THE SCRANTON TmBUlVE-TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1898. 71 u . V A $ i 1 To Clean Uncle Satn W using gun-powder. Tor every kind of cleaning about the house, use GOLD DUST Washing Powder. It does the work quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, I'lilcftEO. Ht Louis. New York, lloston. GARBONDALE. fTho Carhondale correspondence of Tns Tribune haa been placed In the hands ot Mr. C. It Munn, Salem axenuo nnd Church streot, to whom news Items may bo addressed. All complaints as to lr regular delivery, tte . should ba made to W. J noberts, news neent. MANY IMPROVEMENTS. oKolect roiiucll in n Progressiva Mood I. list MrIiW Select council was In a eleclileilly pio KresesKe mood last evening. It passed on first icadliiK tho following ordi nances Providlnc foi paving and curbing South Main street unrt lllghth uenuc SlNth incline mid J'.uk place, North Church ttticet and the lower end ot Cuninn Htieot. ine lulling pavement otr No. 1 brlelere, widening; Noith Chinch .street, regulating sidewalks und llxlng wages of the unplojcs of the street department Owing t the eleliv In the pnvsage of the J.ik My ordln.uiec, the clt tleil; iletlnietl his inability to loiuplctc the duplicate b June 5M, and .1 icMiIutlon whs adopted uuthlt Izlng CleiK of the Coninion Council ficurgo l?nn. to u1" him Aniniig othir bills onleied was one of C It Smith for ?W.(,0 fnl desks. Alderman Jones le.seived his decision In the Ti-oplp lence cii'-o until Filday oning GOINQ TO SCRANTON. Tlie Kcwtntnn I.uIIls who are the buaiil of manage! s of the rioienee Mission inl!o all the li.dles In C.uboii lalt who feel inteiested In thelt wolk nnd would Hive to know more about th w uikliitn, of the Sci.inton mission to take the 12. ti.iln fioin heie tod.n nnd thev will meet them with (.ullages at the Hcranton depot and take them up to the home Aftei attending the K-Sul.u bond niedlng the Indies will b shown aiound the building and ta ken baik to the Motion for the S.20 tialn I'm i.v l.ul lsioidlal invited to go flow n AN OIM-RATION. John McDonnugh, of the South Side, who 1ms been a sul'e ur fiom abdomin al dropsy for nmw time, undeiwent an opeintlon vesteidnj moinlng when nbout foui anllou of water weie re moved .Mr McIjoiioiikIi sufiered inueh of late and the oiiei.Ulon was neHHeil to .iie ),S fe. )r Kplh ,,llt,ratrd. assisted by Di mills and 1. ukln The patient Is testing now iluletlj and Is decidedly nioie comfoitablt LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Word ha been lecelved In this ( ty i f the MUits-i of Jo'eph Mlssetl in pas sing tho llnnl eamiimtlon ot the lhll nlclphin ollege and that he will be graduntedfiuni that institution on M.i'i Jl It gives u-. pleasure in the announcement of the Huccssf of anothei Cmbondale Imv, and we feel sine that Joe will met t with anil merit the success In futuie life which his host of fi lends in tlilj cll wish him. Uv. William M lliller late the able nnd popular pastoi of the Methodist church in this place, Is visiting his suns 111 Carbondak. He is fa"-t recovrilng his health and will assume tho duties of his new pastoi ate nt K.ic toiyvlllo about Juno 15 SiiMiut'hRnii.i Tinn fcript Jumcs, son of William Ward, of Simpson, while -it his woik c-teiday moinlng at the rt.inkllu Coal com pany's mines, wis kicked In the foie head by a mule His lathei brouglit him to the o'llto of l)r Lamb on Sixth avenue, wheie s snitches were pin ml in the wound The boy was doing well at last icports. The Alumni association of the Cai bondale High school will tnret in the fentiol scliool building this