The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1898, Morning, Image 7

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Munyon Never Doubts-Munyon Never
Deceives-Munyon Never Hesitates.
Everybody Associated With Munyon is a Munyon Enthusiast.
would mark the beginning of the end of Munyon, and that Is tho beginning that
Such is the faith that moves multitudes. Such is tho man whoso force of char
acter and rights of discovery have made him the acknowledged authority of tho
medical world Hut tho word Munvon has como to mean moie than ono man.
Munj'on means a scientific army. Munyon means a medical revolution. Mun
yon means tt victory over tho miseries of mankind.
Munvon's Remedies for sale at all druggists. Mostly i!5 cents ubottle. Mun
Ton's (5uido to Health free. If in doubt writo to Professor Munyon, 1503 Arch
Street, Philadelphia, for free medical advicu. ,
Tho Cnrbondale correspondence of Tha
Tribune has been placed In tho hands of
Mr. C. II. Munn. Salem avenue and
Church stri'ot, to lmm news Hems may
he addressed. All complmnts as to Ir
regular delivery, etc , Bhould bo made to
W J Koberts, news agent J
Tdwnrd Martin ol 'I his City Nine
1 eiirt in Actlvo hi-rilcu.
Carlmnd ilf'st lepioscntntlvp In the
great ctir at Jlunlli i JMvviUil Mat
tin lie is a imitlui of I J. Mat tin, of
the Delnwaie- and Hudson locomotive
shop Up will be n-menibpied lv many
of the oun,i nun of JiN own uk' an
'nrunce' Mattln. as Iip wn l.imlll.ith
c.illoel lij tlic Imjvs. Up Is now about
twentjnlne eats of iirc He left hit"
nine e trs aero and went to Huffalo.
when he enlisted In Hip iukuI.m ainn.
JCot jet belnp of ape he wrote liniiu
foi til pelllllbsioii of his older lilotllil,
the heart of the family. Soon after his
enlistment ho was oidiied west -ind
took pait In the last campaign agalnd
Kitting Rull. He saw haul set vice on
the frontier foi tluee eai.s, and when
his turni nf enlistment cxplioel dei tiled
to change for the other biandi of the
servhp He mlistcd m the navy at
New Yoik sl. jouih ago and lias been
in active servlcp on the water ever
since He tmlled on the Adams with
th" Kouth P.icitle Hciundmn two je.irs
ao and has been in China w.iteis
Since WhPli Aflllllt'll Dewpy lift Hollg
K.mir f i Mnnlla lw did not take the
Adams with him as It Is an old wooden
ciuistr and would be ol no use In a
conlllct. The i lew was tiansfeiied to
the other m-soN, mainly the Ualtlmme
and on that gallant ship C.iibnndale'H
sailor bny took pait in the flushing de
feat of the Spaniards
Our Ilepresciitntivi) Will Preside at
the Vinplncton ' lieiinton.
Hon J V Itevnolels of this ( ity will
piesliK as to.istm.isli r at the uaiuiui t
of the Aiuphjcton mm let ot Wyoming
seminal y, which will he held on the
evening of Tuesday. June 11. un that
day the Ainplivctons. which aie a
laigp and Intluentlnl society will hold
u leunlnn The soeiety numbeis among
Its uiPinbeis Mime of the most notable
men of the state who have gi actuated
from Wjomlng. The list will in
tlude Di. S. ('. Swallow, of mmls
buig, the eelebratpd ictoimer; Itev.
J. II. Rate, ehancelloi, of the unlvpislty
nt Chnttanooga, Tenn . Judge Alfred
Darte, of Kingston, W Oalmd
Thomas, esq., of Scranton, and many
other notables. Our talented icpie
sentative will make a gracfful and
able toastmaster.
t Iniias tlic rntlier ol Adelbert l)nv ol
This ( My.
Sad news was lecelved by Adelbeit
Day. of Locust stieet, ot the death of
his aged fathei at tils homo at Viu
den, Wayne county, on AVednesday
last The deceased was originally a
resident of Scianton, but came to this
city with his son. living here about
one ear, when he went to Vaiden,
where he has since resided. He wns a
man of plenslng peisonality and dm
lng his residence In this cltj made
many friends who join with the be
reaved relatives In niomning his loss.
He Is suivlved by thieo children, Ar
thur, of Jermyn, Adelbert, of this city,
nnd I.onn, of Scranton He wns bur
led In South Canaan Saturday.
