The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Held iu the Penn Avenue Uaptlst
Church Vcstcrdny.
thobk who atti:ndi:d hiii.ono to
bociktiks uv tiu: AHlNllTON
AIU,13 l'AlT.HS WKltK 1U:AD 1JY
i;v. it. v. y. 1'iuKci:.
Thf YotlllK I'onple'M societies of tho
AbliiKtoti Haptlst assiK'Intlnn hud 11
rully at the lVlin nvomic church yes
terday aflci'liniill and pVrlllUK. Tho
platform of Hie audience.' loom wan
deeonited villi IIiiks and .lowers. Mr.
Luther Keller presided.
The llrst pape-i- of the session was by
SIlss Orlame Williams, of Pe-e-kvllle,
on 'The Iti-'ntton of the Youni? l'oo
ple'D Societies to the Church." It was
full of bilRht siiKKestlons. .. discus
sion follow oil in which Kov. Mr. YVnt
Ulns, of I-'u.loryvlile. and ltev. S. W.
Ford, of (lieen Ulilpe; Miss l-ottle
Clay, of Klinhurst, and others partici
pated. The motto "Loyalty to Christ
and the Clnmh," was emphasized In
the matter of KlviiiK reRlllarly to the
Mipport of the local church and to the
mixtion cauxe.
H . Mr. iiewr was called on as one
of tin "youiiK old men," and he spoke
pleasantly of the advlsabilltv of leav
ing no money for lawyers and others
tii iiuarrel over, but to Invest it in
Rood work as fast as possible.
Pev. W. J. AVntklns. of Faetoryvllle,
riivp a carefully prepared paper on
"Haptlst Missions." lie said that P.ap
tisl missions bPRatt in the third chap
ter of Matthew with John the Haptlst.
mid continued through the life of
Christ and his apostles. DurltiK the
dark ases the llsht seemed shrouded
but as Intellectual U;or returned re
lint'ius life increased, and Christian
missions received their Impulse. The
Inst ion years have seen the Rientest
progress In carrying out the Kivat com
lnission and 1'aptlstH have taken the
lead. Such names as William Carey.
Adoniram Judson, Hoardmnn, Ward
and Marshnian have been followed by
hosts of others. In studying Paptist
missions wo might speak of local
missions, supported by Individual
churches, of Association and Stato
missions, and then of the broader fields
of work In our own country, In Europe
and In heathen countries.
American missions of Iiaptlsts, ho
said, had their beginning In that exile,
linger Williams, who, In the woods
alone or among the friendly Indians,
Mas worshipping his God according
to hi convictions. The one has be
come four and a half millions of Bap
tists in the United States and Includes
Rome of Its finest orators and greatest
si holars and philanthropists.
Educational work among colored peo
ple was begun by Paptists In 1S62,
nnd they have proved that "culture Is
colorless" and religion knows no race
distinctions. .Over ono million Iiap
tlsts in this country arc now found
among the colored people, many of
whom will go to evangelize Africa.
Mr. Walklns outlined the Plble col
porteurs work In Greece and Spain,
the Gospel meetings In Fiance and
tin- successful evangelistic work In the;
fur north countries. Then ho took a
bin-f survey of the missions in heath
en countries In India.
At 4 o'clock the Junior christian Kn
iliavnr of the Penn avenue church
marched in with lings and banners.
Miss Krlghaum read a paper on "Jun
ior Work," speaking of Its Importance
as furnishing fresh material for the
future. The Illble study iu the Chris
tian culture courses of the Baptist
Young People's union had proved a
grt .it blessing. The Great Hook Is suf
tn it nt. The Juniors do not lind it dull
with its vivid descriptions and Inter
esting stories and helpful lessons. She
explained the method she used In con
du ting Junior meetings, leaving much
to the children themselves, trusting
tl em to lend and asking them to spenk
nii.l pray.
It'V. II. F. Y. Pierce spoke on the
Importance of making the object of the
Junior work soul winning.
Mr. Pierce gave a very earnest talk
full of touching Incidents and practical
nicgestlons. He illustrated it by ol
1e. t lessons nnd by crayon sketches.
Tni'i' present will not soon forg. t his
ci. idle .tory ami other illurtratlons.
