The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1898, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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tTho Carbondale correspondence ot Tha
Tribune haa been placed In the hands ot
Mr. C. R. Munn, Salem avenue and
Church Btrcot, to whom news ltema may
be addressed. All complaints as to Ir
regular delivery, etc., should be made to
W. J. Roberts, nows agcnt.1
i'rsparatlou for tho Honoring of Our
Soldier Mend.
Hcnrquarters of William II. Davlcs Test,
1ST, Department of Pennsylvania, Grand
Army of tho Republic.
Special Order No. 1.
Comrades and Cogcners: With the tin
censing march of time, another year
lias Bono since this post was called on to
uttenrt divine service In u body on tho
Sunday evening preceding Memorial Day
In accordance with rules and regulations.
Therefore, tho comrades of this post
will assemble nt the post room on Sun
day evening, May 29, at C.45 o'clock and
uccompanled by the Woman's ltellof
corps and also the Sons of Veterans,
both of which fintcrnul organizations are
hereby Invited to accompany tho post to
tho church of St. Hose, from whoso pas
tor, tho Rev. Father Coffey, we have le
celved tho usual annual Invitation to at
tend tho service this year In the said
church. The pest will be In uniform and
white gloes.
Consequently the comrades and visiting
attendants must leave tho post room on
tho said evening of Sunday at the above
mentioned time. Hi on hand promptly,
comrades, so that we may occasion no
unnecessary delay by our tardiness.
Yours lu F. C. and I...
Itobert Mcllale.
Attest: l'ost Commander.
Joslah Vandcrmark, Adjutant.
Special Order No. 2.
Comrades, the march of nnother year
Is ended. The Grand At my will again
gather In groups though smaller than
over before mustering In tho cemetelles
throughout tho land, and In reverent si
lenro placing tokens of affection and
gratitude on the graves of their departed
comrades. In memory wo will again
"touch elbows" with the departed. Uur
thoughts will be again t.rivsled from the
din and push of a busy Pfo, and will be
with tho nation's dead win sleep beueaMi
the soldiers' "wludowlcss palace of rest. '
The tribute of love they so lovingly
paid other, we will with devotion pay
now to them. Therefore strew their
graves over with beautiful (lowers; plant
the Hag. the "Emblem of equal lights and
national unity they loved so well, and
make the place where they rest, the
shrine of renewed devotion to the cause,
of American liberty and union.''
Since the Instituting of Memorial Day,
we have met around our post altars and
offered the usual invocation of thankful,
ness. a part of which was these words,
"Wo thank Tliee that out Horn the car
nage of war. we have come to these days
ot peace, that the passion of war Is
stilled." Thee words are no longer ap
plicable to the.e days, war is again
abroad in, the land, and the same spirit
that animated the days of sixty-one and
live has been rekindled and breathes a
new life in tho hearts of the young men
of the nation. In the cause of human lib
erty and Justice.
Since wo last visited the bivouac of our
dead, the numbers have Increased in the
names of Comrades Truman Whipple. T.
D. Hradley, James V. Irwin and veterans
of the war. John Seanlon. James Duffy,
Lewis Silsbee. Patrick O'Rourke, John
Weldncr, Patrick Brennan, Thomas Kirls
wood are the additionals for the year.
Therefore, for the purpose of properly
observing the day, the post will assemble
nt S.30 a. m., and meet the Woman's Re
llef corps, who will arrange the flowers
und Hags for the veterans, nls-o the class
ot Miss Hattle Jlutchln.s' pupils of the
high school, Sons of Veterans and the
tiling squad. At 9 o'clock they will pro
ceed to Memorial park where the follow
ing exercises will take place;
Song, "National Memoiial Hymn."
By Itlch School Pupils
Invocation Hev. Charles
Heading Lincoln's Gettysburg Address,
J. M. Alexander
Calling the "Silent Roll."
Adjutant Josiab Vandcrmark
Song, "Salute the Old Flag,"
Hy High School Pupils
"Firing Salute," P. O. S. of A..
Firing Squad
Eitel's battery will flro tho usual na
tional salute after the exercises aro con
cluded. The column will visit the vari
ous cemetelles and decorate the graves
and uo dismissed. Hy order of
Robert Mcllale, Commandpr.
Attest: Josiah Vandarmark, Adjutant.
Note; Donations of flowers made up
In small boquets and (Irmly tied together
will be gratefully received nt the hall on
Salem avenue at S o'clock. By order of
A handscme and commodious porch
is being added to tho Baptist parson
age on Lincoln avenue.
James Munn's music store will bo
moved to Hlngliamton today. In this
connection many friends will regret
the departure ot Miss Mame lllrd, who
will have n position In the Parlor city
The semi-annual reception of the
Blessed Virgin sodtnllty will take place
nt St. Rose church on Tuesday next at
7 o'clock.
The Florence mission will meet In tho
Sunday school room of the Baptist
church nt 3 o'clock tomorrow after
noon. Ladles of all denominations aro
cordially Invited to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ulstetl have
returned from a two weeks' visit In
the west.
II. D. Klots, of the Pendleton Manu
facturing company, Is In this city on
Mrs. F. L. Thomns, of Blossburg. Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Phillips, of Lincoln avenue.
The condition of D. O. Williams, of
Mayfleld, who has been very 111 of
pneumonia for some time past, was
not changed last evening.
Charles, son of Rev. and Mrs. Ben
jamin, fell out of n wagon yesterday
and fractured his collar-bone.
The Carbondale Hoboes nnri mtm.-,,
Juniors played a game of ball on tho
ui,asi awe grounds Wednesdny. Tho
visitors put up an exceedingly weak
game and were defeated by a score of
15 to 1. The feature of the game was
Manager Bro vn's brilliant ruse of get
ting two runs.
Mrs, Thomas E. Grlfllths - visit
ing In Scranton Wednesday.
Councllmnn George Walters had his
foot badly Injured Wednesday by being
crushed between two cakes of Ice. The
Injury will Incapacitate him for some
The Delawaro and Hudson colliery
--7e will commence work on three
quarter time today.
Mrs, Ellas Evans and daughter, Mrs,
Benjamin, of Forest City, were visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas E. Grltllths, of North Muln
Mr. Thomas Joplln, one of our promi
nent young men and who Is making
great progress In tho musical world,
left here on Wednesday morning to
Join Professor Cuth'a brlgado band,
which left Scranton on Wednesday
evening for Fort Rellly, N. C. Several
of his friends went to tho city to bid
him farewell.
