The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1898, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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V V '
Of Rochester, N, Y.
Of Rochester, N, Y.
0 jL MQ m m '" O
Jaa -" vi w f JR, t '
An Important, Rut Not Inviting, Group
Off Alfrlca.
1 sk or Timji as a nAsn ok
n vv.Mj opi:hations-a watch
1 sl'x-scohciikd calling
I'LAt'i: I'Olt Till: WOHLD'S CO.M-
jiiirck - Jin. aiiLLurrs iioju:
1 rom the Chicago Inter-Oeenn.
On lioais a good deal of St Vincent,
Cnp Verde IMnwls, these ilaj.s but
few ptople have anything but n eiy
BKue idea as to what manner of place
it nia li-. To speak the tiuth, the is
land cortalnl has few attractions; on
the oth r hand, it has pecullailtle.s
which at times maltc It seem a pait of
Dante's Inferno.
I.onr bofoio one reaches the Cape
ViTde Islands, In fact, fiom half 11
daj's s-tcam distant, the lilsh mountain
peaks away off on the hoilzon apuai
misty and nue and announce th" near
approach to land and the pioxlmity of
the Poitugueet Hi'ttlements. In the
meantime all aiound Is sweltering heat,
dazzling sun, and unf-hangi'd blue, the
all clear to the point of a. vacuum, and
this Intensity of Unlit has a most jik u
llai rfi.'ct as one cts near the Islands
they Kom to Ma nil out without hhj
relief In the way of lights and shadows,
a lint dusky j ellow picture on blue
cam as Dusty blown locks and peakn,
hard and without ullef, stindliiK up
npralns-t n bright blue baekKiound, with
a peifcetly clear and deep blue sea In
front, n sea so cleai that as the steam
ers rest at anchor in the ba the Jiulf
bioecl boys swim fioni the shoie nml
dlc for sller coins In and out under
the keels of the laigest ocean essels,
and one can see them down to the san
dy bottom of the ocean cntchlnpr the
coin nnd lau-jlilns up to the surface on
the other side of the ship
As to the Island, In this case suiuly
distance lends enchantment to the
view, for though at Iouk ianKcand be.
fore landing it Is not half bad by way
of n, study In blAiue effects lvlil
ochrs, brown-), and ultramailne blues
once on shore it Is awful Dust and
rocks, rocks and dust, hero and there
a small pitch of tioplcal shrub or a
half-grown tree, but all dust-covered.
The steamer3 and warships lie out In
the harbor, which Is excellent, and Is
the reason of this veiltable hell's
mouth becoming one of the mouth
pieces to civilization's tpaMiiK tubo,
for the Kastern Cable company has a
station here, and trom St. Vincent nie
tho movements of ocean stoami-ts duly
chronicled as they ceaselessly como and
go to take on coal. Hut to 1 etui n to
the harbor it Is erj lartte and In
shape like a horseshoe, with another
ard comparatively fertile Island, by
natno Son intonio, lylnu neioss the
open front and piolcctlnt; It fiom the
Atlintlc Btorins the hlps coming and
going through the oupnslte corner.
On"1 goeH nshore In the Inevitable small
boat, which humus alongside a low
coaling wharf, where the first person
met with will piobaulv bo the also In
evltal lc l'ligllshman. and most likely
one of tha Miller family, the million
aire owners of the coaling station, for
the enteipiUe of a private firm is re-
qpODAY WE START THE GREATEST SALE OF MEN'S FINE CLOTHING ever held in Northeastern Pennsylvania
ii the balance of the entire Spring Stock of Messrs. Black & Meyer, of 124, 126, 128 and 130 N. Paul street, Roches
ter, N. Y., manufacturers of High Grade Clothing only. Rochester today stands at the head of the Clothing Markets of the
world, chiefly on account of the Fine Clothing it produces and the system of
as is used in a great many other cities. Therefore, this sale will give you
at the prices you pay ordinarily for goods made in sweat shops.
