The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1898, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Delivered at Yesterday Moraine's Ses
sion oi tbe Wyoming Conference.
Member ofllic CIiks (or W hoe Spec
Inl Itonclit tlio AddrtM wni Mnilc.
l)r. M. rt. Hnnl .Undo 1111 Addrots In
Which Ho Referred to tlio l'rhln lie
I'ocls Iu tlio Wvomlni: Conlcreiicc.
Women's Anniversary Todti).
Special to the Scranton 1'iibtine
Norwich. X. Y, April I5.-The third
dny'n session of the Wjomlug confer
ence otiem-d with ilevotlonul oxetclses
conducted by Hi v. O T. Pi Ice, of
Place. Hishop Kow lei took the chair
at 9 o'clock nnd the business of the dn)
im taken up. The ninth (tietlon was
mKun ana tne following nc cuneu.
Their characters were pushed upon,
they reported thelt eollee tlons and were
recommended foreldots' oulers: Joshua
liundle, Ken Is D Cornell, Clint les M.
Olmstend, Albert C Htndbury. Lewis
li. I'ulmer and William S Wilcox .
W Arthur Noble was passed In stu
dies of the fi)irth eat A lee amnion
datlon from the Koiean mission, where
he Is stationed, was lead In the secie
tary. The ilai In the studies of the
third year was enlled.ediainctets passed
and the members admitted to studies
of fourth j ear. The) ate. Com Hand
I'. Tiffany, Aithur O. Williams, Sidney
12 Hunt, 12ugone A. Qulnby, D T. Me
Donald. Jeiemlah Custard, M. L. An
dalre, C H. Homy, W Wngnet. Dald
12vuns was lontlnued In studies of the
third jent In i elation to the examin
ations the bishop made pertinent le
inarks, urging impartially on the examining-
Dr Hard made a motion that the
treasurer be allowed to complete his
accounts A prellmlnatv repoit of thp
boaid of stewnids. lolatlng to the
superanuates, was submitted Dr. 51.
S. Hard then made an address. Ho
spoke of his pride in the Wyoming eon
feience and proceeded to talk on his
work, that of church extension No
collection had been taken for this raus-e
In two jear. He asked that each ins
tor give one dollar toward its support.
Two memorial of $2."0 each
are piumled for this ear. A collec
tion was then taken.
Dnild H. Wilson. George M Hell, Al
bert Claik, O. D Fisher, John Humph
ries. D. S. McKeller, D. L. Meeker, T.
J Vaughn, F. "W. Young and Judson
W. Davles comprised the class of pro
bationers. Hishop Fowler made the
nddiess to the class It was a lcmaik
able efioit. He said-
No man has a right to say )oti mi) If
jou withdraw now from the career In
which you havo started. Oncp voted Into
tlin conference J on cannot bef, put out,
except aftir a trial After jou once take
jour ana joti rannnt Innorcntlv wlth
ihaw You have been taken, tome of jou,
nlmost barefoot from the furrow, jou
hnvo been educated at reduced iati.
jou hae been watched and guarded and
helped. jou have been allowed to prac
tice on us. nnd we have pi Id jou fur
experimenting As soon as you Ret oir
bead above the altar rail and somebody
beckons to you nnd offers fifty cents
more than jou nro Retting, do jou think
jou have a right to go' You hncn't
Onlj' ono other bishop has t lie power to
release j-ou from the pith ou bae
choen That Is the undertaker. This Is
a life service.
A Rreat responsibility rests upon J on,
members of the conference who ote
these men In You can semi out one
man who can undo mole Hum tle men
have done One Incompetent man c an
work b ivoo all oer Hie district In Iho
jcars be can tomahawk fle cliiuchts
You have no rlRht to vote anv man Into
Ihe conference unless Jou know he Is
tltted for service
somii or Tim rrqfisitrs
Most to be emphasised ns the Impmi
ant thing next to common si nsj In this
ministry Is that jou hae a pi rsonal con
scious experience of salvation Common
sense is not to be taught or acquired.
If I had to choose lietween a rain with
out It or without religion I would choose
the man with common sonso without i-
llglon everj time, for If he has the com
mon sense nnd comes Into this work lie
will set about It to Ret iillglon In the
next ten minutes Grace Is free but com
mon sense Is not.
Hut thp thing to be secured Is expel -li
nee of salvation If jou wcie on vour
death bed and wnnted the consolation of
religion ou would not send for the eai
pentcr You might send for a veterinary
surgeon, but not for the carpenter.
To acquire this personal knowledge of
acceptance with Ood jou must make full
sutrender nnd believe In jour soul's sil
vntlon You will probably Ret into spots
where jou will lose this eliar light of
acceptance You may pet useil to walk
ing without anj light afict a while, but
that, is dangerous You mav blanch off
mid believe In stiange doctrines. It will
be bee.iiihe you losp your Krlp If von
get into the shadow a bit, stop at once,
go back to the first plant and stall over
ajjai ' ,
Another thing; wo want you to be Mi th
odlst preacheis I like either chimin,
I have a great right to lovo all chinches
ns a Methmllst preacher In tlio tlrst
place a majority of their members hnve
hern converted at Methodist revivals
Winn our members go to othei chinches
it is not all bad, tiny will prolnblv
leaven the whole lump I like the lliptlst
eliuieh It doisdellnlto work fot Ood.
I like the Prcsbjtcrlin church, like
'he Hindis' church, It means something
You ve Rot to believe somethlnR to be a
number Hut we're not here to make
lliptlst or Presbj ti rlan or imv thliw ex
cept Methodist ministers I want jou to
preach all our doctrine s sanctlllcatlon,
lovInK God with nil jour heait and your
neighbor as jourself I'lench all the doe
llines Preach fulth It is the llnls be.
ween dead humanity and the living God.
I'reach benevolence, gu join people to
take the church papers. Two of the
eniy apostles went out of the woil: be
cause of parsimony which In .1 teiuct
iiDlo sm but It has dnnuied many a soul.
