The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1898, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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Publlnhed nnlly. Kcnpt similar, by the
Tribune lMihllsnlug Uotiimti nt Hftjr Cetiti
aMontb. , ,
The Tribune's telegraphic news
is from three to five hours fresher
than that of any Philadelphia or
New York paper circulated in its
field. Those paper go to press at
midnight; The Tribune receives
news up to 3 a. m. and sometimes
later. All the news in The Trib
une while it is new.
New York Omen lftONn(iuPt.,
Pole Accnt for I'oreleti AiUcrtHltilf.
aimvDAi TimroiTOPrtPK at sckantov,
chnton. JtTNn is', is.
Goiinor-VU.I.1A A STONi:
I.ituionuiu Gfiprti(ir-.J I' t tirusiN
tfti it.ti or Aflulli'-.IAML.S W.
1.A1 TA.
J.nlsc or Superior (mrt--W. W. l'OIt-
TKIt. 1
CotiRreHomcii nt - l.urw SAMl'El. A.
da'i:m'li:t. gam'siia a. ohow.
I.i"'ll!il uc.
l'lrst Dlntrle-t-.IOllN K. PARR
I'nurth Dlatilpt-JUIIN V IWAXOIA)?.
coi.o.m:i. stomps i'i,vrroini
II nlll bis lm piitiii-i. wlitn pIiiIpiI hi
n conduit itiwflf 11- to win tin- ii'Hppet
inul ennd will of tin " who h.iw iippo"! I
mi u Will iih til ' wli 1 li.ivu Klvn t
tlnlr imppon I r-li.tll l the Kiicimir
ot lite Uluilo J ople eil tilt flute'. Alilin s
lin.. iiiKlmil.lHillj prun up in the Uui--lituro
whlrh re neither the fiiult uf mic
p.irtj nor the oih'-r but i.ulii-r th
pmutli if nti 111 I't 1 fPfHuuo Inwll
f. 1 1 lull hiiti' he. n nutlinrizeil lis i iitnmit.
ten rmultimr in iinntiM il v eifii Hi
Hi' utiH' It will In mr ire ntnl pin
P ip in e in 1 ert 1 In i .mil in net 1 1 IN In i i
lit .i I hue the power !t will he mv
puipewe whll" 'iirnoi uf IVniinvl,iiiu,
r. It him linn m purpose n the pulilir
pnltlonn thnt 1 luixi I. 'hi with liuil x
Iii-Iii. to illKehiirei' m wliuli ilul. Tim
p. nple nro r. "t. r .iluiti tlu p.iriii to
which they hi'lun. 1 inn nnl I"uIouh r.t
their fnvor. I Hhiill iiiiIv uitniint to win
their upproval and my pt rli n e U.n
t.niKlit me tlint Ihnl enn lieiil he dune by
im Iinnent, modest, il.ilh iIIxIiuihp nl
J.ubllc duty. i i
When tup Hawaiian ami I'liillpplnn
fiiostniiH hnf li'vn pioperlv .ii1vpiI the
Star fiunsleil Piannep can tomnln in
tli dawn's i arly light" moit of tho
Destiny Points the Way.
Thr ultimate elNpnsltlon of the Phil
ippine Island will be the most ilelleule
and ilitilmte of the inuiiv problems
that will nwnit suliition nt the mil uf
tin war. We must soonei oi Inlvr face
tl.e fiut that Itussia and (lei many,
and pel Imps Pi u me. will look wllh
disfavor on our pcrmnnmt oeetipatlon
theie. The Philippines uio In Jnta
posltlou to then recently tiniuiied pus.
