THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY. MAY 9. 1893." v ' V K s V V I X" X' V X' " X" V it v V JV V X' JV V tc K X" x' JV X' X' X' X' X' V X' X' X' X' X" ft" -x' ft ft' . ft ft ft". ft ft ft' ft ft' ft' ft' ft ft ft' ft' KVMXPXKMKMKMKKKKrXXKnKKKMKMKKKKXKXKKK THE LEADER 124 and 126 Wyoming Avenue. 'Dress Goods and Silks. rftiS5? AeSud W toe figure tnjIUh dreu good . aje bUck tee, 4S Inches, sped . sceclat blatk Piench.tje, 50 Inch, special . . . c all. wool blf ek henrietta. etta ovuhty, 46 W Mac- figvited HxfJ cloth, sreclil . . ft 5 allowed Imported coveit cloth, Inch 00c imported ljortsu, 43 inch, special . n.un.M rrtafi h niietta. special Mir, i5 all-wool ifTf, emtraclnj all the new shades 4W- 49c all-wool iprlnj mixtures, special. .. . . . . toe all-wool coverts In tans, greys and blues, special r xt, :X.. .11.. ,..nfc.h..i, M nriny combinations, all colors 35? "fl . .. -. .., -, .I-...,. II ... aI f.,.,'.. 41C cnecMea, suipcu, piui im .. "v. .-,..... .1. . .. ..t iM,Ati4 rh.lll.t. nr it oJc all-wool checked dress goods, these fT. .I...I..J 4ti ,m.Ii i4miKI. IftM. tpflll . Hi hall wool plaid dress goods, also serges Si.ks 69c all-silk satin duchestr, special ?(e plain and glac tafleta silk, special .... nc china silk, all colors. 9i-lnch, special . . . . 85c punted china and foulard dress silks, speciil . . . 4c punted chlr.a and (oulard dress silks . ...'... toe coined tafftU silks for waists and dresses, special oTc bleck bra:aJ?d gtos grain silk, all new patterns Sic jll.sllk black satin duchesse, 22-Inch, special .... Our Busy Bargain tr ,,r lc O white outing flannel. Ar lor 10c printed corded lawns. , I- fors a' co'.ton c:a:h. ,r for taj-ic and ijeremcants Or of fir.c lawn; and crandies , h(or scyardwidf unbleached oWlmuslin, good r.uahty. AC (or $c American Inc'igo 4W prints, best goods made. 22C lor jsc red title -r lor wc '' cream tnr (or 15c lu' ticung. .. for 10c plaid and " stneed outing tla, stuped (or ( fta.-da'd prints, V - all the new dfslcns. ir for 12c 31 (lannil ft' I .eheck & Corin ' rv- " ,,r m " tv b VjH,rtl14'fliVS"4..."4r4','rt' OARBONOAL The Carbondale correspondence of Tho Tribune has been placed In the hands ot Mr. C It. JIunn, Salem avenue and Church street, to wlinm news Items may ho addressed. All complaints as to Ir regular delivery, ol -, should be made to V. J". Roberts, news nfrcnt.) WILL LKAVG T0A10KR0W. Stalwart Young Cnibiuidiilitin Who Will Df-lcnd Their I'mnitiy. A number of this city's stalwart young men will leave for the front to morrow. AtnoiiR them will be U. V. Clark, whose connection with the Methodist church has brouRht him into more than usual favor. Mr. Clark is employed by Frank K. Dennis nnd has many friends who re- Kret his departure, if only for u short period. Others who will ro are Hal Jndwln, son of Henrv II. Jmlwln, who Is well known In micIhI circles throughout the city. He Is nn employe of tho Hend rlck Manufacturlne company's works, nnd when in- croes he carries the wcll wlshes of a host of friends and fellow workmen. A. J. A'andermark, who is also one of the city's leading social workers, a telegraph operator of excellent speed, now employed by the Ontario and Western Kailroad company. Thomas .Morgan, the elllclent sales man at Alvord & Male's, whose nffublo manner and kindly attention to pa trons has won for him n large number of friends. Oeot-Re Terry, w ho Is employed by O. AV. Fulkerson as traveling- salesman, nnd whose abilities) as a hustler are known throughout the county. It is needless to say that the entire city unites In well-wishing nil the young men nnd that they feel sure that If ever the opnrtunitv presents itself they will dlstiiiBiilHli themselves in it manner that is right. FIELD DAY. On Saturday, .liny 'H), Ilii;li School finises ill Compete. On Saturday, the 20th of this month, the classes of the High school will hold their Held day. Tho boys 111 e doing what training thev can In this incle ment weather. The High school base ball team will probably play the Scran ton High school team on that day. The following Is a list of the events: Two mile bicycle rnce. one-half mile