I THIS SCKAiSTUiY TltlBUNE-SATt'liUAl", J L'JN lii 11', 1SUS. 8 DAY'S DOINGS OF NORTH SCRANTON Work of Securing Recrulls lor . Com paiiy II (Iocs Steadily On. JOHN UAI.L.AISIIL!!: HAD ON12 OF 1118 LKrtri iJAui.Y suunn.i.u 11-- TW1212N fAHS IX 1.111: VON HTOHC'l Ml.NK-JACOU S1MIAVI112I. CVlIlS- comjj iiv a.vioui: in 'run wiirr mmin coiuunv - AitiiANvu mknth roll ciin.nui2S"s iav :.n many or Tin: rnriicink Tl ho weni: of tocriiltliig men for Com ly 11 was cimtliiuoU hut evening by DllllV Sotconnt f. Uogeis. As on the pic vlous cv cuius? a huge number of ov cellontlj built jotuig men made nppll eiition for eniollmcnt. The wink will bb icMiincil tommiow evening and will go on until the leetulied number ot jnen huve been seemed; '.l.nfil;. CVClllntr the following legts 1 tefnTdVWillinm r.uikc. r.itrlck Cunmi otlll2ilvnid Ulho.v, li win 12viins. D. 12. Swan, Mlc baol V. llaskoivlllc. Ilan ct Holme, John l.onuhnn, Homy 11. AViitsnn, Willl.ttn iltitRPii. llobott J.loyd. Thomas W. IUh-m. Joseph Knlno. ChailP.i Attwatci, Patrick llnr ictt. .Inllit I'. Dalles, I'hailrs Con MuuUne. MIN12 WOtlKKKS IN.rtIU2D. jltilni Oalkishoi, losldtng nn Wnyne tivcmuo, wns seriously iiijiucil jester- lay In llio Von Sinn h mine. Up, 1 .fyjf) lyUl as u runner In tho HbTivo M.nft, and was engaged in oupllng wit? when bis leg wr.ts 1 might bPtwppn the bumpers. AVIllltig bands quickly liTustrnoil in bli ipse tie, and fnimd bis Ipe In bao bei 11 b.nlly inillll.lli'il. Up was icmovcd to bin bumf Uipip Iip van nt tended by phvsldani. .tncoti Sprungcl. a mhipr In Hip "West Kilgo pnlllirv was npfpnniP yostetihiv by 'nballliK a kirj,e lotutno ot smoke, wl'ib vcai PipatPil by a blat. 'He was ijuicltly 1 punned in I lie sill face v.'huV'aver.i thing poMsible was done (1 iiqinrp blni lu bis normal condition. li r. fjirly-llve minutes of bibormiH vnrlt'llielr effotts vpip nwnrded with pur iss. Stlmtllnnts wpip nilmlnl'lprpd to Inn'), nud Iip wni aftprwiml nblp to pmrdil to hla bump on tbp South Side unnldlrf. xnws of Titn rnrnriins. In tho North Main Avenue I'.aptlst churi-h tomorrow tlipn- will be Hpp i lal nnil impmtant Mrires. The ni -cllllnne of baptism will be .idmlnls IPtPd in the tnnrniiiK wnlct', niter wblcli tho iiastir, AV. (',. Watklns. will dellvoi 31 Rin'elal pinion In eontlnua llnij of last Sunday evening'! subjeet. via: ''WushiiiKtoir.s VNInn, nr clod's ''nil to National llepentiiue. ' A llim Children's !!' liriisrminnip will bo ien flned In tlio i piilnp: by Hip Suudny Fellonl. These cnphIups will ho In rlmrRn of SuppiintPiulpnt AVIlllam ciinpppll. and the MukIiik will be sup j i.'mentpd by n full ou-hpstrn. itp.ititi fnl and elaborate dt ematinns will aild Rre.itlv to i't i harm of tln ik 1 asion The 1Jp. Hnr.ii p PukoMi will n up the Puiitrin 1 niiKH K itionnl 1 him b juiiplt toiiK'iniw. Sulijiv t for nmimnK s M 11 p, rlb SibbaLb ' c 11 in 1 th me, "The ItPi iihiiitu n of rrn nils Globe Warehotoel Are Yon Interested In correct style Negligee Shirts for men's wear ? If so, perhaps you'll do us the taor of taking a peep .it an uppei sjiow window, where c cry thing thai is tit toi wcll-dtcssed men to-wear for the summer of iSqS is shown in abundance, nnd'tlferc isn't a last year's thought in the lot. Most all nave soft bosoms and the amount of solid comfort to be got out of the new style shuts made up in right'weavc. Botany Worsteds, Fine Madras Cloths ' Or Indelible Percales Is moie like. than u can dteam of till you tiy what thoy'ie Prices, 50c to $1.50. Otis immmm Underwear sturantees the pertection of fit, nnd thoA'cry best pos sible seivice to the we.irers. The inserted seiit drrtwersl tho light btvle points, .ind the .ulmir.ible smoothness of finish oven after Washing vlie only a tew ol their advantages. Bicycle Hose Without leet. See the gieat Saturday Special at g Q' Regular half-dollar bicycle Fine imported bicycle hose, Ficnch toe and heel; the best 65c grade ever made, Saturday Only VQq lobe Warehouse ;fe SS5? In Heaven." Tlio cliolr will lender t-jiee bit music. - ' Upv. 1). U. Phillips, will tircacli In tbc Wclrh mi lnlstlpMo.lhoilNt.hu.ri.li to- 1.. 