"mtr-'mwrn"' "a1" " -fef Jri'pap T nH'Htoi&. " ," -Wr'ty ". nrf,o: -?'' I' T 8 THE SUIIAISTON TR1J3UNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 2G, 1898. LIVE NEWS OF WEST SCRANTON Congregation of Simpson M. E. Church Want Their Pastor Returned. THE RESOLUTIONS TIIOY ADOPTED Lnat Mitctlng ofOlllclnl Ilonrd Ucforo tha Ucjlniiliig ol thit Conference Yanr Wni Held Last NlRiit--Mcot-ing of tlia Ilnwtliorno Lltornry unit Debating Socloty-Jolin W. Hy nolds, ol South Main Avenue, Ton dored n Hurprlao l'nttv. Uast evening tho full board of offi cials of tho Simpson Methodist church met at the church to transact the business of the fourth and Inst quar terly conference for the fiscal year. Jlev. J. G. Eckmnn, V. X as presiding .elder of the Wyoming conference, pre sided, and H. D. Jones was made sec retary. Reports from the pastor, Sabbath school superintendent, nnd nil oluss lenders were read and accepted. "Wil liam Crawford reported. In reference to th? Allls mission, which -comes under the church's supervision, and John Fern, as 'treasurer of 'the olflclul board, reported In reference to the church's financial standing.) Each report was encouraging;' especially that of Treas urer Fern. It Unseated that, In no other year of the church's history, had bo fine a condition of affairs existed at tho year's close. The totnl value of church property it $43,000, and the debt standing against It Is small and Is being paid off rapidly. The board of stewards were elected for the ensuing conference year nnd the following gentlemen were chosen: It. D. Jones, John Randolph,, Otis Alte mus, II. M. UaFS, W. N. Chase, J. E. .Peek, Minor Neeley, J. H. Snyder, J. Taff, Frank Iirynnt, Fred Crawford, John Hale and A. U. Rldffewriy, Otis Altomus was elected i-cccrditi?. stew ard, and John Randolph district stew ard. The several church committees were formed with the following members: O. L. Peck, F. Jlngen and Mies Mar garet Crawford, missions; George Saxe, R. J. Williams and A. E. Rldgeway, church extension; C. "W. Lull, Alfred Twining and W. N. Chafe, Sabbath school; Otis Altemus, Frd Craw-foul and Miss Anna Eroadbont; tracts: J. R Peck, II, Krigbaum. J. I'alt, Mrs. C. A. Moser and Miss H. Slocuin, tern pernnce; Onylord Thomas, esq., George Florey and Miss Rachel Jones, educa tion; J. F. Randolph, II. D. Jones. M. Noeley nnd J. II, Snyder, Freodman's aid; S. Wrlgley, H. Blgelow and Wil liam Munson, church records; C. W. Lull.W. M. Eass and S.WrUl-y, church muslr ; W. W. Davis, J. Fern and A. W. Chase, estimates, and tho oHleers of the board of trustees and Ladles' Aid society comprise the committee on parsonage and furniture. Resolutions were then read asking for the return of Pastoi J. E. Sweet to this pastorate. This will be his third recall and the unanimity for this step grows &trong"r each succeeding year. The resolutions were unani mously adopted and arc as follows: Whereas, This being our last quarterly conference meeting before the convening of tho Wyoming conference and tho prop Satnrdayan Make a note of this fact OIUUC ri VvZS.nVgO'J-xiifVw irfiK- - - -.. --- - .- I -M-. . J. When We Say Saturday We lean pointment in future. Last Saturday it rained, and on Monday we had many inquiries after the Specials advertised for that day. We decliued to sell at the oue day bargain price, but promised to repeat the offering; on Saturday March 26th. ' Here They Are And we are candidly honest with you when we say we do not think you will ever see the same High Qual ities at the same Low Prices again. Dent's, Alcroft & Co.'s Famous ''Tavistock" Gloves for gentlemen at $1.25 Pr. ; i A. . The re2ular trade P"ce is $2.00. Shade list and ;. "-sizes are complete. Guaranteed Hosiery For Gentlemen's Wear ' Here are three numbers, half hose, good enough for V. any man's wear. Your choice of either, Saturday only, Three Pairs for CQC Men's Hermsdorf Dyed Half Hose, high spliced heel and toe, full fashioned, etc., in plain black, with split feet, or with full white boot. The plain blacks have double sole throughout. The actual value of either is 25c a pair, and the special price, Three Pairs for 5QC Is for Saturday