The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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We've a slock big
enough to shoe nearly
every woman in Scran
ton, and you know the
styles arc reliable be
cause we handle them a
sure guarntee of goodness
Instead of $2.50.
which would have been
our price but for the
season being backward,
therefore we must make
this reduction. Five dif
ferent styles to see. Tans
and Black Kidskin, all
turn soles with new
shape military heels.
Can lit any size foot from
3 to 8.
The Wllltes-Uarro Itecom can lo nail
In Screnton at tho news stands of M.
Melnhait, 119 Wjomlng uvonuo; Mac
Lackawanna aenue.
Cards of thanks, icsolutlohs ot condo
lence, oultuarj poetr and the like will
l Inserted in The Tribune only when
paid foi In advance, at tho rate of 10
cn.ts per line.
An entertainment rt No. 2i school I'io
feor II. I, ISuidlck, ptlnolpil, will bo
kiven Tildny evening
Dnl twenty deaths about ighteen li i
than the uual iiumliei, weie ii'iioittd
to tin. board of health last week.
Clr.icp Lutheian liainnt, held In the
armors will elo'-p tonight. Admltem
be free Lait evening piovotl very
jrolH iblo both socially und ilnauclnllv
Rerul ir meeting of the rvntml Wo
man x Christian Tempeianee union this
ami lnoii it 1 o' lock in till il roiitu ?M
V i-hmMon uvinue All inte listed ate
in n I
' T 1' Huffs of the Ui mo
eiitu t Hiding (ommlttee of the See
oi 1 1 tMntlve district, has called n iniet
ln. oi the committee ioi tonight In the
h Ch n Us hotel to ll a tlmi foi holding
u convention to elect state delegate
John lluyle O'ltilllv council, Young
M n s Institute, will conduct a musical
an 1 llu mry nt ri ilium lit In Its rooms
i'i L.u k ivvanna aenm Jlonilav ive
Mng A ftatuie of the occasion will be
nn addiess b City Solicitor JI. A. Jlc
Ulnle. Tin Woman's Home Miinnarv m
clet ol i:im 1'aik chinch was delight
fullv entertained at the pie asant hoim
of Mrs I I'. Megargel jesttidiiv after
noon "lis Woiflni cung several w lec
tion" The mite boxes wu opemd and
a most tnjnvalile atternoou was passed
d.ini Wolk Tollsli of Prlcclniig, was
ii iiind in Johnson's mine of thit plan
.tenlav b a fall of loof. Ills right
t gh was inetiiieel In two plates and
1 o In ad was t-ev udj cut I le i.s 40 j ai s
o I and has a wlfi and lout child! en
ji was taken to the Lackawanna hos-
Ml i
'llu Methodist mlnlsteis held thill ng
i ii m i ting vcMenlis morning at Kim
J'uk church Tin addiess of the niotn
li .' was liv J J. Smith, ol Wllkes-H irie,
i .- vfll-kuown baritone, ot Ui I'lirce's
( uiih In Wilki s-Haire Tin subjiot
ih Athletics" and was a vuv admli
e ih papi l
Mih Lll? ibeth Lewis we populn) d.ine
i ii, t. (lur, who has bei n absent from
ti ltj for a few weeks, will k tin n
i a few class JUs Lewis will hrlng
nn iuw dames with her for the beiu -nt
of lur many pupils, and announces a
fries ni mldsunimir dumps. The Hi Ft
v-i'l en ur cailv In June
sit Piter's Total Abstinence and Hum
c lent ocietv nf Hellewu met Sunilav
i.i ii moon tn take aeiUm on the pioposi
i !! to paradi on Juh fourth fiom Huh
( n.,i .luirih to Laurel Hill park Tho
i" i ion was to paiado and to follow out
iiii" et pn gramme In that line that
)ti v W. P. O'Doi.nell may advise cm tho
3 ouith tho conjugation of Holy Cross
n ieh will picnic nt Lainel Hill and ihe
pnrade will scive the two-fold obket of
li morlng the daj and of tallying the peo.
pic to tho picnic
A good thing Is Bometimes rpcognly
ed that's why the Focono 5 cent e ignr
A Bushel for
At X
Thi Scranton Cash Slori o
$1 98
fcooooooooooooooo O
Uannlmously Cliosen by the Republicans
of tbo First Legislative District.
it is thd rirrit timi: consiici;-
IimiN VNOl'l'OSr.D-JOHN II. Wll
For the fifth time Hon. John 11. Fitrr
was yostenlny honored with u nninliia
tlon for the legislature by the Hpptili
llrnna of the First Legislative illsttlct
and for the Hist time the nomination
was tendered to him unanimously. No
other nume was piosontid to tho con
vention. It was the most linrmotilous
frnthetinir of llepubllcatis that liaH been
held in tho Flint district in years.
