a THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY, .TUNE 13, 1898 WARM DAY IN CAMP Guard Mount Was the Only Military Work Performed. RELIGIOUS SERVICES HELD Major-General Graham Visits the Thirteenth's Officers. CHAPLAIN bTAHL PRl'ACHKD AT tjii: TitiuTtii'N'ni bi:nvict:s in . M.C.A. TUNT-CATHOL1C Ml'MIiLRS Or THE lU'CHMUXT ATTHNDUD A MC.MORIAL til'IlVld H12LD IN Til): rot-'imi Missouri m iu:. path. vk shhrman-hon. william con nkll convi:vj:i) a im.hasant an. nounctmknt to act.w, 1srkia dil'r glwkral col'rsl'x. special fto.ir a Staff Col respondent. Camp Alger, n . Juno 1.'. Sunday passed in absolute quirt for the- Thli ttrnlh. Ouaid inutint was the only uillltaiy wotk done. At tli.u Cumin Smith, of Company 11. became olflrer of the day, nnrt Lieutenant Koot, of Company 1), conininndei of the guard I'thuto Tied Cromutnn, of Compare 12, was the oiderly. The tluj was ul tiy and oppressively hot. For two ilayn. the ltgimcnt hospltul phy Ficians hao ticatcd n nunilier of tri vial cases nr!.lns fiom heat and from stomach tumbles, Chaplain Stahl preached at the Thir teenths sei vice In the Young Men 8 Chiistlan aflotiatlon tent at 10 o'cIock His text wa: "Whatsoever He say cth unto jou, do It." The Catholic bujs attended u mcmoilal service held In the Fourth MIspouil tamp by Father Sherman lor 1 Private tt. Klnlej, who was buried at Savannah Mo., ycster day. Father Shotmun pi cached a ser mon and the seivlce closed by every ono with uncoveied heads singing "Ameilca." Acting Rrlgadler CJeneial Couiven this afternoon lecelved a letter fiom Hon. "William Council stating that the follow Ing ai ticks of food will be sent to the leglmeut In the morning. For the companies Six bundled pounds of ham, two hundred and fifty pounds of cheese, one bundled cans tomatoes, one bundled cans suing beans, one bundled cans corn, one bundled cans sauerkraut. For the oflleers mess One hundred bunches onions, one bundled bunches radishes, ono ciato fiesh tomatoes, one box lemons, four dozen heads lettuce. At C o'clock In the afternoon Major OcnernI Graham and his M.iif made a pleasant call on Acting Rrlgadler Gen eral Coursen and Lieutenant Colonel Mattes. Their visit was puiely of a social nature. Senator Boies Pentose was alto a caller at the Tbliteenth headquarteis. Private Walter Colvin. of Company A, was today transferred to Battel y C, fctntioned at Port Mjer. The battery Is under ouleis to go to the Philippines. CAAURA'S SQUADRON. Itocrulling for the 1'loet Is Actively 'Joins On. London, Juno 17 The Madrid corres pondent of the Dally Mail, telegraph ing Sunday, sajs. "An extiemelj bad impression is current tonight as to the outcome of events, Business men ate inclined to the belief that the wai will be short, probably onlj lasting (mother month. Milltaiy men hold the oppo site view, consldeilng that Spain can put much l chance on the elements "At the cabinet council today Duke Almedovar de Rio, the foieign minis ter, made report mi to bis eonfeieiice with the nmbossadois of the powers. It is undet stood that nothing definite has been ni rived at. Captain Aunon, minister of marine, telegiaphed fiom Cadjz that the icciulttng for Admit al Camara's squadron Is being acceler ated. "While the landing In Cuba Is ofll clally denied, tho authorities say that even If It were ttue It would be unlm poitant, as tho Spanish aimy would give a cood account of itself It Is believed that tho question of food sup plies, so far ub tho peninsula Is con cerned, Is settled at least jntll Octo ber." GUNBOATS LEAVE LEAGUE ISLAND. Tho Pooriu nnd Dorothea Depart Under denied Orders. Philadelphia, June 12 The gunboats Peoria ancl Dorothea left League Island navy yaid today under sealed ciders. Tho opinion I that both essels niv hound for Cuban vvateis and aie to join Sampsun't fleet. Both of tlnto boats were built and fitted In this city. Tho Peoria was founoiiy the pilot boat Philadelphia. Shu Is now com manded by Lieutenant Itan and a crew of 45 men. She carries n bat tery of three puundeis. The Dorothea was formcily tho yacht of that name, nnd Its ubout tho same tlzc as tho Vixen, now with Sampson's fleet. She Is commanded by Lieutenant Comman der Harnttt and can Its u crew of 03 ment. The gunboat Princeton will piobably leave tho ruvy yatd this weik and the FJsh Hawk a week later. FEAST OP ROSES. Beautiful Pcmival in Momory of Baron Hnury M llllnm Hllegol. Lancaster. Pa., June 12. The annual "Feast of Itoses" was commemorated In Zlon'u Luthetan church, Manhelm, today. This