TI-JE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1898 DAY'S DOINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON Many Weddings Were Hold During (he Day and Evening. northkr.v hixtiox or Ttin city IS HOLDING ITS OWN IN MAKING hood Tin: imputation or Tin: MONTH OP ROSHS IN T1I15 NUP TIAL i,iNi:-t'NrsuAi. NfMnnn f)r li:itSONS JOINHD IN WEDLOCK lhsskr ni:vs noit.s and phr- fc'ONAL MENTION. At ! o'clock occurred the wedding of MJ"fc Nellie, daughter of Mail-car rlcr mid Mis. J. It. Thomas, of 1010 Wood street, lo Hon ell Gabriel. The ceremony took place In the front par lor of tht bildc's home under a canopy of Old Glory with a background of roses and feitis, and was pet formed by Kev. George H, Guild, of the Provi dence Pteshytoil.'Ui churi h. The bildcsmnid wns Miss Catheilne Gab ilel, plster of the Trunin, and the best nmn was the bride's brother, William (J. Thomas. The wedding mnr'di was played by Mis. W. V. Hxnns and the gloom and his brother, Tallle, entered the parlor fiom the hall, while the bride and her father, pieceded by the btldcsmald and best man, entered from tli back parlor, all meeting under the canopy. After the Msunl congratulations the guests lepalred to the spacious dinlnR looms, whore suppet was served. The bride was the recipient of many beau tiful and useful presents. Mr. and Mis. Gabriel later went to the home of the former's father, who Is seriously III, of tor which they were taken to the Ilnware and Hudson depot and left on the 9.13 train. Among the wedding guests wore. Mts. Hvan H. Gabriel. Providence: Mt. A. D. Thomas, Youngstown. Ohio.; Mls Catheilne Gabilel Miss Lauia Gabilel, Mr. David Gabriel, Mr. Tallle Gabilel. Piovldonce. Mis Geoige l.cu-ley. Carbondale, Mr. nnd Mts. W. " Read and son. Robert, and Miss M Thomas. Olyphnnt: Miss Maud Hoone. Pittston: Misses Mellss. Mai garet. Ma, Sadie and Maud Rootie. nn.l I.auia Cianston. Avr.ca. and Mis. 'aMioiine K. live. Mr and Mis. 1' I) Sloat. Mrs. H. Council, Miss Jane Campbell, Miss Mattle Ellenwood. Mls Hsther Rowlands. Mis Colonel H. W. Pienc. Mis. Mary H. Llsk. Mis. Hvn William!' and datightei, Ploience. Mis. (Sol Morgan. Mrs G. I, Clark. Mi. H II. McKoehan, Mrs John T. Thomas and hon, Hert. Mr F. R. Williams, Miss Helena M. Clark. Miss Sadie Da vles, Mis. A. S. Rowlo.. Mr. and Mrs. W. H Hvnns. Miss Kathcryn Malbuig, Miss Udlth Hendetson. Mis. W. T. Kclsling, Mr. and Mis. I J. A. Re, nobis, Misses Millie and C.nolvne Van Ilm -gen. Miss Susie Flshei. Miss Anna I.uke, Miss Snjder, Miss Inez Klmnici in, m, Miss Grace Saton, Miss Mitle Doisey. Miss Mattle Huntsman, Ml.ss Kate Hill, Mrs. Helwaid Davis. Miss Mflv Pi Ice. Miss Margaiet Prvde Mrs Albert Kelsllng, Mis J. K. Smith, W. G Thomas, Miss Jennie Hello Smith. Mr. and Mis roreman Samuel L L x l. Mi. and Mrs Jeff Shlffer, Mr nnd Mis. A W Jenkins Mis cj F Mil lett Miss Ada L. Van Stonh. Mrs V 3 Suydam. .Mis J T Lewis and son. b wvwvvvw-v lgg--gsSSig$gSgg--:- febe toehotisej High Class Wash Fabric Sale The fine trade in Wash Goods lasts but a few weeks e.ic'i sea son, hence we have detei mined to close out our Exclusive Nov elties and more expensive goods while the rush is at its height. The price sacrifices arc such that ladies who appreciate timely bargains in faultless fabrics will not allow the present opportu nity to pass without taking advantage of if. Swiss Printed Silks Aro not only nn entlrelv new fabric but a really exquisite novelty. They ato as light and aiiy