The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 23, 1898, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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' i
To Keach This Store SaturJoy livening
Boys' Clothing.
There are some nobby things on tap for today, to
make the boy look nice for Sunday. If he looks nice,
he'll act nice so buy him a suit. These are price op
portunities that, even in war times, command attention.
baii.ou m.orsi: srii's, 2 to 1: n.
of clii'VloU. seines Hi"' worsteds,
In plain and funcv pa
xsi: $2.69
terns, neatly trlmm
Worth $.1.f.O sprclnl
i)ori)i.K-imi:AftTi:u spits s to
15 yrs. nf fancy cheeks an lilfal ar
mentfor hard, rough weer. such an the
boy will bIvp In It; (t
worth fnlly $3 special PS.8H
KNEE lANTS. In pi tin 1.1m1 and
pray, all eumn t ipid In prevent
ripping. 3 to ir. r. txn
worth Wi cents'; n-t-tn I .-Jv
Good Books at Three Cents.
The big crowd of Hook buyers today found unexpected bar
gains we liad a surprise for them. Think of carefully selected
titles by the best authors selling at Three Cents. We've enough
for today's great selling, by such authors as Anthony 1 lope.
J. M. P.arrie. Stanley J. Weyinan. Jerome K. Jerome, R. L.
Stevenson. A. Conau Doyle. I all Caine, Marie Corelli, Rud
jard Kipling. Laura Jean Libbey. Kosa X. Carey, Charles
Reade and nianv others. In addition we shall offer an EX
CAN A .MAN LIVE FOUEVBlt-a great hook, at Up
HANIA Iiv till' nntlinr of Quo Vndls." nt !'
THAT TlllltO WOMAN by the same author, nt Up
ON THE BltlOlIT SUOUE -by the name author, nt It
QUO VAD1S, at 17c , TI1F, LITTLE MINISTEU. lit. 17c
TITI'S. at 5e TITI'S. cloth bound, at be
And all tho newest works fiom the presses of the best publishers, nt their
cost price to us.
Linen Collars for Five Cents.
These Collars are great values a good many ladies found
them such yesterday. We've enough to keep the selling lively
tot-lav. Tiicv come in three of ihc newest stvles and in all sizes.
White they 'last FIVE CKX'I S.
Great Shoe Bargains.
There will be some great Shoe selling here today if
we're guided b past experiences. These items are big values
the biggest we've vet offered. And we guarantee the wearing
1:.:..,. .,.- oi,,.
Women's $? 50 and J.t Blade nntl Tan
Prince Albert and llutton Oxford"
hand tmneci. wmiu-
C to K, sizes 2 to 7.
Men's $3.50 band-sewed
welt I.ace and Congress
Shoes, 0 to 11. at
A Hosiery Bargain.
Ladies' Richelieu P.ibbed lb sp. with
Ulack boots an(l fancy .
top.s-.-all new colors to- I JI-.C
morrow onl. nt 12
Hen's Shirts.
Men s FaneV NeRliKce Golf Slnris in
ill the new 1 In U- with
rtlffs to mateli. worlh lOf
U)c: Hit-c-ii.l .11 0W
The luncral of the late Mrs. John
Davis touk place yesterday aflernoiu .11
2 o'clock from the home of her par
ents on the Kast Side. The remain
were followed to their last rcstinc place
by a concourse of rclathes and friends.
Service was held in the Kplscopul
( bureti and Interment was made 'n
Shady Hide cemetery.
P.ev William Surdlval. pastor of the
Congregational church will preach Ills
last sermon here as pastor of the above
ehur'h tomorrow at 7."i0 p. in., and on
Monday evenlnp; there will be a faie
well meeting. Some excellent talent
from out of town have promised their
se'vlces, also a larce number of the
ministers of the Wyoming conference
will participate In the exercises, to
which all aie invited.
Itev Francis riendall will leave this
mornine; for Plains, where he will
preach tomorrow. Ow next Wednesday
Itev. Mr. tiendnll will move his family
there. Rev. Mr. Henjamln, of Hones
dale, will arrive here today to take
chnrge of this church. .Mr. Benjamin
Iiri served the live-year limit at Hones
dale, n clrcunistancu which presumes
much success here.
It is a request by the Sunday School
association of this county that each
school tomorrow elect delegates to rep
resent their school at the coining con
vention, which will take place In tho
Methodist Kplscopal church In Carbon
dale on .May 0.
CnndiictM' Smith, of the Traction
company, reeehed a telegram yesterday
morning at fi o'clock notifying him to
report for militia duty. Mr. Smith Is
a member of Company IJ, of Ilouesdale.
With the coming of nice weathep the
base ball enthusiasts liesln to mak"
thvir presence felt. The Hickories, Jr..
ar nt work every day clearing up tho
Rnst Side hall giound. and it is now
i, ",i very good condition.
