'Villi SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, .Mitt,, ill. lasis. THE ONE INSERTION A WORD. FOR RENT FOB BENT - HALT.' OP DOUBLE liuupc; Improvement!); corner of Mnin una Eynon. Inquire 022 Bouth Main. von bent-house at 4o jeffer- Hon avenue,; large lot; beautiful loca tion. Special cut price on application. J. V. BHOWNINO, Meats Building. FOR RENT-92G GREEN RIDGE ST., seven rooms; modern Improvements. $15.50. HOUSE KOIt RENT-403 WYOAIINO avenue. Apply to P. II. Clemons, Illtte llldge Coal Company's ofllre, Mears Building, BARN KOIt RENT-C05 AIAHON COURT. Apply to K. II. Clemons, Blue Ridge Coal Company's olflce, Alenri Building. FOR SALE FOR SALE OH RENT-LICENSED HO tel at ICImhurst. Pa. Apply at Spruks Bros.. 519 Alder street, City. For. sale-i team horses, sound weight 2.000. Ono light buggy und one 2-seate.l ttnp. both In pood condition. One net carriage harness and 1 set working harness; 1 pair blniiltcts and some stab'e tools. 8. a. KKHH. 40s Lackawanna ave nue, or C0." flay avenue. , FUll SALE-TWO OKKIf B DESICS, ONE roller top desk, one safe and a hnnd romo olllce lulling; ulso a large number of electtle lights, tome with reflectors; a lot of ses piping used In a drapery de partment, also carpet, sewing machines and one sultablo for family use, niul a large hit of curpet shelving, which can bo utilized for other purposes. The entire lot will he sold cheap, as we huvo no use for them. S. G. KKHH. 40S Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE - THREE LARGE FIRB proof safes, fall at olllee of HENRY BELIN. JR.. room 212 Commonwealth building. FOR SALE -BROKEN ENOUSII SBT ter, cheap. 1D41 I'cnn avenue. TOP. SALE-ONE 20-1IORSB POWISK boiler, os good us new. TUB WES TON MILL CO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HUNT. FURNISHED. 1 ROOM ON thu first flm.r, for a parlor or sitting room and one ur two bed rooms on the sfond floor, with ue of bath. The rooms are large and wll lighted, the location Is ono of the best on t'l.iv iiveinif. A Oe llghtful home with a family of two per sona. Reference required. Address X. Y. Z., Tribune olllce. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED-WE WANT ONE shrewd careful man in every town to make a few thousand dollars fur himself quietly at Jiome and not work hard; pri vate Instructions und valuable ouUlt of new goods sent frt-e. Address Imme diately 1'. O. Box J.;u, lioston, Mass. RELIARLB PERSONS TO TAKE TUB agency In their own towns for the best line of fast selling novelties; pays I0O per cent, profit; for ladles or gents. SPIRO & WATKINS, 10.11 and 10J3 Chest nut street. Philadelphia, Pa. KLONDIKE-AGENTS WANTED FOR large Illustrated book of Klondike, five hundred pages; price $1.50; outlH 10c, Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111. WANTED-SOLICITORS-- NO DELIV erlng. no collecting; position perma nent; pay weekly; state age. GLEN BROTHERS. Rochester, N. Y BOARDING. first-class board, with on without room; special rates given to permanent boarders. Rooms heated by steam and lighted by eleetiic light; cen trally located; 2 minutes walk from all depots; 5 meal tickets $1.00, 21 meal tick ets. JUKI. 12.1 Franklin avenue. J LOST. wVWWViVV LOST-BUTWEEN 900 BLOCK OLIVE stitvt ami D.. L. it W. depot, ladl.'s' gold watch and fleur-de-lis pin. Sultrble reward for Its letuin to WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY'S stole, 12!) Wyoming uve. FOUND FOUND-BLACK MARE. l.Ooo LUS. TEN or eleven vears of age. lefi at I'll slck's lvei. Alurch :so at 12 o'clock mid night by police. If not culled for within five days will be sold. CITY SCAVENGER A.B.BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Impruved pumps used. A. BR1GGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenvie, or Elckes' diug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone C040. REMOVAL LACKAWANNA SIGN COMPANY RE moved to 217 Spruce. REDUCTION OF GAS. THE " "sCKANTbNGAS AND WATER Co. and the Hide luik Gus Co. In accordance with the policy of these companies to i educe rates from time to time us may be warranted by inci eased consumption, rotlce Is hereby given that on and after April 1st, lfc9b, the price of i,io mi, ut uue uuiiar anu niteeu cents , per ono thousand cubic feet consumed, subject to tho following discounts: Five cents per one thousand cubic feet on ull I bills where the consumption for the , month amounts to less than twenty-fivo dollars; ten cents per one thousand cubic fret nn h hltla whop ,v,A nnnL, ,m,.,in ' for tho month amounts to twenty-live dollars und upwards. Provided the bill Is paid on or before the 20th day of tho month In which that bill Is presented. By Order ot the Board, O. B, HAND. Secretary. Lager Beer' Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PBLSNER IMJlllliSLStllEPi. -, ,..T."eP,,oi'c Cnll. aX&3. I 1 S 0 TRIBUNE'S OPPORTUNITY BUREAU POPULAR ('.LEAKING 1IOUS12 for tins ltcncflt of All Who Have Homos Heal Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want or Help These Small Advertisement; Co.4t One Cent a Word, Six Insertion Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Are Inserted Free. HELP WANTED-MALE TWO MEN EXPERIENCED IN INSUR- nfico or cnnvusslng.. 