rn HIE SCRANTOS TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, .TUNE 30, 189S. 71. GARBQNDALE. ITlie Cnrboni.-. correspondence of Th Trlbuno has been placed In the hands o! Mr. C. II Munn, Balem avenuo and Chttrrh street, to whnm news Items may he uddres'fd. All complaints ns to Ir regular delivery, etc., should be made to W J Roberts, news agent. PROSPERITY STGAL1NU UPON US. Encouraging Opinion (Jlven liy Hunk Culilor I!. I'. Sprnrcr. Last cvcnlnK's Ln tiler published tin follovvinir. enconiagliiK opinions ex piessed by C. E. Spencer, cashier of the Miners' nnd Mechanics' Savings bank of this city: 1 do not think there Is any cause for alarm fis to the business outlook In thh city," said C. K Spencer, cashier of the Mlnets' and Mechanics' bank, yesterday. Mr. Spencer Is cer tainly In n position to Judge and his opinion on mo mailer i winm tun eldemtlon. Continuing, he nulcl. Wo aie MiffcrliiE from n temporary leniesslon, but we will cet over It. Our neoolc will wake up vome day to the fact that c are uRntn in the midst of piospcrltv. The business of the countiy Is pood, and -ciitu!illy wo will feel it hero. Willie we were enjovjnir R"od times the west was stiffeilnp from the depietslon. Piulng that time the? coal market became ovctaUielttd and now we are suFfciInK from the general tleprptlnn that tho rounti felt lipfoio It i cached us Wo weio tho last to he M.ltprl by haul times and. of cotiise, V. will be Hie lavt to lecover. TIim is tin one Kieat ica-on that vi fei I It hatil ill hiiHlness elides It is aucmenled by tho tact that p had a ri pen Intel, which did not cuii suin" the coal, and left the mat bet o etstiii kt-il. The surplus, however, will nun be lonsumed, and then thing.- will bourn again. ' HusinrsH ip.illy isn't b.id now. Theto Iini been no falluios In Catbondale and that shows how solid we ate. Theie is mute moiiev in tho banks now than theio nai a .eat itsjo. That Is ulwas n good stnndaiil by which to judge and It may bo taken to show that theie Is moto money In the town than people think. The trouble has been that people cutnnienctd to talk haul times and lin lip diately those who had money be i imp frightened and shut it up. They thought that they had hotter hang on t' what thej had. People whose In ciii'i aie iiiiw a.s Kio.tt as ever aie H-inline Ips-s lniiney than befmo. As ('inn n- they Ket ovei this timidity th- will loti-en tin again. Tlie conditions hero aie the same as tli.v weie In the west when haul time itti il that .section of tho country. 3 m ijbodv looked blue mid talUid blue. Thej "aid wheat would neei again sell foi more than flftj tents a lui-iioi "Within a iu it went up neaiU to two dollai" The people win talking haul times until they sudib nl awoki to the fact that pinspoilt hud u tuuiPcl It will be the same with us I look for a pci loil uf uupii iiclt'iitccl 1 lospoi lt . How soon it will i mm r inniiot tell, but would not be sui pi isi d to foel tlu vlfects of it liefoie tin Mini mi i Is out. and It may be in lull (.wins thi" fall anil wlntei. The pioper thins t i do Is to keep a stiff unper lip look hieiful and help the thine; along ' TUG STOLEN SILVER. It V ns Shipped to This City lot Men tllicnlloo. Tin s.lvoiwaii- whiih was found in lb tiunk of tin two hotel tliU at (litfimt i was "hlpiuil to lhl- nt h (llel of I'olii, i.Uiicn ot that i in On ariival hoie It whs