Train join pi iletoglie Tin n so hanillo
our people tlmt they may hi suved for
Preach brethren don't get up and Rab
Most torturing and iliiflBiirini; of itching,
burning, tea!) uliln and MUlp lnnimr it lu.
it.intly relieved by u warm hath with 1 1 n
CL,r.A.SOjllaln;leaj'hi.atlouof 1 1 rn iui
(olutment i, tbe ;rrat skin cure, and a I nil iUhh
of CitTiciiHA Itutotv i.nt, prtateiet of blood
purifiers and liuiuui turcd,whtualU'bo lalli.
C w l'ri buaivu( tli'tia' ire hill KM urn rne.
FMLLitG ,HAIK '"iaJlVV 'o'-"'
ble. You will have men of culttirci In
your cotiRicgntlons they will not put tip
with gibberish You must studj I am
not talking to those old pieachers They
pleach a sreat deal better than jou ever
will unless J'ou mend youi pace. Make
great preachers of yourselves. You can
do It You do not want pi rsonal glory
On the Held of Jena Napoleon devastated
the Oermnny army. The day after the
battle a lad walked over to a Meld and
exntnlned the muskets finally he said
our people were butchered by the French
because of our Inferior guns. He hast
ened to Paris. wroiiRlit under Napoleon's
RUiismllhs and llnnllv In jears after Na
poleon slept beneath the billows on the
Inland, the massacre of Jena was avenged
by the needle gun Invented bv the little
lad grown tall
Hlg woids ore the tombs In which we
bmv our II 1 1 It Ideas. Do not "write" e
'temiioraneoiislj. Spend time In your
study Don l preach too lonij. twentj
llve or thirty minutes Is long enough to
preach twice a day to the same piople
lively man can be a good pastor There
Is no excuse for him to be anv thing else.
Take care of the clilldten Know every
man. woman nnd child in jour church by
The class then n-poited nnd was
questioned and Dr. N. H. Dreser, of
Minnesota and K, T. , Greene, of the
Centtal New York conference Di. V'.
T. Smith, secretary of missionary so
ciety. Itev 12 A. Noble, of the Ilrook
ln hospital, were Introduced. The ses
sion ndjoumed with benediction by Dr.
The nftetnoon session was devoted to
tint Womnn's Home Mlssionatj- so
ciety. Mis. W. H Pearce, president
of the society was absent. Mrs. CI. II.
Kulp, of Wllkes-Harte, conespondliiK
secietarj- Rove u beautiful repent, nnd
ns the Cheannngo district has shown
little Interest In the Home Missionary
work, she i elated the hlstor.v of Its 17
Dr Hard made a plcaslnar uddiess,
Hpenklnir of the stations now occupied
by woman. It is tun late to apologize
for her place at this time Society and
the famllj would In unbalanced with
out her. It Is too late to minify her
powei. She Is nlieadj at the fiont, In
law and on the platfoitus. BlvInK' as
illustrations the names of Trances
WMatd unci Anna Dickinson
As greit leadeis he mentioned Joan
of Ale and Elizabeth Fry Most chari
table oignnlrations ato conducted bv
women. The Home Missioning- so
ciety does definite work limited to this
land. I'attlculailv uie the Indtistilat
homes lecommendod In Orangebtuj'
and Camden. S. C , New Orleans, Nor
rlstown, Tenn , Jacksonville, Fla Here
Kills nto taught housekeeping, sewing,
cooker- and their woik cannot be over
estimated Many n pnstoi in the south
and west would have gone hungiv nnd
cold had It not been for this, organiza
tion ltev. Samuel Moore, pastor of the
church, gnve a delightful talk on bis
missionary woik of fceven yeais in the
Puget Sound
At the meeting of the Women's For
eign Mlsslonniy society this afternoon
Mis. C. i: Mogg, of Wllkes-Hane. pie
slded nnd Dr Mogg offeied pi aver.
Mis Mogg made a line addiess, full of
stilling enthusiasm. Mrs. George Kulp,
of Wllkes-Hauo, the corresponding
secreturj, gave a btllllant address on
the history of the movement for seven
teen j ears It now has 7"i 000 inembeis
nnd -.500 nuxlli.ulcs Addresses weie
ulso dellveied by Dr. Haul and Hev.
Mr. Moore
An nddtess on baptism was delivered
bv Hev Dr J. A. Faulkner. He said
theie aie two vvajs of .securing Inform
ation on the niocle of baptism, that of
ancient lltei.ituio and aichneologj. The
111 st mention of baptism afte'i the new
testament Is given by the apostles.
At tbe evening session Dr. W. T.
Smith, societal y of Mi.sslonaiy vocletj-,
spoke On woild-wlde missions. He
gave much Information on the subject.
Dr. Mogg gave small dinner at Hagle
hotel tonight In honor of Hishop Fow
ler Ot lieis present weie: Dry and Mis.
Mogg, Mis Geotge Kulp, Mis C. H.
Penman nnd Di. C M Glllln
The Women's Foreign Miss'onury to
clety will hold Its annlverysarj to
luol tow afternoon. Mrs C. D. Mcgg,
of Wilkes-H,u iu will pieslde Hv Dr.
S. I Haldwln, the well-known mission
ary to China, will make tm nddress.
Dr. and Mis Haldwln landed last week
from a trip to China wheie thej- spent
theli twenty-fifth annlveisaij- of woik
theie. having been sent for this cele
btatiem by the Woman's Foreign Mls-fclonaij-
Bishop Fowler's nddress to the e an
clldales for full ordeis of the mtnihtij-,
yesteiday morning, was one of the
gieatest ever delivered to a class of
piobatloneih. The keen, crystnllzed
thought, the epigrams, the Jewels of
diction nnd the t.tiange, quaint ex
pietslons, followed each other In a
ilnzyling How, eeitnlnlj unequnled b
uny other gieat oiator of this country
Hev. James Monow, D. D. Secretary
of the Amctlcan Hible soiletj, and a
billliaut speaker will octupj the pul
pit of the Dim church today
II C. P.
