THE SCRANTON TIUTtt'NE-MONDAY. MAY 9. 1808. NORTON'S WAR BULLETIN. Hunting and Muslin rings. Largo Wall Map of Cuba 40c Wall Map of Cuba and Kcst Indies 35c. Wall Map of the world, In colors, 25c. Large Atlas of the World $z.oo up. Our Xavy, 50 Pictures, Paper Cover, 35c. Navy Edition Scientific American 25c (40 Pages, 100 illustrations, Map Cuba.) War Edition World Almanac 35c. All the Illustrated Papers 10c. Good Useful Fountain Pen 25c Box Good Paper and Envelopes 10c Pads of Good Writing Paper 5c up. 25'Ccnt Paper Covered Hooks 10c. Novelties In Fine Stationery. All the Desirable New Hooks. Fine Wall Papers and Decorations. Window Shades and Curtain Poles. Wall or Room Mouldings. Chlldrcns' Carriages and Wagons. M. NORTON, 232 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. Anti-Saw Edge Collars and Cuffs, every body wants them. THE Lackawanna aundry 'DOZ 40S Penn Avenue. A. . WARMAN A $260 Selfplaying or gan will be sold for $150 cash, or $175 on easy pay ments. Large sized handsome piano case call at PERRYBROS 205 Wyoming Ave. Tuning ami Repairing. COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY DIME BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON. PA. Matters Policlled Where Others Failed. Moderate Charges. "Philo" Settles Your Stomuch. All pffrrvnenrtnf nlnnunnt n..lnn uer. for the almost immediate cuio of . ,??..a.c.h.e' Neuralgia and Backache. 'I'nllo Is effectual In all cuBes of Bleen lessness, Indigestion, Heartburn und Al coholic excesses. " Thllo' is positively tho best remedy I have yet UKed for my headaches." lc tor Koch, Jr., Scranton House, Scran ton. I'a. "Kor Neuralgia and Headaches Phllo li perfection." Anna K. liubrr, C. C. Cushman, 216 Adams St. .Sold by all tlrst class druggists. Price 10, 2j and 50 cents and $1.00. "PHILO" MFG. CO., US Clinton Place, New York City. V a a Uaveopened a General Insurance Olllco in itelisis' Nolionai Ml Bin Uest Block Companies represented. Large nes especially solicited. Xelepbono 180.'!. PEKSONAL. A children's party will bo given by MannesH tomorrow for her nephew, Stan ley Manners. A bazaar will be held In the nrmory next week by tho ladles of Grace Lu theran church. Mli-s JIarraret .Mayock, of Mill Creek, was tho guest of .Mlhs -Mame Walsh, of Dunmore, yesterday. Thomas Jurdan. clerk In Major Jill lar's ofllce, nnd J. n. Keatur. of tin Times, were guests or Major Millar ut Mt, Gretna Saturday and yesterday. Tho ordination at Albany yesterday of Tatrlck II. McLaughlin, of Cohoes. N. y., was attended by Mrs. Thomas Dillon and her sister, Miss Mary Newell, ot Green s lane. Mrs. Mary Jano Morcland and ilenja mln Taylor, both or Taylor, were mar vied Saturday at tho rertory of tho Church of tho Good Shepherd by the pas. tor, Re.v. F. S. Bnllcntlne. K. W. Softley. lately of Jonas Long1 Bons, has resigned to accept a similar position, that of window dresser, with Harris, Kmory & Co., at Des Moines, Ja., a large retail dry goods house. C. O. need, who for the past lew years bus been at St. Louis, has returned to Scranton und resumed his former eon nectlon with Bamter Pros., whero ho will bo pleased to rerelvo his old acquaint ances. Mr. Charles S. Seamans, of ureen Itldge. leaves Scranton next Wednesday for Colorado, where he Is Interested in extenslvo mining Interests nnd to which ho expects to devote his time nnd atten tion for some time. Mr. Seamans is the retiring eminent commander of Mellta commandery, Knights Templar, of this ilty. and his brother sir knights will tender him a complimentary and fnie wcll dinner this evening nt t o'clock at the Jermyn. DIED. M'GUinK. In Scranton, Muy !, Ter renco McQulre. nged 21. ol rau Maplo btreet. of pleurisy, Jlo leaves a. wlfa and two children. The funeral will tako placo Monday morning ut 8.30 nt St. John'H church. Interment in liydo Park Cathollo cemetery. lALLAOHEH-In West Scranton, May 8, 1898, Miss Margaret Gallagher, 10 years of age, at the residence, 1223 Division street. Funeral announce ment later. RECRUITS WILL MUSTER TODAY To Select Their Companies Armory This Morning. at the Til BY WILL LKAVi: HKIIK Foil TI1H CAMP AT MT. GIWTNA TOMOimOW MOItNtN(l-A TOTAL OF &10 NIHV MILS' A KB AVAILAHLIJ. OF WHICH ISO WANT TO GO WITH TH'-J HONKSDALK, MONTIIOSK