I THE SCRANTON THIBUNH-THURSDAY. MAY TO. dSOS. 8 LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON MnrrlaRC of Miss Mamie Coons nnd (ieorRe Scliocn at Ilridc't. Home. VISIT OP JNril RITION I'AID TO Tlt'J (jl AKTKKH OP Till: COM'MIJIA lojiimnt nv Tin: .MOtimns a.u A NI-MI1UII OP TJIUIIt rUIKNDU. Jilt AND MHS. ALUnitT DAVIHS i NiriWAiNMU) ruii:Nns-iti:v. n. w riKi:i.t.ixamt will talk on 1 I N ltfll Tr-XHIIIT. Mls Jluine ("Vietus, "lily daughter of Mis I'lilllti . Coons, wns ninrilrd to iif.f . hufii, of Ninth l.lmolit nvo mn jistoidny ut high ikhiii lit the K "irlt are of the bride, ll'JT Dlllslmi Hrect ISev. J. II. Sweet, pastor of tlio itiinn Metlindlt church, ollldated mul the (otiplc wen unattended. The I ildo was piettlly ut tired hi a becom ing jnn nnd milled ioes. Flic wedding wiih a very quiet affair, ixliii; to tho diet eui'ement of the lirldo ir 1 hi death of her father seveinl 1 -n'lis ago Only the Immediate teln t . mul friends of the e-mitruetlng mi ueic piesent. A wedding le- I it una not Veil .it the conclusion of ii moil. Mi. and .Mrs. Sehoett j iniih well-known West Hiutnlon or. r ojMc. IT Is an oiiiploje In the II nting di-pnitmc-nl of tin- Colliery ,MMI Si liipul Tin y Will leslde Wttll Mil I I iiinthpi. 4 1 I- ITlitl COMPANY QIWUTGHS. I'll Milium Jlon Ueorge Meyers and il id lVth.lili. ot the Columbia v 111 i al eompati; were sutpilsed last m ung nt their ijiMrteis mi Division I 1 l the ilslt of a large patty of II mis who c iimo 10 see the (itinitc-is I tin- new upputatus. The affair 11 ranged l,i scieinl incmbeis of til mpnii, and the wlies and hull t i'iN nf the compnn memhei.s and ii 1 invited t It ti 1k formed the p.titi. Mt 1 the tour of sight-si-elnfr, the F 11 -t all gnthen-cl In the assembly 1 n .ml enjoyed u musical progiamine 1 1 l.ndliyW II Fullei with u phono 1. Mli The pniti gieutly enjojed the inn hi the Inn sea at the s 10 p. m. 1 11 In idilltion tii tin members and their 11 1-. the follow ins were present- Mr. 111' Mis . L. I.ewK Jh. nnd Mrs v'i it Tlioniii, .Mi and Jits IMwatd 'In nk, .Mr. and Jlrs. S. II. lrlce. M ind Mm. S Hodgson, .Mr. nnd Mis. 'isnl Dalles. Mis Thomas I.owi.i, Mis (i.orgt Lewis, .Mrs Martha Shif 1 1 ,- ml the Misses Phoehe nnd Cm lie M11M11 Suinli Ihnies, Maty .lones and V mi 1 Lewis, Jncob Klngsh-y. Crank A -mm. Waller Tllrinii. Thonins J.leiv- r- i' Jnc oh Hnmmes, Thomas WI1 liiirnv Fnink .leiemlnh, Ilaiiy Wll- llutll'- m:vi:i;al social apkauis. In honor of her pilosis, the Mlhhea iii Owens nnd Jllunle llndlev, of i ilUi s-Parre. MHs Mniy Morun held iiiiptlon TuoFdny eienliiR nt her I in . on Jleiiitlau street. .Manv friends 1 -iinnded 10 un iuiiiutlmi and a de lluhttul eienlnR of hour and music V 11 eiiloiid. Itefreshnii'llts were si er ut .1 tiMUHonnlile hour by the 1 un Imsti Ti riii Ms In ,itl ndiim 1 w ( n Tin -o KuJ EL.LING x civ v.ira ol the following h 11 ,'din lotb m st'.isornb e. I ho niavt.s .mil pnitcrns .ire lullv p-to-J.ic .iiul the icil'ictions "' m uvular values arc cxauly l st.ltCtl. 10 1'lhCLS I tnipi "Jap tiuits, mil ividtii. m 1 in- must chjrmtnu tutor iumuinu j -.oiifc ll idly Hoi III iiv. lAl.t. I ttiClv. .X. AS0RTFh lot ot I-alii j fluids mul M'ure 1 lour Chcetix in novel eliucu mitt will win j our uumlruiloii. atjxs worth Hit. AUh t'lllCb, wo. PlbCBS i-w I'lit'd "Jup ' SH1J-. The rUl.lt i (r oruy wwlsttMn all the IiUIjb ftmieK A 65c nuullty that ii'in't May hurt Ions ut BAI.M PUICL. 30c. Plui-U Til 0 tn llroiMiii. Stias In the ' Hi nt urul hujidfomen , tltsu. t ull uliio tnrSniiC. A b nuine Imryalii ))re. 8AL1J I'jtieu. fic. .1 w It PIl-CES , ' (Jlnck UnM-tiruln UrocaUo bilk. now patterns with a llnlsh e(pml to hllkrf at double, tlio price. Worth -'. HALP PItlUP, Hot. Globe WareboOse I iiyjSisiysM,i,w w j 'Jj-ni iiij .fui jr Tiir jij u l r II f I 1 (lsAMtMI ob JIIkscs Annie Thomas, Margaret l. mil, Jlary ItuU'hfnrd, Suiuh Cat tjon, Knte Thomas, Jluiy Koley, Millie and Jlatgant Jlessltl. Maty Conllti, I-lzzio Mm nn. tlrldget Ishrildmi, Jliiinle llnndley. Katie CtinnliiRhnni. Mamie CimriliiRhnm. Kntle Iiuikln. 1 iititii Siott, .Minnie Itsan, Annie l'Miii, Nellie l'lntou. Maty Tuffj. Liz rle Shields, Mamie Hnndlev. Laura O'Uoyle, JlessiH. Jamei MeAndrow l'dwaid Htiffy. William Troy, IMward Murphy. IMward 1'oley, W'lIIKim Me DoiinUKlii .loKeph KenlRiin, Mnrttnn Tuff. I'ntrlik Moor, William Tyull Andy IlnptliiRs, Kddle Conway, James llolian. Chules ItU hards. 