consisted of tho foi null picstntntloit of a red rose to the oldest living descendant of Baron Henty Wil liam Btltgel, founder of the town, who, W prior to the Revolutionary war, pre sented to the Germun Ltithctans of tho town the plot ot.gtound on which .Ion's church st'inds. ' The tondltlon of tho deed was tho payment of five shillings and "on annual rental of one red lose whenever tho same rhoulrt be lawfutly tlcimmlcil In Juno. Tho "Feast of Hoses" grow out of this piovlslon sev cial jears ago, and each ycur minks In ci easing Interest In tho unique festival. Mis. Kllssaueth M. Luther, of Potts vllle, Pa., the oldest living descendant of Baron Stlegcl, was the loclplcnt of tho roo at tho hnnds of Hew S. O. Helfelbovvci, pastor of the (.hutch. Tho acceptance was made by J. Hay Brown, esq , of this city. There vv ero also addiesses by Hon. W. U. Hen.el, and Rev. Dr. J. II. Dubbs. a specially composed antlum by Pinf. Hibnn It. Hcrsher, of New Yolk, and n poem written for the occnslun by Prof, (.' K. Hlnkley. The church was elaborately decoiated with loses nnd the attend ance numbered several thousand, who tame by nitrate convcyanti nnd by lalltoad tialns from points far and near. CAPTUftE OF SAN JUAN URGED lis Occupation, Under Cover of the (Suns ol tho Fleet, Mould End the War in Pcrto Itlco. Key West, Juno 3 C D. AJovcdo, wliu was twelve jenis a uslclcnt of San Juan, Poito Itlco, lis ihmoughly in lavor of the Untied Slates taking pos session of Poi to Hlco nt once. He said to a icpiesontatlic of the Asso ciated Pres todu . "A United States expedition can land whole It jilcnses In I'm to Hlco, except in the neighborhood of San Juan Tim bc-a hat bur In Poito Hlio Is Guanlca, west of Pniue and south of San Juan, fiom which place it is distant eighteen hours by cut i Inge Tin loads between Guanlca and San Juan, as, Indeed, evervvvhete In Porto Hlco, aie excellent, and tioops with supplies could be moved about the Island lc-ad-11, but I would not advise exposing men to the tropical etui on long Hunches, though Poito Itlco Is the healthiest counltv In the wot Id The lainy season does not begin until Au gust, and Is of short duiatiou Yellow fevei Is almost unknown, but our men aie not used to tbe hot weather, and would wilt undo! it "San Juan Is where the tioops should be landed The AmciUan fleet should llnWh tbe vvoik that Admiral Sampson began last month, and batter down Mono and Foil San Carle The foits aie not at all Impregnable. We can desttov them at some expense, but, judging from the pievlous bombard nient, without lns of life Then tho tioops can be landed to defeat the Spanish soldleis and take possession of the city The occupation of San Juan would end the war In Porto Hlco, fur the Spanlaidn could not make a stand ntiwheie cl-e. "I do not under estimate the strength of the forts. New batteries have been construe ted: lu-w and modem suns mounted, and the foice of eight thous and Spanish regular soldiers has 'ieen doubled The three thousand volun teers aie valueless. There aie gairl ons et Ponce, Mivnguei and other townr, but the great mass of troops is at San Juan. "After the Meet has sllenrcd the forts the haibor may bo counter mined and cleared of obstructions transports ta ken In nnd tieops landed. As the In habitants of Porto Hlco are thoioughly dlsi'fiecfHl, Ameilcan troops would not be requliMl tr subdue the i ountrv the people geneially would welcome our soldleis Porto Rico has not been lav aged bv war Horses, cattle and all food supplies are abundant, and, al though Ihere Is no lailioad svstem the (list-class can lege roads icne'er com munication with all parts of the island easy. It would be a pity to destioy San Juan, which Is a line town, with nkelv paved streets, wider than those of old Havana. '"teps weie recently taken to biir.g in good water by an aqueduct rvstem "Our .wldleu could obtain good water In all paits of the island, and tneio Is no swamp land, as In Cuba. The cheap en, quickest and most humane way of conquering Porto Hlco Is by the use of the big guns of our licet. A land slegp of Sen Juan would be slow and expen sive, both In the matter of men and mono." CASH COMES OUR WAY farmers ol tho United States Are Drawing Largely Upon Other Parts ol llio Horld for .'Honci. Washington. D. C , June li. The farmers, of the United States are di aw ing upon other parts ot the woild fnr more mone In the tlstal yeai which ends this month than any preceding j ear In the history of the countrj.. From the hltrh water muik In IVjJ when our exports of agrlcultmul pio- ducts amounted to ITS'i.S.'S..;..' will be surpassed by the lecord of the jear which i loses thU month. The pie llmlnary lepoits of May exportation which have reached the buicaii of statistics make It quite apparent lint tho agilcultural exports of the ye.u will be eonsldeiably In excess of Ssjij, 000,000 the total for the cnr being likely to leach 5835,000,000. Never be feno have the exports of agncuRui ll pioducts leached the SSOO.OOO.OOO line and never but twice have they been as much iti $700,000,000, tho two occasions In wlih h they passed the $700,00n.000 line being In 1SS1 nnd ISO.'