found thai It iii not li"lonu to the Hoi. I .Mm man Ii was good unp however, and ivi 1 ntlv had been stolen from some h t i Tin ip Is no doubt Dial Chief M, . M liew fixed the mbbei.v or Hie Ainn- "i on the gulllv peion. and It Is to ic , 'Slotted that u. tWl, B,is., m, w'iiih the man esianed weie nut t.x innul Tilde is littli ilciubt that til Am. man House M)ver would inm ii u ' "ind theiclji The scmliing oi the l unk, of mute, put the pali m timi nil ml and It tbc hae not Mown to mi ciuarteu- they have dostmved all ' Mdi mi-of tliuii sullt. The mil) hop . is that the owneis uf the slhei now ,u Omoiita, whue it was iciiuneil bv tbnf McAi.diew, , Hi leam of Its li ifaiimits and identify ii The pan w'io nibbed the Ameikan have t.l duiilj. made u busings uf that tent of Hung UELPINQ THE HOSPITAL. Labor, Tloivers. and llnncj filven lo tli o 1 II hi 1 1 ii 1 1 Oil. The Delawaio ai. l Hudton imn panjV lepiesentathes in this cit hai fry kindly -voluntoeied to make flower beds on the hospital ki minds, ana sup Jil them with some plant Woik 1ms nlnady been imunienced, a shoit time will .see a Kieat chanse rioilst Tuin bull has Klven a Iiurp numbei of plants in the Institution for display In tin mwci beds J M Ah-'NuudPl. who just letiied fmni the fehuol boaid after seivbe of mails a Mine ot years, has shown bis inteiest in thp school childien and his sympallo with the hospital oh.i -n b placlnK hl check for $3 ou with the pupils' fund fin the benefit of tin- hospital. THEY MUNBUS,,ESS. Manajter tieoree Ulles, of Anthraiite jiaik, is airanRlnR some ruikI lauiiR featuies tor ,tic elRhtceimth Inht. There hah been sume niRument of late between OeoiRP Howell, Hoiton Uee and Horatio Lee ns to the nu.lis ot their fcpeedy steeds and the haw made a little pun,e of $.:o wlibh they will iaci for on this occasion. xi other en tiled will be allowed. LOCAL AND PER10NAL. The annual banquet of the luinni of tlKi High school will not bo glv. n until June II. Ire Chief l. V. Moflltt has nccepted a kUtnttlon us inntoiuiau on the T ac tion iiunpany'r line Mr. and Mis'. A. W. lfevnolds and rlaughter Uelh. ami Mlfca llnttle rnB uoo are bpenclins a cnuplo of weeks ut Tern Hull A dauHhter was horn to Mr nnd Mi 3 K C Ifly, of Salem nvoiilic, yestenlay. Mr and Mrs. ilrnry Kelly, ot Wvuni. llg stuet, aie icjolclnc over the ar tlvol of a daughtei on Weilnonlay (1. U May and family bpent joiter day at Ciystnl Lake, Mib C. P. Jndvvin nnd Dr n Hamp. ton of Scranton. and Mr. and .Mis. J. V blnioeU, of thin cltv, t.pcnt iHer day rusticating In Wayne cninty Mrs, V. h. Leonard Is vislllnu' In Pcianton. C. V. Chntfleld, who has been the client of Mr. and Mr C. K. Uco. or Hyrlns itreet, has icturnod to Oivcjo, N. Y vvVlnemluv '.vanlncr Alilerinwn Juno. Joined In matrimony Miss Minnie S-rnr3 Hint Tliiimus VunVetst, of thla oily. The barbers have Joined the early cloets. Their hour Is eight. The funqral of Miss Mnty Loftits was held yesterday nflnnoon nt 3 o'clock fioni the linnie of Mrn, I'cfcr Munny mi I'lkc stieet. Services were held In St. HufP church anil Intel incut was made In St. lto-p cemetery Tim fiinci.il of Thomas Mannlon will be held this uftornnon at :i o'clock It. torment will be inade In St. 15oc cenie tciy. TAYLOR NEWS. Opilcnl Lantern ComlnR--Tlils Uv ciilns's SocliiU -- I'crdonnl and Oilier Noun. A Brand attraction to the people of this town will