sessluns in China, and form the out
posts of that immense nichipelago
which lies twenty degiees north and
south of the Kquntnr fioin the lltteiinl
of Nut thr rn AuMtrnlln to the Yellow
J-ea. These Inland groups Includi the
ncliPBl tioplinl possessions In the
world, while till riilllppine.s an timong
the tmist luMiiUmt of them all
IiesphnbU' and crinl mid itithless as
Spanish rule In tin Philippines' has
i'in. yet it has biought a mensuie uf
civilization and Chi 1st la nit v and a dif
fusion of ptlmniy ediiintlun in the
natives, if they have bem merciless,
ly oppressed, thev havi also learned
tu love and prize libei ty under the
lash of their oppi essoi s They me nut
head hunters nur iiieclniniable sav
ages, like the natives of the Solomon
Islands. New Irelund. New llrltaln, or
even New (uliii'U. They are n heleio
geuenua race, lm nimble, pcthaiis, of
ultluiate consolidation ns ik iintiuiuil
unit, hut certainly amenable to pto
gioHslve civilizing iniluences Although
iicunlnally under the possession of
Spain during tin Inst tlneo centuries,
the Interiors uf sonio of tin larger
Islands of tin uruup have never been
hurvoypc), No exuet knowledge of their
lcsottries Is mailable1, but a cninpain
tivo estimate places them as equal to
those of Cuba.
In deterinluliig our i elation to tho
Philippines all the circumstances of the
islands, iiimineiclal, social, ethno
giaphlcal intl political, have to be
cnrofully studlpil ami adjusted to tin
puljtlral iondlllons nt home. The Con-
siitutlon places nu onilmrgu on polltl
cal experiments such as" Is unknown In
other counltlQs which have becomp ur
vvlsh to beciiim colonizing states. The
Constitution eloes not set n limit to tho
acquisition and ndintnUtintluu of now
territories. It Is tine, but it does place
conditions ns to thelp Incoipuintlim
Into the fellowship and Hit privileges
of the slates of the union.
The deputations or iziigiisli mer
chant)! nnd enpltnllsts who have waited
on Ambassador liny, uiglng lilin to
repiesrnt to Ids Boveininent that the
tetcntlon of these Islands by tho I'nlted
States would not only meet with their
coiK'tliionce, but that Mich a step Is
absolutely jiccessaiy In tho interest of
the Jndustilnl development of the
Islands 1 one of tho stiungest nnd
strangest nrKUtnents that has ever
been advanced by tho citizens of ono
country to those of another to Htlmu
Into u colonizing spirit, equally honor
nblu and equally set viewable to both.
The Investments- by Vngllaluiioii'ln the
Philippines are large; their trado with
the islands Is greater still. It has been
reluido'd In Its natural development
, 1 1 . . 1
owing to tha cupidity and stupidity of
tlio Spanish - nflltluls. ... Under their
.mediaeval policy; It w, as .only by the
xanlflte of perhaps "ipnlf or his IprUI
ninte . pnilllH itluil a merchant roulil
hope to can y on commercial trnnsat'
llons with ilio native". Without lib
eral brlhPH to the, ttillnK rlasses no
Iiiivlncs upetatlons I'ollld have been
pondueted Btirrcssftilly. We need not
telteinti' Imw the Spanish colonial gov
ernment litis plundered and robbed the
natives of their wealth and tho-fofelrfn
nine hunt of hi nnllrluated potnnier
ilnl prolllt. It Is tin old, old story. It
Is Sinlti nil mound mid nil thtotigh. To
roirett thco abuses mid open the ave
nues of trade and deelopinent Is u
duly put upon us by the high detlny
or Providence.
Ap'ait from the tioplml luxuriance
of the Hot j of the rountry, Hi mlneinl
wealth N believed to suipais that of
tiny other Island or ' country of the
Otlent. The gold deposits ure ettlmnled
to In anions the i lohett in the world nnd
probably the immt tieposslble. In other
wordi, the liipentlve of gain no les.
than the mandate of duty N befoit us.
In the face of thest ronsldeiatloni the
letenllon of the Philippine l.slands
tinder the Stars and Stripes at least for
purposes of Indemnlllc.itlon becomes
mi Inevitable romlitslnii. The country
neor riitettaltied the notion for 11
moment after the battle of .Manila to
penult Spain to legaln sovereignty
oei them. It was e(iially plain that the
nntlvis wen not M't capable of form
ing an nutonomous Kovernment under
a dlctntuislilp hi under n plcblsrltiuy
sjitetii. There are. theiefore, only two
nlti tn.Uhes liefoti us, elthei to letaln
piissmsiuii of the Islands or give them
up to ttusla, flermany or Pi j tut.
Hngland It l obvious, does not want
them: but she eeitalnly would not per
mit either of the other powers to take
possession of them without a struggle.