200 Mears Hide. RELIABLE MEN WANTED TO AD dress cutaloguos, circulars and envel opes. Send Rtamp for particulars. SOAI ERVILLE JI'F'G. CO., Elizabeth, N. J. HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED-APPRENTICKS TO LEARN millinery trade. Call at Langfeld's Millinery, 824 Lackawanna avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A GENUINE OPPORTUNITY NOW open for right man requiring Invest ment of $1,000.00. yielding a good return with steady position. References given und requlrod. Address Setae, euro Trib une. PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOUT 110,000. Established business. Will bear Investigation. Large profits. Safe investment. For Interview uddrcsa P. O. Iox 37), Scranton, Pa. CHIROPODIST lfsv' wvs CORNS. BUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HETZEL, Chiropo dist, 330 Lackawanna nvenue. Ladles at tended at their residence If desired. Charges moderate- SITUATIONS WANTED siTUATION WANTI?DiTToUNG girl, upstair nurse or dining room girl. Address A. H., care Tribune. WANTED-POSITION AS MANAOER for restaurant or summer hotel; thor oughly experienced In all its ranches; can furnish references and guarantee as to honesty and ability. Address II. A. C, General Delivery. WORK WANTED BY THE DAY WASH lng, ironing or cleaning. Miss L. Burk nett, 430 S. Ninth street. SITUATION WANTED-15Y A WOMAN to go out washing. Ironing or scrub bing or will take washing home. 420 Franklin avenue. WANTED-S1TUATION AS A FIRST OR second hand bread, cake und pretzel baker. II. D. W.. 920 Cumberland street. Lebanon. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPE rlenced nurse and wldwlfe; will stuv by mother and child for 15 per week; Is not afraid of work. Address 1. 1'., Trib une. SITUATION WANTED -ANY KIND of work by irarried man with small fumlly; can do most any kind of work; tlrst class n-rei cm-eft furnished. Address II. J.. Tribune oiilce. BAKER-YOUNG MAN WISHES SITU atlon at baking, with experience. Ad dress S.. 123 N. Alain avenue. POSITION WANTED - AS HOUSE keeper; cun t,lve good references, Ad dress May, Tribune olllce. S1TUAT ION WANTED-BY A YOUNG girl. General housework preferred. Ad dress IID N. Fillmore avenue, city. BUTCHER - THOROUGHLY EXPEHI enced. seeks situation. Address J. Hilton. 210 Spring street.. Providence. WANTED-S1TUATION BY EDUCATED young man with experience in olllce or store. Address V. Haney, 247 Jeffer son avenue. SITUATION WANTED"rY YOt"NG man IS years of age; has had three years' experience taking caie of horjes. Address Win. M.. Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-BY A BOY 13 years old. as errand boy or light uf flee work; can sp.-ak English nnd Gi-r-man. Addiess 520 Maple street, Scran ton, Pa. PROFESSIONAL architects EDWARD 11 DAVIS. AIK'UlT-ECr, Council Building. Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of t-; Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 41.1 Spruce St.. cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. AlKMHTlTcT, Price Building, 120 Washington uvenue, Situi.ton. T. I. LACEY t- SON. AI7m7iTECt Tradeis' National Bank. DENTISTS DR. I. O. LYMAN, 32:, N. WASHINGTON avenue. DR. F L. M'GRAW. 2o5 SPRUCE stieet. DR. 11. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAl'UAClf. 115 Wyoming ao. welcome c 1-noverT4:iiTa(tka wanna nvenue. Ilouis, H to 1 and 2 to 3. PHYSICIANS AND SURQEONS DR. KAY HAS MOVED HIS OFFICE to tin- Scranton Prlvute Hospital cor-ni'i- Wyoming Ave. und Muibeiiy rit. Telephone: u,(y cull, 531:1; night cull, 13. DR. C, L. FREY. SCRANTON SAVINUS Bank bldg. 122 Wyoming avenue. MARY A. SHEPHERD,M. D.. HOME- opatnist, No. 228 Adams avenue. DR. A. THAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street. Scronton. Ofllce houra Thursday and Saturdays. S u. m. to G p.m. DR. W. E. AM, ESt. 512 NORTH WASH tngton avenue. DR. L. At. GATES. ROOAIS 207 AND 203 Hoard of Trade building. Olllce hours. 8 to 9 a. m 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Rcrl dence 309 Madison uvenue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fining and Fat Reduc tion. OtHie telephone 1303. Hours :10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to U. DR. S. W. IAAIOREAUX, OFFICE Ml Adunts. Residence 131S Mulberry. Chron lo diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys, and genlto-urlnury organs a specialty. Hour,-, 1 to 4 p. in. W. G. HOOK, VETERINARY SUH geon. Hores. Cnttle und Dogs treated. Hospital, 121 Linden street, Scranton. 'telephone 2072. SEEDS a. H. CLARK & CO.. SEEDAIEN AND Nurserymen; store lift Wellington uve. nue; green liousn. 1360 North Muln ave nue; store telephone, 782. WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTElT HEAR 511 wanna uvenue, Scrnnton, Pa., turer of Wire Screens. LACKA- manufne- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE EMC CAFE, 123 AND 111 FRANK. Iln avenue, Hutes reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., I,, it. V. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean Plan, .YICTQU KOCH. Prop. LAWYERS FRANK, E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellof-nt-Law, Burr building, rooms 13 nnd 14, Washington avenue. FRANK T. OKELI,, .VTTORNEY-AT-Lnw, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scrunton, Pa. WILLAHD. WARREN & KNAPP, AT t,nip.B and Cnuntpllors-nt-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pn. JAMES II. TORREY, ATTORNEY AND Cminsellor-nt-I.ow. Rooms 413 nnd 414 Commonwealth Building. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building, VnshlnBton avenue. ALFRED HAND. WILL1A.M J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common, wealth bulldlrg. Rooms 13, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFOHD. ATTORNEV-AT-Law. Rooms 514. 515 and 516, Board of Trade building. D. H. REPLOOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Wushlngton nvo nue und Sprvco street. B. F. K1LLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 300 Commonwealth bldg, Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. It. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-nt-Law 45 Commonwealth bldg., Scran ton. EDWARD V. THAYER. ATTORNEY Rooms 90.1-MI. 9th lloor, Alenrs bldg. JOSEPH JEFFREYS, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. 7 nnd R Burr liulldlng. L. A. WATHES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lacknwnnna uve., Scrnnton. Pn. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building. Scranton, I'a. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Rank building. C. COAIEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. A. W. HERTHOLF. Atty.. Mears Bldg. DETECTIVES BARRING & M'SWEENEY. COMMON' wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. MIDWIFE MRS. GABLE. GRADUATE WIDWIFE, 131S Washburn stieet, Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms und best uttfiidance for a limited number of pa tients. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scianton, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law. medicine or business. Opens September 13. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas AI. Conn, LL. D., Walter II. BUell. A. Al. PRINTINGI THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., North Washington uvenue Linotype Composition ot all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed in this region. MISCELLANEOUS LADIES' HAND TURNED SHOES, cost $2.30 ut $1.30; Husset and Dongolu Shoes, cost 12.00 ut D9c. ; Alen's Fine Itus sot ur.d Calf Shoes, cost 73.00 at 1.KI, AT NETTLETON'S. Washington uve. BAUER'S O RC1 1 ESTRA-MUS1C FOR balls, picnics, partlos, receptlom. wed dings and concert work furnished. For t nn address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Ilulbort's music stoic. AIEC1ARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplier, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. l.:o Washington avui'ie. Scranton. Pa FRANK P. BROUN & CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In V iidv..iif. Coidage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna uve. RAILR0A0 TIME TABLES Lehigh Valley liailro.id System Authiucile Coal Ustd, Ensuring Clcuull- ness und Comiurt. In Elfect Feb. 2n, lb9i. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON For Philadelphia and Net York vln D. & H. R. R. ut 0.43 a in., and '2.0-1. 2.21, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) ami 11.3" p. in. For Pittstoii und W'llkes-Harre via ')., L. & W. R. R.. 0.00, 11. it) a. m., 1.53, ..,!,-,, COO p. in. For White Haven, Hur.leton, PottHvtll" und principal iiulnts lu the coal regions "In D. tk 11. H. II.. 0.15. 12.03, 2.21 and 1.41 p. in. For Bethl.'heni, Eastun. Reading Hiir lisbuig and principal Intel median- sta tions via 1) i- II. R H.. r.5 a. m. 12.H5, 2.21, 4.11 (Waik Diamond Exptcss), 11.30 p. m. For Tunkhannoilt, Townnilu, Elmlra Ithaca, Geneva and principal Internn-dl-ate stations, via I) . L. & W. It. u s.oij a. in., 12.13 and 3.:1 p. m. For tienea. Hocheter. Butfalo. Nlug ara Falls, Chicago and ail points uest l,i D. & II. R R. 1-03, '..':.! (Ulatk Dlcirtond EMtiessi. 10.2X and 11.30 p in Pullman parlor und sleeping or Lehigh Vallej parlor crs on ull trains betwuuu Wllkis-H.inv nnd Nev Yot k. Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension ltrlilge. HULMX H. WILBUR, tlen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE. Cen. Pass. Agt., Phila- delpliiJ. Pa. A. W NONNRMACHER, Asst. General Pass. Agt.. Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton olllce, snn Lackawnnin nvenue Central Kailroad of New Jersey (Lehigh und Susquehanna Division,) Stations In New ori; Foot of Liberty street. N. R . und South Ferry Whitehall strict. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness und comfort. T1A1E TABLE IN EFFECT FEB. 20. ISaS. Trains leava Scranton for Plttston, Wilkes-Banc etc.. at s.20, 10.19 a. m., 1.20, 2.3.1, 3.20, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 u. m. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For l.akeuuod and Atlantic City, 8.20 a. in. For New York, Newark und Elizabeth, S.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buffet parlor car). 3.20 (express) p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. in. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Ter minal, 7.17 p. in. und New York 7.03 p. m, For Alnuch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Enston and Pluladi Iphla, S.20 a. m.. 1.20, 3.20 p. m. Sunduys. 2.15 u. m. For Baltimoro and Wushlngton and points South and West via Bethlehem S.20 u. m., 1.20 p. in. Sunduys, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at S.20 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1,20 p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. in , 1.20 p, m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 4.00. 9.10 (ox piess) a. in., 1.30 texpress with Bullet parlor carl p. m. Sunday, 4.30 u. in. Leave New Yoil;. South Ferry, foot Whitehall stieet, at !t.oi a. m., 1.25 p. m. Passengers arriving or departing from this terminal can .onn.-ct under covor with all tho elevated railroads. Broadway cable cms. und ferries to Brooklyn and Stoten Island muklnn quick transfer to nnd from Gland Central Depot und Long Island Huilroud. Leave Philadelphia. Reading: Terminal. .(w u. m.. 2.00 p. m. Sunday, 0.25 h. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rate may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket ngent at the station. II. P BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. II. OI.HAU8EN. Gen. Suet. Jvrle and Wyoiniii Valley. In Effect Sept. 19, 1837. Trains leavo Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on Er!o railroad, also for Huwley nnd local points at 7,05 u. in, nnd 2.25 p, m. Arrive at Scranton from above points ot 10.23 a. in., 3.15 and 9.33 p. in. SIX INSERTIONS A WORD. to Kent, Situations for Five Schedule In Illlcct Nov. 28, 1S37. Trains Leavo Wllkos-Barro as Fol lows: 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, WashlnRton, and for Pitts burp; and tho West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsbure, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pitts burg and the West. 3.12 d. m , daily, for Sunbury, Harris burn. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazloton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, O.en'1 Pas Agent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, (leneral .Manajer. Del.. hacUa. ami Western. Effect Monday, Nov. 21. 1S97. Trains leave Scranton as follows; Ex press for New York and nil points East. 1.40, 3 00, 5.15, 8.00 and 10.03 u. 111., 12.53 and 3.33 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and tho South. 5.16, 8.00 nnd 10.20 a. u 12.5.1 and 3.33 p. in. Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation. G.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton. Oswego. El mlra, Corning, Bath, Datisvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.25, 9.00 n. m., and 1.65 p. m mnklng close connections at Buffalo to nil points In tho West, Northwest and Southwest. Blnghamton and vuy stutlons, 1.03 p. m. NMiolson accommodation, 5.13 p. m. Binghumton and Elmlrn express, 5.53 p. m. Express for Utlrn and Hlchfleld Springs, 2.'!3 a. m., and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca, 2.33. 9.00 it in., and 1.53 p. m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wlllliimtport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington nnd the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tions, 6.00. 10.0-3 11. m., und 1.55 and 0.00 p, m. Nnnt'coke and Intermediate stations, 8.0S nnd 11.10 a. m. Plymouth and Intel, mediate stntlons, 3.35 and 8.50 p. m. For Kingston, 12.45 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coachC3 on nil express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to AI. L. Smith. Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of fice Delaware and Hudson. On Alondny, Feb. 21, trains will leave Scrunton us follows:. For Carbondale 0.20, 7.35. S.53, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.20, 3.52. 5.25. C.23. 7.37, J. 15. 11.00 p. m.; 1.10 a. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Alontrenl. Bos ton. New England points, etc., 0.20 a. in., 2.20 p. m. For Honesdalo C.20, 8.55, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 2.20. 5.25 p. m. For Wllkes-Bane 0.15, 7.50, S.43. 0.33 10.43 a. in.; 12.03. 1.23, 2.21, 2.33, 4.11. CIO. 7.50 10.2S, 11.30 p. m. For New Yoik, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley R. It.. 6.41 a. in.. 12.03, 1.25, 4.11 p. m. (with Black Diamond Expressi. 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. points G.45. 9.33 a. m.; 2.21. 4.41 n. m. For western points via Lehigh Valley R. R.. 7 50 a. 111.. 1211.". 3.3:i (with Black Diamond Express). 10.28, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive ut Scranton as fol lows: Fiom Carbondule and the north 6.10 7.45, 8.40, 9.31, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.20 2.18. 3.25, 4.37. 5.13. 7.43. 10.23. 11.27 p. m. From Wllkes-Barro and the south CS. 7.50. S.0, 10.10. 11.55 a. m. ; 1.10. 2.14, 3.4S 5.20 6.21. 7.33. 