnrge, nnd Ills Clara Beed will .nt as organist. The pilmniy departnu nt will be under the dliectlon of Miss M. Wntklns, superintendent, Dr. T. M. SendeillnT, choilster, nnd Mlsa Lillian Moore, organist. The church choir will nsMt under the direction of Mrs. B. . Beddoe. The cfuirch nnd nudltoilum hns been beau tifully decorated for the occasion toy a huge committee of which the pastor Bev S. r Mntthews. Is chnliman. Xo Sabbath school seivlcp will bo held at 2 p. m ns usual, hut thp paMor will Pleach a special sermon nt the regu lar evening spiv Ice at ".".0 o'clock. Fol lowing is the prngumme for tomoi row morning's service. Organ Voluntary Miss Claia Beed Opening rhoiiis School Becltatlon, "Our Children's Day," Allen Beddoe Address of Welcome, MI-3 Bloience Jones Scilpture Beading. Braver Pastor Motion Song Pilmary Becltatlon Miss Jennie Thomas Uerltatlon Miss Bessie 1'lojd hong School Bible Alphabet Kxerele . . School Dlilogue "A Sunblne l'acton." Mlspes Oertiude Moore nnd Cora Cramer. Becltatlon Trances Crofut l'rimaiy Class Bvcielse, Miss Bdna Alney and Girls Bong School Becltatlon Mls Golden Sllvpra Becltatlon Klght Llttlo MlTses Anthem, "Slug t'nto God" Choir Bccllntlon Alfred Klme Becltatlon Mls Alice Williams bong School Scripture Beading Pastor Braver Vsst Supt. G. II. Watklns Colloquy. Mi'-sps Blanch Bovce and Trances Crofut Becltatlon Miss Mabel Lang Song Sennon Miss Gertrude Tlojd Becltatlon Miss Anna Bossir Becltatlon Miss Cora Tngue Becltatlon Miss Edna Alney Duet, Misses Annlo Dagger and Buth Beddoe. Song School Hecitntlon Mls Mamie Beed Bxenlso School Address Superintendent Song Primary Department Song School At the Flist Welsh Congipgatlonal church on South Main avenue, a Chil dren's seivlc will be held tomorrow pv pnlng, substituting the regular Pleaching service at C p. m. The pas tor, Bev. David Jones, will preside. The enntata "Little Builders" will ho given The children of the Sabbath school will pnitlclpcite and they have been prepailng for the event for some time. Special music will be given by the church 'hoir. At the Taheinnclo Congregational chinch on South Hde Park avenue, of which Bev. David P. Jones Is pastor, a speclil chlldien's service will be held to moirow evening instead of the regular preaching sen Ice at 6 p in. The mem bets of the Band of Hope. In charge of their leader, Jacob Jenkins, will render the beautiful cantata "Little Builders." Special mufclc will be piovided for the occasUn LYi: BADLY IXJTBED. Bron Wntlcins, thirteen vears of age. veiy neatly lost his light eve by nn as sault made upon him by Thomas Wit kins, i member of the "Yellow Kid" gang, of Hennessey couit As It is, the lad Is suffering from a vpty pain ful wound and until thp cut henls. he may hnve tmnblp to save his sight. It scnis that about fifteen lads, who-e ages lange from 10 to 15 years, have a falilv wpII organized "gang," as they call themselves, nnd go anion? their own fi lends as the "Yellow Kids." List e ening there was n meeting and about 1.10 o'clock the bovs who were pipsput stattfd out on a "trip." They were going up Jackson street abnv Main avenue. Bvmn Watklns intended to go along when Tommy Watkin as n sou cf ieadet, objected and told the othi "Watklns to "take a sneak" H- enfoieed his fiat bj hurlltuj a heavy stonr nt the dismissed lad, which stiuck him crosswise of his light eve. He yelled and the other lads ran. S imp older boys took the Injured lad to Doctoi Can oil's office ncaiby and his wound was Jtessed. ni:v culm w.sm:nv Nothing fuither than the delivery of part of the material upon the ground has thus far been done townids the election of the new culm wnsheiv nt the Oxfoid shaft, it Is not definitely knciv n when actual opetntlons towatds Its erection will he commenced. The chailiiB up rnoce.ss about the site of the binned breaker and washcry s-tlll continues. The new branch of the Oxford switcfi which will 11111 into the new site of the washcry Is b-Mnfi pushed to completion. The tepalis In the hoisting shaft have not vet