evening The annual election of ofllceis will take place nnd the arinngemetits tor this ears banquet will bo discussed. A full iiltendnnce is desired. Arthur hutberfoid. of Ulalrstown, N. J. spent Sunday with his patents In this rlty. Mrs l W. ni is home ngaln. Miss Lillian A Jones has tehiincd to I'hlladelpliiu. Ti-ac-ey Symonds, of ninghamton N. Y., who has rented pan ot J. K. shep herd's store t'li Haleni nwnue. ijas re moved his household effei ts from ning hamton to the Kelts house on lirook street JERWYN AND MAYIHELD. On last Sunday nfternocm n saloon, bottling estahllshnient and two dwel ings weio burned to the giound at the Kdgeiton, n small patch a shoit ills, tance from this tomi. Many of the people heio who suw the blaze thought that the compnny breaker was kuIik up in smoke, nnd n largo number of man. would o out of eiupliinent. The Mansuy tilbe of Hed Men wi dispense with the regular annivi-saT this year, nnd havo decided to partici pate in the excutsloii which will be run from Wllkes-Harrr to Hones tal on Wednesday by their sister Iodrv Mrs William Cunningham, of Simp son, n former usldent of this town, was visiting filcniU hero Sunday. Andrew Maloncy and Miss Hllen Gal lagher, of Providence, and Mr. and Mi.s. O'ltourke and Miss Llleii Clark, of Scranton, jveio tho gutsiH of Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick Uluoniei, of H street. Sun day. , William Itnwo and William Mlller vjlle were out lldlng on their wheel on Saturdnj evening and had a collls Ion In front of Hennleh' lepalr shop. and as a result tin fonner's wheel was damaged A rhlld of :.ii- and Mr. Willlun New berry, of Second street, had its arm painfully scalded yesterday by putting up Spain r -'' lr & vr- I'hlladolphln riltNlitirgh Hnltlmoro. It Into n dish of uurtn soup which had been placed outile ( eool Jlr. nnd Jlrs Jcdin P Nic'iolon, spent Sunday witli fileijds In ton. Hendeison Knitter, son of Mi und Mis. John Kmtter, of Seventh street, Is tlueatened with un nttnek of pneu monia. The council met In n fipvril s,'l'in last evening for the ptupoe nf election of police. The applUutl'M of Cnailes McOlnley was lead. .Hid he being the only npplicutlon for th ollUe, w.m elected by ncclaiivillon The salary and service commence 'mm list en Ing which Is $m n mnntn and limn 7 until 4 o'cloek In the moinmg Theie was cousldeiable talk coiicei nlng n uni form and after n long discussion the matter It was decided to 1 ly th matter over until the regular meeting of the council. A huge number of Tuibh l!iook lodge of this town, wi'i putlciprte in the parade nt Ilkes-Inno today where the grand lodgt ni'-ets rOREST CITY. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Klist Presbyterian chinch will seive supper and Ice cieam in the basement of tho eh'lich tonight Hev. II. II. Diesspr, of Oiiluth, Minn, conducted sen Ices at the Methodist Lplscopal church Fundav moinlng Tlie huge building near the Iile de pot, owned by I'd v. ill Coiev. togethei with Its stock of llnur, feed meal, etc., will be sold by the sheiiff on Kiiday, at the suit of Martha Coiev and otheis. Kollowlng Is the cast that will nppeat tonight In the comedy-dnuna, "Hes the .Mountain Waif, or a Klondike Claim'-. I-iunl .Ionian John M. Ill own Nat Weber Thomas Hi own. j Jack Hamlin L.J Wells Hallelujah Hilly II K. Miivmi Xenas Ot lines N. I'. Hiundage Susie Smith Mls lleulah Mine Mrs noble Miss Heulnh Hlno .Miss Penelope Pilm .'