The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1898, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    , G
It's the
Thing; to Do
Wear Only the
Correct New
Custom Last.
Made on lasts to fit your
feet. Made of Willow Calf,
such that will please you in a
brown or chocolate shade. No
oue who cares to be neatly
dressed but will be glad to
wear it. Also same styles in
Tici ELicL
for comfort and service to be
had only iu our Shapely Shoes
Tho Wtlkes-IJarro Ilecord can foe had
tn Scrrnton at thu news stands of Al.
Melnhurt. 119 Wyoming avenue: Mac.
Lackawunnu avenue.
Cards of thank", lewolutloiis of condo
lence, obituary ioetr and the like Mill
bo lns3itcd in 'llio Triliunu onl whui
paid for, In ndunce, at the rate 01 10
centB u line.
Tho members of the 1'brIo llnlne com
pany will conduct nm eiucttnlumeut In
Holv from hall on Mondaj ewnlns.
April 25.
JtidKu N. S. Swariz, of Noiristown,
Montgomery count. will assist In the
ttlul of cases In the local couit
next week.
Tho DolaURie and Tludt-on Coal com paid jebttrd.iy at the Clinton mine,
Vandlinir, I'.i. The emplojcH of tho Nine
eh branch also rccelMd their wages e.
terilay: A. J. Colborn Jr., wll lecture thiH even
Iub In the Methodist Kplscopal thurch
of Aldemllle, under the auspices of Tamp
No. iW, Patriotic Order Sons of America,
of that place.
Services piei..intory to the communion
will bo held In tho lectuio room of the
First Pirtfjvtd'Mii chutch this evening
ut 7 45 o'clock. Session will meet at the
close of the services
An egg social that was piodiutlve of
much amusement was given by I, idy
Oakford union ot the Women s Veterin
Iti lief union In the Price bulldliiK en
Washington uvenue hist wenlng.
The Junior IJuworth league of the i:im
Park church gave a vtry pleislng enter
tainment In the lecture room of tho
church last night A vailed programmu
was rendered In nn excellent manner.
Marriage licenses weie giantid jenter
day to John Davltt, of Mavfleld and
Hannah Ktnnedv, of ,Iermn; Kred Otto
dimmer and I.lrzie Johnson (il Sciunton,
BIofIus Lcltlnger nnd Agnes Nickel, of
Tho Corner Stone ut It wns I.iiid Yeii
ti'tdu. At Ouen Itldge yesterday niarnln?
thu corner htnne of the convent for the
Msters of St. l'iul'8 parish vmis laiJ
with simple lut ImprcMlvn services.
The coiner stone was, placed In posi
tion by Kcv. 1 J. McMnnui and u
numlir of patriotic songs were suns
I)- tho Fthool children.
The convent will be elected by Con
rad Srhiuerter and woik on It will be
pushed as iitpldly as possible.
A rule for a new trial was yestcirtuy al
lowed In the case of Nullum! tc England
against John I. Hull.
The case of tho Lehigh Lumber com
pany ngalust Adam Thompson was js
Krda rcfcited to W. W Lathi ope
Attorney M J Mi Audi ew was ester
day appointed commissioner In the llovvjn
and Fasshold divorce eases.
( ius( Delences in Miillimtirn.
llaltlmore, April H Two eairlnges for
the twelve-Inch disappearing guns in
tended for the new fortifications at Haw
kins Point have arrived from llethlehcm
Pa and the guns aro expected In a fen
days. oxoooooooooooooo
hnsauf rns,
Cinnamon, X
Hose, V
. Violet,
-" ' Himniia and Others, 0
'' FRESH ' I
Tin Scranton Gash Store x
NEARLY $1,000,000
Was HnivJIcd by the City Treasurer
During Last Year.
CASH M)fV IN HAND IS $141,462
I'luurci Show ii Iu City Treasurer
llolnnil's Ainiutil Itopnrt to Select
Council Lust Mght--Anotlicr Lie
Inllctl Itcpurt Was Siitmii ttutl by thu
Shilling fund Commission unit
hliuivs u llonded Indebtedness ill
Hull u .Million Dollars.
Two important repot tn weie locolvcd
In select council last night Hhowing the
present condition of the city's linunces.