I PersonicEl I
Sciantoii fnlled to mainialn Its pace
of pi ev Ions years In furnishing many
soilnl uffairs cliitlng I2astei week I2x
ccptltiR Mondii nnd Tuesday nights
the week has been Void of an activity,
and the prosju-i t, of the week to cuius
aie not much blighter on Morula
night the coming-out paity foi Miss
Catollno Rennell, the coming-out putty
foi Miss May Linen and the subscrip
tion dance weie given. Those affulrs
wltli the Yale conceit, assembly nnd
Klrkpatilck-Tone wedding of Tues
day night, tlio euchre putty of Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Iiedfotd Thuisday night
and tlio Splnbter dance last night, were
nil one of the usually gayest weeks
In the year nffcmled.
on Monda uf turnout! and evening
Mr. and Mts. J. A. Linen, of Jefferson
avenue, intioduced their daughtei. Miss
Mai, to the social wot Id. In tho uf
teinoon Mis. Linen and the debutante
iiere assisted In iccelvinsr by Miss 1211s
wni th, of Huston In entertaining and
seivlng those who assisted weie: Mrs.
II G Shafei. Mis. Selden Hlulr. Mis.
P J Piatt. .Miss Welles. Miss Hesslo
1 Hu ti . Miss Hnnley, Miss Holes, Miss
Putnam, of Coloi.ado, Miss McLeod,
Miss Augusta Atthbtild, Miss Margaret
Hnnley, Mlsu Know Hon. Miss Annie
Huntl und Miss Huiiell. Mr. Linen
loined the iccelvlngr paity euily In the
evening, dm lug which many men weio
among the cutlets.
On Monday nlRht Mr. nnd Mis. Ray
mond j, Ilennell, of Noitli Washington
avenue, gave a splendid reception,
which tip,niillzed the debut of their
dauRlitoi, Miss Caroline. It Included
dancing. The cuteting was by Day, of
Nuitliitovvu. The guests wets received
by Mrs. Hcnnell, Miss Ilennell, Miss
IInrvpy, of Leavenworth; Miss Mnt
(theu's, Miss Wntson, of Washington,
D. C: T. r Archbuld nnd A. G. Hunt
were the ushers.
One of the lntgest, If not the largest,
card parties of the winter and sprlnpr
season, nnd of the best planned, wns
given Thursdaj evenliiK by Mr. nnd
Mis. A. I'. Hedford, at the Scinnton
Hleyele club house. Mis. James P.
Dickson and Mrs II. II Reynolds as
sisted Mr. und Mrs. Hedford In tu
cclvlner. The catering wns by Hnnley.
The second assemlilj of the season
Tuesday night wns danced at the Ill
cycle club. A number of the inle men
who gave a concert nt the Lyceum that
night were piesent.
Professor Slegel's pupils enjoved nn
Faster leceptlon in his academy, In the
Carter and Kennedy building, Monday
The ory joungest ot the city's select
folk had the pleastue of u subscrip
tion dance nt the Scrnnton Hlcyclo club
Mondny evening, ni ranged by David
Holes, Waller Stevens, Max Hessell,
Lawrence Wntres and Paul Welles. The
pationesses weie Mrs II. M. Holes,
Mrs. A tie O. Hlaeklnton and Mrs.
Dverett Wniren. The music was by
Hiiuer, and the catering by Hunting
A pat ty was given from 7 to 10 o'clock
Monday evening; by Miss Clata Salmon,
nt her patents' home, on Qulncy ave
nue. Mrs Hllrnbcth Lewis, who has leased
the ball room of the new Kxcelslor club
house for dancing Instruction, gave the
111 st dance In thai structure Monday
evenlpg. Ov er one liundi ed J oung peo
ple wete piesuit. The music was by
Law I elite's oidiosttn.
As a lettnn foi the several delight
ful dances given dining the season by
the Spinsters, n dance for them was
given last night nt the Scrnnton Hleyele
club house by a committee represent
ing the young men. who had been on
the Spinster Invitation list nnd had
contributed dance ptollts to thnrltj-.
On the committee weie: D. H. Davis,
Fred H Stuik. F. W. Fmeilck. 11. A.
Pierce and Fred 12, Heeis. The music
was by Hauer. About one hundred
persons weie piesrnt.
Invitation have been Issued by Mr.
nnd Mrs Henjatnln F. Klllam for the
mnu Inge of their daughter, Fmaleno
Heaver Kill im to Dr. Hdson Melbourne
Green Thursdnj' evening, April 2b, at
K o'clock In the Green lUdge Piesbj--tcitan
lovcmalts of People.
Attoinej- A A. Yoshurg Is at Pottsvlllc
on legal htisluess.
Justlco of tlio Peace Turnei. of Fac
tor vlllc, was In Scninton jesteiday.
Mr. and Mrs A. II. Shopl.uid have re
fill ned home, having spent n mouth at
Atlantic Cltv.
Mrs. llestoi Hell, who has been spending
ihe winter with her daughter. Mis W.
II. Warren, will cave this morning let."
her home In Clifford, Pa
Mist, Anna Collins, Miss Ann i Rairett
and Miss Agres C.illahan ot Oil" cltv, at
tended the ilalito of the X. 'A. club In
Wllkes-Haire '1 hurselaj night
Mlii Mav llrazll, who has been spend
ing the past week with her cousin Mis.
Wirren, of Seventh stieet. has returned
to her home In llarecik, N. Y.
ManaiTi r H. II. Long, of the Ljcium
and Academy of MiiIc. was reeelving
congratulations jp.'pnliv fiom his
fr'emls over the ai rival ot a baoy boy at
his home
William Kelley and Colonel F. J. Flt7
slmmons have roho to Sandusky and
Clevi land. Ohio, and Detroit. Michigan.
Refore it tinning Mr. Kelli v will ptir
ehiisp a vlnejard on Kelli y's Island, near
12. C. Newcnmhe. R. F. Srpilro nnd llai
iv Boles will leave on a trout expedition
this afternoon Tlifj expect to put lu a
c tuple of cl.vs along the Lehigh at
Gouldsboro. Chief Holding Is l'.shlng eri
the Pocono.
The Sacramento Chief, published nt La
Liu, New Mexico, contained the follow
ing personals In Its Issnu of last week.
"J A Hddy, general m inager nnd tieis
urer, C It. 12ddj- president, of the 121
Paso and Northeastern railway, accnni
pmlrd by P. L Peck and C Davidson,
of Scranton. Pennsjlvanln, nnd W M
Mc.MUltn of St Louis Missouri direc
tors of the road, all arrived In La Luz
Tuesd ly morning on n tour of Inspection
of the line The pirtj will spend sev
eral duvs In La Luz nnd the Sacra
mento mountain country" Judge H. A.
