The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1898, Morning, Image 7

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New Wall Decorations
Novcltkn ami odd things;
Burlaps, plain and decorated.
Crepe Silk I'ilue lnralns
Hostou Specialties in
Very Choice Taper Ilanulnus.
I.lncrusta, (Imitation carved wood),
for halls, (I'mlnu rooms and libraries.
Anvijljpta, (Itaulish pressed
paper pulp).
'e make a specialty of finest
and licst 'all Decorations
Slid can supply them at about half
the prices same no mis are
sold for in New Yoilc.
Koom Mouldings, all sorts and sles.
Window Shades, read) made
and to order.
We furnish goo I dccoratois
when desired.
'c Invite examination and comparison
3:2 Lack. Ave., Scranton.
31 S. Main St. Wilkes-Uarre.
For the
A flue large new Upright
Piano, with stool, cover and
book, $175 cash. Its equal
was never offered here before.
Ludwig, Briggs and Knabe
from $300 up to
inj j (inline e. Scranton.
46 S. Main St . Wilkes llarre.
Mnttfrs solicited Wliore other? failed.
Mcclcrale Charges.
I'rep.irrd iciuiili ik' ti. tin p ei IpUuii
(if a iiri'irm 1 in t-pm li-t li in-.tiintl ie
lleves ami pt 1 m.tii. ult un I'.it.inh,
Afct nn.i Jin 1 t-MT. i iM in the IIimi,
Sore ' .in.! ijiiiii j ll.nnili -,, 1llfct11.1l. Ui.,U Ibis tetim.m
lal "Crown C'Unirh I'owib i ttlltvul .mil
cuied m t iso of Cutuiih which wus a
cr inTiuitcil onu of Iiiiik mainline; " I I'nuphlin i Depart mint of State).
Ell H si N 13. Washington. D. ('.
Pn . -11 tents Sold in all tlrst rl.i's
drup -1 1 - i-imple, with puwder
li v r v .nplcu, mailed on iceelpt of 13
Crown Catarrh Powilar Co.,
?5 Clinton I'luce, New York.
Jlnvc opened n bcncnit liismnnca Olllca lu
lrnmfi mi m m
llct Slorii CompnnloH represented, l.iirjj
LtCk)nin ly HilUltcO. 'Julepiumci HUM.
mmi i
. WKJ.iT,VlMill. . . .J...B-.S
r mmmi,fl ftsid
Mi reftgia.rfj
Wrhe or lull for I'rlce 1. 1st.
KEMP, 103 Wyoming Avenue.
A 1 Hunt, Jr. vu in JlarrUburR Sal.
M Miy Sttllo U vUilliiB friend In
AUt i.t.. n
Iut to C. II. aillln will leave for I3u.
Top. c i. July p.
Mot Huriili.uii ami lnt r .Miss ('nun,
uf Jiutfi Xifch. have Bono to nobtun for
the bummer
SIisj Mtui JesMip. or MontioFf, U vlnlt.
lUK Mr inn! .Mrs. Jtobi'it Jtsui. of .Vlul
berrj i 1 1.
KiceleiUU Weaver, of West AlllnMon
K J in the iiiHt of Vic lor Koch, of tho lloii.-i.
Mr and Mrs. I I.. I'lnno will upend tin.
lientcil i-fuson lit ihrli fttjiiiiior noma
near lu im jvlllf.
Mid Murtrct Hi-iihliuw. of Nrwiiik. .
J Is vsitini; hi-r Mis. .Mniy .Mel
Klnnt. ut Hotel Nash.
Mrs. IkiiiIoii Knir. ronrfSPiitlin; tin.
New Orniii.. .. J., ,nnil t-oinrsuiy, tun
Kono to Iliiifnlo, X. v., to Bjienil tliu rfim.
AnnouncrnuMit Is nuiili of tho aiipioai'li.
inn munlin' of Atlnnny John P. ,ir.
phy, of Krmiklln u.nin. to mi3h Jiary
Kelly, of IrvliiB irnin
Cards haw In IhhuuI j)V Mrs. Tsnhello
M Turner of Wllhi-s-Itnuo nunoiinrliiK
the mun if no of hu iijuuhler. I.diiIsh
Kidder Tin n.r. nnd John William Yoiiiik.
of Went rittnton. Tin lnu-iri4tlUK fvcnt
will tike pli'ce at tin Tnrnrr homo, n;
Bouth Main Mint. VVIUtrn li.trrr-. Tliiirs
day, Juno 10. ,it S p in, Tho young pen
plo will lio ut homo nflri July j. lit Mi
yomltiff uvbi in., tlilw pl.ici'.-l'lttgton
Two throu&h trnlns ilp.lly, oxeept .Sun
dity, Scrtnton to ChleaKo. via D., I,, &
W nntl Nleltol Plati wtil. f,ni" miw
Elegant ro"ln"'' ' thm.