A business session followed and after
nilniiriinient. supper was served bv the
mng pe. pie of tile Penn avenue Hap-ti-i
( hureh.
t i he evening ress-Ion Mr. I.uthep
I-., n- r presided. After a Feins? service
: I i' Hip Penn avenue choir, Mr. Ke-1-1'
i ' ad a letter from the cenernl sic
litiiv ff the union, In which it was
!',!' ii that a large delegation should go
ti' tie convention in Huffnln in July.
Pe v II. F. Y. pier(.p tiler addressed
t'l' !.-ge JU.lli'lllP pies.. , i , Dpiiiiih-
Always Reliable Purely Vegetabla.
Perfectly Insidcce, Pli-snntlv coate d, re--u
late, purity, cleans unil Htretigtliuii. u D
WAVNl'llXsior the euro of all dl-eoreler-i
of htomuch, lloweilx, KldacvH, Madder.
Nervous Discuses, Dlzilucei, Vertluo, Co-e'
tivcsncus, Piles.
Observe the following symptoms, result
ing from diseases of the ellgostive organs:
Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of
Wood In tno head, aeietity of the atomach
nausea, heartburn, dlsgukt of food, full
ness of weigh: of the stomach, sour iruj.
tatlons, sinking: or fluttering of the heart
choking or suffocating sensations when
In a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots
or webs before the right. fesver and dull
pain In the head, deficiency of per.plra.
tlon. ye llowness of the skin and eyes, pain
in the stele, chest, l.mbs and sudden flush.
ea of heat, burning In the flesh.
A few dpses of HADWAY'S PILLS will
free the system of all tho above named
Price 3jc 'per box, Sold by Druggists or
sent by mill.
55 Elm St., New York.
Munyon ami Money
Not Moro Dollars But tho Satisfac
tion of Helping Mankind.
" I have enough money," snys Professor
Munyon. ' I Khali upend tho rest of my
life In working for my fellowmen. 1 shall
not be nblp to half repay the etebt which
I owo to Oeid for my happiness and suc
cess, but I shall do tho best I can as long
us I live."
Money enough! Kven Solomon In all
his wealth and wisdom was not great
enough to say that. To he-al tho slckl
To enable the struggling millions to doc
teir triemse-lv- with Intelligence nnd
marve-lous reulls! To he the acknowl
edged authority eif the medical world nnd
the possessor of Its greatest discoveries.
These things are certainly more than
Munynn's success Is baseel upon an In
timate knowledco of the laws of sconce,
and strict conformity thereto. Munyon
has a separate sperilic for fevers, rheu
matism, T)ysppla. Catarrh, Kidney
Complaints, dl'-cascs of the liver,
nsthma, and fifty other complaints.
Theso remedli'S aree for side hy druggists,
mostly at '!." cents a. vial, nnd statistics
record nlnety-slx ier cent, of cures.
inationnl Loyalty." Patriotism In this
great country of ours was born out of
Uaptlst principles. He ellel not propose
that any outburst of patriotism shoulel
be In the c immunity whcie he is with
out his being In it as far as possible-.
One- eif his brothers hail fallen in bat
tle and another Is the llrst captain to
enlist to fri'c Cuba, wnllo his own dear
bov stands waiting to go to the front at
the call of his country. He proposed
to be In the thick e.f the light himself.
Whatever may be for the good of the
country and to lilt aloft the stars anil
stripes, Mr. Pierce wanted to be in it.
Tli? lime wns when great crowds wor?
only brought teigether by some military
excitement. Tho tlmp has come when
undpr the standard eif the king of kings
rally the mightiest throngs. Today
the greatest gathoilngs are Christian
The world, Mr. Pierce continued, ele
mands not only to know how a man
lives but what he is doing for the
world, it Is a great honor to be a
young Christian. Tt is ti greater honor
to reach down te the bast and lift
them up to the standard of Christ.
He not simply good but geiod for
something. Let us love our sister de
nominations and let us be true to our
own church. History records our per
secution for our allegiance to the truth.
We may well beiast eif the position of
our denomination. What It Is today Is
because of eiur firm loyalty to the gos
pel of the Christ.
Thp Haptlst church, Mr. Pierce said,
has i-ver been the champion of civil
liberty. If ever there Is a place where
stars and strlnes have a right to he
unfurled it is In n Haptlst church and
floating over a Haptlst congicgatlon.
When tho stars anel stripes float over
Cuba he believed the church there will
be a Haptlst church.
