THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TCISSDAV. MAY 17. 1898. THIRTEENTH'S ORDERS Directed to Proceed to Washington With Least Possible Delay. COL. COURSES OPINION Believes They Will Move To morrow or Thursday. ACCORDING TO ORDEKS ItUCKIVnu THEY MUST WAIT roil TUN DAIS riULD RATIONS rilOM NKW MWK AS WELL AS 'JKAVUI. RA'llONS JlOriJ TO BD AULU UO HAVi: "lllh riELD RATIONS PART OP THI. OR DER -WAIVED-CAMP Wlliti I1C LO CATED AT MLNPON HILti, MR OINIA, EIGHT MILES TROM WAHI1 JNGTON. 1'rom a Staff Correspondent. Camp Daniel H. Hasting'', Mt. Cret in, Pa., May 16 Washington Is to lie the next stopping plrtco of the Thir teenth. Ordcis were- leeched at 2-0 p'clock thl- afternoon from Adjutnnt riomral Corbln directing Colonel Cour Ftn to take hli command to the Na tional capital at onie and report there lo the adjutant-Kencral. Similar or ders were received ly the Slth regi ment. Colonel John W. Soliull, Chew ier; Eighth regiment. Colonel Prank J. Wugee, Wrightsllle; Twelfth legl mont. Colon) 1 Jnine 11. Corjuell. Wll Ilamsport. The orders read a" follows: AVaxhlngton, 1). (' , Mu lb To Colonel Coursm, 'IhlrUtnth Rrgl- ment InfnutD, l'onii"laiila ' olun- teew, Mt. Gretna, l'.i. Hy direction of the nccretnry of war 3,011 w 111 protect! at once with our rrgl mcrit to Washington, 1) C , and report to the niljutant general L lilted States nrrn there. Upon receipt of this order ou will at once temmnnkate with chiet quartcrm ister, Philadelphia foi the nec rsvury tiansportaticin and with the cliiet inraralwn, New York elt for ten dns Held rations, tht nucinj tnvd latlons and i olToo monej The qti irternnster nnd tommlis'irj general hae m Mrnctcd the ihlof quartermnsttr and lili'f nnimlhtir .it nbue pliccs to pro. vide tr.msportatloii rations and collco inoncj. Telt graph day of depirture to general of the arm, alFo to thin olllre, xptitfing amount of ttntngo and ammunition taken with jnu Acknowl edge lecelpl. (Signed) l. C. Corbln Adjutant Ueneinl. WHEN THEY WILE MOVE. A circular note from Lieutenant Howe, U. P. A., followed the oi tiers aihlsing tint the goerniumt s con tract with the i.illroad eompinies pro Mdcd that telo hours' notice of the time of Intended depaituie wns ic ijulred Colonel Coursen snji he e poet to get away by Wednesday or Vhuisday and at the quartermaster's quaiteis the same expectation piva.iIIf Colonel Coursen sent a teltgiam. with the nppiotal of the local quartermns tci, Lieutenant Howe, asking th it the legiment might he petmlttcd to move villi ltael intions only anil hae the held i.itions shipped elltect to Wash ington Instead of being sent hue and then on to the capital The time of the Thlittcnth's elepaituro depends In a gieat tneasnic on the nnswe: to this ieetiest. If it Is- refused there Is no telling when the regiment will get away as theie ate four teglments to be rationed and sent away hifoie the four tegi iiiontB destined for Washington can be attended to. All the Pennsylvania troops have now been assigned and all the Infant! y regi ments have reteived their marching oi ders. The Tourth, Sixteenth and Third left Sunday for Chickamauga, the Flint tle pirtcd at C o'clock this evening foi the wmo place. The l'ifth and Ninth nie hchcdulcd to leave for Chickamauga to morrow. The Second goes In battalions to Pelawaie and New Jeisev res ec tlvelv, to guard powder mills nnd stoies. The Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth nnd Thirteenth will lenve feir Washington AVcdnes-day or Thursday If they can be goten In readiness and the Fourteenth Fifteenth and Eighteenth which with the