The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 17, 1898, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Hunting and Muslin rings.
Large Wall Map of Cuba 40c
Wall Map of Cuba and West Indies 25c.
Wall Map of the world, In colors, 25c.
Hand, McNally Co.'s War Atlas,
if) pages, 12x18, splendid maps,
In colors, for 25 cents.
Large Atlas of the World $2.00 up.
Our Navy, 30 Pictures, Paper Cover, 25c.
Navy lid 111 on Scientific American 25c
(40 Pages, 100 Illustrations, Map Cuba.)
War Edition World Almanac 25c.
All the Illustrated Papers 10c
Good Useful Fountain Pen 25c.
Hox Good Paper and Envelopes 10c
Pads of Good Writing Paper 5c up.
25'Ccnt Paper Covered Hooks 10c.
Novelties In Fine Stationery.
All the Desirable New Hooks.
Fine Wall Papers and Decorations.
Window Sliadcn and Curtain Poles.
Wall or Room Mouldings.
Clilldrcns' Carriages and Wagons.
12 I.dcIm wait tin Ave., Scranton.
Anti-Saw Edge
Collars and Cuffs, every
body wants them.
I ackawanna
"D02 it:
jo8 I'cnn Atcnue.
complete lino of iln..i j slioet
slioet music.
Tills lint- Is rtqifiitilly vnlilal' for
tencliliiK inirposoH, us it contains only
tin- best standard suut-Mohk. All other
PltlOU. A larBf collection o,' nil
kinds of music IiuoIch always on hand.
Speiinl uitfiitlmi given to all hinds
of Tt'lS'INU AND ItniWllUNU of
musical instruments.
r)C I5 ri D lTii d
CKlV Y JLJfiX Vri3l
205 Wyoming Ave.
46 S. flaiii Street,
Mailers Hottrlted
Moderate Charges.
Where Othors l-'alled.
(settles Your
An effervescent pleasant tasting pow
der for tho almost Immudluto cuiu of
Jiciiiliiclie, Nturulgla and Haekucho.
I'nllu is effectual ill all cases of Sleep
lessness, Indigestion, lluuithurn and Al
coholic excesses.
" Phllo' is positively the best remedy
I have yet used for my headaches." Ic.
tor Koch, Jr., Scianton House, Scran
ton. Pa.
"For Neuralgia and Headaches Phllo
Is perfection." Anna K. Huber. C. C.
CUKhman. 21t Adams St.
Sold by all first class druggists. Prlco
10. 2i and HO cents and $1.00.
US Clinton Place,
New York City.
IJmeopened a Uenerm Insurance OIllco la
mite' inm en u.
lieft Stock Companies represented, l.arso
.;ms especially kollclted. Telephone lsilll.
Judge K. W. (junstur was in Wilkes
Hariv jestetday.
wiicam J'ori'cr. ot lioncsdale. was in
this city yesterday.
Miss Klorence Finch is visiting rela
tives at Kansas City.
John II. Koy and M. W. O'llOMe, ot
1'lttHtun. were la Scranton yesterday.
Miss Minnie I.arr and Miss Callle IJarr,
of W'Mll.umpoil. are Msltlng .Mrs. C. f.
Slack, ot ircc!i Itiilgo.
Krm-st Ollinure. of Philadelphia, for
merly of Scranton. spent Sunday witn
his parents on Jefferson avenue.
Quartermaster Sergeant Isaac Drown
wus In tho city yosteiday on a furlough.
He returned to camp this morning,
Itev. II. A. Oram, II. I)., ts in Will
lamsport attending Mm district confer
ence of tho African Methodist Hptstopal
Zlon church.
Mies Teresa Canuvun. who tormeiiy
lived on Pittstou avenue, and wus hero
HBaln a month vlsltlnt relatives, lias
left for her home In Port limit, Oregon.
