-JH,W THE SCll ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY. i)VNE 7. 189S, m CARBONDALE. ITho Carbondnlo correspondence) ot Trie Irlbuno has been placed In the hands ot Mr. C. II, Munn, Salem avenuo nnd Church Btrexit, to whom news Items may to nddrersed All complaints us In lr tegular delivery, etc., tdiouiu bo made to W. J Jlobcrtg, hmvs ns'int. ALMOST A PATAL CUUVO. A Hnsclinlllst Ironi I'rlcilinrs Nnt rowly i'.scupos Di'iitli lit Simpson. A voutiR man named Tanl ft cm Pilio Iiutk Ie ljiiiR at tlio CuukIiIIii limine In Simpson in n lirrcMlotis lomlltion ns the rosult of an an Mont dm Ilia .1 paw of base ball Tin Pi Irolmiir t'vun tali"' to Caibimilalp to unit tin- Antliinrlli"", the Mtno luklns plntr at Antliinclte park The game wn cump ttutlu'ly unrvi'titlv for net i ml Innli'irs. until tlir ucililcnt eeuiiipd which laid out the PrlceburK ilner. Mli ha 1 Tloinoy was In tho box for the Antliwu'itc wnen Paul camp to the bat lie stood at tin Plato waltlns fot " 1'-" lo ,,llt 1,lm while "evcral wide mips w 'lit bj. Tlor ny wound un fur u haul nn' Mini lft It Jly. It wis a high fast ball, and Just as It neait'd the ptnU It took a sudden shoot lnwntel Th. Mtsinun had not CMietied this and male no elTott to tloeluo Tho ball flunk hint on tho lien 1 b hind nnit n little above tho ear. Paul went down lll.e a di ad man, and instantly blood pii'lied Horn III" earn, nose and eye- lb ..i" unioiisrlous when plrked up and can led Into a dressinp room Great constei nation followed the ac rid, lit n it was ff in til that the blow was f-tfil ri(ine. the pltihei. who dellveied the ball to tho batter, was etj ni'ifb conreined nnd exhibited much ferlniK oei the unfoitunatp oe rtnieme Allhough of ooiiim, he was In no way to blame, ho felt Ills position keenlv In the confusion following tho acci dent n one itemed to h.no pri fence of mind enoucli to send fir n. doctoi. Their wat nore on the giound", and the menibeis of the trams nm the specta tors stood al out wnltlim lor the out lome of the arcldfilt. Tile Mctlm did net fh" ativ sIkhs of lecovoihiK con heioiisness and tinally a nuasiMio;er i time t tiwn for u ihhtolan. In tin inrantime Ui DilUy, who had bien on a profisnnnl visit to Forest Cltj, cam drlMiic b and .is ealhd In. This n.ij fullj an hour nfUr the aceldi lit. H m tit rid the victim icniied to tlio "luhin houe neaiby nnd put to bed. 1 ivler the doctni's tuatment the r oinib d playei reeoered t oii'-cl ius iiovs but was still vr wtnk. Two of lus ii.nip.inlcns fclajed with him all in, lit Yistoidtiy tin v tlmu-Iit In take him heme He cndeaored to cot up but was stiickeii with n t'lzv spell and fell b.uk tnlntlliK The doctoi wus naln rail, d nnd he ordeied tint Paul lit- given nbsi lute ust fol Feeial ilns. Jle s smfterliur fioin concussion, nnd must In K pt quiet to ilM'lt seilous con be iiienci s. CLAIM POR DAiV.AGES. Other .IIiiucm '1 b it tnnii Hrloro Select Council I list Iveniny. A claim for damages amounting to $49 was received by ol. t inun-ll from A Uyh-i Lift I'M'lilllK It I- ba.ied on an anldent t" Mis Hnlej Ac c online; to the i uminunii ntlnn she fell on Salem nw-niii In Deiembei. 