as the finest Eauze, and perfectly even in the weave. No Amoilcan loom ever produced audi dainty won't, and wcto It not that labor costs much less In Switzerland than In thte country thev could not he sold nt anything like the pileo we ask. As n fabric these Swiss printed silks aro vastly superior to orgendles In every point, nnd will provo much moie serviceable. Only 50 pieces, and 2.1 beautiful new designs. The regular price is r.Oc. The Sale Price, 31c We have placed on the bargain tables soo pieces of choice new Wash Fabrics, including the dainty new Persiana Cloth, the popular "Ayles meie'" Suitings and the favorite of all .e.isons. our well known Derigo Cloth. These represent the cream of medium high grade, exclusively summer printed fabrics, and the bargain price (10c) is far below their actual value. U Jaconat Duchess The leadei of muslin quality wash fahilcs -nuireious assortment of patterns lo ilioobe fiom. Actual value 12 l-.'c. The Sale Price, 7c j IL A. Stanley and Mrs. W. J. Fisher and son, Clarence. An unusually largo number of mar Wages were nolcmnlzed In this end yesterday afternoon and evening. Michael J. limine, uf Cayuga street, nnd Miss Margaret Sultry, uf West Mntkct street, were mauled In Holy Rosary chinch by Hew J. J. O'Toolc. Miss H. Saltry was btldesmald nnd Mnrtln Colemnn bent man. A recep tion followed at the home of the bride's parents. After thclt luldal tour, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rmitie will icslde on West Market Htreet. Also In Holy Hosary cliuvch John Loftus and Catheilne Unit were wed ded by the Hew J. J. O'Toolc In the presence of a largo guthotlng nf friends. The couplo will reside In this puit of the city. Miss Marcatet Ann Jones and Daniel Hopkins wore quietly mariled In the evening by Hew Dr. H. S. Jones at the home of the bible on Wiiyno avenue. A ice option followed. Mr. and Mis Hopkins were the recipients of many handsome wedding gifts. John Thomas and Miss Kate Llew ellyn weie united In marriage by Itev W. F. Dals, pastor of the Wayne Avenue Haul 1st church, at his home on IMtid acnuo yoslcnbix ufteinuoi. Mr. and Mis. Thomas ,vlll at once be gin housekeeping In a neatly furnished bullae on Wayne avenue. A simple but piotly wedding was solemnized In the evening at the homo of Mrs. Jane Phillips, of Putnam stieet. Her dnugntcr. Miss Martha Phillip, and Percy Koehler wens wedded. The ceremony was performed by Hew W. F. Davis In the front par lor, which was elaborately decorated. A icceptlon und supper followed. TOLD IX A FEW LINKS. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller weie ton dcitd a surprise party at their home on North Main aenue last evening by a lirge number of young people of the Noith Main avenue Haptlst church. Services over the i cumins of the late John Chappnll were conducted at the femlly losidewo on Hrlck avenue yes terday afternoon. Hew W. F Davles of the Wayne avenue Haptlst church, o(H( latcd and wns assisted by Rev. Dr. Jones The handonie casket was cov ered with a large nierlcan tlag 'ind Mowers. The limer.il was In charge of Colonel Monies post, of which the de ceased was one of the charter membeis. The members of the post accompanied the lemalns to Washburn stieet eeme tery, where Interment was made. A handsom flag was lalsed at the West Ridge colliery Tuesday afternoon The occasion Included speeches of a patriotic character by the ofliclals of the company and some employes of the mine The :lng Is