Pnttiik Murray, ol Mayfleld, has ac
cepted a position ns Carboiulnlo man
ugir of the; Scnintop Truth.'
A Hungarian residing Unthe "Polish
Patch" went to Johnson's shaft yes
terday morning to look for employ
ment, and while there had the tnlsfor
tune to fall clown to the bottom of the
shaft, striking on his head and being
killed Instantly.
Mine Inspector Roderick was n call
er in town yesterduy.
Mrs. W. H. Jones was the guest of
her sister in Providence Krldny.
Mrs, Philip Morgans and son. Henja
mln, of Orceti drove, spent the fore
part of the week with C5. W. Wleland
and family.
Storrs mines, of the Delaware, r.nck
awannu and Western company, havo
shut down for an Indefinite period.
Benjamin Jnrvls had his unit broken
The recent statistics of th number of
deaths show that the huge majority die
with consumption. This disease may com
mence with an apparently luumleHS
cough which euu bo cured instantly b
Kemp's' HalHiim for tho Thioat and
Lungs, which Is guaranteed to cure and
relit. vo all cases. Price 2o and Me. Sold
by all diUEulsts; ask for u ficu sample
from Any Point Jmt Follow the Crowd.
SAll.OH BLOl SE SPITS, of ItltiP
serge, 3 to 12 yrs, with Inlaid gurnet
serge collar, gathered c
sleeves, worth Sj.OO; j-pp-clul
TOP COATS, made single-breasted
of all wool tan envort, patch pockets.
deep French facing nntl llnetl with
Italian cloth, I to
ii $4.98
yrs, worth $G.0o; spcclu
SI I HIT WAISTS-We haw n groal
varlpty of thptn at any price you may
wish to pa low er than i'l:t' Iinu.
Women's tine Kid Itutton nnd l.aee
Shoe!?, 15 beautiful styles to select
from cloth and kid lops, sizes J'j to
S; widths H to KB. Absolutely the
newest season's patterns.
Positively wortli J.'.M C if
and $.!. Special at KV
Saturday is a natural VelllnK Day in
lh-,s st(.made so by exceptional
, , . ,
values we always ofter on that day.
louay win oe one ot 1 xcepiion
If anything, there are lietti r tluii(,s for
vour huoslnp. All the newest eon-
' ptlons In VellliiRs are here. All nuar-
"r,'a '" ,1,r "AIN IIOOTH for
todaj only
while at work In Storrs mines on
The Ladles' Aid society of the Primi
tive Methodist church have left noth
ing undone to have their supper, which
will be held on Monday night, an ex
cellent one. Tickets, 2.1 cents. The
proceeds will bo devoted to the pastor's
back salary.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weir have Is
sued invltntions for the marriage of
their daughter. Jane' Ann. to James
Oakey, of Mnple street, on Wednesday,
May 4. 1S9S.
Letters Remaining rucalled for.
Dxclting Riiiiaway--(iiurch Notes
and Personal News.
The following uncalled for letters re
main In the postolllce for the week end
Intr April '2i: Mrs. Sarah Ann Kvans,
James Hawkins, Fred Metz, P. T. Tay
lor D. D. fJ. M.; Richard R. Thomas,
Thomas Watkins
Services at the Welsh Congregation
al' church tomorrow as usual, Rev. Mr.
Thomas officiating.
An exciting runaway occurred along
North Main street early yesterday
morning A hoi so attached to a light
Suing wagon was the cause of the
excitement. The animal, going at 11
tenil'c sliced, when near Cooper's resl
donee came in contact with a telegraph
polo. The name of the owner could
n t be lonrncl. The damage was slight.
Preaching nt the Welsh Baptist
church tomorrow at the usual hours.
Rev. ,1 .M. I.hyd will ofUciate. Morn
ing pcrmon nt t f. .10 o'clock; Sunday
school at 2 p. in.' evening sermon ut
fi o'clock. All nre welcome.
'I he Tribune branch oflleo In Taylor
Is in the Coblelgh building. Local
Representative K. n. Kvans.
Mrs. Richard Bowen. of North Tay
lor, was the guest of relatives In Kings
ton yesterday.
Taylorvlllo lodge, No. G68, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet
tills evening.
Services at the Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow as usual, Rev. Dr. H.
H. Harris olllcinting. Moinlng pennon
at 10 1.0 e'clock, subject. "Scepticism;"
evenlnp sermon at C o'clock, subject,
"The Greatest Battle." Sunday school
nt 2 1 1. m., Richard Roberto, superin
tendent. Kverybody Is welcome.
In commemoration of the corner
stone laying nnd dedication of the
Methodist Kplscopal chinch of tild
Forge 11 supper was served ut the
church rooms last evening. The event
was well attended nnd the church net
ted a Ming sum.