The following from this city ntteixioit
the convention ot the Wflsh iiuptist as
soclatlon of Northeastern Pcnnsylvan.a
which closed last nleht at l'lytni.iith:
Miss Mac Davles. Miss Kllabeth Hughe,
Miss Norma Kelly, Miss Hertha M. Kelly,
Luther Lewis and David J. Jones.
Otto Wagi nl.orst, oi this cil. was well
acquainted with Knslgn Worth IS.miey,
who was killed on tho torpedo hout win
Mow during the attack on Cardenas last
Wednesday. When Mr. Wngoniiorst was
on the fnlveislty of Pennsylvania lout
ball team ho played a number ot time,
against Mr. Pauley, who was one ot lio
crack members of Mm Annapolis Naval
academy loam.
Dentil Unto lor tho Wool;.
Thirty-seven deaths from all church
were repot ltd to tho board ol health last
week, duiinu wl.icli eight now eases ot
con'.lBtoUK discuses Developed. Ot tlio
latter one was diphtheria and seven
SOUOFULA Is the advertisement of
foul blood. It may lie entirely driven
from the system by tho faithful use of
Ilood'u Sarsapatilla, which thoroughly
purifies tho blood.
HOOD'S PILLH are easy to take.easy
to operati. Cure Imlluvutlnn. bilious
ess. 25c
state convention
Many Representatives ol the German
Catholic Union Will lie Here.
it is Kxriiciun that two hi n-
and ht'nliu-'ds k vlsitokk
wi1.i. uk in atthndancu-ka..
thnsivh ahiia.N(1i:.mi:nts havi;
iii:i:.' madi: nv local kociktikh
roil Tin: i:ntkiitain.mi'.nt ok
Tho conventions of the Ocrinnn Cath
olics' union of this Htatc, which Is
comprised of (Senium Catholic so
cieties of vat lous klttiti), will open In
this city Monday next und will con
tinue for three days. It Is expected
that 2.'0 delegates will he In attend
ance nt the sessions, besides hundreds
of visitors. To look utter the enter
tainment of such it throtiK will en
tail much work on the committees
from this city, with h are composed of
timmbei'H of the societies connected
with St. Mary's church of the South
Side, und St. John's of West Scran
ton. The programme nrraiiKod for the
event Is extensive. The duUrutes will
IiprIii to arrive Monday nioruliiK early
and at the stations reception commit
tees will meet the arrivals, and head
ed by Itauer's hand, they will ho escort
ed to Music hall and an Informal re
ception tendered them.
Uy nightfall it Is expected that the
deleRates from I'lltshurK, Chambers
butff. Allegheny, llnrrlhlmt'K, I'ottsvllle
and the lower end of the state will
have reached the city, anil at 7.30
o'clock Monday evening the delegates
will assemble In St. Man's linll. South
Side, and Mayor Hailey will extend to
them the freedom of the cltv. In the
afternoon nt ?. o'clock the executive
board, which Is comprised of the fol
lowing, who are also the olllcers of the
union, will meet: Charlei .1. .Inegle, of
Pittsburg, president; John Wagner, of
this city, vice president: Christian
Duliy, of PottsvUle, second vice presi
dent: John F. Kink, of Pittsburg, re
cording secretary: Joseph Albrecht, of
this city, corresponding secretnry, and
Michael Kraemer, treasurer. The meet
ing of these gentlemen will be to
firtiutlntr a rrnKmniiue for
the con-
veiition to pursue in discussing and
acting on the matters that will como
before the body.
Tuesday morning nt .s o'clock a pon
tifical high mass will lie sung In St.
Mary's church, which all the delegates
will attend. P.lshop Mohan will be cel
ebrant at the mass, Itev. Peter Forve,
of Hazleton. deacon; Father iloeckle,
"f Wllkes-Hnrre, sub-deacon: Father
X,1Klp' of Wilkes-P.arro. arch priest:
Fathers Christ and Stopper, of St.
j Mary's, will be first and second inns
I tors of ceremonies respectively.