hung on a veiy high pole and may be seen at a great dis tance. Nicholas Wether wss held in $300 ball bv Aldeiman Fldlcr last evening on the chaise of committing an assault and battery upon Adam Yuka. At the con clusion uf the hem lnrr a wariant was Immediately seived on Yuka ihaiging him with hiving committed a similar oflennp on Wether. The alderman held Yuk.i to bail In a like nimiint. James J. Gallnghoi had lib neighbor, Michael Leonaid. ni tested foi making t hi eats. Alderman Fldler heird the case and held Leonaid under $100 jjnH to keep the peace. The Hpweith league of the Pi evi dence Methodist I'plsropil church will conduct a social In the p.ulois of the chinch this evening Th' Chiistlan Hudeivor tliolr wll1 le heai in the Providence Piesbyteiian church this evenlrg. (Imported Organdies The balance of our rruci; admired .17 i.'le line Is now on the baigaln counter. The goods repicsent our own impoitatlon' for tho piosent pcacon, nnd every patern rcprcyenta an exclusive novelty. The Sale Price, 25c Cotton Grenadines Showing new effect3 In a cloth we got 25c when we opened a week or two ago. The assortment is still excellent. The Sale Price, 12Jc Other Wash Goods Not nnircd heie also take on tho new bargain price, which means a great having frcm usual Ostites. Ask the Sale Price "W VX WV VV v WWv s. v Warehouse LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Closing Exercises ot (lis Ml. Pleasant Kindergarten Arc Held. kvhnt in hrhrs' hall was in charcm: of thi: missus fibhhk and u1hhh and was attended ny many persons-school was rOt'NDHD II V WILLIAM T. 8MITH. FfNIlRAL SERVICES OF JOHN MOFFITT IN ST. PAT HICK'S CHtHCII. After a teim of nearly sl mohthn Mt. Pleasant klndergattcn, ir.llcers' hall, North Mnln avenue, was i loscd yo3lordny until thn fall term In Sep tember. The closing exetiiies were eiy enjoyable, and will bo a 'lejgnnt icmcmbrance to the little 'H'dren, who, as members, participated therein. The kludeigaiten was In chaige of the Misses Maud Fisher and Mai g, net Glbbs, both of this side, and the un'.tl woik war ca lied out In the niornlug. At 2 o'clock the ehildien reassembled and enjoyed thenmohos to their hearts' content. Nearh all had their mothers or nn older bister piesent as a guest. Amusements congenial to children were provided, and later cake, be ci earn, candy and lemonade weie served. These refieshmeiits were con ti United by ladles of St. Luke's church, nnd large bouquets of beautiful roses were sent by Mis W. T Smith. Misses Fisher nnd Glbbs were as sisted In serving the little ones by Mis. George Hnllstcad, Mis. Anderson, Mrs. Walter Dickson Mis. Aloore, Mrs. Mof fltt. and the Misses Florence Glbbs nnd Edith Richards. This kindergarten, founded by the late W T. Smith, has, In a sense, be come a mcmoiinl. It was opened and pioldc-d for by him for the purpose of giving insti notion to the little chil dren of the men who weie employed In the Mt. Pleasant mines. However, other little ones nie not prohibited at tendance, and the joiing ladles In chaige have hail an avei.ice ittend aiue of fuily-fle, the ages ranging fiom 3 to 6 years. When the fall term Is bgun mothers- meetings will be held onte -nery month as a result of the Interest shown by the mothers yester day. HAND OP HOPE CELEF.HATIOX. In observing the close of their winter season. Hie Hand of Hope of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist chinch Tuesday evening accomplished a two-fold pur pose It