THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY. APRIL 0. 1898. (Je crranfon Crtfiune 1uLllihri1 Dnlly. Except Stinelny. hv thn I rlbune ruWUlilns fompitnj, at Mfty Cenla n Month. The Tribune's telegraphic news is from three to five hours fresher than that of any Philadelphia or New York paper circulated in its field. Those papers go to press at midnight; The Tribune receives news up to 3 a. in. and sometimes later. All the news in The Trib une while it is new. ,cu York Office! JSONiw'inRt,, R. s viunxANn, hole Agent for foreign Advc-rililng. rsTrnm atiiii: rosTOtnrn t sen anion, 1M., AS SI rilVlCI.S4 MAIL MATTril TWELVE PAGES. SP11ANTON, AI'IUL !, 1S0S. Touias EWtiudit l'nlma lias Kadlflrcd ft foitnnc fur Cuba ami plvcii the.' best years of hi. Ilfo to tin- cctisu of Ills eountty's llhor.itleui. Tliosi- who fool lnc lined, because of the uMnlnltN of the eiveifnii Mr. Itisboiis. to condemn the finite Junta as a pack of blow hard rhnuld tud the blnKiaphy of tlie Cuban delegate befoie imttlupr ihets In such a conclusion. Th; Laws of War. In a ticent nrtlelo iondoned from the "Washington Star attention unse c.illed to some fit the Ic-kiiI ionse qucjiccs of uai as affecting Kp.iliiiuiN in the I'lilted .States and Ainei leans In Spain, or Spanish telnnlul possessions, The Washington Pint prints a lonpr ai tlele tUiouiiiK liar's le' elfecls upon the inhabitants of Cuba In the eent of Anieiicau h .'pstlncnt and Iniasdun of that Island. Wo piesent liercultli sumo of Its moie Intel ostium featuies, based on the ofllclal Instructions of our war depaitment for the Bovernment of the nrinlPH of the t'nlted States ln,the Held. The lesulatlonu. we are told, dee hue that the luesence of a hoctlle aimv inoclulms martial law over the ttnl toiy occupied and oi iihleh authotity nn lie cxeiche Tlieiefoie niaitlal law would ho tho Rovcinmont of Cuba during Spar.Ish-Ameiican hovtllitles. The communder ot the Aincilcau foices might at his dlMictlon pioelalm that the admlnlhtiation of clil and penal laws .should ontnue. eitlur wholly or in part, an in tlmt.s of peace. The com manding oltker would also hae the authority to lequiie of all civil olllcei.s and magistrates In the It-land an oath of temporary allegiance or an oath of fidelity to the Auieileuu government. Magistrates and oilicei.s declining- to take buch oath would piobably lie ex pelled from the island, or at least iu moved from ofllce. The 1 filiations snv . War Is not culled on l)j tiim alone- It is lawful to Mario the hostile bclllse-i-un, armed or liuuiined, hi that It leads to Hit' speedier subjection of the enemy. 311.1 teirv necthsit) admits ot nil dlieet cli structlon of life and ilinli of atmnl em -inks and of otliei peiMius wIkimi diMiur. Hon is Irrldentullv i n.iMiiilulili in thi aimed contests ot wat It iilluus of the .-.ptuilng ot eer ntnied rmnii and ev en emmv ot inportnici 11 allows ol all destruction ot pmpirtv an 1 dead action of the wavs incl clunnels ol tiaflli, ti.ivi-1 or eommimlcatloii. and of all withholding of sustenance ot means ot life from the pnemy and of such deception as dues not inole tho luenkiuc ot ,rood faith .Men who take up arms against cm another in P'Jblic war do not ce-.i.o on tlilH uccuunt to be moial beings letpunslMu to one an other and to Cod. Commanders, whenever admissible, inform the enemy of their intention to bombard a foi tilled rlt, so that non combatants, and especially women and children, may bo icnioved fiom dan ger. Hut it Is no infraction of the common laws of war to fall in t litis warning tho enemy of Its dnnger. Sur prise Is held In some enses to be a necessity. ony foailled places aie liable to bombardment, u s custom my when a illy Is to be bombarded to designate- hospitals and like Institu tions by flags, usually yellow, no that the besieging enemy may avoid Hiing on them. The .same Is done in imttiu vihero hospitals are located wltliln the Held of engagement. An