trHE SCRANTON TIUBUNR- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13, -1898. "v " l3e cranfon ri6une I'ttbllKheJ Dally, Htcept Simtlny, by tlio l'rlbnne 1'ubIUblug Uoiiirtiiiiy, nl 1 lfty Ueinu h. Month. The Tribune's telegraphic news is from three to five hours fresher than that of any Philadelphia or New York paper circulated hi its field. Those papcis go to press at midnight; The Tribune receives news up to 3 a. m. and sometimes later. All the news in The Trib une while it is new. Hole AupiiI lor I orcign Aivertlln!r. iMtiihUAi riirfosrnpurr tr tkaniov, 'A., AMSftOND-f I A'WMAIt.MA'lTItn TEN PAGES. SCKANTON. AIMUL 13, 189S. CiPiiornl I.rc ih tho picMiit it not a time to tnlk but to Bel. Caitv the adVllP to r illlglUF. Atova Forward, Public opinion will hr satlsllrd If to. daj, us Ian I'venlns's mIMtPt fote cnted, uiiuKsi hlmli illicit mid e-m-powci the jieidcnt tn Inti'ivene In Cuba at nm t with the aimed fottc of tnc I'nltrd tiitc, foi tin Joint puipoS' uf rstoilnu 01 dpi it nd t"iablihlnt In thai unhnppj . gnveinini'iii 111 111 btabli' and independent, but It til' be t-Mrlxflcd with no pollr.v shoit of this I'ublle opinion will lireslstlbl con demn factious elfeiit to seeutc fuither dflaj The tlmu foi meditation, for manipulation, for sophistication, h.i? passed The time foi united action has milted Theio Is 100111 toi honest dlf fetence of otdnlon n- to the best melius to the demanded end. but with thou sands of human beings explilng while decision is withheld It is no time for Hplltttng halis. The policy of the re sponsible maJorlt, bj t'veiy lule of pt (cedent and leason, should hence forth be the accepted will of the people. Let congiess suppie-s its tlme-wastiliK haianguers and get down to business. I'ulHIc opinion demands Cuban Inde popdrnce but It Is content to let this tome when Spain is eliminated The out belongs behind the hoi'e. gvt Spain out and hlimauitv In All guid thlngsvvlll then mmoattei. I'hei e lo'e the commanding dtitj of the hour Is not tci talk, not to pla peanut poll tic not to haggle ot sputter or fume, but to ait. The Ainetlciu people ev pcit their lepiisentatltp In eongre'si tiMlav to moie.foiwuid I'l.tmo's aimi'-tlce iloeu not feaze lilllgerent Inuuisents tho General That the heait of the Ameilian people- Is In the light place is shown in the ontinuous ovation which has been tic niiiUd ( ritzhugh Lee since Iip landed Hundu at Ke "West The spllit of admiring congratulation which has welcomed this successful otllclnl home after his tning oidenl at Havana has natui.ill been mot conspicuously and mthuslastlially manifested along the toute of his Jouinei thiough the lines of his nelghbois of the South, In a certain peculiar sense, born of old sec tional associations, he Is their especial hem and pride Hut in the broadest -enso the splilt of this unprecedented domonstiation is shaied bj Americans e ei y w hei e Tor Leo at Havana Mood for the bioadest .mei Icanlm, with an Intrep idity that the public at large Is only just beginnuiK to lealle Hi sojourn theie Involved moie than diplomatic I't'iiN. evciv inomonr of it was at tended with positive personal danger, a danger accentuated bj his veij bold inss In the peifoimance 01 dutv and his lesolutlon in Keeping as he sug gestlvel cxptibsed It, In the middle if the mad " It Is deal from his olllc lal rcpoits, even In the mutilated foim In vvlilch thev have linn placed before public, that theie weie times when his stui d blood boiled with In dignation at Hit atrocities committed by Spain without effective protest by the United States We ma pasllj lie lievo that If he had had his vvnv the ting of Scain would have been hauled 1'iun in Cuba long age Xevoitheless, lie stuck lojalli to his pot iecognlzing"l to lie though 11 post of trial jet also n post of duty, and Infoimatlon Horn Independent murces leaves no doubt as to how well that duty was pel formed Watched by 11 thousand ti cachet cms ejes cageily hoping for the slightest chance to tilp him In an indiscretion 01 administer to him n dose of Spanish assassination, ho held himself under control with the flrmnc-s ot a Sp.utan nnd opened no chanco for successful attack Horatlus At the bridge fought enemies In the open and won bv. the surpassing valor of his stout right arm but Lee at Ua vnna was encircled h the liuarnato fiends of hell jet 'held the fort" until tho last jeoparded fellow-tltl'mi had lied. Ah the American nation has honored Captain Slgsbee for