btng the one bundled and twenty-fit st anniersniy of the adop tion of the American tlag. Thl was made the basic sentiment of the eer cisc' which weie held In the lectuie room of the chinch. Rev. Hugh Da vids, pastor, wa chairman, and the Misses Anna Davles and Flora LeI and Edward Williams acted as accom panists. Hunting, Hags and (lowers were used In a pretty -manner for deeoiatlng. A tli 111 in which nearly all the members took pait was the featuie of the even ing. The child! pn did eiedlt to them selves and their Instructor. Mr", George Howell. They sans the chorus ot the "Soldiers' Faiewell,1' Miss Myfanwy Powell being soloist. The Misses Mary and Anna Phillips sang a duet and solos weie rendered by Mioses nnettp Howell, TycKIl Jones, Rachael Lewis an, I Ell7abetb Davles. Winsdnr Thomas plnved two violin solos and recitations weto given by the Mlses da Piytherlch, Naomi Grif fiths Olwcn Jones. Elizabeth Thomas, Jennie Jones, .Myfanwy Caehvgan, Edith Exans nnd Mamie Williams, and Ed ward Rcse. Light refieshments weie (e-red at the conclusion of the exer cises. Thus the children closed a suc cessful season to meet again In Sep tember next. Much credit is due Mrs. Geoige Howell, under whose charge thev ha e bei n. RED, WniTE AND HLUE SOCIAL. Electric City Camp, No. S!, Patriotic Oidr of Tiue Americans, at the close of a n-guhu meeting at Rulnum's- hall, Ti'esday evening, conducted a "led, white and blue" social, which was well attenJcd. Membeis ttoin Camps .'os. 01 and 101 weie present as gvests. Mis. H'lndolph Jones presided and James McNulty wan accompanist. Solos were given by Miss Ethel Hlddleman. William Moigm and Caleb Evnn3 and a piano solo by Miss Etta Dunkerly. A side-splitting number on tho program was u cake ,valk, particli atcd In by all present, end the honois were axvaided to Miss Maigaret Watklns and Daniel Ah oul Robert Eldicd made a patriotic ad dress and Miss May Hlddleman icclted. Tho Village Hell einnttett' sing sev cial selcetlcns. 3Ie1u lefrcshn.ents xer served. FUNERAL OK JOHN MOFUITT. The funeral of the late John Motntt was hold yesterday morning from the residence. Tl'J Kjnon street. The re mains weie borne to St. Patrick's church, where a high mass of icqulem was celebrated by Hex. D. A. Dunne. Many fi lends were in attendance. At the conclusion of the service, the re mains were borne to tho Calhedial cemetcr., whete inteiment was made. PERSONAL MHNTIOX. Rev. J. H. Sweet, of North Hyde Park avenue, xvns In Ashley Tuesday. Mis. Tiank Harrison, of Hackensack, ?7. J., has letuiued homo after n visit with Mis. Clarence Shryer, of North Main avenue. Mrs. R. Andiovvs. of AYnshburn street. Is vlbltinc her boh at Woi cos ter, Mass. Kvnn W. Williams, a student nt Ma rietta Theological seminary. Is homo to spend his vacation. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Monnlger, nt Noith Gat field avenue, were made hap py iccently by tho presence of a little Elrl. Miss Cathei Ine Lonergan, of L'lmlra, N. Y., Is visiting ft lends heie. Philip Lonergan, of Oswego, N. Y has returned homo from a vlll with his bi other. Hlcliard Lonetgan, of Kalr vlevv avenue. John Kelly, of Carbondale, Is the sucst of f i lends heie. MINOR NEWS NOTHS. Thoo who propose taking part In the vocal contest nt the Cambrian Choral I'nlon concert at Meats' hall. June 29, must not foiget that their names must 1)0 Hied with Secietai Morgan Dan iels nt 129 fcouth Main avenue, before Wednesday, Juno .'2. Many have al