1S37, and h.ialneil hei ankle, medical at tendance for which tost $1.". Mr. Hay ley lles loss ot Mil lees lnr sixteen weeks at Si'!. The claim wat, lefeired to the t lluauce committee nnd ilt holloltm Kin till llEhts weii, lepmtcd sdloit IG.'i limine during Mnv. ,1mm s Thomp son olij' i ted to pa Ins for ,n Helinont bticd liilit until it Is placed in the pobltlnn lequired b n i emit tiitll nanu Aftei sumo dlMtis-slon the bill whs ordfitd paid. A number ot other bills Win mdered iiaUl An ordinance lutiodiieed by James Th'impsnii. ieiiililiiK fendeis on stioet i irs was lefeiied to the proper com mittee A majoiltv of Itlver stteet piopeity owner who own n majority of tho foot frontage signed a petition for pining The thoioughf.ue has been cm bed nnd gutteied and the pctltloneis nsk that thej be lequliid to pa for tho unlm proed elchteen feet only. A special meeting will bo held Thuis day night, when tlio flic lonimlttee will also meet. LETTER FROM MANILA. Carboiidiili) Itoj on I lie Cruiser Hal llliiore rite" Home. V J Mai tin, of this city, yesteiday retolved a letter fioin his In other, who is a gunnel 'h mate on the P.altlmoie ot near Admlial Dewi v's (leot. Mt Mnr tln could not be si eii last night, but It is undeistood his lnothet wiltes him that he Is well and happy and that his sh-uo o moutv fot the vletui) will bo Ji .'00 Mr Martin has a vear ami a half yet tj seivu In the mivj. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The funeral of K. K. Mur.se at Crys tal Like yesterday afteinoon was largely attended. Intel ment was made In Maple-wood e emotery, this city Hov. Charles Let, ol tho First Ptesbyterian church, 'initiated. Th' eaily t losing movement will tnko effei i nt the local stolon tonight. Half past fclx is the houi IKetl fol the dally testation of business. All but three lengths of tho 7S0 feet of host tested by the Mitchell coin pan) at ninety pounds tho normal pressure at the file plugs proved de fective Miss Ida Hnkor, of Joimyn, Is tho guest of her nunt, Mis. W. It. Moon, of Cemetery stteet. Miss Olive Moon Is visiting in W'llkes-Uarre The goods of Peter Kane h u,. ) on KDwfMfm2y i never plcnwit work The vva to have cleaninj! I KwZ&MJMf sf"X linc 41,a '" tl tllrul ?' H iuicklv without Kfl'J&fjf MuntUnf nuicli htrctigih is to use j W3I " H5X Psfer. I iffyaBKJ U I Then the clcntuni; things ure laid acide eatlv in the d3y, and ' Jrj Efjl the housewifo lus time for more pltMsaut things. ! JHtlJS;' V B Irent luctnic-cuute-t tionnrc HnUS? " W TIIK N. IC. I'AIHUANU COMtMNV, riWflfKfe' m. Clllc"!!0, w I", K,w Yorl: Boston, l'hl.adelpliU, ",". ii ,i, WWBWBHIHiB3iM'BMBBBBijWKMHMH6wiCBuS tho execution ot GeorKo Giles, woro sold nt tlio Orago bulldltiK this morn liitj. They woro disposed of In Btuall lots and went off nt very low latos. Mr nnd Mrs W. H. Moise aro In Nonlstown, whole they were called b) the death of the lattcr'a mother. .Mis. V. I., Vntrlngton nnd daughter nie spending some time nt Crystal Lake as guests of Mis. V. lUltr. Mrs. 0. It. Munn and daughter, Mar lon, nto rusticating ut Nineveh, X. Y a. M. Pattotson has gone to Nlacara Pills to attend n convention of wholo Fiilo giocer.s. A I'olnnder was taken to the hospital last night at 10 o'clock He had his foot citislied at t'lilondnlo Di. Herd p.urns. of Scrnnlon, was In this ilty lart evening. JER Il YN "AND MAYFIELD. The school bonid met Inst ocnlng. Hills as follows weie ordered paid: O D. WlntPi" & I'o, S0 cents, M. J. .Sheiwood, for toil, JM !)",; Thomas Hit h. J9.ir.i J. G. NIcIioImiii. secictnry. snlaiy and e.penres, $S'; John T. Wil liams, ttensuier's lominlsslon, $17J.41. A lettei fioin Jllss Mnudane ltymer was lend thanking the board for their kindness and the support they lime ghen her during the tonus Hint she hns taught. Alsa a letter fiom Mls Jones, thanking the boaid fot kindness shown to her dining last teim. t'halr mnn l P. Unlet r thanked the boaid fm the hoaits suppoit thev have giv en him dining his