The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 10, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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f -M-f4-H -M"M--
We have them iu every
shape, form, design, col
or and material that can
possibly be desired and
every one is guaranteed.
1 X
Ladies' Fine Black and
Dark Tan Glace Kid x
Oxford Ties. t
$2. the pair
All sizes and widths. t
Tlia Wllkea-IJarro Ilecora can be had
In Scranton at the news stands of M.
llelnhart, 119 Wyoming avenue; Mac.
Lackawanna aenue.
Cards of thanks, rcsolutlotis of condo
lence, obituary poetry und tho Uko will
be Inserted In Tho Tribune only when
paid for In advance, at tho rata of 10
ctnts per line.
Important local news will be found on
the eighth page.
The building committee of the board
of control will meet this evening.
The Deluwuro and Hudson romptiiy
paid yesterday on tin- Honesdule division
of the Gravity and the Uruvlty shoiw at
K. E. Thomas, proprietor of "The Lin
den." a boarding htiut-c on tho street of
that name, was chaised by I.lverymun
Kvcrc-tt before Alderman Kasson yeste-i'-iluy
with having overdriven and Injured
a hired horse. The defendant was held
In t'M ball to answer the charge In court.
Examinations for admission to Prince
ton university will bo held at the others
of John M. Harris, rooms 1-2. Coal Kx-
liange building, Scranton, I'.i.. on Thurs
day Juno 1, litis., Examinations will
commence at D o'clock sharp, and con
tinue until Friday at : p. in. Tor further
information s-ee John M. Harris.
Dr. J. XV. t'oolidge received a telegram
yesterday announcing the death of his
brother. Frank Coolldge, which occurred
nea.' nurango. Col. The dispatch stat.-d
that he had been drowned, but no further
particulars were given. The ilte-c.i-cl
was .".S years old and had resided in the
west about ten years, where ho had been
successfully engaged In fruit raising.
Statistics showing the particulars ol
the May attendance In the public schools
have been complied as follows in the of
llce of Superir.tedmnt Howell: fi.nsi
males. 6AW females, a total of 2.iM en
lolled, average attendance of males. 3.JIJ.
of females. ."i.191; total, lo.To:'; percentage
of attendance, s": perfect attendance.
L'.r.TS; Isit by citizens. mi. bj directors.
I'll, by superintendent. U; promotioiii,
b" , susiienslons. 17.".
Mrs. Laura E. Stewart, tmtlonil prrM
dent of the Needlework Oulld of Ameiica,
has recently sent out an urgent appeal
to its many hands for help In bUialf of
the Cuban sufferers. The Dumnore
branch has responded most generously to
ills call, the directors hulng collect). d
Irom their members KM articles for hos
pltal use. sheets, pillow cases, towels,
wash-cloths and handkerchiefs, which
have already been sent on their way.
The days of the small wooden htr-ic-tiiivs
on the Cuslck property on Wash
ington nxenue, opposite the court house,
are numbered. In fuel, they are already
icing removed. Their places will be
ken by a -block of live one-story nhk
stores similar to those (.mall structures
with which the public is familiar on ave
nues surrounding Court House square.
The Cusiek estute Is huving the buildings
erected und expect to have them rcaly
for occupation by July 5.
Ladles' .Suits, J1S.00 and K'O.OO; re
duced to $10.00. V. U. Crttno.
I Choice
! Butter
Tin Scranton Cash Store
Was Transacted nt Last Night's Two
Council Meetings.
HltANCllES-C O At M O N K It 8 OH
'Each lirnnch of council? mot lust
night, tlits lower brunch In regular atitt
tho select In ndjntirncd session. Each
adjourned to meet nuxt ThursUiiy even
In r.
Conimoii council went Into tho fifth
order of business, Immediately nfter
convening, for the purpose of uppolnt
Iiik it conference commlttex1 to consider
with n similar committee of the select
branch the proposed amendment to tho
Providence road und North Mnln ave
nue pnvl'tig ordinance. A scant quorum
was present when President Molr ap
pointed Messrs. Morris, Jackson and
Keller as common council's represen
tatives on the committee.
Tho Joint committee recommended an
amendment removing those parts of
tho ordinance which had provided that
tho paving between the rails of tho
Scranton Hallway company should bo
performed by tho contractor and tho
cost ussessed against tho company.