. V
A larce number of friends attended
the funeral of deorgo Iilshop, which
wns held from the house at 2 o'clock
Saturday. Ilev Frederick Hhlnger
preached the funeral sermon and spoke
many words of comfort to the grlef
etrlcken family. Tho iloral offerings
were many nnd they were borne to the
pla,ce of Interment by John Jones and
John Gubert The pall-bearers were
William Evuns.John Von Ueck, Thomas
Kase, J J O'Nell, David Lewis and
Peter Mang. The lemalns wero taken
to Archbald, where they wero Interred
in the, Pjotestant cemetery.
James Franey wns placed under $C00
ball Saturday. jie wna nested for
jobbing James Hoylnn's money drawer
tnd, when some old coins which ho had
Jn his pockets were Idontliled, he nd
fmltted bin guilt.
M. J, Lovlne, of Carbnndale, has
opened up a Jewelry and brokerage
lness at 07 North Main stieot. He
Munyon takes his own mrdlcincR nml
plvi's thorn to lila own family. Mun
yon's professional and business associ
ates nrc all Munyon unthunlats. When
I first interviewed I'rofcssor Munyon I
fired this hot shot straight at him:
" I wunt to know, I'rofcssor Munyon,
If you netuully believe what you bay
about your remedies ? "
"I do absolutely," replied the Pro
fessor deliberately, tightening the mus
cles of his strong face, " and I welcome
your blunt fninknuss. I belluvc every
word I say, and it is no blind faith, but
positiveness that comes from iictuiil
knowledge. I have never introduced a
medicine to tho public until I w as my
self certain of its efllcncy, and I never
claim that nny medicine will cure nny
disease except the ono for which it Is a.
specific. It is this self-confidence this
total ubsence of doubt and evasion that
enables me to get and keep tho confi
dence of tho people. To advertise a lie,
nr to waver before any emergency,
has. also movvd his family hero nnd
has taken nip his i evidence at -123 liroad
street I'lttston Oiuetlp.
-Mis Ha.vdn Uvans, of Scrnnton,
spent Sunday with her mother, Mis.
lUvenburg, of this clt.
At a meeting of the Tcachois' nsso
elation of Tiinity Kpiseopal Sunday
si hool last evening, N. I.. Moon tend
eied his leslgnatlon as piesident of the
association and Itev. It. A. Sawyer was
elected to fill the vacancy
1). 1'. Hyrne lias returned from New
Yoi k.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kied. lit own spent Sun
day In Honesdale.
The Ilnuesilalcscml-prnfesslonal team
defeated the Antlnacite.s at Antliinclto
Paik on Satuiday aftetnoon by a stole
of 11 to 4.
William Hunter post, C14, O. A. 11.,
decided nt their last meeting that tho
usual paiade would be dispensed with
on Memorial Day this year. The post
and i .imp of the Sons of Veterans, No.
-01. will meet nt their hall nt s;
o'clock in the morning. May .10, and
W til march to the rpmnlnrv vvVinir. thn
1 lltuallsttc services of both orders will
ne obspived. The camp will furnish
the filing sejuad.
The Nov Mi. Hall, pastor of the
Piimltlve Methodist chinch, returned
home after spending about eight clays
In the confeienee nt Pittsburg. Mr.
Hall, was veiy successful In his exam
ination and passed at a very high
maik. He also lias been nssigned to
lemaln pastor of this chuich for nn
othot yeai.
Mr and Mis. Aitliur Day nnd tluee
ehildien, of Ccmeteiy stieet, attended
the f uncial of Mr. Day's father at
Viirden, Wane county, Saturday.
I'u dav at the Kile Satuida was
the cause of a gieat ileal of excitement
nnd hustle on Hungaiian hill. The
lepoit of Sampson's liombaidinent of
San Juan foits- had no little effect on
the lestdents and, Inspired by his suc
cess, the-, too, stinted a bonibaidinent.
The lesult of their fistic combat Is
that many In Hint locality ate wear
ing bandnges and ciylng "too much
sick head."
The numerous (Ires In this section
have caused seveial ot the insurance
companies to wlthdiaw their ngencles
in this end of the vnlley. Among the
companies who have taken this step
is the Madguburg, whose business was
loked after bv Agent c. j; Jieinics.
The Mndgpbtiig has camelled all poll
ties In feme noith of Seiantnn, In
( hiding Caibondalp The company has
in a shoit time paid out in losses many
thousand dollars, and this Is the cause
of Its wlthdiawing from this section.
Mr. David J. Williams and Mr. John
Keen weie visiting In Dunmore last
Mrs John McLean and daughter, of
Mil Held, and Mis. William Haven
and ehildien will sail by the steaniPr
Majestic, of the White Star line, on
Wednesday next Toi a j.sit with
friends In Hnglnnd.