Will Byrne, of Mayfleld, who Is em
ployed as coal Inspector at tho Edger-
ton colliery, met with a painful Injury
Wednesday. While In the net of mak
ing a coupling with his foot tho cars
came together, crushing tho member
uulto badly.
Tho ball at Enterprise hall last even
ing was very largely attended. A largo
number from out of town wero pres
ent. ,
Tho Daughters of St. George elected
tho followlnu officers on Wednesday
evening: President, Mrs. Wlddlo; vice
president, Mrs. Alger; flnnnclnl secre
tary, Mrs. Mary Bleasei recording sec
retary, Mrs.: E. S. To'rr: first conduc
tor, Mrs. Mnrtha Bradbury; second
conductor, Mrs.Margnrot Bosley; treas
urer, Miss Mary Taylor; chaplain, Mrs.
Mary Pierce; Inside guard, Mrs. Ame
lia Hooper; outside guard, Mrs. Mary
Deeble. '
The pupils of tho borough schools
will picnic In the woods today. Clos
ing exercises will bo rendered In Prof.
Iloban's loom.
Tho Horn of St. George will elect offi
cers nt their regular meeting tomor
row evening.
David James, of Lincoln 1 1 111. Is ser
iously 111 of appendicitis.
Mr. A. P. Holllslcr nnd son Harold
have returned homo after :i few days
visit with friends in Montrose.
The Avocn Hose compnny will par
ticipate In th O. A. R. parade- at Moo
sic on Memorial' Day.
Dr. Brown, of Dunmore, was a vis
itor In town yesteidny.
The Independent foot ball team will
play the Rlchmondale team on the Car
bondnle grounds tomorrow. Tho gate
receipts will be donated to the Emer
gency hospital.
Mr. James A. Kearney, of Archbald.
was n visitor at tho Ctirran residence
Tho box social given by Miss Mar
garet Dixon in O'.Mnllcy's hall on Wed
nesday evening was a veiy enjoyable
event. Many people from out of town
wotf prevent. Mm-lc was furnished by
Robert Webber und Thomas Nebone.
Miss Will" Seamen will open a select
school In No. 1 building next Tuesday.
The friends of John McClave nro
again anxious as to his whereabouts.
Since ho has been returned to thorn
tiVv hav" carefully watched him, hut
a few days ago ho escaped their super
vision and nothing has since been
heard of him.
The marriage of William Hutchings.
a prominent young man of this town,
to Miss Rosa Welsearge, of Pittston,
wart solemnised on Wednesday evening
nt the Lutheran church in Pittston.
Rev. O. F. Kttwoln performed the cere
mony. The bride Was attended by
Miss Rhoda Hutching, a sister of the
groom, while Rudolph Wolscargef, a
brother of the blidp, waited upon the
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Hutehlns will re
side 111 Avocn.
-Mr. Robert McCracken and daugh
ter Margaret, accompanied by the chil
dren of Frederick Worth, left yester
day for New Yolk, whore the latter
will reirnln In ohatuo cf their father.
All members of George Hill post, f40,
G. A. R., are requested to meet at
Janioq McMillan's store on Sunday
morning to proceed to the Methodist
Episcopal church, where Rev. E. L
Van Holsen will conduct services.
Tho marriage of Joseph Nicholas to
Rnchiil Williams will take place at
th? residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, on next
Tu sday evening, June 1.
The funeral of James Dougherty on
Wodnosdaj morning was attended by
a. large number of people from this and
surrounding towns. The Father Mat
thew and A. O. H. societies of which
the deceased was a member, led tho
procession. The pall-bearers wero:
Edward Gibbons. Michael Cannon, Pat
rick McNulty. Thomas Nealon, John
Keon and James O'Callahan. Inter
ment was made In St. Mary's cemetery.
Ifast evening u, meeting of the citizens
was held In the Centrnl school build
ing and plans for the appropriate ob
servance ot" Memorial Day were dis
cussed. Among the societies who will
turn out on parade aie the following:
The Knights of Malta, Red Men, Lack
awanna Accidental fund, Heptasophs,
Knights of Pythias, Emllgn lodge of
Ivorltea, Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Forestem of America, Excelsior Hose
company, Olyphant Hose company. No.
2 and the children from nil the public
schools and Sunday schools. The pro
cession will be formed at the Central
school building. The line of march Is
n follows: Church street to Susque
hanna, to Laeknwanna, to Dunmore
street, countermarch to Lackawanna
to Main .meet, Blakely, to Lackawan
na avenue, to First street, to Scott
street, to Delaware street, to the school
building, where exercises will be held.
Among the speakers for tho occasion
will bo Rev. George A. Hague, of the
Susquehunna Street Baptist church;
Rev. P. J. Murphy, of St. Patrick's
church; Rev. M. llavvcy, of the Prim
itive Methodist church; Rev. Peter
Roberts, of the Congregational church;
Rev. J. R. Elite, of the Rlakely Bap
tist chinch; Attorney John T. Mnr
tln and others. Tho exercises will be
opened by the singing of the national
hymn, "America," by the public school
children; selection will also be ren
dered by the Keystone Glee club and
tho Piiceburg band. Professor Cum
mlngs Is arranging to havo forty-live
pupils of tho sclioola selected who will
carry Hags bearing the Inscription of
each state In the union.
Rev. B. F. Hammond Is at the Fanl
tarluni In Danville, N. Y., for the
benefit of his health.
T. V. Powderly, of Carbondale, was
a caller in town yesterday.
Miss Stella Price, of Sprlngbrook,
who has been visiting MIm Georgia
Thomas, returned home.
M. J. McHale, of upper Dunmoro
street. Is seriously 111.
Miss Sadie Newcombe, of Archbald,
la visiting relatives ut this place.
Mrs. Frank Orchard and flon, Maurice
Orchard, of Carbondale, aro the gtiests
of Mrs. Jennie Voyle, of Lackawanna
Rev. George Hngue delivered an ex
cellent sermon on Baptism In the Sus
quehanna Street Baptist church last
evening. After tho service the rlto of
baptism was administered to six candi
dates. Rev, I. J. Lansing, D. D., of tho
Green Ridge Presbyterlnn church, will
give a lecture on "The Courtship of
Miles Stundlsh" in tho lVekvllle Pres
byterlan church this evening. Admis
sion 25 cents.
MIms Jennie Gray, who has been at
the Scranton Private hospital for the
past week receiving treatment fur ton
sllltis, hnj returned home.
Miss Laura Nealon was tendered a
delightful surprise party by a number
of her friends at her homo on Dun
more stree "Wednesday evening.
