(, '.- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY. MAY 21, 1898. LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Recently Organized Volunteers Have a Drill Tonight. Will AMOUNTS DIU'OSITKD BY VVVU.H VKSTBItDAY WHO IIAV13 ADOl'TUD THE SAVNQS Ft'ND IDKA-HHYAN KUimiOAN ARllI'STHD AT Till IN STANCE OP MltS. AGNUS MKSSKN-OJ3II-K. OP J- MTEUAUY CIltCLl" MI3T AT IlESlDUNCn OF CIIAULKS CADWAUAN - NEWS NOTES AND l'lMtSONALS. As a proof of their good Intentions a drill of t.ho recently organized com imny of volunteers In prospect will lie held tills evening on Jackson street. It Is specially desired that every "innn jack" of those who have enrolled them selves will turn out nmi thus mane a K"od showing. Captain Lewis and Lieutenants Davis and I'M wards will be In charge nnd It Is expected tliat tin appreciative audience will view the drill. The officers dedro to impress each enrolled man with the nercssltv of regular attendance nnd Attention to duty. Although there may never he any necessity of golns "to the front," Mill the drilling will be a pleasure und then If perchance their services were needed, the company would be In fairly B'ind shape to assume a part of the ac tle duties of n soldier. Six more names wero added to the mil last cvenimr. Two from out of town, one from Kendhatn and the other from Jnssup. Th regular weekly drill of the 'West Bide Reserves was held last evening In the lecture room of the Jackson street Haptlst church. The boys are fast per fecting? themselves in drill movement under the efficient direction of Captain V. Morgans. OPFKllKD HKK AN INDIGNITY. Hrynn Kerrigan, of Jackson street, was Riven a hearing before Alderman John Inst evening on a charge of ns sault and battery preferred by a neigh bor, Mrs. Agnes Messinger. The alleg ed assault consisted of a .slop In the face. The circumstances connected with the cise as brought, out by the evidence showed that the trouble arose fiom some amusemtnts of the children of both parties. It seems that some other children were chasing some cows along the street and one of the bovlnes nearly ran over two of Jlr. Kerrigan's chil dren. Mrs. Messinger alleged that he insinuated that her children were to blame nnd when she wunlod to explain he slapped her In the faee. He was discharged fc.r lack of evidence. K. OF K.'s ENJOY TH'JMSKI.VKS. The membeis of the K. of K. Liter ary circle met In regular session last evening at tho residence of Charles O.idwgnn, of Eynon street, and had a most interesting time. After the con sideration of the routine business, a fdwrt programme was carried out. "William Robertson and Charles Cndw gan recited. Hcnjamln James read an lrstructlvo paper en "Good Itnuds." Thnmas I!ostn told in a humorous way f the dangers nf bicycling, (lie wns badly Injured while riding about o- Globe Warehouse Telling; Bargain Truths The last week In May has come, nnd we're getting anxious about our Fancy Dress Goods Stock; not, how ever, because It Is uny larger than usual at this sea son of the year, but because there's always so many odd lots and seasons lines to clean up before our semi annual inventory comes nlong on the ilrst of July next. All strictly summer fabrics in this department are marked nt clearing prices from this day forward. As a Proof of Our Earnestness to make a clean sweep throughout the department be fore we take stock, we submit the following remarkable price-cutting examples, and assure our ' friends that there are many more In the store Just as good In every way, which lack of space forbids our mentioning. 10 PIECES Twlno Suiting; tho choicest Blinding In i n early season's .Vie. Noveltv weave. There's inoro than good value In this lot; CUBAN I'P 1-KIC13. ip Cents ASSORTED. This lot Is mixed. Tho people's favor ites go Ilrst. Th.po were nil quirk sell ers at toe. and K'e. No lu'id shakos. CLEAN CP PRICE. 37'-i Cents 15 PIECES Highest grndo Im ported all wool Vlg oreaux In N e w Green. Blue, Drawn and Grov mixtures. A rare l u r g a I n. CLEAN UP PRICE, Z Cents S 15 PIECES 13 Inch Ulegcs. A beautiful F rone h weave its dellcato light shadings which they underMund tho art of producing & P o r f o c 1 1 y. Last week's pi lee. Kic. CLEAN UP PRICE, 68 Cents Globe Warehouse three weokn ago.) Henry Morgan's paper on Jllne NnRlneorlng was very fine. Plans were perfected in referenco to a contemplated trip to Wllkes-Uarro next Thursday evening by the circle in a body. They will bo the guests for the evening- of friends there. A short social tlmo concluded the evening's pleasure. SAVINGS STKADILY 1NCKEA8R. Knch deposit day llnds no falling off In tlio amounts deposited at the West Side bank from the several Bchools use lng the "savings fund." The deposits for yesterday from thn several schools by rooms uro as follows: For No. S2, Principal It. I. MorRan, 7f.c; MKi Jnnc Fellows, $T S-5; Miss M. Lewis, (Oc; Miss Kate Mullen. !!c; Mls M. IV. Vttughun. Sic; Miss S. o Con nor. 4Se; total, 0.". For No. IS, Principal David Owens, $2.60: Miss Martini Wntklns, $'2.10; Miss K. Lewis. '13:; Miss Alice Kvans, 02c: Miss Pertha Kelly. 