bo the Cuban Ciisls un Instructive. InteiestliiR and cnleitaln Iiir lectuie on the Spanish mid Amcrl can war which Is to bo held in the auditorium of the CnUnry BaplNt chutch Mondai evening. June l.'i. The lecture will be fully Illustrated by a lntKo number of optical lantein views, piujcctcd on a laigo scioen by ;i Biioii. tlclon using the powerful ntetllelie llRht. Among the plcluies slmwns will b" views of Hiivana. Havana hubot. Mono castle, Havana, StaiviiiR U coneeiitradoes. San Juan, the Maliip, the Maine afti r thr exploMlnn, ntitcher Wcjler, Admlials Sampson and Uewev, the dew uf the Maine, etc Do not miss this. Pikum open at 7.30 o'clock. Commencement at S oMnck. AdinH slon, adults i) icut.s; ihlldrcn, 10 cents. L'lckawaima Vallej council. No ,", DatiRhteis or 1'ocuhontiis, will hold a Riand social this ovenliiR in their looms mi Main stieet. All members ale ieiUestcd to be prevent. runeial Pliector J V.. P.nls Is mak lnk sume noted Iminoveinents on his rcsldeme In Noith Taylor. The Flisl AVeKh CmiRieRatlonal church will hold a irrand social this eenlnR In the chinch basement. Thu Ladles' Aid will seive Ice cream, cake, etc. Come and enjoy the evening-. Th" ilcnard Sons' tdlk factorj had to cease ope. at Ion yesteiday due fioni the scnulty of water The Cleiks challeiiRe the Baibeis for a camp any date suitable to tho latter club. The Cleiks aie composed ot tho follow Iiir plaers. O M. 'William, lMwnid P Pal, Lewis Pa vis, John OweiiM, Jubn llelnhart. Hmry Wel-en-iltili, M Stilnc. Pald Pavls, Wil liam N'elRCl Answer as nun as pos sible Lewis Pavls, captain, 10 P. Pa Is, maiiiiRi i Moigan J Hauls of s lanton, i ir- I From 8 to 6.30, i2"X 1 " T; FRIDAY is the day we have set for clearing up small . ' lots in our Children's Department. If you come early you S. J will stand a better chance of getting exactly what you want g at these prices. For Friday only : fi cE Wi 11 VT TitpnTTiiiliIil 1 iUI Sj X jr v1 A. hi ,v- Mmp wwmwmmtiwivwiw culatod nmotiR friends In thla borough un Wednesday. The Hinoker of tho Loyal Knights of America, lodge to bo held this een ltiR promises u excel any of Its kind held In this jilace. In the nftcrnoon a delegation meeting will bo held ill their looms In Kecso'H hall. Delegates from Caibundale, 01 pliant, lb do l'aik, KliiKsiun nnd other towns w-lll bo In lUtendance. i:ery member Is reciuest cd In bo piescnt. Mio. Mabel Poll, of this place, Is visiting her naicnts, Mr. and Mrs. Tiff any, in I'ickvllle, for the prist lew days. Mr. Cairle Ueemer, of this place, Is visiting friends In Hyde Pink. John Unfter, emplo.cil ns u laborer In the Taylor mines, was slightly In Juied on Wedticrsday aftcinoon by a fall of top coal. Misses Maty A. Schlblens and Hmma Pay took a day's enjoyment wheeling to Hyde 1'nik jiosterduy. The boioiigh council will meet in tho council chambers this evening. Mucn Impoitunt business will be trans acted. 1 limey Kite li, of South Scranton. cir culated among friends In this place on Tuesday. Temple of Love, lodge No. 7, True Ivorlles, will liumlnntp cifllcets at Sat urday evening's meeting. Messrs. llobert Inglls and William J. Pavls aie spending a few days with f i lends in Wayniait. Mrs. Pavid T. Pavls has returned home from Hazleton, wheio flip has been spending Hi" past week with her daughter, Mis. Thomas .1. Williams Justli o of the Peace William P. Oilf flths is i.ipldly lccovt'ilng fioni his re cent sli kne-'s. FOREST CITY. St Joseph's Catholic Temperance so ciety has elected the following ofll ceis to seive for the coming six sl months: Piesldenl, Pntilik Cieaty; vico-prcslcb'iit, John p. Munay; secretin y, John McPonald, financial sccietaiy, William White; tnasuuv, M. J. Healey. M!