Hesldcs. nomltiatltiir Mr. l'atr, the
convention elected John II. 'Williams,
of West Siunnton, nnd John 11. Owens,
of Noith Scianton, as delegates to tho
state cotnentlon and instructed them
to use oory honoialilo means to se
em o the nomination of Hon. William
Council as the patty's candidate for
Kovernor. M. G Dlmmlck nnd Hairy
Ulrbeek were chosen alternate dele
Kates. Utiles wore adopted providing that
heieaftcr the primal les In tho dlstiict
shall be conducted according' to the
Crawford county plan.
Dr. W. A. I'aine, In his capacity as
chairman of the dlstiict standing com
mittee, called the convention to order
and after appointing AVIlllam J. Owens,
of Providence, to net as assistant to
Secretary John H lleynolds, the lat
ter read the tall of the convention and
then lecehed tho credentials of the
Aftet thev had been recorded Kben
czer Williams moved that a committee
on resolutions bo appointed nnd the
convention ncreelng to this proposi
tion Chairman Paine named the fol
lowing: John J. Dais, Daniel II.
Evans, J. U. Hopewell, W. L Cam
pion, T. D. Davies, James Phillips,
and Ebenezer Williams.
While waiting for the committee on
resolutions to icpoit tho Chairman
called for nominations for peimanent
(halt man of the convention nnd Ileniy
Jlfkins nominated John Fein of the
Fouith ward. The nomination wns
seconded by Thomas Miles and Mr.
Fein was chosen by acclamation.
Mr. Fern was escorted to the plat
foim and made a speech in which he
said that though they weie eaily in
the field it was essential that a good
man should be named for the legisla
tuie to uphold the hands of the goei
nor in the stirring times that aie ap
p.uently before us.
For peimanent recietarv, John II.
Reynold. Adam Bonn, John I. Davies,
John J Dahs, William J. Owens,
Hugh John, John V. Hopewell and
Heniv Jitkins weie nominated, but all
dei lined except Mr Uonn and Ml.
Ovwns It wns decided that two sec
letniles would be necessary nnd both
Mr. Bonn and Mr. Owens weie chosen
The icpoit of tho committee on ieso
lutlon was icad by John J. Datles and
was as follows:
V con,'iatulatc the American pcoplo
on tho gloiiniis f. ct that the Stais and
Stilpt now wine ocr a leuinted couutn ,
th it theie 'Is no north, no south, but one
,nat. Cod blesstd count! y solkllv united
and detiimltuil to icIIcmi and succor an
union unuie people Horn the out It it s an I
opprsflon ct Spain's wietclnd goern
mint ami thus Inllm nee the governments
ol the woild lot the bcUumcnt ot :hu
peui k's Intel ests.
Wo send li.niv grcetiiiRs to Admlril
Dew i v. his valoious otlict rs and nnb'e
bund ot hinniau for their wonderlul i'
toi at Mnnllu, establishing li one strokH
the supnrriicv of Airerlcan brains, alir
and Htiingth and Indicating to tho world
tho easv possibilities ot our giant power
in naval watluio
We lirartllv the wlso and jiatil
otic admlnlslrition of I'liident Mi Kin
lev and bis judicious course In tho pies-
tnt wai crisis.
Our coimrctulatlcns aio extendi d to
f!ovrnoi 11. stint's foi the expeditious
manlier of nic billing the state troops nt
Mt llietna .mil upon being the Hist goj
ernm to respond to 1'iesldcnt Mckinley's
call fur troops with a mil quota of United
Stan s volutitfc rs
We extol the patriotism ol our own gal
lant Thliteenth who, irgnidlesi of many
si lf-sacilllces have nnlilj responded to
tlio e all of tin Ir tommy.
Wt commend the Hon William Count II
foi his lalthfill altintlon to his
duties, we toiillall.v tndoiso his e.iiull
dac toi govtinor and instinct the di le.
gites to tho state convention eltiud ihls
d.ij to ujo all honoiablu means to lor
wanl his success for that oillce.
lion J. C Vaughan's faltbtiil services In
the state seuiiie tltseivo the heart v up
piobatlon of the people Wo comnie'iiei
lilm for his earnest stand foi education,
for ills good work in behalf of Lacka
wannas i harllablo Institutions and his
success in sot mlng the enactment of llu
Iuw pel mining school districts to appio
pilatc mom.vs to aid in tin Undergo! ten
Institution of cHldiPii
We point with pilde to the ndmlratilo
seivlce of oiu own leprrsentallve, Hon.
