T11JU SCKAiNTtLN TIUHl iNU-SATritnAV MAY T. 381)3. 3 POOR BOARD MEETS IN REGULAR SESSION Inmates to the Number of 406 Now In the Home. KniHIIlT UP AI'IHTOHS rmt W A'l Ti:STS A BATlSiWCTOHY CONDI. TION OP Till: HOARD tf Al'l'AlHS at Tin: ho.mi: is a ii:sii;aiii.k Cltlt.Il KOIt ADOIM'ION-MANY OP Till. Al'l'l.K'ANTS roll ItllMllI' i:nr, di:hi:hti:d wivks - bimj ciai. mi:i:tino or Tin: iuiaiid at im.i.snn; iio.mi: ki:xt TiirnsnA. Tlio i oor ImmuI met jcntpnlny In rcs ular Kossi.m. Tin- ifjuirt milmilttoil by Supotliiti-iiilt-nl r.puiiMi, of llii' IlilMilo lloim for Aiirll contained tin- follow ing lninuUH. Mnrili 111 IIS. uilinlltoil duiltiK Apill, I f-.uit'. in Uiiiim-, tntul In mates. 41.': illi Imrt-'cil ilutlng iimntli, L'.' Minn, 4 Iiim.1111 niniilnlllB Ailll BO, W aiic mnlpx 1.'' fmnli , 4S; Insane milled, 11.', fi in. ili " .'-' Di V. I) linnii' nutilnnr pli.x.M- inn it-poi tfel -'7 his. iliitlnpr Mm eh nml April nml II" visits Ur. J. 11. Mmpliv ri'pMitnl fur Apt II '.' cui'H anil "(i visit In .1 M Wllllumi u-poiti'il l"js iit to .'.'1 p.itli-nls timing April. Til. ippi'il of Auditors Kiaiik T. i)K li Walt' r I. I'liilstinas mid W .1 r'.iHti llo. fm tin jn'iir lotitalni'il the frill w iim A in mt oiii-.,iinlln; Jan. 1. 1M7 . $ 0.1(3 7.1 hi in in .mil "i rvlopn lS,2?'i f," nit I . .1 nllif It.STiOiii -Mill" 2S.7 51 tun inn mi ntn ii iv I rrprtlrn ZS,"22 111 l tinitiiK nml ntntlciniTy fir. S', i iniiiiiirp noi. ii;i Mi. i II iiirmtM 4017')-, T t il $1M.4i4 so Tn iMiior's ipport on. Hiliimo Pic 31, lull! $11, IS fir. 1 roin TrpuKtirrr C .1 lllllrnplf . SfiTi, on li mi I'olliptnr William, 1W . l.onrim T roin Collector Klnn. ISIM !l,iiillii I run Collector I'lnn. HOT Ol.tmnn 1 i I rirlt Puller Si 'is l r. I. rick I'tiller, Insurance 2 not TT I 1 Murphy . r n T. Jtnti. npproprliitlon 13 BN o a Ihpinir, hoanl of pntlrtits Mm n 'n il ....janwi: ....$t";R-2r,i cn IH warrants, 1SD7 Halaneo JI.IHT E" Tlio auilitoih attested tlio cfilclcncy 'f tin- ifiorilK nml wink of ex-Srcro- imv i:. J. l.inctt nml Superintendent In. mr. The cotlln of ft tilt and nliado 'i i'fi at tin farm w.m leooinineiidi'il Pi inline to tlio value1 of JS.S'ti wnmaisod on tin- fai in during tin- vc.it. Tin1 Item if $1,411 -1 " fm lioanl was iloscilbod as Lis ii'iuhed for patients fiom onlhldo tin- distilct. It was HiiKKosti'il that the limine; innni in tho main ImlldliiK nt tlio lioine hp eiilatgeel. Suppilntindont llcc-nier uiscd the hoard to hectiie the adoption nt once of a UrlKht and alt! active child two nml one-half jeata old, a kIiI. who has hppii l cared at the home. Its mother Is a Conner woman of rooil p.ucntajre now einplojcd as a sciv.iut In a ip spu tohlo homo in .Sci.mtoli. The child promises to de elope with jeais into a Mil attractive in ch.iraitir and fea ture It was voted to meet nt the home ihM Tluiisday imiinlnR. t tlie oiieninp; of the meeting a tarfriT niimlier than tiMinl of applica tions for relief welp heanl. Of the foiu -urn women applleantsi. nine had been li silted, hj their huslianilB nml eaih had at leant two ililldien. In no iaso viis tlio youiiKPbt i hilt oer two yenis ihl MUSICAL GOSSIP. Th. XoiwalU (I'uiiii i Onrette of re i nt ii.ito i outlines tin fnllowlng plP.T . in woiiIk of a f.in.ii Uhlilenl ol tlil mi who Is held in tin liitflnM roKanl l iniihitudi of frieinis oiii of tin irosi flillchtlnl iniiHtr.il en t itiinmitlt eei kImii In N'oiwnlK waH ii. inltiil .it the I'uui.il i lull ister ii i iittniiun b .Mih- Stella Sijinnm, a i upll nt Kubi'lHliK) Vii'iuui Jllsa AKliea Ito- llllihM, Nil walk h pnpul.ir euiitialtu, i nuihiiti'il Mitral mk.iI uiiinlni.s ic n.iiili ilileil li Miss Wilson, wliiih wire ii inot i njovalile fi-nttm nml much ap j.r.n iieil hi tin lare auillinii piesmt. li i- iiy illllkult tut a niin-prulei.