Knnpp and wife of Scranton, Pennsjl-j
vatua, at riven i uesunv. Mrs. Knapp Is
a sister of Arthur C Logan Judge
Knapp Is one of the hading attorneys of
Sci. niton."
Ono-IIiill'ol the Children of America
Don't Attend.
From the Philadelphia Press. .
The Ameiknn Sunday School union
estimating tho total population of the
United States In 1S9C, ns 70,M."i,321. cnl
c ulntes the nu. 'Iter of children and
young people betwon 5 nnd IS yeats
nt at'e to be 20,SC3,377, for whom there
ni r C"i Sunday schools.
U is i-stimnted that neatly one-half
of ti o aie non-attendants, and to
etive ro Hlbllcnl Instiuctlon whatever.
N'ol u Gilt.
"Julia " said the old centleman ro
pro.achfully, "If am not mistaken jou
gave that oung man a kiss."
"1 did no such thins," leturncd the
voting woman with emphasis. "It was a
trade "Chicago I'jut.
No Cold.
"I stcod there In the Hlent night
the pcet. "wrapped In thought.'
"Dcni me'" murmured Miss Cajcnne,
"how chilly ou must have been!"
l'A.i:"i COM'.
oh scoui lint things of low clegtte.
And sigh for wealth nnd state,
Fur better coutt humility
Than burdens of tho gieat.
For ho who wins ambition's light
Can never be at eus'e,
lie gains, 'tis tine, u worldly height
Hut has ii world to please
For eaios Increase as honoia crow.
And In his i cw estate
Ho tliids, though bright those honor
'Tls tlnalJom to tho sient.
'Iho llatteiers that about hlui tluolig
Hach has some dole to nsk.
To ple.iso them Is no idle song.
Hut nn lleiculenn tusk.
Wo value things as the appear,
Noi count the cost and pain
AVhlcli line the in id to thqi blight spheio
Tho envied, ones attain.
Vame is no loyal heritnue.
its clowns niu fife to nil.
Hut who its dizziest lioigliib would taiugo
Must risk the dizziest fall.
Thin sigh not for umbltlou's mud,
Its sceptre nnd Its crown;
1'nensj lies tho kingly head.
Though pillowed upon down.
Chtcueo luter-Ocuuu,
M-4-f 4-f-f-M-M-f -f-H-f -M-f -f 4 -f-H-f
-f-ft-f -f -H- -f-f-f-f 4--f-f4- --f-M-
Hlnhop Talbot, of the Central Penn
sylvania diocese of the Protrint
Dplscopal chute h, and Mrs. Talbot will
nrilve In the city today nt .1 o'clock.
Dining their stay here the bishop will
conflim classes of catnchumenH In St
Mark's chinch, Dunmore, Saturday
evening; St Luke's church, Sunday
mottling, nt St. David's church, Sun
day afternoon: at the Chutch of the
Good Shepherd, Sunday night. Mon
daj evening from S to 11 o'clock a re
e option will be given Hishop nnd Mrs.
Talbot In the Hlcjvcle club house. The
committee niranglnK for the affair are.
Messrs. A. D Holland, Warren Price,
Mrs Moffat, Mrs G. L. Dickson. Mrs.
L. S. Oakfotd nnd Mrs C H Derman.
The ushers will be: Messts It. J. Fos
ter, N. O Hohertson, W. M. Marple,
J. "W. Oakford, H. W. Kingsbury, 12v
erctt Wnnen, 12. 12. Harnurd, F. L.
Hrow n. F. S. Foute, Joseph A. Mott.
C. D. Sanderson, Russell Dlminlck und
R. 11. Patterson
Mr. J. M. Chance hns piepared the
following selections for the evening ser
vice at the Second Presbyterian church.
Organ Prelude
Anthem, "We How
Offeitorj-, Quartette,
Heforo Thy
' Tarry With
Me, O My Savlout ".
Misses Rlack and GaraRnn,
Hejnon and Morpan.
OrRnn Postludo
MIgikMis Hews Notes,
Rev W. J Foul will read a paper at
the Haptlst Pastors' confetence Mon
day morning on "The Cuises of Old
Testament Saints."
Miss L'uitua Hays, the city sectetary
of the Young Women's asso
ciation for Pennsv Ivanln, Is here and
will spend two weeks, dividing her
tint" between the central looms and
the South Side association
Mts. J. S. Not veil, who held evangel
istic meetings for the Young Women's
Chtlstlnu association last fall, spent
last night In the city. She left this
nioiulng for Wllllamsport, wheie slio
will conduct evangelistic meetings.
The men's meeting of the Young
Men's Christian association tomnrtow
afternoon will be addtrssed by Dt
Harris, of T.ijlor. The music will be
under the dliectlon of J. M. Chance
All men are invited to be present.
Next Sunday nioinlng, April 17, in the
Hampton Stieet Methodist I2plscopal
chutch, Rev. F. P. Doty, pastor, in the
absence of the pastor, tlio Rev. W. W.
Smith, of North Ohio conference, will
Five his Illustrated lecture on the "Life
and Ttials of the Prodigal Son."
Tomonwrs Services,
I21m Church Pr.icr and praise
setvlco at 'luO, picacl lng at lu 30 a. m.
and 7.10 p. m, b the Rev. Mr. Morrow,
of Phlladelphl i. Sund ly school at 2 p.
m . and Hpwoith Limiruo at CIO p. in.
Howanl Place Afilcan Methodist 12pls
eopil Church Rev. 11. A. Grant, It I),
pistor. lu .0 a. in , subiect ot seiiuon,
"Christ Revealed by the Comforter, '
12 10, Sunday school; 7.10 p m, loiittli In
the scries of seimon lcctim s on "Com
parative Rellcloti." At .'1 o'cloi k p. m.
the pistor will preach at tho Taj lor
Street Mission. Petersburg; subject, '"the Promise Its Slope" All are
Invited to any of tin so services.
I'resbi terian.