honcnahle enemy aespects theso Hags of protec tion so far as the light will peimlt. and it Is justly considered an act or bad faith, of infamy, and llendlshness to deceive an enemy by such Hags. The besieging enemy often ruiuests tho be sieged to designate, the buildings con Mlnlns collections of ait, siicntilic museum", or previous libraries, mj that their destruction may be avoided. As iccarils confiscation, the Ameri can army is authoiUed to impropriate all publlo money, seize all public and movable propeity, and seipieslcr for Its own benefit all tho t plenties or icul liioperty belonslnK to the hejstlle gov urnmeut. As a neni'ia! iuIo propeity belonging to hospitals, churches, char itable institutions, and seats of learn ing Is not considered public property, and is therefore exempt fiom the neces Hitietf of war, except In etiemely urgent cases. If -works of ait. llbiailes, Bclenllllc iiiusijuniH, etc., can bo re moved without Injury t,he American lommander moy outer (hem to be sei.od nnd removed. Ultimate owner-t-hlp will then bo decided by tho ensu Ins tieuly of peace. Private propeity, ii'ilem forfeited bj crimes or political nlfeywer of thcemncr, may not ho seized except in oases ot extreme necessity. Money nnd other valuables found on tho person of a pilboner nio to be regarded by the American mmy qa jirliato prop, erty, tho apptqpr'ul'ein. yf, vh,bh U con Hldmed dlshonbrajile, Nevertlioless, If a large sum of money q found upon the person of tj pilon"" shall v T'ra taken from him and appropriated at the discretion of the commander, after deducting; a icnsonable amount for tho Mlsoner's support. Aa concerns ptisoners ot war, tho regulations yield little Infotinatlon that is not generally known. Clllsens who accompany the army for any possible puipose, Btitlors. contractors, corres pondents, vlinndlcrs, etc, may be de claied prisoners of war nnd detained ns such. Tho enemy's chnplalns, olll cets of the medical staff, apothecaries, hospital nure.s, and servants, If fallen inlo the hands ot the enemv. nie not pilsoncrs of war unless the commander hns good lcnsons for dttalnlnc them. A prisoner ntVnr who escapes may be shot or otherwise killed In his lllght, but neither death nor any other kind of punishment mny bo visited upon him for his uttempt to escaiie, which the law of war does not consider a crime. 11 the law of nations the bearer In good faith of a Hag of true Is, together with his cscott, Inviolable. Firing Is not leeiultcd to ceae on the nppear- ance of a flair of truce In battle, and If the beater of a Hag, piesentlng him self dining an engagement, be killed or wounded, It furnishes no sround of complaint whatever. The United States acknowledge and piotect In hostile counttlcs occupied by Ametlcan atmles, religion mid morality, sttlctly private piopcrty, the petsons of the lnhabl tants.especlally women, and the sacrcd ness of domestic relations. Offenders are i Igorously punished. This rule does not Interfere with the light of tho Atneilcan army to tax tho people or their property, to levy forced loans, to billet soldleis, ot to appropriate prop erty, especially houses, lands, boats, ami ships, ami chinches for temporary milltuiy use. At best, war is hell; but better a tempoiaty hell with war than a per manent one thtouch shirking of hu mauitailan duty. It lemains to be seen whether Span ish "honot ' will be bullet proof. Different Points of View. In order to reach an accurate com prehension ol pending movements it is lucessary to bear In mind certain fundamental points of dlffereme be tween the Anglo-Saxon and the Tntln inees. The Latin eveivuhcre is bv larlal Impulse volatile, boastful, given to fuilous gesticulation and lluent Im acey In speech, highly strung, quick teiiipeicd and treach'-rous. Intrigue comes bv second natuie, vanity often l cache, the grotesque The Latin by act of Pioildence Is a liar. Some otit gi n this weakness but with the