The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Z3 Jjiii O
O Ji f o
A V. . aSgUttJM , ,L ;
We've a stock big
enough to shoe nearly
every woman in Scran
ton, and you know the
styles are reliable be
cause we handle them a
sure guarntce of goodness
$ je98
Instead of $2.50.
which would have been
our price but for the
season being backward,
therefore we must make
this reduction. Five dif
ferent styles to see. Tans
and Black Kidskiu, all
turn soles with new
shape military heels.
Can fit any size foot from
X 2 to S.
Tho Wllkcs-Uarro itccora can to Had
In Scranton at the news stands or M.
lleitihart, 119 Wyoming avenue; Mac,
Lackawanna avenue.
Curds of thanks, resolutions ot condo
lence, obltuury poetry und tho like will
bo inserted In Tho Tribune only wlieti
paid for In advance, at the rato of 10
cents per line.
Tho Woman's Koeley league will meet
this evening instead ot Thursday.
The teachers' committee of tho board
of control will meet this evening.
Tho employes at tho Coalbrook colliery
nt Cnrbondalo wero paid yesterday by
the Delaware and Hudson company.
Marriage licenses wero granted yester
day to George Sehoen, of Lincoln avcmu
und Mary Coon, of Division street; Frank
Uaron and Ella Slczak, ot Je3sup.
An invitation to attend the annual pa
rade and inspection of tho Allcntown firo
department on May is lias been re
ceived by Chief Mickey, of the Scrunlon
lire department.
Ascension day services wMl be held in
St. Luke's church on Thursday. Holy
communion, 7 a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Kvcn
Iiib service and sermon to the command
fries of Knights Templar at 7.45 p. in.
Xu servlco Wednesday evening.
A new dispensation will be celebrated
on Saturday at the Young Women s
Christian association room., when wait
resses will bo regularly employed and
lunch will be served irom 11. Hi to 1
o'cloek. Mrs. I- S. Uodlry is in elnng
of affairs nnd it Is expected that m every
way tho new atinn&ements wll bo satis
Annual Scrutiny by City OllicInU
Will neoin Thl Alternomi.
The annual Inspection of the city's
(He department quarters, horses, ap
paratus and other equipment will be
gin this nfternoon and continue during
Carriages containing Mayor Kailey,
Chief Mickey, the district chiefs and
ntlier cltv officials will leave the city
hall at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon. Tho
entral city, West Side nnd South Side
ompanles will by inspected today.
Companies In other .sections of the city
will be Inspected tomorrow.
I'ho Achievement of Oewov
nnd tho bargains that Davldow Urns.'
are daily giving at their great miction
sales, are on a par with one another,
und the people of this city and adjacent
t'lwns should take advantage of th"?
rato opportunities.
A good thing Is sometimes recogniz
ed; that's why the I'ocono 5 cent cigar
Men m Heating and Pliimbiu;;.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
If ou wunl a line smol.e, a-U fur
the Popular Punch clct.
0 For 0
8 Fancy t
$ Table f
S Butter S
j Today, at
I Thi Scranton Gash Store
0 F. P. I'rke, At-cnt.
Gives One Thousand Dollars to Be Used
by the Hoard of Charities.
MItS. W. 11. Dtrc.OAX, DI'ltINO Till:
It was reported nt last night's regu
lar meeting of the Associated charities
that a well-known Scranton woman
had given $1,000 to tho lxnrd since tho
April meeting at which time only 27.1!)
was In tho treasury. Tho contribution
wns made with tho request that her
Identity be not revenlcd. That the
money was needed Is attested In tho
fact that the balance reported by thu
treasurer Inst night was only $877.81,
about 5150 hnvlng been expended in
payment of current expenses and over
due bills.
The members of the board regretted
their Inability to reveal the name of
their generous patron, as the publicity
would have drawn the needed inten
tion of other well-to-do persons to the
city's standatd charity. Such a result
will be In part accomplished, the board
believes, even though It alone knows
whose great fnvor has been cotttted by
the organization's great work, A hearty
vote of thanks was recorded tho con
tribution. Last night's meeting was In tho office
of the piosldcnt, Colonel K. H. Hippie,
rresldent Hippie was not In the illy
and Kev. Kogers Israel, the secretary,
was also absent. Tho latter Is attend
ing the session of tho Archdeaconry nt
Athens. T. J. Kelley and Dan J. Phil
lips, the temporary treasuter, were re
spectively chosen chairman and secre
tary pro tetn.