2.1c Miss Nellie r.lchanls, 17c: Mls.s Catharine Phil lips, 0c; Miss M. Kelly, $1.01; Miss S. McDonald, Jl.54; Miss 13. Price, 00c; Miss Mnry Harris, $1.2!); total, $11.81 For No. 19. Principal Miss J. 15. Lees, $1.!)1; Miss Follows. 31c; Miss Nichols, $1.75; Miss 13eamlsh, $1.07; Miss Mor gan, iSc; Miss Flynn, $1.01; Miss Itroadbrnt, 4v; Miss Agnes Kvans, J1.C2; Miss Murphy, r.Pc; Miss Wade, r.Uc; Miss Delia P. Kvans, $1.59; Mis. Ferber, ?1.M, total, $14.70. HECOMING DANGEROUS. Outlying residences on this side arc becoming marks for the Impudent and rapacious onslaughts of the "hobos." Of late, many complaints have been made of the great number of this wont-bc-cmployed contingent. They seem to time their visits so that they may make their demands when neither the men folks or docs are about and In several Instances have caused timid women to bt overcome with fright. An instance of the present method of getting nlms was shown yesterday morning at a residence on South Main avenue. A large, heavily built, alile bodlcd, but undoubtedly dissipated fel low, went around to the rear door of the house and when the lady of the house opened the door bo ordired her to "fetch out Homuthun" to chaw on nnd coffee on the side nnd be quick, see." The lady was too surpris ed to be frightened and turning back into the room she grabbed a heavy poker and bravely m.ide for sir knight of the road. He made the best of a bad bargain and retreated, but not without hurling defiance, threats and uttering tho vilest oaths as he went. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and. Mrs. C. R. Acker, of Fair view avenue, are at Harrlsliurg, where Mr. Acker is attending the Knights Templar's convention. Mis. W. E. Roberts, of Acker avenue, is the Riiest of Wllkes-Parre friends. Miss Maud Kroener, of North Lin coln avenue. Is entertaining Miss K. Kroener. of Mt. Pocono. Mls Florence Glbbs, of South Main avenue, is quite ill at her home. Ernest Green, of Factory vllle, Is the guest of friends on this side. M'ls Carrie Darling, of Chestnut street, spent the Sabbath with friends at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holbert. of North Gnrlleld avenue, have as their guests Mr. and Mis. M. Tiuemun, of Wilkes Hirrc. Mm. J. Bradbury, nf Lafayette street. Is entertaining her daughter. -s -O 23 PIECES " inch Vigor-onus-. There's been a perfect craze for this cloth all season. These rcpriwent a Into shipment. Were T..e. CLEAN UP PRICE. 45 Cnt -0 S- 2 It PIECES New Novelty ef fect Vliroreaiix suit lugs. All right light shndes In superb si) ring mixtures. Former price. UJIc. CLEAN UP PRICE. 39 Cents 5- O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA : Mm. D. II. Rrndslmw. of Now Jersey, t Miss Jessie Polhnmus, of Clark's Summit, Is the guest of Miss Millie Coon, of South Mnln avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Si Sykes, of North Re becca avenue, have as their guest Mrs. W. liumlcy, of Moscow. I.Irs. Sarah Uouser, of Chestnut street, has returned from nn extended visit In Colcrudo, MINOR NEWS NOTES, St. Leo's battalion met In regular session last evening and transacted considerable routine business. The re port of tho visiting committee, Daniel Regan and P. J. McAndrow, who went to Lanesboro, Pa., last Saturday to view Riverside park in connection with the idea of holding nn excursion there next August was received and a gen eral discussion ensued. Nothing delln- ite was agreed upon. A regulnr meeting of Dewl Snnt lodge, No. CO, Order of American Ivnr itei, was hold last evening In Co-operative hall and was well attended. In addition to the regular routine business the report of tho delegates, YV. W. Lewis nnd Select Councilman R. II. Williams, to the grand lodge conven tion at Slatlncton, was given. Mr. Lewis read tho report which proved de cidedly Interesting. It was Intended to have a debate upon tho topic "Tho Law and the Letter of the Iiw," but owing