Dr. S. D. Davis has been rp-appolntcd
local consul of the L A. W. The St.
Ueoige luilel has been designated us
an olllclal L A. W hotel.
The Oiand Aimy of the Hepublle'
post nnd tamp of Sons of Veteians wilt
attend divine set vice Sunday evening.
May 29, at the St. James Hplscopal
Mtss Hmlly Itlch. of South Main
stieet, was the icclplent last week of
a line box of roses from her friends,
the Misses Olbson, of Concord, N C.
Mis. W. S. Hadgejr and son, 1'ieston,
of Cemeteiy stieet, aio visiting iela
tlves at Hnst liianeli.
The Woman's Uellcf corps will give
an enteitalnment nnd suppei on the
evening of May 30.
Superintendent Gebhnidt. Dr. I. R.
Giaves and Albert Griitlths wheeled
to Scianton Satuiday.
Archdeacon Coxo conducted seivleo
In St. James church last Friday even
ing. Mrs Charles Stanton, of Cnrbondale,
was calling on friends In town Satur
day. Mr. Johnson Bennett will leave this
morning for WIlkes-Harre, where he
will attend the Grand lodge of Odd
Fellows, which will convene In the
above city today. Mr. Hennott was
elected at tho last meeting of the
Kushbrouk lodge to repieeent them In
the Grnnd lodge.
Uennett lodge, 907, I. O. O. T.. will
leave on the regular Delaware nnd
Hudson tmln tomorrow at 1.45 p. m.
to attend tho convention nt Wllkes
Uarre. Fare for the lound trip, foity
Mr, II. M Stoevcr has been called to
Mooslo on nccount of the death of his
nephew, James Steover, whose funeral
will take place today.
The lire nloim which was sounded
on Saturday evening was only to mako
known to the people that the beautiful
12x20 silk Hag purchased by tho em
ployes of the silk mill was unfurled
to the brcejse. Wo hope all tho other
collieries In this vicinity will follow
the example of the Avoca colliery, The
patrons of tho frco reading rooms nrc
somewhat lax In not raising a fund
for a like purpose.
F. 8. Clnrko has leased part ot the
Callnhnn block and will open an lee
cream parlor In ft few dnys. An ex
pensive soda water fountain haB nlso
been purchased nnd Is being put Into
Itev. 13 L. Van Hoesen hns succeed
ed In establishing n Sunday school nt
Dupont. There nre nbout scventy-flvo
scholars, who will be under the super
vision of Mr. Clark, of that place.
Mr. nnd Mrs. DeVv'ltt. of Wyoming,
wero guests of Mr. and Airs. C, N.
Hnirls on Saturday.
The question of Incorporating Mooslc
Into n borough wns ngaln postponed
until the July tcnn of court.
Mis. Mai tin O'Haia and family, of
Catasauqua, nro guests ot her parents,
Mr. and Mis. Frank Ileston.
Tho following members comprise tho
Populnts for tho coming season: Pitch
ers, Neil Kelly, Timothy Mulrooney;
catchcis, Pattlck Wynn nnd James
Dunlenvy; fltst base, Thomas Moia
hnn, Michael Nealon; second base,
James Mullln; shoitstop, John Horns;
thlid base, Patrick Lynott nnd Thomas
Hinnnlgan; fielders, Prank Mulrooney,
Illchard Lynott, John McDonnld, An
thony Curley. Manager, John Shee
han. The club played their Initial
game with the Wyoming team on Sat
urday and were successful. They arc
now tendy to meet any club In tho two
J. J. Gibbons nnd J. F. Itelllcy, of
Dunmore, weie vlsltois at the Gib
bons residence on Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mis. P. Houston and family,
ot Scianton, weie guests of Mrs. Hous
ton esterda.
The editor of the Argus tu Satur
days Issue savs he icgiots to see the
feeling of jealousy that exists among
the Avoca concspondents of the Scran
ton, Wilkes-Hart e and Plttston papers.
The editor must bo possessed of a
green p0 when ho mistakes good
natured rivalry for Jealousy.
Rev. M. F. Crane assisted In tho
ceremonies at the dedication of George
town Catholic church esteiday.
It now si'cms probable that llev. J. J.
McCabe will be chosen president of the
C. T. A. U. nt their next convention.
Or a Despairing Woman Who Was
Cured ofCulanli I) Pc-ni-na.
What pel son Is there thnt does not
enjoy a good 'tuip stoiv'" What in
valid is tliep in the woild who Is suf
feilng from c atari h that would not like
to hear of a true case of catanh cured?
