""WWl THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1898. 71 NORTON'S. Children's Carriages. A large variety of now styles at cry attractive prices. The best value for least caMi that we know of anywhere. Children's 2-whccl GIr1 or (5o Carti, a nice assortment at low jirlccv Children's Doll Carriages, Children's Express 'aons and Carts Wheelbarrows, Velocipedes, Bicycles, and other large toys.at popular prices. "Wall Vapors and Decorations. From five cents to fnc dollnrs per double roll, choice designs. We hao the best thlnps from several of the best mills in this countrj. vjc Invite Inspection and comparison. M. NORTON, zz i nckawanna Ave., Scranton. Telephone Connection Call .2i. Anti-Saw Edge Collars and Cuffs, every body wants them. THE Lackawanna aundry 'DOZ IX." io8 1'tnn Avenue. A. WARMAN IF YOUR I OR 'I HL ACTION NEEDS REPAIRING Send your ordc to PERRY BROS 205 Wyoming Ave. We are now prepared to do all kinds of repairing and finishing, and guaran tee that the work will be done cor rectly Mr. S. R. PERRY, who for some years has done the best tuning In this ity und vicinity, h.u been engaged by us to give especial attention to this branch of our busi ness. Several good second-hand organs will be sold very cheap. They were taken in exchange for Brlgg3 & Ludwls Pianos. COLUMBIAN DETECTIVE AGENCY CIIYIE BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Matters Solicited Where Others failed. Moderate Charge. SOLUBLE. Prepared 'iccordlng to the prescription of a prominent specialist It instantly le Heves and permanently euros Catarrh, Asthma Hi reer, Cold in the Head, Sore Tlnout and Quinsy Harmless, pleasant effectual. Head tills testimon ial "Crown Catarrh Powder relieved and cured mj uisu of Catarrh, which was a vcrj aggravated one of long standing " John T Coughlin (Department of btato), kit B St.. X i: . Wnbhington, D " Price 50 cents Sold in all first class drug stores Liberal sample, with powder blower complete, mailed on receipt of 15 i cut;, Crown Catarrh Powder Co. 25 Clinton Pi nee. Ve York City. Uaveopned n Geneial Innuranco Ofllco In IKIIOK Illl M Aft l.ifct block Companies repieseulcd. l.irse rentpeelall) ollcltcd. telephone ISO". SOCIAL EVENTS. Mb Horace H. Wuie gave a charm ing teu nt hpr handsome home, on Clay iwenue, esteida. when a eiy Iaige number of guests, weie entertained. The rooms wire elaborate! decorated A bcautltul unungemeut of La Franco loses nnd malden-haii fern adorned the mantel In the icceptlon room, wheie Mrs Ware, assisted by Mis. U. H IJab coek of Horiiellsvllle, N Y, and Mis. Hogers, of lllnghamton, lecelved. About tho aiious looms weie Mis. H W Kingbburj, Mrs. O. 11. Jeimyn and Mis r 1) McGounn. In the dining loom, where the table held a lovely centte pleee of uhllo loses, white tai liatlons and dellcute fems, Mts j; S Moffat and Mis Frunk 13 Piatt pie slded Tho oung ladles who assisted In seivltiK refu'sl, cuts vero Miss Hloisc Ollmoii, Misa Augusta Monlll and Miss Andeison Mik Walter M. Diekson and Mis. II P. Simpson berved frappe In the palm-llind hail. At thp head of the stulieas.- Ilautr's orchestra affoide"! mublt for the occasion. 4 The Misses Jeimyn gave u dinner last night at the Country club in honor of their guest. Miss Tnlliot, who will leave the i ity today for her homo In South Rethlehom Those tntitalued weie Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Jermvn Mr. nnd Mis. h. H. Jermyn, Miis Talbot, Mlsi' jDxc, Miss Coleman, Messrs. Joseph G.'een, of Syraeust; H. 13. Men 111, ):. n. Chase, felden Kingsbury nnd Hus eell DlnimlLk. IMUlSONAij. C H Kclmrtt Is 111. William Illume was In Port Jervls yes terday SIM. James 3 MtAnulty nnd Mrs C. W. Pulton ore. in Wnbhlngton. Hon, and Mrs John Kuhhach, of Hones. 