One was the nr.ntial report of City
Tioanurer JJoland which was submit
ted us follows, and which wns received
and filed:
llnlnuce cash on hand April Z,
1VI7 iliBdSt, U
Hicelvod lrom Hon, Jnmcs (J,
llallcj, mayoi lines 1,WU w
Hecelvid liom Hon. James (!,
Ualli.v. eheelc lrom Insuialicu
eompany for loss J7 CO
Uecelvcd fiom City Solicitor M.
A. McUlnley m 91
Hecelved Horn City Solicitor J.
II. Toney Nil '.3
lUeeived fiom Street vVimmis
mliisloiur A. 11. Diinnig, Jr.... 41S W
lleeilved fiom Street Commis
sioner C. It. Klnslej WW
Received from secietnry bond
of health 113 15
Hecelved from county tieasuier
liquor licenses TS.T10 1.7
Hecelved fiom delltuiuent tux
collectors L'7.07!) 7S
loll tax collected 3.MS TO
Utv license colUeted O'-'iuO
Itullding permits eolheted 1 (.SO 00
Heglstercd nixes and costs col
lected 2 5 rr,
Taxes of Is37 collected 243 4 i!1
I'enaltv tlieron collected 130 W
Two per cent tux on piemlums
of foiegn Insurance compa
nies Ama
Interest from banks on intu-
est and sinking fund accounts. blG 17
Interest on 1S93 bonds held by
interest and sinking fund com
mission IttOW
Sale of old house on Hromlej
nvcnuo Jl w
Hecelved fiom stieet iiillroad
company for damage to hoso
of street cleaning department . 4 45
Seweie assessments collected .... 11)577 I'd
Paving assessments collected... . -7,77-W
Grade and sidewalk assessments
1.61.! 15
Total receipts
Cash on hand Apt II, 1VJ7
$U7,0oi, IK
. tis.'jjr. 01
Total lecelpts
Ueneral city warranto paid SJ'iS 1ST
S. wii warrants paid l'J,30!
liiade and sidewalk warrants
Linden stieet biidgo wuti ants
Paving bonds ledemed and in
terest and w iiiants pild
Plio depaitmenl pui chase of
land, etc, wai rants paid
Commissions of delinquent tax
Interest paid on cit bonds and
bonds redeemed
Inteiest on elt bonds, IS1'!,
held by Inters st and sinking
fund commission
, 1,5U S
00 iJ
Ss'. 15
J.TWi 1.7
25 1.07 W
4 iM I
Total 5171,610 19
Totnl receipts
Total dlsbuisements ..
. 371,610
Halanee cash on hand April 4
IViS $111.1' 2 07
(Signed) O. Boland, City Treasiuer
In anticipation of a lecont select
council resolution of a weeU ago, but
which did not teach the lower Innnch
until last night a lepoit. wat submit
ted by the sinking fund commissioner.
It shows S53S.00P to bo the bonded In
debtedness of the city, a i eduction of
f lJi'.O'Hi nam one yui-i su
The lepoit, which was leferred to the
Jnaiciaiy committee, Is as follows:
To the Honorable, tho Members of tho
Select and Common Councils, City of
Gentlemen1 We. the undersigned board
of sinking fund commissioners, respect
fully set forth tho condition of the several
sinking fund accounts at the close of the
Ilcal year, ending the first Monday of
April, 1S9S.
The law piovldes that the report shall
be mado iu January of eacli jiar. Tho
law also provides that the tax duplicates
must be placed in the hands of the treas
urer on or before Juno 1, and all taxes
remaining unpaid on Oct 1 of each vear
shall lie placed In the hands of delin
quent colli dors This would give the
sinking fund commissioners an opportun
ity to ascertain the condition of the sev
eral sinking fund accounts nnu report to
councils In Januirv.