Second make up the four regiments added to the depaitniPnt of the Fast tineler General Merrltt, expect also to get awa. before Saturday. The three malty troops hae been assigned to the, department of the East but huve not as jet received orders. DISPOSITION OF UATTERIES. The batteries, two of which aie at Newport News and one, Cattery 11, at Gretna, have been assigned to Chickamauga, according to yester day's war department allotment, but the battery here has not as yet le celved Us orders. The old discarded canvas knapsaeks, haversacks and canteens, which were stored away In the arsenal at Ilarrishurg, have been sent oer heie, and aie being dlstil buted among tho reciulta They will bo used only until buch time as they tan be replaced by the regulation ai ttcles. Guns and clothing will not be supplied here, Colonel Coursen sas. These things will come with tho other accoutrements when the legiment readies Washington. Nothing definite has been given out Hood's Cure nick headache, bad taste n the mouth, coated toncuOEas In the stomach. Pills and lndig.itloa. Ho not vtiVn, tut have toule effect. Si cents, tilt CnlJ J Ills to tales with Uuoda SattaparllU, ns to where the Washington camp will be situated, but I learned today from a lieutenant In the United States army that the Pennsylvania troops as signed to Washington will be m camped at Munson Hill, Virginia, about eight miles from the city by way of Arlington, Your correspondent Is familiar with tho count! y there abouts and can say that a more de lightful camping place could not be desired. Tho members of the Thirteenth from tho colonel down to "Daddy" Conway, are doubly delighted over today's news, llrst because of tho call and sec ond because of the destination There Is Just a possibility that one or more of the Pennsylvania regiments may be camped In Washington, ns part of the capltol guaid. This and the likelihood , that the reg iments stationed near to nnd above the Mason and Dixon line will be among the last to be thrown Into Cuba, nio the onlv features viewed with disappointment bv the bellicose members of these Regiments. The massing of three of the live teg lments of Geneial Gobln's old bri gade, the Eighth, TwelfXU nnd Thir teenth at one point and the announce ment that appointment of Geneial Gen ther as brigadier of the Washington camp Is only temporary, Is accepted hcic ns an Indication that General Gobln will, befoie long, be in charge of a brigade nt Washington The Issue of bread hard bread ex cepted will cease on Wednesday so tho Thirteenth was ofllclally Informed todm After that time so much flour and baking powder will be Issued to each man nnd he must do his own tu end-making. It is nnanged, how ever, that the men shall "club" their Hour rations and have tho company cook do the baking as well as cook ing. Colonel Com sen is in a eiuandry ns to what to do nbout the new ambu lance Lieutenant Byron, IT. S. A , who Is assisting in the quaitei mas tor's depaitment, has inquired at Washington concerning whether or not the regiment will be permitted to tnke Its ambulance along when it goes into the Held If the answer should be In the ulllrmatlve the question as to whether or not the nmbulanee will bo sent home will still remain un answered Lieutenant Ujron has nd lsed Colonel Coursen that he would be doing an unwise thing to take the handsome new ambulance and team Into the regular army. "It's nine chances out of ten," said Lieutenant Uyron, "that before eiur regiment wns In service two days the division commander would get his ejes on It and, being so much nicer than the