ma Jot ity it abides, unconsciously. "We shall haie to allow fcr this tact when preparing to Intel lene In Cuba. eln the other hand, the Anelo-Slon is Mow and stern. lie- Is least danger ous when most vociferous. It has bo come u piovcib with him that "the balking dog neier bites" The most imilnnus sign that theie is Intel national tiouble ahead is the coinpauitive calm which is now ovei spreading the situa tion at Washington, illustrating1 that other piovcib that "still unten l tin deep" Moieoier the Anglo-axon W guided by his Judgment lather than by his emotions, and is a bolievoi in the doctiine of fiankness between man nnd men. "When we told Spain that she must get out ot Cuba she thought we were Iduillnir. Sh judged us by th" value which she would attach to oms of bet own hluh-sounding ultimatums. When we told the Cubans that we in tended to fiee them but wouldn't lec ocnlze their make-shift govei nment until we had had an oppoitunity to look over the giound they tlneateivd to lie It us, because they thought we meant to steal their Island. They judged Anglo Saxons by the Latin Htnndard. The Cuban Is better than tho Span iaid because the Cuban li.n to some e tent learned fiom Ameiica. Main Cubans haie been educated heie. Oth eis have visited heie. Yet otheis have had sons or daughteis educated note. This good lea en counts and it would multiply rapidly with Spanish sover eignty elimlnut"d. Vet there is still a lais margin of racial cliff eienee which must be allowed for. AVo must tiy to look tut matteis fiom both points of view II we would spare out selves a deal ol trouble. The Philadelphia Press Is wasting a lot of unnecessary sympathy on Hop lesontntive Coray. Mr. Coray is quite well qualified to take caie of himself. Information. Mr. Thomas llrown, Jr , of Forest City, nsks us to answer the following questions: (1) At tho time tho battle ship Maine was Heating in the haibor of Jluvnn.v just pioiious to her do stuictlon, did she not carry a full sup ply ot ammunition' (2) Do the ves sels of our navy In time of peace catry lull magazines and other munitions of vnr in like proportion, and if not vvhnt Is their equipment in this linn? (.') At thts time of tho blowing: up of tho Maine what supplv of ammunition was can led by the vessels of our paiy? In reply, wo may say that lie un deistnnd the Maine was "loaded for bear." (-') ClicumstaiKcs goieiu the amount of ammunition can led by na val vessels In time of peace. 'When ft anchor in homo ports llttln Is cat iled. When ciulslng where there is believed to be tho possibility of tiouhlo the supplv Is inci eased, fj) The ships at Key West had as much ummuuilioii on board as the Maine had. They, too, vine prepated for any euieigincy. Hut it is tho light of a warship to tairy ammunition, at all times. That Is what it is foi. The piesence of am munition on the Malno In no respect canceled her rishi to be hospitably received at Ilaiana and accorded every ivacon.iblo piotectlon. Wo gavo pro tection tei tho Vlscaya when It wan loaded to tho deck railing' with powder nnd shells. It Is some consolation to know that Carl Schur. is not now fornlnat the government. Maybe there Is hope for Larry Godlilu id. There will bo a lot thut Lee can tell when ho gets home, hut we suspect he Is" not constructed on the pattern of Hanuls Taylor. Treoldent McKlnley is evei lastingly right In proceeding upon tho principle ihoi when tbe Clnbup innn 1 tfi.Hlri this time it must bo settled so that It will stay sottle.d. ' i John "W. Griggs hasn't been. In the cabinet ton? but facts show' that since he has been theie ho has been tho right man In the proper place. Mr. Bryan says ho believes President McKlnley Is "honest, conscientious nnd pure " The sequel will show also that ho Is able. Abuse ot McKlnley does MrKlnley no harm but it docs reveal some extra otdlntuily nairow minds In congress. Spain's long sowing ot Hie wind gives every promise of culminating In the proverbial whlrlwnd harvest. General Grosvenor ought to be too epet lencod a campaigner to take Popullstlc ranting seriously. It Is a nafo guess that Horatio S. Habeas will not be the Hist attorney general of Cuba. In a certnln senso it looks as though that Joint note had gone to protest. The Pearl of the Antilles needs new setting. General Leo will sec Havana later. TOLD BY TUB STARS. Dally Horoscope. U;awn bv Ajncclmi I' lie Tribune. Astrologer. Astrolabe Cast'. 