0FV THUS SUKAOTON TIUBUNE-MONDAY. MAY 2. 3598. Men's Willow Calf Shoes at $3.00 v N fa v7u3Kvl The Newest Equal to ours ? Made on the best style last, with popular toe, in colors such as are not to be had at any store iu the city, prove it. A glauce will 410 SPRUCE STRllKT. The Wllkcs-IJarro itecord can lo nnd in Scrpnton at the ncwa bt.inJs of il. Meltihnrt, 119 Wyoming avenue: Mac, Lackawanna avenue. CITY BOTES. Cards of thanks, resolutions of comlo Uncc, obituary poetrv ami the like will be Inserted In The Tilbune onlv elicit paid for In advance, tit the rate of 10 cents per line. The annual pew rental nt the 121m Park church will tnko plates this evening at S o'clock. Tho Pastors' City union will meet to day In tho I'enn Avenue Uaptlst ihurcli. Itev. Mr. Van Kirk will ppcuk on "Wines of tho Ulblc." On a chargo of assault and bittery preferred by Constable Woelkeis before Alderman Howe Saturday ufteruoon, C. W. Traver was held In $3u0 ball. Thieves entered tho wholesale liquor store of J. It. Cohen, on I'enn avenue, Prlday nlsht. Klhtpen dollars In cash was taken. Tho cube was reported to tho police. Tho silk business, formerly conducted In this city by Alfred Harvey, Is now owned and operated by Alfred Harvey and Albert Harvey, under the tlrm name of Harvey Bros., the change dating from Jan. 1. 159S. ThroiiBh Alderman O B Wrlpht an In crease In pension, from $10 to $14, has bitn Kranted James -onley, of 212 ' omlng avenue. Ho Is albo allowed $12 per month from Dec. 1SD1 to November, 1V7, and $11 per month from the latter month. l I 'maEB Phoenix Chemical company was sum moned by a still alaim early Saturday afternoon to 1019 Capouso tiven a vvlure a lire had started In a woodshed at tached to a house owned b Joseph lijckus Tho firemen mado a quick re sponse and with the nld of residents of the locality extinguished the blaze bo foro It had attained much hcadvvav Tho last month and the llnul week of that month respectively show a I irRi In crease In loc il bank exchanges com pared with corresponding periods last e.ir The exchanges, last week were April 23. $lfrt0012G, AprM 2fi, $U1,4.3 3fi. April 27. $181.fi30 0J, April 2S, $11", 497 7s. April 29. S113 611 71 ..pill 30 $!IN,1S 2s; total, $911,075 SI The charlnprs for tho month of April, 1M, who $1 S27.711 tJ. The clearings for the corresponding week of 1S97 were t7 i vt in and for tho month of April, 1897, $3 292.S9D 17. FOR Tllfi S, P. C. A. Nearly 9100 Nun Contributed Meek. I.nst In one week $92 has been collected for continuing the woik of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Tho collections weic made by Mis. Walter Ilenvvood Mis 12 B. Stutges, Mrs. William Sllkmtin. Mis. W. 1. Thayer and Vice Piesldent Thomas Sprngue rollowing were the contributors: Mrs E. B. Sturges, $2.ri. cash, $10, Mr. P S Godfrey, $3, Mis. William Silk mim, $5, Dr. A J. Council, $.', Mi. li H Throop. $". Mrs H. H Phelps, $5, Mrs. i: I. Tullei. i. Mis. C D. Jones, $.!. Mi John Simpson ti. nnd Dr. Gardnei, Di. Hulner, Messis N. 12 Hlce, Uobeit Matthews, Cluules Schlnger, Samuel nines, C J Post, M T. Keller, Dt W. G rulton. Jlrs. W 12. Tliajer. Mrs r II Jeinon. J S McNulty, C. H Pulton, Samuel Stevens, C S Woolvvottli U ,1 Mat thews, C W. Matthews. Hoi an & MtM. rill, H A Connell, u filend, John II. Phelps, Connollv &Wull,uo Di H n. Wure and Sidney W Hues, $1 phi n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wintci'grccii, Pcppcrmltit, tiibsutcas, Lemon, Cinnamon, Kostf, Violet, llanuiui ami Others, FRESH o Thi Scranton Gash Store HyABEL) ! XXXX ! WAFERS (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COUNTRY UNITED IN