01 row, both morning nnil evening. All 11 rp coullally Invlti'd. , ' I'liu Hey. V. V. Havlcs will occupy bis pulpit at tlio Fltst lnh HfftlMt chin eh lomoriow niornltiKjund uvetiliiif. lilblu Kibool nt i p. in , Kvnn; 11. ll'e, UpPi-iiilendPiit' S'Iiikois ipheinmll aftPi' Bihool. Oaniatti pinptko Acd iiowlay and Friday, cvuiilnw Mi. Hloip Uupi, ennduttnr. Tlio Jii( lor HoclPty nf ou'iik penplp will ini-ct Tilcfilay uflPi mum nt 3.15 p. 111, and the Henluis nt 7.u0 p. 111. In the ov lu lu p. Spi vices at tho Hint Welsh Haplibt chin eh toinoirow will bo ua follnwa: I'uilthliiK at 10 a. 111. by tho ikistni, Upv. J. A. Uvans; Sunday hlIiooI at 'i p. in.; ln'thc-ovelilnK nt B p. in. At tho latter sen lee most lnlpretitlnir and elaboiale lunKtainine will be fiiili-reil lu cliprvuiR'P nf riillitipn'H da. The follow biff Is thu pioKiMiitnie. IlrjilllU T. M. 1.PWN Si'lo .. . , I.OlllMl l,ilc JUcltllllilll 1 :lrt;,'l ! t I'lltCl bolo and Chorus I'Iuiciicp i'v Hitltatlon T. JpIiii Knl. Sold Kecltatloli Solo .. ... Address .. Mnmli' II. nils Mumlu Kmiiis ...Mury ntt.ijlbii'es, Tnyii ,..". clwlljni JMk uds l.CWlS 11. JntK'S Duet, l'lor. lladll c""oiisln. IVrlullle, ,'tnd Jlis. D. 1). Tlinnws. Solo 12. l.iwis Solo .1. T. Kmiiis Aieoinp.inlst Mls 1,1zle Owtns TOI.11 IN A K-I2W l.rNHS. lb". 1!. V. Tayloi. tlio (IlmiIIsI, linn illsposeil nf hl.s dent'il business In this place nnd will sbnitly leiniiM tn No'i 111 k. X. J., wheie lit will open uti an nllke. Mr. and Mm. .Inhn OweTi, nf Anne nviniie, are In WnshliiRt m, I). C, wheie tbev will lst their Mm .Intili, n membpi' of the Thlilpontb iprIiiipiiI. .lamps Shawp was aiiesied jesleiday at the Instuiue of Mrs Ann SelmU. who menses him nf btVlllR inielbly npennl a Hunk and took tlicipfmm 'f and two watt lies IipIousIiir tn one nt hrr bn.u'dpis. Up was rKpii a liPiir Iiir and held In ball foi bis altpearanee nt onuit. Ovsiti: to an aeeldent that orruired. to the lower maehbiei v nt Hie Storrs breaker, the nfllr litis have been innt Iielleil tn ceavp operations uitlll 11 pairs are wmlo, which will piobably lake snnip das. Mr .1. V. nw-ens, nf lVnlln.ind slrppt, Is sPilously 111. The funeial of ci. p. Haiell will t ikp idaie fnmi bN homp,.fi2." 'Iippii IIIiIrp stieet, tonuui-ow mornbiR at 0.".f) o'clock I'ca. Mr. Aldikh, of the Cliiice Ibfoimeil chuiih, will ofllclato nt the hiMiics. The lemalns will bp Interrcil In the famllv plot at Paetoi llle. Mrs (Vila Thomas and Sellna l. w l weip uiialRHPil Inst pvpiiIiir bpfoip AI-. derman Ildwnrd Kidler on cliat'Rps pip feued by Mis. .Mary Ann Da'nvpis, who iiIIprps ihnt..thp defendants inn-' lleouly iducked lloweis fioin 'the Riaes of tlio dead at Chinchilla cpiiip ipiv. TIipv pntpipd-batl In the s'um of 1:!iin each fnr tbebaiipe,iiani r at mill I. Sei vices will be cnndtlcted lu tlio Cbilsllan ebutih tnniniinw as usual. The study for tho momlnc will be a 1 ontliiuatlon of ihe ' l.ifp nnd Chai actei of st .Inhn ' In the evening tho sublpct will be 'Wlint tin Wni Id Owes to the iiAli' m Chun li ' . 1I1 mlii Hhs 11" tin PnHldciiip Ilk null will ml .no nf bis inipkiMS wilh tie ti.u hois' e,mii.in lu l.miPS b 1 1 toil ij . hose, without feet, at .l LIVE. NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Children's Day Services Will De Held nt.Many ol the Cuurchcs. HOMIJ'OP Till: 1NT12U1.STINO l'HO- .(Ii:.M.ti:S THAT 1IAVU. UI2BN All- ItAN(li:U-JUSI2Ill 1). l.t.OYD HAS TAK12N ClIAItOi: Of TIU2 1NSIUK woiiKiNci or Tin: manvim.i: MiNi:-NL'-Mni2it or sorii. AP- PAIllS t'ONDPi-'Ti:!) 1.A8T N1C1UT. P12USONA1- AND OT11I2HWIS12. "That day ot dins to ehlldir 1 dear" has nine 11101c enme iciunil on the nil eiidar, nnd tonioiiow at seiial of tho ehiliehes on this side "Cblldien-s Day, or "Plowpr Sunday." will bi observed. Much prepatatlnn fnr the tl i' n eet t Isca baa been made, and the chlblton lime been InokltiR fniwartl to the 1 nm IliR nf the day for sometime. Not nit nf the chin ches will innduct theii ex el eises tnmoiinw. At the Simpson Methodist church, Ninth Muln iiM'iiue, two services will be held, euch huivltp to take the place ot the leRtilar pieachltiR service. Jinny inembcis of the Sabbath school will participate, and tho following pio Ki amine will be