been completed, but the woik of placing the new buntings nnd carriage guides will be commenced shoitly. PERSONAL, MENTION. Charles and Daniel Hill, ot Twelfth street have icturned fiom a visit nt Stillwater, N. J. Thomas Klnnerty, of Iloncndale, call ed upon Funeial Dlrectoi M l' W.vmbs, of JneKson stieet. jesterday. V.ert II. Davis, of Hlnghnmtnn, is visiting his patents. Si hool Cnntinller und Mrs. Heiison Davis, of Noith I.ln wiln avenue. Mlfcs 1'lUaheth Madden, of Hamilton street. Is the guest of fi lends In Jer myn. Miss Hannnh Westbrook, of Still water, N. J, Is visiting friends heie. Mr and Mrs. Charles It. mil, of Twelfth Mret, have as their guests Chmle.s and A. Westbrook, of Still water, N J Mrs William Campbell, of North Oarfleld avenu, Is entei tabling Miss Uertha Evans, of Jnnesvllle, Ohio, MINOR NEWS NOTES. The tecond of the seilos of "Country" dances, which the Outing club will con duct during the fiummer, will be held Monday evening at thfi boiough hall, 4 at Throop. Stanton's orchestra will no-am Thesutvlvilof thetittestmuchii mattered health TONB YOU II STOMACH Am LIVER Willi r THE BITTERS AVD tnlu hcnlth nnd strength Inyour strneglo for ex istence. t3fTAEHBS provide the music Cnrs on the Throop llni should be taken Bettiiniiig, special curs will leave nt 12.20 o'clock. The public Is coidlally Invited to ac company the Young Men's league of the Plv mouth Congregntlonal church to Harvey's Lake, Tuesday, June 21, on their nnnuil exclusion. Varloun forms ot amusements nnd music will be pro vided nnd nothing will be left undone toward the comfoit of thoso attend ing. The Band of Hope of the Taheinnele Congiegatlonal i hutch on South Hvde Balk nvenup will conduct a speclnl RPivice tomorrow- evening at the church. They will plvo the enntata "Llttls Bulldcis." Jacob Jenkins, the leudet, will bo in chatge. Scivlce be gins at C p. m. DUNMORE. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nnd Filday, Juno 21, 22, 21 and 21, the closing exercises of the High school will take place. Tuesday night the class day exeiclses will be given at Manley's hall. Wednesday nnd Thurs day will be devoted to examinations, nnd on Friday evening the commence ment exercises will tuke place. Admis sion to the class day exercises will be by Invitation. The progiamme Is as follows: Opening Song Becltatlon, "The One-Legged Goose," Thomas Joid.tn Cliss lllstorv . . . .Miss Laura O'Horo Class In Bxpression. Vocal Duet. Misses Jessie, West nnd Genevieve Boi se eke r. Becltatlon, "Carl," Miss Mnrget v Bden Class Poem . .. Miss Ad.illno B.iinatd Recitation, "So Was 1." Miss Jessie Wert Vocal Solo, "Awake Beloved." Miss Mai gory Bden Becltatlon, "The Bed K.in " Miss Nellie Dougherty Class Prophccj Miss Bvelsn Montgomery Tableaux. 1. The Flight fiom Pompeii 2 The Last Report of tlie Ghouls. 3. When Mercy Seasons Justice. The exercises will start at S o'clock shmp. I. P. Dolph. of Not th Blakcly stieet, Is seriously III. Edgar Jones, who has been conduct ing a milk depot on Tlfth stieet, has gone out of business. Theie will be special services for railroad men and their families In the Dudley Stieet Baptist chinch Sunday evpnlng, June lfl The set vices will be led by the "Yoke Fellows hand" of the Ballroad Young Men's Clnlstlan asso ciation. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to nil. Watts Anderson, of Jetsev City, vls il.d fi lends In town jesterday. No. i colliery of the PennsjUnnla Coal company w 111 be idle today nnd next week. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. What might hnve been a veiy seri ous accident occuired on Itushbrook turnpike, a short distance above the toll-gate, last Thutsday night about fi o'clock. Purgess II. A M'llllams and Mr C. F. I5aker had been at East I$en ton nttendlng the Institution of Willow Lenf lodge, No 9Sr,, I. O O. F. As they were returning home, when they had reached the nbove-nnmed point In the road, which Is at the brow of a steep pitch, one of the holdback straps on the harness broke, letting the buggy suddenly against the hoi so. This frightened the animal and she started on n run dow n the steep hill, Mr. Will man trilng nil the time to tuin her Into the bank on the upper side of the load, but the animal refused to obey the lelns and dashed on down the hill. Mr. linker seeing that there was no chance of getting the horse under con tiol, Jumped fiom the buggy and sus tained some sevcie bruises and a few h-ci ntches, none of which nie serious. Mr. Wllltnnn clung to the reins as long as possible, but on account of the great speed at which the hoi so was plung ing down the hill and tlie much con dition of the toad, he was tin own from the s-cat to the bottom of the buggy nnd fiom there out onto the side of the road, landing heavily on his face. He leeched some painful cuts and biulses on his face, aims and limbs, but no bones weie htoken, nnd nothing s-oil-ous Is anticipated from his Injuries. The hoi so plunged on down the hill and was cauubt unhuit at tin. upper end of town William Woodmanie.. who until re cently it sided In this town, has been seriously III with lung tioublo foi a long tlme.but during the spting months he began to impiove and moved to Oison, Wayne county, where he ap pealed to be steadily Improving until a short time since, when ho began to fnll rapldlj and Thuuday moinlng death came and ended his suffcilng He Is suivlved by his wife. He was a member of Osciu 0. Smith Camp. Sous of Veteinns, of this town. The re mains will bo hi ought to Montdale, vvheie Intel meiit will be made nest Sunday nfteinoon Mrs Philip Paker. of Main stieet, visited Catbondale yestcid.t. Children's day cxeiclf-cs at the Meth odist Episcopal church Sunday moin lng nt 10.r!0, entitled "Heroic Mc tho dlsm." Also nt morning scivlce bap tism of chlldien with water from the Illver Jnidan. In the evening the pas tor, Rev. C. A. Ilenjamln, will pi each to the young people. C W. Noithup, of Scianton, was n callei In town last evening. D. ll. Swingle Is said to be taking a vacntlon for the benefit of IiIb health. Plt-CEBURG. Today will occur the picnic and clam bake of the Eagle Hose company In the Thliteenth illle range giounds back of tho Delawai" and Hudson and the Ontnilo nnd Western depots. This Is tlie 111 st picnic of tlie fceuson and the bo have left nothing undone to make It pleasant and entei mining for thoso who nttend. Let every one tuin nut nnd help them along The pin ceeds w III be taken to pay for the two flro huiscs they have recently bought. The employes of Johnson's No. 1 and 2 collieries wll bo paid today. f "jgtJbfKM MjmKmrvi ' niiii '( i MnELwKiCidHjHt i iK FRESH, FAIR FASHIONS In Finest Millinery, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks, Laces and Veilings. This is the Garden Spot for Pretty Summer Hats. Prices will make you want them: Trimmino fn OrHpr (,ocs on at a fire,,t ratc now' arul no woncr' r the style we put l l limiting tu v,uc- into the Hats we tiim cannot be had at any store in town. C2?"Special Sale of fine Trimmed Hats at S1.31), worth $3.00. STRAW SHAPES. Best quality Bernina Straw Short-back -q Sailors, worth 48c . . yC Finest hand-made Imported Straws in vcr all the latest shapes, worth $ioO and $2 J OK LEGHORN HATS. 19c, 29c, 35c, ISc, 73c TRIHHED SAILORS. Sennett Straw Sailors, trimmed and lined, woith 7iC, to go at Fine Milan Sailors, fully trimmed, leather sweat, worth $1.00, at Best quality Manila Braid, fancy rough brims, worth $i.so, to go at GEIxSOINS? 