G TITO SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. MARCH 20. 1898. itw. 01 M III SB 1 GK Iu a short time the girls of Scranton have discovered the many merits of our New io-iuch Golf-cut Wheel Shoe. It supports the ankle better than an Oxford and is not so confining as the Knee Boot. We have them in black and brown soft Vici Kid, also with plaid tops. We are selling them for $2.50 the pair ;cil!( 110 Sl'lllTE STREET. The Wllkcs-Uario Jtecord cun be Had In Screnton at tho news stands of M. aieinliart. 119 Wjomins avenue: Mac. Lackawanna avenue. Scranton, Pa March 22 IMS Notice Is hereby Riven to the ltcpubll cun oteis of the Second legNl.ttHe ills trlct tint a convention will bo held in tho Arbitration room in the Court House on Tuesday, April 5. 1V1S nt 2 o'llock p in slurp, for the puipose of electing two df-lecutes to represent this district In tho Hi publican state convention at Ilarrls, burg Juno 2 Vigilant committees will hold primary elections In tlulr soverul precincts on Saturdj), April 2, from I to 7 o'clock p. m, l'red W. riiltz. Chairman. Wnltir i: I)iis, Secretary CITY JiOTKS. Sheriff Pij or sold a number of piop citlrs In the arbitration room ot tho couit house j,istcida Xilllc IIoovli, ot Cedar avinue. and John llonald, of I..ickitvvnnnii. wire mnr ilid vistciday moining by Aldtimau Ful ler With a matiiue at 2 SO p in toda and the evening pi rforninnce tonight, the "London (lality Clrls" conclude a thtce ilnvo' 1'iigagement at Music hill The reemtly appointed plumbing exam ining boaid will meet for Organization Moudaj at 2 30 o clock In Mnvoi Iialley's olllei. The oath of olllee will be admin istered lo the board at that time At the ngular meeting of the ITugle ngliie compani last night a committee was appointed to arrange a progiamme tor the tnteitalnment to De conducted bj the iompnn April 21 W 1 Qulnn was appointed chahmin of the committee. Ur Mu Stern, of l'lill idclphla, will it etui e at the high school net Thursday night for the hencllt or the Llndtn Street i'reu Klndergaiten He will treat of tho Hoentgm my s and will be assisted In bis expositions by l)r G. i: Itoss. of this city. The funeral of Mrs Marlu O'Malley, of Ml Olive street, who died Thursday evening, will be held Monday A solemn high mass of requiem will be celehratid at St. Piter's cathedral The Interment will be In Uj de Park Catholic cemetery The nadirs committee of the board of control will meet this afternoon "Cripple Cnek," as he is known to the police, or, John Singleton, colored, was lined $1 In police court yestenlay for drunkenness und creating seviral disturb ances Thuisday night on Ptnn avenue 1 ntll Singleton became a cilpplo he was one of the toughtst of police depart ment s stead customers Seldom did a (patrolman fancy the job of arresting Jnjuiles and dissipation have brought upon Singleton the sobriquet of "Cripple Creek," and have made him an easy prey for the bluecoats whenever he lirtaks over iCitivvii, (lie Urin mini. Has the greatest facilities for cat ting freight. Telephone iIC12. t Lime's I nulclit. An unexcelled lunch of sauer kraut and pig's feet will be served. 320 Spruce. Sen Hie New Slyles In young men's suits now being shown at Horan & Merrill's, 316 und 318 Lackawanna avenue. ooooooooooooooooo o Fresh Fish and Oysters Every Day. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE oo ooooooooooooooo & SPENCER, PRISONERS CAN NOT RIDE ON THE CARS Scranton Railway Company Issues ao Edict Against It. THE PATRONS WERE COMPLAINING Did Not Mlio the Iilou of Uubbiiig i:ibov Willi tlio Crlnilnal-voii United Slate Mnrslinl J.oonnrd'i Men Hero Not to Uc Allowed to Mnlto n Itlnik Mnrlii " Out of tliu street Cnrs - I'lio Now Order Is Stringent iinil Sweeping. PrlsotieiH will iu longer be trnns pnitert to nnd fioni the county Jnll In the street tarn In fact they "111 not, hereafter, be allowed to bo transported anywhere on the Scranton Hallway company's enrs. An order U that effect was posted yesterday at the company's ofllco It