4 59 a. m . for Saturday, April !, 1'S. tf & & In the opinion of a child botn on this day. booze, cigarettes and Cuban war talk are resporslblo for much of tho agony of the present age. Suburban jit goes who are making war on tho administration may not be quite so anxious to light when tho Spanish guns nro to be faced. Tho flcnlst will joyfully shake off the cloak of penance today and doublo the price of roses. Ajncclins' Advice. Lit us rejoice that warm weather has been predicted. The spring raav be rartied on the aim, but It Is best to keep the whiter flannels next to the skin. Otir Legal Right to Intervene in Cliba Piom the Chicago lntoi -Ocean. NTLIIN'ATIOXAL law is not. and neier cun be. codified A code enum erates nnd elcllnes the lights ot per sons and of things, and prescribes temedles for iniuries inflicted by In fringement upon those rights, and or dains punlsbmtiit for those, who disobey Its commands. The best code Is Imper fect. Tlie wit of man never has been able to enumerate all tho rights inherent and all wrongs possible to mankind at Inige. lletiee the common law couits and courts of eeiulty foieier aro making new appli cations of an old pilnclple I'or the prin ciple of all law is substantial Justice. In tel national law, cvni more than domestic law eontinualli is called upon to ap ply Us fuiiciainent.ll pilnclple to new cases. It is guided teveientlv bj plece tleut where piecedent exists, where piece dent does not ex'st It acts with d to the trinities. It Is alike tlue of domes tic and of Inteinutlonal Ijvv that the gen eial weltuio Is Its supremo rule ot action. Upon this principle the United States is 1ulllled In tlie act ot Intervention on be half of Cuba The peaceful deielonment of the cliillrcd world roqulies tho .sub stitution of a fiee and independent gov ernment in Cuba for the stupidly t lunula despotism of Spain. o Hut we aie not without pn cedent I'.ussla, l'liissla and Austria btllevlng. nlsl or unwise!), trulv or untrulv. In 1772 that the perpetuation of an inde pendent and olten turbulent monaichy in Poland thiealened the peaco of Luropf, cllsmembtred that ancient kingdom. The belief may havo been pretentious, tlie ac tion may have been unjust, but the plea oi Intervention lor the public welfuie en dures, and is a precedent that must estop each and nil ol those Intel veiling fiom piotest against United States Intel ventlon In Cuba. Uetween 177.' and IbSS theie have been Instances too numerous for ic capitulation of armed In tervention often accompanied bv armed disintegration in the alfnirs of 'ones na tion by the guv ei nment of another, but there an; lustantes pertinent to ourselies. Dining our own wnt of Independence Prance Intel fered against Gieat llrltain. During tho Urnnco-Austrlan occupation ot Mexico In tho interest of Maximilian we threatened to Inteifere, and so massed our troops as to havo all tho effect of ae tirnl Interference. Since then wo have seen tho great powers of Uurope Inter leno between Turkey and Gieece, Turkev and Kgjpt. and Turkey and Crete. It is useless to multiply precedents that can be multiplied Indefinitely. o Loid P.ilmerstou, who lived in vciv storm v times, nnd who guided lliltnm t'o n liuibor of vantage through all of then, laid It down us a rule of action that when dill war exists a foielgn power may deal with tho conflicting forces as though they vi oio separate nations, and inav take sid' s with the one or the