That N plain enough to I'tiRllshinon
themselves, mill it Miould be equally
obvious to us. We have won those
jMis-esloiis by the svvoid; we will le
tnln thitn by t lit rlvllb.lng tuli of
peaco, until such time n tlu-y pan
stand Independent and alone
Hut the Caroline and the T.ndione
islands me still nominally tinder Span
ish ilominiou. If theie was no pont-ld-eiation
of humanity Involved in the
liberation of these islands and there
Is, as si cat nt nil events as that in
I'liha, although not so near us, It would
he a i np'lly In Spain to penult her to
retain tlieni itflei all ele had gune
Willi the Philippines, the Caiolliie, the
T.. illume and Hawaiian Nl.utds In our
possession, we will have bridged the
l'acille nnd laid the foundation of a
vast futtiie giowth: and with the con
stiiKtlon of the Nicaragua canal we
Will III lllg the eastern htntes Into their
just participation in the Indefinite
wealth of out Oi lentnl comiilests, w hlc h
Is opening out to Ainpilcan enterpi No
and adventure a boundless vNlon.
If this be lingoHm. Jingoism so far
fiuin hi lug a teini of repioaih will In
the nuir futuie be ilenioiifctinted to he
.s.vuon.v minis with the greater gloiy of
tin Aineihan people and the fotwaid
nnuoli nl' i IvillKitllon.
The dynamite guns of the Vesuvius
have been tested and found to be In
good condition. The potentiality uf
ships of the Vesuvius pattern should
give foreign governments and foielgn
politicians vvlio speak glibly of our in
ability to maintain our acquisitions
lime fni' lellectlon. We cannot build
a Vesuvius In a day, It is tine; but we
i an lay the Keel of one ten every day
In tin vphi and not feel that we me
working ovei lime.
A Novel City Charter.
The c Ity of San Fianclsco has leccnt
lv adopted u new charter which embod
ies several points uf novelty. One of
these is a piuvision that whenever 1.1
pel cent, of the voters who voted at the
last state oi municipal ik-ctlon shall
join in a petition for the submitting of
any citillnanie to the vot; of the peo
ple, tin oiillnanie must he so sub
mitted loi appiovnl or injection at the
in-st iliction. if a miijiiiitv of the
vuti s cast uiicui such iii.llnauie shall be
In lta favoi It shall become the law of
the city, and the city legislative body
cannot ien"il It, although pioposltious
fm its iep il inav he submitted to the
people bv lb legislative body.
Th" chatter's tieatment of the fran
chise pi unit hi Is lefieshing, Stree-t
inllru.'id fiaiulilses cannot be gt anted
for a longer lime than twenty-llv
ve-nrs, nt the end of which lime th"
Hack and toadbtd me to oe beiome the
absolute piopeitv of the illy without
iinv money tnyment thuefor. The
lionid of supervisors decides whether n
invv fianchlse asked fm by any roipor
fttlon i ughl to be giiinted. If this
quest lull N cltelded In the ntilrintulve,
tin ofdlnunie must ne published and
the trauelils" disposed of at ptiblle auc
tion, nt which tho blddeis agiee to pay
c el tain in re e ntngts of the gloss ie
eeljils to the city. They must pay at
bait :i per cent, for the flist live yenr.
I pfr ce-nt. for the nest ten years, and
fi pet eeiil. tut the last ten years. It
tnkes n Ihree-fouiths vote of the boaid
of supei visors to rnss a franchise or
dlliitiiee, nnd a flve-sKths vote to pass
it ovei tho inn-, ns veto. After hav
Injj been granted, it cannot go lulu
effect for thlity clays If at any time
duilng the thirty days n petition Is pre
sented, signed by 11 per cent, of the
ot"is uf the cllv, asking for tho Mib
mission of the charter to popular vote,
then ngnin tho voters must expics" n
Until opinion.
Imagine u chatter llko that operative
In Scranton!
Piinccton university has honored
Itself In conferring the degico of 1.I..D.
upon Admlial Dewey. Dewey may
know little l.atln and lets Greek, but
these nro not Indispensable on tho
bildge or n battleship. Nevertheless,
the American navy has produced some
notable names la Ilngllsh literature.