Games and music made tho houtu
speed merrily by. Refreshments wore
served at 11 o'clock, after which a
flashlight of tho, group was taken by
Martin MoDonough. Those present
wero Misses B. and Mary Norton, Mary
Scrcno comfort nnd happiness in ad
vanced years nro realized by compara
tively tow women.
Their hard lives, their liability to se
rious troubles on account of their pecu
liar organism and their profound lgno
ranco concerning themselves, nil com
blno to shorten tho period of usefulness
and fill their later years with suffering.
Mrs. I'inkham has done much to raalco
women strong". She has given advlco
to many that has shown them how to
guard against disease nnd retain vigor
ous health in old ago. From every cor
ner of the earth there is constantly com
ing tho most convlnciug statements
from women, showing tho cfllcacy of
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound in overcoming female ills. Hero
is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220
Horner St., Johnstown, Pa., which is
earnest and straight to the point :
" Dean Mns. PiKKitAM: I feel it my
duty , to tell all suffering women that I
thiulc your remedies nro wonderful. I
had trouble with my head, dizzy spells
and hot flashes. Feet and hands wero
cold, was very nervous, could not sleep
well, had kidney trouble, pain in
ovaries nnd congestion of tho womb.
Sinco taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is all
gone, havo no pain in ovaries, and am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep well and am gaining in flet,h. I
consider your medicine the bost to bo
had for female troubles."
Tho present Mrs. Plnkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
lellcd, for years sho worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. I'inkham, and
for sometime past has had solo chargo
of tho correspondenco department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women during a single year.
Carbine, Gertie Dearlo, Aniii.f nnd
Minnie Hoban, Nellie Murphy, Mary
Rogan, Maggie Roache and Sarah
Neodhain, of Scranton. Messrs. Pro-
fowne T 1 AtrH.nli Mnrtlli Ivoeirnri.
James o'Malley, John O'Malley, Pat
rick O'Conell, Wllllo Kelly, M. F.
O'Malley, James Lally, John Ferguson,
J. J. O'Malley, Patrick Nealon, Frank
Lundy nnd Martin MoDonough, of
Burglar"! Again at Worlf--A Well
Known 31 it n llcml -- I'nrsonril
The residence of Funeral Director J.
E. Davis, of North Main street, was
entered by burgluiu at an early hour
yesterday morning. This has been the
second time within the past four
months for Mr. Davis' residence to
bo entered. The robbers gained en
trance through a side window In the
cellar by the aid of a small piece of
iron which was used In prying the
last open.
Daniel W. Davis, a prominent and
well known man of Milwaukee, parsed
away on Wednesday after a linger
ing illness. Tho deceased was 43 years
of ago and was connected with the
well known ilrm of Davis Bros., wagon
makers. He will be buried this morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Burial will be made
in the Milwaukee cemetery. Funeral
Director T. J. Davis lias charge of
tho remains.
James Nnnh, of Union street, will
leave for Atlantic City' next week.
Mrs. Morgan Bevan, of Hyde Park,
was the guest of her mother, on Union
street, yesterday.
Tho Tribune branch ofliee In Taylor
la In the Cobleigh building. Local
Representative E. G. Evans In charge.
Dr. J. S. Porteus, who hns been In
Harrlsburg representing the Knights
Templar, returned homo on Wednes
day. Old Glory which floats to the breeze
over No. 2 s-chool in North Taylor and
which was so badly torn by the storm
was taken down yesterday and re
paired. The borough fathers will meet In
tho council chambers this evening.
Many Important questions will be In
Washington Camp, No. 192, Patriotic
Order, Sons of America, will attend a
divine worship In tho Presbyterian
church where the Rev. L. R. Fbster
will preach a patriotic sermon. Every
body Is welcome.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Price, of Hyde
Park, spent the Sabbath with friends
hi this place.
Martin Luther lodge, No. 22, Loyal
Knlghte of America, will meet this
evening In Reese's hall.
Messes Pearl Gaul and Margaret
Slpple, of West Scranton, wero the
guests of friends In this jiluce on
Mrs. Giles Decker, of Cayuga street,
Hyde Park, was the guest of relatives
In this place.
Mr. and' Mrs. Michael McDonald were
the guests ot the tatter's parents In
Archbald yesterdaj'.
Miss Maggie Jones, daughter of Fur
niture Dealer and Mrs. John A. Jones,
of Main street, has accepted a posi
tion ns cashier in the Leader dry goods
stoic in Scranton. Miss Jones took up
her position yesterday.
Tho Daughters of Pocohontas nro
making arrangements to hold a grand
social next montbi Committees are
working hard on the affnlr.
Tho eisteddfod which was to havo
taken place at the Welsh Congrega
tional church on Monday evening, has
been postponed until June Cth.
Tin- Kind He Wnnlcd.
Cholly Gayburdd "Do you believe th3
Btory of Jcnah and the whale.?"
Ethel Saintly "Why, of course, I do.
I believe every word of it."
Cholly Gaybuidd (enthusiastically)
"Dear Miss Saintly, will you be my
wife?" Truth.
By vlrtuo of sundry writs of Fieri Fa-
clas, Levari Facias and Veiditlonl Ex
ponas, Issued out of tho court of common
pleaso of Lackawanna county, to mo di
rected, I will exposo to public sale by ven
duo or outcry, to tho highest nnd best
bidder, for cash, at tho court house. In
tho city of Bc-anton, Lackawanna coun
Valuable neai Estate
OF JUNE A. D 1S93. nt 10 o'clock In tho
forenoon of said day, all tho right, tttlo
and Interest of tho defendants In and to
tho following described lots, pieces or
parcels of land, viz.:
No, l.-AU tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Metrofnn Gambol, ad
ministrator of R. Gambol, deceased, In
nnd to nil that certMn lot, piece or parcel
of land, situate In the township of Old
Forge, crunty of Lackawanna nnd stato
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: Beginning at tho Inter
section of streets culled nnd named Al
bion and Hickory streets; thenco along
said Hickory btrect a distance of one,
hundred and fifty feet to the line ot lot
number seventeen; thenco nt right an
gles to said street and along the line of
said lot number seventeen a distance
of flftv-threo feet, more or less, to a
corner of lot number fifteen; thenco at
said last mentionodtesgfn, gdil, liK',4
and along lino of lot number
fifteen a distance of one hun
dred and fifty feet to Albion street;
thence along Albion street nt right angles
to last-mentioned lino flfty-threo feet,
more or lesi, to a corner, tho place of be
glnlng. Bclnglot number fourteen nt block
number seven In Section "F," on the plot
of lots of E. M. Smith, surveyed by J. H.
