The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 04, 1898, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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The Dreaded Republican Demonstration
a Quid Affair.
Guard nt tho United Slntrs I.rcu
tlon Incrcrmcd I ho Deputation
(ram tho People Polltrlv llccelred
tijr Milliliter ol Hip lntorlor, Honor
Madrid, April 3. Tlierr was little ex
citement In Madrid H1I3 afternoon, ow
ing principally to tho fnct that theie
was no bull light today.
nxtra prucnu lions vveie tnken to pre
vent disorder at tho llepu' lLan mass
moetlng this nfteinoon The number
or guard at tho United States lega
tion vvrts Increased.
Tho object of tho demonstration was
to demand a revision of tho sentences
imposed on political and other ollencl
ers, to protest against tho tortuiliig of
the anarchists In tho prison of the furt
ress of Montjuicli, Barcelona; to de
mand tho fiee Import of wheat, and to
demand universal conscilptlon, without
tho lodeniptlon of the rich conscripts,
Tho demonstration, contrniy to ex
pectation, tuined out to be a ery quirt
and formal nffalr. In fact It may be
termed' a "fl7Zle." There uoic no ban
ners dlsplatd and only about 3,000
people marched to the presidency und
remained in the street wli le a deputa
tion was conducted o the olllce of Be
nor Sagosta, wheie Its menibeiB weio
politely leceivtd by some of the olil
cials, In the absence of the premier
Senor Vncundo and Dorado, former
municipal councillors of Madrid, tpolce
for some live minutes, icfetihiK to the
objects of the demonstration, name.y,
a revision of sentences, the fiee Impoit
of wheat and unleisal consi'ilptlon
without the redemption of the rich con
scripts. No mention was made of the alleged
torturing of nnarchlst ptisoners in the
prisons of the fortress of Montjuicli,
Uarcclona, although It was ut first uti
dci stood that this would be ths main
representation to bo made to the pie
Tho demands of the people who tool:
part In the demonstration were embod
ied in a manifesto, which was handed
to the minister of the Interior, Pcnot
Capdepon, who lepllcd, living he le
gi cited that the Indisposition of Scnor
Sagasta made it necotsarj for him to
receive the deputation in the prcmlei's
place. The Spanish people, Senor Cap
depon added, ueie worthy of tho llbei
ty they enjojeel, and the government
would nlwajs Keep abreast of pubic
opinion. Hut the manifesto was too
seilous to be Immediatelj teplled to.
It would command seiious attention,
and would be referred to the cortc
The senor then thanked the deputa
tion for tho orderly behavior of those
who took part in the movement.
Honor Dorado answered that tho dep
utation placed confidence In the good
will of the government. Tho deputa
tion then withdrew.
The crowd outside the presidency vas
Inrlfncd to linger and discuss the mat
ters which brought the people there
Hut tho civil governor mingled among
the people urging them to dispoise
lie said: "Go home, my children. Ev
ei j thins will be attended to."
The crowd then good naturedly
Trom all the pulpits in Madrid today
the priests read a letter from the 1 Ish
op of the diocese announcing that ho
conldered war to be Imminent, nnd or
dering prajers for the success of the
Spanish arms.
Two Shots Irom Ilnr Cuns Pierce tlip
Tnrcnt Thriuish the "otiiue Mne.
Key West, April 3. The battleship
Indiana, which left her anchorage at i
o'clock this morning for a trial of her
refitted bolleis, returned this afternoon
after an entirely successful test. She
had, meantime, taiget practice with
pen Ice charges. Results recall the
work of Yankee gunnel s in 1S12
Two shots from the 13-Inch guns in
the forward timet pleiced the target
through tho same hole. The smaller
calibre guns demolished the taiget.
Diver Olsen, of the Iowa, who was
employed on the wreck of the Maine,
wont down in ninety feet of water to
day and recovered a torpedo accident
ally sunk from the Iowa.
Early this morning a newspaper dis
patch boat tried to run through the
s-quadron while coming from Havana
without making slgnnls or slacking
upeed. The squadron beat to quarters
and a 4-Inch shot was fired fioir. the
llagshlp across the bow of the boat.