' - -
Tln mnnntrfTH nf thr Home for iho
l'lli'iulli's. nro uiittlUK wllh hiimi'os ill
tin. sil of tlrkcts fin the hlK untiiiiil ex
i iitsiou lo illimhainton nn Wi'dncxUii). It
I- hoped that n laift). sum will he mil-
d us tho mom j, h itri'iitly IH'cdi'd ut
title tlmi. It will proh.ihlv lie thr ini.t
popiilur of tin- iniin.x oM'iiiMlonx tufvlous
ly run under llu'si' ntiplro ns tin- pltro
f ili'slliiutlon ulwnvs nttnu'ts u thnui;
and i'tlii iiltiat'llolis me offiKtl this
,M'iir In llm shupi- of the stuto liloilo
ini'il. 'I'hu fnii". i in Uollat, Is tially iry
sin ill lot tho dt'lmhlful trip. The Unlit
hmM'i- the Dfliiwaii', l.nt kiiwanna unit
V.r.slirn .station nt S o'clui k, icttirnliiK,
vlll li'iit" liliiRlKimtoii at (! p. in., making
.slops uIiiiik the line hi th ways to aceom
iiuhIjU' patrons In sulinrban towns.
Tlti' followlnu patilntk' miitlmcnt which
was dli-pla.iil foi somi- time In llu- win
dow of lldilli man, Hie linokmau, alii
w api'tund In this loliiuin, Is rt'print.
id hy r'p.i st:
" "I'was itonu In tin- tint k. hj nn tlcctrle
"I'was done In thn nlKht by Spain.
Hut In (loil own llftht itlul In open IIkIU
Wo will make tbi-m 'lU'int'livr tin
MiiIul..' '
Mis. I'iiiI S (Imlfrry iaii u leelp"
lutichiou of sKli'cn loli'ln at Hotel Ji't
myit S.ituida.x afti'tiioiu In honor ol Ml.s
Mary H I'uviiu, whoe i'Iikhkiuu'IU to
Mr. I.i'slli- MIIU'i. of I'lttsbuiK. was it
u'lilly :i nin hi in i . llach nf tin- slxti'i-n
vouiik ladlfs who wile prisi'iit tiioiii;lit
their fitvuiltt- iislpcs uhlcli wi'io
In a hnndsoniK book nnd itr-uticl to
Miss Ciiunn liv llu- hnstcsH.
t .
Thi'ro nri' som nil nlii', bit; boys at tin'
lloint" for tho Kiluidbss for whom horn, s
for tho Hummer, oi ImiKor, lire desired.
ti one who will uiliilitrer to take tin in
for thrlr Imi.miI anil elolhes or who will
assist In Uiiillnp; plaees for thesr lililid
. cs ones will iiinfer u favor on the
Home and on the ho.s.
In laei the Home wants a number or
thlncs Just no, Mniv than in HiIiik 1 1-"
it neeus iioiu ov uie ounei or am o'ner
wn us eonsliler.ible Hour s enusiimul
l. a f.imll itfsll. Tin n thole ale pen
pie who hao lawn oi plnj room swings
ilil, h ill. tin tiinro onlnvi.l liv tlielt livkll
little oiks Blown tall, or Rone away fi.
ntr, The chlldri'ii at the Home would
lie su iiiuoh dellMhtnl with a Kill of tills
Pol the past few i MIllllRs u iilKhtlllKnlc
!in been iK'.inl b ni.inv roldi nts of the
11111 put thin of the tltv. The miiir
Is slenihr and dntk-ejed and wo.its a
huft urey elnak pulled well up mound In r
thru it. Sh" ei.ines nut forth until th"
shtdows uie dark and thin hastllv wlth
diaws If the euilous lhitiltets pu"s too
i love Tin II she sinus to a lolln obllR
(i to pla.Md 1 her ( omiMiiloii imil Mieh
a Klorlous olce! Dllllitdt nlrs from
Italian openi. MIkuoii's tout; m the
I lei man ate In lnr lepertolre. and she
MiiKs "Old Kt nttiel.v llumi' 'and "Annie
l.auile' In n wax to break nur lit ai t
Willi the rbh thiobbliiK iintis. l'onli
parllis an' In ciimlui; popular win re there
is hope of her nlKhtlv Mls. The singer
Is Mis. Staiml an Viistilan, who has had
i c.tleer. and who ll 1 1 llstenem em
ho 'iiken as anlhoiltv Is not et iast ilt -liuhtiiiK
dlffeient nudleiu s than those
of the strtet. It is exroptloml to see a
streit musician olnd In eenlnK dress nnd
hnldlnR out a sak hit for the (ontilhu
tlunv of the rowd Hut such Is .Mr.