In the development of our denomi
nation we must have zeal, but we must
have wisdom with our zeal. Increased
power of our young people's work
comes about through unity of action.
Our Judgment anil zeal must be com
bined. Young people are to he trained
for eillclent service for th'e church. De
nomination loyalty engenders a loy
alty to the local church. The II. Y. P.
I'. A. stands for "lioost Your Pastor
I'p Always."
The world today wants" to see Jesus
anil It may see him best when reflected
through your lives. The ihurch needs
more "Grace Darlings" to pull the life
boat out to reseue the lewt.
In an addiess by S. ,1. Arthur, he
saltl there Is nothing hut the possession
eif a new life that will enlist the young
for service-. Ho believed that what
men want toduy more than anylhlng
Is tho "fullness or the Holy Spirit."
The biggest foe of America today Is
not Soaln. The-re Is a mighty foe out
of sight. Jt Is sin, leel mi by Satan.
The greatest battles, he sale, were not
those of battalions but those of char
acter. Theie Is a larger liberty for the
Christian. To secuie it we must be
true when brouuht face to face with
the issues of life and dulv.
The meeting closed with a consecru
tlon servlec.
Will Ho Sent to .Incksonvitln and
Will He Delivered to II in t'umilv.
Washington, May 13. See-rctnry Lemg
has telegraphed to .losephus Daniels,
president of the Iialelgh News niul Ob
server company and brother-ln-lnw of
the late Hnslgn Hagley, of the Wleslow,
asking what disposition should be
maele of the remains of that ofllci-r,
anel Mr. Daniels has replied asking
Hint tho body bo ent to Jacksonville,
Kid., where It Is presumed it will be
taken in charge by the family.
The leinimandant at Key West, no
eiirdlngly has notified the navy ilepmt
ment that the remains will be shlpne-il
from that point tonight, having been
A Hrig'ido Uill Ito Recruited nt
Philadelphia, May 13. Major U. H.
Ives und Colonel Kugene Klllott will
leave Philadelphia tonight for WI'll un
sport for the purpose of enrolllm; about
1!W lumbermen for the I'nlted States
volunteer engineer b.'igade. Th's Ini
gade will be used for gener.U enine-er-lng
work anil will give oppeirtuiiltii-a
for adventurous men to net- service in
foreign luneR only men wlp, ur- phy
sically sounil and between the nse-3 of
18 and 45 will be enlisted.
All ure rejected who hu'e any one
dependent upon them for buppnrt. fcev
ernl hundred men have been enrolled
here. Including professional oiibIiuts,
elraughtsmen and nrtlsmns. The object
of the visit to Willlamspoi-t Is to (.enure
brawny men who known how to chop
trec and build corduroy roads.
Z: Hyde Park Hoys
wanted to sell Tho Tribune In Hyde
Park. Twelve big pages for two cents.
Apply ut Jenkins' drug store tomor
row morning.
flrand Temple Adjourns to Atcct Next
Year In Lancaster.
annocnci:mi:nt was maur of
thh ol'fickhs and t11hy wh11l
klkcthd hv past sppkiikmu
ciiihf lytlh and othkus.
ran Tin: first and skcond
The Granel Cntle. Knights of the
Guillen Kagle, adjourned finally at 7. 1."
o'clock last night after having been
In continuous session since - o'clock In
the afternoon. Representatives say
the castle closed with more unity of the
order In this state. For one of tho
three times in the Grand Castle's hlfl
tory the singing of the- closing ode was
followeel by lemd cheering.
More business was accomplished nt
the last session than during nny pre
vious whole day. Thlfl bears out the
reports of tho airing of much dirty
linen during tho e-arlier sessions.
Just before the final adjournment the
Installation wns wltnesseei of the fol
lowing new olllcers, whose election had
been previously announced:
Past grand chief F. P. Ilunslcker. Al-
nrntid rhlef-W. H. Polly, Phlladel.
Grand vice chief C. II. Webster,
elranel high priest D. Gray Lewis, St.
Grand . master of records J. Y.
Iianii-s, Philadelphia.
Gland keeper of exchequer II. C. Ger
lmrdt. Philadelphia.
Grand sir herald J. M. Slmppell. Phil
ailel'ihlll. Grand trustee John Dyer, Pittsburg.
Ri-prese-ntntlvp to stiprenip castle- L.