one dlsrreot net which conferred enduring lustei on tho Ameiican name, so It dots well to honor with eaual enthusiasm and unanimity the gallunt und heroic Lee, whose trial coveted not moments met el y but months, et found him equal to It nt every point in the gamo. May he speed ily have planted his wish to head the advance column of the piojectcd In vasion of Havana! The Mndild pnpor which says If wo will apologko Spain will foielve us has perhaps drawn It? knowledge of "V Ameiican sentiment from Dip New Vork Hveiiluv I'ost. If Lee tells conpiess what ho thinks our warships will soon , bo In motion, and frank speaking Is one of Leo's stiong chtiructerlsUcp. I he Foreign Powers. According to William U Curtis, thero In a reverse side to tho memoiandiim that was lectntly presented to Presi dent McKlnley by the ambasadors "While they thus tecognlzo the Monroe diictrlne und acknowledge tho bupre mncy of tho United States In Atueiliun nffulis, one of the chief objei ts of the representation was," says Mr. Cuitls, 'to unite tho lhttopean powtts on n ptoposltlon that the 'Jutted States must not Intoi fue In European affairs, must recognize a Montoe die nine? over there. This proposition l pntlietilaily perti nent just now In autli ipallon of a vvnr with Spain, which might tempt out lleets to at tuck or blockude Hatcelona, Malaga, Cadi, or Santandor. I'hU would scilottsly Interfere with the com merce of Fin ope, und It Is believed that an understanding that oui fleets will not cioss the Atlantic has b"en le.tihed between tho president und tho Kuto pean powers." If the piesldent has enlisted Into nn noli agieeiuent with the poweia of Hu rupe It is a mltake. Wc do not be lieve that he has done so. While It is not the deslie ot the Ameiican people at tlil time to evcctite tuilher punish ment upon Spain than that Involved in tin unconditional liberation of Cuba and In adequate lepaiallon foi the pei (Idlous ip'stiuctlon ot tho Maine. i''l tliciimstanie might eusilv ail-e In tho lotif-e of the rultlliutnt of Mil' purpose whlih would jutlf additional action In .-nth a cntlnginey I'nele Sam would act. icBatdle? of the wishes of ih ruiopiuii poweis This nation owes no'hlng to any govcinment In conti nental Huiope It dues not lecognUo the claim ot thoe Rovei'iniMits singly or in totijunctl m to il a limit bevond which we daie not vvntute In exeputlon of Justice 01 in Mtullcatlou of oui tights. The jiiesldent Ins hi 111 b.ull.v advised of late and sadly mlsiepicstnted by those- who -liotlld have been solicitous for hi good fame It Is time for hla trii- ti lends to cease to ciedit and to put an end to these stoth 111 ciieu lntlon conceinlng him which iepies.ent him a iftald to stand for Ameiiian sn, whatever the opposing odds The hnnoi of the Ametlcati people will not suner in the custodj of the MMiate committee on toieUn lolatlons lle American Position. "The people of the I'nited States, In my Judgment, ale prett ne.ulv unani mous that the time foi negotiations up on the Cuban question s past Thev believe that turthti negotiations mean furthet time foi the concentration ot the Spanish naval forces and foi gen cial Spanish prepuiatlons for war. They believe that bloodshed will be aveited or diminished b piompt no tion of the government not bj declar ing wai, but by making wai In .self defense befoie Spain can secuie fuither naval or mllltaiy advantage, that In tel ventlon rthould be aimed. Immediate and impetuous, that not meiely a stable but a le.nibllcau form of govern ment t-hould be given the Cubans, that tho Spanlaids should get out of Cuba at once. Tot these purposes Miey be lieve the aimy and n.ivv ot the 1'nlteil States should he utilized until Cuba Is fiee and the Maine Is avenged "Sen ator Quay. Calling Quav's speech a galleiy-plav doesn't altei tho fact that It had the rliht ling. A V'ortl of Advice. Newspaper announcement to the ef fect that tho war department, in the event of necessity nrlslng for calling out portions of the organized mllltla, would muster members of the National Uuaid into s-ervtee as Individual", pie serving regimental organizations only in cases vvhete legiments should volun teer substantial! Intact has stilled up a hornet's nest. Last Ftiday night In Mioohlyn, at a meting of memheis ot the Forty-seventh ivglment, N'. G. N. Y, 500 men declaied that as the rorty seventh regiment they would go any where the pieMdent might send them, but that if they did not go as the Toi ty-seventh