FACE OF WAR Ron. W. Q. Wntklns Preaches ol Unity Against a Common Hoc. l'OUTJC.U. KCI.iaiOUS, 1XUUSTUIAI.. AND OTII12II DirK12U12NC12rt Sl.T ASID12 IN IUOHTING Till! MA1NI2 AND Ontnit WBONGS-SOM12 TIUT1J unriip.nNciJs to a many-sidhd COPXTHY'H CHARACT12HISTIC VIII Tt'12 OK B121NG ON12.MIND12D !N T1II2 PAriJ OP A CO.V.uuN DANCI2H. The war fituiMiPel the thought for tho senium (none heel last night in Hip North Mnln Avenue Baptist church by tho pastor. Itev. W. G. Watklns Mr. WutUns tend from I2pheslan, sixth chapter, beginning with the tenth verso for the scripture lesson He termed It ns bomethlng hearing upon spiritual vvnifaip. Tho opening piuyer by .Mr. Clark, one of the thuich oill lers, was n plen for dllno aid In the pnisecutlon of the war. TIio tet wns u poitlon of I Kings, xlI'lC, " To jour tents, O Israel now see In thlne house, David. So Isiael departed unto their tents" Mr. Wntklns t cm.it ked upon tho beau tiful spectacle of a united nation nnd described the ieolt among tho Jews and their division fiom the mlo of David, which suggested the words of tho text Never since had tho Jews been united with any other people Nelthei tongue nor pen, he said had been able to debet Ibc the horrors of tho division of our own government In tho rarlv sixties. Tho fe.it fill tost to all com erned would never bo known: Its terrible fe.ituies were expressed In Shu man's "War Is Hell." CAUSn Ol- Till: PH12S12NT VCAIt. Bilef reference wns niude by Hip spinkei tn the euuses leading up to the present war with Spain He icferred to the "murder" of 266 Maine sillois and In describing tho uprising to le-s-pond to the tall for oliinteers ap plied the evening's text but with the words "Amei leans" and "Alphonso" for "Israel" nnd 'David" The country had had Industrial nnd political differences: wars of oratoiy and personal encounter on tho lloois of congress; lellgions differences, two so serious ns to lesult in a thtentoned disruption of the Hvnngellc'nl and Pies bjtorian churches. Thcie weio other different ps, but II Is one oj the toun- trs cluiuctoristlcs that when It Is thientened it Uses In unity. As Henry W.itterson sas, "Our dlffeiences aie not skin deep, wo are it-ally a homo geneous peoj)le In spirit, n chni.icteils tlc brought about by the peculiar on IctIons of fiee government In which all have nil Inteiebt " The speaker ngieed with a. Scrnnton patent who said lie would lather his hon would go to Cuba with tho Thir teenth nnd tight there, hundreds of miles from home-.than to eau a loaded litlo against people In his own state Many expiossdons had come to him from mothers and fathers who di ended the patting but weie willing to let tin Ir bos go to the front against a com mon foe. He tigreed with them. THEY FIGHT TOGI2THEK. Labor nnd capital differed nt times. 12ach had been at fault. Now, lubor is enlisting to fight with capital nnd not against It Capital is raising regiments at its own expense, furnishing bat teries, money and boats, as shown In the proffers of Wnnamaker.MIss Gould, Astor and otheis. Capital and labor are now joining hands, a wondtous union and a beautiful spectacle. Religionists hae forgotten their dif ferences nnd gone to the war shoulder to shoulder and worshipping ono com mon God. The pastor of a Green nidge Catholic parish has given his elegant saddle horse to the Protestant colonel of the Thirteenth regiment for use ns long ns the command shall be aw ay. North and south who bathed in each other's blood thirty-five years ago are now facing the same front from the same ranks. If there had been any doubt about the spirit of a reunited union It has been manifested