11. Tohln. Philadelphia.
Gland llrst guarilsman J. M. Hutchin
son, Keae1l":r.
Grand second guardsman II. O. Pom-
oerrjer, ijaiicasier.
They were Installed by Past Supreme
Child" A. C. Lyttle. acting as supreme
chief, and the following past grand
chl-fp: L. 11. Tobln, ns supreme vle-p-ehie-f;
Jenkins Hill, us supreme high
priest; W. K. Stelnback. ns supreme sir
herald, and A. It. Tomllnson, ns su
preme master of records.
The following nominations were made
for next spring's election:
Past granel chief F. 1". Ilimslckcr, Al
len town.
Grand chief Charles II. Webster,
Grand vice chief John M. Shappell,
Grand high priest D. Gray Lewis, St.
Grand master of records J. D. Uames
and Davis Cassellituiy, Phllade-Iphla.
Granel keeper of exchequer II. C.
Gearhart, Philadelphia.
Granel sir herald James M. Hutchin
son, Reading; 11. J. Corbctt, Carnegie;
J. C. Phillips, Gri-enbhurg; H. J. Morris,
Allegheny; George C. Stahl. Milton;
Clulen Wade. West Grove: Charles V..
Jones, Nantleoke; F. llombergir, Lan
caster; W. .1. Jones, Peirtage; F. C. Hoff
man, Hnrrlshurg; llcuton Patterson,
Granel trustee William A. Watlnsz,
Phlladi-lphln; Dr. 11. V. 1!. Cornelius,
Phlliiilelphla; Charles H. Junes, Nantl
eoke; II. C. Murray, ir., Phlladi-lphla;
Geeugp Jt. Warner. J. N. Riich and Mr.
Thompson, Phlliiilelphla; Jenkln Hill,
Ileptcse-ntatlve to the supreme rastlo
T. P. Himxlcker, Alle ntnwn.
Granel tirst guarilsmuii Thomas 11.
Savilli-, Serunton; Smniu-I Foster, W. K.
Rruce. Rose-oe ; J. H. Hlrel, Pnlonteiwu.
Grand second ginirdj-man W. H. Tobst.
Allentown: Ge-orgo W. Okell, Scranton;
Klnie-r Jordun. (Jtinkertown; S. H. Hur
ton, 1'ottstown: G. V. Rceel, Willinms
port; J. W. lletier and H. A. Firing.
The per capita, tax for the llrst and
second halves of this year was flxeel
at I'. and l,"i cents respectively. Tills
conclusion was not reached until after
long anil warm debate em the matter.
The reports of the grand master of
records, the trustees, the huprmo rep
resentative and the committees on law,
testimony, hall (Philadelphia), and
printing were all approved. Concern
ing the tinlden Kagle hall, thero has
been consedarable misunderstanding
as to Its expense or prolit. The item
ized fltnti'incnt by the hull committee
show-eel "a clear gain or JS01.BI In tho
thre-o years from ivntuls, compared
with tho maintenances or running ex
penses and Interest moiu-y."
Suggestions contalm-el In the report of
tho grand master e.f records were nd
optcd ns follows: Directing the grand
chief to appoint u eoinmittee to pre
pare n e-oele of laws for a funeral bene
fit fund of $30o; remitting the dues of
Knights who enift, eontiiiulng their
eligibility to slik and other benefits
and eating fur their lamlllps if in neeel
of aid while such Knights nro away
on military eltity.
Hy resolution the Supreme Castle was
petitioned to conter past grand chief
honors on Webster Grimm, Ronton
Paterson, R. C. Murray, jr.. J. N. Ruch.
Charles Denby and S. g. Smith for
meritorious work in this tate. They
are the men of less than past granel
chief elegree who have ucen most active
In Instituting ensiles and temples and
performing either elutlea for the gooel
of tho order.