9.05, 10.03 p. m. ; 1.13 a m. Complete Information regarding rates to all points lu the United States and Canada may he obtained at thu ticket of hce In the depot Special attention given to Western and Southi I'll lesort business. .1. x.V. BURDK'K. G. P. A., Albany, N. Y. H. W. CROSS. D P. A.. Scrunton. Pa. sru wroN EMVJSIOV. In r.It'rct December lMli, 1807. North ltouuil south Hound. 201: "1 'in-i jj Stations J p , 3 (Tralus Dally, Ex-' 5 5 is cept Mi!idity ) 1 g a ip M'Arrlve I.eavei ,a mi 72.1N. Y Frnnktln s; .... 74).... '7 10 West. 4'.'nrt street' .... 7. . . 1700 WeeUawkeu I .... a 10 .... V m Arrive J-YT i' m 1 iV" """V'uijoiU s4 ... Iff), Haaeoct .... ai'.. '. I'Jf.4 Starlljbi .... ssu .... i 'U l'reb'.oii Park- .... '.:it 11:40, Wltiwnod .... y4i .... U-jv I'oyntcllo sio;..., l-MI orsou .... sm .... iao3 Tloasant Mt ,'iis ... fin? Uulaudnle ... sci .... 1140 rorett city .... is) .... 1131 CarbJiidale .... S8t .... fiiso White Dridge ... f3 sy ... IfiiaV Maylitld .... i:u'i dl '.'3, Jerinui .... :j4S . .. Ills Archibald .... 851 .... 11 1.V Wlntoa .... a.-,4 .... '11 U 1'ockviile .... 3.'.y . . 1107 oly.tiant .... 401 .... 110', 1'rlceturg ... 4 0T .... 110) Tliroop .... 410 . .. 'no) Providence ... n .... tiuCT l'aik Tiaeo .... fl 17 .... 10 M scrantou .... 4 . .. x u I.eare Arrive r u ! All trains run dally except tiunday. t bUallles that trains stop on signal for pai HDgers i-ecuro rates via untano western oeiore purcUaslDj tickets and save Nlitnt E -press to the West. 1 save money, nay aro J.C.Anderson. Oen.Pasi Act. T. rutcrott, Dtr. Pass, Agt.gonotoA. Pa. FOItEST CITY. Rev. G. n, Stone leaves for Norwich, N. Y., this morning;, to attend the an nual meeting of the Wyoming confer ence. Airs. Anna I,abor, wife of John La bor, died nt her homo In this borough, on Friday, ns a result of bronchial trouble. She was born forty-seven years ago In Austria. Her husband anil several children survive her. The funeral services wero held yesterday morning nt S o'clock In St. Agnes' Catholic church nnd lilch muss was celebrated. Rev. Father Coroner ofllc lated. Interment was In St. Agnes' cemetery. Enterprise Hose company will meet for drill every Monday evening from now on. The first drill wus held In tho lire rooms,. on Center street, last evening. According to the borough financial statement, just published, our bonded Indebtedness is J1.8S0, on which there Is $70.63 Interest due, nnd tho outstand ing orders amount to $1,408.84, making the total liabilities foot up to $3,423.47. Tho amount of cash In the hands of the treasurer Is $1,331.80; the amuunt due from the present collector. $921.82; amount still duo from former collec tors, $830.38; vnluntlon of borough lot, $800; valuation of personal property, $350, making the total assets $4,232.56. The ussets exceed the liabilities by $ii07.09. The amount received last year by the burgess for Hnea nnd costs wus $12S.33; the umount received troin licences, $143, TOWANDA. Ouy Uros.' minstrels nt Italc'sopera houro, Friday evening, April IB. They arc great. Our anglers are now preparing them selves for some largo trout llshlnp stories. Look out. The up-to-dnto dry goods man, D. T. Evans, was In the city last week. Tho Y. M. C. A. rooms aro being put In excellent shape at their new quar ters. Alorrlson & Co. have opened their Kenfi furnishing goods storo In the Foster block. The popular mnrble nntl granite deal ers, Seheuller .t McCnry, sold on Sat urday n handsome rrnnlto monument to Mrs. Amelia J'ortor, of Wynluslng. Tho Jlottntln lake summer resort will be innnngcd !y Its proprietor, J. H. Rnthpcber, of Mauch Chunk. Mrs. A. Lewis nnd AIlss Subrn Por ter, wore- Wynltudng friends nt the county set, Haurday and Sunday. AVIIlls Illdgowuy, a college student. Is home for Easter vacation. The twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary of Mr. nnd Mrs LeHter It. Frost, wbh celebrated last Tuesday evening. Joseph Head, who mysteriously dis appeared from home a week ngo, was traced und found by Deputy United States Marshal J. C. Holden. at Wil mington, Del., Thursdny, and returned home Saturday. A. M. Baker, our new cash ftrocex, hns received a new delivery wnsron, which Is attractively finished. He is a hustler, Hon. Volney II. Ciishing, of Maine, w 111 speak In this place next Sunday. !A. Tracey was up from Washington, D. C, the first of last week, greeting To'vnndlnns. I'owand.a hns a new physician, D. G-. B. Taylor, of Pittsburg. Optician Hruco expects to move to Sayro soon. (1. C. Lewis Is now pulling enndy and making other "sweeties" for It. M. Ale Craney & Co. Our fire lndtlleK were called out Sat urday afternoon to give their aid In extinguishing a slight fire In the rear of State street, In an old building. No patttculnr damage was done. The Sayre Christian Endeaverers, at nn entertainment raised $11 for tho Cu ban sufferers. Where Is Towantla's re port? i.'squlre A. C. Fanning, of Troy, was In town laBt week. William A. Sherwood, piano ttiner with Holmes t Passage, has composed a piece of music known as "Karl Deck er inarch und two-step." He hns ded icated the same to the Cuban heroine, Alis Clsnerns. The Holcomb house In now managed by Button Hoose. H. F. Marsh has severed his connect ion with the Report-.lournnl, and will be succeeded by the