The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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We have them iu every
4- shape, form, design, col- .
- or and material that can
X possibly be desired and
- every one is guaranteed, t
? fc - Y i
Ladies' Fine Black and J
Dark Tan Glace Kid t
t Oxford Ties. t
I $2oo
the pair t
All sizes and widths.
--M -f-f-M-t-
Tho WUkes-Barro Hecoid tun bo haa
In Scranton at the news Btanda of M.
Melnhart. 113 Wyoming avenuo; Mac,
Lacks. wanna avenue.
Cards of thanks, resolutions of condo
lence, obituary poetry and the like will
be Inserted In The Tribune only when
paid for In advance, at the rate of 10
cents per line.
The remodeled Center street police sta
tion will bo reopened tomonovv.
The Delaware purl Hudson company
paid S.iturdit at tho locomotive shorn
nt c'nrbonclulo and tho trainmen ninth of
The Krounrts nt the hos
pital have been bright). tied and beaulllli'd
by peveral beds of lluvvcrs arranged un
der the direction of Klnrls-t T. H. Jk
t'lintock. William Mc-Nnrrani. cf l'tirynn. who
tm elv.d the ct p.'entH of a c-h.iiRr of bird
lint from a Run In the hands of Prank
Uill. of Dunmoie. will be able to leuvo
tlu l.arki.wnnna hot-pltal tomorrow.
Tin' Jury empaneled In the case of An
il "li..- Murphy, of Olyphaiit. who died
i hurrdny morning nt the Lackawanna
hospital, and in ' death Patrick
I'awlpy Is husnocleil nf boiiiK instru
rncntal, will meet this evenlnK at b
o , lock at the ollke of Coroner I.oni
b.reft. JudRC OiiiiHler on Satin day appointed
K. U. Smith, civil oliftlnc-er; Attorney
John P. Kelley. and .Mayor James J.
O'Niill. of t'arbond.ile, a board of lew
eis In the matter of a road in Pell town
ship. The exceptions aK.ilnsl the old
view are permitted to stand over until
the present vleweis picsent their report.
For the week endlns Saturday, the re
port of tho Scrauton (.'It. n ins House as
sociation was as follows: June il, Klli.
015. 1-; June 7 jUKJi.'&JO; June s. ?H H'.o7. ;i ;
June 0. M31.1M.70: June 10, Slin,r,.); jmil,
il JIWMVfN'.: total. CB.Ba).JI. Tile total
for the correspond. g week in l!i; was
J771.n3il.SB. shovvhiK an Incrcaso of Hli,
5i9.2S for this ear.
Dnnnioro Mm. ho M'us Hit with
Club I Sow Conscious.
Thet indications are that Peter P.ei, who was struck with u club mi
the head n weoH iiro PrIUay hIrIu by
Fred Harper, of Uumnore. will ic-i-ovcr.
Ho lias been renting very com
fortably the iiarit three days nt the
Lackawanna hospital und Is Raining
The nr.turo of his injuries In nuc-h
that when once he begins to show
Bisns of improvoiuent tlio prospei-t of
his recovery is bright. Por three or
four dayii after the blow was 'Then to
him he was delirious when not in a
state of coma, hut he Is conscious now
and Is taking nouiislinicnt.
MILLER. In Sctanton, Pa.. June 12, 1S03,
Durdctte. infant con ol .Mr. and Mis.
William H. Miller, of 10 Price stii't.
HRcd seven muitlis. sci-.k-es
Monday Juno 13. at :' p. m.
Choice I
Butter g
15C I
pound. I
Tti3 Scranton Cash Store
$ 0
t yiS5SuMf -'rfe i i
ma school excursion.
riftoou Hundred I'ettoni Went to
Lnnotboro Nntnrilnr.
The excursion of tho Teachers' Mut
ual lienellt association of tho ticran
ton Bohuols to Hlvcrslde park, Luncs
lioro, Saturday, was attended by fif
teen hundred ppons. Tho rldo was
over the Delaware; uml Hudson to
Cnrliotulalo, nml over the Jefferson
branch of tho Uric from there. Two
trains were, required of cloven and ten
cars each, nml the run wns made back
and forth wihtout the leust friction.
