THE SCHANTOxN TJUliLJS.U--3i.U,JJAl, JLJNJW U. 1J). of us. Then If vvp are torpedoed, ve should oven then be fible to miko the position In'thp channel. It wont bo bo easy to do thlH, unci I think the men nliould bauble to HWlm to the dlny. I tuny Jump before 1 mn blown up. Hut I don't roc thnt It mnkes much dlfferrncp what I dn. I have a fair chance of lift- either wuy. If our dingy j'Pts shot lo ilu4 we shall then try to swim for the bench right under Morro Castle We shall keep together at nil hazards. Then we mny be nble to make our wny nlongsldo mid per lmi)S get bark to the sflilp. Wp shall fight the Ptitrnnren or n squad until the lnsl, nnd wo shall only surrendpr to overwhelming numbem. Prellmlnniy woik of this desperate tinderttikliip; was a strain upon the ofllcers and men On Wednes day morning dlrPctlv after Hear Admiral Sampson's arrival, nnd us soon as he was certain the Span ish licet was In the harbor the prep arations to scuttle the Morrlmne In the chnnnol was commenced. All day long crews fioni the Now Yolk nnd Brooklyn wore on board the collier, nevei testing In their effoits to pre pare: her, She lay alongside the Mas sachusetts, discharging roal when the New York was first begun The news of thu Intended expedition travelled quickly thiough the licet and It soon became known thnt volunteers were In need for n desperate undertaking. I'rom the Iowa's signal jnrd quickly ' fluttered the announcement that she had 110 voltinteois nnd the other ships were not fur behind Over 200 mem bers of the oi ow of the New York voliinteeied. The Junior oflleois lltei nll.v tumbled oxer ca h other In their eagerness to get their names on the volunteer list Commander Miller who had charge of the Menlmnr pleaded with the ndmlrnl to let hltn go, but the latter thought he had better not. When It was lenined that only six men and Lieutenant Ilobson weie to go there was considerable dissatisfac tion on nil sides. All Wednesday night the crews vvoiked on board the Merrlmie Lieu tenant Ilobson paid a short vMt to the tl.igshlp ,shortl hetoie midnight and then leturned As he started down the sen ladder there were mnnv hands i tretchcd out to gtasp his and ninny quiet spoken, earnest wishes for his success, ns It was thought then Lieu tenant Ilobson would take the Alerrl mnc In early. At S o'clock the admiral nnd flag LleutPnnnt Staunton got Into he launch to make an Inspection of the Merrlmac The minutes slipped by. the crews hid not completed their work on the Merilmnc, but at Inst a boatload of men, tiled out came oer to thellagshli. Last of all. at 4 30. enme the admiral. He had been delayed by a breakdown of the "team launch Dawn whs break ing ovei Snntlngo dp Cuba an 1 noir lv eveiybody thought It was too late for the attempt to be made that morn ing. Then somebody cried "She Is going In." order to return. Suiely enough, seemingly deeited. the collier was seen lit tiding straight tin Moiro uistlo. The torpedo bunt Por ter was lying near the flagship and nt the admiral's older, Lieutenant Staunton hailed the Portoi wiylng Totter theie! Tell the Meirimac to leturn Inimedlntelj " Smoke quickly poured fiom the Poi ter's stacks nnd she moved tow aid shore. l!y that time daikness lind quite disappeared and, qulcklj as the fast toipcdo boat tore through the water. It seemed as If she would never head off the .Merrlmac At last whan within range of the guns of the Spaniards thp Porter cross ed the Menimac's bows Sometime after 5 o'clock she came tearing back and to eei;. one s tuiptlse the Merilmnc kept her position Admiral Sampson. Captnln Ch-idwlck nnd Lieutenant Staunton could not tin deistand until the lieutenant from the deck of the torpedo boat shouted "Lieutenant Ilobson asks permission to continue on his course He thinks he can make it " Hut in stein tones the admlinl sent a message to the effect thnt the Mer limae must return und In due eouise f time the collier slowly steamed back. Hobson's tlguie standing out lvidly on the bildRO of he Merilmnc All day esteidny the collier lay near the flagship nnd more clnboiate pre parations weie mnde. During the day Lieutenant Ilobson wai tireless und confident, supervising peionully ovciy little detail. When flnnllv Ilobson went on board the Menlmae last night he had been without sleep since Wednesday morn ing As ho said good bye the lru tenant remaiked that his only regiet was that all of the New Yoik's vol unteeis could not go with him When the Menlmae stalled yestei rla on the tslp from which she won railed she had on boat, J of her two men who had no right to be theie. They weie assistant englneei of the Menl miio nnd Mulling of the New Yoik who had bren working on the collier all da. These two men lefusert- to leave the ship. nnd. as their disobe dience was the natuie whhli oiodtiCMl fushlng and Fniragut for the navy It was not rflleiully iccognUed The splllt shown by men uuil oIUppis i f the tlert (n rall. grand nnd beyon i being merely PMuessed In words Tin: n.Ac, or truce. l'ndei these circumstances one can Imagine th- Immense feeling of satis faction experienced whin it became known that Hnbson and his ciev weie safe. Latei in the day n boat with a white Hag put out from the haibor and Captnln Ovldlo, the chief of staff of Admiral Ceivora, boaided the New York and Informed the ndmliul that the whok partv had been enptuted nnd that onlv two of th" heroes were In jured. LleutPnnnt Ilobson was not hint. It nppears that