The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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    "mppl i I
Exercises Were of More Than
Mlii iltiREt'rty nml Prof, r.oomli, of
the IIUIi School I'nculti, Illvldo tlio
Allontlon with tlio Eminent Ur.
Hprngtte nnd Dr. UnitiibiiiiL;li--Mt-ornlurc,
Jaingiiiiue, I.ettrr Writing
and tlio (Jluislci tlio .Subjects Ks-anvud--I)r.
lirumbnucli'i Lecture
The Becond day of the ilt teachers'
annual Institute- hud for Its programme
instructions by Dr Homer 11. Sprague,
of Drew scmitiuiy; Dr. M n. Urum
bangh, of the I'nlicisltj of renniyl
vanla; Miss Kiithrvu lluggerty. of the
commercial department of the High
school, und I'rof r L J.uomls, In
structor in Latin and (.reek In the
illgh school.
There were manj in nttendunte be
sides the teachers at both morning and
afternoon sessions', a compliment to the
instructors that In not a common thin;;
nt institutes The unabated interest
manifested hm a heightening of this
The ancient prerogative of the super
intendent, of mildlj lecturing the teach
ers for tai illness, was not cast away by
Prof. Howell when he found it Impos
sible to open the morning session until
some minutes after scedule time. Tht'
teacher iccelve d it with a satisfied
feeling that their duty had been fully
done In giving the opportunity for the
excrcJ-v of this aforesaid ancient pre
logat Je
Wh h finally the stream through the
door yn had thinned down from river
proportions to those of a rivulet, atten
tion was directed to Rev. Dr Isaac .1.
Lansing, who offered a fervent opening
prayer Then came singing by the as
semblage, under the direction of I'tof.
Dernian, the exercise closing with n
soulful rendition of the timely "My
Country, 'TIs of Thee "
Dr Sprague was the first speaker.
He had for his subject "Study of Eng
lish Literature What nnd Why." It
was a suggestion of what was best foi
study in the mass of literature that
confronts the anxious student and how
to get at and stud it
The study of literature is not the
knowing of the biogiaphles erf the
writers and such lateral erudition. It
is the necking for the ennobling mnttei
that the work may contain.
Aftof a twenty-minute recess, Dr.
Brumbaugh took up the discussion of
"The Rennalssance in Language" He
interestingly sketched the history of
the revival of learning, the pait which
the classics nnd their great champion,
Hrasmus, played In the revival and the
civilization thut has sprung from it.
The doctoi strongly condemned the
tendency in some quarter s to drive the
study of Gieek from the curriculum of
our schools
Speaking of the principles of teach
ing, Dr. Urumbaugh aptly put a gener
ally accepted tenet by saying that it
is not the purpose of teaching to
stuff a child until he lies down with the
contentment or a tatiated animal, but
instead make him hungry nnd eager
to Know, The necessity of the teacher
knowing more than is tnetely leipjlred
' in the dally tasks of the c lass room
was interestlns-ly treated
The afternoon scjlon opened with a
ehnrus bv the pupils of No 33 school,
which pleased so well that .i second
song was demanded and given.
Then came the first effort by a local
Instructor, Miss Hapgerty's lecture on
Ooirespondence " It WTsan Inteieot
ing, thoiough, systematical and highly
Instructive lieatlse on the art of letter
writing, containing much in th waj of
practical suggestions not to b( encoun
tered in the tett books The fluency
nd pieclslon of the language in which
it was touched was not Its least mer
itorious featuie
he dwelt at length on th Import
anco of cnie in the writing of the let
ten revealing as they do so much
t chainctei and breeding. What Is
.said of the necessity of accuiacy and
aie In the spoken word Implies' with
greatei force to the wiitten woid, for
while the former Is often halt heaid
nnd forgotten, the latter Is liable to
come back unexpectedly at any jlme
and often to the ihagtin and confusion
of the w liter
Various models for style wete pointed
out and commented upon In a critic il
way and ptactlcal t tiles for attaining:
pioflelei'cy were suggested One of
ines" latter was that to which Cliailes
Dudley Watner ascilbes much of the
excellence of his style the wilting of
i lettei dally to some cultered woman
B-i-nd It Is needless to siy the inalo
portion of the audience bint ovti their
note bcoksnt this Juncture.
That the average pupil is nimble to
understandlngly analyze an mdliiaiv
letter was Instanced by examples ie.
vealed to Ms- Hnggeity In lni school
woik This nintter she contended was
important and that the teachers might
refresh their knowledge In this lec.inl.
She went into an exhaustive nnily tlrul
treatise of letter-bulldlng followed bv
an equally thorough dessertntlon on
Jfche composition of the vnilous foims of
plstles. theh tenor. tyle and leternl
ilc cities.