It was decided by vote that the ap.
proprlations made be not exceeded,
although permission was given for the
transfer of balances from the several
accounts to other accounts that might
have shown eleiu-lts If no vote lind been
recorded not to exceed tho appropria
tions. Tho latter are as follows:
Grand chief expenses jw (o
Oigaulzatton w, ,j,j
Salary of (1. M. of R Uid mj
Salary of grand six-ond guaiel and
granel keeper of exchequer 3.' CO
Supremo citstlo supplies 40y J(J
Hiiut-crlpllon to K. G. 11 jijij (X)
Postago anil exprcnagu TL-o IKJ
Printing and stationery ri uo
Printing grand tustle proceedings (OS w
Rent of ollle-o MJU
Ofllc-e expenses 00 01
Duos to supreme' castlo BO it)
F.xpe-nse-H of session "Scnintun"., m w
lOxpenses of district grand chiefs 1.0W it)
Mlle-iegci (Se-ranton) a,oo W
Teslluicnlal to grand chb-f 1,10 'M
i:xiense of rriimlttec-s (Somii-
toni 100 oo
Hotiels fen- granel master of rec
ords and grand keeper of ex-
ehe-epier HO liO
Oriind castlo supplies "mi w
I'ayment of loans to Allentown
National bank 2,000 00
J14.100 IX)
Heforo adjournment resolutions wero
adopted extending thanks to tho local
general committee und their associates,
tho local castles, newspapers, hotel
nroprletors, residents and others who
in any way contributed toward the
annual gatheilng.
The Giai'd castle adjourned to moot
next rear in Lancaster on the second
Tuesday in May. Very few of the rep
resentatives left the city last night.
Last night tho large number of
grand olllcers nnd representatives at
the Hotel Jerinyn ptepared u resolu
tion und presented It tei Proprietor
Godfrey, thanking him, the clerks,
head waiter, waiters, chef, bell boys.
In fact, the- entire establishment for
Its ex'-elK-nt entertainment eif those
attenellng Hi" Granel castle sessions.
Look Upon LnyauiMiicnts at Carilcnan
nnd Cienluegon n-e Successei.
Madrid, May 13. The entire press
greets the so-ealled "success" of the
Spaniards nt Cardenas and at Cleli
fuegos as being a gonel augury for the
future, and hope Is also tt-vlvcd on
the subject of Manila, the belief be
ing expresseel that the' port may be
leoeivered owing to the time which
must elapse in preparing the reinforce
ments for Rear Aelmlral Dewey, which
fact. It Is elaime-d here, will give time
for the Spanish lellef expedition to
arrive- nt tin- Philippine Islands.
A majority of the newspapers ox
press satisfaction at the arrival of the
Spanish squadron nt the Island eif Mnr
tinlitue', while other eiuestlon the wls
e'eim of exposing the Spanish ships to
an engagement with Rear Admiral
Sampson's fleet, which Is admltteel to
be superior to the Spanish fleet. The
naval and military men in tills city
say they would have- preferred lei have
had Admiral Cervera steer elhect for
the coast of the I'lilted States and
bombarel American ports.
I'iisl District onvetition.
Scranton, May 1-', ISnS.
The First legislative district of Lacka
wanna count;, will assemble In conven
tion at St. David's hull. North Main ave
nue, Serunton. Pa.. Monday. May 1M, lNt
ut 3 o'clock p. m.. feir the purpose of neim
t.r.ating a candidate to represent tho said
district in the le-gislature, and to elect
two delegates to represent tho said ells
trlct at the Republican Mate- conveml-m,
which will nipc at Hnrrlsbuig, Thursday.
June :, 1-:iS.
The election for dplegates tei the ellstrlct
convention will be huld nt the te-guiiir
polling places Saturday, May 2. IK'1-, be
tween the hours of 4 and J p. m. Tin
election distill ts are e-ntllleil to repiv.-i n
tntlou as follows.
First ward, I'lt'it ellstrlct '.'
First wniil, Seiond ellstrlct 1
First ward. Third district 1
First ward. 1 mirth ellstrlct 3
First w.inl. Fifth district 2
Second ward, First district 2
Second ward, Second district 2
Seconel w.'ml. Third ellstr'-t 1
SeH-onel ward. Fourth dlslrlet 1
Seconel ward. Pltth district 1
Third ward. First ellstrlet I
Tlllrel wuril. Seconel ellstrlct 1
Fourth warel, First ellstrlct 2
Fourth ward. Seconel ellstrlct 3
Fourth warel, Th'rel district 2
Fourth ward. Fourth ellstrlet 3
Fifth warel, First district 2
Fifth warel, Second ellstrlct 2
Fifth ward, Third elMrtot 2
Fifth warel, Fourth ilMrlct 2
Sixth wind, First ellstrUt 1
Sixth warel. Second ellstrlet 1
Fourteenth wa'il, Firet district 2
Fourteenth wuril Second distilet 2
Fifteenth ward, First ellstrUt ;!