to the lateness after the conclu sion of tho regular business, this wn3 postponed until the next regular meet- ins. NORTH SCRANTON. Rev. G. T. Thomas, of Louisiana, pleached last evening In the AVcst Mar ket stivet Welsh Haptlst church to n large audience. Mr. Thomas is a per sonal friend of the Rev. J. A. Evans, pastor of the above church, and is an eloquent pulpit orator. Michael MeKlnlls was arrested Into Sunday evening by Patrolman Thomas Watklns. He was under the Influence of drink and was creating a disturb ance. Alderman Fuller gave him a hearing yesterday morning and Im posed a fine of $.1. This evening tho Literary circle of Marquette council, Young Men's In stitute, will hold a highly Interesting meeting. A musical programme of much merit has been prepared. There will also be a debate on the subject "Resolved that natural ability Is bet ter than acquired ability." For the afl'rmatlve pre William O'lioyle, James Flannlgan and Joseph Mcndrew; neg ative, Charles O'Hoyle, William A. Ly nott and Edward Saltiy. The many friends of David Meredith, who was severely Injured In Storrs mine No. 3 en Saturday last, will be pained to hear that one of his arms which was so badly crushed, had to be amputated. Ills advanced years will somewhat Impede bis recovery. AVashington camp, 17.1, Patriotic Sons of America, will commemorate tho eleventh anniversary of its organiza tion In Fenr.er& Chappell's ball tomor row evening. A large number of neat invitations have been Issued. Patrick and Sallie Moore, of Pawnee street, were arrested yesterday by Con stable Hornnrd Davis at the Instance of Patrick O'Grady, a neighbor, who preferred the charges of common scolds and disorderly conduct. He al leges that their conduct of late to wards him and his family was such as to compel him to resort to extreme measures. Alduiimui Roberts gave them a hearing last evening nnd held them m ball to await tho charges at court. Mrs. George Scharar, of North Main avenue. Is seriously ill. Joseph Williams, of Philadelphna, Is visiting relatives here. The F. G. XV. Social club held an Important meeting last evening. Sev eral new members were enrolled. Ar rangements were also made for the dibate which is to come off on Mon day next. The Sunday school of the Puritan C ingregatlonal church Is arranging for a special programme on Children's day. Delia, the two-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Michael Foy, of Moun tain drive, died Sunday after a brief illness. Funeral this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Interment In Hyde Park Cath olic cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Gordon, of Green street, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Luke Richardson, of Hawley, Pa. SOUTH SCRANTON. The boxing tournament of the South Sldo Sporting club in Central Park hull List night drew a largo crowd and from beginning to finish the affair wns exceed ingly lively. Tho concluding bout be tween John Giles, colored, and Jos, lien nlgnii, was stopped 111 the second round by Patrolman Feeney. The men wero to light four rounds, but when the police saw the second round tought it was deemed advisable to stop it. Glleb pounded ilon n'ifiiin unmercifully, and the latter wad unable to land a tilling blow on his oppo. rent. Tho decision was jjven to Giles Frank Judge, brother cf James Judge, the well known pugilist, und Sloxle Jordan fought four rounds, and notwithstanding Joidan being many pounds heavier tn.in JuiIkc, who la a promising lighter, lie was badly used. Judge gained ih"e decision. Peter Luvclle and Thomas Mnhnn put up a scrap very similar to tho Giles-Hennl- gun go, nnd at the conclusion or tlio fourth round Luvallu luul to be assisted to Ills corner, yet young Lavello Is a cnpabla fellow with the gloves, but his propensity to do all the leading and lighting wab tho cause of his defeat. Joe Hul'ter and Ike Weir gae a clever exhibition of throu round3 and their bout was niurked with quick work and heavy blows. As agreed to, the bout was declared u draw. In Alderman Ruddy's court yesterday afternoon John Lydon was held in $300 ball on the charge of ustuult and battery and threatening to kill, preferred by his wife, who stated that 'It Is a frequent oc currence for her husband to nbubo her. In default of ball he was committed to Jail. Later In tho diy Sirs. Slnry Han non, a boarding mistress, appeared bo fore the alderman and had a warrant Is sued for John SleCube, whom sho charges with usrault und battery. At tho hearing