The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1898, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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Cuban Question Is De
bated at Length in
the Senate.
Three Cuban Resolutions Are
l)r Mr. Miuliay, -llr. WIIaoii anil Mi.
Allen-. .Indue 1'otttlH AruiicM Tlmt
tlio MnkitiK l War Without nn i'.
jircsi Deulnrntiou by Congress
M until lie ti IMouriicc to llio Notion.
"Washington, Apill 12 Fur neatly
threo hums todnv the senate hnil tin
Cuban ciuestlon in Its several ilmueJ
under discussion. Tin no lesoluttoii.i
benilns upon the tiietloti wete Intio
diiied, one by Mi. UudKiy, (Ky.), ill
lictltm Hint the contemplated opera
tions n git Inst the Spanish In Cuba be
In conceit with nnieuil (!umw, the sit
in erne eonilnnnd to be vested In the
coniniundei of the I'nIUd States tioop
to the ind that the Independence- of the.
Cub ins I e seemed, si i nnd. by Mi. V.'ll
son, Washington, dliettlni,' the pie.
dent nl nnii' t tnki such steps us will
hccuio to the people oL Cuba indepen
dent nnd l.epubllcan foim of iroiein
mont; thlid. 1 Mr. Allen (Neb.), de
claring the existence of war In C'ub't
nnd dlrcctluir the pieldent to tnl.e
steps to stop it and pernio to the pen
pie of the island a stable and indepen
dent gnvei mm ill. Following the lutto
duet ion of the itolitiluns s)eeihes
.ii'ic dellveiHil b) Mr. l'eltlls (All),
Mr. llwmt (III), and Mi. llullci (N.
' ) Judge l'ettus presnueil an uieli
inqnt that congress inuld not delimit1
li the president the panel to make war
i ither In genet al or In a special sense
and declined that making of any war
war without nn epn,us declniatlm by
loi'Kio'-s would be a disgrace to tin- na
tion. Mi Ma-oii' speech was larirely
u legal nriruiuont in favor ot tin. lepojt
nltton of the Independenie of thi Cub in
lepilblie and was dcllveied with char
aeter lit o and vehemence. Mi. Jluilei
spoke for the 'opposition" on the floor
of Hie senate, miiinliilnlni; that it had
thus lar upheld the hands of the admin-
i'-tiatlen in the piesent tils-Is and would
continue to do so for a, definite ard vlu
oious tiolicy. lie ltgiettcd that the
president bed not presented such a. pol
ity to coni;ies, nnd held that Intel veii
tlon without the recognition of inile
pi ndeuee would simply mean the i lush
ing of Cuban pitilots
coir-Ideiatlon of the sundi bill
i,i u sinned but no piogiesri was
made, an extended discussion brum
pietlpitatetl over the old quosMon of
tiding steam in esses instead of hand
pi esses In the bureau of engraving and
pi luting, which Is a hir.iich of the
tieaMiry ilepaiini'-ni
uuosvhnoh inthjipuuts Tin:
mhssagh. Grusvennr, of Ohio, now gen
1 1 ally recrnided an the spokesman of
the president on the Hour of the house,
late tills afternoon in replj to tin at
tack upon the polled of the uilntliils
tintliin, Intertireted the leeommenda
tlons In the piesident's message to
mean a lequest for authoiily to u-e
the at my und navy of the Fnlted
Stales to esluLilsh on tlie Island nl
Cuba u Rovtrnnient Independent of
Spain. It was remit did as an ixieed
iugly important and slguilleunt im
nottiitement In the brief debute to
day the opening guns of the eontist
that begins tomotiou weie llietl.
tboudsldiM wile i i hanged and then
the house udjotii-neil. Mr. l.entz, an
Ohio Demount, who dtew the Hie of
GeiiPinl Gmsvenoi last Thuisdnv, ie
tuiucil to the assault again todu). at
taeklug what be teimed the ni libit
ing" polii of the pi estdent.the "lnidnlgllt
i onferences" at the White lIoiiHe, with
Senntoi Hlklm und John .1 McCoolj,
and nsstitlnr that the piesident's iei
iinimendations leallv meant tlmt the
I 'lilted States should meree the Cuban
insurgents into mini eeptnliee of bpaln's
si heme of autonomy
Mr. Hepburn (Hup In ) made a splr
, ited nnd Indignant univ, denouncing
the Intimation of stub u polity us little
shoit of scouniliellsm. Then mine
Geneial Giusvonoi's Inipnitant nn
nouneeineiu upon which Mr liallej,
tlio Democratic leadei. counteted, tak
ing the position that If the ptesldeut
had meant to deelaio for the Independ
ence of Cuba, he would have said so
in sjicelllc words. The message was
c lear and lucid, he said, except ns to
the leeommenilntlons. ami It had te
qulied all the lngenuitv of General
Grnsvenoi to tortuie such an Interpre
tation fi oui them. In conclusion ho de
i lined that the piesldent who would
coerce tlio Cuban pattlots would not
live to survive the odium of the Ameil
can people.