-t.lon.il to ixpnss the tvpiiMU dclli.uy anil tliouglit eniliodluil In MHs Hojniours plui n,; In tin Walxttln Siuialu In Kn thn n tin nli al foil i inil liiaiit) of the nioe iin in Intcrprptcil ill it in.iiiiiii Mliloin lipnil tin motif of (lie (.nut niastu. In tlie tulliiwiim iiuinhtrx h, i Unpin nn.l I i filirtizk, hhe lutrKd l.i t aiiiil- in i oinpli ti 1 Willi Ik I mil in the Hh,isnile IIiiiigioiM- 1 LIhzi. with 'tn .r. ii iieliaiial il.ilk ullli s, phi.veil In a in -i brilliant in.iunpi, the niullpnee i On tlio Inxpltutlon of the oiti.st ami in pl.i mini i nthiiKiiiKtli nll MIsm So- in ui lexpoinlitl liiiiKt Kruilouly with an . ii hi . li n m Mn pli.ielus to iiutlie In the nmii ni o the faieK of t-o in. my Iiimis of t-.mil niiiKii .ml iliHr plriihiiralile autli'l iilion wire nmii 111. ill riullziil Th. Pluli iiiesliliiit iniioilueed the I.. ilios in a few iffiitixe words mid liter presented mill with ilowrn lu the i luh eolois of ml mil whlii Tin. following tiih tiniKi ininn ii mli i il .I.If.t. in Sun Hi Iliilliniii Mi- h i in. mi ADWM pii i Always Reliabli. Purely Vegetable. J'trfri'll ialili, i lrsnntl en it.ii, rpii lute, purlfj, ileiini uud Htruiinlln n K Ml. V V S I'll l.- lor tin Hire ot all illknulcn of btoiiiiuli, llowil", l Idling, llliulilcr, Nrrotis liiMiiKiti, liiiuesn, oitli;o, Loi lliiBiioi, I'ikt. SICK linADACIIB, FBA1ALB COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNGSS, 1NDIQESTION, l)VSImSIA, CONSTIPATION, AMI ALL DISORDI-RS OP TUG LIVER Observo tlio following symptoms, result' lug from dliicaseu of the ulguatha ortfans Constipation, Inward piles, fullnesg of blood In tho head, acidity of the .stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full! nes of welBh of the Btomach, sour eruj. tatlone, sinking or tlutteriiif; of tlio hoa-t, choklnir or BUffoiatliiK sinsatlons wlien In a lyln? posturp, dlmncsa of lslon, dots or webs before tho sight fever nnd dull pain In tho head, deficiency of pe.-splra. tlon, yellowness of the kln and mos, pain In tho side, chest, l.nibs and sudden Hush, es of boat, burnlni; In tho llesh. A few doses of ItADWAY'S PIM.3 will freo tho system of all tho ubou named dlsprdors. Price 35c per but, SolJ by Druuglsts or sent by mall. RADWAV & CO.. C5 E'm Si. Now Yor' "I Believe th.it the frying pan is the most fruitful source of ci line in America, " s.iys a distinguished authority on cookeiy. Whether this belief be justified or not, it is scarcely pos sible to overstate the wretchedness caused by indigestion. The worst consequences of bad cooking and hasty eating aie avcited by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey a sound stimulant tor medicinal and family use. It helps an ovei loaded stomach as an extra horse helps a team up a steep hill. When you buy of your giocer or your diuggist see that you get the genuine Dulfys. "It was Not to Ho" Neslcr Mls Cllihx. fa) ntude Chopin (ID Jlelodle Mazntka .. . .I.escluttky Mins Bejmour. "Till Me" Nevln MIks Gillie. Ithnpsodlc Ilnngroi'-e I,l3zt .Miss Sejtniiiir. (llnrnre). Meloillo Mn knp.tr .Miss