at S o'clock in the evening Sirs. Hunnon kiM that SliCabc, who Is a boarder at h?r house, came homo Satur day Intoxicated and beat her. Ho was held In J.!00 ball. Fred Frlendunschuss, of Sloltke avenue, has had a warrant Issued for his lb-year-old daughter, Sophia, who has left her homo and tho city. Sophia was an opera tive In the l.uckawuima mills nnd, as usual, a week ago this morning left for her work, but sho has not returned to her home, neither did sho go to tho mill mat morning. Her father mudo a diligent search about tho city for tho girl, but was unablo to locate her und later was told sho was living In Dalton and Con stable Woelkers armed with tho warrout for Sophia's arrest went to that town. Ho leurned that tho girl had been thera and sought a position In a family as a servant, but the people, uftcr being In formed sho was a runaway, refused to engage her and sho left Gallon Imme diately. All efforts to apprehend her have been unavailing. Jacob Etzel, I'eler Yochuin, Jr.. nnd Henry Nlessenjohann. of Pittsburg; Adolph Hueffele, Seuiifctlnn Schmidt, 511 ehuel Kress and Charles Yoertmer, of Al legheny, delegates to the German Cntho. Ilo convention, uro stopping at Hotel Dest. Sllss Louisa Williams, of Orcor. Rldgo, will fivo a talk In tho Young V'Jm.m'H Christian usseclatlon rooms this everlng on bur rcount trip through California. MUNYON'S FAME. . Known the World Over nn (he Ilcne fnctor of Hnffcrlnir Ilumnnltr. w)mWSm Munyon'n Improved Homeopathic Homo HenitrtlcH are (lolni? mora to ilu tho world of Mia sail riclmns than nil the doctor combined. Theto JIcovi'rls, hnrmlcfs In toe hand ef n obllil, -re pruTlng their potftney In bo many thousand of cases that U weuld b alieer madncm for any nick person to turn away from their lienoilts. A tlpud of wltnesrs, stretching from Kant to neat and North to Kouth, ntnonu nil n.i tuna, sre telllnit their cures and praising Munyon, whom thev look uiioa as their beiWactar and frlond. Mnnyon, guarantee that his nheumatlsra Cut will cure nearly nil cases of rlirutna tlanj In a fiw hours : that Ills Dyepepsla Cure will cur? Indigestion and all stmiach troubles; that his Kidney Cure will euro PO per cent of all cnss of kidney trouble; that his Catarrh Cure will euro c.itnrrh, no matter how long standlnc: that his Head ache Cure will cur any kind of headache In a few minutes: that his Cold Cure will qulekly break up any form of cold, nnd fo on tlirouKh the entire list at Ms remedies. Guide to Health nnd tnedlonl advice nbsiv U'iluy. v"f,T.' rro'- Munyon, 1.103 Arch Bt., Philadelphia. GREEN RIDGE. John SI. Huike. of North Washington avenue, who has eieeii spn'lnif s?ine tlmo In New York city, has returned home. Stnster Theodore Koch, of Capouse ave nue, has a severe nttiick of la grippe. Miss Daniels, of West Plttston, is tho guest of Sirs. F. W. Ackerly, of Ca nouso avenue. Sllss Edwards, of 1'lttston. Is tho guest of Sllss Anna Jenkins, of Capouso ave nue. Captain Clark, who Is commanding nn English vessel, which Is In Chesapeake bay, spent Sunday with his sister, Sirs. Williams, of Tireaker street, II. T. Overtleld. of Sliver Plume, Col orado, Is the guest nf Dr. II. E. Dawsop. of Sanderson avenue. Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, of North Wash ington avenue, who has been spending somo tlmo In Iialtlmore, nus retunv.d home. Sllss Slnry Thomas, of Nlles. Ohio, who was spending some time at the home of Sirs. E. D. Jenkins, of Capouso avemio, has returned home. Attorney II. F. Kllltim, of Capouxo ave nue, has returned home from Pnupnik. Sllss Lizzie. Palmer, of Richmond Park, is seriously 111. DUNMORE. There will bo a Hag presentation nt No. 4 school, on Grove street, this nf ternoon at 2 o'clock. Speeches will bo mndo by O. It. Stevens, Superintendent Hovnrd anil the president of tho nonrd, W. R. Wilson. Martin Leonard and John Slottlsh, the two men arrested by Special Otllccr Skip per Sunday night wire Riven a hearing before Hurgoss Powell yehterdny. They wero each lined f7.K and cots. The funeral of Olntlo Cccare Paradlso, who died while in the net of getting on a car in Sernnton S.iturdav, occurred from the Presbyterian church yesterdav afternoon. Rev. Leonardo D'Anna of llclatcd. Interment was madu in tno Dunmore remoter:-. Mrs. llranda, of Taylor avenue, who was pronounced Insane by physicians Sunday morning, w.indered nway In the afternoon, considerably alarming her rel atives. The local police were notified a'ld from 3 o'clock until 3" o'eloe'c they d'd their utmost to ind her, but were un able to do so. At 2 yesterday nftermen word came from Sernnton Unit she had been found in Hunt .fc ConneTs fctore, on Lackawnnna avenue. She was taken to her homo and later in tlu day taken to tho Poor Farm. Mr. nnd Sirs. U. V. Jones an) daugh ter attended tho fuiu'r-il of .Mrs. liyron Simons ut Lake Ariel yesteidi,.'