Rittcnbouso. C. E bounded on tho north
west by Albion street, northeast by
Hickory street, southeast by lot number
seventeen nnd southwest by lot number
fifteen. Being same premises conveyed
by Edward Wnwesok to Roman Gambol
by deed tinted May 27th. 1J95. nnd recorded
in tno olilco for recording or needs in
Lackawanna county In Deed Book No. 120
at page 431. Improved with ono three
story stone nnd frame building, tho Base
ment being stone, used as a hotel; nlso
ono two-story frumo dwelling house, ono
frnmo barn, oven nnd outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Max Rosenbluth vs. Mctrofan
Gambol, administrator of R. Gambol, de
ceased. Debt, $141.73. Judgment No. 1009,
March Term, 1S9S. Fl. fa to May Term,
1S93. NEWCOMB, Att'y.
No. 2. All the right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendant In nnd to all that cer
tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in tho city of Scranton, In tho county of
Lackawanna and stato of Pennsylvania,
described as follows viz.: Being lot num
ber eight In stiqaro or block "D," upon
the plot of Piospect liaco or Francis
Ann Griflln's Addition to tho City ot
Scranton. and situate upon street known
as Lincoln avenue. Said lot is forty feet
In width In front, same width In rear,
and one hundred and fifteen feet in depth,
together with tho usual ten feet privilege.
In front of front line, and Is tho land
conveyed by Charles Tropp and wife to
Patrick Lynn by deed dated lPth October,
1S91, recorded in Deed Hook BS, page 15'!,
etc. Alt Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling houto and other outbuildings
Seized nnd taken In execution at
tho suit of tho New Schiller Build
ing and Loan Association of Scran
ton, Pa., vs. Robert M. Evans, adminis
trator of Patrick Lynn, deceased. Debt,
5S90.60. Judgment No. 767, May Term,
198. Lev. fa. to May Term. lS9fc.
P. W. STOKES, Att'y.
No. 3. All tho right, title and Interest
of defendant, M. P. Gillespie. In and to
nil those two certain lots, pieces or par
cels of lnnd situate in the Second ward
of tho city of Scranton, county of Lack
awanna and stato of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Tho first thereof situate on tho corner
of Church avenue and Oak street is
bounded on tho nouheast by lnnds of
Thomas Williams, on the southeast by
Church avenue, on the northwest by lands
of the estate of Joseph GUllspie, on the
southwest by Oal: street. Being about
ilfty-seven f."7) feet In front on said
Church avenue about fifty-three feet in
rear and one hundred und thlrty-flvo feet
in depth more or less. Coal and minerals
thereof reserved to the owners with right
to mine and remove tho same. The im
provements on said lot consist of a two
story frnmo dwelling house with a wing
or kitchen attached in tho rear. Said
house has a small front porch and occu
pies th3 center of tho lat slightly abovo
tho level of tho stroft. In tho icar of tho
said lot Is a Fmall well-built stable resting
on a high foundation which acts as a
basement, said stable being constructed
of wood. Also a small wooden paintshop
near said stable.
The second lot thereof sltuato on the
corner of Church avenue and Market
street nnd Is bounded on the northeaster
ly side by West Market street about sixty
feet, on the northwesterly side by Church
avenue about seventy-two feet, south
easterly by lands of William Mooro about
seventy-five feet and southwesterly lands
now or lato of James McGinnls, whose
upper or northeasterly is tho retaining
wall now wholly erected upon the above
described lot. Coal nnd other minerals
reserved to the owners thereof with tho
right to mine and remove tho same. Con
taining the following Improvements. Ono
three-story brick house with a French
gable roof with a bread porch in front
und one-story wing in tho rear.
Seized nnd taken in execution nt tho
suit of Keene, Jeffreys & Co., limited,
vs. M. P. Glllisple. Debt, J5L0S. Judg
ment No. 252. January Term, 1S9S. Vend.
ox. to May Term, 19S; also at tho suit
ot Bronson, Brown & Co. vs. M. P.
Glllisple. Debt, $97.32. Judgment No.
231, March Term, 1S9S. Vend. ex. to May
Term, 1S9S.
KEMERER, Atty's.
No. 4. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, Anthony Wintcrmantel,
in and to all tho followiiK described lots
or parcels ot land, sltuato In the city of
Scranton, county of Lackawanna and
stato of Pennsylvania, to wit:
First -Being a portion of lot numoir
eighteen (IS) in square or block number
ninety-four (91), sltuato upon street called
and known as Alder street upon the town
plot of Scranton, intended to be duly reg
lstered and recorded; said portion of said
lot being the front eighty-feet thereof;
being forty (10) feet wide in front, forty
(10) feet In rear and eighty (SO) feet in
depth; with the privilege of using ten (10)
feet In front of tho front lino of tald
portion of said lot number eighteen (IS)
for yard, nult. poicb, piazza, cellarway,
bay windows, but for no other purpose;
tho top of tho uutsido of said vaults in
no case to bo higher than the sidewalic
In front of said lot. Coal and minerals
reserved. All improved with a two-story
frame dwelling house, a summer kitchen
and other outhouses thereon.
Second Being a portion of lot number
sixteen (10) in square or block number
ninety-four (91), tituato upon street called
and known as Alder Street, upon the
town pint of Scranton; said portion being
forty (40) feet wide, facing a public alley,
forty I0) feet In rear, nnd seventy-six
(70) foot deep; being tho renr part of said
lot number sixteen tlG) in F.ild block num
ber ninety-four (94). Coal and minerals
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of John Frlechtel vs. Anthony Win
tcrmantel. Debt, $1,450. Judgment No.
793, May Term, 1S98. Fl. fa. to May
Term. 1S33. LANGE, Att'y.
No. 5. All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Wlllard Parker, in and
to all that certain lot, pieco or parcel
of land, with tho Impiovements thereon,
sltuato In the borough of Dunmore, coun
ty of Lackawanna and stato of Pennsyl
vania and known as the Sherwood Farm,
now Jointly belonging to Benjamin H.