former editor, I). M. Turner. Father Shields, of Hentlv Creek, formerly of tills place, was In town last week hand-shaking with his many friends. i.. A. Hosworth and M. W. Xurthup, Lc Raysvllle, were transacting business lu town Saturday. At tho Eighteenth annual prize con test In elocution at thu opera house. Wednesday, the first prizes were awarded to A. 1J. Dye, Jr., and Miss Alary Rockwell. Our churches were handsomely deco rated Sunday, and an elaborate Easter programme was celebrated by each de nomination's Sunday school Airs. C. I. Smith, of Columbus, O., Is visiting for a few days at G. S Smith's. J. F. Patterson Is spending a short time with relatives In Tuxedo park, N. Y. The Salvation army have announced an entertainment for this week. They should be helped. AIlss Jessie Hermans, of Manilas, N. Y Is being entertained by Towan dlans. The Gra'nd jury will convene next Miiiidny. l-irii'tor Ilol'en and our police made a inlil on a poker den on Sunday, ar itsllno, live young law-breakers. Alucii Interest was taken here on Sat in day evening nt the Republican pri maries, nearly one-half of the party vote being cast. The first roportrf give a victory for Stone, and two districts out of the thirty-eight reported lu fa vor of Wannmaker. The delegates vdi'd for und elected nre J. H. Brown, P. T. Hole. II. K. Mltwhell, Dr. J. W. Chamberlain and F. L. Klnner. Manager Kit by has announced as his nNt attraction nt Hale's opera house, Guv Bros.' minstrels, to appear hero on Friday evening ot this week. Bv the press notices they aro introduced to our tli-utei-goeis as being the most popu lar iuuienl and entertaining company on the road The piogruinme Is Inter spersed with musical ni lists, acrobatic ft'iUH. duncHis nnd r. score of laughable featuies, and best of all, the company curilcs one of tho llnest orchestras that ever has been heard lu our opera house, which would be worth alone the pi Ice of admission to Pear all the lat est music. "A Jolly game of croquet," Is announced as nn excellent feature, also the "circus day." The Huntsmen," etc This is said to be the show that curries the graqdest banjo orchestra. Including the challenge orchstin and silver band. Watch for their parade at noon. Popular prices. FACTOBYVILLE. Miss Elizabeth Wrlgley, of Scranton, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. James Boyd, of Dalton, was the guest of his mother over Sunday, Rev. H. H. Wilbur left Monday for Norwich, N. Y., to attend conference. A good-sized audience witnessed tho exhibition of the electromotoscopo at tho Baptist church Monday evening. Afr. A. W. Gardner and wife are con fined to tho house with rheumatism. Atrs. George Carr has been visiting friends In Jermyn, M'.ss Nina Stark, who has been at tending school at Forty Fort for th last two years, hns returned home. Airs. Tloyd Wrlgley and daughter. Dorothy, of Lake Carey, aro visiting her muther, Mrs. Frances Mntthewson. Mr. Burton Ciisman, of Hansom, spent Sunday with his parents. Kuel l'. Capwell, of Dickinson I.nw school, spent his Easter In town. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Winters are In Dunmoro today attending the funeral of their nephew, II. II. Winters. Mrs. Dnnlel Blddleman Is visiting her son, Charles, In Scrunton. District Deputy Overlleld Installed tho newly elected officers of both the eneampmont and subordinate lodge of Odd Fellows lust Saturday evening. Mr. Overlleld was entertained over Sunday :tt the homo of Atr. Allies W. IMUs. Last Sunday evening at tho .Metho dist church a largo audience greeted th rendition of u cantata, "The Great Light," by thu church choir under tho efficient leadership of Charles Gardner. The funeral of Forrest Rhodes oc curs at Clark h Given today. Air. Ithodeb way. a former resident of this town. 44tskbur WllOSe llOHSO ta rntmnlonnitclv slmn Tolinen tunrlr wnin'no her least, whose leisure time The chances are ten to one ' I do all my cleaning liPjtftff O&JaJI 001a ry nn grocers. Largest package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. THE MARKETS. Wall Street lluiltw. New York, April 11. There was a period ot about fifteen minutes of ani mated selllnir and quickly dropping prices on the ,-itock exchange today af ter the reading of the president's mes sage to congress, and there were some lnrg-o orders executed In the last fif teen minutes of trading which brought prices up to the top level of the day. Otherwise the acldent drifted In the hands of the room traders, ns It hnB done for several days past. Prices op ened ut) a point In many stocks, lost practically nil the advance and lost agiln before the message was present ed to congress. The drop upon the con clusion ot the reading was between oii'j nnd two points from the highest for the principal active stocks. Net pulns at the close weio over a point for most, leading stocks. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears building, rooms 70&-7U6. Open- Hleh- Low- Clos- Iok. cs est, lng. Am. Cot. Oil 17 17 17 17 A. S. n. C lMtoll!H,4 IWi llb'.i 12" A.. T. & 8. F.. Pr .. 2fli 0 28 20V4 Am. Tobacco Co ....102 10216 101W 10 Am. Spirits 914, U !", Hi Bait. & Ohio 17H 17? 