AND PIIOVJDKNCK COMPAN1K3 - THEY WILL TRAVKL IN HPKCIAL. CAPS, liccrultluir for the Thirteenth regi ment wnH ns good us finished Snturdny night. Today tho recruits already se lected will report nt the nrmory and tomorrow they will be taken to tho camp of the Pennsylvania division nt Ml. arctmi. During Saturday Colonel Courscti In structed the reglmentnl recruiting oill cers to cense work when the number of men passed by Dr. W. ("!. Fulton hud readied 200. That number had quali fied physically during the evening. It made n total of ."ir.O available men when added to the 50 eneh nlrendy enlisted for Companies 13, of Honesdnle: U. of Montrose, und H, of Providence. The recruits secured for these three com panies have been examined by physlc luns In their respective localities. Colonel Coursen yesterduy tele graphed to Lieutenant Colonel Mattes, In command of tho regiment nt Camp Hastings, asking Information as to the exact number of men needed by each company. This Inquiry was suggested by the absence of olllclnl Information here as to the number i ejected for physlcul clIsqunllflcuttmiH at enmp after having volunteered. Lieutenant Colonel Mattes replied that the Information had been telegraphed to the captains. ASSIGNING TO COMPANIKS. So when the recruits report at the nrmory at 9 o'clock this morning the work of countlnir noses nnd nsslgnlng them to particular companies will be undertaken. As already explained, the Honesdnle, Montrose und Providence companies nre already provided for. At the armory the representative oillcers now here of each of tho live other com panies will get their recruits together and give them Instructions regarding tomorrow's departure. To allow for possible rejection bv the army surgeons nt camp each company will tnke seven more men than are nc tually needed. Each recruit will be told to report nt the armory at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning with a lunch, extra underclothing und n good, coarse, pair of shoes. Anything but a co.rdinl reception to those who said "no" was given them on Saturday en route from camp to this city. The fact that most of the num ber had wives, mothers, children and sisters depending upon them had no effect on crowds of hissing and jeerins people who took n chance at discom forting some individuals who might be bothered to explain why they didn't volunteer. The Thirteenth's non-volunteers were accompanied ns far as "Wllkes-Uurre by non-volunteers from that city's Ninth regiment. Crowds of boys followed those who left tho depot nnd hurled nil manner of invectives at them. In Scranton the demonstration was not as Insulting, but the comments made on the dejected-looking, blue-uniformed fellows were far from pleasant. A later train brought to Scranton those of tho Thirteenth who had vol unteered but were rejected by the sur geons. LOOKING FOH HORSKS. Colonel Coursen Is on the hunt for a suitable pair of horses for tho Thir teenth's ambulance. Ho wants to pur chase them before tonight and take them in a spcclnl cur to Mt. Gretna on the name train that will carry the re cruits tomorrow. Several horsemen have been told of Colonel Coursen's quest and It Is prob able several teams will be offered for Ills Inspection today. Middle-aged horses of nbout 1100 pounds weight, sound and city broken are wanted. JUCTICE WAS SWIFT. C.ioxso Denucyon'H Infamous Con duct Recoiled on His Hond. With a broken head and numerous bruises, fractures und cuts on his body thero lies in tho Lackawanna hospital a badly battered example of what liquor will do. Tho patient attempted a serious crime. He j8 George Denne yon, 40 years old. an Italian, who has resided on "Sport Hill," Dunmore. Yesterday afternoon Denueyon en tered the homo of John Hook, a fellow cnuntrymnii, nnd attempted to assault the letter's wife. She streamed for help and escaped from tho house. Denne yon picked up u cradle containing a baby and hurled It Into (ho yurd. The child was not hurt. Honk then appeared on tho seono. He grasped a piece of tho broken cradlo and uttneked Denneyon.who had drawn a razor from his pocket. The latter's weapon availed him nothing. AVhen Hook had finished his wielding of the cradle club Denneyon's arm was frac tured, his liund