leads aa follows. Cleiural Order, No MO March 24, isn To PonductoiB On mid after this date conductors will not carrv on the c.irs of this company prisoners In charge of the olllcers of the cltv the slierlff or his deputies, or the United Statis mursmil and his dtputlci I'nder no tlrcunistancts must thire be an exception made to this rule. Conductors are expected to use caro In iiicertalnliiR the character of passensers. win re th( mu hae reason to suspect that Intending pissensers are prisoners ns above Prank Slllimnn, Jr . Ueneiul MnniiBtr. PKOTHST WAS madi: Adveise comments hae frequently been heard nt tlie'tompany's office on the puutlce of the Jill nllthoiltles of forelnp upon tho public, and paitlcu laily ladles, the unwelcome company of criminals, eimln-coered, possibly, but at all eents unlit persons to make the ueneral public commingle with, een If It Is only for a short time Out of justice to the local Jail ofllc l.ilx. It should be said that they weie nlunvs consldeiate to the extent that when there weie moie than two or three prlsoneis to be tianspoited the Mack Jlniln" was brought into use. This bi ought (omplalnts, but it was J this week when the United States au thoiltles commenced using the street cats for conveying a whole cat load of piNoners at a time that the leal vig orous Kicking ensued A F Law went to the company headquaitcis and in the name of nil the pations of the Green Ridge and Dunmoie Suburban lines, piotested against having the companionship of muiderers, lobbers, counteifelteis and all the worst clashes of criminals in the countiy forced upon self-i expect ing people. General Manager Sllll man expiessed legiet that such a thing should have existed thus long and was surpilsed that the privilege had been ho (lagiantly abused by the authoiitles. He gave assuiance that the nuisance would be abated and forthwith made the stringent and sweeping order printed above. PIIIVATE OIWEIt ISSUED. For fear the government authorities should icslst tho canying out of the order, a ptivate order was given the conductors on the lines tunning to the county Jail to stop their cms and keep them standing until such time as the marshal nnd his men should get tired of waiting and leave the car of their ow n accoi d. One of Maishal I-eonaid's men, lialllff Louis timber, with hlx prison ers In charge, of deputies, attempted to use a car to come down from tho county jail to United States couit yes tenlay, but were lefused admittance to the car and had to boitovv tho city's ptatrol wagon to convey the prisoners. Warden W. T. Simpson attempted to take n pilsoner down to the court house on a car duilng the afternoon, but the conductor would not let them aboard. BOY'S EYE KNOCKED OUT. struck Uith a siouo bv One ol Ilia Companion. Shortly nfter dinner hour yesterday, Cllffoid Cockiell, of Elm street, South Side, was spinning a top near his home, when Fred. Robar, a companion, nc cpsted him und took his hat from his ntnd. Cockrell angrily commanded Rosar to i enlace the hut or he would thrash him, and as he spoke hi moved towards lto.sar, who took n good-sized stone and threw It fotclbly, hitting Cockrell directly on the left eye. The blow caused Cocki ell's eye to drop fiom Its bocket and It hung mere ly by a shred Wood (lowed piofusely fiom the wound. Cockrell staggered to his homo and Di. Reeser wns hastllv summoned and attended to the Injury. To a Tilbune rcpoitei the doctor btated that the sight of the eye Is lost, and very prob ably It will have to be lemoved, after a few days, ODD FELLOWS SESSION. Lnekiiwunnn Lodge, No. UD1, Elected Olliccrs Lust Evening. A regular meeting of Lackawanna lodge, No 291 Independent Older Odd Fellows, was held last evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Wyoming nvtnue The attendance of membeis was very laige. Past Giand Hurry Taylor preslded.nnd officers for the ensuing tetm were elect ed. The follo'vlng were elected Noblo grand, W G Sykes, vice nobis- giand, Hurr T. Wolfe; secictaty, E. D. Jones; assistant