. Compaiod with last fiscal car the Increase In exports of agilcultural pioducts will be fully J150.000.000 and compaied with the preceding ear, the Increase wld be over $250,000,000 while the total -will be fully 50 pei cent. In excess of that of the fiscal ear of lST. In bicadstuffs alone tho exports of the year will amount to ntaily $1,000, 000 foi each business day and will be moie than $100,000,000 In excess of last yeai's cxpoits of breadstuffs. Neaily nil aitlelen classed as Ineadstuffs have participated In this Inciease. Of wheat, tho value of the e.xpoits for the fiscal year 1R3S will be moie than double those of the fiscal year 1897; while thu increase in flour will be ueaily 50 per cent, and of com neatly 50 par cent, in vulue. Commencement lit Cornell. Hliuta, N. Y., Juno 1.' The thirtieth unnuil comini'iicement oxiteises ut or ncll iiniveiulu opened today by Rt Rev. Hcniy C. Potter, ot the dluccso of Now York, who cMhered t'ie biue.ilaurcutt) sermon. Armor lull, the Irirgest audit oilum on the cunipus was tilled to ovei flowing with students mid visitors. DUhop Potter cht.to as his thumc, "D. votlun to Homo and Famll," and deliv ered a master)' poimon. HUNTINGTON'S MEN AT GUANTANAMO Tbe Hatlallon ol Marines- Landed Friday Last. oa officios op Tin: marhli'iihad AltlJ I'NAllLU TO FIND MINUS AT Till KNTUANCH OF Till HARIiOR. LIUUT. ANDREWS VIHWS THH MASONUV OP THH POHTS-OUAni)-INU AGAINST DISKASI. (Copj right, 1SJS, by the Associated Press.) On board tho Associated Press dls puteh boat Dauntless, off Guautannmo bay, Satuida, noon, by the Associated Pi ess dispatch boat Wanda, via Klngst ton, Jamaica, Juno 12, (1 30 p in.) In controlling the outer haibor of Guan tanamo where Lieutenant Colonel Huntington's battalion of maiincs landed on Fildav, Admiral Sampson secures possession of the Cuban tei mlnus of the Fiench cable to ltnjtl. Tho appaiatus in the otllco at the har bor mouth wa wicckcd by a shell but the cable steamer Adila has In stiumeiits and operators aboard and direct communication with Washing ton will soon bo establish! d The dis tance overland to Santiago, around the iiaj, Is about fio miles, and the roads have been lendeicd Impassable by the Cubans under Pedro Perez The flint division of the Cuban nimy claims to have 4,000 men, but these figures nie probably ovei-cotlmaled. The Cubans believe that there arn about 3,500 sol ellci.i In the vicinity of Calmaneia, which lies at the cnttame to tho Inner harbor. GuantaiiHtno city Is Inland about llftecn miles The two haibors aie connected by a narrow channel, with a dumb bell effect. It Is the outer haibor which Admiral Sampson now holds with the Marblebead, the Yoemlte nnd the Vixen nnd with a battalion of mar lues on the crest of a blunt topped eminence commanding tbe entrance on the eastern side. In the' inner harbor are two small Span ish gunboats nnd at Calmaneia there is a battery An expedition of tlnee .steam launches, oflleered lj Lieutenant Noi man and Knslgn FustK son of James D FustK former United State am bassador to Fiance, and Cadet C. Van Oiden, under tbe general command of Lieutenant Colonel Andeison, of tbe ciuler Marblebead, last night diagged for mines, but found none Lieutenant Andeison who distinguished himself at Clenfuegos, pulled a dingy with flf t ni ds ot the foit without being illt-coveifd. He found the tort to con sist of masoni.v, with three guns mounted seawnnl. Judging fiom the panic In which the Spaniard tied fiom the village at Fisherman's point they will seatter nt the first nppioach TUey left at Fish erman's Point tin eo antiquated bow itseis, seveinl cases of ammunition, shell, and canister, some Mauser rllles and a leglmental Hag of the Infantoila del Principe, No. ?,. GUARDING AGAINST DISKASU. Hvery precaution has been taken to guard the nren fiom disease. All tho huts In tbe localitj