8 THE SCR ANTON TIUBrNtt-3IONDAY, JUNE G. 1808. OAY'S DOINGS IN NORTH SCRANTON lentils Canlcy Injured by Uclng Thrown from on lilcclrlc Car. i FPNKRAI.S op inn l.Al'R MRS Jo RRI'll WILMS A.ND J,S THOMAS : hi-port 10 he maui: tonkmt UO OHC1AN1ZR A BRANCH OP 'i'llIJ i nitrh mini: worurus-i up- SAIJl'R Mi.ONm HAS CAUbED ANoTin:it ahhkst ro lit: maim... I)enntB C.iwley. of l'l anklln avenue, vwin injured by mi nccliU-nt on thi) elct ti'r tonil Josterdnj afternoon. A bruit 1 it o'clnrk n mr load of pnsHoiiKi'rs vn-i k iln toward the central cltj, and 1" I i Oak stieet, when- tlio load turns, thi nr lift tin- tnuk niul ran tmr to the Kidcwulk in front of Mm. Thulium A lils' lesdilinci. '"ornl of tho juiMengrrs were i hi own off und ono of litem, Caw ley, li i I Ills Io;; w rendu d nnd wns otlier wie InJuiM. JIc was tnln Into n r ,irby limine anil iiftevwtuds una re n veil io Ills hnnip. two fpnrrals. rl .io funeral of the lute Alls. Joitepll A Hlin t.iok place Saturday afternoon f i her hmno on William stieet. 1m- hIvp ppii( win londttotcd by 1' 'iiv L'. l. i Jonu, of tlio Wi'l-li i if cati' l.al ih'iich, who dtlivoled .i i.i Hint Hit mi u nnd tnutlud on l t v nitil.u'J ( hm- icter of tho de- d. The IK nil iifii-rlngH woie hvau t i I At thi I'i'iluslin of Hip ser- the fuupiiil imcse, which una ii t y , It rpte mti, piotot lid to Wnh l p ytiiti iiivtii, vv'wii intcrn-.ttit v maik'. .I fui al if .timm Thnmna, who 1 ftnn ill-htlu r n, uns hi Id istor- i tn in '"I from the home of his i Nt in MariMi t avenue. ovvtiiK t i t'i n.iilrt.nnt funn of tho disease i H wh ch he wn- p filleted, only t'eln t i .Mill In li .Ml friend intended the iopk. Vbe rcnn'ns wire Interiorl Ir. i mill pint ui iljdi i'arli Cuthollc ir it. A 'lot h. i i 'er.ibi r of tho i in Ir down wlta tl'c ?ame nfllktlon, I ' il.e nmpct ti if icrr.vcry nro hope ti.l Tn or j'ltix mrrrigan. bn Mcirl-isn of C70.1 Noith Main no, died Paturduy morninR fiom i i li a mc'Td In n tall ft m a n two weel.a into. Ul3 londltlon i i ne stIouk on Tlui'bdio Hi vwie " . itt old nni hud it sdclc J In the N Hi Krii about thirty tnr. " hi 'iii4il win hp hold nt 2 n'rlock ti i iftPrnnon. Thf IniPrmmt will be i i he euthi'ilinl leniolpiv, TtiLD K A I'U.W LIXi:s. 1m nni hundred nnd llftb'th spsmton ti i V nmliiK i dull lit Mlnti rial - riatl in v ill tu held, ooinmeniinc mi, oenlnn nt 7.3a oVloik, in t..i J ' UloaiHl rcplMripal filUU'Il. Till ns- t mis will be lontlnued tomorrow, the ii iiiirn1 Himilon uimmpncir; nt y 1 1 c It , ,i l i no hi. 1 l"i i vei.itw , !ii ll ifll'lt V Ml bt m.id tllll iMUillK i nil,'- ml' .i ' in in b i f th I'nitid Mi' Wiiltm nUoiiiHlln hull on 'I Unit hi. 1 1 n i mi nnd foi th i i r in i tin nation il n i, ini i i f t'u i Mb i I'n.iilit. J. in.' nt nhin 11 bf ;n e t i.t I '). inn i , of ,'io P r, s lMi Si n u (null; oi V m In r :i fi ii J i nk i.r.kK-1. HhmV f. t jlill KB i h'ti llsJI Olllfl lib! Than those who have never worn it can possibly imagine. We show all the good kinds are on display in two of our large show windows today and there is not a good or desirable make For Men'5, Women's or Juvenile Wear - that is not shown there, from the lightest weight Cobweb Gauze to the medium weight Balbriggans, Men t nos, Silk, Silk and Wool, Etc. ' Specialties for AthSetes and Bi cycle Riders are also shown. JGlobe Warehouse 1 club have prppnred an excellent pro Kramnip for this pvciiIiik, The prlnrl lml feature will ho a dehato between Homo of tliu inein'joiK on the suhjeit, "ltoi)lved. That Clrant was n Kreater Reiieial than I.pp." The nlllrmntlvc will bi ii iie"titotl hy Chnrles I.cwIh, Jnmrs Wlllliuiic, (Imncr Hlehards nnd the llPRiitlxe liV IJaillel JonllllH, Illeh aid WIlllaniH nnd Isaac .Vow ton. At the rntiiltmloii of thn dchatu n Hinoker will be t iijuifil. A larRe iiumbet- qt BUefiti mi' exnerted to lip iircsent. llev. It. It HuIkIii. pastor of tho