John R Parr The influence of his work
Ioi education is ft It lor good in even
nook and colour of our commonwealth
The tieatnitnt of over W0 casus at tho
West Side hospital since its opening n
ur ago last .!iiuuai demonstrates "in
need and the good It has done fur allliet d
luiniiinlt) We commend Mi Parr tor his
success In securing this valuable Institu
tion for tills district Wo applaud his et
forts for tho iiiuse of labor in tho tna-t-meiu
of the i Ight'liotii liw, looking to
ward tho universal shelter woiMng cl'iv
nnd the advarccment of tip' peuple's v !
fare, lor the enactment of the measure)
to protect the American Hag from Insult
and degradation and his success In se
eming one and a half per cent lnteiest
on tlalli bilaiices of state deposits placed
in lunks fer euiiont uses.
Pirmlv believing that this is a govern
ment of the people bv tho people and for
tho penplp wo tndotso tlio Crawloid
eount or direct vote ssteni at prlmiries
as the surest means of keeping tlio pow
er of making nominations where it be
longs, In the bunds of the people.
mr. farr nomin vrrcn.
The lesolutlons vveto adopted with
out dissenting voice nir.ld applause
On motion of William L. Campion,
tho convention proceeded to tho nomi
nation of candidates for the leglslatuie
nnd Attorney Joseph Jeffries, through
the courtesy of Mr. Obcrelojfor, of the
Fouith ward, was allowed the privi
leges of tho lloor and placed Hon. John
U Fntr In nomination in a neat speech
in which he refeired to tho distinguish
ed seivices of Mi. Fair in past sessions
ol the lcglslatuie. The nomination was
seconded by John Neat and John U.
Hopewell, of Ninth Scianton. On mo
tion of John J. Davies, tho nomination
was mado by acclamation.
John J. Davies, Adam Ronn and
ICotitlnutd on Page 7.
Spocinl Kxcrclneii oi I'.lin I'nrl; Chnu
titncinri Circle.
The Elm Park Chnutolieiun circle held
Its closing1 meeting linst evening In
tho Epwotth Leaguo tooms of that
church. An ilnformal leceptlon was
held, after which an excellent pro
gramma wns lendeted.
A. V. How or pteslded nnd VIpp
Piesldent O. T. Reynolds gnvo nn In
teresting map exptclso on the Spanish
possessions. T. II. Dale followed with
a clever addiess on "Our Circle." Ml.
Roberts sang a sea song In a ilnc bari
tone voice.
Mr. Yoeum spoko on tho unique
topic, "Our President nnd His Vic cm "
This referred to Piesldent A. V How or
and not Mr. McKlnley and was deliver
ed with many humorous nlluslons It
wns tenlly a remniknbly brilliant talk
and cieated great amusement. Tlip
audience dlscoveted Mr. Ilowet's chler
vlco was In being a Unconlto Instead
of a Shakespeiean.
Miss Clara Simpson delighted everv
one with her limpid beautiful olco
In two sweet songs. Mr. Sutdnm gave
a bi lef humorous nddrcsi on "Our Pas
tor nnd Organizer." President Rower
follovveil with a talk on "The Out
look" giving Interesting suggestions for
another year
A quartette composed of CI. T.
"Whlttemorp, Charles Wonko, D. J.
Phillips nnd Will Roberts sang effect
ive patriotic song", nfter which re
freshments were served.
Subscriptions That Have Already Decn
Received by the Soldiers' Relief Asso
ciation All Invited to Contribute.
Thrio has been a splendid response
to the appeal of the Soldleis' Kellef
association. Although the Hist fotmnl was made public as recently as
Satin day moining, when it appeared
in the columns of The Tribune. $110
had been lecelvcd by D. 11. Atherton,
secietary of the association, when he
closed his oillco In the Hoard of Tiade
budding at 4 o'clock yesteiday.
The subscriptions included four of
$100 each, one of $50, one of $30, eight
of $r, two of $20, eight of $10, six of
$") and one of $10 per month as long as
the war lasts. Following Is the oillclal
list as furnished by the societal y of
the association for publication:
Subscriptions acknowledge bv the Sol
diers' Hellef association to be paid on de
mand: John Jeimju $100 00
Alfred Hand 100 U0
Clinics Koblusnn 100 00
Augustus Robinson 100 00
E L Fuller GO "0
tleoigc L. Dickson "0 00
J. A. Linen (per month) 30 uo
Lewis, Relllv .V. Davies ITi HO
Thomas II. Dalo .'ii 00
W. W. Watson ' W)
F. L. Phillips J5 00
C. G Eoland 'J. 00
Com ad Schreceler ""... 'J3 00
Luther Keller r. m
W. A. May V 00
R. II. Patterson 20 00
Schl iger & Co '.0 no
J. II Toriev 10 On
Hiiijamln Hughes 10(0
J. E. lluir HW
c. E. I'rvor looo
I'. S Pago 10 00
H Moes WHO
II C.Sanderson 10 OJ
Thorn is P. Wells WW
N It. Levy .t Hie .' b no
Newton Jackson S 00
W. S. Dlchl Ti JO
Cash 6 00
File nd f "0
1'. J. Piatt ii 00
Total $S.;0 00
Information was received bv the ofll
ceisi of the association during the day
that subscriptions weie being laised
among the emploj es ot several banks,
coal otllccs and stores. This announce
ment is made with no little satisfaction
ns the assocfation will aim to encour
age the cieatlon of a popular llunel
made up of contributions of any am
ounts, laigo or small. A 5 cent sub
set Iptlon, they wish It undei stood, will
reflect as much ciedlt on the giver as
will one of $100 fiom some othei source,
if the 5 cents is all that the Hist giver
can alfonl.
