The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 11, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Railroads Give a Much Lower Rnlc tu
Ibc Ulluminous Coal Operators.
In reforrncp to tho now much rils
cubrccI rtlftfrciiPi In rntps rhiirBPd liy
railroad rninimnlrn fnr rnrrylnie lilinni
inntis nml nntlmicltp rml the 1'lilln
lelphla StooUhnlilrr sny:
Attrition ooutliiurs riinoiiR Imllvlilunl
nnthrnrltn cnnl nprrninrc fr lower
frrlKht rates lietwoi-n tin- mlnliiK rrRlnna
ami tldc-watrr. II Is rlulm.l that con
cemlnnH In the tolls nr.- to mi
nhlp (inthrnplip roal Hurpftmfnlly to com
pftH with bituminous iiinl to stay Hip
latior'ft raplil Invasion i.f 11 lln formerly
cirruplnl nliillP lij- luHil con I.
As rIiowIiik tin- nflvanliiRrs enjoyeil h.v
hltumlnous. It In .illese.l I'.v thp Antlirn-i-Up
Coal Operators' norlntlon tlint ex
tensive Mites of soft roal have Iippii mailo
it jl.Sii per ton ni T'lilhiili-lplilii for le
Itverv lipvond Hip ij-h. nnil It In stated,
moreover, that tin- Nw York, Now llav
pii and Hurt ford r.illroad linn pontraptpd
for Its rears supply of soft coal from
July 1 on .1 ba-lK of Jii prr ton, drllvprrd
at Boston.
II In rl.ilmpd furthpr that smaller con
tracts have I wen tumle for Plctrllelil poal
qt $I.Mi. dpllvprrd In Hasten. I)i duoting
torn the t'i ppr ton prlcp. delivered at
Hoston. thr ocean frrlKht from Phlla
dPlnhla. viliicli ni rases nlmut W cents a
ton, thrrp Is h ft $1 1 nt rillladplphln.
Tin: Ar-rfAi. AVi:it.rii:.
Tills, howivir, N somewhat below what
may Iip phIIpiI tlir current price, nnd l.a)
may safely be a-suinecl an Hip
nvpr.-iKP sales IiiivIiik Iippii mndp nt thai
flcurp not only fur nml coins lipyond Hip
Ciprs, lint also for harbor delivery. Thin
coal comes from West Virginia, and frntn
thp Pleai field and lleccli Creek rontons
In Pennsylvania.
II Is generally supposed that Hip npcra
lors cm nt least m c.nts ppr ton. Pc
duotlnir this from Hip splllnir lirlpp of
i 2o, leavis 01 cents fur freight from liny
nf tVi i-r.lnn4 nniuprl Tilt. WpKl Vir
ginia prndiiel delivered hv Hip P 'lnsvl
nta railroad nt Philadelphia is piirrlpil
ovpt Hip West Virginia Hip liid
fr.r'l division of thp Pennsylvania, Ihp
Huntingdon and Top, and Hip
rnisvlvanla main IIiip Huntingdon to
Philadelphia, a distance of W miles.
llaxliiK licurrd out that tlvre Is pft for
flip rnllronds for Hip ptlrp haul fiom
hf mlnpsi to Phlladilpliln only fio ppiiIb
a ton. this kIv a n a.tacp ratp ppr ton
por mllo of oiip and uiip-lialf mills. Pnft
ponl from Hip HpppIi Prppk reslon, from
ration to Plillad. Inlil.i. vln Hip HpppIi
Prppk and the Itnidlnc, trnvprsp. S7
mllP1- of road, Rlvinc an nvprncp ratp ppr
ton ppr mile of oiip and MPVPii-tenllm
. mills
TakliiK up now Hip transporlatlon of
K-ird ponl, thr nnthrapltp onprntorx point
mi' that Hip dlstanpp from PoIIsvIIIp to
I'liil.idplphla Is. 'i.T7 iiiIIps by Hip IlPadlmj
railway. Thp rnlo on anthrapltp IipIwppii
thpop points Is $1.M, or li ti-in mills ppr
ton ppr milp. Prom Wllkps-liarrp to
X' York. la thp I.rhtsh Vnlli-y rall, Hip ili-t.inpp Is 177 mill s. It t-
cluinird that Individual slilppprs pay toll;
nm.Mintlncr to opr 'l.t'i ppr ton, or s
mills prr ton ppr mik.