Chtlstlan i hurcli, lilted his patent), who are at Canada, the forepart of the week. Attn. Andrew llrden, of Alahnnny City, who lias been. lslthiK friends In this plate, teturned home Hattlrdny. William Craw, n former lofcldent of thlB plni'p, who while heie made a large number of fi lends, has lesiiondul to the eall for MiltiuteotH. Last week he enlisted In tho IHoventh United Statei Infantry and wint ilhectly to Koit Mi. l'herson. Com table Helh Hmlth neionipllshed tin- attest of William DleklenlcK and Thoninn S Wllllam, Saturday, for al Iei d (llhifr of lutoxIcnntH without the npiPiiniy llt'Ptiip, T. 11. C. Mnlnliey apppnttd ni piouieutor. Aldeinuin Kd waid I.'ldlei- cnve the defendant a heaillil nnd held tin m In ?5n0 ball for tlielp nppeatnure. Aim tin ClniK, of West Market stieet, who had 1 eeit on a buuliuas til: lit Montana returned home Hntuiday . IJitttmnnt .1, W. nenjamht returned to Crmo Alir Haturdnv. J. t llo'iewell leaves today for Washington, I'hlludil'ihl.i nntl Ualtl inori . Mm liolurt Hoekwell leturnod to her home In Cmuon yeiti rdny nftif it gtay with ri'athtij in this pluee. Colom I T D hew In council. Junior drdrr o Amirliati Alechniilcn, will con duct an i Mtii Minn to Mountain Pari; nest Saturday. GUJ2EN HIDCSE. Mm WilllHiii I'.iiNer, of t'lpmifie nvr na.. h.m r. lurind from a viilt at Wyom- i i .'ir.' I., win, of .InekHoiiillli. I"ln.. is the hoi m ot Alrn. J C lu Mi, of Aliilmt Mien. Mrfc. Villi CI. . r. ot JnmmHVlilo. X J, is i.i iii t of Alr. 1'. I" H'nith, of Jbni- Kl .llll"l H, A lltintlni;. of Hnnderimn avenue. htii ti tin mil f I om a short lit ot Nov; York el tv. MLih Ixiitc l'mnert) of Honpcdnlp Is the cuiut of Ail. i:. Glillill, ot Mount .Vinut, 1, like Midi o 1'rnlli Commenrlnj; Alondny. May r.O, the Lake Shore nnd Mulligan Southern ltnilw,i will i mi n new tinln for Cln- 'nnnti, St I.ouli nnd Intermediate points, lmlnK Huffalo at 9 a. in : Clmi'lnnd at 12-15 nnnti; mrlxhiK nt Clnilnn.itt nt 7 30 p. m and at Ht. Louis nt 7 "0 a in. ThiouKh slceplnn enrs to Cincinnati and Ht 1-oufs with dlnlntr car benleo weet of Cleelnnd, are fcatuies of this tmln. which will be known as tho ' fouthwi stprn nxpriss" Connections will be inadi nt Buffalo with eastetn lin. s CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Ygu Have Always Bought Bears tho JfrM& Signature of i & nfinn Ulilit; R6 Ui vxw S& L&G. i f l O t i LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Number of Needed Impairs Uclnjr Made on (lie Streets ot the Heights. bCltANTON 11AIL.WAY COAll'ANY HAH PfT IN IIUAVllHt HAILS AND Tins on wnsr lacicawanna AT.Ni t;-iii:ioiirt) or iuuiiway i50Hm:nu:s again coaiu j-hdai thi: Knvsuit vai.li:y suction imioos mini: la to ur.su. mi: or r.UATioN 'luDAY noti:s or a 1'UltbUNAL NATrUC. Probably tho inoit Pistematlc, and In H'M'i.tl Installed the 111 at, rcpalis to South Alain avenue fiom Kynon to I.andlH iitrcet, it distance ot live hloi ks, is being made nt pjesent. That part of the ncnuc from Kynoll Htreet to ltoiinJ Woods plati is In the Iflfteenth ward, nnd the ntw lesldnues beliiK built on the Fnlrvlew Land tompany'n ti'aeks faie aloiih' It. Solent Couuell inan Hmatlo 1'ellown and Common I 'lllllll IllUfl ,, Tiik.-.t.1t fill, nil nn l.wilf. ..... (...(, Illl-'VINI I'.I.V, ...V WWJ I Ins after tho-p icpnlis. The road-bed is ui in,T mien ami itiaiieu, diokijh stone and cinders helmr used. Needed tepnlts of a uliullai nattiie tiro belns made tlsewlieu In this ward under the direction or tin v(. ity fatheis. iliiule was teientl Klen hy tho city eiiRlnpcr's di'piu tmelit nlouc the ho ernl stieets In ought to a propel di.tln .iKe pinde. In a. short time thit sec tion, hiietofoie nn evepnre with its water nail clay mud. will he In as trood condition as anj i-ection, though IncUInn; pncs and eweIs. The leirltmy fiom Hound Woods place to Landls stieet along South Alain ncnuo, lies In the