have been razed, laige casks of Spanish wine have been smashed two wells have been boarded up and all the di inking water used Is supplied from tbe licet The marines aie well equipped for the campaign. The camp will piohahlj, be named Cunt McCalla, aftei the commander of tbe Marbleheael. vv ho Is Indefatiga ble and has not removed his clothing since the bombardment. W0RKINQ WITH ENTHUSIASM. .Hiss Long nnd Associate elconio Additions to I'orcc ot Nurses. New Yoik, June 12. Mlt-s Helen Long, daughter of the secretins of the navy, and her tlnee compariir.s, 5Ilss Mabel Austin, Miss Mabel Relel'iind Miss Duiothy Slmls, of Biool-lyn, have settled Into then places at the Navul hospital. Flushing avenue, Brooklyn, and Medical Director Gcoige V. Woodri, chief of the hosjiltnl stalf, Is delighted with the acquisition H the oung women muses. His fielinji is shavd by the other members of tho staff and the patients, of whom there are n-aily one bundled nnd f.lty In the hospital at present, this being the laigc.U nuinbei on the books at one time foi many cats. This large num ber of patients has made the work of the tegular statt extremely heavy, but the joung w onion have entered Into the spirit ot their duties with euthslausm, and, while they have not jet been aslgned to night dut, .u prepared for It when It may become necessar.. They have theii regular hours of duty, a eei tain number of patients Is In the caie of each, and. with the ex ception noted, their vvoik does not illflct, to this the have been placed In chaigc of n small labiatoiy, whcie they perfoim bacteriological and pa thological exrcrlments for the meell tal staff .Miss Long, In conversation with a reporter vesteiunyt expressed heisi'lt as not consldeilng "that she h.ul made any unusual sacilllre In giving her time nnd labor to the lellef of the sick nnd wounded, and said that she and hei companions would remain mi elufy as long as the weie needed, although they expected thai the war would be over by next tall so that they could re.iume theli studies at Julius Hop kins unlveisltj, Baltlmoie, wheie they are students. She added that the le slie of tho students at the unlvoislty Strong, steady nerves Are needed for succes3 Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes The blood rich and Pure, giving it power To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cur"es nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms of Impure blood to 8ctvc bb nurses win great, and that fiho and her companions were thu envy f their associates, on actount of their having teielvcd the chanco to be ot Bcivlce. It whs expected that tho Bchooling received In the theory ofl medicine at the unlvcislty would bo of much value In the hospital, and that tho cxpei lento gained In ncttial ser vice would be of gieat help when tho time came for a lesuniptlon of studies. The oung women, although icgular lv commissioned as mines, and rated as such at he navy depaittnent, are solving without pay, and wholly na volunteeis. They til rived nt the hos pital on Wetlnesdav, but no announce ment of their coming was made, and, as their tlnee days of sort Ice have only ndded to their enthusiasm they aie, It anything, nunc anxious than ever to go on with their vvoik. The stole and wounded saltois who were bicttght nmth by the Solace Inst week ft euii the fl-et nie all doing well and aie i.ipldly Incoming convalescent. GAS EXPLOSION. L'lnvcn Men Iliullr llurncd nt No. 5 Shaft oftlio Lolilgli and U ilkes- llurre Coal Comiiiuiv. Wllkes-Ilaue, June 12. Another gas explosion occur led at No. "i shift of the Lehigh and Vllkos-Bane Coal company ai noon jcstcidny In which eleven men weie buined with more oi less severity, tlnee oi four being ln Juied vci danseiousl. The accident occuritd In that section of the mine known ns "The Klondike." The names of those who weie buined aie: FKI'D snv.MOUR. r sslstnnt loi email. ie Hlillni on Mel.iiiii situ l, niiiirlul mil lms tlnee chlldim lie l cr. li.nlly bii-nil iibmit tin In i. il am! face ALHI'I'.T I'Ari.INei tile bus. lesMbur on Pfirrlsli stuot. uiairled, nnd bus two (hildicn ratling Is el,ingroiisi btuneil about tin In il, n.ms and lace. CHAIlt.l'S SHAIll'I. (onilMiiv liiinil ie. slillm nn Hit c ll "ilcct. single. He Is vei.v sovenl burneil about the In act and Iinmls and Ills eoiiilltloii Is dan gei ous THOMAS PLANAG N. mnrileel and le sldlng on (oniml"l'c street. Ills In juries nie also veiv seveie, tliniiKli he Is not so erlm.s. bun cil us Shnrpe. JAMi:S Hl'KHON. miner