I Haydn's second mass will be sung.
i nnd the choir of St. Mary's will be
' accompanied by Pauer's complete or
chestra. Hlshop Hobau will be escort
ed from Father Christ's residence to
the church by L'OO children, attending
St. Mary's school.
Itev. II. floebel, pastor of St. Jo
seph's church. Pittsburg, will preach
at the pontifical mass, and his sub
ject will be "From Our Knomies We
Learn That There Is In L'nlon
At the conclusions of the mass the
convention proper will begin In St.
Mary's hall, and the meeting will be
presided over by Charles J. Jaegle.
president of the union. The sessions
will adjourn at dinner and reconvene
nt 2..-.0 o'clock, and finish for the day
at ."..10 o'clock.
In the evening, beginning nt 7.110
o'clock nn open meeting will be held
In the Lyceum theater, and the pro
gramme for that occasion was ar
ranged with much care. The speakers
are among tho most prominent Ger
mnns In the country.
-Michael Kraemer, of this city,
open the meeting and extend to visit
ors and delegates a hearty welcome,
and Introduce- Mr. Jaegle as chairman
of the evening. The opening number
will bo a selection by a mnlo choir of
150 voices, under the direction of Prof.
Henry Ackorman, consisting of the
Scranton Snongerrumle, Scranton Lle
(lerkrnnz. St. Mary's Glee and Dra
matic association, and Arlon society.
Following will bo nn address by Hev.
F. W. Longlnus, of PottsvUle. pastor
of St. John the Iiuptist congregation.
His theme will be "To Whom Does
the IMucatlon of a Child Ilelong?" At
tho close of his address Hauer's or
chestra will render twu selections, nnd
Dr. J". C. Hlercholzer, of Allegheny, will
spenk to the delegates especially and
urge tho importance of fathers, who
are members of societies, having their
sons Join ns soon as they reach the
eligible age.
The choirs of St. Mary's and St.
John's churches combined will render
the one hundredth psalm, and tlie clos
ing address of the evening will bo de
livered by Hev. J. Wllnes, of Alle
gheny, director of the Holy Childhood
Home In Pittsburg. His discourse will
be on the alms and objects of the state
convention. Following, the chorus "Te
Deum," and the gathering will dis
perse. At 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, In
St. Mary's church, u .solemn mass of
requiem will be sung for the repose of
the souls of tho decensed members of
the union, and nfter the mass a short
and final session of the convention will
bo held. At its close tho societies and
delegates will inarch to the Central
railroad station, on West Lackawanna
avenue, nnd meet the societies from
Wilkes-Parte, Plttstou and Hazleton,
which will arrive to participate in the
parade that will start at noon.
The formation of the societies in the
parado will be: Chief and platoon of
police, Hauer's band; Grand Marshal
Frank Pecker ami assistants, Henry
Crockenburg und August Foster;
twenty aides on horseback In a com
pany; clergy, county nnd city otUclals
nnd guests In carriages; Lawrence
band, nnd the following visiting soci
eties! St. Mauritius, of Ashland; t.
Honlfarous, of Carbondale; St. Jo.
soph's, of i;ast Mauch Chunk; St.
Francis Pioneer corps and St. Frarcls,
of Honesdule: 'St. Antonlus, of New
ton; St. Joseph's, of Plttstou; St. Her
nnrd's, St. Johunnea Hnptlst und St.
Joseph's, of PottsvUle; St. Honlfacous,
ot Wllllnmsport; St. Peter's, of Shuronj
St. Joseph's, St. Conrad's, St. Poter'B,
St. Francis PionootH and St. Nicholas,
of AVIlkes-Ilnrre.
The Scranton societies, as follows,
will be headed by Got-manla and King
gold bands: Catholic Knights of St.
George, South Side; German Knights,
of .Hydfl Park; St, Mary' Oleo and
Drntnntlc association, St. Joseph's Vcr
eln, St. Joseph's Yunger Vcreln, una,
St. Peter's, of .South Scranton.