was broken, his scalp was cut to the bono in several places und his body was n mass of bruises. Denneyon was a tiful sight when arraigned before Justice of tho Peace Krotzer and charged with threats to kill and nttempted assault. In default of ball ho was committed to Jail. His condition, however, demanded Immedi ate medical and surgical attention and he was taken to tho Incknwanna hos pital. He is badly used up, but will recover. WOLF ORANTED A DIVORCE. Ho Alleges That His V0 Will Not Live With Illm. A divorce was granted Saturday to Fred. W. Wolf froth Mary D. Wolf. They were married on Fob. 28, 18S9, nnd lived together until May 1!S, 1S90, a year and three months. They lived at 431 Adams avenue. AVolf got out of work nnd went to Paterson, N. J., to nnd employment at the machinist trnde. He was not successful und came back to And his wife gone from home. She has not lived with him since. Letters he received from her from time to time were offered In evidence to prove that she would not live with him. 0ALLAGHER WAS ARRESTED. lie ii Cl.nrced With llnviiic Htirulnr. Ued .llcDonnld'n llnrber Shop. Patrick Gallagher was nrrcsted nt Taylor Saturday for burglarizing the barber shop of Miles McDonald, of Ml nooka, Friday night. He was hold for his appearance nt court. . Wu Captured Our Good before the advance. K. a. Coarsen. PATROLMAN SMJL VERY ILL Ho Wits Hlrickon Just Iloforo Going on lltitv Saturday Night. I'alrolmnn James J. Saul wns taken suddenly 111 Saturday evening nt 6.45 o'clock while sitting In tho West Slclo police station, Just previous to gclng on duty with tho West Scranton detail. He vm laughing and chatting with hli fel low patrolmen, yvhen suddenly hlsnce blanched, became distorted with pain, nnd he slid from his chnlr to tho floor, apparently I'lritken with apoplexy or paralysis. It required the combined strength ot threo muscular fellows to keep him quiet and prevent him doing Injury by his awful writhing. Dr. F. C. Hall was hnstlly i-ummcned and a quieting drug wns administered. Ho was taken to his homo nt 102.1 West Linden street, where he has slnco boon under tho physician's enro. Lato last evening ho wns pronounced much improved but a very rick man. TROUBLE AMICABLY ADJUSTED. Men nt the Wcit Hideo Colliery Will Itesmne Work Today. On Saturday the workmen nt tho West Hldgc colliery who went on strike Friday had a conference with Super intendent H. K. Klngsley, at which the trouble that caused the strike was amicably adjusted. The men expressed their willingness to return to work this morning, and operations will be resumed. WEALTH IN TIMBER. A I.uuibrr uud Wood Ilounnza 'Hint Is Controlled by tho Nevr Mexico Rallwny nnd C.'otil Compnny--Thn Timber Supply ol Threo Slntcs and ol Northeastern Now Mexico Prac tically In Its Hands. Kl Paso, Texas, April HO. it Is wry evident that the people of the North do not fully appreciate tho timber question In tho Southwest. H is easy to say that nearly the entire luin lev supply for ull this region comes either from Oregon and Washington on tho Pacific, ,-v from southeastern Texas, more than 1.000 mliM away. And yet tho average Northern reader, It 1 o thought nt i.ll on tho subject, would be likely to say that this is i.e cuute of railroad communication. Ho would bo wrong. The lumber comes from tho sections named becauso It hat) been bolleved'thnt there wns no avail able supply nearer to Kl-Pnso. Of course there hnvo been rumors of timber in the Capltans and In tho Ouadaloupes and tho Sacrnmentos, but anyone at oil familiar with the tree giowth of tho Rockies, or of any por tion of Now Mexico, or Arizona or WeFtoin Texas, Is apt to believe that such timber where it exists is small, scrubby and of little nccount. As a matter of fact there Is a section reaching from tho Capltans on tho north to tho Racramentos on tho south, and Including both ranges, which is re markalily well timbered. An expert lumber man and mill owner, after a rather careful examination of the Cap ltans, decided that there were over 11, 000,000 feet of white nnd yellow pine there above 10 Inches square: upwards of 100,000,000 feet of red spruce; ,",ono, 000 or G.000,000 feet of bull pine, fit for mining use stulls, props, otc and a considerable quantity