It Is cxpocteel that patriotic organi
zations, schools, churches, shops,
mines, etc., will at once begin raising
A letter fiom Homer Oreone. of
Honesdale, to whom was onti listed the
work of seeming co-operation of cltl
zen of that boiough.wasieceivcdbythe
association yesteiday. The letter was
to the effect that a call for a public
meeting had been issued ami that the
lesult of the meeting would be com
municated to the asoclatlon at its
meeting Thursday afternoon. Fiom
ex-Captnin W. D. R Ainey, of Mon
ti ose, of whom a similar iequot wns
made, no vvoid had been leceived up
to last evening.
Mill Uo Considered in Joint C'om
mltteo Session Tonight.
Seveinl matteis ot impoi tanco are to
be considered this evening at a meet
ing of tho joint Hie department com
mittee' of councils These Include bids
for Hie hose, new i tiles lur the depait
ment, the establishing of a new Hie
limit niea and the application of San
deison & Riihnit foi a penult to build
an oil sUuage tank in Oieen Ridge.
Foi some time it has been cvlden the ,'iiesont mles for the govern
ment of the dei ailment have been In
aelequ.uc. conlllctlng and not calculat
ed to insuio good discipline. Chief
lllckey and Chairmen Thomas and
AVenzel, of tho two cnnmlttecs, have
di.Uted a set of mles and esil them
Fuither comldeiatiun will bo given
them this evenlne: and then they will
be embodied In a resolution lor adop
tion by councils.
Food (or Trni elms.
All tluough tialns nn the Lnko Shore
mad oie equipped with dining car set
vlco and tiavelers are not bound to
eat a hasty and indigestible lunch at
stations nlong the load. An elegant
meal Is pieivlded foi you on all trains.
Not only H this service unexcelled but
chaigcfl nro veiy leasonable. The nat
ions of the Like Shore R R. ato ul
was well satisfied. The Hist time you
have to make u ttlp between Toledo.
Ruffalo, Cleveland. Chicago nnd all
points In the west and southwest be
sine vou buy your ticket over tho Lnke
Lenvo Vou i Ueiiftimi
with Iloran & Meiilll for your now
spring suit. Tho finest lino of fnbilcs
in tho city.
Tickets for matinee at the Lyceum, ntternoon, May 30th, Muino
jlnl Day, on sale) at Powell's nunlo
Htoio until Satuiday. tho USth jnbv
15 cents and 25 tents to ull parts ot
the 1-cuse.
Many Opinions Handed Down and
Much Other Business Transacted.
After a suspension of several weeks,
duo to nn Interval between tetms, court
lesumod Us sessions yesteiday morn
ing. An unusual amount of business
wns disposed of during tho day. A
laige number of opinions were handed
down during, the moinlng session
Tho bill of puitleulaiH In the Lang-staff-Kelly
contest camp up for ar
gument In the moinlng before Judges
(lunster and Edwatds. Rofote the
ease wns called the following mle was
handed down nnd oideied to bo made
a rule of coin t:
In every contested election within slxtv
davs after the institution ol the same
and before any testimony la taken tho
contestants shall lllo a bill ot particu
lar setting fortli in detail the names
of persons claimed to have otcd Illeg
ally at tlio election In contest, the dls
trlcts In which they severally voted,
tho numbers of thtlr repeictlve ballots
and tho particular grounds with regaid
to each of them upon which it Is al
leged that he voted Illegally. Such bill
of particulars sha.l be veiilleel bv R
lldavit of at leist threo of the petition
ers, Htatiui' tint tney have been 'ltdiblj
infenmed and verily believe that the pri
sons iiamril In tlio bill voted Illegally
at the said election foi tho reasons speel
lied. Within sixty davs nfter the contest
ants' bill of partlculais has be n Hied
tho respondent sh ill Hll a llko bill of
tho persons who, as ho claims, voted li
legally at the same election, which bill
shall be veilllcd by him In llko niannei,
without which no testimony on his jiait
shall be taken.
When tho case camo up for argu
ment Attoinej New comb argued that
the bill of particulars was not sup
ported by allldavit. Messis. Holgate
and Hamilton, attorneys fot Mr. Lang
staft', objected to bilngtng the bill of
particulars under the new lule. Mr.