Tbroop unil the dovUees of tho lato Wll
loid Parker, deceased, ns tenants in com
mon, but In illflerent undivided shares
and In which under the terms of tho last
will and testament of the said Dr. Will
lam Parker, deccaEed, the said Wlllard
Parker is entiled and seized of an undi
vided third part of the estato of which
tho said lato Dr. Wlllard Parker died
seized subject to a rtleuso recorded April
14th. 1S97, In Mortgage Book, 93. Vusv 115,
of the following part of said mortgaged
premises Being all that certain lot or
pleco of ground with the buildings nnd Im.
provements thereon erected. Sltuato In
tho First ward of tho borough of Dun
more, county nnd state aforesaid, and de
scribed according to a survey theroof
mado by A. B. Dunning, Jr.. surveyor,
dated January 29th, U97, as follows, to
wit.: Sltuato on tho bouthwest sld of
Tbroop nvenue. beginning at the distance
of 195 feet southeasterly from the south
easterly sldo of Battln street. Containing
In front on said Throop avenue C5 foot
and extending In depth southwest ISO feet
to an alley, being samo premises con
vyed to John Powell by Wlllard Parker,
Ft. nl., by deed dated Nov. 17th. 18lfl, and
recorded In Deed Book 127, Pago 6, etc.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Throop, Wolf and Warren, exe
cutors nnd trustees of B. II, Throop, de
ceased, vs. Wlllard Parkrr. Debt, $1,000.
Judgment No. 3GS, November Term, 1897.
Lov. fa. to May Term, U93.
No. 0.-A11 tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendants lu and to all that cer
tain piece, pnrccl or tract of land sltuato
In tho township of Benton, county of
Lackawanna and stnta of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Be
ginning in tho corner of tho two roads
nearly in front of tho Phillip Hlorhlly
residence, thence northeasterly along tho
center of tho public road leading toward
tho village of Flectvllle fifty (30) perchcB;
thenco north thirty (30) degrees west
twenty (20) perches to a, corner; thenco
by lands west twenty (20) perches to a
corner; thonco by lands of O.W. Davidson
forty-seven nnd one-half (47'sl degrees
forty-six and four-tenths (46 4-10) perch
es to tho center of old road; thenco along
said road fourteen (14) degrees east eight
and eight-tenth (S 8-10) perches to tho
plnco of tho beginning, containing two
acres and forty-llvo (15) perches of lnnd,
more or less. It being the same premises
conveyed to said Flora H. Phillips by
Sybil A. Johnson und husband by deed
dated March 27th. 18SG, and recorded In
Lackawanna county In Deed Book No.
30, Pago 499, etc. Improved with a two
story dwelling house, frame, barn, out
buildings .nd fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Nina B. Green, assigned to M.
M. Williams, vs. William H. Phillips and
J. R. Burnett, administrators of Flora II.
Phillips, deceased. Debt. $153.23. Judg
ment No. 999, March Term, 1S9S. Lev. fa.
to May Term, ISPS.
No. 7.-AI1 the right, tltlo and Intcrst of
tho defendant, Amos Singer, In and to all
that certain lot pleco or parcel of land,
situate, lying nnd being in tho Second
ward of the city of Scranton. bounded
and described ns follows: Being tho
northerly one-half of Lot No. 15 In Block
No. 4 In Wlmmn's Addition to the City
of Scranton, now known as Park Place,
said part of lot Is Hunting on Blair ave
nuo of said city and Is twenty-three feet
In width In front nnd rear, one hundred
and fifty (150) feet dep end rectangular
in shape, being part of same lot of land
that was conveyed to Catherine Vockroth
by deed dated Jan. :4th, 18S9, etc. to
gether with a two-story frame dwelling
house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of George Stnnsburry vs. Amos Sin
ner. Debt. $75. Judgment No. 339. May
Term, 1697. Alias fl. fa. to May Term,.
H9S. BEALE, Att'y.
No. S. All the right, tltlo and Interest)
of tho defendant. William Weyandt, In
and to all that certain tract, pleco or par
cel of lard, situate, lying nnd belpg In tho
city of Scrnnton, county of Lackawanna,
nnd stnte of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Beginning
nt n point on tho side of Mooslc avenue,
twenty (20) feet northeasterly from a
stono monument In the center of said
Mooslc avenue; thenco north forty an!
one-fourth (40'i) degrees east five hun
dred (30J)) feet to a corner; thenco north
forty-nine and three-fourths (49Ti) degrees
west live hundred and twenty-three (323)
feet to a corner; thenco south forty and
one-fourth (40'4) degrees west live hun
dred (500) feet to a point on the sldo of
said Slooslc avenue; nnd tnence south
forty-nlno and three-fourths (IS'i) de
grees east flvo hundred and twenty-throo
(523) feet along tho easterly side of said
Mooslc avenue, to place of beginning.
Containing six (6) acres of land. All Im
proved with a two-story framo dwelling
house nnd other outbuildings.
Being the samo property which Fred
erick Westfall nnd wife granted nnd con
veyed unto William Weyandt. by deed
dated October IS, 1SSC, and recorded In the
office for recording deeds, etc., in Lack
awanna county, deed book No. 42, page
Seized an 1 taken In execution at tho
suit of Christian Storr vs. William Wey
andt. Debt. $200.00. Judgment No. 210.
May term, 1S93. Fl. fa. to May term, 1S98.
No. 9. All tho right, tltlo and interest
of tho defendant, James Kelly, in nnd to
all the following described lot, piece or
parcel of land sltuato In the borough of
Archbald, In the county of Lackawanna,
nnd state of Pennsylvania, bounded nntl
described ns follows: Beginning in tho
southwesterly line of Monroe street, at
tho easterly corner of lot numbered four
(4) on said street; thence by said lino of
street, south forty-four and three-fourths
degrees east llfty-three feet to a corner;
thence by lot number (G) on said street
south thirty-two and one-fourth degrees
west ono hundred and thlrty-one(131) feet
to a point thirty-three feet distant north
erly at right angles from tho center lino
of tho Light track of the Gravity Railroad
of tho Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany; thenco parallel with and thirty
three feet distant from said center line,
north elghty-nlro nnd three-fourths de
grees west fifty-seven and four-tenths
feet to a corner; thenco by lot number
four (4) on Monroe street, north thirty
two nnd one-fourth degrees east ono hun
dred and seventy-two and seven-tenths
feet to tho place of beginlng. Compris
ing lot numbered 5 on Monroe streot, us
the same Is represented and designated
on a map of building lots on lands of
tho Delaware and Hudson Canal Com
pany In tho said borough of Archbald.
Being the same premises conveyed to tho
said James Kelly by tho said Delaware
and Hudson Canal Company by deed
dated November 29th, 1S&7. and Intended
to be recorded In Lackawanna county.
Improved with a two-story framo dwell
ing house and outhouses thereon.