Not (i make-believe, but a tiue stoiy of
n despairing wo
man that was en
tirely nnd per
manently cured,
after ypats of
The foi
ls the
of Mis
L lie-
055G5AT"i. Yii vj,
?WW. X Ark ln llcl " "
Cx.iCf jJffn'WWO!clsj "I was
SJA &A v" amicted w 1 1 h
chronic catarrh
which had been working on me for fif
teen ears I took medicine from the
doctor, but I gradually grew worse. I
fried cough medicines of different
kinds, hut It was only temporal y teller
that they gave. I also took other medi
cines, hut they did no good I Buffered
n gieat deal with pain In side and
breast whenever I took cold, which I
did verv easily. I was troubled with
neuralgia, nervousness, headache, be
sides having soie throat and bad cough
I suffered so much that I dospalied of
getting any icllef. Through an adver
tisement I learned of Pe-ru-na The
Hist bottle did me so .much good 1
thought it was woith more than nil the
medicines that I had ever taken. My
health kept Improving until I got well.
I am nble to do all of my houspwork
1 have no headache now, no matter how
haul I work; no nervousness to keep
me from sleeping
Send to TIip Pe-iu-nn. Ding Manu
facturing Company. Columbus, Ohio,
for a fiee book, written by Dr. Hait
man, on "Health and Beauty."
run era I of thn I, ale Jnmcs Stovers
Occurs Tills Alternoon-. Personal
and Other HnppeuiiigN.
The funeinl of the late James Stev
eis, announcement of whose death oc
curied in Saturday's Issue, will take
place this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Ser
vices will be held at the house. The
deceased was a member of tho Taylor
v ille lodge, No 462, K. of P., and Mar
tin Luther lodge, No. 2.', L K. of A.,
who will attend the funeial In a body.
Huilnl will bo made In the Foi est Home
The Tilbune branch ofllrp in Tnvinr
Is in the Cobleigh building Local Hep-
lesentnuve i: u. i;vnns In charge.
All membeis of the Mai tin Luther
lodge, No. 22, I,oal Knights ot Amer
ica, are urgently requested to bo pies
ent nt their looms In Iteese's hall this
afternoon to attend the funeral ot their
beloved hi other, James Stevers. The
meeting will he held at 1 o'clock sharp.
Diuggist Joseph Davis has announced
his candidacy for legislator from the
Third district.
Mrs. Jane Jones, of Lackawanna, who
has been visiting relatives in Kansas
City, returned home yesterday and is
the guest of Mrs. T. L. Jones, of this
Miss Sarah Samuels, of Scranton,
spent the Sabbath with her mother,
Mis. Samuels, of Main street.
A delegation of members from tho
Sons of Temperance of this place paid
a fraternal visit to the Sons of Tem
perance, of Hde Park, on Satuiday
H. J. Daniels, our populnr Main
street mei chant, has placed on exhi
bition In his store window a cannon
which hns been made from portions of
a cannon from tho battlefield of Get
tsburg. Samuel Gordon, of Scranton, was the
guest of his sister ln this place yester
day. Heese Lewis hns returned home from
Slatington, after representing an or
ganization of this place.
William Wotklns and Leslie Frutchle
are among the number of bos In blue
at Mt. Gretna with the Thirteenth
teglment. The former hus been pro
moted to Corporal nnd the latter from
corpuial to sergeant.
The collieries In this placo will woil;
flve and eight-hour days this week.
Hmblem division, No. 67, Sons of
Temperance, will meet this evening In
Vun Horn's hall.
Mis. James Hefferon and daughter,
Lillian, were the guests of Hyde Park
relatives yesterday.
Tho Itenard silk mill will resume
work this morning after an Idleness
of ono week.
Every member of the Taylorville
lodge. No. 462. K. of P urn -,i0(,i
to be presont at their rooms this after
noon at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral
of their brother, James Stevers.
Y tfT
svsrkxK si5.,r
Wnll Htroclltevlevv
Now York, May II. Thero was a very
obvious disposition today in spcliitlvo
circles to leave the atock market alone,
pending tho dovetepment of tho next
move of tho Spanish and American
squadrons, (lutsldo interest ln tho ma"
ket was small. Tho consequent losses in
tho International stocks decided tho tone
of tho market. The offeilrgs for Lon
don account were well absorbed ln splto
of the prevailing dullness and priced wero
lifted ebove the London parity. The
strength of Sugar on tho ncHanco In tho
pi Ices of tho product and tho favorable
bank statement baldened prices In tho
second hour and wi ought a few net galas.