Stanul. who plas (ho lollu as an ae-
iimpanimeiit lor his wifes ooly mez.o
xolie The two artists aie not lu tin1
sphete to whlfh thov hae boon nreus.
toiiHil. nnd the modest vhilultliift liian
iii r of the Hlllirer attevts to this lai l.
She has been heard In other lands in
Krjinl opira. tint now thov are lu "llinn dlstrrvs," as the lollnNt s,ns u'ul
aio trxlliR to j;ot money enoiiKh to make
a new stmt lu their piopor plaie. If
tin v would Ro on the huvii"ss sire-ts
win re mn ooi.Kif Kiito theve Miiumer
eveiilncs they would reap rleh harvests,
"but mailntne oan not do that " suys her
husband Tho ale not llki;l to lemalll
niiieli Ioiiroi tn the eltv
"Pot the lull li that's born on Hie Kao-
Inth d iv
Will be Im'Uih and lilllho and wise ami
cav "
A little daliKhter (nine to the hnino of
Mr and Mrs John T ItUh.uils ,i.i.
duv mmnliiR 'ind tie re Is (urn-pondlnR
H lull Iiir amoiiR the tin mlnro ol the fun
liv and Iholr fi lends
Controver.v (tier llviiminatlon ol it
Wllni'v In r.leelion 'onlet.
Witno'srs from Did PorKf were on
nnilii'd sutiiiduy In the I,ancstulf
Kelley i ontest Neatly tile Mini'
tiuuble nppemeil as on tho piovlous
da.v A w itness "wns i tilled who was
hi the bill of pni tb iiltus a not bav
ins paid tusefi. The nttui iip.vs fur the
levpoiHloilts nlijerti ll In quelltliilllne;
hlni mi tiny othei point. A tinnserlpt
will be tertlfled to (lie eiimt for a rttl
Iur On Prldny the lespiunlentH nb
ji rti 1 to hem liiyr any witness whose
name did not appear on tin bill.
Those examined Satuidaj wete'
David lb" he AitMindei Kenneth , John
Campbell, John ilienuuii, Just ph 11.
Him ns, Pied Nn Im. John Nlper, Clatis
Hui ns, Thomas Noitmi. Thomas KII
iiivne Iioiu it Hnidinc, Hetir.v I'nnlj,
John K. Nenrv, IMwiird l-. Cunuolly,
.Tllires Melvln. ltubei,lrCuti hell.
Daniel Hajev, Mnrtlu Klink, I'atilik
Hannmi, Thomas O'.MulIc.v. Mieliael
WnKh. James Connolly, James Me
nu tin. Ariluu Seaman, Vim out Xel-
per. Unbelt Kernseys. (lll.llldu Soln.
tnon. Joseph Xli I, John llrnhain, Pat
tern Tin lor, F a. Kiine.
II (hplnins hy lie Did Not Pile Ills
Attorney SI J Martin Hied an answer
Saturdity to the rule seived ujiou him
at the Insluni c nf Attmnev It. J. Mur
ray to bhoe. cause vvhv he should imi
he illsnilssed us lefeiee In the suit of
Mllldtion .V; Howe URillnst the city of
Kciiintoti. Mr Mai tin said he net opted
the nppolntment of leferee on Jan. 15,
ISiiS, nnd InimcdhiU'ly notllled founsel
on both sides of tho time nnil plni e
for a liPfirlnu. After the first lieailnp;
he hud Kietit dlllliulty, he h.ihl. In Ret
tliiR counsel utul the puitles Interested
to meet iiRiiln until Manh n.
In RolnR ier the lecmds In the case
Mr. Mai tin tllscoveieil what ho be
lieves was an orior lu the pleadings,
and ho notllleil Mr. Muiray. Ho did
not want to (lie his report with the
record defective, as lie was ounvrhoeil
the plaintiff hail furnished the labor
and mntt'ilulH for the vuluu of which
the suit was UrouRht.
He mid lie has tho report icnilv anil
held It back ineiely to have the lecoul
amended. It was Ills Intention to Hie
It on Juno 11. Judge Kdwnrds ills
chin Red the tule to show i nuso why
Mr. Mai tin nhoulil not he dismissed.