1'atilrlc Onl hiRhei. John Thoinai, ThnmuH Hunt l'nttlik Tltennuii. An hie Johnson Mlihnel Nentott, Ian Sulllian, Jntin 1 Malum, Miih.lel UuRiiu. The tnemheM of f" Davld'it Ilplsm pnl elinreh eholi weie entertaliied Tuesday eicliliiR by MIsm IHtn IiunU erly nt her homo on Meildlan stteet The tIMtllll plelisantilen Weie enjoyed nnd Intel reMeshmenls wete netved Tlue tnesent weie Uev. nnd Mis i: J. Mclieiuy, Mr. nnd JIm. Lewis W'nt 1, lis. Jlr. and Mm. Ch.ules fliiiw and the Misses .MniRaiit Thomai, Jtark wleU mid Lew Ik. Samuel Kitchen, Thomni and rranlc Jones, Itohett i:i nns. J. llanla and I Mild Smith, "IIPN HPir ILLPSTItATHD. Pel. D. W. SkelleiiRol. of WashlilR t hi, I) c, and foimei p.iHtor of the Wnshhtiin Sheet Preibyteilan chmeh, 11 III deliver 1111 nddiovi at hli former cliutlli tills eienliiR The hilbjei't of his addii-ss wilt be "Ut n lltii." and he Will use II!" steieoptli mi liews to lllus tinte It Hei SUelleiiR"! has made a deep study of Mie 1 1 unties of tills Rreat story, nnd his colledlmi of views contains mani oilp.ln.il ones. He has dellveied the mldtesi In many of the laiRtr cities nnd Invmlnhlj. with suc (ess. He comes heie under the nil spli es of ( lass No. 19. of the Wnshburii Sliest Piesbyterlan Sabbath school. Toinmiow evenliiR the revel end Reli tltiiitin 11 111 he tendered a reci ptlon at the church bv tin meinbets of the Chi rpr-llun soiletl. While pustnr of the ( linn It he was liistrumuntnl In liailllR the aboie soi letv olR.Uiled, and It has since Rrown to be a leader. A short mush ul proRi amine will be cnriled out and later lefreshmeiils 11 III be Feixed. DPA.MA AT MPAPS' HALL. After lotiR and e.unest prepaiatlon the niembeis of St Ceeelln H society of this side will Rile a presentation of the dinmii 'Caste, or the Piehs ("litis" this owning nt Mears' hall. Thine who will pmtUtpnte haie been le heaisliiR under the competent dliec tloii of Jllss MniRaret Oibbs. JikIrIiir 1 1 mil Inst owning s final reluai8.il 11 (plelldid Intel pi elation of the (linina n III be Rlieii. Admission 11 111 be 23 cents, and the follow Iiir is the perfaon ncl of the cast: Hon. OeoiRc P'Ahev Cuptnlu Hull tree . . Pedes ... S limit I !inifl,:e . .. Paiilel Kpmi Julm Ilttrns ...Patrh k JliKidPii ...lllthu I Ue in JlarRinct 1I1- bt. Jlnur. Jllss Nellie (llbtiom I'olli Pides Jllss Jl irsaret II n-11 Pslliei Peelps Jllss Jhimo Plain Hi Ait I Tin- litth house in Staimiitr. Ciiiirt hip. A. t Il-A lodRinR in Jlnititlr. Jbitil- llinm Ai 1 PI The llttlo house 1u Stnnsate. Idmiliood. J1II.LINPPS AUi: PNTPPTAINHP .Ml. and Jhs. Albert P.ivles v ho vi ic ie(entl marrlfd, enln tuliu d the o- J ARGAINS Our sttvl. ol Hlack Oiess Goods is noted lot its extent and completeness f.u beyond the conline.s ot the I-.lectnc City. Its equal is not to be totind any where this side of New Yoik or Philadelphia, no matter how you look at it. BESIDES thu kpeOul UirhUIlM ciuultil below, oiitir tHetuU ditialiy v.-urrii mil it 11 nit uur limpci'tioii ut THIS SAU'.. WE W iiIho show durum this j-nlc our lull line of novelty utnit-it m uiuel; fubrtcn ekpetlully dcsluiu-d lor tH'UAlfc.11 WPAH. THERb ARE uUo tnaiiy odd totM-jii.ick gnoUs at ivu down litfures wlilili hIiouiu bo ton by etiMna burRln bura uttending THIS SALL. 10 PIECES iVtueh lllucu Jlohalr iirocados. Hlrgrnnt new doslens m a cloth that ought never to ho cold umirr Ro. HALU l'lHCP, 59o. 15 PIECES 15. Inch UincK wool iirocados In wonderfully haiKlfome eltects, Splendid tlnlsh. Ttlls cloth U north (i;4e. kali: I'mcp, kc. e Warehouse J : Pill p-k. ', iy 'JWZZ' STiESW W&mifooi k nKt trN5rL'ifti7TS"ier7reiMTHfMtw vhim I Vffiffi&5g!S3&m& l.idlis of the mlllliii'iy department ot ( larke Phis.' at tin Ii 1 osi nsldenee 1 11 N'oilh Suintu r iiKinu last e niiiR. Mis. Pin h 4 11m .issIsImI In leceillliR hi .Mis John 11 L.-wls. Mis. John I' Lewis and Mrs William 15. Owens. PloglosMlw ellclne daneliiR mid otli m pleasant dherslons weie enjojed. Lillet llpht lefleslnnelltH Weie soiled. I'. I Jones took sci ei ul Rioup photo Riaphs by llnsliliRht. The RUests weie The Misses Jlay and Mattlt Jones, Maitha Corry. (iei tiude Welsenlluh. Lena Cook, Ariich Nealmi. Nettle Ciilkln, May Pavls. Nettle stock. Hlls'.iheth Penriek, Sadlo Knapp. Sai a Hallos and Puttie Uv ans, II. II Leslie, p 1. Jones, J. M. Cassidy, Aich Jones, John Cook. Pavld Ctllihs. W. P. Lewis, Pr '.at kman, John Shopelaud, Peed Siielly, William Owens iiiid Osdir Osuald. PPPSONAL MPNTION. Jits. P Jladdeli. of Ninth stroot Is the Ruest of f 1 lends at JIoscow. Jhs. tleoiRo Jlejers, of