It was MJine moments after she hud
leached liei seit In the eentoi of the
auditorium before theie was a cessa
tion of the applnUFe which hei truly
meritorious eftoit evoked
V L. Loomis, mofessoi of Latin and
Why is it that nearlv all
aged persons are thin? '
And yet, when you think
or it, what could you expect?
Three score years of wear
and tear are enough to make
the digestion weak. Yet the
body must be fed.
In Scott's Emulsion, the
work ib all done? riW ;t
, . . ;
tne ou m it
ready to be
is digested, all
taken into the
The bodv rests.
while the oil feeds and nour
ishes, and the hypophos-
pmiuv. tne nerves
steady and strong.
3M.n( Ji.oo, all drugrisu.
SCOTT A BOWNF, fih.n.1... N.w Vo.k.
Oreck in the high school, denlt Interest
ingly of "Tim lteiiuty nnd Utility of
the Clnssli'ii," In his prefatory re
mniks he congratulated the teachers of
the preparatory school on the evidences
of cateful training the pupils now in
his department had terelved In their
,.,ii.. ..,,....,..., i.. .... ... i.
trt'i'ci vui.-vr tin 1111 limmilUC, IK
stnted that ulnet.v-tvvu per cent, of ihe
pupils now studying classics In the
high Hchool are good spelleis
The subject Itself "llcauty and t'tll
Ity of the Classics" was nn Indication
of the utility pait of the uuestlon, tacit
of the thiee principal words being de
llved from the Latin. lib nskeil the
dltfstloii "What will become of tin
world wh-n nil Its poeple ute educat
ed'"' The answer he said was this:
"The mine men tin own out of employ
ment the more uvenues of employment
In new directions will bo opened up. '
As a proof self-evident of the beauty
and utility of the classics the speaker
cited the fact Hint Homer has more
readers now than when he wrote. It
Is hntdly possible to undei stand thor
oughly our own Kngllsh grammar, ho
said, without a comparison with the
grutnmar of some foreign lunguage.
That so many English words arc taken
from fotelgn models, principally given
us an example of the advantage of the
classics, and then ugaln, It was pointed
out, In Latin nnd Gieek ale to be found
the best illustrations of figures of
speech, the most powerful features of
spoken and unwiitten language, nnd
the particular great foice In oratoij.
It Is not for the mere knowledge of
Latin and Greek that the classics are
put sued. A. T. Stewart lead a page of
the Illiud every day as a mental drill.
Latin und Greek ate the fountalnhcad
of elegancp In lltei.ituie. Modern literatim-
could not be what It is but for
the mnstets of r.reeee nnd Hume.
Teachers were lltged to make the
fullest use of the classics paving par-
ticuinr attention to the presentation of
models for emulation selected from the
grent store with which the (lassies
A quartette composed of Vrof.ssors
o, ' ,,,, ,,,. ,,,., '
-...., ituhii;?, J.uimiui llllll eC'll,
gave an entertaining. If not edifying,
Imitation of n quartette singing songs,
concluding nn encore number with an
original ontl-Spnnlsh stnnza which
touched off a big mine of patriotic en
thusiasm. vn. SPRAorn on litehatuki:
Tlio good impression Dr. .Sprague
made ut the morning session was at
tested in nn emphatic way by the
ovation which marked his reappeat
ance for the closing address of the
afternoon, ills subject was "L'aily In
struction in English Literature." The
lecture wns a pleasant variance fiom
the average institute didactic for it was
as much eiiteitainment uh it was In
struction. Choice maxims, he said, should also
be- given the pupil to leain nnd dis
played on the walls of the school room.
In referring to the "Hattle Hymn of
the Republic" being conspicuously
printed In yesterday's Tilbuni Dr.
Sprague commended the Idea and said
that the inspliing poem should be mem
orized by every American.
The most hugely nttended session of
the Institute thus far wns that of last
evening, when the popular Dr Ilittni
buugh gave nn account of his obser
vations In the Teche country, the dls-
uiieuy iiooie jioi Mem of Louisiana,
surrounding liayou Teche. Dr. Hium
baugh spent a number of years In the
employ of the state of Louisiana, as
nstltute conductoi, and devoted a
Inige pait of his time to the studv of
this Duly novel und Intel estlng por
tlin of the union's most peculiar state.
If any of his hearers hail accepted
Otorge W. Cable's description of the
Creole. Dr. I'lumbaugh bade that It be
cast awav. it was not tiue. It was
egreglously wiling. There Is no Coloi
d oi Indian blood In the Cieoie's
wins. ,,0 ,s thc. ,,lnm,sti most
sweetest, noblest man of the South.