.... Miss Lillim M. (TlUhiist Hess MIsCI.ll.t Cooige lodge Ananias Lovetoddv Hariv Hoffman Tlie play 'is a flist-class one and the fnet that it v.lll be piespnted undei the diicctiou of Mi Ilnny Hoffman, an ac toi will a leputatlon foi ability and eonaelentious wotlc, nnd that the lead ing lolo xx 1 1 1 be itssitmed by Miss C.eorgi atgues well .oi a veiy successful pto dtir tlor Mi Hoffman and Miss Grotgo wcte last M'ai with Jacob Letts in the "Old Kontuek" company. The P19 reeds will be for the benelll ot I'-itei-pilse Hose comiuiny and no doubt n Itbetal pationage will be given tin llie 1111 11 , Captain Chailes I'nllon has oiganlzed a base bill team that Is leady to meet all roimis for money or maihliM. The members-, who an Koiest Citv and Viindllrg men nie as follows Kiank Milieimnti, Thomas Henning. S. Welsh Mlchnrl Mara Jfihn I'wins, Martin Dunn. Sharles Kallon. IMwatcl Lav in. James Moni'-on nnd H. Madl gan The memlinis nie to meet tumor low night at Madlgan's jiool room Pi Vanning to peifcct thelt otganlzutlon nnd tiansact othei business OLYPHANT. On Saturday evening a meeting was held at the odel Kellows hall lor tho pm pose ot making tin thei auange ments foi the Miinmiiil Ua i'ercises. An oeeutlve committee' vvas appointed as follows Thomas W IMwnrels, chali num. n.tnlt ' Immj David M01 gan, John MciJmt.v, Thomas Dodds, M. W. Cumniings- Piaiuls Major, T. I! lhown, David McKliov, Andieu Kai- oil, Thomas Han Is, John T Williams, W W Jones Vai Ions committees nppolntpil weie ns follows Commit tees to collect funds, C, M Hathawaj, J. .1. McOlnty, Thomas Imlds S 1 vestet Williams speakeis and niiisjr. T It Hi own Kiancls Majoi, D.nld Moigan e omtnlttee on proginmnie, Thomas Hauls, J. T. Williams. Da vid McKlroV. W. H. Matthews, John Wntklns Among the societies which will pnitli Ipate In the eseiclse.s nie the Knights of Pythias, I. () O. K. Heptasophs. Ancient Order of Hibein lans. Knights nf Malta, True Ameii can Ivotltes W W. Waters Post, Aimj of the Ilepubllc, Junior and Senior Korcstois, nlso the ailous churi'hcs nnd public schools. Another meeting will be hold on Satuidny eve ning. Dr. D. L. Jenkins, nf Piovldenee, was n lslto in town Satin daj. A little girl has arrived nt the homo of Mr. ami Mrs. D. C. Kvnns. of Sus quehanna sheet. Miss Pessio Phelps, of Scranton, spent Saturday with Miss Muilo Shaw, of Hlakelv. Mis II. C Scluink nnd daughter, Noihamn, left estorduy to visit rela tives nt Mt. Caiinel. John Phillips Is spending the week with lelatlves nt Parsons. Hev. and Mis Oeoigo Hague attend ed the annual session of the Haptlst Voting People's union held in Ply mouth on Saturday. Kred Horry, of Carhondale. spent : unday with Mi. and Mis. D. L Heiry, of Hlaki'ly. i is Kdwnrd Jones, of Hlakelv, Is seiiousiy 111. (lss Mary cnrbino has resigned her position as osslstnnt In the postolllee. William Noole, of .Scranton, was tho guest of Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Ken ned on Sunday. John Ajoirlson, of Carhondale, called on Philip Mooie. of thin jIic-, yiv lei day. AVOOA, Mr and Mis H. K. Halley have ie tinned honi" after Huveial weelis' visit to tho Pacific Coast. Miss M. A Quliin has returned home fiom Huzletnn where she has been Hiuiesstui in elTectlng a launch of tho L C H. A. Hev J J. M.cabr. r J Hellly and Patilck McNully, of the St. Aloyalus miclety; IMwnrd Olbbons nnd W. J. Snnimon. of tho Kathor Matthew so clety: William Oolilen nnd Harry Heap, of the Cadets, will be delegates from this town to tlie C. T. A. U convention at Kingston tomorrow nnd Thursday. Owen Mtilurkey, of the West Side, has returned homo after undergoing tientment In tho Pennsylvania t'nlver- nllv. James O'lltlen 1ms nccepted a posi tion ns niotormnn on tho Scranton nnd Plttstun Traction line. Hev A. 