Hamilton aigued thete Is no statute
to wairant the lule. The couit an
nounced that there would be nn otder
made lespectlng the bill In a tew clf"s.
The objection to tho bill is the .stiiiip
In substance as wns made to the HrstH
one Hied.
Mr. New comb said that witnesses
fiom Old Forge township have been
examined In tho contest and out of
slxtj-sK named in the bill as being
aliens onlj seven were found to be
without pallets, and sixteen weie na-tlve-bom
The grand jurv met yesteiday moin
Ingat 10 o'clock and was chaiged by
Judge Edwaids William L Atherton,
of Cilenbuin, was appointed foiema.ii,
and the juiy letiied nt 10 SO to its room
nnd took up the cnnsldeiation of cases
The constables made theli letuins
and six of these ollkois icpoited vio
lations of the liquor laws. Constable
Seth Smith, of the Fiist waiel, leturned
Michael Dm kin Constable Rees S.
Davis, of the Thlid vvaid of Dickson,
returned John Kozlowski. Constable
Mathew Renn, of Old Foige, returned
Jacob Hi ban and returned Amos Rob
inson and William Stuolkowskl for
keeping ellsoideily houses. Constable
Henry Dlerks, of the Second vvaid of
Dickson, letumed Fiank Wontrowski.
Constable J. W. Claik. of the Eigh
teenth vvaid, and Constable Rernard
Davis repented a Polish speakeasy
apiece In their lespertive wards
Prothonotary Copelund leceived from
Judge Putdy, of Wayne county un
opinion jesteiday In the equity suit of
Joseph Fellows agulnst Cornelius
Smith, esq., and his son, Stanley
Smith. The decision of Judge Purely
Is in favor of the defendants.
Mr Ft Hows alleged in his equity
pleadings that ho eonveed without
consideration a ceitaln lnteiest in 61
acies of land to the defendants and
he asked the court to huve the deed
annulled. Mr Fellows several ears
ago e ngaged Mi Smith to defend his
interests in a suit against F. K Loomis,
anil gave a judgment note of $1 000 for
set vices unci expenses In the trial of
the ease. Mr. Fellows was not able to
advance any of the monej to cany on
the litigation. Later on he conveyed
a one-half Intel tst in the land for $ri,-
000 to Mr. Smith, and subsequent to
that he convened a one-fouith lnteiest
to Stanley Smith. The opinion of Judge
Finely sns the CDine.vance of the land
was a lair one and the deeds should
William McAndicw was appointed dpp
ut) constable ot tlio Foul Hi viaid of this
city yesterday.
In tho ciso of Ileinard dies against
tho boiough of Winton u lit vv tiinl was
oreltuetl ri anted bv lodge Edwards
Mai rluge licenses weie RI anted jester
daj to Mlchajl lieule and Katie Cook,
ot I'rovidfiut , Jonah Davis, of Oljpli nit,
and Ai.nlo Williams, of Pilcebuig, S 11
fied Mathews and .Marj L Coon, of Dun
reoie, Fiaices Owen and Lizzie Davis,
ot Scranton.
In the cne of the conin onvvealth vs.
Oiecnberg .- Suravltz the former order
of emiit Was mutinied Vfsteida so that
Judgment shall bt rt least d on pajinent
of Ji'i'j being tin costs In tho caso
against Charles Solumon.
In the cifo of tin commonwealth vs.
Wilson S. Figcly. tlio uilo to strike oit
thu tenfeituro was dlschatgcd yestetda.
lVgtl) was under ball aud skipped out,
11U bondsman will havo to satisfy tlio
it coid
Tho bond of Ucorgo F. Clethman, celke.
ten of West Ablllgton tnts, wus Hied
jeateiday and appiovetl by Judi,o El
wauls The amiiuiit Id $.',100 and tho
suiutUs are W. S. Ross und II. E. Cap
well. The report nf viewers In tho prlvuto
ro.ul In Madison township was confirmed
nlKl josttnla) and the width of tho load
tlxud at 2"i fee t.
Oeorgo Stevenson Attorney n J. Ker
n in and D. E. Divis weie jesterdiiy up.
pilnted viewers to lay out a load lu IUn
som township.
John V. M P. Mitchell and John
D. Klzer were ycsterda appointed vlew
eis lu Hie matter of u public load In Jcf
feison towush p.
Juelgo Ed winds thinks tho veicllct ought
to stand In good conscience ami dis
charged a tulo foi a new tilal in tlio case
of E. Sweet against Hannah J. LcwIb.
At th Febnmry election no ourseeis
of the poor woie elected in Jciinyn bo.
ioubJi. Jiitlgo Uunstei estorday ap
pointed Henry Sob9 und Michael Mi'l
doon to Hll tho viTftiiey.