The Incident was consldeicd of Impoit
itnce by the olliccrs of the squadion
becauso the tug was discovered and
(ovfred under the Impression that It
might be a devico of the enemy.
The crew of the New York called It
ti piece of good luck, because the Jar
of the gun staitcd tho big music bo
on the deck below plajlng "Auld Ling
Syne." They have been talking about
it nil day. The discipline, e-p -clally in
tho parts of the ship where the men
ljelleved that the f-hot meant leal war,
was admirable.
The bottoms M all the ships will be
cleaned at once by divers.
Improssivo He murks at the Close ol
Ills sermon Yi'stprdny
Baltimore, April 3. Cardinal Gib
Ijons, after Ills sermon In the cathedral
this morning, made the following re
marks on the threatened war:
"On this day when we commemorate
the entrance of the God of peace Int'i
Jerusalem, let ua lmplote him that he
-will so guide tho minds and lie-aits of
the president and eonriess, that he
will so direct the counsels of Snaln,
that ho nifty inspire both nations with
a happy solution to the problem which
confronts us a solution honorable to
both nations so that the clouds of war
may be dispelled and the blessings of
heavenly peace may be preserved to
the nation.
"Let us cherish the hope that on next
Sunday, when we celebrate the resur
tectlon of Christ fiom tho dead, e
may aleo be cheered by the Inaugura
tion of the dawn of good will betwepn
Spain and our own beloved countrj "
Ho Vnluntei re III "orlcp on Our
MiIm in tlio'iil of tVur.
New York, April 3. A special Lon
don cabtu despatch In The Sun says.
The Sun reporter In Rome had a talk
with General Rlcclottl Garibaldi n
couple of days ago respecting his In
tentions In the event of n war between
the United States nnd Spain. He
rather fancies that fottunc will give
him nn opportunity for another slap at
the TurkH before the year Is much
further advanced, probably In tho Bal
kans. But, on tho other hand, the pros
pect of helping turn the Spaniards out
of Cuba Is distinctly fascinating.
On Wednesday General Garibaldi had
a conference with those olllrera who
served under him and who are at pres
ent pojournlnfg In Rome. Every ono
wanted to engage In tho Cuban cam
paign. Ah noon ns war Is Inevitable
General Garibaldi and his olllrcrs will
take the first steamer for Genoa and
New York. General Guilbaldl said:
"If I decide to go to Cuba I shall, of
course, first proceed to tho United
fctaton, In order to organlzo a coips
of Itnllnns, with tho approval of the
war depaitment. We should Innd In
Culm not far from Havana, but our
plant, would depend upon the American
nuthoiltlps. 1 bollovp that within a
few weeks the Sinnlsh troops will bo
dilven out of Cuba without much dif
ficulty The Independence of Cuba, or
ptoferablv Its anexntlon to the Unlt
id States, will be tuhlovcd. No filetld
of llbei ty should object to the latter
The Qiipcii Ucgciit lnkrsnn Active
Purl in tho .Vllilirs lit Mndrid.
Muutsto Retain I iibu.
Madrid (via Bavonne, France), April
1. Despite the e.iorts of tho press to
weak up pattlotlc enthusiasm, the pub
lic seems Indifferent to tho situation
Excepting among ofllcials and office! s,
it Is raiely discussed Apparently the
people are chleflj Interested In the re
Milt of a big lotterj Just announced i
and in the pteparation for an extra. -oidlnnry
bull fight on Easter Sund.iv,
at which celebiated toreadors from all
parts of Spain will perform.
The people do not wish war; or, rath
er, they are lndilierent, as they alwaja
have one In progiess somewhere, and i
do not regaid a war with the United I
States as different from the others. The
fact that exists heie exists also
thioughout the provinces
Poultnoy Blgelow writes from Barce
lona that, with other Americans, he
has Just completed a bicycle tour from
San Sebastian, thtough Madrid, to Ali
cante, In Valencia, clean acioss tho
wildcat part of the peninsula; and he
savsv "I found less Jingoism In the
whole tilp than in ono block of the
New York bowery."