Misses Mary Jenlins nnd Maggie
Williams, of this place, were the guests
of Hyde Pari; friends yesterday.
Services ut the Presbyterian church
tomorrow at the usual hours. Sunday
school after morning services, Hev. L.
R. Toster officiating. All nre welcome.
Taylor Choral union will meet for
rehearsal tomorrow evening In the
Calvary Baptist church. Every mem
ber Is requested to be present.
Mrs. Nicholas L'ngan, of Hyde Park,
was the guest of her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Thomas Prendergast, on Depot
street, yesterday
Preaching at the Methodist Episcopal
church tomorrow as usual. Rev. WIN
lliim Frlsby will officiate. All nre wel
come. .Tonkin Harris, of Scrnnlon, was the
guest of ft lends In this place on last
Hev. Dr. Lloyd, of the Welsh Baptist
rhttrclii will preach a sermon nt the
Welsh Canst-ciMtliuinl church, Sunday
Set vices tomorrow In the Methodist
Episcopal church nt 10.30 n. in. nnd
7.30 p. m. 1'reuehlng by the pnstor,
ltov. S. C. SlttitikltiM. Theme for morn.
Inr. "The Chi Istlun's Attitude Towurds
Christ;" evening, "The Divine Test for
Ch'lstlnn I.I vps." Sunday school nt
2.50; Hpworth League, at 0.30 p. 111.
All will receive 11 cordial welcome.
The funeral of tit njnmln Travis, of
Mnrshwnnd, will be held In the Motho
diet Episcopal church tomorrow nfter
nimn fit 3.30, lie v. S. C- Slmpl'lns oillcl
ntlng. Albert Kline, of Enst Kenton, ami
Mist Estella A. Ilutehlns. of Tompklns
vlllt. were married by Hev. S. C. Simp,
kins, at the Methodist Episcopal par
rnnngo on Wednesday evening.
Penjnmln Travis, employed In the
Mm sic Mountain mine, was Instantly
hilled by n full of roof on Thursday
afternoon. lie was busily uncaged In
barrlnc down 11 heavy rook, when an
other gnvo way and pinned htm to the
earth. He leaves n wife and seven chil
dren Services In the Presbyterian church
tomorrow nt 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m..
r.iv. S. 11. Moon, pastor. Subject In
the evening, "Taking Christ for Every
thing." ELMHURST.
Miss Kiniiiu Rodney, of Scranton, re
turned homo yesterday after spending
a few ilnys with friends here.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Uyron Buckingham at
tended the Kastern Star entertainment
nntl banquet ut Scranton on Thui&day
Dr. J. W. Knedler made a business
trip to Scranton on Thursday.
P. L. Carr Is having n pond made on
his plnce for the purpose of Irrigation.
M. D. 1.. Keene Is able to be out
again after a serious Illness of several
weeks' duration.
Mrs. l (5. ''choonmaker and Claude
J. Kiel are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Sherman at (treen CI rove.
Among those who attended the en
tertainment tit Moscow on Monday eve
ning were' Mrs. M. A. Gardner, Miss
Anna Dox, Dr. and Mrs Knedler, Mis.
Louise Christy. Harry Christy, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Harlow. Miss .Maine Rhodes,
Friend and Percy Rhodes, Walter
Scctt and Fred Davis.
Ilev. C. A. Spalding will preach Sun
day morning and evening. Morning
subject. "As the Cagle Stirreth lTp Its
Nest:" evening subject, "Jonah."
Hairy Austin, of Montclalr, N. J., nnd
Hayden Austin, of Scranton. spent
Sunday with their parents, Mr. and
Mr. .1. B. Austin.
tllenn Woodhouse, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. I-. S. Woodhouse, was Interred in
the Clurks fitucn cemetery on AVednes
dnv. Mrs. J. W. Rhodes and son, Joseph,
spent several days with the parents
of the former near Nicholson, last week,
returning on Monday last.
The Misses Jackson, of Dunmore,
spent several days with relatives hero
and leturned to their home on Wednes
day Inst.
The Bonnet nnd Tie social field at the
home of F. J. Chapman on Tuesday,
was an enjoyable event.
blisses Dora nnd Jessie Robinson nnd
Mrs. J. F. Smith spent Wednesday in
Mrs. J. p. Skinner is preparing to
leave here to Join her youngest sister's
family in Bradford, anil will expose for
sale her household effects on Wednes
day, the 27th Inst. She has been a
resident here for a number of years
and will be missed by a large circle of
A. D. Robinson and family of Oly
plmnt, haw taken up their residence
with their old time friends here.
H. T. June, of Towanda. made a
business visit here on Thursday last.
Charles Wilson Is sick.
