MjW, & J i jpB-i& , fTr TIH3 SOB ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. MARCH 20. 1898. ( 3 Social i IS and I Personal 1 The next fortnight will piobably see but little of a social nuturc to enter tain either young or old. All gulety will be reserved for Euster week, when the festivities w 111 necessarily lie brief, though merry, if they arc to be gtuced by the presence of the college visitors and their friends. Much Is expected of the Glee club conceit on the 12th, which will not begin until 8 15, owing to a church wedding on the same evening. The lecture given by the courtesy of the Mondaj- Horning club on Thursday evening was one of exceptional pleas ure not alone fiom the valuable nature of the discourse, but because of the uudlence, over the feminine portion of which no hats were to bo seen, only the tiniest bonnets doing duty as a head covering. The general effect was not only better, but the views on the plat form were thus lcndeied visible to all. "He was good to the poor," said an old lady last night, as her tiembllng hands dropped the paper wherein she had read of the death of Mr. William T. Smith. She knew personally of some benefactions of the man whom we can scarcely believe has gone away for ever, and her tears fell as she icmem bered. It Is something to have lived and died and to have one's memory hallowed by the loving tears of the wretched one has aided. The event of the second week follow ing Caster will be the Symphony con cert, when the great baritone, Max llelnrlch, is to be hero. Mr. Paul B. Belln will give n fnie well dinner Monday evening," pi evlous to his depaiture for Buffalo, whete he will enter the llrm of Green & Wicks, the well-known architects. This llrm has left a memorial in Seiantnn In the shape of the beautiful Albtlght llbraiy. Apropos of the Yale concert, It way be said that college songs s!.nd apart by themselves, being the natural out How and extibernnce of jciuth express ing Itself with u naive and iconsclous art. From the early student songs of the middle ages there has been a tra dition In form and spirit which Is in herited by successive generation of students, and which has preserved Its Integrity, and exists today with the same force and spirit that chniacter lzed it from the llrst. It Is a tradition of gaiety, good-fellowship and advent ure, light loes celeluated In simple jet delicate poetry, graceful and gay, some times sad, jet sad with the Insouciance of jouth. Bead the old Latin students' songs as they are admirably translated by John Addington S) monds, and mark how perfectly the spirit of them Is pieserved to our own day. The stu dents of the middle ages and the ren nnlance wandered about Kurope, ac cepting the chance adventuies of their wanderings, drinking gaily in the tnv eins, and paying for It when they had the money, and treating the landlords to same happy Joke when lacking It. U tidies they picked pockets as did rianrols Villon. The modern student t' uels In a pilvate car while playing I the troubador, but the same spirit ani mates the songs of both. iJIr. and Mrs. W. T. Connell gae an wormal dinner last evening. r, and Mi George Russ will en ii,n at dinner this evening. . Edward Jones entertained u ji natty composed of Scranton lat her home in Olyplunt last n" , n't JBeph JM. Boles gave a dinner javelins In honor of Mr. Paul tii iiia covl'm were item iui eiKiiieeu. theguests.. we're 4Messrs. Paul B Belln, A '.. Hun "ngtoi B. K Watson. L B Puller. Rv. -olds Bedford, Seldcn Klngsbur), u. B. Meirlll, Laurence B11--S, J. B. Neale, T. S Fuller, A. E. Hunt, Jr., II AV. Boies, J. II. Brooks. John Kemvrerer, I B. Thome, James Blair. T. C. Fuller. Mr. and Mis. M. J. Kelly enteitained a number of little people last Satuiday 1n honor of their daughter, Cornelia. t r. and Mrs. E. H. Pnriott entertaln- at cards Ihui.'day evening ng the guestr. weie' Mr and Mis. t" E Wade, Mi. unf Airs. J S. Klik ittlck, Mr. anil Mi . vuy, Mi and Mrs.J, F. Me-sargcl id Mrs Eu gene Henley, Mr and 'F, h Crane, Mr. and Mis. T. r. Pen. nan, Mr and Mrs. Trank Wolf. Mr. and Mr Sidney Hayes Mr and Mrs. Bark.M, Mr. and Mrs. AI. W. I-ovvry, Mrs Thomas Sprngue, Messrs. C. E. Chittenden and Drinker, Rainy