The line of march is: Front Central
station to Wyoming avenue, to Olive
street, to Washington Spruce
street, to Plttstou avenue, by way of
ltonrlng Hrook bridge, to Ulrch street,
to Cedar avenue, to Klin street to
Washington uvenue, und dismiss nt
Central Park.
A banquet will be given tho dele
gates at 11.30 In tho afternoon In the
large Imll nt Central Pnrk, and Judges
Archhnld, tlitnster nnd Fdwards nnd
the county nnd city oillclnls have been
Invited to be present. The visiting
clergy will attend, nnd several Im
promptu speeches will be made, nnd
later n picnic will be held in tho park.
During the stny of tho visitors in the
city they will bo escorted about by
various members' of the locul societies,
as each member has been nppolnted a
committee to look nfter the pleasure
of the guests.
NORriiFiELu unYtgrtainaibn.
Interesting Programme to Ho Itcn
dered Tniilcht nt the V. W. (". A.
Tho Young Women's Christian asso
ciation Is planning to send delegates
to the N'orthlleld conference July 13 to
22. An lntetestlug programme will be
given tonight in oritur to present the
attractiveness of the conference. .Miss
Margaret Clbbs' pupils will assist in
giving reading and Miss ltcynolds'
will provide the music. Mlm
ma Hays, city state secretary of
Pennsylvania will be present and give
some Interesting remarks concerning
the conference. Patriotic nnd North
field songs will bo sung and Northfleld
pictures will be on exhibition.
The following programme will be
given :
Music Patriotic Sung
Pending Miss Sadie .tones
Vocal Solo Miss Harriet Kmn
Pending ...
lteniarks. "
Voent Solo
lltutlliiK ...
Vocal S lo
Miss iltMi'ie Sloat
Miss Anna Van Nort
Northllelil Chorus
..." .Miss ismnin Kays
.Miss I'lielie Smltli
.Ml. Ms S.mle Jones
Mr. Torwil liner
.Miss Hostile hloat
MimIc Northlleld Chorus
''Nlilhlllon of Northlleld l'lctiires.
Silver tJllerlnt'.
Will AnsUt ill the Y. M
c. A
Worl. at Cliickiuniitiga.
15. Miller, who Is at tho bond of
army Young Men's Christian as
sociation work which is being pro
moted by the International committee
of the association, sent a telegram yes
terday to F. W. Pearsall. secretary of
the Hnllroad Young Men's Christian
association of this city, directing hlin
Jo proceed at once to Washington, D.
C. where Mr. Miller will have a con
feience with him. Mr. Miller wns at
Tampa, Flu., when the dispatch was
Hecently Mr. Pearsall received n let
ter from the International committee,
asking him If he would give his ser
vices in directing the Y. M. C. A. work
In the big military camp nt Chlcka
maiign. He promptly replied that ho
would and yesterday the call came
mustering him Into service.
Mr. Pearsall is highly regarded In
Young Men's Christian association
circles and it is not strange that ho
was selected for this important work.
He will leave for Wnshlncton .today.
During his absence from the city W.
A. Perry, his assistant, will have
churge of the local association work.
Made by tho Kxecutors of tho Hand
ley Kstnlu VeMcrdny.
The executors of the Hundley es
tate made a second distribution of
money to legatees last week, and the
amount paid out was $2.",000. The dis
tribution Include only three legatees;
namely, St. Patrick's Orphan asylum,
The House of the Good Sheperd nnd
the city of Winchester, West Virginia.
The last named was paid $19.:i00 to
be applied to tho uses of its library
fund. St. Patrick's asy(lum was paid
$3,MH) and the House of the Good Shep
erd, $1.00.