lentletetl as prpp.11 oil by the commlttpe, of which Dr. 12. Y. UaiiNou la ehaiiniiin: ( iff 01 lory I'riuei .MKs Orncn Acker Pastor AdtltcxR of Welcome, Mlm Mattlo lluphes SlHRlrK Si linil ll.ii. Usui t ChlldtPii P..vtor Muslt Suntliiv School Onhtsiia tilfpihiR Pi lm.it v Dcpiitment .1ih. .1. It. Swfet. Siiticilutciiileiit. OihiiIiir Chorus, "Tho AticcH Aio l.ookhiR foi JIc." Addievs Jluilnv Arker Duet .MNp JpckIp nml Pe.ul Pulum.iii lieiltiillim, "'llils Ih Our H.t," Mls-ft rinrcnec 1'lorcv Ilecitnltnn, Million Hall and f'lnrley ftt Itpritittlon.'Miist You and J, ' Until Cirsim l'."liH'Kcnlntlve I'lowers,.... Seven (!lrl3 Motion Sons;, "tjoil Knows the Clitl- ilrpu ' Infant School Iteellallon, "A Child Thought.'.' Mmli'l Jmi's The llentltui'cn Illsll Mill DtiPl nml- Clieiis. "W'lierer Out Sli"pliprd' I-nils," Aic Mntid Pern nnd JpshIp Ktihimm Ite'ltiitlon, "The l.lltlo Duiideliniis ' .Murle I teach I)i el inintlon, "Don't Lach m I's," Charli s Alteriop Motion I2xi 1 1 ire l.lltle Totj Dccl.inii.tlcn, 'One ot C!od'n I.lttl. lb lots" OeorR. Ti.ni'.ii' SltmhiR Sole ol I2VI2N1NO rimVlt'12 7'iil flCI.llCK onertiry .Mlnsdrme Ai kr Pinyer " : Charli h . Lull SIukIiir c holr I nation, "The PlaR" s. Charles Swet M'tisle otihistli Utitt.itliui, '"Jho Tourhei u DIikIpid, MKs 12lhcl Ulnker Address . .. . Siiptrlnttinknt twl. 1'. k Solo ...Mis. M. 12. onion llpoltatlon, "Ttust,' Misn Cioi tiudi fellow .slncltiR School CIllSlllR AiIilrenH. II S. . i lllii.tnn HiiRPinian At the Sumiipi incline Pipsbytorlnn chuiih. Iii'.leud nf ihe tPRiilir pieach Iiir tenitp m the expnliii;, the mem-her- nf-tlie ahhath m hnnl aie Intake patt'antl n i holr of oxer 100 chlldien mid' I the allp leadtishlp nf Chorister Ik nli el l).tk a ill s".slt. The pas tor P.i c 1. I Postti. M. A will make la shoit nddie-s Mis. John I. James V ill m t as niR.iiilst. The piORiiimme will he tallied out as follows: ' Sliicinc M irthliiR on' Choir I'lmi . Pastor SiiicniK llolx. Holy" I'hoir d In is of Welti me Miss Nettlo Williams Script ill o He iflll c Slnclnp "ill id HoMiuiin ' Choir lleeli itions suhjn t "Presbyterian School Jllss-Inn." Thn Hi oat AReiiry for S.nlns c'htldieii . Anulo 12ans Millions Uutlilu the Siitilii.th School. Minx i:tlior UitMtri 1 oman Inlerest In S.-.Mmth Si lionl, Mies l.llllnu Tewki'slmry Grand Heiult of Prpbieilkn Sun , day Schnul Mis-Ions, .Miss HIiinclKMp'Pii PlnrbiR "Chllilrm's Praises" .... Cholt ltPmliilR, Dr Worden'M Letter. OffoihiRs nnd Announcrments. Prliniirv Kstrilns SlnchiR I2nil In the MornlnR," Masters l.lewellj n Price anil Ar thur Capwell. Solo, "lb Cnllelh Thee," JIiss Vei nn Williams Ttei lliitlon Nine GUIs SIiirIiir "Sweet IIo-,ituiiiH." Pastors Adilios I'.ev. I.. R. fostei M A. Anthem. "Itloimpil" Chulr Kecltntlon, "IblnB in tho Children," Seven c.irls Keeltutlmi. 'rjood-ltvp" Miss Vi rna Wlibfiins SlnclnR "iMwiiul Christian holulei" nnd "Amerleii" .... CnngieRiitlon Ecnedli tlnn Pajtor Set vice bpRlns nt li p m At the Hampton Stieet Methodist church, nf which Jtev. James Ren nliiRer Is pastor, nn Intoiostlng service will he given ly the menibeis nf the Sabbath siliooi, instead of the regular evening preni king seivice. J. T. Rendlp and W M Piestwnod, Hiipeiiutendeiit nnd nssistnnt supeilntendent. icspeit IvpI will ln In rlmiRe nnd Miss Ger trude Llovd will net as organist. 'Ihe pi ori amine lii one tlesulptive of Methodism and the Chlldien's day ex eiclsei. Songs, vntnl and lnstiumentnl selections, leeitatlons. etc., compilso the seimrate partn. The public Is cor dially Invited. The letjular morning seivice at tho 'Wnshbmn Stteet Presbyterian chinch, nf whli h ltev J P Moffatt is pastor, will bp substituted b the floial servlco by the niembeis of the Sabbath school. A inuslenl piocramme, entitled "Chil dren's Hosannas," will be i art led out. Superintendent Joseph A. Mcars will preside and Miner's oiihcstra nnd tho church choir will nsslt. PCNI2RAL OF THOMAS PAHI2Y. Jlany f i lends and relatives weie lu attendance nt tho funeial nf the late Thomas Pokey, which was held cs teidoy morning fiom the lesldenco of his iliiiighter,vMis. Rildget. Cannon. 