day skirts weie frequently teen on our pilnclpal thoioughfares during the early part of the week, and even the conservative i rltles must ad mit that there were some women who werp not freaks In the short sensible diess. The majority will, however. probably go on until the end nf time Iching the back breadth" of their as, and perfoimlng veiltable Jui;- .fects In endeavoilng to cany nbrella, a book from the library, mntMlal for a silk blouse, with pei- haps a pie or a box of chailottc-tus'ie. Mrs Louise Seymour Houghton gave the most beautiful lecture of tho series esterday at the homo of .Mis, E S. Moffat on "The Love Stoiles of the Old Testament." Her desrilpllon of Solomon's sons o-s a diama wot, a tri umph of tare powers of delineation. The spring hats with their riotous BABY HUMOR: Instant relief for skln-tortuicd babies and rctt for tired mothers In a warm bath with Ccticcka Soai-, and a ilnglo application of Cuticdiu. (ointment), the great skin cure. Tlio only speedy and economical treatment for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, nnd pimply humors of the skin, scalp, and blood. (uticura If tV! ihrcaftinl tht vrM Pornm Ditv ad Cnimmal CoriiUTiuM Suit rroLrkUin tfeiioi, 03 "Haw la Gun . Bity Hinor," ulll IYa. BUY ILEHISHES PrTt.t1 ftott Curd b bUIlCLUA SUIT, nines of blossoms certainly must be a temptation oven to men who uren't al lowed to do anything but pay for them. Miss Lcn M. Heath' will entertain the Italian Art class on Wednesday after noon. The homeopathic physicians ot the city gave a dinner Thursday evening at Hotel Jormyn In honor of the emi nent Dr. rislier, of Philadelphia. Tho guests were: Dr. J. W. Coolldgc, Dr. and Mrs. 1 D. Brewster, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Plttston; Mrs. Henry Be lln, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Watklns, Mts. C. H. Welles, Mrs. George San derson, Mis. L. S. Oakford. Dr. and Mrs. Hetllnghoff, Dr. Anna Clarke, Dr. Roberts," Dr. I W. Lange, Dr. Holl ner, Miss Claike, Dr. and Mrs. Llndu.- buiy, Mt. Sanderson. loraeits of People, Mrs. Frederick Connell Is In New York. Mies Phelps will spend Easter In New York. Mis. O. U. Smith has returned from New Yoi k. Tho Misses Seybolt will spend Easter In New York Miss Amv Jessup is visiting her brother at Ccntrnlln. Mr. A. Rose has returned from a visit to Richmond, Va. Professor T. J. Davlcs expects to mako Plttston his home. Dr. J. Burnett nnd son, Kenneth, aro at Old Point Comfort. Mrs. Garlnger, of Sunbury, Is the guest of Mrs. J, O. Eekman. Mr. Walter Watson, of Catasaqua, la visiting friends In the city. John H. Blackwood bus returned from a business trip to New York. Emerson D Owen has gone to New Yoik to remain for some time. Mr. Q A Jessup was out jexteiday af ter a serious attack of the gout. Mrs John Kclley nnd son, of Qulncey avenue, are at Old Point Comfort. Newton Jackson and family hnve ro tiirni d from a. visit at Carlisle, Ph. Hon. Theodore Hart, editor of the Pltts ton f5u7ette. was In tho city this wceic. Rev. John riuncti, V. G , of Plttston, called on Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara yestcr dny. W. H. Hngen, of Mears & Hngon, has returned lrom a business tilp to New York. Miss Loulo Sejbott has returned from Now Yoik, wheie she spent the past fort night. Dr. I. F. Evcrhart nnd son, Edwaid, leturned xrom the South Wednesday nlzht. Mrs. William Connell went to Wash ington today, where she will remain for three weeks Attorney Frid E Beers, of the law firm of Boers it Grambs, Is In Alb my on legal business Mr und Mrs J L Connell and Mr and Mrs J S McAnulty have returned from Now York. Miss Mirpniet Delnney, of BmoMvn, N Y Is a guest In tho faintly tit T. N. Cullen, of Olive stieet. P K Nctthton, who Ins been spend ing a few weeks at Lake Ililen, FIa is expected home about April 1 Miss Kjtharyn Fltypili ', of Green Ridge, left jostirdiv for New Yanc citj, wnere she will spend sK wo'ts Mis. Shellabarger. who has been the guest of Mis. J. H. Phillips, Ins re turned ftom her home In New York. Mr T. Cushlng Jones, who will remain at home until after Bister, will sing at Mr. Conant's organ recital on Saturdns. A cable message announcing the arriv al of