Attorney II, D. Cniey lllid a petition
to have tho polling plaio lu the Third
(Continued on l'ugo 8
We have this week opened a l.irge asssortment of 1898
styles in DINNER WARl:.
New slupes and new decorations.
MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Aoiin.
'Walk In nnd LjoIc Around '
Und n rinxen Hnlred Litllo llov
Who Vn I'nliPii to ( itv Hall.
Many people who happened to 1 e on
Lackawanna or Washington avenues
yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock
weie interested In a queer little pto
cession that passed up the sticet It
wns headed by a big policeman, next
toddleel a baby scaicely threo yeats
old, ltes yellow cutis lloatlng fiom under
a white cap, nnd with tired little feet,
mud-ladpn nnd wet.
Close after frisked two fox terriers,
seemingly much exercised, over the
destiny of the little one, as they altei
nately ran to Its side or suspiciously
snuffed at tho heels of the urchins who,
n usual, biought up the lear of the
lingular maich to the eltj hall.
It was without doubt, a case of lost
child, but no lost child suiely cvei
had such faithful, devoted piotoetors
as those two little creatures whose
doggish heaits were plainly In gieat
tumble over the strange surroundingc)
nnd stnngo company in which Uielr
loved chatge had fallen.
At iH)llce headquarters the baby was
the center of attraction as Patiolman
Neuls came In with his "find." dis-
coveied wandering on Lackawanna
nvenue near Penn, the two d igs lu close
pioximlty The little frock was cov
ered with pilnts of small paws. The
big. blue eyc looked calmly upon the
group of oillceis and ns the tiny figure
sat quietly In the great aim chait,
close on either side climbed tho little
spotted dogs, and they caiessed the
wondeiing fnce with their moist ton
gues and put soft, muddy paws ten
derly on the small shouldoKs, while
the baby patted each effectlnnatply,
never Intimidated bv law, police or
clubs with these dumb protectors near.
That thev thoroughly undei stood their
duty was evident, for the.v looked
askance at those who came too close,
and showed lows of small, white teeth,
although they whined in distress nvei
the baby's forlorn condition.
When lip was asked his name, the,
child answeied something that sound-'
ed like "Johnny." but ns bo bestowed
the same impartially on each deer
little Information was hoped fiom his
Mns Duggan came in and gently re
moved tho wet shoes and socks and
cairied tho little fellow to the "emei
geney bed," wlieie he lav contentedly
munching cake, while close by his face
nestled the nose of on.e little dog, and
tendeily over his feet lav the paws of
tho other.
The policemen saw the plctute with
a dimness in their pes anil were un
affectedly glad uftei a few hours a
joung glil wildly mshed In and a
scene of excited Joy not often witnessed
on that stage wheie diamas aie con
tinuous, was enacted The girl, the
baby and the fox teniers weie in such
a wild mingling of delighted recog
nition that it was diineult to decide
which one of the chief nctois showed
the greatest gladne's Looking on
sullenly, with a stiange light In her
eves that might be regiet, that mingled
In envy and despair, was a girl, whoe
face told the pitiful life she was lead
ing and who also had found a biief
shelter in that loom. And this Is only
the lecord of nn hour or two in the
citv hall.
The lost chllil wan Willie Saunders.
His father is an express dilvor living
on West Lackawanna avenue.
services Hero Conducted nt St.
Luke's KpUcopnl ( liurrli.
While the rain fell in a steady, do
piesslng How outside estcrday aftei
noon, n tliiong of ft lends gatheied at
the old homestead on Wjomlng ave
nue to look their last upon the face of
Mrs. Harilet McKlnney Throop. Such
masses of llovveis are t-eldora seen as
depended fiom diapeiles, weie massed
against the walls and hid the casket
with their mute sweetness and beauty.
Alter prajeis, a long procession ac
companied the mourning family to St
Luke's Episcopal chinch, wheie a spe
cial seivlce was held. The casket was
coveied with white lloweis, while the
gi eater portion of the tloial gifts weie
convejed to the cemetei,
A quaitette, composed of Messrs.
Wairen, Jones, Bunnell and Stevens,
lendeieil the burial chant, "Lotd Let
.Me Know Mine End" Tho seivices
weie conducted by Rev. Rogers Istael,
assisted by Rev. Mi. Pendleton, of
Sehnectad, N. V.. and Rev. E. J.
Hnughton, curate of St. Luke's patlsh.
The Woman's Guild, of which Mis.
Thioop was piesldent since its organ
ization, attended In a body and occu
pied a latge poition of the nave
Among tho tilbutes to the dead uas a
mnsslvu wreath piesented by this so
lid. A special seivlce foi tho dead was
conducted. "Hark1! Jlv Soul,"
nnd "Paints Who Fiom Their Labor
Rest" weio sung, ulso the beautiful
Now tho laborer's work Is o'er,
Now the. battle day is past,
Now upon tho fart In 1 shore
Lauds tile vojiger at list.
rather In thy gracious keeping
Loavo we now thy servant sleeping.