addition fiom Laikawnnn.i township to the Sixth waul of the cits. Little war done In ktepmg it in tdinp- bv the township, and less wni done hy the city since its i pi option Into the nujioiate limits. The few siilewalku weie below gtade. The Ptiiet being naimw and with llt tlt mutual gi.ide was nanoweil hy the Tnlnr line of the Sei anion Italic ay company, nnd all s-cniblanio of gutters HUM 111HI. At the last wnid election Kdward lames, jr., r South Main aM-iiue, was elected to the select council on the ttepubllcan ticket The 'hill' Interests of the waul are rfhw being c.ued for Alr. James has had a laige force ot men winking in nrlnus parts of the Thlid district, which Is the "hill." Ciosslngs hae been laid and otheis raled. Cutters cut and fllllns of a substantial and piopir kind Is !lng done The swimming pondn, ns they aie tailed, that weie once wont to form on different stieots, will .soon bo but a memory. Another plot e of wotk which de Mres mention is being done by the Srrnnton Hallway eompanj. That ftretch of tinek leading fiom Seventh stieet to the Ddnwaie, Laikawnnna nnd Western cro-siiig on M'est L icka vanna inentie wai lemneil, tics and all, between 12 nnd fi oVloi k Sattinla moinlng The wink was In ehaige of Pom man Kilwntd Uefd, nnd he.iMer tii- and mils corru pom.lng to the new nils laid before Seventh stuot were put in Por many months this section of tiat k was the unfit t- of all sorts of imeothes nnd anathemas for tho Kail w.iv comimnv A em. ,v....i .. - -" IVU IMl'l II ninth as a tugboat would In a high ANOTHLIl HIOHWAY KOimPHY. Lawlissnisu beems to bo a pioml- n.nt f.atui. of the ustmllj hum-dium -.-u iiiu ox hip coininuiilty lebitliiig tii th. vicmitj of tlio HMle Patk shnft Lai. in y, assault and batterj. highway ii.bhuj and buiglai mo u few of the tilnus peipitratod in that lo-ality dur ing the last two tats and with bturt llng fri'nunjcy. The last icport of highway lobhorv was made Sattnday when John Lat hiko. of Wushbuin street; Andievv Upecl;, of Lueino street, and John Dombek, m tin Continental, were way laid and tubbed oa.l Pilday morning. Ihe men win inch iifsaulted In wide ly i-eptiati spots nnd i tMcn istIlnco tliue or four mm ninile the attack Tho men weie attending an entertain! ment nt Mmtuk's ball mi Twentv f.ecoiid stie. t ami lett for their io spectlve hemes about J n dock Latlnko, i tossing the mulu Held of the Hjdu Park shaft as a ,bnt cut was held up nt the powder house He was. beaten and all his money, foitu nately a. small amount, was taken Pi peck was tackled at the Junction of tho Hack mad with Luzeun stieet ami besides his beating he was deprived of J10. Ilomebik nut his fate near the Hampton switch, will known for its many similar eventu and he lost $3 and was so roundly Lenun that ho lemaliiid theio until a passing miner assisted him to his home. None of the men Identified any of their assailants but believe that thej aro membeis or the gang several of which hnvo been ntiested lately and In two instances conviction followed. TWO MARRIAGES. Tho (hit of the June weddings on thin side oeeuirid Sntuidny. Thoio woro two, one occurring In tho after noon, tho other In the evening. Miss nilz.ib.uh, daughter of Air. and Airs. Thomas Williams, of Swetlnnd Etrecl, was quietly mairled to alti i Jones, of Wushbuin stieet, at 4 o'clock Sattnday afternoon. Tho eeiemony wnr. perfoimid nt the paisonaije of tho Plrst Welsh Congiegatlonnl church on South Lincoln avenue. Tho pastor, Rev. David Jones, oiicluiicl. The louplc wcro attended only by AIl-s Hliznbet'i Anno Howter, who acted as Ilower glil nnd was nttlud In white. Tho brldo woie a In i mnlng costume. Immediately after tho coiemony tho couplo lepaiied to the lesldence of the bilde's parents, wheie a wedding sup per was solved, only tho Immediate lelatlves of tho contracting parties be ing pusent. Roth joung people nie well Jmown on this bide and will he gin hou-ikceplng in a newly furnished homo on Swetlnnd street Allss Alary Jane, daughter of Air. arid Aim. Rvan It. Jone, of l.