Only. ;i AMhV Globe Warehouse er tlmo In which to mako known our de sires for llio coming ycur, nnd Whereas, Our present elllclcnt pastor, Rev. J. U. Sweet, lias been diligent nnd useful to nil our Interests, endearing him self to our church, nnd tho community, by his Christian character und scrmonlo ability, therefore Resolved, That this quarterly confer ence of tho Simpson church urgently re quest of our presiding elder, Rev. J. O. Kckmnn, D, D to so present our deslro to the bishop of tho conference, as to se cure tho return of our present pastor fov the coming year, with tho prayer that both pnstor nnd peopiu may bo still fur ther blessed of God in the work of tho Redeemer, ARCHER-LINNVILLK WEDDING. The marrlago of Miss Lurlnda 11. Archer, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. AW W. Archer, to William Llnnvllle, of rittston, occurred Thuisdny evening nt 7 o'clock at the residence of the bride's rarcnts, 227 North Sumner avenue. It was a collet home affair, the couple being unattended. Only the Immedi ate relatives and friends of tho con tracting parties were present. Rev. H. F. Matthews, pastor of the Scranton Street Eaptlst church, olllclatd. The bride was prettily attired In a tailor-made gown of cadet blue poplin. She wore a corsase bouquet of bridal rose. At tho conclusion of tho cere mony tho guests sat down to a dainty collation. Mr. und Mrs. Llnnvllle will reside with Mrs. Llnnvllle's parents for the present. They ate both well known young people. The guests present wore: Rev. nnd Mrs. S. F. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reld, Mr. nnd Mis. George Jacoby, Mr. and Mrs. William Dol moteii, and Miss Annlo Richards, of this city; and Mrs. A. Llnnvllle, of Wyoming: Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchsonberger, Mrs. Mary Lloyd, Mrs. Jano Lloyd, and Mrs. Jumes Lane and Miss Emma Lloyd, all of Pittston. LITERARY SOCIETY MEETS. A regular meeting of tho Hawthorne Literary and Debating society was held last evening at tho residence of Mlrs Emily Darling, 217 Chestnut street. The society's proposed consti tution was read and adopted. A short social session followed the close of the business. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening, April C, at the (residence of Willis Sweet, on Not th Hyde Park avenue. The programme as arranged for that evening will consist of a debate upon "Resolved, That electricity Is greater than steam." MIf.s IJ. Fraunfelter and Ed, Morse will support the nlllnnatlve and the negative will bo looked after by Miss U. Wade and W. Osland. FUNERAL OF MRS. MURRAY. The funeral of Miss Delia Murray was held yesterday afternoon from the lesldence, 131 Cameron avenue. The reinaiiis weio borne to St. Patrick's church wlu re a blessing was pronounc ed. Later they were tnken to the llydo Park Catholic cemetery. The pallbear ers were: Patrick Ilanifon, James Mi'.rtha, William Murray, Michael Monaghan, Patrick Bairy and Thomas Durkln. PRSONAL MENTION. Miss Rny Morgan, of Philadelphia, has leturned to that city, after visit ing i (datives here. Mts. Haydn Evans, of North Eromley avenue, entertained Miss Stella lialley, of Waverly, yesterday. Mrs. R. Collier, of Chestnut sticet, Is visiting fi lends nt Moscow. Mr. and Mrs Charles Monlnger, of North Garileld avenue, have as their arehoO ',?&Z''m- and it will nrovpnt A n. 1MAAAAMMM 9I se dSatnrdavOnl : Paine's Gelory Compound is the Best Spring Medicine In ) The World It makes the weak strong. Wc sell and recommend it riATTHEWS BROS. 320 Lacka. Ave. guests. Mrs. James Catterson and daughter. Miss Suan, of Gouldsboro. Mis. Juhn Hilgr-rt, of Lafayette sttc-ct, Is visiting at Tobylmnnn. If. C. Illnmnn, of Tenth' street. Is In Ilawlcy on business. Mr. and Mis J. Yohe, of Swetlnnd street, are onteitainltn; Miss Cora Shepherd, of Plnlnlleld, N. J. Mm. John McKeever, of Jackson street, has returned from a. visit at Kingston. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elijah Savltts, of South Kilnmre avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mis. Uilwnrd Huntflnger, of New ton Centre. Mr. and Mrs. lleniy Gciso, of North llromley avenue, have as their guests, Mis. Kate Haines and Mrs. J. T. AVut ois, of Philadelphia. ANOTHER I3ARROOM FIGHT. Another banoom fracas, similar In some respects to that of last Wednes day ovenlnu on North Main avenue, occurred last evening at the "Movnlng Star" hotel, nt ISO North Main avenue, of which George Kneirlm is proprietor. About U.30 o'clock passersby were startled by the cry of "Police! police!" Patrolman Klah Peters, who Is sub stituting Patrolman Thomas on tho North Main avenue beat, was coming down the street and answered the sum mons. Just as lie entered the door ho was literally covered with a shower of btoken glass, caused by the breaking of the plate glass window on the' left of the entrance nnd one of the smaller panes In the door Itself. Inside all was turmoil, tit least a dozen men being j mixed up. ' ! Patrolman Peters rapped for assist- ' ance and Patiolman Matthews re- j sponded. William Reese and Jack ' Stagwalt were arrested and placed In the West Side station house. Stugwalt, j who is a large-sized man of 2.V) pounds weight, resisted arrest and force was necessary. In fact, the two olllcers had to handcuff him and carry him i bodily to the station house. The trouble arose from the Interfeience of William Reese in an argument which was tak' ing place. MINOR NEAVS NOTES. All iwons interested in the organ ization of the male voice party, under the leadership of Prof, lorwerth Pros fer, prellmlnaiy steps for which were taken last Satuiday evening, will meet at I2vans' hall, on South Main avenue, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The or ganization will then be perfected and work commenced immediately In re hearsing. The paity will compete at the Wllkes-tiarre eisteddfod. May 30, upon the $lr,0 pilze piece, "The De struction of Gaza." Rev. Peter Roberts, of Olyphnnt. will occupy the pulpit of the Plymouth Con gregational church nt both services to mono w. A number of friends of John W. Rey nolds, of 03 South Main nvenue, gath ered at his home, Thursday evening, and tendered him a hnppy surprise. Tho evening was a season of' enjoy ment, games and other dlveislons weie employed, and later luncheon was served. The following guests were present: Misses Alice Phillips, Minnie Morgan. Maine Doran, Lizzie Rurke, Irene Reynolds, Margaret Davis, Ella and Hannah Jones. Anna Reese, Cas slo and Lizzie Rvans, Rlodwln and Nora Davis, Minnie Jones, Alvlra Reese, Mrs. L. Dennlson, Leonard Da vis, George Williams, George Davis, John Williams. William Giilllths, Reese Rvans, David Williams. Will Kdwards, Daniel Davis, Robert Gray and Stan ton Rlngler. Thomus MeNnmaru underwent a suc cessful operation at tho West Side hospital yesterday for the removal of a malignant mole, Eu-calne, the new anaesthetic, was u.?ed. Reese Jones was also operated upon yesterday at the same institution with satisfactory results. A fatty tumor was tho cause of Mr. Jones' trouble. The funeral of David I. Jones will he held at the residence, 510 South Main avenue, nt 2 o'clock this after noon. Interment will Ije made at the Washburn street cemetery. Miss Elizabeth Jumes, of Taylor, and William Price, of North' Bromley avenue, weie married Wednesday even ing by Aldeimau Kellow, at his olllce in tlu Fourteenth ward. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Warner accompanied the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs Price are well known on this side and will reside here. The members of Hyde Park lodge, No. 300, Knights of Pythias, will meet at the hall this after noon at 2 o'clock to uttend tho funeral of David I, Jones. Yesterday afternoon was held tha funeral of Mrs. 1. J. Clancy, nt 1715 Luzerne street, Tho lemalns wero tak en to M. Patrick's church where a blessing was pronounced and later to the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery where they wore Intel red. The pall bearers were: Patrick Crane, Patrick Toomey, Tl.omas Regan, Joseph Rafter, F.ugeno McTIeman and Wllllnni Rafter, ( nril of I'linnlm. Mr. and Mrs. AV, II. Gordon desires to return their sincere thanks to those who assisted them during their late be reavement. A FEW POINTERS. Tho recent statistics ot tho