bicycle race, 120 yards hurdle race, 100 yards dash, hammer throw, shot put, pole nult. The class that makes the largest number of points will lie entitled to tly their colors under the Hag on the High school building, as Is done by the large colleges throughout the country. SUSPECTS ARRGSTED. Two Youne Men in Jail I linrgrd itli Highway Robbery. Two young men were arrested Satur day afternoon by Chief of Police Me Andrew and Constable Xeary on sus plclon of being the perpetrators of the daring burglary, committed Thursday night between the r-ours of 8 and ti. the clrcumstnnces of which were given in yesterday's Herald. "Bill" Hlggins nnd Kdwnrd Gorman, both of whom are well known nbout the city, are the persons suspected of the crime. They were arrested Satur day morning, but on account of a pauc ity or evidence were released. How ever, Blnce then some valuable evidence has been secured which warrants their holding and which, It Is thought, "ill convict them. LOCAL AND PER10NAL. Mrs. John T. Pethlck Is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Alice Crago, of Scran ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rounds nnd daughter, Anna, are visiting In Union dale. The Improvements commenced on the W. AV. Watt, house on Lincoln avenue are rapidly ncnrlng completion and Dr. Harper of Honosdale, will tuke up his A slx-yenr-old boy of David Keofo of VonU. street was badly bitten by a dog KILE others rt tsikmn wjt (ilk c f Viyrr sobclcd up 5omt of the grtateit birjain, tl al the wholesile mukel h proJuccJ in sometime. Cast ufnn curs of rictptlonil :u?h3vf srrlvtd In this statt !urinj the pail wctk snJ there sre more to come The following ate rriy lot thli weeU'l (lie jnd constitute valur ih it be thjHitated in any other ilorc l!ut we I a- e knowledge of (01 lJ than t least thirty per ient mme th.m we a'k lietc Special hatpin piwej eKewlieie are txctltivr in corrpjiison (9 what we offer you tlm wefk. Dress Goods jjcfijureddrfM goods.spetial age Hi & iSc He sc 19c . -i Itth . s. . , . '' - r.rl.l . . . . ... . . XtC .,.. goods have Just been received . oc 7K 10c and cashmeres, special . . .4c . .S3C . asc . . Si . .JSC . 4?c . 4JC eaijc Counter. KffiV'-?1 1nr for 15c purelin.-n ul" towels, extra Urge sire damask. i3;c 1 n for :oc all linen hock Or towels, 44 Inches l-Qjl. table damask. ,w to-4 untleaehed sheeting , for etccheckedandf.iriv feather best quality. 4i3 bordered rure linen napkins outing flannels. i fringed damask ntfkir.s. fine white wool for Inla.its war .7n for 6c quality u8v' checked apron f.inghans, " -w . . . . . Soturday morning. The face and arms of the boy are badly lacerated. Dr. Lamb dressed the woundx. Mrs. J. M. reck left Saturday for St. Louis. Ma., as a delegate from the (! 1 A. to the B. of I j. K. division. No. 120 of this city. She was nWo a delegate to the convention at Ottawa, two years ago. 1 evidence there the latter part of this week JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. A grand reception was given the Rev. Mr. Henjamin nnd C D. Winters on last Friday evening in the Sunday school room of the, Methodist Kpiseo pnl church, which was attended by a largf numb'"- from Ciirbondnle and Archbald, as well as from Jennyn. The room was beautifully decorated with bunting and Mags. The address was delivered in 11 most masterly way, and the solos and duets and recitations were of a very high order. Itev. Hen jamin and Mr. Winter was presejited with a beautiful bouquet of cut (lowers. The former by the Junior league and the latter by the Sunday school. At the close of the entertainment, refresh ments were served. John, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Augus tus Kurke, of the Kast Side, Mayfleld, fractured his arm in two places on Snturday last. Tho little fellow was sitting between two boys on a swing and, while It was In motion, he by nome means fell to the ground with his left arm beneath him. Dr. M. J. Shields wns summoned to the home and at tended to the limb. Walter Snyder, of Second street, has been granted his request. His desire has been for some time past to Join the regular nrmy. He received a