Another amendment Is that the com
pany do Ijs own paving, using the sump
material and method as that employed
on the main thoroughfare.
As explained In The Tribune yester
day, the company's franchise exempts
it from paving, but the amendments
have been so prepared that In tho com
pany's work the pavlnu from curb to
curb shall be uniform. An understand
ing has been reached with the com
pany olllclals who have given their as
surance that tho paving will bo done
as Implied by the ordinance, us
Later an attendant resolution "came
over from tho select branch and was
concurred in. Following are some of
the provisions of the resolution:
Directing the city clerk to notlty the
company of tho Intention to pave.
Requiring the company to tile within
ten days a notice of any change desired
in the location of tracks, with an agree
ment to pave between the rails with the
same material and in tho same manner
us thr balance- of the two thoroughfare.
jjii'cciing me cuy cieik to notiry tho
company that North Main avenue, Be
tween Pond street m.d the -Ity line, is in
cluded in the ordliu.nee; that with the
Valley Passenger company's franchise
US'12) the company liled Its agreement
to pave between Its rails and one foot
outside with the same material used on
the balance of the avenue; that it Is the
city's Intention to enforce the agree
ment and that the company niusl lays Its
pavement at the time the balance ot the
avenue is paved. '
Mr. Klstlcnun Introduced nn ordlj
mince repealing the ordinance provid
ing for the cleaning of paved streets by
contract. It was referred to commit
tee for printliiK If favorably consid
ered. Immediately following tho Introduc
tion of .Mr. Zlzleinan's ordinance, the
streets and bridges committee repotted
favorably the Select council resolution
awarding the street cleaning contract
to Dunn Hrus. Mr. Keller observed
that the Dunn proposal providing for
the payment monthly of one-eighth of
the contract price did not contain the
stipulation that n corresponding
umount of work was to bo done.
Then ensued ji long debate pro nnd
con the contract system nnd In rela
Hon to the proposals of XV. J. Burke anil
Dunn Hros. The debate did not. how
ever, bring out which bid was the low
er. After several motions had been
offered, that of Mr. Oiler was adopted
deferring action until the next meet
ing. The Lackawanna telephone fran
chise ordinance passed third and final
reading in Itn amended lorm. Messrs
H-ese. Walker, Wnth. Coleman and
Norton voted negatively. Tho meas
ure did not go over to Select council for
coneurrtiee vt that branch had ad
When Select council's minority report
awarding the contract foi 12.000 worth
of Hie hose was read. President Molr
ruled consideration of It out of order
because the majority report did not
nccompf.ny the resolution nnd the mi
nority report.
i?r. Wenzel moved in ini.i., u,., .
poll. Ml. Keller armipil thui i,,,.
the -Mineralized Ilubher company hose
icc-orr-mcnded by the mlncuitv report
nor the three higher priced brands rec
ommended by the majority icport
should be purchased until nil ,.f ti.n.v.
had been tested. Mr. Klsdeinnn. from
the standpoint of n Urcmiin, opposed
the use of the cheaper brands. .Mr.
Oliver said the councils had found It
costly to consider ihe opinions of lire.
men. -Mr. Keller and Mr. Coleman moved
to concur In the minority repot t. M.
V. Mortis moved to table. The latter
motion prevailed by n vote of 10 to S.
The streets anil bridges committee re
turned the petition of property owners
on Wnsliburii street between Vnin -,.i
Sumner avenues, asking that the Scran
ton Jl.imvny company be compelled to
repair the pawinent between Its tracks,
with the committee's statement that
General Manager Sllllman. of the cum
puny, had promised to repair the street
tit once.
New ordinances and resolutions were
presented as lollows:
Mr. Walker-Directing the- street com
doner to lt.cstlgate the condition of the
Hyde Park avenue t-twer and report to
councils at once. Adopted,
.Mr. Wenzel-Dlreitlng tlix city clerk to
advertise for proposals to furnish the
city with a chemical englno for Columbia
company; for a combination hose and wupon for Relief company.
The following, ordinances were re
ported favorably by committee: (Select)
Providing for filling the app.oaches to
the Ulooin avenue culvert; (common)
providing for the opening of Oxford
street from Ninth to Meridian street
In the Fifth wurd; (select) providing
for an extension of the Alt. Pleasunt
ravine 'culvert under North Mnln ave
nue; (common) providing for the nar
rowing of the roadway and widening
the sidewalks mi Vine citieet between
Jefferson and Aludlson and between
Taylor and Arthur avenues; provid
ing for electric lights ut the corner of
Hrook street und Crown avenue, anil
on Seventh street In the Fourteenth
ward. The first two ordinances passed
two readings.