-.oi Ulvlslon street, was united In man Inge to W. a. Reynolds, of Docket's couit. Satuulny ev tiling lit S o'clntk at the tesldenco of tho bride's patents. Tho lelatlves of the contracting parties and n few intimate fi lends witnessed the ciro mony which wns peifotmed in tho par lor Palms and doweling plants weie used to dei oi ate. Rev Thomas De Clruchy, pastor of tho Jnckuon Street Hnptlst chinch officiated and Miss Winnie Hurrls played the wedding nuuehes The brldo was attended by Allss Mmy Reynolds, u sister of the gioom, ns bridesmaid and Llewollyn Party was hist man. Until ladles woio piottlly costumed. C'ougiatulatlona followed the niu limine ' h npmninnv nn.i Today Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Built Up His Systom s-.i Child Was Weak, Mad Night Swoata and Poor Appotlto. "Our joungeat child was hi n had con dition. Ono phjslclan ealtl the trouble, was malaria nnd another thought It cauio from tho stomach nud lhir. Mcantlmo tho child kept growing w taker. Ho had night sweats, poor appetite and various other troubles. Wo worried nlong for two years, and then wo determined to try Hood's Harsapirllla, nnd from tho flrGt day wo noticed n chance In our Httlo boy. Wo kipt on until ho had taken about threo bottloj. Today ho is n strong, hearty child. Wo huvo always had to keep him Indoors In winter, but last winter ho was out with othcrchlldren Biitl wo found no truce of the old troublo returning." Ai.vnr.o IlAiMiMFiiauit, 70 Wflbhlngton Avenue, Altoona, I'u. Hood's Sarsaparilla M the tict in fnf t tlio Ono True Wood Purltler. Soltl by nil ilrugKlats St . six for ir. Hnnrl'c Pillc do not I,1''P'. rain or 1IUUU I HIS gripe. Druggists. 2"o. later a hotiutiful post nuptlnl iepat was sen id Mi. and Alls, ltejnolds will i chide In u newly furnished usl iluue at .Ma Ninth Alnln aenue. Those who wete present weie. Air. and Airs Coiuinodoio Pniiy, Air. and Alts lienjnmln ltejnolds, All. und Airs. William Jorimlah. Air. and AIm. Oeoigo ltoberts, Air. nnd Airs, llossnr Itey nolds, Air. and AIm. i:an A. l)n is, Alls Nichols, Alls W. Silk. AIis. Dinah .lones, Alis. Alaithn Celiling and the Aliases- Jennie Shaw, Hlanor and Win nie Hauls, Nellie, llhodu and Hmni.i Nichols, Kate Joni s nntl Alice Silk. Albert and W Nichols, Heniy S.tlls hruy, Walter Jonn Llewelljn Parry, Al. Kioiintelkii, XV. Silk. Hdward Nichols, How aid Whllhem, John Stevens, and Pred Cole. AIISSION KOI l AIP.N. The mii-Ion being hi Id nt St. Pat lick's chinch by the Putislnnln Pathers of Hrookhn, N. Y is being attended with much sutcu-s. The flis,t week whlth t.as devotnl e.cluslel to the women was concluded Siturday even ing. The hei vli es held thiee times each day weie nil well attended and lntciest did not lag. The second and last week which will be devoted exclusivity to tho men wnu begun w 1th last i v cning s horv Ice at 7 .10 o'llock. Pathir Hiihuid was in ch.it ge and pieached an i loqueiit hormon, rather Zavler and Pat her Alphnrotts assisted. The beiviies will as before be thiee In number each dn. Alass at 5 and S o'clock In the morning follow ed by Institution In the evening at 7.30 o'clock lnbliuition followed by a beimon. PP.RSONAL AIRNTION Alrn. P K. Strlppler and daughter, of South Alain avenue, have loturned fn in a, visit nt R'imku, N. Y Alls. J. Moigun and ilnughtii, AIIcs Anna, of Wllkts-Mario, have lotuinetl home nfter visiting Alu James Davis, ot Twelfth stmt Air. and Airs i: 15 AIois, of Xmtli Iljile Paik avenue, have letutned frniii a trip to New Yoik iltj. Alls, l-ane Jnne", of Washburn stieet, who has been sei Innsly ill for some time. Is slowly imptnvlng. Aim James AleClnln, of Steillng, has ictuined home fiom a visit with friemk, hoie. Mis. Lewis Aloise, of