teim. Mr. Sulllwin mocd a Mite of thanks be tendeled rhaliman C P Maker for the nble mniinei In which he had peifonned his duties and ginctned the boaid dining bis ti'im. ('allied. A Mite of thanks was also Mited the letlilng menibeis of the boaiel. The old linaid adjoin neel sine die. The newly elected menibeis weie swot n In, nnd Mr Haker was elected tompniiny ehaliman, and Mr. Cannon was elected tenipoi.uy'seeie taiy. The ehaliman appointed James G Nocholson and William Kulllian telleis John Mellow wns nomlnnted fol chnliinnn for the ensuing eni and elected by aclanintlon. John . Pilch aid and William Sulllvim were nom inated for n'eietaiy, and the lesult of the ballot was Pilchaid. i": Sulli van, 4. James Shields was nominated fm treasurei nnd elected by acclama tion The meeting wns adjoin ned to meet ni't Monday eienlng. The MaMl'-ld school boaid met es teida afteinoon and e'eeted William Walker ehaliman. Iayfaetto Mat thews t-ceietaiy, and Hen Moigan, tiensiuor. Chlldien's Pay will bo obsorveel at the Methodist 1'plscopnl chuiili on June '9. Dr. I. S. Ginves, James Allan anil A. P. Gebhnrdt t etui lied home Satur day evening after having taken n wni k's imatloii on their wheels, having visited Washington, D. e'., Philadel phia, Atlantic I'ltj, I,ancaster. Head ing, aid othei unaller toy wns. They lepoit having had a delightful tilp. The wedding of Samuel Giilllths nnd Miss Mniy Pilchard Is nnuounced for June 2.'. Henry Stone is lepoitcd to bo se- ilously 111 in Alaska. Are-hbald and Peekilfle lodges of Odd Pillows have accepted the Imitation of Hush P.iook lodge to Join with tliein in their eelebiatlon on July 12 Anh Imlel lodge will biing u band with them. ARCHBALD. Tonight nnd tomoitow night the miislial eMiavaganza, "Pilniess Hose bud," will be pie.sented 111 tho Father M. U lieu hall fm the benellt of the si him llbiaiy. Tho following Is the cast of t'haiac teis: Pdlnciss Hoi-ibud Mnmle Cionon Pilnie Cuil) Heinaid MeNulty Fall) Whitewand Agnes MeNulty Princess Ceph)iloo Julia Doughei' Piince Piindeiiius Joseph Footo King Ginball Finncls Kiainey (Jineii Small Agncs Me Donm II Gold Gauze Nellie Kellly Silver Wings Anna Swift Madame Giuffenoilgli. ..Delia Ooiiglier Patiltk Gruffenough..PatiIek Hiogan Hi'd.nff Aichle Nlcol H'lr Hlff Joseph Kiaft Policemen.. Hernaid Finite, John Uean N.vniohs, soldiers, failles, etc Judslng fiom the sale of tickets a laige tiowd will undoubtedly attend A huge eiowd fioin this place will attend the painde at Scrantnn today. Cuipenteis have commenced the erec tion of thti tower on St. Thomas' chinch. A lesular meeting of tho school boaid wns held last e-venlng with the following menibeis present: Pi ice, Mt Andri'W, O'Kouiki', Cummlngs, Toolln, o'lloin, M)unand Piobst, Thhd ward. Alter the appioval of the minute's or the last meeting tho following bills wire ordeml paid: William Heck, $1; John M. Dougher, $210 Henry Howls, f.'CTI, J I) Williams, $232.1, T C. Cummlngs. $0.30. Thoinas Pilce, i:",; P J Mi'Andiews. $.1; V J O'Uoyle, $U135 T. P. O'Hoio, $10 J.".: P. J. O'Houtke, $.'