Mr W. B Culvrr, ot Scranton, at Glasgow was leeelved In this city jester day. David Langstaff 1ns returned from Florida. While enrouto homo ho met City Treasurer C. G. Boland at Savan nah. Miss Eva Evans and Mits Jennie Wi li ber, of Ilawlej', are guests at tho fot til er's uncle, Joseph Nash, of South Ninth street William Kelly returned j'esterdaj' from Old Point Comfort, where he left hl3 wife and son, who will remain there foi some time "Mrs. Jane Davis, a poetess of consid erable note," sajs the Wllkes-Birro Times, "has removed from Wllkes-Barre to Scranton Mis Annie II. BKler, who has been the guest of her bister, Mr. II, C Swartz, of Plttston avenue, has returned to Plalnticld. Pi. 13 It W, Searle, of Montrose, n mem ber of tho bar of Susquehanna countj-, has been admitted to practice In the courts of this countj' Miss Anna P Gorman, of I'enn ave nue accompanied by her guest Miss Duffy, of Carbondalo, have gone for a vllt at New York city. Mr. Charles Stran who has been alarm ingly 111 for a number of weeks will bo it moved to his home In Wllkes-Barre, In tho course of a few dajs. Ex-Sheriff Chines Robinson nnd a number of friends who are returning from Hot Springs, Ark, were delased In Ohio Thursday bj the floods. Thomas P Murphy, who has been with Kerr & Co seviral jears. Is nor, con nected with Slebecker i. Watklns, as sidesman In tho carpet department. Judge and Mrs Jessup, of Montrose, In cumpinv with Mr. and Mr. C. R Woodln nnd Mr and Mrs William Wood- I In, of Beiwirk are at Old Point Comfort. Mr Rlchaid Htiwlej, formerly a mem ber of tho Scranton -odgo of I31ks, nnd well known In Scranton, has Just been elected exalted ruler of the Philadelphia Lodge of Elks Lieutenant Richard Sturdevant, of the United States nnvv who last week vis Ited his relatives, Mr Richard Matthews and fnmllj, of this city, left his home In Wllkes-Rarro Thursday to report for duty at Seattle. LEFT HIS SWRETIIGART. That's n Part of Charles llurlington's Alleied Guilt. Lieutenant Donovan, of the Brnd dotk, Pa , pjliee depaitment. came here vesteielny for Charles rim lltif,tiiii, a young mnn with many aliases, who Is ehaigi'd with stealing J55 from his sweetheatt Until Lieutenant Donovan's unlval hen the partleulats e f l.uillngton's of fence weit not known. His arrest by the Fci anton police on Wednesday was made by telegraphic lequest fiom Rradiletk.larccny being alleged against him. He was held here on a chaige of cairjlng concealed weapons, For this he was lined J3 In police court -es-tcrday. rinm the Uinddock i ollco lieutenant It was leai nod that Burlington is 13 yeais old, and is known as "C. Adams " "Harry Soule,' 'Chailes rrink" and other abuses In his time ho has op erated an u ?anvusser, pocketing ad vance Installments. Recently Burling ton brought to llrnddock u girl named Alice Diumiiiond. who had been a ser vant In tho Ited Lino hotel nt Pitts burg. On the day following they wert to have been mar' led and lluillngton had Miss Druminonel draw $13, all l.er bank Mivings, and glvo him $10 In addi tion to tho bank account to savo for her He then disappeared. Ho was traced here through tho purchase of a lallroad tlrkot. Lieutenant Donovan will leave here with his prisoner for Brnddoclc this morning. Ills Reputation. Grace "Mr. Wheeler Is awfully cool headed. Why, do you know, tho other day on the Speedway ho told me the most remarkablo scries of adventures whllo the tandem was going a regular 140 clip." Carmellta "Oh, well, I've always heard that he could lie us fast as a horse can trot." Now York Presa. MlttMM SEUfill -tMf-H"H--fMtt - The work of tho Evangelical Alli ance will be ably piesented to the lesl dents of this 'city next week. Tho Sornnton Pastor's union has complet ed arrangements for a mass meeting on Thursday evening. March 31, to bo addressed by Rev. W. C. Webb, D. D , of Philadelphia, general secretary for the state of I'cnnsjlvnnln; a confer ence of till tho pastors of the city on Friday afternoon at 4 ei'clock and a mass meeting on Friday evening, at which Rev. Waylatid Hoyt, D. D , will deliver nn address. All the me-otlngs will be held In the- Penn avenue Bap tist church. Tho Young Men's Chrlstlnn associa tion hopes to have