021 Twenty-second street. Quite a number weie from out of town. The lemalns wero boine to St Patrick's chilli li. whole a solemn high muss ot requiem was celubtatcd. Father Rich mil. nf the Passlnnlsts ratheis, now assisting In the cnjiductloii of, tho mis sion at the chinch, was i elebrant. Ho nlho pleached nn eloquent sciinon. Rev. J P. Whelnn and Rev. D. A. Dunn assisted nt the mass. At the conclusion of the" services, tho lemnlns weio home tn tho cathedinl cemeteij, wheie Interment wus ninde. Tho pall-beaiers- woro James Carroll find Patilck Murphy, of Plttston: Pat lick (illmey, of Hnne.sdale; John La velle, 1'iank Cinno nnd Martin Sam mond, of this city. Those picsont from PltlHton were: Mr. nml Mia. James Hiinis, Mr. nnd Mrs. riitrlelt Murphy. Mi. nnd hliH. J. Unit nnd Mr. nud Mia. James Cm roll. Mil. M.OYD APPOINTI2D. Vpoii Joseph D. I.loyd, nf Ninth Main ncenue, falls the muntle of Thomas J. Williams ns fm email ut tho Mainlllo mines, citron HldRe, Mi. Williams hnvliiR been mailo assistant Rpiieral Biipeilntciitlent nf the Deluwitie, Lack uwnnna and AVistein inlnes. Mr. I.lnjd dnes not ro to n stiniiRO place, ns he nccnplPd tho same posi tion at that mine pioclntis tn 1K7S. Ho assumed chuiRo dlllltiR n series of ip mmscs nt the collleiy and buniRllt ss tem out nt confusloii. . Mr. I.lnjd has alicadv taken up tho duties of his new position, Ip.ivIhr the douhlo position ot Inside foi email of the Atchhnld and Oxford mines, twn other Delaware, I.aekiiwaunii nml AWstetn collleiles. He has been coli nected with the company In Mttlmtn capacities for neatly tidily eais and has been lu i liarRe nt tlio Hollouie. Diamond. Tilpp slope, Alchbald, Man llle and Oxford at different times In a period of twenty .vents. Ho took charge of the Oxfoul about Apill 1, lust pievlous to tho buiniiiR ot tho breakei. Hoi n In Ibeconshlre, South Wales, robruaiy L'.', 1SH. ho came In America in ISt! and located In Scianton. A few months later Iip joined tho tin oo months men. AriiIii In May, ISO", he enlisted In the in my nf the Cumber land nnd was intisteied out in Octn ber, lfl". tn lsTR he went west to operate u silver mine In Utah, but le tnriiPil In abnut elRht months, owIiir to ill health. SOCIAL Al-KAUIS. The ladles of the Simpson Social cir cle enndttc ted n s-ile of fancy a.ld use ful m Holes Lift oveniut; In the lectin p room of the Simpson Methodist chuiih. Many nrtlrles wte t-od. The booth for tho sal- of nitli rs was In rh.it so of Mis. AV. If HiiRiti, Mis O.Kaslcilee, Mis. 1211ns Jones. Mis V. C Hall, com plMnR the e immlttoe William Piyot t'ae sexual velep tlnis on the pWmoRinpii rlurltiR the pale. Kelrpslimeuts were served at three tables bv the follow Imr ladles. Mrs. I.. Hook Mm j Ansl. It. Mrs. Snyder an 1 Miss '1. iin ('.imp, ta ble No 1: Mis II M Das-. Mis. J. paff, Miv. M. U Ulali, nnd Mis. C, t.. Peck, table No. 2; Mis W. W. Dals Mrs. J. r.illtiRor. Mn .1 I? Sweet and Mis J P. Acker, table No. ?.. Mli?s 1211abilh lleetmans mil Au Riista, Ttlnlr lunl liaise of the lep cie-nn an I the Misses Kntc Mnson and Kninni Lewis tho cane Mis. It .1 Williams, president of Ihe ilrile. mesldid and Mls Hiillia WhetlliiR ai ten ns cashier. The implls of the loom at No. H school In ch.iiRe of Prlnilp.it .lames P.. MiiRhes obstivoil tin- i losing cen Ises ot the school si ason jestcnlny nflet- nooli Mtniv Msllots in the persons oi lel.itHc.s nnd fiimds weie pic-cut and nppropilate de' orations wite used. Piineipal HiiRbis prerlded An excel lent proRinmino had been anaiiRcl and wua earl led out Kreitatlons were rImmi b the Misses Mnttl' ltURhe', Lorctta Column nnd Alh Williams, .lames Dals delhct p'1 the nddiesn nf welcome In an elo quet.t niinnei A paper in the "Pits ent Cunlllet" was read b UeorRe Pilne. MIsj Coin Dei ker was cla"-s pmpliet .mil In t piopbeiks were de cldedl.x i'lteic-tltia M!s Mae Phillips was class hlMi ini and was eiuul to her task. .Pimm ulos cxete playnl lv tho Misses '2a Kobtils and Maty MlllRJll Several snugs weie suhr by the school and fin nutoliaip and Rtiltar ditei was played b Miss Alice Moir.iu Untile Intel and MniRtin 12vans The clociiiR nddipss was niade bv Clint le1 Acker In a eij ciidltabk- munuet