$3.15 to $5.15 Saved Here.
Men's Suits sold else
where for 8. to $io. M&ny
of them all wool, every one
of them of desirable fabric,
made in an improved man
ner, and a very desirable
line of patterns.
$8.15 Saved Here.
Men's Suits sold elsewhere
for 22. Hundreds of them
with coats lined throughout
with silk, vest backs of silk, the
fabrics of the very finest
worsteds and rich cassimeres,
the kind of goods that tailors
make to order for $o, and
which, ordinarily would be sold
ready-made at $22.
sponsible for tin coal supplies of St '
Viiu n', which ni- biotmht over fiom
Lirjland In ci lilt is and tlu-n .U led on
the Island In mij lupe quantities.
iu:ad or thi: tamily.
The head of the Miller family con
trolling this tiade Is also the lesldent
Itiitish consul, he Is man led to n Por
tuguese lady and has lots of'biotheis
and sisters at the old home In Somer
si'tshiio, a splendid count! y seat not
fni from Hath. About the only other
white men on the Island are a few
diminutive Poituguose olllclals, luavu
in unlfoinis nnd gold lace, and the em
ployes of the cable companv, the lat
tei nt w horn possess, besides their
maddening, clicking Instruments, a
ticket j bllllaid table, a few snny
hoises, which they nice up and down
the vuudv sti etches along the shoie,
and a laige stock of good whiskey.
Pai titular mention Is made of the spir
it", because theie is no water In this
ace 111 sod isle It has to be bi ought
across in boats from nelghboilng San
Antonio and becnuse sometimes no
rain fnlls theie foi as long ns two jears
at a stietch, then it poms and diles
up for aniithei two jeais. The East
ern Cable coiiipanv's oung men just
manage to smvlve the nine months
tht live theie, foitunately for thice
months they aie allowed a furlough in
Imgland or wheie else they please, and
well they need It.
Mr. Miller, however. Is n man of mil
lion'), and watci Is theiefoie no object.
Indeed, he has It brought over In bout
load1), and has In consequence quite
a limit iaut letieat and house on one
of the sputs Jutting out along the hai
bor. The natives do such labor as
there Is to be done, acting as boatmen,
stevedoies, and setvants they aie half
Poituguese, half Afilcan, and sneak
Poituguese as their native tongue, and
as theli farm He occupation do noth
ing. They somehow manage to exist
on the crumbs gatheied fiom the pass
ing steamei.s. Of town there is none,
Just a snuggling T-shaped street of
low houses, heu- and theie a drinking
place or illthy Joint, and heie and theie
a ship chandler's, und that Is all. Tho
society events of the stntlon nro
usually confined to enteitalnmcnts
given by the hospitable crew or pas
sengers of some stunner or war boat
taking on coal, but theie Is no diver
sity; the going of one ship is the com
ing of the next, and theie are always
two or thiee In the harbor. In fact,
the monoton and dust aie stupend
ous. One of the company's operatois
once told the vvtltcr with tears of
whiskey and loneliness In his ejes, that
ho thought ho would surely go mad,
living on under tho shadelcss blue In
the intense heat, with "nothing to
bieathe but air and nothing to see but
sun and nothing to drink" but impure
water, and so on tluough the whole
gamut of a disappointed life. i;ren the
very ships stay no longer than they
Iiave to. Just coal. 1. p., make all tho
dlit nnd dust they can, and away,
Such Is St. Vincent nt piesent, the
so-called base for Spain's licet of tor
pi do hontt) and wai. ships. Of counie,
in leullty this Is not the fact. The isl
ands belong to Portugal, and the conl
supplies aie the piopetty of an Eng
lish Htm. Cape Veide, however, Is not
so far from tho tluind Canurles. St.