letter last week to that effect, and ho will leave today for Philadelphia. Misses Frances and Marcella Jinx well, of St. tleorge hotel, wen- visiting friends in Carbondale yesterday. The llrst game of ball of the season was played here on the Kast Side grounds on last Friday afternoon be tween the Young Hickories and a picked nine. The features of the game were the great pitching by Hendricks nnd the heuvv batting by Hart, which caused much enthusiasm among the crowd. Tho game wns won by the Hickories by a score of :i-0. iticmmi I'tienti, or .Mayiieid, was visiting friends In Vandllng last Satur day evening. Mrs. William Davis and son. Willie, of Mayiieid, were In tjcranton on Fri day. Liberty lodge, Xo. 18S, Knights of Pythias, attended divine service at tl. Methodist Kplscopal church yestetday morning. The ltev. Henjamin preached u very able sermon from the Kplstle of Paul-to the Itamaus, the 14th chap ter, 7th verse. TOIIEST CITY. Charles Davey has moved his family to a farm at Torrey, Wayne county. The commencement exercises of tho Forest 'City graded school win ' . held on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 2tth and 25th of May. There are four mem bers of the graduating class this year, namely, Ida Peaswall, Isabelle John son. Elizabeth Hartung and Katherlne Keurnes. William P. Cole, of the St. Agnes Pin neer corps, and Patrick Clenry and John McDonald, of St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society, are the delegates chosen to attend the diocesan convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence union, ut Kingston, on Wednesday and Thursday, May IS and 19. W. J. Pentecost has been appointed a member of tho boaid of health, to take the plare of W. II. Hlggins, whos,o term has expired. The borough council has appropriated $r.O to help fight tho bridge matter through to u successful Issue. It has also granted an appropriation of $150 to the board of health, which was an eminently proper thing to do,, as the mojiey can bo uaed to very grtod ad vantage by that body. Interested citizens of the town met one night recently in the hose rooms and formed un organization that will make It u business to secure as many enlistments us possible In the National Volunteer reserve. Jlurgss Jamtm J. Wulker, who called the meeting, was elected chalrmun and John M, Brown. sreretnry. The aim nnd objects of the leservp wore explained nnd a number nlpned tho enlistment blanks. The fol IowIhk committee wan appointed to en roll as ninny an possible and report at a mootliifT to bo hold at the call of the chnlr In about a week or ten rtnytv. J. O. Wcscott, John McDonntd, llnrry OoukIi, John ICIehholzer, C. It. Hohc nnd Truman O. WeHcott. Jtr, nnd Mr. Edward I.nHnrr, of llnncocU, N. v., spvnt the latter part of Inst week as tho guests of Jtr. nnd Mrs. Leslie M. LnHnrr. Dr. Jennie Young-, of Mendvllle. who wns for Hcvernl enrs a praetleliiK physician In Forest Olty, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kent Dlnckmnn, and other old-tlmo friends. Henry K. Uleilrr, who attempted sui cide by taking morphine, Friday, on account of domestic dimcultles, is re covering, but tho heroin treatment thnt wns used to keep him awake has left him in such a condition that it will bo a week or more before ho will care to move around much. The funeral of Michael Uvanko, who wns Instantly killed In tho No. 2 shaft Of the-Hillside Coal nnd Iron company, Thursday, wns held Friday. Services were conducted In the Greek Catholic church at Mayfleld, nnd Interment wns (it the same place. TAYLOR NEWS. Tho Funeral of William Roynolds I.nrgolv Attondcd-OIorolnnd nnd Taylor Nuptials. The funeral services over tho remains of Willie, the bright and intelligent child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Itey- nolds, of Washington street, occurred yesterday afternoon and were largely attended. Services were held in the house nnd were conducted by Rev. II. II. Ilnrrls. D. D. Tho Calvary Daptlst church quartette rendered several beau tiful selections at the grave. Ilurlal was made at the Presbyterian ceme tery. At tho meeting of the board of trade on Thursday