Louis Allen OsliniiP dclhcied his leettue nn the I'lilKd States nitv. last exenliiR nt the Sumner nienite Pus torlnn chilli h to a larre audience. In trest did inn lacr nt any pan nf the In -ture. The speaker lunl severul nddi tlonal puits to his lecture and bis stei -euptlcnn views of l.ntllc ships nud nnal scenes weie veiy line. Hefreshments wtie served nt the conclusion of tho lecture.. P12HSONAL M12NTION. John I.lnjd. of Not th Matn avenue, is In Hlnglnmtnn on business. Mi. and Mis. Thomas 12. Price and Miss Kdlth Christ, of Ninth P.ebeica avenue, bnve letuined homo fiom a visit at Wso, Pu. Hllbeil Johnson, of Noitli Hvetett avenue, Is In Bliiglinmioii. engaged in milking an atlas of that city foi P.aitl & Smith, civil and mining eiiRinceis, nf this iltv. ' Mis. J. II. Cole, of Washhum stteet. who has been setlously 111 foi tho past ten weens, is slnwiv letovenng iter sister. Mis Plikeilng. of Plttsbmg, will leniuln a few moie das with hei. TU. James Hoalo. of Pleasant Mount, has letuined nft'i yisltins his parents, Mi and Mis. James Hcalej. of Ninth stieet. William 12. House, of Ninth Hrnmley avenue, was nnpolnted lecently tn the position vf mnnnRer at the' Lacka wanna avenue storeionms of Stowcrs' I'm king i onipany. II M. Itass, of North Sumner nvo nuc. km. nt cstoidu at Cnrbondtile Mis M. C Dlmmlik, of NorUi Sum net avenue, is lsltltiR Itlendh nt CUf fntd. W. II IlnRrn, of Menrs ft Hagen, is in New A ork city on business. Mis iluriy I2vnns, of ,I,ii ksnn street, Is the runst of friends nt Nnnt'cnko. Ct'orge Mavey of Potest city Is tho Rlicst of John Kn n, of I2ynmi stieet. MINOR N12WS NOTI2S. Rev J 15. 12vnns. of Vandllng, P.t, will ouupy the pulpit at both services of the Plymouth Congiogatlonul ihunh tomoiruvv. Tho leguUiiiitich ser vices will nlsn bo held as usual The funeral of the late Jeiemlah 12. Davis will be held from the iesdeiue. MIR Luzerne stieet, this morning at a o'clock Set vices will be pilvnte, and lntet niortt will bo made at Washburn street cemetery. Ripple division, Nn. 4.1. Sons of Tern peinnce, will meet In 12vuns' liall. on Smith Main iivenue, this ovenlns nt ".SO sharp. All tho members nro to uestcd to ntti lid. The Willing Woikern ot tho First Welsh Congiegatlonal chin eh will hold nn enteitolnuient und social on Mun day evenlnn. Juno 1U. For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of ffi&fc&x C&s& HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Joint Celebration at the Hickory Street ' Presbyterian Church. M12MHP.11S OP ai2N12tiAL OttANT COM.MANDIUIY, KNK1IITS OK MAL TA. CI2I.12imATi:iJ T1I12 HOI NUtNO OPT Ol' Till! P1HST YI2AII Ol-" TII12 OIKIANI'.ATION - THOMAS 11YAN D1SC1IAU012D UY Al.D12il.MAN 1.12NTi:ri-CONKlKMATION AT ST. JOHN'S CI1PHCH Sl'NDAY 1Y 1J1SIIOP MOHAN. At tho Hkknty Stieet Piesbyteilnn chuicli tninonnw thete will be u Joint celebtntlon, tho eleventh unnlveisiiiy of tho YouilR Penple's society nnd Chlldlen's Day exercises. The hitler will be observed In the mornliiR, com menelnR at the hour of the usual Sab bath sonlies, nnd In the evenliiR the pioRramiuo uiiuiiRed lor sot letv un nliersnry will be Riven. The pto Riaiume selei ted will be as follows Pi elude, by OrRimlst Schmidt, hymn, by the coiiRi opinion: lecltutlnn of the Asptstles' Cipctl, by the jmstor: hymn, by the ibuicli i bob , ic.uIIiir of Sulp hite, b Miss Not dt; icspotishe leutl- InR. Miss Wlrth, hymn, choli , hymn. L'oiiKti'Riitlon, declamation, ihlldien of pilmnry dep.utment, tuldiess, ltev. W. A. Ncndt The exercises to be Riven by the chil li I en exclusively Is nnanRod ni follows. Sour. "MnichltiR On," teeltutlmi. flot III offettliRS, sntiR, "Holv, Holy." leii tntlnli, exeiclses b seven Rills, sour i the Sunday si html pupils, and the coiicludlUR number will be the asklUR of benediction by Pastor Not ill. The evening set v lies will be more nf nn Informal affair, ilev. Ml Notdt will deliver a special seimon. nnd the chinch choir will lender new music, aiiRliietited by Lawieme's oichestra. KNIOHTS C12LKHUATI2. fiener.tl (iiant Coinin indery 210, Knights of Malta. In flttliiR manner iclebrated the first iinnlvcisarv of Hip oiganliitlon In theli