He Is n fusion of Spanish nnd French,
but the piocess of fusion was so long
ago that the m,v S n ,stiHt
one, as Is attested by its peculiarities,
m:AivriFiTL. girls.
Next to tile Scranton uiri !lu
f genial doctoi put It. the Cieo'le plant-
- - ...lUKmer is tne most beautltul
uentui,. ou earth. Her training is of
the strictest chnrnctet. She will not
com use with a man except In the pres
tnce f her mother or some other
piopei ehapeione. and befoie she will
give, her consent in maninge the suitor
mi hei hand must Hist ,eeds Inteu-lew
not onlv hei parents but hei pi lest
When an engagement of mai Is
mnele it Is publlclv announeed fiom the
altai on the next succeeding Sunday
and woe betide- the mun who breaks
his plighted troth. It means not .,nu.
that society will ostiaclze him and his
" ii.iiiiij aisown mm, but his church
will excommunicate him, which ilgld
custom, the leetmei emphatically de
clated, should obtain everywheie
To the Creole kIH's life, however, at
taches u glim tragedy. .More than half
of them die of consumption before they
are twenty-one, and as they manv
usually at thlttecn theie Is the nd
consequence of munv vet young or
phaned ehlldlen
speaking of the poor school fuc Hitler
of the state of Louisiana. Dr. Urum
baugh stnted that with one-foutth the
population of I'c-nnsylvnnla. Louisiana
spends $400,000 nnnunlly in school np-
llllll, I lltlrttl.. m. I . mtn nr..
,.,....,!.,,,,.-, umiiuM lA.uiKi.uuu ex
pended by Pennsylvania. The school
term in many places Is slv wPba ,,.,.i
it Is only mote extended wheie private
subscriptions permit. I'p to a few years
ago Shievepoit, the second largest cltv
if the state, did not own u cent's worth
of public school piopeity 'and could
not raise enough, fiom state taxation
to bulk! a sidewalk In front of a dog
kennel "
The lecturers destilptlon of the slon
going south, as he expiessed It In his
Journey thither fiom his home in bust
ling Pennsylvania, was indeed nn en
tertnlnlng lilt of lectuilng, if tlio poor
desolated south did suflei fiom the
doctor's penchant for nmplltlcutlon
It wns altogether a Heat In the lee
tuie line, and the mme stiongly
cemented the attachment which Sri.n..
ton audiences have for the gifted lee-
iniei ,
. ii-ii. huh me lecture i neie wele
thiee sweetly lendeied gongs by un
octette composed of the Misses Rose,
Vlpond, Munson, Hose, Nlemeyer,
Smith, Hun is and Evans.
Aged Couple llnr Now Mnvn to Co to
the I'linrlioiisi'.
Ilillbdale. N J. Apill 1 Mis. Rob
eit Hojd, who Is xr. yeais old, has be
conic Insane over religion and mlsslun.
aiy woik AVhlle her husband was
lecently very 111 Mrs Huyel gave to the
Methodist ministers tor missions $S0O
which her husband hud saved dining
many jeurs of haid laboi.
A few dajs atro she collected $800
fiom her btother-ln-lavv for board nnd
gave this sum. too, to lellglous soc.
elios. As Mr. Roid is tumble to vvorh
tho couple, will have to be taken caie
of l - TPlnthPs or so to th almshouse.
Read nt a Meeting ol Grace Kcformsd
Episcopal Church.
Xuinhnr .Now on ilia Roll ol tliu
Church ls:i81).-Mciiilior Mho Died
During the V ear-- 1 hesu Aru I Inn s
ol .Special Dnugor Murdering us
'I het Do on tlio live ol n (.'rent
Struggle llotvveun Itlghl mul Wrong.
At the annual meeting of the con
piegatlon of Uiuce Reformed church,
Monday night, the following Interest
ing pastotnl letter was lead by Rev.
G. L. Aldrlch, the pastoi of the thuieli
To the Ollleers ami Alunbets nf (Irneo
Hefni tiled church and Cnii-
"draco, to j on and peace ttotn (Iml
our 1'atlicr, ai.d our Loul Ji stis Christ '
(I'hlli'inon 3). Another viar or working
In our Lords vlnc)ard nnd of waiting for
the- coming of our King, has pitsii il since
we luM assembled in oin iinnuil pulxli
meeting. It has been a cai of varied e
perlenco to us all, nnd of richct, fullir
blessing to us from flail; and we tract or
ripeiilt.g tltiie'ss lor that kingdom or
which wo are fellow hclts with Christ
Jesus our Lord. Nor can we but pr.ilso
Ood our rather, that wo .tie today so
much nearer nm complete nilv.itlon
tliun when wo believed, je.i than wo were
a car ago.