Mr. Giosveiitir In the eouise of his
speech in defending tlie piesldent
against attacks made by Lentz (O )
said: .
The time. Is coming rapldl). it will
,m here I trust tomonovv, when un
der the guidance of the committed on
foreign nffnlrs this house will take
action, nntt I will suggest to the gen
tlemen on Mie otlit-i side that thei
will bo a dexito of patilotlsm a ib gree
of unanimity of purposc, u digue of
oneness in action that will smpiisu
the gentleman when he looks over tlio
otes that will be tukon hero tomtit -row.
(Great applause on tho llepub
llcan side).
ltennon (Jlvcn by i'iiuliurg I'robilil
tionilH lor Noiiiin iting swu low,
Pittsburg, April 12 The Prohibition
convention of Allegheny county met to
day with 175 delegates or abuut 80 per
cent, of those elected, present Altei
electing a permanent organization and
electing Ilev. P. C Urooks. chaliman
tho convention adjourned Into legisla
tive district conventions.
The platfoim adopted Bets in a lick
at the Itopubllcuns nnd their candi
dates for governor, and declaie that tin
Democratic party is not oven wot th of
condemnation. It demands thnt the
Itovernment Intervone In the Cuban
trouble, "peaccuble, if it can; if not, by
force, and do It quickly." Dr. Swallow
nas Indorsed for governor because, It
V. as declared, "he will not steal."
The following lcRlslntlvo nominations
were made: Seventh dlstilet, K H.
Council and William II. Alter; Highlit
district. Dr. T. C. Hobtnson; first tils
tt let, Dr. O. 1. Miller, OeorRO i:. Hemp
hill; Fifth district, GeorKO II HilSRS,
James A. Culhnun; .1. V. Moore, 11.
Stevenson; Second dlstilet, John A.
Fletcher nnd James A. Ctimmlnfr; Third
dlstilet, It V. Dusenberry. and Clias.
Itowcll: Sixth district, J. H. Coon and
CI. H. Fisher.
W Sclinme to lliiiul I'ogctlicr the
liiniiluclnri'i of roiimlri Iron,
Cleveland, O, April 12 The initial
steps toward the formation of one of
the biggest combines In tho history of
the lion business weie taken nt a meet
tiiR held here today. I'inotlcnily all
tho mantifnctitrers of fountliv lion be
tween the Allegheny and llocky mouti
tnlns were repieseiiteil.
Tho present movement Is the direct
result of the formation of the associa
tion of the Uesenier furnace men ie
eenllv rompleted In this citv. The men
who tue to go Into the new combina
tion however, are what nre known as
lion-Hessemet men the iiiunufacttiters
of foundiy lion who do not work Ues
Femei oie. The non-Hessemer manu
fnettneis of the south have nlieady
fotmed two stiong organizations. Tlie
meeting of the western men here today
was for the puipoe of forming the
manufactuieis In this terrltoiy Into a
!uii-orgnnl7iitlnn nnd then merging all
tlie tlnee oigalilatlons, oovoilng the
cast, west und south Into one big com
bine A general headqimitcis will lie estab
lished at New Yoik with luaneh heatl
ciuatteis at some eentnl point in i ai It
of the thtee dlsttii ts. At today's meet
ing the westtin manufacturers ap
pointed n lommlttee to btlng the plan
to u fotlis
Thu United Mnten Has No Heprcscii-
tMtlve on the Uliitid Hho Cnn llo
Culled 1'pon lor Inioi million.
Washington, April 12 Inquii at the
stute depaitment tll'-eloses the fact that
the I'nltid States has no lepiesenta
ties in Culm upon whom It can depend
for olliclal Infoi inatinn In legal d to the
piogiess ol events on that Island and
that It will lie compelled to iel until
other aiiaiiRements ate made upon the
lepiesentatlves of the Spanish govern
ment for Infoi inatlon In that line. Ac
ecu ding to an oilleial at the depait
ment, the Ibitisli consulni otllcers In
Cuba aie expected only to inie for the
ai chives and pmpeity of the Fnlted
States consulates tinned ovei to them
on the depai tin e ot the Ameiltan lep
lesentativcs Satuiday and to look after
the interests of Amei leans still on the
island who may apply to them foi i
lection ot tediesi Tt Is said to be no
pnit ot their dm: to keen the Fnlted
States state tlepuitment Infotmed of
political oi otliei developments in Cuba
and the department will not call
upon them tor any special service or
information, unless it becomes abso
lutely neeess.nv bv stiess of elicuni-stancc"-.
Notwithstanding tills apparent lack
of facilities for obtaining olliclal Infoi -inatlon
of atfain on the i'-lnnd, the
olllelals of the admlnlstiatlon express
i onlldeiite in their ablllt.v to keep proi
eilj Infoi med ot the ionise of events
in Cuba, t spec lull with refeience to
tlie developments which may lesult
fiotn the proposition of Spain foi tin
cessation of hostilities on the Island
Although the geiieial Impression is that
the instil uents nie not nt all llkelv to
nccept the pioposed armistice, the de
pai tinent ollltlals expies confidence of
getting details of the piogies of nego
tiations to that end fiom tellable
sources as piomptlj as the slow means
of communication In tlie Intetlor of
Cuba will peimit
booth with Tiin quaki-rs.