icsldlns on Poplar sttict, married ami Ins to'ir children. MARTIN GALLAGHHR, miirltd, miner, rcslillng on Mel.iiiii stieet UHltNARD CONYNGHAM. ninrtlcd, compauv hntid, leslillng in Mill stieet PBTKR M GILL, single, ltborer, leskl Ing on McLean street MARTIN HRl'NN'AN. contiactor. RICHARD AND OWUN JONHS. The South Wllkcs-Baite mine Is one of the most dangerously gaseous in tho vallej Indeed, It Is one of the most dangerous in the anthracite coal fields. It has heretofore been the scene of disastrous explosions of gas. The hai rowlng dlaastei pievlous to the one of today, In whlih seveial men met death, Is still fresh In the minds ot the people of this ilty and vnllev. The mine was idle for a long peilod after that fatal accident and wink was re sumed only a shoit time ago. Charles Sbaipe. one of the mlneis buined bv the explosion of gas In the South Wllkes-Hatie shaft of the Le high and "iVIlkcs-ltnno Coal company estoMlay, died toda after tetilble suffeilng Tlnee other victims are In a piecarlous condition. Till: IM'MIH OP COLD. 1'ioeus of Import Over Imports for the I'iscnl Yo rr Will Itc rullr 9100,. 000,000. Washington Letter In the Sun Ropoits to tho bureau of statistics show that tht-lmpottiitlons of gold dur ing the present fiscal eai have been over $105,000,000 nnd deducting the ex ports of gold, which amount to about $15,000,000, leaves the net gain to our gold stock fiom linpoitatlon a round $'J0.000.0(,O. to which It is expected there will be added between thM and the end ot next month a sulllelent sum to bring this jeai's net impoitatlons In excess of exports up to fully $100,000, 000, a sum which exceeds that of any preceding eai In the hlstor of ttie countiy. Indeed, the lepoits of the government show only twelve tlseal years in the ln.it half centur In which the impoits of gold have exceeded the exports, most of these tars being be tween 1S7S and 1SSS, while from ISS to 1S&7 the cxpoits constantly exceed ed the impoits. Then the tide turned In our favor, and the excess of gold imports in 1SU7 was S11,65J,2U0, and for lSfiS It ptomlses to leach a lound $100, OOO.OkO. The addition to our gold curiency by coinage In our own intnui Is nlso llkel, tho btiieau sas, to be unusually large duiing the present jeni. It amounted during the ten months end ing Apill .10, 1V3S. to $50,01.5.43.:, and Is Ukelj to ic.ich $b' 000.000 by the end of the vcar. Another Interesting devel opment In this line In the remarkable Increase irr the use of gold In busi ness tiansactloiiri during the last few weeks Duiing the llrst twenty lir.K of the picscnt month 75 pet cent of the I'ustoms payments In New York were made In gold coin, nnd duiing April ovei 5ft per cent, of the customs pay ments were In gold coin For several jears prior to 1S9S U( customs pay ments In gold coin piobably did not aveiago moie than 1 pei cent The ef fect ot ihls Inciease has been felt in tho painent of gold by the treasury nt lis custom houses and In its general busi ness tiansactlons. This Iruieuso In the use of gold, espee Lilly In ustoms pajments ut New Yotk, Is unelci stood to be largely due to the movement of paper cuirency to the west, a portion of It In payment for grain shipments, and a Iniger portion probably by the withdiav.al of deposits In New Voik by western nnd Foiilhern banka, be cause of uncertainty In the minds of their managers us to the piobablo ef fect of the war upon business. SUNDAY WAR NEWS IN BRIEF. U. S. MARINKS land at Guantanamo and raise thu Stur.s and Snipes', THH MONTHRKY Id leaded with coil uml again starts on her voao to tho I'lullpplnc". MADRID DIHl'ATCH says that elev n Amerlian vessels, presumably triini pur is. have arrived off Santiago. GOVERNOR HASTINGS vislta Camn Thomas at Chlcknmaug.'i. GUNLRAL MKRR1TT nskn for nmio Hoops and thinks that he should be accompanied b '.i),0o0 when ho visits the I'hlllpilnes. SPANISH AT OlllRALTAR e.ipliue a liiitlxli subject under Impression that he l an Amerlcnn s)iy. i-'OLLOWKRS OV DON CARLOS threat un to make- tumble for Spain, HDOITARDO MONTICK, a Spaniard, ngd 10 cari. Is arrested as spy as he Is ubout to leave New York, REV. D. P. JONES' SERMON. Concluded ."rem Page 3. God, from I Cor. 10:31. Dutlng Ills dla course, he said: Tho words of the text weie spoken bi Paul the tensile ns an exhortation l the church of Coilnth which contained peo ple that weie not of the Fame mind in lei'iitd to the habits and the formalltli ot life. The principle Hint Injc In the text in an exhortation Is a good