413 Lackawanna Avenue DAY'S DOINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON Programmes ol Children's Day Services Arranged (or Tomorrow. CLOSING EXERCISES IN THE PL'B l.tC SCHOOLS - CHARLES PIcOSS AND MISS MABEL WILKES MAR RIED IN PLYMOUTH BY REV. MR SAVAGE, FORMER PASTOR OF TUB PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHI'RCH. YOFNG PEOPLE ENJOYED A STRAW RIDE TO DALTON. The Sunday school of the Fltst Welsh Paptlst church, Wano avenue, will have Its Chlldien's Day exeiclses to morrow evening, when the place of wot ship will be beautifully decorated and the following enjoyable programme will be given. The singing will be un der the direction of Geoige Davies: Singing "On for the WWi'' School Recitation, "Our Children's Daj," Muggle Darners Address of Welcome ... . May Slmms Recitation. "The Flowers In Their Benin, ". . .. Miss Lizzie Griffiths Recitation "Now,". , . Leah lvans Singing, "Hear Thy Llttlo Ones Pra. " School Recitation, "Nobody But Mothci." Hairy Frieze Blblo drill, "The Life of Joseph," Jimloi B. Y. P. F. Dialogue. "Sunshine Factor;,," Maggie D ivies and Sirab A. Evans Recitation, "God's Jewels nt Our Pct," Annie Harris Recitation, "Which Are You .'" Maiy A. Jones Singing, "Give as We,, ns Fray, Edith Morris and School Recltitlon, "Children" .. . Kate Curie Recitation, "Shall I Ever Be a Dnmk- nrd''" Alfnd Williams Recitation, "Jesus Lovc3 Me" Jennie Leonaids S nglng, "The Message" . .School Recitation, "Wo Praise Thee, Loid," Ninn Hirrls Recitation, "Don't Crowd" .May Evans Recitation, "Our Privilege." Maggie Twining Recitation, "Getting and Giving," Lolcc Griffiths Recitation and song, "The Message of Song" Tomnile Monls Recitation, "Bob and the Bible " Lulu Slmms Singing, "Lo, the Golden Fields" School "Our Publication Societj".... Annie Rces Our offctlng tor the work. Song Mr. James Fileze Paper, "Sons and Servant"," Tydvll Rces Singing, "On the Wings of the Mom," School Recitation, "What a Child Miv Do," Wesley Owens Benediction. At the Dutch Gap mission Siiudnv school of the Welsh Congiegatlonal i lunch interesting Children's Day e eiclses will be held tomouow. The programme has been under the supet vlslon of the supeilntenricnt. David J. Williams, who has faithfully ttatned the children for the event. Chlldien's day set vices will be held In the Puiltan Congiegatlonal church tomouow. The annual Chlldien's dnv exercises at the Primitive Methodist chinch, on East Maiket stieet, will he held to moirow moinlng at lOT.n, when theie will be lecltntlons, dialogues, solos, duets and choiuses by the chlldien. In the evening at 7 o'clock theie will be u sen Ice of song. The recltutlons nnd dialogues w ill be under the care of A. Powell and H. Nicholas Tho sing ing will be under the direction of Prof A. Hartshorn, nst-lstcd by the Binja niln oichestra and Miss Lizzie Cuth bcrtson. Rev, John A. Evans will occupy the pulpit ot the West Maiket stieet Welsh Paptlst chinch tomoirow. In the morning a Welrh sermon will be de livered und nn English ieiniuii In the evening. The ordinance of baptism will be ndmlr.lMeied to sis i andldatcs at the close of the evening service. TOLD IN A FEW I.I.N' ES. Vsterday was a gala day at the pub lie schools of this place. Exercises were auspiciously conducted by the children at many of the schools At No 2j school the pupils of all tlie looms assembled and in conjunction i endued a fine piogramme, which was much ap preciated by a large number of their telntlvps. At tho conclusion of the ex orcises, Piofessor Kenimoillng, piincl pal ot the scheol, road the list of giad uutes. The exercises at tho other schools were equally Inteiesiing and weie attended by a large number of pei sons, Tho ipiuainder of Company H ie crults leave this morning for Camp AN j&aom 25c 45c 75C ger. A rousing fauwell will be ten dered the boys. Charles Pros-sand Miss Mabel Wilkh, prominent young people of this place, wcr" united in matrlar;e by the Rev Mr. Savage, formeily pastor of the Pilmitive Methodist chinch of East Maiket street, at his home In Plv mouth Thursday evening. The couple was at tended by Mls Anna S"hellhase, of Capouse avenue, nnd James Harris, ot Green street. After a brief stay In Plymouth, during which they were ten deiod a reception, the bridal puity ie tuined to Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Pi oss will commence housekeeping at once in a ncatlv furnished houe on Smith stieet A reception will hi given them later by theli many filcnd Floral Sunday will be ob'-cived In the Christian church tomoirow. In the evening the pastor will deliver an ad dicss to the chlldien. A number of young people fiom this place enjojed a straw ildo to Daltoii leeently They were entertained nt the home of a friend nt the above place nnd a most enjojable time followed. Those present weie Misses Carrie and Evana Huff, Bui nice Conger. Stella Wedem.in, Chailotte Ro-encians,Mume Thomas, Lizzie Williams, Mmy Lewis, Lizzie Shaffer, Mesis. C. II. Constnn tine, James Druiy. D. O. Emeiy, Charles Hopewell, William Roll and Beit Fair. The ladies of the Home Misslonnry society of the Providence Fresh, terlan church had their monthly meeting es teulay afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Theodoie von Store h. For inan yeais Mis. von Storch was the active nnd efficient tieasuier and now Is the hon oiaiy treasurer of the organization. Repoits and Inteiestlng papers weie read at jesterdaj's session and a profitable meeting enjojed by the laigo number pie&ent. OF A PERSONAL NATFRE. Rlchaid Thomas returns to Camp Al ger this morning nfter a few dajs' fin lough spent wlht his patents, Mr. nnd Mis. Richard Thomas, of Spilng stieet. Miss Maltha Phillips nnd Mr. Peicy Koehler weio man led Wednes-day evening at the home of the bilde's mother, Mrs. Ellen Phillips, on Put nam stieet. Rev. William Davis pei fotmed the ceiemony. The guests wcie: Mis. M.ugaiet Williams, Mis. Reed, Mis. Benjamin RIc hauls, Mrs. Jenkins, Misses Williams, RIc hauls, Joseph, Messrs. Moigans, Beers, Reese, Williams, Townsend and Reed Mi. and Mrs. John Owens, of Wayne avenue, returned jesteulay from Camp Alger, vvlieu- they visited their s-on, John, a member of Company A, Thir teenth icglment. Rev. W. G. Watklns will pi each In the North Mnln Avenue Baptist chuuh tomouow. Theie will be special choial singing. All aie invited. THE VICTORY rests with Ameil ca'rt Gieatest Medicine, Hood's Saitap arlll.i, when it battles against any dis ease caused or promoted by Impure or Impoverished blood. HOOD'S PILLS aio tho favorite family cathaitic. Easy to take, easy to operate. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is n prt dintlon of the Drug by whl h lm InlurlouH effci ts are leinnved while lilt valuable medicinal piopi rtl"n ne re tallied H pofcn s ill the i.idatlv nnoilvne and anil sp.iKinudli powets ,f Or him but pioihnrs no slrkmss of the sfMinich io vomiting no ostencss no lieidsrhe In iicut, nervous dlnnideih it Is .hi In luabli turned .uid Is rtiom mi'iidt.d hi tho besi pli mcIiuis E. FERRETT, A0ent, 372 Ptnrl St., New iork rimiMyM!AA && FLOWERS. FLOWERS. Fine Imported Rose Sprays with foli age, worth 2c. Here at 9c 19c 19c 10c 5c Large bunches of fine Lilacs, worth 50c. Here at Large bunches Imported Clover, with foliage, worth iOC. Here at Natural White Wings, cannot break, woith 2$c, at ... Cuiled Quills, in all colors, at RIBBONS. Taffeta Ribbon, Gauze Ribbon, Roman and Bayadere Stripe Ribbon, Plaid Rib bon, Dresden Ribbon, worth 50c and 75c yard. To go at 15c BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS PRICES FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS ONLY. 'rSSi Oar $20 oo I'lntei for 510.00 Our 1H.IM) Plates for . ... 0 On Our 111.00 l'la'cs foi 8.00 Our t.oo Plates for 7 OO Our IV'.oo I'lntosfor OOO Our m.00 Plates for fi.00 Our 8 oo I'lntcs for l.oo Our il.oo Plates for n no IlrldeenorU 3.00 CJolrt Crowns, Jk .1.00 ("old riltlnzM 1.00 up I'lntlnuin Fillings 75c Mlor Kllllncs fiOc Porcelain rulings 50c Cement 1'llllngs 35o Boston Dental Parlors Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. (Over Newark Shoo Store.) His SO Lager Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER mffiyiiSLSminPj Telephone Call, 2333. Seeds AND- Fertilizers 1 5 iitiELL CO, Refrigerators AND Ice Chests. the: HIT a CONNELL CO, 434 Lackawanna Av3. t X 3 t i New Houses i In popular neighborhood where values are increas- ing most rapidly, will be ; sold at low prices and on 1 easy terms. Call and see - t them any time between t o a. in, and 9 p. m. t II. C. FRINK, 1 t 747 Prescott Ave. 1 44-M- 4 -f f -f-f-f-f -r -M-H