Tlie roundel ol the Snlinlioii Ann)
istis 'Inbidelptiiii.
I'hilMililtihia pill 12 Ceneial Wil-I'-mi
l'oeth 'be toitndc r and leadei of
tin- Salvation arinv an Ived totla from
l'ohton lb aeiompanled by (Com
mander and Mis Iioolh-Tueki i
(jne?al I'ooth was given u public ie
itptinu tonit'li' nt the Acadeniv of
Music, at u Major Avaiwh-k pt
iltlcd. The geneial will lemaln heie l ir a
ft w dujs after which lie will mi to
'I'tov, N. thence to Uulfalo. On
Apill l' In v ill open u week's cam
pnlen in New Yoik and Itiooklyn, clos
lug with u faievell demon nation In
tin Metiopolltnii opei.i house, New
York, fit whk-h ex-Set i etnry of the
Nnv llenjamln F Trai y will pieslile.
Itiili-h Loiporiitioii .UiihI I'liv lor It
Vgeui"' Vits,
Washington. D. Y, Apill 11. The
Fnlted States hupienie Couit todoy de
cided the ea i if Michael """Jin.', of New
Jersey, who was assaulted in I.ondon
iifiij, Itelnnd. I ngeutu of the Kan iv
Steamship company, a Urlltsh empora-tl-.ui,
doing busmes in New Yoik
Kane brought suit for lamagej in the
Fnitte-d until nt Nov Y n k an -J
was awunlr.i $7,300. . Tho steamship
company upjuMed and the a e wis
it i titled to the Mipreme tmi't, on the
question of luilsilktlon, but lustlte
C.iuy holds tint the Cluult couit did
not transcend It autlnnlty In assum
ing Jurisdiction In the cast
Is jntitlo tt neces
eity by Ihn ini-
Iuro contlitluu ol tlio blond alter win
ter' licnty foods, und bic:itliinr vitl-
nled air In Jioiiiu, odlco, schoolroom
or shop. "When weak, thin or linjmto,
tlio blood cannot nourish thu hotly na
it should. Tho demand for cloansiny
mid invlKonitiny is ,-fnindly met by
Hood's frirsaiiarilla, -which frives tho
blood just the (jutility and vital!! y need
ed lo maintain health, properly diyest
food, build up and steady the nerves
nnd overcome that tired lixll'". . It 13
tho ideal Spring Meiiiriiie. only
The One Truo
rreparetl by 0. I. Hood Co., Lowell, JIasa.
. .. nmn act easily, prouiitly and
(fSr H
Nolnblc Dcmnnslrollon Greets Ills Ap
pearancc at Washington.
la lliu State Department lliiildiuu All
Dlxclpliue Mim Iteluxi'il mid Clerks
J, ell 1 liolr Desks nnd Croivdvd the
CorrldoiN In Older to (Jul n Glimpse
ol the Geue'rul, unil on the M runts
I lioiisnud!) Joined in Applause nl
lliu Appuiiriiucn.
Washington, April 12 Consul Gener
al Fitzhugh Lee ai riled licit from
lluvunn at 2 30 o'clock this afternoon.
A huge ciowd of enthusiastic udmlr
ers had gathered ut the I'ennsjlvunlu.
station and when the genet al stepped
ftoni the tialn lie was gulled with a
ttenieudous outburst of applause. Wo
men waved their handkerchiefs and
men their hats and altogether the dem
onstt.itliin was ti notable one. Wash
ington crowds ns a rule aie not demon
strative, but this occasion wus a con
spicuous exception
When tlie geneial alighted from the
train the ciowd was so dense that even
with the assistant e of a platoon of po
lice It was with dllllculu he moved
nl mg the platfoim. Hound after round
of applause gieeted him as he walked
slowlv and uncoveicd down the long
plntfiim of the station On leaching
the I! stieet entiance. Geneial Lee en
teied a state depaitment carriage and
was rapidly elilven up the avenue to
the stute depaitment
News that Geneial Lee was on his
way to the state depaitment spread
inphlb and when the c.niiage tliew up
at the south fionl of the building a
big ciowd was assembled on the por
tico. A lousing cheei went tip as Gen
eial Lee steppetl fiom tho vehicle1, and.
