THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY. MAY 21. 1898. SPAIN SAYS WD ARE PIRATICAL The j;Senalo Discusses Reports from General Blanco. a statement which is evident ly A TALSElICglA AUOUSE3 THE SENATORIAL DONS TO THOUGHTS OP PRIVATEERING AND OTHER Dim: ACTS OK REVENGE-PROFESSOR CANDE DENOUNCES AMERICA'S "HASH PROCEED INQS." Madrid, Mny 23 In the Ronato today Count AlmonaH vehemently protested against the alleged action of some American warships In displaying the Spanish tine In order to deceive the garrison of Ouantutianio, ns announced on Saturday Inst In a dispatch from Captain General Illanco, who added that the Amortcnn ships were "Im mediately leoognbed and tppulsed." The count asked If the government had notified tin- powers of this Incident. The minister of the Interior, Senor Cipdepoil, leplled that he had notified the powers and described this reported action ns "cowardly nnd Iniquitous." Count Almenas then paid thnt "In view of America's innnner of making vr, Spain must Immediately dtctee prlvntoi'i lug. In oidtr to utteily ete stioy Atneilenn snipping" To this the minister of the Intel lor replied that the government had delib erated upon the matter "nnd had even taken certain decisions which would shoitly bo known." AN ACT OK PIRACY. Count Guendtiliilii said the Ameil enn "net of ulrnoy was admitted by trinln thcoiits 4if International law." Senoi Martinez PAVhin lemntked that It was doubiful whether such an act was legal. "Hut." ho added, "In face of the Amei leans' conduct In the viar with Spain we must not slmw consideration for them." Continuing, the speaker protested against Spain's adherence to the Ge neva convention, wheieupon the min ister of the Intel lor replied that Spain had not rut enteied the convention. Senoi Cundc, piofesor of Interna tional law at the Madrlil unlveisity, wutmly denounced what ho was pleased to temi "the base piocecd ings" of the I'nllwl States, declining that If Washington authorized such acts "It did not deceive the name of clvlllKPfi r i Tinnrnt " The tnofo '-or then proceeded to un fold u longthv indictment of the al leged war methods of the Americans, Insisting that they have shown "no respect tor the tights of the people In the captuie of merchantman nnd bom bardments" iiitiiatlnn that the acts of the 1'nlted States aie not those of u civilized country T0 NONSENSE FROM OFFICIALS Minnesota Volunteer! Put 'I heir Own Tinliiinen on n Train When s. P. R. OlhcInU Get Bmnrl. Pan Kianc Isco. May 2.! The Mlnne Kit.i olunteer tumps had an experi ence at Ogden coming out, and got the better of the Southern Ik.ielllc only aftei mnlcjng a move to seize the train. Attached to the section bearing Ma jor Dlggle's battalion was a stoik car containing the hoises of the Held and &taff olllcers Transportation had been contracted for light through to San 1'ianelhco, but the agent for the com pany nt Ogden piesented a new eon tiacLt" Mnjoi Higgles and demanded SS0 additional fm the stm k em Major Dlggles protested, but the agent was obdurate Major Dlggles i of used to pay, nnd, turning to his orderly, he dispatched him for two men In the "cglmont whom he named They soon ippeaied and the ollieer coolly in 'ormed the ngent that they were ex perienced ti alii men nnd would take 'haige of the train. Then ho ordered the men to climb on he engine and tun the tiatn through o Oakland, "and If anybody attempts to Interfere with ou." he added, kill Tim." Tho mill cud nille lals then surrend ered and sent the train thiough with out fuither delay. COL. COWER SENTENCED. Eighteen .11 o n I h mid iJ.'i.OOO lot ron.plrlng With lings. Wilmington, Ixi . Ma 23 In in o the I'nlted Slates dlstilet eotut this after noon Colonel EokUl T Coper, con vlcted of consplilnj' with William . A raagnificent t. ample of what care of health will do for a man is pre- rented in the Ufe of Mr Gladstone, the ) greatest states- ' man of the cntury This "Grand Old Man " nt eighty-six j ears of ag, retained h i s intellectual vigor unabat ed, and bad not lost the sinewy grip with which he; NS fisteued upon any subject that interested him Nearly every man has it in his power to live to a green old agre HU the treat states, man of ljnglad It is simply a matter of a little daily thought and regard for health If, when a man feels that he is a little out of sorts, he will resort to the right remedy, lie will never have to submit to the more serious ills of life Most mm, when they have a headache, feel drowsy during the day and ire restless during the nlg'at, and find tbelr appetite falling off, pay little or no heed to these warnings. The inevitable result is some dangerous and possibly fatal malady The doctor may call it consnrap. tion, malaria or biliousness, or perhaps some blood or sltla disease It makes but little difference These troubles all have their inception In the same catrte im- firoper and insufficient noirrishment. Dr 'ierce'o Golden Medical Discovery corrects that cause. It makes the appetite keen and hearty, Oi digestion pertect. the liver active and the blood pure and rich It is the great blood-maker and flesli.buUder It facilitates the assimilation of the life giving elements of the food, filling the blood with the nutriment thrt makes new and healthy flesh and nerve