Among the few ordinances paised on
third reading wero those regulating
bicycle and other vehicular tmfflo-nnd
providing for a brick pavement on
Hyde Park uvenue between Lafayette
nnd Division streets.
At the meeting' of select council a
communication was read from Attor
ney I). J. needy, solicitor for the
Scrnnlon school district calling atten
tion to the act of March 31, ls'fi, pro
vldlng thut, "Any person who shall
bo found Intoxicated In nny street,
highway, public hotite or public place
cdiall bp lined upon view or upon proof
made before any mayor, alderman or
justice of the peace, two dollars which
shall be paid to tho treasurer of the
school district, wheie such conviction
Is had by tho magistrate collecting
the same."
An examination of tho police dockets
shows that dining the past 0 ycu.rf
i.o'J'2 persons were arrested forThunk
etiness, S,fC9 were arrested for being
drunk nnd disorderly. There is now
due, Mr. lleedy said. $11,000 In this way,
and he nuked to hnvo the money paid
over nt an early date. The report was
ordered received and llled. This action
of the school board was in exchange
for the refusal of councils to pay for
the lights in tho board's room.
Chief Hlckey sent in n communica
tion culling attention to the condition
of the city's Ilro hydrants. They ure
In a deplorable condition, lie said, and
are continually out of order, due prin
cipally to their use for outaldo pur
poses, such ns lllllng sprinkling
wagons, Hushing streets and supplying
water for building operations. The
general opinion of the most experienc
ed englneeiH and superintendents of
water works Is that hydrants should
bo used for tire purposes only. If tluoo
outside purposes are not to be restrict
ed, then tho hydrants should be erect
ed at Intermediate points for that
special purpose. There is also a neces
sity for changing all small hydrants in
the central city.
On motion of Air. Kearney the con
tract awarded to the Mineralized Rub
ber Hose company nt the last meet
ing was reconsidered. Air. AIcAndrew's
motion to table was lost. Air. Kear
ney said he made the motion nt the
request of Chief Hlckey. Air. O'Hoyle
did not believe In following out the
chief's recommendation Air. Kearney
said that the chief claims the hose Is
too llsht for the test. Messrs. Alelvln.
Wagner and Roche spoke In favor of
reconsidering. The motion of Air. Roche
prevailed that action on the bids be
laid over until next meeting, and
meanwhile the city will notify tho bid
ders. A resolution was Introduced recom
mending that tho railway committee
of both councils be requested to confer
with tho Scranton Railway company
nnd other Interested parties to con
sider the feasibility of extending a
branch of the street railway to the
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Air. O'Hoyle introduced a resolution
directing that all heads of departments
of city government shall hereafter be
present at all meetings of select coun
cil for the purpose of furnishing such
information us may be desired per
taining to their respective departments.
The ordinance providing for a lat
eral sewer on the easterly side of
Washington nvenuo between New York
nnd AInrlon street, passed third and
final rending.
The intendments to the Providence
and North Alain avenue paving ordi
nance and the accompanying resolu
tion were adopted.
A resolution was passed directing tho
street commissioner to furnish the
body nt Its next meeting calculations
showing the actual cost of cleaning
the streets of this city under the vari
ous bids received by him nnd accord
ing to his specifications.
The city engineer was directed to
furnish nn estimate of the cost of a
sewer for all that territory west of
the Roaring Hrook, not Included In the
Fourth and Tenth districts; and to
estimate the cost of a retaining wall
on North Alain nvenuo between War
ren avenue an.l Leggetts creek; nnd
to prepare plans for grading Pine
street between Washington and Wyo
ming avenues. Common council con
curred In these resolutions.
The North End Lumber company
sent In a bid to build tho Cumberland
Hose house for JSGS; and the Subur
ban Electric Light company agreed In
its bid to furnish Incandescent lights
for the city hall nnd engine houses at
5i of a eent per house for each 1C
cnndle power lamp, or 12i3 cents per
1.000 volts, with in per cent, discount
for all amounts between $I.C0 anil $10:
1." per cent, on amounts between $10
and S:'0; and i'O per cent, on amounts
over $20, If bills are paid before the
20th of the followinrr month for which
bills are rendered.