Fractional net losses wero tho rulo at the
close. Tho sales of ttocks today were
HS.JUO shares
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALL15N
& CO., stock brokers. Meat a building,
rconis "OS-Tiri.
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est est. lug.
Am. Cot. Oil 221; K Si'i W-t
Am Sag. Ilo' Co ..131H 13J 11'i Ml
Atch , To. & S. Po .. 12Vii IP UU 11
A., T. & 3. P., Pr .. 'U 31N Su! Mi,
Am. Tobacco Co ....110 HUVi N'D'i 110
Am. Spirits 11 11 11 11
Am. Spirits, Pi an S1'1! 2S :Vi.
llrook. 11. T 40'i 40 41)1,4 W
Hay Stato Gas 3 a 3 3
Pan Southern C1H M'St M4 MU
Chic & G W lPa ll'i H'4 Hj
Chic. X N. V 12l'i 121s 121'A UPf,
chic, ii. & g mi mo t.ii loo
Chicago Gas DilS 9is W'l 06
Chic, Mil. & St. P .. (IV f'Vs 94' yi'sj
Chic, It. I. & P nsi M US' !'$
Chic., St. P. M. & O. "U JVi "U 7..VJ
C. C. C. & St. L .... 31 31'h 31 !&
N. Y., L. 13. & W .. K llh 12-i i2
Gen. Hlectric MU K'4 ffl! SO
Louis. & Nash K 5P& r.V, yVi
Mnnhattan I3Io 10T, 10J 102 101V
M K. & Tex, Pr .. 35'a 5Ji 35'4 35V4
Mo. Pacific .'.Vi S3 33'S, :1i
N. Y. Central Ill9, 115(, 11P3 lini
Ont. & West 15 l.Vi 1.1 i;i
North. Pacific 2L tC'i 20 "(iVi
Nor Pacific, lr .... C'i foU GPJ as
Pacific Mnll 2T'i 2SVi 27 iSU
Phil. & Head 1!U 34 1V4 U
Southern It. It Ss'i 8'4 8i 84
Southern It. It. Pr.. 2D 21'4 2" 2114
Tcnn, C & Iron . .. 2V4 23s 23 23
Texas & Pacific . .. 11 11 11 il
Pnlon Pac, 1st Pr .. :"!, IS'S f.TU 614
IT. S Ilubbcr 1014 1114 19 WJ,
P. S. leather 714 7b ',Vi "14
IT. S Leather, Pr .. 6! t.1 1.1 a
Wabash, Pr 7 7n 714 Vt
Waliish, Pr V)U Ifl'.s ISTa 19
West. Union Sl'i S914 S9 SD
w. & l. 13 "5t 2 214 :;
Met. Traction Co ..151 131 150 130U
Open- High- Low- Clos
WH13AT. lug. est. est. Ing.
May. 110 14ft 130 1JIU
July lOia 107 10P4 lOPj
September i7 90 IV S9''8
July .I.'!, 30's r.ij y,
September M'J 37 3ij't SflT,
July Sfitj 20'; 23 2i5'n
September 21 24 2J'2 23
Jnlv 1143 11. SO 11.12 1170
Jlllv 0 43 0.32 0 13 0 30
September C 17 fi t.0 t 47 6 57
hcrnnlon Hoard of 1rndo llxchnngo
Juotations--AU guotatious Kased
uu Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Scrnnton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... in
National Bering & Drill's Co. ... 81)
First National Bank Too ...
Dlmhurst Boulevard ma
Scrunton Savings Bank 2JJ
Scranton Packing Co 95
I.aca. Iron & Steel Co 30
Thlid National Bank 8S5
Throop Novelty Mfg Co yj
Scranton Trac. Co js ...
Scianton Axle Works 73
Dime Dep. tz l)ls Bank K5 ...
Peck Lumbtr Mfg Co 175 210
Bionomy Light, lleut &. Pow
er Company 43
Scranton Illuminating, Heat
& Power Company gs
Scranton Forging Co mo
Traders' National Bank 130 130
Lacka. Lumber Co ijj
Scranton Pass. Uallwuy, first
mortgage, duo 1920
People's Street Hallway, first
mortgage, due 101S
People's Street Hallway, Gen
eral mortgage, duo 1S21
Diekson Manufacturing Co ...
Lacka Township School 5..
City of Scranton St. Imp. G..
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axlo Works
Scranton Traction Co., llrst
mortgage 0's, duo 1932
US ...
113 ...
115 ...
Now Voile Produco .Market.