Itesolutlnns on tho death of William
T. Smith wore adopted as follows:
Whereas, Wo have been called upon to
mourn tho death of our lato treasuter,
William T. Smith, whose unbounded
charity was of thu highest type, we de
sire to place upon record uur appreciation
of his ticrvtcis us u member of this
board ot his broad-minded, unscllish oi
forts in tho allegation of human dis
tics wherever found.
William T. Smith was a public spirited
citizen In all that tho word implies, and
Ids name In the community was a syn
onym for integrity nnd uprightness. Ho
never forgot the gieat truth, "Yo havo
the poor with you always, " and, as a just
and faithful steward of the bounty com
mitted to his keeping by the l'uther of
all men, ho was ever ready and anxious
to relieve the wants; of t-ufferlng human
ity. In his death our city has lost one of its
most leading citizens, this board a mem
ber whoso counsel und assistance were
invaluable and this poor a truo lrienil in
time of need. To Ids Immediate family
In their great and irreparable loss wo
tender our sincere sympathy In their
hour of aillletlon.
W. Gaylord Thomas. Thomas J. Moore,
T. J. Kelley, Committee.
Among a number of special cases re
ported liy the board's agent. Mrs. "W.
I J. Duggan, was that of two children
ailllcted with an incurable disease.
One Is a lxy 17 years old and the other
a girl of 12, brother and s-lster, who
have been treated In the city hospitals
and by physicians without success.
They eke out a precarious living by
selling matches. They cannot be ad
mitted to the Hillside Homo or other
local institutions on account of tho na
ture of their disease. Their case was
referred to the child saving committee
with tho suggestion that tho children
might gain admission to the Philadel
phia charitable institution which is for
such Incurables.
Mrs. Duggan reported 72 cases Inves
tigated und disposed of as follows: CI
worthy and assisted, 11 unworthy. 7
furnished transportation, 5 given lodg
ing or food, 12 furnished employment,
4 glv"en indoor and outdoor hospital
treatment. - admitted to Home for the, 2 admitted to House of the
Good Shepherd, 2 admitted to Hillside
Home, 3 were frauds or beggars and
were exposed, 1 referred to board of
health, 2 were children taken from Im
proper homes and delivered to friends,
" wen; sheltered or treated In the city
hall emergency hospital, 4 families
given medical aid, ;i were cases referred
to authorities outside the city and 2
were neglected children.
It was voted to reo.uust the seereiary,
Kev. lingers Israel, to represent the
board at the twenty-fifth annual meet
ing of the National Conference of Char
ities and Correction In New York city
from May IS to 23, Ills expenses to be
paid by the board. It was remarked
that the Information obtained by Mr,
Israel at lust year's conference and re
ported to the board had been of great
sen lee.
A proposition by letter from the Ex
celsior Athletic club, through its secie
tury, T. A. McGoldriek. to glvo a box
ing tournament under the board's pat
ronage and share the receipts, was not
favorably received. The secretary was
directed to decltno the proffer with
thanks and an explanation that the
board's experience with entertainments
lor its benefit had not been very fruit
Cliaiigoil Her .lliud Alter tho License
Wat Granted.
Vratil; Matron, of Pilceburg, nnd Ella
Stczdck, of Jessup. nppeured at tho of
fice of Clerk of Courts Dunieln yes
teiday for a manlage license. Might
after them earn Paul Michlck. of Jcs
bup, who protested ugalusl granting U
to iheiu.
Ukiilek nnd the same young woman
'nniB to the court house on April 2a
and wero granted a license. Tho wad
ding day was set for the following day,
but the bride-elect nskd a postpone
ment for a week to bo better prepared.
Th- week wus parsed and file told hlin
she had changed her mind. "
Itlehlek was informed by Deputy
Clerk Honn that license could not be
refused, and was advised to bring ac
tion for breech of promise against
Approve, ol tho Work Undertaken by
the V. 51. ( . A.