Hev. J. H. Whelnn. of Hyde Park,
nnd four sintets. including the mother
superior of the House of Good Sheperd,
came to the olllce of Clerk of the
Courts Daniels yostorda. afternoon to
sign receipts for the money. They
were accompanied by John T. Hlch
ards. Father Whi'lati receipted for the
orphanage. He is sooietary of It. The
mother superior Is vice-president of the
Houso of the Good Sheperd. That
was the first time in ten years that
the other three sisters were outside
tho walls of the house. Hefore leav
ing yesterday they had to secure tho
consent of lit. Hev. Hlshop O'Haru, to
accompany the mother superior.
X First ChiMH Scranton llcstniirnnl.
Scranton enn now boast of a first
class restaurant. The Hazlehurst, for
merly the Gem Cafe, in the Price
building, which lias been running since
the first of the present month, has al
ready built up for Itself an eniae
reputation. The opinion of nil who
have patronized It under the present
management Is that it Is the best
Scruntoti Iium ever had. It Is a pleus
ui e to those who cannot conveniently
get home to lunch to have such u de
sirable place so centrully located to
know that they can depend upon al
ways setting a well prepared meal at
the Hazlehurst.
Argument .Vent .Holiday.
The Van Horn case will be a'rsuen on
Monduj, May 30, before the Supremo
court In session nt llanisliuig. District
Attorney Jones Is preparing tits paper
book, giving tho conimonwoaltu's sldo ot
the case. Tho case wus Uown tor ar
gument yesterday, but was continued he
cnuso tho defendant's attorneys. .Messrs.
Wedeman niul Thayer, did not have time
to serve a copy of their paper hook on
Mr. Jones.
Remember tho .Maine.
und don't forget that Tuesday, May 31,
is the date of Wnlter L. Main's grand
est and best shows, consolidated, nnd
that reserved ients will be on sale tho
morning of the exhibition at Mathews
Hros.', !120 Luckawunua avenue.
- -
No Kuril I'lrni iik Heck At Ravin.
There is no such firm ns "Keck Kc Da
vis," and I will positively not bo respon
sible for uny obligation contracted in
nld name. Walter K. Davis,
Attorney at Law.
Sit and 515 Mears Hulldlng,
Scranton, Pa.
DOLPII. In Moosic, May Pi, is!, Mrs, 11.
A. Dolph, ago.'G years, 7 months and 11
days. Sho Is survived by her husband
and seven children. Funeral services
Wednesday ufternoon at 2 o'clock at
tho hoin-e Interin.qil prlvnti.
Was Given a Good Start by the Board
of Trade Last Night.
The initiative townrd forwnrdlng a
relief movement for the families ot the
Lacknwanna county soldiers with the
Thirteenth regiment nnd for the sol
illers themselves, developed at last
night's meeting of the bourd of trade.
Many poisons not members of the
board were present. President Keller
was directed to appoint n committee of
nine persons who will prosecute the
work Independent of the board.
Uy invitation Itev. It. V. Y. Pierce,
acting pastor of the Penn Avenue Hnp
tlst church, was present unit addressed
tho gathering. He suggested that any
organization formed should be auxil
iary to the National Hellef commis
sion or Its Pennsylvania branch. He
stated that such men as Hev. Dr.
Henry McCook, of Philadelphia; John
11. Converse, of the Haldwiu Locomo
tive works; George H. Thomas, gen
eral mnnager for Drexel & Co.; George
D. McCrcary, the Now York dry goods
merchant, and others equally well
known were ut the head of the move
ment which had been approved by the
president and his cabinet.
The National Hellef association In
cluded Levi P. Morton among Its pa
trons and would next meet tit his ofllce.
It proposed an alliance with the Hed
Cross society, It being intended that
the hitter's work should bo with the
sick and wounded nt tho front, tho
National organization to direct all
other lines of woik.
Mr. Pierce offered several well re
ceived suggestions for adoption whether
an alliance wns made with the na
tional movement or not. There should
be n committee on roster, to keep nn
accurate list of the Thirteenth's sol
diers on the field and their depend
ants nt homo; a Itcd Cross committee,
to act with the society of that nume
or to be informed as to the sick nnd
wounded: n correspondence committee,
to follow the movements of the regi
ment and act us a medium of com
munication between tho soldiers and
their correspondents; a literary com
mittee, to forward reading matter; a
finance committee, to keep the organ
ization supplied with funds.