The queen regent ia taking a very
active p.ut In the negotiations, and has
thoioughlv Identified herself with tho
war section of the cabinet. Her atti
tude Is much nppiovtd bv tho of
ficials In the aimy, nnd Ins undoubted
ly strengthened the ds nasty for the
time being Her majesty Is reported
to hnve told Senor Sagaflta- "I le
eched ftom tnj husband a heritage for
our son, and will never agree to have
that heritage curtailed."
Senor Sagasta said to a friend n'ter
Thursdays council at the palace; "We
went In, seven men, to urge the wo
man, and camo out seven women, leav
ing the man Inside," meaning that they
went In disponed to jield but that
the queen's patriotism and firmness l
fcplred thorn At the same time It is
repoited that the queen legent Is do
ing much to avoid a ruptuie. The
activity of Count Dtibsky. the Austrln
ambassador. In this direction within
tho Inst two elavs Is said to bo in
spired fioi.". the palace. He has visit
ed United States Minister Woodford
and a prominent member of tho cab
Pntriotic Sentiment Aroused at n
nlrntion rmy Merlins.
Cleveland, O, April 3. General AVI1
Ilatn Booth, commander-in-chief of tho
Salvation Army, ai rived hero last
nlj-'ht. Today he addressed three big
meetings at tho Euclid Opera house,
w.nch was packed morning, noon and
evening by large audiences of lepie
MMitatlve cltUenfl.
Colonel Mjron T. Henlck presided
nt the afternoon meeting, and In the
course of his speech Intioduclng Gen
ital Booth icferied to the possibility
of war with Spain lie said Cleveland
had enntt United many soldiers to the
Innt Grand At my, and he had no doubt
thousands would respond now If there
was a call for assistance The senti
ment was loudlj applauded in all parts
of the house
('oiiiiiuiiulni McKay Evpccts to Ite.
relie Ordr to Move I npdnv.
Cleveland, O, April 3 Lieutenant
Commandei Geotge It. McKay, of tho
naval unserves, was in communication
with Adjutant Geneial Axllno today
and iccilved oideis to icciult the
Cleveland division up to Its war
stiength. The Ohio bilgade will he or
ganized at once b leciuiting four ad
ditional divisions, one at Toledo, nn
othet nt Sai.duskv, a thlid at Ashta
bula and a fourth heie Commander
McKay was ordeied to lush the work
of unlfoimlng the men, and tailors will
be fret to vvoik tonionow.
Commander McKay told some of his
men that he expicts to lecelve orders
to move on Tuedav
Easy to pay, but
how 1iall I tlo It?
In tho otilv com
mon senso w ay keep your head cool,
your feet wm in nml jour blood lioli
Then all v our nerve,
fiBl til muscles, ttssuos
. and oiyam will bo
S P I I n fif l)l0Ic'ly nom inlicd.
1 Hood's barsapaiillu
builds up tho (.vbtem, neutes uu np-
pi'tlti", tones the stomach unci frlu'S
Ft length. It is tho people's Spilnjr
Mrtllelno, has a larger bulo and ci-
fi'cts inoio ruics than all others.
Is the Ono
True niood
Purifier. C I. Hood u Co., Lowell, JIaii.
Mwl)- mil,, assist Digestion and euro
IlOOCrS HllIS Coiutlpjtlou c(.uu.
He Is Accused of Having Accepted
Russian Brib:s.
I'lio Chinese Complain Tluit Thry
1 1 nvo no Ports in it Inch to Itncelvn
Their Now Hnrnlilpn - Uiiksihiin
Permit llritlNh (inibtiiitH to linlcr
und Iioiivo Port Arthur nt it ill.