At in) last report, the communicant list
numbered .iltogvthei ITb, since then Xi
have been added by lonlliniatlon, Ci by
admission without letter, and fi b) Uttei
from other chuiehcs Dining the jei.r 2
i have died, 3 bun dismissed to other
churches and the following S hive been
diopped from the roll: Misses Mamie and
I ,vatlr' I!u"' MMnni 11 Utew. Mrs .M.
I I'hzabcth Drew. MIses Lena and l!ssle
JnInmm JuhjJL -'.ell and Mis (Jtorga
Iimnse). This makes the nunibei now
I enrolled 3S7, as follows. About : mttve
tnembets SO non-re ldent, and about "l of
whom 1 am uncertain, and concerning
some of whom I M to ask you nt this
During the year there lnvo been JO bnp
tismp. 3 adults nnd IT infants, us also 1
weddings and s burl lis.
One of the deceased membeis Is Will
lain I'. Currie, an humble, faithful child
of God, who united with (Jr.iie church by
cnnlh motion Tuesday, April a, 1SS5, and
after a mcinheishlp of a little morn than
eight vears, he fell asleep In Jesus, Julv
1. Is97 The other deceased meinher Is
Mr. Heber Horn inn, the exact date of
whose death Is unknown to me, mul
whose fuueial serviro I did not attend
These make the number of out member
ship with Christ I.
As far as the finances of the chinch
nnd the mlssloi aiv monevs are eou-
eerned, our faithful treasuter, Mr. Charles
I' liis has nlready luiouned you most
fully, and to his repoit I deslie only to
add tho apostolic benediction of It Cor
Inthl in-. I' 8 "And (od is able to make
all grate abound toward you. tint )i,
always having all sufllclcney in nil things,
may abound to every good woik"
And now, beloved, I feel tint It would
be a dishonor to our Odd and an lnjiwtl"e
to us In our mutual relationship of people
and pastoi to close this letti r without
proper refeience to the thlnue which
more nenrlv nnd deeply concern the spir
itual welfare ot (irate churih
Without doubt we are living In tho 1 tst
days of this age; divs so plainly depicted
')" the Holy Spitlt In I Timothy, 4 1 1. II
Timothy, .1 1-7, and elsewhere In the Word
of CJod And wo may most assuredly ex
ptct the tullllnient of this woid of pro
phet v soon, yea these very days are pt
Ilous times Men and women aie drift
ing fiom tho things which they have
heard out of the Word fiom tlieli child
hood away to the delusions of Seti.n
Worldllne-ss In nil Its insidious suhtlllty
Is on the increast nnd seems to be about
to invade the very citidel of om le
llglon Lethal gy and lndlifeicnte aro
scllng hold of ranrv souls; while othcis
nre gi owing discouraged and dlsheai telnet
in the work
Assuicdly these aro times of special
dmgir, bordering as they do upon the
eve of the great struggle between the
Prince of Peace and the ptlnco of this
woild. Hence thev are times demanding
especial tare, especial diligent t, especial
watchfulness, and espeel il prayer upon
the p.nt'of eory child of clod While
with no uncertain sound dos the llolv
Spirit say to Us as In His nitssif,e to the
chinches "He thou faithful unto dt.itb,
and 1 will ,ive thee a crown ol life, ' ami
again "Held that fast vvhlih thou lutst
that no man take thv ciown And wlih
Intetisllleil futce does He speak through
II Thess ilouians, .I.H, "Hut y(, hretluen,
be not weaiy In well doing. '
Riethlen we ot (iiaces chinch uie In the
very midst of this state of things toil iv ,
I speuk fiom tlio liitensest tonvictlon
upon tliu subject And God s call to Ills
thuith is Ills tall to us. Watch and
piay, that ye enter not Into temptation '
As Ood hns (aiised his light to shine
f i om the woid upon me I see but one
way of solving all the m mv vexing ques
tions that atlse In chutch life, of wauling
off ii II thieitening il.inge r. of successfully
accomplishing our woik us a thuieh and
of oe ng thuioughly and tuily ullve unto
Cud und continuing so
It is not any one or moie of the many
wins of tho woild now so much In vogue,
but the way of unceasing, believing sup
plh.itlbn and prayer nt the Tin one or
lltace Silth the phlt. "I exhoit, theu
fore. that, first of all supplkatlons, pi.iv
ers Intercessions and giving ot thanks,
be mado for nil men for kings, and foi
un mui nio in auinoruv, that wu m ly
lead a quiet and peaceable life In all liod
llnets and honestly. I will therefoio that
men piay everywhere, lifting up holy
hamlH, without wrath and doubling" il
Timothy, 2 1, 2, Si.