tissue. Me-Ui-cine dealers sell it. "I,at summer. " writes Miss Laura Ficrstl, of IUt Betble hem, 'Washington Co , Pa., " I was Solng into roruuraptlon JJr. Tierce's Golden tedical Discovery completely cured tne." A man or woman who neglects constipa t km. butlers froui aloV poisoning-. Doctor lUMJs.Tleas'ult Pellets cute constipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, cud two a mild catudilic, fN j.Mf;L7t 'mr-j s&JLv Vir I 'yjy 2 jj Hoggs In the Dover bank defalcation, waa sentenced to a fine of $3,000 and Imprisonment of eighteen months In the New Jersey stnto prison, at Tren ton. Tho term will end Nov. 22, 1899. Cooper paled ns tho sentence wna pronounced, nnd his lips twitched, hut he displayed no other emotions. ins counsel nnd friends were hopeful that the Imprisonment would he for not moro than n, year, which would make It possible for him to be Imprisoned in the Jail nt New Castle, this stale. WILL FRIiR THRALL AND JONES. four Mpnnlih Prisoners Mill Ho Ex changed for Two Newspaper Jinn. Atlanta, On , May 2.1. Colonel Vin cent de Cortljo nnd Dr. Isldor Julian and two of the Spanish pi Hates, all of whom hnve been under airest at Foit MrPherson barracks, w ere taken away from Atlanta late last night, The pilhoncrs will be taken to Key West nnd thence to Havana, where they will ho exchanged for the Atneil enn newspaper correspondents, Thrall and Jones. BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAQUe. At Pittsbuie It.lI.E. Philadelphia. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 5 i Pittsburg 2 1000000 3 7 2 Batteries Dugglesly, Piatt and Mc Varhiml, Tiiumhlll and Schrlvcr. Lia plres EmMIe mid Andrews. At Cincinnati- 11 II E. Hrooklil 0 00U 0 0 0 0 2 2 U 2 I'ltiLlnuitt 1 1 0 I ii 0 2 0 - 7 11 2 Batteries Kennedy and Ryan; Hill and Peltz Finplrcs-McDoiiald and O'Daj. At Chicago- R 11 E. Ilaltlinore 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 05 7 J Chicago 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 .1 Batterh s MeJumrs and Claike; Wood and Donohtiv. Umpires Lynch and Con nolly. At Cleveland- R H.E. Washington o 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0-!l S 0 Clevelmd 0 00 20 000 2-4 7 3 Batteries We hlng and McGulio; Cup py and O'Connor. Umplics-Snydcr nnd Curry. At Louisville R II H. New York 3 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 0-12 12 1 LoulsVillo 0000 1 1 2 0(i 1 1." 5 Batteries Dohoncy and Waincr; Duwl ing, Mngco and Snjder. Empires Cush man and Heydlcr. At St. Eouls- RME. Huston 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2- S 13 7 St Louis 00 020 1130-7 11 3 Batteries Klobidnnz and Bergen; llushcy and Sugden. Umpires Swait wood nnd Wood. ' EASTERN LBAGUE. At Providence R.H E. Providence) 01201040 0 S 10 2 Sprlnfltleld riOOOOOOlO-lCI Uattcrlea Rtidderhnm and Crishman; Ilerndon and Duiumii. At Wilkes-Hart o gumo postponed on account of tain. ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Reading I Inrtfoid-Ke.idlng postponed on account of lain At Newark Rlchmcnd-Now at k poM poned on account of rain. At Lancaster l.incastcr, 5, town, 2. At P.itetson Nmfolk-lMtcison postponed on account of lain. gamo AMATEUR BALL NOTES. All members of tho Slideis aio lcues-t-cd to report lor pi ictlce tills afttinoon at 3 o'clock Will Thomas, manage i. The Tajlor Reels challenge tho 1'rlce bmg Nonpareils to a game oil tho Taj lor grounds fen Satin djy afternoon, M.n ?s. tf Mitlsfrictui plent-o answer as soon as possible Will give a return game. Ho mer E P.ivK manager Tho Laekawaniius ehallense the JU nookas for a giimu May 29. Plmso an bwe r Qmiiiidlately. The 1uckawannas ehallenge nnv teim hi Lackawanna county for Salurdaj, May 2b. on any gioundx The defeat ot the Lackaw annas Sunday must not discourage their many followers as it was the- llrst time and the first (,ame the bojs hud together this je'ir and tiny tackled one of he strongest teams In tho county and a tuim th it was In condition, as tho Hurekas have phi) eel sl or seven garnet this season anil were ill excellent form. As soon as tho Lackawanna bojs get in trim thej will bo taking their op ponents t-c ilps as last as tluy did last veir Iho Walla Wahs base ball club, ot t'ro Idenee challenge the Nonpareils, of Price Uurg for Sunday, May 29 Tho game to bo phoed on tlm Walla Walls' grounds James JIasklns, manager. Th Dnnnioro I'nlae bat.0 ball team plivcd tho Jessup Stai lights jestcrday afternoon on tho Jessup grounds Tho batting of Dean and P. OHoiu, of tho Diuimorc- team was line nnd the pitching of Thornton was a feature, 'the scoro Is us follows. Jef-s-up 03002000 1 G Dunmoro 0 2 2 0 1 0 3 2 10 Hatterles O'Connor and Mutiny; Thornton and Paton. Struck out Hy O'Conoi, I, bv Thornton, 12. 