the Spanish nd niiral was so stiuck with the couinge of the Merrlmne's crew that ho de cided to Inform Admiral Sampson thnt they had not lost their lives, but were pilsoneis of wat nnd could be ex c hanged The dlngv portion of the I roginmmo does not appear to haie been carried cut, which leads to the belief tint she ma;, have been smashed bj n shot for it sepins Ilobson nnd his men dilfted ashore on ,:i old catu rrntan which had been slung over the r COLORADO i t TOURS I tha tltlo of a now book on ." y.: x" i . :; i uuioruuu, niiiunuua ijiutu i E hqalth nnd pleasure resort. I The book isDeaimruny inus- j li .tod and contains a valu- al lo map of tho State. A ! copy can Ijo had without j i c.uargo upon application to i J ?. s. Eustir., uon'l pass-r Agr.., C. B. '. Q. ,1. R., Chicago, III. k v vvi v -v- -)mi Morilmnc's aldo tit tho last moment its bit e:;tra piecnutlon. ' They wete enptutod nnd sent to San tiago under eunPil previous to being trnnsferied to Mmro Castle, where they nie now understood to bo con lllipd Money and brovlslons weie sent to the prlowrs thiough Cnptnln 0ldlo and It Is believed Hear Admlml'Snmp son Is taking the steps necessary to bring about theli exchange. The fleet tonight Is In n stale of de lighted enthuslnsm over the undertak ing nnd the ndmlrnl Is Just as hippy ns the youngest sailor. The geneinl opinion Ib that no man evei deserved recognition for personal bravery mote than does Lieutenant Hobson. Cadet Powell, who was the last man to see Ilobson befote his start ninl who had charge of the launch during Its perilous ttlp, after much needed .-deep told the story of his expel lence. lip said: POWELL'S STORY. "Lieutenant Ilobson took a short sleep for a few bouts, which was often Intenupted At n quartet to two he came on deck and made a final In spection, giving his last Instructions to the men. At 2 SO I took the men who were not going on the trip Into the launch and statted for the Texas, then nearest, but had to go back for one of the nsistnnt englneets who Lieuten ant Hubson lluullv compelled to leae I shook hands with HciIimiii last of all. lie said- 'Powell, watch the boat's ciew when we pull out of the llnrbot We will be cracks, rowing 30 stiokes to the minute " "After leaving the Texns 1 saw the Merilmnc stenmlng slowlv In It wn onlv fnlilv dirk then find the shoie was quite visible. We followed About three-quartets of u mile astein the Menlmae stood about to the westwatd of the harbor and seemed a bit mixed tinning completely around, nnd Anally heading to the enst shore and down and turned In We weie then chasing her, because I thought Ilobson had lot his bearings When about 200 yntds from the bont the first gun wns filed fiom the eastern bluff We weie then about a half mile off shore nnd neailng the battel les. The filing In creased inpldl We steamed In slow -lv, but lost sight of the Menlmae in the smoke which the wind cnrrled off shoie. Hefore Ilobson could have blown up the Meirimac the western battel picked up and commenced firing. The shot wild, howevei, and we only heard the shells We inn In still closer to the shore and the gunners lost sight of us Then we henid the explosion ot the toipeducs on the Merrlmuc. We wnltul lust long enough, half a mile to I he westward of Mono, keening a shaip lookout lor the boat, but saw nothing. Hobson had ananged to meet uh nt thnt nolnt, but thinking thnt some of them might have drifted out, we crossed In front of Morro and the mouth of the haibor to the enstwaid "At about ." o'clock we ciossed the liar again Within nnd stood to the east waid. In passing we saw one spar of the Merilmnc sticking out of the wntet. We hugged the shoie. Just outside of the breakeis, fur a mile and then turned townids the Texas, when the battel les saw us and opened flie It wns then broad da.vllght The Hist shot fired skipped tlility aids astein, but the othei shots went wild "I dmve the latinih for all she wns woith. finally making the New Yoik. The men behaved splendldl." NATIONAL RELIEF COMMISSION. Issues nu AddrcsH to I ho People ol PeniiK) Uaniii. The National Hellef commission, of whlih John II. Coineise, of Philadel phia, Is piesldent, 'ind M S. rieneh, M. U, HOT Diextl llulldlng, Phlladt 1 phlu, secietaiy, hus issutd the follow ing uddut-is to the people ot Pennsjhu nla. Tho geneial objects ot the iominl-sju are to uid the guicriimcut lu lailug I'm the slik and wotmikU suldlcis unit sallois, to luok aftir the lanillles of tin. men In the sen Ice, as fui ns nnd mn lequlu, In Kiatr.liiilc to the lumfott and inoial aiUnuii'intut ot tlu men ull shiplioard and In lamp bj keeping them in torn li with thi kliulh and lielpf'd uf home. The mrnml'-slun w org.ililtd upon a national bis, ami, in its woik, will Ulsiilinli ate between neltl.11 soldiir nor sailor, icgulir nor oliinteti, ull men licutli the lltif, will be objects ot fuliillutU. and friendly aid. Seietal btates of the I'nlon hae ul teudy foniKd strong oigaiiizaliolis 01 tlttir most prominent cltlcns lu co-oj e 1. tlon with thu Nutlet nl Itelkf lominls slon but It H ii.ipurtnnt to emphaslu the lac t that a spcilal arrangement u- lsts bitwecn the National Itelkf commis sion, nnd the State Sanitsu commission oigauUeil b (ioseinoi Hustings of .'ens in arlous p'tts ot the loiumm wealth who have bien lonuiilsslon si uudel the stati nal to i.ue fo Pi nns . vuula's tntups This IV nnsj lianla H111U tan cummlsslun litis formed a co-operi-llie union with