quiiiteis, llart maii s hall Hev C, W. Welsh was the ntatnr of the ovpninR, nnd In nil able manner, he spoke ol the undent and Illustlious older slm e the dajs of the lefoi tuatlon. The ipvpipiicI speakers' aeldie.ss was ippIpIp with lntpiestlng data. His iPin.uks weie wniinlv te ' lived and elh Itpd favorable i oinmeiit. At the i oiicltislnn of Mr. Welsh s tnlk n social session followed Hint wascbar utciirecl by songs, declamations nnd substtintlal lefieshmetits. (ipiipial C.iant cnninniiidcry has a membciship of 1J0, and has In Its treasiuy $l.or.O and $U00 In fuinltuie and other Incidentals. Tnmntinw evening the enmmandery will uttend wntshb) In n hndv nt the Cedar Avenue Methodist I2plscnpal i htiii h. nnd Uev. P. P. Dot will de liver a sppi nl seimnn to the Knights und their friends. The members ate ieitiested to meet nt H.CO o'clock at their hall. Nl'ns OF NI2WS. Tlinmas Ran, charged with assault and batteiy picfeired by Hon Mai tin Jm clou, was discharged by Aldeiman Lentes jcsleidaj, ibgie not being silf llcltnt evidence piodtued to satisfy the imiRlstiate that the c barge; was well ginundid In the milliter suit biotiRhl bv lljitn ngiilnst .Inidoti, Al derman kt'ou cianted .mother pnst poiiPuient until Monday evening. The Sunday school of the lltckoiy Stieet Piesb.vteilati ciiu.'i h will con duit an exclusion to Lake Ariel, June :. ! The Mimes Judge, of River stieet, gave n lawn putty nt thclt home lust evening, to a huge number of their jntiiig friends A special meeting nf tin- Centtii y Hi)p company has been called for tn moiinw afternoon. A Rood attendance Is desk oil Philip e luiPlder. ji . was lined ?L' In police point ostonln momlnR for drunkeness nnd fighting i'atilik Foley, nf Allegheny, who has been tbe guest of Pioprletoi Will Foley, of the Roaring (book hotel, dining the convention of the Ancient Order nl Hlbernlat'ic, has leturned to his home. Mi Pole) had a lingo num ber of piotninent delegates nt tho convention stopping with him. The I'nuitccii Pi lends will meet to mmiow afternoon at llotil Host Mrs Matt Schneldei, of licech stieet. is sPilously 111 The niembeis ot the Neptune I2nglnp company will paiade the main stiects of this fide this evening to further ndveitlsp their excursion to Lake Ailel Wednesday next Mlts Om-sie Iiaingaiiner, of Palm stieei was given a stupilse party last evening b iievernl of hei filei'ds. A son was Inn n tn Wlllam Ketcluff, ot Irving nvefiue, vcsieidav 12. R. Conley, company cletk, of Com pany 15. at Camp Alge., letuined to his home jeslerday. having been plant ed a few das fin lough. Miss Knimn CJiabner has resigned her position nt Westpfahl's geneial stme. A son was bom to Max Ludvvig, of Plttston nvenue, Tiiuigdii) Churles riil. of Rimini, Is vlHiting his aunt, Mis. John Fill, of Prospect ave nue. Mrs John Onidner and Mrs. Lizzie I2dliibuigh. of F.lmtia, have ict tuned from n visit heie: Father Sweeney, lecently ordained, will lelebiato last mass nt St. John's church tomonow. A large class of chlldien will bo con llrniPil at SI, John's church tomotinw afternoon. Hlshop Hobau will ollkiate. DUNMORE. Mr and Mis. John Wobb, of DrmUcr sired, aio lejolelng over tho ut rival of a voting rtntiKhter. Chailes Hollow, of 1'icok btroet, is iiuite ill. Thomas T. HiiRlttv. of South lUnUcly stieet. spent yestetduy with ttiends in WIlhcs-Harre. Jllss Bienn.m. of I'lilladdphla. Is the guest of Mis. 12. T, Hojlo. of Hi Inker st. -co I M,is J. n. UroiiEon Is spending the vv --Pit at New Yoik. The funoral of the lute Mr?. Patrick vnn will occur fnmi the icsldi'iice cm Hi ecu street .Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment will be made in St. Mar.v's cemetery. The Ladles' Aid toclety ot the I'rcs huiian chinch Is making oemilv piepaiatlons for their ovursloii to l.alte Arid Tluusday. June 10. The 'cliohira of No. '1 school will b'le n picnic ut Lauiel Hill pa Ik July 1 An Intcrestlpu proginmnio will bo ten dered dining tho dB. The vntlous cliuitlieH will obstiv! Chlldrun'H Uny by having special set--vlc.ts toinoifiivv. Tho Ciypilos whom Uurgees Pan ill i notified to leave town vvllliln twenty- kour bonis left yesterday foirnonn Tlvy ure now enenmped along the tiinin toad In Tin nop. The eniploves of the Pennsylvnnlti Coal coulpaii) will be paid Inlay Lint evenliiR u: a t-csMon of .he Chilntlon chuiih In Duimioie It was tinutilinnusly deddid tn icnali nnd rr pauil thebulldliiR. binutlfj Hip Rrotinds ana cm lose the sniue w lib .i i evv fence Pice Melhijdlstr will hotel scivlcis In SvvlliRle's hall, Tl.lnl stieet. font of Ash und William ulrct, Diiniunie. this Sabbr.tli at J p. in. nl.d 7. .0 p. in. All w i h oiiio. m ' GREEN HIDOE. Mr. and Mis. flenrRo Ponre of Johitn nnsblllg, Afilcii, me the riu sts of Mr und Mis. Tuvv nseliil Pooie, of Cnpouse iivenue. Mr. und Mrs. Cokely. of Capousp iivenue. iup siiendliiR n few dajii with ft lends lu Uowlands, P.t. Mis. L. H. Uvans, nf "WushltiRtou nvenue. Is seilously ill. Ralph Reynolds, of New York street, Is spending a few iIiijh In Tunkhuti- nock. Miss Crane, of flenevia, Ohio, Is the Ritcst of Mis. Piatt, of Oreeti Ridge street. The funeial of o. p. Hadzell will take place Siindny moinliiR nt 0 o'i lock. In tel incut will be at Piietoryvlllo. MINOOKA. Messrs Kinnk Kahcy nud James Hint will iindetgn medical eainina tloii today ptepaiatorv In embaikllig for Tnmnn, PI i where they will en list In the le'jtlhir nim. The icjuvennted icpiespntnllvp team whli h once held it tnnsplctinus lilace nn the instpr n utnatpur clules will journey to Ptnvldcnee Stuiduy tn i ross bats with the 12urekas The Matoons will battle with the Crickets, nf Ji.s sun. nt the latter place. The I.ieknwaumi tnw nshlp school boaid will hold a necinl session this nfleinnon i'he objei t ot the imetlng Is lo make a tmir of Inspection of the dlffeient sdiool propeitles. IN HIGH SCHOOL AUDIT0R1UAI. Coinmeiicrmeint Kxerclses oT the Training Nrlinol ill CSn Hold. The commencenient exercises of th" Se ronton Training si lmnl will be held In the Hlsh school audlloilum Wed nesday evening, June 1".. nt S n clock The piogianunc Is as follows. Oveiltitc On he st t i Involution.. . ltev. H J. Mm liolilili n Client Training hih "I Addiess of Welcome, Miss Rihm Klninnlns i 12.siy "What We Ho In Trainln-- Schnnl' .. . Miss Annie II. Rose Class Poem. "Rscelslot, ' Jllss Rehiii Kent Duct SIIwp l'err and Rose Address Dr. A 1 Mamie I 'hot us Training School Ptcsrntiitlon of li plnmas Mr. A. 1. Prnninle. Pieildent ot IJoaicl ot Conttol. Orthesti.i. The Ti .lining school has decided upon a "In. It Is very neat In design and beautifully wiought In Rold. t'poii a shield shaped center the letter-, S T. S. me vertically Inset Ibed. Sun mind ing the top and two shies of thU is a wicath ciossed at the upper pa.t b a hand of Rold contnlnlng the i hool motto, "12ielsloi " As It Is to be nci liuiiiPtlt the veai of the dlfleient classes Is placed upon the back. Should an of tbe giaduates deslle one, the niembeis of the school will be veiy glad to give them the necessary Intotmatlon icgaiding fhem. REIBERMlICIl BOTTER. Jinn Stinclc Willi n Club by I'red Ilnrpe r J!ny liccovei. Peter Helber, who ns struik vvltb ,a dub on thi bead b.v Tied Haipn, tn Dttmnoie u week ago last nisni, , was mueb better last night than nt any time slim he was admitted to me Uukawannn hospital Dr. NevvbttiV thinks the man has a good chaine to reiovet. though he is far from being out of danger. Ilaletnn's .New I'nper. Hazletou l soon to have a new pappi'. Hip Telegiaph. a vveekl.v publi cation, edited and owned b William ,loee, foimeily editor of the llii7lPton Sentinel. The inateilal has been m -dcred and as soon as It Is tecelvcd the paper will be Issued it is to be Issued .,n sniuiii.iv nights, will be devoted lo the labeling Irteresls but will be inde pendent In politic POLICE NEWS Thomas Shcildun. .'I yetus old. who nalel he was a Uhoui staggcied up to n. n..fsinuii on !..nli ivvniui i avenue e i.i'bu iLurnins and siimk him He w iin-siicl bv I'etiolmiin Mf.tthovvs who Was told b a iti.ii.ser th. I be hid ItiUse.l 13 while In Sheildan lomnam rhurKd.i night. He vv is unwilling. How . ver. to muke an pecllli diurCc bhet idan eol a twenty-day Benttftiee in jllec com t. ftobett llllghrM. of the West bill. . tllM vv a stone thtough n liouw occi.pleil by l."U Uuli-e