Sejmoiir. I I M Mr. Alfred Wnnler, tuior of Llm Park chinch, has JtiM linnitiil anil icpj llKhted a iliart 22 Indict, by (,1'j Inches whlcli, whin plated on the k-lHiaiil nt piano 01 oiuhi, points out cei major, in'nor ami donilu mt xrnth ehonl tin re Is in imit-lc : at the same time sliowliiK harmonic pii erc-nlnn of mine It is no dimple tliat a i MM can liaillK iinder stanil It Am per-nu, mii'-lflan or not, can Irani how to pl.n chords correell In nn.i kej h it. It ill.pl.ijs Kre.it lutiiilvc Renins. Mr. Wooler will h.ne It pub llslicd both In i:iiRlnml and In this toun 1 1 on .llllv I. IVIs It is predittid llklt It will hae n lame nule Mis. Kennedy, the new siipiano nt uim I'atk cliuich, will Kluq; a s-olo tomnrrnw ceiiliiK. I ' I Mr Lewis K. Pa own, late of the S01.111 ton fons't.itorv of Music, lias resigned Pis position as teacher of sdsht biiiRliiK, iti. ! '! '! Mr It. P. Rrrvei, late of the Prrsbv- teri 11 iliurrh choir this citv. is nieetiiiR with miirh tiureess nt the New lhiRliuid ConnM.itorv Of Musli Huston. I! M l dip of the Riandest conceits ni tlie M'l-on v II be held In tlie Scranton lli iile rooms on Wiishlnctnn aenue The Apollo club, nf whlcli Professor '1 .1. l)i les li id been conductor prior to his re cent !sl to PlttsburR, where he will periniinentK re-lile will Rixe a testlmon lil loneert on Tneila eenliiR the 17th ln.t Piuferi-nt llimbeiRei. who Ins devoted n meat ilnl of time to tlie 01 tranizatlon in tlie iihitue of Piofeisrr Diles lias been ihoen th" conductor Tlie Apoll club has been in elhtencc fir h'pi.iI months and now hows ntuimj evidence ot IicIhr a perm incut orRalilzi tliin Profts-or llcmb'tRcr has bien ni -tivelv entailed In ti.ilnlni; the ilmius which w'll on this ihmmou vIhr seviral of )'rofrsni OaMrt-' rnmpo!tlnns. " II 'I Tlie ln-niilifnl solo which 5Ir Wooler. li nor of Llni Path chinch, miir Ian bun div evrnlns:, W Ills own mmposltloii and will Hhoitly be pi.bllhed bv the llauh Mnlc company, I'liiladelphl 1 I II 'I Th per pie of the Pi tith Side had n tine treat Riven them lnct Thursday evpnlns: In liPiirlnfr In conrrrt the niaRiiltlceiit KlllRillR of Miss Timlin man and Mis. i; O Wortlen. of this city. toRether in con icrt I' 'I Mr Philip 'Wnircn has lerelved nn en RnRPinent to elm, at conceit In Ocean Glove on Allium 17 1 Tlie latent composition pulillsdiid bv I) O. l'vuns. of YiaiiiRstown O. Is tin na tional tunic mid ihoius, "O I!lesed Land of Gvvalla ' This sour was composed by John II. Powell, of Wot Scranton, nnd tho chottis ari.iiiRcil by Profess,! T .! Oavles. It is one of the neatest and most oiilstlcallv aiiniiRcd eonipnsitloiis that has yet been published. The ntiaiiRe mint of wording on the fpcoihI p.irc is translated In Welsh and lhielMi The linclc lover piRe lontalns the airaiiRe tneiit of "Sol-fa ' miMc. 'I he Wilkis-Ilan, elstnlillod wliiili was to be held on Ma) ")), has been piwipomd until tlm fall. Tile eluiKRe was 1-1.11 nee. phsaiy owing to the condition of the times The Lulr rpiarteltp, tompoMil of plulm Wairen. John W. Jones, Uavnl StPihein and Tom IJpynrn. will bi prumim nt it tho openliiK ol tho KniRlils of .Multa lull In thin clt) in June. I 'I ho malp voice choli which hid U 11 lireparhiR tho "Dealiuetlon of G.ia, im dir the leadership of Professor Pros-.