the National Hclkf com mission nnd the lattei will uit as tho ulmoiiei and aaent ot the same lu ill ti Unite 10 Pennsylvania citizens now un der amis si ill lellei ui exlguiiiles inaj re(lllle lu view of the great niimbir of local 01. ganU.itions who have entered upon tile patliotlc dut ot fuiiilslliiiK lelkt to tho men, It is Important to nsk fot a si 1 Ions eoiislileiatloi uf the sltuutlon. Is not tills multitude of assoelnt ons like lj to iistilt In ejnfiision In woiKIng ui iioss I.111 posts In thiplli atlng obleets IntenJ'd to 11I1I Kibllets and sailors, and thus wasting time, energ and inonev The Nulonal Ittllef assoilntlon feels justitKsl In leqnestlng tliise earnest iiikI lovnl i gnnlz itlous to (oriespnnd with the Na tional Hellef commission with a view 10 temedving this evil. It Is not deshod and perhaps it Is not dthlialile to Int'M feie In unv viav wltlt the free action of local societies, on Hie contrary, the pur pose of tho c c mmlsslcin Is to fostei sm n ende nors bat some wa must lie found by which all such work can be svsttinat. Ized nnd It l belle id that the Nation il Hellef commission ulforils the best exis'. Ing agncv for bilnglng about such hjs leinHtlc I'li.cipeintlon and cluing the woik. which rests so heavily nu all our bents in the most citicknt economical and expeditions mannci - llnllillo I, he Mod,. Hast IJaffalo, N Y . June I Cnttle-o. cclptH light, illilul Hogs Heeelpts, fair, dull und wenk Yorkers, good to choice. U 5Jul "i". 'oiighs, conimou to good S3SVU: p'gs. cnnimtitl to ehoiee. $1.7;a4 Sheep and l.imbs -Heceipts, slow and taxtti, I'linlis eliolco to extra, r. 2".n,".'i.ri, etilis to coiuiiiun. f I.S'ti i.T"j ; sheep choke 10 st lee ted wotlieis. M.Wn I 70. c nils to common J3.2' i'J j0 i'.iiNt liibiTiv cntilo .ilnrkot. Kant Llhorti, Juno I. Cattle tin. elinngcd llos-rilow; pilmo hinvies, SI in, 1 1 3."., best modlnuiH. Hfi, heavy Vorkeis fl'JOiISi, conimou to full Yoik. trs t4o:.nir, iUs. $:onaJ.;iu. ioimh. ."i0 n3 " Sheep Slow at upnehantud prices; halt t 1 llppc lambs J" 15a! 2.. common to good. $1 2JnS, spring lambs, J5a'i 50; vcnl calvts. ffl Wa" Oil Kail, el. Oil City. Ph., Juiu I. Crullt balances, fCc. : certificates, 110 bid for cash oil; closed b"c. bid for July; no bale; ship ments, 17,007 bjriela: rum, U.9U btrwl. THE MARKETS. Mull ttieel lleii'v New York, Ji ee I -'1 here was no trace left lodiiv ut the iractlenaty tendency manifested In the Moik mnrket late jes teldn.i. London tnnde much of the ac tion ot Hie scnatt In adopting the bonding pMilslon and was nlro Influenced by the ucinlstclit rumors fiom Paris a'nd even from Madrid that Spain was seuklnu u wav to peace. It Is piobalile that the tailing of Ameilrans In Loudon was In pirl on cabled orders from New York bi pnrrlr rer too c ii,rei to wait for the open ing here Tho use ot money i dinted in the loan expansion Is n healthful rentnre uf ibe bi.slnesH cnitlcek The closing was aitlve und strong near top prices net gains la the case of most ncthe stoc'is ranging Ixtwnn 1 und 2 points and in exceptional loses aboxe thnt Total sales of stoc ks today were 2r..tW M ires rnrnUheei ny WILLIAM WSN AlLK.N f. CO., stock nroKera, itctrs building, rcoms 705-70!. Open- High- Low- Ulos lug. est. est lug. Am Sn. ltp'g Co . lini lll'i H-'i'i 1I.1S Atili . To. i S. To .. n H'li liN U A . T. it S P.. IT .. T24 'vi .IJ V Am. Tobacea Co .. .1015 PJS lOi U'a'i Am Spirits M 12 IV 11 Am ripiilts. lr . . PJ 32 J2 Si Halt .t Ohio n 11'; l!i', mu llrouk It. T 4214 4-"s I2'' -U Hay Stute Has . .. . 1 .,' J' "'i Con Southern H2 .":' 52 ' ti Chic. .L N. W Il4 ll'i IPs H'i Clilc. & N. W .. . .12S'!i 121 I'j'ji, 1211 Chic. 11 & Q IUt lh'Ai lOI1 lOJ's Chicago Ons IOIVj li'lj 101 IOH2 Phlc. Mil. & St. P .100 101 K 101 Chic. It. I. & V ... .10(1 1W,8 10", 10uV, r lile . rit P M & O. 7s'4 Sj ST'i '.S'a c c c. ,v rit. 1, ... a; 31' 1 m .s Delawnip & Hud . HO H1U 110'4 IIP Ccn lllcctrk 37 "i' i S"'i Louis. ,; Noh .... ,"ii 7t,"' to' iiOi Munhattan Hlo 103 1'rf U Mi l"''i M. K tl Tex., Pr .. jT T.b', .!5"'8 .Mo l'aclllc 10 IT.'i r.'-, &1-! Nit Lead ,.Tt r"'i So1. .Vit2 N. Y. Central 11C. llb'j lit-,, lit.'. Out Ac W'rst V, 111 lo'a i' North. Pacific ... 2V2 W 2Si3 30 Nor Patlflc. Pr .. . 0ii! (3 6H (' Paclllc Mall LVi ) 'A ii Phil & Head IV, ID'S M H", Southern It. it n' 1 m, '.", Southern II. 11. Pi.. 32 Z2 "2 32 Tenn C. t Iron . . 2" 2' 2"s 2'7i Texas ,: Pacific ... 12 12 12 12 I'nlon Pae.. Nt Pr .. C2'4 C2 C2U f2 P. S. Leatliei 8 S S S V. S Lenthei, Pr .. C. K 01 tj', Wnlnsh. Pr H; 20 l'i " west. 1 nion ui-i y.'B "'" - w. .t 1, 1: rv. Met TiiKtlon Co ..r.7'i li'i't 1".7'4 1MV4 Che. & Ohlt 2214 2s 22 ''. CHICAGO LOA11U OF TRADIS Open- High- Low- Clov WIinAT. ing. est. est. Ing JlllV Ml flPj W 'I2" September SO's S'i 76S ii COHN. JlllV .Ti 3.5 32-8 2?, September 33 3j 3i' '.i'd OATS. Jillv 24'i 21'i 24 2I SotJtembpr 21' 2I 2)3, i.1 , POHK. Jllh 1100 1102 IOC? 1067 September ...... 11.17 11.17 10 & 10 S7 LAItl). July 0 17 CI" C10 l10 Scp'cmlir CIO C30 0 13 015 Srrnnlon Honnl ol Trndo J'xclmnge Quotntions--.!! Quotutions liuscd en Pnrof 100. STOCKS. Bid. Askea. Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... io National Ucrlng tc Drili'g Co. ... SO Klist National Hank S00 Klinhuist Hculovard jw Scranton Savings Hank :'J5 Scranton Packing Co 95 l.aca. Iron &. Sttcl Co 30 Thhd Natkniu Hank 3b3 Throop Novelty Mfg Co &0 Scranton Trnc. Co u Scranton Axlo Works 73 Dime Hep iS. Dls Hank k,3 Peek Lumber Mfg Co i;j 213 Economy Light, Heat & Pow er Company 45 Scranton Illuminating. Heat &. Power Company S5 Scianton Porglng Co imj Traders' National Hank 130 1W Lacka. Lumber Co 100 Lack Trust A. Safe Dep. Co .ISO Mousk Mountain Coal Co 115 BONDS. Scranton Pass Ilailwuy, Hist mortgage, clue 1920 115 Peoplo's Street Hallway, first mortgage duo 1918 115 Peoples Street Hallway, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 115 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka Township School 5 loj Cit of Scranton St. Imp. 0 102 Mt. Yet lion Coal Co ... t,5 Scranton Axle Works loo Pliilndnlpliin Prouainu Market. Philaelclilij. June I -Win at Pinn and 1c lilghi I , eiuttait' June 1 12. Corn Was i,c, lower, June, J7aJ7'4e. Potatoes Dull and wink whiti choke per buiibi 1 tri7"e Htltlei -Easier, vie st i rn fiini ih.miiis, lvipibi'.e , do prints, 17i Ilggs Stti d . fn sh lie .) lv . l.'e , do wt'stitn 1 , do soiitlurn, lie. Cheese tjiilet Hellnetl Sugars Un changid Cottci Sti adv Tallow l'lrm. Live Putiltiv I'rihangi d. Jowls ti'.e , old roostus "1., spring chlel.tns, HijJc Dressed Poii1tiv--jStPadv . fowls ihoke, He . do fair to good, 8aS,,-o , olil roo.iti s, t,li''.e ; spilng ehlekins l"a2le Heielpts Pliuir 4,ii ban els nnd s 000 sac'js; win at. .'ifM) hi slit Is, corn, li'Mi bush els, oats, II110O bushels. Slilptnints, 1,300 biishtls, corn, &J0 bush Is; oats. 7 W0 bushels. "Nuiv York Produce New York .lime 4 Plour-Quiet; city mill patents nominal, winter patents, ;;i Oil, cit mill ileus, nominal, wlntir stialghts "C.'.iu S.V, Mlnni tola patents, $0 131070, wlnii 1 etias $l(aJ10 Mlnne suta InittH Sr'Oa-i.15, wlntu low grade 1, J2r)al Wheat-Spot linn, No 2 nil. Is f o b atlmi export glade. No 2 lid Jul J101,al 02' j, closed ? I 0J4 ; Si p timber bl n-lfias-.c . ilosid bjc ; Dtcem tn r, &'2av2i4i closed $2o. I orn-Spot eas : No .', 39'te. f. o ti , alloat, Jul, cloaed 37c ; Stptembei. 3 i-Ii'ihIs'bp , dosed 3S5kc , December. 3s"ah',e, ilotvl t',e ecus- 1 ucn ingeii ua DU1I Hops Plrm Leatliei iiejlet. Hulter Plim western cnanuiy H'tc ; lactoiv, 10'ic , Iglns ICe ; Imitation iltainelj, 12a lie ; state dairy 12'tairie ; do rreainer) , 13'vc Qukt ggs Plim, statu and Pennslnnl.t. ll'vc westiin Hesh. 10nllc , southern. 10'iiiloni. Poiatoes Qulet; Noew Yoik. $2a2.3ii2, new, i.'.via 1 fil 1'nlln IV., ,l. Ill,iil,i.. lertnrd Niw Yc rk S0.15; Philadelphia und iianimore, ji iu, uo in ouik. siwi. ( lilcaco i'rodui'i) .linrket. Chicago June 1 --Tho sunshine and waimth that was iiuhkenlng the giowth In the Ill-Ids. wit limed juices In the wheat pit todav Jul. iloMii with a loss of l',c and Septembn I'r Corn left off ".1. and oats tatwo low i pork lard and tlbs show dec lints of 27'.e ; 10c and Ji7'i re. peptlwlv The pi 1 dominating laitor In wheat ut the start wns the weather and that was favorabli fin tho early ma nning of the ciop Liverpool wns 2'jd. hlghei 101 Jul and d for September. Cash ip'o'atlons wcih as follows- PI0111' Wlnter patents Jj7.'uio; straights, r30.i ". 7 J . ibaiH $; jiafi 10, spilng iperlals, Vi.V), soft pitints, fSnOii'i ",, lialseis, il 23 nt 50; No 2 iprlng win at SI iu, No U spring whetit ''".t ail 10, No 2 101 11, .i2V ; No. 2 vcllow.l.'la'tr.iic , No 2 oats. 2'5e ! No. 2 white. 29' t No 1 white, S&'ialMVjc; No. 2 ne, lie. No 2 bnilc j . Sfiatuc. ; No 1 flax seed, 11.21. prime timothy seeil. 2.75a2.y; mess pork, M.iiSnlO "S; laid, KlOafili'i; rhort 1 His, V'.K-iD.K; dry salted shoulders. SaJVic; sh.ort ilear ildes, si, 2",au "3; whlKkv , yiigars, cut loaf id 07; granu. lated K32 THE TRIBUNE'S OPPORTUNITY ONE. INSERTION u A WORD. Fog gyx roit nnNT-KPUNisiinu iiocsn. 1020 PI in stnet, rtnsomible terms. Ap pl on premises or to Hubert Pick, attoi nej Hoard of Trade llulldlng PltONT UOoiCroU HUNT AT 422 Mfl7 be iry str-et. l'OK HKNT-ONIl-lIALP OP DOCIlLi-l house, modem Improvements, 712 North Main avenue jn oo-niuHT-iiooM nonsn. a7odi:iin Improvements, centrally located. Kobt Merrlfleld, 213 N. .Main avenui. roit iu:nt-d2S aitiniN iiidoi: st. Seven rooms, exiellent location, rent moderate. a nini: fn hoom liot'sr: poh hunt modern lmptoeinents Part, going to leave eltj . will mil verj reasonable Call at ome, nu Pino streit. Fon iTiT-M.iioo.viTiiriioi'si:. mod orn impiovi meats, No 311 Qumci uve ntto, for partliulars Imiulto Mrs. Di Gurdnir, No. ul'j Qiilncy avinue. Foit hunt - nTi'Tily rl'iiNisunD ltont nnd side loom 321 Adams ae. POIl IlKNT-DllSK ltOOM OH SIIAHH of unices secend floor front, Coul Lx- change. Cull at room 15. Pol? HUNT - SLCOND TLOOH, 701 Qulncy hopsi: ron hrnt-403 wyomino avenue. Apply to F. II Clcmons. Hluo llklgo Cna.1 Company's olllie. Mcars HulidlPs !AHN TOR HnNT-005 MAIION COUHT. Apply to 1' H demons. Hluo Rldgo Coal Company's offlco Mcars Building FOR SALE FOR SALC-ONH M-IIORSH rOWEll holler, as good as new. THU WES TON MILL CO. SALESMEN WANTED. SALi:S.MAN-$",'A PAY NO CANVAS slng No dellviles No collections. Sampks free. Side lino or uxiluslvo Mfrs., 3941 Market St . Phlla. SALESMEN -SELL "FNCLE SAMS Nav ' to merchants for advgt. and premiums. HIk pa Immeme demand. Over 21M huge Photos Side lino or txclu. JIfis, 3913 Mniket, Phil 1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOU'l 510,000. Established business. Will bear Investigation Large protlts. Safu Investment For interview address . O. iiox 374, Scrauton. Pa. LEGAL. MARTHA 1IOHMAN VS. HENRY C Hohtiuin In tin Couit of Common Pleas of Lackawanna iount. No 