5ul, nro at the Scranton bouse Mrs. Chaunccy H Derby, of North Park, Is visiting West Plttston fi lends J, Mnnlson Carr, of St. J.nutH, Mo. Is tho guest of rinnk J. I.eoruni, of Jeffer son iivonuo. Now ton Jackson, of Seianlon, Pa., !s among the unlvnls nt tho Monger. Sun Antonio Dal!) Hipress. Alderman Millar went to Hurrleburg yestordny to Inspect tho Governor's troop. IIo will rot urn ut noon today. Mr. und Mrs 11 Mosen, of Mulberry Ntrect, nte i ntcrtnlnlnn Mm. M. 1). rot tor nnn her dntiphtor, MIxh Jcunottc loa tir, of Philadelphia. Mr. nnd Mrn. Ulvvcll, or Norwich, Conn., nra Biictn of Mr. and Mm, A. H. HIiicU iriton nt tholr Mibiirb.in homo. Jtr. .In ell Ik a tliwnmto of Mr. lllncklnton mill nindo tho nddicss nt tho Engineer' club, IukI night. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. Conducted nt tho Guvurnmnnt Ilulld- iiiK lor l'osloillco Department. At the povornnient building on Wash ington avenue yesterday nf tot noon ft postal department examination vvns totuluetod liv tho lornl civil Bervleo bourd. vvhlrh consists ot W. 1"). Roche, li It Jenkins nnd LouIb T. Schauta. Tho esotnluutlou whs divided Into three claas.es to ronfotin to the dllfe'tunt Kr.ufew of positions s-otislit by tho twen ty thtce pirfrons who took tho exami nation The hlRhcit Kimle examination In eluded thece studies' Spoiling, atlth-. metlc, letter w i ItliiK. penmanship, top In;: from plain ropy, copjhiK from lough draft. In the other guides the iiu.illllc.itlonfl reriulri'U an not ho JiIbJi. To be successful the nppllcunt must Ket ti pcrioiitiiRo of seventy per cent. Thmc who took vestelduj'fi exuinlnn ll'jns were for ricrk-Mnrv II. lllckok. Hnsli l'n : Anna V. Hro.ulbent Sciunton, Anthony O'Dontiell, Kbtivnle, ltoj.il Taft, Dun rnoru; Udvv ml .7 l.eonaul, Scranton, Louis J. Coons, I'l mouth Mi KotiBtr John A tSntiKli Seiauton Compositor-Horuce Miller, IJehiciere. K 1 T lcRrr Charles If (Julnn, A ilkcs Ilariu, llarrj 11 Uulbeit, l.ovoUon, la.; IMvvlii S Robert", Danville, Walter M I Strtink. I'ortltitul. I ill hnnn Willi im Hopkins 1'aifconn, l'ranolH A. IIi-ffedfliiKer, Stranton 15alla Mall 1'lt.rk J.ieol) M 11am. Tort Munro, N. J , Harry 13. bmlthcois, ltotkport, I'm , Truman A. Tullmiu, C.ubondali , llarij C. Cope, Stanhope, N. J , William lluikwaltcr 1.lKhtttoot, l'n , ltcrtrntn S Itopp Kliz.ihftli, X J , Will iam J Thrums Stall 1MI Clirrnco Tl Clip Himllnton l'n . IMvvurdi: Sihultz, I Stranborrj ItldKc l'a ARE NOT EXCITED ABOUT IT. Visiting murines Itelor to Wnr in n llnttnr-ot-i'iict M). Two United States marines, wearing their service unlfoims, attracted mm h attention about the city jesteiday. They nre Trank Couitright, of this city, and Hobeit Smith, of lioston. They came heio on their v.n from New Yorlc to Philadelphia to visit Courtright's biother, llany Courtiight, of this city, tho well-known ' Oeoigla Pine Knot." Smith has been in the seivlce for four jcars nnd Couitright fot two lloth were on the Ltncnstci, which came from southern waters recently to Now Yoik to get on her war paint and feathers Her crew was transfer! ed to tho Texas and are now bound for their new- beiths Smith and Courtrlght secured a short fui lough and took ad vantage of it to make a living visit to Scranton They don't become vciy much ex cited in talking of the Impending war. To them it nppeais to be a rather matter-of-fact business, judging from talk. There is more real excitement on land than on the ships, the sa. The sail ors and nmiines, howovei, are anxious for hostilities to begin, each crew seeming to feel that their particular ship (an settle tho whole question, nnd that It ought to bo given nn opportun ity of proving that It can. Smith nnd Couitright evidenced much less concern nbout the war than they did about the fact thai they huve over staert their furlough and are likely to get ten dajs in Irons for their Indis cretion It was, howevei, n long time between "lands," with them, nnd they could not resist the temptation to htietih their holidaj, when the chances of having nnothei verv t-oon mo not the biightest. . FELL FROAt A UOX CAR. IlrnUrmnn William llnnh Seriously Injured