number of deaths show that tho luigo majority die with consumption. This dlpease may com mence with nil apparently harmless cough which enn be cured Instantly b Kemp's Ilalsum for the Tin oat and Lungs, which Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases, PrlcP 23 nnd 6vc. Sold by all druggists: ask for u free sample today. HAPPENINGS OF SOUTH SCRANTON An Effort Made to Destroy the Uarn ot Council & Company. WILLIAM DALLY IS A DAD DOY Stole Money (roin III" I'nthcr nnd Wns Committed to tho County .lull. Is n Candidate lor the Rrlormnlorr. Snmiiel Uruikrra Hnd a Variety oT Lxpcrloncos Yctrdnv--Clinrlio Kaestner Injured White I,cnvlnu Hi llouie on Cedar Avenue. An attempt was made some time Thursday night to burn the large sta bles of Connell & Co., but owing to the failure of tho slight blaze to gain sulllclent start, a conllngrutlon that would Involve a loss of thousands of dollars was prevented. Yesterday morning, when Charles Simrell, barn boss for the company, reached the sta bles he discovered the dastardly at tempt. The barns are located between Prospect nnd Pittston avenues, near Ripple street, Ueneath the large door on the southern side tho floor was sat urated with kerosene oil, and tho spot where a match was applied was plain ly visible. Lying a few feet away was an empty bottle, with a strong odor of the oil. One of the stables Is used for the sheltering of the mules used In tho Meadow Rrook mine, and tunnel, and the old structure contained supplies, farm Implements, wagons and a team owned by Mis. Kdgar Connell. A nar row yard separates the buildings. John Gibbons, wife and daughter were returning from the theatre on Thursday night and when entering their home, Miss Gibbons called the attention of her parontH to what was thought to bo a reflection on the barns of a blaze, but the Idea of a fire was not given any thought, nnd they re tired. Chief HIckey visited the scene yes terday and a thorough investigation was made, and to him It appealed that It was the work of an organized gang of lire fiends, und to this theory Is laid the cause of the several llres that have occurred on this side recently. In a month the barns of Hugh Gllmore, Jicob Mock, Mrs. Patrick Donnelly, were burned to the ground, and In each Instance valuable horses were sacrificed to the flames, and follow ing on the destruction of Connell & Co.s breaker Tuesday morning, the community Is becoming much alarmed. On the mountain at No. G a gang of tramps have a hut, and much suspic ion rests on them. Chief of Police Robllng has Instructed Lieutenant Zang to make the utmost efforts to run down the firebugs. VERY RAD ROY. William Daley, of River street, Is a lnd who has caused his father more trouble and nnslely than any ordinary boy would. He has propensities to to sleep In barns, remain away from home for days, nnd to steal money. Returning fiom an extended stay on February 21. he arose at midnight and took from his father's clothes several dollars, and left on a trip, but wat captuied and sent to the c unty jail 10 await trial. During his incarceration the father visited him In his cell and the son was penitent and Implored forgiveness, and begged to be leloa i-d. Mr. Daley was deeply touched and gratified at the supposed refoi mutton of the erring son, and immediately e cuied ball and William was leleu'ed. Tho very night of the lad's rolense, he again arose and stole 50 and depart ed, but after nn absence of a week re tained and III father found him sleeping In his own bain yesterday moinlng. Tie was taken before Alderman Don ovan and when questioned K.t"l the money was spent on a trip to Itufi'alo and New York city. The ball In his former cuse was swvrendeieJ and he was sent to Jail. Couit will le utked to send William to a reformatory. TROl'RLESOME BOARDER. Samuel DiuskefH.of :2U Willow street, was arrested, Jad a hearing, paid a fine of $2 and was ie artojted In twenty-four hours yesterday. He came in to his boarding house after midnight in an Intoxicated condition, and be gan to abifo Mrs. Hershing, mistress ol the house. She stood the lorient un til Druskets slapped her ncios the face. Then the police