15ao on lmlls Hv O'Connor, 3; bv Thornton, 1. Umpire Hums. Time Two houis. Hiillalo Live ntock. East Huffnlo, N Y .Mnj 23 -Cattle-Slow and elraggj , shipping steers. $4 tVU 4 S3, coaise rough steets Ji73a4 21; light stf i rs. l 13al 40, cholco heifers Jl 3"a I 60; mixed butheers' stock, J1.7Ea4 33 Hogv Recclpls llctht, prices higher, good ,o ehulci orkerh $123.14 30: mixed pac'Kers, H :ia4 4"i, heavj hogs, JI33at,(i, pigs, JltT a3 "W Sheep and Lambs Nativo clipped lambs cholco to extra. J3 03.15 13: fair to good. $lG3a5. culls, H23a4 30; ;enrllngs, mixed to choice wethcis, Jlarii); nativj clipped sheep, cholco to Klectid vvethcts, $J20a4'M, mixed sheep, $la4-K0 New York l,lrn Slncl.. New York, Mny 23 Reeves Active oml firm; steers, 10c higher, steeis, $1 loaf. 10; oxen and stags. i2 73a4C0; bulls, J2 75a3&5; cows, J15a3C3. Calves Acti'o nnd 23c. higher, veals, $1.1037'!..; tops, $i3 V), butler milk calves, $4aD Sheep and Lambs Market active; sheep and jeirllngs, lua 13e higher, lambs, ilrm; iloipci weak; sheep, poor to prime, $1 SflaO Crt; export wethers, $173; yearlings, !3a5W; culls, $4 73, southern lambs, $Ga7. Hogs Murkct lie lower at Hal 40. ( hicngn Llvei Stock, Chicago Mny 23 Cattle Receipts lib eral, causing a decline of 3 UOc , beef steers, $U4 S3, exporters, $r(0ilS3, stoek ers and fetslers, .lafj, ennners, $113; cows nnd heifers. $H4 73; bulls, U 3Jn ;r. Hogs Although there was u supply of 40.000, the demand was active, prices nil vanclng 6nl0c ; hogs. $t I2'J; Uuteheis, J2ua)33, pigs. $2 70i4; nilxeiX $U3a4 32'i. Sheep Small supply and prices ndvar.e-d ir.a20c , wooled lambs. $3 90. clipped lambs, $110, clipped sheep. $!13n4 50 Receipts Hogs. 3;i000 head; cattle, 20 (w bend; sheep 12 000 head P. 11st Liberty CiilHc.Mniliet. East Liberty, la.. May 21 -Cattle Steady, extra, $5.10a5.13; rommon, $lal.30. Hogs Dull and lower, prlru heavy, $4 :'-5a 4 40; best mediums, l 26nl.S0; heavy York ers, $4.15a4 20; light YorlierH $Ial.l0; pigs, as to quality, J3.7Ga3 90; roughs, $2 50a3.30. Shoep Lower; choice clipped, ft Ooat.lOr common, Jjaj-M veal cuIycj, J-.Uidfi. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review New York, May 21.- The level of pi Ices of stocks was lifted another notch us a lesult of todnys trading Tho denllngs wcte not largo and there was no general activity In tho mnrkct There whs n hOrgo numbor of Individual transactions in small lots of tho dividend pa) lag slocks.Mtidlcatlng an Investment demand. There was 10 evidence, however, of any widespread general Interest In stocks and tho spceulutlvo public evidently prefer to wait for a dcllnltc outcome to tho luivul mnnouvres In West Indian waters. The result of tho day's transactions wns an unsettled closing considerably hclovv the best In somo cases and with net gains as u ruin only small. The totul sales of stocks were 279 2U0 tlmlcs Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLEN & CO, stock brokers, Meal s building, rcotns 705-.U1. Open- High- Low- Clos-Open- High- Low- Clos- Am Cot Oil 22 21i 22H Am. Sug Ro'ff Co ..1J(, HC UW li'J'i. I2U 3t'i 11 J S K' 32 IS1'! E' Atch.. To. & S. Vo .. 12'i 12' A , T. A: S V., Pr .. 21U Jl'4 HUH 12'i 20', 109'n 12'f, 31'4 m, 42U Am. Tobacco Co ....110 Am. Spirits 12'4 Am. Spirits. Pr Halt. & Ohio ... Hiuok. R T. ... Hay Stato (las . Can Southern . N J. Central ... Chle . CI. W .. Chic. & N. W . Chle . H. fc .... ... .IP ... 18 ... 43 '.'.! Eli ... 91 ... IP', ...VZ ...101 . . :x '- 1 43 i4 14 fil'j, 91 SI HI 12J, 12 1U1S l'O'ii iiH Chicago Gas !5J W WH Chle. Mil. & St. P .. UT6 us lOJ .9 3IV8 Wj riu in-. jr, SI'h !'l 113' r.u 2(1' i 27' i 1SV S'3 2'!1! 07' Ml" 9714 101 7S at'i tl'S lUl'ti 33 31 115'4 IVf, 2'1V, C5-4 27 li S'i Chle, R. I. &1' .I02j Chic , St. P. M & O. 77 C C. C .L St. L .... 3Pi CJen. Electric X l.oeils & Nash Ri(, Manhattan Elo 10li M. K. & Te I'l ... 33 Mo. Pacllle. 31 Nut Lead 32i N. Y. Central llj't Out. & West lni'i 31'4 ".0 o-'i lW'i .v!'i S2U 115 I5' ai'fc f3-i 27 M4 North l'aciilc 2ii'4 Ni,r. Puelllc, Pr .... I5i P.ielllc. Mull 27'i Phil. & Read lS'i Southern R. R S'i Houthcin R. It., Pr.. 2"i lean. C. K Iron 23' ! -JJ4 ll'b rss 2I'j N-4 fs 7'4 I'll, 21 4 3' 4 II lVPfe "-.3: 23 ll'i S4 21 S'i CT'i 74 H'S 90 4 1 U'4 13'. Teas A: Pacllle .. Union Pacific lT. S. Rubber U. S. Leather P. S Leather, Pr Wabash Wu.ibsh, Pr , West. Union W. ( L E.. Pr .... W. fc . V., Pr ll'i , 21 , v , f7V, 7'i 1'i't. , CIV, , l H'i 21'i S'4 (,S'j 7' I w u 3 II l'.3n Met. Traction Co ..r,3 Clics. A: Ohio 21 !4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. WHEAT. ing. cat. est, 1C3 1H': S'f'i 33i SG'i 23 2J'i est. est. 13! llVl'4 ib'J 3fs Inc. lag. 103 r ill l" 4 33H 3(ii, 2ii Ing. May 134 .Tnlv lO'J1', September kT5 CORN. July September .. OATS. July September .. PORK. Julv LARD. 33' 4 2J. 2: 23 12 22 12 22 12 fH) 1213 Julv 037 0 37 0 T2 C32 C.4U 6t7 1.43 September fi.30 Sernntnii Itonrd of Trndo I'iclinngo CJnotntions.-All Quotntlons llnstnl em Pnr of 100. STOCKS. llld. Askea. Scranton & Plttetcn Trnc. Co. ... 10 National Hertng ft Drlll'g Co. ... b0 l'liht National H ink S00 Elmhuirjt Uculovurd luo Scranton Savings Dank I'js Scranton l'acklng Co 95 Laca. Iron &. Steel Co 30 Thiid Naticnai Bank 3S3 Throop Novcltj Mfg Co yj Scranton Trao. Co is Scranton Axlo Works 75 Dime Dep &. Dls. Hank Its Peck Lumber Mfg Co 115 210 Economj Light, Heat i Pow er Company 45 Scranton Illuminating, Heat &. I'ower Company 55 Scranton Torglns Co ma Traders' Naticnai Hank 130 1W Lacka. Lumber Co ijj Lack Trust Sate Dep. Co .. 130 Mooslc Mountain Coal Co 113 HONDS. Scranton Pass Railway, first mortgage, due 1920 115 ... People's Street Rajlvvuy, llrst mortgage, clue lis People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co ... Lacka Township School Z City of Scranton St. Imp. G.. Mt Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works 113 ... 