Rev. II. O. Harned was here the
early part of the week hoiise-luintlng,
preparatory to locating In this vicinity
ns the recotrnlsied agent of U'e Bible
society, having been appointed at the
recent Methodist conference held In
Norwich, N. Y.
Mrs. 11. P. Courtriglu has returned
from an extended visit to Atlantic City
much Improved in health and spirits.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Costlar have
returned home alter spending a few
days with friends at Mountain Home.
Rev. S. (tuy Snowden has returned
from conference.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Travis nnd daugh
ter, Dorothy, visited their son, Dr.
Travis, at Kast Strnudsliurg, Wednes
day. A surprise party was tendered to
Mrs. J. E. Dunstone by the members
of the Woman's Relief corps. A good
time was enjoyed by all. Those present
were: Mrs. James Huthrell, Mrs.
Oeorge Portree, Mrs. Florence Pelton,
Mrs. Sarah Lee. Mrs. Delia Hallett.
Mis. W. B. Miller, .Mrs. Henry Oeorge,
Mrs. W. R. Depew, Mrs. Oeorge Sehall,
Mrs. Oeorge Wescott, Mrs. Mnry Ben
nett, Mrs. Kdward Oerhart, Lottie
Oeoige. Lizzie Harnden. Lena nnd
Lena Sayer, Rene Depew and Master
James Depew.
The annual open fesslon of the In
dependent society wns held ' Friday
evening. It wns well attended.
Miss .Mary Hawiey was 111 a few days
this week, but Is now able to resume
her studies.
An athletic contest will he held In the
new gymnasium this evening (Satur
day). The attractions nre a game of
basket ball, a wrestling match, and
special work by Professor Evans.
Rev. Mr. Haw-ley, of Asklu. Pa., was
n caller nt the semlnnry, Wednesday.
The faculty have kindly offered to
give special examinations to any senior
who may desire to volunteer In the war
with Spain.
The ilrst base bnll game of the season
wns played yesterday, when the 'Var
sity team met the Plttston Rods, The
game was interesting, but many errors
were noted, this being the first game
of the season. Seven Innings were
played; score, 15-13.
It Is reported that an Inter-collegl-ate
meet of all the preparatory schools
that sntl students to Syracuse univer
sity Is to be held In the near future at
Syracuse. This will Include Wyoming,
Cnzenovln, Iluckettstown and several
other preparatory schools,
Only Once.
"I voted once, for you," ho cried;
His hopes were far from qmnll.
And then the politician sighed.
"My eleur sir! was that all'.'"
Wafchliib'toii Slor.
ITho Cnrbomlnle correspondence of Tho
Trlbuno has been placed In tho Hands ot
Mr. C. It. Munn, Bnlem avenuo and
Church street, to whom news Items mny
be addressed. All complaints as to Ir
regular delivery, etc., should bo mado to
W. J. Roberts, news ngont.)
Theno DismlsHcd from No. .i Shnft
Will (io Uncle .11 on day.
There is a possibility that the Inside
employes of the No. .I colliery will be
nllowed to resume work on Monday
next. A few weeks ago the colliery was
shut down for the purpose of driving
a heading to connect No. :i mine with
No. 1 mine. The work will be com
pleted today. The mines are connected,
nnd tracks laid. A few of the employes
of the mine were nllowed to resume
work yesterday.
It was given out at the time of the
closing down of the mine that work
would not be resumed for three months.
It was thought at that time It would
take that long to put all things In
New steam e-nglnrs are to replace
the iild water wheel which at present
hauls the coal out of No. 1 mine. The
Increase In the number of cars which
are to be taken out has made the
change necessary. The engines havo
not yet been put In, but as nil of the
other work Is completed, tin attempt
will be mnde to haul all or the coal
with the water power until the en
gines are placed In working order.
The probabilities ure thpt at least
half of the men employed In No. n can
resume work on Monday, and It may
bo that all of them will bo nllowed to
go back to work.
The .11 i laid o (iiven Lust livening by
Local i'nleut.
The Grand Opera house was well
filled last evening. The attraction was
the "Mikado," given by Mr. nnd Mrs.
Drummed, assisted by local talent, for
the benefit of the band. Tho
entire oiehestra of excellent Instru
mentalists accompanied the vocalists,
and the pretty choruses were done jus
tice as regprds volume and expression.
The leading roles weie ussayed by
Misses Ida snyi'or. Bllzabeth Newton
nnd Maine) Hryson. Messrs. Russell
Shepherd, Ilany Rowlson, A. It. Jones,
Kdward VnninRtcn and C. P. O'Con
nor. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrummel portrayed
Important character.--. He has a bail
tone voice of force and richness, which
he uses with skill, and she sings pure
soprano with charming effect. The
work of all the locals was creditable.
The opera will be given again this
afternoon and evening, nnd all lovers
of good musle should attend. The at
traction is Worth tin price, and the
band Is worthy support.