The cleric of Scranton composed of
Presbyterian ministers, at its weekly
meeting Monday morning, passed tho
following resolution'
Itesolved.That the cleric has heard with
grateful Interest of Secretary F, W. Pear
culls presentation of the bchumo of the
Young Mens Christian nshoclatlou for
providing tents lor rclitluu services in
the geucrul camp of the United HlutM
troops nnd for following tip the army
with rellglouH services n supplementary
to the work of tho chnplulns. Wii recog
nize tho work not only as appropriate but
as one In which tho whole church should
hear tho cull of Uod; calling them to
pleach tho (lospel to this noblo army.
Hesolvcd, That this cleric pledgo to tho
young men tho sturdy co-operation ol ml
Its pastors In tho effort to securo trom
tho churchcB their proportion ot tho
Minds needed for tho work among tlio
Pennsylvania troops. All our pastors ate
requested to have collections taken up in
their churches ns soon ns possible, re
porting tho result to tho Young Men s
Christian association of our rltv.
ticorgo R Guild, President.
S. C. Logan, Secretary.
Given to T. .1. Unvlen. Mm. line, In
lllcvclo Club IlnnNP.
The testimonial concert given by tho
Apollo club to T. .1. Dnvles, .Mils. llnrh.,
was very largely attended last even
ing nt the Ulcycle club. It wus a most
enjoyable occasion, und was assuredly
a lino tribute to our brilliant and tal
ented townsmnn. who Is about to leave
this cltv to .nuke his homo in Pitts
burg. The Apollo club, directed by Profes
sor Theodote Hernberger, gave a re
markable Illustration of what can bo
done by n large chorus of men's voices
under excellent training. Then; were
about forty members on tho plutform
and the two lino numbers given, Dr.
Parry's dreamy "float Song," nnd "All
Through the Night." by Professor
Dnvles, wero rendered with such pre
cision, such delicacy of shading and
harmony as are seldom heard. The
latter was especially pleasing. The
Ulcycle club hall has good acoustic
properties for vocal music.
The programme was not strictly ob
served. Beautiful duets were sung by
Messrs. Tom Uevnon nnd J, W. Jones,
P. II. Warren and J. W. Jones, and by
Joshua Johns and Philip Thomas. I.
II. Warren sang the "Bedouin Love
'Song" with great fervor nnd sweetness
of tone. Ho wus enthusiastically en
cored. Tom Ileynon sang "Monn" with fine
effect. Miss Margaret Jones rendered
two solos with exceptional sweetness.
Doth received encores. .1. W. Jones'
rendition of "Kevengo" was most ef
fective. Piofcssor L, J. Klchnrds gave a dra
matic, recital of Lytton's "Eugene
At am," and us nn encore recited
"Sockery Sots a Hen," which greatly
delighted his audience.
J. M. Harris, In behalf of the club,
made brief remarks, speaking In most
complimentary terms of Professor Da
vies and in regret because of his de
parture from Scranton, where he had
been of such value in developing its
musical talent.
Professor Dnvles received the fare
wells of a throng of friends nt the
dose of the concert. He will leave the
city on Thursday for his new homo,
and a multitude of good wishes accom
panied him.
Will Ifnvn Chnrgo ol tho Work of
Soldirm Keller Association.
As directed by tho motion adopted
by the Hoard of Trade at Monday
night's meeting, President Luther Kel
ler yesteiday appointed the executive
committee of the Soldiers' IJellef asso
ciation. Tho motion directed that
President Keller nnd Secretary Ather
ton should be members of the com
mittee. The committee named by Mr. Keller
is as follows: AV. A. May, Hon. Alfred
Hand, C. It. Manvllle, Carbondale;
Hon. John H. Farr, C. G. Poland,
Thomas H. Dale, Conrad Schroedor,
Luther Keller and D. I!. Atherton.
The committee will meet Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Hoard of
Trade rooms for the purpose of per
fecting plans, elect lug officers, etc.
He Tried to Stnnl u itido on a Train
nnd Win Arrested.
William Dailey, of Mill Cltv, was ar
rested yesterday morning by Special
Officer Durkln for Mealing tt ride on a
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
freight train. A companion with him
evaded arrest by skipping aetoss the
tracks in th- jard and hiding in the
labyrinth of cars branched there.
