2 TUB SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY. APRIL 18. 1898. THE TRIBUNE'S OPPORTUNITY ONE INSERTION t A WORD. FOR RENT ron hunt-920 oremn mnan bt. Ktght room9; lmproempnts, f 15 50. FOR lUINT-HAUr NEW DOUIlLH house, 1G3! Cupoiiso avenue; nno locu tion. Oscar F lTcemun, 1G1I Monsey live. roil RL'T-PU:aHANT ItOOMS WITH boat U. 329 Adams avenue for ui:nt - half or doubli: house. Improvements, corner of Main and K)non Irqiilrc M2 Smith Muln. ron ri:nt-hofsi: at ids jnrrnu- son nvjnup; large lot, beautiful locn tton SreeljM out pi Ice on application J. W. BROWNING Meals Building. nousi: fon ki:nt (os wyominu uvinue. Apply to F II. Clemons, Blue Ridge C-i Company' olllce. Mcara Ilulldlny iUIIX roil ItHNT-flOr. MAIION COURT AppK to F II demons. IIllio Ridge Coil Compnii)' ofllce. Mcirs Building. FOR SALE for SAu:-nor watur hi:ati;r, llr,t class, ihmiIj new i'il) Washing ton lll llUe. ron salu-mori: or tiiosi: fini: shoes al low pi Ins at Ncttlcton s Wnshliigtuii avenue i"OlT SAU3 PARLOR MANTI3L, cheap, ""ii Wv anting avenue )oit sai.13 - tiiui:i: large nun pi oof safes Call nt olllcu or HENRY I1F.LIN .III . room 212 Commonwealth building FOR SALE-BROKEN ENGLISH SUT tcr. clieap 1511 I'enn nvenuo. I'on s.i.n-nsn 20-uoiisn power boiler ns good as new THE WES ION MILL CO FOR RENT OR SALE. ron hi:nt ok sale-house at 441 Cl.iy avenue " rooms modern ln provements Inquire of C. J POST Cora monwcilth Bldg REAL ESTATE Livn independent .irsr a n:w of our llvc-iicn- faims loft, Mime good locations Xm fumlllt s moving In our colonics every wetk Send us one dol lar and we will pick 3,011 a good 0111 pa) balance in e.is, weiklv or 11101, thl) piv ments IHSLEY 2"1 Washington avenue up-sialrs HELP WANTED-MALE pio hoys loom i. AN fed-call Alt, idi ,t once RELIABLE MEN WANTED TO AD dress catalogues clrculirs and envel opes. Send stump for particulars. SOM ERVILLE MI"a CO. Elizabeth, N. J HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED-A HOUSEKEEPER OFIl man girl picferred It Y Tribune ofllce. WANTED-A OOOD WOMAN TO DO housework and cooking foi famlh of four. Good ungis to competent puson. Apply 131 South Lincoln annuo. WANTED-PLA1N SEWERS: ALSO AP pl entices 221 Adams avenue BOARDING. first-class board, with on without loom, special latea given to permanent boarders Rooms heated by Meam and lighted bv eleclilc light, cen trally located, 2 minutes walk from all depots, 5 meal tickets Jl 00 21 meal tick ets, J4 09. 121 Franklin avenue. LOST. LOST-BFTWUEN POO BLOCK OLIVE strr.'t and D. L it W depot laillis' gold watch and lleui-de-lls pin Sultuulu lew ud for Hh icturn to WILLIAMS & .M'ANULTY'S store 129 Wyoming uu BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOU'l JlO.uoo Established business. Will bear Investigation Large profits, hafo Investment For Interview address P. O. Ifox 374, Scrauton. Pa. KINDERGARTEN. ADAMS AVENUE SCHOOL AND KIN derttarten SprhiB term opens April IS. M L Torry Prln CITY SCAVENGER A.B.HHIGC.S CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and teas pools, no odor. Improved pumps used A. I3RIGGS, Proprietor. Leae orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elckes' drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry Telephone CO10 REMOVAL LACKAWANNA SIGN moved to 217 Spruce COMPANY RE- DRESS MAKING. MME JOHNSTONE, LATE EIPTH aenuo and 5ih street, New York, will open nn establishment In this city for the manufacturo of jjowns wraps etc , on or ubout April 15th. at 42s Adams uenuc CHIROPODIST COIINS, RUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without the leaBt pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice f!v.8,,.Jr.te ,u M UKTZUL. Chiropo dlst. 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ladles at tended at their resldonce If desired. Charges moderate SITUATIONS WANTED WNTODrnAouoTOMXrOC position as salesgirl In store of any kind; some experience In mtlllueiy goods; desires to becomo experienced, low wages till fully competent Address J Jl M., Tribune olllce. MAN WITH 13 YEARS' EXPERIENCE as clerk, bookkeeper and collectoi, do Blres employment, strictly temperate. Al references. X. Y. Z, Tribune SITUATION WANTED-!! y"a WOMAN washing. Ironing or scrubbing by the day, or will take washing home. 420 Franklin avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPE- rented chliVa nurse. Good city refer- nnces. Call or address 610 Spruce street SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNa lady us seambtrnss who lias had ex perience In bowing Addiess Seamstress, 1884 North Washington avenur SITUATION WANTED-HY A "JR1GHT boy IS yearn old at any kind of work. Address J. A. M., 307 Meridian street, city. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN DESIRES TO go out washing by the day. Address W, J Tribune ofllce. WANTED SITUATION AS HOU8E keoper In a widower's or bachelor's home. No objection to leavlntr the city. Address B. U Tribune olllce, blTUATION WANTED-BY SOBER, IN dustrlous man as teamster or any jmnest work. Address J. 11. W , Ui rinulh ivd J'tuk. aVHAiie. City. A POPULAR CLI-AKINC. IIOUSL' for the Ituncflt of All Who Iluve Houses to Runt, Real Estate or Other Property to Sell or Kxchnngc, or Who Want Situations or Help 'Jhcsc Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Kxccpt Situations Wanted, Which Arc Inserted Free. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED-YOU CAN MAKE money selling our llve-acie lurms. RISLEY AGENTS WANTED - MFRAT HALL stends's Orent War Uook "Oui Colin tr In War ' utiil our ri latlons with for eign nations All nbnut our army, niil. coast defences, the Malno Dlsastci, Spain, her uilii na mid dcfoliees All about Cuba, her relations to tlio United StnUfl mill her defences. All ubout the Armies aril Navies of nil other Nations, and how the will act In our light with Spain Ovei Bfjci pages. Megnlllcent Illustrations, photogrnln, etc. Olio ngent Hold SI In one dnj, , others aio muklng J2 00 to J'l01 per day. Most liberal terms Riiuruntiiil, 2J dajn credit price low, freight paid Handsome outfit free. Send 12 two-ient stamps to pay postage. National Edu citlonal Union, 324 Dearborn St . Chicago RELIABLE PERSONS TO TwVKE THE agency In their own towns tor tho best lino of fast selling novelties, pays 100 per cent, profit, for ladles or gents 8PIRO A. WATKINS, 1M1 and 10J3 L host nut street Philadelphia, Pa. KLONDIKE-AGENTS WANTED FOR largo Illustrated book of Klondike, five hundred pages, price $1 GO; outfit 10c. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Lakeside Building, Chicago, HI. WANTED-80LICITOH3; NO DELIV- erlrg no collecting; position perma nent, pav weekly, stato age. GLEN BROTHERS, Rochester, N Y LEGAL NOTICE AUDITOR'S NOTICE IN' Re' ESTATE of Edwaid llt.llng deciased. In tlio Orplnns I'outt of Lackawanna count) Notice Is In 1 eli) glviii tli it the uniler Klgmd, an auditor appointed bv the Or phans Couit of Lackawanna county, to distribute tho funds in the hands ol Ed win M Iltdgson administrator of abovo estate will attend to the duties of his appointmnit at his olllce loom .'2, Repub lican building, In the clt) of Scrauton, in h.ild count), 011 Satin da). May 21 lt,.h at nine o'clock a m at which time and place all persons Interested mutt appiar and promt their claims or be foitver debaried from coming In on said funds. B. T T1NKHAM, Auditor. ESTATE OF MORGAN BO WEN, LATE of Spring Brook Township, deceased Letters testumetitar.v upon the above mimed estate having been ginnted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against said estate) will pre sent them for pavment, and all persons Indebted thereto will please muke imme diate la)tnent to ARJA BOWEN Kvecutor, Spilng Brook Pa. W GAYLORD THOMAS Altoiuev NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Gov ernoi of Pmns)lvanla on Tuisdav, the Siilh duv of April P'li bv Fidlik Wahli burn William 11 Williams. Evan S Jones Jr. Frederick Hahls and G. A Williams imdei the Act ol Asstinbl) of tin Commonwealth of Peiiiis)lvania, en titled "Ail act tu ptovlde for the Incoi pniutioii and icgulatlon of certain cor Iioiatioiis, uiucvcd April 20th 174 and the supplements theieto for the chauei ol an Intended corporation to be called the Washburn, Williams and Comp.ui). the character and object whereol is the manufactuilng of all kinds nt lumbei unci foi tli -si- puipuses to have, po,snss and enjo) all the rights benellts and pilv Ibges of the Mild Act of Assembly and Us supplements W GAY LORD THOMAS, Solicitor. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS EDWARD II DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Council Building, Serunton E L WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE 11 .11 of lO'j Washington avenue LEWIS HANCOCK, Jit , ARCHITECT 4J1 Spiuce St , coi Wash, ave , Scianton. FREDERICK L BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price Building 120 Washington uvenne, Scrauton T I LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. DENTISTS DR I. O. LYMAN, 323 N. WASHINGTON avenue. . DR. r L M'GRAW, 303 SPRUCE street. DR. II T. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR C C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming avo! WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 I.ACKA wanna avenue. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 3. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR KAY HAS MOVED HIS OFFICE to tho Seranton Prlvuto Hospital, cor ner Wjomlng Ave. nnd Mulbeny St, Telephone: Day call, 5J13, night call, 413. DR C L FREY SCRANTON SAVINOS Bank bldg, 122 Wyoming avenue. MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D., HOME- opathlht. No. 22S Adams uvcnuo DIt A TRAPOLD SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Seranton Olllce hours Thui&da) and Saturdays Sn m to 0 p m DR W E. ALLEN, 012 NORTH WASH iugton avenue DR. L. M GATES ROOMS 207 AND 20S Board of Trade building Olllce hours, S to 0 a. in 2 to 3 and 7 to S p. in. Rcrl denco 303 Madison avenue DR. C L FREAS SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion Olllce telephone 1363 Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 DR S. W. L'AMOREAI'X. OFFICE 211 Adams Residence 111S Miilbeir). Chron ic diseases, lungs, heart kldne).s and genlto-urlnary oigans u spcclfilt) Hours. 1 to 4 p. in. W G ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon Horses. Cattle and Dogs tieated. Hospital 121 Linden street, Seranton 'telephone 2072. DETECTIVES BARRING & M'SWEENEY. COMMON wealth building Jnteistute Secret Ser vice Agency. SCHOOLS schoolof the"iJa57;awanna, Seranton, Pa Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business Opns September 11. Send for catalogue Rev. Thomas M Cann, LL. D., Waltei II. liuell, A M. PRINTINQ THE TRIBUNE- PUBLISHING Co", North Wnsblnstou nvonue Llnot)po Composition of all kinds quickly dona. Facilities unsurpatsed In this region MIDWIFB MRS. GABLE, GRADUATE WIDWIFD, 131? Washburn street, Seranton. En gagements solicited Rooms and best attendance for a. limited number of pa tients. HOTELB AND RESTAURANTS THE EMC CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANK. Ilu avenue, Rates reasonable. P. .IEULER, Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. i: W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan, VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYERS FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Couiisellor-at-Lavv. Burr building, rooms 11 and 14, Washington uveiiuc. FRANK T. OK ELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Seranton, Pa WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tenuis and, Coiintcllors-nt-Lavv. Ro publlcun building, Washington avenue, Scrauton, Pa. JAM ES II TORRE V, ATTORNEY AND Counellor-at-Lnw. Rooms 413 nnd 411 Commonwealth Building. JESSt'P & JESSl'P. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - L ivv. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue ALFRED HAND. W1LLIA.M J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth buildlrg Rooms 19, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKrORD. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Rooms C14, 513 nnd 510, Board of Trade building. D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate seeurit) Mcars building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce strppt. B F KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COO Commonwralth bldg, Seranton, Pa. JAS J U HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-nt-Law 43 Commonwealth bldg, Seran ton EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms 001-901, 9th lloor, Mears bldg. JOSEPH JEFFREYS ATTORNEY-AT-Lavv, 7 and 8 Burr building. L A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave., Seranton Pa C It PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building Seranton, Pa PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Hank building C. COMEOYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. A W BERTHOLF, Ally., Mcars Bldg SEEDS G R. CLARK & CO , SEEDMEN AND Nurseomen, store 118 Washington ave nue, green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 782. WIRE SCREENS JOS KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA wanna avenue, Seranton, Pa manufac tuier of Wire Screens. MISCELLANEOUS LADIES HAND" "TURNED SHOES cot $2 50 at $150; Russet and Dongol.i Shots cost $2 00 at 59c ; .Men s Flno Rus set ui.d Calf Shots, cost U 00 ut Jl 10, AT NETTLETON'S, Washington avo BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics panics, iiceptlons, wed dings unci conceit work furnished For ti rm address R J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulbert's music store MEC.ARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies envelopes paper bags twin. Warehouse 1.0 Washington avenue, Seranton, Pa. FRANK P BROWN & CO WllOLE sile dealers In Woodware Coidago and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Railroad ol New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division,) Stations In New York Foot of Liberty stieet, N. R. and South Feiry Whitehall btrttt Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN EFFECT FEB 20, 1SJ3 Trains leave Stranton lor Pltlston, Wilkes-Barre, etc , ut S 20, 10.10 a. m . 