South j Peikei's (outt, lilted friends at Car I 1 omli le Pel. P. W. SkelloiiRor, of WashliiR ton. P. C, is the Rllest of Jlr. and Mm. W. II. Preeman, of South .Main avenue Jhs. JI. A. Vurnes. of Kingston, is the Riiest of Mrs. J. Williams, of Tenth sheet. Jlr. and Jhs. Arthur Column, of Chestnut stroit, have returned from a ilslt nt Wilkes-Parro. Jh. and Jhs. Henty Phillips, of Sol ins Grove, visited ft lends hero jes terday. Jllss Ploieneo Cannon, of JIoscow, Is iNltliiR friends here. Jhs. James JU Andrews, of Wash burn sticit. Is the Rllest of friends ut Porest City. I lev. F. L Hitler, of Pryden, N. Y.. is vIsltiliR friends here. Attorney U. L. Peek, of North Lin ( oln avenue. Is In Port Jen Is on busi ness. Howell Howi-lls, of Hampton street, left jestoiday for Plotonce. Coloiado, where he will leside. JITNOP N'PWS XOTPS. An "initial supper will served nt the Simpson .Methodist dirndl this evenliiR between ii nnd S o'clock. Tho Indies of the Liidb s' Aid whose names be gin With the letters of the alphabet iroui L to It will be In charge. Tho im nil will be excellent. Pmplojcs of Piiggs mines nero paid ii-teiday. The pav 11ns lather small as the mines haie not woikid in tin 00 w eeks A I irge nudlence enjoyed the con ciit Riven at the Jackson Street Pap tist chin di last evening by the choir of lb. it ('iniih. Itev. Thomas Pe (Jim In pistoi of the diun h, noted is iiiihm 111 and Jllss Jlarlon Hutch inson was accompanist. Tho pio Ri.imme as arrled out consisted of solus hi the JIIhsos Pltzabeth Thomas and Jl UR.iiet Jones and Pdwln Pow ell and John W. Jones. Pecltatlons woii glien b Jllss Ooilittdo Pellows Pmfessor lorwerth Prissei nnif Llew Joncn plajed piano solos, a selec tion was nlso nil en by the Jones fam ily quintette. The cantata "Our Ping" w 111 bo rIvou this evening at tho Plrst AVelsh Pap tlst church. South Jluin avenue, by tho members of the Pantlst Young People's union. The cnutata was llrst given Wodm-Mhty night. Jlay tl, and with Brent silo ess. It is being re- eated this eienlng by special :etnie&t. Admission 1U cents. Tho hall ivhleh was to have been given nt Jluslc hnll Friday evening by tho friends of William Jones, of Jack son stieet. In his honor, hns boon post poned The funeral of the late Uanlcl Can non will be Ik Id from tho residence on Second street this nfternon hi-li-iment will he made nt the Cathedral ceniotery. , . DUNHORE. Conulliii" Conncii John Murphy, nul lum Moiau. Jluriin JIiIKilo uud Junii-s Monaghati appiureti bcioro 'Squiro Jvioiz ei last night d irnl with lureeny. P11 J Jlllhr. A. J. Hollow and Joseph I'e mnei b-lng the ptosreulors. The pltun 1'ifs (I11I111 Unit on Monil.ij utteinoou. May IH, brtwtoi 1 anil 11 n'i lock, the ile foudants i-ntend tin shirting linns- at thu Olpsy Oioie 1 ninety, brolie tin lo"ks on tho cupboards und took wi-.ulns 11 p pmel, iiy, iioilus, shoes and imiiii weur that beUn, d to them. Tin ac cused, with the chrepllon of Conm-ll. gale bull In the sum of K3U far thru tip-pt-urumo ut unit, Cumuli bus until to IllKlH to get lull Mis John Huipcr, of Jll.il.ely siiect. is quite III. Tin- Improied Order of ilcptnsoplis will 11111 un t'XcuislMi to Ijikr Arid June II Tho Itei. Jlr. Van Ulrk will lecturo on "Tcmperanef" at tho .Methodist L'plsco. p.il church Prlilaj night. No u.lmlsslon Will be diarg d 'Squlru Coonei Is qulto 111 at Ilia homo on Chestnut street. Agnes, the voting daughter ot Jlr nnd Mis Thomas Shcpheid, of Cluy avenue, met with 11. recullnr accident Tiusdav night. Sho was lionlng dot lies nnd tor somo n-asiin put Hie lion ,n the slnK. Ihough she till ki pi a bold of it Unite In r nlti'Ullou was uttrnded elsewln ro In r loilng hrotlar tinned the water on the Iron thus causing it tn steam turi ously. Per hand was li.ull) stnldct. (Jr. Pverh.irt was summoned and as much as possible itlleied the child's hiitfe-rlng. Thnin.iH Connois of Wilkcs-Pnrre, who fur the tmst few dujs bus bun ilsltlug tiioigu lllnxton, of Clay uvenuo, bus io. turned home 1 hiirhs llllpert, of William utieet, vis it, d frlitids at the "Notch ' iottcril,ij Miirtln ItU hauls was ntusuil by Ulll cers PulKcr nnd Snnyer at the Cotnirs lust night for Insulilng a joung lady wiiu whs p.iss.ng Ho will be Rlitn a henriag befoio 1 Itln r HurgosH l'oucll or 'Squlro Krotzu this afternoon, Nell-Supporting. Jlrs. Pe Hinse (to benoiolent filend)-' I pietunu those Idiot iisjlums do name good, but I iiin't see how tiny tan hopo to make Idiots self supporting ' Small Hon (glocmlb) -" I guess the set 'cm to wrltln' chlldien's bookB." Nnv I York Weekly. scr - VS?ilS HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON Erection nf a Fence lias AroussJ a (lrcat Deal of Opposition. CONSTAPLU JO.lPI'lt WOPLu PUS HAP TO IIP PMPl.oyPD TO PUP VPNT HtATi: NPKIIIPOUS 1'llO.M TPAPINO IT D0WN-W1LL1P Pltlll. jnjpiipi) ijy a i'ilp op ll'jhillt pallino vpon iiim-i:n-alppi. .MAN PPTPit UOI LIN'l WILL HAM) HIS HOOKS OVP1!. A dlapulo nniotiR tielRlihorH as to the lights to euct a feme caused muili evlt-'inent jcsteiday In the itlnlty of tl. - steel wotks station of the Pelnwatc and Hudson Canal lompanv. on south Washington avenue. ItuiinlUR paiullel with Smith Washington uvenuo be tween the limit ot the lots on the west cl ly side of the nienite nnd the L.itktl iianua 1I111. ft mil when the PoatluR Lrook liows into the LiUknwunna to Cherty street Is a pint of si mind K.o lert wide and 1,000 fict long, that Hoi -man SchaeiTet. a n tiled men hunt, put c IiT-eil sevdal yeais ago Pi icnt lv ho decided to feme the Rioutul, and 11 hen his men 'jcb m to dlR post holes a stoini of opposition at use among Sdiaeffer's uoiRhlmis, who hi Riled that us the Kioumi was opm for so many yeats that t'ehuilier was doing an In justice to them to close It, but he thought dlfKient, and eontlmnd to il oc ceil witli the wolk. PvorMhliiR was In nadlncs to elect the fence jisteulav morning when word (.01110 to Sehaefrer that if ho at tempted to put 110 tin- I111 Iohuio It would be tot n down, and lui hastily sent for Constable Joseph Woelkeis nnd engaged -the constable to leiualu at the n-i-iij all dai mil to fiustiaU auv nttempt in ul to (any out tl' threats of the Indignant lesldelits. A large ciowd 11ns a-otind the plaio all day nnd at times It appoated as It tiotible would occur, hut the 11 oil; was pushed with lapldltv mid l.i-t night 11 iintchmnn was plaied to suaid thu 1 section of the fene elected and again this nun iilng W'oelki m will be on hand an I "iippuss nnv ontlneak Last night Humy Williams mid Al anvo Hubbard stated that the matter will be biotipht to an issue in louit. Until these gentlemeiit own ground at tho point in (itlestlon. and neio the most determined that SdiaelTi-r should not fence the plot. A SITPPUlSi: VISIT. The Sunday school class taught by Jhs. William Lush, of Cedar Alenuu .Methodist nplsi-oii.il ihtireli, mndo a surpilse ilslt to .Miss Pdlth Doty at the parsonage on Tmsday eienliiR last. A iileasant evening was enjojed b all as the horn a sped by. The meny gtoup paitlclpated In games, singing, etc. .Master Hut 1 v Poly delighted the com pun with some n-dtatlons, and the Jllssis Jleis, Kieter and Doty u-ud-eic-d diolce sdei tmns of instiunieiital musli on the. piano Those pi 1 sent were: Ml 8. WlUIain Lush, te.ichei of tin class, Pev. P. P. poty and Jhs Poti. the Jlisses Jessie Hvans, Piiiiim White, Jennie Kltfn, Llsuto Pinns, Ji nnb Myers, JIuud P,ile, Pdlth Williams, Hannah Wil liams, Anna Puess, Pelphio Itldgway, Lizzie Thomas. Pdlth poty, nnd Jlnster Howatd Poty. Light loticshments weio pai taken, nnd at a seasonable limn the diiFsinates and teacher do paitid to their home, hailug thus cor dially uclionud tho latest addition to their class and gained a place In tho esteem and love of their pastot nnd his family, who cordially lui ited them and nil the JoUiir people of the cliuidi to frequently ilslt them ut the par sunage TUP LL'.MPIMt PULL. In ft out of the new hotel of Churlcs Kaestnei, of Cedtir iileliue, turn In coutse ot (onstrtu tlon Is a la.-ge pile of heaiy tlnibei, that the bojj of that neighboi hood delight in dimbliiK to the top of and chase one nuothei- about, nnd, notwithstanding that tho pollco and Jlr. Kaostner do tin Ir utmost to In ep the lads f 10111 leaching the dan gel mis spot, they manage to Rot theie Pail last evening tho lumber li-ll with a number of hois on the ton of tho pllo aud a lad.Willle Prbe, was bulled beneath tho fall. Contractor Pn-d Phillips who heal d the mejins of tho boj's comonnimis inn 10 the ireno nnd took the lumhrr fiom off Pi bo! und he was taken to his homo, and Pr. Kolb sent for. The boy es caped sei Ions Injury, having but 11 few bruises about his body. P.OOKS WILL UP TPANSPPPPPP Tho contioveisy between Aldoimnn Leutes and his pi edocchsnr. Peter Hnb lliiR, will end toduy when Jl- noblltiR will turn over to his smcessor tho ducket that wus lefused him. Alderman Lentes' attorney informed him yesterday that Jlr. Pohling had