Fltst I'lesbj terian church Services
lu Jo a. m and 7 3u p. in. The sacrament
of the Lo'rd's supper will bi ndmlnlstiied
lu the morning. Dr. McLeod will preach.
Stiangi is wi Iconic
btciind Presb terian Church Rev.
Charlet 12. Robinson, l f) , pastor. Sei
v le es, pi o a m. and 7 "0 p m Topic
ill the morning, "Spiritual Ultts, ' In tho
i veiling, "Raster Offshlnlng " AH seats
fiee at night All vvelcomo at all seiuees
Providince Presbj terian church Pas
tor. Rev George 12. Guild Morning
theme, "A Method of Atonement" Sun
day school, 1J o'clock; Junior Rndeavor
3 o'clock, Senior Rndeavor, B3", eienlng
pirathlug service 7 30 o'clock SIiirIiir
by enlargid choir, Mr. F. C. Whlttemore,
eholrmaslei. Rev. Mr. Klusick's seivleo
at U 30 a m.
Sunnier Avenuo Presbyterian Chureh
Coiner of Sumner uvenuo and 1'ilco
stteit. Rev L. R. Foster, M. A, pnstoi.
Morning set vice, prajei and praise at
10 ,0 odock. Sabbath school nt 2 p. m
livening senile ut it p. ni Preaching by
pastor Theme, "The Christian Lilo a
Triinsllguration." Senior Cliilstian I2n
ileuvor set vice nt 7 p. m Rind of Hope,
choir and cantata nheaisnl Tuicl.i
evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 7 JO o'clock.
Glecn Ridge Piesbytcrlan church Ser
vices at 10 3u a. ni. nnd 7 3") it in. Rev.
Isaac J. Linslug will preach. Hlhle school
nt 12 o'clock Meeting of the Young Pco
ph 's Society of Christian Hndeuvor at
C30 p in.
Washburn Street Presbyterian chutch
Rev. John P Molfat. pastor Services at
10.30 a. tn. and 7 30 p tu. Hlhle school at
i in, Junioi Christlin Hndtiivor at 33)
P m . Intermediate Christian Knde.ivor
nt 1 30 p tu , Young People's Christian
nndiiivor at 0 20 p in. Prayer meeting
Wcdnesdav. 7 30 p in. Tho pastor will
preai h morning and evening All cordial
ly Invited to all of these services
Tajlot Pitsbjterlan Cliuich Tajlor,
Pa. Rev. L R. Foster, M. A , pastm.
Regular pt caching service at loco n m
Jneltsun Street Haptlst Cliuich .Moinlng
piajcr meeting at yji; lendei, loan
Jonos. Preaching at 10.JU by tr.- pastor.
Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, topic, "'lu. 't.
traer." After tho moinlng setvlco the
Lord's supper will be nilmlnlstcied. Sun
day school at 2 p in , evening sirvlee at
7 shuip Hastei exercises by tho Intuit
department Mr. Rlcliaul Nlcholls, super
Illttlldetit. Special music will bo lendered
by the choli, und Miss Mate) Nlcholls
will sing a solo, Rooia will be opened at
CM). 12very Saturday at 2 30 tho Indus,
tllal school meets. The public are cor
dial! Invited to all tho service of out
urouti Ritii-'v Haptlst Church Rov W.
J. Ford, pastoi. Services at 10.30 u. in.
nnd 7.30 p. in. Subject In tho morning,
"Tho Rattle Not Ourb Hut God's." Hi
tho evening Piotestcn W. W. Smith will
(,'lvo his celebrated lllusliated lecture on
"The Prodigal Son,"
St. Luke's Palish Rev. Kokcis Israel,
rector; Rev. Kdwurd J. Ilaushtou, cuiute.
First Sunday tLow) after Raster. St.
Luke's church 7 .10 a. in, Holy Commun
ion: 9.1u u. iu., Sunday school nnd Hible
classes; 10 u. m inoiniiig player; lu U)
a iu , Cniulrniatii ii und Hulj Coinmunlon.
St Murk's, lliinmoie 7 t) a. in, Holy
Coinniunton, luo a. in tnornlnt; puiyer
and sermon, '! p in. Kiuulaj school mid
Rlblo cluss. l.ll p. m evening prnjer and
hirmon St George's Ol) pliant J 3u p.
ni . Htinda BChool, .IJo p m evening
player and seunon. South Slip Mission,
FIB streot 2.30 p. in . evening piajei and
Siindn school. Kiist 12nd Mission. Pres
cott avenue 2 30 p. tn,. Sundnj school and
Hlble cluss
Chinch of the Good Shepherd Green
Ridge street und Mousey avenue. Holv
communion, s n in , morning prajer and
seimon, 10 30; Sunday suhool, 12 in., Hlhle
Classen, 2 30, Conllriuation und sermon by
All seats free: all
Tim 12vniigellenl Lutheran Gospel. John
x, 19-31; Kplstle. i John v, 4-1-!. vestment
color, white.
St. Mark's, Washburn and Fotirtretith
street Rev A. L. Ramer, Ph. D , pnsioi
Services Y 30 n tn and 7."n p. in. Luther
leiiRue 3 'M. Huiiiluy school 12 noon Morn,
tin,' subiect, "Sulllelent Testlmonj to Re
lieve In Christ ' Dvenlnc subiect, "I
Know That My Redeemer Llveth '
Holy Trlnltj. Adams avenue and Mul
berry street Rev. C. G Spleker, pislor
Services 10 10 a. m and 7.J0 p. in. Luther
league t! , p ni. Sunday school Vi nooa
Zlon's, Mlillln avet.uc-ltev. P. I" Uel
tnann. pastor Sirvlces incrin. in Utin
dav school ! p m. Conllrniatloii of tlio
cluss of latechumens.
Christ. Cedar avenue and Reeeli street
Rev II F. Llsse. pistor. Servnes 10 fl
a m. and 7.r0 p. m Suinlav school 2 p. in
St Peter's Prescott avenue-Rev. J.
W. Randolph, pistor. Services low a. tu.
and 7..1D p. m. Sunday school 1 M p. ni.
St Paul's. Short avenue Rev. C, L.