Tho park Is close to tho rallvvny
station nntl Is on tho banks of tho
Susquehanna river. Two steamers, the
Idlewlltl and l'rmlne, made several
tilps seven miles up the liver, and af
forded tho teachers nntl pupils the
pleasure of the ride and of viewing tho
beautiful scenery. The pnrk Is lltted
with nicrry-go-roiinds, see-saws, shoot-the-chutes,
nntl other nuch features.
Ample refreshments were provided, too,
but n lutpe number carried lunch bas
kets. Edwin Ilnfter. of No, 36 school, won
tho boys race, the prize being n suit
of clothes. The train for home left tho
park nt .".30 and arrived hero shortly
before S o'clock. About four hundred
waited for the regular train due hero
nt in.!',". The excursion was n source,
of more revenue to the nFtmclntlon thun
any of Its past annual events.
Oconrcd Aiiioiir tho I'orolRii-lJorn
IlenlilcnlH of Wiitton Iloroucb.
Coroner Long-street was notified yes
terday of two sudden deaths among the
foreign population of Winton borough;
one being th case of Mrs Annie Lack
zanets. an Hungarian woman forty
seven yars old, who died at 10 o'clock
Sntutday night, and tho uthr that of
Mb had Poloski, n Polish man thirty
two years old, whose death happened
at .1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Af
ter Inquiiing into the circumstances of
both asf, Ur. Longstreet dcek'ed that
inquests were unnecessary. Under
taker ti'wg; Prokopoviti h. .f Oly
phant, took charge of both bodies.
The woman's husband died ten years
i,o. She has n married daughter and
an unmarried son living In Jessup Flats
near the DoWwaiv and Hudson railroad
track, und she went out among tho
people of her nationality doing wash
ing niyl sctubblng. She worked Satur
day tintil (I o'clock. At 0 o'chvk at
night was attackfd with convul
sions and died In an hour. Dr. (Jrover,
of Peckville. attended her. She was In
the habit of using nlcnholic stimulcnts.
and It imd.'riulncd her health. That
an I the heat are accountable for her
Poloskl was affected with heart trou
ble. He was not very rugged. After
dinner yesterday he and his bedfellow
retired fur a nan, and at -i o'clock ho
cot up, as he said, to get some fivsh
air. ;;.' walked Into the back yard to
ward an outbuilding und fell dead us
he was entrrlng it, A doctor was
called and he pronounceo It n case of
heart failure. Poloskl baa a wife and
family In tit" old country.
Pntricl; Loughney Has Experienced
All Phases ol Life.
With a cash account of over $1,000 to
his credit two or three years ago, Pat
rick Loughney today Is penniless,
homeless, and dangerously 111. He was
picked up on Penn avenue at 6 o'clock
Saturday evening by a friend, who
found him stretched along the side
walk at the Dickson works. He was
brought to Fcldman's hotel, at the cor
ner of Penn avenue and Mulberry
street, and the kind friend paid a
weeks board for him.
Yesterday his condition wns so bad
that Itev. .1. J. P. Peeley was sent for,
and Loughney was given the last sac
raments to prepare him for death. Tho
heat was what affected him and
brought on his Illness. He was travel
ing around the streets for a week with
but a crust to cat: though there are
many persons In the city who would
help him along If they knew his plight.
The friend who picked him up Satur
day concealed his Identity. He has
known Loughney many years, and was
surprised to see him so destitute.
It was supposed that he was pos
sessed of a large sum of money, sullle
lentlv large to keep the wolf from the
door and to provide against a rainy
lay. The explanation he gave was that
he went down to New Jersey expect
ing to spend the remainder of his life
among relatives, but his money gradu
ally slipped away from him, until It
was all cone. jc left there then and
came back to Scranton.