in the last thtee weeks that such doubts have been lemoved. As the Ham's Horn said, tho states are marching forty-lUe abreast without any north, south, east 01 west and Spain has done us tho favor of rooting deep a feeling of brotherhood that was said to be too blowly coming about. In conclusion Mr Watklns snld each patriotic heart could feel one good sen timent in connection with the war, and this was that while the country is threatened all differences would be bulled, all factions, religious, political and othetwise, would die, while tho country Is nrrajed as a unit against a common foe Parents whose boys were In the army or among the volun teers should have satisfaction In the knowledge that they had mnde a per sonal sacrifice for their country and their Hag. Hev. Jnmos IIurIics on the American and Spanish War. In the Pij mouth Congregational chuich, on Jackson street, Inst evening, Itev. James Hughes said duilng the couie of a Roiinon on the Amei lean and Spanish vvai .My dear friends we have entered upon verj tcriouw times. The nlr Is full of war The wholo civilized and clnlntlan Ued world si cms to be violently agitat ed by a lit rco belligerent splilt Nation seems to vie with nation, as to who can make tho most detractive weapon, foi the put pose of sweeping human beings Into u diead eternity, and on eveiy promoter and cragg steep war sits with . grim vlage and a tlrey ee Wo have Just touched the fringe of what ma In- a terrible experience "Tho beginning of strife Is as when one ht teth out water" No one c.iti with anj eiititiido foieslindow the issuer ot tlie diiadful strugglo In which vvi aie ut this moment engaBid The blue blne that darts out, every now and again, thioiiKli the chinks nnd crevices of the fuhtlc of the national life of I;uroi Indicates tho existence of a terrible amount of noxious gases that e-xlsi In tlie eellars of out ornamented union al bii ptrKructurt'H, gnse-s Into which if a epark weie to tall, there would be some thing llko n general conflagration DUnADrUL, Fl'IUTACU: Wluit a diciiilful micetaclo aftel eluli- tecn centuries of Gospel prf-uchllig, and the thing becomes the mote disticsslug when we rt member that this lime bel ligcrent spirit exists among Christian iiatloim Mnj flod who rldeth upon the storm direct the whirlwind and curb the furious pass-Ions of nations and put a speed) end to thu piodiglous ravugus und Indeporitmbl" xufferinKH of war I have been gnntly delighted with the apparent icluctance of President McKln ley to draw the sword but now the sword has be-i n drawn and the nation stands iu battle nrraj and I pray lor a glorious victory to crown our arms. My sjmputhlos are entirely with America 111 tho present struggle I abhor war, for as a rule, 1 look upon It as tho cruel nffstrliig of Satan, and In inany cases where peoplo plunge Into war. it fContlnued on l'ui (! 1 KCOOII IS AOAIN CHAMPION. (In Dclented Cleurvvnter mid Had 171 Points to Mpurc. Jerome 31. KpohIi, chnmpion pool pluje-r of tho United States, will be home tho latter pint of the- week Hi defeated Clearwater 171 points at Pitts burg lust week, running ahead of him each night. The scoie the first night was, Knoi.li, 203, Cienivvnte-i, 142. Second night, Keogh, 201; Cleat wntei, 151. Thlul night, Koogh, 191, dun watet, I'll. Total, Keogh, fill, Clear water, 420. Keogh left Plttsbutg s-uttirelm for Buffalo, and was the- guest vcHteidn., of his bi other, Thomas Kt-ot;li, who Is head i-lc-ik In the Oennesso house- thi-ic He- will leave Buffalo today or tomor low for Norwich, N. Y., whole- his brothei s, Mnik nnd Michael, conduit a, hotel. Mnik went to Plttsbuig with