leurty done so. The pleco for contest Is "Blessed Oxvalla," the most recent com position ot J. H. Powell, of Wfashburn street. Tho prize is J10. A regular meeting of the Hlectrlc City wheelmen was held Tuesday evonlng nt tho i lilb house on Jackson street. It A was acteed to have un nrnlvcisaiy so- clnt June SO. neceptlon, house nnd so clul committees were appointed by Piesldent Mcnrs. Repot ts were read by the oII'cpir. Thos" present were then entertained with stories of Camp Alger by Hlrluud Thomes, Company A. nnd a men her of the club. He Is heie on a furlough. Tht' ladles of the Tuesday afternoon club were entertained Tuesday after noon bv Mips r.lljabeth Heermnns nt her lioino on Scrnnton street. Lunch eon was nerved nt f o'clock by the host ess to her nuests little tlbles being placed on the spacious itwti of the resi dence. This Is the club's lasl session until full and an exceedingly pleasant time wns spent by the many present A InrRe party of West Scranton young people enjoyed a trip to Pitts ton last evening. They werp enter tained by friends there nnd tctuincd at midnight. DUNMOHE. John Qllmbrlln, of Groo street, and Miss Annie Golden, of Walnut stieet, were mariled nt 'J..'0 o'cl-ck In St, Mary s church jestenlny afternoon. Miss Jane Golden, n coiidn of the bride? was brld"s. tnuld, nnd John Dolun, of Atom, glooms, man. Hew M. I). Doiilan otllelated. At the home ot the bildi's patents in the "Veiling a lereptlou was held The wi el ding gifts wore i.imioioiis and beautiful. The young people left on a late train for nn extended wedding tour. All undents who have giaduated from the high srhool since ivj ale icpiested to meet hi No. 1 building Jt ".39 o'clock this pi enltig. The funeral ot the late llirry Trugenr oce urred at the Methodist Episcopal churih vesterdaj alternoon The Son of St. Geoige. Impioxcd Order of Red Men, Knights of the Golden Eagle and the In dependent nnd Neptune. Hut- companies, of which doreaed was a mamher. attend ed In a tiody. The spilce were In charge of the Red Men After the sen Ices Rev. A. J. Van Cleft nnde a brief address. The fliiwei lieaiets were Charles Klrder and William l!nic: the pall-bearcrs, Fiank Van lloin Emoiy Hlack, John Keast. Wllllnm Wfbber. John llallon end Haiker Wllnei. latprment wns made In the Dunmore cemeteiv. Frederick, tho t-meiiths-old son of Mi. nnd Mrs. Gustaxe Hoelteher. of Fnlon stieet, Petersburg, died eail ypstcnlav morning. The funci.il will be held at the house this afternoon at 2 o clock. Inter ment will be tmtle In the Petersburg cemetery. Arthur TnotP. of Rreok stieet, who was Injured In Spencer mine oonie time ngi. Is convalescent. Matthew l'osier, of Riook street, who has been visiting In Citbnndnlc for the past week, has returned home. Harry riyiin, of Chestnut street, who xxms nccldentnlly shot ov his younger brother Satuidnx, June 4. Is convalescent. Marcus V. Counolh. of Dunmoip. bv calling nt the. .-itlbc of The Tribune on Washington incline can icrover a hafh of papeis vnluable lo him. found nt I.a'Ce Ariel yesterday b n Tribune repoiter. SATURDAY'S V. M. C. A. GAMES. Cntrlei Includo tinny of the City's Woll-Kuovrn Alhlolc". One of the star features of the Young Men's Christian association games on Satuiday will be the tiick tiding of Percy R. Trutchey. Frutchey has just returned from a three weeks' tilp through the east and the newspapeis speak veiy highly of his work on the wheel. Resides his fancy and trick riding, he will