Sporting Fraternity Irom Other Cities
M ill Flock to Scrnnton.
If Music hall Isn't packed to the doors
!.-;: Monday night, when Tomn.v ltv.
a;-, of Philadelphia, and Fiank H.itii.'v
o' iiinghamton. meet in their twenty
round glove contest, the expectations
of American Sporting club officials will
i;o much ambs.
Three hundred persons from Hlng
hantton. two hundred from Wilkes
1'uiiP. n hundred each fiom Pittston
ami Carbondale will comprise onlv a
part of the crowd that will be here
fiom the vicinities of the cities named.
The correctness of the Ulnghamton es
timate may bo inferred from the fact
thut Hartley's brother has requested
the reservation of three hundred seats
and has guaranteed the purchasp ot
two hundred for the up-country dele
(Under this heading short letters of In
terest will be published when accompa
nied, for publication, by the writer's
name, The. Tribune will not be held re
cuouslb'.e for opinions here expi cased.
Snyn II IVnii Not Uniinimoim.
Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: In The Tribune of this morning it
was stated that a call bail been extended
uu.iniliii.utiy to Rev. Robert P. Y. Pierre
to become past) r of tho Peiin Avenuo
Haptlst chinch. This action was sup
pose)! to have been ti.kcn ut a bufiln"H
ineelng held Wednesday night. was
present at that meeting nnd was one who
voted cnllli.g Mr. Pierce, so you
see the cull cculd not have been unani
mously extended.
J)iin 11. Hryunt.
Scranton. Pa.. June , 1s:i
Ladles' Suits, und $20.00; re
duced to $!0.0U F. L, Crane.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
taken before retiring quleta the nerves
and causes rotrosblnn aloep,
I'laaunttothetuto. SlnmHubtituti.
Tlicrc Was a Wholesale Corralling of
the Devices Yesterday.
many machines were taken
and twkntv-one arrhstp
w'kiie aiad1! on warrants is
spud hy alderman howe-con-stai1le
timothy jones appears
as prosix'l'tor in all the
casi:s-1!romini:nt hotel and
Wholesale nrrests oMiotcl and saloon
men whose places contained nickel-In-tho-slot
machines were made Into yes
terday afternoon. The machines, "too,
were taken, at least as many as were
not concealed before the oillcers con
cerned In the raiding conclude'!! their
wotk. Anions those for whom war
rants were Issued were Edward Tobln
and E. (J. Dojii . agents who shared
the profits that came from tho usu of
the machines.
Constable Timothy Jones, of the Fifth
ward, appears as prosecutor In jho
movement. He made Information be
fore Alderman Howe against the fol
lowing: AI. F, Flynn, Franklin avenue: Fred
iMiir. Liui nv.'ui'Mi avenue; F. S. Kooits,
Lackawanna avenue, Ed Horn, Franklin
avenue; drlpics & J'lannery, Spruce
street; John Nenry und John Jennliig,
Wyoming avenue; P. P. Jordan. Wyom
lng'nvenue; James Fleming und P. W.
Costello, Wotr,lng inenuo; Louis Loll
mnnn, Spruce street; T. Hunt Ilroek,
Penn meiiue; M. J. llannoii, Petm ave
nue; Thomas C. Alelvln, St. Charles ho
lei; J. C. lllfcglus, pri.n avenue; Henry
F. Alnhoney, St. Denis hotel; Daniel
Vaiighan, Lackawart.a avenue; John J.
Scott, Lackawanna avenue; Philip Coyne,
Lackawanna avet.ue; F. Alangan, Lacka
wanna avenue; John l.ohniann, Lacka
wanna uvenue- P. F. DiirUIn, Oriiucl Cen
tral hotel; Victor Koch, Scranton House.
The Information against each defend
ant Is identical and is as follows:
That is the proprietor of il hotel
or saloon on avenue, city ot
Scranton, county of Lackawanna and
state of Pennsylvania, and that he has nl.
lowed and does allow machines or devices
therein for gambling purposes, games ot
chance, etc.. and that money has been
lost and won by playing suld muehlncs.
all of which Is contrary to the laws of
the commonwealth.