other, according to the sjmpathl's or Interests of its own people. Palme i stop's rule neier has been (ailed seriously inlo question. It icsts well on iteson and on Jutlcc. w.u be tiem the Cubans and Spain exists none is so insano as to deny this. The war dlstuihs the coinmeice of tho world, nnd spcclully tluu of the United States (Jar trade Is diminished by at leist JIOU.OOO.OOO a venr. Our citizens have been molested, our consuls havo been harassed, and one of our warships hns been destroyed and neai ly MO American seamen have lie en killed. Murder, rapine, plague, pestilence and famine hold hlch carnival In Cuba, and Cuba almost Is In sight of our coast. To Interfere for a restoiation of law and order, based on a free government, will lie In neeordanco with precedent and In ternatiouul law. AIMUI. A WAIt MONTH. Ii oin the Philadelphia Bulletin. April is peculiarly a war month In American hlstorv. The war ot Independ ence was opened In Ihe skirmishes at Lexington on the 1'jlh of April. 1773. The war wllh MeMeo was begun on the banks ot tho Itlo clrande In the collision be tween Taylor and Ampudla. The war of Hip Union began with tho siege of Sum til, on the 11th of Apill, ISfll. nnd ended with the falh of Illchinond In April, U begins to look us If history will again repeal Itself. thi: li'sso.n or insTom. Piom the Tunkhannock Republican. Theie seems now to bo no loom for doubt that the Quay eh meat of this state will control the next stnte convention ar.d It lemains to be seen whether that vill be h matter for rtgiet or otherwise Senator Quai will haie It In his power at that convi ntlon to bo either for or against tnu boxt Intcitsts of tho Hepubllcan panv In PemiHVliaula; to show that he I wot llii of being the leader In this great state, as ho Is todny. Tho condition o! the Hepubllcan party icquires that some, thing moro than ordinal y politics ho the ruling splilt of tho convention width wilt nominate) tho Hepubllcuu candluto for governor. Jt icquires that a man be nominated who will unite tho parly ot tho polls, and that man should bo neither William A. Klone or John Wnmmakor. Hero is tho point where Senator Quay must show his hand, and Instead ot de. olirlni. llm" ip bss tie. obnli'e h sllnlll', most emphatically declnro that he hns a choice, and that choice should be a man who can accomplish the ncccssnry work at tho polls. A inn n of whom It cai.nat bo said ho was "slated" Tho situation Is really serious, and should be treated to. It mlslit bn this ynir as has twice been tho ensu before, when, although Uito was no feeling personal! v against the Republic an cnndldato for governor, a Democrat was elected becuuso It was considered by a certain element In the party that tlin candidates wero forced upon the people against the wishes of n majority ot the party. Whether mich ac tion Is commendable or not It bus twits been taken, and It Is not desirable to fur nish an excuse foi Its ijPiietitlon aguln this j. ear. AIR. CONNELL'S CANDIDACY. Kiom the Seranton Times. Hon William Connell has nt last made ofllclal announcement that he Is a can didate fot tho Itepulillcaii nomination for governor. To aehlevo a nomination nnd election to that oHlce Is a worthy ambi tion and the. mnn who entertains It should not Icavo the people In doubt. It was high time that Mr. Connell made his announcement, lie lias received nn un qualified endorsement In ono of tlie leg islative dlsttlets ot tills county nnd we nio on tlm evo of conventions In two other districts. Mr. Council's enemies have been making capltnl of the fact thnt ho had not announced his candidacy and an element of distrust Injected Into tho canvass might have done him ma te! lul Injury, o Now, that no question of Ml. Conncli's attitude remilns, we havo not the slight est doubt that every delegate from every district In Lackawanna county v 111 be instructed to use every honoruble means to securo Mr. Conncli's nomination It is