113 ... 100 102 102 S3 1W Scranton Traction Co., Hi at martgugo 6's, duo 1932 10J Philadelphia Provision .Market. Philadelphia, May 23.-Whcat-Was lc. lower, cuntlaet grade May, $1 37al 3S Corn 1'i.e lower; No. 2 mived, Maj and June. SO'-inTO'.c. Potatoes Steadj , white, choice pi r bushel, &3aWe ; do fair to good, 73a!sup. Plout ulet but ilrm; winter super, $l50al73, do. extras, $l73a5, Penn sylvania roller clcir, $3b3aG.10, do do, straight, $0 13,10 33; western clear, $njG2"i, do elo stialght $G23aGF0; do do patent, f,130iG75, spring clear, $5 50ab; do. straight $G50iGW; do. pitent, $G 75a7 10 Rutter I'lrin, fancy western creamerv, lo'-.e , do prints, ICe. Eggs Pirm; fre-ih, nearby, He ; do. western, lie ; do south ern, 10e Cheese Qnlet Rellned Sugais Unchanged Cotton Steadv. Tallow l'lrm. Live and Dressed Poultry Un changed Receipts Flour, 2 000 barrels and 10,000 sacks, wheat, 10 000 bushels; corn, 211.000 bushels; oats, 32,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 9 000 bushels; corn, rii2,0"0 bushels; oats, 2G.000 bushels. .Sow York Produce Market. New York. May 21. riour Vlimly held. Wheat Spot easy, No. 2 led. $1.61 'j, f. o. b, afloat export trade, options lluctuuteel considerably and closed l'aHic net low er; No. 2 red, May, docd Jl (3, July, $1.1G34; September, 9',c. ; December, S'ho. Corn Spot easy, options weak and closed Vi'kC net lower; May, cloted 39'ic. , July, 40c; September, 407i,c. Oats Spot weak; No 2, 31c ; No 3, 33Hc; No 2 white, 36'iiC ; No 3 white, 33".c; options neglect ed nnd easier, closing ono cent lower; May, doted 31c Huttcr l'lrm; western creamery. HnlGe ; factory, llal2VLc ; EI glns, 10c ; Imitation creamerv, n'ialSVfce. Eggs Plrm; state and Pennsylvania, 11a H'tjC. ; western fresh, 12c.; southern, 10'i al0,c. ( IiiciiEo Produce Market. Chicago, May 23. Flno weather, lower cables and tho promise of nn early har vest weakened wheat todn. Pi lees de clined c In Julv FjaPkC lower for Sep tember Corn lust He und otts 'iii'.c. Piovlslons showed declines ot 10al2Mic. Tho cash quotations were ns follows: Floui Moderate dimund and steady, No. 2 spilug wheat, $120. No. 1 white. $1 33a 1 4u, No. 2 red, $1 53. No 2 corn. 34a3c ; No. 3 ellow, 33e , No. 2 oats. SSUuSSc ; No. 2 white, 31'yalSc . No. 3 while, 30'a 3t'c, No. 2 ri G5.iG3',(,c. ; No. 2 barley. 42a50c ; No 1 llax seed, $1 34, mess pork. $12al2.10; lnrd. $0 33aG 37',i . short ribs, sides, loose, $3 lOnG 10; dry fnlted should ers, boxed, 6a3'ic, whisk, ; sugars, unchanged. OH Jlnrknt. Oil City. Pa., May 23-Ciedlt hnlnnces, R6c; certificates, opened, S6Uc. bid; first and only snlo. 1 0U0 cash nt S'c ; closed, offeted SSVfco, 110 bid: Milpmciils, H.',21! barrels, runs, 140,677 barrels. THE TRIB0N 0VE" INSERTION A WORD. FOR RENT 1-OIt RENT-IIALK OP WAREHOUSE at Dockash IMace eltj. D, L .V. W. swltrh in roar Tin Suanton Supply ami Machinery Co, Ul Wjomlng nvenue. KOR RENT-92(J ORE15N RIDOE 8'1 Seven rooms, excellent locution; rent model uto. HOUSE NO. 400 JEITERSON AVENUE nt a bargain, also large brick barn In rear at J12 to month. J. W. Drowning, ut torney, 310 Menis Hulldlng. KOR RENT-9-ROOMED HOUSE, MOD ern Improvements, No. 511 Qulncy uve nue, for particulars lnnulie .Mrs. Dr. Gardner, No. 539 Qulncy uvenuo. roil RENT - NICELY riTRNISHED front nnd side room 523 Adams ave. POR ri:nt-dksicroom OR SHARE of olllces secend floor front, Coal Ex change. e'Hll ut 100m 15 FOR RENT Qulncy SECOND FLOOR, '.01 HOUSE FOR RENT-403 WYOMINO avenue. Apply to T. 11. Clcmons, Blue Riiigo Coal Companj's otllce, Wears Uulldlt'3. xlARN FOR RENT-605 MAHON COURT. Apply to F. II Clcmons, Hlue Rldga Coal Company's ofllce. Mears riulldlng FOR SALE FOR SALE-AIIORSll "sTx' YEARS old, all sound and last, a lady can drlvo him Address S. II, Tribune olllco. FOR BALE DROICEN ENGLISH SET tcr, cheap. 1511 Penn avenue. FOR SALE-ONE 20-HORSE POWER boiler, as rood as new. THE WES- TON MILL CO. SCALP TREATMENT. ment, 60c; shampooing, 50c; facial massage, manlcuilng, 23c ; chiropody. 701 Qulncy. LOST. LOST FOCKETROOK CONTAINING sum of mone Please return to lrlb une olllco and receive roward. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will bo maelo to the Gov ernoi of Pennsylvania, on Wcdnosdaj. tho llrst du of June, bj W illlam H II. Dull, M. D , IMwnrd E Snder, M D , Will iam C Goodno, M D , William D. Van Lennep, M D., nnd William W Van H.iun. M. D., under the Act of As-ctnbls, entitled "an act to provide) for tho In coipoiutlon and regulation ot certain corporations," approved April 21!, 1671, and tho supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "Elmwood Hall," the character and ob ject of which is the maintaining an hotel and sanitarium, and fur these purposes to hnve, possess nnd enjoy all the rights, benellta and privileges of said Act of As sembly and supplements thereto THOS. F. WELLS, Solicitor, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT puisuant to a resolution passed by the board ot ellrectois ot the Lackawanna Telephone Comp.inv. a. meeting of tha stockholders of said company Is called, und will be held at the said company s chief olllco or place of buslnes. No. 423 Luck.iwnnnn. avenue In the eltj ot Scran ton, count of Lackawatuii and stato cf Pennsylvania, on the thirtieth elu