From Sprantnn to N'pw York, x la llu
Laka wanna, i. I )". iiiIIps nnd th1 frin!it
Extra Mlits
. . In . .
Shoe Department.
All day long crowds of people throng our store from end to end. The great success we're winning is because of
the tremendous efforts we're putting forward to make this unusual sale of
i3 Kf
$5.15 Saved Here.
See Windows.
rnto on coal In Jl.(r. or 11 mills per ton
P-r mile. AFponlltiK t rotnptUatlonH for
wlilrli the Antlirnrlto Ponl OpPtnlnrs' hk
poplntloti 1h rpspotislhlp. hllumlnous conl
Is carrlpd from 2W to 15 miles nt 1 T-lo to
2 3-10 mills ppr ton per mlh white, small nf ntitliraellp, cart led M to 17
mili-K. pays from 7 to II n-li) mills per ton
per milp.
In eonrltislon the iihthrwitn operators
say: "This shows that Hip frplKht i"tp
charRpd on imtliriiritc for parh mile
hiiiihd Is from .'inn to om per cpnt. urnntor
than that phaiRpd on liltiimlnmis coal,
and this Is done ly rallrtiaiN whlpli de
ppnd upon Hip ptniltnHp contlmiatipp of
llio nnihr.ipltp iniiuirv for their prcicnt
and ful tire prospptlty."
Mr. .T. Alfred pptinltiKton, orRanlst,
Scrnnlon Consprvatory of Music, nsslst
cd liy Mls MiidalPti PPity. cotitniltn,
of Now York pity, will Rive a tpeltal at
Perty ntothers' niiislp stote, "n:, Wyn
mltiR tnemie, Seranton, Pa., Tuesday
evenlnK nt S oVlock.
Thp Orpheus lnh. asslstrd liy Miss
Idaik. soprano; Miss ( contral
to; Mr. Newton PinM, tenor, and Hatnr's
military hanil, will Rive a eoncerl In Ihp
IpJT li'ti loom of Hip h'ecoud Pti'shyti flail
cliurdi Thutnlay t veiiltiR, June 2:t.
Mr. II. P. On-yor. liatlloiip. who left
hpre last fall. roIiir to llostnu, Mass.,
where he i ntrred the New IhiRl.ind Poll.
M'tvnlory of Music, tins Just been on
RnRed on sahiri1 ns sololtt In the qunr
tPtte choir of thp Pnlversnllst churrh,
I'V.itikllii. Mass. Mr. Preypr studied
voire pulture nml slnulnR during IWl
1VI7 under Mr. Alfred Wooler, solo tenor
of the Kim Pntk church, this rl'ty. and
was tor re, me time n number of the
chorus choir at Hie Second Presbyterian
church. Mr. Drcycr is the possession nf
n full, round voice Willi n "com puss of
two nnd one-hnlf nelnves from low P to
P up. lie Is rapidly rntnlnt to tho very
front ns n bass-baritone soloist.
i 'I !
Mr. and Mrs. Hppvp .lours lmVP Issued
Invltntlnns In n pianoforte recltnl to be
Riven nt Perry's music store by Miss
Lena IlPlrhnrt nn Monday cvonlns. Miss
llplclimt. who Is hut 14 years of nse, la
one of tho most iiroinlsltiR of Mr. Jones'
I' i; i
Tho entertnlnnienl given In St. Jlnry's
hall. Providence, on Monday evetilns,
was stieepssfuly coducted. The best oh
tulnablo lnl"tit was present nnd dcllahlcd
n IntRo nudlctipc.
li li I'
A muslrnl festival will ho held In tho
First Welsh I'onprpRnllonal rliurcli. Tay
lor, on W'pdnpsday evenlnt. Juno 15.