54J, Mnv Turn, lbOT. To Henr.v C. tin Ilespopilent You are henbi nolilkd the Sheriff has leturned the or'gin il and alias sub poena In dliouo ' noil est Inventus' and the eeuit has unbred sp'vIic upoti Mill bv t'Ubllcatlon. Veil are, iherefoie here b nutllkd to bo aril appear in tile .said couit on tho thhd Mondiiv In Septtmlier next, then and tin re to answei tills cum pi tint C E PRYOR sherlft. WILLARD WARREN .v. KNAPP, Attornevs for Lib-llani A RARE OPPORTUNITY. FOR SALE-TEAT ELEGANT, Sl'Il stantlal and modi rn Commercial llulldlng, now occupied bj S unter il.os, corner Licl.awarta and Penn avenues Tills propel t must In .old, and Is ,11 mv hands for that ptupoie It Is a ihame of a lift time, undiubtedli on. of tile lust locations p tin cltv, that will constantly Inert e-e In value it can be b night upon a basis of its pnsent itntal income. 11-gardle'-s of its prospective value I want to sell it nnd sell It quick Tor partku lars address at t13 N Nu th street St. Louis Mo. MAI RIVE LEV 1" FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT-IIOFSE NO Ui OIIvhj street M F Saiulu Dime, Hank Building, Scranton, Pa HELP W A NTED-FEMA LE. WANTED-A COMPETENT UIRL FOR gineial boiisewoik to go to Elmhurst Appl to Mis. Adams, Hotel Tiriaci HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED-HOOKKEEPER, MFST HE ipllck nnd accut.iti at llgtins, epe rlniitil and give good rifinncis nmr ib'd inan pieteiieel Appl bv littti M J. II. Tribune oltke. PASTURING. PASTFRING-ONE AND A HALF miles fiom Clark s Summit Inqiiho 121 South Main avenue GOOD PASTFRE FOR HORSES t'NE dollai pel week Arja Hoj.u, Spring Brook, Pa SCALP TREATMENT. -N-W"t s wx v ivvt vwv MRS I, T. KELLER, SCALP TREA'l ment, 30c ; shampooing, 3oc , facial nuiSHiige, maiikiiilng, 23c , ihliopudj 701 Qtiinc f Inc. igo Live Stool,. Chicago Juno 1.-1 heie was a rutrlj good demand for ciilth todav Prices veie about unehni ged le s than 401HJ head were marktted heie th s week against 511,071 last week. Choice steers ?lf0a5 3o, medium, $1 C3, eominon, fla 120. lows and heifers, J3 10a 4 SO, canners, 230.1323, witilcrn fed Jlal.W, Texas steprs. $noalii'i lalves, $3a7 Co Hugs Win In good dimuiid and prices ruled slicing at 1111 ail'. ome of 3al). 'all l) choice, $4 17'sa4 17's, pat kers, X3'wall3, butchers. Ho'tilSJ. mlxid lal2-., light. $!.7."u4 20, pins, J2 73a3M The lew olT. I lugs uf iheep were readllv dlnpo-ed ot al stt'ndv puces, nitive sllicp. Jo0alC1; TeVHiiH, IMal3o, dipped lambs, $ln"ij wookd lambs, $1,0 1. spilng lambs. $".".i (1 Vl. Roctlpts-Cattk, 300 head, hogs, 12,. UK Iliad sheep 2 000 head Philadelphia I, lie Slink. Philadelphia, June 5. Receipts Bcevc s, 2 H7 head; slice p, 7.041 head, hogs,' 4 152 head Ikef I'attlP In fall topnst and oisler txira, 4a1i , good I'.illiC ; io" ilium. 4Vi4''.i common. 4a4'4c Sheep ctive nnd lirmer. extia, 4.i te' ; good, 4a 4'iC , medium, I'ilc common, v4u1'si , himbs, 4Hn1tc , spilng lambs, JJij Hogs Firm at tahi4c foi best western, i',c, for othei sorts nnd a few state hogs sold tit fi'n&e. Cows Put cows, fairly uc. tlve at 28a1'ic ; thin cows, in moderate li intest at JvilS, veal calves, active at l's.i7i., nillili I'alves from $2..a4); dressed beeves In good demand ut Oa&'-c. Sow Vorli Live stork. New York. Juno 4 Becvcs-Recelpts, 4 Mi head; no trading, expoits, 1 110 cut tle and 1,911 iniarters of beet. Calves Lower; good, $0, 110 buttermilks. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. J,.V1 head, good lambs firm; sheep and medium lambs, sttudy; shep, $; lambs. u.7Ja7.23; on deck, ?7.50. Hogs Receipts, 1.9CI heudj easier at $1 'Jin ICG, southern and west orn ilgs $123al 10. A POPULAR CLEARING IlOUSi: fop the Hcneflt o! All Who Have Houses Kcal L'stntc or Other Property to .Sell or KxcIuuirc, or Who Want or Help 'J hese Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions ('milt ,. W.tx.l 1-v..nn U I . . . I .. . ... V'.. ..I...I Wlllll Al'X t llci'flml KlV.L Cents a Word Lxccpt Sltnntlous Wanted, Which Arc Inserted Free 3 . AGENTS WANTED WANTP.D - i'.pkuii:nci:i HOOK salesmen fui best combination ever otTned. Call bitwiili 5 and S p. ni 231 I lunkllu avi'tiiiu AOKNTS WANTI2D-MPHAT HALL stead's (Ircat War Hook. "Our Coun tp In War " All about Annlis, Navies, Coast Defences, Maine Disaster, Cuba. i)ar with Spain, and lelations with tot elgn Nations. Nearl 000 pages, All writ ten slnco Jlalne Dlsastir. Magnlflccnt n lustiatlons Agents making lo to s) per j. .in i'i)i rienco nccessarj. "--": TO EXCHANGE. a ch:ntli:m n wopld liki: to cx- 1 hani,o a line horse and btlgg for a good upiuht plo no AddriMs stating makers' name, Uot 2ii. Tribune ulllce. CHIROPODIST CORNS. HCNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without tho least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advlco given fico H. M. HKTZHL, Chiropo dist, 310 L-ickiwauna avenue Ladles at tended nt their residence If desired. Charges moderate CITY SCAVENGER A B IirilGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS t and cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used. A. URIQOS, Proprietor. Leave ordprs 1100 North Main uvenuo, or Elckes' drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry Telephone C040. EDUCATIONAL. KHBLH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, SYRA iusu, N. Y I'ndcr the supirvlslon ot Ulshop Huntington Twenty -eighth schcol jiar begins Tlnirsdaj. Septembei 15. W1. Appl to Miss Mary J Jackson PROPOSA LSj. OFFICE OF THE HOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF Pl'BLlC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. DANIEL II. HASTINGS. Gov ci not. J. C. DELANEY, Superintendent. L. G M'CALLEY, Audltut -General. JAMES A. BEACOM, State Ttcasuicr. I'ROPOSALS FOR Pi RN1SIIINO STA tlontij. Fuel und other Supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and thu laws of the Commonwealth of Pcnn sjlvanla, we herebj Invite sealed pro posals, at prices bilow m ixlmiim rates fixed In schedules to furnish stationary, fuil and other supplies 101 the siviral depaitments of the Stute Govcrnmtnt, and for making rcpahs In the sever il di partmtnts and for the distribution of tho public, documents, for tho car ending the Tuesdaj of June A D 1S00. Sepatato proposals will be recelvid and separate contracts awarded as announced In said schedules. Eaih proposal must bo accompanied by a bund, with at least two sureties or ono suretj company, ap proved by a Judgo of the Court of Com mon Pleas of tho county in which tho per son ur pel sons making such may reside conditioned fur the faithful per fuimnncu of the contract, nnd addressed nnd del'vered to the Hoard of Comtnls sluncis of Public Giuunds mil Buildings beforu twelve o'clock M , of Tuosdav, the 7th da j of June A D ISM, at which lime tho proposals will bo opened and pub lished, in the Reception Room of the Ex eiutlvi Department at llarrtsbiug, and tontracts awarded ns soon thereafter as prac tlcable Blank bonds and schedules containing all niicssary infoimatlon ian be ob tained at this Department. J. C DELANEY. For the Board of Commissioners ot Public Grounds and Buildings. SITUATIONS WANTED SITPATION WANTED-TN PLFMRING shop, some txperltnei. or elerl. Ill store Can fclle lust of reference Ad dle ss P O. Box I'll Forest Citj, Pa. .SJTFATION WANTED - W VSHING ironing or ever kind ot house clean ing bj the dm, or will take washing home, would like otllces to ilcan. Side door. 420 Fianklin avenue SITPATION WANTED-YOPNG MAN (2I seeks outdoor cinploviiient , col lecting or driving. G. H. J. (I . 123 I'eJar uvunue. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OFT the Urst part of the week washing und honing dmiu ai home Call 01 oddre-s L. Ii .ill Ninth Sumner avenue. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER und upewrltei wls'us to in ike n chance, tlioioiighlv competent and relli- oie, inn KiiuwiiciKe ui uouhiticDinK aim ntlke work, teference 11 tun pustnt im pln'ers Addipss S 11, Box 2b',. Scian- H1TFATION WANTED AS TEAJISTER 01 all kind of work bj a goud all around man nut ntrald ol work Address J. E O 1213 Diamond avci le, tit SITUATION WANTED-IN STORE AS eleik, has lind tin tars txpirie ue in giixciv business, can futnlsli Al ief pieiiee as nganls chiiaitir ot ability. Address J. W 401 Vine street. Scranton PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell Building, Sirunton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OrFICE rear of CoO Washington uvenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruto St., cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Prim Building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton . - ...v T. I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Tradeis' National Bank. DCNTISTS DR I O. LYMAN. SCRANTON PRI vate Hospital, tor. Wjninlug and Mul berry DlT F. L. M'GRAW. 305 SpThTce street DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP P O. DR. C. C. LAI'RACH. 115 Wyoming avo" WELCOME C SNOVER. Oil Washing ton avenue Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 DETECTIVES BARRING S. M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Scr vlco Agency PRIHTINQ THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. North Washington avenue Llnot.v po Composition of all kinds cpilckly doiw. Facilities unsurpassed In this region. wine SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. wanna nvtnuo. Scranton, l'a,, manufac turer of Wire Screens. erai terms gunrantecd, 20 dajs' cretii. price low freight paid Hnndsomo outllt tree Send two-cer.t stamps to pal post age. Hducationnl I'nlon, 324 Dtuibom street. Chlcnco - LAWYERS PRANK 12. HOYLH. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at - Law. Uurr buildings, rooms U and 14, Washington avenue. OK11LL OKI.LL, ATTORNEYS, G TO 11 Coal ExLlmngu bu!kllnfcr, Serautun. WILLARD WARRLN & KNAPP, AT toutejs and Coutisullors-at-Law. Re publican btilldlng, Wiishhigton avenae, Scianton, l'a JAMES 11 TORREY. ATTORNEY AND Counselluf-iit-Liivv. Rooms 4U and 411 Commoiiwcaitli llulldlng. JF.SHL'P ft JFSSfP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors-at- Law, Commonwealth building, Washington nvi'iiui'. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attoinej and Counsellors. Common wealth building Rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W "irKTOItD. ATORNEY- T Law Rooms 514. 