leglment they would not go at all The llochester Demociat and Chron icle, in noting this action, f,ays. "In tent on utteib unimportant wliedrawn constitutional technicality, the war de partment has failed to re that the Milue and availability ot the National Uuaid, in the present emergency, con sist In the fact that here Is an organ ized mllttnrv force, so dillled. armed and equipped that It Is measuiably well piepared foi immediate active dut, lomposed almost entliely of men peifectly leadv, even eager, to volun teet foi any set vice the government may requlie of them. In any fashion that pleases the government subject only to this one condition: Kach or ganization expects, as a matter of coutse, to volunteer as a bod, to pre serve Its Identity and Its good name and to servo under Its, own ofllcers 1'spilt du coips" and soldleilv leadl ness to go with the colois' anywhere are enormously powerful factors In the readiness of the National Cuatd to volunteer Into the eivlce of the na tion The wat depattment has, appar ently, unci ly failed to appreciate these facts. To meet a condition of Its own creation, about which the guardsmen care nothing whatever, It has, unless It Is misrepresented, mado the tprrible blunder of violating the one condition that to the guardsman Is all-Important. It has wiped out 'esprit du coips' and devotion to 'the colors' as Incentives to volunteering. If the war department pursues the plan of enlistment outlined In tho press dis patcher. It will get very few 'volunteers out of the National iluaid, und will make that organization practically valueless to the government. If It does an tho war depattment did In '61, If It orders, however informally, unconsti tutionally and Irreguliuly, tho regi ments of tho guard to ho nt a certain rendezvous at a certain time and thero and then inustois each organization, as an organisation, into the fedetal Bar- vice, It will get the whole National Guatd and never hear n question as to the president's constitutional power to do whatever he plenses with tho guard from any guardsman, And It may ho remarked that thereafter the war de partment can do with theso United Slates troops whatever It deems noces snry for tho best Interests of the ser vice " If our esteemed llochester content poraty will permit us to offer n sug gestion wo would recommend that be fore dlsoiganlzation nnd 111-fcellng be excited among members of the Guard It be flist ascertained beyond pei adven ture that the war depaitment has reached any such decision or has ever contemplated the disintegration of ex isting Guatd otganlzutlons. In 11 mat tet of such Impot lance It U well, ns Captain Slgsbee remarked, "not to guess but to know." - 1 lulu Alfonso's ctown will probo- blv lo' k more dilapidated than a Hst voat's Dei by hat heor tho youthful tnunaich sets old enough to wear It. Tor once 4puln deserves an apologv. When she ald McKlnley had never mentioned Cuban Independence she ap pi'icntly told tho truth When the president trnnsfencd tho responsibility to congies he put It whoie It will not he ihliked Lee leading an attack on Ilnvant" would complete the disintegration of the unreconsti noted South T u!.i evldentlv has no leslie to In vent In expensive real estate on this "lib ot Hie water - Senator Quay must b" voted the model speech maker. When he has said 11 thing he ftops. The Spanish Hag mut be eliminated fiom the Ameiican hemlbpheie, und ut once. We mttt saj that Geneinl Gomez inn light btttei than he can write The poweib tespet gill quite as much us paltivei. Jiisfice Cries Half to Spanish Misrttle l'lom the riul.idelpllU Ticks Ol HT Uisappcais with the piosi dent h message. Calm In tone it Is dot Ided In utterame It uigts de eislvo action, leaches a dellnltu and fuicetul conclusion and sets in motion Hie iiower ol the nation No Htiinigei coui-c lould be dmialided All that Aincrkali I101101 and iiileiests can usU 's pioposcd Nothing is asked of con gress which precedent abroad and our own past policy do not llgotouslj approve and justify. This gieat state paper will stand in hlstoo. ljndmaik and guide of the Just course for a peaceful nation whin dutv to humauitj foicts upon It forcible Intel ventlon In tho affairs of an other Dignified, effective and convinc ing with duo regard for the long p.i-t of oui Cuban relations and the acts aim ill tetanies of hU predecessors, with Just consideration for the destiuctlon of tlio Maine with unshaken determination