bowing right and left, hurtled into the
building. Tlie cheers had nppiled the
eleiks and other emploves of the big
building of his coming nnd tlieie wns a
wild tush for the state tlepattment cor
ridor Clerks left thelt desks without
leave, nlllceis of the at my and , v
Jollied the rush nnd for the time being
the discipline of the building was ie
laxed The ciowd lined up in finnt of
the elevator shaft, leaving a lane from
the dooi to the secietary's olTlce. As
the elevator came to a stop and the
consul general stepped out a scene oe
curred.utipteeedented In the history of
the gient building
Hat In hand. Geneial Lee passed into
the conidor and some one said: "Now,
bovs," ami tlnee lousing cheers went
echoing down the long halls. Then
tlieie was another outburst and people
pourt'tl forth tnnn eveij loom. The
c heeling caused Intense' excitement and
It was some moments befoie quiet
couiel lie leitoied. Geneial Lee bowed
to the crowtl and us he reached the
(loot to Secietaty Sherman's olllte
turned und bowed again Then the
dooi closed on him and the throng dis
persed. Alter ,i few minutes the consul gen
eial emerged, neconipnnied li.v Set re
taiy Sheiman and Assistant Sccretaiy
Da v. The three enteied a cai riage and
weie qultklv tliiven to the White
House, Geneial Lee getting nnother
ovation on his wu ovu. Mis Lee, who
had JoliiPil the general nt ltlehmontl,
did not come to Washington, she hav
ing left tlie tialn at Quantico
At the White House the party was
shown nt once to the library, where
the chief executive nccoided a heuity
leceptlon to the consul geneial. The
onlj persons piesent ut the meeting
were the president, Seeietaiy Sherman,
Assistant Senetaiy Day and General
Lee. Societal Sheiinun lemnlned with
tlie others for about half an hour and
then ictuined to the slate department.
After being with the piesldent fully
an hour, Judge Day and Geneial Lee
took theli depaituie, the luttei going
to his hotel An Immense ciowd, aug
mented b.v a number of latllts who at
tended Mrs McKlnlev's leeeption, was
on the pin tie ii when the two came down
St. ills ami Gtneial Lee was given a
tiemendous ovation. As their tan luge
was being dilven away some one fast
ened a Cuban Hag to tlie fiont of the
vehltle anil tills was the tuus'e of ad
ditional enthusiasm.
Ills Letter (I lining the Picsb) torinu
t linrcli.
New Yoik. Apill 12 -It Is believed
that the last chapter in the famous Dr.
Ililggs case has now been concluded.
At a meeting of the New Yoik 1'iesby
tety eslenla a letter fiom Di Iblggs
was lead, wlthdiawlng trom the Pies
b.vteiinu chili eh. The icsignntion was
aecepted. Di. Hilggs' letter was as follows-
"Aftei long and cuieful lellectlon, I
have decided to sevei my connection
with the Piesbytei.v of :n Yoik, and
mine especially with the Presb terlan
church In the Fnlted States of Ameil
ca. I withhold the icasons for this de
t Islon. In the Interests of peace and
quietness. I may simply sa that 1
have lemalued under jour Juilsdictlon
as long as I could do so with a good
conscience 1 deslie to ait In all char
ity tow a ids all my hrethien, und, so
far as possible, telleve them from re-,
spouslblllty for nu action Therefuie,
I do now vvlthdiaw fiom the Juilsdic
tlon of the Picsbytery of New York,
and I hold mvself fiee to unite with
that pait of the Holy Catholic church
into which God In His grace ealls me."
A number of the members of tho
Piesbytery objected to permitting
Dr. Hilggs to vvlthdiaw In tlmt
manner, and there was a splilted
elthute over a pioposltlon to lefer the
iiu. tier to the coming general assembly.
! was found, however, that the book
" piocedure piovides that the name
of miy minister must at once be sttlck
vii fiom the roll upon his announcing
tils wlthdiiivvnl, unless chaiges against
h.m be actually pending at the tlmt
Li the ease of Dr. llrlggs cliaiges had
been made and the tilnl had been held,
1 nil until today his status was that of a
snspinded minister. It was held, theie
fon ib t his name must be stricken
loin the toll at once. The inattei will
lie icpoitetl to the general assemblv
but It Is said that that will be it mere
loimality Dr Hilggs recently nn
noiinted his candidacy for holj 01 dels
In tho I'loteslunt Daiiseopnl chuich
Viler Imbibing freely, Two (,'ueslh
Itebbed I bell Most.
Noirlslown, Pa, April 1?. The vie
tlin of vestei day's midnight nusault.
John Sttntlenneler, is In pturnrlous con-
I dltlon Horty MeDermott. who was ar
j ivsted last night, was glyan a heating
J befoie Huigess Walnut Ight today and
committed to Jail to annlt the result
of Sundcrineler'e injuries.
It developed at the healing tlmt Mc
Dcrmott nnd John Qulnn hud gone to
the Sundeimeler residence to enjoy
some eggnog nnd beer. Sundernieler,
his son, John, anil the two guests, im
bibed freelv until midnight, when tho
eld limn and his son went to bed.
McDetmotl and Qulnn. when left
alone, finished the remaining liquor
anil then went to the old man's room,
They dimutitltd money for mote io
fieslinielits, and when refused made a
brutal assautl. While the old man vva
living helpless In the corner they secur
ed $13 In money and n watch.
Though a wairant has bo-m Issued lor
Qulnn, he has not ct been enptutcd.
McDaimott has been In the tolls before
for assault.