513 und 310, Hoald of Tiado building. D. 11. REPLOULU, ATTORNEY-LOAMS negotiated on real istato hccurltv. Miars building, coinir Wushliifalon avi nue nnd Spruce ttieet. P. V KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, iW Commonwealth bldg, Siruntou, Pa JAS. J H HAMILTON, ATTOHNEY-at-Lnw-, 301 Commonwealth building. Scranton. j:nWARD V. THAYER ATTORNEY, Rooms SWl-WI. 9lh floor, Mean. bldg. Joseph .inrH'iiEys.CTTTmNEY-AT- LAW 7 and 3 Uurr building L A WATRPS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ri Lackawnraia ave., Scianton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa PATTERSON" "ftWILCbx TRADERS National Hank niilldlns. f TOMEOYS 121 S-PHFCE STREET A. W llERTHOLF, Attv., Me irs Bid,'. PHYSICIANS AND SUROCONS DR. KAY HAS MOVED HIS OFFICE to tho Scrnnton Prlvute Hospital, cor ner W)oming Ave. nnd Miiibcriy St. Telephone. Day call. 0J1J, night call, H. DR C. L PREY. SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank bldg, 122 Wjomlng avinue. MARY A SHEPHERD. M D, HOME opathlst, No 22S Adams avenue. DR. A TRAI'OLD, SPECIALIS1" IN Diseases of Women, corner Womlng avenue and Spruce street. Scranton Oltlco hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m to G p m DR W. E ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASII Ington avenue. DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND 203 Board of Tiadc building Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m , 2 to 3 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Resi dence 300 Madison nvenue DR C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture Truss Pitting nnd Pat Reduc Jlor. Offlee telephone 13i3. Hours .10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Dn. S:.W I'AMOREAPX, OFFICE W Washington avenue. Residence, Ills Mulberry Chrorlc diseases, loui henrt kidnevs nnd genltn-urlnari 01 gans a special Hours 1 to 4 p m W C. ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon Horses. Cattle and Dogs tiented Hospital. 124 Linden street, Scranton Tclephono 2072. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 PRANK. lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprlotor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L i. VV passenger depot Conducted on tho Eu 'QPean plan. VICTOR KOCH Prop SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa. Courses prcpaiator to college, law, medicine or business Opnns September 13 Send for catuloKue lto Thomas M Cann, LL. D, Waltir H. Buell. A M. MIDWIFE MRS. GABLE, GRADUATE WIDW1FE 151S Washburn street, Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms und bejt nttendanco for a limited number of pa tients. SEEDS G R. CLARK & CO, SEEDMEN AND Nurserinen; storo 110 Washington ave nuo; green house, ujo North Main ave nue; storo telephone, 7s2. MISCELLANEOUS LATEST FROM PHILIPPINE ISL nnds. Gnalest Naval Bittli. Saoes nil blivvn to piices and landed In Nit tleton's Shoe Store, Washington avenue Ladles' line Button shoes, iuset and dongola, lost $2 50 at $1 4j, ladks' lino $2 00 shoes toi list Ladles' Oxtoids, iust $150, for 79c Mens $2.10 call und iti.. sit shoes tor $1 43. $i 00 shoes tor $1 s t te BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, panics, lecepttons, wej. dhi,s and concert work furnished. For teiins address R J. Bauer, londtictoi. 117 Wyoming avenue, ovci Hulbert'j music store MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies envilopis paper bags, twine W alehouse- !J Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susauchanna Division,) Stntlons In New Vurk-Foot of Liberty .reSt. N. 11. and South l'erry Whitehall 2 35, 3 20, 7 10 p m Suudajs. 9 00 a. in Fur Lakewood and Atlantli citv s or Mauch Chunk, Allentpwn, Betlilo-riv.-i..,i nnd Philadelphia, b.20 a in 120 3 20 P m Sundavs, 213 I), in. i-nr Balllmoro and WashinBton and JL Hon and West via Bethlehem st Anthraclto coal used exclusively. Insur Wl'KE ,Na.ftTT MAM1 .s 'imr Now York. Newark and Elizabeth, S3U (expiessl a m .1 10 fexpiess). 3 20 (ex nressi n m flundai. 2 1j p m Triln avhi20P m arrives al lphl.i Ruidlng Terminal, 7 03 p in and N w ...... - i. ,, m 1 o 1' siu m 1 20 1 m Siuulajs 2 13 p m For Long Branch. Ocean Glove, etc . ut s to n m und 1 20 p in For Reading. Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown. ti 30 a in , 1 20 p. m Sun- UllVir!po!tsvlile 8 30a m IS),, , Returning, le-ive New iorl,, foot of Lib cili Btreet, Noith Rlvi-i. at 4 00, 10 (ex. puss) a m. 10 (express) p. m, Sundnv. 4 Leavo" New Y'ork. South Fcvy, foot Whltthnll stieet. ut 9 on 11. m . 1 21 p m Paust'iigers arriving or dt parting from tills teimlnal can conneet under ecu p with all tho elevated railroads, Urondw . cablo cms, and feirles to Brookl n . Statcn Island, making quick tinnsfe and fiom Uinnd Central Depot and 1 Island Ralltnud Leave Philadelphia Heading Teim 1 9 21 a m , 3 0) p 111 Simdav , C 13 a. in Through tickets to nil pol.its at lowest rato may bo had on application In ad. vnnco to tho ticket agent at tho station. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. II. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Suet. BUREflO SIX INSERTIONS 5? A WORD. to Rent. Slttmtlons for Five Schedule In Effect Nov. 18, iSj; Trains Leavo Wllkcs-Oarro as Fol lows: 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbur Harrlsburg, Philadolphla, Balti more, WashlnRton, and for Pitts burp; and tho West. 10. IG a. m week dayj, for Hazloton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, HarrtsburR, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burp; and tho West. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris burp;. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Pittsburg and the Wost. 5.00 p. m., week days, for Hazloton and Pottsville. J. K. WOOD, Ckn'IPasj Agent. J. II IfUTCIIIINSON, (Jencral Manager. Del.. Lacka. and Western. Effect Monday, Nov. 21, 1S37. Trains leavo Scranton us follows. Ex press for Now York and all points East, 1 40, 3 00, C 15. b.OO und 10.03 a. m , 12 55 and i 3.1 p. m. Express for Enston. Trenton, Philadel phia and tho South. 