to act In Cuba for humanity and not lor conquest, for older and not foi acquisi tion, lor peace and not foi wai, tldx mes sage speaks as In tits' the executive ot a f, nation, the Itller of a Christian pc pie and the piesldent of the Unite tl States. o Cougiess and the countrj should re spond with an unanimous suppoit. Unc tion should d' Tattv bhollld Le slie nt. The nation should speak The dut.v of all Is clear to nuppoit the piesl dent and to make effective his wlft et vigorous, his elfcctive et conservative nollev As he ubundmth and convinc ing! shows the step the United States Is now about to take Is tlio legitimate log ical and necessar lesult of our past at titude' and action and ot the expressions of his predecessors for lift Un der certain conditions and 011 the appear ance of u certain situation, our presi dent., from Giant to Cleveland, have In terms declared that Intervention would be b the United States Such ac tion for the restoration of oidei, to safe guaid national interests and in the nnmo of humanity has been the familiar policy of every great power facing a certain condition nnd situation. In Cuba today the conditions exist The situation has arrived. The explosion on tho Maine has lit tho path ot dutv, but It lias not laid It out. History had done that With vigorous lecognition, both of our own national dlg nit and the opinion of the civilized woild, the president makes no charges against Spain or Spanish authorities Suspicion has no proper place In nn cxpiesslon of national pollc The proved and ac cepted facts are enough The destruction of tho Main demonstrates the collapse of Spanish nile It proved tho absence of ttfectlvo administration. To this deduc tion Spain can make no Just objection. Its oilglnal responsibility ns the lads now stand does not lie In the destruction of the Maine, but In the mNrule which tendered the explosion possible Sloro may bo proved, but until It Is proved molo cannot be said and the president by his longunse places Spain nt the bar of civ Ulzatlon o There arraigned with tho manifold evils and Iniquities of Its tide pioved and vlsi ble.tonl ono course Is possible, the close of this rule b the Interference of the United States. Uoi tlility oarn this has been predicted bj oui presidents Year b ear these evils have expanded, this Inlriult has Incieased and this dire sut- fi 1 Ing has gune on Tho cup Is full Judg ment and sentence are passed lu lan guage whoso Judicial and tempeiato tuna will lonvlnco tho world nnd convict Spain the prcxldent maishuls tho rea sons foi action tho Interests of tho United States, their Injur, external and Internal, caused by Spanish rule In Cuba, tho material loss to tho Island ami Its nearest neighbor, the lone moial wrong of Spanish rule and the crowning appeal of humanity, scourged by rapine, pesti lence and stuivation. o Tho national elut Is clear. It is put upon grounds, it is supported by algu ments and It Is proposed In terms each and all of which will peisuade Huropo and Justify the deed to civilization. As tho weighty words, tho calm conclusions nnd the strictly legal policy of this mrk sago nro laid before the world of men and the woild of statesmen, time will bo among candid and Impartial Judges but ono opinion and one conclusion Tho pie clso procedure proposed Is fumlllar In Hu rope It has often been used In tho last cental' it Is Justtlled both In law and In Justice, by the claims alike ot human ity and Intel national law it seeks to avoid the risk and Injury of war for both Spain and tho United States to limit and locnllzo conflict nnd to icnch the neces sary end tho freedom of Cuba from Spanish rule with the least possible dls turbnuco to tho wide Interests of civiliza tion and with the swiftest possible dis charge of tho duties of humanity. o The United States seeks no conquest. Jt desires no territor It wishes no war. Its ambitions and its alms are all for peace Thiough long years, with a mod 1 ration unknown In the hlstoiy of na tions It has practiced forbearance, faith fully dlschaiged tho duties of a neutral uiul hoped for Improvement in gpanUn lule. None hni come. Tho long tnle ot bloodshed through lift' years must at last bo finished. The end has come. Wlllout niallca or enmity toward the Spanish pro pie, without desire to despoil or ncqtilre, called to Its appointed work by a long succession of events and visibly guided from step to step, this Christian null in steps forward to do Its duty by