SKCOND. All the following described
lot or parcel of land situate in the city
of Scranton, county of Lackuwanna, and
state of Pennsylvania, known and distin
guished on J. Herman's map of South
Hydo Park, as lot number four (4) in
square or block number forty-nine (49),
being fifty feet In front on Fifth avenue,
and ono hundred nnd fifty tl50) feet In
dcptli to an alley. Excepting and reserv
ing all coal and minerals beneath the sur
face of and belonging to said premises
tho samo as Is reserved in deed from John
F. Gallagher, ot nl., to the said James
Kelly, said deed being dated December
13th, 1SSS, und recorded In Lackawanna
county In deed book, No. 57, at page
312, etc.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Mlna Robinson vs. James Kelly.
Debt, $1,G25.00. Judgment No. 719. May
term, 189S. Fl. fa. to May term. 189S.
WARD & HORN, Attys.
No. 10. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendants, Mary A. Lewis and
Lewis W. Lowis, In and to nil that cer
tain lot or parcel of land situate in tho
Thirteenth ward of the city of Scranton,
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, be
ing lot numbered six (6) In, block "A"
In Sanderson's udditlon to tho city of
Scranton, measuring twenty-flvo (33) feet
In front on Dickson avenue, tho same,
more or less. In rear, and measuring ono
hundred and ten (110) feet In depth on
lino between said lot number six nnd
lot number flvo (5), and elghty-llvo feet
between said lot No. 6 and lot No. 7 on
tho said plot. The said lot being im
proved by framo storo and dwelling com
bined. Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of L. Milton Wilson, executor of
Lemuel F. L. Wilson, deceased, vs. Mary
A. Lowis and Lewis W. Lowis. Debt, $2,
G0O.O0. Judgment No. 1112, Murch term,
1893. Fl. fa. to May term. 1593.
No. 11. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendant, Thomas Aston, in and to
nil that certain lot, pleco or parcel of
land, sltuato in tho borough of Olyphant,
In tho county of Lackawanna, and state
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns
follows: Being lot number one hundred
and thirty-seven (137) In square or block
number four (4) ns shown on plot or map
ot a tract of land known ns Throop's ad
dition to tho borough of Olyphant, boine
fifty (W) feet wide In front on New
street, the same width In tho renr nnd
fifty (50) feet In depth from front to rear.
Being tha sam lot of land conveyed to
said Thomas Aston by S. M. Snook in
deed dated tho 20th day of December, 1591,
and duly recorded in tho olilco of tho
recorder of deeds In and for tho county of
I.ackawanna In deed book , page ,otc.
All Improved with a twn-story fra-uo
shlnglo roof dwcllng house nnd outbuild
ings. Coal and minerals reserved.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of German Building Association No.
7 of Scranton vs. Thomas Aston. Debt,
$1,000.00. Judgment No. 718, May term,
1S9S. Fl. fa. to May term, 1S98.
No. 12. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Patrick Blcwltt, In nnd
to all that certain pleco ot land In tho
Sovcnth ward of tho city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: On tho northeast fifty
four (51) feet in width on Phelps strcol;
on tho southeast ono hundred nnd thirty
eight feet, moro or less, by Lord's court;
on tho southwest thlrty-nlno (39) feet by
land now or lato of Frances 1. Blewitt;
on tho northwest ono hundred, thirty
eight nnd soven-tenths (133 7-10) feet by
Rocho court, being nil the premises which
Jnman H. Phclpt nnd others by deed
dated December 3, 1371, and recorded In
the ofllco for tho recording of deeds, etc.,
In and for said county of Lnckawanna,
In deed book No. 25, nt pago 327, etc., Bold
nnd conveyed to Catherlno Blewitt, ex
cepting about ono foot on tho southwest
erly Bldo thereof which said Patrick
Blewitt and his wlfo by deed dated No
vember 21, 1S90, and recorded In Bald of
flco In deed book No. 145, nt pago S3, etc.,
sold and convoyed to Frances L. Blow
ltt. All improved with a two-story framo
dwelling house, with additions thereto
nnd outbuildings thereon. Coul and min
erals reserved.
Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit of James Burns vs. Patrick Blewitt.
Debt, $1,000.00 Judgment No. 731, May
term, 189S. Fl. fa. to May term. 1893.
11AWLEY, Atty.
No. 13. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, I. C. Langan, In and
to all thoso certain lots or pieces of bind,
sltuato In tho Tenth ward of tho city of
Scranton, county of Lackuwanna nnd
stato of Pennsylvania, abovo tho Erio
and Wyoming Valley Railroad In A. li.
Sllkman's udditlon to tho city of Scran
ton, as per map made by J. L. Lawrence.
Ono of said lots Is bounded as follows:
Beginning ut a corner on tho southeast
erly sldo of Silkman uvenuo nnd forty
feet from tho Pennsylvania Coal com
pany's line of land: thenco southeast
erly nnd parallel with said Coal com
pany's line 150 feet to Acker alley; thence
a southwesterly direction along said alley
50 feet to a corner of lnnd of Peter Sny
der; thence u northwesterly direction
along said Snyder's land 150 feet to said
Silkman avenue; thence a northeasterly
courso along Silkman avenue 60 feet to
the place of beginning. Being lot No. 1
in block No. 9 on said map. Another oC
them, commencing on the southeasterly
side of said Silkman nvenue and at the
northwest corner of said Peter Snyder's
lot; thenco a southeasterly course along
Snyder's land 150 feet to Acker alley;
thenco a southwesterly course along said
alley 00 feet to land contracted to Henry
Acker; thenco a northwesterly courso
along Acker land 150 feet to Silkman
avenue; thence a northeasterly courso
along said avenue 50 feet to the placo of
beginning, being lot No. 3 In block No. 9
on said map. Another of them, sltuato
in tho southeasterly sldo of said avenue
and commencing at tho northwesterly
corner of lot No. 4; thenco southeasterly
along said lot 150 feet to Acker alley;
thenco southwesterly along said alley 230
feet to Myrtlo street; thenco a north
westerly courso nlong Myrtlo street 150
feet to Silkman avenuo; thenco a north
easterly courso along Silkman avenuo 230
feet to said coiner of lot No. 4, tho placo
of beginning, being lots Nos. 5, G, 7, 8 and
In block No. 9, ns designated on said
map. Another of them, situate on the
northwesterly side ot said SUkmnn nve
nuo and commencing at the southwest
erly corner of lot No. 12, block No. 8;