iilin nnd they will be together until the champion leaves Noiwlch for home. Mi. Ktogh's (list match for the championship of the woild was with Grant 12by. nt Ptoctor's, New Yoik He defeated him b 97 points. He- next met AV. H. cte.itvvnter at the Acad emy of Music In this clt and van quished him by 250 points After that lie was defeated twice by Cle it water, once lit Pittsburg and a month ago In Boston. In both games he was nvvav ahead the first two nights. His latest victory again gives lilm the title of champion of the United States. Ills admliers hero are talking about having a domonstiatiou in his honor when hi returns. PULLED DOWN A CIIIMNbV. Covuo Hound Snllnred nt tho Ilunilti ol n Mrnng l.liii-iiiiiii. A big hi ick chimney that iiaied its ragged head above the .indent walls of the Coyne house i.mu- down with a crash ve-sterday moinlng tli.it niude Patiolmau Jim S.iltij, who was on fluty nt the (Oiner, Jump a foot In the air and sent soviral pedestrians, who weio stiolllur. along IVnn avenue, scurrying over to the other side of the 'strci-l. Koitunutely no one wns In Juied It was no fault of the chimney that It fell. Though seamed and lagged looking It had withstood man a "ti.ulng gale" and was piexiaied to withstand many more If not tampeied with. Yesterday moinlng a number of line men weio woiklng on the wlies at Penn and Lackawanna at titles One of tho wires they were working on ex tended over the Co no house nnd an othei was being erected alongside of it The wire was allowed lo diop on the top of tho building nnd u lineman on the giotild who had the mil of the wiie In his hand begun to pull. He did not Know tli it It had caught the chim ney until tho bilcks came lushing downward Ho stopped pullini.' then, but It wns too late to save the chimney. Its i.ace was inn. BOARD OF TAX REVISION. Republicans llnvo Caucused and Agree on '1 hrcn I iiiididntPR. It Is leported that the Republican membeis of (ounclls have caucused and agieed upon Select Coumllman Simon Thomas and Commolii-is 12. I" Weii7el and David Beeso as the p.uty candidates for election to the boaul of tax icvlslon and appeal. No caucus has been hold by the Democtats, nor Is It likely one will bo In Id There aio seven or eight Demo cratic candidates and neatly all of tin in prefer to lake ihatucs in an open contest. The Joint meeting, of councils for the special purpose of electing the board will be held this evening. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. llpleuntcs from tho urioiis 'liiuclies W III Amemble Then- I'ridav Tho annual convention of the Lack awanna County Sunday School asso ciation will be held ,n the Methodist church at Carboiiile njvt I rlday Ses slens will lo held inmiiMi', afternoon and evening. Dr. W. V.'. rietcher, of Cai l)ondalo Is president of the associa tion An 'ntereitliu proi'iammo has bo "j t-'ur:,ed. Tto people of Caib, n-dal'- will entertain the deli (..ties at din ner nnd i upper. WAVERLY 1IIQII SCHOOL. Graduating ICxercisus Will Bo Held in the Bnplial Chinch. Tho graduating exeiclses of the Wnveily Hlgn school will be held on AVednesday evening, Mn 4, iu the Bap tist church. Dr Geoige P. Bible, piln eipal of the Hast Stroudsbtug State Noimal school, will deliver tho com mencement address. The closing exercises of the pilmaiy, Intel mediate and giammar depait ments will be held at the High school on Thursday aftemoon, May C. CHILD SAVING SOCIETY. Slate Superintendent 'Ihompson til l'lltsbiirg in in tho (it). Hev. W. Henry Thompson, of 1'ltts buig, state superlnte ndent of the Penn sylvania Children's Home society, Is in tlie city in the Interest of the