pp.ayku has iii:i:.n
I cannot but feci that tin; s.ul stale ot
tin church at Inrfeo tenia) dm, to the
fact that pni)ci has been restiameil
huore Uod. Anel such being the c.ibu,
the return to humble, believing pui)cr
will nssuicdl) cure tlne Ills ho urues
oui great Inteiccs-sor. Jcsm Christ. John
if. JI "Hitherto have )e iml'od nothing
In my name ask, and je shall iccelve.
that jour Jo) ma) be tail "
In the life of pia)er lies tho secret ot
nil power, of all tiue chuuh succeis. ot
all truo usefulness, ot ull true fullllmunt
hi nun luiuiuaiiii en eiur l.orel uo ve
Into nil the world und pre.iUi the tjospd
loeveij creatine" for inl) at tht Throne
do vie sen tile value of n s,oul and the im.
portance of the woik Oh, buthien,
upon ever) slda wo heur tho cull to
pra) er.
1 take It as ono of tho most hclptul mid
encouraging signs of nn inciease of splr
Itualit) among u that to man) nio fed
lug the sou- iicids In thisei lespeets, and
Unit not n few arc now banded together
tot the woik of lutercessoi) pni)tr. .Ma
mi Clod lay this upon the hearts of many
more among us May the Spirit of sup
plications bo pound upon us fiom .n
And beloved whatever the cost to us
may be. we must glvo mil I'nther mil our
closets Hist glace In thei uppoi tlonnie nt
ol our time, we must haw moie praer
filvn up what )iut please mum owlet whit
)ou nut), but don't I beseech )ou, give
up vour scihoug of tetlremeni for priv"!
And now, as jour m rvnnt for Jesus
sake, whom Hod bus placed to mlnlsi r
among )ou and to you, I need )our help
and without It wo can do nothing for
Hint, lleloved, pray for me.
Thaultig )ou for ull vour loving, hearty
cp-opotntlon with me in tlio woik of the
Lord to whom bo all Praise nnd Moiy,
world without end.
Nome I'iiuily Hint lor All ho io
(iolng 'I'hrnttch Thin frying Sen mm.
He inrcfui of jour diet Volt do not
ineil beiivv food such as )uii require dur
ing the wiuti I.
Spring inn be beautiful, but II Is
treat lid oils Do not lit it derdve sou
Into n cold a ftvir, malaria or pneu
monlii Do not llitow off jnur winter tlatincls
too entlv It Is bctti r to Hiiffu a little in
eotivi nlrtiee thin to take cold
if jou feel tiled, feverish or ovelheiitcd,
do not iish off and take "Soring medl
'Inus ' Cool vourelf down and In this
wav help soul KVstcm and nurlf) voiu
If .vou Trel hoi and thllstv, do not drink
hiigt iiuniitles ol water in otlur "loim"
drinks It Is much bitter to tuki a llttlt
puio vvhlslte) and vvatir which will
quenih th" thlist, tono the system, and
fnrtif niralnst disease
He member that onlv pure vvhlskcv
should ever be t iken Into the svsteni an J
that tliu lending chemists und scientists
of the prestiit ill) unlti In dei hiring tint
liurfv'M Pure .Malt Is absolutely the purest
and lust
Do not permit mv druggist or grocer to
pcrsiiudo )oii to take "something else "
Hear In mind that this Is a medlehul
whiskey and far superior for this reason,
while It costs no more
If .vou use ptuper care and follow the
advice aliove given, vou may hope to go
through the spring, in good shapi .
'I III' I'llSxiDII Pill).
At the Lyceum on Widnesdny and
Thursday, matinee nnd evening, will
bo produced the "Passion Play" In cine
matograph form poitraylng In moving
pictures the prominent nnd Important
sceiie-s In the life of our Savior. These
pictures me the present sensation of
New York, nnd nre dliect from the
Eden Musee where they nre being ex
hibited to crowded houses dally. The
plenties nie grouped after sketches
and suggestions made from the famous
Obeinmmeignu production nnd the Im
presslvcntss is heightened by accom
panying music. Rev. N. 11. Thompson
will dellvci (i desulptlve lecture ac
companying each picture.
"southern Itoiiuwice.
When "I play plcnsri the eye and ear
and keeps youi emotions surging in
channels that have nothing of regret
In them, thut play has served Its pur
pose. "A Southei n Romance" does
these things It Is a play that touches
all that is best in one. "A Southern
Romance" with Its wealth of beautiful
sceneiy and stage effects will be seen
for tho flist time nt the Lyceum on Fri
day and Saturday nights nnd Satur
day matinee.
At tlio Linden.