regular aimj ambulances, he would forthwith older It Intel the sen lee of division headquarters, and the fate of the new ambulance would be that It would go through the war serving In the capacity of a hack tei tote niound the favored visitors at some division geneial's headquarters" The question will be settled probab ly tomoirow, by which time the war department's answer to Lieutenant U i em's quel y shall ha e been rc celved An example of the confusion existing over the lack of a superior officer out i.inking the lespcctlvc regimental com manders came up this morning, when Colonel Schall, of the Sixth, formerly bilgadier of the Fltst brigade, refused to take ordeis fiom Colonel Kieps, of the Fifteenth, to whom Colonel Haw kins, of the Tenth, the senior colonel, leslgned the command of the camp up on receiving oiders to piepaie his icgl ment for departure Colonel Schall was fonneily a col onel and Is only Junior to Colonel Haw kins bv nine months, the one having bee u commissioned Feb 4, 1S79, and tho other Sept 27. 1S7' Unlets undei the regular armj i tiles aie alw.os Impel sonal, being ad- dicsspd simply 'Commander of Regiment,' oi 'Commander of Com- p.inj " This morning Colonel Schnll leeched an ordei fremi Colonel Kreps directing that the 'Commander of the Sixth legiment, Pennsylvania volunteeis," should send a detail of fifty men for the piovost guaid Col onel Schall declined to receive the or der or even leceipt foi the oiderb's deliver) of the message No expla nation was given or compliments ic turned, but Colonel Schall directed his adjutant to say to Colonel Kieps If an explanation was denmnded, that "Col onel Schall piesents his compliments, and begs to Infenm Colonel Kreps that the commnnder of the Sixth Is the ranking colonel next to Colonel Haw kins, and as Colonel Hawkins had re linqulshed the command he, Colonel Schall, by his right of seniority, would take command of the camp " Colonel Kre-ps, upon learning of Col onel Schall's declaration, Immediately leslgned the position of commander nnd so notified Colonel Schall, thui avoiding any conflict The tiouble, nn investigation shows, results fiom neglect on the part of Colond Schall. Aftei the division pniade. Friday night, he went to Col mid Hawkins.who then had command, and secured permission to go to his home In Norrlstow n to secure n uni form He came back, but failed to repoit his return nnd consequently, when Colonel Hawkins rellnqulsheel command he advised Colonel Kieps, the next eilllcer in point of seniority piesent on the ground, to take chaige Colonel Kieps did not learn officially of Colonel Schall's letuin and, as he ought to do, continued to act as senior office! Theie Is a little vexation all around over the affair, but no haul feelings were engendered, It Is thought. Colonel Schall will continue to act ns com mander ns long us his legiment re mains here T. J. Duffy. DESERTINC1 TUG CAMP. Regiment of nunttrrn Arc Lonv inc M t. (.rotnn Rapidly. II) Associated Press. Mount Gretna. Pa, May 16 It now looks as though b) the end of this week the camp will be deserted Even now, plnce the departuie of the Fouith. Six teenth, Third and Flrfct regiments, the governor nnd brigadier geneials, with theli staffs, and with the absence of the several brigade bands, nnd with very little drilling, tho effect has been to make the place somewhat dull The First regiment, of Philadelphia, left this evening for Chickamauga, taking the same route as the three regiments which preceded them It left In thiee sections, tho llrst two con taining the officers nnd privates nnd the