evening, President J. F. Taylor presided. Tho following com mittees were announced for the year: On manufacturing M. M. Williams, chalrmun; T, It. Uowen, James Powell, Oomer Jones, P. Mulherin and M. C. Judge. Streets nnd sewers V.'lllard Atherton, chairman; II. T. Davis, Sam uel Harlowe, Dr. J. I... Griffiths, II. D. James, Robert Llewellyn and M. M. Williams. Light and water Corner Jones, chairman; AVUlard Atherton, M. C. Judge and Samuel Harlowe. Legis lation J. SI. Morgans, chalrmn; Cas per Ott and T. It. Howen. Annexation Robert Llewellyn, chairman; David X. Lewis, M. C. Judge, Edmund Wil liams and Walter James. Finance II. J. Daniels, chairman; H. T. Davis nnd John Xeiger. Banquet J. M. Mor gans, chnirmnn; Shem Parker, If. T. Davis. John Xeiger nnd Wlllnrd Ather ton. The next meeting of the board will be held on the 27th, and hereafter 011 the last Thursday of eacJi.month. Reese Lewis, of Grove street, will leave today for Slatlngton, where ho will represent the Temple of Love lodge, Xo. 7, True Jvorltes, at the Grand lodge session. The Tribune branch office In Taylor Is In the Coblelgh building. Local Rep resentative 'K. G. Evans In charge. All persons desiring to sit irf the class nt the county .superintendent examin ation will prepare themselves to be ready for June 2t, when examination will be held. Local directors ure urg ently requested to be pnnent. . A special meeting of Camp Xo. &fi. Patriotic Order of America, will be held this evening, when the district presi dent will be present. Every member Is requested to be present. Miss Rosetta. Francis, of Feltsvllle, attended a wedding of relatives nt Kingston on Snturday evening. Lackawanna lodge, Xo. 113, Ameti enn Protestant association, will instnl officers nt tomorrow evening's meet ing. Grand Master Jacob Jones will perform the ceremonies. Mrs. Mary Jane Morcland nnd Mr. Henjamin Taylor, both residents of this place, were united In the bonds of holy matrimony at the Green Ridge Presbyterian church on Saturday after noon. Mrs. William Davis and daughter. Lizzie, of South Seranton, were the guests of relatives In this place yestet day. Daniel Thomns, of Pittston, spent the Sabbath with friends In this place. Mr. and Mrs. AVIlliam Morgans, of Hyde Park, were the guests of rela tives In this place yesterday. Taylor Is alive with patriotism Just now. Messrs. David and William Morgans, of Rellevue, attended the funeral of a relative in this place yesterday. DESCRTED WIFE IN LUCK. Husband Hark from the Klondike Re petent nnd Willi n I'orlinit-. Lincoln, Neb., AIny S. Mrs. William R. Foster, for a long time a teacher In the public schools here, was deserted by her husband ton years ago. and did not benr a word from blm until yesterday. Then ho sent her n telegram from Chi cago saying that he had been a wanderer for ten years, that lie was one of the first to enter the Klondike, and that ho hail como back rich nnd tho owner of a claim there. He had Just learned his wife's where about!!, and he begged her forgiveness. She replied that the separation was all her fault, and that she freely forgave him. He wired her money for a ticket, nop she left last evening for Chicago. A telegram received today nnnotmccd to her friends that sho had been happily reunited to her husband. (urcn Marie llenrlettn Hurl. Brussels, May 8. The Queen of the Belgians, while driving In tho royal park yesterday afternoon, was thrown from her carriage, which was overturned njid tossed Into a lake. She whs lescued by her attendants. Thereare three conditions: When the blood is poor; When more flesh is needed; When there is weakness of the throat or lungs. There is one cure: that is Scott's Emulsion. It liver contains the best cod oil emulsified, or di gested, and combined with the hypophosphites and glycerine. It promises more prompt relief and more last ing benefit in these cases than can be obtained from the use of any other remedy. 50c, and $i.oo, all druggUtl. SCOTT if BOWNU. ChemUu, Nw Ywk. A COLLEGE STUDENT. Saved by PoriMin From a Lire- Time or Inconvenience ullli Chronic Cnlnriii. It reads like a novel. 