( r has dlsbauilcd. A concert will be held b) tin .hit k in Street Ha lit in t ehiltch choir on edin day ivenlne, the lSlli Inst, licsldis the renditions of solos, duets and chorus, s bv the choir, scmio ol Set .niton's promi nent vocalists will participate. Il II on Sundii) evenliiB at the Pl)inoatli CoiiRrosatlonal church of tlio Wist hide tho iholr tendered some er beautiful selections The iiutlitm entitled "Tin Larth Is the Loid's.K by Kiikpatrlik. w is HiiiiR b the choir In a bellttiiiR milli ner The sliiRliiR has been Inipiovicl Rreitly nmii r tho leadership of Mr. Kilns Uvans. 1 ' II Tim committee limine lu cIiiuro tlio miih,il tecpptloii to bo tendered 1'ioles sor Daniel Piothoioo Is nctlvuly cuRaRed lu securliiK talent to inuko It Riand sue 11 us. 1 '" I.ovetts lloston Stars took pair In the bt-mllt corint ot tliu Uleclrlo City Wlieclinin on .Mirdny cvcniiiR. Tim ai- tlsls who partlilpateil in the ovinUms pioRinnimo wt re Ml-s Hill, snpiano lolst, Miss lliewei, leader: Miss Gur- 1 iti. violinist. Mi Kiaiik Ite)iiolds, liu- moilst. Lovctt's Huston Stars appeared In tills city n few years ugn. and iluiniR the butli visits heio tlicy weici 1 ciLlv?t it by lurKO nudlciiies. 1 li M Miss Vuiin!" Williams sniiK n bcaullliil selection at tho ciitoitnlnuient III Ply mouth church on Thursday uvcnlim. Miss Williams, who is a member ot tho Pl tnouth church choir, possesses n ery sweet voice. I, II M ' Miss Mable Ttennlo executed Alleuro and Andanto In O major from Heothovcn at tho miiHleale in tlio Second Presby terian churh on Tuesday ovenlni; This Is tho second performance of Hoetliovcn's muulo by Miss Iteunlp, and at both ap pearances lids season eho displayed Kreat talent. Miss Hennte Is a pupil of Profes sor Chance TWENTY-ONE OF CORNELUSMEN HERE Came loGct Practical Experience With Glcctrlcal Machinery. Tlli:V AHIJ MAKING 1813 OK Till: PLANT OP Till: SCltANTON ILl.t M 1NAT1NH. IIKAT AND POWKlt COM PANY roit that pt'ni'osn-'iiiu TI2ST8 THAT AIH3 Hl'lNO C11N. )l'CTi:i) HY TllH bTt'DHNTS HH (IAN LAST NlOHT AT 10 Ol'UHK AND CONCLUDi: AT 10 O'CLOCK TO NIGHT. Twenty-one Cornell studentr, aieliere nnd inakliiR a test of the niachlner) at the plant of the Sci.inton Hltimlnat Iiir, Heat and Power rompany Two of the paity, D. H. Campbell of Hrookljn, and C. II. Ktetz, of Haton, ItotiRe, La., have bpen In the city since Sunday inakiner the picliminaiy nr lanRpments The others are Junlois and Kcnlois of the unlvct?ity's electri cal and mechanical etiRlneeiltiR depatt mentH ns follows, lilecttlcal, S. D. Hulloclt. II. L Hlblinrd. C. L lllley. 11. S. Moure. J. W. Pi luce. T. U Hlake, It. G. AVare, It. H. Hlukesleo nnd Mr. West; niechanlrul department, J. G. Glenn. F W. MidBley, H M. Kinney, M. W. Sherwood, I. C Lewis, M. M. Upson, II. M. Wolns. J. S. Aver, Mr. Mc.Mitllen and Mr Lane. Nearly all of Ihi'lil nie stoppliiB nt the rauiot House I'aclt member of the graduation d.iss Is oliliged to ptepare a Rraduatlon thesis on some piactlcal eiiRlneerlitR tuple. Mr. Kretz and Mr. Campbell chose the ptesent lest as the medium for tlieie thenis, the opportunity beliiR offeied by the company's Invitation sent sometime uro to the university faculty The Riaduates submit their lcpoit to the faculty for examination. A duplicate lcpoit Is Riven the com panv feu the hitter's Individual use. The test lic'Riin at 10 o'clock last nlsht and will not ho finished until 10 o'clock toniRht. l-vciy 15 minutes lendlnRv aie beliiR1 made of each heatei. boiler, eiiRine and dynamo, the quality of steam, etc. This explains the Jieieusaty picsence of