Against Tobln and Dnyle. the follow
ing Information was made:
That is the owner of machines
or devices which are used for gambling
purposes; that he has said machines In
yariou.-. hotels, restaurants and saloons
in the city of Scranton ; tint he.
(Timothy Jones) has played said ma
chines iitDl lost a considerable sum of
money, which the said u,s re
tained for his own use.
When Alderman Howe closed his
ofllee at six o'clock a dozen machines
had been procured und were stored in
a vacant room on the second Iloor of
the building tit the corner of Lacka
wanna ami Washington avenues, where
the alderman's office is located. Con
stable Jones was assisted In the work
by Constable Cole, of the Seventeenth
wind anil Constable John H. Da vies,
of the Fourth ward. They used a dray
In carrying the mnchines to the ulder
mnn'n otllce.
As fast as the warrants were served,
the persons whose names were contain
ed therein were told to report at the
nlderman's ofllee at their leisure, either
yesterday or today. The few who re
sponded yesterday afternoon were re
leased on their own recognizance until
they received word that they were
There are two lawvt, the penalties at
tached to which may be Imposed. One
provides Imprisonment not exceeding
live years and a fine of not more than
$.100. The lesser law provides n line
of $11 for the first offense nnd $2S for
the second. Whatever the outcome of
the hearings, Alderman Howe will be
obliged to report the seizures to court
with the probable tesult that the court
will direct the destruction of the ma
chines. Hut one resistance was offered to the
constables while making the seizures.
In Coyne's hotel Hurtunder Lundy at
tacked Constable Davles. Constnble
Jones went to his partner's aid. A war
rant for the latter's urrcitt was is
Patriotic Voting Men Have Now Abun
dant Opportunities to Offer Their
Services to the Country.
I'necnslngly and steadily the recruit
ing of men to till th" ranks of the I'nlt
eil Stat- s army, eltlur In the regular or
volunteer service, goes on at the differ
ent headquarters'.
At the Thirteenth regiment nimory,
leirulting is being done by Captain
Frank Holding, Company C, First Bat
talion, aiul Captain 11. James McCaus
land, Company U, Second battalion.
Companies , U, C nnd D form the
First battallor and thirty-one men each
must be recruited, making a total of
121 men needed at prsent for that bat
talion. Among other recruits for this
I .million, for which forty-eight names
have already been obtained, are five
musl iann of Hie "Old Ouard," who
were t of used before op account of non
pei mission jf parents ns Ir the i-iwo of
Unifier Emmott AIcDcrmptt. They have
overcome tilt objection.
This makes li almost possible that
the Thirteenth will not lack .i drum
corps and Its bugler for any gieat
length of tlir-e. Sergeant Paul Paschal
is, of Company C, is acting clerk, and
Sergeant Ocorge A. Culver, Company
A . Corporal Herbert Kellow, Cmopany
H; and SergLUtit William Davles, Com
pany li, are assisting. Attempts are
being madtf to get as many ex-gtmrds.
men as Is p islble. This holds good for
both battailous.
Fo- Captain AlcCuusland's tecriilts,
his detail Is distributed as follows: Ser
geant W. II. Freeman, Company F,
goes to West Siratitoti; Sergeant Rog
ers, Compnii) II, goes to North Scran
ton, Corporal Hurdenherg, Company E,
gou to Honenlnle : and Corporal (iulse.
Company (1. goes to Alontiose. Each
will report bis recruits to Captain Ale
Cnusliinil at the armory.
Captain AlcCnusland expects to visit
th larger towns In Hr.idford county
and pick up nun, as lie Is well known
throughout the county. Later he will
arrange to take the Hillstead band In
t'to. The Second battalion have about
tin v i 'trulls so far. Just as present,
no provision has been made for an ex
amining physician, but it If. expected
that Dr. W. O. Fulton will act.
"Just say we would like to have fifty
men to swear In each day" was the
greeting of Lieutenant C. K. Dentler.