Those who nttended the xariety en
tertainment nt the Linden last even
ing were loud In their praises of Shea's
excellent company. Such ai lists as
Mot ton and Slater are seldom seen at
popular pi Ices. The woik of the whole
company Is clean cut nnd artistic, none
moie so than thut of the Kelley ttlo,
who introduce Just that style of com
edy that gives pleasure to all without
offense to uny. Manager Hrooks an
nounced fiom the stage that a change
of bill would be Introduced on Thurs
day. The Linden dime matinees are
bee nming immensely popular.
I h Parisian Hidoir.
It is conceded by everybody thut
Webei's Paiislon Widows Is the finest
burlesque attinctlon on the Ametiocin
stage. Tomonow afternoon they will
commence a thiee days' stay at Music
hall, nnd will be the last attraction of
the season at this house. The company
Includes Letta Meredith, the handsom
est nnd most perfectly formed woman
on the stage; Tenley und Slmonds,
Amei lea's fotemost comedians; How
iiid and Emerson, Lizzie Van, Royce
and Ulack. the Cosmopolitan trio;
Hrennan sisteis, the blograph, and oth
eis. The burlesque entitled "A N'lght
on Hro.ulwuv" closes the pel foi mane e
H T. Potlei, of Monkey avenue
Sundii) nt M.idlsonvllle
spi nt
X led Faatz. of Capouse avenue, lint
accepted a position witli the Piuvldence
Silk nimpanj.
t'hailes Pouch, ol Dickson avenue, Is
spending it few davs at the home of
his parents nt Prompton
Mis. II M. Cole and daughtei lett
eteida) for Montrose, vvheiei they
will spend n week at tile home of her
J. J Jordan, of I'm sons, has opened
a gioeer.v store at the corner of Ci
pouse avenue and Green Kfdgo street
A choii composed of pupils of Xo. 2S
school sang at the teachers' institute
Miss Helen Stone, of Penn avenue
visiting lelatlves at Dalton
Mi. hiangott Kthnidt. of Olidland.
Wavne county, Is the gne-st of Mis.
Snydei of Penn avenue.
Mi Ovcrbauch, of Deluvvaie stieet,
has leturned fiom a shoit visit In Wal
don. X V
Mr C H. Hollei. of Baltimore. Is vis
iting f i lends in the nidge.
Mis John Stone, of Xew Yoik street,
Is seilously ill,
Limfoul of Delaware street
was seriously Injured Monday tiftei-
noon wliii,. piu)nK th powder, which
exploded and binned his fnce and both
e.ves Oi j L. Wenu Is In attend
ante lieoigf. ciaik, or La i ell street, moved
to f'latk's Summit )esteielay.
Mis Stevens, of AVvomlng, Is the
guest of her sou, 1 II Stevens, of
Capouse nventie
Itev J. C. Pord was in Wllkes-Uano
Piank Spencer, or Washington ave
nue, left tor Oil City yesterday, wheio
he. will imirtv Miss Lottie I.uomK of
thut idac e.
Allison Kinsley, of Penn avenue, vvus
In Peekvlllo vesteiday.
The Senior Christian Undeavoi of tho
Asblll) Methodist I.'plsconal church
held a social pn Monday evening In the
c hutch Mm lots, on the coiner of Mou
sey avenue and Dehiwine stieet.
Class Xo 5 of the Evangelical
church of Capouse avenue held a win in
sugut boclul nt the home of Mrs. Cora
Domlun, of Capouse avenue, last even
Ing Uo cieam and hot maple sugai
was sen cd.
The fiteen Uldge Wheelmen held
their annual election last evening at
the club house cm Sanderson uvenue.
H. A. Wuuibold wus elected president;
'. vv . I'Ujne. Vlco-piesldent, J. I,
Ilowllsou, secietaiy, II. O. Peiittl. ticas
urei , V.
I'lne and
f.tampp, captuln, A. M
J. Willlainx were elected
l.uitCHMter, fi! Hrookl)ii, 0,
Philadelphia, 10; Jlontreal,
Allentovvu, 3; Iloston, 2.
New York, B; ltochenter, I.
Ciueluuatl, II; Indianapolis, 9.
Yale, 9; Oeori.'ctown, 6,
Ilaltlniore, 10; Toronto, 3.
Unlv..ruin or virKlulo. II; I'rlnteiloa, W.
than evjr. Great values all
past black regular made .stockings, llcnusdorf
dve. and a positive ujc. value at 2 for 25c.
25c. is a popular price for a good black stock
ing. Here you can get the best in the world
for that price. All black or with white feet
just as you like and in either case the soles aie
double and the heels .spliced. Wonderful val
ue at a quarter.