6.15, 8 00 und 10 20 a. a.. 12 r.' nnd J 3J p. m Washington and way stations, 3 43 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 610 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning. Hath, Dansvlllo. Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10 2 35, 9 00 a. m.. and 1.B3 11 m making eloso connection ot Buffalo to ail points In tho West. Northwest and Southwest Blnghamton and vuy stations, 105 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 513 p m. Blnghamton nnd Elmlra express, 5.6J p m. Express for Plica and Richfield Springs, 25 a m, and 1 55 p m Ithaca, 2 13, 9 00 a m , nnd 1 55 p. m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre, PI mouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close lounectlons at North umberland for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, G 00, 10.03 a. m., and 1 C5 and 0 00 p. m Nantlcoka and Intermediate stations, SOS ui.d 11 10 a m PI mouth and lntei medlato stations, 3 33 and 8.50 p. in. For Kingston, 12 45 p m Pullman pallor and sleeping coaches on nil exprtss trains For detailed Information, pocket tlmo tnbles etc, nrpl to M L Smith, Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of fice. Delaware an J Hudson. On Monday, Ma 21, trains will leava Scranton as follows: For Caibondale-4 20, 7.:5. 8 33, 10 15 a. m., 12 00 noon, 1.21. 2.20. 3 525 23, 0 25, 7.57, 9 15 11 00 p. -n , 1 It! a in. 1'or Albaii. Saratoga, Montreal, Bos tun. New England points, etc., C 20 a. m , 2 2u p. in For Honeselnlc 0 20, 8 55, 1015 a, m.J 12 00 noon, 2 20. 5 25 p. m. For WiUes-B.irie t" 13. 7 50. S 13. 9 3J, 10 41 a 111 , 12 03, 1 13, 2.1S. 3 33. 4 27, 6.10. 7.50, 10 2S. 11 30 p m. For New Yotk, Philadelphia, etc.. via. Lehigh Valley R. R. 6 45 a m. 12 03, 12 4 27 p. in (with Black Diamond Express), 11 "0 p m For lYnnslvanla R. R. points CIS, 9.33 a m . 2 is 1 27. For western points via Lehigh Valley R R . 7 50 a. Ill . 12 05 3 3J (with Blacfe Diamond Express), 10 28, 11.30 p m Tialus will uulvo ut Scranton as fo!- Fium Cnibondalo nnd the north 6 40, 7 45. 8 40, 9 34, 10 40 a. m ; 12 00 noqn; 120. 2 11, 3 21 4 21 5 41. 7 41, 10 23, 11 27 p m. From W'llkes-Bnrro and tho south 6.'5, 7 TO, 8 30, 10 10, 11 55 a mil 10. 2 14. 3.43, 5 20 6 21, 7 53, 9 C5. 10 00 p. m. ; 1.11 a. m. Complete Information 'cgarding ratoi to all points in tho United States and Canada mnv bo obtained at tho ticket of flco In tho dppot Special attention given to Western and Southern report uusiness. J W nURDIf'K G P A Albany. N. Y. II. W. CROS D. P A , Scranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Kailro.ivl System Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleanli ness und Comturt. In Effect Ma 15, 1S9S TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON Tor Pnlladelphla and New Y'ork via D. & 11 It II. at 0 15 a m. and 12 05 2 Pi, 1 27 (Black Diamond Pxpress) and 11 30 p. m. For Plttston and Wllkcs-Barre via D, L. & W R. R. 0 00, 11.10 a m., 1.53. 3.35, C For' wiiito Haven, Hazlcton. Pottsvlllo. nnd mlnclpal points In tho coal region via D Ji 11 H s ' 2 IS and 4 27 p m. ''iVir Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Hnr risimrc and principal Intermediate sta tlo s ?la D. & H ft R., C5 a. m. 12 05. il" 4 27 (Hlaik Diamond Express), 11.30 PI'ur Tunk'nannock. Towar.da, Elmlra, Tthnrn Geneva and principal intcrincdl atu stations, via D. L & W II. II. S.03 1 in 1" 45 and 3.. p m. rur Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag ,,, i-niiu Chicago nnd all points wost via, n & II 11. H KM 3Si ("lack Diamond r-tiVreVs) 10 28 and 11 30 p m Pullman uulor and sleeping or Lehigh viiiiev narlor ears on all trains botvveou Wilkih-Harro and New York. Phlladel- nhli Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, pnia, nui n 1 , u w(Lnl a rcn gupt CHAP S LEE. Pass Agt , 20 Corllandt stre 1 1. Nev York. W NONEMACHER. Division Pass enger Agent, South Bethlehem Pa i:ric and Wyoming Valley. IN EFFECT JUNE 1ST 1S95 T pan Sinntin for Hnvvbv md points . ,st on or vl 1 nrle R H at ' no a m S u 1 m and 2 2s p m For Laito Ariel at " v'li'h. it Sninlon from above poln sj m s 17 1 m ! 1" p m and 9 33 p m. 1 Fiom I ik AH'l at 7 42 p in sen vro ni vision. Bnrifcct nrccnibqr PJfli, tS9T ?7ortli Hound. houili Bound, 201! I 04 SJ sutioDi I ea g ti (Trains Iiallr, m-i J a I cept sutidny 1 Ig a 1 ' .... r w.Virlvd 1 eave a u T'N Frankllu s. ..,, 7 40 .... .... .... Tiowcsc s.'nd stieet .... 7ta . .. !!!! .... 7001 Weehawkeu ... 810 .... p v Arrive LeIe '" 1 11. caaojiii ... in ....' . 1 13 Hancocit ... an .... ,,' .... 12 r htarllKht ... 8 25 ... 1211,, 1'iestoul'ark .... 231 .... 1240 Wlnwnou ,. a4l . . U-J.I royntcllo w ... .... ... IS III l"3"1! , "5 .!.. ... 18 0 rieasant Mt . . 3CI .. tnsn, I'Dlondnle 8t9 .. 11 491 l'oreu t Ity a 19, .. llSli carbaudae ,.., 8 31.... riro' eVhlto lirlrlje 13 sh ..!. ... fiw Maytlfia .... 13 41 ,. 11 il Jirmyn 845 . . ," 11 IS Arclilbaia 351 . .. !"! .. 11 iv Vinton si4 11 11 I'eciiYillo . sr.9 110: Oliphaut .... 4 04 ... 1101 I'rteebiirB ... iQ' 110!, Throop . '. 410 . 'lioo Providence .. u , . .. fi7i rark Piece .. II 17 1055I bcranton . 4 2u a u Leave Arrive r v All trains run dally except bunday. L signified that trains stop on signal tor pas wnger . securu rates via Ontario & Western betoro purchasing tickets and save money. Day arcl Hlgnt Kipress to the West, J. O. Aoacrson, Gen. vu Agt. T, FUtoroft, i)iv, Paa.1, AKt.BonotaA, r.