Man Who Wns Killed Tuesdny Night
Positively Identified.
The man who was killed on the Dela
ware and Hudson railroad Tuesday
night has been positively Identified as
Martin Kelly. A doctor from the Hill
side home, where Ke-lly was an Inmate
for several months, viewed the body
In company with Poor Directors Moon
and Daley yesterday and positively
stated that the man Is Kelly.
Kelly's brother, who lives in Hyde
Park, has been notified and the poor
department Is awaiting a reply. Unless
Kelly's brother notifies the board oth
erwise, tho remains will bo burled to
Lcroy Bunnell, son of the Fifth ward
alderman, left yesterday for Monti ose,
where he will Join Company G, of
which he became a member while re
siding In Montiosesome time ago.
George Aunger and C. S. Alexander
yesterday went to Ilouesdale to un
dergo examination for entrance to
Company K, of the Thirteenth regi
ment. They have hnd applications in
for some time, and yesterday Major
Whitney told them by telephone that
in case the teglinent were suddenly
called to Mt. Gretna he would send for
Gurdoi) Pendleton went to New York
city yesterday.
John Pearse, of Belmont street, and
Miss Eva Broekman, of Cemetery
street, were married at S o'clock Thurs
day evening. The ceremony was per
formed In the First ward court room
by Alderman W. R. Baker, who tied
the knot in it very Impressive manner.
The witnesses were Miss Clara Pearse.
a sister of the groom, and .Miss Eliza
beth Bateridge.
In the Presbyterian Manse Thursday
night at 9 o'clock Miss Blanche Brooks
and Alexander Tulley were married by
Rev. Charles Lee. The groom Is a
well known blacksmith of the Gravity
shops. The couple were attended hy
Miss Lizzie Davis nnd Robert Tulley.
Mrs. Otto Heckman, of Eighth ave
nue, has left to Join her husband In
Mrs. W. B. Chase, of Main street, Is
entertaining her daughter, Mrs. W. M.
Lathrop, of Puterson, N. J.
Dr. D. L. Iiailey was called to Frank
lin ngaln last night by the illness of
his mother. He will return this morn
ing. Mrs. William Morrison has gone tn
Philadelphia to visit her son, Dr. W. P.
The Young People's Temperance so
ciety of Blukcly Is preparing for an
entertainment, which will bo given In
tho Blakely Baptist church next Tliurs
day evening. An excellent progrnnuno
will bo lendored.
Miss Maud Kelly Is quite 111 nt her
home on Lackawanna street.
Miss Mary Ward, of Avocn, Is tho
guest of her cousin. Miss Nelllo Mo
Andrew. John Ferguson Is remodeling his
building on tho corner of Lackuwnnna
t.nd Delawnre street.
Regular services will be held In tho
Presbyterian church tomorrow morn
ing and oveninix. The time for tho
evening service has been changed from
7 to 7..10 o'clock, the Christian Endeavor
from fi to 0.30 o'clock.
Miss Annie Hobau hi spending the
week at Mayfleld.
Mrs. P. J. Honan, of Scranton, vis
ited hot- sister here yesterday.
Mrs. J. W. Sweeny spent yesterday
visiting relatives ut Archbald,
Daniel Jones, of Nnutlcoke, Is visit
ing nt the residence of Mrs. Mary Pro
bert, of Delnwnre street.
Mrs. W. J. Brown nnd children, of
Luzerne, who have been spending the
t ort week with relatives, here, returned
home yesterday.
Mrs. Henry Dearie, of Delaware
street. Is recovering from her recent
Services will be held In St. Oeorge's
F.piseopal mission. In Kdwards' hull,
tomorrow nfteinonn nt 3.30 o'clock.
Itev. K. J. Hiiughton will hnve charge
of the services. All nre welcome.
John Y. Williams and David Evans,
two young men from this town, left
thin week to enlist In the United Stntes
Miss Annie Healy has returned homo
from n visit with her sister, Mrs. John
drier, of 'Plttston.
Professor Daniel Prothcrop, of Mllwnu
Isle, Wis., formerly a resident of this city,
nnd at one time musical director of the
Cymrodorlon Choral society, will visit
Hits city and give n concert on May 2fi.
Ills many friends are pleased to learn of
his coming und will, undoubtedly, shower
upon him manv tokens of kindly friend
ship. About live years have elapsed since
Professor Protheroe. wife and child left
this city to reside In Mllwnukle, where
he is now director of one of the loading
churches and the famous Lyric club, of
that city. Professor and Mrs. Protheroe
contemplate extending a visit to the form
er's native home. In South Wales, and
about tho latter part of May will receive
the warm clasp of hands from Ids many
friends In this city. Dining, their stay in
Scranton they will remain with Mrs.