twenty-one students who lellcvo one another. Pi evident P.ull, of the Ameiienn Rail KiiRlno company, vvhoe t.vpe of enRlno Is used at the plant, is heic to witness the test. The students vvll leave here for Ithaca tonioiiovv. They aie heic at their own expense. The pal t played by the electt Ic liRlit company Is solely that of ofteiiiiLT a medium for a thesks. Tlie company pets the benefit of the copy of the students' repot t. .int. vi:si' di:al in r.r.G;. rook Tin Cans ol "olid llrats" to Y11I.011 and IIiiiurIiI Hack l?",'.fi I. Seattle Post-IntelllRoni er. Neatly cety man who hns come out of Dawson duiliiR the past wo months or 11101 e has had somethiiiR to say of the "ftozen-cRR man." They met him ut Miiious points between the Chll iciot summit and the Yukon livir. ti udRhiR nloiiR vv 1 tli one companion nnd for iIors, pulIliiR a carpo of fiozen crrs bound for the Klondike. KRR3 nt Dawson are worth $1 or inure each, and this hlRh in lie proved such nn incentive to a Portland man that he lesulved to ficeyi n. lot of them and take them In The crr man has been tlie souice of no little amusement for the Klondlkeis who have come out. They hae frequently laughed at his foolhardy speculation nnd often pio dleted his failure. He has been a pro line landm.uk, nnd one of the stock questions vvhlili Klondlkeis have asked each other heie hns been, "Where did joii meet the prr man"" The crr mnn Is In Seattle He has sold his crrs nnd letuincd with a sack which mum a Klondlku nilRht well env). Ills name is Chailes Vest Vest left Portlnnd last October on the steamer Klder llefote lenvlnR he ob tained 1,74! dozen orrs He broke nnd paiked them lu tin cans holding; one Ralloii each, or sl cloven. The cans we ip sealed, frozen and put on Ice. They weighed l',0J1 pounds In cold HtlllllRC-. With one man to help him and his duRs Vest him led the crrs up to Sheep Camp and Inn lid them In tho snow. He put foiu cans in n sack and tied the sack over the iIor's backs Hach doR curled twenty-elRht pounds In this wuj. Once over the summit the cans were piled on sleds, pulled by the iIors, and the Journey continued Sevei.il nl entitles befell Vest and his comtianloti on the way. On Dec. '21 they stopped at a iiibln and boURht suppoi and IocIrIiir Tin bought some moccasins nf one of tin ii hosts In the moinliiR one can of the crrs, now be loniliiR mini and nn.. m 1 ions vas We Welcome The "Lookers" WERE BUSY they know the Suit as if they made it themselves. Now another great movement's on. It's in Dress Suits and Mixed Business Suits. Ex tremely stiong values they 'ie THE SUITS nOCOO OIIITO ' ?lft' V2' J'"' to $2)0n U II LOO OUIIO Just the cloths )iiil want- CI. iv Diagonals Ciepis Tilcots etc 111 the best effects eaieftill) cut fiom just the light stks and made lu a way to theuiiiRlilv please any man. On nt silling all tlio time, You select from over 300 latest fashionable fabiics in all the new shades. Drop in and inspect the new line we've gatheied. These Suits are in the popular Plaid Stripes 01 Small Checks, and every new shade ol Brown, Blues, etc., and the Coat cut in single or double-breasted sack, 01 walking coat, as you piefer, and Wc (iliarail tcc It to Please. All these Suits cut by expeit cutters, carefully tailored, and made to lit, with every attention to details given a suit costing double. We have never known greater value in up-to-date styles than this line of suits. See the goods