Eleventh Infantry, r. S, A., who Is re
cruiting for his regiment and has his
headquarters nt 110-2 Atears .building,
Washington avenue. "We wanted "CO,
we have- sent 177, we still want 679, nnd
I feel sure we will set them," he con
tinued. Tlie lieutenant Is assisted by Ser
geant Ocorge Harrington an Privates
Edison I. Small and ThonuYtKllrow'ti,
jr., nil of Company D, ICIevBlAit Infan
try. Dr.O.F. Hnrvey, of WllMnrre,
Is acting as examining PuMfiltittLTliey
take about
one out cf eweryllw'.oMiicn
who present th.-irf-elvesAt
ucrect barrir.g n man out
Dentler wished tc, have
stood that tinynne who
n be
discharged it the close
or by
his own request, provlulnJIruT tfjcs not
wish to remain three years
Lieutenant Dentler nlsoVseld that
thetc was a chance for capavle men to
rise, now that tin- regular army was
being ex'-nnoVd. As soon as a squad
of thirty or forty men rre sworn in,
tlu- will be dispatched to Fort Atc
Pherson, Atlanta, (In., by special car.
Til-re equipments and clothes will be
plodded and they will then be sent on
to Tampa, Fla , to join the regiment.
Delegates Spent a Very Enjoyable
Day on the Mountiilim.
A day of delightful letrcatlon was
enjoyed at Farvlew yesterday by the
delegates to the state conventions of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians nnil
Daughters of Klin. The number of
pleasure seekers was increased to near
ly 2,000 by largo numbers frcm this
city. Carbondale and Honcsdale.
Tho excursion train left the Delaware
and Hudson station here nt 9.30 In tlf'
morning and was made uti of twcl.
coaches, all filled, No stops were mad
until Cnrbondulp was reached nfter the
train pulled out of the Green Ridge sta
tion. The ride up the planes from Car
bondale to Farvlew was relished so well
by many out-of-town delegates who
never saw anything of the kind before,
that upon being Informed there were
more plane. between Farvlew nnd
Monesdale, they boarded the first train
that came along for the Maple City.
On the grounds Hie delegates were
entertained with a hot dinner of delect
able victuals by Caterer AI. J. Kellcy nt
the- expense of the local executive com
mittee. Ah many otheis who wished to
sit clown to the f-nst were accommo
dated, and between 12 anil 2 o'clock the
place had the appearance of an open
alr banquet. The Cumberland band
furnished music.
President Patrick O'Neill. Vice Pres
ident C. C. Donovan, Secretary Gilbert
V. Curiy, and Treasurer John AI Kelley
were given a reception last night by
Hon. P. P. Smith at his residence. Air.
O'.Will will leave for his home in Phil
adelphia this morning, and Air. Kelley
will go to his home In Pittsburg. Th
last of the delegates will also leave for
homo A few went yesteiday.
Hy virtue ot the authority vested In
him, President O'Neill appointed C. (J.
Holan-l a member of the Insurance trus
tees to fill the vacancy caused by the
election o. Air. Donovan to the state
Abington Turnpike Itcpnln-.
That portion of Abington turnpike
within tho city limits Is being repaired
under the dlieetion of Street Commis
sioner Dunning. Ciushed blue stone Is
being rolb-d Into place by a 14-ton rol
ler. When the work Is llnlshc-d tho
thoroughfare will h Impervious to rain
and a perfect toadwny in every respect.
Primitive Methodist church, by Rev. AI.
Harvey. Charles S. Richardson, f
Piiccburg. and Allss Harriet K, Prosper,
of Olyphant.
DAV1KS.-In West Scranton. June 0. 1SI1S,
Jeremiah K. Davles, CO years of age, ut
the residence. 1415 Lusicrne street. Fu
neral Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at
the residence and will be private. In
terment at Wesihbuni street cemetery.
JONKS. In Scranton. June 9. Airs. XV.
Gibson Jones, aged 35 years. Funeral
notice later.
AU'LLKN. At Aloses 'luylor hospital,
June 9. Patrick Alullen. 15 years old,
son of Stephen Mullen. 7:':i South Irving
Special irik, Rug
Oriental ' W Sale.
This is positively the last week for the display of
Oriental Rugs iu our store, aud will close the balance of
stock regardless of cost at special private sale.
This Week Only.
This will be the ouly opportunity for you to secure
rare bargains.
12"7 Wyoming Avenue.
I2 Our $ Vici Kid line for Men nnd Women. Just X:
jc; the thing for hot weather. Light, strong, neat and "
25 and dressy, up-to-date. The biggest seller in the city. ei
1 Special June Price $1.98. g
0 JS-;
H8 &
IS Button. I.ace, Congress. All Toes, Cloth Tops or All 5?