'W heeler, of NantlcoUe, occu pied the pulpit of the Primitive Meth odist chinch on Sunday. Cards nie lsued niinouuclng the mnr rlago of William Uldgeley, of the West Side, to Miss llosa Welscarger. of Plttstun The ceiemony will tnkq place in the Lutheran church at 1'lttsj ton on Wednesday evening, Mny 2" Mi. and Mrs. K. L Svvartz, of Scran ton. vvcie the guests or air. nnu .virs. Hobeit Campbidl on Saturday Mr. Oomer Thomns, of Pnrons, paid n fat ew ell islt to his friends in town previous to his depaiture for Massa chusetts, whole he will enter us u stu dent In Goshen semlnnrv. Marie, tho seven-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Kltterlck. sus tained n broken arm hv falling off the hnnlstci of No. 2 school. A the regular meeting of the Knther Matthew society held on Sunday nftcr 110011, the following olllcers were elect ed. President, T. L. McIInle: sccre taty, W. ,1. Satnmon: treasurer. Kd ward Olbbons; Ftevvnrd, Win. Walsh; seigeont-at-nrms, Patrick McKeon. liev. i: Jones n missionary from South Africa, occupied the pulpit of the Presbvterlan church on Sunday. He Is spending a tew days" with his brother nt Dnpont. Mi. and Mrs Jnmes Ilartnett, of Scranton, spent Sunday at tho O'lirlen leslilenee. Mis. Thomas Kills, ot South Mnln street. Is seriously ill. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary St Aloystus' society tendered their fi lends a pleas ant social in Sarsfleld opera house last evening. Hurglnrs ngaln effected nn entrance through the ofTloo window at the Pcla war" and Hudson station on Sundav night After scattering tickets, pnpeis etc, about the place, thev succeeded In cnrilnp off a new blcvele Fhlpped to Thomas Lower, agent Detective Crip lien, as usual, was on tlie scene yester day and oidercd repairs Immediately. Thus another lobbety ends and the misci cants have tho bicycle. TAYLOR NEWS. I'linernl of tho liiito Jnmes Stevers. Personal and ovvs o( Intrri s Set vices over tho remains of James Steveis occurred from his late home on Tavloi strict cstetday afternoon nt 2 ,!ii o clock The set vices were con ducted by tlie Hev. William Klisby, of the Methodist Kplscopal church. Hev. Mr Kilb In bis lemarks spoke feel lngl of the c of the deceased. The lloial otieiings weie many and beautiful The Methodist Kpiscopal chut eh quintette, under the direction of Pi of, James K. Watkins, rendered beautiful anthems at the house. The lemninw weie bciine to the Koiest lliimi' cemetery by Kuneral Director T. .1 Davis for Interment. The Martin Luther lodge. No. 2J. L. K. of A . Tn- loivllle lodge. No. ll'.J. K. of P, and the Pvne Aecldtntal fund, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a bod The pall-bearers weie from the L. K of A . Tallie Orifliths D W. Williams, John P. C.rilllths, James Heifer. Thomas Reynolds nnd Thomas II. Jones, fiom the K. of P. Henry Powell, David Lewis, HIehard How ells, T J. Hughes, William Thomas nnd John Welble. The Tiibune branch ofllce In Taj lor is in the Coblelgh building Local Hep lesentntlve K O Hvnns In chaige Miss Jennie Williams, of Hjde I'ark, spent the Sabbath with 1 datives in this place Ptide of Lacknwannn lodge. No is, A. P. L A. will meet this evening in Heese's hall Misses Annie Heldenbaugh nnd An nie Liu el, of South Scranton, were the guests of Miss Mnme Clrognn on Sunday Messis Thomas Judge, William Kel ley and James Heff, of Hjele Paik, called on friends here on Sunday. IMvvurd D. Davis, our populni cash meichant, is getting full of patriotism He has on exhibition a large portrait of tlie heio. Admiral