of June, A. D ISIS at thrro o . loc k p. in, for the purpose of taking 111 tion on thu approval or disapproval of the proposed Incriaso of tho capital itock of said com pany from ten thouind dollars to one hundred thousand dolluis GEORGE S HORN. Secret iry. TO THE PUBLIC. S. A. KING AND JAMES T M'GINNIS are the cnl pcihims authorized to so licit ndveitlsements for the A O II. boo venlr piogramme for June 7. IVjS. All contincts ure made In tho name of the chairman and nl cheeks made pa able to him. Win. Daw on, Chairman HELP 'WANTED-MALE. WANTED -A SINGLE MAN WHO thoroughly understands all branches of tho butcher business. Wm. Trostel, 1119 Jackson street ROOMS WANTED. WANTED - SEVERAL FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping by onng man led couple without children Address "M ," Tribune ofllce. BANKING. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE of Scranton, No 1.1) nnd 122 Woming nvenue, Lackawanna County, Pttinsl vanla, at tho closo of business May 17, 16''s. RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 47.47S fl Checks nnd other cash Items .. 4 'i!l o Duo from banks nnd bankers .. 10s !! 13 Loins and discounts l,U03,4Ai 29 Investment securitliea owned, viz: Stocks, bonds, etc. ,$336,!iS2 50 Mortgages 1200') tl 3IS.992 01 Real estate, furniture nnd fix tures 52,000 00 Overdrafts 2S 1! Miscellaneous usseta 36,240 63 $1.C03,73S 99 LIABILITIES. Capital Hock paid in $ lOOuOOlo Surplus fund 120,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid 12,622 17 Deposits subject to check $ 13S022 2ti Di posits, special .... 1.22S.624 73 Demand certificates of deposits 000 00 Timocertltlcntesof do posits 2.151 93 Certified clucks 1.C17 S7 Cashier's checks out standing POO 00 1.370 cm, SI Duo to banks nnd bankers .... 320 01 $1,603.75? "9 State of PtnnBlvrinla, county of I.uck nwanmi, ss. I, H. C. Shnfer, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is truo to tho best of my know ledgo and belief. (Signed) II. C. SIIAFER, Cushler. Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo mo this 20th ilny of May, 16'iS tSigntd JAMES O DIMMICK Notary Public. Correct Attosf (Signed) SAMUEL H PRICE, GEO II CATL1N, A. H BLAIR Directors. DUCATJONAL. KEBLE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 8YRA cuse, N Y Under the supervision of Dlt'hop Huntington Twent-elHhth school ear begins Thursdii. September 15. 18Ji. Apply to Miss Mcirv J Jackson SUMMER RESORTS NEW JERSEY. On the Ocean Front. feovo 1 mile below Long Ilrauch Monmouth House bl'RING LKE REACH, N. J. Write for descriptive pamphlet containing I terms uud information liENJAMfN II. YARD. E'S l'OI'ULAU CLCAH1NG IIOUSC for the Ticncflt of All Who Miwc Homes Hcnl Kstntc or Otlicr Property to Sell or Kxclumgc, or Who Wntit or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertion) cuts a Word Kxeept Situations Wanted, Which Are Inserted Free AGENTS WANTED AOETJTVArlW'irNrTjNT: shrewd careful man In every town to mnko a fow thousand dollars for himself quietly nt homo and not work hard, prl vato Instructions nnd valuable outfit of new goods sent free. Address Imme diately P O. Hot MOS, Hoston, Mass. AGENTS WANTED-MURAT HALL A stead's Great War Hook, "Our Coun try In War." All about Armies. Navies, Ccast Defences, Malna Disaster, Cuba, vVnr with Spain, and relations with tor elgn Nations. Nearly COO pages All writ ten slnco Mnlno Disaster Magnificent Il lustrations. Agents making $10 to $39 per day. No expcrlcnco necessary. Most lib eral terms guaranteed, 20 days' credl'. prlco low, freight paid. Handsome outtlt free. Send 9 two-cent stamps to pay post uge. Educational Union, 321 Dearborn street, Chicago. TWENTY AGENTS WANTED IMME dlately. Call today nt 529 Adams ave nue. Mrs Miller, Manager. PROPOSA LS. OFFICE OF THE HOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND UUILD1NGS. DANIEL II. HASTINGS. Governor. J. C. DELANEY, Superintendent. L. G. M'CALLEY, Auditor-General. JAMES A. 1JEACOM. Stato Treasurer. PROPOSALS FOItTunNISHING STA tlonery, Fuel nnd other Supplies. In comnllanco with tho Constitution nnd tho laws ot tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, wo hereby Invite sealed pro posals, ut prices below maximum rates llxed In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuel and other supplies for tho several departments ot tho State Government, nnd for making repairs In tho several de partments and for tho distribution of tho public documents, for tho ear ending tho first Tuesday of June, A. D 1699. Scparnto proposals will bo received and separate contracts awarded ns announced in sslu scncuuies. uaen proposal muse bo accompinlcd by a bond, with ut least two sureties or ono suiety compuny, ap proved by a Judgo of tho Couit of Com mon Pleas of the county In which the per fcon or persons making such ptoposal may reblde, conditioned for tho faithful per formance of the contract, and addressed nnd delivered to tho Hoard of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Buhdlnga before twelve o'clock M . of Tuesday, the 7th day of June A. D. 1695, nt which time, tho proposals will bo opened and pub lished, In tho Reception Room of tho Ex ecutlvo Department nt Harrisburg. nnd Contracts awarded ns soon thcreatler as practicable Blank bonds nnd schedules containing all necessary information can bo ob tained ut this Department. J C. DELANEY, For tho Board of Commissioners ot Public Giounds and Buildings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNJTY PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOUI $10,000. Established business. Will bear Investigation. Largo profits. Safo investment For Interview address V. O. liox 371. Scranton. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED AS TEAMSTER, or anj kind of work by a good nil nround man not nfrald of work. Address J. E, O., 1213 Dlamcnd avenue, clt. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man, with eight j ears' expjilenco as locomotive tlicman, would accept posi tion as stntlonaiv engineer or llrcman; referelico If lciiulred. Address Jos. Hol land, 36 Belmont street, Ctuhond ite. AMERICAN WIDOW LADY WISHES position In widower's faralb , no ob jections to childicn, none but n spoetublo persons need ansvvoi. Additss II. J., Tribune olliee. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man nt anv kind of work, good refer ences turnlshed II., 1415 Penn nve., city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man, graduate of tho public scIiouk of this c-ltj in nn olllco or store; best of references. L. N., Trlbuno otllce. SITUATION WANTED AS NURSE girl In Protestant family. Green RldKe, preterred Call or address M. H , I3SI N. Washington avenue. WANTED-A POSITION AS A TIP.ST or second hancl haker. city or country, Baker, 371 N 9th btreot, Lebanon, Pa. CHIROPODIST CORNS. BUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood. Consultation und advice given free E. M 1IETZEL. Chiropo dist, 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ladles at tended at their residence If desired. Charges moderate- BOA RD AND ROOMS. WANTED-YOUNO MAN. 19. WISHES iiu irti nnci room In private e'atnoiio fnml'v , one located near Ttlbuno olllco prefeired Address, stating terms, C. J Tribune olllce HELP WANTED MAN OR LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS to travel and appoint agents $40 per mouth and expenses P W ZI HOLER & CO , 220 Locust St . Philadelphia CITY SCAVENGER A.B.BR1GGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elckos' drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone C040. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell Building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of t)0G Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruco St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Prlco Building, 120 Washington uvenuo, Scrnnton. I T. I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank, DENTISTS DR. I O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI. vato Hctpltal, cor. Womlng nnd Mul berry. DR. F street. L. M'GRAW, 303 SPRUCE DR II- F- REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR C C DAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME q. SNOVER, 421 LACKA wanni nvenue Hours, 9 to 1 nnd 2 to 5 DETECTIVES BARR1NO & M'SWEENEf. COMMON- weilth building. Interstate Secret Ser- llPAKI!?- PRINTINO THE TRinUNE PUBLISHING" CO?, North Washington avenue I.lnotpo Composition ot all kinds quickly done. Pucllltlos unsurpassed In this region. WIRE SCREENS JOI KUETTHL. REAR 511 LACKA. wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa, manufac turer of Wire Screens. 0PP0RT0NITY BORERO LAVJYCnS FRANK E. HOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor - nt - Law. Burr buildings, rooms 13 nnd II, Washington avenue. OICELL OKLLL, ATTORNEYS, 5 TO 11 Coal Exchungo building, Scranton. WILLARD, WARRKN & KNAPP, AT torncyB nnd Counsellors-at-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue, Sci anion, Fa." JAMES II. TORREY. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Rooms 413 and 411 Commonwealth Hulldlng. JESSUP ft JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors -nt -Law, Conimonweilth building, Washington avenue. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attf.inevs and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATORNEY-W-L.iw. Rooms 611, 513 and 610, Hoard of Trade building. D. H REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estato secuilty. Mears building, corner WiLshlii(,ton uvu into and Spruco stteet. H. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 30i; Commonwealth btdg, Scrnnton, Pa. JA8. J II HAMILTON. ATTORNEY nt-Lnw, 301 Commonwealth building, Scranton. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY, Rooms 903-904, 9th floor, Mears bldg. JOSEPH JEFFREYS. ATTORNEY-aT-LAW. 7 and 8 Burr building. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . 423 Lockawnnua nvo., Scranton, Pa C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building, Scranton Pa PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS National Bank building. C. COMEOYS 321 SPRUCE STREET A W BERTIIOLF. Attv.. Mears Bldg. PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS DR. KAY HAS MOVED HIS OFFICE to tho Scranton Private Hospital, cor ner Wyoming Ave. and Mulberiv St Telephone: Day call, EJU, night call, 1J. DR. C. L. TREY, SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank bldg. Ii2 Wyoming avenue. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D, HOME opathlst. No. 223 Adams avenue. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Womlng uvenuo and Spruco street, Scranton Olllce hourn, Thursday and Saturdays, 0 a. m to 0 p.m. DR. W. E ALLEN. 512 NORTH WASH Ington uvenue DR. L. M. GATES, ROOMS 207 AND 203 Board of Trade building Olllco hours, 8 to 9 a. m . 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Rcei denco 309 Madison avenue. DR. r L TREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fnt Reduc tion. Orllco telephone 13C3. Hours .10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. W L'AMORUAUX, OFFICE 231 Adams Resldenco 131S JIulberry Chron ic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys, nnd genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours 1 to 4 p m. W. O. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon Horses, Cnttle nnd Dog tieated. Hospltnl, 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2072 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK- lln avenue, Rates reasonable. P. SHEGLEH, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L &. W. passenger depot Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop SOHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton Pa. Courses preparatory to college. law, medicine or business. Opns September 13 Send for catalogue Rev. Thomas M. Cann, LL. D, Walter II. Riiell, A M. MIDWIFE MRS GABLE, GRADUATE WIDWIFE 1513 Washburn street, Scranton. En gagements solicited Rooms and best attendance for a limited number ot pa tients SEEDS G R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen, store 116 Washington ave nue; giecn house, 1350 North Main ave nue; storo telephone, 752 MISCELLANEOUS LATEST FROM PHILIPPINE ISL ands. Greatest Naval Bittle. S.ios all blown to pieces and landed In Net tlctou s Shoo Store. Washington avenue. I.ndles' tine Button shoes, rnset and dongola, cost $2 50, at II 4J; ladles' line J2 00 shoes for 9Sc. Ladles' OMords, cost $160, for 79c Men s ?2 30 calf and 1 as set shoes for $1.4J, $1 00 bhoes for $1 jS, etc BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished For terms address R J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming uvenue, over Hulbert's musio store. MEOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 120 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES " Central Riillt'oml of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division,) Stations In Now York Foot of Liberty street, N. R.. uud South Ferry Whitehall 8 Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN LI I la I MAI 10, lvs Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Bnrrc. etc , at s To 10 10 a. m . 1 20, 2 35 3 20, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9 00 a. m . i no' 2 Vi ' 7 10 D m. For Lakewood und Atlantic City, 8 30 n'Frar New York, Newark and Elizabeth, S '0 (express) a in , 1-0 (express), 3 20 (ex uross) I), m Sundny, 2 13 p. in Tialn leaving 1 20 p in ui lives at PhiladclphU, Reading Teimlnul, 7u3 p. in. and New YFor 7Muuchmchunk. Allentown, Ilethle lieni Euston und Philadelphia. 8 30 a. m , 1.20. 3 20 p. m. Sundays, 215 n. in. For Baltlmoio and Washington nnd points South and West via Bethlehem, 8 Mil. m . 1 20 p m. Sund iv s. 2 15 p m For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc , ut S.30 u in und 1 2o P m For Reading, Lebanon and IlarrlsbnrT v la Allentow n, S 30 u ill . 1 20 p. m 3U , day 2 13 P- m. For Pottsville, 8 30 a m., 120 p. Returning, leavo Now ork, foot of I, 1 crty street, North River, at 4 00. 910 e press) a. in . 1-30 (express) p. ru Sundn 4 ,w a. m. ,. , Leavo Now ork. South Fer.-y, foot Whitehall street, ut 9 0S 11 m , 1 25 p m I'asscngerb arriving or departing from this terminal can connect undur cov,r with all tho elovated railroads Broadwuy eublo cars, and ferries to Brookbn and fctntcn Island making quick transfer to nnd from Ginnd Central Depot und Long lblaml Rinlrond, l.ouvo Philadelphia Reading Terminal, 9 21 a m . 3 0) p m Sunday, 6 15 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rate may bo had on application lu ad vance to the ticket npent at the etatlon, II P BALDWIN Gen Pass. Ant. J. U. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Suet, SIX INSERTIONS A WORD. to Kent. Situations for l'ivo PEISYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Hllect Nov. 2S, 18)7. Trains Leavo Wilkes-Barro as Fol lows: 7.30 q. m., week clays, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burK and tho West. 10. ID a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvillc, Reading, Norristown, and Phlladolphla; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pitts burg and tho West. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Pittsburg and tho West. G.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. K. WOOD. Uen'l Pass. Agent J. B. HUTCHINSON. Ueneral Manager. Del., Lacku. nnd Western. Effect Monday, Nov, 21, 1S37. TralnB leavo Scrnnton as follows: Ex picss for Now York und all points Eajt, 1 40. 3 00, 6.15, 3 00 und 10 03 u. in., 12 53 and 3 S3 p. m Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia und tho South, 5.15, 8 00 and 10.20 a. u., 12 53 and 3 33 p in Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tobhnnnn accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego. El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dan9vlll8, Mounc Alorris and Buffalo. 