1 20, 2 35 .120, 7 10 p in. Sunda)s, 9 00 a. in. 1 00 2 II, 7 10 v. m. For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, S L0 (oxpiess) u. m, 1.20 (express with Buffet parlor car) 3 20 (express) p m. Sunday, 2 15 p m Train leaving 1 20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Ter minal, 7 17 p. m mid New York 7.03 p m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8 20 a. m., 1 20, 3.20 p. m Sundays, 2 15 p. m l'or Baltimore and Washington and points South nnd West via Bethlehem, 8 20 n m , 1 20 p. m. Sundnys, 2.15 p. m For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8 20 a. m and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg la Allentown, 8 20 u. m., 1.20 p. m. Sun day, 2 15 p m For Pottsvllle. 8 20 a. m , 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, Ninth Rlvn, ut 4 00 9 10 (ex press) n. in M u.s1iosh with JJuitet parlor cur) p m Sunda) 4 1 m Leave New York. South .11) foot Whitehnll stieet ut 9 0s i 1 -, p m. Passengers arriving or i . in,? from this terminal can connect under cover with all the elevated railroads Broadway cable cais. and ferries to Urookljn and Stnten Island making quick transfer to and from Uiand Central Depot and Long Island Railroad Leavo Philadelphia Rending Terminal, 9 (XI a m. 2 00 p. m Sunday, u 23 a. tn. Through tickets to all pol.its at lowest late ma) be had on application In ad vance, to tho ticket agent at tho station. H P BALDWIN Gen Pass. Agt. J II OLHAUSEN. Gen Sunt L'ric nnd Wyoming iMey. In Effect Sept p Trains leave Scianton lui New York and Intermediate points on Erie railroad, also for Haw ley and local points at 7,05 a. m. and 2 25 p m Arrlvo ut Seranton from above polnti at 10 23 a m . 3 13 and 9 38 p m noiiAvroiv imviniun. In r.Ifc-cl lleceinber lvitli, 18(17. North Hound. Mouth Uoutid, 201 80-1 Sja, Stations 1 -2j 3 (Trains Dally. Ex., S r. 1 cept hunday 1 iga .... v MAirlve Leavei 1 x 7MN Y. Frankltu i .... 740 .... 7 10, West 4.'na street1.... IB . ., 700 Weeliawken I ... 810 .... r nlArrlve Leave! m 1 l&i CaaoMn " .. yirsiTTn 10H. IlanoocU .... s ill .... Ii; ..l2 5a htarllgbt ... 93$ .... 1S48 1'rciton I'arlc .... i.'il .... 1240 Vtiuwnoj .... a 41 .... I2SS I'oyntello S6o .... 12 14 orsuo ... 2 58 ,,., I'-'ea liosant Mt. .... set .... tW Uolondnle . sc .... 1149, Forest city ... s 10 ... 1181 carbondaie .... sst (1180, White lirldje .... (3 88 ... nml Marncid .... ia 43 .... , 11231 Jennyn ... 8 45 .... 11 1H Archibald ,. , 3 81 .... 1116 tnton .... 8M .... II Hi Feckvllla .... 3 Mi ... 1107 Olyphant .... 4 0i .... 11 OV Prlcebure , 4 07 . ., II 0J Throop ... 410 . .. 110) Providence ... 414 .... 11067' park 1'lace .... 14 17 .. 10W bcrautou .... 4 8" . . . am Leave Arrive r u All trains ruu dally except Sunday. t aljrnines that trains atop ou sWoal (or pas. Mogers seourn rates via Ontario a We&teru before RarcbaHlng tickets and savo money. Day ard igbt K press to the West J.O, Audoisou, Oeu. l'au AgU T.JflltCT- ntv v.wu. Aat BA.nto. P, BUREAU SIX INSERTIONS A WORD. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Dlfect Nov. a8, 1807. Train Leavo Wllkos-Barre as Fol lows: 7.30 a. m woek days, for Sunbur Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and tho Wost. IO.I5a. m., week days, for Hazloton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the Wost. 3.12 p. m , dally, forSunbury, Harrls burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Pittsburg and tho West. 5.00 p. m., week days, for Hazloton and Pottsvllle. J.R.WOOD, Uen'l laj. Agent. J. II. HUTCHINSON, General Manager. Del.. Lacka. and Western. Effect Monday, Nov. 21, 1S37. Trains leavo Scrauton us lollows: Ex press for New York nnd nil points East, 1.40, J 00, C.15, Ii 00 and 10 03 u. m , 12 o3 and 3 :;i p. in ENprcss for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and tho South, CIO. fc-00 nnd 10 20 a. a., 12 33 and 3 31 p m Washington and way stations, 3 45 p. m. Tob)hanna accommodation, 610 p, m Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mtra. Coining, Bath. D.insvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 1210 2 35, 9 00 a. in, and 1 51 p m , malting closo connections at Buffulo to nil points in tlio West, Northwest and Southwest Blnghamton and vuy stations. 