12 v o r y word of It, how ever, Is prosaic history nnd ex net t r 11 1 h. A young man lins before him n brilliant career. Chronic catarrh fastens Itself upon him. Ho tries tnnny rem edies In vain. At college n room-mate persuaded him to Icz l'e-ru-na. Pe-iu-na cures him In a short time, and he goes on his way rejoicing. Without Pe-ru-nn the success in life would bo Impossible. Chronic cntnrrh fins blast ed ninny a enreer. It would have blasted this young man's career If It had not been for the kind suggestion of a friend. Read what Mr. A. F. Stern, Marine City, Mich., snyn: "I wns troubled with cntnrrh for threo yenrs, nnd tried nlmost every cntnrrh medicine that I heard of. 1 went down to Delnwnre, Ohio, to attend college, where I got onn of your Almnnncs and snw nnothcr remedy for cntnrrh. T wns nlmost discouraged with trying all kinds of medicine, but my room mate told mo thnt your medicine was all right, nnd so I tried It. After tnk Ing seven bottles, according to direc tions, I wns cured nnd felt like a new man. I recommend It to all who are suffering with this dreadful disease. It Is the best medicine for catarrh. I owe my health to you." Could anyone speak In higher praise of Pe-ru-nn than this young man? Just finishing his education, full of ambition, looking forward with antici pation to his business life, perfectly healthy and In good spirits; all be cause of Pe-ru-na. InsteaTJ of drag ging along, year nfter yenr, suffering untold inconvenience with thnt dis gusting dlscnse, catarrh, he Is cured, and says, "I owe my hcnlth to you." All catarrh sufferers will be Inter ested In a book entitled "Facts nnd Faces." It treats of the cure by Pe-ru-na of catarrh In nil Its stnges nnd locations. It will be sent free by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing com pany, Columbus, Ohio. a m:ai(ni:i) roolgenr rind Ilondgcnr Both of the IJe-t Kind. In 1S20, a boy of 14 was apprenticed to a shoemaker In Brattleboro, Vt. At that time, he had received only such an education ns the common school could give. He resolved, on going to his trade, to read nnd study one hour each day. At 19 he had mastered the whole course of Hutton's mathematics nnd gained some knowledge of ustronomy nnd the nntural sciences. Becoming dyspeptic from too close confinement to his bench, he was advised by Dr. Wlllard Parker to walk one hour every morn ing and evening In the fields, and study botany. He did fo, nnd became In tensely interested in botany, says Suc cess. Sending to London for a standard work on this study, he found, on Its arrival, that It was written In Latin. Ho bought a grammar, and In six months could read his. new book. In tho same manner he mastered French and German. At 4Ti years of age his knowledge ot scientific studies caused him to be widely known. Dartmouth and Middle bury colleges gave him the degree of A. M. At that ttme It was said of him: "In mathematics, he lias made such attainments that It is doubtful whether there aro ten mathematicians in the United States who ore capable In case of his own embarrassment of lending him any assistance." He devoted a portion of every day (Sundays except ed) to the study of languages and sciences, and at the time of his death. In IfiSO, was well versed In geology, mineralogy, entomology, zoology, con chology and meteorology. He published several works, but for over half a cen tury continued his making boots and shoes In Brattleboro, His shop was spoken of ns "the place of lasts nnd Latin." This learned shoemaker was Charles C. Frost. The secret ot his Buceess was diligence. Accused .tlurdrrcHi Is Acquitted. Toronto. Out.. May R. The second trial of Mrs, Olive SternamHti for tho alleged murder of her husband by administering to him atsenle In order that sho might obtain some insurance money, was con cluded nt Cayuga, Ont., this evening and resulted in the Jury returning a verdict of "not guilty." On the first trial Mrs. Stemaman was found guilty and sent enced to be hanged on Jan. 20 last. Two days before the day set for her execu tion sho was granted a new trial on tho strength of new and Important evidence In her favor having been discovered. The verdict