were summoned and Lieutenant Zang and Patrolman 'Jt"-cheldle placed the oucnder in the station house. In police court Alderman Storr fined him $2, and at the lequest ot Mis. llorshlng, ho was told to remove his trunk before u o'clock list night. Druskcrs came at tint hour and began again to create a dlstui banco. A war rant was Issued by Alderman Storr and at 7 o'clock lie wns again behind the bars. At the hearing this morning Mrs. Hcishlng will appear and nbk to have him held to ball. KAESTNER'S NARROW ESCAPE. Charles Kaestner. the hotelman ot Cedar avenue, had a narrow escape from s rlous injury yesterday morning at his pliu e of business. Recently nil of his building, but the barroom, was torn down to make way for the erec tion of a new building, ns told In The Tribune Monday. Now, from a door, that heretofore led Into the dining room is the open cellar 12 feet deep with a lot of stone in it to be used in building the foundation. Mr. Kaestner, not remembering thnt tho room was no longer there, hastily opened the door, stepped and fell Into the cellar, striking his head on tho pile of stone. He lay unconscious for several minutes, and after reviving shouted for assistance. Ho was con veyed to his residence and Dr. Koib sent for. Upon examination it was found that Mr. Kaestner's Injuries con sisted of a few sllgh't cuts on the scalp. Ho was uround last night. NUHS OF NEWS. The funeral of the late Jacob Cordler took place yesterday from his lato residence and Interment was made In tho Mlnooka Protestant cemetery. Rev. Mr. Llsse, of the Cedar Avenue Luth eran church, conducted the services held at tho house. The pallbearers were: Philip Werth, Gus Heveman, Peter Rahner nnd Jacob Sohns, Resi dent lodge of Odd Fellows attended tho fureral In a body. J'lss. Francis Llppert and Fred Welchel will bo married tonight ut tho how) of the groom, 420 Hickory stieet, by Lev. W. A. Nordt, 'I he I.oalty club held a reception at the Young Women's Christian assocla tloii room last night, and the pro rrammo carried out, was neartlly enjoy ed, Tho Juniors entt. talned in the af ternoon. Miss Kathryn Ftckes wau given a surprise party at her home, 720 Cedar lueuuc, Inst night. Mrs. Charles Huestor, of Cedtr ave nue, has recovered from her Illness. Misses Gertrude Mngel, Nellie Mc Oulnness and Kate Coyne, students nt the StroudBhurg Normal school, arriv ed at their homes yesterday to spend the Raster vacation. John llnggerty will return to Spur row Point, Md., today from a pleas ant stay among friends on this side. Mrs, Henry Zlegler, Jr., of Cedar ave nue, Is ill with nn attack of quinsy. N. .'. Babbitt, of Buffalo, Is stopping nt HoM Rest. An express wagon of tho best mnke, was Jtolen from the homo of Mirs. Anna Trapper Tuesday, and yesterday a search warrant was Issued Ijy Alder man Storr, to go through the prem ises of Mrs. Mnry Morgan, and tho wagon was found In her cellar. To the olllcers she stated that her son had puiclusM It from a lad nnired Flah erty for 25 cents. Mrs. Morgan gave up tho wagon and Flaherty, when seen, paid he traded a lxtntcm rooster for the wagon with several boys of his acquaintance. He gavo their names and a warrant was Issued last night for their arrest. John 13. Rotter, of 71G Reech street, wai flnad $2 In police court yesterday morning for drunkenness and abusing his parents. The gospel meeting for women at the Soutli Side Young Womons Christian acsociatmn rooms, 1021 Cedar avenue. Sunday afternoon at 3.15 o'clock, will be addressed by Mrs. Hoppas, captain of the American Volunteers. All wo men arc Invited. Mrs. Hoppas Is n de lightful speaker. There will be good singing. Atmunl supper of the associ ation will be held Murrh 31. At a recent meeting of the South Scranton Gun club the following nom inations for olllceis were made, to bo bnlloti'd for a month hence: Presi dent, Charles Kellerman; vice-president, Frank RIedmlllcr; recording sec retary, Mathew Damal; financial sec retary, Rarney Damal; treasurer, Geo. Mlrtx, Jr. j shooting mnster, William J. Rosnr; trustees, August Reldenbach, F. Aug. Hagen and John Phillip. NORTH SCRANTON. Tho work of erecting the now organ In