tho op pressor and for the oppressed In tho sljrht of men nnd that higher power by which nations stand or full and Justice Is exe cuted on enrth. Tiiouaurs on tme mossaoc. Caution Is Demrablc. From the Utlca Press. It Is one thing to admire tho good light tho Insurgents havo made and wish them well and another to permit that enthusi asm to bring about otllclnl action which might return to plague the government. Caution should nccompitty coinage In In ternational as In other ufTulrs. Independence liy Uliniilintioii. Urom tho Washington Star. Tho president makes no mention 1 f forms of government for tho Island attr peine has been lestored He shows tho Incjpacltv of Spain to govern tho Island. Ui shows likewise that tho autonomv piopcsnl hii fulled. 'I Ills elimination leaves cnl Independence. .llrKliilev .liny lie Trusted. Pnm the Philadelphia Inquirer. Hot-heads In cengiess may advocate nn Immediate dee I iratlnu of war, and It must In Mid Hint tho mtit tot pi ovel the question of the tetoKliHinn of Cuotn In dependence Is heated, but If congress Is wise It will follow President MelCmlev. Hi has led us thus fur suftlj thioimh llui wilderness of dispute and he should bo trusted to the ei d I'enrs Spniu lln 1111 dtimtngu. 1'roni the Philadelphia f.edpoi. The president vtlslnd to avoid the d.m gei of wnr, but It has liei 11 s.ild that "the brave makes dinger opportunltt , tho waverer puttering with the chance sub lime, dwnrfs It tn 1 01 il ' lu this inso there Is, at least, !omo reason lor the leai that the pi ev Ions wavering polh.y of Hie administration has given Spain not Hip United States, certain vantage of the ground I he (Son! 1' M 111. Prom iho New York Sun It Is for congress to move And the goal, In plain sltM, and uelthei patrlnlicall nor wlsel avinduble, Is war, VII .Hunt Olict. From the New York Sun When the moment for notion arrives the commander who will not It ad Is like the man In the tanks who will not follow No Hii-lneiss vtitb I'lint Gnutc. Prom the Philadelphia Ledger lu the matter of dlplomacv Spain Is a past master, the United Slates Is a meie prentice hard. i lie W hole Tiling in n Nutshell. From Hip Troy Times It must bo a united America for a free Cuba. SUNATOIl HI. KI.s.' Ill, I'M)!. 11. Rochester Democrat and Cluonlele Senator Elklns sas that the United States cannot alfnrd to light for the In dependence of Cuba Senator Hlklns Is utterly mistaken The tiuth is that tho United States cannot afford not to fight for the Independence of Cuba, it lighting Is net ess ir. Senator Ulklns sas that a war for the Independence of Cuba will cost this country a thousand mlllons of dollars. If ho had snid ten thousand millions of dollars ho would not have altered tlio fact thai If this ration turns traitor to tho t.iuso of humanity and ficedom foi tlio sake of having a sum of mom It will be as bne ns if it hail accepted a bribe from Spain to nbindon the Cubans A dollar saved Is a dollar gained Peace like gold, can be bought too dear What this nation cannot afford Is to puuhaso peace at the vnluillou placed upon It hi the cxtiavngunt and leekless poace-at-any-pi leers tin: uoitns or an uisiouia.v l'lom an Article by Professor John Hike. Uor the sake of Cilba'H best Interests, It hi to bo hoped that she will win her In dependence without receiving from any eiuaiter, and especially from the United Stutes any such favors ns might heie after put her In a position of tutelage or In nn wise hamper her freedom of ac tion All people liberated from the blight of Spanish dominion need to lea in the al phabet of freo government, Cuba will have to learn It, as all the rest of Span ish America has had to le irn It, and the fewer tho Impediments In her way the better Undue Influence on the part of powerful neighbors Is sure to be such an Impediment. ill .HUGH j.r.i:. 