last the baggage of the regiment. The Fifth and Ninth regiments will leave tomorrow nnd the Tenth and Second regiments on Wednesday. The Second, which was divided Into two battalions, were booked to leave to day, the First to go to Wilmington, and the Second to Pompton, N J. This order, however, wns changed and they will now remain in camp until Wed nesday. The colonels of the Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth nnd Fifteenth regiments re ceived orders to leave for the camp near Washington, and all expect to bo away from Mount Gretna before Sat til day. The Pennsjlvnnln division of Fnltcd States volunteers arc now divided thus. First, Thlid, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth nnd Sixteenth teglments ordered to Chickamauga, Sixth, Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth to Washing ton, Second, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth, Shcilelan troops, Gover nor and City Hoops to thoilcrartmcnt of the east. dOSSIP OF THE CAMP. l'rom a Staff Correspondent Camp Daniel II. Hastings, Mt. Gret na, May 16 Alfred O Wormser, clerk of Company G, will go to Cuba with out fear of contracting yellow fever, and those who have heard his descrip tion of the place nnd his statements regarding the rainy season and Its nl leged attendant Ills have had allayed to no small degree nny fears they might hnve entertained In this icgnrd. Mr. Weirmser lived In the West Indies for twe yeais, nnd a large portion of this time was spent In Cuba, princi pally at Haracoa, Santiago ele Cuba, the southeastern extremity of the Island During ull this time he sas he was sick foi onlv an hour and a half The statement that jellovv fever Is pievalent theie timing the talny sea son he docs not of couise, attempt to belittle, but he contends that a healthy man who Is willing to obseive the rules of hglene need huve but little fear of contracting It Leave mm entliely alone, be enteful nbout diet, avoid ex posure to dampness, keep the pores pf the body open and get the naturally needed sleep, If possible, and thcte Is no mote cause to (head catching el low fevet than theie Is of contracting any ordinary contagion In an other country. Mi W'oimsor does not agree with the United States suigeons who pi escribe an ounce of whiskey ever moiulng before brenkfast as a pie ventatlve of jellow fever. They maj be light, he saj s, but his experience and the piactice of cultuied Cubans is to the contrary. The northern soldiers will find the heat almost unenduiable at first, but after a time they will become accll- f -f-M-f-f 44-M- -M-H--M--H-H- Vessels New York 'iype Displace ment, ions Aim. Cruiser 1ntCIa B S. iNt Class II S. CruUor Ciulser Cruiser I). T. Monitor 1). T Monitor Torpedo Uont 8,'JOO 11,'MO 10, -'H8 '-,OM ',I)U(J J, OS II :i,oi)o II.HIKI loun Ind mm Detroit Mnrblohcid Montgomery "t Terror X Amphltrlte. -. Porter Brooklyn. . ... Massachusetles TrXHS. St Paul bcorplon Arm. Cruiser 1st LIiish II S. Jd Uui R S Arm Criiitd 0,250 10.28S (I,!H5 1(1,0011 1. 11. Deitrojer 2d Class II. K, 7,000 VUcnyn Oquendo frlstobul Colon Maria rhereca Fitroi Terror Piuton 2d Chios 11. s Arm. Cruiser 2d Class H s. T. II tiestrojer T. 11 Hcstroycr 1". 