1.03 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, D 15 p. in. Blnghamton and Elmirii expiess, 5 53 p m. Express for Utlcn nnd Richfield Springs, 2.t5 u in., nnd 1 55 p m. Ithaca, 2 S3, 9 00 a in , nnd 1 55 p m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making closo connections at North umberland for Willlamtport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore. Washington and the South Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tions, COO. 10.05 a. m., und 155 and COo p. m Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 0S and 1110 a. m Plymouth and intei mediate stations, 3 35 and 8 50 p. m. For Kingston, 12 45 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L Smith. Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of fice. Lehlgli Valley Kailroad System Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleanli ness und Comtuit In Effect Feb 2" lias. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON For Philadelphia and New- York via D S. R R, at t 45 a. m , and 'z 05, 2 21, 4 41 (Black Diamond Expiess) and 11.J0 p. m l'or Plttston and Wilkes-Barre via D, L ,e W. R. 11., 6 00, 11.10 a m , 1 55, 3.33, b 00 p, m. For Whlto Haven, II.i7lcton, Pottsville. and principal points in the coal region 'III D. Ai 11. R. H C 43, 12 03, 2 21 and 141 'For Bethlehem, Easton Reading Har rlsburg nnd principal Intermediate sta tions via D Ar H R It . 1, -.1 a in. 1205. 2 21. 4 41 (Black Diamond Express), 11 00 l'or Tunkhannock, Tovvar.da, Elmlra, Ithaca Geneva and principal intermedi ate stations, via D, L. Ac W. R. R., &03 u m , 12 45 nnd 3 13 P in. For Geneva Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng nia Fulls. Chlcugo and all points west via D & II It. B. 12 "J- ''" (Black Diamond EMircss). W 2S nnd 11.30 p m Pullman parlor und sleeping or Lehigh Vnlle) parlor cars on all trains botvveun Wllkes-Uarre and New York Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass Agt , Phlla- delphln, Pa A W. NONNEMACHER, Asst General Pass. Agt Philadelphia. Pa Seranton ofllce. ".09 Lackawanna nvenuo. Delaware and Hudson. On Monday, Feb. 21, trulns will leave Seranton as follows; For Carbondale (1 20, 7.35, S 53, 10 15 n. m ; 12 00 noon; 1.21, 2 20. 3 62, 5 23. C2j, 7.37, 9.15, 11 00 p 111 , 1.1b a m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc., C 20 a. m . 2 20 p. m For Honesdale 6 20. 8 53, 1015 n. m.; 12 00 noon, 2 20 5 25 p m. For Wllkcs-Bane C 45. 7.D0, 8 45. 9 33 10 43 a. 111 , 12 05. 1.25, 2 21, 3.33, 4.41. 0.10. 7.50 10 25. 11 30 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley II. II , 6 43 a m., 12 03. 1.25, 4 41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Express, 11 10 p. m. For Penns)lvanla R. R. points C.43, 9.3S a. m. ; 2 21. 4 11 p. m Tor western points via Lehlfch Valley R. R., 7 50 a. 111., 1203, 3 3J (with Black Diamond Express). 10 28, 11.30 p. m Trains will arrlvo at Seranton as fol lows: From Carbondale and tho north 6 40 7 45, b.40, 9 34, 10 40 a. m.j 12 00 noon: 1.20 2.1S. 3 23. 4 37, 6.45, 7.45, 10.25, 11.27 p. m. Fiom Wllkes-Barro and tho south 6. '5. 7 50, 8 60, 10 10. 11.65 a. m.; 1.10. 2.14, 3.48. 6 20 G 21. 7.53, 9 05. 10 05 p. m. ; 1 13 a. m Complete Information regarding rates to all points In the United States and Canada may bo obtained at tho ticket of llce In tho depot Special attention given to Western and Southern resort business. J. W. BURDICK. G P A.. Albany, N. Y. II. W. CROSS, D. P A.. Scrauton, Pa. FOREST CITY. Nevll A) tluir nnil family moved to Tanner's Falls, Wayne count), on Sat urdnVj The Young Men'H club Is the name of an organization recentl) formed lieie. The olncers nie: President, A. M. Westgate, vice president, Otis Caf frey, seeiotnry, Lester Haines, tteusui er, IX Stanley Kvnns The meetlng nights aie the second nnd fourth Wednesday of each month. Tho club will hold an Ice cream faoclal In tho Methodist Episcopal parsonage hn.ll, this evening and at the same time will give a ftce cntei talnment. Mr. nnd Mis. On In Shaffer, of South Cannan, Wayne county, wero tlio guests of borough relatives the latter pait of the past week. Mr. Shaffer was formeily engaged In business at Tot est City. Some of the more indieal war nu tilots hereabouts are growing panic ulaily harsh In their criticism of the president's Cuban policy. Theio tiro n lot of statesmen In cmbiyo all over the country w lui could do the business much better than It is being done, but unfortunately for the republic nnd pos terity they aie In positions where they have no chance to grapple with mo mentous questions. 