He worked as a laborer around the
shops for thirty years, and was of a
saving disposition. His home was for
a time on the South Side and later In
Pine ISrook. He is about 6j years old.
liegins Tomorrow mid Will Lust tor
Three Days.
The sessions of the triennial conven
tion of the Kplscopal diocese of Central
Pennsylvania will' begin tomorrow
morning at Altoonn and will probably
last three days. Thursday, tho ordina
tion of Sidney K. Pvans, well-known In
this cltv, and a brother of .Mrs. S. P.
Longstreet, of Wyoming avenue, will
take place. Dr. and Mrs. Longstroot
will attend.
Several delegates from hereabouts
will leave for Altouna today, nmng
these are John Jenny n, H. W. Kings
bury. A. D. Holland, C. D. Sanderson,
W. ,M. Mnrple, J. W. Onkfntd, Jt. .1.
Po.stJr nnd V. F. Merrlman, of St.
Luke's; J. lien Dimmlek. H. White,
nnd Tliomns K. Jones, of the Church of
the Good Shepherd, of tircen P.idge.
Ho Will Have to Do M Itliout Tobacco
(or :i While.
Attorney W. J. Tracy, who was re
moved Filduy from tho county Jail to
the Lackawanna hospital, is strong
enough to want u pipe and tobacco to
have a smoke. His wish will not be
grntllled for a few days more, how
ever. He has rested well since going to the
hospital and did not have any more
hemorrhages. Ho was on the verge of
physical collapse, but the treatment
accorded him will most likely tide him
over It, unless new complications arise.
Wllllnm Connolly Arrested lor Sloal
lug it Watch and Clothing.
Wllllan' Connolly, of liellevue, was
arraigned beforo Alderman Howe Sat
urday on a charge of having stolen a
watch, u pair of ttousers, a vest nnd
two coata from his brother, who prose
cuted the case.
Connolly was committed to Jail In
defuult of J1Q0 ball to appear In court.
Delivered a Sermon la Grace Reformed
Episcopal Church,
Hlshop Nicholson was nt Grace lie
formed Kplscopal church yesterday
nnd delivered nn Interesting sermon,
whose topic was nn obscure passage
in 1 Cor.. 15:23; "Klse whnt shall they
do which nre baptized from the dead
If the deail rise not nt all? Why then
are they baptized for tho dead?"
After remarking that these words
had been the subject of general query
nnd discussion, the reverend speaker
declnred that the text embod'ed the
apostle's decisive nnd weighty contri
bution to the arguments for the resur
rection nnd designating the baptism
for tho dead nn absurdity and not a
scriptural teaching. It showed the
logical alternative of tho supposition
that there could be no resurrection of
the dead. As there was no such thing
in the universe ns baptism of the dead
the apostle uses It to fence against
the supposition that no rising from the
dead could tnke place.
An explanation of the supposed bap
tism for the dead followed. It might
be the not of tho living on behalf or
one who had died without being bap
tized a vicarious baptism. The rite
wns administered by Insignificant
heretical sects subsequent to the apos
tolic (1ge and grounded on the words
of the text, but It did not exist In Paul's
time. St. Chrysostom describes It
where a man wns put under the bed
of the dead. The corpse was asked If
It would bo baptized. The man under
the bed answered "yes" and him they
baptized. Could ranker superstition
The doctrine that the administration
of the rite Is Indispensable to salva
tion and that man Is lost unless he has
been baptized has no place In the Hlble.
It could not affect the condition of the
dead and there was no reality In such
a baptism, and It was lldlculed by
There was another construction to
bo placed on this passage: the baptism
of new conveits to fill the vacancies
caused by martyrdom. As fast as
Christians were cut down by the
sword, or extinguished by fire, others
by faith stood In their footprints like
volunteers rushing Into the plnces of
the slain in an army. Hut why should
any become Christians ami brave such
suffeilng If there bo no resurrection of
the dead? The apostle says In the
words following the text: "Why stand
we in Jeopardy all our lives." It can
not thus- be explained, although this Is
usual throughout the church. Tills
construction Is a heavy strain on the
translation of the Greek, where Is
meant "In behalf of the dead" "bene
fit ting the dead" not filling a vacancy.