To Aldutian Knsson Dailey said he
had mlfsed the passenger train, and
did not want to wait until today, us he
was anxious to go to New York and
enlist in the regular army. He Is not
21 years old and did not have the con
sent of his parents to light the Span
lards. He was advised to go back to
the farm in Susquehanna county at his
earliest convenience. This he promised
to do, and tho line Imposed was ie
Not Sulliclent to Permit the Ituilil itig
nt an Oil To n I,.
Chief Hlckey nnd Chairmen '1'hnmns
anil Wenzel. of the select and common
council fire department committees, re
spectively, have decided that the for
mer has not the authority to grant per
mission to Sanderson & Klchait to
erect a storage tank for oil in Green
A permit will have to be granted by
the building inspector and not by him
until he hn received nuthurlty by reso
lution of councils. That's the way the
law Is Interpreted by city olllcials.
The proposed tank site Is on Von
Stnrch avenue between Glenn and Mar
ion streets, about 100 yards above the
Marvine breaker and opposite the cul
vert beneath the Delawure- and Hud
son tracks,
Will Ilu Itnpeutrd nl Illt-li School
Auditorium ,Hnr lt.
The lectur" by Louis A. Osborne on
the Fluted States navy and the .Maine
disaster, which was abruptly terminat
ed by an accident to the electric con
nections In tho High School auditorium
on April 20 liibt. will be repeated at the
sumo place on Thursday, May ll.
The lectin e has been revised and
brought up to date so as to include a
discussion of tho naval events which
huve so Interested the public since It
was last delivered. The discourse will
be illustrated by about seventy-live
stcrcoptlcon views. Including the ves
sels of the fleet now stationed at Man
ila under Admiral Dewey and the two
fleets nearer lioirib under Admiral
Schley and Sampson.
Hail Wan Itcduccd.
Kx-Jinlgo Stanton secured u hearing
yesterday morning In eh.imbets betoro
Judge Edwards to havo ball reduced in
the suit for slander liroi'glit by Mrs,
Harry against IJmry -Martin, Judgo Kd.
wards, after heurlng the facts which
showed iho caso wps. merely u scolding
match, t educed the ball from to
$20ii. The parlies llvo in the Noith Kud,
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug siore. Hours 0 a, in. 5
P. m.
Prank Schneider, of Green Ridge,
Killed Himself.
Frank Schneider, of f.31 East Market
street, nttempted suicide nt 8.30 o'clock
last night by shooting himself In the
right temple with a 32-callber revolver.
He wns unconscious from the time of
the shooting until 1.30 o'clock this
morning, when he died.
Schneider was 22 yeats old and un
married. Ho lived with his mother,
and worked nt the barber trade with
his brother until a year ago. Then tin
attack of appendicitis necessitated an
operation, and tho Illness made him
temporarily Insane, One day ho Jumped
out of bed, secured a revolver and
drove the family Into the street. Luck-'
lly the weapon was not loaded, or lie
might have killed some of them.
He had to be removed last fall to
tho Hillside Insane asylum, and was
so violent that the officers In charge of
him had a hard tussle to get him there.
After a few months ho recovered his
reason, and was allowed to go home.
He did not exhibit any sign of Insan
ity since his return, but his health was
very poor, so that he could not work,
and was confined Indoors tho greater
part of the time.
Yesterday he was In his usual spir
its. About S 30 o'clock at night ho said
he was going to bed, nnd went up
stairs. Five minutes later the report
of a pistol was heard, and upon In
vestigation ho was found stretched
across his bed. with the revolver by his
Hide. Tho blood was pouring from a
wound above his right cap and had
saturated the bed clothes. He was un
conscious and breathing heavily.
Dr. Thomson wns called In. He ex
amined him and found 1dm fatally
wounded. The revolver contained two
empty shells and a loaded one. There
was but one bullet wound on him, and
he most likely fired only one shot, un
less he fired the second into the aper
ture mude by the first, which is very
The bullet traveled through the brain
nnd lodged against the opposite table
of the skull. There was but one chance
In a thousand that he would recover.