17'.4 tf Brook. It. T 3S ii'.i 3S 'Mt Bay State Gas 3H 3U :l .1 N. J. Central 92 fC 92 92 Chic. & O. W 10i 11 HV!i 11 Chic, ti N. W 120 12i) nsii, 119 Chic. B. it U SI 9li 92?i 94ya Chicago Gas 92 92U 91i 92'i Chic, .Mil. & St. V .. 9014 91 89U ! Chic, It. I. & V SOU M mi kti Chic, St. P. AI. it O. 70 7(1 O'lVi (.9Va C. C. C. & SI. L .... 2S 2$ 28 '.Sy, Gen. Electric 32?i 1)2 32 X2 Louis, it Nash n0-;i fil'f, r.0 ftlVi .Manhattan Ele '.n 93V4 96"i 98V. AIo. Paclllc .... 2614 Nat. Lead 30?i 31 30V ',0 N. Y. Central 11114 11214 110T4 112 Out. & West lli 14?i 14'i 14h North. Paclllc 23 24 231, 24 Nor. Puclllc. Pr .... U2?i 0314 C2i CI Paclllc Alall 24i(, 2t?4 2il4 24?, Phil. & Iteud 17 17s 16T4 171i Southern II. R S i S Tenn., C. & Iron .... 20'4 20 2014 203J t'nlon Patv 1st Pr .. 3i ,M'4 52a Mlt U. S. Lecher, 1'r .. 5Mi SSli i'72 3S Wabash. Pr 10 10 16 16 West. Union S7 b71. S612 b7'8 Alet. Traction Co ..14114 142 139 14114 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. 30?i 31 Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. et. lt;. ..100 106 10514 100 .. M! Mil. M'i S3 WHEAT, Alay July OATS. Aluy July FORK. May July LARD. 2914 29?i 9 29 30?; ."0!s S0? 30T4 2Si 23 9.75 9,b0 5.12 5.20 254 23 23 231s i Alay (July ' LARD. Alay 9.80 9.90 9.80 9.90 P.S0 9.S7 D.15 5.25 5.17 5.23 5.17 5.22 July .Sciunton l.'ourJ . f Trade Exchange Qtiotutions--AII Quotations iluscd tin Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. .. National llcilng ii Drill's Co. .. Asked, lu SO j First National Bank I Elmhurst Biulevaid ; Scranton Savings Bank ! Scrunton Fucking Co Lacka. iron & Steel Co 1 Third National Bunk Throop Novelty Alfg Co ; Scranton Trac. Co Scranton Axle Woiks Weston Alill Co Alexander Car Beplacer Co . ; Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank i Peck Lumber Alfg Co Economy Light, Heat & Pow ' er Company :w 100 95. 150 2b5 SO IS ... VI) W) 150 173 210 15 Scranton Illuminating, & Power Comrany ... Scranton Forging Co ... BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway Heat 85 loo first mortgage, due 1920 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 191S People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 Dickson Alanufaeturlng Co ... Lacka. Township School 5"S.. City of Scrnnton St. Imp. 0.. 113 115 ... 115 ... 100 102 102 W 100 I Alt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scrnnton Traction Co., mortgage 0's, due 1932 tlrst 103 New York Produce .Market. New York, Apill 11. Flour Quiet nnd easy. Wheat Spot steady; No, 2 red, UMX. t. o. b ufloal; No. I Duluth, J1.10U nl.!0; optlous weak; towards the close moderate covering brought u rully and llnul prices wero only ls?c. net lower; No. 2 red. Alay, $1.00vi,ul.OF4, closed $1.01 ii July, !7 13-lCaS&c, closed 5S";c. ; Septem ber, SO 7-lCabll.c, closed fcOV1.; December, 80a811ic., closed 6114c. Corn Spot easy; No. 2, 36c, f. o. b., afloat; options weak und lower, dosing ,n'ie. lower; Alay, 24 l-16a34Hc, closed 34c. closed 31-"ec.; July, -&uZiii.. closed 3."'4c Oats-Spot weak; No. 2. 30Vjc: No. 2 white. 3212c. ; op tlons dull and easy, cloelt g 'lc lower; May, closed 29Hc. Butter Steady ; cream- i ery, 17a21c. : do. factory, 12'ialOc. ; Elsias, 21c; Imitation creamery, It'jajlhc ; state dairy, lSnl'ic ; do. creamery, J7Viii2ie. Eggs Firm; btato nnd Pennsylvania, iOa 10'4c. ; westerr flesh. 10'.c. , southern, 91t a9;c. PetVolcum Dull. liicnco (irnlu Market. Chlcngo, April 11. Wheat today sold oil l'tc closing prices, however, showed u decline of but "iuTsc. Tho president's message was not u factor, tho contents not beng generally known until trading for the day was practically ut an end. Corn, oats und piovlslons wero all easier und left off nt small declines from Satur day's tlnul prices. Cash quotations Were us follows: Flour Steady; No. 3 spring wheat. (WaOSc; No. 2 red, $1.0iltal.0.j; No. 2 com, Hie. ; No. 2 yellow, 29$tC. ; No. 2 oats. 2iiu2Cc; No. 2 white, 29ia89!4c.; No. 3 white, f. o. b.. 271in29c; No. 2 rye. 611ic; No. 1 llax seed. J12U4al.22; prime tim othy seed, $2.75a2.S0; mess pork. $9,4Ui3.S; lard, J.l,'u5.l7!-j: short ribs, sides, loose, $5,05a5.35; dry salted shoulders. ISalc; short clear sides, boxed, $3,50a5.GO; whisky, $1.20; sugars, cut loaf, unchanged, Re ceipts Flour, 12,000 barrels; wheat. 3j.ooo bushels; corn, IfiO.OOO bushels; oats, I&2.U00 bushels; rye. 0,000 bushels; barley, 30,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, IXOoO barrels; il Neighbor is greatest, how she manages. she will answer : with Waslp! Hr)Wder wheat. 666,000 bushels; corn, 896,000 bush, els; oats, 588,000 bushels; rye, 89,000 bush, els; barley, 93,000 bushels. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, April 11. Cnttle Fairly nctlv demand for good stock, but common and modlum grndos rather slow at weak prices. Bulk of sales nt $3.40aB.10, strict, ly prime beeves scarce and strong at $r,.'il aS.CO; Blockers and feeders In good de mand nt $4,20a4.90; medium to prime fal cows and helfors calenblo at $S.25a4.7S, Calves In good demand at $5.