Dewcj. which tan be seen dally from his store window Thomas W I'vnns, a student ut tho Kej stone Academy, of Kactoryvllle, assisted Hev. Di. H. H. Harris in his seimon nt the Calvary Haptlst church on Sunday evening, j Messrs. W. G. Howells and John D jones. oMhi's place nttended the Hed Mens convention at Honesdale jester- day. Ilev. Owilyin f!. Thomas, of Louisi ana, Is the Kuept of his sistei, Mrs. Ilrahtua Jones. Itev Thomas delivered a erj able pcrmon nt tho Welsh Hap - list church on Sundny, of Mhlch lie was a foinier memhei some twenty ears ORO. Tho silk fadtoiy staited up In full foice jesterday niornlnp The liorniiRli streets are once more will carpeted with mud Messrs Hvan O Watkins nnd John r. Tuhhs made, a visit on Sunday to the soldier hos nt Mt Otetnn, and hioiiRlit hack reports that tho hon are dolnpf nicely. Mrs. John 1'. Jones, of Nantlcoke, spent the Snlilmth with her jfarents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas I'. Jones, of Main street, I'lldo of Lackawanna lodKe, No IS, A. I' I A , nnd T.acknwanna lodge, No, 113, nie iniiklnR pieparatlons to 1 un a joint excuislon In Ausust Wllllnm Thomas, who was hurt In the l'yne mines on Thursday last, Is slowly lecoNPilns Tho Tnlor Hosebuds challenKe the Taylor drays to a B.ime on the school house grounds for Ilecotntlon Day inoinlnR nt 0 30 o'cloek If sntlsfac toiy nnswer In this column. T. A. Hvans, mtinaBer. PEOKVILLE. Mr. nnd Mrs Charles HionK, of Hlck oi y street, will leave today to lnit f i lends In Monroe county. John Wall is Retting ready to move his fnmlly to Hcrantoh Another meeting of the citizens will he held at the hose rooms this even ing for th purpose of making arrango- monts for Memorial duj i Chicken thieves visited the henneries of i:. II. Hitter and William neofend last Saturday night nnd took seveial of their ehlckenn. Mr. Male, n grmluato of tho niedlrnl department of tho lTnlers.ty of iiuf. falo, is spending a few dajs with Ilia bi other, Miles M. Male. Mi and Mm. K A 1'ecU spent Sun day with Mr. mid Mrs. M. H Shaffer, ut Wllkes-Harre. Mlfcs Mlnnlo Dnrrow. nf Harford, spent Satunlny with the Mlssen Kpuna 'and Lena Ilarnes. Last Filday evening somn mischlev ous parties toro up all the pie plant and did other considerable damage to the garden ot William Hill on' Hickory street. . MUOEBURO. The ' memliers of tho Odd Kellown lodge are trying to form a P.ebecen lodge in this town Quite a largo num ber have already s'ven their nnnies to Mr. Oientrlx. Miss Alice Hartshorn, of Orecn d'.ldpcv f pent Sunday In town. Mr. Coates, of Throop, nnd Mrs. Moote, of Scranton, occupied the pul pit of the Primitive Methodist Sunday morning nnd evening' In the absence of llov Wi 11. Holder, who Is on his vaiatlon at Pittsburg, the pastor's fu ture home. He Is expected home this wvek. Henjamln Hall, who had his aim nnd leg amputated. Improves very slowly. Mis. William Hrown, of Lincoln street, Is confined to hoi homo with Ill ness. Arthur Wrighlson spent the fore part of the week with Ah. and Mrs. Haw kins. WYOMING. This evening the Junior Kpvvorth League of the Methodist chinch will hold a pie social In the church pallors. No admission will be charged but each poison attending ci.n buy theli choice of pie for live cents. Airs. M. I!. UUekcl, of Dallas, spent Sunduv with her parents. Ml. and Mis Snmuel Honeywell. Hev J K. Pock. D. IX. of Kingston, preached In the Methodist church on Sunday moinlng. In the Piesbytorlan church Hev N. C. Paike. of West Pltlston, occupied the pulpit Sunday morning Tax Collector Homy Durland has completed tho election