New York, May II PIoui Quiet and
weaker; city mill patent, nominal, winter
patents. 5o.75a7.25, city mill clears, nomi
nal; winter straights, $G23at30; Minne
sota patents, $7a7'.0; winter extias, H 5'U
5i'3; Minnesota bands, $5 3uau, winter
low grades, V LUi3. Wheat Spot btead ,
spot No. 2 red, $1 0Z, f. o b., nfloat to
anlve, nominal; options openul weak In
response to lower liquidation and foreign
selling, but towards noon rallied vigor
ously on local covering and were finally
but Hale, lower, except Ma, which
closed 5'-c off, Kiles included No. 2 red,
Ma, $1 13al l'i, tlosed tl.43; July, Jl O'.ijU
1 11. tlosed $1 IP;; September, ti2'4uul'c .
closed lilUc , December, k7340k'je closed
b9c. Corn Spot No. 2 red, 42e.e., nomi
nal, f. o b, alloat, options opened easy
with wheat but liter Improved on cover
ing, rains ist and bit week! clcai
uuccb. closing unchanged; July, 40ifea!0',,p,
closed 49'kc , September, 41allo, closed
415sc. Oats Spot ouiei; No. 2, 33a ICc, No.
3. 33".: N'o. 5 whltf. 7n'Mn Vo ..1,1,..
3C'.a37e- ; Hack mlcd, western, STia.'!!'..?1; wniif, weMeru, oiaiic ; iraeic vnite,
state, 37u4Ic , options dull and easy, clos.
ing unchanged; May, closed jp4c. Beef
Firm; fiimlly. $12f0al3; extra mess, J10 30
all; beef hams, 23, packet, 511 50al2, elt
extia India mess, $1M19. Cut Meats
Steady; pickled bellies, 6V4a7',e ; pickled
shoulders, 411a3c; pickled hams. 7Viic.
Lard Steady . western steam doted at
JO SO; city at $0 33, May elosed o SO. nom
inal; refined, steady, continent, $710; S.
A , J7.33, compound, 4ia5c Pork Steady;
mess, JU23all75, short clear. Jll.33an.W;
family, $13al4 Butter-Quiet; western
creamery, I4$alGc; do. factory, 12al3c;
Lost flesh lately?
Does your brain tire?
Losing control over your
Are your muscles becom
ing exhausted?
You certainly know the
remedy. It is nothing new;
just the same remedy that
has been curing these cases
of thinness and paleness for
twenty-five years. Scott's
Emulsion. The cod-liver
oil in it is the food that
makes the flesh, and the hy
pophosphitcs give tone to
the nerves.
IK, and Jl.oo, ill drujjlitv
SCOT! i UOWNt!, ChtmUtt, hew Yotk.
ounoiWand wai lact
Because Tis Made of Silk.
We punctuate our silk story with prices that makes it
rough enough for somebody.
It needn't worry you who "pays the freight" whether we
loose, or the maker or importer, You are money ahead. You
will find these silks all they should be, only the prices oil
Printed Japanese Foulards 37c.
Best Habutai Wash Silks 40c.
An exceptionally fine range of checks, stripes and plaids
in the Wash Silks.
127 and
niRlns, lCc. ; Initiation creamery, Ualt'c ;
stato daily, ll'-alCc; elo. creameiy, ll'ja
10c. Chetso Dull; state larKO, white
Vic; f-mall white, 7a"'ic ; llRht skims, f.'-.a
7c. ; part skims, GHa6Hc. ; full sklm. 2a3c ,
larRo eoloicil, Sc. ; wmall colored, lUn'c ,
old cheeso lareo fancy, baUc. Krrs
Sternly, titato and PcnnxyUnnln, loallc. ,
western fresh, lOalOljt ; Honthern, 10c
I'otatoos Quiet; New York, JUU. Tallow
Strnnc; city, 4c. J country,'gc., as
to quality. Petroleum Dull, unit d
closed, no market; retmeil New 'ioik
J3D3; Philadelphia and IJaltlmore, J3 00,
do. ln bulk, $3 40,
Chlcnco Produco .llnrket.
ChlcnRO, May II Tlio iiecullar Irreg
ularity of tho wheat market was the ex
ceptional fei.turo on 'Change today. May
wheat opencel nt $1.30 per bushel, a reeos
slon of 20 cents from yesterday's closing
price. Lelter showed a deposition to pro
tect his property, however, ami the close
was nt Jl 4lt a net loss of only l'4c.