. John Sloffut, of l'lm street, Is spend ing tho week In New York. Solomon Coon, of New sire Sunday with frle.ili In Pittst.io W. H. Phillips, of Carbondalo. lt:ng friends In town. , spent 13 Vis. OBITUARY. Ethel, the Infant daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Stewart Hlesecker, died yesterday at the parental i evidence, 221 North llromley avenue, after a short Illness, tho funeral will bo held from the resi dence this afternoon nnd will be private. Interment ut tho Washburn street ceme tery. Sirs. Martha Davlcs, one of West Scran- ton's oldest residents, died yesterday morning at S o'clock ut the residence, lt;13'. Lafayette street. Deceased was ill for neaily eight months nnd her advanced line, b-lng (13 years, wab ugainst fier. She was born at llu vet ford, South Wales, an.l came to this country shortly after her innrr.ugo. She has resided In West Heian ton nearly forty years. One son, Ells worth, with who she resided, survives her. Funeral will be held trom the res idence tomorrow nfternoon at S o'clock, and will be in charge of tho local Salva tion Army corps, of which she was a member. Interment will bo made at tho Wahsburn sticet cemetery. Matthew Slalla, one of tho most re spected resident of South Scranton, died yesterday morning at his home. Prospect avenue and Sluplo street, after an Illness of several weeks, lie was bom In Ireland on Nov. 11, IS 11, und camo to this country from England thirty years ago, and litis lived here ever since. Ills early manhood was spent on English ships und he tra versed every European sea. Sir. Slalla was for four years a member of the Scranton board of control aa It Is at pres. cut constituted. Ho was secretary of the board of control one term. Ho took a deep Interest In the cause of total absti nence, with which he has been identified for a score of years. He was a member of St. Patrick's society, of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, and he was also a member of the League of the Sacred Heart of the same church. Since tho opening of Council pnrk he has been Its superintendent. Sir. Slulia Is survived by his wife and tho following children: Slls Anna C. Slallu, teacher at No. 10 school; Matthew J. .Malta, Jr.. Thomas T. Slulia, of New York; William II. Slallu of tho Truth's local staff; Sllss Lizzie V. Slalli. Sllss Kutle Slalla, Charles Slalla and John J. Slalla. who Is at Falls Church, Va., with Company C, Thirteenth regiment. Pennsylvania, volunteers. Three children, John T., Thomas and Slurguret died. Ar rangements for tho funeral will not bo made until It can bo determined If John J. Slalla will be granted leave to return to attend tho funeral. Mrs. Teresa SlcNamnra died at ths homo of her daughter. Sirs. Edward Kon ny, 315 Fifth street, Saturday. Tho fu neral will be held tomorrow morning. The remulns will be taken to Salem, Wayne county, for Interment. Appllcnllom for livonorntion". The ISM tnx notices were issued last week and as a result many poor persons aro seeking exoneration from payment. According to tho city solicitor's opinion and a consequent resolution of councils exonerations for only occupation taxpH can bo made. Four applicants were re fused exoneration uflldavitu at Stayor llallcy's odlce yesterday. DIVORCE MILL DID A BIG BUSINESS Twclvo Decrees Were Ifnnded Down Dy the Court Yesterday. IN SKVr.N OF TUB CASKS WOMKN WKRI3 THH PKTITIONKKS FOR THK ANNPLlNd OF T1IW MAR-HlAC-i: HOND-MARtf" PHILLIPS WAS GRANTKD A CONDITIONAL SEPARATION FROM JOHN K. 1'HIL-LIPS-RKASONS FOR WHICH THH VARIOUS DIVORCKS WHRK ASKED. Twelve divorces were handed down yextcrday by the court, ten of the de creed being given by Judge Gunster, nnd two by Judge 32dvards. The cases are ns follows: Slary Phillips was granted a condi tional separation fiom John 10. Phil lips, with $12C a year alimony In month ly Instalments. The divot ce is to con tinue only until a reconciliation shall take place between the parties. They were married on June 30, 1&91, in the Jackson street Haptlst church. Drink nnd cruel treatment was the cause of their ttnhappiness. One time ho fol lowed her with a razor. The testi mony taken nt tho hearing of the case