1'ancj hosiery is in demand. Stripes, plaids
and figures of all kinds. Prices run at 25c,
40c, 50c. and the assortment is large to
select from.
Fine black ribbed stockings.
at and good to wear. A
stocking at a low price.
Size 5, 5l, 6.
Tice, Hi1.
Actual value from 22c to 33c.
TjCSIunumerable other special attractions at the department during thi1? special sale
which our small space forbids mention ot. Our Two Large Windows Tell Quite a
Hosiery Tale.
onnoisy as. wamace
127 and 129 Washington Avenue.
Third I.CRi-lutive DUltict.
In pursuance of a resolution ot the
standing committee of the 'ihlrel hegls
latlve district of Lackawanna count),
adopted at its meeting held hutunl.i.s. Hie
9th ot April, 1SUS. the; ellstilcl convention
will be held on Tucseia), the l'lth da) ef
April lM, at 2 p m In Heeses Hall,
'ia)lor. Pa, for tho putpose. ot electing
two (.'l delegutes to the Ke publican sta
convention to be lit Ut at ilutrlsburg on
June 2nd, 1S"
Vlgllbtice committees will hold deb gate
elections ou Satutclav April lotn, ls'iS
between the hours ot t und T p m Tie-)
will Rive at bust two (J ela)s' public no
tice of the time nnd place foi holding
bald electle ns
The lepresentatlon ot delegates to the
bald dlstilct convention Is b ised upon the
vote cast for James S Utaeom, Republi
can candidate lor the otllco of state treis
ui ei, he belns the highest otlicer votd
loi at the I i-t pteeeding st He election
t'nder this Mile the several election ills
tricts are entitled to leprestulullon .is
follow s
XuintH i
Dbtrlct. of Delegate s
Hi ntcm '
Diltnn ,
(il.'iilnii ii
L.ickawamu Twp., South dlstilct.
Lackawanna Twp., West dUtilet .'
i.ackuwuuiii Twp , Last district 1
J-icknw inni Twp., Northeast district ..
LackaVMinna Twp. Southwest district . 1
'.a Plum" 1
Lehigh I
MndlLQii 1
Newton 1'
Nmth Ablipton 1
Old rorge'i'wp. I'irst district 2
Old Tote Twp, Seeond district 1
Old PoigeTwp., I'ourth dlstrlet 2
Hinsom l'lrst district 1
Hansom Second district 1
Scott ;
Scranton Sixth waul, Third district... 1
South Ablngtou
Sprlngbiook l
Tu)loi IIuioipli, Pltst waul
Tu)lor ISoioigh, Second v are! '
T.i v lor llototigh. Third w.ud
Ta)lor Horough. Poutth ward
T.t)lor norough, Plfth ward
West Ablngtou
H) order of
TIiniSTON S. I'AKKi:it.
JOHN It. JOHNS, Secrctur).
I'lilirtb I.eKiMliitivn l)ltrict.
Notice Is hereby given to the- Hepub.
liciin vot-r of the fourth legislative ills,
trlct of Lackawanna cout.t), that a con
ventlon will be held at rather Mathow
Opera house, In OUphnnt. at 1 o'clock
m. on Tliurbdii). the 14th da) eif April.
HUS, tor the puiposo ot (.lectins' tlueo
deleuates to repiehent hiild ills-tilit In tho
He publican titnte (onventlou, to lie held
at HarrlHbure, Juno .', Xh. and aUo to
nominate 0110 person to nj resent nald
dlMtibt In tho hoUKP of repi'i'('ntullve,
ut Hutrlsburir for the next two )eurs
13. A Jones, C'h ilnnnli.
Samuel S. Jones, Secretar).
Committee Will ( oimlder the IH'.IH
riiiiinccH I'ridav Cvi'liilie;.
The estimated expenditure h of the
boaid of control (oinmltteex and ndl-
cers lor the nppioachltiK tlscnl year will
be cotiHldeted b) the linance committee
Filday evenlnr. Several of the e,tl
mateH were nuide known at Monda)
nlBht'H meetlllK of tho boaid but the
complete IlgutcB will not be divulsed
until they aie in the finance commit
tee's poHHcsslon.
A deficit of over lUO.OOO will probably
be encounteied in balancing the 1S97
nccounts. Pressure will be broucht to
bear on the committee to 'recommend
the Increase of several teachem' salai
les; tho nppolnttnent of additional
teachets will be ursed; ut
&r Washington Avenue.
one of the stioiig departments
through the stoc. during this
Good to look
fine high grade
8, SJ, y.
Snecial Attention (iiveti to ltitsl
ness mul Personal Acconnti.
l.iliL-ral Accoiniuodntioii) .
tended According; to Jiahmcjd nu.l
3 1'cr Cent. Interest Allowed un
Interest Deposits.