ngietd to 1 mnply Willi his reituest. NMM1S OP .N'KWS. Tho remodeling of Prtihans hall, tlio oldest meeting 100111 In this section, was completed yesteiday, und tho old fashioned (tuuti-rs nuGent an tip-to-tlntu nfipearanco. Now carpets linvo bt'-n laid, drain-lies Iiuiir. tn-w chalis placed and a lavatory put In. Tho choir of the Cedar Avenue Lu theian (hiueli gave mi entertainment lu tho church hall last evening that was highly creditable und largely at tended. Tho male choir of 150 voices, which Is to sing at tho open meeting In the Lyceum, Tuesday, will meet for llnitl ichc.usdl tonight In St. JIniyVi hall, and a gond attendance is icquosted. JI Plsemnn. of New York city, and his company of German players pie sentcd to a eiowded house, In Natter's hall last night, a comedy, of which the Piigllsh tltlo Is "Pluffor." In tho yard nt tlio olihe and dinught lng moms of the Smith 11m ks an Amerhan (lag, U'nJO feet, was hoisted yesteiday nnd It now wnies fiom 11 pole Gi feet high fiom tlio surfuco of the giound John Pudei, dimles Heen and John Hidenbadi letuined jtstciday fiom Pouting lhook dam with nice messes of trmit Pr Iteesrr Is enteitulnlng his mother, Mis. Susan Itieser. of Paston Heniy 'Clegler, si . Is nt Ilnrtlshurg Jiuob Piuthtel, of Pittston tiienue, THE POPULATION OF SCRANTON Scranton Is about 110 OOo nnd we would s;i nt r-ast one-bnlf me tumbled wltli some ufTeitlon ef tho Throat and Lui rh, us tboiin (oinplulnts u ro aicoidliig to stntlstks, morn miinrrous than others 0 would udilse ull not to in gleet tho opportunity to cull on their druggist nnd get a bottlo of Kemp's Hal 1 un for tho 'l-lirftnt nnd T. ,!,,,,, lrlni ", n,t PJly. I Trial alzo free. Sold bv all druccMh. DitrinR the visit of I.l Hung Chang, the ' Orand Old Man of China,' to this coun try, the New York Sun sa'id of hitn "He M a large, sironc, mi- prcsslvc. specimen of niatihood. He has 11 massive frame, n shapely head, a command ing face nnd will posed features. lie is a keen ob servant of ninn kind, of life nnd of thliiL's lie is RPictity-four years of age nnd stilt in the hrv dav of his power " If 1 Cliin.itnaii usually regarded by us ns nbirbari-iu can Un- to ilualtliy, hale old nge, why citinot Atuiricatis. with their more ndiancid civ.liatloti, do the same ? The report' r- di-.roicred dutitifr I.l Hung Chang's i-tiv in thi countrj, tint he took tlery thought for his henlth He Hied upon the hlinplcst of diets aud nci er pacd a diy without cotisultitig his physician. He limited his toil to a reasonable number of hours, and would not deiiate from his title m this matte! American men tolloiv jmt the oppositi pr.ictici 'flay work to the limit of endurance, will not enn tike the proper time for eating, resting and sleeping, and ucier think of their health ut Jl it isfjotie There is a wonderful med ic .i lor hard woiking nun It is Pr. Pierce's Golden Jlcdic-il DUcoierj It tikes the place of a pUjsician It keeps nw.iy ill-health and restores health when it is lost It is tilt great appetite sharpener, blood maker ind tlesh builder It nnkis the digestion perfect, the liier active and the blood pure and rich Medicine dialers sill it Mi Im la-id Ind hecu a robust miuig mm " wrlU s Mr- M J Iulilcr ol 1 llniRtDii UpmioUs Co Mn Mluti lie was it ictrs old hi bcffiii to c wii'li irrj luril Hi Ii ul pains tliroiigli his chest and Iiiiiks His motliir mid till ustof Ids (.until Ind died with consumption He con tinned to comjli rit wlutir, until In isSt he had an nit ick of piiiumoiiii His cough grew worse mid nre lie would vomit immedUtelv iflcr Ins mi its In iSis he couehed night nnd ill! He w is rittim; srr wcik and had no npnetiti He coitiitiinced Hr Pierce's Uoldeu Mtilii.d tlisroiery n id Pleasant t'elkls ' He tmpioipd His appetite Rot better llhenhe hid taken scmii bottles hi looked like a taw mill nnd felt like .1 new person He neighs more tlnii he ncr weighed before. He galtuu twcutj-clsht pounds nnd is cured." is able to be about tiRain, after nn IU-m-'S of scleral weeks' duiatlon, John Shtiiid,, of Pittston nvontto. Is spinillng a few das ut Coopeistown, N. J. Andrew Pest Is 111 with an attack of qui nsj. Jlrs. Pllzaboth Council, stieet, has leturned ft out of Plrch a visit nt Shnmokln. John Hncho, of Cherry stieet, wishes to state that he Is not tlio John Itoehe of whoso mi est mention 11 as mado In Monday eicnlng's paper. Jhs. Janus Caiej and Jlrs. Lewis Hanoook, of tho West Side, visited their foimor pastor. Pev. V. P. Poty, at