in the Yard. William Bush, a Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western biakeman, was seilouslv injured by being thrown ficm the top of a box cat in the ard jeiter ilny afternoon. He vas standing at tho fatthest end of a. train that was being backed down one of the switches, when the engineer suddenl applied the uir, biiuglng the train nlmon to a standstill and causing Bush to topple backward fiom the car. He s'ruck on his back across one of tho tails nnd his right leg was pinched beneath a wheel, the train moving just far enough to catch him before coming to n dead stop. He was taken to the Moses Tajlnr hospital, where It was found that his bach was severely sprained nnd tho llesh of his loir badly lacerated. It Is ' thought, however, that he will not be peimunentlv affected He Is a married man and lives at 1022 Webster avenue TWO COLORED, ONE WHITE. .Suits nnd Counter-Suits Helore II- dermeu Howe nud Kelly Yestordnv. Flla Heed, colored, and well known In nldermanlc courts, swore out a vvnr lant befoie Alderman Howe yesterday charging Pnyton Taylor, nlso colored and equnllv well known, and Knte Mul horln, with nesault and battel y. The defendants were arrested by Constable Cole and they waived a hearing before Aldeiman Kelly entering ball In tho sum of $-0li each Taloi entered a suit before Alder man Killy chaiging Mlfcs Ied with ns baalt nnd hatter. She waived a hear ing and inteied ball before Aldfiman Howe. FORD VERDICT WILL STAND. .ludu'u llulliugtoii I ifuses to Urnnl n New Prinl. Judge Uuluncton has refused a new tilal in the case of William Void against the Delaware und Hudson Canal company, which was tiled at the 1 1 cent term of the United States Cir cuit court in this city. A verdict of J7.500 In favor of Ford was returned by the jury. When Foid was seven ears of ngo he had one of his legs cut off by a train on tho Delaware and Hudson road ut Spring stieet, Muoslc. NEW URIUQB AT DRIVING PARK. Is it Mihutuntiill Wood nn Structure nud lim ( ompletetl Vrstnrdny. Tho new bridge over the Lackawanna rivir at the Driving park was complet ed yisteiday by Stieet Commissioner Dunning and -was opened for tin vol dining the afternoon. It Is a bubstantlnl ivoodeu structuio and Its erection was ono of tho crying needs of North Scranton for sumo time past. Mutlc, skating, dancing; Armory tonlUit. WOELKERS LANDS TRAVER IN JAIL The Reformer Went to the South Side Once Too Often. PICKED UP AS A DEAD DRUNK Tlio Antl-Spcuk-lInsy CnundcrN hllc In the Ilncnu's Territory Tnke nn Ton Much of Thin Which Slingotli Like nn Adder nnd While Under the lullucnce encounters, nr 1 I'.u countorcd by ('onstiiblo J. I". Worl-kors-l!nch Tolls How It llnppunnd Constuble Joseph V. Woelkers may huve his faults, but It wouldn't be well to go around the South Sldo today shouting them from the house-tops. In fact, It wouldn't be well to do that very same thing for some dnyi to (ome, for the gallant Joseph Is going to have a whole lot of ft lends over theie, hereafter. It was nil accidental, too C AY. Traver, ot AYIlkes-Bnue, the famous moral crusader, who Is sched uled to proserulc twenty-one South Side speak-easy keepers In criminal court next week, was down on the South Side last night, for some purpose not disclosed, and, as ninny a. good man before him did, in making a tour of the South Side, bet nine diunk, in fact, ex ceedingly drunk About 11 SO o'clock ho .stinted for his hotel lit the lential pail of the tity, canlng his tioublcs with him. t'pon leaching the corner of Hlekoiy street nnd Cedar avenue his burden be iamc too great to bear and he paused to icst. Just what happened then has to be told In two stories. Till: CON'STAULU'S STOUY. Constable Woelkers sas that he hap pened along and found Traver lying on the sidewalk, dead drunk. He roused him and tiled to start him on his way, but Tiaver, Instead of going, turned upon his would-be befrlender and smote hltn tudcly on tho