I'crriblo .Siiireiing of Men Iiohu
Ii illtig Vessels Mink
Ou' Appelle, N W. T, Apill 12. In
the eouise of a 3000-mile trip on snow
shoes, to cany tidings of tho loss of
Atctle whaleis, Charles It. Wulker, of
Seattle, Washington., arrived at Foit
Simpson, N. W. T , on March 2S. with
news of tho cruslllng of several whal
ing ships in the Ice off Point Harrow,
Alnsku, and the loss of eleven lives.
These men, who belonged to the Pa
cific Steam haling company's licet,
took refuge on the Ice when their ves
sels went down. They were on the 1
frigid tloes ten days and nights, and
111, . ,,U MKlfin 11,11,1 lilt' ll'll,, t..lllii.
the most terrible suffeilng duilng the
entlio time. All vvete badly fiozen,
and more than one of those who per
ished were eiazed before being llnally
overcome by the cold. Walter Whit
ing, steward of the lost steamer Nov
dich, In despair shot himself. The
flft nntl second englneeis of this
stumor weie ovei whelmed with the
Intense suffering and both went mad
before llnally succumbing to the pungs
jf 'lunger and benumbing cold
While all stinted from the wrecked
bontit with food and blnnkets they weie
obliged to diop evoiv thing while Jump
li g from one lee cake to another. Some
"f them chewed their deei. skin moccas
it.s o piolong life.
.vlrs. Whiteside, wife of the captain
of tlie Novnreh, was the onlv woman
'imong the shlpwiecked pait, and she
li' t onlv saved her own life, but en
Cv'Uiaged bet husband and conductea
lurself so heroically ns to inspne otheis
will, lenewed courage
Mi Walker sajs that his steamer,
the 01 ea, on which he was "boat head
er." sank about C .1. m on Sept 2S.
The steamer Jessie H. Fleeman was
burned to the wntei's edge six weeks
later. The .Teanle, n refuge boat saved
ninny lives, nnd It Is believed that the
government relief expedition will, when
the Hear 1 eat hes her destination next
summer, be efficacious In leseulng all
who now lemaln alive Fiist Mate
Giay, of the whaler Giampus died on
the Jeaule, Oct. S.
Petition Regarding tlie Constitutions
ol I liree Slates.
Washington, D. C, Apill 12 A peti
tion, signed bv prominent colored men
of Mississippi. South Carolina and Lou
isiana, was today piest-nted to the sen
ate committee on privileges and elec
tions, lequestlng the committee to ex
tend Its icport upon a retent senate
resolution particulaily to tlie consid
er utlon of the fiunehlse featuies of the
completed constitutions of Smith Caro
lina and Mississippi, now In foice. and
the chunges contemplated us to the
suffrage In Louisiana
Attention is called to the f.ict that
the reconstiuctlon constitutions adopt
ed by the states of South Cai6llna,
Mississippi and Louisiana, and latiticd
by congress, could nevei be alteied or
changed so as to abildge tlie light of
suffiage to any citizen of the Fnlted
States who was entitled to such en
joyment ol stiff rasre bv the terms of
the constitutions iecoi;ni.ed and np
pioved by the acts of congicss
Dclnvvaro Growers Kxpnet n Good
Dover, Del., Apill 12 Fainieis who
were here todav from all pints of the
state lepoit that the peach pi aspects
ii"o not mined. Onlv the buds which
weie out have suffered, and, ns many
weie not out thev 111 e nil light It is
believed time Mil be u luige nop.
liildgevillo, Del. Apill 12. One week
ago till? jeai's ciop piospect In peach
oichaids of fiom one to live thousand
tiees could have been bought for from
$5 to ?2i, I'reoidinK to the size of tlie
orehaicl, tint tod.ij the funnels ask
much nunc. The damage to the peach
buds Is not so sieat us was supposed,
and funnels sav the prospeels are foi
in aily rn't a ciop of peaches on the
eaily arltlcs and the late vatletles
in tome ouhuids contain many live
Olio Mexican Fighter Willi Horns
Slavs 1'ivo Kings of lleiisix.
City of Mexico, April U In the pres
ence of 5,000 spectators, Including many
women, one Mcxlcwi bull yesterday
killed two Afiican lions. The lltst lion
was very laige. He killed his trainer
a shuit time ago. He had been starved
for the last week. The bull, without a
moment's hesitation spiang ut the Hon
and caught him on his bonis under the
fotelegand tluew him backward iifteen
feet aEuinst the bars, knocking the
hi oath and fight completely out of him.
Another Hon was then piovlded It
made a good tight, but wns gored un
mercifully, and taken fiom the ling In
a dying condition.
(Jiohvenor Nominated.
Alliens, O, Apill 12 -Hon C II. (Jros
venor was renominated today lor the
sixth time by the Llevinth eongresslon il
Itching, trrltated.tcalr. crniicd BcMpa. dr -hln,
Li:d filling IlJir cleintcd, purlttrd, anil ln-uutl
11 l I y warm ilianipooK with tUTiocr.v Soap,
uml occangiul tlreisinm of Cfiicoiti,puret of
mo llccls, tlio unatcil iVla curci.
Treatment will produce) 0 clean, lie-althj ilp
with Imurlnit, Initrona lialr. velirn nit el falli.