Dr. Thomson said tho wound was or
dinarily sufficient to cause instant
death. Schneider was a highly re
spected young man,
To lie Erected lif tho Lncknwnnnn
Trtut nnd Safe Deposit Company.
A now and comparatively costly
structure Is contemplated by the Lack
awanna Trust and Safe Deposit com
pany. Architects' preliminary sketches
have been solicited and one by A. W.
Fuller, of Albany. N". Y., lias been con
sidered so favorably that .Mr. Fuller
has been summoned to Scranton nnd
will confer h.-re with the directors in a
few days.
It is proposed to erect tho building on
the present site and will be exclusively
for banking purposes.
For several years the wisdom of
liuildlng a new banking structure has
been considered. Tho company's trust,
safe deposit nnd general banking busi
ness increased to such an extent that
at a recent meeting of the directors it
was decided to solicit preliminary plans
and estimates.
The sketches nnd other details sub
mitted by Mr. Fuller are distinctive in
their adaption to the company's busi
ness and if finally adopted will furnish
one of the handsomest buildings of the
kind in the city. More complete details
could not be obtained yesterday.
TIiut Visit the Ollice of tho Atlantic
Refining Company.
Hurglars vlMted the olllce of the At
lantic Refining company, in I'pper
Pittstou, early yesterday morning.
They gained entrance by prjlng open
the front door, and then used dyna
mite on the safe, the door of which
was blown out, lying broken In two
on the lloor when the employes reached
the olllce.
The cracksmen secured only $1.3S for
their trouble.
Don't fall to attend Davldow tiros.
great auction sales going on every nf
ternoon and evening.
Will II o Opened Hntunlnjr by Colum
bia Council, V. .M. 1,
The opening ot the picnic season nt
Laurel Hill park will take place Satur
day, May 21, when Columbus council.
Young Men's Institute. No. 170. will
provide outdoor amusements there for
its many friends. The arrangements
have been pushed energetically to com
pletion, and the young men anticipate
having ono of the most successful pic
nics of the season.
Music for dancing will be furnished
by Cuslck's orchestra. The refresh
ment stands will bo In charge of n
committee of South Scranton young
Soiiii-Contonninl Suasion Held In
Lancaster Yentnidnv.
Lancaster, Pa May 17. The State
Medical society which was organized
here In 1S4S, hegan Its semi-centennial
session in this city today, tho meeting
continuing tomorrow and Thursday.
The only surviving member of the first
meeting is Dr. Alfred Stllle, of Phila
delphia. There aro 200 delegates here,
and this number will bo largely In
creased tomorrow.
The report cf the secretary shows
there are B7 societies associated with
tho state association, with a total mem
bership of 3,1!4, of whom 1,317 nro per
manent members of the state society.
During the past year the receipts of
tho society wore 53.717.S5, und expen
ditures $3,Gfifl..-r. There Is a balance In
the treasury of $2,720.47.
Spinnnh nnd Huron.
Spinach served with bacon nnd eggs Is
very often served with tongue. Wash
nnd pick over about half a peek of spln-
a-ii, throw It into belling water, and
when It has boiled ten minutes drain und
chop It. Meantime chop hue a bundle of
spring onions and fry them in butter; mix
them with the spinach. Put a large ta
blespoonful of butter in a saucepan and
put In the spinach und onions with salt
and peppr. Add also a cup of rich,
brow.i gravy. Two teaspoontuls of be i
extract melted In a cup of watT will do
in place of Iho gravy. Let the spinach
stow foi about twenty minutes with the
gravy or stock until the liquor lins been
nearly absorbed. Meantime fry the crisp
roll with six or mcro thin sllcs ot buaon
and i.lx eggs. Turn out the spinach on a
hot platter nnd surround It with tho
bacon and eggs.
A beautiful design in Glassware for the table. Tum
blers, Goblets, Finger Bowls, Custards, Etc., made
of the finest Crystal Glass in new shapes etched with
a simple garland.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
Entire set,
pieces, only
"Walk in and
If the Gre
And no dimunition in
ness to get out of the
ting sort of used to
Come todav.
For silver plated lop
tobacco and cigar holders
that were one dollar.
For lemonade sets that
were 98 cents. Large
pitcher six glasses.
30c For cllina 8lobes
were 98 cents.