secretary, D, S Frederick; treasurer, Israel Ruth; trustee, John T. Howe; trustee's treasurer, Frank Stur dovant; oisanlst, J. L. Hoffman. This will bo the twelfth consecutive trm foi Secretary E. D. Jones. NAVY WANTS GOOD MEN. Invitation Extended to Applicants from '1 bin Region. In tho main corridor of the Federal building there was yesterday tacked up a flaring four-foot poster announc ing that the government Is desirous of securing able bodied seamen of good habits and that applications for en listment will be received by Colonel James Furney at the naval recruiting station, 1628 Market street, Phlladel phla. Tho pay and other Inducements such as tho opportunity of seeing the world and the like are set forth In big- letters. Akslilnut lor I'orry Uolpli. On petition of Perry Dolph, tho ven erable constable of tho First ward of JOunmore, Ruthard S. West was yester day appointed deputy constable of the Flrpt ward. DUFFY'S PURE HISKEY FOR MEDICINAL'USE NO FUSEL OIL It Is tlie bet known remedy for Indigestion, dyspepsia nnd nil similar troubles. It will restore yon to health. Mo not let your druggist or grocer persuade yiju to take other than Unity's. Send for pamphlet to DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester, N. Y. FAILURE WILL BE FELT. Gtinrnntom l'innnco Oompnnv Did Conftidcrublo llusiuess Here. The failure of the Guarantors' Fi nance company, of Philadelphia, will bo felt In this eit. where the company has n number of policy holdeis, A number of elevators, boilers and ma chinery of various kinds owned by local Individuals or companies weie Insured with the company. They also did a small nmount of peisonal accident business heie t'ntll about a eal and a hnlf ago the company had an tnianRement with the Sciniiton Ti action company by which It accepted a certain percentage of the gioss earnings of the company and In leturn agieed to be liable for any judgments obtained by persons ln Jmed on the lines of the company. In the neighborhood of forty cases guar anteed by the embaiia.ssed company are now pending In this county Eleven are on the list for tilal nt the teim of common pleas court beginning next Monday In n half-dozen cases ver dicts liae been recovered and rules for new tilals or appeals to the Supieme couit aie now pending. Those who brought the suits will not suffer, as the actions aie dliccted against the Ti action eompan A sotnew hut different condition of af falis exists at Carbondale. The Guar antors' company insured the Lacka wanna Valley Rapid Tianslt company In the same manner that It did tho Scranton Ti action company. Two ver dicts were obtained against it In the local courts. One b Richard Delevan and wito for $2,.100 wns fought through all the courts and is now leady for collection Miss Lizzie Gllmartln re ceived a vet diet of $7,500, but the case has been appealed to the Supremo couit. As the Lackawanna Rapid Transit company has passed out of ex istence, and the Guarantors' company lias made an assignment, It may be a dllllcult matter to collect an thing on these Judgments. FUNERAL OF WILLIAM KAUFHOLD. Remains Hire Laid nt Rest in Torcst Hill Cemetery. The funeral of the late "William Kaufhold took place yesterday from his into lesldenie, 702 Electric avenue Set vices at tho house weie conducted by Rev. Philip Haendlges, of the Ger man Methodist Episcopal chuich, of Adams avenue The piocesslon moved to the church nnd Rev. Mr. Haendlges and 'Rev James Rubeck olllclated. In tel ment was made In Torest Hill cem etery. Several huge lloral designs were sent, one a large pillow from the Peck Lumber company. The pall-beaters were: Michael Waltors, Gustave Hoff feommer, Geoigo Hempel nnd L. Delt zel. George Oehler, Jacob Baas, Wil liam Dlmllck nnd John Gundlack were the ilower-beaieis. TWO HURT IN A MINE. I'nll of Rock Entrnps n Miner and Ills Laborer. James Burg, a miner, of f20 Roberts couit, and William Williams, the for mer's laborer of 1109 Swetland street, wote Injured, the foimer seriously, by