S 'c'' e ',ave so' nundrcds of these already and will
X sell as many more within a week. This shoe "is a seller. S
IS Handiest Store in the
ff(0(l(IMf((tM(M(f MOS????!? I
Throned Train Ncrvlc.B In tho West.
A new train to Chicago via Lacka
wanna and Nickel Plate roads will bo
r-ut on May -TOlh, leaving Scrant-Jii at
B. j" p. m elallv, in riving ut Chicago at
4 p. nt. Through vestlbuled day reach
cs nrd sleeping cars,
22 9m
5 In artistic Pottery just 5
s unpacked. 2
a A choice assortment of a
representinp; the world's a
most famous potteries, a
a and comprising one of a
a the rarest and choicest a
a shipments ever brought 5
a into Scranton. 5
i 134 Wyoming Avbiuu.
"Wnllt In nud Look Around." j3
No. 224 Admns Avenue,
Opposite Court llouso
For the treatment und speedy cure of
nil Acute and Chronic Diseases ot men,
women ami children.
chronic, nkrvocs, hra1n and
wasting d1skafks a hpkc1altv.
all disi:asi:s phccliah to mi:n,
su-ii as Nurvoiiiiticss, Nightly Lots) s,
Oe-norrhoea. Syphilis, (ileet, Lost Alan
hood, Shrunken and Shriveled Parts, Pain
In Side and Hack, Vurloei.ce'.e, Sperino
tc rrhoea. Loss of Memory, Stricture, etc.
Mich as Lticorrhoeii (whites). Prolapsus
'or falling of the womb), Dysnieiioiihuca
(or painful menstruation), all Displace
ments. Inflammation, Discharges. Pain
In the Hack, Hips, Sides, etc.
RCPTI'RH cured without knife, pain
or caustic.
Fpllepsj, Fits, Tape and Stoma-ii
Anyone suffering villi catarrh, bron
chitis, throat, head or lung troubles may
receive three months treatment for onlv
J5. Trial treatment free In olllce. It never
falls to cure. I'so It at home.
At the Institute will be treated all dis
eases of the Heart, Kidneys, Skin, Liver,
Stomach, Hrnln, Nere, Illood, Bladder,
Kar, Kyc, Nose, Throat nnd Lungs.
All specific and gent's urinary diseases
or chronic Krzemn and nil Skin and Hlo-xl
diseases positively cured. Kruptlons,
Pimples and Illotches removed from the
face of both male nnd female. Old sores
and cripples of every description.
Consultation end Examination Free.
Surgery In nil its brain lies. Kxperlonctd
consulting phs;cians and surgeons.
OFPICE HOURS : Dally. 9 0. m. to q p. m
tundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
City. 217 Lacka. Ave.
Call and get a vote
at our
A Blank vote with every
4 cent purchase.
Hot Weather Fans 1c to lc.
Folding Fans lc each.
Same as Cut,
Upstairs Department.
Were $1.49
Now Only
Others from 19c to $3.M.
Oil Stoves, 19c up.
Window Screens, 10c up.
Lawn Mowers
Fasy cutters; (t r& Im
guaranteed from P0 "1
Window Shades, 10c up.
Floor Oil Cloth
Regular .joe quality only 29cyard
Baskets, lc up
310 Lacka. Ave.
in Room lor
and in Mrs.
Plain 98c
board will
be found es
pecially use
ful in the
laundry for
ironing chil
dren's cloth
ing. Padded,
Ready for Use
BABY BAZAAR, 512 Spruce Street.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
119 Franklin Ave.
The Standard
No Winding. No Springs.
No Weights. No Repairs.
No Trouble of Any Kind.
At Small Cost.
Mercereati & Connell,
Sole Ag;tiM for tills Territory.
nn: i.muiknt xi imnknt sroiMi.
ok ti-ocK-s, watch!:.-, .n:vi:i,itY AXI
Ml.VKIlWAIti: IX N'OliTIlK.UiTfc-ltN'
l'KNXnl. ASIA.
130 Wyoming Avenue.
At Pierce's Harket This
Turkeys. Ducks, Chickens and
Ilreiilci'S, Green Peas. Tomatoes,
Cucumbers, Cauliflower, No
Meets, New Potatoes, Celery, Unit
islies, Onions, Lettuce, Ap:iru.
Kits, etc., etc.
Fancy Strawberries tititl Fruits,
Print IJittter and Soft Shell Crabs.
ft jV-AkW