Among a number of general sugges
tions Mr. Pierce suggested a depart
ment of co-operation to provide for
nld from the Grand Army of tho He
public posts, Sons of Veterans, Ameri
can Mechanics, Women's Hellef corps,
Henevolent secret societies and other
organizations: a womnn's auxiliary de;
partment, a membership fund depart
ment, n patriotic bazaar or fair depart
ment and a regimental tent depart
ment, tho intter to provide for tho or
ganization's tent on tho field to bo In
charge of Scranton newspaper men.
Itev. George K. Guild wns also pres
ent by Invitation to supplement any
suggestions that might be made by
Mr. Pierce. Mr. Guild offered an earn
est plea for immediate action along
some line. The call was one of duty
and humanity: duty, because those at
the front were representatives of those
nt home; humanity, because the war
was not one of conquest, self-defense
or revenge.
A motion wns mnde by Captain TV.
A. May, ex-presldcnt of the board, that
the matter of plan be referred to a
special committee of nine, not neces
sarily members of tho board, nnd of
which President Kollcr nnd Secretnry
Atherton should be members. An
amendment offered by Colonel F. L.
Hitchcock was accepted and added to
Captain May's motion. The amend
ment was that the committee have
power to act at once along the lines of
un plan It might decide upon. The
motion wns then adopted.
President Keller announced that he
would name the committee on or be
fore Wednesday. He will choose rep
resentative and prominent men from
each section of the city, from Cnrbon
dale and the region south of Scranton.
According to the opinions revealed In
the debate of those present the move
ment will bo on n patriotic and not a
charity basis. Subscriptions will be
solicited through the committee and
the newspapers as soon ns the former
Is organized. The committee will then
prosecute the work with vigor and
without being tied to any organization
or religious sect.
Quite a quantity of the usual kind of
board of trade business was transacted
In addition to promoting the relief
J. Alfred Pennington and H. M. Mor
rison were elected new members, and
the application) of C. O. Ilolnnd. P. J.
Casey and G. M. Watson were received.
The membership of It. O. Dun & Co.
was transferred from its recent repre
sentative, David Pickens, to the com
pany's present agent, W, H. Logan.
John M. Kemmerer, chnlrmun of the
transportation committee, reported tho
work of the committee In trying to
have the Ontario und Western com
pany run n train Into Scranton In the
morning from Walton, N. Y., and from
here to Wnlton late in the afternoon.
The time of tho trains Is nt present
reversed. Mr. Kemmerer pointed out
Reduced Prices
On Canned Goods
Coffee and teas at low
est prices in the city.
Try our Java Coffee at
2c per pound, with best
Arabian Mocha 28c.
Course's "Gem" Flour
Goursen's White Loif Flour
No Fancy Prices.
E. Q. Coursen
Wholesale and Retail.
that tho produce, wholesale nnd retail
trade comlnu to Scrnnton from ulong
the Ontario and Western road Is con
siderable but might be increased with
better train facilities. The committee
asked for information from tho mem
bers regarding the hitter's trade from
nlong the road.
The board was asked to approve
House 1)111 No. ItSifl "regulating bond
Issues of the United States, providing
for direct sales to the people, eliminat
ing speculation, making United States
bonds payable In the kind of coin
nominated by the buyers nnd fixing
the face value of tho bonds nt $10
each." Tho upprovol was given ns re
quested. At the request of the Philadelphia
chamber of commerce the board voted
Its disapproval of the senate's amend
ment to the postolllce appropriation bill
restricting tho mall service In cities to
four deliveries dally.
An oil portrait of ex-President O. A.