Jackson street, returned Saturday from a visit at Cohocs, N. Y Alis William Slntler. of Noith Rebec ca avenue, entei tallied Alis. Prank Holland nnd daugnter, Allss Allldied, of Hratlford, Pa, tho latter pait of last week. Air. and Alls Georse llenote. of South Alain avenue, aie homo from a New Yoik visit AlINOR NRWS NOTRS Official announcement of tho resum ing of opeiatlons nt tho Rilggs colller operated by tho Lackawanna Iron nntl Steel company has been made. The work will her-in today after an Idleness of seven weeks. At the time of shut ting down, the period ot non-opeia-tlmi was Indefinite, though it was ex pected that it would last until Augu-t The change Is very welcome to the son emploes. Since being Idle tho plant liviide and out has untleignne consider able lepaliing A new bieakei engine nnd holler have been plated. Si vein! new lolls have been put in and the elevators nltered The cnpatlty of the plant Is thus mitci Lilly lnireased and opeiatlnnn facilitated. A full time schedule Is expected for sometime. The membeis of St Paul's Pioneer corps in full uniform nnd led b their Miutn imps, paiaded Sntuidny evening to ndvoitlsc their annual ptinle which will be held next Thursday at Lauiel Hill park They presented a natty nppmtanec The West Side Anthracites were de feated by the Alumni Atheltic ball team Snturilay after plnjed at the Cential giounds. The seoie wns 5 to 1 Gal lagher as pitcher. Dlehl no- fleldei and Zanzibar at shoit carried olf tho lion ois. Tho clas tnught by Airs Al L Rlalr of the Simpson Methodist Sabbath school, will londuet an Ice oienm and straw berry festival on the lawn of the lesldento of All. und Alls. XV. II. Dail Ing, of Chestnut stiot, next Thursday evening. The public aie coidlally In vited. A lltermy enteitalnment 'followed by n social session will be hold nt Hip Jaeksmi stieet Rnptlat chinch next Wdnisday evening The nlfiir Is be ing ni ranged by iiiembcis nt clnsses No. 27 and 11 of tho Sabbath school, taught leS'pectlvely by Alis. Thomas Alathias and Allss AInrgaiet Alorgan It pi utilised to bo u line uffalr. TO BE ORDAINED FRIDAY. John .1. AIcLougliliii, ol Tnlfir, In tlio Candidate (or I'olv OrdorN. John J. AIcLoughlln, of Taylor, will be onlalned to the pilestlmod nt SL Allchnel's college, Toionto, Canada, nt 8 o'clock on Fildny morning, June 21 His ilrst mass will be celebrated at 10 30 on Sunday, the Siith, at St. Jo seph's r lunch, Alinonka Air Mt Loughlln begun his elnF.lcal stutlli s at St Alb hails and spent two ji.ira of his thiologlinl couitc at St Mail's seminal) Haltiui. io I rollovea nervous disorders, ernauatloni i hoadoche, ViiikotulneBs, eto A ureal iodic. ooiaonirinboLtlea. HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Larcc Class of Children Confirmed In St Mory's German Catholic Church. HACllAMILVT WAS IMl'AHTUD HY itT. P.P.V. ItlSHOP HOHAN-PUNPIIALS OP MHS. CATHLlllNi: HOIIitlCK AND AIHS. CHAP.LPS KALLAILllHl. PltANK blllANDUL SPUIOUSLY IN-JL-ItPD IN Till: bCHANTON lliJT 'JON UOUKS-JLLlfS l.M.MPHAlAN CHAZPU HY S'lllONO DillNK. IS COMAIl'l'lLU) 'IO JAIL. in St. Ainty's tlcrman Catholic ehurih esteiday afternoon "a ilnns of SUO children lccelMd the sacrament of conlh niation, lit llev. At. J. Hubun ollUlutlng with Patheis Chtlst and Stopper assisting. Tho Hnpicsle tereinunies weie witnessed by n thtong of pniuits and fi lends of tho ihlldien, whiih taxed the standing and s-eatlng cuiuK.lt of the idliiie. The event of jcsliulay will be n meinoiable one from the fact that It was the ilmt time thut his uninoncc, lllshop O'llttia, has not olliclaled tit itinlli niation leiemoules at St. AIniy's ilittiih; It wim lllshop Hobuns ilrst ilass to lonliim In tlint chuuh, and Jesterday was the ilghteenth nnnUer saiy of lllshop Hoban s oidlnutlon to the pilesthotid. Tho iln'ri of children was about ecnly illMded as to j(e, and In u large nuinber of their