ride a quarter-mile backxvards against n competitor who will ilde a half mile forwnrd The Y M. C. A. have a beautiful gold medal for the winner of this event. Wllkes-Harie will be icpresented In the games by Kaiser, Lee, Weiss, Payne, Hertel and Jenkins, Carbondale by Newcomb, Hockenberry, Yai ring ton, Gates, Moonle and Purcell; Pitts ton by Dodge and Smith; School of the Lackawanna by TIerney, Olcndlek. Tarbox, Hrvan, James, Mott and Stokes; the Young Men's Chilstian as sociation by Orr, Glbbs, Qiilnnan, Amersteet, Colvln, Ilolxvell and Man ness; Scranton High school by Pear son, Hose, Coar and Murphy. Among tho unattached competitors will be Floyd B. Hand, of Scianlon, and For est Fraser, of Milton. AMATEUR BALL NOTES. During the game between St. Thomas college and tho Young Men's Christian association at Athletic park .cstcrdn af ternoon a dispute arose when the score was a tic at 10 to 10 and the came was awarded to the St. Thomas teitn In the eighth inning. Score: Y. M. C. A.1I, Blandln, :i .1 Owens, lb 5 White. Sb 4 Xolan, If 3 Cleary, ss 2 Gaughau, rf 4 Gllleran, c 2 Recsp, cf 2 Hrooks. cf. 1' Mulderlg. p 2 Steele, p 2 A. R. II. 1 4 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 O. 10 3 1 3 0 4 0 1 0 0 A. 5 0 4 0 o 0 1 0 0 0 Totuls 33 ST. THOMAS' 10 is : COLLEGE. A.B. R ,. 5 1 ,. I 2 ,. r, t 11. O. E. I Hurke, If Pa, ton, cf. ... dimming, cf. Coleman, ss. .. Weir. 2I Klrkwood, rf. Hayes, 2b Tlghe, Hi Grlflin, p 1 1 4 Totals 37 10 H 21 10 4 Y. M C A 5 0 10 12 1 fit. Thomas' College.... 1 0 3 C 0 0 0 1 Hamed nms Y. 51. C. A.. 3. St Thom as' College, 2. Two base hits Owens, While. 2, Payton, Colemnn 2. Three bases hits Hurke, Owens, Stolen bases Gll leran, 3; White, C.eary. Mulder!,. Weir. Ilajes, 3. Left on bases Y. M C A 7. St. Thomas' College. 4 Stiuck out By Mulderlg. 2; by Steele, 1. by Gilflln, 4. Double plays -Weir, unassisted rirst on eriors Y. M. C. A, 1; St Thoma,.' Col lege. 3 l-'hst on balls-Oft Mulderlg 3; olf Steele. 1. off Grinin, 5 lilt hx pit. In r -Weir. White. Wild pltches-Muldcrlg 2. Pascd balls Olllci nn. t'mp'res Me Gulness and Lally. Time Two hours. Tho Sllderes wll! play tho Noith laid Stais on the Moses Talor (-lounds this afternoon. The Hattiern challenge tho Willow Stieet Stais tor Saturday. June ), at 10 o'clock a. in. Please ansxxer In 'ihe Tribune. Hoy Vorls, cjptuin; Ha Cot llns mniager. The Rattleis would like to know if tho South Side Slldeis Intend to play them ir not. No. 'M scrnol base ball team iieeein tho challenge of tho Keystone l.a-e lull team for Satuiday morning at lO.ttO o'clock, if not over 10 jcois of age. L. Hpsteln, cap. tain. The Tajlor Reds will glvo tho Wall'i Wahs, of Providence, their etiun game this afternoon on the Providence ground. Manager pltuso meet u nt the stieet car at 4 o'clock to direct us to tho giound. Gomer H. Davis, muuagei. Tho Taj lor HeiN ihallenge the Suiuets. ot the South Side, for u game on tho Tulor gioiiuds for Saturday afteinooii, June 18. Pleaso let us knnxx In Kildav's Tribune If tattlsfactoty. Gomer H. Davis, ma linger. The Sliders will play the Park Hill Stars tod ty on tho Sliders' grounds at 2 o'clock K. A. Tiopp, captain. Tho following plat ers xv III report on jui grounds nt 2 SO o'clock for practice: Coslletl, O'Mnll'v. Costello, K. Schroeder O'Rcllley. tieatt, Murphy, C. Schtoeder, Mauley, Ualluelicr, Thomas, HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Many Attend Neptune Company's excur sion lo Lake