does imt read very much as though they would begin living together again. Josephine Rodney was divorced from John Rodney. They were mat -led on June 21, 1S71. and they lived together until March 0, lS'.tS. Drink was the cause of their trouble. For six months preceding the action of divorce, It was alleged that he was drunk every day. She had to leave the house for fear of her life. He threatened to kill her. They lived at Kltnhurst. Joralhaii Slllman was divorced from Susan Mllman. They were married on October 25, 1S35, In llonesdale, and cam6 to live in Green Ridge. She wanted him to turn ever $750 insur ance on his Ilrst wife, and when he wouldn't she deserted him. That was In November 1S03. She never came back. Her son was very fond of foot ball games and wanted money fre quently to g-o to see them. MARRIED SEVENTEEN YEARS. Agnes Pryor watt divorced fiom Jo seph Pryor. They were married seven teen years ago In the Perm avenue Hap tlst church. They separated eight years ago and she had to support her self by sowing carpet. He left her when the was sick abed, nnd never looked after her from that day to this. Walll Rranch was divorced from Alois Hratich. They were married on the South Side in April, 1S90, by Alder man Storr. He wa'j so stingy ho would not give her money enough to buy suf ficient food for the children. She had to go out washing to support them. She had to withdraw at last from his heme Mary A. Vandcrvoort was divorced from Frank A. Vandcrvoort. They lived at Nay Aug. mid were married on Sep tember 25, IS'jO, in Hancock, N. Y. A year later he deserted her. She heard he wen', to California, and came back and is now living In Carbondale. Ho has not contributed to her support In boven ycara. W. II. Deckendorf, jr., was divorced from Catherine Beckendorf. They were married In Dunmore on Septem ber 21, 1893, and lived there together until October 25, 1S95. He is a tele graph operator. She left home with out any apparent rent-on and refused to come back. Ann Llnasay was divorced trom George Lindsay. They were married on May 14, 1SS9, In Carbondale. They were married in the afternoon, and that same night at 11 o'clock he left the marriage feast and has since refused to live with her with the exception of a bhort stay in 189.', HIS WIFE LEFT HIM. Chnuncey F. Walter was divorced from Verah J. Walter. They lived at Prompton, Wayne county. Ho got sick und had to go to the hospital, and his wile left Mm. V alter II. "Wilson was divorced from Josle Wilson. They were married In Carbondale on October 25, 1S90, and lived there together five years. Sho deserted him twice, and the reason she assigned was that the place was too slow for her, Margaret Bowen was divorced from David D. Rowen. They were married six years ago and went to live In Relle vue. Uowen was so fond of drink that he lost his employment In tho mines. He was als very cruel and abusive. She had to leave him after putting up with bis treatment four years, Slary Fasshold was divorced from George Fasshold. They were married October 21, 1SS6. in the Hickory stnet Presbyterian church, nnd went to live in Greenwood, Lackawanna township. Almost from the date of their marriage he was drunk und abusive. After two years she gut heatt trouble and th doctors told her to leave her husband or she could not live with the treat ment he uccorded her. MINOOKA. The members of the representative bne ball team of the village met lasl v -nlng with tlio oblct In view ti dc-ulc wh tlur er not they will fu.'iuth ainuse ni ittt for the benefit of the peop e of this town the comiii.; summer "!"ic mem-b-M of tho club contend thM home games ale detrimental, ml that so.uc prisons in the town derlvo a lir-neilt from th g'nrcs and should coi.lrlluro their share to lelp the te-itn nlon;. The prrii alilillies are thut tlure will no, be any base bull tho coming summr. Sir--. .Mark Sullivan, of 'iu.ii "-o ave nu Is visiting hot- daughter, Mrs. John Miniums, of New Y 1 ' Slis.i Lizzie Neivcii'n' of AivnlMld rei'iiiiMt home yesterlny after a ft-.v days v'tit with Sll-;s K.ttlo O'Donmll, of llirney avenue. K. It. Campbell, will leave this morn ing for a trout limit at Lake Como, Wayne county. Hardware Merchant I'agan, of Jcrmyn, wus a business visitor In town yester day. FATAL TRAIN WRECK. I'rivato Ilarbee Killed nnd IM-nte ColeloiiRh Fntally Injured. Snvnnnnh, On., May 23. Early this morning a spcolnl train on tho Florida Central und Peninsular railway, car lylnpr North Carolina troops en routo to Florida, met