11. Destrojer 7,000 (1,810 7,000 3H0 380 100 4--4-f-f4-f4 ts-f-f44-4-4-4-f444-4 4-f4'4--ft4 mated nnd will onlv complain of the excessively hot elnjs. Even beneath the clothing the heat will talse what aie called sun blisters and these .no annoylngl) painful, but In nowise dan geious After the skin peels off and a new eqtintoilal hide is substituted this complaint Is no more to be heaid from The i aim se.ihon Is not what many suppose It to be, Mt Wormser ha) a. There Is no continuous raining oi even storms of long duration It is rather an almost dallv succession of inter mittent showeis extending through a period ot about five months io-exst-ent w 1th our summer. Ev ei ) thing may be blight and sunshin) and not a biceze blowing, when huddenlv In the dliectlon of the east the horizon will darken and in nbout live minutes a showei will be at hand Rain will fall In moie or less volume for nbout ten minutes and then, as suddenl) as It came, the showei will pass aw a), to be succeeded, posslbl), a couple of hours latei lev another of the same character When the uppionch of a showei Is first noticed, there Is alwa)s a scene of bustling where there aie I an) outdoor opeiations In progiess and paitieuiaii) in the maneet places, wheie peilshable goods aie exposed The mnrketmen keep their (llspla)s so auanged that they can expeditiously move them In nnd out of the "wet" At the w halves the man In chaige, upon seeing the sign of the oncoming storm ih the horizon, gives a signal to cease woik and nil hands leave their places to shut down the hutches, cover over with canvas the exposed goods and then retieat to a place of shelter. After the first couple of weeks, Mr. Wot nisei contends, the uverage Penn s)lvauia boldler ought to be able to live quite comfortably In Cuba, even In Its most disagreeable season, and with a pi ope t obscivance of the pie scilbed regulations against disease, ought to also live In almost absolute secuiity Corpoinl Robett E. Williams, of F, was Invited to Join the governor's troop, in which nie n huge number of his personal friends, but lie chose to remain with his neighbors nnd under Captain Fellows, although meuTbershlp In the govemor's tioop Is most eugerl) sought after. The following Is the train rations nl lowed each regiment for a dn)'s travel Coined beef, 453 pounds, soft bread, 675 pounds, or hunl bread, 608 pounds, baked beans, 206 pounds (In cans), or tomatoes, cot pounds, coffee, 48 pounds, sugai, 91 pounds. Mrs John C. Harrington, wife of Lleutennnt Harrington, of Company a, und Miss Anna Harrington, his sister, spent Sunday In camp. ' Uurgess Andrew H. Smith, of Mont rose, was the guest of Captain James McCauslund, of Company G, yester day. - The "buzzacott" stocs have been dellvered and the cooking Is now being done with their nlel. Ex-County Audltot John Morris was among jesterdny's visitors. There Is much gratification through out nil the teglments over ex-Hrlgadler General Schall s i ejection by Surgeon Major Hall being ovenule-d by Sur-Keon-ln-Chlef Stenbeig It Is also gratifying to know that Governor Hustings told the same Major Hall a thing or two befoie he left. Major Hall left here with the dislike of every man In the volunteer auny of I'cnn Bylvanla A letter was iccelved this moinlng by Colonel Cotrtscn from Hon. M. E. McDonald notifying him that Pilvate Richard McAndiew, a Dunmore boy, who wan iccrulted in Coiiipnii. D, Is under age, and that his mother de mands that he shall be discharged and sent home She sends with trie letter n ceitlfled copy of his baptismal "ecoid showing him to be only seenlenn joars of age. It Is supposed he pau'ed mus ter by making himself out to be twenty-one Mis McAndiew says he la her only child and the only suppoit she has. Colonel Com sen bin the mat ter under conslderatl in If the dcin ind Is insisted upon McAndiew will lie sent homo, ns the law provides that an enlistment is not valid when utlemled by fiaud. Attorney George S Horn nnd daugh ter