the Cedar iiu-nuo parsonage on Tuesday afternoon GREEN RIDGE. Jlrs. P. S. t'.iull und Miss Paull. of San derson innuc, aro In Ntw Yoik ( lt Mi... V. l'a.erson of Ninth Purls, ami Miss l'llltb Pldi.irds, ol tin West hide an lu I'hlladdpllia. Jli. Pdward JIcMdle, formeily or f.tts ton P.i, Is iMtlng (Ircni niiUe flit nils. Mrs. J. L. Pta. 01 Saiiilcrsou avenue, Is ilsillng the home of her patents ut Lust IJi-ihn. this state. .di nnd .Mrs. A. (J. Thompson, or Jinn s aiinue. who halo stunt the past week In ( olumbus, O , are oNpected home tomorrow. Urs. Liitoudi md ditiMhleis Petio ind Vcu-, of Itistnnter. Pa , me visaing Mrs. Litoudns iinients. Jlr. and Jlrs. P. A. Williams, of Pist Muiket slreft. Cushler . II 1'ieks inhi.ible propel ty in Moiim-j im nut Is kuuwu as ltn.u Lawn, u most apilopiiati mime l 111 11111 IMIII.im tlesmi r l n modeling his re d 1I1 in e anil otherwise Rn.itl lmprov.ng his pro,n rty on Mousey tiienue The ri-.iria-igement of dusses In (treen Plilge Preshiteili.n Tlllile scnool. which went Into eftcct Sundnj last. Is a gnat impiovement. and appeurs to glio pen- nil iiitlstiiitlou. Th n. inv fr'i nils nf Mr. Audlew N.enl. ol HUkji.in nienue. will bo ptiust-d to ti .it 11 that Ills phi sli lun has diseoierid iinmlstiikuble signs of linproicinent lu Ids general condition and an early coa-i,il-i-eii( is r.ow expicled. J. A Marvin has n-slgncd his position iik nimiiHtti foi tin Ultkhon .Munul.ic ttiiins cc.in:ian and Will t.iki a much ih 1 did ivst. Jlrs Illcluu 1 Polili.snn. of C ipouse ,ivo. mn, iccoviilng fiom a siieie uttuck of tho grip. Tho Jlens l.iilon of tho Green Hldgo Piesbjttiliin diuidi will hold theli leg ol.ir monthlj met ting this eienlng in the lis lure rocni of tin thtinh. "! In- rip.in-Ish-Anit ricuu W.u ' iii' b, n-iliwisl In .lituit-s It lluwkii. The 1T1 II Win b Culiiiul P L. HltdKiiU und "All Atililo- Anierliun Alllul ce," speikir lo be un iiouneid The prosi.tmmo will nKo In-i-lttdo deil iiuatlins and local and instril imntul muse The niinoiiniemi ut ot the tiKi'tliiK lead. 'All mi 11 Invited to ultenil and bicume inenilniH. Lrlng till lids. A lojal time nssuied. All gmeer stores In (.icon Pldge, wilt, mi and after Jlonday, Jlay JO, cli-st- ut 1 o'eloik 1 1. 111 Mmrp, with tin 1 xc 1 ptton uf biituidin night on Thursday afternoon. Jlay 11. nt 3 oeloik the Oi'n-n Klilgc Wnmiins Chrln 1 lull Tcmneianci union will hold 11 meet ing at the home of Jhs. Youghl, 1H5 Jlonsey uvoiiui. to inuko orrangeinents tor JUmoriiil Pin. Tin Youiut Jim's dub of tin Green P'di.1 I'usbi ti il in c ban Ii will hold tin ir riului ineftlng this eidiiiig tn tlio limit Ii parlors A sptc.al progiummo will hi- reudi n d. J. M, Uurney, of Wnshlngton niontie. who hns bun spt ndlng somo time in Mi icii, has rt turned home. P 11. Stuiges and family ot Wasiiiiu ton aientle, huio left for houiliport. Conn, where thpy will spend tin suuiuur. Cunulisii it venue P ,1 l.til. of Wj-omlng ineiuie luiK rc turnnil Imme from a v-.slt in Illinois P. P. Postet, of Green Kldge stud Is spending 11 ft 11 du)S nt illd s-li un The Ppworth lengue of tin- .Mi Hi n r Ptisr lipid ehvidi will hold .111 ait smut Pild.iy ovenlnc. OBITUARY. Thomus I. P.uIch a leslduil ol Ue-t Seratiton for tln past ihliii-tline icais, died at his lesldeueo istculai mnintng after II long Illness. Deieasid 1M1S lit lears of iiui and will known fm lits many line ihaiai terlst'es IL was limn lu Anetdnre, Soulh Wnhs und mine to tills is urtry 111 Im'i. He loeand in West Serantciti and bus n Id d th u eier sluci. Sl eliUdun, tnv'i Fnns. W J. i:iun. Dal Id and Liuiald, anil tw diughteis. Cassle and Slnrj, surilio luni. Tho funernl will bo mmoiinecu later. MAL1.0V IS NOW IN JAIL. Wan Implicated in a Mabbitig Allra) nt t-'iirbondalc. Jlk-hnel JIalloy, of Carbomlnle, who was engaged in a stabbing ut'iay on tho luindaff load n few weeks ago, was commlttid to Jail ycsteidnv, his bonds innn. I. H .Murra, of that dtv, bal ing dc lii i ml blni up Malloi s Im tl'ii-i was engaged In n slmlliii (iilsocie Tiiesdill night In the same ildnlty, and Jlr. Jluirny tlmught the foimei ail my might haio deleriod nnv other number of the family fiom vlolatlnr tli- law. Since It dlln't Im el 01 a not propose to haie unythlrs to do with them. Constable Neury tool; Malloy to jail. 'J he other In ether la there also. ic5iirii.iKw TIA WW U M I Jl 1 I ..- l DAY'S DOINGS IN NORTH SCRANTON New Breaker to Re L'rcclcd In Replace the Lcggctt's Creek. 