homes receptions weie given lust evening In honor of tho ocutsion. T1IRKR PUNRRALS. Prom her residence on Alder street tho funeial of Airs. Catherine Rohrick took place Saturday inuinlng at a 10 o'clock, the lemalns wue boine to St Alnij's chutch and n solemn high mass of icuulom was celebiated by Rev. Petei Chi 1st, who pieached the funeral eulogy. The services being over, the cortege moved to the Oirmaii Catholic cemeti ty at No. r, nntl at the giave Pather Stopper ansistid by the choir of St. Atatj's chanted the litany of the dead. Alany ltot.il pieces were placed on the giave. The l nil-bent is weie Jacob Gelger, Jr. Peter Rosar, sr, Jacob Dlppie and John Dcimtth Alls Clint les Kallmejer, of Staffoid nventie, who died Prlday, was Interred In the Gel man cemetery at Allnook.i esteiday. Rev. W. A. Nordt olllciated nt the services, at the house and grave. Panll Alnxldj, Andrew Koslnkj, Alnr tln Spade und Pied Speedla weie the pall-beaieis The Woiklngmen's i o clety choir snng at the sei vices. HUn, the infant daughter of Sobas tlnn Gielnial, of Alth r stieet, wvis laid nt lest in the Alinooka ceineteiy eterday. Rev. At hchmldt of the Chin cli of Peace, conducted the funeral services. SRRIOUSLY 1NJPRRD. Prank Sprundel, of Stone avenue, fm innately escaped death at the Sei. niton Rutton wniks Saturda moin ing, he having been hit by a huge "fly" wheel tint became looseni d and fell, sulking him at the left temple and In fill ting n wound about t! Inrhes in leii'ilh, stalling at hl,i eje, and ex tending through his cheek. His eye nariowly escape d being forced out Dr Alanloy was hastilv summoned, nnd stopped the piofuse How of blond Later the incision wus closed and the joung man was taken to his home The oppic-sive hint of esterda caused him to Mifter much nnd owing to his weakened condition it was fenied that tlio accident would result seiiously. CRA'.RD RY DRINK Julius Zimmerman, residing on the old Log mad leading to No ", was nr icsted and icaricsted Satuulny, and at tho Intel heailng by Alderman Storr he was committed to the county Jatl for ten dajs. At 1 o'clock Snt uiday morning a yotmgster rushed Into the Alder street station house and told Lieutenant Znng that Zimmerman was livnne, and had made desperate attempts to kill his wife by throwing lighted lampi at her and flashing a rnzot. Patrolmen Roland nnd feaitor were dispatched to the scene nnd placed Zlmmciinan In tho station liou-e At the healing at 9 o'clock he explained that his actions woie due to excessive di Inking nnd he made many piomlses of refoim to his wife nnd the nlderman and upon the strength of them he vv.-u discharged. Patrolman Schmidt encounteicd Zim merman on Cedar avenue later In the day In a beastly state of Intoxication and the patiuhuan to avoid a lepcti tion of the early limmlng escapade lot ktd him up and the result was us above mentioned NL'llS OP NRWS. Aldeiman John J. Ruddy, of tho Twentieth ward, was agteeably sur ptised Saturday when nn o.xpressmnn Btepptd into his offli e nnd confronted him with n sheet and asked him to ac knowledge tho tecelpt of n chair, tho ehnrges being prepaid The gift, a haniMonie olllco chair, was suit to him by John Roll, of Poiest City, a promi nent ftiinltuie dealer and undet taker of that town, who Is a waini admirer of the-popular maglstiate it Is need less to state that Air Ruddy apprecia tes this token of esteem fn m his ft lend. It wns annum ed nt the masses In St. John's chuich yisteidny that tho chlldten who havo hem receiving in lUiuction prepaiatorj to be conilrmul, will iccelvo the sacrament next Sunday nftoinoon. Rev R. J. Alelley went to Plj mouth yesteidny moiiiTng to nttend tho first mass sung by Pather Sweenej. who was oidalnetl at Huftalo, Satutday, and who is n close friend of Pathir Dona hoe, of Plj mouth. Pnthei Sweeney will celebrate the late mass In St. John's chuich Sunday