Lalier, pastor Services lu SO a. in. nnd 7'0
p. in. Luther leaijuo 7 p. m Sunday
school 2 "0 it. ni
Hmanuel, Ricse stieet Rev. John Ko
wala, pastor. Stivlccs 10.U a. in. fc'un
dii school 2 p in
Oraco Hvangellcal Lutheran I'huuli
Corner Madison avenue and Mulhcirv
street. Rev. Foster F.Glft, pastor. Ser
vices at 10 CO a. m. and at 7.10 p ni ; Sab
bath school at i SO a. m : Youiir People s
Society ot Christian Lndcavor at t W p.
First Welsh CnngreRntlonal Chinch
South Main avenue. Rev. David Jones,
pator. Services, 10 n. m. -ind (. p nt ,
Communion set vice In the morning. The
pastor will preach at both the services
Morning theme "A Suffering Saviour
evening theme, "A Conscientious Sceptic '
Sunday school at 2 p m. Siats tree, all
Plymouth Congregational chtiich Jack
son street Morning service at 10 20;
Sabbath school at 12 o'clock, evening si r
vleo at 7 o'clock Sheiman Avenue Mis
sion school at 211 p m Young People's
Society of Christian Hndeavm set vice at
i p. m. Rev. J. J. James, of Homestead
lii.. will preach morning nnd evening.
First Chinch of Christ (Scientist)-No
811 Ad ims nveiiue Sundaj seivleo. 10 "0
a m. Testimonial meeting Filday even
ing at 8 o'clock. AI! welcome. Scats
All Souls' rnlvor.sallst Church Rev V
W Whlppcu. pastor. Morning subject
"The Significance of Small Things,' ev
ening subject. "The Healing ot Nnaman
Fltst Christian church R R Rulgln,
pastor Preaching, 10 30 a m and 7 30 p
ni , Hlble school 2 p. nt., subject for
evening. "Ambition "
Dunmoio Christian church It. R Hul
gln, pastor Preaching at 3 p m
People's Prohibition chinch Rev Dr
Hlid, pastor Preaching on Sabbath In
No 323 Adams avenue at 10 30 a. m and
7 "1 p ni. Sunday school nt U m Preach
ing In Green Ridge, Lucas' hall, at 3 II
p in Moinlng subject, "The Rest Cluls
tlan Ideals,' evening subject, "A Rrll
Hant L lunching. Rut a Gigantic Wteck"
Hvtrjhody welcome.
The piograiumo offend bj the Sjm
pliony Oichestni soclet for Its concert
ut tho Ljceuni Monday evening piomhes
to be tho most satisfactory selection ot
compositions evci given b that soclet).
The number, the Ha tin No. 2, D
major sjmphonj, Is one of the wldel
known Solomon s niphonlcs and was
written in 1713 in London It Is In four
numbers. The first Is impiessivc and
strong and wniks out with vcrj great et
fects. The second Is moie pastoral and
graceful lu eharactei and Is filled with
the rceflctcd visions of the beautiful Rng
lish meadows which piobablj- iutliieiiicd
tho composer's mind, as It was vviltten
In London. The thlid Is lu minuet time
but more accelnated th ut Is usual Riv
ing an effect at once splrltuellc and yet
bright und soft Tin closing number
allcRio splrltinso follows out the ldeu of
the previous number, but with more und
lb u and Intense feeling Max. Helnilch
comes next In the programme and wilt
shiR "Faith In Spilug, Selenade, 1211
King" bj Franz Schubert, Moonlight
When TJhtoiiRli the Pi.mitta, Row Gentl.
Theie M Gondolier the Two Gieiia
dleis b Robert Schumann. Tho suc
ceeding numbei Is the violin solo to bo
plavcd by Fred Wldmajer. This solo, bv
Hans Sltt, Is a composition of tho loftiest
possible composition. Though
peaceful and tranipiil lu some parts, and
Her und Impiessivc in others, It does not
contain a single mediocre b ir or theme
although it Is of extreme technical dif
ficult) Is It ever for a moment pviotech
nlcal Mr Wldmajer In the lesint re
herasals has shown great promise In his
Interpretation of this concerto and his
solo may be expected to be a tnat sel
dom heird In Scranton. Tho next number
em tho programme 1s Folatlcrle, by Al
fred Manchot, und Is a light jolly mor
cnin, sweet and simple, and humored
with a pleasing gntetj. Max llelnrich
will sine also Star of I2ve, bv Richard
Wagner, the Rlrd and the Rose, I m
Wearing Avn. Spring Is Not Dead, and
Gipsy John The last number on the pro
gramme Is from a popular standpoint the
most pleasing It H IVnot and Pcuette,
the quaint, unique, but heautllul storj of
the requited loves of two little clilldten.
Like the violin concerto It has bei n nr
i.inged and adapted to the orchestra by
Mr. Theodore llemberger and Is prob
ably the daintiest and sweetest little
music poem evet ottered to an) musical
'I I'
Tho )oung people, pupils of No. 19
school, who sang and maichtd at the ex
el clses In the high school Thuisday af
ternoon during tho Institute stssion, aie
lecelvlng gieat praise. Theie were IX
1.1 bo).s and 11 gills, the Inttir dressed In
white. All curled llttlo I'nlted StaPs
Hags. Thev sang "Old Glor) ' and the
"Stat Spingled Banner." Miss Josm
Lees, the pilnclpal of tho school, lid the
drill, und the Misses Noima II. Nlcholls
and Ii.ittlc Fellows acted as lieutenants.
Miss Nlcholls deserves cicdlt for In r
successful efforts In training the sing
ets for the choius woik. Reese Grlfllllis
of Prleo stteet acted as leader durlliR
tho singing of the pieces.