July fluctuated oor a rango of Cc.,
closing at Jl.Ol'i, a net gain ot l'4e. Sep
tember did better and llnlbhed at an ad
vance of l'4c. Cash quotations wero ns
follow; riour Weak; winter p iteuts,
JO C0abS0; fctraight. JO.'JOaRiO, clears, JCa
CM); spring specials, $S, patents, $0 73a" "3,
straights, (R'JOaCSO. bakers, f I 73a 0.23; No
2 spring wheat, Jl 13il 20, No. 3 spring
wheat, $1.03al23; No. 2 red, Jl.rfl.il3S; No
2 corn, 30c; No. 2 oats, SOaSOUc.; No. 2
white. 31c ; No. 3 white, 3Jr.i33;,c.; No, 2
re, 67'jaCSc ; No. 2 barley, 4la5Je ; No 1
flax seed, J1.3S; prlmo timothy seed, $J.-0a
2 03; pork, $U.30all CO; lard, Jfi.l7ifeifi.30.
llbi JCaC.V; shoulders, CiGUe.; clear
sides, J5 30a40; whisky, $1.21; No. 2 yel
low corn, CC'ic
Philadelphia Proiislnn .llrirlcot.
Philadelphia. May U Wheat-Dull and
nominal; contract grade. May. $130 Md
Corn Weak nnd c. lower; May, 40'sa
4014c ; June, 40'ial0,,c. Potatoes Steadv,
white, choice, per bushel, SSaDOc; elo. fair
to good, per bushel, 73a7Sc. Uutter Eas
ier; fancy western creamery, lO'-c.; do.
prints, 17c. Kggs Quiet but stead ;
fresh, nearby, lOalO'.ic ; do. western, 10a
10Vc ; do. southern, 10c. Cheese Stcndj.
Ileflned Sugars Mrm and at 9 43 a m ,
standard sianulnted and Nos 1, 2,11, 12
13, 11 and 13 advanced 1-loe. ; all other
grades weie unchanged. Cotton Un
changed. Tallow Steady. I.lo anl
Dreses,d Poultry Unchanged. R, celpts
Ilour, 1 SuO tinrrels and 11,000 nacks;
wheat, none; corn, 170,000 bushels; oats,
0 000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 1 G00
bushels, corn, 231,000 bushels, oats, S,000
I'lillndclpliin I.lvo Stock.
Philadelphia, May 14 I.le stock re
ceipts. IiecNCS, 3,117 head: sheep, 7,547
head; hogs, 4,475 head. Ueef Cattlo
Only fair demand and prices declined 'ic;
extra, oaO'ic; good, 4al'ic. , medium,
4a4Vjc; common, 4a4'c. Sheep Actlo
and llrm: extra, 4'4a4sc; good, i3a4c;
medium, 3'a3Hc. ; common, 3j3'4'. ; lamos,
44a5c spring lambs, $3a5. Hogs Ac
tho and higher; best western at oic;
other srndes, 6a6c. Fat cows, 2'Ka3V4C.;
thin cows, JSal3; enl cahes, active, 4'a
C'c. ; milch cows, steady at J23a40; dicsed
beeves, acttvo at CaSVtc. Mborty Cattlu.Hnrkol.
Hast Liberty, Pa . May 14 Cattle
Steady; extra, $3 10a5 15, prlino, $l't3a5;
common, $3JHia4 15. Hogs Slow; prlmo
heavy hogs, $1 43al 50, Lest mediums und
heavy Yorkers, $1 40a4 43'fc light Yorkers,
$4 23a4 33; pigs, ns to weight and quality,
J4a4 13; good roughs, Jl.CSal; common to
fair, J2.73a3 50. Sheep Steadv; choie-o
clipped lambs. Jl.90a510; common to gooel,
J123a4 80j spring lambs, I3a7; veal calves,
$5 50a5.73.
Now York I.lvo htnek.
New York, May 11. Peeves No trad
ing. Cahes Quiet but sUad ; vculs, Jla
0 50 Sheep and I.ombs-Phcep, slew,
lambs, steady, sheep, nominal; lambs,
$5.20a5 20. Hoes l'lrm and higher at $4 40
Oil .Market.
Oil City. Pa., May ll-Ciedlt balance),
S2c.j certlllcates opened t.'c. bid; closed
8J'4c bid for cash; no salts; shipments,
0,293 barrels; runs, 92.123 ban els.
129 Washington
A hard line to beat.
The Spalding Juvenile
Line is the best Boys' and
Girls' Wheel that has ever
been shown in the city. All
Call and see them.
Florey & Brooks.
Opposite Court House.
211 Washington Avenue.
Special Attention Given to IJitsI
ncss nnd I'crsonul Account.