Vincent itself could bo but tho ceno
of a naval battle, for tho only vestages
of life, alwaH excepting tho mlsorubio
Iune or stjoot of houses already do
scilbed, arc the bhljf. tiding at anchor
P 1 Jatl
In the oiling. Xevcithi Its-, the pln"e,
sin h .u- it Is. jilnjs tin pait of 11 half
way house In the woild's ha .tilings.
Steamers fiom South Aftle.i, fnnn the
Hlver Platte, the Pacific coast of South
Aiueilca, and fiom liinzll, all call
theie, and the tlme-woin, heat-vveaiy
locks on the African coat aie after
all a factor In nut civilization by vir
tue of the coal supplies and cable sta
tion. As to the Intel lor of the Island, there
Is none, simply lock-, ever higher and
higher, till they become mountains.
The nelghboilng Island of San Antonio
Is equally steep and pieclpltous, but
theie Is abundance of flesh vratei, and,
as a. natuial consequence, consldeiable
rtgetutlon. There is, how evil, abso
lutely no offing, liaibor or aiuhornge
of any kind, and consequently tliM
land Is quite useless to the wheels of
commerce or monitors of war. The
lest of the Islands are moie or less of
the same natuie, but smallei, anilniimu
of them are mine fertile than San An
tonio, hence their name.
Poetically, the harbor, or .coaling
station, of St. Vincent, Cape Verde
islands, gives one the Impiesslon of
some cave of winds whence Issue from
the empty iock, In panting gusto, the
storms that lend the Atlantic, west,
south and notth, but where itself there
is a compaiatlve but poitentous calm.
The ships that pass by day and night
appear as small blidn along the steep
sides of the two Islands, and the siz
zling heat, with tho peipetual puffs of
hot air and accompanlng dust, make
It a veritable entiance to hndes Curi
ously enough, at very neatly the same
latitude and light neioss the Atlantic,
on the co.iHt of Hiazll, lies Pernnmbuco,
meaning hell's mouth, but of the two
places the name most ceitalnly aptly
fits St. Vincent, Cape Veide.
a s'ioiiy or iuhi:y.
One Encounter in Which Ho Cot
Hnilly nrsttvd.
Letter In Xevv York Sun.
The following anecdote of Commo
dore Dewey may be Inteiestlug at this
Kaily In the fifties, when Dewey was
a boy, Major '.. K. Pangbotn, now a
resident of Xevv Jersey und for thirty
jeais editor of tho Dvenlng Journal of
Jersey City, being then fresh from
college, undeitook the management of
a dlstilct school at Montpeller, Vt.
The school had been In rebellion for a
long time, und the boy Dewey was tho
leader of tho antl-tcacher brigade.
Seveial pievlous teat heis had been "le
moved," ono had been stood upon his
head In a snowbank, nnd it was gener
ally said at Montpeller that nobody
could govern that school.
When Mr. Pangboin appealed at
school the Hi st day of the session he
noticed Dewey up a tiee throwing
Htnnes nt Bmull bnvs. lie told him
quietly that he must stop that. Tho
reply was that the teacher could "go
to" tho place teserved for a certain
class of depaited mortals, and Dewey
did not come down. School went very
smoothly that day, but there weie In
dications that showed the teacher that
trouble was coming. So he piovided
himself with a nice lawhldo whip,
which ho tucked away over tho door,
and then pluced seveial pleees of good
hickory on top of tho pile In the old
Next day the fun began. Another
boy vim wan disorderly was told to
tako his scat. He did ho, and peven
of tho big boys Joined him on his
bench. Thou Dowoy sfpped up nnd
H U WH n H H flUx
KSn&HKV: CT-.t.t md -Mt-tfcj
C? ifisa
c- ullv Informed the t'-aehcr tint thev
w 10 going to give him tho best lick
ing that he had ever had."