At thu conclusion of the service a
lingo concouise of fiiends pioceeded
to Forest Hill, wheie Inteiment was
made in the family plot, aftet u hi lef
burial seivlie. The grave was shel
ter eel by u canopy which wus festooned
with How pis, while blossoms hid the
gloom t( the eaith and weio mnssed
about In the gientest piofuslon.
The pall-heaiers weie Messrs Wil
liam F. Hiillstead. W. R. Stnns. John
Jermyn. Samuel Ilines. Thomas Jlf
kins, C M Hnndeison, O. L. Dickson,
II. F Warien The ciurleis weio Wil
liam Ranipe, Jaiob Walters, Geoigo
Kleckler, Charles II. Rhodes, J. J. Mc
Donald, William J. Thompson.
Among the out-of-town lelatlves ami
friends at endant upon tho funeial
weie Mrs. St. Clair McKelvvay, of
Hrooklyn, N. V.j Dr. und Mis. Roldle
man, of Tunkli '-Wiock; Mis. George
No. 221 Adams Avenue,
Opposite Court House
For the tieatnitnt and speedy euie of
nil Acute and Chrouii Dlsiases of men,
women nnd child! u
ALL DISEASES PIX't'LIAR TO MEN, as Neivotisi.ess, Nlglitlv Losses,
C.cnorrliot a, Svphllls, 01tet. Lost Man
htiotl Shriinkt n und Shilvcled Parts l'alu
lu Side and Hack Vmloi utile, Sperino
te rrlioea. Loss of Vlenmrv, Strlctuie etc
silih us Lucotrhoea iwliltesl, Pioliip"iis
'or falling of the wombi. Dvsmeilonlioi'ii
lor painful meiistru.ttlonl, all Dlspkne
ments, Inflammation Dlsehirges, P.i.n
lu the Ikick lllps. Sides, etc.
Rl'i'TFRE cured .vithout knife, pain
or t austlc.
Epllepsj, Fits, Tape and Stomudi
A lvone suffeilng v.lth cutarih. Iiitm-
chitls, throat, head or lung troubles inav
ri'eelvo three months treatment foi onlv
J"i Trial treatment flee In oillce. It nevn
fills to cure. Fse it at home.
At the institute will be tieatnl all dis
cuses of the Heart, Klchievs Skin Liver
Stomal h. Drain, Neive lllood Hladdei,
Ear Eve, Nose, and Lungs
All spcKlllc and gents uiliniv dlseises
or chronic Eczema and all Skin and Bio id
til-easts pcstlvtlv cured Eruptim
l'lmpli mil Illotches lemo'oel fiom tin
face of both male mil female Old sen
and cilpples of evcr.v deseilptloi.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Singers In nil its brnne lies, Experlein d
consulting phs clans and suryons
OITICi; IIOUUS: I)all, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m
tunjas, 10 tn 12 ant a to 4.
; Heartburn, Oa?
spepsia, isgji-,,, -1
ders posltlv el v cured. Grovei Graham's Dj
pepsfa Itemed is a sueeltle. One doo re.
moves -ill distress, ami a perinmienl pure of
the niont chronkeiind sovoia enson li guarua
teed. Uo not suiter! V "id-cent bottle) will
convince the most skeptlcul.
.Matthuwi Ilros., IJrajclsts, :120 Lask 1
wauua avenuo
MAX V r.lii:R, Hoot onj Shoe
Heitsho's to order from SI 71 up Men's
soles and hcMs, ouc Ladles holes and lieols,
flue. VII woilv cuurantced.
127 Penn Avenue, faCRANTON, PA.
Gage, of Huntington, Mis Satah Me -Klnne,
Chicago, Mrs. Reii8hant,
liiooklli, S W. Thompson, New
Yolk. Gcoige Coggswcll, Rockville,
With Our Low Kntcn tor Summer
Travel in Nickel Pinto Houd.
Only $11 0"), Ruffalo to Warsaw. Ind ,
and return, tickets on sale May 1G to
21, account Geneial Assembl I'resbv
teiian chuuh, tickets good to letuin
until June 1.
Only $11 S." Ruffalo to Warsaw, Ind,
and 1 etui n. May IR to Sept. 15
Only $1,183, Ruffalo to Napervllle,
Ills, and icturn, tickets sold May 23,
24, 27 and 2S, good returning until June
30, on account of annual meeting of
German Baptists
Onlv $S0, Buffalo to Toledo, Ohio
und 1 etui 11, on account of Young Peo
ple's Biennial 1 munition, tickets sold
June 11 and IB, good returning until
June JO
Only $3j..V. Buffalo to Dallas. Tex ,
and leturn. tickets sold .lime 11 and 12
good letmnlng until June 2S, on ac
count of Mstlc Shi inc.