Tlie explanation was sometimes made
that the words referred to Christ, who
lied for the world's sins, but this can
not hold ns in the Greek the reference
to the dead Is plural, thereforo not to
be applied to one.
The bungling English In our version
of the Hlble was then noted. Willie
the Kngllsh words In purity, simplic
ity and rhythm are unequalled, mis
takes have occuried. "Klse" as rend
ered hoio nrmliife taiitnln-v 1 lfrt-
aly It makes the passage read: "If the
dead rise not at all, what shall they
do which are baptized for the dead, If
the dead rise not at all?" It Is a slip
made by the translators, raiely Indeed,
but here evident. In the revised ver
sion the Interrogation mark Is moved
backvv at d.
"Kite what shall they do which are
baptised for the dead?" thus relieving
the tautology, bettering the English,
but r.ot relieving the dlfllcully or the
phrase. Moving the mark still farther
Rives us "What shall they do which
are baptized?' which is better still.
Are we Justified in the change of punc
tuation? Yes.
Punctuation had no part in the Greek.
The inspired writers did not punctuate.
In the ancient Greek nnd Roman manu
scripts there no marks at all separate
the- words. Scholars and editors have
done the punctuation nnd interpretation
thctefore does not cspr daily depend on
the marks. It Is said that they form
no part of the modern arts of the Htit
ish Parliament anil that such must be
the language that no ambiguous
phraces appar. Lord lirouglmm once
ordered an alteration in the oider of
wrds as othenviso the wrong borough
would have been disenfranchised.
Tertrlllian In the First centurv.
Chrysostom in the Second, Theodorle In
tl.o rifth and Theophllne in iho Sev
i nth indicate that the next must havo
liren divided In this way and again It is
In tho line of the npostle's thought. Tho
sentiment of the Greek mind was to
deny resurrection in general, although
Christ's resuncction was held. This
was perilous.
Paul said: "If thero bo no resurrec
tion of the dead, then is Christ not
risen. If Christ lie not risen, then la
your faith vuin. Ye are yet In your
si us."
All Christian effort Is thus discour
aged. There Is nothing for tho future
but dead bodies nnd sinful souls, with
the conditions forever of blackness nnd
boirow of future wretchedness.
Christ risen is our strength, song and
salvation His death was our redemp
tion. Ills resurrection Is the certificate.
His death was the payment for our
debt. His resurrection is the payment
receipted. God s no longer hidden be
hind the Impenetrable veil of nature,
hut has stepped Into view as the great
supernatural force. In Christ risen wo
are not as orphans, but through and
above and over all Is our Father
In His risen llfo Is tho spirit of vie
tory when the weakest saint becomes
a hero. In Christ's ilsen I'fo Is the be
ginning of a new creation. We begin
on earth the perfection in the skies,
Surinon ol Rev. l. P. Jones in Taber
nacle Concregiitionnl Church, West
In the Tabernaclo Congregational
church, West Scutnton, last evening
Rev. D. P. Jones preached a senium
to Children's day. His topic waw "A
Good Aim In Life." and ho took for his
text the words "Do ull to tho glory of
(Continued on PasiTslj "
filontonnnt Dontler Bont A war Ills
rimt llnlrli .Saturday.
Thirty-eight men left here Saturday
fo go to Fort McPhcrson, Atlanta,
Georgia, where they will be armed nnd
clothed and drilled nnd Inter attached
to tho Eleventh United States Infantry
now stationed nt Tampa, Florida. The
party forms the van-guatd of the re
cruits for the regular army now being
taken by Lieutenant C. 10. Dentler, at
the Menrs building, and represent tho
selection of three days previous to Sat
urday. Thoma llughcn, tin ex-member of
tho regular nrtny, nnd mustered out a
few years ago ranking as setgennt was
In charge of the party. They left via
the 9 o'clock Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western train and many friends
were present to bid them God speed.