1HOMAS tCANi: INJL'UP.D UV PALL INO PUOJt A aWlNll ON WP.Sl' JIAP.KPT STIHIPT-WILLIAJI SP.It VICI5 HAP HIS HANIl HJlAtMIPl) Willi i: COl'l'LLNM CA113-NUTPS OP A STIIICTLY PPPSONAL NA TPPIJIANY ODD PPLLOWfl V1S ITPP WILKP.S-llAllPi: YPSTPlt-PA-OTHPn JIATTPUS. Prom present Indications it appears that ti large breaker will soon he elect ed In this place on the site of the pies cut Leggets Clock bleaker, which 11 111, In all piolnblllly, bo toin down tn iniiKe room for tho new stun title. The new shaft, which was recently sunk, Is inpldly neat lug completion, mid 11 hen tlnlshed will be the most (omplete shaft Jieioabouts Pn-ry In vention of modi ill use Is helm; Vised In the (OiisttiK tlon. The shaft Is sunk down to the China 0I11. TWO ACCIPPNTS. Thomas Kane, while engaged In play ing on a swing on West Market sheet, lost bis hold on the lope when eleint ed 11 considerable distance fiotn tho giound. He was picolpltntod to the c.iilli and sustained u bad fraeluie of the leg. William Sen ice, a young man cm ploiid about the JIari Ine ( olllei j , had ids band smashed yesteiday while at tempting to (ouple c.tis. Ho w.is.ion eed to his home on West Jtmket stieet. Soi ei al of the llngeis nie bad ly smashed, but the lnjui.v will nut necessitate the amputation of nny of the fingers. OP A PPPSONAL NATPPG. Jlr. and Jh. John Cuslck, of Wiat Jlaiket street, visited friends In Arch bald jcsteiday. P P. Athorton Is visiting friends In Jlontiose. Jlrs John Huff, of Pordlnnnd street, is nt Jit arettin. Thomas Shotten, of Oak street. Is on a fishing tour In the stieams of Jlon roe rounti . Cards in e out announcing the coming marriage of Jllss Kate C'ark to .Michael He.ilcy. both nf Pits plaie. Isaac Pi lee, of William stteet, and Mr. mid Jlrs. Henry Jenkins, of Put nam stieet, left jesterd.iy for Now York, whole they will set sail on the steamer Pnihrla for Pngland Jlrs. John Lewis, nf Charles street Ionics totnoriow for tho Old Coun tn. Mr and Jlrs. John Henderson, of Chmles rtieet, me visiting relatives at LuKotno. ' Pdwnid Samlets Is ropiosentlng the local tilbe of Ped Jlon nt the annual state ((invention, now being held at Honebdale. TOLD IN A PPW LINKS. A I.uge number of Odd Fellows fiom thin place attended the sessions of the urder nt Wllkis-Paue yesteiday. Jliss Jllnnlo Pllss, of Past Jlmkd sheet, who has been seilouslv 111 fm some time, is nblc to be nbnut again The eoiint Union of the First waul haie won ficsh laurels by hailng placed several much needed elect! Ic ntc lights In dlffeient sectlonb of tin ward, notably In what is known as "Tho Hush." The Schubert Cileo club Is busily on Raged In pietaring for a gi.md eis teddfod, which it expects to glie In the near future. The Couit Street Jtethodlst Kplseo pal ehuich will lender an excellent pioframino this evening. Tnlent here tofme unheard In this set tlon will pur tleln.ite Camp 17.. Patilollc Sons of Amoriea, will eelebiato the eleventh miniieisni of the- uiganlzatlon next Jlonday cie- lllllR. The Y. C C. society o' St. Jl in s academy has elet t d the following of tlcoi.s for the ensultiR sK months Picslib-nt, Jllss Katherlne O'ltoil. lice ptesldeiit. Catharine Fltxgei ild AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theater. Kcls .(. Iliiisiind-r, I. scci. II. U. l.ons. Local Manager. 0NoM.i!,r Saturday, ATay 21 .rst I'resnntittlii-i tn IhUelli b A McKt-e's (.'ompaiii of HOYT'S Ho t ii mi lie i hi In New York Prices, -i oo, 7ji 50c 3c. Miiur vnil Siri 1 or" 1 IM tn pin, (on I1HVL IUU p. !! olot t snois ICtlCM (Ild bolus. I turn 111 Mont Ii, Hun 1 lUliti ' .' Write CUOk Kllltl IM (-O . dji llusonl; lempk-i Clticaijo. Ill , lor in on ot i-nret Crpltal, fjjoo.uuo Woki laiiseurtidln 13 ti) 33iiaj ioo-pjge buoc tree Hill 'limber cut to oriim envied to uniform length .' lrop 'I'iinber promptly l urn: .MIL!.!? At Crosi Fori.. 1 iiuiiia Hiillromi. At Minn, I'o. n . ...... . . rori Aiieiiiiny iviiui'u.iu. t-upacui GI;N1:UAI. oriMCr.-lSo.ud Telephone No. 4011. LACKAWANNA LUMBER 00., NA,rdF.CTtJfUn5 OF GftllG SAWED PlLii.Ili- m mm m itl iil U SHv'WhiAl SUlPnMl iv KVW) 1 "eVj n.r-iwi.-ivjty-i?'