'Tls had, but bo tl"j willed by fate. Louis Hick, of Carbondale. n foimer resident of this town, has been visit ing friends here for soveral clays. Miss firetta Jl. Dunning, one of the teachers In the Forest City graded bchool spent Saturday nnd Sunday with her parents at Lanesborn. County Commissioners Tlngley, Har rington nnd Halte and their attorney, F. r. Lott. of Montrose, were In town Saturday In connection with the bridge business. Admiration lor Culture, From tho Boston livening Transcript. Mistress Mary, you didn't half dust the front room. I was In there just now, and I could write my namo on tho man telpiece. Domestic Ah, mum, what a thing It do be to have an eddlcatlonl onnoiWandUR r12N12'9 WASHINGTON AVENUE? A Week of HOSIERY Always one of the strong than ever. Great values all through the stock Ladies' F.tbt black 1 cgular made stockings, I Icnnsdorf dye, and a positive 19c. value at 2 for 25c. Ladies, 25c. is a popular price for a good black stock ing. Here you can get the best in the woild I for that price. All black or with white feet just as you like and in cither case the soles are double and the heels spliced. Wonderful val ue at a quarter. Ladies' Fancy hosiery is in demand. Stripes, plaids and figures of all kinds. Prices run at 25c, 40c, 50c. and the assortment is large to select from. Misses' Fine black ribbed stockings. at and good to wear. A stocking at a low price. Size 5, 5, 6. Price, lit'. 6, 7. 7i ISc. Actual value from 22c to 33c. IJrIunumQrable other special attractions at the department during this special sale which our small space forbids mention of. Our Two Large Windows Tell Quite a Hosiery Tale. Connolly & Wallace, 127 and 129 Washington Avenue. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Itevieiv. New York, April 1C Tho tono of to dav's stock denllngs, while dull and de pressed, gave no ver) uctlve Indications of apprehension. It was lather a wait ing market, as for some time past The transactions outsldo of operations by pro fessionals wero InMgnlllcjnt. Selling b traders found few seekers and pi Ices consequently yielded veiy readily. On the other hand, the proreshlonals turned by them found stocks olfcrlugs und prices, coiibeeiuentl) easily recoveuvl Niituriill) the net results of this kind ot Juggling fiom niie hand to tho other and then back again wero not large, though the day's pi Ice movement was pretty wide Total sales wero 131 W0 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLEN & CO.. stock brokers, Mears building, rooms 705-70G. Open- Ulch- Low- Clos. Ing. es-v. est Ing. Am. Sug. lief. Co. .lit, lld'a 11J3 llul Atchison 11 11'n 11 11'h Atchison. IT. 2fg 2J Ul',1 2'j Am. Tobacco. Co . lnSaKH! 107 9'J7S l'fl'i Urklyn Rapid Tians 37 371,, 37 37' Hay State Gas 3 3 3 1 Central of N. J. ... 92' (ii !U4 W Chic. & G. Western. 10 lli 10,8 W7 Chicago & N. W. ...117H H71& 117f, 117-) Chic. Hurl. & Qulncy 91'i 11 SW4 'JIHs Chicago Gas Wit WU k'i '! CMC Mil Ai St. I'aul b"si h7'A S7Ja .S734 Chic. 11. I. . Pac... MVi ij blH 63 Del. fc ilud. Canal. 10?4 lOu-'i 1WJ4 lWVa Gen. r.lectrlc Co .. 30' LIU Sli 31'i Louis. &-NashVllle . 4S 4S'i 4S is' Manhattan (.5 pr.ifc !.4t 9iy4 Missouri l'acltlc .... 1M4 iji 'JIU Nat. Lead Co ZS 281 2s34 2St N. V. Cent. & Hud..ll94 110',, KWVi W) N. Y. Ont. & West.. 144 IP, 14'4 143 Northern Pacific ... 2i 22 h 22 a4 Northern Pac. Pr.. i07h tl to5B (1 Pac. Mall S. S. Co.. 239 234 2f4 2J Southern Ity "'a 7'3 7'j ,'i Southern IT. Pr. . 2JV, 2;, 2.V. 21 4 Tenn. C. & I. XI It.. V 1D 193t 10 Union Pac. Pr r,2 f.2 M'4 31 IT. S. ltubber Co It,';. 16i-j lG'fc l'i', U S. Leather Co.... 5 Western Union S5'4 MVfc 83' s S Met. Traction Co. ...137 13b'i 117 1M CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADC. Open- High- Low- Clos WIIUAT. lug. est est. leg. May 110 lin ni'i yn July 834 87'i 8ri's 8l."8 CORN. May Ms 30 30IJ, 2)' July 31 tU 31, 31 OATS. May y 2Ci 25 23 July 21 -M't- 21 21 PORK. x May 0.90 9 92 9,77 9 77 Jul) 9.93 10U7 99i) 9,9) LARD. Alay r.'.'O 5 20 517 6 17 July 5 22 5.23 5 22 3 22 Scinnton Itourd of Trndn lchnngo Qiiotutions--All Quotntious Jluscd on Pur of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Seranton & Pitttton Trae. Co. ... lo National Boring &. Drill'g Co. ... 80 First National Bunk 7W i:imhuist Boulevard loo Seranton Savings Bunk 22"i Scianton Packing Co 93 Lucka. Iron it Steel Co 150 Thiid Nutlcniu Bank Ss5 Throop Novelty Mfg Co bo Scianton True. Co is Scianton Axle Works 73 Weston Mill Co 2W Alexander Car Replacer Co 100 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 131 Peck Lumber Mfg Co 175 210 Kconomy Light. Heut & Pow er Company 45 Seranton Illuminating, Heat & Power Comcuny fci ... Seranton Forging Co luo BONUS. Seranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage, due 1920 US ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 113 People's Street Railway, Gen- orul mortgage, due 1921 115 -. Dickson Manufacturing Co 11K Lacka. Township School 5 102 City of Seranton St, Imp, 6 12 Mt. Vernon Coal Co 85 Seranton Axle Works , 100 Scrauton Traction Co., til u t mortgage 6'h, due 1932 10J ... l M W Hosiery Selling Boys' Men's Fast black value at 2 Men's Good to look fine high grade Men's 8, 8, 9. 