'rom the Tlms-Hcrald Discussion has been frequent as to the tpo of American citizen tho United States would ultimately produce. Two piesidents of differing political faiths have ugrecd upon the selection nnd re tention of Consul General Lee us tho rep lesentatlvo of this government In a posi tion whore the lnteiest of the enliie world centered With Infinite dlsciellon, un wavering courtesy and tho highest cout npo Consul General dlschaiged tho difficult duties of his pobt In this official, whoso wisdom and bravery neeil no com mendation, tho nations havo seen a typ ical American citizen of the United States OdiU Against III 111. Customer "Say, that pen fume slot ma chine Is a rank fraud " Druggjst "Wh, what's wrong with it?" Customer "I diorpod a nikel lu It and only got a scent In return." Chicago News For our new lncan desent Burners complete with shade and chimney. Special prices made in quantities for furnishing stores, hotels or homes. We also have a new line of port ables if you work oc read much by lamp light. Get one of these but ners. They burn less gas than the old time burners and give three times as much light. TIE OEM0N& FEME, WAtLlBY CO. 85c. Vi'i Ltclcavmaua Aveuue. GOLbSMrarS Dress wm9 Novelties There is ouc American manufacturer who employs the best foreign designers and makes goods that will neither fade, cockle or shrink, it matters not how many colorings there are in any design besides the weaving qualities of these goods is superior to that of any foreign production and the styles always the latest. The goods we refer to are called the Jamestown and are made by William Brodhead & Sous, of Jamestown, N. Y. We have had the exclusive sale of these goods in this city for 13 years, and still hold the control. In order to bring their merits still more prominently before the public, we have concluded that we will sell 100 pieces of the Fancies during the month of April or until they arc gone at the phenomenally low price of Lewis9 ReMly & DavSeSo always uuav :::::- Spring xfi '98. Wn MAKH A SPKC'IVI.TY OF POOT CLOTHING. W1J FIITINIH.Y ITT 1IIH H:ET. THATISOUUHUHINESS. MIOIX, HHOKS OUK 1- LOOKS, AND NOrHINO 11UT SHOLS. Lewis, Rely & Itoies, 111 AND 11(1 WYOMING AVENUU. MILL k CORNELL 121 N. Washington Ave. BRASS BEDSTEADS. In buying n braaa Iledatead, be auro that you get tbu best. Oui brass Bedsteads are nil made with soamleas brass tubing and name work Is nil of steel. They cost no more than mnny bedstonds made of the open seumless tnbint;. Kveiy bedstead Is highly Mulshed nnd lnemiera under n peculiar method, nothing ever hav ing been produced to equal It. Our new Spring Patterns nre now on exhibition Hill & Conn nidi At 323 North Wnshlastoa Avenue. Scranton, Pa. 1UK MUDUKX IIAUUVVAHIS hfOUK. Spring Time Greeting. Y QAVlA &Lf P- bj r - Jt- i1 o-' Garden Tools, Pruning nticara, Pruning Saws, Fertilizers, Wne.elbarrovts, I a wit Mower, Lawn Seed, Timothy Heed. & b-J)r"mn Z& B nr J I r -A te'hJK "VY rt?i . n k LmW I H -. A 1 l- J 1" Mi FME h SMEAR CO., now. WAsuiNaro.s avr jjlHI, l5?h special Sale of P ir al Samm 19 Cents Per Yard. SPRINO CLOTH 3 NO in endless variety is arriving daily. It is of the "Boyle & Mucklow grade," which is sufficient guar antee of its style and .quality. Before making your spring purchases we would be pleased to show you our line. Everybody buys at the same price. BOYLE 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. INLEY'S ELACI C There has never been a fancy weave of Black Dress Goods more de servedly popular than a Crepon, and we are show ing a line of them this season that we guarantee to be clearly ahead of any competition, both as re gards choice styles and correct prices at $1.25, $3.50, $1.85, $2.00, $2.50. Are also claiming their full share of attention and are today not only the handsomest but the most " sought after " light weight fabric for dressy wear. Prices range from $3.50 to 3.75 and all DOUBLE WIDTH "We are showing both of the above lines in an un limited assortment of de signsStripes, Bars, Bro cades and Bayedere Ef fects. New Line ot Fancy Cfeecls, IPlaMs and Si in rilks for w.iists see our Elegant line of in 99 ( ay s. Colors Guaranteed. 530 and 532 LACKAWANNA AVENUE BAZAAR Spring cr, 189 BLAM BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY ENGRAVING. s s. ioni;iis, knohaveiw, IIOTKI. IERMYN BlIIiDINO i30 Wyoming Avenua. HENRY BELIN, JR., lienerul Agent for tlio Wyomlaj District for DUPONT Mlulng, lilnatlng Sportln Bmokelon und ilia ltepauno Cueuucai oiiipnny't EM EXPLOSIVES. t-Hfet) I'use, Caps nnd hxploJere. llooma uia 'i!l and ail Commonwealth UulldlUE, Scrautoo. AUKMJlbd. TIIO, FOIll), JOHN RHMini &;SON. . K. MULLIGAN. I'lttltOft Plymouth Willcei'Itarn MI PLEASANT a AT RETAIL. Coal of tho best ruiullty for domestic us and of all sizes. Including Iiucktvheat and Ulrdseye, delivered In any part of tho city, at the lowest price. Orders received at tho odlce, first floor, Commonwealth building, room No. . telephone No, 22l or at the mine, tele phono No, 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WE 1 SMITE MUCKLOW, VWMWSL COAL 1