the Preyldence Presbyterian church is progre:Jfiig rapidly. A corps ot expert mechanics are engaged at the work, and will soon bo putting on the finishing tourhes. The members of Thomas Jefferson Loilge, American True Ivorites, have def initely decided to give a banquet und en teitatnnient some tlmo next week. Miss Dora McDonough left yesterday for New lork city, where she will study to be a professional nurse. Her friends gave her n farewell Thursday evening at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonoiigh, of West Market street. The evening was spent with songs und games. Those present were: Misses Dougherty, Cullen, Lizzie Illltz. Kate Dolan, Knte Henry, Mame f taggerty, List s' iu Henry, Margaret ...oran, Nora Hol leran, Tessle Henley, Ressle Kelly, An nie Loftus, S.T'le Noone, Dora Davlcs and Messrs. James Rooney, John Ua vies, Thomas Fleming, James Jordan, Edward O'Mallcy, Ulewett, James Mc Dnnough, William O'Uoylc and Daniel McEnchcn. A large number of people from this place w.U attend the funeral of Mrs. Gwenclllau Lewis, at Olyphnnt, this af ternoon. Mis. Lewis was a former resi dent of this plaep, and was well known and highly esteemed. She was also a member of the Welsh Congregational church. Rev. John A. Kvnns will preach In t..o West Maiket Street Wels.li Baptist church toirormw. List evening's rehearsal of the Pnlled choir In the West Mark, t Street Welsh Baptist church was hugely attended. If last evening's attendance Is a critiriun by which the future ot the choir can be predicted, 11 will meet with all manner of bueccsf. and will prove a e'holr which will be ablo to cope with all competi tors. Mrs. William Gillespie, of Tittston, vis ited lelatlves heie yestenl.i . The funeral of Mr. Patrick flniulmn will occur tomuriow afternoon at u o'clock from her 'borne; on Ferdinand t.'reet. Interment will be made In llydo Pail: Catholic cemetery. The funeral of the 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cavntiaugb, at Cayu ga Htrect, who'-o death occurred Thurs day from an attack of heart fnlliue. will take place this afternoon at 2.K'i o'clock, lusiiment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. James White has removed his house hold goods to Pittston, where he expects to reside. Rev. Horace Pecknver will occupy the Put itan Congrigatlonal church pulpit to moi row. Rev. W. G. Watkln will preach tomor row In the North Main Avenue Baptist church. Morning theme, "The Aim of Life;" evening subject, "The Cuban Crisis, and Our Relation to It." Miss .uarv Davits, of Bueknell univers ity. Is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Davlcs, of Wayne avenue. Services at the First Welsh Baptist church Wayne nvenue, tomorrow at tho usual hours, Bible school at 2 p. m., Geoigo Davles, superintendent. The young people's societies will meet, the Seniors on Tuesday evening, nni tho Jun iors on Wednesday evening. At fi p. m. Sunday the following programme will be given by tho young people: A short ser vice of song; reading of Scripture lesson and praver: singing, congregation; reci tation, "They Want a Change." Annie Rees; recitation, "A Word to Ingersol," Lula Jones: paper, subject, "Olney, or the Birth Place of Modern Missions." Cora Roberts: recitation. "The Preacher Is On Hi.s Vavntlon." Tydvll Rees. A large number of the church-goers in this pait of the city have availed them selves of the opportunity that tho as sembly now being conducted In tho Christian church affords. The results from the experiment are very encourag ing to the Rev. It. R. Bulgln, who con ceived the Idea and who acts as Instruc tor. The services at the Christian church continue with unabated Interest. Tomor row morning Rev. C. Taylor, of B.irrle, Ontario, Canada, will preach. In tne evo nlng Rev. R. R. Bulgln will speak A song service will begin at 7.13. Miss Florence Robertson will sing and a male quartette will assist. GREEN RIDGE. L. D, Coleman, of Delaware street, has gono to his farm la Elkdalu for a few days. Tho Nineteenth Century club will meet In their rooms on Monday evening. All members aro requested to bo present. Misses Jordan, of Wltkes-Barre, are tho guests of J, J. Jordan, of Wyoming ave nue. Mrs. William Gillespie, of Pittston, Is visiting her parents on Murket street. Qeorgo Lewis, of Marlon street, who has been visiting friends In Denver, has returned home. Tho Green Ridge Men's association of the Presbyterian church met last eve ning In tho churcli parlors on Green Ridge Btreut. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walker, of Green Ridge street, a son. Mrs, B. F. Dunn, of Delaware street, received news of tho serious Illness of tier father at Elmhurst, and she left yes terday to spend a short tlmo with him. Tho Junior Christian Endeavor society of tho Green Ridge Presbyterian church met yesterday afternoon. Blytho White, of New York street, who has been attending tho Pennsylvania Dental college, has returned homo to spend the Easter vacation. The Beatrice Rcbeccu Lodge, No. 70, celebrated Its second anniversary ut Lu- AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO TIIB EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "OASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tho same that has home and does now ysZ' on cverU bear the facsimile signature of (&&x7ucAfa wrapper. This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought j? - - on the and has the signature of C6jo&x7&&&X wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex- cept The Centaur Company of which Gias. H. Fletcher is President - March 8, 1897. 2?u SA&iH,pt Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought"1- BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Mwiw' Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. YMECCNTAUR COMfANT, TT MURRAY aTRKT, NIW YORK CITTa cas' hall, corner of Sanderson avenue nnd Last Maiket street, last evening. A very enjoyable programme was rendered. There were recitations by Hiss May Rv ans, Leon Farnham and Miss Claro Slo cuin, nnd solos by Thomas Owens and Mls llattlo Sharpies. Later In tho eve ning refreshments were served. The Ladles' Aid society of the Asbury Methodist Rpiscopal church held a Jub ilee last evening In the church parlors, corner of Monkey avenue and Delaware street. DUNMORE. No. fi colliery of the Pennsylvania Coal cempany will bo idle today and next week. Ilnrry Tregear Is quite seriously HI at his home, on South IVakcly street; Miss Jennie Morgan, of Plymouth, has been visiting Mrs. James V. Thompson, ot Clay avenue, has returned to her home. Miss Nettle Jnnex. of Grove street, who hai been ill for tho past month, Is con aleieent. Mrs. R. J. TTui'hes, of Smith Hlakely street, his returned home after u few daws' vllt at Tittston. Miss Jane Simpson, of West Drinker street. Is the owner of n new wheel. STI'pm Ruches and Cnpwell are spend Inr the werl; at Pfeltvllle. Tlinmnx Joffiey, formerly of this p'ace. bill recently of Klmrstnn, has returned nrd will move Ida famllj to this place today. Pr. J. R. Thompson, of Pittston, was a caller In town during the week. MINOOKA. John R. George, the elllclcnt and court eous os.-istunt mnnagcr of the South Sldo store, will lene today for Wllkes-Barre, whero he Intends to engage In the mer cantile business. Patrick Powell, of the Hast Strcudsburg Norma! school, Is spending a few days wlth'fiicndti en' South Main street. J lines R Jone Is mentioned ns a pos sible candUl.it.- for delegate to the Thlid legislative dl-trlet from the Soutnwest dlstilct. Mr. Jones would undou'it.ibly give tho dlstilct a creditable representa tion. The remains of a fi-year-old bo of Thomas Puddon, who tiled yesterday, will be Intet nd In Mlnooka Catholic cemetery this afternoon of M. llobbs, of Laflln. spent yester dav with his sister, Mis. C. T. Passhold. O. R. W. Doud and Hurnsldo Campbell made p business tilp to WIlkes-Rarro yesterday. PECKVILLE. MIfs Alice Rell, who has been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hell, leturned to her home ut llerwlck last Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Rembo, of the West Side, Scranton, visited her son, John Beniho, Inst Thursdav. Miss Maud Treverton Is the guest of her cotiiln, Miss Pearl Treverton, at Giecn Ridge. Doctors Peet and Thompson, of Pcck vllle, nnd Dr. Llndei berry, of