There Is Captain Mahnn, to wlwm our
own Haivard has glvun it doc tot's do
greo, stipplemputed by another from
the great English university of Ox
ford. Jtetlted i:nllsli ndnilrals mostly
take to politic s, curiously enough, of
which they know llttlo or nothing;
outs take to the breezy literature of
the sea.t of which they iirtow a good
Professor Goldwln Smith assarts In
effect that when tho United States said
It vvrrit to vvnr with Spain In the Inter
est of humanity It lied, Its real purpose
bring vengeance for the destruction of
the Mnlne. It weio fruitless to argue
with (loldwln while lie Is In such a tem
per. IJut we Fliottttl like veiy murh to
know what lie thinks Knglnnd would
hovp done If In our plate.
The lion. .TtimcH Ualley, of Texas,
has opposed In congress thu hill whlph
provides that the soldier In the servleo
of his country shall not bo dis
franchised. It would not be a. measure
rational, practical uml pntrlntlc It
Windbag Ilalley did not do Ills bout
to blow It out of congiesa. Texas sol
dlcis, remember Ualley!
Seigeant Cupid Is recruiting In this
city wllh the moit satisfactory Je
suits imaginable. In the North Hnd
he did exceedingly well on Wednes
day lip led to the hymenal altar in
that section no less than six young
couples. May the point of his shaft
never grow blunter.
Admiral Sainpon, who li In rom
nnnd of the largest American naval
force ever assemble il, dnuvs the pav of
n captain only, Inasmuch as he Is sim
ply an nrting iear admiral, lint tho
$10,000 prize monty awaiting him on
shorn piobahly balances his financial
ace nint.
It will soon be In poor taste to tell
things "to the marines." At the pres
ent pace down near fiiiantanamo the
marines will be able to tpln un occas
ional yiitn themselves.
The Cuban Instil gents nt Santiago
have been a disappointment as to num
bpis, but they appear to possess the
proper amount of grit nnd knowledge
of bush wnrfaie.
Admit. il Sampson intends to give his
niailne.s a fair chance for battle if he
has to shoot down all the woods In the
vicinity of Ciuantauamo to do It.
These foiolgn finaneleis who expected
to hp the t'nlttd StaU collapse Into
bankruptcy at the first sound of war
win have to continue to guess
A nation which would blow tin a
sleeping ship In time of pence would
not hesitate to mutilate the dead in
time of war.
Wp should not like to have to be
lieve that the War department nt
Washington Is as Inefllcient as It looks.
The Spaniards may not find guerrilla
Inetlps quite so Inviting when Shafter
and T-dily Roosevelt get after them.
We trust that It will not yet become lo .ett.'iili ("Jeneral Aguinaldo
to Hi" A met lean war ilepaitment.
It Is not thought that It will he pos
sible for the yellow pi ess of Kurope to
land Oeiman tumps nt Manila.
The Democratic party tit Washington
is suffpilrig painfull v thefo days from
too much boy leadership.
The season of clambakes will doubt
less deinonsttnie that the brave men
ate not all at the flout.
Honolulu Is wanted to perforin tho
functions cf a national half-way house.
Hunger and the Vesuvius together
ought to make it wann for Santiago,
I.Ike a modern battleship,
found Amiotir veiy useful.
Cadiz squadron has bottled
Consiil Williams
Describes Manila
NDi:it date ot Mtiy 4 Con-ul O. 1"
Williams furmerlv u resident ot
Scjanton, lias written to tho state
ilili.titnient i riport upon the but
tle at Mniill-i of which the led
lowing N the pjit: "At about
i :) a. tu, Stiinl.n, May 1, the Sp.inNh
HUH eiptiie-d lit.', at both the .Manili
breakwater baltny and tit Cavlte, from
Hi el mid forts, with in ignilicuiit cool
ness and outer hut with the greatest
pioniptnes. our licit, in battle nil.iv,
ht'toltd bv tho llagship. auswtii'il t 11,?