Prizes will be uwnrded for the best rpp
dltlon of tho followlnu numhprs: lioubln
rpi.ntPtlP, "Lend Me, Savior." flospel
hymns .'i nnd P., prize $J; lurllonp solo,
"The Hanner of the S- n." prize 7'i ppnts;
soprano solo, "W.iltliiR and WntrhhiR
for Mr," riospp) hymns .1 nnd -I, for those
over thirty yr.irs of ocp. prlzp .VI cents;
for ma lc m ovpr fnrtv years of npe.
"ilnab," on Hip wnrdh, "Ar Inn lordon
er," jirlzp .rfl cents; solo fnr elilldren not
over twelve years of -irp. "TIip llpm of
Ills Garment." prize .7) cpnl; recitation
for elilldren under iwclve years of iirc,
"Illnc out. Wild Hells," stundnrd ipp
tntton No. 1. prize .V) cents; spellltiR
match for those not over pIrIiIppu ypnrs
of aRp. inlzp SO cents. lupromptu spppeli,
L'S eptit. Adjudicators: On tntislr. Pro
lessor J. lleydon Cousins, of Pcekvllle;
in if citations, Ilev. J. M. Lloyd, of Tay
lor. The Sudermnnn's "llelmnt" entertaln
niPiit on Tupsday evpnlns In MusIp hall,
under unsplpps of Hip Mederhrnnz, by
Hip Phlcnuo Star company, was exoepd-
IllRly Rnnd,
Airs. F. Pi. Hipwstpf and Mls Ethel
rriivi-n rrndeml verv pn tty solos nt Hip
YniniR Womii n'b I'hristiuu i.ttion
last Sunday.
The tollowiPR iii,r'lettp sal .it (he
AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIHE to buy High Grade Clothing at ridiculously low prices.
The balance of the entire Spring Stock of ilessrs. Black & Tleyer, 124, 126, 128, 130 North St. Paul
Street, Rochester, N. Y., flanufacturers of Fine Clothing only, for Men and Boys, was bought by us
at onehalf its value in order to give them an opportunity to start early on Fall orders.
We're dividing our good fortune with you. If you know a good bargain when you see one
you will appreciate this offer.
A most beautiful
line of Fancy Chev
iots, Cassimeres and
all the latest Fabrics.
Hundreds of elegant
Business Suits, hun
dreds of beautiful
Dress Suits. Hand
somely tailored, per
fect fiting. .
See Windows.
Bike Suits From the
tlnR ralslnR nt the Delaware I.nckawnn.
nn nnd Western shops Inst Hnturdny:
John T. Wntklns, Davo Btrphcns, Llcw
oliytl J0I1PS una jnnn v. Jones,
, :! II
Thn "Ilulh nnd Hnaz" caiitntn will ho
produced liy n choir In chnrRO nf Pro
fessor W. W. Jones, of Hip Klmpson
Methodist Episcopal church, llydo Park,
on Tuosdny ovenltiR, Juno 2,
i: li li
At tho Washburn Street Presbylprlan
church dedicatory setvlres on Tuesday
noiiln- very beautiful spIppIIous wpto
rIvpii by Hntipr's orchpstni of six plerps,
and X double qunt'lette, POtnpHsltiK tho
Misses Myrtle Perry, Lyilln Sailer, Miss
Hrpwstpr, Mlsa ltltennuer, Professor
Stoiv, Tom Heynoti, W. Evans nnd Pro
fessor C, II. Derman. Miss Annn 11. Wtl
llams was accompanist.
11 tl II
Walter P. Jones, ex-cornet player of
Ratter's band, Is now playltiR E Hal cor
net at I'nlted StatPS nrmy Rround nt
Itnwley, South Carolina, with ProfesMr
tirout's hand.