next The funeial of Charks Conrad will ho held today at 2 SO o'clock. Senlcis will be conducted at the houst b Rev Air. Zitzleman and Rev. W. A Nordt. Alltis Hannah Curtail, of Pl mouth, was a lbltor on this sldo esterduy DUNMOIIE. A plenfinnt surpilso putty was ten dcied JnniL'8 I it own at his homo on Hrook street last Tuosdny evening Various games were indulged In until n srasonublo hour when icfreshments weio aervei. Among tlvme picsent weit Allsses Roitha Cole, RUzie Jones, Alabel Kenit Retta Spencer, Anna Hpaet. Aim Ion Jones, Lilian Pruning, I.ulti and Alniy Si huh r, Hiuei Inteisteln, Addle Young Alary Aion ine, Phoobe Riad, Pielda Pa.th, Sus'i Holloul and Alasteis Arthur Seizor, Heniy Parfrey, Homy Holden, Alvion JoneH, Arthui Howell, William Web ber, Albert Jenkins, Wllllum AH man. Flunk AIcKane, George Wlntornteln, Richaid Howell, Pred and Charted Pucks. Clnrencs and Rdwnrd Rouno and Fhllllp Hensley, Jr. Allss Rita Spencer, of Webster ave nue. Is Msltlng fi lends In Rendhnm. Horn, to Air. nnd Airs. William Con nelly, of Rlpctilo nvpinie, n daughter Airs. 11. V Ostcrhotit and chlldicn, of Grove street, are spending n few days ,,t Nhholsoti nnd lclnltv. Allss Susio Donnelly, pf Hlnghninton, N. V. Is visiting friends In town. James Nell, of No. G, an employe of the Pennsylvania Coal company, work ing under the chnrgo of Rimer BUrer nt PltlHton met with u pnlnftil accident last Sntuiday. He, with other men, was engaged In holsllng machinery when his hand slipped Into the pulley, badly lacerating three fingers. He went to tho Plttstoii hospital and had his hand diisfed, after which he came home He will not bo able to work for some time. A1I"S Kntle Abbott, of Olyphant, Is visiting friends in town. lirnzil Little, of Lake Ponytellc, Is vMltlng ft lends In town Alis. Jacob A, Witt if, of Rim street, Is visiting friends in Alauch Chunk. Allss Jean Thnnunon, of Clay ave nue, left Satin day on an extended trip to Dr nver. Col Allss Kate Rlllson, of Curbondale, Is visiting friend, in town. Seveial weeks ago a patty of stu dents fiom the High school, under the elceionuge of Piofossor N. H Davis, inndo a trip to Aichbald ami viewed the famous "pot hole." 8.111.1x181 another pmty also under tho clcoron nge of Professor Davis made a trip to "Campbell's ledge," a spot In the mountains back of Plttston Th party Jotirneed to nnd from the ledge In n large band wagon hlied for the occasion Among tlnwo present were AIlssps May Hughes, Rmma Ludwlg, Alan Sampson Genevieve Ri Iseek- r, I.uctetla Snjdet, Alnrle Webbi , Liny nntl Hot sic Heal, Jennie Davis, Alaij Tuft, Alaigaret mid Sarah Reaidon lsabelle nntl Hannal Cullen, Kate Conley and Rlchanl Webber, Stewart Lelgle, Ilaiold Davis, Herman Lud wlg, W.iltci Jones and Geotge Wlntir steln Tonight the new school directors, AIc-his IIiu i y Spencer and Hi nr., Webber will go Into olllco. The retli- lug mimbeis me Alessts Grlnley nnd i Swift The board will then, for the ilrst time in tho hlstoiy of Duninoie, ' be Republican i Sntuicla night about ft o'clock Pa nuales Alontele, nn Italian from Provi dence was in tested on a charge of drunk nnd disorderly. At ii hearing before Huigrss Powell yestoiday morn ing he was fined $3 and costs. 1, 1 pil e rk rn ii 7 t: n I e r t n i ii in c a t. In Alusle hall tomorrow evening Suderninnn s 'Helinat" will be pro duced urtler the auspices of the Lied eikran bv the Chicago Slur compan. of which M Rlsemnn Is the manager Dancing will conclude the night's en tertainment t'liuernl ol Andrew M. Alnhou. Piom his late lesidonce r.n Aladlson avenue the funeral of Andrew At Alnhr n took place estprdiv afttrnoon Sei vices were conducted in St. Paul's church Green Ridge, an 1 Interment wns subsequently made in cathcdi.il cemetery. .Heeling of Women' Auxiliary. The Woman's auxiliary of the Hoard of Allsslons of the Sctanton nieh denennr of the Rplscop.il