a "Summer Camp" this ear. Under tho dlicctlon of Mr. Chance tho following piograinme ot music will be rendered nt Uie evening set vice In thu Second Presbyterian chinch: Organ prelude, Communion In 11 flat, Gullmant Anthem, "Holyl Holyl Holy I" Rubinstein Offertory Solo, "I Shall See Him " Wolds by Miss Fanny Crosby Miss Black. Postludo Mendelssohn Tho extra meetings which nro soon to begin at the First Preslteilnn church and which will continue a fort night, will be addressed by th emi nent Dr. Hut roll, ot New Yoik; Dr. Thomas MeLend, of Brooklyn, and other well-known divines. Dr. George Edward Reed, eif Dick inson college. Is In great demand Ro cently a piomlnenl I'resbj terlan church In Philadelphia decided to nsk I him to bo theii p.u.toi, whllo he has leeelved invitations fiom other de nominations beside his own, the Meth odist Episcopal. Many churches of which would be glad to secuic him. Rev. Dr. McLeod nnd fatnilv' hope to occupy the line new paibonage on Olive street this week. Migiois News Notes, Rov. J. S. Williams will lead a pi per on "Immlgiatlon" nt tho Baptist Pastor's Confcionce Monday morning at 10 30 Bible study at IUub's hall. 131 Wyo ming avenue, nt 10 n. in. Subject fir Maich 27. Rom. 7. No collections. All are Invited Mr. C. r." Whltlemoro has been en- ' .n,.1 r ,ll,.., ! .1... l, f 4 1. . ..,-1 .. .n i.,.i.-i.ii,i ,i in,- ijiuii in in Providence Prisbvtorlin chuich for On coming year. Rev. Joseph II. Bell will preach In the Shlloh Baptist chuich tomoirow The congregation is now occupying Its new hall at 30", Contie stieet, neai pastor. 10 30 n in, subject "Faith's Vlc Penn avenuo. I lory -)VPr tl10 Work! " 1." 10 Sundayschuol, C. E. Weldaw's class of Calvaiy Re formed Sundaj' oehool, corner Monioc- avenue and Gibson street, will hold a sociable at the home of Law. cute Moscow Methodist Episcopal church Brink, 126 Williams fctreet,- Tuesday, I Rev S. Guv Snowden. B. D. pistor. March 29th. S p. m. 9 13 a m, Sundaj- school: 10 43 a m, -Rov. Foster U. Gift will address the ! mctclilng by the pastor, subject. "Tho men's mootlner nt the Yniimr AfW Threefold Sufferer" 12 m elass raeet- Chrlstlan Association at 3 45 p. m to morrow afternoon. Theie will bo special orchestra music under the dl lectlon of Mr. J. M. Chinee. Rev. Thomas Houston, the blind evangelist, will address tho meeting at tho railroad department of the Young Men's Christian association on Sundny afternoon, Maich 27, nt 3 l", o'clock, for men only All rallioad men are cordlallj- Invited. The layman's devotional service will be held Saturday evening at 7 4r o'clock in St. Luke's chinch. The weeklj Len ten oitran iccital will be given Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock In St Luke's church by J. Willis Conant. It leads up to evening prayer nt I 30 o'clock. Commencing on Mondaj- evening, April 3, there will be services every evening at Grace Lutheian church, ending with Holj Communion on Eas ter mom. On Sundaj evening the pas tor, Rev. Foster U. Gift, vvjll continue During the colder season impure humors accu mulate in the blood. i J The surface of the body being chilled, the pores are closed and clogged, and impurities which might pass off in perspiration are forced back into the blood. Besides this, winter's hearty food, fats and sweets, contribute more impurities. This briefly explains the existence of Spring Humors those unsightly eruptions, painful boils, annoying pimples and other affections, which make absolutely necessary the use Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season. But with some people, impurities in the blood cause very different symptoms. The kidneys, liver and bowels are overmatched in their efforts to relieve the clogged sys tem. Dizzy headaches, bilious attacks, failure of appetite, coated tongue, lame back, indigestion or that tired feeling are some of the results. From the same cause may also come scrofula, neuralgia sciatica or rheumatism. All these troubles and more may properly be called "Spring Humors," and just as there is one cause, a cure is found in just one remedy, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla enriches that which is weak and thin. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes that which lacks vitality. Hood Sarsaparilla leads in Merit, Sales and Cures. For your Spring Medicine to prevent or cure Spring Humors, and build up your health, take arsaparilla .Sold by all druggists. Price $1; six (or $5. .Prepared only by C. I. IFood & Co., Lowell, iMuss. Tho Host Sprhitf Medicine. ll series of sermons on "The Savlor'p Temptation," preaching on "The Sec ond Temptation or a I'resumptuous Faith." The regulnr Sunday meeting eif the Young Women's Christian association will be led nt 3.45 o'clock by Mrs. J. W, Hi owning, who wn formerly one ot the secretaries o the association. Miss Etlrabcth Harrington will preside nt the piano and Miss Lydla Plchel will have chat pe of the special music. The meetings have been of special lnteiest and this one claims thu promise of grenter merit and Interest. Let all women nnd girls nttend this service. Tomorrow's Services, MuthodiHt. Elm Park church Praj e r and praise Bcrvlce, at 0 30, preaching at 10 30 a. m,; Sunday school nt 2, anil Epworth League at fl 30 p. m. At 7.30, preaching. Evening subject suggested by the moving vims "A Move nnd What Camo of It." C. M. Gltlln, pastor. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church P P. Doty, pastor. Preaching by tho pastor at 10.30 a, in and 7.30 p. m. Morning theme, "Our Exaltation," eve ning theme, "A Champion." A coidlal wclcomo to all Providence Methodist Episcopal church Rev. William Edgar pastor. Usual ser vices will be held. The pastor will in each at 10 30 a. ni, on "Our Obligation. At 7 30 j m. subject. "What Becomes of the Wicked." This is tho eighth In tho scries on "Bschatology " Tho members of tho church aro specially requested to bo present in the morning. Sunday school, - p. m.; Epworth league, CI5 p. m. Simpson Methodist KplFeopalfchurch J. II. Sweet, pistol. Morning piaj-er meeting at 9 o'clock, H. Blglow leader. Pleaching by tho pastor at 10 30. text, Ihulah xv. 4. subject, ' God Our Refuge." S. Wrlgloj's class follows tho preaching service. Sundny school at 12, Junior league at 3, Epworth league nt 0 30, eve ning preichlng service nt 7.30, sermon by the pastor, text. Murk till: 3S-I0, subject, "Tho Safety of Christ's Presence-." All heats fiee A welcome to all. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock tho funeral servleo for Mrs. Emrnn Renchler-Phlllips will be hi Id In tho church. Cedar Avenuo Methodist Eplscopil church Rev. J L Riee pistor Preach ing both morning and evening by tho P istor Sunday school at 11 30 a. m , Ep worth luigtio at CI", preaching at 7.30 p. m Monday evening from I to 7 supper at the parsonage, 310 Cherry street, to wnlch nil are eordlilly Invited. At S ei'clock a grand concert will be Riven at tho church bj- some of tho best muslcl il talent of the cltj. Admission for all l" cents Wednesdiv evening, pulse servleo at 7 43. At the close a business meeting ot the rhuich will be held, All the of llclnl memlnrs are urned to be present. Court Street Metludlst Eplscopil chine h Rev George T. Prlee pistor. Pieiohlng at 10 30 n in and 7 30 p. m. Morning subject, "A Good Soldier," even ing sublert. "The Good Samarltin " Re- ctptlon of memturs nt the morning scr- Moi" 1'rnjrr meeting nt fi 30 p in Methodist Eplscopil church Clirk's "'l!.1-.11,0!, rn.k W . '""n' TL- """ i-i'iiuui. 4" ... ..... ,.in iiircuiw, 12 m , Epworth League, G 13 p m., led bv Mrs O P, Smith. Preichlng at 11 n. m and 7 30 p. m. livening subject, "Unholy Ambition." Howard rinee African Methodist Kpls- copal church Rev. II A. Grant, B. D , vj i m.. seromi in ine serues oi ser mon lectures on Jompiratlve Religion." I 411 nro cordially Invited to any of these I Hrvlocs Imr; 2 30 p. m . Junior lonfriit- pnver meet ing; 7 p m, picaehlng by the pistor, M!ljoct. "David, tho Psalmist," 8 p. m., Epworth league. llnptist. Flist Baptist churcn Scranton street, Rev S P Mathews, pastor. The usual preaching service Sabbath morning In the ivening there will bo given tho third lecture sermon on tho subject "Does N itme Rev eil the Proof of a Personal God " Young pe-oplo's piaj-or meeting, C p m , Sunduy school, 2 p m , Dr B. G. Hedd e, superintendent: Industrial school, S ittiiiiay 2 30 p m, leader, Miss