. Uonahiie ,"i llunebeiiy, $.'G2; Mis. Scanlon, $2. Michael Toolln. $2.33. A communication was iccelved from the National Hoaid of Hdueatlon nnd School Dhectots, of Mllwaukte, extending to tho bonid an Invitation to a convention of that boaid whlth will be held in Washington, D. C , July S nnd 0. A communication was also lend from the county supetlntentli'iit, which was placed un tile. Sei n tary McAndrew nsked the boaid for Infor mation legaidlng tin payment of the 1 s ,f Ce. a tois H, mis d cn Amorlcin Piotestant Ladles' aU t,,ffL o n I nhnn, , ...C'lntlnf. hnll. AH membeis aie urgently ic- stuffs on tho school buildings Instead of other work specified foi in the con- tmct. It was decided to withhold their pay and see if the woik done was eiiulvnlent to the woik called for K.. Tax Collector Phllbln was piesent with a statement of his actount with tho board, which showed a balance duo the boaid of $S1. His statement with the exoneration list of Tax Collector Mi Donut-ll, umoiintlug to $SSS Hi, was li ft to a committer, consisting of Mc Aivli'w. Mi is ami Cumlmugs Tin re In inr no iut tlii i biislntss ti mnie be- wr-mzmm foro tlio old board, they adjourned sine die. On otEnnlzInc tho new1 bonrd elected Mr, Klelty teniporary chalrninn nnd Mr. Cummlngrt temporary secretary. After leading tho ceUlflcntcs and oaths of olllce of tho now members, viz., Price, Gnitghan and Klelty, a motion was mnelo that tho temporary organ ization bo made permanent, tfor tlio olllce ' of tionsurcr Mr. Toolln was elected by acclamation, as was also C. A. llattenbuiL', cse to tho ofllto of borough nttorney. Mr. O'Howrke thought that tho borough attorney should iocoIe some compensation for the olllce. It wus thought ndUsnblo to hold the matter over until the next meeting, when they will also llx the salary of tho sccretarj. On motion It wns dee Ided to hold the nicotines of eaih month on tho llrst Monday even ing. It wns nlso decided to hold a speclnl meeting on net Monday even ing, for the purpose of levying tho tax nnd appointing the vailous commit tees Mr. Myers thought it advisable to leinove the lings Moating over tho school buildings until such time as It was necessary to raise them, nnd not have them out In ull kinds of weather The directors In the community of tho various buildings agreed to raise nnd lower the Hags when necessary. Thole being no fuither business of lmpoit ance, the board adjourned. The iiiuncll held a re-gumr meeting last evening. No business of lmpoit nnio was tianacted. PECKVIILE. Mr. nnd Mis. F. A. Peek spent Sun da) with the latter's paients ut Klzcr. Th employes of the Grassy Island Dcliware and Hudson collleiy wero paid M'Sterdny. Pailes Hiong. of Hickory ttiett, left vestiidav for Pottsvlle. The Pock Lumber Manufacturing con pnnv has leeelvnil the eemtinrt to build the new Odd Follovis' hall for Hal per lodge at Pockvllle. It will be a thioe-stiry building with all the latest Impioviincntp, nivl when compuleted v ill be the model building of the town The members of llnrpei lodge shoul 1 I e congiatiiliitil for the stop lhy haw taken as n hnll for socl"tv ptiriui3r.s Is badly needed In this plate. A icsular meeting of Pride of Orient loci 5i Chapter of the Hastcm Star, will be held this tvenlng. Our public. Fthools c losed here ves tridny and tlio scholars, of the Central school and the scholats of No. 1 school weie tiented to a jilcnic In Taylot'a gtove. where Ice tieam and lemonade weie served to the pupil1 bv their teac litis and all enjoved a good time. A meeting ot the Hlakcl) board of health will be hold at the council rooms tills evening. M's Lena Hair.cs cnteitalned hur frl-nds, MiM Iluth Weldeman, of Pleet vllle, lavt Sunday. Mr. and Mi C V. Keller spent Sun da) with lelatlvs at Stianton. PRICEBURG. While Colbert Hall was playing bisa ball with the Nonparkls on Sunday clown the valley, he was hit with the ball Fome where around his t ye. causing the blood to run from his eais and iioe. He was tTlien to the ho-p!tal and 10 m lined Oleic until yesterday, when ho was leinoved to his homo on Main stieet. Miss Hrown. of Peckvllle, nnd Mrs. .Matey, of Shiiltzville, visited Miss Sissy Daw on Sunday. The employes of Stous' mines re celvid their pay Satuielay. Horn To Mr. and -Mis. W. Benjamin, a .