right and proper that this should be the case. Whatever local bickerings may dis turb either party at home, when a man ot acknowledged ability seeks a state office, personal jealousies unci enmities should bo forgotten, local pride should tower above them and the aspirant for a state office should have thei unanimous support of his pjity In his own county. It was thus when L A. Watrer was a candidate for lleutemnt goiernor It was thus when Hon II. W. Archbald wus a candidate for Judge of the Supreme court. It should ho thus when William Connell is a candidate, for goii mot o Tho Times Is for HorjWllllam Connell In his candidacy for tlie Itepubllean nom ination for governor, not onlv because ho Is u Scranlonlnn, but because we be lieve him to be tlie superior of Wnna maker, tlie superior of either of tlie Stones, the superior of any other can didate named for consideration of the Itepubllcan.s of Pcnnsvlianla. We shall do our best to elect a Democratic gov ernor tills fall. lint If a Hepubllcan must be elected we shall lejolce if that Itepulillcan should be Hon. William Con nell, of this town A Strong Candidate. Uroni the littston Gazette Hon. William Council, of Scrnuton has made announcement of his candi dacy for the Itepulillcan nomination lor governor. Luzerne Id publicans will nat utall.i leel a warm Interest in Mr ('on nell'H candidacy, and this leellu Is doubtless reclpiocated bv tin Lacka wanna people loward tlie Luzune candi date. When the time arrives frr "pool' ing Issue" at Hanl-buig ft suuuld not b a dlll.cult matter for this emu. sec Hon of the state to unite upon one can didate Mi. Connell. If nominated v.ou'rt certninli prove a strong man before tho people. Pis candidacy vvtiill neelve a support linm nil factions of the pirty sutn as fen others Could command. Lllerno's Second Choice, Urom tho Wllkcs-Ilarre Times Next to our own count s candidate on. John Lelsenrlng, lion. William Con nell should lie the choice of Luzemcs delegates, both as a matter of local pride and In justice to a man who has pulled himself up by his own unaided effui ts from u colllei-boN to one of the most substantial men lu northeastern Pcn-i-silianla. All Share Ilia Honor. Prom the Klmhurst Signal. Within the past few weeks a Rieat deal ot strength has developed for Mr. Connell, inuuj lieiellnt? that It he be nomluited as tho standard btarer of tne Republicans lit will luing Into hatmony all the fac tions of the part, llowovei this may be, one thing should bo remembered by tho voters of this counti, that It Is an honor to Lackawanna to haie ono of her sons chosen as goiernor of the state, or ev n mentioned for the place, and all should feel their share in this honor. NATIONAL OIi:. Oh land where Frtcdom hath unfurled Her banner to historic fame, And Liberty to all the world The Stars and Stripes will e'er pioelalm' Land where the Continentals braied Tho wrath of kings and tyrants old, Land patriot blood both ever "aitl. And sires to sons biave deeds haie told' Land mountnlii-rlbbid and forest el on nod. Spread fair to view from sea to sea Thy cataracts with ceaseless sound Peal forth tho unthem of tho free! O'er surging wine and lofty height, In every breeze constraint defies. One flag theie floats that none affilght The starry emblem of the skies' And float It shall In peace and war Nulled to the mast when cannon roar; Come foes who may from near or fai. We'll meet theli cohorts at the shore! This western world is Preedom's clime; No king moy come, no king abide. Hero Llberti hnlh itoied her slulne The people's hope, tho nation's pride! Reneath thy folds, Red, Whit nnd Blue, Prom lake to gulf, from strand to s.rand. In countless legions, freemen true, Maich on, maicli on, to guuid thy land' Wave, stripes ol flame, from pole to pole. Shine, stars In blue, wo follow thec; And let tho mighty authem roll Ameiica shall ajo be free! John II. Graham. In Rochester Post Kxpress. matt Just