Lleutennnt Dentler expects to forward
nnother detail Tuesday as quite a
number have been sworn In.
Those who left Saturday were:
Thomas Hughes, John Gllbrble, George
Smith, S. W. Lltts, Thomas Roche,
Casper W. Crowcll, Richard Rellly,
William Andrews, David Donovan,
George Twaddle, Klvln V. Morrison,
Martin J. Henley. Samuel Freas, John
F. Gleason, Edward J. Ruane, Martin
J. Monahan, Charles Rean, William
Arthur, .Michael Whelan, Thomas W.
Wnlters. John F. Horn. George Taylor,
Philip Stelnmetz, Daniel Shlpp, James
R. Rarrett. Henry J. Jones, Samuel
RodRors, Thomas V. Connor, Wolwter
A. Walkop. Patrick H. Kelly, Joseph
Kennedy, Thomas Graham, Thomas J.
Davles. Michael Gill, John Rloomer,
Evan Plcksell, David Powell and Rob
ert A. Rarrett.
At the armory, where recruiting the
recruits for th Thirteenth regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers, is going on,
12D names have been secured and Dr.
W. G. Fulton will begin examining this
morning. Captain Robllng and Mc
Causland desire to have all who In
tend going to hand their names In Im
mediately. m
Wllllnm Wcatherbogg, of Hampton
Street, Met Deatb In the Roar
ing Drook.
William Wcatherhogg, "2 years old
ot Hampton street, West Side, was
diowned Satuiday afternoon in the new
dam of the Lackawanna lion nnd Steel
company, above the old mill, on the
Roaiing Rrook. He and three other
young men were bathing, and he dived
into water much beyond his depth. Be
ing unable to swim, he sank, came to
the surface and struggled nnd splashed,
and sank again to his death. None of
his companions: could swim well enough
to lend him any assistance.
The dam had to be emptied to re
cover his hod, and at '0 o'clock Satur
day night Undertaker Tague removed
It to the homo of the parents. Weath
erhoRg was employed at the Rellevtte
colliery, and It was customary for many
young men emplood at the same place
to go after working hours or on Idle
days tc. the dam to bathe.
Those who couldn't swim selected the
upper end where the water is shallow.
Wcatheiliogg was with them, but he
waded to a. stump that puts from the
water, and dived from it. In hi? ef
foits to swim out. he struggled into a
depth of ten feet. At first, as he had
said he could svvitn, his companions
thought ho was playing off and that he
was fully callable of taking care of him
self. The truth of the matter did not
dawn upon them until the young man
went down to rise no more.
The new dam is a favorite bathing
resort for hoys nnd young men; and
all along the brook from the blast fur
nace to the tunnel bathing spots are
frequented. Coroner Longstreet viewed
the remains and decided that an in
quest was not necessary.
Object for Which the Holy .Name
Society Wn Organized.
lletvveen three and four hundred men
were received Into the Holy Name so
ciety at St. Peter's cathedral last even
ing. The society was formed after the
recent mission, nnd the object of It l
to promote a reverence for the name
of Jesus, and a corresponding dis
couragement of using it In blasjrhem
Ing nnd In profanity.
Rev. John Loughran. of Holy Cioss
church, preached the sermon. He spoke
of the readiness of many when In
anger to give vent to fitirses and oaths
la which the sacred name of God is
reviled; and he exhorted the young men
of the Holy Name society to strive to
break down this vice nnd restore a
reverence nnd adoration thnt becomes
the use of tho name of the Redeemer
who was so good to mankind that He
came down from heaven and died on
the cross fop man's salvation.
Rev. Father O'Reilly, Rev. Father
Feoloy and Rev. Father Loughran In
vented the members with a silk badge
and an aluminum medal representing
the Sacred Heart, ns they came for
waid and knelt at the sanctuary rail.
Tho entire congregation united In sing
ing the "O" Salutarls," "Tautum Ergo,"
"To Deuni." and other hyms.
do Will Sorvo Undo Sam in tho Regu
lar Army.