are guests at the Selbeit cottage In Chautauqua park Will S. Langstaff. Jr. Geoige Wahl, Joseph Amsley nnd Edwaid Tlokei wcie among yesterday's Isitora. Captain Smith, of Compiim E, ai yesterday oflicei of the day und Lieu tenant Huff, eif Co'inail, H. ronuvan der of the guaid. To lay C.mtiUn Hu man of Company A Is ollH"i of the day and Lieutenant Pocket, "f Com pany F, commandei of the g.i.ud Pil vate Ezra, Ripple, 'r , s oiderly Lieutenant Colonel C C Mai'is was again honored todav . Ith the api oint ment of division eominand"! of the day. Pilvate Walter Finn o Company H, was ordeiiy Sun lay for IV second time since his enlhttiienl, Welneid'iv This Is a lecord to be iuiud of, e peelallj eince h Is onlv i i iw ie 01 nit. Dr Moigan J. Williams drop ed In on his way home fiom Washington to visit his son Howard, of Company r Sergeant Charles F Read, of Com pany G, formerl olor serge int, Is to have the old position permanently, despite tho fact the legulai arm iules make no piovlslon for such a posi tion Seigeant Read wa appointed a 444-44-f 4-i 4 Comparison of Fleets. Sampson's Squadron. I.Cth llredth Horse Speed Power knots Vrniament Guns (1 rt-lu , ij plu U. I'., H (1-pdr , 1 1-pelr,, 1 M. I 12-ln , 8 8-ln , II Mn. It I' , an 1 pdr., il 1-pdr., 1 t:Mn , 8 8-ln , el l-ln 11 P., 20 il pelr., il il-pdr., 0 5-ln It. F., II 0-pdr., 2 1-pili. 1 M 2 il-ln, 1 Mn. It h, I U-p Ir , 3 3-pdr , 2 M il ,Vln. II 1 1 (I in It I ., it ll-pelr. It. I' , 2 l-iidr. 1 lO In., 2 (l-pdr II, P , 2 3-plr. It. P., 2 1-pJr. IE I 1 1) In , 2 I -In It. K . 2 (1-pdr. It. P. 2 3-pdr , 2 M forpodo tubes and 2 3-pdr. It. K. 2 M. 3RO llllll :its 257 257 217 250 25t 175 4iiio iu,onn 2t 72 11,01)11 111 5 111 1H 7 IS (11)3 37 .'!( 37 55 55 17'j 11,0110 5,227 5,101) 6,5HU J.tiUO 1, 10(1 is ID 111 5 2fc 71 Schley's Squadron. 40(1 318 301 551 (IS 18,700 21.0 8 8-ln., 12 5-1 n. (10 5 10,100 1(1 2 I 13-In, 8 fl-ln., V,l 8,000 17 2 12-ln , It (1 In., II 1 21,500 21 2 (l-ln ill 5-ln. ... 20 I (1-pdr. II P , 1 Spanish Squadron. 340 (15 13,000 20 2 1 1 -In , 10 5 5 In. 310 0-1 (10 (Pi 2 I 2.1 2.1 13,000 1 1.OOl) 20 20 20 2-j 28 28 30 2 I l-ln.. 10 5 5-In 328 310 100 IPO 100 2 10 In, 10 0 In. It 2 I l-ln ,10 5 Vln 2 1.7-in R P. I (1 - 2 1.7-in. It P., 1 2 1 7-1 n. It P., 4 13,750 sergeant in his companv this morn ing, und considered himself permanent custodian of the colois T J Duff) CURED BY CUTICURA Uy eorehnnda commenced with abnrnlnjr on my finecrt Y?hen I rubbed tbcm you conlil ieo little while pimples, nnd I felt like twisting tbcm out of tticlr sockets. I had htgb fever end cold cbllli, nights 1 bad to walk tho floor until I fell tsloep. My lunds peeled like an onion, the nnser nalli not loose, tho water ran oat, and tlierotheburnlnKflre was. II y hands pulled up worta than a toad, the wator ran through tbe bandsxe oa to the floor I wenl to a doctor for a year. I got Ccnccr.i He soLvrvTaBdCoTicOBiSoAr. Tlionalli hardened up, peeled oft, and my bands are now cured. CASPER. DIKT6CHL1 It, Pembroke, N Y SritnrCCEB TrtliyiNTroa ronTcitxo, 11 srm rina UcuoRS, with boss or Hun Warm baths vith CrrirDBA For. centle anotnlinci with COTieuiu, and ml' t doipi of Cctirpae HasnLTtaT ftotithroughODtthewnrl't P ttpr Or and Ciiev Cokp Hmtnn. Haw 1 1 Kara Beautiful lUndi." tt-e. 1 rouble for i our donlei to get the Cinchbar Hopstick for j on .ome pioflt in It for him, grrut aiUlsfaftion foi you Price 'Jf, centK. Worth a Dolltu. Order of your grocer or deilerlti linrdnurc, wood. enuuieor house-luiulsh. lug Koods BJS"" EIGHMIE Tho beat littlne Hhlrt made If yon are hard to tit try one CONRAD SELLS 'EM 305 Lacka. Ave. . ! P i i: i si i J BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAflUB At Chicago- R II K Chicago 10 1115 0 0 1-1J 1 S Cleveland 1 0 1 (I 1 0 0 o u 4 b Untti rles Kllrnj und Donohuc, Young nnd Crlger I'mplre McDonald. At Philadelphia - Philadelphia - U illl more, no game; rain. At Plltsluirg-St. LoiilH-PlUslmr-;, no game, tain At New York Washington-New VoiK, no game; rain. At Uoston UrooklMi-lloKton, no gamo; rnln. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Moiitreii R.ll ': Iluffalu 0 000 100 001 6 i Montreal 2 2 0 1 0 0 o 1 (. 9 0 Datti rles Mains und Dlguins, Solid era and Untie r. At Toronto RUE Toronto o 0 ?. 1 0 J o d o (, U 10 Rochester 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 fi 11 tileries Gaston and Cas-cj, Suites and llond. At Wllkcs-Htrie Wllkcs-Unnc-Sprlng-field game postponed today on account of rain. At SjracitKc Providence - Sj incme gnmci postponed, l.vln. ATLANTIC LEAQUE. At Hartford llartford-Alh mown game postponed on account of lain At Nt'wnik Newark-Reading gamo postpone d on ae count of lain At P iterson PateiHou Richmond gamo postponed on account of rain At Lmcastei PUncastei -Norfolk gtme rostponid lain - AMATEUR BALL NOTES. The Tavlr Rosebuds nccipt the challenge of the Sliders for Dee oration Day afti moon at -u0 o clock on the Sll I crs' giounds If satlsfnctoo nnsner through The Tribune T A Evans, m in ngor. Tlie Old Foige Dashcis challenge th Dunmore Nonp irells to a game on thi the Old Foige grounds foi Suiiilav aftei lie on Mnj '.'J If satisfitioij answer In llie Tilbune J X Holland mating T The Italian chili of Old Forge which his udeipted the name of the Humberts lure ball team, accept tin chilloni,e cf the Italian club of Catbnndnli lor a l, inie on the Old ForM grounds for bim div, Mnv 22 Answer tluough The Trib une Antonia llarelttl manaui Tho Sliders of OI pliant challenge Jie Noting Hickories of Jerrnvn or the Ma llold team to a game Mas CO on cither 44 - f -f-f-M--f -fr-f-f-f-f-f -f-f -( I M. IM. It P., 2 M. P. i M. II K, 12 (1-pdr,, I 1-pdl., 4 M I (i In , 20 0-pdr. It P., (I 1-pdr, 1 M, 12 II pdi. It P , II 1-plr,, 1 M. It. P , 12 3-pilr. 3-pdr., 2 1-pdr. R F , 2 2 7-ln , 8 2 2dti 1 1. Mn , 2 M , 8 2 2-1 II. It P., 8 I Mil., 2 M. P., i! 1.7-in , 10 2.2 In , Id 1. 1 In., 2 M. s 2 2-ln It P., 8 1. l-lu , 2 M. pdr. ll-pdr. ll-pdr. 4--4- giuuuds 1 irst msweilng tust r,cr'd A rlshtson i .jit tin DR C C WEST'S NERVE fiND.'BRAIN TREATMENT THE (JfllC.KAL? ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. Issoldandor positiyo IVrlttcn Giinrsmtce, l aumnriznu agents only, to euro w oqk memory. uizzincBB, waituimnotiB, i lie, iii stern cess. Night Losses, Kvil Dreams, Lack DizzirjPBB, Wakefulness, 1 its, liisteria, Quick ness, mauc iOE5G9. iwie ureams. jjacic oi ejonu- denoe, Norvousno33, Lassltudo, all Drains, Youth. fill tltrora. or Exropnivo ITsn nf T,ihapeo. Oolum. 1 or Liquor, which leadd to Misery, Coneumtitlon, Insanity and Death. At storo or by mail, ft a box; six for W, with written giinrnnteo to cure orreiuuu ninnc, rsampiopacu- nge, containing hvo dnsa' treatment, with full instructions, ib cents. Ono eumple only Bold to eacn person, at storo or by man. C2rncd Label Special Extra Strennlh. .- For Imnotencv. Ii?s ot l'owftr. trfiHt Manhood. oiureiuy ur iiiurvuuwnA 1 n lioxt en tor Sj, wiin ,nn..p.in4lH.v, AtfltirnB Btruntor tivmall. IdrSnlcby WlllUm 0. Clark. 