Fifteenth ward. See-ond district 2
Klsliteenth ward 1
Twe-uty-flrst waid. First ellstrlct 1
Twenty-llrst warel, Second district .... 2
Total TO
Vlglluuce committees will plcuse take
notice unel govern themselves aecortl-
W. A. Paine. Chairman.
J. II. Reynolds, Secretary.
Commodore .Schley's Fleet Le-nves
Old Peiint ( oml'oit.
Old Point Comfort, May 13. The fly
ing squnilion under Commodore H hley
put to se-ii at pteelsely 3. 15 o'clock to
day, under sealc-el orelers. The squ ul
ron consists of tho Uagshlo Hrooklyn,
the- llrst-clam battleship Massachusetts,
the second-class battle-ship, Te-xnn, the
protected yacht Scorpion ami the eol-lle-r
Sterling. Conimodore Schley re
ceived his orders ireim Washington at
10 o'clock this morning.
The combination of battleships and
cruisers Is considered very formidable
and the calibre) and number of guns
nro both In excess of any similar squad
ron as to number In tho world. Tho
New Orleans and Minneapolis, it Is
believed, will leave later nnd catch up
with tho flying squadron.
I'liconlirincil Repents That I hi) limits
Aru at .!3iiitiniiuc.
St. Pierre, Martinique, May 11 Ono
Spanish torpeelo beiat is at Fort ele
France nnd hx others nro hovering
around the coast.
Tho American auxiliary cruiser llnr
vard will bo allowed tei remain here
for an Indeilnlto period for the pur
poso of making repairs to her machin
ery; but must give twenty-four hours
notice before leaving.
Six Spanish cruisers are reported to
have been seen off St. Pierre, but the
report lucko confirmation.
Ilyelc Pall; tloyi
can make big money selling The Dally
Tribune. Twenty-five young hustlers
wanted. Apply nt Jenkins' elrug store
at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning.
For Infants anil Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Because 'Tis Made of Silk.
We punctuate our silk story with prices that makes it
rough enough for somebody.
It needn't worry you who "pays the freight" whether we
loose, or the maker or importer, You are money ahead. You
will find these silks all they should be, only the prices off.
Printed Japanese
An exceptionally
in the Wash Silks.
127 and
Solderless 18k
Wedding Rings. The new
Tiffany Style.
Wedding Prssen
Fine Sterling Silverware,
Ricli Cut Glass,
Clocks, &c.
Our optician, Mr. Adams, can fit
all cases of defective vision. Prices
very reasonable.
139 Wyoming Ay3.
Boilers, Engines and Machinery
Wo will sell you Non- or SoconeMInnil.
Wo will soil yen, now or take olel In e-x-clmnije-,
or wo will re-nt you anything vou
Miinl In tho Miioliinery 1,1 no. Hpot C'.isli
jmlel for Si-reip Iron utirt Mc-ml-).
1101 WKl 111 METAL CO.
709 West Lackawanna Avenues.
II. E, KEELEY, I.lgr.
Telephone, 3945
Tlio beHl fitting Hhlrt iniielo. If you ovo
lmrl to (It try one.
305 Lacka. Ave.
At Pierce's Harket
TiirUcys, DncUs, Chickens nnd
Ih'oilcrs, (jreen Peas. 'I'mnatncs,
Cucumbers. Cuiilillowcr, New
Meets, New Potatoes, Celery, HtuN
ishes, Unions, Lettuce, As par u
Ulis. etc., etc.
Taney Strawlicrrles and Fruits
Please leave orde rs as early as
possible to Insure early delivery.
Ami m$K
Wash Silks
fine range of checks, stripes and plaida
129 Washington
A hard line to beat.
The Spalding Juvenile
Line is the best Boys' and
Girls' Wheel that has ever
been shown in the city. All
Call and see them.
orey a Brooks.
Opposite Court House,
211 Washington Avenue.
Special Attention Given to liusl.
ncss and Personal Account-).
Liberal Acconiinodatloiif ICx.
tended According to iiahmces auJ
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Capital, -Surplus,
WM. CONXELL, President.
HKNUYBELIX.elr., Vice Pres.
The vault of tills bank is pro.
tcctcd by Holmes' Electric Pro
tective System.