Harry Courtrlght, a pugilist of some
local repute, was discharged from tho
county jail Saturday, where he served
six months for larceny.
Courtrlght at once enlisted with
Lieutenant Dentler in tile regular
army. He has heretofore served In
both the army and navy and In the
national guard. He has U brother,
Frank Courtrlght, who Is now in the
Republican Convention of tho Twen
tieth Senatorial District,
Pursuant to a resolution of tho Re
publican standing committee of the
Twentieth Senatorial district a conven
tion to nominate a candidate for the
statu senate to represent said district
will bo held at tho Central Republican
dub rooms, Price building. Washington
avenue, In the city of Scranton, on Tues
day, June. 21, ISM, at 2 o'clock p. in.
Delegates to the convention will bo elect
ed on Saturday, June IS, at the usual
polling places between the hours of 4 and
7 o'clock p. m. The basis of icprescnta-tlon-
will bo one delegate from each,
lection dlstilct which polled at least ten
Hi publican votes lor state treasurer at
the election In November last, and addi
tional delegates will bu admitted from
such districts as polled nt said election
over one hundred Republican votes on
tho basis of one delegate for each frac
tion In excess of citch one hundred votes.
Tho election will ho conducted by the
regular vigilance committees.
12. P. Kingsbury,
Walter llrlggs,
Scranton, Pa., June S, 1SDS.
To Keep Cool J
During the hot weather, try one of our STONE WAT EH
COOL KKS. Pure, easily cleaned and low in prices.
Purify vour drinking water with a STONE Filter and
Cooler combined. Cheapest, Cleanest, Best.
All sizes, for Home, Office, Store and Factory.
Ryan nml Hartley Prepared nnd
linger for Tonight' Pfglil.
Tonight In Music Hall will be de
cided the 20-round boxing contest be
tween Tommy Ryan, of Philadelphia,
nnd Frank Hartley, or Hlnghamto.1.
Jack Skelly, manager of the American
Sporting cluli, leached here Saturday
nfternoon nnd has since been arrang
ing the many dctnlls connected with
so Important a bout. Ryan arrived
late yesterday afternoon with his
trainer, the well-known Harry Tutblll;
Hartley U due here with his handlers
at 9.45 o'clock this morning.
A large number of Ryan's friends
called to see him at the Grand Central
hotel last evening, but nt S.HO o'clock
he went out with Tutblll nnd did four
miles and return, eight miles In all,
over the Dickson City boulevard. They
were back In the hotel after an hour's
absence. When Ryan was stripped nnd
put through the rubbing process it was
noticed that he had scarcely turned a
hair. Those who saw him were loud
In their praise of his condition. He
was never better. There was not nn
ounce of fat on him. His muscles
showed like whipcords, nnd every Inch
of him showed the good effects of a
long siege of hard and faithful train
ing. Prominent among those who visited
Ryan was Frank Fcklcs, the New York
traveling man who has mnnaged to be
here nnd near Ryan's corner In every
contest the Phllndelphian has waged
In Scranton. L'ckles. Tuthlll nnd
"Spike" Sullivan, who will arrive from
New York with Referee Sam C. Austin
nt 5.43 o'clock this afternoon, will be
back of Ryan tonight.
Hartley will reach here with a large
crowd of personal friends early this
morning. He may be seen at the St.
Charles Hotel up to 12 o'clock, noon,
but nfter that hour he will be resting,
excepting at H o'clock when the men
weigh in. Jlmmv Harry, Tim Hurley,
P. H. Fitzgerald nnd Michael S. Hart
ley will comprise the main part of the
Bartley party.
Sam, Tonkins, who wns beaten by
Jim Judge before the Fifth Avenue
Athletic club, has forwarded heio a
challenge, which will be announced
from the ting tonight, to meet the
It is positively stated that no tickets
will be sold until the doors open at
7.30 o'clock this evening.
They Wcro Itctnrned br Three Jurlo
on Saturdnv.