'Go to our seat!" commanded the
teacher, who wns not so big a "man"
phvsically ns either of the bojs men
tinned. Dewey struck out, nnd tho next In
stant the rawhide was plajlng catch-,
and-go-all over him. The other "blg
gist boj" cnteied the fight, nnd was
ptomptlv lab' low with a blow fiom
one of the hlekoiy sticks. Dewey was,
bv this time, lying upon the ilooi,
howling for quits." and tho other bor
lay near him uneoii'-clous. The rebel
lion was over, and Mr. Pangboin had
no fin titer tti.uble with thnt school.
He took Dewey home to his fether,
and leniittetl that he had btousht him
his son, "mini what the worse for wear,
but ready for school work."
'Thank 011" replied Dr. D"wey. 'I
gues (Jemg'j will not give you any
mote tiouble. Ho will be nt school to
mortow." The father of the other boy tiled to
get a wan ant for the arrest of the
schoolmaster, but there was not r. mag
istrate in tho county who would Is-uo
one. They said thnt if anybody had
been found who could govern that
school, he was tho man for the place.
Young Dewev lemalned nt school.
He boon became a good scholai, and,
under his fiiend's tuition, fitted for the
Annapolis academy. Ycaib after these
events he wns wont to visit Major
Pangboin at his home In Hoston, wheie
the fanner teacher .is editor of the
old Atlas and Heu. On one of these
visits he said to him: '1 shall never
cease to be giatoful to jou. You made
a man of me. Hut for that thrashing
you gave me 1 should ptobably now
be In the slate pilson." Dewey was at
this time a joung lieutenant lr the
navy nnd a chum ot Major Pangbotn's
bt other, who was also a oung naval
olllcer. The two spent much time at
Major Pnngboin's home, nnd he al
ways speaks of Dewey as "one of his
bovs," and Is natuiullv very proud of
This little anecdote shows that It
often happens that the worst boy In
school may be made the best boy, and
that It does not follow because a boy
needs n thrashing that he needs mmo
than one, provided It be well done and
at the light time It Is not on recoid
that the commodore has ever been
beaten since, or that ho has ever been
known to light In a bad cause, AM) ItltASS.
Indication Seem to Point Toward a
llclu'ti of thii Lighter Melnl,
A reduction in tho price of aluminum
within the Inst few weeks linn led to
a discussion by tfao technical Journals
of the possibility of Its replacing biass
In some of tho industiles. The var
ious discounts on sheets sold In quan
tities make tho actual ptlce about JJ'i
cents a pound. At tlto present time,
sheet bl ass costs fiom U'i cents a
pound. Hut the latter metal, If cast.
Is 3.J5 times as heavy as aluminum,
and If wrought 3.1'J. In any given arti
cle, the size temainlng the tiaine. theio
would bo mote than tlnee times as
many pounds (or ounces, or giulns),
If It weic mndo of In ass than If It
woto composed of aluminum. Multl
pllng the ptlco of brass per pound by
11.19 ono gets a ft action over 30 cents.
Tho iiiuteilal going Into a brass object,
then, costs about 10 por cent, more
than that going into an aluminum
object of the name sUe, This fact Is
a rare opportunity of purchasing High Grade
$5.15 Saved Here.
Men's Suits sold else
where for $i2. A most
beautiful line Fancy Chev
iots, Cassimeres and all the
latest fabrics. Hundreds of
elegant business suits, hun
dreds of beautiful dress suits
likely; to make a good many wide
awake manufacturers ask themselves
how far aluminum is suited, In other
lespoct, to take tho place of brass. Its
tensile strength, electrical conduc tlvltv,
resistance to the corrosive; effects of
moisture nnd acids are all important
eiualltles which are likely to come up
for consldeiatlon In this connection.
i i
in tiii; deiykiui:nt stoke
"Where aro the linens kept?" she asked.
"Dwnstalrs," was tho teply.
She suectlv smiled nnd grabbed her train,
And quickly hastened by.
Once down, she ventured to Inquire,
"llio linens, aro they here?"