of a si.x-ioom cottage nt Harvey's Lake. Comstock Bros.' planing mill was sold on Satuiday at sheriff's sale. C. I). Poster, of Pittston, was the pur chase!. Mi nnd Mrs. J It Haker, of Kings ton, were the guests of the lattei'B par ents, Mr. and Mid James Kowlci, on Sundiy. Miss Utura Haldwln is quite sick at I Jierhonie on Wyoming avenue. I The Mount Lookout collleiy will 10 sume woik for the week tomoriow morning. There Is a rumor that the breaker will make better time soon than It has been doing John O. Hemlock ami family leturned home on Sunday horn Lake Wlnola, where they 1 pent all of last week. Willi in: Kitchen has returned homo fiom Shuvertown, where he has been spending some time for the benefit of his health. Another piny w ill lie given In Music Hall iii a shott time by members of the Wyoming Hose compiny. .V Popular Aiticle. "The list thing I sent to this piper" said MelanehiilK "was ucceptid Imme diate b " "What"' cried Stilbe, In astonishment "What was if" "A cheque for nn annual subscrip tion." Tit-Hits iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiimM 11 I'T'gj fy M The people know the difference be- 1 tvveen our methods and the amusing ef- forts made all around us to imitate our way !l of doing things. When it comes to imi- ' S j s tating the Style and S e5 J 5 mir rrnrmontc it ie 1 possibility. Our unapproachable facilities I to buy the best ready-to-wear clothing 1 enables us to undersell other stores in I I S 5 every case. I Men's New Spring Suits tailored along the line of s 5 the well-known Samter standard, which only recog- S s nizes the best, handsome and desirable suits. You can 5 indulge every whim of pattern, color or fabric in this superb showing, BannocUburn Tweeds, finished or. un- S finished fancy Woisteds, or the fine Black Clay S I Diagonals for semi-dress. 5 The best for tlie money, ready-to-wear sn&s12,s15 See our window exhibit of these Suits. Get a pointer on "how to dress well at a moderate I cost." 1 I Samter Bros.! mm mm mm mm mm mm 1 Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, 1 9lm mm IM mm niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr. 0!lIIV3IIVaiul 12j?-a-nd12'Q WAS HIHGTON AYENU1. A SMOOTH STO Because 'Tis Made of Silk. We punctuate our silk story with prices that makes it rough enough for somebody. It needn't worry you who "pays the freightswhether we loose, or the maker or importer, v You are money ahead. You will find these silks all they should be, only the prices off. Printed Japanese Foulards SJfyc. Best Habutai Wash Silks 40c. An exceptionally fine range of checks, stripes and plaids in the Wash Silks. Connolly & 127 and It Looked I B As if I Everybody I Read Our I Ads I Saturday f Quality and Price of I J 2 1-omnrl tho rnnrro nf S clothes you ever saw 5 I AND Wallac 129 Washington A hard line to beat The Spalding Juvenile Line is the best Boys' and Girls' Wheel that has ever been shown in the city, sizes. Call and see them. Florey & Brooks. Opposite Court House. 211 Washington Avenue. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Speclnl Attention Given to IJiihU ncss and Personal Accounts. Liberal Accomtuodationi I'x. tended According to ll.ilaiicca and Kcsponslbility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits, $200,000 300,000 79,000 WJI. COXNEU, President. HENRY UEIiIX, Jr., Vice Pros. WILLIAJI II. l'ECK. Cashier I'lie vault of this haul; Is tccted by Holmes' Llectric tective bybteiu. pro Pro. THE IQSIC POWDER CO. Itooius 1 and 2, Coiii'llli BHM'g. SCRANTON, PA. Mining and Blasting POWDER M11J0 ut M ooshi und llushdalo