Fuller wns displayed In front of tho
president's desk. It will bo hunt; to
day and will be the fourth ex-president's
portrait to bo given n plueo tin
the walls of the handsome assembly
room. The thanks of the board were
voted the donor before adjournment.
Lieutenant Deutler ol tho Klevcnlh
Infantry Pays n Visit lo Thin City.
Lieutenant C. F. Dcntlcr, of the
Kleventh United States Infantry, with
bcrracltri at Atlanta, (ln who was sent
to this region to enlist "00 men for lls
regiment, which Is now tit Mobile, wus
present ut a meeting ot Phil Sheridan
Council, Young Men's Institute, In
Green Ridge, Inst evening;.
Hev. It. A. MeAndrews accompanied
lilm from Wllkes-Harre, where he has
n recruiting station nnd has received
150 applications, from which he select
ed )- enlistments. Father MeAndrews
lu'dressed the members of the institute
lirst and In eloquent style ho dwelt up
on tho devotion ot Ihe-Irish-Aineticans
to the starry Hair, whenever help was
needed to preserve Its folds unsullied.
Lieutenant Dcntlcr followed and spoke
to the tiienibcts on regular army life,
lie t.ald the men who enlist with him
will etc actlv? service liefore tho volun
teers now being' mustered in from the
tevernl states. He will not uccepl any
married men nor those who have par
ents dependent upon them: no one will
bo taken who Is under 5 feet 4 Inches,
nnd weighing less than 1 !0 pounds or
over 190 pounds.
Men under 21 years must have the
written consent of their parents or
guurdiun. The chest measurement
must not be less than 32 inches.
The pay Is ilfJ.fiO a month und cloth
ing to the amount of $100. He would
rather have r,0 or -0 from one place, as
it has been found to be more satisfac
tory. Volunteers could aspire to the
non-commWsloned olllces except Jir-t
Twelve members of the council gave
their nnmes as desirous of enlisting.
He took their applications and will net
upon them when he oens n recruiting
oflice here In n week or so. He will at
tend meeting!! of the other councils of
the V. M. I. In tho city and hopes to
secure 200 of its members for th" "00 he
Travel to ('nliforul.
The Lake Shore and Michigan South
ern Hallwny is selling round trip tick
ets to California at a reduced .rate,
going one way and comlnjr back an
other, leaving the choice of routes with
the passenger.
The Lake Shore offers many advant
ages to those Intending to make this
trip, principal among them being the
saving In time which this road makes
over any other line.
Not only this, but tho many comforts
and conveniences given by the Lake
Shore, and which are not found on
other roads, make the Journey far more
pleasant and the time seem shorter
than it really is.
This line passes through the most
beautiful scenery In the country, and
lourists will be consulting their own
interests u traveling via the Lake
Siencd by tho .Mayor.
Among n number ot resolutions ot
councils signed by the mayor and re
turned yesterday to the ilty clerk weie
tho following: Providing tor a pipe dram
on littston avenue: providing tor the re
pair of the sewer basin on Phelps stre-t
ut the Delaware and Hudson crossing;
permitting the enlistment of polleemi n
and other city employes; dlreuinr; the
city engineer to estimate the cost or
grading Ash street; directing the city
clerk to advertise for proposals to light
the city hull and other city buildings.
A (Jootl Set or Teeth for... $3.00
Our Hcst Sets or Tcctli 5.00
Including the Painless lixtractlon.
ill Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
The Couch for Comfort
Our new couches are comfortable couches. Without
being expensive couches. Full tufted corduroy cover
ing with spring edge. These are not the old stuffed,
dirt catching couches that are, alas! too common. These
depend, for resisting, on coiled springs, not padding.
Can't bunch up or pack down into hollows.
Corduroy Couch, madeas above with heavy friuge $9.00
Larger Size Fringed edge $10.50
Roll Head, Sometimes called drum head uphol
stery $12.00
Carved Wood Frame, An elegant couch with
carved wood frame instead of fringe. A$2o.oocouch, $14.50
Roll Head and Foot $13.50
A few odd chairs worth from $7 to $10 to be closed out
at $5 to $7.