Shanghai, April 3. It Is announced
that a peifcon of tho highest rank has
mcmoialized tho emperor in the most
Mgoious language, aectlslng the while
THiing-LI-V union (Chinese foitlgn of
fice), of being In the pay ot llussia He
nseits that Hussla expended 10,000,000
taels In bribery during the lecont ntgo.
tuitions regnidlng the cession of Poit
Arthur and Ta-Llen-Wnn, etc., and
claims that Ll-Hung Chang's sharo
was 1,500 000 tuels Thereupun the por
Honagcs leleticd to duuuneis a full In
vestigation and asks that LI Hung
Chang be beheaded if the accusations
are pi oven, tho niemotlnllJ'er olloung
to be executed hltupclf If his chatges
aie not sustained.
The Chinese complain bltteily of the
fact that thev do not possess n war
JKi t for the live nttrehlis which are
being built for them abroad and which
are due to arilve in Chinese waters
this summer. Unless Woi-Hal-Wel,
occupied by the Japamsc. Is eviicuiteJ,
which Is doubtful, the Chinese have mo
place In which to receive their new
The Husslans have permitted two
British gunboats to enter and leave
Poit Aithur fieely
The British first clas ciul or Ginf
ton, llagshlp of Rear Admit ul C. P
Pltygeiiiltl, second in command on the
China t-tatlon, and the first class cruis
er Poweiful, the armoied cruler Nnr
cossus, tho second class cruiser Ila n
bow nnd other vessels of the squadron
left Che Too on Satmday Their des
tination Is unknown but Is repor'ed to
be Chemulpo, the port of Seoul, cap.tal
of Korea. The movements of the war
ships excite the greatest inter st
nmong forelgneis heie. It Is supposed
they will make a demonstration, possi
bly In support of home Btltish demands
for concessions.
Pekin. April 3 Great Britain has de
manded n lease of Wel-IIal-Wei, on tho
Shan Tung peninsula, after tho Japan
ese evacuation, ns a compensation for
the disturbance of the balance ot powei
In the gulf of Pe-Chi-LI.
In diplomatic elides small doubt Is
entei tallied that China will concede the
demand, which Is believed to be favor
ably legatded by Jap in
London, Apill 3 In addition to Wel-Hai-Wel,
ays tho Pekin cot respondent
of the D.illv Teleg'nph, Sir Clnudt
MacDoinld, the British mini ter has
demanded possession of the Island of
Chusjn, off tho east coast, or the c-tu-
arj of the Tslen Tnng Klang, In which
Englnnd had already the rights of pre
Concluded fiom Page 1
defer a few das If Mr. McKlnley de
sites, besides every day adds to our
war prepatations."
Mr. Loud (Itep , Cnl ) said he was
willing to wait upon the pieildent.
Mr. Babcock (Hep Wis), chalimnn
of the eongiessionul campaign comn li
tee, exptesed doubt ns to vv better the
house could be held brjond tomorrow
Tho piospect of European modi ition
has nroused the keenest Ii te eat
thioughout diplomatic circles heie and
although Inqulij nt the leading embas
sies and legations failed to disclose
that any actual move had been m de,
jet such a move is anticipated almost
any time and when taken It Is felt that
It will be an Important factor in the
situation. It has been CNpected that
Fiance would be the first to act by a
tender of her good otllces. Up to to
night, however, the Fiench ambassa
dor, M Cambon, had iccelvil no In
stiuctlons In this line Theto Is the
same antlclpaton, but lack of definite
action In British, caiman and other
diplomatic quntets.
It Is piobable the mediation would
take definite foim If the foreign lepie
sentutlves weio connvinced that war
was Inevitable and was about to be
declared, while they look upon the situ
ation as giavc, the geneial sentiment
nmorng them Is tint the matter las
not yet piogressed bevond the range
of diplomacy nnd a pacific settlement
Tor that icnon there wns a stiorg
Inclination shown today to wait until
the piesldenfs message was sent to
congtess. the feeling being that the real
Issue could 'not be detei mined until tho
message had been submitted.