Prothcroe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Job
Harris, of Eynon street. A reception will
bo tendered him by those whom were
'members of the Cymrodotlon society, In
termingled by others. On Thursday ve
nlng, Mny Ifith. 11 grand concert will bo
given, which will ulso be a coniplinn it
ary aftnlr to the renowned musician. The
committee of arrangements, appointed by
the Welsh Calvlnl.stic Methodist church,
of the West Side, of which Professor
Protheroe wns at onr time conductor of
the singing, nro active In making Hip
musical event one of tho flncat of the
'i II I'
The cantata entltled "One Flag." which
has been, under way for the past several
weeks by a choir of the Welsh Raptlst
church, of the West Side, under the lead
ership of Mr. Hugh Williams, will be
produced In the church on Wednesday
Tlie Providence United choir are making
great progicss in their singing, under
the leadership of Mr. John Evans. The
choir held two ruhenrsnls tills week.
1; ,, I!
The Anthracite quartette, of the South
Side, will sing several selections at the
P. O. S. of A. entertainment in their hall
on Thursday evening of neit week. The
quartette Is composed of good voices and
render very ratlsfactory music.
1! ; ii
The music nt the Providence Presbyter
ian church last Sunday furnished by Pro
fessor Whittemore and tho large choir of
tho church, In connection with the new
pipe organ, was extremely line.
'I II .'
Mr. Thomas Boston, of Lincoln avenue,
will tenter the competition 011 the bari
tone solo. "Barbara Frltchle," at the
Wilkes-Ilarre eisteddfod.
The musical composition of Mr. John
II. Powell, of the West Side. "Blessed
Gwnlla," tlie new national song and
chorus for eisteddfods, Is expected from
the press by the latter part of next week.
The large choir under the leadership of
Mr. Thomas G. Evans, will rehearse the
piece and will nlo Introduce the new
chorus nt the evening session of the
Wllkes-ltarre eisteddfod. Mr. David
Stephens, Scrnnton's prlmo tenor, will
sing the solo part.
Excellent music was rendered In the
North Main Avenue Baptist church,
Providence, last Sunday evening. The
recently organized choir of 4'orty voices,
under the leairershlp of Professor Reese
Watkins, furnished the musle, and re
ceived many comments of praise upon it,
I1 I!
The Cnmbro-Amerlcan Choral society,
of the West Side, will rehearse In St.
David's hall tomorrow evening at S
o'clock. Members are requested to he
present immediately following church
The Oratorio. "The Beautiful Light,"
was sung at the First Welsh Baptist
church, of Hyde Park, last Sunday eve
ning. A chorus of over sixty voices, un
der tho direction of Chorister W. W.
Evans, did excellent work.
Professor Daniel Thomas (Cwmhwrla),
well-known In Scranton, is now engaged
as choir conductor nt one of the leading
churches nt Atlantic City. Mr. Daniel
Thomas (LICw Herbert). Dip celebrated
basso, will participate in n concert to be
held thero In the near future.
Ii 'I ,
Messrs. Oscar Oswald and Arthur
Stover entertained the Electric City
wheelmen with phonographic music at
their smoker on Tuesday evening. The
gentlemen huve about forty-live tubes
and have betn giving unusual satisfac
tion with their phonograph on variou.i
'1 I
The choir of the Tabernacle liiurrh or
the West Side will Vepcat their Easter
music on S1.1 day evening. The pro
Kianime which nave universal satisfac
tion on Easte.- Sui. day consisted of solos,
limits, female choruses and anthems by
the choir.
! ., J
The female choir of the West Side had
their first rehearsal on the competitive
chorus, "The Lord Is My Shepherd." tn
Tuesday evening at the studio of Miss
Elizabeth Thomas, tho conductress, 17
Mullein street. This choir, which will
conipeto at tho Wllkes-liurro eisteddfod
on May !W, Is composed of the best qual
ity of voices In Scranton and all are emi
nent singers.
The Plymouth Congregational church
choir of Jackson street, connected their
rehearsal with social enjoyment lust
evening at the homo of .Mr. Benjamin
Lewis, on Bromley avenue, West Side.
Tho evening wns spent with a short re
hearsal followed by various social di
versions. At a seasonable hour the guests
wer served with refreshments.
I i
Mr. David D. Wood, the blind musician
of tho St. Stephen's Episcopal church,
of New York, on Easter Sunday played
two of his own compositions entitled un
Easter anthem, and u mugulflccnt in C.
In tho near future Mr. Wood promises
to have tho Festival Boncdlcttui In C by
Dudley Buck.
Ii II I!
A qunrtnte which Is gaining much
prominence this season is uown us the K.
of K's. They nro members of n social
club composed of well known young nvn
of the West Hide. The quartette prac
tice diligently each week-.
r i ii
A enntata entitled "Ruth nnd Boas."
under the leadership of W. W. .lone.-, nt
tho Simpson Methodist church, West
Side, will be a piomlnent event In the
near future.