SnM tVnurhnut lli wntl.t. l'utl ts up Cum,
Cum-, -' I'rnps , llofctnn
iMr''Uuwiairuauei l.murUnt lliir," milled fret,
UAlHo Ull Hilt b;Uliat.lUMki.iil.
ii y u Li la y Vi
Bl U m II m&
10 wi s'rf CV C ess s?it-K jTK
An April Snake Story Is Related at
NiiMpirliiinuii D 11 111 cH und Lassies
I. earning to I unit Farmer I ol
liimwooil'n I.illle I.iiiiiIi Queer
Itrood ol a Ited Itock lleu--l,oit-mistress
Hus 11 Mcnver.
special Correspondence to Tlio Tribune
sjusquehnnnii, Apill 12. A teirilile
and fatal accident occuircd at Iijies
boro at about 2 o'clock on Sunday af
ternoon. Peter Hyine, aged 21, a lesl
elent of Frlcltsville, this county, was
walking over The threat Stairuccn via
duct, when he stepped to the edge or
coping of the structute to avoid cast
hound express tnln No. 2 In a mo
ment n west bound frlght train ap
proached, and the locomotive struck
the young man and hurled him from
the biitlge, nnd he fell Into a yard be
low, a distnnce of 9t feet. In his descent
lie tut net! over and struck tho ground
sltlewie. The crowd expected to find
his mangled lemnlrs, but he was con
scious nlthough seriously Injured.
Medical aid was soon at hand, and It
was uiougiu ior n tune nine 1110 young 1
mill would sin vive, but he died at
about 7 o'clock In the evening. He
was conscious almost to tho end. De
ceased was a son of Clulstophei Uryne,
a prominent resident of Filckslvile. and
for a few years had been employed nt
Lauiel Hill academy, In this place. The
lemalns weie on Monday motuliig
taken to Fiicksville for "ervices and In
terment. SNAKF.S IN APHIL.
Snakes are alreid.v tlmvvli 7 out upon j
the mountains near Deposit. VI. lie
Farmer Spilngsteen was driving to De
posit with a load of milk, on Wednes- I
dnv last, he saw something wilggling .
in the rend some reds nheid. He got
out of the wagon and went abend of I
the team, when he saw several nukes
sunning themselves He at once at
tacked them with his whip, and non
killed them, eleven in all They
measured from eighteen Inches to three
leel In length. He tied them together
und exhibited the lorg suing to the
Deposit edltots. In pi oof of the story.
I am gliul that not all the too-piev-lous
snakes appear in the vicinity of
A Montrose pt etcher announced he
would discuss a famll. scandal on the
following Sunday morning, and us ,1
consequence the church was ciowded
The subject was " dani and J-ve"
"Whit," of Susquehanna.
In Susquehanna, under a similar an
nouncement the chinch would have
been empty. Knelt family would hav
ben afraid to attend, lest they should
be "hit." Montrose Democrat
Miss Vernon, ot New Yoik, is con
ducting .1 cooking school in the parlors
of the Presbyterian church
The funeral of Mrs Michael Hogan,
an old and esteemed lesldent occurred
from St. John's Catholic church on
Satin diy nfternoon and wes largely at
tended. Kiqulem high muss was cele
biated on Monday morning
The Susquehanna County Medical
Pension Kxamlnlng Hoard will meet In
this place on Wednesday.
Ow ing to III health, Hev. William M
Hlller. the able and popular pastor ot
the Methodist church, will not tetuin
to Susquehanna for another veur, and
he nnv not beubl to do pastouil won
for some months to come. This vv 111
be a gioat disappointment to the mem
bership of the chut eh nnd to the com
munity. Nelson W Fox an old and esteemed
resident of Oakland hrmutgh died very
suddenb of lit ait disease at an eaily
liour on Mondav morning, aged 67 jeats
He is surv'ved by tlie widow De
ctised wotked in the Kne shops on
Sunday Tin- funeral v 111 ceeiii oil
Wednesday nhernoon. Guat Hen J
Commindery. No. 20. Knights Templet',
will attend In a body.
The editor tllsp'ajetl timely judgn out
Inst week and h.n vested bis Mai eh
'gulden sass" just befoie Hie second
edition of wlntei commenced. Whit
come down and trv our "sass," Aver'a
almanac Is the only thing after all to
rely upon so far a? pills ami went net is
e-tiiice rued. Gt eat Henc! Plaindeiler.
'Ihe Wllkes-Hane Record sajs "The
Susquehanna county political leaders1
ate no! paiticular as to methods." Pos
sibly not; but the Lureinc county lead
ers uro net patticulni as to men. That's
the dlfierence
lent is ended, uml the butcher and
Ilddler ate huppy
Friday wus on Arbor Day. Some
vicinity fatmeis drilled a hole in the
ice nnd planted a tiee.
The mennest man now on earth is
one who knows when war will begin,
but vv ill not tell.
A Susquehanna pastor discourages
in gllng. He savs It mangles the llsh
and enctiutagOH lj Ing.