thence In a northwesterly courso along
said lot 150 feet to Stipp alley; thence in
a southwesterly courso along said alley
230 feet, more or less, to Myrtle street;
thenco southeasterly nt different points
ot compass along Myrtle street about 150
feet to Silkman nvenue; thence a north
easterly course along Silkman avenue ;oo
feet to the placo of beginning, being lots
13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 In block No. 8, on
said map. Ancther of them, situate on
tho southeasterly sldo of tho Erie and
Wyoming Valley Railroad, commenc
ing at a point at the intersection of the
Lackawanna Iron and Coal company's
lino and the said Erie and Wyoming Val
ley railroad line; thence southeasterly
nlong said Lackawanna Iron and Coal
company's line about 173 feet to a point
where said lino intersects Myrtle street;
thence a northeasterly course along Myr
tle street about 300 feet to a point where
courso of Myrtle street prolonged would
Intersect tho Erio and Wyoming Val
ley R. It. line; thenco a south
westerly course ulong said Erie and
Wyoming Valley R. It. lino about
200 feet to tho placo of beginning and
being threo-cornered shape as appears
by said map. Another of them, sltuato
on the southeasterly sldo of Sadler ave
nue, commencing at a point of lot No. 5
on said map, known as David Stipp lot ;'
thenco southwesterly along Sadler ave
nuo about 50feet toMyrtle street; thenco
in a southeasterly course along Myrtle
street about 123 feet to Stipp ulle ; thenco
northeasterly along said alley about 130
feet to tho corner of lot No. 5; thence
northerly nlong said lot nbout 125 feet
to placo of beginlng, being lot No. 0,
block No. S, on said map. Also, one other
lot or parcel of land bounded, commenc
ing on the southerly sldo of Bunker Hill
street In said ward, and at a point on the
lino of tho Pennsylvania Coal company;
thenco south 50 degrees east along said
company's land 133 feet; thenco south 40
degrees west about GO feet to a point in
lino of tho Erio nnd Wyoming Vallev
railroad; thence a westerly nnd circular
courso along said Erio and Wyoming
Valley railroad to a point in lino of Ash
street; thenco north 50 degrees west about
30 feet to a point in line of tho Scran
ton branch of tho Erio and Wyoming
Valley railroad; thenco north 33 degrees
east along said company's railroad line
about 200 feet to a point In lino ot Bunker
Bill street; thence northerly S2 degrees
30 minutes east along said street about
220 feet to a stake; thenco north 40 de
grees east along said sfeet to tho Penn
sylvania Coal company's land and place
of beginning, and is tho land convev'd
by Elizabeth Silkman to P. C. Langan, et
nl., by deed bearing dato of 14th June, A.
D. 1S97.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
suit of M. II. Griinn vs. P. C. Langnn.
Debt, $100.00. Judgment No. 2SG, March
term, 189S. Fl. fa. to May term, 1S9S.
P. W. STOKES, Atty.
No. 11. All tho right, lltle nnd Interest
of tho defendants, Antonio Mngnlotto and
Curcio Magnlotto, In nnd to all that cer
tain lot. pleco or parcel of land, sltuttte
In tho city of Scranton, county of Lnck
awanna, and state of Pennsylvania,
known and distinguished on J. Heermun's
map of South Hydo Purk us lot No. 5 In
block No. 10, being 30 feet in front on
Scranton avenue and 150 feet in depth on
westerly line nnd about 133 feet in depth
on easterly line, bo tho same moro or
less. All Improved with a two-story
fraina building with brick basement used
for storo and dwelling houso purpojes
nnd ono other two-story frame dwelling
house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of M. M. Williams vs. Antonio Mag
nlotto nnd Curcio Magnlotto. Debt, $2,
750.00. Judgment No. 50, May term, 1S9S.
Fl, fa. to May term, 189S.
No. 15. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, E. S. Chamborlln, in
nnd to oil that certain pleco or parrel of
land, sltuato In tho township of Lehigh,
county of Lackawanna, stato of Penn
sylvania, bounded nnd described as fol
lows: Beginning at a maple corner In said
township of Lthlgh; thenco south fifty
degrees east on lino of Daniel Buuniau
one hundred and seven and one-half rods
to post nnd stone corner; thenco soma
thirty-live degrees west sixteen rods to
center of public road; thenco north so v.
entv-nino dcgiees west to said road sl
rods; thenco south tlfty-ono degrees wo-n
eighteen rods on snld read: thenco north
seventy degrees west on said road nlnutj -seven
rods to lino of Godfrey Raich;
thenco north twonly-nlno degrees east
nlnety-ono rods to placo of beginning.
( ontalnlng thirty-four acres of li nd.
moro or loss. Tho above described pico
or parcel of land being the samo pleej
snld by William P. Klrkendnlo. Sheriff, to
II. W. Palmer, duly acknowledged No
vember 21th, 1875, In tho court of Luzerni
county, Pennsylvania, recorded In Sher
iffs nnd Trccmrer's book 17, pago 147,
and assigned by IL W. Palmer and Ellen
N his wlfo, March 2. 1S8G, to E. M. Napcl,
and deeded by snld E, M. Nagcl to Sally
A. Chamberlain May 1, 1SS8, in book 19,
pago 143, lmp'.oved with a framo dwell
ing, barn nnd outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit of uso of M. L, Klock vs. E. S.
Chamborlnln. Debt, $210.00. Judgment
No. 717, May Term, 1S93. Fl, fa. to May
Term, 1693.
No. 1C. All tho right, title nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Jano lleslop, In and to
all tho surfaco or right of soil of a lot
or pleco of land, sltuato In Wlnton bo
rough, Luckawannn county, state of
Pennsylvania, on what Is known as tho
"David Brown" tract, described ns fol
lows: Beginlng nt a point on Delawaro
avenuo fifty (50) feet from tho intersec
tion of snld avenuo nnd Church btreot;
thenco on n corner north twenty-seven
degrees forty-four minutes west, ono
hundred and eighty-four and thrte-tenths
(181 3-10) feet; llionco on a courso south
eighty-six degrees nnd eight mlnutca
west, fifty (50) feet; thenco parallel with
said first courso nnd a. llko distance to
Delawaro avenue, thenco along Delawaro
nvenuo to tho placo of beginning. Coal
und minerals reserved. All improved with
a two-story double framo dwelling house,
ono sldo being equipped for hotel pur
poses, and other outhouses thereon. Be
ing samo land conveyed to said Jano lles
lop by Isaac P. Hand.
Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit of Rebecca S. Phillips vs. Juno lles
lop. Debt, $30.00. Judgment No. 580, May
term, 1S93. Fl. fa. to May term, 1S9S.
LANGE, Atty.