I il !
The cantata. "David the Shepherd
Boy," which was performed in Mears'
hall, proved to bo u magnificent success.
The choir of the Welsh Congregational
church, under tho leadership of Mi. Will
lam John D.ivles, tfay well feel proud of
the excellent rendition of the perform
ance. Tho enntata will be repeated em
Thursday evening of next week. The solo
patts weio capably rendered.
Charleston. W Va.. March !. 1'K
The Pe-ru-na Drug MTg. Co., Columbus.
Gentlemen: Your Pe-ru-na as a tome
Is certainly unexcelled, and. In a number
of cases that have come under my obser
vation, whrre It has been used for e-a-tarrh
or any disease which had its origin
In that malady, It has been of very great
benefit. l'e-ru-nu has my hearty com
mendation, both as 11 tonic and catarrh
remedy. Very truly,
W. A. MacCorkle.
Systemic Catarrh.
In systemic catarrh
there is more or less
catarrh of every or
gan in the body. The
catarrh mn. have or
iginated in the head
or but It has
finally pervaded th"
whole system. It pro
duces 11 wretched
condition. The muc
ous membranes ut
the whofe body re
Mrs. m. M. King.
Waterloo. N. C,
fuse to do their work
cured of catarrh of
properly. Sight, hear.
'Jj years' standing
by Pe-ru-na.
iner and taste are
slightly affected. The
lungs are weak; ttf- voice husky. The
tonsils are red and Inflamed. The stomach
does not digest food w -II. Tlie liver acts
sluggishly. The bowels are either too
lcose or too costive. The kidneys aie nut
of order. The bladder falls to perform Its
function properly. The mine Is scant and
IiIkIi colored at times, and again pale
and In large quantities. The female or
ganism is alferied leuechoiea, incgu
lar and painful menstruation, morbid ele
slres, great restlessness and depression.
Systemic Catarrh.
Mr. A be M I 11 er
says: "1 began tak
ing Pe-ru-na 111
2.Jth of February.
1W. 1 was all worn
out. My weight was
l.'il pounds. 1 was
weak and almost
ready to go to ned.
I had catarrh, asth
ma and k 1 d 11 o y
trouble. 1 have
taken ten bottb s of
Pi-tu-nn and welnh
Pit pounds. I feel
as If 1 could do as
much work as any
man on cart h. I
li:t,l Irttl Kin'i.n ,liw-
Mr Abe Miller,
Siilesville. III. I.
tors; some as good as were in the State.
But none of them did me any good. At
last I nw Pe-ru-na advcrth.ed. Th"ti I
began taking it and It has cured me. '
Catarrh of ihc ISoweK
Mr. N. Ashernft
writes: "I take this
time to inlorm you
of w Ii a t Pe-ru-iin
has done for nie. be
ing satisfied that I
am cured of chronic
r yl. "i1! J e-aiuiill en 10c ueuu.
n C bronchial tubes and
0-v'rt J ,-v)l biiwi-Is. As to my
Aval, . U,3 ? b o w .-Is. I did not
catarrh of the head.
mention this to you
In my previous cor
resinmrlence. for I
Mr. N. Aslicraft, hlH ;,1(M timi'wv
Shibboleth, Unn. trouble was catarrh,
but being with Ioosene-is of tlie bowels for
13 years, only checked occasionally ani
with care as to diet, yet in re.ill'v growing
worse- ami now tc a pein.. incut e-ure
by taking IV-ru-un! What else enn 1
conclude than It was c.uarili of the bow
els?" Two Physicians Failed.
M r b. A d e 1 1 n a
Greg a r says, "i
again than you ro
your good nelvli e
nnd medicine. Two
physicians gave nie
up nnd tin io was no
hope for nie lv-ru-nn
hu done me so
much good that I
inn nb'e to do my.. . , ,,
housework again. l-Mrs- Al1""" ' ar' T
keep Pe-ru-nu In iny llauhy. Tex.
house all the time.
My neighbor also has great laith in l'e-
Catarrh of the llowels.
Mr. Morilz Hub
tier Willi's: "I can
r. uort to you that 1
.1111 completely evell.
My bowels are regu
lar: I have a health)
complexion. It Is
now s m 11 o t Ii and
soft, where, before,
It was law. yellow
ish and ut t 1 in o s
bliie-rcel. I followed
your a d vice us to
diet strictly and
tikcd tlie medicine s '
regulaiiy. I am now
well, for w h 1 c It I
Morltz Hut liner
Kllleeu. Tex.
thank vour medicine's. I give yuu many
thanks for your free adviic."
ft 4 y
Zs BfBr
aj'i. ' ratn
3ft & k&i Y? U
&z f5 te, i U vU-A ,'y
:.- i
Female Weakness,
Miss Lizzie Peters
writes: "1 woul d
like to let tho world
know what a won
derful medicine Pe-ru-na
Is. 1 am psr-
TS - I fectly cured of fe--.