I '
Mrs Knthrvn 'llilele. sopiano; Mis
Ji nnio Uuchwnlil, pianist Mr I'. an
deivekeu and Mr Rinst Thlele, violinists,
formerly of New Yotk nnd Rrussels, but
now of Scranton, have been engnged tor
the Golden Jublleo concert of the Ger
man Lutheran chuicli, of llouesdale, t'a.,
on Monday, April 23
Thoo who failed to attend the oignn
concert given nt Provldinco 1'icshyti ii.m
chuicli Thursday evening William C Carl,
of New Yolk, doubtless inlssnl one ot
the musical treats ol Hu season. Mr.
carl Is organist of the Old Fhst chiiieu
of Fifth avenue, New Yoik. and Is a
pupil and Intimate frli nd of the gioit
Gullmaut. Mr. Call ndoubtedly stands
hi the front rank ot .niericau oiganlsts
and tho admiration of Gullmaut for the
olnjlng of his pupil wns forcibly ex
piessul It) the Flinch composer lu a le
i ent conversation with a lepiesentatlvo
of tho Musical duller M Gullinant
spoke of his tntlrfurtlou In noticing til'
admiration that Mr Carl receives for his
legitimate organ plavlng. "He never
condescends to unworthy tilcks. ncvei
pla)s tiaiihcilptloiiH oi i nv but the pur
est, best music and.' cc ntnmed Jl. null
mant emphatlinllv "he leitalnlv has ic
markable tusto lu leRlstratloii " Mr
Carl has inativ valuable ptoofs of M Gull
mnnt's filemll) Interest Thoso which he
partlculntly ciues for are some manu
script compositions, among them M.
Oullmant's latest composition, n "Grand
Chorus In March Torni "
It has lecently been known that the ie.
now mil musician and composer, l'rofe
sol T. J. Davles. Mils, Rac,, will loon to
perinaiieutly In Pittshmg, It Is to bu ie
Ktuttrd that Scranton has lust to able
Hldhop Tnlhot at 7 CO.
Family of Win, F. Courtney Has Reason to Believe in
. tr
tmMm'v JHt&gZL
&m7 -
fv.?, r ii mm -'.' .. -.
Mayor Courtney.ln employing Pnlne's
celety compound lu his family, had the
eNample nnd nssuiniiie of many pei
sons who occupy today like- tesponslblo
positions In other cities.
Major Rnmsdell, of Lynn, n petsonal
f i lend of Mnur Courtney, lecently
gave his opinion of this great lemedy
as follow s:
"A previous expetlenco with Palne's
celer) compound as a icstoter of ex
hausted energy Induced me recently to
tuke It again, the many duties qf the
ma) oi's olllce having taxed my slight
phjsienl resouices gteutly. I made no
mistake. In one week I found my ap
petite Impt oved, the feeling of weatl
ness elisappemlng nnd my netves be
coming steadier. Patau's eoleiy com
pound has thus been a friend In time
of need and I like to say a wind for a
His unhesitating recommendation had
much to do with Its use by Major
Com tney.
Major Miles II. Preston, of Hartfotd.
Ct , said within u day or two, speaking
of tile same remedy:
"The modern man of business, be he
ever so stuid), Ilnels often that the
continued piessure of affnlis has caused
the neives tu lemonsttute nnd fall In
tone. At such a time Palne's celer)
compound becomes of value. Having
expel lenced Its benefits I gladly com
mend R."
Among other statements as to the
value of Palne's celety compound
Mayor Hennett, of St. Chailes, 111,
a Renins It Is known and admitted bv
musical frit nds ot Piofcssor Davles that
be has done moio for the advnucen.ert
vf the an ot music lu the state of Penn
s)lvanla thin anv other uitlve musician
It was under his tutoiage that boih
Reeso lb rbeit," Mus Rae , und R. Pi leu
Jones, Mus Hat., won the gold medals
limn tbe Trinlt) Uliiveisltj ot Ten out J,
C Hindi. Such examinations aio con
ducted at the Ro)al Academy of Miulc,
Loudon. Rnglaiul. nd gold medals weio
given for the- highest honors lu the limit
examinations for tho deutto of RaclKlur
ot Muslt 1'iotiMsor Iltvlcs has tnanv
fill mis v ho an a cudit to hlin, and who
aie proud of him. Among them nto I'et-'r
Peuser, of Glecn Ridge, vvho studied with
the profcsor throughout his course ot
music. Mi Pi user was a successful can
didate, and also passed lu tlio Hist class
III every degree fiom the Ihsl to tlio flail.
Among the manv utluis who weie pu
pils of Pioli-sor D.ivles ,ite Hull)
Jones, Mus. Hue , ot Phil.idelphlu, J.
Hu den Morris, Mas, Hae ol Ni w Yolk,
i.nd Professor Rnille, Mus. Due., of
Hiookl)ii ami a iiuiubei ol olheis Pro
fessor Davles possesses a wotideiful tal
ent und love foi thu ait of music, and Is
most gem Otis with talented pupils ol lit
tle means It was not alwa).s a quetitlon
ot dolluis and emu. The lltst thoi ,jlit
was of progiess of the pupil Some pupils
tint have the title of Mils Uai. added
to their names wero taught ftotn tho be
i;llini without the pa)meut ot one dollar.
While in tlio city this wiek. Oisanlst
William Catl was iuttodiiied to many
prominent Seinntonluns b) Mr Reese
Jones, who has been a frltnd of thu or
ganist fur muiiy je.iia.
Tho following comprised n emartftte
who sang at a com ert at llouesdale Tues
day evtiihiri Miss Saloi, sopruno; .Mtss
Mutgniet Jones, toutialto; Mi W. D Rv
alls, tenor, of Cnrbandulc, and .Mr. Julia
T. Wutkins. baritone. It Is said tract tho
abovo inintloned sang the best of any
ciiiaitetto thai has iten lie ut el this via
bon lu llouesdale.
Among some of the excellent nuniliois
on the programme at St. Luke's Rpiffo
pal church last Sunday which dene-no
special mention was a duet, "Lovo 131
vlne." by Mis. Ulininltk and Mi. David
I i I
In one lespeet only are musicians to bo
envied they don't seem to have he-ad-uehes.
If Dr. Joseph Pair) Is any crl
tuilou. Ho said lately that ho had no
inoiii Idea than his stick what u headache
wns. Tho
h I I
On Sunday evening. Immediately foi
lowing chinch service, a i cheat sal will be
hi Id In tho basement of tho Tabernacle
chinch b) the competitive uitxtd choir,
with Ml Thomas G. Riaus us conductor.