Annie Morg in. AH aio cordially Invited. Ore. u Ridge Baptist church Rev. W. J Ford pastor. Sen Ice at 10 30 a m and 7 0 p m. Subject In the morning, "The World's Greatest II ittle Field," In the evening, "Does Another's. Ingrati tude) Justify Our Ileal tlessness'" lMin Avenue Maptlst church Dr. Dix on will preach 10 30 a. m, "Christ Our Pattern of Vlctorj ," 7...0 p. in, "Lights a6p vpr jf ;jj HB UNITED STATE: SENATOR PR1TCHARD Mrs. Prifchard Got Entire Relief trom Rheumatism by Use of Paine's Celery Compound 'jUCmUd States .Senal -&f2'aMsi fj Sf j: y- i 'lLtstS?Sl. ewLlstiS trjfrJJtct-tf Senator Prltchard, of North Carolina, became prominent li the eo-opeiatlve movement In North Carolina, the suc-e.e- of which lesulted In hit election to tho U. S. Senate to fill the term of the late Senator Z. H. Vance He was le-elected to the senate in 1SS7. Slip. Piltchard's testimonial to her faith In I nine's celery compound, Is reproduced above. Uelovv Is a testimonial received from the wife of I. S. Senator Warren, of Wyoming, whese distinguished set vices for the cuuntry'3 best farming Intel ests are so well known. "I win persuaded to try your Palne's celery tompound In tho eaily sprint?, when In a veiv run down condition. The duties devolving upon the wife of an ofUeial In public llfo are naturally very exhausting, and I was tired out and nervous when I commenced uMng tl ii remedy. I take pleasure In tea tltylns to the great benefit I recelveel from Its uie, and enn tiuthfully say that I am I n almost peifcct health again. If I ever llnd mself running down again, 1 shall ceitalnly give It In tho Home." Sunday school, 2 p. m ; American Memorial school, 310 p. m. Christian Kndeavor, 0 p, m. Stranger's Sabb ith Home. Jackson Street Baptist church Morn ing pinycr meeting at 9 30, Ilrothcr H Smith, leader. Preaching service at 10 30 by the pastor. Rev. Thomas de Gruchy. Topic. "Homo and Family Influence " Sunday school at 2 p. m., George Nlcholls superintendent. Kvenlng seivlce at 7 sharp. Praise service followed by the fourth In the series of ..tustrated ser mons on tho Life of Christ, topic "B'rom Iicthany to Jerusalem " Chinch door opened at CM Industrial school every Saturday at 2 30, Mrs. George Hutchin son, dlieetor. You aro welcomo to all tho privileges the chuich nffoids. The seats aro all free. I'resbvterinn. The Second Presbyterian church Rev. Charles 13. Robinson, D. IJ , pastor. Ser vices, 10 30 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach In the morning on "Man's 'Value as Measured by the An gels' Joy Over His Repentance." All heats flee at night. All welcome to alt services. Washburn Street Presbj terlan church Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services at 10 30 a. m nnd 7 30 p m.. Bible school at 12 m , Young People's Society Chris tian Hndeavor, G20 p. m. Tho "Blind Evangelist" will address tho meeting Consecration service Rev. Thomas Houston, the blind evangelist, will preach morning and evening. Special services will be held every night next week nt which tho pastor will bo assisted by Rev. Mr Houston, tho blind evangelist. The tli at Sabbath in April will be com munion Sundaj All cordially Invited to all of theho services. Plrst Presbyterian church Services 10 30 a m and 7 30 p. m Dr. McLeod will preach morning and evening Sei vlces will be held eveiy evening next week, beginning at a quarter to eight o'clock Strangers welcome Tho even ing services will last one hour Green Ridge Presbyterian church Morning service at 10 30, evening service at 7 30 Sermons by Rev. Isnao J. Lan sing, Bible school at 12 o'clock; meet ing of Hndeavor society at G30. Sumner Avenuo Prcsbyteilan church Corner of Sumner avenue nnd Price street, Rev L. R roster, M A , pastor. Morning service nt 10 30 o'clock, prayer and praise. Sabbath school at 2 p m : evening service at 0 o'clock, preaching by tho pastor, theme, "Lessons Prom the Llfo of Peter" Senior Christian Hndeav or service at 7pm Tuesday evening choir cantata and Band of Hope nt 7 o'clock We dnesday evening prayer meet ing, ut 7 o'clock. Provldenco Presb terlan church Pas tor, Rev. George 13. Guild. Morning thome, "Tly Prophets' Mantle." Owing to tho ch mges nnd Improvements In pro cess In the building the evening session will bo omitted. Sunday school, 12 m ; Junior Hndeavor, 3pm; Benloi Endeav or, G35 p. m, Rev John Klusoks's ses sion, with sermon at 9.30 a, in. I,pleopnl. St. Luke's parish Rev. Rogers Israel, rector; Rev I3dwJrd J. Ilaughton, cur ate. Plfth Sunday In Lent, St Luke's church 7.30 a. m , Holy Communion: 9 15 a. m Sunduy school and Bible classes; 10 30 a. m , morning prayer and Litany sermon; 4 30 p. , evening prayef . 