Spanish atiail.. nnd foi nhotit two and a
halt hours u most teriillc tire ensued
The method of our opeintlons could not
have shown gi eater system, our guns
greater tffec flveuess oi our olllcers slid
cieiws greater biavir.v, nnd while Span
ish lfslst.iniii was stiiblioni 'tnd tliu
biaverv-of .Spanish fences. Mich as to
challenge admiration, .vet thev weio out
classed, weighed In tile balance of war
ngiliist the methods training, aim nnd
btaveiv shown on our decks, -ind after
less than Hi ice limits' pi't lions ami In
tense combat one of Spain's warships
was sinking two othcis weio miming,
and nil others with land defences, hi I
severely sum. red, when our seiu.ulto.i.
Willi no done Its ships, rttlied foi
"At nbout 10 o'clock a. tu. Conimodoie
Diwev lenewed the battle, nnd with rf
tects most fatal with each evolution No
In tier I'vlditice ot Spanish hraveiv uei-l
lie sought than that, aftei the cnstlsatlon
of our tlr-t Ptigagenietit, her ships and
forts should again answer our fire. Hut
Spanish ctforts weto futile; ship after
ship and batten lifter battel v went to
rii xliiutlon liffote the onslaught of Atnei
lean eticrKV nud training, and an hour
12S Lackawanna Aveune
and a halt of nur second cngHgcment
wrought the annihilation of the Spanish
ilect and foitn, with several hundred
Hpiinlrth klllul ii ml wounded and millions
In value of then government i property
destrojid, while amazing, ulinnst unbe
lievable, its it si cms not a ship or gun
ii f our Meet had hi en disabled, and, ex
cept mi the Riltlmoic, not u 111 nil had
b en hurt One of the new of the Hal
tlinore h nl u leg ri.iitttiid by slipping
nnd another was hurt In the ankle In u
similar til mini, while four irci Ived slUal
flesh wounds from "plltitcrs thiown In a
C-lncli ptojectlle, width pureed the sta -board
Hide of tho cruiser. In the bnltlo
ot M inlla. biy the I'nltid States siiu.iiltoii
of six wuinhip totally di sun;, I'd the
Spanish lht't of eight warships, mtin for's
and batteries nnu nicoinpllsheil this wink
without tho loss of n man. Illstorv bus
only cimtrists. Time Is lio couplet to
fm in n comparison. Tim only llnHh Unlit
between tho inudeltl wtiishiiis of civil
l7Pd HHtlous bus pi oven tin? prowess cf
American nuvtil hint nnd methods, ami
tho glory Is a legacv for tho whole peo
ple. Our crews are all o from cheer
ing, and while we suffer lor cough drops
and throat doctors, we have no uso for
liniment or surgeons
"To every ship nlllcil, and erew all
piaNo be given. As Victoria wis
answered jean ago. 'Your males'v,
there Is no second' so inav I le
port its to our warships cotniuerlng
the SptnlMi iipct in Ui battle of Mi
lilln bi, thrtu Is no first, 'thru Is no
second' The cool hrnviry nnd efficiency
of the coinmodori' win' i hoed hv every
rnptnlti and roiiini itnln, and down
thiiiugli the lines hv every olhcer ntnl
man, mill naval history ot the dawning
cenluiv will be. iliti it It furnishes to the
world so glut Ions n dlplav of lutellicriu
eoinni.ind nnd stteci sfu ueivlce us must
be placed lo the ctnllt of tho t'nlted
States Asiatic fiiujiIihii under elate of
Mnv 1, ls It was mv lot to stum! on tile
blidge of tin llaltttnnro by the side of
Captain Dwvrr dining the tirst enirage
inent, nnd to be ea'lid to the ilngshlp
Ohinplii bv the coumiodoie nt wluMo
side, on the brltlne I stood doting the
second engagement, Mud when the r lends
loll bv and 1 nave nuilii i settle el habita
tion. It will b. mv lion ir and phnsure to
transmit a ripoit showing the scene
somewhat In detail nnd for which com
mjndcis promise diti Meanwhile our
commodore will aflb I.illv inform vott of
events which will rlwd In Anmrktin his
tory tho exploits of P-iul Jones "
Fill TK
Gear-Up Sale
We have just
Spring Dress Patterns left,
all high-grade goods, which
we have determined not to
carry over under any circum
stances. The prices range
from $1.50 to $4.00 per yard
and average about 7 yards to
a Dress Pattern.