At the outset Spain was most earn
est for mediation nnd to thla end uel
(liessoil a note to the powers about ton
das ago. Now, howevei, ns the pi ex
pects for mediation appeal to be grow
ing, the Spanish authorities seem to be
less Inclined tow aid this course. This
may be due to the fact that Spain had
looked upon mediation ns an Indlieet
foim of Intervention of the Euiopcan
powers In favor of one of their own
number. The Spanish note developed
however, that the powers were not
ready for any flitch radical step. France
made the first decimation thtough Pre
mier Hnnataux In the Fiench rhnmher
that France would treat both patties
alike as friends This was nn unex
pected loverse for Spain, as she felt
that the Ftench ownership of Mar
tinique, Guadaloupe and other Islands
i ould incline her to svmpnthlzp with
Spain In defending her soverelgntv
over Cuba
It was stated by one of tho nmbnssn
dois today that any move for media
tion would first assume form by nn
exchange of notes among the Eutopeni
powers, which could be done veij
epecdlly by telegraph In case a war
crisis seemed at hand. In such event
thi general understanding among dip
Inmats here Is that Great Britain
France, Germany and Austria would
be consulted, as their conimeiclal In
terests would be seriously crippled bv
n war between the United States and
Spnln While Itu.sla nnd Italy als
might bo consulted owing to their in
lluenco In European nfTuirs, vet their
Immediate interest In tho Spanish
Amoilcon conflict would be far Ipfs
than that of the other countries men
It Is probable that negotiations wil'
he opened by this government witl
Denmaik for all cable messages U
conio over the French lino from th
D.inlPh I?lnnd to St Thomas to tin
United States. VMth tho Leeward 1.
Iiudn of vvliloh St. Thomas Is a cen
ter, as the probable center of any naval
operations which may result from tho
present orlsls It Is recognized as ot
vital Importance to sccuic cable facili
ties not controlled I y Spain. At pres
ent tho cable lino touching nt Porto
Itlco, and milji t to Spanish control,
Is tho onlj r ns of communication
with theso Islands. Tho Fiench cauio
lands at St Thomas but the station Is
merely for testing purposes, and mes
sages are not received or delivered U
Is now proposed to have this station
tut ned Into a lcgular bureau, in which
case the government could be bt ought
Into dose cable communication with
any naval rendezvous there The es
tablishment of tho will rcaulro
the consent of Denmark, and It Is
piobable this will bo asked through tho
United States minister nt Copenhagen
within tho nest few days.
It Is undrt stood that tho Danish gov
ernment did not view with favor the
recent propositions for the purchase of
tho Island of St. Thomns b.v the United
titntra for use as n coaling station, as
It was felt n ale of tho Island nt this
time would bo an unfriendly act to
wards Spain This view was commun
icated to Washington, and was doubt
less mnde known to the state detain
ment through tho Danish mlnlfltcr heie.
Tho Spanish minister, Senor Polo y
Bernabe, and his stuif nnd a busy Sun
day, although It did not bring nny de
velopments changing the situation Tho
minister did not see state department
officials duilng the day. Ills lafit of
ficial exchange with tho authorities
hoto was on last Friday after Smin's
answer had ben received, since which
time the negotiations have been nt a
halt. This, however, has not lessened
the Spanish ministers activity in keep
ing his gov eminent fully apprised us to
tho general aspect of affairs In this
coitntiy. The elabotato manner In
which this cable Intelligence has gone
to the authorities at Madrid Is piob
ably without a paiallel It Is under
stood that when tho situation began
to nfisume Its most seilous aspect a
single cable dispatch sent bv the min
ister to the foreign olllce at Madrid cost
J1.000 Another dispatch cost $700; an
other H00 In this way the Madrid
authorities ate kept In close touch with
tho condition of nPnliH here, not only
ns it related to ofllclal negotlationo,
but more particularly to tho tendencies
and nil those circumstances which will
permit tho Madrid government to
guage the situation nt Washington
Sectetaty Sherman gave a dinner last
night nt which the Spanish minister
was one of the guesto, Senator Lodge,
of the scnite committee on foreign re
lations, and Colonel Trod Grant, of
New Yoik, being among the othet s
present. The presence of the Spanish
minister nt the home of tho seeietaiv
of state wns devoid of significance, ex
cept an showing tho pacific outwatd
appearance of affairs. Being purelj a
social gathering, the Spanish situation
was not alluded to, although it is un
derstood to have required some tnrt
te avoid the absorbing topic of current
Murk i UrniR IMiMieJ Mclit mid I)ny
on Old Monitor.