-s Coin, Stephens, of Wyaluslng-, Is the guest of liei tister, Mrs. W. A. Canlngton The Km est City school boaid was oiganlzcd for th" ensuing veai Tues day evening. The following oilleers w imp chosen- Ptesldent, AMIIinm Jones, i.ieretaiy, John P Junes; tieas uiPi'. John P Mm ray. Professor C. T Thorpe was lc-elected pilncipal A special meiting will be held this even ing to ciiooM- the leinalning teachers. Chlldien's day will be olecned at the Methodist Upiscopal church on Sund iv in t. The Sunday si hool Boys' Wash Suits, in new creations of f! Crash, with braided collar and front. Jf f: Friday 3C ; Boys' Wash Suits, dark and light colors, fancy front and collar. Friday Boys' Fanc Shirt Waists, and white S Cambric pleated front. Mother's Friend AQ ii Patent Waist Band. Friday . 40C Boys' Fancy Shirts, very neat pat- i terns, two detached collars; regular iQ 75 cent Shirts. Friday . . srOC i Boys' or Girls' plain blue cloth Tarns, neat, and light weight, for Summer. qj gi Friday .... lJC ! Boys' Hilitary Caps, blue and red, li with gold cross guns in front, yy Friday .... Z3C i Boys' Junior Suits Small sizes. Values up to $0. Friday Boys' Yeste Suits Only 18 suits in the lot. Friday, $1.98. $L48 SAHTER Leading Clothiers, Hatters scholars will render ti ptogrnm, special ly iircpaied, at 10.50 n. ni , and In tho evening Hew t!. 11. Stone will preach to tho young- folks on "Pevelopemcnt " A game of ball will bo played turner tow ut Anthracite park between the Pewey base ball club of Forest City, und the Alerts of Cutbondulo. Mi, and Mis William Young, of Kan sas, have been spending the week with borough relatives. The Kouith of July will be observed In rm est City this year. The Odd Fellowfi have the project In charge and the following members of that organi zation comiose the committee on ar langements. llatiy Joseph, Curtis H. Ilerry ami Alex l. Lllje. Tonight, at the home of P. K. Hutan, the Hnptlst Voting People's union will hold an lee cream social. The Young Men's club will hold nn Ire cream social In the Methodist par son ige hall on Wednesday evening, June 13. Special Prices on Striking Bags and Boxing Gloves Also All Kinds fnreileemcil Pledges Tor 'I Ills tck lit GILLETTE BROS.', Auctioneers ami Urokers, B27 WnsUlneton Vveniw Opposlto Court Housp VFina Watch Repairing At Lowest Prices. V IT. PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal of tho best cjuulity for domestic uso nnd of all sizes, including Buckwheat otul lllulseye. delivered in any part ot tho clt, nt the lowest price. Orders received ut tho office, first floor Commonwealth building, room No. S; telephone No. 2621 or at tho mine, tele phono No. 272. will ho promptly uttendod to. Dealers supplied ut tho mine. W. T. SMITH. C EAT ARKET, Choice Cuts 321 Adams Avenue E3 i:prytliliig in the lino of freih and O saltPil .Mean, Saiisnges, Lard, lite. j POULTIU AMlU VMK1N StASON. E Telephone No. 6S23 C & lis Values up to$ 4. 