side of the fate with his clenched list "He might have finished ine right there, Woelkers said, "only for my brother rami along and took him off me " For this base Ingiatltude Woelkers decided to lock his ussallunt up for the night and to this end telephoned for tho patrol wagon. The wagon went over on a gallop, with Sergeant Itldgeway und Patrol man Boland In chuige, but Woelkers was impatient to get his mun behind the bars, where he would bo safe fiom hutm, and before the wagon arrived he and his brother nnd a crowd of South Sideis were on their wa to tho stutlon house with Traver In tow. The pilsoner was locked in a cell and a charge of "dead drunk" placed against him on the docket. Woelkers wanted to have "assaulting an olllter nnd resisting arrest" nls,o chaiged up, but Sergeant Hldgeway only answeicd the request with the single but voluminous ejaculation, "Bosh"' TIIAVHIVS VHUSION The other story staggeieth thus: "I hie was going m huh going nbout my business. That's all These here hie here fellows was follow In' huh me all around every p-place I went. Somebody knocked mo d-down nnd I'm hie here nnd that's nil I know 'bout It" Traver had Woelkers arreted a couple of weeks ugo for committing perjuiy In teportlng to tourt that there weie no unlicensed saloons In his ward The case was dismissed, but a mote serious one giew out of It, Woelkers nhsaulting his inptor. Special Otllcer Mink, und Injuring the old man so severely that the district attorney made tho indictment one of nggiavtted as sault nnd battel y. It Is to be tried next Monday. m THEY FAVOR WILLIAM CONNELL. itesolutlonr Adopted by tho Junior Itepuhlicnu Club. At a meeting ot tho Junior Republi can club last night the following leso lutlons weie adopted. Whereas, Honorablo William Connell, our present eiliclent congressman, lias announced his Intention of becoming n candidate for the gubernatorial nomina tion, at the hands of tho members of the Republican part), of tho grand old Ivcj stone slate, be it Resolved, That we, the members of tho Junior Republican club of Scranton, I'ennsjlvania, believing that Mr, Connell would nnke a moat eiliclent governor and would be tho stlurgest available candi date that the party could !elect, have Hci-olved, To endeise the cnndldaey of Mi Connell and to do everj thing in our power to further his efforts for tho ottlco to which ho nsplrcs, MINE IS STILL ON FIRE. Much Trouble to Qucnrli tho Blaze in the Allien Wiiil.iiigi. Efforts nre again being made by the Petinsjlvanla Coal company to save the Alden mines at Nuntleoke, which were jet on fire January 23, by the care lessness of bcme mlneis who were at tempting to thaw out a stick of dyna mite with a safety lamp. Repeated at tempts have been mnde since then to extinguish tho flames and prvent the dittiuctlon of the mines, but to no avail, as was evidenced by the appear- aneo of smokp and gas seen coming limn the nir shaft lecently The flie ib raging in the- Cooper v in, 4r0 tret he low the suil.ue Us extent is not known No alt'tnpts to investi gate having been made since the llibt one when Mine roieinan Oriflltlis wns killed by an eplnsion of ga.i The rnlnti nas been benlid, also flooded with water nnd steam and similar action will be tiled onio moie AI'TER A HRANCII ROAD. Lehigh nlley Neeotliiting (or n Nil liumsport f oniii'utinu. According to the Towandu Iteview, the Lehigh Valley load Is negotiating for the purehuBo of tho Wllllnmsport und Noith Uiunch inllrond from the Satterlield heliy, the load being pi ac tually owned entirely by that estate The consideration Is said lo be $150,000 The possession of this rood, which extends from Sntterlleld to Halls, would glvo tho Lehigh Valley Its long-desired opportunity of tapping the Williams poit legion CLEVER STRANQER SELLS GOLD LEAF A I'rncticul Jew cler llm Aictlm Of II New Cold Illicit Scheme. This city Is fast assmlng a metropo litan pluiso In moio feonses than ono us