Philadelphia, Apill 3 There was tho
usual activity at tho League island
navy jaid today. Work Is belns pushed
nlRht and dav on the eight old mont
tots. The CatbKIll and N'ahant have been
taken out of the div dock, and th"
Jason and Jlontauk vveie put In. The
Lehigh Is leatlv to bo in and tho Mu
hapae, Manhattan and Canonlcus have
been toveed fiom the back channel to
the docks, wheie they will be fitted
with new bollets. rif teen-inch shells
and solid shot were put on boaid the
CdtsKlll and Nahant, today.
Ollleeri of the Xevv'Voik nnd Massa
chusetts naval le serves, who have been
ordeied to the navy yaul to take charge
of the monltois. ai rived heie today and
lepoited to Commandant Casev. The
double tin ret monitor Mlantonomoli
and the coast defense mm Katuhdln,
which have been leady to sail for some
elns, have, as vet, received nti ordeis
to s-all, but it Is expected that the Mlan
tonomoli will lecelve her oideis tonior
iow. The fine steam yacht Josephlne.whlch
the government put chased from P. A.
B. Widener, of Philadelphia, arrived at
the navy jard today from Wilming
ton, Del, and will be Immediately
tiansformed Into a gunboat. The Jo
sephine Is of r.43 tons, 191 feet long, 2S
fi et beum and draws fifteen feet of
water. She was built In 1S9G
I'lin Present tlio Olive Itrmicli to
(lie liiKiirg. lit".
Washington, Apt 11 3 The Spanish
minister has received a dispatch trom
Havana stating that the Autonomist
cabinet there has addressed an anneal
to tho Insurgents tifcking to nnange an
annlstlce foi the purpose of arriving at
teims for peace The full text of the
message could not bo scented tonight
as its translation was not made at tho
The Insurgent! are appealed to on the
giound that they are all Cubans and
should unite for peace and liberty
which all want. The appeal also states
that Ppain is willing to enlaigo the
present bcope of autonomy nnd will
suggest huch a plan to the coites which
a soon to meet.
And rest for tlteel mothers Ii n varm hvth
of rt ririiuv iol'.itmenij,lhof;reatsl.iiicnro.
( iriLiuv Kemi uas aflord Instant rel cf,
and pomt ton speedy euro of toiturhig, di
l!'iirln1;,limuill.i iiis.ltclilns.buriilnp.Wecd.
Ing, crusted, scaly kklu and Bialp humors,
with lo.s of hair, when all else fain.
F II lliNuith.ut lh. CTlt I'JTTII l'WU 0 Tain.
C I H IT l.'cn . ,, .
I j 1W. ijl urulL Terlorrt HW " fpvt.
Slfl'l CPAID fc ",l' '"'''""I J
It iiIii i lt"cntits.
London, Apill 3 The correspondent of
tho 'limes nt Constant'noplo mijs: "At
tho mullenco nt the uulncu jesterday
(Situiilui) M Zenovlerf the Itusslan urn
Inpsnilor cnsuall told the tfultnn that
31000 Russian nerultH foi tho tar east
would t-hoitly Uuvirp tho Ianlanclle
In vessels of tho Hussl.m volunteer ltet '
Na EVSore Arpmont.
In tho Light of Existing Fact, Why
The creit Munyon Rystfrn the rhool
of medicine which Is superseding all
othrrs has pased tho staKO where ktu-
ment Is necessary. To tho whole coun
try hns coma the satisfying demonstra
tion of Its worth and value, nnd In every
hamlet, town, and city Is to be found
thoso nTiO have tcrted tho Mnnvon
llcmedles, and nro riaeJj to go on record
as wltnesues for tho truth
Mr. D It. U.ikr-r, I.ltltz, Pa., nays:
"After hiving an attack of grippe I considerably run down, anil my
iin' wore l a bad condition. Mun
yem's Home OlIlLn prescribed for me und
I am no,v feeling all rlg'it a.elii. I
recommend JIunyon's Ilcmcdle to civ
trv Ijocly."