27 suits go Friday $2.48. BROS., 1 and Furnishers. i 48 1'2anb12 Our extensive and choice new stock TaiiorMade to be closed out at a substantial reduction in prices. Need of money and a desire to reduce our stock of Suits, in order to make room for Summer Duck Suits and Skirts, are the prime objects for this sale. Its your chance to buy high class Tailored Suits of latest effects at a price scarcely over the cost of the materials, which means a direct saving ol the price you would have to pay a tailor for the making. The new schedule of prices is as follows: Suits. Suits. $ 7.50 to $ 8.50 Hcduccd to $ 5.00 10.00 to 12.00 to 7.50 13.50 to 15.00 " to 10.00 10.00 to 18.50 " to 12.50 18.00 to 23.00 127 and Seeds AN'D- Fertilizers II S COIIELL CO. Refrigerators AND ice Chests. THE li CONNELL CO., 434 Lackawanna Av3. ! ill's M Lager Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK mmiua..mm,u Telephone Call, 2333. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY A lot of luundry machinery, a new intimity wason, two tut bins wutff wheels, bollett, engines, djnaiiioa, ou., one Muig.tn travel. ltiK ciano, JO ton cupiU'lt). span 45 ft. 0 In., lot of good gp(und hntul hoistlnft ropi, nlr compres Boin. ptnnps, steam dtllls, dertick tittings, initio cuih, etc. 709 West Lackawanna Avenue. : 1 Scranton, Pa. Telepnon?, 3951 THE DICKSON NTFG CO,, Scianton and Vllke-Hnne, P.u .Miiniifiictiuers ol LOCOfflOTIVES.STATIONARY ENGINES llollerJ, Hoisting and Piimplnu Machinery, neneral Office, bcranton, Pa. TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING 0WCK RETURNS.,1 Connolly PILSNER! f AND and Q WASHINGTON AVENUE EDUCTION. Suits, acKeis Ji a to 15.00 129 Washington E WILL sell twen ty - five of the celebrated Christy Sad dles on Saturday, June 4th, for $1.75. Positively only 25 w'il be sold at this price. lorey k Brooks. Opposite Court Houss. 211 Washington Avenue. THE MQOSIC POWDER CO, Rooms 1 and Com'llh BTd'g. SCRANTON, PA. Alining and Blasting P En Made ut Mooslo nnii Uuihdale Work). LArLIN & RAM) POWDr.R CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER J'lectrlr HUtonei, l.lectrln hTploilor'?, lor c.plodtng blasts, Safety t use unit Repauno Ghemlca' Co's Y:l"o"iva BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS "Tfiinil .MADE PERFECT." Orlslnator.s of Painless Dentistry. Wo extract teeth, fill troth and apply gold now ns anil budge woiU without iho Uast p.iriii 1. of puln In a metliod pai inted ind ust.il bj us onl NO I'llAHOri for painkes exuatunt; ln-n tuili aio ordet ed. Pull Set Te:th, $3 on. W e Riintantre a fit. OolJ Crowns, 5.300 All oilier wort; at pio jiortlonato y low prlct-M -(lolJ Crown an J flrUgc WorK a specialty. Helns the oldest rnd larcest dental par. lur-i In the world we aro to well critupped that all wmlv dt ne bj us Id the beht tu ! had Our opei.iti lis aie pusi'lMly painleje. All wotk euaralltecd for 19 e.us. Boston Dental Parlors Corner Lackawanna unj Wyomlni; Aes (Over Newark tihoo Btorc.) MAX WLI1UR, Hoot ani Mioe Maker. Ilcxt aboen to order fioni 1.7"up. Men's olt's und hnels, HOC. I.udleN' ole and heels, .Vic. All w-ork imraniuo.t. 2 7 Penn Av.nu, , .'CPANTOV. PA. W W jasw'tSl -.