A musical competition will he held In
Mear's hall. Hyde Park, on Wedtipsdny
evptilm,', Junp 2!i, under nusplces of the
Cambro-AliHrlentl Choral society. A prlzo
of fin will be uwnnled for the best ren
dition of 'the iipw national sour, "O
l-VtidlRpdlR Walla" ("O Hlessed Land of
Clwalla"). tho late composition of J. II.
Powell. Knell competitor to sltiR two
stnnzns toRethrr with the chorus. The
competitors nre requested to mall their
names and nddrpsses to the Hcrrptnry,
M. 1). PnnlPls, 12) South Main avenue.
Scrnnton, before June ai. Copies of Iho
music can bo had of J. It. Powell. 1.111
Washburn street, price r,f) cents. During
the eVPtiliiR patriotic choruses win no
l'piulprpd by Hip pliolr, nnd n nttmher nf
the IpiiiIIuk artists of the city will par
tlclpate. A small admission fee will bo
chntRpd to dpfrny tho expenses of rout,
rrhenrsals and miiisIp copies.
HatiPr's hand left yeslerda- lo nttend
the annual commencement exercises at
the Harford Soldiers' Orphan school, nnd
will furnish music for the occasion.
' l M
Thn special music rendered by the
choir led bv Professor W. W. Jones nt
the Simpson Methodist Episcopal churrh
last Sunday evening was excppdliiRly
rooiI. TIip quartette and sextpttp of tho
church choir lendered plensinB selec
tions. !! 1' 'I
Mss Elizabeth 'Thomas has charjjp nf
the law choir of children that will ren
der nn excellent nroRrnmmp of music nt
Ihp Cedar Avenuo Mission church to
morrow. " '' 'I
There wns n sppclnl servlrp of sour last
Sunday evenlnc nt the First Presbyter
Inn church. The quartette sntiR "Klnn
of Lovp My Shpplierd Is" nnd "Hehotil
I nive Yon a Mystery" In eCPpllonnllv
fine slvle. Mrs. TIiIpIp, Allss Joseph nnd
Messrs. Howen nnd Downlnp rendered n
number of pleasing uplecttnns. Miss Flor
mw Itlehmond did Rood work on the
pipe Mr. DownliR's work with
the quartette Is received with favor.
Mr. ft.mthwnrth. Miss Julia Clap Al
len nnd Miss iTordellu Freeman will Rlvo
n recital In the near future.
II li li
The musical part of the programme nf
Scrnnlon IiIrIi school commencement ex
ercises to lake plnco next Friday under
the Instruction of Professor Herman
will contain a well drilled chorus choir.
The selpptlnns to lie rpndprrd by tho
choir nro very appropriate.
i li I
The ree'tal of Professor Soiithwnrth
will he held Tuesday evening at Faetory
vllle Keystone academy. Miss Lillle Jo
seph, contralto of the First Prcsbytpr chnreh. will render selections in Inr plensins: manner. The othrr mini
liprs on Hip proRrnmiup nro very Rood.
Now Line nsh Axools.
Mcyrrs & Mnti'sfleld,
' 105 Hpriti i' Mfpft.
$5.15 Saved Here.
See Windows.
Black & Meyer Stock
Government Is Considering Advisability
of DrecdlriK Currier Pigeons.
HlEUS-Fon this ppp.posi: mniiT
Wlllam Snnlth, of Clmrler. strret,
North Kntl, I clrciilntliiK n petition for
his appointment ns mm of the proposed
Rnine wnrdPim to he nppolnietl liy the
Kovcrnnipnt for the brccilliiK of Ant
werp plRpons. Then- l n hill now
pcndltts? In consress for the nppnint
incut of clKht wardens ntul Ih'p npciir
Iiir of T.'i.OOU plKi'ons for carrying; ills
patches. Mr. Snnttli hclmiRS to n club com
ported nf twenty persons 111 Scintiton,
nnd fur several yearn tills club hus
been rnlsluc: the.? birds. Lust Sttndtiy
niornltiR nt t'..27 o'clock Ilvo enrtiors
WPtc loosed nt Mount Kiel, Vn., unit nt
12.03 nnoii, tip. snine tiny, tltpy nrrlved
nt Mr. Snnlth's conii nt Ills limne on
ClmrloH utrcet.