of juniper and cedar. Tho New Mexico Rallwny & Coal company knew of this timber and counted on It us ono of its sources ot revenue. But careful Investigation made slnco work on tho road was be sun had demonstrated not only that the timber yield on the Capltans will be as great as estimated probably very much greater but that the Racrainen tos aro vastly more important as a source of lumber supply. The more the Sacramento region Is looked Into tho more surprised nnd delighted do the promoters of this company become. In many great areas the trees stand ns heavy and ns thick as In a northern forest. In many respects tho resem blance to a northern forest is perfect. Tho familiar growth Is there. The big trees and tho little trees aro there. The heavy carpet of leaves, so familiar to those who know the northern woods, aro there. Lot a man from northern Pennsylvania bo dropped down any where for r0 or 100 miles on the crown cf the Sacrnmentos nnd ho would scarcely realize from the appearance of tho growth of tho timber that ho was out of his own state. When the promoters of tho New Mexico Railway and Coal Co took hold of their enterprise here they considered only the market for timber that went Into IiM Paso and vicinity from Kastern Texas and based their figures on earn ings on this Information. it has now been made clear that the copper mines of Arizona use very large ampunts of timber, both round and square for mining purioses, such us timbering gangways, propping, etc. This market amounts to over 3,000,000 feet per month and Is now supplied either by all rail from Oregon, a haul of over 1.600 miles, or elst by water from Oregon and rinn Pedro, Cal., und thence six or eight bundled miles by rail. These Arizona markets nre with in 150 to 2.10 miles from Kl Pnso, and will naturally look for their supplies to the Sacramento as soon as tho Kl Paso & Northeastern Railway is com pleted. Investigation also shows that upwards- of eight million feet ot lumber were shipped through Kl Pnso Into Mexico last year, besides a large amount that went across tho Rio Grande at Kngle Pass. All of this northern Mexican market is at the command of tho New Mexico Rallwny & Coal Co.. ud n market for its timber. Rough timber sells at $20 per thousand feet In Kl Paso, nnd flooring at $2,1, and tho demand for railroad ties here Is up watds of COO.000 per year. Tho consumption of wood In tho city of Kl Puso is 12S cars per month, ex clusive of the wood packed on the backs of tho burros by the Mexicans, nnd also exclusive of (ho vast quanti ties of mesqulte roots that are burned, nnd which furnish almost the only fuel for a large portion of the Inhabitant AVPh cheaper wood, tho use of mes qulte would certainly be very much less. The wood brought In. whether by cnr or by burro for fuel purposes is very largely cottonwood and not nt all good for fuel purposes. Tho Sncmmento supply, which will so soon be available both for burning and for timber uie, lis much of It less than 1M miles away. It Is one marvel of this marvelous enterprise that such a near by source of business promlso has passed unnollccd, unknown for so lomj a time. It Is clear lo everyone who un derstands tho subject nt all that once the railroad reaches these mountains, tho limber market of Kl Pnso, and through it of a region ten or twenty times as big as the state of Pennsyl vania Is at the command of the New MhxIuo Rallwny & Coal Co. 'J. M. Q. LAST CASES HEARD IN ARGUMENT COURT Attempt Made (o Have Two Election Districts In North Ablngtoa. ATTORNEY JOHN F. SCRACX! All. aUED THAT THKRK SHOULD UK TWO DISTRICTS IN TIIK TOWN SHIP, AND ATTORNEY 11. F. ACIC KRLY HRI.D THAT THKRI3 SHOULD HE THRKE-AROl'MENT ON RE PORT OF AUDITOR MARTIN IN THE CALLAHAN ESTATE MATTER. In urgument court Saturday Attor ney K, C. Nowcomb asked to havo tho forfeited recognizance stricken off In the case of tho commonwealth ngatnst Wilson S. Fegloy. The defendant wns In business on Spruce street, nnd he secured $1,100 worth of goods fraudu lently from Knnn & Kann, of New York. He was urrested and put under $1,000 bull, and skipped out after ho secured W. J. Whyto ns a bondsman. Attorney Ocorgo D. Taylor opposed the striking off. Attorneys John F. Scrngg and li. F. Ackerly