.llnyor Hnlloy Appointed tn I'aurlli ol
July fund Committee.
Mnvor Halley will art on tho com
mittee of tho national urtrnnlzn. jii
which la sreltlnu to create a Fourth of
July fund laiVo enoueh to purchase u
war vessel for presentation to the nov
el nmont.
Diexel & Co., nf Philadelphia, has
lieon neleeloil ns tho eustodlnn of tint
fund. The lyaiUiimitors of tho com
n,it(e r t the tinnklne flrm'p ntnri
Ovtr One Hundred Quaker Clly Hiber
nian Delegates Arrived Yesterday.
Df:i.t:aArioNS piium riTTSHPniJ.
ton and wi:stmohp,i.and coi'n
tips. satuhoay hvp.nixc. i;i:m:ciatio: cami-:
yi:sti:hday apti:hnoon-twi:x-
DAY. Todny mat Its the beKlnnlliK f
state convention lu this city ot
Ancient Older of Hibernians for
tun nose of n-utiitluR both honids,
, It
will he an Impoitant convention both
fiom tho chat actor of Its work ami the
number ut luomlnent It Ish-Amei leans
who will imitlclpate In Its delibera
tions. Tho Intensost splilt of gratifi
cation Is felt In anticipation of closing
th( bleach that has for years existed.
A special train on tho Jersey Con
tial railroad bt ought one hundred and
twenty-live Philadelphia
G.l" yosteiday aftei tionn.
were Mautlie V. Wllheie,
delegates at
Among them
State Prosl-
dent Patilek O'Neill. Stnte
Alex M Kcniiin, National
James O'Sulllvan un-l P. M. Dolluid.
Mr. Wllhero Is n brother-in-law of
William P. Hurrlty and Is one of
Philadelphia's police magistrates.
The Allegheny. Westinorelnnd nnd
Washington county delegations, num
boi Ing about fifty, arrived Snttnd.iy
evening at !t o'clock, and the Schuyl
kill dt legation, numbering twenty,
i nine In on the -30 Jersey Centtul
1 1 stilt yovteiihiy afternoon. All the del
egations weio met by a reception com
mittee of nt least one hundred Hibern
ians, among whom vveie: Attorney C.
c Donovan. City Assessor William
Daw von. Hon. .1. C Vnitghan. John
(ribbons, T. C. Melvln. Hon. John P.
Qulnnnn. M. P Handley, p. P. Jordan
and John M. Casey.
Tho Philadelphia delegation Is most
ly leRlsteied at the Jeiinyn. The
names of the delegates fiuni there me:
John J. (illby. Patilek (lallaghor.
Michael Law lei, John J Kibleaiy. John
C. O'Keefe. Hal iv Hovlail. Thomas
Ciionev, P. MiCiiirvev. Thomas Calla
han, P. Mfdlnley, William J. Dough
city. M. Mi l.oughlln, John JI Sorley,
John Mai tin. Thomas D. Dm nan, John
T. Do.vle, Joseph Mcl.oughlln. Tboill
iu II. DuiMn. John Itynn. It. .1. Jnhn
miii, John J. TUiney, Oeoige llannon,
James Walsh. Thomas 11. O'Neill,
Prank C. Smith. John Toner, James
O'Sulllvan. IMtrhk T. O'Hileii. Mattln
Kane, Thomas M Cnnn, John J, Henry,
Patilek Donnelly, John Mitiinln. Hugh
Mallov. Walter Cullen. William J.
Dougherty, Thomas JlePailand. A. J.
Miilotie. Patilik MiOlnley, T. J. Xoalls.
James p. Oall.ighei. P. Donahoe. James
I' l.onuon, I'atilik I,otis, '1'. M.
Dallov, prosiih nt Continental Trust
Co.; James o'P.iien. James T. O'Cnlla
ifh.m. J I!. Hatch. TliomiiH Duggan,
James Sheridan, NU bolas lledmond,
II. O'Neill. P. Smith, John J. Walsh,
William J Holmes, Charles Kcenan,
lohn F. Do.vle, John MeCov, John Mi -('niighey,
Mnthew White, Anthonv
Mi f Joe. James o'Xol'l. Jnmes J. (!ur
vej, Hugh I'olllus, Patilik Mi Lough
llu. Pallid; O'lirion. Matblas Cavey,
,1. J (iiirvov. William .1. Cnivsnn,
Heiuai'il Diiikln, James OHilon and
Tlmmiis I. M Cano.