7.30 P m., mission servleo and sermon. St Mark's Dunmorc 7.30 a. m., Holy Com munion; 10 30 a m., Litany sermon and Holy Communion; 3 p. m., Sunday school and Bible class, 7.30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. South Side mission, Tig street 2 30 p. m., Sunday school; 3 30 p. m evening prayer and sermon. St. George's mission, Olyphant 2 30 p, m , Sunday school; 3.30 p. m , evening piayer WASHINGTON) D.C., w a. yfifouii c V. 4v -cA) i&d S A '&2sy& fifr-isti (&7s7s& - i Aayyi) -j-y & Sftf another trial, and will In the rati " e recommend it to oveiy one need!, " It Is now time, If ever, to get m.u.i.h and stienuth. Nothing should now- lnt'rfeiv with building up weakened nerves and pu llfjlng the biood Now Is the time of year when rheu matism and neuralgia must be cuied, when debility and nervousness must be checked, when bad health must be mpndeJ if one hopes ever to Ket well. It Is not that rheumatism, neuials-ia. Insomnia, nnd kidney troubles are haul to cure Palne's celery compound has midJ a host of suifeiers well but peo ple make thmselves chronic Invalids by neglecting the eaily sjmptoms of disease. Thousands of lives that are now fast we.ulng i ut would bo piolonged If Paine s celery compound were In each Instance used to stop those ominous paln-i over thj kidneys, to build up tho run down, neivous strength, and cure peimanently those more and moie fre-qiit-ntly recurring attacks of headache and lndlcestlon. and sermon. Hast End mission, Prcscott avenue J 30 p. in, Sunday school and Bible class, Church of tho Good Shepherd Green Rldgo street and Monsey avenue Plfth Sunday In Lent. Holy Communion, 8 n, v , morning prajer. Litany sermoi' 10 30; Sunday school, 12 m ; Bible class, 2 30, evening prayer and sermon, 7 3J. AH seats free. All welcome Lutheran. Evangelical Lutheran church rifth Sunday in Lent Gospel, John vlll: 40-71, Epistle, Hob ix. 11-15, vestment color, violet. Graco Evangelical Lutheran church corner Madison and Mulberry Rev Pos ter U. Gift, pastor. Services ut 10 30 a m. and 7 30 p. m Morning theme, 'Tin Need of a Positive Belief and 1 ,l evening theme, one of series on Cbtlsis Temptation, "Christ's Second Tempt i tlon, or a Presumptions Iiith " Holy Trinity church Adams avenue ind Mulberry stieet. Rev. C. C. Spelker, pas tor. Servlei s, 10 30 a. m and 7 3) p. m ; Luther league. C 30 p. m ; Sunday school, 12 m. Lenten service, Wednesday 7.30 p. m. St Mark's chinch Washburn and Poui tecnth streets, Rev A L. Ramer, Ph D, pastor. Seivlces, 10 Ju a m and 7.30 p. m ; Luther league, GJ), Sunday school, 12 m. Morning subject, "Sinless Chai acter of Jesus." Klou's chinch Mllllln avenue, Rev P. P. Klzelmann, pastor. Services, 10 30 a. m : Sunda school, 2 p in. Christ church Cedar avenuo and Beech street, Rov II. P Llsse, pistor Seivlces, 10 30 a. m. and 7 30 p. in Sundaj school, ! p m. Lcnte n serv Ices Prlduy 7.30 p. m. St. Peter's church Pre seott avenue Rev. J. W. Randolph, pastor. Services, 10 30 a. ni. and 7 30 p in . Sunday school, 1 30 p m. St. Paul's chuich Short avenue Rev C L Lauer, pastor Services, 10 30 a in and 7 30 i m ; Luther leagiu, 7 p in Sundaj school, 2 30 p in Lentei M'i vlces, Wednesday 7.30 p. m. .llUcrllltlltMMlJ. Calvary Reformed church, corner Mon roo avenuo and Gibson stieet Rev G W. "Welsh, pastor. 10 30 u. ni.. morning service, subject "Christ Our Great High Priest." 