406-408 Lackawanna Ave.
141 to 140 Mcrldlau btreet.scruutou, i'u. 'iulcpuono b.'J
Varolii!, Dryer Japan and Shluxle mala.
Will Kxhlblt In This City on Friday
Pawnee Hill's great show exhibits in
this city next Friday. The character
ol tho performance he gives may bo
Judged from the following which ap
peared in the Philadelphia Ledger:
"Great crowds attended the after
noon and ovenlmjj't rformiincps vester
day of Pawnee Hill's grand wild west
exhibition. Tho show is good through
out, nnd given a picture of life on the
plains such ns can be obtained in no
other show or way. Its many features
nro greatly applauded, and the show Is
well worth a visit."
Auditor Heard Areutneiiln.
Arguments were Imnrd yesterday by A.
A. Vusbttra. esq., as auditor appointed
by the court to pass upon tho exceptions
filed to the amount or the executrix In
the estate of John Luoce, deceased, nnd
to order a distribution of the estato lunds
found to be In her hands. J. U. Hurr,
esq., and 11. K. iiukliaiu. esq., represent
ed tho executants and creditors, and L.
P. Wotlcliian, esq., appealed for tho uxo
cutrlx. White
Arc FAMOUS because
they are built on HON
OR atid have REAL
MERIT. They repre
sent in design the most
in modern SCIENTIFIC
construction, therefore
the' very BEST RF
STJLTS are obtainaK.
and they are unquestio
ably the LEADERS .n
the market. We have
them at
$5.98, $7.98, $9.98,, $ 11 .98
t II
. JUsa
-, -.--- -.ix- "o
From handle bar to toe clips
there is not an article which conies
under the name of bicycle sundries
that cannot be procured here.
SCRANTON $35 $50
We invite vour inspection ol
our repair shop.
Iron and Steel.
Soft steel rounds up to 7 inch.
Large stock of cold-rolled shafting.
iili k CO.
Iluslcst Cycle House in N. n. Pennsylvania.
Turpunttuo, Wlilto Lead. Coal ',
f wssiii
220 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pi
Wholesiilo nnd Retail
Rendy nixed Tinted Paints,
I'omctilpnt, Kconomlrftl, lntrnbla.
Vnrnisli Stains,
rroauclns l'erfect ltnltnttouof UxpenslTs
Raytioltls' Wood Plnlsli,
Kepcclnlly Domgncd for tuslrta Worlc.
Marble Ploor Finish,
Uurablu ntiil tlrlei quickly
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
To suit your fancy tlio best plnoj to look Is
tliroii:;h our slock. All tlio now tbltiKS la
Ml-ii'h 1 "ur ills til 11 (iocnN lluil tticlr way into
uur store, ami you will llml tlio ptloes rljlit.
U rfllllGj Vasli7nuton
Ml J
Hour is Mild liy all grocers.
A great many families have
used it steadily for years.
It is not a new, untried ar
ticle. It is tlie most' profit
able flour for all classes of
people, because it is good
enough for the richest and
within the reach of the
poorest. We guarantee ev
ery sack of it.
"We Only Wholesale It."
Scranton, Carbondale, Olypliant.
In order to introduce
my new line of Kimball
Pianos and organs I will
any one who will send
me the name of any par
ty who will buy a piano
or organ of me.
This will be paid when
first payment is made on
the instrument and to
the first one who sends
!i:? the name. If ouy
kuoA- of a neighbor who
talks of getting one send
the name in.
George H.Ives
Xo. 9 West .Market Street,
Having milled 1.2V- fot to our Bttfe
room, wo nro now iiri'imreit to iltow n
liner assortment ut
than cvi-r. You ure cordially Invt'eJ to
call nnil ItiKpuct our kooiIh und cmpare
prices. CASH Oil UltKUlT.
s0 lllij!