( mir.nmpru kv-gx of ano uapes Capes and Jackets. $ 5.00 lteduced to $ 2.50 7.50 to 3.75 10.00 " to 5.00 12.50 " to 0.25 15.00 " to 7.50 18.00 " to 0.00 25.00 " to 12.50 Wallace, Avenue. DR. E. GREWER Old rost-omce Buildlns. Cor. Spruce St., and l'enn Ac-, t-cranton. Pa i.ua returned troni his Western 'Hip. and will now remain peimunent- ly ut lls homo unite. THE I DOOTOIl IS AhuADt'ATG OP THE UN1VKHSITY OF I'KXN.SVI.VA- MA. roitilUULY DUMONSTHA- TOR Or 1'UYSIULOOY AND SLU- OllP.V AT THU Mi:mco-('Hiu- I.HGICAI, COLf-KGU AT PI1IU- ADf:uiiiA. ms si'uriAt.. THIS AHi: CHHONMC. NPU- VOrS. SKIM. I1I3ART VVOMB AND BLOOD DISUASUS. The doctor nnd his staff .of HnRllsh anil deimun plHlclnns maNo a specialty of all foini of Chi utile Nervous Diseases, Bkl.i. womb. Blood Dlsctses Including Lplleptlc Pits. Convulsions. Iljs terla, St. Vitus' Dance, Wakefulness. URAIN WORKERS, both men and. wo men, whos nervcus bj stems havo been biuKen down .uid shatttied from ovei work, no matter from what cause, can be irtured bj my method All who call upep tho Doctor from now on will lecelve advice, examination, ser. vice and examination fiee. Dr. Oreweri nitih stai.dliiB in the State will not allo'v him to accept any Incurable cases). It they cannot cure ou they will frankly tell jou o. Diseases ol the Nervom Sjstem, The sjmpioms of whkh are dlzzlneii, l.itk of conlldence, texual weakness in men and women, ball tlsiiiR In tho tlitout. spots tloatniB beloio the es, loss of niemorv, unable to contcntrate tho mini on one siibjttt easily startled when spok en suddtnlv to, and oun, distiessed mind, which unfits them for pertormlne thu actual duties of life, making happiness Impossible, dlsttessliiK the action of thu heart. tutislUB Hush of heat, depression oC i-plrlts evil forebodings, cowardlie. fear, dicams. melaneholv, tire easy ot com pany, feellne as tired In the morulnc a3 when retliins lack of energy, nervous ness, tonstlputlon, wtaknets uf tho limbs, etc. Thoso bo affected t-hould consult U3 immediately and be restored to perfect health Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Younj Men Cured. If u havo been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctoi and be exum. Ined. Ho cures the worst kind of Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Soics, Catarrh, l'lles, Female Weakness, Aifectlona of the Uvc, Ear, Nose Throat. Asthmn Deaf ness and Cilpplcs of every description. Tumois Camei a and Goiters lemoved without the uso of knife or painful caus tics In our ncvvlj devised absorbent mdtn od known as tho "ELECTRU-UEUMI- CAnd our.OZO-NITE OAS cures Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness Consultation free und strictly sacred and confidential. Otflco hours daily from in a. m. to 4 "0 p m : 7 to 8 SO p. m. Sun day from 10 a m. to I p m. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAULETf. POSITIVELY CORK ALTtJitrtouw JHsease Falling Mm fjtl cry, Impoteacy, BleepiesjaebB.eto, riuiJ ,,Y ty Abusn or other Kiceues na ladlf , ttiL crotfon. 'i7iey qulchtu anil turelv i.Z?r ttnM fA. vita i( inni,iA...,.n. 5 titutnaa foretudx, burioBssor mtrriass. i'reveat InsunltT anC Consumptloa it Unintimn. ILalr tim ihowi Itemed atA ImoMfA. laeatund eETscU a ( UltU whera alt other fail In Ut DpOQ liaflns the geoulno AJax Inblets. Thtf haro cured thomndaatJ wllJourejoa, Uoplvopo itiTeOTrittfm guarantee toetfectacura Cil fTC in Cftchcaeaor refund tho money. I'rloe w U I wiper ruidcoge; or til pkges (full treatment) for f2W, liy mull, In plain wrpi-er. uron rclrtof price. ( trcolar '"AJAX REMUDVCO., SfeV.britf.'" For sale in Scinnton, t'o., by llattUevr llrnn. and II It Siitulenon, druitslsU, low r l