enn be attosted to by A. U Cohen, manufacturing Jnweler, nf 306-8 Spruce stied. who whs inndi the victim of u Joko yesterdny morning, Whether practical, theutilcnl or othorvvtso ho Is unable to say, but according to his own estimate ho Is out ?.'t) as a result. Tho transfer of tho $20 wan brought about by the clever trick of a stranger who only used a new style of tho gold brick schpino. Jeweler Cohen teported the matter to tho police shortly beforu noon. Ho will cerlnlnly be nblo to Identify the "stronger if he Is caught by the au thorities, lie descilbes him ns being small lu stature, middle In ago und light In fentuics. Ho worn a dark suit of clothes, blnek Derby hat, and n sandy, well-trimmed moustache. The clothes wore slightly threadbare Mr. Cohen went further and describ ed tho modus upeirandl of tho deft stranger. The man enrne Into his plate If business nnd displaying two rolls of what, to the tinlnltlnted. nppcared to bo a heavy gold leaf. This he wished to dispose of and of course had lensons whit h were not In a roll He even of fend his goods to Mr. Cohen nt his (Mr Cohens) own valuation and after n mi of til weighing nnd a partial test ing. Mr Cohen decided that In the stuff there was nbout thlity penny weights, ot nbout $26 HO worth He of rrcrt J2J The stranger ucteptid and departed. A better tost was made by Mr. Cohen later, with a view of putting his bar gain to use. When heated, the leaf flaked and became as i hat coal There was some gold ubollt It, s.iy $J worth. FISH COMMISSION MEETS. Assembled at the Jermyn Yesterday nud Considered n Number of Matters of Interest to Fishermen. Excepting one member, all of the Pennsylvania board of llsh commission weie In this city yesterday and held a meeting at tho Hotel Jeimyn duilng the jfUinoon The mtmbeis heio wtio S B. Stil well, of Sci.iiitmi, pitsldent; H. C. Deimith, ot Lam nster, LjuIs Struber. of I.rle, J W. Coirell, of Huston, nnd Di. James A Dale, of York. Tho ub--'ntej was D P Corwin, of Pittsbuir. who Is in Floilda. The assistant sec retary, W. 11. Meehnn, of Philadelphia, was pretent al the meeting, five of which are held early. No appioprlatlons were made by the last leglslntuie for the commission's shad station nt Bilstol on the Dela vvuic where 10,000,000 shad have boon hatrhed annuillv. In view of this fact the commission voted to put the station at the disposal of the United States fish commission whlih has facilities for hatching foitv uddltiJiml million of shad there jiail) The station Is the laigtst and best equipped of Its kind In the United States Fishermen will bo Interested In tho result ol an experiment made by the commission at tho Cony hatcheiy In the w (.stein part of the state. It was reported at the meeting that a sueces.s ful iuoss had been made between a ellow peieh and a California trout. Out of GOO ejrgs twelve fish were pro duced. This has both a scientific nnd a practical value. The result had heen thought impossible as It was a produc tion of offspring between diffetent genus, cortesponding almost to human propagation fiom the lower scale of animal life The twelve llsh are now one year old nnd resemble the perch, which was a male. Reports received at tho meeting de veloped the fact that tho present catch es of shad arr the gieatcst In the his tery of the Deliware river. The aver age shad now weighs five and one-half pounds, lomparea with an average weight of two and one-half pounds ten )eais ago. This is due to aitificial he tchlng nnd the piotcetion of tho river which now pioduces nn annual retail s-had revenue of $1,230,000 as against Jl'AOOO in 1)S0. The largest California tiout ever caught In a foielgn water was leeently taken from Tiench cieek near Cori). It was twnt -eight and one-half inches long and weighed ten pounds when tnk en from the water The fls.li is now on exhibition at Fifth and Chestnut slieets, Philadelphia. WILSON IN HALF A KINO. Demand tor Meals Not ns Iinrgn as AiitieiMiited. The sale of seats for Francis Wilson began jesterda morning nt the Ly ceum Theie was a generous demand foi tickets, but not as large nb was expected This Is one of tho best ut ti actions that has been offered to Scianton thentre-goeis this ttason, one that icqulies a huge outlay on the pait of the management of the Lyceum to becuic It Is to be hoped that Mr. Wilson will bo gieeted by a crowded houso when he le-appears before a Scranton audi ence tomoirow night. 