A Susquehanna teacher last week re
ceived the following excuse: ' Tomlo
stade home cuss he had no close and
Units excu? enuff god noze "
Front now on tho 111 in w ho vv III beat
a carpet In the back yaul Is grcntei
than lie who stajs down town until
midnight talking wai.
A Plnghumton plumber has married
a milliner. Kveiy thing tends to con
solidation and monopolies these dnys.
The difference between a defaulter
ami a thief Is very simple One steals
enough to hlie good lawjers. The other
A deud frog vms found in a church
oigan In lJInghaniton. It is suppose 1
that the cicature wns frightened to
death by a row at a choir t cheat sal.
It is well to note that some of tho
inn s w ho are the loudest for immediate
win aro the same who for vears have
opposed on every occasion the enlarge
ment of our ai my and navy, on the
gimmd that increase of military power
would be a menace to the freedom of
tie- people They huvo seemed to for
get that the rank and ille of both
br inches of the service consists of men
who nro themselves truo patriots,
Will J MiCcnnoll will soon hold n
seiles of temperance meetings In Hall
stead. Tho trial of Flora Hello Sweet, for
the nun tier of her mother, Is In pro
gress In MontiOFe. A bilef trial, Is pro
baule. Tlio annual convention of the Susque-
l Uunna County Sunday School ussocla-
The Hew Mexico
Hallway and Coal Company
is expected from the first to cam more than four
times the interest on its entire bonded debt.
5 Per Cent. Gold First Mortgage
and Collateral Trust Bonds
of the Company can be had of the following, who
will also give prices and particulars,
Cashier Scr.inton Savings Bank and Trust Co,, Scran
ton, Pa.
.Cashier Thiid National Bank, Scranton, Pa,
.Vice-Pres. Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co.,
W. U.
bcr.inton, li,
Bond Brokers, a? N. Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa,
J. B.
A. A.
C. W,
E. W.
A. A.
R. A,
.Cashier People's Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Cashier Anthracite Savings Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
.Cashier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
.President Mineis' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
.Cashier First National Bank, Pittston, Pa.
.Cashier First National Bank, Carbondale, Pa.
CLUREllCE D. SIMPSON Simpson & Watkins, Scranton, Pa.
COl. H. M BOIES Pres. Moosic Powder Co., Scranton, Pa.
HON. L. A. WATRES Pres. Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Co.
THOMAS FORD Vice-Pres. 1st National Bank, Pittston, Pa.
J. W. H0LLEN3ACK Pres. People's Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
RUrOLPH T. McCABC Pres. N. Y. & Queen Co. R. R. Co., New York
BENJAMIN S. HARMON Strong, Harmon & Matthcwson, Attorneys-at-
Law, New York, N. Y.
GIRARD t Y. LOWREY. . . ,. S. Lowrey & Co., New York, N. Y.
CHARLES B EDDY l:ddy, New Mexico.
J ARTHUR EDDY Rddy Brothers, Denver, Col.
THOMAS H. WATKINS Simpson & Watkins, Scranton, Pa.
HAIiRY P. SIMPSON Diamond Drill Contractor, Scranton, Pa.
Or, to Our Office,
Fiscal AkciiIn
nor ah:
ii eiii iiMi 1
Doubtless you remember the great fire in Philadelphia a short time
ago, during which the magnificent Carpet stock of John and James Dob
son, valued at $700,000, was injured by Fire, Smoke and Water.
This magnificent stock was recently sold and we have purchased
some $4,000 worth of the Most Desirable Moods. These goods we
Place on Sale MONDAY, APRIL 4tb. Stock comprises :
Royal Wiltons,
These goods we have placed on sale in our Basement, and they will
be sold at '
25c. On the Dollar.
We wibh it distinctlv undei stood that these goods are entirely
.separate from our regular stock, on which we have made Special
Reductions' for this Great Sale.
tiim will be bold in the MothodNt
church in Siihciuoh.iniia May 1-4
iiu ancient minor that the Muntroi
railroad Is to In vv Idc-gniiKeil and ev
U titled to I'liiriiaiiitim Is one" 111010 10
Vlvc'd. It ouqrlit to be hot to lllllslt .
Tlio Heuvltl Is uclvocatln '
lb erection of a town hull. The INt of
llallbteatr vvunw now Includes a fi
bildjre electric llc-lits a National Inn
anil a town hall Lurk) that It doc""!
eoht much to wail!
The nikilale correspondent of the Km -est
City News u)s the wild man win
niriln ween neai Crytal Luke a few
days since. The vet itlc.itlon of my lust
leporl Is. very gnitlfyliifr.
Tho Suuituiiianiia county uotiunl, 01
Mimincn echoed will bo held in -Moni-mn',
opi'iiinK Jlnj !.
The tMihciuvh.innii County Teachers'
institute' vvillibe held in dui-ins,-
the week of Octobei 1".
Hnllste.iil and Great Head .lie vvotk
Itiyr hte.idlly foi that fiee Inidue. It.s .1
certain thlnt? of the distant future.
Mm. Maty rftiltkland, potundtnrt m
In l.cUhrup, wove twelve y.ndy of ral
lied, between 7 o'i lock a. 111. nnd 5.S0 p.
in., besldei attending to the otllrr .ind
to her housework one day recently
a nrx's qui:ki imoon.