Only m.oO, Buftnlo to Louisville K
and return, tltkets solil June 19 and 20.
good lotuinlng until June 2fi
For all infoimntlon, call on oui
nearest ticket agent, or address F .1
Mouie, general agent. Nickel l'late
Ro.ul. Bulfalo. N Y Low lates to
other points will lie quoted fiom tiiiv
to time Elegant seivke. Superb din
ing uus. Vestlbuled buffet sleeping
IJtirclort. nt H ill.i'H-linrre.
The tesldence of A M Brandnvv, at
C2 Fnlon stretl, Wllkes-Barte, was en
teieel bv burgluis Sundav night, be
tween S and 7 o'clock. They took valu
ables worth lu the nelghboihood of
A ( hiiinltts ( nliitnliio.
bicycle, valued at $123. will be given
nway at O'llaia's cigar btoie, 4JI
Spiute stieet, Monday next.
Kccruiu Mml lor (irorgui.
A detiuliniei't of twenty-two icgular
aim iccrults. under lieciult John
Keiwan, left Wllkes-II.ilio esteidii
uftei noun at3S toi Foit Mel'lierson,
Geoigia, In pursuance of nn older Is
HUtjrt Ijj Lieutenant Dentlei.
Heine mber the .llniue.
and don't toi get that Tuesday. Mnv 31,
is the date of Waltei L. Main's
esf and went shows, ontolldated, nnd
that lespivcd seats will be on sale the
moinlng of the exhibition at Mathews
Bros.', 320 Lackawanna avenue.
rt 011 Pulriotlt t
1 10 j oil show youi colois? The most
complete litis of Bunting, Silk, Cotton
Hunting Pilnted Muslin, and all qual
ities of Flags, as well as 11 full lino nf
Poles, Flag Ihi'ckets, Houttenant s of
Silk, Satin, Celluloid, Gilt, etc., nt
J. D. Williams ci Bro ,
31' nnd 314 Lackawanna avenue.
' Scianton, Pa.
I ! II -
Reduced uttes to llaulshurg via Le
high Valley inllioad on atcount of
Knights Tpmplnr statu giand com
mundery. Consult ticket agent for par
ticulars. '
At Eattln's, 12C Penn uvenue.
Does it Pay You
To Go Upstairs?
Well, it does when
you can save money
by it. A few of our
money savers.
any Red, worth 19c. Our price. 9c
WINDOW SHADES with fringe '
sptlng lolleis, best oil linen
shades with wide fringe, worth
Tfie Our piice 59c.
Kelt Sluidew. Our pilco 10c.
LFNC1I HONES, Imitation leather.
Regular 19c. value. Our price. .9c.
SHELr nlloped edge,
woith Se. u jard, Our pi Ice
tic, a jnrd
TAP.L11 OILCLOTH, regular 19c.
qualttj. Our price He. a yard
FLOOR OILCLOTH, icgular tOc.
quality. Our ptieo S9cv a yard
I.AWX MOWERS, 10 inch to 1? inch
blade Host quality guntanteed,
Our price ,$1,9S up
WINDOW SCREENS, open from 10
to 32 inches; lit any window':
worth 19c. Ouv pilco 10c.
SCREEN DOORS, any Mzo you
want. Worth TSc. everywhere.
Our mice 43c.
HAMMOCKS, pxttn huge assott-
ment; extreme values 49c. up
DOLL CAKRIAGES, full assort
ment from 24c, up
RIRI) CAGES 49c, up
RFCiS. The must be seen to he
appreciated 74c. up
best makes ate heie nt.....'9S up
wheel. Sold now at $JI.93
310 Lacka. Ave.
Health , n
AM. 1Utl
5vl his can best be obtained by knovvluj
how to dress tho Hub.
o ake a sp elHlty of
Snf ants'
A complete Hue of eve tiling a Baby neod
at the
512 Spruce Street.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.
The Standard
No Winding. No Springs.
No Weights. No Repairs.
No Tiouble of Any Kind.
At Sm.ill Cost.
SuilQDlfj lor Stores. OHices. BanKs. Etc.
I1S1..N . III VMM, IN.SClt.VN'
'l) sWIM.s 1IXK sIXCR Ull
Mercereatt & Connell,
soloAsont' for this territory.
ii:nxi5lvam .
130 Wyoming Avenue.
Atv Pierce's Harket This
Turkeys, Dtieks, OliicUcns and
Hroilcrs, Green Peas. Tomatoes,
Cucumbers, Cauliflower, New
Heeth, New Potatoes, Celery, Rad
ishes, Onions, Lctlucei Aspara
gus, etc., etc.
l'ancy Strawberries and Trults,
Flint nutter and Soft Shell Crabs.
1 a pt pi nt in
ip OTffiBI?