Throe verdicts, were returned Satur
day in court nnd the list for the second
week of the common pleas term was
cleared up.
In the replevin suit of Swartz Rros.,
of New York, against R. W. Osland
and others a verdict for the plaintiff
wns found.
A verdict for the defendant was found
In the ejectment suit of Michael Flan
nery nnd others against P. F. McDon
nell nnd others.
In the action of A. H. Tyrrell & Co.
against W. P. Taylor a verdict for tho
plaintiff In the sum of $1,793.SD was re
turned. In the case of Wilson Orcen against
Jones & Moore Judgment wns entered
against the defendants for want of an
(cntlemnn Drivers llnvc Sport on the
Itoulevnrd Track.
A partv of local horsemen on Satur
day participated In a series of races on
the F.lmhurst boulevard speedway. The
time made was rot fast as the track
was In poor condition. James W. Kelly,
of Dunmore. was starter and F. K.
Hurr, of Cnrbondale, and J. C. Towns
end, nf Wllkes-Harrc, judges.
Levi Patterson's Ronita (2.14) be
haved badly and was beaten two heats
by J. L. Crawford's Cadmus (2.20).
The time was l.KHi and 1.10U.
Frank Slegel's Dick S. won two heats
from A. D. Plerson's Nero; time, 1.23's
and 1.23U.
Kansas Chief and Mongrere, tlrlvn
by Charles Schadt. won two hents from
Duke and Maud, driven by Smith Gor
man: time, 1.31 and 1.25'i.
There were four competitors In n
JM "Wnlk In and Look Around." (Ml
We Opeu an Immense Stock of
New Wash Goods
Bought at a Great Reduction, We give Our Cus
tomers the Benefit of the Purchase.
Roman Stripes and Figures, ioc. goods, for Sc
Plain and Check Cord Batiste, I2c goods, for 8c
Organdies aud Jaconets, 15c goods, for 10c
Best Irish aud Scotch Dimities, 25c aud 30c goods, for.. 19c
Finest French and German Organdies, beautiful new
designs, 30c aud 40c goods, for 25c
Percales, Hadras, Ginghams, Chambrays, Ducks and
Piques in Great Variety.
Mears & Hagen
415417 Lackawanna Ave.
134 Wyoming kmn
race requiring four heats. Mr. Sctitt
won the first In 1.25. Mr. Kays the sec
ond In 1.27'- and Mr. Wooil the two
last In 1.27 each with Maggie Davis.
With Cadmus und Nellie McCrory.
Mr. Crawford won the iltst and third
heats In a team race. The time was
1.20 and 1.12. Mr. Schadt won the sec
ond heat In i,15b with Knnsns Chief
and Monsrere. Mr. Patterson drove
Ronltn nml Nellie R. In this race.
With Tippo C. Mr. Patterson won a
heat In 1.20 from Mr. fiormon's Duke,
second, and Mr. SclitieU's Little Agnes,
third. The latter was drawn In the
last heat, which Tippo C won in 1.19
from Duke.
It is proposed to race on the speed
way every Wednesday nnd Saturday
J. II. Shall, of Strouilshurg. a physician
and attorney, has announced his candi
dacy for congress in the Monioe district.
The Sunday News yesterday announced
the candidacy of Attorney C. C. Donovan
for the Democratic nomination for state
The hist issue of the Mllford Dispatch
contains a unique appeal from A. 1-2.
Lewis to the Democratic voters of Pik;
county. He wants the Democratic nomi
nation for congress In that district.
At Jerniyn Tuesday the Democrats of
tho Fourth legislative district will nxvt
to nominate a candidate for legislature
and to select four state delcgntfs to rep
resent th" district nt the coming state
convention at Altoor.a.
A Philadelphia In yesterdiiv's
Sunday News contained the statement
that Captain P. DeLacy. of this cliv.
has been slated for the nomination for
secretary ot Internal affairs at the coming
Democratic stato convention at Alluon.t.