&0a.23 pet 100 pounds. HogB Forced from DalOc. by liberal supply; sales, 3.70a4; tho greatei part going for $3.80a3.5; prime light weight hogs sold at $3.9214. Sheep-Ac. tlvo demand at steady prices, wanted at $3.90a4.63 for shorn and at $4.7t)a4.90 fol good wooled lots. Lambs-Bold at $t.50a for si orn, but wooled ilocks dscllneij nbout 10c, rales ranging at $5a5.70; pilm wooled sheep scarce. Hecclpts-Cattle, 18,000 head; hogs, 37,000 head; sheep, 2ii,00 head. East Liberty Cnttlo Mnrket. East Liberty. Pa., April ll.-qattle-. Firm; prime, $5a5.10; common, $3.90a4.2, Hogs Dull and lower; prime medium weights, $3.93a4; heavy Yorkers, $S.90a3.95 light Yorkers. 13.R0a3.sr,-. hmiw hum i n,i a4; pigs, ns to quality, $.7.D0a3.75; 'good .1 niunns, .i.2ua3.uu; common to fair roughs, J2.50a3. Sheep Slow nt unchanged prices! choice clipped lambs, I4.90a5, common to good, $4.25a4.S3; spring lambs, JSa6.J0; veal calves, $4a5,50. Tifvr Vork Live Stock. New York. April 11. Beeves-Activej steers, $4.62n3.0; oxen and stags. $3.u 4.20; bulls, $3.50a3.W; cows, $2a4. Calves Actlvo but 25c. lower; venls, $406.25; all sold. Sheep and Lambs Sheep weak; lambs. 10c. lower; wool sheep, $4a5.1214; clipped do., $3.75a4.f0; wooled Inmbs, $3.75a C.25; clipped do., $4.73a5.30, state spring lambs, $2a5 each. Hogs Slow at $4n4.23. HONESDALE. Miss Grace Corey went to New YorU Saturday, where she will spend a month with relatives. AIlss Edith Swift is home from Atlsi Dana's hcmlnary for the Easter vaca-. Hon. Bomember the Orpheus qunrtetta concert In the opera house this even ing. The last number of the Christian En. tlenvor entertainment course will bq given April 22 by the New York quart tette. assisted by Miss Nichols, a read-i er. This odmpany comes highly recom mended. j uiiiwrow evening you aro invited to take tea with the ladles of St. John'i church In the opera house. Largo congregations were In nttendJ aneo at the special Easter services In all the churches on Sunday. AIlss Jesse Keefer, of Scranton, spent Easter at the home of her mother on Patk street. 1 1 ABOUT HORACE GREELEY. His Luck of Oratorical Ability, II U Handwriting nnd Ecctntrieltlei, From Harper's Magazine. Horace Greeley was not an orator In any scholastic sense. Ha had a pour and somewhat squeaking voico; ha know nothing of gestures, nnd he could not take an orator's pose, which adda such emphasis sometimes to the mat ter and argument to be iet forth, Not all his years of practice on the platform and on pu'b'lc occasions ever cha.igeil his habits and methods as a speaker, and ho ended as poorly equipped in the) respects n.iined for the vocation as when he began But he had one prim quality without which nil the ot'iera are exploited in vain. He Invariably lad something to say, nnd ho said it ir such clear atut whclet-ome English, with Mich slncor.fy, t'n.t he was an ciator In spite of all the rules. To state It rpir-f. of .ill the eminent hpeakers 1 have Introduced- and morn than one their- was not 0110 wno gavo better satisfaction, different and nota ble as they were, than Horace Greeley. As a consequence, h" came to mo of tenest. nnd wore the best. We might or might not agree with some of his peculiar premise, as wnen he says: "The moment a drop of tUr-hohol Is re ceived Into the human stomach that moment the stomach recognizes a dead ly enemy;" but he sijt his audience to thinking, and illuminated his theme. His handwriting I early learned tho plphabet of, giving him In reply ns some who thought they knew said "as good ns he sent." Ills chlrography was phenomenally and preternaturally atrocious; but when you onco get tha trick of tho hieroglyphics, it wus not so very difficult to read. Tho storlea about It outnumber the fables of Eaop. It Is claimed that the presidents and, secretaries of some lyceums would oc casionally get a letter from him an nouncing that he could not come, which! they read afllrmatlvely, and to which they would reply that the date named and price mentioned were entirely sat isfactory, and then proceed to n.akul public announcement of his lecture, Ever, his eccentric Ideas were made plausible by his treatment, I heard him say once thnt what was then thought to bo the great American des ert ought to be planted with Canada thiotlep, so as to give nature some sort of a green start, when other vegltatlon might be made 1 to follow. But tha tiouble is, Cumlda thistles, like any other thing Inspired by "pure cussed ness," win only grow and thrive whera they ought not to. Find a place whera their presence would do some good, nnd, as In the Humpty Dumpty (.as, "all the king's horses and all the king's men" could not fasten them them. This perverseness suggests in a certain way, the smnli hoy's conception of a good and had his enchiridion of na ture nnd life. "What's fun," he paid. "Is always wicked; what we don't want to do In pious." Mr. Greeley would cut down his ald ers In the Spring. When I mildly sug gested to him that our agricultural au ttu.rlllCH preferred tho Autumn for that work, when nature could not so well aid their struggle for existence, ha thought this reason was a mere excuso for not cutting them at all. i I t