Tho illslnnt'c by nlr line Is comput
ed to bn 307 miles. The upccd nf the
enrtiers nt that rnto ivim nearly fl
miles nn hour. Py railroad the dls
tiiiico liptwoeti hpre nnd Mount RIpI Is
over 100 tulles. There wns a dispatch
fnslened to n rlnR on n let? of one of
the blrdrt showintj Ihe Hnip It started.
Mr. Htm It li says he has some of tho
finest birds In I lie I'nllnl Stales In
his coop. Three months npo he Rnvc
one to n friend In Port .lervis, N. Y.,
nnd ypsterdny the bird cntnc back.
XTstmlly In three months by pettltisT nnd
c;notl euro the birds can he weaned
from n former home: but n soon as
the Port .lervis man gave It the first
opportunity, back It come to the North
Thp Antwerp plRcon Is bred from nn
ortllnnry pigeon nnd a dove. They nrp
sninller thnn the plReon nnd nro pns
spsspiI of extraordinary Instinct. In
Iho present ivtir they would be of Ines
timable value to substitute for the cut
cables. They cinlc around when (jo
ins In the nlr and upon ffettlntr tltPir
IipiiriitRP, shoot ahead in a straight
lino for home.
Yis Put on Trial Yustrrdny iJnloro
.litilgn Slmoiiir.ii.
Tho tresii,is suit of Mrs. Kllen Dc
vatiney nu.ilnst th.. Cnrlmndnlp Trac
tion company for damages In the tnim
of $2S,0ffl for Hie d. ath of bcr hushnud,
wns cnbcd fnr trial yesterday before)
Judge Slmoiitoti m No. s court rcom,
and n pompulsoiy imii-stilt was Rrnutpd.
Attcrnpys Joseph n'ltrleti and I. 11.
Hums represented the plaintiff and At
torneys J. E. Uurr and H. IX Stuart the
Deter Devnnnpy. hnshand of the
plalntllf. M'.ii n tnalicairief In Carbnti
ilnlo nnd on Febin.irv I. IOK, while de
livering mail on his mute op F.rnoklyn
street he h',ii run down bv a car and
t.itall injurid. Jlc wns w.ilkiiiv. alnnit
the strict car ttai, and the cotnt held
$6.15 Saved Here.
See Windows.
at Half Their Regular Value, $3.75,
that ho had no buslnpss thero nntl was
guilty of contributory negligence. Tho
nnn-snll wns grnnled upon motion of
the defendant's attorneys after tho tes
timony for tho plaintiff wns closed.
Tho eJrctliKlit milt of Michael Flnn
nrry nnd othrrs against P. 1 McDon
nell and others wus given to the Jury
by Jitdan Arclibnlit nt noon, nnd nt nil
Jourtiltig time n verdict had not been
ngl'ped upon. Atlornpy A. A. Vnshurg
mndp tho closing nrKtitnPiit for tho
plaintiff and Judge Kuupp for tho dp
fensc. Tho Jury in tho enso of Kwnrtz i3ros.
against It. W. Oslatul and others went
to tho Jury tit .1.15 o'clock and a vpr
dlct had, not lieen returned at adjournment.
Acknowledged by llio Tronnror of
Home, lor tho Prlenilloss.
The treasurer of the Homo for tho
Friendless acknowledge, with thanks,
tho following donations.