-on, on Satin day. Mis. Philip Motgan and son Benja min, of Gleet. Glove, weie visltois In this place jctteidnv. Th" tinplo)es of Stons' mines arc itlieilukel to v.oik until furthci otdeis. TAYLOR NEWS. Tom Thumb Meilding the Coining Attriictioii--ScIiool Hoard Orgnu-lc--Porsonnl mid Other .ni. The next attraction for Ta)lor peo ple will be the lantata tntltled, iTom Thumb's Wedding." The cantata la under the dliectlon of Piofessor John H Fiantis and the leheaiIng per loimeis .it u piogiesslng rapidly in their woik. The scene consists of tho Introdiittion of Tom Thumb, the ush eis, the teromony and subseeiucnt le ceptlon A social will be conducted after the- uiteitainment. Vv. William VanHuskirk, of Oly phant, Is visiting Dr. J. L. 1'oittus, of Main fatiect Thesihonl boaid met and reorganized last evening. The new boaid consists of tho following dliectois: Flist ward, Casper Fiutlgai and Tallle W. Jones; Second waitl, James MnpUson and Jo seph Davis, Thlnl waul, James Pilco and William Jtogers, Fifth vv aid, John H. Hoese and George Danse. The exclusion committee of the A. P. L. A. lodge met last evening and ar langed matters for their lonilng ex cut Mon Mis. Thomas Thomas, of this place, was the guest of fi lends in 11) de Paik yt stei day. Messrs. Hdwnid Gangmer nnd David Howell took a fapln to Centermotelaud un Sunday. Miss Sat ah Samuels, of Gteen Hidge, spent tho Sabbath with her mother, la this place. Pride of Lackawanna lodge, No. IS eiuested to be prt"-ent. Get tho Dally Tribune at T. A Lvans' news stnnd. It contains the latest war news. Miss Saiah Howard, of Lntlln, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Sarah Pugh, In this place on Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Iteynolds, of this place, was tho guest of her father in Uellevue )iiteiday. The competition which was to be held last evening at tho Welsh Congiega Ooiiul "lunch has been postponed until after the Taylor pay, Tho exact date has not as )ot been decided upon. .Miss Annie Henley, of Hyde Park, has ri'iuinid homo after visiting fm nds in this place. i On biuough council meeting on Fildiiy evening the plans foi the new load which isvnbntit to bo opened in N ..ith Ta)lor weio presented to tho ouniil by Hnglnetr Thompson. The tieet commissioner, David Hauls, is making some notable Im provements upon our botough streets. Mt. Hairls desirves much credit for his good woik The family of the late Mrs. Thomas A Thomas, of North Taylor, wish to extend thi'li siueerest gratitude to those who mi kindly assisted and sym pathized with them during the Illness and lecent death of Mis. Thomtis David H Dnls, of Main street, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs Thomas J. Williams, in Hnzleton. Joseph llnnnack, Ji., of South Hiiimton, tailed on filond in this place )esteiday. Messis August Flulitn' and Thoinas SYftiicis announce themselves as can- HOUR'S The iummer vncotlon Is one nt the estab lished customs ol our country. KUMOVI2 ALL. OYSPEPriC AND NERVOU3 SVMPTOMS THE BITTERS IIIAT jour I ilef ret pltu fuiii, labor inn) proN i a per m n u o U t bluMlng. fcfiTEflS dldntes for delegntca to the Third Leg islative convention and not to tho county convpiitln as announced In yes terday's coirmpodenco. Miss Gladys Samuels wns the guest of Olyphant ft lends on Sunday. Mr. nnd Mis. W. G. How