-. Mttfttvwii &,mn,i For Snla to JOhN 6pruca etrost. H PHEUPS secretary, Jlnry Clark; treasurer, Knte. Walsh. The object of the society is to hold soveial debates and entertain ments In tho near futuic. The North Pud Clulstlan Pndeavor choir will moot for rehenrsnl this ovc nliiR In tho Piovldenco Presbyterian chinch. Jlr. Wntklns expects every member tn be present us pel Uncut bus iness Is to bo trnnsucted. SUIT AND COUNTER SUIT. i'llnrlictmnu Kiiuuilcr and Chits. Colo Arirstcd nt Instance ol Pncli Other. Jlniketman A. J. Saunders, of Penn nictiiie and Spiuce street, wns Riven a healing jesterday morning before Aldeimau Knsson on the (linrgo of ussault and battery upon entitles Cole, a eaipenter of tho city. Mi. Saunders admitted that he struck Colo with Ids clutch and was sony ho didn't Kile him a hurder one He said Cole camo diunk Into his place of business nnd unit knocking things mound. He riiio ball In the sum of $J0O for hl.i appeal mice at court. Then he swote out a w at rant for Colo on the chaige of malicious mla chlt f. He, too, gale ball for court. I'list District Contention. Hcrantoa, Jlny IS. lSOS. The Plrst Icglslitlie district of Lackl iitiiinn eoiintj will assi 111I1I0 In conven tion n( St Pavld s hall North .Main ine 11111, Si-iimtim. P.i.. Jloadiii. M.t U IMS, nl lncl'iikp in foi the put pose of 110m irniluR a cuiidldate to u-iiresent tlic ilil dstrlit tn Hie liKlsl.ttme, and to elect two ileli'KHtrs to lopioM-nt the slid tlU trtit at Hi- Pi pi bllroii stiitn lotm n-.tou, 11 huh will race at llnrrlsbuig, IhursUay. June 2. I Mi. Th ( Ii 1 tlon fm- (lolrg.itis to the district coin etilloii will bo held at the reguuir polling plmes Siitlilduy, .May JI, lS!), bo t in 1 , 1 th, hours nf t and 7 p. in. Tho t'h-itlon districts ate ciitltlid to lepicaiu ttitlon a 1 follows first ward Plrst dlstikt 2 Plrst wind. SkouiI dsttlct ,. 1 Pit st waid. Third district 1 Plist wind 1 mirth district a Hist w.ml Plfth district 'J Sfiondwnrd Plist district 2 oiioud ward Scicnd district 2 Si rond wind. Third dlstr'et 1 St i mid ward Pourth district 1 Second word Plfth district 1 Thiid ward 1 Irst dlstrld 1 'llilid ward, Sic ond district 1 Pourth ward, Plrst district - '"(tiitli wind Second dNiilet .5 Pourth ward, Tlud district 2 Pourth want, Pouith district S Plfth ward. Plrst district 2 Plfth ward Second dlstilct 2 Plfth ward, Third dlstilct i Fifth w.ml Poutth district 2 Sixth ward Plrst dlstr'it 1 SiMh ward, Second district 1 l'i itrteeiith want, Plist district ,. . 2 I oerteentli ward Second dlstilct . 2 Plfteirih wind. Pit t district . 3 rifteinth until Second district . 2 eighteenth ward 1 Twentj -llrst w.ml, Plrst district 1 Tweiiti-lhst wind, Second district . ,. 2 Tot.d ro Vigilance committees will pleaso toko uotlco and gonin tliemsclvcs nccoid- lngly. W A. Paine, Chairman J H. Pcjuolcls, Secictiry. For Infants and Children, TtiG Kind Yoi; Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of I tiet-onors ti tho MEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS- "TUKTII MADE PI3RIXCT." Origliator ol Palnle Dentistry. Wo extract teeth till tooth and apply gold clowns aud luldge work without tho Ii .est p.ntlil of pain b .1 method pai 10 tid .md used l us onh NO CHAItGr3 foi paiuliss iliaiting when tilth aia mdciid. 1 srf. r -mm m IS I im Set Tcstli. $i no. 11 e suarnntpe n (It. Hold Crowns. S.l 00 111 olhi-t won. at pro noitloniite low prlrcs Cd-UoU Crown and llrlJge W urk a specmlt) . Pilng 111' oldest 1 ni I ireest dentil par. I.irs In thi wi.ild i.c an- -o well 1 quipi)el 111 it 11M i ml. (line b) us Is thi lies to li had our 'opi 1 itlc us me positively p.ilnle . All work Rtiiinuteed fm 18 M its All forim 1 ioiitiaits mnde bv NtW Y' rk Diutitl I'arlois will be mado Rood b tin Ucston Penlul Pallors Boston Dental Parlors Corner Lackawanna and Wjnmlng Aves. luier Nnvark Shoo Store) ALIOS. GIVER AWAY A lot nf launch y inticlilnerA a in w l'iunih iiugon, two turhine iatir iilieds, bidlers, 1 ngines, cliiianios, etci , one JlorRan tiaiel ing ironc. 10 ton inpadti, span Aj ft 0 in , lot of good second band hoisting lope, air c ompres siits pumps, steam ill ills derrick lutings, mini eats, etc- ill 700 West LucKawaina Avcnu:. crantor. Pa. Te'.eplDip, 3931 luirt notice, lliuiiuood .Mine Hulls ntly on Iinnd. Peeled IlMnlock Co., on the BiifT.ilo and hiisque. Joillltv. I'a.. on Couili:r.-,nnrt. und ,. .... j.;... . . ,--.. -tuu.uuu ieei per nay. t Trade Ihiildlng, Scranton, Pa. When In dcuSt what to use lot Nerroui Ucbillty. Lot of Power, Impo'.cncyiAtropby.VarlcocelciM r-hcr wealnt-iscs, Irora any cause. uw Sexise rills. Draim checked ar i full vlor quickly rcstond. If crlatcd. ,utli trbla rM.ltlMillT, MaileJicrSl co.ObozeifSOO. Wlt t $3.00 orders its give a guarantee to cureorreiund tDemonev, Aaatets run. MLUiuinu uu., ueicuaa, v. Pharmacist cor. Wvomlna vnuo and IF .yZfa--4- iaS?Zeuc&i4