Ariel. LARGE CROWD THOROUGHLY EN. JOYED THE DAY'S OUTING WHICH INCLUDED A HASH HALL GAME AND OTHER SPOUTS - WEDDING OF MISS LOUISA STEINDEL AND ABRAHAM WHICH EL, JR., AT THE GROOM'S HOME, ON CEDAR AVE-NUK-CHILDIIEX OF THE WORK MEN'S EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY ENTERTAIN THEIR FRIENDS. Many persons ftom thin section yes terday attended the early uutlng of the Neptune Engine company, No. 2. at Lake Ailel. Tho event can er.slly be lecorded as thn greatest yet con elucted by this pioneer company, which for t cut, -four years has been giving annual exclusions ov picnics. Fully one thousand people were on the grounds nfter the afternoon ttalu reached the lake. The opening fctituie of the il '( festivities vas n imse ball came b txxcen ciack teams of the Century and Neptune companies, which resulted In favor of the latter, the scoio being 9 10. For the Centuiy's, Chief Hlckev maile several billllant plays, also Andy Conway, Hilly Smith, "Kid" Wirth and Philip Wirth, of the same team Steinglln--1 und Finnts weie the bat tery for the Ni'ptiine boys. Hilly Smith and Chris N!ier, weie the balleiy for the Century team. During the afternoon the game? and contests, as noted In a recent Issue of The Tilbune, were conducted. Joseph Woelkers, the ediclent secretary of the committee, had chaige of the sports, nnd they proved n -ource of much en joyment Germanla band, with Mr. Madden, the drummer of Hatter's band, furnish ed the dance music. The eommlttPe In charge were: August Schlmpff. chairman and tioasurr; Jo seph Woelkers, secretaiy; Henry Ktefer and Joseph G Hoar. County Commissioner John Demuth was on" of the notables Die-oiU City Assessor Christian Fli kus was another public oillcial about the paik. CHILDREN CONDUCTED IT. The Sunday sediool chllufn pf tne Woikmen's Piogiesslxe Educatiopal socletv hnd theli titst st'.ixx berrv fes. tlvnl lnt evening in tluii larg- hall at the eotner of Alder stiet and Pros, pect avenue. It was a success nnd the The advertising is honest and so are the goods. Brains, taste, experience and knowl edge of the season's needs, brought to gether a large and varied stock for the Spring and Summer trade. We have sold more good suits this sea son than ever before; left us with a few small lots. It will pay you to borrow money, if neces ;ary, and get at these prices : Our Windows Will Bear Out the Truth of 1 These Statements X3KGllX3?f2rjtiZ&ilKMiea Men's Summer Crash Suits. New styles, new goods and lower prices than ever. We have just received a large assortment from that 4 'world-famous maker, Alfred Benjamin," cut and made in the most stylish manner. These prices are qj (&e &K as low as possible for this kind, v ' V' and u' SZHSffiHaEEsas Leading BV-ivBB II ' U,-t m d yM W9 It cuts the grcaic, and a good rinsing will leave the dishes delightfully clean. Ssfx THE N. K. FAIRDANK COMPANY, Chicago, Pt, I.a-ils .Vew Yor. Ileiton. L -t "-.vs1; - P'i!1,lnlnhl. s--r.