and make your selection early in the week. Look us up il will pay you. Alterations made to insure a perfect fit. All garments pressed and kept in repair one year free. HIGH (HIT AND MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 427 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Open Tonight Until 10 O'Cluek. K3UmSi3EMMMM& halt o:ii:act roup Vest hud his suspicions but had no evidence He asked his host nboiit the mlsBliiR can. but Rot no satlslac tion, altluuiRh his suspiilons wete coll llrmed There wcie others uimpliiR at the tnliln. and fnmi these two or thiee das later Vest olitalncd cutioboiatlvo evident e as to the Rtillt of the suspect. The thief had Rone towntd the coast, hut Vest follow id him nnd took him before the police Confronted with the evidence of his clime, the fellow con fessed. The pollie decied Hint the man should be punished by rIvIiir up his outllt to the man he had wioiiRed. This was done, and Vest Rot Jis" per dozen for the 1 an of crrs. 01 $1,110 in all. At Thltty-Mlle llivet 1111 adventure of a cllffiiint suit overtook the prr man A 111ft was built to lloat down tlie ilvei Vest staved on shore to line the raft down The Ice at one place was not sIioiht mulish to suppuit Vest's weight, and he was foiccd to let the line ro The 1.1ft went spinning down tlie liver at a fearful tate, the anxious owner tunning along shoio to Keep up with it. Suddenly a lock llmined with Ice appealed In the ttnek of the 1 .if t In 11 moment tho raft had dived undet tin lee, the llder had Jumped foi his life to tlie lock, and the cat 10 had spilled Into the swift stienm. The stove and tent of the men sank, but Hip sacks of egg cans went floating down stii.1111. It was bitter cold . but the situation was dcspcinto Vest did not ponder long upon what to do He plunged into tlie sttcain and pulli d out tho sacks one at a time To do this he had to tun tilling nnd Into the stienm for a mile and a half His clothes froze to him, but he saved ills eggs. Then ho went back to his companion and threw out a lope nnd towed him nshoie Thiee men. who happened to be camping near by, gave the two vvit men sin iter until the) had di led and wanned themselves. SKty-llve mllis tuithei down Vist 1 pni lied the 15lg Salmon, wheie Mnjot Walsh was campitiR, Majol Walsh wanted supplies, and he bought Vest's eggs at 1 per doen The eggs yielded $".,L'll, whlcli, ndded to the M 110 amounted to $J,2I1 as the total ptoduct of Vest's undei taking PJH'Olli: A nt IIULLKTI.V. Tho Unkind Comment of n Near siclited .Man on ( uncut News. Trom tho Sun. A near-sighted man stood In front nt one of tho most olfuislve war bulletins, tho other day, with a tilend who lead him the news 01 what was dished out as in w s "Where's till th it hnmmriing'' ' he aiked suddeulv. and ids trie 'id lcplicd "It's on tlie bulletin liuutd " "Oh. ' said the mvople ppison 'Tin v i. nailing lies 1 suppose." Then lie we'it away satlslled. ri:iM)Y oo.ni:vi:ii Ted civ's lust the viry kind Ot man 1 ur htuits delighting, Doesn't want to bi contlned In olliei while Mien's fighting. In tin front he wants to be. Where battle ease doth banish. And gulluuil), with General Lee, Tight against the Spanish! Teddy found the cowboys lame. And our police too quiet: To the n.iv v thin ho euinei Was Just to dtiitll holed bv It, lie, In Cuba, halls with gh e A chance tor action mannish Just the two, Teddy tjnd Lee. 1 think, would 1 