The Rexford
Third Week zzn
If intorestecJ you Aill
find it to your advantage
to call and see them.
An Action in Trcpni.
Mrs. Amu Dunston, by her attorney, I..
P. Wedeinun. began an iirtlon ol trespass
In Prolhonotary Copchmd's olllce yesier
day ugnlnst the Lackawanna Iron nnd
Coal company for damages In the sum ol
Cine Wim Settled.
Daniel Lewis and John Jones, ot Tnv
Inr, were brought bcfoie Alderman I 'owe
Monday evening on the charge of high
way robbery and aggravated mw.iult and
battery preferred by William K. Mut::nei
Tho defendants paid tiio costs and the
cube was settled,
Will Pay the Dues.
Division 3, Ancient Order of ltlbornlans,
at Its meeting Monday evening In Raiib s
hull decided to pay tho dues of Attorney
R. J. llourko while he Is a way on duty
with the Thirteenth regiment, nnd also
of any other ot Its members who may en
list. Aaccnnlon Dnv Serviced.
A special service vill bn held nt St
Luke's church tnmotiitw evening nt V. ')
ti. m. May 19 Is ascension day in the
Episcopal lltual, hence the service. ISOih
commanderles of Knights Templars will
attend the set vice In a body.
Old Glory nt Dnlovtllc.
M. W. Hurley, of Dnlevltle. nil old sol
dier, Is tho first mid onlv ono to hoist the
Stars nnd Stripes In that quiet country
town during the present excitement. Old
Glory tloats In front of his dwelling on
u pole C2 feet high.
Tho Lehigh Valley railroad will sell
on May 28, tickets from Wllkos-Barre
to Niagara Falls and return at rate
of one fare for the round trip. Tickets
good to return to and Including May
31. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agent
for further particulars.
lv Heartburn. Has.
Dyspepsia, mcr,ir
ders positively cured. Grovcr Uruliiim'i Dys
pepsia Remedy Is u Mieolllc. Olio dose re
moves nil distress, and u permanent euro ot
the most chronic and sevorts cases Is Riiaraii.
teed. Do not suiler I A ,"0-cent bottle will
convince the most ulceptlcal.
Mtttthows Htoa., Drugsists, 320 l.nckn
wauuu avenue.
MAX WniiflR, Daot and Shoe Maker.
Rest shoes to order from $1.75 up. Mon's
soles und heels, (I0c Ladles' soles and heels,
Stic. All work ifiinrunteetl.
"7Pcnn Avenue, SCRANTON, PA.
comprising Oil
134 Wyoming Avanua.
Look Around."
-" -M-M-f4-f-f-H-M-ivf-M-f4"fH
the crowds. In our eager- X
retail business we are get- 2
this losing money affair. X
For Ingersoll watches,
sold for a dollar every
where. I C. For framed mirrors
1" 14 that were 35c.
OSc or rramec matted etch-
-"- ings -14x28 three inch
frames that sold for $2.
Co., 303 Lacka. Ave.
of t
tA I Business ?
Sae 1
I A FftiET'o? flf B 1 ITff
Full Tailor Made
The Perfection of Style
At Reduced Prices.
Are nn essential article
during the cleaning and
painting time. Your
wants can be met licre at
a very small cost. For
instance, wc can sell you
7 inch white wash brush,
Shoe brush with dauber,
at Shoe polisher.
Shaving brush,
1 He Clth brush,
1 v Scrub brush,
Varnish brush,
Stove brush,
Dust brush or a
lHair brush.
Floor Brush.
13 inches long with a
handle such as is sold at
50c. Are here at 39c
Feather Dusters.
16 inch feather, sold us
ually at 35c, here for 24c
Sash Tools
Such as are sold at the
paint stores for ic, 20c
and 25c, are here at
10c, 12c and 14c
Wire Hair Brushes
Such as are sold at drug
store for 50c, here at 24c
310 Lacka. Ave.
Baby's Wardrobe
Miict ba llrplonisbcd.
Try the Knit Night Drawers,
Knit Drawers, for Ladies and
Dresses, long and short,
I i. ilTVCStS,
Hosiery and Shoes.
In great variety nnd dnlntlest design,
at tho
Baby Bazaar,
512 Spruce Street.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.