316 Penn Ave , bcrunton, Pa ASKFOR-TTIEBKLET.Off. Dl G1VE5THL BTTIiGIITTVOpiP ANP!5AB5QLyTElY5Afe FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC REFININC CO SORANTON STATION. km is mm. f7 tA ?s Aran JJGHT-B N 9ft By-fl? uLJy .flfBV pi CARPETS. WALLPAPERS. III 1 ll's WILLIAMS & BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS "ticcciflots to tho NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS- "TliriTIl MADll PHKPECT." Originators of PalnlesA UentlMry. Wo extract teeth, (ill teeth and npplj gold ciown-" and bridge work without tho least p.irtltl.' of pain h a method pit omed and uied b u onh NO CllAKQri for pilnless cxtrae-ting vIitn tetth aro ordered. Full Set Teeth, $1 00. V e Ruuriintco n fit. flolil Crowna, ?.t 00 11 other work at pro portionate low prices (lold Crown and IlrldKC Work a specialty. HelnK the oldoxt 1 ml largest dontal par lor In the world we arc -o well equipped thnt all work dene In us, is the best to ) had Our openttens are posltlel pilnlear All work guaranteed for 16 eniH All former eonti.nts made b New Ynk Dental Parlors will lie made good b the Boston Dental Purlors. Boston Dontal Parlors Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. (Oter Newark Shoe Storo) Baby Shoes only 14c. Child's RussetShoes, 3 to 6, at 25c. Boys' and Youths' Slippers, at 49c. Ladies' Shoes at 49c. 79c, 98c. Men's Shoes at 98c. MYERD AVID B W Acknowledoed Cheapest Shoo and Trunk House. 307 Lackawanna Ave, EAT Choice Cuts ARKET, 321 Adams Avenue B I.vei Whine in tho line of fresh anil O mlleil Mealu, Samnges Uiril, Utc. tNJ POULlll AM) UAMKl.N OE SUW. Telephone, No. 0833 WOLF & WENZEL, 74a Adamf Ave , Opp. Court Horn:. PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBER bol Auents for Rlchatdson Boratou'l Furnaoea and Ranges. MLHVOUS lltOUlK.KS; AM. KINDS i cured with Anlmiil nxtraeW Kreo book ella how WASUINUION U11UU1UA1. UO, Wushiutitou, U. C, rfel fmmW-M 3fw? A! Some one has said, "Style is tho dress of thought." Do you realize when one visits your home how the furnishings tell the character of the occupant? In one home you will find ordinary inoffensive styles, that's the "thoughless" buyer. In another hideous colors and won derful designs. That's the "care less" buyer. In another dainty, graceful designs, harmonious col ors, the work of artistic pcopla. Which will you choose ? Wc Arc Headquarters Tor New, Novel, Artistic Carpets and Dra pcrles, Exclusive, Choice, Pri vate Designs In Wall Papers and Interior Decorations. McANULTY Flue Watch and Jewelry repairing at lowest prices. Money loaned on all kinds or persona) property. Gillette Bros., New Loan Office, 227 "Washington Ave. (Opp. Court Mouse.) THE DICKSON M'F'G CO., beranton nnd Vlllto-Itirre, Pa. MunnfucturerH of LQC01YIQTIVES.STATI0NARY ENGINES lloller-i, Moisting and Pumplns Machinery, Oencrnl Otllce, Scraaton, Pa, The taniiard lectric Clocks No Winding. No Springs. No Weights. No Repairs. No Trouble of Any Kink J At Small Cost. suiioDie (ot siOTes. omces. BonKs. eic. One now running in Scranton Savings Bank since December last; varies only about One SCCOIltl a Week. sole Agonts for this lerrltory. The lsrsest anil flneit stock of CLOCK?, U'ArUIKH, n:VKLUY nnaHILVERWAKI In Northeastern Pennylw'nla. 130 Wyoming Ava E. Iil'8 M , Lager Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 4MMSI.J!91,Pl Telephone Call, 2333. Seeds AXD Fertilizers THE S CQNNELL CO. Refrigerators AND Ice Chests. THE & CQNNELL CO, 434 Lackawanna Ava. attknd to yquk evi:s now I.eslelit nresereil ftinl headaches pre M'liU'd by liuliii yoiu- eyes properly nnd , selentlfleully examined 11 ml tlttct. (lyes examined Irer, The latoxl stylets of bpec luileiuud jj eg-'uiiica nt the lonest prices. DR. SHIMBERG, 305 Spruoo StraoL J f