society. The object of the sotlety is to seek homeless, neglected and destitute chil dren and becomo their friend and pro tei tor. to find homes foi them in in telligent Christian families, place them theio wisely, with the least possible delay, to supoivlse with discretion nnd to ic-place when necessBij. ARRESTEE FOR KOROEKY. .Mm. .Monroe Is Hunt to .lull by Al doruinn llovvo. C'haiged with foiglng the slgnatuie of Oeoige Vun Sickle to u check foi $li, Mis. May Monioe vvas airested Sntui dit and iitiulgued befote Aldeiman Howe she was committed to Jail in default of W00 ball Mrs. Monroe Is Known by several other names. She Is 21 ears old and has not been living with her husband for about u year. It Is better to take Hood's Saisa parlliu than to expetlment with un known and untried pienaratlons. We know Hood's Sarsaparllla actually und peinmnently cures Hood's Pills act easll and prompt ly on the llvei and bowels. Cure sick headache CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the ot&Lf?M&fa Signature) SENTENCES IN SIX LIQUOR CASES Constable Wnlsli Squeals" nn Companion, Edward Dacsy. Ills W.M.SI1 tiBNtHD 1112 HAD ANYTIII.NU 1(1 DO WITH BOBBING MIl.LA-V1TCII-.K)S121'H HPI12 S12NT12NUI2D 'IO TWO YI2AIIS POU STABBING A JUN'-'l 1 112 M'AnDBLt, WOMAN CIH2 AT12D A SCBNI1 W1I12N SIH2 WAS 812NTI2NC12D TO A TI21IM OP 1M P1UPONMI2NT IN COL'NTY JAH.. Scntoncis were Imposed Satittdnv morning on those convicted during tho week past Anton Hefner, Frederick Baldner and John Iloi.tlch.cr, of Hie Nineteenth w.nd, weie sentenced to pu a lino of t'oo nnd spend thieo months In the- county Jail They were i mulct ed in ..ho speak easy cases bi ought by ('. W. Tiaver, of Wllkcs-Bano. Judge Archbald Fold these mi n were entitled to no smpnthy as they coifld get liquor licenses if they were willing to pay foi them Andicvv Komlnskl, of Pilcebutg, nnd John Znzlerskl. of Peckvllle, were con victed of violating the excise 1 ivvs and weie fined $500 and sent to the county Jail for threo months. Mugglo McArdcli of Nay Aug avenue, was convicted of a similar Infraction and she received a similar sentence. She created a scene In com t by weeping and walling Sho did not want to be separated from hci 2-car old child. It was necessaiy to remove her from the court room. Judge Aichbnld said that was ono of the In stances of the criminal couit whete sympathy made It haul to Impose the penalty the law prescribes. Constable John Walsh, of Liekawan na township, and Udward D.icey, both convicted of highway lobbory nnd ag giavated assault and battery on their i tlm, Michael Mllkavltch, were called up for senUticc Attorney 12 W Thaver moved foi a new trial for D.icey on the giound that he was not pre pti'd to go to ttl.il when his oaso was (alleii, that his attorney had gone out of town for n few dajs befoie the lilnl, and made no piovlslon foi a piopoi piipniitlon of the defense MOTION AAS GBANT12D Judgr Ldwuuls gi.intid the motion nnd fixed m xt Pilday moining as the date of the niguinent. At this Jum-tuu- Walsh spoke up in his own behalf, and piotcstc d his Innocpucu appiallngly to the couit. He chatpid the cilme to Dice and Putilik and 12dwatd O'Don i.ell, that he had left their company l'Ctoro it was committed When he and D.icey weie arrested he made a com pact not to squeal, but now that D.icev Is paddling his own canoe in an iffoit to esiape the penitcntlar, Walsh thinks be is Justified in telling tin ttuth. Aftet a brief consultation with Judge Aiohnald, Judge Kdwiuds re man led both difendants to jail until Tridaj . Jos -oh Zple, of the Uldge Aullbald wis found guilt of stabbing Joseph Buley almost to death