A lrlend J 2
Mis. S. Morris 1
Mr. W. T. tl.ickitt iW
The I.lstrners MOO
The Merry Workprs 210 00
Mrs. W. D. Kennedy WW
Mr. W. R. Ktorrs ij "0
Mrs. Mary P. Knys 10 0.1
Mrs. S. D. Kinsley li en
Mrs. C. P. Mntthows 20 00
Mrs. Philip Schnelt ! t'O
Mrs. J. Warnko i 1 W
Mrs. F. Warnko I'M
A friend 15
Miss A. K. Sanderson COM
S. Sykes and Sons i b 00
Mrs. C, M. Zltjwlman M
.Mrs. T. V. .Itzleiuan fO
Miss Louisa Hurch 25
Mrs T. II. Dale "pillow Bale".... 11! 21
William T. Smith cstato W m
Mrs. If. M. Holts 100 m
Mrs. Dektn 2 00
Mrs. K. Fell 2 IK)
Mrs. A. Sehlmpff S TO
Mrs. F. Zlzelmnn 1 to
Mrs. W. W'ldmnyor 1TO
A friend 25
51,011 !i6
SiibMltlltton is .11 a do 111 n Hillside,
Coal .V Iron Company Cusp.
YVillard, Warren & Knnpp secured
nn order of couit yesterday for a rule
to cause why rieorge AVnters, Jr.,
E. A. Heertnaus. Fred W. Fleltz, Frank
T. Okell nnd II. M. Sstrepter should not
bo siibslttuted ns defendants in the
pJeettiiPtlt suit of the Hillside Coal nnd
Iron company against William I. Pitt.
The petition recites that on July 25,
1SSI, tho above suit wns brought for a
certain piece of land comprising 20
acres, nnd that op March f, 1KX, thn
Innd was convoyed by deed to tho per
sons above named, and they are now In
liosscsslon of It. That on Nov. 30, S9r,
Mr. Pitt died, leaving a will which he
devised nil his. l'pnl pstnte to H. M.
Streetpr In trust for rertnln usc there
in set forth. And Ulint before the
ilenth of Mr. Pitt he had plead "not
guilty" to the action In ejectment.
Ilo Wns Stricken Willi Lung Hem
orrhage i handily Nislit.
Attorney W. J. Tracy was removed
from the county jail to the Lackawan
na hospital yi-Mordoy by order of
Judge Edwards. Dr. Webb. Viousp phy
sician, w nt to the Jail nfler him nnd
brought hi in in n cab to the hospital.
Mr. Ti.iey was sirtrken with lung
$T.15 Saved Here.
See Windows.
hemorrhage Thursdny night, and to
ward morning ho hnd nnother. Drs.
Hums, AVcntz nnd Donne, the Jail
physicians, exnmlncd him yesterday
morning nnd ho had a third hemorrh
age while they were there. His con
dition wns such that court directed his
removnl to the hospital.
Mr. Tracy was very much weak
ened by the attacks, and had to be
put to bed Immediately. No one from
tho sheriff's direction Is In charge of
Delegates ot Loynl Knlgliti ol Amer
ica Ho Decided I.BStNlRllt.
Delegates representing lodges, which
form the membership ot the National
Grand lodgo of the Loyal Knights of
America, met In Reese's hall, Taylor,
yesterday afternoon In secret session
to decide the momentuous question as
to whether the Grand lodge should or
should not exist. The deliberations of
the afternoon resulted In a victory for
the lodges desiring a continuation of
the Grand lodge.
The session was convened at 3.1S
o'clock by Joseph H. Davis, of Key
stone lodge No. 37, West Scrnnton, ns
chairman: Joseph Oliver, of Enter
prise lodge No. 21, acted as secretary,
Tho following delegates were In at
tendance'. Catasauqua No. fi; John Me
Candlcss, D. J. Jones, T. J. Hughes,
J. 13. Evnns and J. S. Tubbs, Taylor
No. 22; W. Jenkins, J. Leyshon, W.
A. Phillips, .1. Wllklns, Jr., nnd W. II.
Williams, Enterprise No. 21, West
Scrnnton; W. G. Phillips, T. E. Price.