a fall of rock In the Manvllle mine yesterday morning. Burge's back Is thought to have been biokon. Williams' legs and arms were, 1 adlv contused They were taken to the Lackawanna hcspltal. llenrius W us Restored Alter 20 Yenrs Deulnes. To Whom It May Concern: After being deaf for twenty years, my hearing was restored and I can hear a watch tick today and oidlnary conversation, something that I have not heard for 20 years. I have been under Dr. Grewer's ttcatment for about three weeks and I am pleased to certify to my friends and the public in genernl that I now hear distinctly and that my hearing Is restored to Its nor mal condition. Dr. Grewer Js opposed to using testimonials, but I insert this on my own account, feeling that he may be able to help thousands of others as he did me Any informa tion cheerfully given to those who call or write. Veiy tespectfully, W. II. Naylor, Duryeu, Pa. 85 Per Month. From now to July 1 we will make a rute of S3 per month In either book keeping or shorthand, $3 per month for English. This is a rare chance. College of Commerce, Samter Building. CiinIi ( (1111118. If you vvnnt a shoo ut $1.00. $1.25, $1.50 or $2.00 try the "Five Brothers," and note what cash will doiln tho mat ter of shoes. Cash counts there. It's a cash shoe store. Spring Clothing now teady nt Horan & Merrill's, 316 and 318 Lackawanna avenue. Srrnntnii llitlnrt.s Collecc Special tuition rates for spring and summer months, Call at the College or write. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tii fie- Hall ilgututi ct It w 8?fe (17 k& iitW M lir- AXiS. t-fiaSXj PATROLMAN THOMAS' CONDITION. It Continue to Improve nnd Ilia IMiynlclnut Aro llopelul. Patrolman John D. Thomas rested very wusy dining the day yesterdny and hlB condition continues to Im prove along favorable lines. Complications ara the creat danger now and everything that medlejl skill and food nursing cun do to assist Is being done, OBITUARY. Philip Walker Coons, CO years of age died at his residence, 1127 IBvlslon street, yesterday morning at 11.20 o'clock. De ceased suffered from Brlgtits disease for several years, nnd about two weeks ago was compelled to take to his bed. Aneur ism set In and after dujs of great pain ho succumbed. Ho wns born In Dutchess county, N. Y , June 21, 1S3S, and when 12 enrs of age his parents moved to this valley, locating near what Is now called Lackawanna. Ho grew up and secured employment In Scranton, and on April IS, 1SG7, was married to Miss Sarah Knapp, a member of the pioneer Knapp family. Ho was employed for several years In tho famous co-operative store then on Tranklln avenue. After Its fail ure he went Into business for himself and resided In tho city. About eleven yenrs ngo ho removed to West Scranton and has conducted tlio grocery business at his residence ever since Ho was quiet nnd unassuming In his ways and paid closo attention to business. He wns a regular attendant at the Simpson Metho dist church and was a member of Olobc Lodge, No. 95S, Indt pendent Order of Odd Fellows. The funernl will bo held Mon day afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tho res idence. Interment at the Washburn strett cemetery. The death of Mrs. Ann Orndy occurred yesterday morning at the homo of lur daughter on Sweeney street Sho was nn old nnd respected resident of this plaeo and beloved by nil who weie acquainted with her. A daughter, Mrs Mlchnel Lynch, survives lur. Services over hi r remilns will bo conducted tomoriow af ternoon In Holy Hosary church, after which tho remains will bo Interred lu Hyde Park Catholic cemetery Miss Hannah Meredith, daughter of John II and Sarah Meredith, died yes terday nt 1 30 a m., at tho homo of her parents, on North Bromley avenue. Tho funeral will tnke place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will bo held In the Jackson Street Baptist church and In terment will be made In Washburn street cemetery. Mrs Ellen McIInlo, wife of lo'pi Mc Hnle, died Thursdny night at hsr homo on Wales