No. 17. All tho right title and Interest
of tho defendant, M. O. Webster, in and
to all that cot tain piece or parcel of land,
sltuato in tho Borough of La Plume,
County of L ickawunna, nnd Stato of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at tho southeasterly
cornel ot land of E. C. Hansen in lha
center of the Factoryvillo nnd Ablnntou
Turnpike road; thence along the mMdlo
of said road south 38 degrees east SO
perches, south 21 degrees east 20 perches;
thenco along the westerly ditch ot said
road as now lornted south forty-live and
one-half (13V) degrees east sixty-live (05)
pel cues to the right of way of tho Dela
ware, Lackawanna are! Western Rabroad
Company; thence along said lallrnad
south twent-four (21) degrees east sov-cutv-ix
(7d) rerches to a comer of kin I
of iimmi.s Woodbrldge; thence along said
Wnodbrldge south siiy-slx and one-half
(GOV;) desires west seveiity-iiluu (79)
perches to a coiner; thenco along sail
Woodbrldge and Myron Dean north fltty
and one-half (50' s) degrees west t!itrt -three
and sovn-tenths (.13 7-10) porche. to
a corner; thence along "aid Dean south
llili'ly-rdr.e and ci e-hulf (;!9,i) degrees
west forty-eight and one-halt (l'i)
perches! to a corner of Oliver Cannon;
theme iilrng said Cuimon, the John Moore
estate and Hornet Scamans north lorty
one (41) deques west one bundled and
forty-eight (IIS) perches; thenco along
said Horace Sei.mnrs, Irene Wedemju
nnd 13. C. Hunseu north forty-nine (49)
degrees east ono hundred and thirty-four
nnd eight-tenths (131 S-10) perches to tho
place of beginning. Containing one hun
dred and forty (Uu) acres of lnnd, more, or
less. Being the samo premises conveyed
to tho said M. O. Webster by Mrs. Sarah
C. Chase, et. nl. Improved with a two
story frame faun liciise. with ono story
addition bams, outbuildings, fruit treed
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit ot uso of Gordon S. Chase, et nl., vs.
M. O. Webster. Debt to collect, $1,810.0).
Judgment No. 889, March term, 1S9S. Fl.
fa. to May term, 189S.
No. I?. All the light, tltlo nnd Interest
of defendants, Joseph A. Pcrro, Angelo
Bavasa and Joseph Calabrase. in und to
nil that certain lot of ground sltuato in
tho township of South Abington. county
ot Lackawanna, and state of Pennsyl
vania, nown and designated as lot No.
273. In a certain plan of lots called Sum
mit Park, surveyed for Wood. Harmon
& Co. by J. S. MlllPr, civil engineer, nnd
recorded in tho office for recording deeds,
etc., in nnd for the county of Lackawan
na, in Deed Book 87, at Pago 432, bolng
tho samo lot which William E. Har
non, trustee, by deed dated 10th July,
U93. and recorded in nforesaid record
er's office in Deed Book No. 133, Pugo
173, granted nnd conveyed unto Joseph
Plrro. Also all tho following described 'ot
or parcel of land sltuato lying and be
ing In South Abington township, Lacka
wanna county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to wit: Being
lot No. 120, on the northeasterly sldo ot
High street in tho plan or plot of High
land Park, a map of which is recorded in
the office for recording deeds in Lacka
wanna county, in Deed Book 111, nt Pago
513. Said lot being about 80 feet in front
on tho south side, and about 100 feet in
depth on the southeasterly side, about 120
feet in depth on tho northwesterly side,
nnd ubout 75 feet in width at the rear,
tho renr and side lines form right angles,
surveyed by G. E. Stevenson in 192, being
the samo lot which E. C. Dlmmlck, ct.
ux.. by deed dated October 9th, 1894, re
corded In said office for recording deeds
In Deed Book 120, patio 46, conveyed to
Joseph Calabrase. Also nil that cer
tain lot of ground situate In tho
township of South Abington, county nnd
stato nforesaid, known and designat
ed as Lot No. 232, In a certain plan of
lots called Summit Park, surveyed for
Wood. Hnrmon & Co. by C. S. Miller. C.
E. .and recorded In tho olilco for recording
deeds In Lackawanna county uforesaid in
Deed Book 87. pago 4S2, said lot Is bound
ed on tho northwest sldo by Sheridan
avenue, on tho easterly side by lot No. 233
of said plan, on tho southerly sldo by Al
ley C. nnd on tho westerly side by lot
No. 231 of said plan, luing 20 feet In width
throughout nnd 123 feet In depth nnd be
ing tho same lot which W. E. Harmon,
trustee, by deed dated Nov. 15, 1S9I. re
corded In aforesaid office in Deed Book
122, Pago 77, conveyed to the snld Joseph
Calabrase. Also all that certain pleco or
parcel of land situate on tho west side of
Chestnut street In the city of Scranton.
county and state aforesaid, commencing
nt a corner on said street on a line of
lands contracted to W. Fox. thenco north
fort j -seven und one-half degrees west 10)
feet to a corner, thence sou'h forty-six
nnd one-half degrees west 47 feet to a.
corner on tho line ut lands contracted to
T. Davis, thenco south forty-seven nnd
one-hnlf degrees east 1C0 feet to a corner
on Chestnut street, thenco nlona tho line
of snld Chestnut street north forty-six
and one-half degiees east 47 feet to tha
place ot beginning. Coal nnd minerals
reserved. Being tho samo lot which Jo
seph A. Cnsscsse. et. ux., by deod dated
May 14. 1SPT. recorded in Ded Book, 139.
pago 118, conveyed to tho said Joseph Cal
abiase. Said property contains tho fol
lowing Improvements: Two framo hous
es numbered 123 und 127 Chestnut street.
No. 125 being a small two-story framo
building with a small wing or kitchen nt.
tached In tho rear, the said houss being
painted white; No. 127 being a low broad
fronted frame two-story houso with wing
apparently used for kitchen, said house is
now occupied by A. M. Calabrase and 13
being used as a cash store. Tho lot also
contains In tho renr ono small stablo or
barn suitable for the accommodation of
ono horse. Also several small coal hous
es. Seized nnd tnken In execution nt the
suit of Armour & Co. vs. Joseph A. Plr
ro , Angelo Bavas and Joseph Calabrase,
trading as tho Scranton Maccaronl Bak
ery Manufacturing company. Debt, $27S.
Judgment No. G7C, November Term, 1897.
Vend. ex. to May Term, 1S9S.
Sheriff's olllce, Scranton, Psu, May 12,