and was sen tenced to Mend two jeais Iu the penl tertlary. '1 he sentence of Mis N'oilie Palmer, convicted for enticing minor females for Iniinoi il pui poses, wns re duced fiom one j e n in the- penltentiaiy to eleven months In the eountv Jail c. W. Tiaver was not mound to be sentencid to pav the costs In four eases When Jacob Koih, ot the Nineteenth want was being sentetued to pa the co-jts, Judge Aichbnld could not under stand whj the Jury found Koch guilty of keeping an unlicensed saloon, and et put the costs on him John Diane hoke, who fired nt a hat held bv Michael Klttskow, missing the hat Jiid hitting the hand that held It was found guilty of dlscarglng flieaims and v as sentenced to pay a tine of S'O nnd the costs. John Ncalon, who pul led Katie Walsh's cars, wns fined S Max Phillips was fined $20 for lieitln-c Joseph bloane who came to collect a ldl John McDonough was dliected topav $V) to the Scianton Poor dlsttkt. J23 to A1U e Heap for expenses, and SI 23 a week until their child Is seven "ais old Herbeit Kn.tpp, who shot Patrolman Saul in the hand, was seim-mid to ton months in the eountv jail mid a line of !30 Knapp plead guilt A vudlct of not Mlllt was leturned in the case of assault and batteiy against Jneob Stelnbiig, niulu tho costs weie divided between lilm and the prosecutoi, Mm PolWke POLONA ACQPITT12D Celate Holona was acoultted of fe lonious .attempt upon Louis Salvatoie Sdnov TuckPi, of Caibondale, was ac quitted of assault and batteiy upon James Jennings, and the costs weie put on the county. Thomas Jones was acquitted of assault and b.ituy upon Henry Salun, of Cai bondale, and the costs weio nlv Ided Geoige Piol.opovltch was acquitted of 000000000 For a few days onlj', big reduc tion in Fine Dress Goods. 000000000 New line of Vigeroux and Coverts, In military blue, green and red mixtures. 75c Goods for 59c. Very large line of vSuitings, mix tures, stripes and fancies. Goods worth from 75c to $1.25 for 59c. Come and See. trafficking In registered bottles, owned b A M Motse, but was dliected to pay the costs. In suiety couit the only case not of the oidlnaiy routine- snipe of thii nls wns tho one of J. n Cljmor against Thomas Jtimyn Clvimr hwoio that .Ieimn thientened to 1,111 lilm. ttor lii v v It Lewis, lepiespiitlni; the de fer dint, often c2 Iu evidciuo a letter willten by Ch-mer giving Jermyn tv t-nt.v-fotu iiitiis t' leave- town, nnd u very iifootlonatp letter to Mis Jennyn fiom CI mcr also. Ju lg Aichbild dismissed the mse nnd put the losts "11 thu DIOSClUtlll. YOUNQ QIKL TIIILF. Sent to .lull lor Mtenline trom n I'cmiut St nnd. A lC-eni-old gill, Margaret Hlch nids, charged with stealing Jj ." from Moirlslnls peanut stand on lowei Lackawanna avenue, was nualgncd befou- Aldeiman Howe Sutuidav. No defense was mnde by tho girl nnd she was sent to the county Jail lu de fault of $200 ball BEGINNING TODAY WE WILL SELL THE GAS MANTLES, EACH LLAR k PECK 124 Wyoming Ave, idle In mid Look Vroiiml. GALLEN'S. GENUINE WELSBEH 'Vo Clothe You from Head to Toot." Monday, May 2, t We start the firbt sale of Children's F.incy Suits ever held in this citv. We were the lirst to iruiiguiate low pi ires in childien's fancj suits by putting new prices on every gaiment in the house. IrwsjPj Starting next Mori 'ay for one week only w offer $4, $5, $6 and $7 Children's Fancy Q Reefer, Junior, Vestee and Blouse Suits for P ' WATCH THIS SALE. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. Any Child's Suit in our windows next week car. be bought for $2.97. Special prices in all Children s Departments during sale. $1.00 an $1.50 Lawn Blouses for 17c; plain white or coloied. Russet or Mac! Shoes, 73c 1111(1 07c. ;oc Fancy caps for 23c. PENN CLOTHING 13V AND 139 Monday Loo 000000000 Qnonio! Prinoo hi UJUUIUI I IIUUCJ 111 EBUUIUI Children'-, lua Ribbed .Seainle-s Him regular 15c qualitx Monda . . . . 1 0c Rov.' hea lltie, doublt Knee- and .sole.s, regular '5e ciiaht. Monda..19c Ladies' drop stitch Ilos-e. 40 jjuage, reg ular 25c qualih. Mondav 17c Ladies' seamless Ho-e, 3 pail- for 25c Tree with evcrv pair of llosj. oie lur.ne bull of Coat' black or tan darnliiu cotton. ooooooooo 135 pieces Colored Satin and Tafteta best qualin all SilK Ribbon, 4 to 9 2c d 2 gro-s" Ladies' Leather I'clts in blue, green, red, tans and blacK; 25c goods for 15c Lot of good Tooth Rnishe.s 1 0c Lot of Silk Veiling.-, black and colors ,v . . 5c Lot of wash Braids, white and colois. . . . 5c i About i i 3,000 Pieces I !? J$ Of silvcrwate -; i$ Roger's, Pairpoiut, $i -5 anti other famous makes will be closed out this r5 week, -S: r$ The prices are r ridiculously low ;-$ lower than good r5 silverware was ever r$ sold iu this city H5 before. We are gomg in to the wholesale jewelry business. That's why the very unusal prices to get rid of it quickly. Over $35,000 worth of merchandise fif teen departments to be sold in a hurry. S5-. Don't miss great sale. this MS II II REXFQRD CO.. 1 0 30S Lncka. Aie. (?M?MW0'?MW?MfMfMfWsS Dyspepsia, lb iirtbiirn e,i irilN and n btotn ich Dlior ders powltivelv Hired drovir Oriilnini'M Ih pepsin Itemed is ii sneeltli. One iliisti-iu moves all distress unci ti puriuiinenl euro , tlie most chronloiimtheverd eises is muimn teed. Do not nutter t V All euut bottle w ronv ineu tne most kep leal Matthews ltros. Uiujitsts ajo l,m . wuiiiiii uvenuo MAX Wl.liLR, ltoot an.! Shoe Maker. Hestshoos to or lor from St 7" up Men miIih mid lu-els, Hoc l.iulles' soles and Iiojk fttie Ml work uarunteed. 127 I'enn Avenue, bCRANTON, !A GALLON'S. RENIM AVENUE, 5 8, & Bargains, Unemnr 415 and 417 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa, HAVE YOU SEEN THE NHUR OR t'he Greatest Value in Bicy. cles that have ever been offered in this city. A $ 60 Wheel for.. .$24.95 A 100 Wheel for... 50.00 Low Prices on Sundries, Bells. Hells Tile tnne, er roll Pants guauls, pair Rubber fiuine luoleotots Tin- eeineiit Wood i tin cement Mueicket locks nlvc- ste-iim .10e. up to Ac Wo 4o 4c. -....Mo 19c tc lie 'Jlu 2le- Jc- J'lo two 40c toe ' 'rknlltit gilps, Flond imuip ... Stei 1 wrenches Itepnli outfit . 'Irnphlte stick Toot pumps .. 'inn tuin lialm thes pah enough for Hli vi le stand MhihIhuI Tilp cvc-lometers S9o Midget c-jclometeis 80c I' dais, per pair $i.;t Middles Hiown pat ft- 'ulstv sneppp "" This, por pnr . $2 00 Moignn .v. WiUht tlies $740 Kvstiinn tlio, pair, (1 months guar antee j-, n THE GREAT 310 Lacka. Ave, i..H li.riJc.i Jumper Combincl uvnliinblo to mother and child fiom thu mi tln-baln is s wee Its old until It can all. Vt tin HAIlt ISAAAIi, rl-J spructf Steam and Hot Water HEATING 3as, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric i.ight . . . WIRING l Charles B. Scott I 1 19 Franklin Ave. .0 " r.rr.' Loo 000000000 One ease be-t ludigo Hlue Pi hits 40 Good Shake, r riannel 30 ( iood pron tiinghain 3o Rest Apron Gingham 4iC Good I irk Calico 3c Rest Sinning Punt- 3lC (iood I'.i own Muslin 3ic Re-t I1 rty Brown Muslin 5fc Rest tb Brown Muslin 5c Rest 1 ' ood 5-4 P. C. Muslin 8c Best 1 i)od 4 P. C. Muslin 10c Re-t 1 ood 9-4 Sheeting 14c Rlcaclu .eickwood 5-4 P. C. Muslin.. 9c Bleached Lockwood (i-4 P. C. Muslin.. He Bleached Lockwood 9-4 Sheeting Hie, OOOOOOOOO White and Blue Bunting. Pine Quality Bunting 60 Ordinary Quality Ruining 4c