Hyde Paik, performed an operation for ap pendicitis on Rhoda, the little 7-year-old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Charles Jenkins, of Hickory street, yesterday noon. The physicians think the opera tion will be successful. Services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday nt 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.. Rev, S. II. Moon, pastor. Subject for the evening sermon, "As the Wings of a Dove Coered with Silver." Peckvllle Raptlst church, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Rev. James Hughes, who has been assisting In spe cial services at the Baptist church, will deliver his lecture tonight on "A Quaint Character, or a Rough Dia mond." Admission, ten cents. Mr. Hughes Is a speaker of unusual power, and the subject on which ho will speak will bo of Interest to all. Steam and Hot Water HEATING Gas, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric Light . . . WIRINQ Charles B. Scott, 119 Franklin Ave. VTEHVOUS TKOUllhKS; Aid. KINDS l cured with Animal KxtrucUi. Free book elll how. W'AHlU.NUION UUtlMlU.VL CO., WiwUIULiou. D. U. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theater. Rels ABurgund-r, Le.iees. 11. R. Long, Local Manager. Ono Night Only. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1898. Dli-geit Comedy Hit In years. Engagement of the Smith and Rice Comedy Co, l'ics-nting fnr the first tlmo In this city, 1 lull p'ltnbly t e wittiest, JollleKt una morrlct comedy ol the time by W. H.AIIdarilnU.S.N., entitled. "THE OLD COAT.': w TUB (OMPANY Ifrederl- Bond, Jolf . wiiiu, joun n. .Mtitu-r, i layion wuiicah, Aililman, 1-run (j. Tarry, John KiunjBUla All li, eiur.t Iliithaway. Mcta MiiHird, unflflie iHiril iicen Keimcruuu .May vouen. A worthy successor to "My Friend from Ind.a," iisUIiik, 1) U, 1'ot. i i I'nducod by n Maga'fl'ont Equipment oj I'.iuuoruio r-ccneryt oy Anuur v column, Now Yon. Prices 3CC, COc, 750 und 51.00 Academy of flu: Kels sn iJurjiuiiJcr, .estti. II, U Lim?, Local lann;:r ONL WLUK, Coinmenclns MarJ The King Dramad INCLUDING Kendal Wcs on and Floy. , In the strongest dramjyi of nl. cades. Kach production of the following repertoire mounted complete with special scenery cairied by company: Wodnes U.iv matinee, The Paymaster; Wednesday night, "Power of tho Press; Thursday matinee. Lady of Lyons; Thursday night. The Wages of Sin; Friday matinee, Tiio Circus Girl; Friday night, Urottyer fur Hrother. Iias for Satuiday to-be ..an nounced. Spec al Intioductlons between nets. Night prices. 10, 20 and 30 cqhts. Dlmo matinees dally, commencing Tues day. ! One Week, Commencing Monday, March 28 SauJIelle'sJprantaiic Co Monday Night On tho Hudson. TileMlav Mallnee Streets of Now York, i'uci.dny Night Cap'aln's Mate. Wednesday Mat Rosedale, or tho Rllte Hall. Wednesday Night Maine and Georgia. Thurs.da Mat Ruder the British Law. Thuru. Night-At mmd the World InSO Days. KildayMiit Around the World In SO Days. Kriiluv Nluht -Streets of New York. I Saturday Matinee Malno and Georgia. Saturday isiRnt irue as aicei. Matinee Prices 10 cents; evening Prlceo 10. 20 and SO cents. Dally Matinees Commencing Tuesday. 10, 15 AND 25 CENTS. THE LINDEN, IJrooUs A Ladwlg, Lessees. N. 1L brooki, Manager, Hetlnnln? Monday March 21 and lastlne all the week. Thugrcatost of all great moral' playn, ujimcl-e: toivts cabin Mlis Alee Kompas "opiy. l)e ohlld dnt neboi' was born." Iteca rinberg as Little i:vn. lly fur the best proluetlon hcoii In years. A mnlln.ee will be iflveu ever day. 1 (In to any purl ut i 10 bouse. Until further n.itlcothoevenlu; price will bo 10, 16 and cents. Heats reserved In advance without extra charge. Children admitted for Co Saturday uitcruoou. MUSIC HALL A. A. P'iNYV'nSSY, Leasee and Manager. 3Wils,2. Moiiay, March 28 MONDAY and WEDNESDAY KDVS BIG SENSATION. A DOriM.KHIIOW. 20 White UO. lfi Creolos 16. II ew Hurlcttqeea a. Reserved tent now o i bale at Hhort & Uij glnx.'.'JOT Laclciwunna avenue, Noxt Attraction! "" The Knickerbackers. Book Binding Neat, Durable Hook binding Is what you receive II you leave your order with the SCRANTON TRIBUNE DINDURY, Trib une building, Scranton, Pa, Ai