It has been made pinctienlly Impos.
slble to do this on iccount of exti ndli g
the payment of taxes bevond the peilod
as fixed by tho uct of assembly
The duplicates of 18'7 taxes were placed
In the hands of the city treasurer on
Sept 7, 1S17 The councils by resolution
extended tht time of payment without
penalty to Jan 1 ls9S The trcasuier
also lecdved taxes wltn penalty added,
pending thu pieparatlon of dillii'iuent
duplicates and the appointment of de
linquent tax collectors It thetefoio be
comes Impracticable to ascertain and re
poit the condition of the sinking fund
until the delinquent duplicates ore com
pleted and the treasurer has lensomthlu
time te balance and prove his accounts
It is evident that the law contem
plates the gi anting of three months fur
this pin pose as it provides that pa
ment of taxes to the treisurer shall cease
on Oct 1 and that tho sinking fund com
mlssloneis shall report the condition of
the sinking fund accounts In Januarj
The treasiuer having balanced his ac
counts and ascertained umoui.ts to the
credit o the several sinking fund nc
count'. did, on March 5, deposit the said
imounts as lepiesented bv collections to
the several Interest and sinking fund ne
counts, and tho same Is ot Interest, to
gether with the amounts to tho credit of
snlil funds from the taxes of pievlous
The annuul statement of the city ticas
urer for tho llscal year ending on the
first Monday of April, K, gives a true
and correct report of said funds,
April 3 1997, balance cash on
hand $39,753 94
Hecelpts timing tho year from
April 3 1S17 to April I, 1S99.
Hond Issue, 1Ss7 $ i.uSo 46
Bond Issue, 1S90 11,352 57
Hond issue, 1890 7,526 29
Hond Issue, 1811 7,629 75
Hond Issue, 1893 15.S10 57
Dond Issue, 1S91 21,391 87
$ 61,791 51
Total receipts
Credit b dlshlll-KPTYIf nta
$104,577 43
Interest on bond Issue,
. ,RM $5,300 00
Interest on bond Issue,
If 3,120 00
Interest on bond Issue,
l13' 4,050 00
Interest on bond Issue,
. WM 6,507 00
Interest ( bond Isrje,
180 11,250 00
-$ 30,257 00
Halanee pimh on hand
April 4, Js,,,, ,,,,
$ 74.290 45
Tho nbovo balance Is crecTlted to the
following accounts:
Interest and sinking
fund account, 1876.. . $8,255 31
Intercut nnd sinking
fund account, 1SS6... . 11,549 70
Interest and sinking
fund nccount, 1890 4,586 69
Interest and sinking
fund nccount, 1801 S.1I8 01
Interest and sinking
fund nccount, 1893 .... 17,909 24
Interest and sinking
fund nccount, 1S9I 22,520 02
Interest and sinking
fund account, ltot 22,620 02
Intenst and sinking
fund general account., 1,153 09
Interest at 1 sinking
fund redemption loan, .
M X170 33
... $74,290 1-.
In addition to the nbovo balance we
hnve In tho vaults of tho Lackawanna
Trust nnd Safe Deposit company to
the credit of the Interest nnd sinking fund
$101 Ooo of redemption loan bonds, Issue
of 19I.
The gross bonded debt of the city at
this date Is as follows:
City Improvement lonn
Ifcvl, I per cent, regis
tered bonds $70,000 00
Less bonds redeemed
nnd cnnccllcd 17,000 00
Hands outstanding $ 51,000 uo
City funding bonds,
IS'W, I per tent, cou
pon bonds $60,000 00
Less bonds icdeemed
and cancelled 20,000 00
liomts outstanding
Municipal building loan
I'M I per cent, eon-
pond bonds $90,000 00
Lcs bonds redeemed
und cancelled 1 000 00
30,000 00
llonds outstanding 75.0J0 CO
Municipal Improvement loan,
IVd, 4'J per cent coupon
bonds POCWW
Hedempti'on loan, scries No. 1,
Issue 1S1J,' l'i per cent, bonds... lll.uOO W
Hildge building lonn. Iklil, 4'i
percent, coupon bonds 250,000 00
Total '
!,0W 00
Deduct nincunt of bonds In the
sinking fund uecount 101000 00
Net bonded debt 15U000 00
Ilrldce building bonds authorized by
vote ot the people.
The bonded elibt has Decn reduced m
the sum ot $120,no during the past two
We take great pleasure In cnlllng atten
tion to the foregoing favoiable financial
condition of the cltv.
llpspcctfully submitted
(Sign.) .limes n Uille. Piesldent.
TJ. J Robinson Secrctnr.
C. G. Uelatid Treasurei.
(SIvi'n Im llr. nnd Mrs. A. V. Hedfortl
lit Scriilitou ISicwIo Club House.