Sirs Lucy Focht, 17 North Seventh
Street, Allcntown, Pa, says: "I was
sUlc for ten soars with wvtre complica
tion of femalo troubles I could not
sUnd or llo down without tho greatest
pain, nnd was unable to get but very
Ilttlo slrep Medicines that I took gave
lrif no rclcf I camo to Philadelphia, and
consulted Munvon's Specialists. Their
remedies gavei mo immediate relief, and
after a saort treatment I am now re
turning homo cured My general health
U also greatly I1111 roved, and I feel bet
ter In every way
Munvvn has a separate remedy for each
disease and all diusrl'ts sell them. Most
ly 21 cents a vlal. If In doubt, Professor
Munion Invites vnu to write to him, at
1,500 Arrh Street, Philadelphia, for freo
mtdlcal ae'vic.
K WOTTT.r) ndvee 4-
all c ubs and or- t
ganizations who will
t need athletic goods for
t tiie coming season to
t place their orders now,
so they may be filled be
t fore the usual rush be-
211 N. Wasihitw Avs,
Bicycles, Base
Ball, Gv mna
slum, Golf and
Lawn Tennis
WH f-t-
Iiveiy thing that a first-class
wholesale liquor house is supposed
to carry in btock can be found at
out establishment. We aie sole
agents lor the Celebrated Waldorf
Whiskies. Family trade solicited.
.itillUlI ill ilC n.
129 Pcnn Ave. J. R ioh8n, Maiager.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
1 19 Franklin Ave.
Ice Chests.
434 Lackawaim Ayi
bcrunton and v ill.oi-llnrre, l'a.
Man ifuetureraol
Holier, lljlstlngund Pwinplna Machinery.
General Olllce, Hunnton, 1'u.
Dou itless you remember the great fire in Philadelphia a short time
ago, during which the magnific n Carpet stock of John and James Dob
son, valued at $700,000, wjs injured by Fire, Smoke and Water.
This magnificent stock was recently sold and we have purchased
some $4,000 worth of the iMost llesil'ltlllc Hoods. These goods we
Place oil Sale MONDAY, Al'ltlL Itli. Stock comprises :
Royal Wiltons,
These goods we have placed on
25c. On the Dollar.
We wish it distinctlv understood that these goods arc entirely
separate l'rom our regular stock, on which we luve nude Special
Itetliutions for (his Great Sale.
Manufacturers of
435 to 455 N. MiinSL, Scranton, Pa.
Spuclnl Attention Given to Busi
ness nnd Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodation V.k
(ended According to llulunces unJ
81'er Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Undivided Profits,
WM. COXN'ELL, Trcslileiit.
IIKXKY DtiLHUr.. Vice Pros.
The vault of tliU bank is pro
tected by Holmes' Llcjtrlc l'ro
I lectivc system.
Wc have all the latest discoveries far all:,
vlutln; pjln.
Woovtiuct tcetli, 1111 teotu unit apply gold
crow in .1 ml luldgo wuik without tUo least
particle of pain, hi n me'thott pitentot nnd
iislhIIjj nsoul). NO CIIAttUB lor paliilon
cUr.iulug when tuctti urn unleioil.
mil Set TeiMli, r.of).
W e siinrnnteo n fit.
Gold vrnww, W.
All other uorknt proportion itoly low prices
i-(liilil Cruwns an J (iridic Work a
Ilelng the nlilest anil Ura;ot rtantnl pirlors
In ttio worhl, HBiiroHo well oqulppj I that ult
worU ilonu h" us Ik tho tioit to b liuil Our
oipratlons are positively painless. All or.:
guaintiteedlor 10 jcars
Corner Lackawanna nnd v yomlng Avcs .
(i)vtr Newark shoo Store )
Hours, 8 tort Sunday, 10 to I
Finest Solderless 18k
Wedding Rings. The new
Tiffany Style.