street. She Is survival by n husband nnd seven children. The funernl will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 20. Interment will bo made In Hyde Paik Catholic cemetery. Mrs W. E. Smith, of 1010 South Wash ington avenue, dbd yesterday morning nt 4 13 o'clock after an eight-weeks' Ill ness. The funernl will take placo this morning nt 11.30 o'clock from tho Penn Avenue Baptist church Interment will bo made at Hampton Junction, N. J An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs, Pat rick Walsh of Keyser avenue, died yes terday Funeral announcement will be made later. w.atwwmwtMmi.a DIED. COON'S In West Scranton, March 2", W, Philip W. Coons, CO yenrs of uge. ut his residence, 1127 Division street. Punoral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resldmce Interment at Washburn street cemetery. GRADY In Scranton. March 23, IKK. Mrs. Ann Grady, at the homo of her daugh ter. Mis. Mlchnel Lvnch, of Scranton street. Funeral Sund ly afternoon. In terment In Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery MEREDITH-In West Scranton March 2, 18'is, Miss Hannah Meredith, 10 years of age, at the residence, 1J" North Iliotn ley avenue. Funeral tomorrow after noon nt 3 o'clock, at the Jackson Street Baptist church. Interment In Wash burn street cemetery. SMITH In Scranton, March 23, lSriS, Mrs W. 11. Smith, aged 33 years. Funeral Saturday morning. Services nt the l'enn Avenue Baptist church ut 11 30. Interment at Hampton Junction, N, J. March 2'!, 159S. The Gem Cafe 128 Washington Avenue, Huccesor to W. A. Beemer & Son. Regular meals, 23 cents: 6 meal tickets, il.OO; 21 meal tickets. (4 00. Breakfast, 6 to 8 30 a, m ; Dinner. 11.30 to 2 p m.; Sup per, 6 p. m. to 7,30 p. m. Soup Macaroni Prime Ribs of Roast Beef a la Dish Gravy Roast Leg of Lamb a la Mint Sauce Roast Loin of Pork a la English Dressing Entre Veal Pot Pie. Fumlly Style Succotabh, Plain Boiled Potatoes Green Peas Hot Slaw Applo Pio Chocolate Pie Mlnco PIo Fruit Worcestershire Snuco Pickles Salted Wafers French Drip Coffee Milk Tea Quick Lunch at All Times Open All Night. Never Closed Grand Music by Bauer's Orchestra Saturday Afternoon In Our Cloak Department We will make a great display of NEW Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Jackets, Children's Jackets, Ladies' Capes, Ladies' Skirts. These are garments just opened tliis morning. MEARS & uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiHHiiiKiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiifiiiiiiim R mm Your Breakfast Will taste better and your Dining Room will look prettier if you have a set of our Old Blue Ridge way Porcelain. This is the "REAL OLD BLUE" of our grandmothers the softest, pret tiest of underglaze blue decorations. It originated over one hundred years ago, and is now revived by a descendant of the origi nal potter. Every piece is a picture in itself. We have it in open stock, or you can get a full ioo piece set for $ 17.00. MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Avenu ). Walk In and look nrouud." niiiiiii!iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiik? Tiicclin Ilitdly Injured. AVIlllnm Tueglln yesterday filed his declaration In his suit against tho Scranton Ttactlon company. He asks damages in tho sum of $10,000. It Is set forth in the declaration that on May 1, 1S9G, ho was driving- nionu South Main avenue, when he vva run Into bv one ot the defendant company's cars which smashed his- wagon, bruised Ills liorso and peimanontly Injured him. Prof. I'rotlicron Honored. Pi of. Daniel iPiotheroe, formerly of Scinnton but at ptcsent of Milwaukee, Wis , has been selected as one ot the adjudicators of music for the Ilrldgend Wales eisteddfod, to bo held on Mabor's Day, July 4. CATARRH IN THE HEAD, that troublesome and disgusting dlseyise, may be entirely cured by a thorough course of Hood's Saisaparllla, the great blood purifier. i HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick headache, indlsestlon, blllousnces. All dtugglsts, 