No social atialr of the lecent season
was mote splendidly conducted than
the piogiesslve endue given last even
ing by Mr and Mis Andrew P Be-d-foul
In the Scranton Blcvcle club
house The large number of guests is
indicated In the accompanying- list.
Mis Hedfoid was jss-lsted in icceiv
liifT bv Mis. James P. Dickson and Mis.
1 1 H Iteynolds. Supper was Hived by
Hanley at tho conclusion of play at
10 1". o'clock. The guests weie
Mr and Mrs. T. H UiooUs Mi and
Mrs c It Salmon, Mr. and Mrs U
llard Matthews. Mr and .Mrs Theodore
Wolf. Mr nnd Mrs c L llrltfln Mi.
and Mrs A. K Connell. Mr. and Mrs.
Huge ne Ham. Dr and Mrs. It M Strat
ton, .Mr. and Mrs H. J. Can Ml. and
Mrs C I! Denniin Mr and Mis Arja
Williams, Mr and Mis N i: Itlce, Mi
nnd Mrs s. P Kenncr Mrs Albro and
Mrs Ida Albro Mr und Mis Charles
Pr.well Mr and Mis John Hall. Mi and
Mis I. P. Megaigle Mr. and Mr. W
S. Die hi All and Mis tieorgi Iluss,
Air. Charles Schlagei, Mr and Mis.
David Spruks, Mr nnd .Mrs Hrnet
Thlele, Mr and Mis rii-shold, Mr and
Mrs P L Crane, Mrs Wilcox. Mr and
Mrs A. H. Shopland Mr, and Mrs T.
r 1'enmnn Ml nnd Mis 13 M Tewkes
bury, Mr and Mrs James P Dickson,
Mr and Mr Hair) 1! Ilfvnolds, Mis.
I31l?abeth Htnolds Mrs Williams, Mi.
and Mis 13 O Worden, Mrs. McDowell,
Mr nnd Mrs C L Van Husklrk Mr.
and Mis (J H Thompson, Mr nnd Mis
L J Wllllnms, Mr und Mrs J L Criw
ford, Mr. and Mrs II N Pitrltk Mr.
Hid Mis. P. H Page, Di and Mrs H
II Wn re. Mr and Mis. J A Lansing.
.Mr and Mrs C. Prior, Ml and Mis.
William Douglas. Mr and .Mrs P W.
I'leltz, Dr. and Mis p. D Brewster, Mr
nnd Mrs Ch tries Matthews, Mr. and Mrs.
P. W Hazzaid. Mr and Mrs. William
Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Davis. Mr. and
Mrs Chnrles Burr. Mr. and Mrs Tracy
Sweet, Mr and Mrs Allcbach, Dr. and
Mrs C C Laubach. Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
It Wagner Mr nnd Mrs. John Mears,
Mr John Brooks, Mr. Wairen Piersoii,
Mr Curry .Mr. Yoeum, Mr. Hedfoid
Mr George Hice Mr. Wclscnftuh, Mr.
Wallls, Mr Davidson. Mr William Dale,
Mr Chniles Gunstcr Mr George Mitch
ell, .Mr Atthur Thompson, Miss Snyder.
Miss Pleisou. Miss Murguret Torrey, Miss
McAlpiiie, Miss Perrj, Miss Courtrlght,
Miss Di Hejnolds, Miss Hlchmond Miss
Hesslo Jones Miss Davidson, Miss How
ell, Miss Pinch JlHs Dule, Miss Crane,
Miss Lees, Miss Stevens, yusi Decker.
ihe Hull's itu Determined Vester
ilir, Im Ornwliig Lots.
The dates on which tho members of
the police depaitment will be-gln and.