114", Sunday school, G V, Chrlstlun Endeavor, Beit Brink, leader, 7 30, evening service, subject "The Illith of Christ" Stats fiee All welcome The People's Piohobitlon church Hi v Dr Bird, pastor. Pleaching service on Sabbath In No 323 Adams avenue, at 10 SO n. m and 7 30 p. m Sunday school, nt 12 m . pleaching In Lucas' hall Green Ridge, at 3 43 p m. Morning subject, "Divinity Balllcd by Hearts of Stone," evening subject "Pulpit Hpocr!sj for gospel and grace In the pews, but fur Injustice and whiskey at tho ballot box " Ever) bod) come. United Evangelical church, Cnpnuse avenue Rev. C D 5Ioore, pastor. Sab bath school 9 4'i a. m , preaching, 10 4"i a. m. and 7.30 p m . Bible reading, 3 p in , subject "Christ's Second Coming ' Keystone league, Christian Endeavo 0 30, Junior Christian Endeavor Moi duy evening 7 o'clock, prnver meeib Wednesday evening 7,30 o'clock r aro Invited to nttend theso servlei Bring Bibles. Seventh Day Adventlsts Will hercafte hold services hi D D Evans' hall, cor ner of Hampton street and South Main avenue. Sunday service, 7 p m. subject, "Sin and Crime, or tho Penalty of tho Law." All aro welcome. All Souls' Unlversallst church Rov. P V Whlppen, pastor. Morning subject, "Alone and Not Alone." Evening sub ject, "Fellowship." Grace Reformed Episcopal church, Wyoming avenue below Mulberry street Prayer and praise service, 9 30 a. m,; div ine worship, 10 30 a. in. and 7 30 p. m. -' Lr JsS-l1 ,1TD &, rz - s ---3X Pleaching by the pastor at both services. Sabbath school, 12 m , Y. P S C. E , at G ,0 p. m Seats free. Strangers wel come. On Tuesiliy afternoon nt 1 o'clock the pastor conducts a Bible study of tho "Song of Solomon." On Thursday even ing, at 7 45 o'clock, tho Union Bible class for lesion studj Bring jour Bibles Plymouth Congregational church Jackson street Morning si i vice at 10 30 o'clock, Sabbath school at 12 o'clock, eve ning seivlce nt 7 o'clock Rev. Peter Rob erts, of Ol) pliant will occupy the pulpit nt both services. Young People's Chris tian Endeavor society at fi o'clock Sher man Avenue MKloii school at 2 15 p m. l'lrst Chuich of Christ (Scientist) No. 51J Adams avenue. Sundaj- seivlce, 10 30 la m , testimonial meeting, Friday eve ning at. S o'clock. All welcome. Scuts ficc. JERMYN AND MAYHELD. The councils met In special session last evening with all membeis pres ent. The following committees was appointed by Chaliman Bui dish; Stieets and Hildges Edmunds.Stan ton and Noon, vuitm und light, Davis, Biiidish and Bloomer, Hie and light, Buidish, Hunt and lilooinet, boiqugli bridge and printing, Wnlteis, Swick and Stanton, law and ordinance. Moon, Bunt and Davis; appioprlatlon, Swick, Edmunds and Bui dish. The lesolutlons from the Holy Name society of the Saoed Ileal t chuich was read, regaidlng tho clialklng of doors, depots and sidewalks with In decent pictures, was refeired to the law and oidlnnnco committee. The number of Poles as leported by Bur dlsh last evening which was counted at some previous time, weie two hun dred and thirty The file committee was Instiucted to furnish enough wlie to complete the flto alarm sjstem, which amounts to 1,750 feet, and also two tire alaun boes, Watek Wishnefskl. of Mnyfleld, had Samuel Mendelson nriested on Thurs day evening on a chaigo of assault nnd battel y. The case was heard be foie Justice of Peace Robinson, who held the defendant In $200 bail to ap pear at court. Mr. Hogers, of the Sttoudsburg formal school Is spending hK vaca tion heie with his brother, Professor Rogers, principal of our public schools. The -V. M P. II D society was en tertained by Miss Edith Davis last evening. Joslah Timby bus accepted a posi tion as street ear conductor. Services at the elllfeient churches. Kev. r, dendnll, pastor. Morning ser vice at 10 30, Sunday school nt 2 p. m , Epwoith league devotional servleo at I SO p, ni , evening service at 7 o'clock. Primitive) Methodist church Rev. C. Hall, pastor. Morning servleo at 10 30 Sunday school nt S p. m evening at 7 o'clock. Congregational chuich Rev. W.Sur dlval, pastor. Morning seivlce In Welsh, 10 30, Sundny school at 2 p.m., evening serv Ice In English at 6 30 Flist Daptlst chuich Rev. W. 11. P. Brown, pastor. Morning services at 10 30, Sunday school at 2 p. m , even ing seivlce at 7 o'clock. Episcopal chuich Rev. Charles K, Fessenden, rector. Sunday morning service nt 10.30; Sunday school at i p. ni ovenlng service 7 o'clpck. Sacred Ileait Catbollo church-Rov. Father Lynett, pastor. Mass nt S ui.l to o'nlnck. Sunday school nt 2.30 p.m. (,f4eu6 w$& mil IS te maw i.'.