out the Spiulsh redd)'s just the veiy kind nt man 0111 lenits delighting, Doesn t want to lie In hind Wli-n there's an) llglitlng Mom-) though he has to burn. With dudes lu ne'e r was clannish, And now he wants to t ike n tin 11 Willi Lu and lit K th. Spanish -J I) Va ndii pin 1 in Ni w Voik Hi raid. riNIH Wf HDniliPNTaj NEW VQWK That's why we aie busy. That's why we lepeat it "Come, see how better and better are our clothes! ' The "look ers" tell others, they buy confulently MADE RJGHT. FOR BUSINESS ...'o.M all wool, last wiskinanshlp, stvli, unl tho ilioln of pattirus ou have mver sun 1 quailed. Hvci) one praises our Spilng Suits Clicv lots, Scotch MIMUies, ulc. oniiollvSdWallact sTi sWr iMl ' m t d 1 TLME was when a silk advertisement had a far-away sort of a long distance telephone attraction for most people. They didn't catch on readily. Silk was a luxury then--it is common enough now. Such silk selling as we have indulged in lately has placed it nearly at a par with cotton, and we're not done yet. We offer a special purchase of Taffeta Silks the most beautiful quality that has ever been offered for the price by any house in business. And, in the face of the pre sent rising market, all the new combinations of colors and plain shades Co nnolly 127 and Finest Solderless 18k Wedding Rings. The new Tiffany Style. ing Presents -IN- Fine Sterling Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, &c, Our optician, Mr. Adams, can fit all cases of defective vision. Prices veiy reasonable. I i 130 Wyoming Ay). EIGHMIE Tlio beht llttliij Plilrt inuilo If j on tiro linrel to lit try one CONRAD SELLS 'EM 305 Lacka. Ave. At Pierce's market This Horning Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens ami Hroilcrs, (ircun I'ca.s. Tomatoes, Cucumber-., Canlillower, New Meets, New Potatoes, Celery, Had islies, Onions, Lettuce, Aspara gus, etc., etc, Fancy Strawberries and Fruits Please leave ordcr.s as early as possible to Insure early delivery. t I PIERGL PI 1. Ill FOR SALE Boilers, Engines and Machinery Wo Mill ell oii Now or KecontMInml Wo will ell you now or tiiko olil In ex clmiiiio, or o will real you mij tlilni; ou wuit In tlie Machinery Line. Hpol Culli puhl for Mcuip lion uuil MutiilH. 709 Wt Lackawanna Awnue. H. E. KEELEY, Mgr. Telephone, 3945 U-f) W I Jt IXai J JsV n '1 .3Mr sV 75c the yard 129 Washington I: w If your Umbrella is broken do not borrow your neighbors, he may need it, and if he does, and you have it, just think what he might say. Bring the broken one to us and we will help you retain your friends by fixing it for you. Florey & Brooks. Opposite Court House. 211 Washington Avenue. L OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to BnsN ness and Personal Accounts. l.ihcral Accommodations Hx. tended According to lialaucc3 anJ Responsibility. a Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits, $200,000 350,000 79,000 WM. CONNELL, President. HENRY BKMN,.Tr., Vice Prcs. W1LLIA3I H. PECK, Cashier The vault of thU bank is pro. tectcd by Holmes' Llectrlc Pro. tective System. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 ami 2, CWUli BTd'g, SCRANTON, fA. Mining and Blasting POWDER Made at Mooslo nnel Hiutidala Works. LArLIN & RAND POWOl'.R CO'S ORANGE QUN POWDER Klectrlo llatterles. Electric Exploders, lorexplodlug blasts, Hafiity Fuse and Repauno Chemical Go's um'V.o'ivus NAT10NA ss' A 4 m -4 -w r 1 Wallace's t Avenue. DR. E. GREWER Old I'ost-Onico Dullclinff, Cor. Spruce St., and I'enn Ave , Scranton. Pa lias returned Irom his Western Irlp, and will now remain permanent ly ut his homo olllce. THn DOPTOIt IS A GRADUATn OP TIU3 UNIVEHSITV OF l'KNNSYIvVA- MA. rOKMUHLY DUMONSTUA- TOIJ Or 1'UYSIOLOGY AND SUR. GniiV AT THU MRUICO-OIim- UHGIPAI, COLI.KGi; AT PHU.