end their vacations was decided by lot
yesteidav The drawings related only
tc. patrolmen Vacations of sergeants
and othei supeilor olllcers are arrang
ed by Chief of Police Uobling The
dates of tho vacation aie:
Ma 2 to .May 12. Peny and (Jscheldel;
Mm 12 to 2.', Plahert, Quinnuu, Hoss;
May 2J to June 1, Sartor and Thorn is
Thomas, Juno I to 11, MeMnlleu and
Duggan, Juno 11 to 21 Hurt, Haggeity,
Johlei , June 21 to July 1 Block and Thus
Jones, Jul! 1 to Jul 11, Hawks nnd Wnt
1.1ns, July 11 to 21, Puester, Poena anl
Karlns. July 21 to 11, Mui and Gurrell,
July M to August It), Sloat and Neuls,
August 10 to 20. Peiri Saltry and Evans,
August JO to 30, 1 r Jones Hodhum;
August CO to September 9, Dier, Marker;
September 9 to l'i, Lowry nnd Boland;
September 1') to fl. Day and Schmidt;
September 29 to October 9. Hudke and
Peters, October 9 to 19, Matthows, H 8
Jones and nul: October 10 to 29, Palmer
and Goerlltz, October 2s to November 8,
Walsh nnd J. D. Thomas,
Applied to Com t (or it dinner Yos-
Court was yesterday petitioned to
giant a charter to the Scranton Retail
Butchers' Protective association, an or
ganization lecently formed for mutual
protection against the abuses to which
the trade Is subject
The subscribers are Patrick MeNal
ly, Fred Welssner, T K. Terwllllger.
F. M. Aylesworth, Joseph I3mbery and
John F Kelly
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Slgnaturo of CaoC
Large Oathirlng Heard and Praised III
Qualities la Providence Presbyter
Ian Church Last Evening.
The concert given In the Provldenco
Presbyterian church last evening1 called
forth tin audience so largo as to require
extra chain to accommodate nil. The
occtslon was the Inauguration of tho
now Hook & Hastings pipe organ, Just
bought and placed In tho church.
Tho orpran Is a credit to tho makers
nnd Is admirably adapted In volume
nnd quality of tone for tho place In
which It is to be used. Only one ex
predion of opinion wns heard regard
Ing the Instrument and the concert and
that was of the most Haltering char
acter William C. Carl, of New Yotk, wns
tho organist, and admirably sustained
his reputation as a conceit performer.
Ills elaborate and varied programme
v as given with such line technique, on
both tnnnuls and pedals, and well chos
en registrations as to give genuine
plensure In every number. The skill
ful Inttoductlon of the "Star Spangled
Banner" at the close of the lust num
ber called foith a heaity and spoiitun
ootM upplause
Mrs. Shannon Cttmmlngs, of New
Yotk, Is a delightful singer. Her voice
lh n pure soprano, of exquisite quallt,
perfect intonation and almost faultless
execution. She accompanied herself
on the piano In two numboi, leeeivlng
n hearty nppliuo. to which she re
sponded with Bonnie Sweet Hesslo '
Tho tilo for violin, 'cello and plnno
ly Mcf'str. Vv'idmayer, Blackwood and
Doeisam was a veiy agreeable number.
They weie n tepiesentatlon of home
talent, of which tho audience wna
pi oud. Fied H. Wldmayer In Pitt's
Concetto was probably a suipil'.e to
many, who weie not aware of bin
abilities as n violin soloist His play
ing was well lu.elved and deseivcd the
applause which followed.
The committee in chaige of the con
cert is woithy of much pinWe for tho
admirable way In which It wns man
aged. The financial nait was also a
succes", as at least one thousnd dollars
ought to be realized from the large
pale of subscription tickets The fol
lowing wete the committees.
Organ committee Hon. W J Lewis,
chairman. Mr. Thoinus Shotton. secrc
tnrv . Hev. George 13. Guild, Major J. B.
Pish, D. B. Atherton, Thomas S Mor
gan A A. Vosburg. John It Atherton,
II. II McKeehan. Howard 13 (Irlllln, Mrs.
Il S. Jackson. Mrs L. W Morss, Mrs.
J. K Smith Mrs. J Hussell Peek, Mrs.
Thomas Gillespie, Mis 13.11 Ilvaiis, Mrs
P H Sllkman, Mis Charlt-s H von
Committee on programme D. II Ath
erton, chnlrman Hev. Ueorge 13 rtuild.