Wedding Presents
Fine Sterling Silverware,
Rich Cat Glass,
Clocks, k
Our optician, Mr. Adams, can lit
all cases of defective vibion. Prices
very reasonable.
130 Wyoaiini Ai.
I'nncy HooUtivvtivs, Knit
Kivors, .M.uirlc.' Klver
Coves, Mill I'diuls, i.c. Sit,
l.civc voiir onlor for IMuo
l'olnti to bu elu liver o.l on
the luilf -liell in j.irrl-'rj.
ft II WSL HI I1L ITfil
Al.iiTiP.'Aiir '
Body and Tapestry Brussels,
Hall and Stair Carpets.
sale in our Basement, and they will
Telephone Call 2333.
Old Post-Offlco nuildlnr;,
Cor Spru:i 9t and I'd in Avs., bcranton, Pa
lias returned from his Western Irlp,
unel will now remain permanent
ly ut his homo olllce.
Tiic Dorrcm is a qraduatd op
nia. i'ohsu:hl.y dumonstka-
oi:uy at tiii; mkuico-chiu-imnicAi.
coli.i:oi: at pjiil.
The doctor nnd his start of nnrjllsh and
Herman phMclans make n uprUalty of all
form of t'hronle Nervous Diseases, Bkln,
VVoml). Wood Diseases
Including I plleptlc Ills. Convulsions. Il
teria, St. VI us' Dance, WaUefutiess.
IIUAIN' WORKKHS, both men and .wo
men, whos3 nervous hi stems have been
bioVen down und xhattcred from over
work, no mattei from whit cause, can
lie i ftir d by my method
All who call upep tlio Doctor from now
on will receive iieHiee, pnmlnatlon, soi
vicet nnd examination free Dr Orewei s
nldh staiidmt; In thu State will not alio v
him to aeci lit any incurable cises. It
they cannot euro jou they will frankly
tell jou mi.
I.lseases ol the Nervous System.
The svmptoms of which nro dizziness
lick of confidence, h-cxital weakness in
men nnd women ball riMns In the throat
t-pots HoatlnK before the eves, loss of
meniorj un iblo to concentrate the mind
on emo subject, easily startled when spok
en Middvnlv to, .mil dull, dlstiessed mind
which unfits them for performing tho
actual duties of life making happlnes
impossible distressing tho action of the
heart, causing fliibh of heat, depression of
hp rlts evil forebodings, cowardice, fear,
dieams nitlancholj, tiro easy of com
p my. feeling as tired In the morning ns
when retiring lack of energy, nervous
ness constipation weakness of tho limbs,
etc Thoso so nffected should consult us
ImmcdIUely und bo restored to perfect
l.o. t Manhood Restored, Weakness ol Young
Atei Cured
If ou havo been given up by our phy
sician cill upon the doctoi and be exam
ined Ho cures the worst kind of Nervou
Dehllitv Scrofula Old Sores, Catanh,
Piles, remain Weakness Affections of tho
live,, Nose. Tin oat. Asthma Deaf-nf-s
and Cilpplcs of every description
Tumou, I'ancers und Goiters rimoveel
without the use of knlfo or pilnful caus
tlis b our newl devised nbsorbent meth
od known as the "HLUCiKO-GRUMI.-CIDI1
And our OZO-NITI1 GAS cures Catanh
and Catarrh u Deafness
Consultation free and strlctlv sacred
and contldentlal Olllco hours dally from
13 a m to s ID p, m Sunday from 12 p,
m to 2 p, m.
Rooms 1 and 2, Com'M. B'lM'g.
Mining and Blasting
Mndaut Mooslo and Itushdale Works.
1 lectrlo IW'terles, i;ieetrlc Exploders,
lor exploding blasts, Safety tuso aud
Repmno ChBTiIci' Co's nx"i?,"ivBS
The Most Perfect Insulation.
Appltod by
Contractors for
Eliret's Slag Roofing,
311 Uaililnjton Avenue
& Av M L.