'Half a King," hW greatest succebs, is the comic opera In which he will be seen. His last ap pearance In this city was In "Eimlnle" borne yeatb ugo Managei Long, of the Lceum, said last night that the Wilson company cost him J1.000 and that even at the ad vanced pilces asked he cannot hone to mnke any money out of the engage ment. He said he was anxious to give tho theatre-goers of this tity tho very best comic opera attraction on the stuge today and If he comes out even will he satisfied Ho felt that those who ait constantly clamoring for the best tin theatrical maikct affoids should show thtlr appreciation of the elforts to please them by giving Mr. Wilson and his company a leecptlon suih as thoil merits deseive. There aif bixty people- lu the com pany, and three tar loads ot fctcneiy nie tarried WARNING. If you have any re gard for your own stomach or those of your family BEWARE of cheap PACKAGE Coffee. We will sell you a pure, whole some berry, browned fresh, ( Rio ) at 15c. A fine Blended Java at 25c. Fancy Java and Mocha at 32c. E. Q. Coursen FAR GUARD OF STATE IN FINE CONDITION Could Uc Placed In the Field Under Can vass In TwcolyWour Hours. THE (J0VERN0R IS DELIGHTED Strong Spirit ot Patriotism .Shown lu tho .Many l.ottors nnd Telegrams Itccelvetl by the Statu' Chlol V.x ccutltu from Poisons Who Volun teor Tholr Sorvlcos in the Kvont ol W'ur--i'llly Thousand Volunteers Could Ho Itnisad in Pcnnsyhanin. The governor's troop nt Harrlsburg wan Inspected yesterday afternoon by Major W. S. Millar, of this city, In spector of the Third brigade, In the presence of 3,000 people Governor Hasting!) and Adjutant Oencrnl Stew art were piesent and at the close eon giatulated Captain Ott and his com mand on their line nppenianco and perfection of drill The guard of the state was never us splendidly equipped and In response to a cull for troops tho entire division of 9,000 olllcers nnd men could bo placed In tho Held under canvass in 21 hours The governor Is delighted with the spirit of rntilotlsin that piovnlls In Pennsylvunla ns (vldenied by the nu merous offeis of service shire the de MriKtlnn of the Mnlne More than six hundred lettcis and telegrams have been tecelved nt tin executive depatt ment duitng the past sl weeks fiom nil i lni,ses of people to volunteer in the event of hostilities with Spain. Hveiy one of these offeis has been acknowledged bj the executive nnd cuiefull tabulated and filed under the direction of 1'ilvnte Sectetary lleitler. Tho course of piocecduro is the same In tho adjutant general's olflcc If the governor weie to accept the sen Ices of nil who hive risponded, HO, 000 olunteeis would go to the front fiom Pennsylvania These offers have come fiom old soldiers, ex-members of tho national guard, patriotic societies nnd olllcerH of the legulnr army, who have entered the United States sei ice from this state More than 100 women have offered their services as nui ses. If theie Is war with Spain the Key stone state will tcspond quickly und generously to any demand made upon It by the president and the governor. STORRS COLLIERY Ml SHUT DOWN. Continuation of I)., J,, nrnl W. Coin. pnnv' I'olicv ol Hetrcuchmnit. The Storrs mines of the Delaware, Lackawanna und Western company, one of the largest In tho northern pait ol the city, shut down yesterday for an indefinite peilod This Is a continua tion of the policy of restricting the out put entered upon by the company sev eral months ngo. While the colliery Is closed down ex tensive repairs will bo made. Iti'lrigi-mtors kt rattinV, UG Ponn avenue. Music bkitlng dinclng. Armory tonight. DEST SETS OF TEETH, $8. Including tho painless extracting of tccta by an entirely now process. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 331 Spruce St. Opp. hotel Jermyn. 1 WONDERS 000000000 THE KERR STOCK has prove! a veritable Klondike of Bargains, where every purchaser makes a lucky strike. Here's some valuable nug gets that await your picking up today : Cottaore Striped Curtains i 50 or 60 pairs of these pretty little draperies that Kerr & Co. sold for $1.35 go on sale to day at 35 cents a pair. S Lace Bed Sets Three pieces spread and two shams, 6 styles go on sale today at exactlv half of Kerr & Co.'s price, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 a Set. S Mantel Draperies Embroidered China Silk Mant i. with fringe, that are worth $1.75, go on sale today at $1.00 each. Japanese Crepe S Three examples of t giving oUc, OUc i J J iebecker 406408 Lacka. Ave. IflOIY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. 341 to 140 Jlcrldlun btrect.uuntuu, fa. lelaplions ("J. BURNING, LUBRIGATINO AND CYLINDER OIL PAINT IHlPARTMBNT-blnHeed Oil, Vainlsli, Doits laimn und HMnlaHUUi SCRANTON'S tit It le i PRICES ON GROCERIES Feed, Meal or Com, per hundred.. 75c Full Cream Cheese, 'per pound.... S( Cieatneiy Butter, per pound 18c Stilctly Fresh Hggs, per dozen.... lie Choicest Cold Packed Tomatoes, per dozen fc Home-rendered Lard, per pound.. Se Choicest Burbank Potatoes, per bushel c 3 packages o" Best New Garden Seeds for Ce Warner's oi Magic Yeast, per pack age 2c 1 round full weight packuqc Sal uintus 5c 2 cans of Fresh Cockles 2."c Eagle Milk, per can 15c Clatke's Het Patent Flour, per burl el ...$3 64 Clover Louf Sulmon, per can ISc Royal Baking Powder, ptr pound. SOc 1 pound full weight Corn Starch.. 4e Hjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 1 1897 Models. I H We only have 50 in s s stock. The greatest 5 bargain ever offered in 5 I this city. 5 mm II a Manufacturers or nt I Scranton Bicycles, : s Iron and Steel, : nimiiuimmmmiimmiiuiiimiiK 11 I 4 Mantel Draperies, our wonderful bargai and 75c. Tnrpantlna, While l,eul. Uoil l'r 1'itoti 1 1 BIB 1 I REDUCED TO ! M SJM en m 4 1 u Watkins ? "W 1118 UK, 220 Lackawanna Are., Scranton Pi Wholesale nud Retail DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC, Ready nixed Tinted Paints, Convenient, l'conomlciil, Uurublu. Varnish Stains, I'roducltis Perfect I mltntiou of Uxpansl rs Woods, Roynolds Wood Finish, Fspcclutly Designed r Insldo Work. Mnrblo Floor Finish, IJnrnble aud Dries (Quickly Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PUB- LINSEED OIL AM TURPENTINE. SPECIAL This Week Sold Every whero for Ono Dollar. 75c PotPie How anxious you are when you make pot-pie to have tho dumplings light, and how dis appointed you are if they are heavy To be successful vou must have STRONG Hour. I lour that Ins strength enough to rise and stay light. "Snow White" Is strong flour It will make light dumplings. Try it next time you make dumplings and don't let the cold air strike them while you are cooking them. Your grocer sells "Snow White." "We Only Wholesale It." THE WESTON MILL CO Scranton, Carbondsle. Olj pliant. fa 1 have a larse stock of theso planoi in nil colors and pi Ice. I have be sides Hnzelton Hi others, Hans, Whit ney, llinze, Richmond, etc., at prices from $J0O upward, and payments $C .1 rwnth or more. Pend direct to Wllkcs Iinir I nm piopareel to kIvo liberal disc 1 a tl'osc who huy dliect. Old Instruments Taken in Exchange. George H.Ives li V est MarLct Street, WIlkes-Barra SOUND ARGUflENT. BARBOUR'S HOME CREDITHOUSE Is tha plnco to got our Furniture; w enn piy it little every month And Uava tUi goods nil tliallmo we nre pnylnj'for ttista andtliut h ulicro wo'ro solus. -.! 1 I HAND & ATI TO" . '!a' 425 LACKAWANNA AV5c,H