Mis. J K Sm'th
Commltte e on printing Thomas S Mor
gnn, chairman Mnjor ,1. B Pish Thomas
Shotton. Mrs L. W Moiss
Committee) on d.-coratlons-IInrry H
McKeehan, chairman. John H Ather
ton II. K Griffin, Mrs 13 s. Jackson,
Mis. P. H. Sllkman, Mrs Thomas Gil
lespie, Mrs J Hussell Peel; Mis 13. II.
t'sheis Mr John H. Atherton, head
Friddv, April iMh. we start our FiiJ.iv Shoe Sales, that
were so successful last year with us, and shall continue them lor
an indefinite time. Kvery Friday we shall sell Men"s, Ladies',
Bovs' and Misses' $ioO Shoes for 07c the pair. Those who took
advantage of the sales before know what values we offer. We do
this to further popularize our Shoe Depaitment, and offer only
woithy Shoes.
Any of these goods valued at $1.50 for 07c the pair. Every pair
wan anted solid leather or a new pair for them:
Men's Russet and Black Shoes,
Ladies' Russet and Black Shoes,
Boys' Russet and Black Shoes,
Girls' Russet and Black Shoes
New styles--every pair solid leather.
Shoes for 97c on Friday only.
13V AMD 139
A Great
On Friday, Saturday
This is the finest line of goods in the country. They
will be sold at two-thirds actual value. Every one knows
that sample garments are superior in quality aud workmanship.
Our New Designs
In TOILET SETS will surprise you. We can
suit every taste and fancy, having all styles and
decorations for you to select from. H
Very pretty Sets as low as $1.95. a
C vxvarV(cA .
MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Avanin,
K "WnlU In atid look around "
S "
usher; Julian S. Morss, Hnrry A. Smith,
Prank C. Peck. Thomas 9. Atherton. G
Clark Guild, George 11 Jackson
The patrons and patronesses of tho
Inaugural Included the following well
known people:
Mr, and Mrs. George B. Smith, Mr. nnd
Mrs A D Blicklngton. Colonel and Mis
H. M Boles, Judge and Mis. It. W. Arch
bald, Hon. and Mrs, J. A. Scranton, Mr.
and Mrs. W II Hlchmond Mr. and Mrs.
J Alfred Pennington, MNs Katherlno
Tlmberman, Mr. John T Wutklns, Judge
and Mrs. K. N Wlllnrd Mr nnd Mrs C
D Simpson, Hon. and Mrs L A. Wutres,
Mr. and Mrs I3verett Wan en Mr. and
Mrs. 13. L. Puller. Colonel und Mrs Hitch
cock, Colonel and Mrs I3zra Hippie Mr.
and Mrs. A D. Holland, Mr and Mrj
T. J. Poster, Judge and Mrs II A.
Kiinpp Miss Julia Allen, Miss Coulella
Precmnn, Mr 13. 13. Southworth, Mr
and Mrs Charles Bellinger, Mr and Mrs.
C. P. Whlttcmore Mr and Mrs G F.
Whlttciiiore Professor J. M Chance, Mr.
nnd Mrs. James II. Torrey, Mr. and Mrs
Hlchnrd Matthews, Mi ami Mts C H
Mattes, Ml. and Mrs Isaac Post. Mr and
Mrs P 13 Piatt, Mr. and Mrs 13 II
rieilli;.' eu iinei .ens e uai t -. uu.iiii
Mr. and Mrs Hndu Kvuns Mr nnd Mi
Thlele, M ss Florence Hlchniniiel, A W
Slut gee Mr and Mis ( h.irlt s ronaiu
Dickson, Mi. ami Mrs. t" B Derm-vn, Mr
nnu sirs .i ' t'arr, Hon. una -virs. vvu
llnm Connell Ciptnln nnd Mrs W A.
May, Mrs Thomas Dickson, Mr anil
Mrs. p B Pi Ice W. It. Storrs. Mr and
Mis. W. D Kenneelv. Mrs. Wilcox Mr
and Mrs Reeve Jones Mr and Mrs W
J Conrad Miss Salome Becker, Mr. and
Mrs. Geoige Dimmlek .Ml und Mrs
.Times Dickson, Mr. and Mrs II C Shaf
fer Mr. and Mrs C. J. Matthews Mr
and Mrs George Sanderson. Mr ind Mrs
13 P Klngsoury, Mr and Mrs T H
Brooks Mr ind Mis T 11 Watkhn,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Belln
A Knlcbls Templar Installation Oc
curred Last !3 veiling.
Recently elected officers of Mellta
commanderv. No fS, Knights Templni.
wie Installed last evening In Masonic
hall by 13 Sir District Commander 15.