Works. bicycle: SPALDING. BARNES. READING. STANDARD. LArLIN & RAM) I'OWDr.R CO'S ORANGE OUN POWDER l.lectrlc JUUerlea, IUectrlo KxploeleM, lor oxploctloc; Ijlusu, bafety t'uso uul Repauno(Chemcal Co's 1-lov.s Y Wa!Sace3 Avenue. DR. E. GREWER Old rost-OlTlce Buliaink-. Cor. Spruce bt., nd I'enn Ae , i'crantun. Pa Uus returned trom his WcHttrn 'inp, and will now remain permanent ly ut his liumu olllte THE DOPTOH T& VaHADUATC OP T1UJ L'.NlVmiSlTY UK I'lINNh VI.VA- NIA. rOUMUIll.Y DU.MONS'IUA- 'jou or l'insioi.ociv and srn- Cii:iiY AT Till. MKUICU-l'IIIll- uuait'Ai, coLi.r.cJi: at phil- ADni.l'IlIA HIS SI'i:t'IAI.- Tins aui: chronic. ni:k- vors. skin. iu:aht tt'OMn and nuooo DISHASUS. Tho doctor nnd his Btaft nf KnRllsh aniJ Ormnn pliJlclans make n ppoulalty of all form of Chronic Nervous DiscabCS, Skl.i, Vt'omh, Blood Dlsctse" Including 1 plleptlc Hits. Convulsion, Hjs term, St. Vitus' Dance. Wakcfulnest, UUAIN WOHKKItS, both men and u i. men, hos neucua sjsums hao been broken down nnd uhuttcrul from ovei work, no in titer fiom uhut cause, tan be ie9torMl by my method All who call upc p tho Doctor from now on will reeihe iieUtre, examination hor. lco nuel tMiintn.itloii fiet. l)r (.rower i nlRh htJiulltiB in the Btato will not ullo'V him to accept any Incurable cases. If they cannot euro jou they will frankly tell jou so. Diseases of the ,Ncr ous Sjteni. Tho fjmptonis of which aro dlzzlnchi, lack of confidence, bcxual wealcness in men and women, ball nMng in the throat, booth tlodUng befoie tho ues loss of nii.nior unublo to coiicentiate llio mind on ono hUbje-Lt easll Hturllccl when npok en hiiddenlv to, und dull, riidii eased mind, which untlts them for norformlni; thu actual limits f Hfo ni.iklnt; hipplnOm Iniposbible dlstrcBhlni? the uctlon of tin heurt, cau-lnB Hush of htat, depiction of tpirlts tvll foicboilliiBh. cowardice tear, dreams melancholy, tire emj of torn pany. feellnB us tlieel In the moriilni; as when letirlnc latk of encro. nenous ness. constipation, woikiif"t. of tho HiiiIh, etc Thot.o to uffccttd hhould consult us Immediately and bo restored to porfect health Lost Manhood Restored, Weakness oi Youni Men CurfJ If you lno been tjlveii up by our phy. sic Ian call upon thu dottoi und bo exum Intel He cures the worst kind of Nervous DebilltJ. Scrofula. Old Sorts, Catarrh, Tiles, remule Wiukiuoh, AiTectlons of thj Ue liar. Nose. Throat Asthma, neat ness and Cripples uf eciy description TumoiH, Cancers and Oollers removed without tht use of kulfo or painful caus tics by our newl delsed ubsorbtnt mtn. oel known us tho "JjbUCl'UO-UKltMI. 1 And' our O.O-NITH OAS cures Catarrh nnd Cntarihul Deufness CoiiBiilintion free nnel strictly sacred nnd confidential. Office hours dally fiom in a m to 4 30 p ni . 7 to 8 30 p. m. Sun da from 10 a m. to 2 p m MADE ME A MAM C?S, AJAX TABLETS POHITIVKIiYCUlW r ' a r r. h.w.n.,a ril..i,.l,Alllnit lue .! orr,lmpoleccrKlb.rUwiacfciai,iito. oBwfl 'T.Xl b Almdo or otUcr 1'iooto.s and 1 b4.' JM, crstlon.. 77ii uuleUu and, tfAfV -7 rintoro Lout llulltr In old or jour41fia lltumnofor.ludj, hmuiKaor maatvuf: 1'ieTBiit In.Qultr am LtoniumplM IC takio fu nine. TUolni.o e,Uow laaieaiato JuiFroTiH Ut ujoa batlnc tho nenutna AJox lablU. jley bavecuitUouiaadiuud wJlIcurpu. Voaipo ltl wrlttan uuarantAu to etftxt a cure Cfl Or V n wlllcurajpn. womraiw. wooer Mot OUu I?. Mi ll! irn.tmcint) for fU. 7J acnoahoor reiuna tn nio mikI,.. m t.tiAu irtiii tri V,W V!i""" "T"-""'.T.i.Vil.Ti iVfu- - AJAX REftlliDY CO.,'"&t?$'' For salo In Scranton, !., by Malthow llros. aud 11 U. Haudcr.oa, dnijsU.i S mi a 'npx mff