nlm in life from tho still dpolnt of tbe Bible and Its teai hlng. which arc the fundamental principles ot what Is good unit light In the sight of God. I shall call our atten tion to three poll ts that may help us to gloilfy God- 1 Tho nature of Christian ptlnclples. The wold principles, as wo uo It here, means tho natuie i f the teachings of the Bible and of the truth Hut comes to bo a duly 'of every miiii to himself us a moral being and toward his God -tiro fountain or I ifo nnd goedne'ss. Principle. In Iteclt has no form of bertv It Is the spirit of action, end' the mm tint takis up a good aim In life, who pinvcx In 1 Is good ilcrdf the love he has toward the tiulh as Its stand In th Wnid ol God. nnd b doing so he gives it foi in n.id a bid to the splllt ot nilmn tllilt dwells In his seul. MLANS A HBTTl'Il Ltl'H. The aim, or the Idea Hint Ilea within the whole be.il) of Chilstlanlty as a ic llglon to the human race Is a hettei Ilf3 to men and women In time and In eter nity The mm who taku up the Id a ot a hittci llf" In time and ttmnliv. glorl lles Hie means of since-, he glorllles the eros eif rlulsl. and he glorllHs God In eei good de-eel he lieifoinis to edifv hlmse-ll. The laet thai nviii followr nffi the truth and life- tier rial proves u ood nlm In life and gives all the iKiient to the man while at the sr.mo time God Is lorllliil In Ills good deirls and in what he Is as n e h iiacti r b the gi.ue of God The man Hint will sttnlj the nature it t'hrlstlati luluilples In the llRht of Geils love cannot till to mmprehend the blessed thought that lies wllhln the sal vation of God to all slnncis Siiiuilyliic the tcmpc-inl and the spirit ual needs of men aid women Is the lli-t object or evel.v pilnciplc and dut that the religion of Christ contains todi Men iiimiot itnd a stoic of moral good Hint can lulllll the i tin log of his -iiul only wllhln the Christ of the Bible. Man l-i all ot his count tlmiH with this woild ns well as with the wot Id to inme. must have his muccss Horn the pibulples that aie glorllj hit' God. II The nature of the vvoik b which man gloiltlc God Gleilf.vlnB God lne ens to please God us our Heaven! Path i 1 nm not nfi.ild to tell ou as eongr cita tion that It Is easier for us to pi" "o God oi to glorify Him, than to please out fel low men, cspcclall when we commit oui. selves befoio God In lpe'lltcnce for our sins. 1 would lather die upon the mercy of God thm to live upon the honoi ot mnn thut bus not the gnu a of God wlthip Ills soul, A good aim 111 lite Is a hlesJiiiK nt all that may ccme In contact with its owner. When mm has the spirt of ilghteous- ness within his soul It enables him to do the best he cm in belnlf of evciv good cause that offers Itself to his in tice, and the fact that he s on Ids be-t with ie t.-nie glorifies God. Til" Great Mistei looks on him as a man of noble spirit I he good spirit that moves man's soul nnd bod to make the best of 11. e oppor tunities offeted is tho splllt of advance ment that makes man a little better chnr actei da after da, and God looks upon him as a father that Is dclighud In the advancement of Hl beloved boa The stanikiul of the Gospel In tegard to men and women as slnncis Is faithful ness towaid the duties of life nnu to tho opportunities of the time b the wu of God s wonl AVILVT A GOOD DLL'D DDLS. Christ Is our ilghtcousness and when man takes hold ot the duties of lite, he takes hold of Christ In the samo act, when his best Is peifoimed 111 God's wa he makes un opening into the power of divine grace so that he feels btiougcr da after el iy. The glci of God Is m in lfested In ever good deed tli.n bad the spirit of truth. In the splllt ot the tiiuh men and women can be one hi e'hilst an I within the one gnat family of God Some people think tlnv cannot gloiliv God hi Miiall things ,iit It s a great mis take In small things ever man must find the lounflatlcn of gieutness. .The Klein Christ that ave: the world tod iy glorified his father In heaven by the simple net of wuslilnu tho feet ot hu inniltv In the pitsence of His disciple. The soul that cannot glorify Uod In grc it things, because gte.it things have tb-lr birth of small things ns the greatness of tlu finest Is fioni a small simple seed HI Mnn has abilities to glorif God In his life The woid ahllltles.as we ug It hcie. mi .ins all wc have In soul un I bodv ns nioi.il beings. nNo all we h.e.e outside ouiselves as the Gospel of Cluist. tin opportunities of education and set-i-nee with all the craftiness ot