A male weakness by
taking Pe-ru-na and
Man-a-lln. I h a v o
gained :!7 p o u n d s
since taking Pe-ru-na.
My friends urn
wondering w U a t
in a k e s ine look .so
bright and healthy.
Before I knew what
I'e-ru-na was I hail
told my pare nts that
Miss Lizzie Peters,
Masoautnh. 111.
1 would never get cured and that I could
not live much longer. It was Pe-ru-na
alone that brought me back to health."
Catarrh of the Stomach.
Mrs. Mary Allen
writes: "I am glad
to-lio able to tell you
that 1 am well of
catarrh of tin stom
ach, for which 1 am
sincerely thankful to
you for your advice.
IT It hud not been
for Pe-ru-na 1
would never havo
been. well. I hud
t h r e e physicians."
One of them told my
husband tint he
could not cure me.
1 bad hern sle k
about nine months
when a tr I e n el
Mrs. Mnry Allen,
Southall, Tenn.
usked me to try Pe-ru-na to gratify h?r;
so I commenced taking it. I wroto to Dr.
Ilartman. describing my case, and he suld
Pi-ru-nn would cure me. so 1 deter
mined to give It a fair tlial."
Made Yohhk A sain.
Mrs. Ellen Davis
vi riles; "l have used
two bottles of PP-ru-iih
ami am prepare'd
to s,i that I am
much betier than I
line 1 been for years.
The me diciue Is idl
I bat you hnve rec
ommended 1'. to be.
1 thank God for such
men as you are. t'e-ru-iin
has never bcon
mlveitlsed as tho
Mrs. Ellen Davis,
Sweet Home, Ark.
elixir of I'fo. It is
no magU compound. II peilorms ne
mliaculoiis cures. It is not a cure-all. It
iloe-s not even cine mnnv diseases. It
cures chronic catarrh wherever the ca
tarili happens to be located. This is all
that is claimed for It.
Suri!!;r. Eruptions.
Mrs. Lu
A. Me- iC.
Kce says. "I suf
feri'd for in a n y
jears With a break
ing-out I'aused
Kidney troiibb mid
poor blood. 1 fi el
It my dutv to let
the world know
what Dr. ll.iii-
mun's remnlbs dli
for me. I took l'e
ru-mi 11 nil am en
llrely well of my
dllllcultles. I think Mrs. Lucy A. McKee,
Pe-ru-na and La- 21KI Harrison Ave.,
en-phi the most lintini.utl, O.
iinwcrfiil medicines
In t... i.'.irl.l I (ilti L11I-A 1 W'.llllil llA ilAflrt
now if it had not brew for them.''
'.,., ....I. loHI-l.t-
i.tlltiiiii wi im loiij.i.v,, , , ,
t Mr. V -l e d r I o h
diSJTS. Wullrodt mss; it
-JRJS h WUH ai)uut 13 years
ago that I took a so
vtre euld, to that I
could si urcidy talk.
ItooU different kinds
of medicines, but
they did not euro
me, nor elo mp any ,
good. 1 thousht 'l1
was waiting for tho
grave. I had catarrh
und dyspppsla, and
wuh so ner''oun that
1 could scarcely
walk. Nine yitv-s
ago 1 was. 1 yesi.'s
Mr. Frledrlch Wull
rodt, Almu, O.
. old, and nt that timo
every ono thought Hint would be my last
birthday. 1 received one of Or, linn.
muu'M book ami bought u ! '.
ru-mi. After taking hulf or 1 1
I was getting better, so f
'. of l'u
1 1 'i that
. .eel It
: ilia s4-i
t Mh Mrr.llrl r
until I -as cured. If I ",4-1iji 1
cmd of next Jimi l-wtii t'. ;
Pe'opln wonder el m- ' ' I
.. , . ... j.
kv ell ana,-
happy mid Pe-ru-na iv
To alj.who arc mi 1.I.1 u,iOi"iVuHrrh Inf
any funn or Iucb- . ' -f 'of Dr.'f
Hurtman's lntt ' " . 1 n i.vduablo.
guide. For th J.'.i.dim pii
culliir to wothiu -tn i u.j a 'ttx (iz-(ifii
"Health'' and .. 'tMt- tiV vVHmrtr
only. An Mum 1 ' bo .k or testimonials
sent five to 11 "IP Ai'tre n The Pu
ru-iiii Drug .1 iiiuf icleiriiis Comyu.iy,
Columbus. Oh. '
i& sZ f5&l
8. j
'A'SFV. '.-
If v-v-vv