25c. I Ten t More t Crates I j of the carload of pic- xr V ture frames that started S the week's selling, J were opened yesterday for today and Sattir- vv X day shoppers. jif 2? This means 1,000 jj v new frames to pick v from. The price is the same one-fourth reg- ular value. v X Moving and house-' Y V cleaning time bring to light broken, marred v and out-of-date picture frames. yv This sale creates the X opportunity to replace IT 'S tliam in In it en V O cheaolv vou'll be sur- v prised. $ Pictures filled free. Y No cliarge Tor wire or y O screw cjes. v O Back Board free. L Best French Glass nt & X price of window glass. X & 10x20 three-lnch Wlilto nndCJHt frames, follrcsu- -JOr " fo larly for $1 00. Hale price, " Jv 14x28 Florentine White A v Enamel I'rames. Woith "lfm 51.25. feale price ... . . oyi V llxll Real Goldeu Oal: r Frames. Worth 05 centi- Or bale price 1- v 10x20 five-inch BurnUbed Jk (lilt Plorentlno Frames. Cf V Worth St. Sale price 4 THE REXFORD CO, 303 Lackawanna Ave, J Openin SILKS, ooooooo We will open Saturday morning a splendid assort ment of 75c. Foulard Silks, 2Q, in all colors. Opening Price 2-L' Plaid Silks iu great variety. 00000000 All the m new things in stylish Dress Goods. Special prices Satur day aud Monday. HAGEN, s Embezzlement Chnrgfid. J. 1. Iteddlngton, agent of tho Bay State company, swore out a warrant before Alderman Donovan Thursday chntglng J. J. Scott, of Carbondale, with embezzlement. The warrant was served yesterday nnd Scott waived a hearing- and entered ball for his ap peal unco at court befoio a Carbondale alderman. Baby Bazaar A comfortable baby is a "good baby." ARNOLD' Knit Night Drawers, Knit Night Gowns, Knit Bath Blankets Secure comfort for child and mother Also Full Line of Domet Flannel Night downs, Lounging downs and Dressing Sacqucs For Ladies and Children. S12 SRRUCE STREET rV.,-.M.. :. Heal tburn, Ous- UVSOGDS1H. lr,', nml aU Sj JpVJJJm) Stomach Disor ders positively cured. Orover Urnham's Dyn pepsin Remedy U a stieclilc. One done re moves all distress, and a permanent ture of the most chronic nnd severe cases Is guaran teed. Do not sutler! A 50-vent bottla will convince the most skeptical. Mntthew-s ltros., UrilL'iUU, U20 Lucka wannu avenue. Call and be convinced on Low Prices We are giving on all our Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry ( L And Silverware OUR LINE OF FINE CHINAx. Will be sold regardless of cost, as we are going out of tbat line of goods. We also carry a line of CRITERION N1IC BOIES AND CRAPHOPHONES PRICE OF LATTER, $10, $12 AND $25, Step in aud Hear Tkein. Weichel9 Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street Saturday, March 26 Monday, March 28 A NEW 415 and 417 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton. Pa, Our Jewelry Space Covers about iofeet of counter room. Not very large one to hold so many bargains. Cznrlna Pins Worth 19c, silver plated, too many. Price now Corsage Sword Pins Got 4c Silver plated, worth 10c. now . (Slightly UrnUhcd-) Price 4c Link Cuff Bullous Silver plated, some people get 24c 4c. (Theae are slightly tarnUhed ) lint Pins With pearl top, worth 10c Now 4o Collar Rations Gold plated, were 4c each. Now . . . 0 for 4o (They're slightly tarnlihad ) Glove Butloners Hook or pin style, pearl handles, worth 19c. Now . . lOP Shirt Waist Sets Bronze finish, was 10c. The set now 4c Heart Pins Single or double hearts, with or nament, worth 19c. Now . 4c Leather Watch Chains Good snap and button holder, 1 worth 10c. Now . . 3c Key Chain Leather. Price now . 80 Tinsel Belts Gilt, with gilt buckle and cloth. Was 24c. Now . . lOo Tinsel Bells Silver, with silver adornments. Were 49c. Now . . 19c Waist Set Special. Silver plate, worth 19c. Now, 9c THE GREAT i STORE 310 Lackawanna Ave. J. II. LADWIG. ( and Evening. SALE. ieperlmenf We Will Make a Large Display of 00000000 GOODS Our Stores will be beautifully decorated with Plants and Flow ers. All our friends arc invited to inspect the goods and enjoy the music. r v