-i.fx. chlldieti. ns well us t'lelr patents, spent n veiy ploarant oven'og. While the straw ben les, Ice crceni, cn'te", lemonide and milk were being o . sinned there was nn accompaniment of several popubtr pieces plaved on the Grand piano by Miss Loltlt Minds. The following pioginmni''' was lend ered bj the ehl'.elron In n leinni knbly able manner- Rc"'ltatU:i, IIIs-s Llllle Lufs, song, Mls.i Gertie Frniir piano solo, Miss Lottie Munds; stlthpr olo, Miss Joephlne Ross; song, Miss Emma Mnxlon: lecltntlon, Miss Llllle Lufs song. Miss Gertie Franz. A beautiful Cuban Hag was piesented to the sediool and wns waved befoi the iiidlence. The entire entertainment was conduct ed bv the children. They picpaied the benles and waited on the guests. The teacheis, Chailes Ilua. M. Schaads and A. Lowenfeld. ineiel, pionipted them, so the success is a gieat eiedlt to those fuime citizens. STEINDEL-WEICHKL WEDDING. Miss Louisa Stelndel, of Cedar ave nue, was yesterday united in inarilagc to Abiahnm Welchel. Jr., of Cedar ave nue, at the resldenee of the groom's patents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A Web hel, si., of 60J Cedar uveniie. The c eremony wns performed In the prettllv dee or ated parlor In the piesence of a host of fi lends. Rev. W. A. Nordt. pastor of the German Prosbytoilnn rliuri h. ofliclated. The bride was attlied In a beautiful gown eif lansdownc with peal I trimmings, nnd was accompanied by Misses. Ida Prim and Eminu Miller, as bildesmalds. Miss Pilm wore giern serge ami Miss Miller lnnsdowiii Eai h lady can led bridal iosps Otto Robinson nnd M Roll weie gtooins men. A sumptuous post-nuptial ie past wn.e served Ml and Mis Welch"l are well known. Mr. Welchel Is cm- Lot No, 1 $10 and Lot No, 2 $12 and Lot No. 3 $15 and Lot No, 4 $18 and i'-ijawic-Kissrs rzxwA.?jJmnetjLiii7w -ixPMKmiMam wyHsnmjzzxjmssKzmarriH&tnEii Navy Serges. They have the wide lapel and wide front that all good dressers approve of. The man who spends any time in the country or goes without a vest in the city at this time of the year can appear well dressed in one of these Blue Serge Suits. They are made expressly for us. That means they are well made $10. $12 and $15. Samter Clothiers, Hatters, WIZk, for dishes that can be thrown away nfter every meal, to avoid the tiresome task of dish-wash-Ing, cannot be granted. Would Mte have the next best thing? Let her wash the dishes so easily it's almost a pleasure with Washing; Powder. ploy eel nt the Lackawanna Store com pany V South Sci anion store They will le-ddc for the present with his parents. GREEN RIDGE. The Ladles' Aid soilety of the Tros bvterlnu church will hold a lose festival to the chun.li inrlois Tuesday cxenln,;, June Jl. M A. Goodwin, ot Rutherford. N. J , Is spending r few days with friends heie. Mis. (' S. Fowler, ot Noi York street, has returned from Hspoj. Pa. Nominations of odltcrs lor Camp No. 23, Pitrlotlc Order Sens of America, wero miuln Inst cx.nlng. Tho following wero nominated: PresiiUut, E. S. Hinkcr; vlco president. It D. llrls: master of forms, F. 11. Thompson; conductor, G. W. Rey nolds; InFpeetois. W. J. Lanyon nnd W. Getts, ntitrr glial d, It.L. Huidlek. Geo. T. HiiEilen, J. II Sewnid; trustee, II. L. Hill dick Mr nnd Mrs David Cobb, of Marlon street, hne leturned from Karvlew. Mr. and Mr- Rcrt Coaklcy returned home from Lnckaxvnxeu. Arthur Rldgexvny. of Pcnn avenue, who has been spend!.. 5 somo time at Camp Alger, has leturned home, John Cnpwcll, of Yv"omirg avenue, has returned home fiom Kinsley. P.. S. Lewis, ot Mnrlon street. Is spend ing n fw davs In Fhllndcphla Nonlmatlon of oflleeis for Colonel Mon ies council. No. il.-, I O U. M . will ho held nt Lucu - lull tills evening. All mcmhe-3 are requested to he present. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i Some $12 Suits, $ 8.00 Some $15 Suits, $10.00 Some $18 Suits, $12.00 Some $20 Suits, $15.00 WCTinflPowkl 0&&K7&C&42, r 'l 'Alt Vv i V l J 1 l mi t I!ttA&E3ZXSHHfi Bros. Furnishers.