Undivided Proflts,
W3I. COXNKLL, President.
IIENIIY BKIjIN', Jr., Vice Pros.
The vmi It of tills rtiin'v U pro
tected by Holmes' Llectrlc Pro.
lective aysteni.
neail) every vv.ud will uikc an unpie
cedented expendltuie for lepaltH.-aud
withal tlie picsent comnilttee will have
n hatde'i low to hoe than any commit
tee of ptevlous .veai.s The difllcultj
could be overcome b inci easing the
mlllnpre, but that will ptobablv not be
attempted as there l now much
isfaetlon v 1th the hlBh Mchool tax of
The committee Is n"i follows- W. A
May. e ball mun, T J JennlngM, H JI
DaviH, John (llbbons nnd I) I Phillip-.
l'lie .New Vcirlt, Ontario and estorii
Itmlivnv Coiiipany
Annouiue that on account of fit eater
Nv Yoik Charter Day celebtatlons,
they will 'ell tleketM nt one limited fare
for the round ttlp, tjood ffolnpr April
KHUi, Slav 1st, 2nd and 3d and pood for
l etui n i.i-fc.i;e up to and including May
It Is expected that (IiIm excttrMlon will
be huprely pitronlzed, especially as thc
Ontario and W'strn have alua)s
tianMported the laie-e ctowilt which
patiotil7e their iinntmU evcurj-iotis
with Bitch R-teat sittety and eomfoit
Tree recllnlnir chair cium on all tiilns
on dav.M of tho evcuislon.
Secuie copy eif comparison lietwecn
t'nlted States and Spanish nuvle-M bv
uprising to J. f Vndi'ison trene'inl pas
seutier nircnt, "fi Ueaver stieet. New
York cltv.
Chniles l,lcbi'iiteiii llringi Suit
At;Hint Julian 1. one's .Sous.
C'hnilcR Liebeusteln, feirmetl) man
agei of Jonas Long's foils' big depait
ment steue. lit ought suit against the
Htm yesteidu) to tecovor $1,497 10 sal
an which, he alleges, is due him, und
f.'.KOO fni Itijuiy dune lilm li his dis
missal Mr. hlebensteln alleges that he had
a veibal agieement v.'lth tho lit m ti
munnge the department store from Oe t
I. 1897, for a period of six months rlo
was to iccelve J.'.GOO foi his seniles
On Dec. 18, 1897, his relations with the
firm weio tennlinted and ho vvus paid
in full tn thut date.
Ho now sues to lecover his
for tho balunce of tho six months en
the strength of tliu alleged verbal
ngieeinunt he hud with the firm.
of this store now stronger
sale. Here arc some specimens.
And small children wear a great many tan
and iiissci shades. Wc offer 50 dozen of the
regular 25c. grade, in sizes from 4 to 6, at 15c.
n pair. Unprecedented value.
Iron clad stockings, all sizes from G to 10.
stocking we have made a reputation on,
that has made our hosiery-, department
famous. Two grades medium weight, 2
pairs for 25c. Extra heavy with double
knees and double feet 25c.
Fast black seamless hose,
value at 2 pairs for 25c.
a grand, good
6 pairs for $1.00, 3 pairs for 50c, or 19 c. a
pair, constitute an offering which is the
greatest hosiery offering Scranton has ever
seen, all black or with white feet. Men
who desire to buy hosiery right will look up
this lot.
Fancy hosiery, leliable. fum in texture, fast
in dye. Our lines at 25c. 40c. and 50c. leads
the town.
Finest Solderless 18k
Wedding Rings. The new
Tiffany Style.
ing Present?
Fine Sterling Silverware,
Rich Cut Glass,
Clocks, &c.
Our optician, Mr. Ad.ims, can fit
.ill cases of detective vision. Prices
veiy te.ison.ible.
130 Wyoming Av3.
hunt i mm co.
AN' I)
Ice Cfiests.
434 Lackawanna Ava.
EAT Choice Cuts
ASlKET, 321 Adams Avenua
I.miWIiIiii; In the line of fieili und
Halted Meats, suusiiKct I aid, l'.tc.
I'oi'l IKY VMil.vMI in Hi;seN.
Tderhone, No. 68jj
ncrantoii and UUeH-llattc. I'.u
Mull ifiu turersof
Hollers, lloHtlni-iiml Puiiirlnz Machinery,
(etieial Ulllce, Scriiutoa, l'iu
340 Adams Ave., Opp. Court llousr.
Uolo Acents for Uichardjou-IioyiitoaU
i'uraarni nd Itnottft ' ' "