Tho ladles fiom Phllndelphlu who
will lake pint lu Hie mtivcntion of the
Djughtors of Kiln, auxiliary to tho
. ( H., nie oh follows Miss Knlh
"I'lne Plood, state president. Miss An
nie Hughes, Miss Mamie Hughes, Miss
lulln White, Miss Margaret Mantou,
Mlvx Mnry K. Plood. Miss Nellie Smith.
Mis. Kate.). Ilyan. Miss Sarah Cnvnn
aURh. Mrs. Maggie A Ahein, Mrs.
Ho.vh, Mlv Maiv P. PlemmlnK. Miss
K. CroUer, Mis. A. Shorati, Mrs.
T. H Kexln. Mrs Mi Cnrthy, Mrs.
Mai" A. Jones .Mrs Pinion A. Jones,
Mls Polly llrogan. Mts. Maiv H. ITnn
non Mrs. Martha N-Un. Mif. Ann D.
Swain. Mrs. Mm'c MiKoinlu, Mm.
M.ngaret Knnls. Mis. Marv S. riulla
gher. Miss Kaile Fh nn. Miss Marv
LotiRhoiy, Mls Maiv Cunningham.
Mur! Harvey. Miss Hart lot I.eaeh.
Mis. Do Less. Mlvs Mary Uengan. Miss
MiXally. Mrs. Hose 1. Muthii-n.
T!i Jettnyn is headiiuarti rs for tho
state ofllccis. The innvontlon will bo
in St Thomas' College hall, nnd the
delegates who will anive this moiiilng
will bo osroitod theie. All the out of
town delegates hnvo made arrange
ments In advance for hotel noi omnio
dntlons. The liudolih Is the headquarters for
the Daughters nf Kiln, and tho oilier
places the delegates have leglstoied
are: Tho Valley limine, the Pt. Charles,
the St. Cloud, the Orand Centinl and
the Conway house.
Ho-th honids will moot this forenoon
nnd wind im their business. Tomoi
inw at li a. m will begin a solemn
li!','h mass nt the cathedral and Hlshop
Unban will i elebnite it. Tho choir will
slug cimniosa's military mass Hanoi's
ouhestia will play the nfmmpnnlhient.
A public session will bo held after the
mass, and at '-'.".O In the afternoon the
p.uade will take place. On Wednesday
the two boards will reunite, and the
genoinl business of the convention will
bo taken up. On Thursday the dele
gates will go to Fnrview. Tho conven
tion of tho Daughters of Kiln will open
tomorrow In the college chapel
The visiting delegates wore taken out
here and there around the c Itv last
evening and many enjoyed the trolley
Will finish (j, vori( -ihoro Heforp
(loving Ilmtlcv.
Tommy Ilyan will aitlve In Plttston
on Wednesday or Thursday of this
week te finish tialulng fur next Mon
day nlght't, glove contest with Frank
Hartley. He will occupy the same
quintets he did several months ngo
be'foio meeting Jack McAiillffe. Kyun
has coiisldeiable legal d for the pso
plo of Plttston. He has been training
liard anil Is In grand condition, ac
cording to advices received hoie yes
terday from Manager Jack Shelly, of
the American Spoiling club.
In making the Haitley-Ityan match
eveiy detail and obligation usually io.
quired in the biggest of matches, was
attended to. Tho men's foifelt money
for weight nnd appearance was do
IMVilted with lllchanl K. Fox, of the
New York Police Gazette, nnd will
bo held by his lopresentntlve, Sam
C. Austin, until after tho bout has
been decided.
Tok- SUellv him been tnado Ibf east-
em manager of the Phoenix Athletic
elnli, of Memphis, Tenn., the biggest
club In the south outside Now Orleans.
John Dougherty, one of tho famous
sporting men of the south, Is the active
head of the club. Skolly Is now clos
ing with Joe Wnlcntt nnd Dobbs to
meet In Memphlrt for a $2,000 purse.
Dobbs has already net opted the
Phoenix club's proposition.
Cclla Clarke Took a Terrible but Sue
cesstul Method ol Destroying Her
selfHer Lover Left Her.