Liberal Accommodation t l'.
tended According tu Hulanccs uui
13 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Surplus, -Undivided
WM. CONNKLL, President.
UKXItY BELLY, Jr., Vice Prcs.
Tlic vault of this bank Is pro.
tcctcd by Holmes' lilectiio 1'ro.
tectlve Sybtcm.
ltooms 1 and 2, Coiu'ltli BTU'g.
Mining and Blasting
Mude at Mootlo anil HusUJale Works.
Klectrio llutterles, i;icotrlo KxplodeM.
lor exploding blusu, Hafet luso uud
Repauno Chemical Go's umTumvus
Old Post-Offlco nulldlns,
Cor. Spruce bt., anil I'enn Ae , cranlnn. la
liu3 roturiiud troin ha .-sti rn 'ltip,
and win now ruiiuln licinuucnt-
ly at his liumu oIIIlu
Tin: univi:hhity ok i'ijnnsyia'a.
1A. K01t.Mi:m.Y DUMONSTHA-
aJ;X,AT TH,: MKDICO-Clltll.
uitaiCAi. coli.i:ou at I'liii.-
tii:s Ann chhonic. nuu-
The doctor nnd his slnff of nnsllsh nnd
l.e-rman phslrlnns make a tpcclnlty of nil
rorm of rhrnnlp Nervous Diseases, SM'.i.
orab, Blood DIsctFos
Including I'plltptlc I Hi. Conutlon, Ms
terla, St. Vitus' Dance, Wakefulness.
IIKAIN WOHKKItS. both men und wo.
men. whos3 nerw-us bjttcms havo bten
bioKen down und Hhatteicd fiom oet
work, no matter from what cause, can
he iratnrcel hj my method
All who call upep the Puctor from now
on will receive ndMic, examlnitlon, ser
vice and examination fieu 1)1. Oiowei i
nlKh sidi.dliiK In the Statu will not allu-v
him to accept nny Incurable nne. If
they cannot euro you they will frankly
tell you so
Diseases ol the Nervous Sst:in.
The sjmptoms of which ut dlzzliicsi.
lack of conlldence, bexual vvealtnchs In
men and women, ball ribiue In tho thioat.
spots IloatliiK be foro the eies, loss of
memory, unublo to concentrate tho mind
on one subjtct easil stauled when nok
en suddenly to, and dull, dlatiessed mind,
which untlts them for tierformlns tha
actual duties uf life, mnkliiK happiness
Impossible, dlstressliiK tho action of tho
heart. causlr.R (lush of heat, depicsslon of
ndrlts evil foiebodlnes, cowardice, fear,
dreams, meluncholy, tire easy of com
pany, feellnc as tired In tho mormnt; at
when retiring lack of energy, neivoin
ncss, constipation, weaknets of the limbs,
etc Thoso to affected should consult us
Immediately and bo restored to perfect
Last Alunhood Restored, Weakness ol Younj
Men Cured
If you havo been given up by your phy.
slclan call upon tho doctor and bo exam,
lned Ho cures tha worst kind of Nervous
Debility, Scrofula. Old Sores. Cututrh,
I'lles, Femulo Weakness, Affections of tha
i:jc, i:ar, Noso, Throat. Asthma, Deaf
ness and Cripples of every description.
Tumors. Cancers nnd Goiters lemoved
without the use of knlfo or painful caas
tics by our newly devlxed ubsorbent nietn.
od known as the "KLECTUO-OKltMI-
Anil our 07.0-NITI3 OAS cures Catarrh
und Catarrhal Denfness
Consultation free and strictly snered
nnd confidential Office hours dally from
la a m to 4 30 p. m : 7 to 8 30 p. m. Bun
day from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Ly Abuta or othor xcomo and India
cretiona. They uuiehty ami itrj
rektore Lot itulltr in olJoryoong.kna
ilta iaiafortudy, butlaecsor mftrrlage,
1 IBTanl lninnltv nn' fVinanmnllan if
tdkua iutiuie, TUeiruia ihoni ii&meJUto Improfo
iaDti.nd etTftcta n CUJlE wlierw all other fall In.
lit upon httYtofl the tenalna Ajas Tablets. Tbej
bftvounJthouADlKal wlllour7ott Ueattttipo.
ltlro written gaarantM to effect a cure Cfl PTC
oachcafteor refund the ciooey. 1'rlc uw U ICiper
packasei or tli ikkp (full treatment) for f2(0, U$
mail. In rial n wrapper, niton receipt of trie. Circular
I'or sale In Hcranton, I'n., hy Matthew
Iiron, and II C. Haudornou, dnu'w'Iits.
I '