In collision with a north-hound vegetable train. Private "William linrbee, Company I. of Dur ham, wan killed, and Private J. M. Col flouKh wns fntally Injured. Tho regulurs wero traveling In a fac tional train. The vegetable train wns waiting on a siding and thought all the sections nail passeu. tho engineer pushed ahead and wns runnlnsr at a rapid pneo when tho collision occurred. Prlvato Ilarbco was In tho last passen ger coach. Ho attempted to Jump und was caught between the oars, Prlvute Colclough wns Injured internally. CONTROLLER LANGAN MAKES HIS REPLY IConcluded from Pago f,. the permanent secretary, who Is In command of Company F with the Thir teenth regiment. Miss Kate H. Potts, the clerk In Superintendent Howell's odlce, recorded In shorthand the pro ceedings nf tho meeting. Slorrls T. Welsh, on recommendation of tho city treasurer, was appointed delinquent tnx collector In tfio Four teenth ward vice Thomau Cosgrove, resigned. Somo Important arrangements for the High school commencement were mudo in accordance with the recom mendations made by the high and t rnlnlug school committee through Its chnlrmnn, Sir. Jennings. Tlio com mencement exercises will bo held on the following dntes: June 15, training school; June 10, class day; 'Juno 1", high school commencement. The two hlshest honors, the valedic tory and snlututory, will bo limited to the High school courses coverlnir a period of four years. Here-after, to each course In the High school, a com mencement honor will be awarded ac cording to clnss standing. The public presentation of gifts to graduates will be prohibited. June 2 nt 1.30 p. m. wns tho tlmo fixed for the public exhibition of teach ing by tho training school. Dr. A. P. Marble. Of the New York city Fchools, was ensnged to deliver the address to the Training school graduates nnd teachers. The committee was author ized to procure music and lloral decor ations. APPLICATION REFUSED. A great deal of discussion was clo uted by the High and Training com mittee', report of the application ot tho Scranton Conservatory of Music for the use of the High school audi torium for e'ommencement purposes. The application wns finally refused, tho sentiment of the members being de cidedly against renting the auditorium to other than public school institutions. Another of several long discussions followed tho building committee's rec ommendation through Its chairman, Sir. Schrlefer, that M. J. Ruddy be awarded the contract for erecting tho new No. 3 school building for $19,SH. It developed that Sir. Ruddy's bid was the lowest on the specifications that did not Include extras, but the pro posals which Included the extras were as follows: E. S. Williams. $22,142; Peter 'Stlpp, $22,155; SI. J. Ruddy, $22, 311. An amendment offered by Sir. Neuls nnd Sir. Shires to table the commit tee's recommendntlon wns lost by ' a vote of 11 to C, Stessrs. Shires, Shafer, Neuls, Jnyne, Schrlefer and Francois voting negatively. The original mo tion to dward to Sir. Ruddy then pre vailed, the vote being unanimous. The building committee was directed to purchase a flag-pole for No. 30 school building, above which will soon be raised a Hug. to be presented by the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and to purchase a Hag for No. 19 build ing. To the committee was referred the matter of procuring a 100-foot pole for the High school building, the re sult of the committee's Inquiry to be reported to tho board. The supply committee was author ized to ptocure prices on three stere optlcons requested by the High school faculty and approved by the superin tendent. The fees of H. A. Knnpp, ex-solleitor of the board, amounting to $438.7., nnd those of Solicitor D. J. Reedy. $276.23. and Assistant Counsel J. II. Torrey nnd E. C. Newcomb, $230 each, were ordered paid. Sir. Jennings and Sir. Schrlefer were appointed a committee to act in con Junction with Superintendent Howell In considering the recent suggestion of Sllss I'nder-vood, superintendent of the Scranton Kindergarten association, that a Hndergarten system bo aflled to the nubile schools. A Chnlnlr Cnliimhin bicycle, valued at $125, will be given nway nt O'Hara's eigar store, Spruce street, Monday next. 431 Two through trains dally, Scranton to Chicago, via D. L. & W. and Nickel Plate roads. Low rateo. Elegant equipment. Fast time. If you want a lino smoke, ask for the Populnr Punch cigar. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature- of m& nn. g. c. wegt'b NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT turned Label Special, C1 CBAMnll. I For Impotency, iioaa oiWjjJ'trC PowBr. Lost Manhood. ykS JV HtorilitT or Rarronneau t$l a box; six for S', witLf tn .URiln 1A,1. a A, .,n.Al lflV! iaiaiqBEocl&'Sran"" 'APtR t'm. O Clarke.'. 326 Penn Ave.. Scranon, I'a. LACKAWANNA S r7rX MsW t Ss fir MANUFACTURERS OF 6RHG SAWED PH. WW HH III Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Rails sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Ucvtnloclt I'rop Timber promptly furnished. MILLS At Cross Fork, I'ottcr Co., on the Buffalo and Susquo lianna Railroad. At Minn, Potter County. Pu,f on Coudersport, nnd Port Allegany KallroaU. "Japaouy GENKKAL OFFICE-Uourd of Telephone No. 4014. For Sale by JOHN H- PHELPS, Sprue street CMcketttr! KazUth Dlun.nd Ilrmna. ENNYR0YAL PILLS iirlfloi'i spa Unljr tirnnlne. ri kmjt rtlltUe. iaoics t brutk-Ut for ChithttUrt knal.ik Dt& .mond 3rin.l la Urtl fcLd -M mtinllio dif, aril -uti uu rlttvQ. Take no tit her. RrfutM d lnnpTtHAM iithttitu. 'hn$tnitimtitKn At Orntuti, erarnt 4. U mu-i lor p-trtleul.ri. uidmsolil "teller rcr iittdirtV'ififefkr. i-Mir Boll lj til Locti Urmiliu. I'lllLAuAri. v7S ' bl ftKil&S .- m CROWN CATARRH POWDER SOLUBLE. Prepared nccordlng to tho prescription of a prominent specialist. It Instantly re llevos and permanently cures Catarrh, AMhmn, Hay Fever, Cojfl In tho Head. Soro Throat nnd Quinsy, llnrmlcsa, pleasant, effectual. Read this testimon ial "Crown Cntnrrh Powder relloved nnd cured my caso of Catarrh, which was a very nKfciiiviueci ono 01 long standing," John T. Coughlln (Dcpurtmont of Bute). nt.ltnl 811 H St., N. 1., Washington, D. C. l'rlco 60 cents. Sold In all first class drug stores, Llbornl snmple, with powder blower complete, mailed on receipt of IS cents. Crown Catarrh Powder Co,, xg Clinton Place, New York No Trouble for your dealer to. get tho Cinchbar Hopstick for you. tomo profit In It rof htm; great aatlsfuctloa for you. Price 25 cents. Worth u Dollar. Order of your grocor or dealer In hurdwaro, wood onwnro or liouso-tumlhs-lug goods. a AUOST GIVEN AWAY A lot of laundry machinery, a new laundry wagon, two turblno water wheels, boilers, engines, dynamos, cte ono Slorgan travel ing crane, 10 ton capacity, span 45 ft. 6 in., lot of good second hand hoisting rope, air compres sors, pumps, steam drills, derrick llttlngs, mlno cars, etc 709 West Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Telephone, 3991 BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS Successors to tho NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS- "TDETII MADU PCRFECT." Orljluators ol Painless Dentistry. Wo extract teeth, fill teeth nnd apply gold crowns and bridge work without tho least particle of pain by a method pat ented und used by in only. NO CHARGE for painless extracting when teeth aro ordered. 8S3K&. Pufl Set Teeth, $3.00. Wo guarantea a fit. flold Crowns, S.1.00. All other work at pro portionately low prlcei. AjTQold Crown and bridge Work a specialty. Reins the oliVsl end largest dental par lors in the world, we are so well equipped, that all wmk dene by ua Is tho best to b hail. Our operations nro positively pnlnlivr. All work guaranteed for 1 .eais. All former contracts mado by New York Dental Tarlors will bo raado good by tho Boston Dental Parlors. Boston Dental Parlors Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. (Over Newark Shoo Store.) vARicocnun and all nervous IlISUASHS TRBATt-D AND CURED "Jly the Aulmul Extracts." Medical udvlco free. Wrlto for book to tbo Washington Chemical Co. Washington, D. C. ASKPOIlTHEoKLELONl H! GIVES THL BrTILGHTVvORIP And 15 ATEIY SAFE FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC IHC CO SCRANTON STATION. L tuu.uuu leet per nay. Trudc UuildiitB, Scranton, Pa. When In doubt whit to ue ice Ncrvout Debility, Lou tt rotrer, ImpotcncT,Attephy,vrleoceteid rbcr woaVncnes, from &07 cause, uu Scxine fills. Drain checked mid full vigor quickly rotor Ld. , Koseixi.. iKi inikb, mmii Uulw. Mailed lor 1.00;dboiM4.eO. Wit! $3X10 order we gire a Ruirjotte to cure or refund the money, Addren PEAL MDICIN6CQ Clcvcltnd, U PharmacUt, cor. Wyoming nvanuo and UAUC Vnil h0"3 Throat, Plniplt, Cop MHVC TUU ticr-t'otore.l Hoots. A dim Old 8ortm, Ulcer in .Mouth, llulr Kftlllni? Wrlto COOK KUMIIDY CO., 651 Mionlj Temple, Chicago, III., for prooln of curm. Capital, $500,000, Worm casoi curodla tj to 35 day, loo-pjxc boot: Iree, B 1 K If "i to M --jTSliSs i a jrnrm9 1 i.4i & rrv-:vik pGHT&jj m U1IER CO.. nun ion 1