Cella Clarke, the Center street wo
man who swallowed embolic acid with
sulcldnl Intent early Saturday morn
Iul', died that nfternon nt I o'clock In
tho I.ncktiwnnuu hospital. She was
conscious duilim most of the day,
A jiost-moitoin examination of tho
body liv Cm oner Longstreet showed
that the woman had taken about ten
tenspoonsful of the poison in the same
crude state as that In which It came
from the drug stole. Its power was
sutllclent to kill ton persons nnd It is
doubtful it nn antidote ndmlnisteted
Immediately after tho poison was taken
would hnvo saved her life. The lining
of the stomach was literally eaten
awny and tho organ contained muny
Someone whose name was not re
vealed, but who Is thought to be Iden
tified with a charitable Institution,
dltocted Pndeitakei Tague, of tho
West Side, to take charge of the re
mains. The vvotnun had relatives In
Hnehestor, X. Y. If they do not as
sume chaige nf the body, It will bo
given n Christian burial.
It Is believed tho unfortunnto's act
was niit of sudden nnd thoughtless
despetatlon and not long premedi
tated. She quarreled soon after mid
night In the White House saloon with
a man. Dan (Jieen, with whom she had
been living at ir.t"i v.ils. He thteat
ened to bleak with her and she said
she would kill herself. They patted
and about an hour later she was found
by other Inmates vv tithing In agony In
her tnom at "M Center street, n place
kept by "Deaf Annie '
It vvas Cella Cliilke who figured In
a shooting affray neatly two ears ago
which hung FianU Shultst's life In the
lisiluvc for a long rorlod and fur
nished a Hosiery which the gill would
not reveal nnd which the police failed
to solve. She inlled to a pedestrian
on Washington avenue late one night,
telling him that a man In the buggy
with her was hint. She was fright
ened, she said, and wanted her com
panion taken lo the hospital. The
pedestrian clambered Into the vehicle
and the Claike woman wnlked inpldly
away down u fide stieet.
Tho obliging stranger found himself
seated alongside the huddled fm in of
a man who had be n shot through the
budy. The Identltv of the horse nnd
huggv was soon aseei tallied and the
woman arrested. She was held until
SbullK had neatly leiovered and vvas
then le'oascd, as ho n fused to Impll-
( ate her and no ev Idenee could be found
to minuet her with tho it line.
He linn Impressed 'I hem lu n Letter
to (iiitniiiiir Hastings.
Colonel Dougherty, of tho Ninth riR'-t
mu.t. eif Wilkis-Hane, Iiim sent the
following tn iioveinor HastinRS fiom
i 'amp ileurg II i'hoin is, ChlekamaiiK.i
Pat. lii, June I.
To lion D.niiii! II. llnsilngH, ilnv'ernor
of Pi iiiiiiii Ivuril.i, llairlsbiirg. Pa :
When the in w battalion Is forin"d. to
ne i dc!(l to i he Ninth Itettlment. I'enn
lvaulii volunteer-" I elislie the follow
In n lines to bt conniilssluned ns ullleeis
I lit re of:
Major. John T. I'lannirv.! ncliiiniit, Prank V. Inner.
Cninpunv fJ ('npt.iln. Hclmuiid N.
petti i ; first lit iitenant, Aloxuudtr A
.Milt hell, itO'ilnl lb Addlsnu M.
ItOtlll'l'. k
Ciur.pat. K-'iptuln, Hobeit SnJ i'"
.b vi v; first lleulipant. Motii M.
Keek, s ml lliiitfi. int. Jamrg Ciordau
M n
C ii.i,n iv 1. Cnntuln. Oorgo P riiim,
til -t liiiitcniit, 'flu. Din. l.loil, Jr.; se
end Ileutiiitint. Ch'iiu,ee. L. Nimble.
All th" iibnvc ill i.t preMiit niombeis
of llu Ninth rtslmeut, mill b long and
faithful service ileervi prninotlnll .Hid
I iesiec tfullv ask at join hands a com
nilhslnn fo" i oh of il -vi gentlemen
win. n the tlnn airlvts to i ) point them
('. li. Dm glu ii; . Colonil.
Iteadv lor Uc M hell the Police
v tnppecl the I'lgbl.
In a Center street pool loom fre
quented by colored men a general light
was pieeipltatod Saturday morning by
ll quairel between John Coals and Wil
liam Heme. Coats Is a pugilist who
leiontlv made his appearance in th"
city and Heine also makes bmc claim
to prolb b ncy with hts hands.
When Chief of Police C.lllToll. Detoe
live Mnlf and Mounted Policeman Dyer
enteied the pool loom to quell the dis
till banco, nearh eveiybody In the
place had a black-jack, cue nr pool
bull ready for use Coats and Heine
weie nt tested. They wuio lined $10
each bv Mayor nalley.
SPJtINO IIPMOUS. bolls, plmplts,
Botes and all eruptions are promptly
cured by Hood's Sarsapatilla, which
thoroughly puiltles the blood, eradicat
ing every trace of scrofula.
HOOD'S PILLS cure nnuse.i, sbk
headache, biliousness and all liver Ills.
Prlc e 2a c ents
Clara and Colorado C!ara,
000 Autiiiuedail Puritauos
!)U0 Carloinri Concha Espcclals.
5500 Ktleti Concha KeRuUa.
(100 Garbalosa Concha llegalla.
COO Garbalosa Concha Especial.
.'100 Aiitiqiicilad Pcrfectos.
100 Antiqueueil IfoulaVictoriai.
.'100 Africana Pnritanas Finas.
'J00 La Rosa Delictus.
J00 Bock & Co. Panetolns.
25,000 Key West Cigars
no advance.
E. Q. Coursen
"Vlwilemilu Hitcl Kofail.
Henry Allen Howard His a Blissful
Ignorance ol What Pain Is.
oitowx to tih:i:s and dally
i:xiitniTioNs HiMii:.
There is a man in our midst who Is
not classified umoug the seven won
ders of the wot Id, but ho certainly
deserves to be culled tho tenth or
twelfth wonder. Ills name is Henry
Allen Ilowanl, born twenty-eight
yeais ago in Hlnduostan, the son of
an Irish father and Kngllsh mother.
He is holding foith nt Keystone hall,
Dunmoie, and expects lo lemain in
these parts a few weeks.
It takes lime to tell what he can do.
He gave exhibitions before the staff
of Itoosevelt hospital, New York, Hush
Medical college, Chlengo, and before
semes and scores of leading physicians
of this country and Australia. The
New York Sun, the Chicago Times
Herald, the Cincinnati Knqulrer and
Huffalo Cornier printed extended ac
counts of his career.
And it has been a painless career.
He can drive spikes through his hnnds
and feet, or through the muscles of
nny part of his body without suffering
a twinge of pain. And by nn act of
the will be can restrain the How of
blood from the prints of these wounds
after the nails are wlthdtavvn. Uun
nlng a hat pin through the bleeps
muscle of his aim Is child's plav with
him. lie does it without any mme fuss
than nn ordinal y poison would stick u
pin back of the lapel of his coat.
Kvery pat t of his body Is insensate
as rcgatds pain. He does not drive
nails Into the flesh In the legion of the
vital parts, but ho can be proddled
with a hat pin fiom head to foot and
not feel It.
He has a bcheme that Is odd but Is
determined to cutty It out. Theie Is ii
custom among the natives of Pata
gonia to elect a kitiR every ten years,
I'nder their constitution the aspirant
for royal honors must undergo a civil
service examination that only men like
Howard would eaie to tnke. The man
who stands tho most tottuie without
flinching i ec elves the highest pen ont
iigo. They do such gruesome things
as nailing him to a tree with splinters
"f hard wood, and ptod him with
spent s under tho arm jilts and between
the toes.
He Is confident ho w 111 w in the
throne of Patagonia, nnd as the king
has tho most absolute sovereignty
there, he will levy tar enough to make
him wealthy for life, and vacate the
kingdom. The present ruler of thnt
beautiful Innd has three jears more to
serve and the examination takes jilnce
a month oi so befoie he goes out of
Mr. Ilowanl Is in this country not
quite four months. Ho vvas under the
management of a man who did not him fnhlv. and he left htm. 1U
will give inhibitions In the city during
the next two weeks. Ho drives spikes
Ihtough his feet Into a piece of plnnk
eighteen inc lies long nnd wnlks around
with these hanging to his soles Af
ter ho jiulls the splices out the blood
will (low if he eh sites It. and will not
If ho wishes it not to. The wounds
heal up In a few bouts.
He never cnrbollzos nr dlslnfee ts nny
nf these spikes or plus that go Into
Ills flesh. He Is pi oof against blood
poisoning. This was Attested nion
thnii once when tho natives .sent poi
son daits Into his anatomi. This an
aesthetic quality Is not the effect of
nn accident. To the best of his knovi
odeg ho was bom thnt way. He on'ul
never bo made tn feel pain When he
glow up ho Joined the Knsllsh at my
and was thrown from his horse one
day. fineluilng the thigh bone of the
light leg. He did not knutv ne was
hurt until ho tried to walk. He was In
the hosoltal only a few weeks. The
luoken parts glow together very ta
pidh. He Is possessed of pieat jihyslrnl
strength. With a spike stuck through
A Good Set of Teeth Tor... $3.00
Our pt Sots or Teeth ,".00
Inclullng the Palnlen Uxtractlon.