- ADni.I'llIA. HIS SPLVIAI.- Tins Ann nmoNic. nkk- VOI'S. SKIN, IIHART U'OJIB AND nLOOD DISUASHS. The) doctor nnd hl staff of Kngllsh anl licrman philclans make a EP-cl.ilty of nil form of rhronlp Nervous Diseases, 6UT.1, Womb. Dlood Diseases. Includlnc Epileptic I'lts, Convulsion. Hs tcrlu, St. Vitus' Dance, WakefulneM. lilt A IN' AVORUUHS, both men and no. men, whosi nervous sj stems havo beu broken down and chattered from over work, no nnttcr from what cause, can lie lestorod by my method All vtho call upi 11 tlio Dortor from now 011 will receive udvice, examination, ht vlco and examination freo. Dr Growers nluh BtandltiR In tho Stato will not allo-v him to accept any incurable cases. If they cannot euro jou they will frankly te.ll you so. Diseases ol the Nervous System. Tho symptom of which are dizziness, l.nk of confidence, tcxiial weakness tn men nnd womui. ball rising In tho throat, spots floatiiiK beforo tho eyes, loss of mcmori. unablo to concentrate tho mind on ono hiibjeit. easily startled when spok en suddenlv to. and dull, dlstiensed mind, which untlts them for performing thn nctuul duties ut life, making hupplnesi Impossible, distressing tho uction of tho heart, eaiiHlnB Hush of heat, depression of sp'rlts ell forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire onsy of com pany, fccllne us tired In tho morning m when rctlilng lack of energy, nervous ness, constipation, weakness of tho limbs, etc Thoso eo ulTetttd should consult us Immediately and bo restored to pcrfoct health Lost Manhood Restored, Weakness ol Young Men Cured If you havo been given up by your phy sician call upon Hie doctor und tin oxum. ined Ilo cures the worst kind ot Nervous Deblllti Scrofula, Old Sores. Catarih, l'lles, Female Weakness, Altecilons of tilt i:o, liar, Nose, Throat. Asthma, Deaf ness nnd Cripples of eer description Tumors funce-rs and Gollirs removed without tho usn of knife ot painful cuus tits by our newlj devised absorbent moth, od known as tho "UUXl'llO-UUUMI- Ami our O.O-NITR GAS cures Catarrh nnd I'litarrhal Deafness. ronsultation free and Btrletly sacred nnd contldeutlal Olllce hours dally from in n ni to i SO p ni ; 7 to 8 30 p in Sun iliy from 10 u m to I p m. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAULUTS FOSlTIVIY CUIWS AJtLlsmoua Disease hniiax Mem or7,ImpoU)nc7. Hli iMiDWJ.eto . cauioJ bj Abuw or other scouas ami lodli crttioai. The if qutchtu atul tureju retor LoetVitulitf in old or roang.n4 fltaxnaaloritadr, La InMnor mtttai. 1'raVBtit Inianltv an Oontumutlon If Wkfin iatiina. 'lbetruta shows i a. mod late fmproTsU Usui tad tlecti a UUltC wbtre all other tail la I lit upon lmvlnr lh Knuln Ajx lalildts. Thar ?8 cure4thouand and will ourayou. eitv apoi btTO curel ttioutanda ana will oura you. v e ttirm a poi Itlva wrlttea auarantM to ellact umins Cf OTC la eichcaaoor refund tba mo nor. 1'rloaUwU I wiper in packai aue or ti tmeii 4iui ireaiinanii 1 r aii iki (full IreattnaaO for t2.C0. 11 roan. nee. i iroaiar & !raura ree vawt. tit For salo in Hcranton, I'a., bv Matthevf Urot. uud 11, Ci bauUepiou, UrustfUti, V.i