received a car load of Carriage and Go-Carts. A large variety of styles and prices. If you intend to buy the baby a car riage we can surely please you. tie ciEMMs, mm 'MAliEY Ca ')'! t.rlriiniin Avniuia urn Ca (JOSH nn Late Easter Hust beclone with a rush; Owing to the Inclement weather the past few days, many people could not get out to supply their wants, We are ready for you. EASTER KID GLOVES, Exclusive novelties; our own importations,' EASTER 5U1T5, JACKETS and CAPES. EASTER PUFF SCARFS, In Satin and China Silk, at 25c cents, for Ladies and Gents? EASTER BLOUSES for Boys and Girls. WHITE LAWN BLOUSES Plain and with Colored Trimmed Sailor Collars and Cuffs, at 25 cents. Don't miss the WHITE BLOUSE with Open Work Embroidery, Deep Sailor Collar, at 49 cents. Don't Fan! to Lewis, ReMly & OavSeSo ALWAYS 13USY. r?. Spring of '98. WE MAKi: A SPECIALTY OF FOOT CLOTHING. WI1 FITTINGLY FIT THI'. rnirr. ihatisoukhubinlss. shoes, SillOE, FOUIl FLOORS, AND NOTHING BUT hHOES Lewis, ReiSy k Bavies, 111 AND 116 WYOMING AVENUE. Hit k CONNELL 121 N. Washington Ave. !H i ! BRASS BEDSTEAD5. In buying a brass IleJstead, bo sure that you get tho best. Our bran lledstead aie all made with seimlORS brass tublu; and framo work is all of steel. They co.t no moie than many bedsteads madoof tho open eoamlesi tublns. Every bedstead Ik highly finished and laciuerdd under n peculiar method, iiothlus eier hav. Ing been produced to equal it. Our new Spring Patterns are now on exhibition. Hill & CooeeW At 121 North VYnsuluston Avenue. Scranton, Pa. THE MOUEHN HAUDIVAUB STOUE. Spring Time Greeting. Garden Tools, Pruning nnrars, Pruning Paws, PertlllzerH, Wheelbarrows, Ijiwn Mowers, Lnwn Seed, Timothy Seed. -w-'5Jk ft WC irw"c?rrtt I ill 'Tfffl . . . I r -mk. FOOIE k SiEAt CO., um n-ABiuvriTov avk. CJE. (OT TK om m on. ix n. See Our Easter WIedows. PRINQ CLOTHING in endless variety is arriving daily. It is of the "Boyle & Mucklow grade," which is sufficient guar antee of its style and quality. Before makiug your spring purchases we would be pleased to show you our line. Everybody buys at the same pries. BOYLE 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. FINLEY'S Special Mkikgs For Easter Week In Ladies' and Gent's Fine Umbrellas, New Parasols, New Gloves and New Fancy Hosiery Elegant Assortment of Ladles' Silk Petticoats, Fancy Ribbons, Scarfs and Sashes, and a new Hue of imtb d. s Our Glove Offering for this week will consist of 50 dozen Real Kid, 2 clasp. our regular $1.00 Glove, all the leading shades, at SpCe 25 dozen best $1.25 Glove shown, at $H-00 (For this week only.) And the "Le Clarion," a glove entirely new, made purposely to be worn with 'Tailor-Made Gowns, in Castor, Grey and Black only, at $Eo50c 5i0'and512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE BAZAAt O, O Ct o Dalaitle I'll XG'3 HEAL, TIKUL IlOOKLF.TR, CMIDS AND NOVELTIES TIIK LATLST AM) MOST VAIUKD. SELfc-CTED LINK OK Till; HKST HOOKS Sl'LCIAL IIINDINGS, AT Ufl PEP. CENT. DISCOUNT. THE TIME IS KII'ETO MAKE THE BEbT feELL'UTIONS. King ho! tho merry Euotei.tld, May joy and lovo with thee abide. s bTATIONEItS, EXGHAVEIW, HOTEL JEILMVN BUILDINO, mo Wjomlns Avenue). - HENRY BELJN, JR., Gcueral Agent for thei VVyoralai District f J. Siloing, Blasting, Sportlntf Hmoketeil and the Itcpimno Chemle-i. C'ompiiny'J SIGH EXPLOSIVES. Mfety Kuie, Caps nnd Kiptoderi. Itoouu 'J12, 21H nnd 'Jl CommoaMti tl Bulldlni, ticrantoa. AQENCIEA THO, FOItn I'ittttai JOHN II. SMITH A. 50N, Tlyiuouti W. K. MULLIGAN. Wllkei-BirrJ IT. PLEASAW S AT RETAIL. Coal of tho bet, riu.illly for domestic u mid of alt nlzcs, Including Buckwheat and lHrdnee. delivered In unj- part of th city, nt the lowest price. Orders received at the ofllce, firit floor, Comnioniicalth hullelliiK, room No. 0, telephone No. 2621 or at the mine, tele phono No, 27!, will ho promptly attoudol to. Dealers biipplled nt the mine L T. Sf MUCKLOW, Easter DUP0MT8 FI1IE1. mi