Kooms 1 and 2, Com'lth IlTu'g.
Mining and Blasting
Made at Mooslo and Huilidale Work.
Klectrta latteries, Kirctrlo Exploders,
tor explodlue blunts, tjafoty t'uio and
Repauno Chemical Co's bxSvcs
ds 37 c.
Wlf Ol iOlaCSn
Old Post-OITico I3uildlnu,
Cor. Spruce St., a. id Penn Ae-, Scranton. Pa returned Hum Ina Woste-rn 'irip,
and will now icmain iiurniant-nt-
ly ut his homo uilluu.
tub Dor-ron Is aTjuadl'atd op
rmsitwi, ron.Koi: at vnu-
Tins a iu-: rnp.oN'ic, nkk-
Th doctor nnd his start of nncllsh Anl
t.f-nnnn phslrlans maKo a f-poe-lnlty of all
form of Chmnlp Korvoua DIsL-ases. Bkly,
n'nmli, Blooel Dlsctsrs.
Including fTpllepllc Tits. Convulsions, llyi
tcria, St. Vitus' Dunce, Wukoleiliicse,
HHAIN WOUKKItS, be,th men nnd wo
men, whom in-rvcus tiysttms have bOL-n
broken eleiwn and uliuttureel from owi
work, no matter from what cause, can
lie restored hy my method.
All who call upe n tho Doe-tor from now
on will receives aelvlee, examination, se-r.
vice nnd examination free. Dr. Grower i
nluh statiehiiK In the Stato will not allo-v
him to accept nny Incurable cases. If
they cannot euro you they will frankly
tell you ho.
Diseases ol the Nervous System,
Tho symptoms of wlucli aru dizziness,
Licit of i-niiflelence, bexual weaknesa in
men and women, ball rising In tho throat.
Hpota llouthiK before tliu eyea. loss of
memory, unable to cuncentiate tho inlivt
on ono wubjeot, eablly Ktnrtled when niok
en suddenly to. und dull, distressed mind,
which unlets them for performing tlm
actual elutli-i of life, making hapnlnesi
Impossible, dlstressiiiK tho action of the,
heart, causlr.s flush of heat, depression of
merits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear,
dreams, melaniholy, tiro oasy of com
pany, leelliiB as tired iu tho morning a
when retlrins laek of enerfry. nervous
ness, ,-onstlpatlon. wc.eknes-s of the limbs,
etc. Those so uffected should consult us
Immediately und bo restored to perfect
Lost Manhood Ueslored, Weakness ol Younj
Men Cured.
If you havo been given up by your phy.
Elclan call upon tho doctor and be exam
ined. 11,- cures the worst kind of Nervous
Debility. Scrofula. Old Sores, Catarrh,
Piles, Kemules Wtuknoss. Affections of tha
Eve, Knr, Nose, Throat. Asthma, Deaf
ness anel Cripples of every description.
Tumors, Cancers and Goiters removed
without the use of knlfo or painful caus
tics bv our nowly elcvlspel absorbent metre,
od kniiwn us tho "ULUUTUU-UUItMI.
Anil our OZO-NITK GAS cures Catarrh
nnd Catarrhal Deafness.
Consultation freo and strictly snercel
nnd confidential. Office hours dally from
10 n. m. te 1 30 p. m ; 7 to 8.30 p. m. Bun
day from 10 a. m, to 2 p, m,
auJVmeu .Wji-Fllioi Mem
orr, ImpoUncy, HiMjtMaeMi, etc.. ctae-ed
tj Abate, or otbar ioMf a Indli
crvttoa. Thtv quiektv ami surety
tttfrt Iwt V luutr t, ' or loam n4
fit a sua forttuj, burlnMt or Uf,rrt4fis.
PnTtat lnianltr ant Consumption It
ULaaiatun. XbalraM how in.mdttte fraproro
menttnd BooU CUKE nhort nil otbor, f all In.
HI apon Llng u nanen Aax JHi.i). lDr
ia-e oarad tbauianai aaa wllloaraion, Woilraapos.
mall. In plain miDWr, upaa ncalpt of prlra. Clronlar
" AJAX REMEDY CO., 'Vu.V.tiit'"
For salo In Bcrnnton, Pa., by Mattbiir
Uros, and 11, 0. Hauderaon, drugginU,