ells visited relatives In Piovlelcnce jestiuilny. Master Harry Mulhciln Is 111 at tho home of his pnients, Mr. nnd Mru. l'at Hek Mulheiln Simon Shames, of Clink Summit, cir culated among Taylor, ft lends yester day. William Williams, of North Main street. Is conllncd to his homo with iheumatlsm. Dnvld Walters, of Hyde Park, was a Taylor vlsltoi yestetdiiy. AVOCA. Tho Ladles' Poielgn Missionary so ciety of tho Methodist Hpiscopal ehuiih will meet at the home of Mts. N. 11. Hosklns this nftemoon. Golden Hule enenmpment, I. O. O. F., will meet this evening. The A. O. 11. societies of this town will participate In the parade at Scran ton todav. The muirlage of John Tlgue nnd Kll7aboth Davis, both lesldents of this town, will take place this month. The luneral of Elizabeth, the six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Slekler took place on Satur day afteinoon. Interment was In Mar cy cemeteiy. Dining tlie past few weeks the les ldents of the town have been staitled by a seiles of explosions that have taken plate in tlie tunnel of tho Avoca collleiy. A number of mischievous bo)s have been In the habit of steal ing powder fiom the slope and lairy Ing It to the tunnel, wheio they took pleasuio In dlsehaiging It. It is now learned who the mlsci cants are, and If they pet slit In the dangeious amuse ment aiiists are sure to follow. The tallowing delegates trom Hose of Shaion lodge, No. SS, visited Prin cess Hentilce lodge, of Hyde Paik, last evening, wheio Installation took place under the supervision of Mrs John Ho ise. Mesilinncs Abigail Atwell, Annie Mitchell, lhnlly Hray, Jennie Clink and Maltha Hr.ulbui). Mr. and Mis. Mnxheimor. of Vhglnla. have i etui ned home nftir seveial duj,s visit at tlie Graham residence. Tlie loinbintd extuislon of tlie Moosle and Avoe.i Presb) terlan ehuiehes will be to Mountain Paik on July 23. Miss M. A. Qulnn wns a visitor at Wllkes-Haiie last evening In the Inter est of the L I. H A. society. The niaulage of Miss Anna Klrke, of Moosle, to Itnlph Twining, of Scian ton, took place on Fiiday evening at the home of the bible's patents. Hev. O. L. L)inan. of Scianton, ofliclnted. Mr. nnd Mrs. Twining will reside In Scianton. Miss Hose Wainei, a ti allied nurse of Dr. Pierce's hn'tal, at Philadelphia. Is spending a lew da)s with frlo.ys In the Ninth Paid. Miss Sadie Nealls, of Scianton. is the guest of Mi nnd Mis John King The boaid of government of the ('. T. A. P. held a business meeting In the Sarstield Opeia house on Sundnv afternoon. The follow lug tonipi Ise the boaid. Hev J. J. MeCnbe, Chat left Lav -In. of Wllkos-Haiie, J c. Gallagher nnd J. P. Lavelle. of Seranton: M Gil roy and J McDonnell, of Oaibondulo, and Geoi go McLaughlin, of Freeland. OLD FORGE. Thomas HrnFman has moved his fnm lly Into the hoip-e of Airs. Hevnon Lyman Hofftcker mid family, of Jer myn. were quests of Mi. Knnpp on Sunday. The Ladles' Home Mission try society will met Thin -.day afternoon nt tho home of .Mrs Samuel Hioadhead, r Tho bchools of the township closed for a tin co months vatatlon on Fiiday last. A pta)or meeting will lie held this (Tutsdu.v) evening at 0 30 o'clock at tho home of Lewis Lds.ill. VHUVOIM TKOPHIjI:-., am, kinds J. Hired u ith Anliimt l.xtruets. Preo bonk tells how WAStH.NUlO.N C11UM1UAL Lll nshtuglou, J). C. - 4-MM-Mr "M-4-M- - --- 3 X New Houses In popular neighborhood where values are increas- ing most rapidly, will be - sold at low prices and on -- easy terms. Call and see - them any time between i X 9 a. in. and 9 p. m. X X GH. C. FRINK, X 1 747 