talent an 1 wealth Those things combined together gives to eve iv man whut lit needs In soul nnd bod to he a good man In Hie bioail-c-st meaning of the teini. The man that will u-e bis abilities ncionllng to the w iy of God and Ills Spirit shall overcome the w oriel The oung man of our il.iS should not be as the wave that Is tossed b tho wind of habits nnd temptations of the world He that has u thought lo bt a man to himself and to the glen of Go-1 must ute himself and the oppoi tunltles c f his dns hi Gods wn otheiwlse there Is no ("nlvatlon in lime nor ttcrnltv. Let us not grumble at mi good woik that tee ma be able to do In this woild 'l will pav 'i bundled per cent hen nnd In the world to come eternal happiness Glilflng G nl nnd the tulvatlnn of spi nels are one thing, and the sh ill con tinue to be s.o foi e vet The toy that runs Into tho heaven ol eei spirit has Its fountain In the gloi.v oi God. SABBATH NEWS NOTES. Raptlsm was administered b Rev. R. I. Y fierce after Ills cwnini sermon al the I'enn Ave nit, IJaptlst thuieh. Rev. J. G Hv.u if andllng. 1M. pi cached isttid,i ut both soi.lccs ot the l'l mouth I'oiiprcgntlur.iil church. Attoine V. VV Litluop delivered the fuldrcus ut ostcida alteinoons Goap"l meeting ol thi Voung .'len's CSurtlaii association I'm l In r Aiphonsu- of the I'asslonist PiMnrH who (onnuiii'd thi missions it S, I'll i it U rl.Mi.li At est Siianton duiing the 1 ,nt two wcr.k- pre a tied at Sly llttlo Blx-months olii girl had Kczeuia. 7o ii)(1 all Uladr of remeilles, but Uo kejit getting worse. I used to wrap her hands np, a 1 1 to dr j her, hr.d to put her on the table. I could not hold lior, slio would Kiel; and scrca-.n, and, when (he could,, iho would tear her faco aid aruu nljnost to piece:. Four boxes ot Crnorn (ointment), two cakes of CunrcnA Soav, and Cuticuba Resolvi-nt i urtil her, and no tratti are Ut. I'eb.7,'33. Mrs. O. A. COXIUU, Lisbon, N. It. f nror Cctr TirTuir Wirm bulhi wlih Ci Ti rust fcAtr,gtntU&niln,tniwilhLCTiciKA(oinli2illl), 114 lUUillidtelorCUTICURA JlKOLTSllT. AHlhrnacboittthtwD.ld I'arTntnsra AupCncu. , Cucr.. Vni-, liciwa. Umr to Cut! lo Uiituci, irv. ON Special ML Ru& Oriental n Sale. This is positively the last week for the display of Oriental Rugs iu our store, and will close the balance of stock regardless of cost at special private sale. This Week Only. This will be the only opportunity for you to secure rare bargains. WILLIAMS & McANULTY 12"7 Wyoming Avenue. I TWO JUNE Our $2.,o Vici Kid line for Men nnd Women. Just the thing for hot weather. Light, sttong, neat and and diessy, up-to-date. The biggest seller in the city. Special June Price $1.98. Button, Lace, Congress. All Toes, Cloth Tops or All Vici. We have sold hundreds of these already and will sell as many more within a week. This shoe is a seller. TANDARD 3 is Handiest Store in the St. JI.ir,v's chruch, at Pulsion, lust cv -n-illK Owlng to the absence of A V. DicKsoii the nupcilnttndtnt, hlldreit s Dav s r- vlies of tho I'll st I'iesbteil,in church Sunda selnol were postponed trom es tenlay to r M Sundav Selections freni Km me. r s oratmlr,, "elulst and Ills Sol'ilers " veeic lendeicd during the evening service at the Secern l Presbj trihin thuieh 'The Gospel ot the Jlrrrlmae was Rev. Dr. Oniric 1. Robinson's set mon tuple Rev. A L Ramer, I'll D., pastor of St M.irk't Ltitheian church, occupied his pulpit ns inual nt esterela's senilis, after an nbs-enco of two weeks In atuiul ance at the sesntd-eentennlal of tbe Lu theran Mlnlsterlum at I'hlludelphla Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the beginning of Rev. X G 1' irl.es fins, torate in tho I'll at Picsh trilan -.hurt i of Pitt Hon In commemuiatlon of the event lie pieiehed an nnnlierai seimuii In the evening. There was an iddicss bv the pastor, Rev. J. J K. 1 leteher, anil other lllterltlnJ features Rev. D I. I'vaiM, of Slramokln, men iled t!if pulpit .1 the l'list Welsh Hap Hst churih, Soulh .Main avenue, Inst evening, lb spoke in Welsh In the morn ing and In Hngllsh at the e veiling st-iviee Communion seivlco was held nt the Welsh Tabernacle Congfgiitlon il and Jueksnn Street Raptlst churches etM d.iv. Infant bplsm v.is ob-eivcd nl tin Washburn Stteet Piesbv tcrlan and Sluip smi Jb thodlst chuiches at vestcula morning s s lelse Al the Jackson Street Raptlst ehuua before the observance of the Lord s sup per nl la-t cvcnlnu's service Rt v Tim do Grucb, pastor, gave the hand ot fel lowship lo Rev James Hiwlu s and Mrs Amies HinJic, bis wife, and .Miss Jlor c.m, of I'arbondnle. Letters weie le celved from the I'nlon Baptist church ef 1'lmbeilv South Afrka, iccommc lut ing Rev llughe.s to tho fellowship of the emnch also testimonials fiom the Rip ll"t union and Hie mlnlsteilal confeieme e-omiiundlng his gued work In that flPlil Rev Hughes, bv his genial. Christian disposition has nltr.tdy won the affec tions of ,naii a he til In our eltv sine his uiilenl among as end ihe chinch wa glad to give him a cordial velcomc. DEATH OF CORNELIUS LEG COA.EGYS. He Wits Related to Two DiMlii giiisheil Sonllicrn 1'nniilics. Cornelius Lee Comegvs. connected b.v ln.u i Inge with the gieat family of Lee. of Vliglnla, and in dlieit line of descent rroni the Comega taniily of .Mat land, died almut 1 o'clock Satur day morning at the ?cianton Piivnte hospital of hcatt falluie. He came lieio about six months ago and enteied the hospital, remaining up to tho time of Ills dcatli Tho old gentleman had reached the age of seventy-five jears, and was somewhat eccentric. Ho tleshed nl vvajs to be addiessed as captain, he having followed the sea since his youth up to within h few eais. He never npulto of his family connections, but would tell Interesting tnles of the sea nnd the foreign counttles and peoples ho had seen, He often inferred to himself as nn old sea-dor- on his last legs, nnd Just a few hours before his dentil, the unl et I y In uttendance having stepped out of his loom for a few minute?, he got out of bed and went to the hall The ordeily lettirnlng found him walking aioiiud nnd was met with the ilia ninth assertion that "Hy heavens, there s going to be a shlpwictk for me tonight " The funeial will take plnee at St David's Lplsuipal chinch. West Side, at 4 :o this afternoon Intel ment in Washbuin trcv.t cemetery, ELEVENTH WARD VOTERS. l'xnmliioil In thu Lniipntail.Kcllcy Content on .Vittirdny. The witnesses examined Paturdnv In the La'igstaff-Kclley election contcsi were tiom the rioventh wnid. They weie ns fnllnvvs Joseph Crn tad, Joseph f) pliers. P. M Haiicit, An diew Rest, Fiank fiilel Thomas (ur ii n John Xullln. Louis Shannoek, Oesirpe Rosen. John Scliunk, Willlnin Squanel, Jpnies I'liller, John A Xnllln, 1'mll l''pp, Adam Hi lei, Jaio Sensen baugh. Vincent Hieltlng, Kied Phil lips Chillies C Prow n. Jacob Phillips, Max Phillip", ft . Anthony Lotto. Philip I loin i it i: Hcniy Aekeinun. August Hoidinbnch, Albert Kinft, Patilck Rrowii, Thomas Hywii, John Lemtofc. Michael Manley. Peter Marker, Wal dysUvv Kostlonskl. SPECIALS. 1 SHOE STORE, " City. 217 Lacka. Ave. BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS "TnLTII MADE PCRFHCT." Orlgliatorx ol Palnles Dentistry. Wo extract teeth fill teeth and apply gold crowns nnd bridge work without tho least particle of ptiln b u method pat ented end used b" us only NO CHARGE! for palnksa eUiucting when teeth uro mdcicd. VSb Ci VJ5.V, Pull Set Tcith. $3 oo. Wo sunrnntee n fit. flold Crown-., S3 oo All other woik at pro portionately low pi Ices tJ-(lold Crown anil UrIJge VV'orK a specialty. Helng the oldest md largest dental par lors In the world we are o well equipped that all work tlcne by us is the bst to 1 had Our operations nre positively painlcsi. All work guarantecct for 18 CMtS. Boston Dental Rarlors Corner Lackawanna an J VVjomlng Aves. fOver Newark Shoo Store) THE ltooms 1 and 2, Com'lth B'l'd'g. SCRANTON, r-A. Mining and Blasting DER Madout Mooslennd Rushdala VVorlo. LArLIN & UAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER I.lcctrle llattcrlct, Kleetrle I'xploders. tor exploding blastb, Siafety I use iiad Repauno Ghemlca1 Co's man UXPLOblVllS AUHOST CIVEN AWAY A lot of laundry machinery, a new launch wagon two turblns water wheels, boilers, engines, elnnmos, etc , ono .Morgan travel ing crane, 10 ton capacity, span 45 ft. 0 In., lot of good second hand hoisting i ope. air compres sor, pumps, steam ditlls, derrick fittings, mine cms, etc. yoo West Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton. Pa. Telephone, 395! atti:nu to your kyi:s now Ivolsbt preserved and beaelacboj prn vented by lmvlnt; vour eyes properly uml Kcientltleully cvamlned and fitted, l.yei cxamlnetl free, ihu lateti ntyles of hpeo tucles ui1 e- eg'aiue-) at tlio lowest, prlcei. DR. SHIMBERG, 305 Spruco Street. THE DICKSON M'FG CO., bcianton nnd Wilkei-llirre, Pa. Munafuetururs ot LOCOfflOTlVES.STATIONARY ENGINES Uolleri, HoUthrg and Pumping Machinery, Geneiul Oftlc-c, Uerantoa, Pa. rLAfS a LirijfSHr o T-ovsivt. IDSIC POWDER CO. ffiNEjgX " ASj