A Zlinmeunun. past commander 13
Sir C S Seamnns Is the Melitn's re
tlilng eminent commander
The otllceis installed were K Sir
Judson B. Woolsej eminent command-
All $1.50
and londay
We will have on sale Strawbridge
& Clothier's entire line of sample
wm js
er; Sir J. S. Porteus, generalissimo; Sir
V H. Brutzman, captain-general, K
Sir A. H. Shopland, recorder; B. 13.
Sir Joseph Alexander, Jr., treasurer, 13
Sir C. L. Van Busklrk, prelate.
Following aro the names of the np
pnlntlve olllcers of the commandery:
Senior Warden, Sir Fred Warner; Jun
ior warden, Sir Charles R. Acker;
warder, Sir Alton F. Klzer; standard
beater, Sir James 13111s; sword bearer,
Sir William E. Correll; captain of the
guard. Sir Howard W. Hull.
MOTH13P.S PBAian Hood's Sarsa
parllla, because, by Its great blood
enriching qualities, It gives rosy checks
and vlgoious appetites to palo and
puny children.
HOOD'S PILLS aro tho fayortto
family cathartlo and liver medicine.
Prlco 25c.
4 iTtajr x0Mir.rlrKt-Kit0'p
xd t r j)
I ? VV 1Y( S
ij Stationery
5 Every user of
stationery knows
J the Ward Writing
Paper of Boston
J highest type of
paper made.
(5 Our buyer, on
5 the outlook for ex-
!S ceptionally good O
p things, sighted a p
HJ quantity of this fj
(5 line stationery at SS
JJ5 about half usual
I price. It's here S5
X f ..., 4-,1 ....
IJT i"l yuil tuia.e
J unruled linen,
15 bond paper in
cream and white,
(JJ fashionable com-
2 mercial size with
;2 envelopes to match O
JjJ One hundred and twenty
i sheets of paper in package
5 and 100 envelopes.
V Verv snecial for to-
303 Lacka. Ave.
. xm u xp x x x
MAX WRBEK, Hoot and Shoe Maker.
llentHlioen to orJor from $1.75 up. MeuV
aolen und heels, tlQc. I.ndlei' soles and heels,
60c All uorlc giiarautued.
127 Pcnn Avenue, SCRANTON', !A.
Dyspepsia, 2ER.2
Iloartburn, Oai
ders positively cured, urover Urauain ls
licpslu Kemedy it 11 Mieclflc. One eloe ie
moves all distress, nnd u permnncnt ruroeiC
tlie most cUronlu uuil hccio c.isom Is L'uaran
teed, Do not suffer ! A ft()-ceut bottle will
r ouvlnoo the moil skeptic il.
iiuttliows Uroi., Diujjlsts. am Lack 1
yruuim uvenue
co., I
Our Annual Free
Distribution of Flower Seeds
On Saturday aud Monday, April 16th aud iSth, we will
give with every purchaser of 25 cents, oue paper of seed ;
with a dollar purchase 4 papers of seeds, etc; limit 10 pa
pers to a customer. The seeds are the best quality and of
the following varieties :
415 and 417
Lackawanna Avenue,' Scranton, Pa,
310 Lacka. Avenue.
Bicycle Department Upstalri.
Have you seen our
In Ladies or Gonts'
Models, only
A high grade wheel in every
respect, worth $6o.oo, but we
bought the quantity, so we
got the rock-bottom price.
You cauuot get a superior
wheel for double the price.
Also, Two Second-Hand
for sale cheap. Both
in good shape only
slightly used.
310 Lacka. Ave.
The Last Days
of Knit Goods
Only a few
days more
of the prac
tical de
tion of Arnold's Knit Goods, for in
fants, children and ladies. Mrs.
Reynold's, the able demonstrator,
will be pleased to explain to you
the merits of thehe unequalled hy
gienic garments.
Mrs Iteynolds will remain with us till
Frldny nUUt. Wo urge ull who have not met
her tn tukendvuntnie of the remaining days
nnd Ipnrn of modern, practical ways to clothe
the baby, at the
Baby Bazaar
512 Spruce Street.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
,119 Franklin Ave.
Sweet Peas,
Japanese Punks,
Moon Flowers,
Fuhcias, Etc.