appeared for the division of North Ablngton township Into election districts. Mr. Scragg represented a petition asking for two districts, and Mr. Ackerly wants three districts. The latter charged Mr. Scragg1 with being in the employ of one or two men who wanted things their own way, and that the proposed division Into two districts would work nn Injustice to Mr. Acker ly personally. Mr. Scragg answered that he was In the employ of some prominent men, as a look ut the peti tion he represented would disclose; but he had no objection If the court would give Mr. Ackerly u district all by him self. Atgument was made on tho excep tions to the report of Attorney M. J. Martin, auditor in the P. C. Callahan estate. The estate was made up of the building on Lackawanna avenue where Davles & Orlllln's clothing store was. It was owned by P. C. Callahan's first wife nnd in her will she left It to her thiee sons and one dnughter.und named her husband ns trustee. When ho died ho made a will leaving tho property to his second wife and his three sons by his llrst uinriinge, the daughter hav ing died; and John J. Fahey and Tim othy Casey were named ns trustees for the sons. Mr. Fahey not long ago purchased the sons' Interest. The second wife's claim wns not recognized. Attorney New comb argued that as the property came Into Callahan's hands as a trustee he could not will a part of it to his second wife. Attorney C. H. Welles nrgucd that the widow Is entitled to her In terest In the property. It was noon when the argument wns finished on these cases nnd adjourn ment was taken for two weeks. The case of the proposed borough of Moosle wns put over until next term of urgu ment court. CORNELL MAN IS ILL. II. L. Hibbnrd (.'nine Hero With Other Student. 11. L. Hlbbard, of Akron, O., one of the twenty-one Cornell students who came here to tnke mechanical and elec trical readings, Is a patient at the Lackawanna hospital. Ho became seri ously 111 nt the power plant of the Scranton Illuminating, Heat and Power company Saturday night. The mental nnd physical strain in volved In making the readings, which began at 11 o'clock Friday night nnd lasted twenty-four hours, and u dis organized stomach caused Hlbbard's illness. He was seized with griping stomach pains, which did not yield to the remedies at hand. A physician was hurriedly summoned and advised the patient's removal to the Lackawanna hospl,tal. He was for a time uncon Bclous. At the hospital Hlbbard's complaint was diagnosed ns a bad and acute case of cramps. Ho began to convalesce yesterday nnd will probably be dis charged today. The students will this mornlnc visit several shops und mills. They will leave for Ithaca early this afternoon. EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON. Arrangements for It Mill Itc Undcr Inlirn i'odny. A movement will be started today toward a monster excursion from this region to Washington on the day that the Pennsylvania troops will march Into that city. It Is proposed to ar range with the Pennsylvania Railroad company to arrange tho excursion at low rates In conjunction with people representing Lackawanna und Luzerne counties und Montiose and Honesdale nnd to share tho profits between the company and relief funds for the Thir teenth and Ninth regiments. Tho plan wns suggested Saturday af ternoon from nn influential quarter and D. H. Atherton, of the Scranton board of trade, was selected to promote tho enterprise In the interest of tho friends of the Thirteenth. It was suggested too late for action Saturday, but will be investigated today. Thare will be no connection between the excursion nnd relief movements that may bo stnrted In Scranton. Wilkes. Rnrre, Iittston, Montrose and Honesdale for compunfes from these places beyond the Intention that a share of tho profits will be turned over , by the company for tho benefit of funds for the two regiments. I A hurried conference will be held by Don't Be Misled No advance on our stock. We are the low est house in the city on" Coffee and Tea We supply you with Flour at the price others pay by the car, We have plenty of it aud propose to protect our trade while it last. E. Q. Coursen Secretary Atherton with certain rep resentative mon this morning. If he Is given their approval he will go to Wllkes-Barre nnd try to bring the mat ter to a focus there in conjunction with the Wllkes-Bnrro bonrd of trnde nnd the local passenger ngent of the Pennsylvania railroad. It Is believed thnt definite Informa tion can be obtained In the next two days ns to tho rendezvousing point of the Pennsylvania division, and that Washington will bo tho place. It Is the further opinion that the troops wil.Lnot move before next week. Thnt would be plenty of tlmo for the company to make its plans nnd to advertise the particu lars, as no "promoting" would be nec essary. If tho plan Is carried out n record would be made, either en route or while the railroad tickets aro being sold, In order to determine what sbnre of the sales would go to certain counties, cities nnd towns wherein companies of tho two regiments have obtained their membership. TUB TELEPHONE ORDINANCE. ' Cmntlng n IranchUo to the Lackn wanna Company. Following Js the ordinance now be fore councils granting a frnnchlse to the Lackawanna Telephone company: An ordll'Uiice granting permission, nnd authorizing the Lackawanna Telephone company to ertct poles, string wires nnd operate lines of telephone upon the sev- i ernl streets, nvenues. courts and places of the city of Hcrarton, state of Pennsyl vania. Section 1. Do it ordained by tho select and common councils of tho city ot Scrunton, and it Is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that the Lackawanna Telephone company, a cor poration Incorporated under tho laws ot Pennsylvania, bo and Is hereby author ized and grunted permission to erect and maintain the necessary poles, string wires, and operate Hues of telephone upon the several streets, avenues, courts and places of tho city of Scranton, Penn sylvania. Tho poles to bo located under the direction of the street commissioner of said city. Sec. 2. Tho said Telephone company in consideration of tho rights, prlvlligc and franchises granted by this ordinance shall within one year from tho datp of Its approval erect und put In operation a telephono system sufllclently largo to supply at least llvo hundred subscribers. Sec. 3. Iloforo commencing work and within thirty days from the passauc of this ordinance said cotnpanj shall signify Its acceptance In writing of this grant or permission upon the terms and regula tions herein provided. BEGAN TO ARRIVE TODAY. (Srnnd Cnsllo ol KnighU ol (.o'den KiirIo Opens 'I omorrow. Today tlio delegates of the different castles of the Knights of tho Golden Eagle throughout tho state will begin to utrlvo In this city to attend tho nn nual mooting of tho stute castle which will bo convened tomorrow morning at the Academy of Music. Hotel Jermyn has been selected as headquarters and tho state ofllcors will all be located there. A final meeting of tho general nnd sub-committees will be held this afternoon at A. O. IT. w. hall, at 421 Lackawanna avenue to receive final re ports. The general programme Is us fol lows: This evening ull officers and del egates who have arrived will bo as sembled In the Ancient Order United Workmen hall on Lackawannn avenue, and a trip made through the steel mills. Tomorrow morning at fl o'clock, a pub lic reception will bo held nt the Acad emy of Music. Judge II. M. Edwards, Mayor Iialley and George Okell. chair man of tho general committee will de liver the addresses of welcome. Grand Chief Hunslcker, of Allentown, Past Grand Chiefs James McKenny and Tobln, of Philadelphia, will make the responses. The Giand Castle will be opened, roll cnll made and then adjourned. In th" afternoon a big parade will bo held, beginning- nt 2.S0 o'clock. Review will take place at tho court house square by tho grand officers. Later a fancy drill will bo held in front of the High school on Vino street. This will bo in teresting, there being a prize awarded for the best drillers. A trip into tho coal mines will tako up tho evening until S o'clock. At S.30 o'clock a banouet and bull will be held at the Iilcycie Club huso. Wednesday tho business sessions of the castle will begin and will bo continued until Thursday nlsht. So Advance on Groceries. P.Io f-oft'oe, 13. Java, 2 cents. K O. Coursen. A Good Set or Teeth Tor... $3.00 Our Best Sets or Teelli 5.00 IncluJInj; tile Painless Infraction. DR.S. C.SNYDER 321 Sprucj St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn. Short of Shades ? Do you need a few? Your window wants are easily filled this week. Aud cheaply. Shading Remnants. An odd lot. Odd colors and short lengths. The iSc quality. Priced to move quickly at r;c a yard. Complete Shades With spring rollers. Another odd lot. Most every color. Most every kiud. Some slightly soiled. All good enough for kitchens. Value from 25c to j$c. Choice 10c Water Color Shades With roller and all complete. Perfect goods, 20c, with fringe 30c and 35c. SIEBECKER & WATKINS, 406408 Lackawanna Ave. MALONEY OIL Hi MANUFACTURING CO, 141 to 140 Mctldluu StreetiScranton, l'iu Telephone (.'.' BURNING, LUBRICATING ANB BYLINBER OILS. PAINT DRPARTMBNT.-Llaieod Oil, Turpantlno, White Lead. Ooul Tr, I'ltoti Vornlsb, Ittyers, Japan and Bhlnalo Btaln. TWO MURDEROUS WEAPONS. John 1)111 Uort '1 hem In Attncks on III Nile's Parent. It wasn't John J. Dill's fault that Mr. nnd Mrs, ( J). Hetzel, who reside in the Klovcnth ward, wero not killed In separato murderous nssaults ho made upon them. Dill Is the son-in-law of tho Hetzels. He nssntiltcd Mr. Hetzel with a pair of blncksmlth tongs Friday evening nnd attacked his mother-ln-law with a piece of Iron plpo on Satur day. Special ofllcer Clifford nrrcsted Dill Saturday on a warnnt Issued by Alder man Howe. Dill was sent to jail in default of ball. The Lathers' union, No. 5163, ot Scranton has chanped their Initiation foe to ten dollars. Twlnlngf, optician 128 Tenn avenue, In Harris' druit store. Hours 0 a. m. 5 p. m. htcnm llcntlng nnd Plnmblng. P. F. & M. T. Howley,J31 Wyoming ave. Will Continue the Corset Sale Coupons and newspaper clippings will be good for 2c duriug the week when purchasing an L CORSET Owing to the unseasonable weather hundreds of customers could not secure one of these beautiful corsets. Do not neglect this chance to save 15 cents. If you have not got a coupon get ono of last week's dully papers and rut ono out. Look for tho Corset ad. No better corset for this money on earth. This will in tho last opportunity to purchase a corset ut this price. SCRANTON T STERLING -STEARNS L CIS Carriages Rubber Tired by experts. We have our own plant. Soi't Steel Bounds up to 1 inch. Large stock Cold Boiled Shafting. 8 126-128 Franklin Ave., SCRANTON, iron end Steel flei a mm is.. 20 Laekawanni Av&, Scranton ?i Wholesale nml Retail DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. FRENCH ZINC, Ready nixed Tinted Paints, Convenient, Kconomloal, Durable. Vnrnlslt Stains, rrodiiclng 1'crfect Imitation of ExpenitT Woods. Raynolds' Wood Finish, Especially Designed for Inside Work. Mnrblo Floor -Finish, Durable und Dries Quickly. Paint Varnish and Kal sominc Brushes. PURE LINSEED OIL AND TURPENTINE. IN SEAKCH OF A TIE To suit your funcyths best place to look Is through our etooli. All tbs new things In Men's Kumlshlna Goods nnd their way Into our store, and you will And the prices right. HAHD & PAYNE, , 203 shlngton Ave 80I.K AQKNTH FOIl KNOX 1IAT8. Money's Is what wo nlm to give with every sack of "Snow Whlto" flour you buy. Our mill Is fully equipped with nil modern ma chinery. We employ only skilled millers. Wo use tho rlpht kind of whent. Wo tako a crcat deal of pains to havo "Snow White" Always the same. Wo watch every detail of tho mnnufuc tture. Wo could not afford to let uny Inferior flour get out in "Snow Wlnto" sacks and wo don't. Your grocer sells it. "We Only Wholesale It." THE WESTON MILL CO Scranton, Carbondale, Ol) pliant. I havo a large stock of theso pianos in all colors and prices. I havo bo sides Ilazclton Brothers, Bails, Whit ney, Hinzc, Richmond, etc., nt prices from $200 upward, and payments $6 a month or more. Send direct to Wllkcs Ii : '. I am prepared to givo liberal dl-.-unts to tlnso who buy. direct. Old Instruments Taken in Exchange. George H. Ives 0 West Market Btroot. Wllkoj-Barre. BARBOUfi'S HOME CREDIT HOUSE Having added l,:oo feet to our stors room, wo nro now prepared to show a liner assortment of FURNITURE than ever. You aro cordially Invited to cull and Inspect our Roods und compare prices. CASH on UIUCDIT. LriH C0&- B Hill 42S LACKAWANNA AV2.