On the fat 111 of Peter Allien, neat Ited
Itock. a hen bad Jornr evinced nn nrdent
do It n to become a mother, by peiMt
ent e'fortH to hatch door-knobs nn I
nnvthlmj ebe that bote tho lemotrst 1
si inblance to nn ckk;. Her ownet ilnul
ly took pity on 1it and placed in hu
tnvoiltr fourteen curious little
csss that he found under the barn.
Then the fanner went on 11 visit of hev .
eial vveekH and forjot ull aliout the
mother. When h i. 'tinned he was
aiv.azed to llnd thnt the hen had
hatched Into thin wicked world fcuu
teen little snakes, for which hIiu wiih
cailnjT with her utmost affection and
solicitude and fiom which she leeelved
constant demonstiatlons of filial afftc
tlon. THU SHOUT or IT.
The Unptlbt clittteh cdlllcu In beinj
The rnstcr RerviccH In the Boveinl
rbutclien weie vry hugely attended
and ver) Inti lestlnu.
Tlie C'hoial P11I011 Jirji In ccintemplo.
tinii thu pioiluetlan ot tho cantata,
The Hteninem nt I.nnosbnro aro btins
put In condition lor tlie cornluK scanon
Tho old ndi'e, "A Ktceu Jlarch will
Harvc a Juno gntdlriK" I now Ueiiiij
winter M nornatdliie, of Green HidKe,
wnt In town on Saturday nttrndlui; the
funeral of her mother, tho Into Mrs.
Michael llnaau
Aftei tin coiifeicnco, now In pension
in Noiwlch, V V the Melbodlut
ciutrrheH In Iinehnrn andOaklaml will
probably have new paitniH.
Jtriv Stnck, torinotly of Kusruielinn-
I nu, who lias been conduutlng' the I'iu-
ol Trade Iliiiltflng, Scranton, Pa.
Body and Tapestry Brussels,
Hall and Stair Carpets.
pler house, in Hlmlin fet the past fix
teen months. Is llniuclnllv embarahbed,
and the house b is beer c lor.eel
Vlclnlt) Mithodlst ininlsteis and
otlierH aie lu Xnivvich attendliifr the
Wvomlnp:. confc teiice Tlie eMiilerento
is -onipthlin; of a lotteiv.
Knimer OolliiiKWood, of Sac 1 man, I111
the funniest sheep in the state Tho
c sheep, when a lamb, left the Hock and
buiuine l attached to Mr fol
llinrwooil, who jrave him to his dn.r
! He'iut).' to lie suckled, and was well
tuW'ii enn of bv her When the lamb
I r lew oilier It would never sl uifclei
H I oof, but would lie outside cuddled
up like a doer. When dinner Ih an
niiiiiired be Is hiiip to br standluc by
oni of the chalis ami when his mauler
sits down he will Jump with his front
fet 011 his back, letting him know that
he Is hunnrv. The sheep will not touch,
cjnss or eat It of. but be ls fond of
soap coffee and tea, with milk and
siiR.n He likes beer, and will lift a
pall up with bis fiont trot ind diink
like a toper. He bis a pernicious habit
of chaMn? the predatory cats of th
nt iKhbm hood. Mo runs about with tb 1
dnpH all dnv, and scampers away to tho
tllnliiR 11.0111 at the llrt sound of t' e
Monroe Ouitts I.odcre, No 1- Broth
iiliood ol I'.allioad TialuiiKP III hold
Its eleventh annual ball at tb Stariur
ca house April 2'i. llaker'.s llinehamtnn
mches-tia will fuiulsh essertial inspira
tion The C. H. U. will hold its first annual
ball In Hoiran's Opeta House April 21.
Mtn-Ie by Dornn'H Susnuehaniia orches
tra. Ami I tho ptep-iratlons for war ran bo
heinl the tlueatened eruptl m of the
political volcano over In Wayne county
Vi'illy, brethren, these be ticklish
The famous lillled heron wan sscn
near Mount Plcsint on Sunday By
some this blid I thought to lie an omen
of war, petuilenee and famine (Heat
Scott let's hide'
Kx-Pnslmastcr Mnitln J Hyan will
nsume the management of the Stur
1 ucc a Home on Thursday next
There nie excellent Indications that
C Kied Wrlcrht, of Sucnuehanria, will
be the next coiiKirssman from this iliR
tiid He Ins tho making of an 'ible,
popular leKlslator. A IHTNUV
II) iiiuiiilo I'lrON a .Hi ue.
Hnzletnu, IM April li An exiloslon el
100 pouiiilH of ibnainlte at lliu Milnca-
lite collier:, of A 8 Van W.ckle & Vo
this niuruliiK. set llio mines on Hie Tho
(lames binned Hi 1 eel) tor u time but
vldorotiH work on the ,pnrt of the em
ployes extlnKUlfheil thu Haines, before ex
tensive ilimm.rc was doiio. Tlie colliery
emplojcH DW bunds.