Prescott Ave. X Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK Telephone Call, 2333. i SI rki I2?ri9 REDUCTION. Our extensive and choice new stock of Teglor EVSade to be closed out at a substantial reduction in prices. Need of money and a desire to reduce our stock of Suits, in order to make room for Summer Duck Suits and Skirts, are the prime objects for this sale. Its your chance to buy high class Tailored Suits of latest effects at a price scarcely over the cost of the materials, which means a direct saving of the price you would have to pay a tailor for the making. The new schedule of prices is as follows: Suits. Suits. $ 7.50 to $ s.50 Ueduccrt to $ 5.00 10.00 to 12.00 " to 7.50 15J.50 to 15.00 " to 10.00 KJ.00 to IS. 50 " to 12.50 1S.00 to 23.00 127 and 1: EIGHMIE Tho licst tlttlng (.hlrt inadp If )Oii nra lmrd to lit try one) CONRAD SELLS 'EM 305 Lacka. Ave. atti:nd to your i:yi:s now Festgiu preserved anil bcailurhei pre vented by lmMiis your eyei properly uuel ftlenttlteally examined und llttcd Kyei examined t-ee. The lalett styles of Speo tae.lesand t')c'asses at llao lowest prlejt DR. SHIMBERQ, 305 Spruce Street THE DICKSON M'PG CO,, fccrauton iiml lllies-llane, I'a. Manufuctuiem of L0C0IK10T1VES.STATI0NARY ENGINES Uollcrs Hol.itlng and Pumrln Machinery. Oenernl Ofllce, hcranton, I'.i. WOLF & WENZEL, 34oAdams Ae., Opp. Court Haul:. PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUfflBERS bole Acents (or Klchardson-Bnyiitoii' Furnacos and ltancas. EAT Choice Cuts ARKET, 321 Adams Avenue B O N E I.erUlilns In tlio i'ne of froth nnd salted .MeittK, buii5in;es, l.nrit, Kte. JtJUl.ni AM) (jA.Mhl.V bl.ViUV Telepha ne No. 6833 AUCTION. Gillette Bros., Auctioneers, Will sell Mich.ieliiin Bios. & Co.'s entire stock of Orient.il Rugs .in J Cat pets, without limit or re serve nt 148 Washington avenue, Mears Building. Sales dally at 11 a. in. and :i and $ ). in. TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING QUICK RETURNS. Connolly 8 Sij k JT - - ft .S IU ak I J ym&YBSEisefsfWNEnr Suits, eke! a to 15.00 129 hgton E WILL sell twen ty - five of the celebrated Christy Sad dles on Saturday, June 4th, for $1.75. Positively only 25 will be sold at this price. lorey & Brooks. Opposite Court Housa. 211 Washington Avenue. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO. ltooms 1 mid '2, Com'Itli B'L'd'g. SCRANTON. t'A. Mining and Blasting Made ut Moosle and Itiisudalo Work 1.AH.IN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER riectrlo Uiitlerlci, Ueetrle i:xplodori. lor exploding blasts, .Safety Ktiie an 1 Repauno Chemical Co's uxplomvcs BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS TBUTH MADK PKHFUCT." Orlglnutort of Pulnleis Dentistry. We cMnct teeth, fill teeth nnd apply Rold crowns und brldwu work wlihout tho liMHt pnrtlclo of pain bj a inetlioil p.u ontttl tiinl uatel by in only. NO ClIAIlUrJ (or palnkba extracting vlicn teeth uro utUeicJ. !N2SiL VCccTi'!, Full Set Tenth, $3 oo. Wo guarantee a fit Hold Crtmni, S.i oo All oilier work at pro iiortlonulo y low prices dUold Cron an J llrUge Work a specialty. Ilelng tho oldest end Inrcfsl dental par. Inri In the woild, p nro to well ennippetl that ull work deno tip us l the be-it to li hail. Our operatle ns mo puhl'iel pntnlose. All work suaranteed for 10 .stum. Boston Dental Parlors Corner l.ackawnnria nnd Wjomlnir Aes (Over New'ttrU Shoo Store) MAX WIUIUR, Hoot nnj Shoe AUker. Heat Hhoes to order fiom St. 7ft "P. Men't Foleg iiud heels, (loo. 1, tulles' note aad litels, noc. All work guaranteed. 