on (,'cntir street istpn!u ulto noon, lie wnu .irreMted by Patrolman I ilmn but wus leliasid on pa.Mili H ot a d'ooslt of i U) uppeicr In pollci court this mornliu'. A vetnun pollie otf' nrtei, .MKnici i" biiev. was In Ihe tolls Inst iiltflll n..iin Neighbors snit word thai Uelnn-v w n chunk i r.d disordirlj and abusln t 'Us wife und miushliiB the fuinitur. in H houisp at South Wcointng iv.nu" and Itlver street. IMttolmui Jlittlnvv ml Lulltiik found uftalrs to li .ls.ui n- h u 1 und removed Uclaney to 'In cHi'fJ1 '" lice station. Seven limnpi vverp e... to Jail let thirty du from ostenla p IUp io ut They cc.miirlxed the gaiu unenii 1 on Wit Uiikavvnnnu uvuiue .'Inn "da v evening. Hxiillru ordei have bin given the police to ntrel ml slg'it ev iv mother's sou of the genus hobo v u shows Ids fuci- ttiene iI.hh. Oriliiimilv thev vv.Uome for a 1" rlw" 'he pcaiCul nes of u seclitdid cell, but not ilunms thts kind of vviulher It Is oclievcel lo. will scratch Serunton troin iluir Dlw book for the sunitti"! u good dos' t Jill is propei ly ndmlnlstered dutlri the net tell dus. IP YoP lmvo btfPit slek you will find Hiiji''b Snrsur-arillo the best mdliin you can tnko to clvo vou nppHltc nnd stiength nnd icstotc vou to a teuUition of p'Tfeet health. HOOD'S rMI.I.S cure nausea, li I. head ii he, biliousness und nil liver ill l me i't edits c. E. B O N E EAT Choice Cuts ARKET. 321 Adams Avenue Kverthlm;lu the line of fre.U utU kUltlsl Meilti, MUHIlgOl l.aril, KIc. I'OULlin AMlUAMliI bl.llOV. Teltplisnc No, OSjj I will cuariiiitee tlint my Kidney Cttro will euro 00 per cent, of nil form of kidney complaint nnd In trnny InMnncra tho niGM serloiu forms of llrlht s elk case. If the ellnase li fom rllon'cil mjil a font otinoo vlil ef urine. We will nnalyie It ntiil tidvicc ou frco what to do Mt'NTOV At U flruggtt Sle a irlnl Oiilk, to Health tn1 mntlrnl ndtlrr fri-o IMv'i At h ' l'Mln .Golf Hose aud or Cantslip Belts Just arrived at CONRAD'S 305 Lacka. Ave. THIRD NATIONAL OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Bust ncss and l'cr.son.il Account. Liberal Accommodation Ex tended According to balances uni Kcspousibility. 31cr Cent. Interest Allowed oa Interest Deposits. Capital, -Surplns, -Undmdcd Profits, S200.000 300,000 79,000 W. C0XXKLL, President. 1IEXKY BEIjI.V, Jr., Vice Prcs. WILLIAM II. PECK. Cashier The ault of tills bank is pro tected by Holmes' Llcctric Pro. tcctivc System. AUCTION. Gillette Bros., Auctioneers, Will nil on M.duisilav uioi nim. ,ltmo lith t I" o i li K ut lortor IVnn and. l.acl..in Him i .ims ovei pTinter store, i II the fiiritlimi fionn tlv used at College ol Cummin consisting of 7' new onlc desk" In elnitc disk" loom tvi ch-iln. 1" ivpevvtlte i i ill nink'si J huge stan.l It's desK l mlmeogi iph m scats i5 onnln e ii hi 1 Uttit tile I shite hlack-lionl- ". nueil hi ii klioiid- in etc. Sl i: 11 tSI 1 IV 1. Nf) 1 1MIT Tin desks iri mi tultablc tor attor n v s nml Imiiurs m i. IVIcMUNN'S Is I 1 I' 1 ai n t nun V ll I ll I t.ilnnl i ni n ol He I ' n- le w ii h tin i rue i- ire i(ik,cI while the in .li n I pro in i.i r - , (, k, ii ll socntiv ', m I .mil i. in ln i ers of ln ill nun hut pri'li . s n i -nhm-i of tlio I m 'i i i niiiiui. ni ' i-i nei no I , i (,.i h In ii ni in ro s ilisnrilers it I- an i it v Uiiiili i. nn l md is recont llli m! d bv 1 1 In si pli sid ins E. FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl M.. New York. If, PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal of the best quallt) for domestic uk nnd of all hlcs incliuliiis; Buckwheat and ISielsee dehveieil In uny part ot tha clU al the lowest price Oulin cetilved ut ili office first floor. Conimonvvc.illh biiildimr. room N'o 6: telephone No I'l ot ut the mine, tele phone No '2'i2. will be piomptij attnel4 to. Dealers supplied at ihu mine. W. T. SMITH. WOJiF & WENZEL, S40 Adams Ave.. Opp. Court Hoji;. PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUmBERS fcole Aeents for Itlchardson I5ojrnton'4 Furnaces and R num.. A5KF0KTHB?diaETON! GIV5 THL BCgTIJXinT i ANPl5AB51TElY5Are FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON STATION. ELIXIR OF OPIUM i yGifr0i)RK r