Our clearing up price will
On ID Dress Patterns
All $1.50 and $1.75' quality,
per 3'ard
On 12 Dress
That sold from
$24.00 each,
$12. jo to
9C per yard
Or actually about ONE-
THIRD the original cost.
Special Sale on Fine
Parasols during this week
530 and 512
Lewis, Rellly
& DavJeSo
Lewis, Rellly & Bavies,
The Second
Tn 7v TT TTv ff TrT fiTTT
Of Woiiieu's and Children's Stylish Uudcrmuslins begins at the BAZAAR at
o'clock Monday morning, June 2otli, amidst auspices particularly favorable to the pur.
chaser, while improvements in manufacturing methods have added considerably to the
beauty and perfection of the Muslin Underwear prepared fur this great yearly event. The
Gowns like these, 39c.
recent stringency in financial circles, caused by events that will add another brilliant page
to the history of our country, has enabled us to procure for ready cash greater va.lucs in
stylish Underwear than we have ever seen in this or any other city.
Skirts like these,
S .w!t
We cannot in the limited space allotted to this announcement speak of half the
details that the preparations of a merchandise movement so momentous as this must needs
have entailed. Suffice to say that unremitting attention has been paid to the three car
dinal principals upon which the success of this great yearly sale depends assortment
the largest, qualities absolutely dependable and prices the very lowest.
Skirts like these, 9SC.
To begin the sale with proper eclat to score a greg.t victory on the first day of the
trade battle, we quote the following nrices bordering well-nigh on to the phenomenal :
39 ceets9 59 eenite9 98 ceets9
Are the prices that will prevail for your choice of Chemise, Drawers, Gowns aud Skirts,
comprising many styles at each of these prices, aud if you match the garments elsewhere
within gunshot of these prices, we will cheerfully refund you the money. In addition to
these great lots, we enumerate a few side specialties selected aud priced for this great sale
Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers, perfect fitting,
well-made, June Sale Price, 7 cents.
Cambric Corset Covers, V neck, back and
front, embroidery trimmed, Sale Piice, 15c
Cambric Corset Covers, high, low, square
and round neck, lace and embroidery tiimmed,
une Sale Prices, ssc, 20c, ;oc and 40c
Children's Drawers of good, soft-finish cot
ton, with deep hem and three tucks.
June Sale Pi ice, Sc
Children's Drawers, with cluster of tucks
and embroidery ruffle, June Sale Price, 1 sc
This Underwear Sale
cannot be replaced. Whilst
always best.
o n
See Our Show Windows
F00TE & SIEAE C0e?
EOT i nn
Annual Jnn
Gowns like these, 59c,
Drawers like these, 39c.
will continue for ten days only, aud auy lot once sold out
the last that come will get excellent values, first choice is
ffjKKI HI M4-! &
K ,r t i - ' i I'll ."I'S.
!;-- ?) 1 l rrc Jt
lmrmn Jj ' jig
Be liraii of Roses is
lta Met! of Wcflfllags
Tho latofet, swcllcst, mmt conijilctrt
lino of WcdclliiE Hmtlonory.
The niont novel lines of P.itriotls
A full lino of nil tilings which up. to
date etatlonors t-liouW carry.
Rey molds Bros
130 Wyoinlus Aeuu.
Ju'9fw a
vv V
afi 1 vT3S5c 4
' M tnnfirYn r,rdr
Gowns like these, 9SC
like these, $1.98.
Chemise like these, 2jc.
III 1111
Ladies' Draweis of good, soft-finish cotton,
deep hem, cluster of tucks, June Sale Price, 15c
li. '.. Waists for Children do double duty
serving the purpose ot both shit t and waist,
June Sale Price, 2sc
Ladies' Umbiella Skirts, with very rich and
wide embroidered flounce, skirt 4 J J vards wide,
well worth 4. 00, June Sale Price, i.q8
100 dozen beautiful Summer Corsets, made
specially for this great sale lots of stores if they
had or "could get them, would ask 7-, cents for
them, June Sale Price, 33c
121 N. Washington Ave,
Inbiiylnc ft l)rM Itediteaa, b ure tha
foil gel tha best. Our bra BadJtedi r
ill made with eainlei bran tublnj and
frnino work U all ofbleel.
They cost no more (ban raanr bediteadB
made of tbo open 8aralesj tubing:. Evorr
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