During the summer months the Pur
cell Turkish bath rooms. Spruce street,
will be open for ladles on Mondays
only from 1 to n p. rn,
Through Train Sorvico to the West.
A new train to Chicago via Lacka
wanna and Nickel Plate roads wlil be
pit' en May 20th, leaving Scrant-m at
5." p. in., tlnilv, arriving at Chicago at
1 p. m. Through vestlbuled day coach
es ard sleeping cats.
No. 224 Adams Avenue,
Opposite Court Houbo
For the treatment -ind speedy cure of
nil Acute ond Chronic Diseases of men,
women and children.
suvh ns Nervousi.em. Nlghtlv Lossts.
Grnorrhoea, Syphilis, Gleet, Lost Man
hood. Shrunken and Shriveled Parts, Pain
in Side, and Rack. Vnrlococele, Spermo
torrhoen. Loss of Memory. Stricture, eti .
such nt Lucorrhoca (whites). Piolapsas
'or falling of the wombi, DMiicnorihoe.i
(or painful menstruation), all Displace
ments, Inflammation. Discharges, Pain
In the Hack. Hips. Sides, etc.
RCPTCRi: cured without knife, pain
or caustic.
Epilepsy, Fits, Tape and Stomach
Anyone suffering v.ith cotarth. bron
chitis, throat, head or lung tioubles may
lecelve three mon'lis treatment for oniv
.". Trial treatment free In olllce. It never
falls to cure. I'so It nt home.
At the institute will be treated all dl.-.-e.isfs
of the Heart. Kidneys, Skill. Liver.
Stomach. Drain, Nerve. Wood. Madder,
Mar. Myc, Nose, Throat and Lungs.
All specific and gent's urinary diseases
or chronic Kczrmn and nil Skin and Mood
diseases positively cured. Mrtiptlons.
Pimples and Blotches removed from tho
face of both mule and female. Old soros
and cripples of every description.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Surgery in all its brain lies. Experienced
consulting plnskiana and surgeons.
OFFICU HOURS : Dolly, o a. m. to o r. m.
Sundays, 10 to i: and 3 to 4,
Between the hours ol 2 and 4
p. in. vc will place on sale
two articles suitable lor this
season's use.
Berry Dish
Best pressed glass, with ground
edge and bottom. nH good ns cut ma
terials: has bent Bides, io a Inches In
size,' was 12c.
From 2 to 4 p. in., 9c
Pepper aiid Salt
Has long-necked pepper bottle nnd
open salt, with small upoon on n gians
tray. Never sold left thull 10c. find
often more.
From 2 to . p. m., 5c
In addition vvc offer n large number
of glass novelties In useful articles.
Glass Vase
has twisted stem, Is made or best
American green glnss.
Bohemian Vases
mown glass with nil the dainty
Hohemlan decorations.
From 10c to 50c
Berry Sets
of green glass with gold and 'hand
painted decorations; worth $2.00.
For this week, 1.49
Tea Set
of green 'glass, ground edges, worth
This week, 3fc
Wo give you n chance on tho 13cn
llur Hlc-ycle with every purchase of
4c. Why not win It?
310 Lacka. Ave.
in Room tor
and in Mrs.
board will
be found es
pecially use
ful in the
laundry for
ironing chil
dren's cloth
ing. Padfad,
Reedy .orlto
BABY BAZAAR, 512 Spruce Slrae!.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
1 19 Franklin Ave.
The Standard
No Winding. No Springs.
No Weights. No Repairs.
No Trouble of Any Kind.
At Small Cost.
Mercereaii & Connell,
Sole Agents for this Territory.
130 Wyoming Avenue
At Pierce's Harket This
Turkeys, Dttclcs, CliioUcus and
Uroilers, Green Peas. Tomatues,
Cucumbers, Cauliflower, New
Heets, New Potatoes, Celery, Rad
ishes, Onions, Lettuce, Aspara
giit'. etc., etc.
Fancy StrawhcrrJci and Fruits,
Print Huttcr and Soft Shell Crabs.
I ft Pitt Pffi HL ill