meets with popular approval. HAPPINESS VS. MISERY. Dr. Charcot s f onle Tablets, thograat l'ar iBlan romerti , Is a guaranteed emu for tno Drink Habit; also nervousness nnd melan choly cutiRed by over-lndulceucc. It D;stroys ths Appetlti for Alcoholic and all Intoxicating Hover.iRei, nad leave? iiuu as lie should be. It can be udmlnlxtere I without tho knowledge of the imtlt-ut where necessary. Kend for pamphlet. Wm. O. Clark, 316 Penn Ave,, Seranton Pa, WOLF & WtiNZEIj, 140 Adams Ave., Opp. Court ItDuir, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUfflBERS Sols Agents for Klchardson Uojrutou'J Furnaces and Kanfft. NEKVOIM TIIOUUI.KS; AM. KINDS cured with Animal Kxtractx. Free booii ells how. WASHINGTON (JUISMIOAI. CO. Washington, 1). U LACKAWANNA HAMUFACTURERS OF Hill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Uull awed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. 1'cclcd HmuIocU Prop Timber promptly Furnished, MILLS At Cross Fork, l'otter Co., on the Buffalo and Susqiic hanna Kailroad. At Mlna, Potior County. Pn., on Couderaport, an J rori Auccauy unuroAu. capacity uunukal. UrriUfc, uu Sourd Telephone No. 4014. OoraUnMneeJarIUblt, the purest drufi Dp. FeaB's Tsar are roopt, safe sid oertaf nolnt. gtnt anrwuers, f 1,00. For Sals by JOHN H- PHELPS, Spruco stroot. 1 W lAND IIlllOI V 12J&SKD12 'HpIME was when a silk advertisement had a far-away sort of a long distance telephone attraction for most people. They didn't catch on readily. Silk was a luxury then---it is common enough now. Such silk selling as we have indulged in lately has placed it nearly at a par with cotton, and we're not done yet. We offer a special purchase of Taffeta the most beautiful quality that has ever been offered for the price by any house in business. And, in the face of the pre sent rising market, all the new combinations of colors and plain shades OOO 127 and Gillette Bros Auctioneers and Brokers, 327 Washington Avenue. (Opp. Court House.) Auction sales of all classes goods satisfactorily conducted any part of city or county. Money loaned on all kinds personal proparty at 1 reasonable rates. A FOR SALE Boilers, Engines and Machinery We will Belt you Now or Second-Hand. Wo will sell you new or take old In ex change, or wo will rent you anything you wunt Id the Maohlnery Line. Spot Caih paid for Scrap Iron Rsd Metali. 709 West Lackawanna Avenue. H. E. KEELEY, Hgr. Telephone, 3945 THE DICKSON M'PG CO., Seranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa, Manufacturers or LQCOIYIOTIVBS.STATIONARY ENGINES Hollers, Holstlneand Pumping Machinery, Oeuernl Office, Seranton, Pa. linUC Villi Wore Throat, I'lmplen, Cop ncr-Colorel Knots. Aphm Unntu Old Bores, ulcers in .Moiun, itnlr ralllnz Wrlto COOK kUMUUY CO.. 6ci Mimnl llnlr'rnllliir, KUMUDY CO.. 651 MasorTl: Temole. Chicago, III., for nroois of curat Capital, $500,000. Worst cases curedln is te 35 days- loo-page book free. PCafehMter'a EnxUih Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS P y-i&iTV urlfia. and O-lj UeauLae. DfBfKltl Ibf CltkutM A'nat.ifc n. r miwmww ruuii balVIBB Klg weni Brand la Ucd aed QoU nieulMo' IHIM. IMItd with b!ua ribbon. T.I. ".fltkcr. Rt fuat danatrouM f rtonj mud imilAtitn. At Prsf lUK. tr ml 4. ' la lUtDrs ror vvtlaiUri, iMttuManii S "uiiier nr .ndiM.-ini.iur, tr rlnrn Lr nit v,vvu itinmiDii. rmatt FAttr. i'MLKUlLVX. LUMBER CQ.; n iuu.uuu icet per uay. of Trado Uullding, Seranton, l'u. tooothlf, reulatla m.dlclr... Only hanalusf4 should be um4, ltjtu want Ins toil, e t PGCiBiyroyaB EP530 ju n In result. Toe asaulse (Dr. Faal'aVooTax 4Uap Addrsu 1'KaI. Mcoiciaa Co., CltTeUod, O. Pharmacist, cor. VWomlng avenue and 1 t. a 7A m Ki& iv a II alia and 9' WASHINGTON AVENUE. 7SC the yard 129 Washington IDAS is If your Umbrella is broken do not borrow your neighbors, he may need it, and if he does, and you have it, just think what he might say. Bring the broken one to us and we will help you retain yotir friends by fixing it for you. Fiorey & Brooks. Opposite Court House. 211 Washington Avenue. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Busi ness anil Personal Account. Liberal Accommodation Kx tended According to Balances an J Responsibility. Ul'er Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. I flnnWri! $200,000 300,000 79,000 UQUllUl. Surplus, Undivided Profits, WM. COXXKLL, President. HENRY BisIiIX, Jr., VlrcPrcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier The vault ot this hunk is pro tccted by Holmes' Llectric l'ro tectivo system. THE KIOOSIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 ami 2,1'om'Mi BTd'j,'. SCRANTON, PX Alining and Blasting POWDER Made tit MooslouuU Huslidala Wortci. I.ATLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kkctrlo ll.uterles, Klectrlo Uxplodors, for exploding- blast, Safety l'usu ana Renauno Chemical Co's rxplosivbs Avenue. DR. GREWER Old Post-Olllco Buildlne, Cor. Spruce St., and Penn Ave-, i-crnnton. Pa returned trum lua Western 'lrip, and will now remain permanent ly ut his homo otllcc. THE DOrTOIl "lSAGItADl'ATK OP, TUB UNIVERSITY OK I'KN.WSYf.VA NIA, FOIiMEUI.Y DE.UONSTItA TOH OK I'HYSIOLOOY AND SI'll OHRY AT THE MEUICO-CHIU-UHOICAI, COLLKOE AT PHIL ADELPHIA. HIS SPECIAL TIES AHE CHRONIC, NKU VOl'S. SKIN. HEART WOMR AND RLOOD DISEASES. The doctor and his staff of EiiKllsh anl (Jcrman phalclans inaUo a xpei'lalty of all form of Chronic Nervous DUease. SklM. Womb. Blood Dlsprsos. Including Kpileptlc Ills. Convulsion?. Hyj lerla, St. VIiuj' Dance, Wakefnlnesi. BRAIN WORKERS, both men ami wo men, whoso nervous systems iiuvu bttn broken down and shattered from over work, no matter from what cautc, can lp restored by my method. All who call upi r tho Doctor from noT on will reecho advice, examination, ser vice and examination froo. Dr. Orewor t nigh standlnB In tho Stato will not nllo-v lilm to accept any Incurable cases. If they cannot cure you they will frankly tell you so. Diseases of th: Neroui Syjtein, The symptoms "i wliUh aro dizziness, lack of confidence, bexiul woakiicsH in men and women, ball ribliiK In thu throat, spots lluatluu butoro the ojes, losa ot memory, unable to conceiitiate tho mini on one Mibjcct. .uslly startled when spok en suddenly to, and dull, dUtivssed mind, which unlltH tliuni fur porformliiB th actual duties of life, making happlnesi Impossible. dlstressltiK the action of tin heart, causing Hush of heat, depression ot sp'rlts. evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of com pany, feeling as tired in tho mornlmr in when retiring lack of energy, nurvous ness, constipation, weakness of tho limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us Immediately and be restored to perfect health. Lot .Manhood Kestorsd, Weakness ol Youn Men Cured If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon tho doctor and be exam ined. He cureo tho worst kind of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores. Catarrh, Piles. Penialu Weakness, Affections of tha Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Asthma. Deaf ness and Cripples of evory description. Tumors, Cancers and Goiters removed without the use of knife or painful caus tics by our newly devised absorbent moth, od known as tho "ELECTRu-QERMI. And" our OZO-NITE OAS cures Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness. Consultation free and strictly sacreil and confidential. Office hours dally from la n. m. to 4. 30 p. m. ; 7 to 8.30 p. m. Sun. day from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. MADE ME A EV1AM AJAX TAULGTS POSITIVELY CDKH Al.r.Htrxjut DUeaiea Faluns Mom orjr.IrnpOUincjr. h)ittttU,t&ets.eto.f cautoj by AUusu or oihur Jscuhses aoJ ludlr cretloai, TAet and turtltl rtitora LoatVttnlilr fa oldorioan(,asd tamaaforttudjr, ba ln or msrrlsaf. tevaat Insanity an uon'tunruoii u ntiinrtlon tl idlato fmptoro nlhr.p fil In taken iu time, 'lbilruao tliowa iu.;nediuo Imptoro meat end eaeeU a tUJlin where all otb lit iifion tifetviricf Inn trnnntna Alaz lit l'uMati. Thar fukvo cared tUoutandi and willrtir you. Wo a i. U'egtra aioH 1U written uutirntw tosatH-tft cure i luicheftfcoor rotund 1Kb mo&or. nlceWtfuiiJiMr luck .; J or nix pltu full tr eat meet l for ruO. lit For sale In Seranton, l'.u, bv MattbeNf Jlro. ami U. C. Humler-ion, druseUU, wis E. &&.$ t 1