7 Penn Avenue, bCRANTON, PA. Washi w r ftEiiui! wn and Capes Capes and Jackets. $ 5.00 lieduceil to $ 2.50 7.50 " to 3.75 10.00 " to 5.00 12.50 to 0.25 15.00 to 7.50 18.00 to 0.00 25.00 " to 12.50 Avenue. DR. E. GREWER Old Post-Office nulldlni;. Cor. Spruce St., aid Penn Ave , hcranton. Pa l.as relurntd Hum Ills Western 'ltlp, and will now remain permanent ly ut his homo olllce. THE DOOTOU IS A UltADUATU OP THE L'NlVintSITY OK l'K.N'NS LVA- NIA.v roHMUIlLV Dn.MONSTHA- TOIi Of l'HYSIOLOOV AND Sl'il- gi:p.y at thi: mi:uico-chiu-uhoical, coi.1.hgu at j'hii.- ADlJUl'HfA HIS Sl'lX'IAI.- i Tins AUU CHHON1C, rcrit- VOl'S. SKIN. IIKAHT WOMB AMI BLOOD DISEASES. Tho doctor nnd his staff of Hnsllsh anil tiermnn phslelnns maKe a Fpevtalty of all form of Ohronle Nervous UUeaies, Skl.i, womb, Blood Diseases. Including I plleptlc Tits. Convulsions, lls terla, St. VIiuj' Donee. Wakefulness. UUAIK WOHKUUS, both men nnd no men, whoss nervous bj stems hto been bioken down nnd shattereil fiemi over work, no matter from what cause, can be lestorcd b my method AH who call uptp tho Doctor from now on 111 ie.Ua udxlee, examination, ser lco und examination fret. Dr Grower i nlwh standing In the State will not nllo-v him to accept any Incurable cases It the tniniot euro you they will trankly tell ou so. Diseases of th: Nervous S .stem. The SMnptoms of whkh aro dizziness, lack of confidence, aexual weakness la men and woiikii, ball ilblni, In Hie throat. Miots fluatlnB beloro the ejes, loss of menioij unable to cunctimate ihu tnlnel on olio subject easllj sturiled when spok en suddtiilv to, and ami, dlstiesheel mind, whkh untlts them for tHrformliifr thu actual duties of lire-, making hapulnesi Impeiaslble dlstrcEslnft the action of the heart causir.B Hush of heat, depression ot kp.rlts ,.ll forcboilluss, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy ot com panj, fcelliiK as tired in tho morning aa when retiring lack of encrev, ni rvous ness, constipation, weakness of the limbs, etc Those so affected should consult us Immedlatclj nnd bo restored to ptrfjot health Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness o' Youni .Men Cur.: J If you have been glen up by your phv. slclan cull upon tho doctoi nnd lie exam ined He ourta tho ivorst kintl of Ncnous DcbllitJ Btiofula, Old Burt.., L'alitllli. Piles, 1'emalo Wtakntss. ArTcrilons of tha Uo H.ir, Nose, Thiout, Asthma, Do if ncss und Cripples of ory de&criptijn Tumors Cancers and Goiters remoeet without tho ubo of knlfo or painful cuus tits In our newls dclsed ub-orbent moth, oil known us tho "ELUCntu-UKUMI- C lui'tl our OZO-NITH CAS euros Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness. Consultation freo and strlrth sncretl and confldetitl-,1 Otflco hoiiw dally fiom 10 n m to 4 10 p, ntt 7 teaf 8 W'P. m Sun. elaj from JO a m t6 2 pVrrri HJADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS rOSUTIVKLY CURU AJ,Iifrioua ilist-irirj X'uiltDtf Moin onr,lmpotuacy, hloeploinis, eto . caused by Abuso or ottier xtstHi and Indis cretions. 'Xliau uulcklu ami turtlu reitcro lAot Vitality la olJor jonng.ouil iitamaniorstajr. ou tnpsjor marriKB. I'revent lr.Danlty aneS Consumttion ,tt tukeu in tiuis. Tuslru.o .bows la TtcdUto fmcrasa. meal ana eactt, n e uiu. tiuoro an ntner nil in. (1st upca lisvlntf ilia Rosuino Aim patriots, Tncy haTfi curod thouaanrls and willcuroyou. Uoplee a tote itlse v, ritian euaranua (o eiloct a nro Cft fSYC In tacltcasoor ratuud Iba.mcnvr rrlfVU U I Wiper For sale lrt Mpruutxjn, VjS.rJjy.UtluSvr Ilros. aud It, C. bnudcrsou, dru;iit4t4, tfl " A i