22c. evv York Produce lliirliet. New York, April 1G riour Stronger but not nuotnbly higher, cit) mill pat ents, $; 7;.ali 00 ; winter patents. tlSjab-5; city mill clears, $3Wal5.t,5; winter straights, $155a4 70; Minnesota patents, J3 20ari05, winter extras, 3 C5.il 10, .Minne sota bakers, $4.2Ja4 41, winter low grades, W Mhi 1 00. Wheat-Spot stiong; No 2 -e 1. Jl 10 f o b afloat spot, No. 1 Northern Otiluth, $113 f. o. b afloat to nrrlve, No 2 Northern Duluth, Jl U9'C f. c b afloat spot Options opened stiong nnd higher on surprisingly firm Liverpool cables; shorts wero heavy bu)ers mo t of the forenoon ccvcilng )eslerfluy's snles and Influenced also by renewed wat lull closed 2a24c. net higher; Mn), Jl "" i 10t,, closed $10G, July, 91S,a''i e closed 92c ; Septembci, 8J',aSl closed Slc. Corn Spot firm; No. 2, .JiiV f o b. afloat. Options bullishlv nflect b) strong cables and big clearances, n' vuiuecl all the forenoon and closed net higher; May, 31 13-lGa.l3c , cli 336c.; July, 36Ha6c, closed JiiVic ( -Spot firm; No 2, 30a31c; No. 3, .a No 2 white. 32'$c; No. .1 white 32 truck mixed western. 31a32c , track wii western, 32.i3sc , track white stale, .IJ.i Options ciulet but firmer with the oth departments, closing ;c. higher, Ma), .'H a2"ic. closed 2sc. Beef Firm, famllv Jllull 73, extra mess, J9a9 75, beef hams J22.123; packet, $10.25 ill.OO; city extra In dia mess, $15 50 U7. Cut Meats-Quiet; pickled bellies, S'iaCVic. , do. shouldeis. I 4Vic; do. hams, 7.a7c Pork Sternly, i m,un Q 7. lid CI. ulinpl s.lAir ti II ..! 1 ' "Jl family, $1130. Putter Has) , westtrn creamery, 15al9c ; do. factory, 12al5c III- glns, 2Uc; imitation creamer) italic ; state dairy, llalSc, ; do, creamery, l".il9c. Cheese Steady; large white September, Sc. ; small do . 8aSc. ; largo colored, September, 8c ; small do., SaSc. , large choice, 7'4a7c , small choice, i4ii8c , light skims, ,1ufie ; part skims luGc . full skims, 2a3c. Kggs Steadv ; state and I Ponns)lvanIa, lOalO'je.- western, lO'ic ; southern, 9'2a9c. Potatoes Stead) ; New ! York $2 37ia2 50, sweets, $3a4 oi). Tullo.v 1'aslcr, cltv, 3;e , country, 3',a3c I'etroleum Dull; united closed, no mir ket; retlned New York, $3 70, Philadelphia and Baltimore, S5ti3, do in bulk, J3 13. Philadelphia Provision Mnrlict. Philadelphia. Apill lG.-Wheat-1'lrm and c. higher, contract grado Apill, Jl.uJal 02 Com Firm und c hlgivr, Apt It and May, 3314a35c. Potatoes Firm and good demand; white choice, per bushel, 83a83c, do. fnlr to good. 73a80" ; bvvcets, prime rid, per basket, 73a80c ; do v c How, 70a"3e ; seconds D.iW'c Butt r Dull and c. lower; funev wesiein (le.imei), 2uc , do. pilnts, 22c i:grs Stead) , fresh neaibv, and western, 10c , do. southern. 10e Cheese Film Refined Sugars Unchanged Cotton Firm ind 1-liw. higher; middling uplands, fi '1-11,0 Tallow Stead) , city prlmo In hoghhen K 3c. ; country, In bnrrels, 3ae., clai c do, 3c; cakes, 3a3c; grease I'ii LIvo Poultry Sternly; fowls 'ii.nn spring chickens 20a2"io Dressed Po -Dull, weak; fowls, choice, 11c fal good, lOalO'ic; ehlcl ens, fane) laige good to choice, 10allc. Receliits I 2,fm0 barrels and hWiO sucks; wheal bushels; corn, 13.1M0 bushels; oats bushels. Shipments Wheat, Srn) bin corn, 9J,0i)0 bushels, oats, 0,000 bUHhei C'hicngo (irnin .UiiiI.dI. Chicago, Apill '0 I'll j strength or the foreign wheat marrtets nnd tho belief that impel'i'lPg l.oslillt'es will t I'lse 11 iVo 111 prices made wheut today almost as strong as it was weak )estetclay and resulted In un advance of 2e In Jul) Foreigners accepted freely of )esterday'H cuble. of fers. Corn made tho unusual udvance of c, while oats closed .lc. higher. Both markets being affected principal!) Ii) wheat. Provisions show little change Cash quotations were as follows: Flour -Steady; winter patents, $4 80a3i, straights. $120a4M; spring specials. $3 5m RfcO; do. patents, JI90u5.10. strulghts, $1 !0 ui,, bakers, J J 50a 4 00 No, 2 red wheat lis- No. 2 corn SHjnSlc; No. 2 )eihw corn, :'j!i3lo ; No, 2 oats, 2'ie. ; No 2 vlile f o Ii., 30a32c; No. 3 vhlln f o I ih'.iiuOe No 2 rve, 02a52c ; No. 2 bar ley 1 11 b , 3Sa39'4c ; No. 1 flax seed, M -,. N W, $1.2".Va: tlmolliy seed, Ki , pell-, J9.80u'i85; lard $3 17is. ilhs. Ca5?5, sl'ouldurs, 4Ha4c; sides, Jj.l'.a'i 33. whis key. $1.20. I 'lour Receipts, ')000 barrels; shipments, 7.000 barrels, Wheat Receipts, 101 (W bushels; shipments, 212 'i bushels Com -Receipts. Hnf.OOO luuhnli; shipments, act departments of this store now stronger