church will be heltl next Thuisday morning nntl afternoon in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Green Ridge A large num ber of delegates will attend. steam Heating nnd Plumhin;. P. F. & Al. T. How ley.231 Wyoming ave. HAPPINESS VS. MISERY. I)r ( liareot a Ionic Tablet, the Rr 'at I'nr Islnn li nicilv , In n Riinruntei'il cure for tne Hrlnlv llnblt, also nervousness ami nielun cholv euuneil b ovcr-lnitnlvence. It ll.'strojs the Appetlts lor Alcoholic nnil nil Intoxlcutliiu lieveruRei, und lenves mini as ho should bo It can be nrlmlnMterect without the linowleilKo oftbe putlent where netosMiry Send for pamphlet. Wni O. Clark, J2f t'enn Ave., Scranton Pa, Our S2..19 Vlci Kill Line of The neatest thing on the market, Have You Seen It Yet $1 98 ii will be the shoe hit of the season. This is NOT a 53.00 shoe but $2.50 never bought a better one than this. For Women In button or lace. Cloth top or all leather. Black or colored. Latest designs. For Men In Congress or lace. Black or colored. Cloth or Vici Tops. Up-to-date in everything. Come early in the month before we are broken in sizes as this shoe is A SELLER. STANDARD SHOE STORE, Handiest Store in the City. 217 Lacka. Ave. LACKAWANNA LUMBER CO,, MaNUFACTU?.:R OF BUB SIB POOH. WHITE HLMLOGK II 1111)101) LUMBER Dill 'limber cut to order on iit'ort notice-. Hardwood Mino Ralls gnvved to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Ilo-mlocU Prop Timber promptly t-'urnLslicl. MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on tho RnlTalo and Susquc banna Railroad. At Alinn, Potter County. Pa., 011 Coudersport, and Port Allcanny Huilroad. Capacity-400,000 feet per dny. GHNKUAL OiriCE-lloardof Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. O EVERY WOIWAN frd SZF? BoEttlSBM Dto3s reliable, pionthlr.roitilitlnj mcdlcltie. Only taralon tB4 MVt 2f tiiapureitdriicuhOLiatsnssi. If you weat th bail, get ii A (ran E3csiiEsra jiu a a mi jt u u Mu u iuuu jf -'jy "-" " Ttaojr nn praropt, nlo arfl certain In result. The genuine (Dr. Tcal'i) nerexdlam noiat. Gon; acy where, 81.CO. AddroulAt.UEOlouiBCo UoTaltsd.O. For Salo by JOHN H- PHELPS. Pharmacist, cor. Wvoming avenuo and SPruco ntreet- Chlobnttr' KaiUtb Dliraon.l llronfl. EKNYROYAL PBLLS Original ad Oolj Ccaulne. rt &!; rrlltti ldik tit lru?gU for ChUStHtr, Kn iuh ;u , poio f.iw im tutu riibon luko no otbtr. Aiuii dnitatraut jubinrui (tons ant imituion Atlmf flirt er rtd 4a. la ttmri fur urthuiiri, t itinootlU ol 'iirnri wnm ani "iai.lif bihbh ,' . Jinn, fi'iuvu iriiraoDi4 rm rVtTt M.it mm a .;..--" 7L ,::" -- 'V"- at ii ... " ! 1 -aa aiataii vwa i p-Mumi i-u aiitria SM rj all Lccti Uiuultu. l'llll. VUA., I'.C M s xSi yst t. - ty VARICOCELE AND ALL NIltcVOLS DIABASES TREATED AND CURED "lly tho Anlmnl Kxtrncts." McMlnit nth ten free. ... w.r.lt0 for llook to tl,o w nshlniton Clietnlcal Co Wniililngton, D. C. Seeds AND Fertilizers THE it con co. Refrigerators AND Ice Chests. the: I S CGNNELL CO,, 434 Lackawanna Ays. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Hush iius, ami Personal Accounts. l.ibjf.il Accommodation Ht (ciidccl According tu lialuncca nni Responsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. $200,000 350,000 79,000 mii, Surplus, Undivided Profits, W3F. COXNELL, President. HEXBY HELIX, Jr., Vice Prcs. WILLIA3I II. TECK, Cashlof '1'Iie vault of this hank iq pro tcctcd by Holmes' Llcctrlc Pro tective System. i 0 Lager Beer Brewery Alanufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER Telephone Call, 2333. Shoes Tor Men and Women. and at our SPECHL JUNE PRICE rPsacnBHWBini.,!aB P3iH UAUC Vnil Mora Hiroit, Pimples, Cop nHVt lUU por-Coloroj Spots. Achei Old Hores, I'lceri lu JloiUU, Ilalr prilltnir Write COOK KUMliuy CO., 651 Masonl: Temple, Chicago, III , for proofa or curei. Capital, $500,1)1)0. Worn caiej curedlu 1 j to ,-H ilavr tn.i.ntitre hnnlt Iree SO