321 Spruce Street, Opp. Hotel Jermyn
No Carpet House in Scianton carries as large a line of Lino
leums as we do. This we know is true. We carry Linoleums
in all widths up to four yards wide.
Inlaid Linoleums
A special lot, solid color, clear through to the back, these we are
selling out at $1.00 a jd. Our regular line is 81.25 a yd.
English Inlaid Linoleums
For beauty of color and design these are without a doubt the
finest goods in the market. The Knglish were the original
Linoleum makers, which perhaps explains why these goods are
somewhat superior lo ours. $l,o0 a yd. and well worth it.
This is the original Linoleum. Some prefer it to the inlaid. 73c
and 85c a yd. We carry linoleums in four yard widths as low as
50c a yd. Tabic 011 Cloths 10c a yd.
406-408 Lackawanna Avenue.
J-tl to 14U. Meridian ijtreet.Scrnnlon, Pa. T hone tt-ii.
Varnl.h. iirvoru, Juuun and SlilniiUtfimr
the bleep muscles of the forearm he
can shove up n 100-pound dunib.bctl
without the least exertion. Ho will
give an exhibition this afternoon or.
vntely in the olllce of Dr. 1. II. Oibbs,
of the West Side, to the West Side
Hit Itolenno Ironi 1'rlion li Directed
by ProMent McKlnler,
A. TI. Williams. e-cnshler of the
Traders' National bank, has been par
doned. He vvns sentenced to three
years Imprisonment and has solved one
year erf the sentence.
The pardon wns granted liy President
McKlnley nnd vvns based upon a peti
tion containing a long list of names
nnd upon personal pleas In tho ex-eash-Icr's
Dr. Wnlker, of Hcllevue, has gone to
New York city to take a special course
In gynecology at the Post-Graduato
Medical college.
We have just purchased ;.0 suits of
Men's ltlcyclo Clothing, made of fine,
new, light and clnrk mixtures, latest,
style, all sizes. Worth tt.00 per suit.
Cash Pries, Per Suit, $2.98
ino jialr Men's Hleycle Pants, extra
well made, nice, new, stylish patterns.
All sizes. Actual value, $1.75 per
Cash Price, 98 cants
A Positive Proof
of Merit
Is the fact that all riders continue
to ask for the
Kj"U fi urN
$35.00 and $50.00
many friends.
Call and examine the 1S9S
Wc Have the Lnrsest nnd Most
Complete Repair Shop
in the State.
Enameling and Nickleplat
ing done by experts.
The Largest Selection of Hicvclc
Sundries, to He Found hi North-castc-it
We Can Rubber Your Carriage
Any Size or Stylj.
Iron and Steel.
Soft Steel Konuds Up to 7
Large Stock nf Cold Kollcd
126 & 128 Franklin Ave.
I'lircvmtlnn. 'Vhlln Lull, (Jul Tr. t'Uoj
20 Lackawanna. Ato., Scranton Pi.
Wholesale nnd Retail
Ready nixed Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Kconomlcal, Darabla.
Vnrnlsh Stains,
rroduclnc Perfect lmltntlonof ExDonilT
Reynolds' Wood Finish,
Especially Desifcned for Innlds VVorlc
Marble Floor Finish,
Durable nnd Drlea Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
sominc Brushes.
Many of tho elegant thins? In life nra
not adaptable to everyday needs Tlttet
cannot bo said of our elegsti" line of
furnishings for men. They aro male to
lo worn b penllemon, but they nro
suited by their fine wearing qualities
to your every-dny needs.
Hand & Payne
203 Washington Ave.
Need plenty of good bread.
It makes them grow. Builds
up the sstem. Makes bono
and flesh It Is n notice 1I1I0
fact that the children who eit
the most bread, other things
being equal, havo tho best
"Snow White"
liour Is rich In gluten, that
proptrty of the wheat which,
Is noiiilshlng nnd strengthen
ing It makes the heat kind
of bread for children.
Try It.
All g-ocers sell it.
"We Only Wholesale It."
Scranton, Cnrbondale, Olypliant.
In order to introduce
my new line of Kimball
Pianos and organs I will
any one who will send
me the name of any par
ty who will buy a piano
or organ of me.
This will be paid when
first payment is made on
the instrument and to
the first one who seuda
me the name. If ouy
know of a neighbor who
talks of getting one send
the name in.
George H.Ives
Xo. 9 West .Market Street,
Having added 1.100 feet to our (UN
room, we nro now prepared to show a
liner assortment of
than ever. You nro cordially Invited to
call nnd Inspect our good und compare
prices. CASH 0 U HUD IT.
SJ!&- ill