during this sale. Here are some specimens: Infants' And small children wear a great many tan and russet shades. We offer 50 dozen of the regular 25c. grade, in hizes from 4 to 6, at 15c. a pair. Unprecedented value. Iron clad stockings, all sizes from 6 to 10 A stocking we have made a reputation on, that has made our hosiery department famous. Two grades medium weight, a pairs for 25c. Extra heavy with double knees and double feet 25c. seamless hose, a grand, good pairs for 25c. 6 pairs for $1.00, 3 pairs for 50c, or 19 c. a pair, constitute an offering which is the greatest hosiery offering Seranton has ever seen, all black or with white feet. Men who desire to buy hosiery right will look up this lot. Fancy hosiery, reliable, firm in texture, fast in dye. Our lines at 25c, 40c. and 50c. leads the town. 521 000 bushels. Oats Itecc'pts, 329,000 bffliflf shipments, 359,000 bushels. Iiye Receipts, 36,000 bushels; shl,ments. 127, 0)1 bushels. Harlcy Kecelpts, 39,000 bush els; shipments, G.JOO busheH. Philadelphia Live Htook. Philadelphia, April 17. Receipts, beeves, 3,141 head; sheep, 5,923 head; hogs, 4,717 head. Beef Cuttle Active nnd prices de rllned on all giades; extra, 5uic. , good, 4a3c ; medium, 4V4a4c ; common, 4a 4c. Sheep Slow and 'ic. lower; etra, 4Jan4'ic. ; good, 4a4VC ; medium, S'ii3-nc ; ciiinmon, 3i3c ; spring lambs, $1 50a5.. Hogs Light demand, prices eaBler, best v e stein. u0. , other sorts, lin5Hc ; stato 'nigs, rii5c. Cows I'.it cows, fair, at ".uic ; thin cows, light demand, at $&a l", veal calves, active at I'.iiG'is ; milch eovvs, unchanged, ut J33a40, dressel beeves, CaH.c. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago April 1G Too few cattle ar rlved toda) to make a market and prices were nominal as a rule closing nn)whero from 15c to 33c. lower than a week ago Hogs Light weights $3 G3a3 8SVi. heavy hogs. $1.70.117214 Pigs. $).n.80; little fel lows. $! 15.i3.40, and $3 50ai80 for tho heav ier ones; nearly all the sheep and lambs received today were consigned to packers. Lambs-, $3 50n5f2V4 for wooled Mexicans and $4a3 for shorn flocks; shorn sheep, $,.T0a4 30 and few going telow. J4 W. Re ceipts Catlle, 200 head; hogs, 17.W0 head; slice,), 500 head. New York Live Stock. New York, April 1G. Beeves Receipts, 513 head; no trading. Calves Receipts, none, city dressed veals, 7'fcnlOc Sheep and Lambs Slow nnd lower, unshorn sh'cp, $4 5013.01), clipped. $1 12ia4 33; un shorn limbs, $3 50iii03; clipped $1 30.13 00; spring lambs, $2a3. Hogs No sales, nom inally, Jla4 23 It 11 Hit I o l.ivv Mock. Hast Buffalo, N Y. April 1G Cattle Dull and slow Hogs Slow and draggy; Yorkeis, good to good, $3 93, roughs com mon to chrlce, $3 40a3.e0; pigs good to choice, $3.40a3 C5. Shec p and Lambs Dull and slow, lambs, choice to extra, $3 70 3 83, culls to common, J3a5 50, clipped lambs, $l2Ca.3 0ii sheep, choice to silected wethers. $l90a5(, mils to common, $J jOa S 00, clipped sheep $3,ira4 23 I'.nst Liberty Cnttlu llnrket. Tmt Liberty, Pa. April IV-Cnttle-Steai') ; extra. $110.1.3 13, prim", !3aM0; common, $3 90.il 20. Hogs .itemly n: un- hnii'ic 11 prices. Sheep Steadv .cholca clipped, $i 20al ."; common, U.l.'.i.l i,5; chclco clipped lambs, $4S3i3Cl; eotninon to seed, $l.23il'0, spring, eJaSc, veal calves, $l5rta5.0). Oil Market. Oil C,t). Pa. .eprll 1G C.-edlt Inliinces. 7"ie. ; ceitlflcates opened and closed nt 7t'.e bid for cub; sales l'iO batrels, iai.li at "4c ; hi .pments, 81) barrels; urns, 1,150 barrels. tiii: itniTON s(iui:Lciii:n. Colonel John T. Cilsp of Missouri, who arrived In Washington a few da)s ago had not been In l.ls hotel for half in hour, says a correspondent, when he war the center of a group engaged in a vvurm dispute of the Cuban question. The peoplo of the vest wanted action, suld Colonel Crisp, and this administration could mnke no more popular move than take steps to bring tho wur to a close. There was ur Hngllshman In tho gtuup who whs an Interested listener of the Mlstourlan's horrid language. "It's all very well, )0U know," sulil tho Ungllsh man, "to talk about your piesldent tak ing action, but he enwn't be husty nbout it It would be very well If vou wcra sure )ou would onl) huvo Spain to reekon with but England might object. )ou know " 'Well, what difference would that make?" exclaimed Colonel Crisp. "nngland'B nnvy would bo too much for )ours, don't you think?" said tho ling llshman. with it suggestion of a gloat "My friend," sold the Missouri colonel, placing his hand on the HngllslimHn's shoulder und speaking wllh emphasis, "before your navy had ours whipped our fellows would have tunnelled th Atlan tic ocenn and matched Into London on horseback.