H. Wllllnms nnd J. E. Grlfllths, Key
stone No. 37, West Scrnnton: John
Oram nnd John W. Jones, Edwards
dnle No, 30, C. Fred Masters and D.
W. Thomas. Cnrbondale No. 33.
In the pvpnlng the visiting delegates
were entertained by Luther lodge. No.
22, Taylor, In n royal manner. Re
freshments were served and cigars
passed. An Impromptu, but none the
lesi enjoyable programme, was then
curried out.
Erlo nnd Wyoming Vnlley Rnilrond
Company .Ntrniclitcnlnc Its Hond.
The Erie and Woming Valley Rail
road company Is making some exten
sive Imnrovements along the line of
Its road between this city and Lake
Ariel junction, with a view to making
the road stralghter and ennhllng its
passenger trains to run faster with
grentpr pomfort to passengers.
A force of menls now at work be
tween Nay Aug and Elmhurst, where
several shurn curves exist. A new
road is being built for a distance of
over hnlf a mile that Is straight as an
arrow. When It is completed It will
do away entirely with the dlsapree
nble curves at that point. A ten-font
fill has to be made for almost the en
tire length of the new straight line.
At several other points the work of
straightening the road Is In progress
or will begin In a short time. A largo
force of painters Is nt work on the
station and platform at Lake Ariel.
Coroner Longstieet Ifus Ascertained
Ihe Cause of Murphy's Dcnth.
Corner Longstrect finished the post
mnrtem examination ypsterday fore
noon nn the body of Anthony Murphy,
of niyphant, who died Thursday morn
ing at the Lackawanna hospital. The
Hundreds of them,
with coats lined
throughout with silk,
vest backs of silks,
the Fabrics of the
very finest Worsteds
and rich Cassimeres;
the kind of goods
that tailors make to
order for $35.
See Windows.
$4.24, $4.74, $4.98.
FOR medicinal: USE
It Stimulates the Circulation.
It Tones up the Life.
It Gives Life nnd Health.
It Imparts Strength.
It Is Prescribed by Physicians.
It has licen Popular for ycurs.
It is sold universally.
Send for pamphlet.
Rochester, N. Y.
examination revealed a hemorrhage of
the brain, which was produced by an
Injury. It could have resulted from
falling. Tho man's heart vn cnlnrgod',
and his liver wns nlchollc. The coroner
advised County Detective Leyshon to
have Cawley held to answer the chnrgo
of causing the man's death, providing
the evidence Is sulllelpnt to prove that
Cawley wns seen kicking Murphy, as
It has bPPti allcgpd.
Coronpr I.nngtreet pmpaneled a Jury
to meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock;
nt his residence to hear testimony.
It Is a very peculiar cusp. Cawley Is
a painter. Ho clnlms that Murphy
made a drunken nssnult upon him Sat
urday night, but that ho only pushed
him away.
.Morgan nnd n Companion Ilolpcd
Themsolvcii to the Contents.
Thomas Morgan and an unknown
friend will have to answer to a charge
of larceny this morning. The two dis
covered, In some manner, about 1
o'clock, thnt Dr. C. Sllvcrstone's show
case at 215 Lackawanna avenue, was
not locked. Taking ndvnntage of the
absence of the patrolmen, who were
rnllpd Into Center sttect to quell a
fracas, they extracted about a dozen
pairs of gln.sses, one thermometer and
a magnifying glass.
A young fellow standing across tho
street saw the act committed and ap
prised Patrolman Goerlltz. Half an
hour later the pair were nrrested in
Morris' hotel, corner of Penn nvenuo
and Spruce street by Patrolmen Karins
and Klaherty. They were attempting?
to dispose of the stolen property to
Mr. Morris.
Morgan was for a time bartender at
tho "White" house hotel.
Stnte Teachers' .llcotine
Tho State Teachers' association has
reached Its forty-third year, and will
meet this year at Bellefonte on the
5th, Gth and 7th of July.
:fra Halves
. . In . .
Suits I
$8.15 Saved Here.
See Windows.
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