"Just three rooms over to thcrlglit
And straight back In tho rem."
At 1 ist she reached the point proposed,
"The linens?" like a crash
The answer came across the shop,
"The're six rooms over Cash'"
Again she Jostled through the crowd,
And faintly asked the clerk,
"The llnfns, please?" "Upstairs," ho said.
With tantalizing smirk.
She reached the top, quite out of breath,
"The linens, sir?" he said.
"In the annex bullillnr, live flnois up,
And then walk straight ahead."
Accomplishing tho long ascent.
Her temper sorelv tried.
She Mhaiply asked tho man In charge,
With wrath she couin not liltl.
'Will you tell me where the linens aie,
Or if they're In tho store?"
'Wo used to keep them, ma'am," lies
"Hut do not any more."
Prices That
tyles That Please the Nobby Dressers
With pleasure we announce that today (Saturday) will be displayed on our couutera
some of the nobbiest aud most stylish custom-made and high-art garmeuts ever shown iu
Scrauton. Sack Suits in three aud four button, cutaway, square cut, single aud double
breasted. Qualities are in Clay Serges, Worsted, Cheviots, Homespuns and Cassimeres.
These garments are all in the latest spring styles, made and lined iu the tailors' highest
art; iu fact, a rich plum for the public at our wall-kuown prices one-half to one-third of
the original measured cost.
Tailor-made Suits, original price $30 aud $35. Our Price, $10 and $12,
$2f Tailor-made Suits we sell for $8 and $10.'
Nobby, Fast-Color Serge Suits, skeleton or half-liued,
Value just double.
The hard to fit, tall, slim or short, stout man we can fit you better aud for lower
prices than you have ever been before, Try us. Come, see, look over our stock. t No
compulsion to buy. but pleased to have you call.
200 pairs of nobby Tailor-made Troivsers, sizes to fit short or tall men, $2 to $3.50
All alterations to insure a perfect fit cheerfully made. All garments
pressed and kept in repair one year free of charge.
High Art and Misfit Clothing; Parlors
427 Lackawanna Avenue.
$8 85
$7.15 Saved Here.
Men's Suits sold elsewhere
for $18. Elegantly tailored,
elegantly trimmed, just the
thing for men who want some
thing especially nice, and had
made up their minds to pay
about $18 (or a suit. Here they
can take their pick of a grand
array of real $iS suits.
fccrnnton nnd v'lllte-llnrrc, Pa.
Manufacturers of
UollerJ, Hoisting and Pumplnj; Machinery.
General Office, Scranton, I'o.
140 Adams Ave., Opp. Court Ham:.
Eolo Agonts for Hichardaon-Boyaton'J
Fnrnacai and Kingo.
Choice Cuts
c" IVlHimCI, 321 Adams Avenue
B Kverj thing in tho line of froih und
O Ealted Meats, hausiigcs, I.nrd, hte.
EI Tclepho ne No. 632 J
Gillette Bros., Auctioneers,
Will sell Michaelian Bros. &
Co.'s entire stock of Oriental Rugs
and Carpets, without limit or re
serve at 148 Washington avenue,
Mears Building.
Sales dally nt 11 n. in. and 3
and s p. in.
Draw the Crowd
t Rj
? WW
$6.15 Saved Here.
Men's Suits sold else
where for $15'. Th'is line
comprises all of those fine
qualities of fabrics in
worsteds, cheviots and cas
simeres that are sold by all
stores at $15.
tocl(. 1
The bctt llttlns nlilrt innde If jou nrn
bard to lit try one.
305 Lacka. Ave.
nycslgtit preserved nnd uondache pro
routed by u.ivlnsjour cyoi properly and
scientifically examined and fitted. Kyes
examined free. Tna latest stylus ot bpeo
tacles and eyeglasses at tho ion est prieo-i.
305 Sprues Street
$7.50, $8, $10, $12 and