12.10, 2 33, 9 00 a. m., nnd 1 f 3 p m , making close connection nt Buffalo to all points In tho West, Northwest nnd Southwest. Blnghamton nnd vav stations, 1 05 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 5 15 p, m. Blnghamton and Elmlra express, f.53 p m Express for Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.'3 a. m., nnd 1 55 p m. Ithaca. 2 33, 9 00 a in , nnd 1 65 p. m. For Northumberland, Plttston. Wilkes Barro, PI mouth Bloomsburg und Dan ville, making cIobo connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlsburg, Biltlmore, Washington and the 8outh. Northumberland nnd Ir.tcrmedlate sta tions, C 00, 10.05 a. m., and 1 Co and COO p. m Nantlcoko nnd Intermediate stations. 8 08 and 1110 a m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.35 nnd 8.50 p. m. For Kingston. 12 45 p. m Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trnlns. Tor detailed Information, pocket time tables etc . nrply to M. L. Smith, Dis trict Passcngci Agent, depot ticket of fice. Delaware und Hudson. On Monday, May 21, trains will leavo Scranton as follows: For Carbondale d 20, 7.55, S 55, 10.15 a. m.; 12 00 noon, 1 21. 2.20. 3.62, 6 23, 6 25. 7.37. 3 13 1100 p m , 1 10 a m. For Atb.iii, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc., 0 20 a, ru., 2 20 p. in For Honesd&lo C 20. 8 55, 10.15 a. m.; 12 00 noon , 2 20, 5 25 p in. For WHKes-Barie 6 43. 7.50, 8 45. 9 33, 10 43 a. in . 12 03, 1 25, 2 IS, 3.33, 4 27, 6.10. 7.50. 10 2?. 11 30 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley R R . b 43 a m. 12 03. 1.25. 4 27 p 111 (with Black Diamond Express), 11 7) p in For Pennsvlvanla R. R. points C 43, 9.33 n. m ; 2 1S, 4 27. For western points via Lehigh Valley R. It, 7 50 11. m. 12 03. 3 33 (with Black: Diamond Express), 10 28, 11 30 p m. Trains will urrlvo ut Sciauton as fol lows: l'rom Carbondalo nnd tho north 6 40, 7 43, 8 40, 9 34, 10 40 a. m ; 12 00 noon; 1.20, 2 13 .1 25, 4 2' 5 43 7 43 10 23, 11 27 p m From Wllkes-Ilarro and tho south 6 '5, 7 50. 8 50, 10 10. 1153 a. m . 116. 214. 3 43, 5 20 6 21. 7 53, 9 C5, 10 05 p. m ; 1 13 a. m. Cbniplcto Information 'egnrdlng rates to ull points In the United States and Canada may bo obtained at the ticket of tlee In the depot ..... Special nttentlon glvn to Western and Soiithe 11 resort uuMness. J W BURDICK G P A . Albany. N. Y. II. W. CROSi D P A . Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Vallev Railroad System Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleanli ness and Cointuit. In Effect Ma 13, 1S93 TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON Tor Phil idclphla und New York via D. ill R R at ti 43 a m and 12 03 21, 4 27 (BlHCk Diamond Expiess) and 11 30 p. m. For Plttston and W Ilkes-Barre via D, L. cS. W R. R . 0 00, 11.10 a. m , 1 55. 3.33, For Whlto Haven. Ha7leton, Pottsville, nnd nilnclpal points lu tho coal regions via D. ex 11. R R " ' 12 "3, 218 and 4 27 P ro'r Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har- For Bethlehem, i.asion, iiraai rlsburg and principal lntermed tlons via D K II ti n. ,S a. "18 4 27 (Black Diamond Expn umiu aia . in . 12 05. xpress), 11.30 PFof TunknannocK, Towar.da, Elmlra, Tthaca Genova and principal Intermedi ate stations. MaI),L & Sv. R. R.. SOS u in 12 43 and 133 P m. For Geneva Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag iiru FnlW Chicago and all points west via D & II R R 120"' 3 (Plack Diamond EMU ess). 102S and 11 3 p m Pitlliui'i nailor nnd Meeping or Lehigh Vallev parloi cars on .ill trains between Wilkes-Ruire and New Yolk Phlladel- nhia Buffalo nnd Misprision Bridge pnia. iiu V u y.nm a (iCn Supti C1IAS S LEE Pass Agt . 2i Cortlandt stu'i t. N' v oili V W NONFMACHEH Division Pass ' enger Agent, South Bethlehc m Pa. j:rle and Wyoming Valley. In Effect Sept. 19, 1E97 Trnlns leave Scranton for New YorU and lntermcdliito points on Erie ratlroad, also for Hawley and local points at 7.0$ a. m and 2 2' p m. Arrive at Scranton from above points at 10 2J a. m , 3 15 and 9 38 p. m. SCKANTON HI VISION. In Kftcct December 1'Jlli, 1S07. North noiind. Snulli no und, UOli M wj nt&tions g fl (Trains Pally, C- i & ; 1 cept fsunday ) Ig q " I .... Ip 11 Arrive Lea"ve a m 7aN Y VranUIn bt .... tw .... ,. .... 7 10 West unn street .... tm ... ,!.. .... 700, Wechawken ... 810 .... p iiUrrlre Leave p m TT5 TaaoIT 1 Jis ..,, lOJ, Ilanoock .... 211 ,. ::: ::.. usi htarmut .... sea .... nie6 Preston park .... 231 .... U43 wiawooa ... 4i .... 12 "I royntcli3 a so .... .... ... lll 'irsoj 268 .... .... ... 1203, Pleasant Ut. ... sen .. tHJP UDlotidalB . SW .. 1119 Forest city .... a 19 1131 carboadaie .... 3$v .... miioi ivuite nridia .. fass ... !!! ... Iltlvl Mavfleld .... (3 43 . .. ,H Jcrmyn 8 45 , " 11 i' Aicblbild S6l .. Ill n Wtuton . SSI .. ill 11 Peckvllle . . sm I11U7 Olvrhant .... 4 0i .. 110V rrlceburg ... 407 .. " no) lhroon ,.'. 41C not Providence . it , fleV.7 park Place .... ri 17 10 Hi t-cranton 4&1 . 1 y Leave Arrive r 11 ,. ... 1 AU trains run dally exceot fiundar. L eljninos that trains stop on signal tor pas. (sogers. peouro rates via Ontario Western before purchaslni; tickets and save money. Day ard Nbjtit Kipresstotho West. J.O.Anderson, Gen. Pas Agt T, FUUrotw pit. mi, Agt, hwietQA, ro. V V