Tho iiiiaitetto compusid of .Messrs hid
words HuKhcs. Stono nnd Owins. which
sang at the teachers' Institute, also the
femalo choir nnd c holts fiom the ullfci
cut si hools ticilveil gieat upplause each
time they nndiied niuli. Wtilueida)
nfteiiiooii a choli from No 12 school, un
der tho leadeishlp of I'tolessor David
Owens, und a iholr fiom No 11 si hou'
with Sevnioiir Jones us lemlei, i emitted
vcrj beautiful seUctions.
' I'
Rev. Tavalow Jones died icetntty nt
Ills home In Kansas Clt). Rev. .loiws
death was cauted by a paiatytle sttulie.
Jlo was well known tli'oughout Anuulon
for his gifted meslciil uhlllly and uc-
quired a gieat deal of fiuuu us a witter
uf music. His compositions, which have
ffli ims$$0-
ndds: "I believe tint Palne's celery
compound has enabled nie to escape
my poilodlcal attack of rheumatism
this winter. I cty cheerfully leconi
iitenil It to any ono In similar need, In
the full belief that it will bo helpful in
cvei y case."
Mayor Com tney has been eminently
successful as a law) or, one of his ap
peals to the supremo couit having been
Insttumentnl in bringing nhntit the
passage of the piesent ballot rofotm
law. Major Couttne)'s happy expetl
encc with Palne's celery compound is
shown iu his letter annexed:
Lowell. Muss, Nov. 11. 1S97.
Messis WelN, Rlehaidson & Co:
Gentlemen I take pleasure iu tecom
mendlng Palne's celeiy compound. It
baa been of gieat benefit to nieinbeis
of my famllv, who have used It, nnd
among my ft lends and acquaintances.
Including .Ma) or Ramsdell, of Lynn. I
have known It to piovo very success
ful In nccoiiipllshing cures.
Sincerely )nurs,
Theie Is absolute lellef from netvous
prosttntion, sleeplessness, poor tippe
tlte. growing thinness anil loss of vigor
and strength in Palne's, celery com
pound. It Is a fnct verified by the ptactlco
of the best ph)slcluns and by thou
sands of petsonal testimonials that
Puino's e elery compound mnken new,
line blood, builds up the neivous sys-
eiii. nnd cures disease when all other
emedles have failed. It Is the gieatest
sptlng temeily in the wot Id. bejond tin limits of Welsh so
clet), uro numeiotis and excellent, and
nie of a tuerod cl otuctei.
The (aiitnta, "David tl e Shepherd Roy."
will be produced III Meuis' hall, corner
Main avenuo and Scranton stieots, on
Wednesday evening of next week. Tho
chaiacteis ol the cantata are taken by
some of West Scranton's most distill ;
ulshcil artists. Tho peifoimanco of this
cantata will undoubtedly be one of tho
finest evei witnessed cm tho West Side.
The Camhllnn Glee society will le
hoaisoln Ivorlte hall, on South Main ave
nue, at 3.30 o'clock tomortow nfternoun.
A will also be hold In the base
ment of St. Davids Rpiscopal church at
i o'clock on Wcdticsda) evcnlm,.
Mr Ren D ivies, says the Cambrian,
Intends appearing at an euily dato tn
Paris as "Fuiii-t " and will aUo sustain
tho mles In other operas. This may lead
to the popular Welsh tenoi's ftituro cn
gugemrnt nt the Roval upera Con,vcnt
traiileu, wheie the old ttdlculous objection
to Hrltlsh vocalists has long ceased to
Miss Lyelin Sailer, soprano; Mr. Daiil
Steplieas, tend , MUc Margaret Jones,
cuntialto; Mr. John T Watklns, birl
lone; Mr. Lew Jones accompanist, ten
dered n number of ver) beuutirul selec
tions at the Lvceum on Wednesday af
tor.oon und evtulns. Among tho selec
tions were "Lead. Klndlv LUht," "Cen-
sldir the LIlltH of tho Field, TIfl Mld-
nlcbt. and on Olives' Urow " etc. Their
Hinging wa rendered tn a very effective
A ptellmlnaiy meeting of tho femala
eholr which will eompt te at Wtlkes-Harra
May CO under the leadership of Miss I21lz
i. belli Thorn iJ the renowned Scianton so
prano, was held last evi ning. Tho choir
will huvo their first rehearsal on Tuesday
ovcnlnu of next weeli at the home of Miss
Thomas on Mullein street.
! I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Price, former tel
dtnts of the West Side but now of Seat
tle, Washington, an visiting friends here,
after an absence of eitven vour. Mi
Pi loo was ono of the organizer of
Hanoi's band, and It llrst leader. In
UTS he re signed Ills position In favor of
Piofcssor It. J. Hauer, then a Initio
vnung intivliian. whuse exeellt nt vljllu
vork wns attracting mare than ordinary
attention. Sir. Price continued In Hauers
band forsiveral )ears after its uoiv well
known lender took chalffo. and had tho
destlnctloti of hi lug the hist solo cnrtift
1st then In this part of tho country.
Since Mr. Price's removal from this sec
tion to Seattle, he has become very biu -ccssful.
now holding tho posit I. vi of ehkf
etiglnei r In the Seattle Water compi'iiv.
i ml plajs solo comet In Wagnur's Fltst
ReRlment band of that cltv. Ilaum's
b.'inl, at th. Ir teRiiliir met tlmr, lieanllv
welcomed their old lender nnd r.nvo him
a leeiptlon at the band hall. Dnrlnj tho
evening music was furnlHliccl by tlio band,
vhlle Isaac Jones, of.the North Knd. lute
aspirant for legislative honors, varied tint
liiuslo thiobs bj iccltlng In a dmnii'tln
mamiit ' Spnrtaeus. tho Roman Gladia
tor." In his own peculiar and Itf.iHiint
manner, Mi. T M. Miller, told humorous
titles and tnnde the paity feel pleasant
Rc'flcKliincut wero sen eel at it Into haul,
Mr. Pilco made an uddiess tn which Im
thanked the member for their recogni
tion, and exptessisl n hope that thev
vvould have many ood tlnu'3 toijetlter
ere hu loft again for his far distant licm ,
Mr. Pilce's effort wiih loudly apulitmled
Mr. and Mis. 1'tlco will leave for honia
lu u few daj n
J Aim I 'U3Sa?5
o" " ! mwfj: