THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY. MARCH 2(5. 1S98. THE TRIBUNE'S OPPORTUNITY ONE INSERTION A WORD. A FOR RENT FURNISHED AND rent. I'NFURNISHHO houses for llACKKfT. Some very line. FURNISHHD AND U.NTUHNIBHbD rooms for tent. HACKF.TT'S leal es tate olllte. FINE OFFICHS FOR RUNT. APPLY to HACKHTT, 123 Washington ave. df-sirablu stohksI'ok hunt-a p- ply to HACKHTT, 125 Washington nve. LAUOi: ROOMS, WYOMING AVENUE, suitable for tidlors, mllllnerv, etc. 1IACKLTT. IiAIlQE IIAHHMHNT Cheap. J1ACKETT, uv c nuo. POIt ItENT 12 Washington BAHNS-LAliaH AND tral. IIACKETT. SMALL-CF.N- $2.- PINE CITY RL'SIDKNCUS. IN eluding steam heat IIACKETT. FOR 11ENT - NINE-ItbOM hocse, nevvlv papered and painted. 422 Mllllln avenue, between Vine and Mulberry sts. 1 OH HENT-rilXTEEN UOCSES IN icntrul cltv from $20 to $10. W. W. BROWNING, S15 Adams. FOB KENT - HAI.r OP DOUIILE Ihiiim . 7 looms, Improvements: cor ner or .Main and Enon. Inqulie 512 South Main nenue. POIl UENT-SINOLE HOUSE. 3 UOOMS, model n Impiovt mints, CJ2 North Main ni'inu STOItH AND nnil.DlNO POU IlENT, G04 Lickiivwuina avenue. Addiess v., Tribune ollito. HOUSE FOR KENT -103 WTOMINO uveuue. Applv to F. II demons, nine nidge Co il Company's office. Mears BuIIcIIiij:. BAHN POIl HENT--M-. MAHON COURT. Apply to F II Ciemous, Blue Kldgo Cniil Company's olllre, Mears Building. POP. RENT-TWO POUR-HOOM FLATS with steam hea at No ?23 and 327 Ad ams avenue Inquire at 319 Adams ave nue, or 113 Franklin avenue CIIAS. B. SCOTT. ,,vS5 fzZSlfiLkE'. FOR RENT OR PALH-401 CORNER CE dar avenue and River street. 7-room hou-e and store. Apply E. EPP 412 River street FOR SALE FOR SALE-THE ATTENTION OP Bt 8 lness men Is callid to our lots on the Dickson Mfg Co.'s plot on vVvomlng and I'enn av emits. Largo lots, with railroad fatllltits, centrallv located nn Ideal lo 'iitlou for heavy business. Seveinl large brltk buildings suitable for storage or manufacturing. P. L. HITCHCOCK & SON, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 401 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE THREE LARGE EIRE proof safes. Call at olllce of HENRY BKLIN. JR. building. room 212 Commonwealth FOR SALE - DOUBLE HOUSE, C42 Qulncy avenue, all Improvements; rea sonable terms Inquire on premises. FOR SALE-AT A LOW riGURE. BED room suite, cost $183 00. Also Cabinet Sowing Machine, Domestic, cost $S0 00. Apply this week between 12 and 3, also evenings, 745 Madison uvenue, FOR SALE-BROKEN ENGLISH SET ter, cheap. 1511 Pcnn avenue. TOR SALE-ONE 20-HORSE POWER holler, as good as now. THE WES TON MILL CO. REAL ESTATE. $1,575 UP-CITY furnaces, etc. HOMES. BATH IIACKETT. GAS, ?JSO0 UP-DOUBLE HOUSES: BATH, gas, furnaces, etc. IIACKETT. $.00 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY, modern city home Seo JIACKETT. $7,500 SECURES TO QUICK BUYKR the handsomest propel tv In Green Ridge for the money. Nothing like It in Ihoiitv Terms easy IIACKETT. Jl. 100-LOT 10X1C0 NEAR LINDEN ST. IIACKETT. $2 500 - BARGAIN. S-ROOM HOUSE, bath, gas, furnace, IIACKETT. IIACKETT HAS BARGAINS IN BUS1 nfss propt rtles. Apply 123 Washing ton avenue BOARDING. TEMPLE C aTeTEiT'" MmERRY btreet, Mrs. Emma Carpenter, pro prietress Board by the day, week or month BOARDING AND TABLE BOARD, SER vice the best, rooms well ventilated anil excellent table MRS HANNAH KELLEY, 41B Mulberry street, FIRST-CLASS BOARDs WITH "OR without room: special rates given to permanent boarders. Rooms heated by steam and lighted by electlic light; cen trally located: 2 minutes walk from all depots: 5 meal tickets $100, 21 meal tick ets, $1 00 123 Franklin avenue. FURNISHED ROOMjS Tl'niEE" "ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms on first floor, three extra largo roomH, third lloor, furnished or unfur nished ay lequlred, 5 minutes from city hall and postolhce. Refeiences lequlred. Address "Select," Tribune olllce HANDSOMELY FURNISHED nOOM at 422 Mulberry street. BUSINESSOPPCTUNTTY nRUGSTORE TOR SALE-GOOD Lo cation, lnqulro 401 Prospect avenue, city. GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-I offer for Rale an old established busi ness. Sales J03,(KW a year. C11AS. II. WELLES, Coal Exchange PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOUT $10,000. Established business. Will bear Investigation. Large profits. Safe investment. For Interview addrebs P. O. Box 374, Scranton, Pa. JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU I REMOVAL SALE. I s We are reducing our stock, s 5 preparatory to moving on April ist. AH goods marked s s..down. S 2 Buy now while prices are a 5 right. 5 U-r.W. JURISCH, Agt., 1 .'121 Spruce Street le X tVuilUlUaUlllllllimilllllimilHIHii llrHII GOODS Al COST POPULAR CXEAK1NU HOUSE for the Benefit of All Wlto Have Houses to Kent, Kcal Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help J licsc Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, Which Are Inserted Free. WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED FOR gentleman nnd wife, In private fam ily, with or without board, Rooms must bo clean, bright and neat, vvllh good bath room nnd toilet attommodatlons and rea sonable terms. Alcove loom perhaps suit able. No bonrdlng houses. Address SPE CIAL, Tilbune olllte. WANTED-TVPEWR1TER DESK, OAK finish. Hammond preferred. Address E. I L, Tribune. HELP WANTED. WANTED - MEN AND WOMEN TO work at home. 1 pay $S to $10 por week for muklug travon portraits, now patent method, any ono who enn read or wrlto can do the work, nt home, In sp.iro time, day or evening. Send for particu lars nnd work at once Address II, A. GRIPP, German artist, Tyrone, Pa. AGENTS WANTED agency In their own towns lor the best line of fast selling novelties; pas 100 per cent, profit, for ladles or gents. SPIRO & W ATKINS, 1031 and 1033 l host nut street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS-THE "MONARCH" IS THE best and cheapest telephone) desk on the market; retail price, Including ono roll of paper, $1, llbeinl discount, exclu sive territory. W, W. HAMILTON & CO., 21 Milk street Boston Mass. WANTED-AGENTS FOR GREATEST gas savlnr device manufactured. Re tails 25c. Big profits. OLVER BROS, Rochester, N, Y, AGENTS TO SELL OUR 50c STORM door; sample prepaid upon receipt of price. AMERICAN STORM DOOR CO., Port Huron, Mich. KLONDIKE-AGENTS WANTED FOR largo Illustrated book of Klondike, five hundred pages, price $150; outfit 10c. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Lnkesldo Building, Chicago, 111. WANTED-SOLIC1TORS: NO DELIV erlng, no collecting; position perma nent; pay waeklv; state age. GLEN BROTHERS, Rochester, N. Y AGENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do nbout Safe Citizenship prlco $1. Going by thousands. Address NICH OLS, Napervllle, 111. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper elec tro plasters: prices from $3 upward; sal nry and expenses paid; outfit free. Ad dress, with stamp, MICHIGAN MF'G. CO.. Chicago. REDUCTION OF GAS. THE SCRANTON GAS AND WATER Co. nnd the Ilvde Park Gas Co. In accordance with tho policy of these companies to i educe rates from time to time as may be warranted by Increased consumption, rotlce Is hereby given that on and after April 1st, next, tho price of gas will bo ono dollar and fifteen cents per one thousand cubic feet consumed, subject to the following discounts: Five cents per one thousand cubic feet on all j bills vvnere me consumption lor tne month amounts to less than twenty-rlvo dollais; ten cents per one thousand cubic feet on all bills where tho consumption for tho month amounts to twcntv-flvel uonars anu upwnrus. froviuea me diii Is paid on or before the 20th day of tho month In which that bill Is presented. By Order ot tho Board, G. B. llAND Secretary. CHIROPODIST CORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without tho least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HETZEL, Chiropo dist, 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ladles at tended at their residence If desired. Charges moderate. CITY SCAVENGER A.B.BR1GGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools, no odor. Imptoved pumps used. A. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave ordeis 1100 North Main avenue, or Elckes" drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone C010. REMOVAL LACKAWANNA SIGN COMPANY RE- moved to 217 Spruce. PREPARED MUSH. ASK YOUR GROCER OR BUTCHER. Prepared Mush. Made by the New York Prepared Mush Co. 412 Penn ave nue, Scrai.ton. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUAl'ION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged man us Janitor or night watth in in, have been six years In present situation. Address "Janitor," care ot this otllce'. A LADY DERIRES A POSITION AS housekeeper, first-class references us to character and abllltv. Address "In dustij," Tribune office SITUATION WANTED tho day washing, lion will take washing b Franklin avenuo I'd i;o OUT BY i ubbing or diess 420 SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPE rlenced cook or will tnko washing und Ironing by the day. Address E. S,, care Tribune office SITUATION WANTED-UY A FIRST class double entry bookkeeper, 20 v ears' experience; married, steady and reliable; trial solicited. II. A. M . 51b N. Garfield uvenue. SITUATION WANTED-AS COLLEC tor for wholesale house, Address Col lector, care Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED-A YOPNG MAN of 22 jears: a position ns driving de livery vvngon or In plai lug mill, have- had experience Address . fi D , care of this otllce. SITUATION WANTED-BY A SOBER ami mausinous joung man has had eight ears' experlenco ns a locomotive fireman, would take a position us a sta tionary fireman, thoroughly reliable. Ad dress Jos. Holland, Carbondale, Pa SITUATION WANTE D-RY AN EXPE rlcnced second girl; call or address N, C Wl Plttston ave., Scranton, Pa. YOUNO MAN WANTS EMPLOYMENT; will strlvp to please: had expcrlonce In store, etc Best lefeientes elven, Ad diess R P.. Tribune WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG lady of good recommendation and ex perience, as stenographer nnd typewilter; good references ran bo furnished. Apply Tribune, Stenographer. SITUATION WANTED-A YOUNG MAN 22 years old, Industrious nnd of good habits, desires n position at most uny thing. Addresi "J," 8 15 Kressler ct, SITUATION WANTED-BY A LADY bookkeeper; can glvo good inferences. Address "E H.." Dunmore l . WANTED-BY Toi NV j ANY kllul of woik, giocerv s u furred; would ncctpt position in ii. m country; best reference, Address A C , euro of II, U V. M. C. A., Scranton. WANTED-A POSITION BY A TRUST worthy man. who can furnish refer ent es, us hotel porter, wntchman or teumster. Apply A. B. C Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED - A FORMER school teacher would like to dd pri vate tutoring: children who nopd help prepared for exam -''Toucher," this ofllc. examination, AUdreas HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED-CHRISTIAN MAN TO DO correspondence and office work heio. Salaiy $'i00. Apply with self-nddrtssed stamped envelope to ELDER, Manager, Box. iSi, Tribune olllce. WANTED-A GOOD, STEADY BARBER at 213 J'enn menu v. Call Saturday moining. WANTED AT ONCE-A FIRST CLASS blcvclp icpalrman Apply to JURISCH & CO., 411 Hpruco street. RELIABLE MEN WANTED TO AD drcss catalogues, circulars and envel opes. Send stamp for particulars. ROM ERVILLE M'F'G. CO, Elizabeth, N. J. OPIUM. MORPHINE, WHISKEY ir Interested In the euro of theso habits wrlto for my book; mailed free. B. M. WOOLLBY, M. D Atlanta. Ga. HELP WANTED-FEMALE FREE TEA SET. Ladles, send us vour full address plainly written, and we will ex piess vou 73 of our exquisite ARABIAN PERPUMO PACKETS to 3ell among friends, at 10 cents with, when sold, le mlt us the money (less express churls) and wo will send jou a beautiful decor ated china tea set of 50 pieces for our trouble, full size for famllv use. Name neiuest expiess otllce nnd address, Arab Ian Perfumo Co., Dtldgevvater, Conn. WANTED-CHRISTIAN WOMAN TO do eorrespondenco nnd otllce work here. Suluiy, $'i00. Apply with self-addressed stamped envelope to ELDER, Manager, Box 7S', Tribune office. WANTED A P P n E N T I C E S FOR dressmaking. 224 Adams avenue. LADIES-I MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleasant homo work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to all sending two cent stamp MISS M. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to tell and Introduce Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvasser pre ferred, work permanent and very profit able. Write for particulars nt once and get benefit of holiday tiade. T. B. SNY DER & CO., Clncirnatl, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-TWO EN crgetic saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed $0 a dav without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. 72 John Street. New York. LEG A lJfiOTlCE NOtTce"TsHEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made to tho Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, the 2bth dav of April, A. D JMS, bj A B. Stevens, Samuel C. Sills bee, Georgo B. Jeimin, Andrew J. Casey and Fianklln Howell, under the Act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Penn svlvanla, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved April 23th, 17I and the supplements thereto, for tho tharter of an Intended corporation, to bo called "Tho Scranton Ice Company," the chaiacter and object whereof Is for tho puiposo of tho supply of lee to the pub lie and for this puipose, to have, pos sess and enjov oil tho rights, benefits nnd prlv ileitis of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements GEORGE D TAYLOR, Solicitor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will bo made to the governor of tho State of Pcnnsvlwmla on Tuesday, the 12th day of April, 1S9S, by P. H. Hewitt, W. II. Hewitt, J. J. Bobbins, W G Thomas nnd C. W. Miller, under the Act of Assembly of tho Com monwealth of Fennsvlvanla, entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29th, 1S74, and tho supple ments thereto, for the charter of an In tended corporation to be called the F. II. Hewitt and Son Deslcating nnd Fertilizer companj, the character and object where of is the manufacture and sale of fer tilizers and chemicals and the sale ot hides, skins, tallow and grense piepared from tho product of animals or vege table matter and for theso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly nnd Its supplements W GAYLORD THOMAS, Solicitor. PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS, Rooms 21, 23 and 2t, building, Scranton. ' ARCHITECT, Commonwealth E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of COG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave , Scranton. TREDERICK l,. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price Building, 126 Washington avenuo, Scranton. T. I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. DETECTIVES BARRING & M'SWEENEY, COMMON wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. LAWYERS FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Couu&ellor-at-Law. Burr building, rooms 14 and 14, Washington avenue. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEi-AT-Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, scranton, Pa. WILLARD, WARREN &. KNAFP, AT- ornejs and Counsellors-at-Law, Re publican building, Wushlngton avonue, Scranton, Pa. JAMES 11. TORREY, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-Lavv. Rooms 413 and 414 Commonwealth Building. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Rooms 514, 515 and 516, Board of Trade building. D. B. REPLOQLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estuto security. Mears building, coiner Washington avo nue and Spiuce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 006 Commonwealth bldg, Scranton, Pa. JAS. J H HAMILTON ATTORNEY-at-Luw, 43 Commonwealth bldg., Scran ton. EDWARD W, THAYER, ATTORNEY Rooms It nnd 15, Republican bldg, JOSEPH JEFFREYS. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, 7 nnd S Burr building. L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 421 Lackawanna nve., Scranton, Pa, C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building. PTar.tos, "a. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' Nntlonal Bank Bulldlnc, O, COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. A, W. BERTHOLF, Atty.. 319 Spruce Bt. DENTISTS DR. I. O. LYMAN, 3J5 N. WASHINGTON uvenue. DR. F. street. L. M'GRAW, 305 SPRUCE DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OI'P. P O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, J15 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVER. 421 LACKA wunna avenue. Hours, 0 to 1 and 2 to 5. BOREAO SIX INSERTIONS A WORD. for Five PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Bit. KAY "HAS MOVED "HIS OFFICE to tho Scranton Private Hospital, cor ner Wyoming Ave. and Mulberry Ut. Telephone: Duy call, DJ13, night call. 413. DR. C. L. PREY, SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank bldg, 122 Wjomlng avenue. MARY A SHEPHERD. M. D. HOME opathlst, No. 223 Adams avenue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenuo and Spruce street, Scranton. Office hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m to 0 p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 NORTH WASH lngton avenue. DR. L M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND 203 Board of Trndo building. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Resi dence C09 Madison avenuo. brt. C. L FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting nnd Pat Reduc tion. Office telephono 13G3. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. W L'AMOREAUX OFFICE 231 Adams. Residence 1313 Mulberrv. Chron ic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys, nnd genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours 1 to 4 p m W G. ROOK, VETERINARY SUR peon Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated Hospital. 124 Linden street, Scranton. Telephono 2C73 MIDWIFE MRS. GABLE, aRADUATED'MIDWIPE, 151S Wnshburn street, Scranton. En gagements solicited. Rooms and best nttendanco for u limited number of pa tients. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens September 13 Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann, LL. D., Walter II. Buell. A. M. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK Un avenue, Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop SEEDS G R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue: store telephone. 782. WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACK wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa manufac turer of Wire Screens. , PRINTING) THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. North Washington avenue Llnotypa Composition of all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed In this region. MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC POR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings nnd concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse 130 Washington nvtnue, Scranton, Pa. rRANK P. BROWN & CO. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodwaro, Cordage and OH Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. TOREST CITY. S. Philip Golden, elocutionist, Imper sonator and humorist, will give an en tertainment in the Methodist church, on Tuesday evening next, for the bene fit of the church choir. The price of admission will be fifteen cents. Mr. Jesse Holmes, of South Gibson, has been spending the past two or three days In Forest City, looking after his business interests. "Cuba" will be the subject of a ser mon to be dellveied In the Presby terian church, tomorrow evening by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Carrlngton. Rev. J. Irwin Hrodhead, lector ot 5 Per Cent. Gold On a rock-solid business proposition is what the New Mexico Railway and Coal Co. Offers in its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds Every safeguard possible lias been put around this proposition. Some ol the most successful men in the Wyoming Valley are buying largely of these bonds after having investigated thoroughly. DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY. CLARENCE D. SIMPSON Simpson & W.itkins, Scranton, P.i. COL H. M. BOIES Pres. Moosic Powder Co., Scranton, Pa. HON. L. A. WATRES Pres. Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Co. THOMAS FORD Vice-Pres. ist National Bank, Pittston, Pa. J. W. HOLLENBACK Pres. People's Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. RUDOLPH T. McCABE Pres. N. Y. & Queen Co. R. R.Co., New York BENJAMIN S. HARMON Strong, Harmon & Matthewson, Attorneys-at- Law, New York, N. Y. GIRARD C, W. LOWREY. . . .. S. Lowrey & Co., New York, N. Y. CUARLES B EDDY l:ddy, New Mexico. J. ARTHUR El)DY Eddy Brothers, Denver, Col. THOMAS H. WATK1NS Simpson & Watkins, Scranton, Pa. HARRY P. SIMPSON Diamond Drill Contractor, Scranton, Pa. Wt recommend these bonds to investors as as a desirable and safe investment. For Prices and Further Particulars Apply to the Following Parties : A. H. CHRISTY Cashier Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Co,, Scian- ton, Pa. W. H. PECK Cashier Third National Bank, Scranton, Pa, H.J, ANDERSON... Vice-Pres. Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Scranton, Pa, J. P. RUSSELL & CO. Bond Brokers, 923 N. Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa. A. A. STERLING.... Cashier People's Bank, Wilkes-Barre,.Pa. C. W. LAYCOCK. ..Cashier Anthracite Savings Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN... Cashier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A. A. BRYDEN President Miners Savings Bank, Plttston, Pa. W. L. WATSON Cashier First National Bank, Pittston, Pa. R. A. JADWIN Cashier First National Bank, Carbondale, Pa. Or, to Our Office, SIMPSON & WATKINS, Fiscal Agents, Hoard of Trade Building, Scranton, l'a. Christ Episcopal church, lias moved his family to Dundaff, where they will re side this summer. Mr. Urodhead'a par ish Includes Torest City und DundnlT. lllch specimens of Rold-bearinB quartz were exhibited at several places nbout town by two Torest City men. on Thursday, In the smaller piece, which would weigh about a half Vound, there vvns said to bo nenily four dollars' worth of the pretlous metal nnd It looked as If that claim was nothlnsr moro than tho truth. 'The larger piece was five or six times the weight of the Hist und also contained a plentiful sprinkling of the yellow mineral. Where the quartz came from was not divulged, but the statement was made that It vvns not n groat distance from Forest City nnd that there was plenty of It. A man named Arnold bad brought the qunrtz here und was desirous of or ganizing a company to conduct min ing operations. It Is suimlsed that the ore camo ftom tho South Canaan mine, over in Wayne county. The borough poor toport has Just been published and according to the statement made the liabilities of the board nmount to $S9 nnd the assets are $949.ul, leaving an excess' in favor of the distiict amounting t $800.51. AVOCA. Mr. William Law left this veek on n pleasure trip which will Include tho principal cities ot the western nnd Southern states. Miss Agnes Gibbons, ot nioomsburg, State Normal school, is spending- a few days nt tho home of her parents, Mr nnd Mis. Edwatd Gibbons. Miss Annie Callahan has returned home from New Yotk city, where sbo has been making her spring purchases in millinery. Mis. Eugene Decker and dnughter, Holueii, are guests of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Newton, of Carbon dale Miss Mame McArt, of Plttston, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Brown, yesterday On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Maiy Jennings, a pupil of No. 3 school, fell In the school yard nnd struck her knee against a shnrp stone. Inflicting a deep gash, fiom which blood flowed profundi. Sho was tnken to Dr. lllrge's residence a shoit distance nvvny, where It was found that an ar tery had been cut. It required several htitches to bind the wound. Mr. Walter Benner, of Pittsburg, Is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Thomas Ellis, of South Main street. J. H. Anderson will leave next week to purchase goods In New York city. James, the Infant faon of Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy, of the West Side, died yesterday morning. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery this af ternoon. Mrs. Josiah Jenkins and daughter, Anna, of Edvvardsville, spent yester day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Clark. Supt. T. V. Harrison, accompanied by the boaid of directors, visited the borough schools on Thursday. Mrs. John Campbell, of the West Side, spent Thursday at the home of her son, John Campbell, of Scranton, Horace Ftedeilcl was a visitor in Jermyn this week. Mr. Michael Nealon, of the West Side, haF, purchased a property In Up per Plttston and will remove his fam ily there at once. ' Mrs, Charles Dtavls hns returned home to Jermyn after a. few days' visit among friends in town. In a few more days the darkness of Avoca will become historical. The linemen are now putting the finishing touches to the wirings. Miss Jennie Nevviln has returned homo after a few days' visit among fi lends in Plains. Misses Nettie Druffner and Kate Cannon spent yesterday with Miss Jennie Kane, of Plttston. Tho Hnrd, Cold World. Crawford "It doesn't do a fellow any harm to bo thrown on his own resources." Merrltt "The trouble Is it always hap pens when he hasn't any." Puck. 4 liicugo I.tvn Stock. Chicago, March 23 Cattle Stfady; ex tra to choice steers, $3 50a5.73; common to fair, $!20a5; calves, SlaG. Hogs Slow at ceipts Cattle. 3 000 head; hogs, 2-' W0 ST 92y,.a3 93. Sheep end Lambs Steady; sheep, $u'C0a4 75; lamls, fl.73a5 03. Re head: Bheep, 9,000 head. A Suffering Soldier This veteran fought for his country; suffered un told Ziardsiips, and returned with health shatteid Many a brave soldier has the same history. To-daj this one rejoices in a nciv-found strength and tells his experience to benefit others. v No man is belUr known and liked in that rich tier of Illinois counties, of which Peoria il the centre, than genial Chester S. Harrington, of Princeville, HI. Mr. Harrington is a veteran of the I war. Like many another brave soldier, . suffered not only during that service, bt for years afterwards from diseases con tracted then. For years his health was shattered) hh sufferings increased. He was unable to gain relief, but now he tells a story which is of profit to many: "I served three years in the 124th 1111 nois, enlisting at Kewanee, 111.," said he "I was in Libby Prison and suffered like many another Northern soldier. " The strain of army life did its work in undermining my health, although the col lapse did not come for sometime after. " For fifteen years I suffered from general debility and nervousness so badly -that I could not sleep. Indigestion resulted and my misery increased. " My eyes began to fail, and as my body lost vitality my mind seemed to give way. I could scarcely remember events that hap pened but a few weeks before. for two years I was untitled for busi ness. I was just able to creep around dur ing part of this time, and there were many times when I could not get up. " My brother is a doctor, but all his efforts to help me failed to give any relief. "I tried a number of remedies without THE MARKETS. Willi Street Hi vloiv. New Yotk, March 23. Today's clos ing prices were the lowest in most cases sinqe the Cuban question became adomlnant factor in the situation. Twen ty active shares averaged lower than at any time this year and government new fours coupon vveie down to 118 bid. This was on the assumption that flew Issues vveie possible If expendit ures for war purposes continued lonpr. Before the battleship Maine was blown up they were quoted above 128. It vvns freely predicted that the Maine repot t would be extremely unfavoiable. The market opened with quotations slight ly below yesterday's final figures. The bears, however, were determined to bring about a substantially lower level and hammered many of the leading stocks vigorously In an endeavor to precipitate liquidation, After the day progressed the market dipped frequent ly, but there was an absence of featuie in the general speculation until the final hour, when extensive liquidation set In, which depressed the buik of the high-priced specialties to the lowest figures of the day. Total sales we.e 546,000 shares. . Furnished by WILLIAM LINN ALLEN & CO., stock brokers. Mears buildlnij, rooms 703-706. 10J -MO'J -t3JI -U3dQ ins est. et. ln-. Am. Cot. Oil ... . 10Va rH! Wt, lfa' Am. Sug. Re'g Co.. 112 U 101'j Wl?, Atch., To. & S. To .. 108 10& 10i lOVs A., T. Ai S. 1, IT .. 23Vi 24 21', 23H Am. Tobacco Co .... !2 91 J 9-' "4 Am. Spirits b 6 Ci IS Halt. & Ohio 15ss ir,8 13's 13 Hrook. R. T 3G i J58 .ft'j, Hav Statu Gas 2 2 24 J'J Can. Southern 45'4 43V, 4IU, ii, N. J. Central h9 b9 &7 bV. Chlc. & N. W 9 9 95 ') Chic. & N. W lll'i UlHi ll.!', 111'!. Chic, B. At Q 87'i &7S iO &' Chicago Oas ... 87? 87 SO?, 87 Chlc, Mil. & St. P .. 8li?8 80 bi to'. Chlc, R, I. & V . .. 81 SI 80 Mi's Chlc. St. P. M. & O. Cl.'i CuVa lui '"'. C, C. C. .: St. L ... 2G 2C 23'i 2u, Delaware &. Hud ...100' lOC'j loo loo t, L. ti XV .. . . 143 113 If. Hi N. Y., L 11. & XV .. 117a 117 11 ll'h Gen. Klectric 31 J VI', JJ'.. Lake Shore 180 180 180 ISO Louis. A. Nash 43?, 4b', 13'!, 4i'i Lehigh Vnlluy 21, 21'i 21", 21', Manhattan Hie 9" 93''a f'2 !'2"4 M. K. & Tex.. I'r .. SOS 30 30 . U) Mo. Pacific 23V4 23'. 2! ''. Nat. Lead 2b v8 2tl7s 20' 2 2'.',.. N. Y. Cintral 107"8 IOT'4 lO'.'fc loil, Ont. & West 13 lTa 11 12Vs North Pacific 20 'X 20 20 Nor. Pacific, Pr ,. . 69 E9 57'!; r,"i, Pacific Mall 22V 21 22' 2', Phil. Ai Road 13V8 16 15'i 15 Southern K. R 74 7a 7"b 7 Southern R. R Pr.. 21 21 21'i Jl'fe fenn., C. & Iron . .. 181, 1SU 17', 17 Texas & Pacific .... 9 9 9) Union Pac, 1st Pr .. 47?, 4S 47 47 I'. S. Leather. Pr .. 5i 5i .il'i. 5l& Wabash (. ! 0', iV, Wabanh. Pr 11 ll'. 14 11 West. Union K'i 8? 83 W XV. Sc. L. E 2 2 2 2 Met. Traction Co. 131 Ul 127 Ufi 'Ux-illvldeml, l'i per cent. CHICAGO BOARD Or TRADC. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHUAT. Ins. est est. lpg. May 10J 101 103 1UI July Wj 82 S1'4 '-2 CORN. May 2SH 2Ms 2s 28 July. 29 29), I9& 29'i OATS. Muv 23 23 23 23 July 22 .'! 22 22 PORK. May 953 9.r,7 9 37 ''13 Scranton Hoard of Trailo lxclinuxo (Juotntions--All Quotations ltiised on Par ot 100, STOCKS. Bid. Asked, Scranton .v Plttston Trac Co. ... 20 National Boring A: Drlll'g Co. ... SO First National Bank 700 nimhurst Boulevard 100 Scranton Savings Bunk 22i Scranton Packing Co Laeka. Iron A: Steel Co 1. Third National Bank 3S3 Troop Noveltj Mfj Co 8 Scranton Traction Co 18 Scinnton Axle Walks 7i Weston Mill Co .. .. 23) Alexarder Car Rtplaccr Co 10) Dime Dep. & DIs. Hank l&l Peck Lumber Mfg Co 175 210 lXonumy Light, Heat & Povv- t-r Co . 43 Scranton Illuminating, Heat &. Powei Company 83 BONDS. Scranton Pass, Railway, first moitgago, duo 1920 113 ... People's Street Hallway, first mortgage, duo 191i 115 Peoples Street Rallwuy, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School h 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. t 102 Mt. Vernon Coal Co 83 Scranton Axel Woil.s ijj Scranton Traction Co., first moitbage, 6s, due 1932 103 t:v York Produce .Market, Now York, March 23. Hour rurt'u-r weakened by tho decline In wheat; city mill patci ts, f5.7ia0; do clears, $5 50a&i0, Minnesota patent, $5.10,15. 40; winter pat ents, JI 83a5 23. Wheat Spot weaker: No. 2 red, $1.02, f, d. b afloat to urrlvo, No, 1 northern Uuluth, H.OS. f. o. b afloat to arrive; No, 1 hard Manitoba, (1,10. f. o. b afloat spot: No. 1 hurd Duluth, $1.08. f. o. b., afloat to arrive; options suffered another bud break today, bused on fur tho liquidation, enormous Argentina ship. avail. Flnaliv. fiavinw tnA rt!ti trardinz cures that had been effected Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Ptooll decided to try them. That was in 184 I bought a box and took the pills ac ing to instructions. "Four days later I had the hacclesf hours I had known for years. That night ' I went to sleep easily and slept soundly as a enna and awoke relrestiea. "After I had taken four boxes of th pills, I found that I was cured and had also increased 27 pounds in weight. "This greatly surprised my friends, who thought my case was a hopeless one. I be gan my work again and have continued ever since in excellent health. "Another valuable gain to me was, that while I was taking these pills I had been cured of the smoking habit, which had formed when I was a boyand had clung to me all these years. The craving for tobacco left me and I have never expe rienced it since. "I cannot say enough for these pills and have recommended them to many." To verify this statement Mr. Harrington made affidavit to its truthfulness before Lincoln M. Coy, Notary Public Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People strike at the root of disease by acting di rectly upon the impure blood. Their power firmarvelous and many wonderful cures have been made. Druggists consider them a potent remedy, and all sell them. mi nts, reported Philadelphia bank fail ures and unsettled political situation; opening weuk at Ua'ic. decline'; prices hold off all day, pressure being mostly In near months which closed Hal"ic. lower against ac. decline In late, de liveries; export trado at all ports was heavy; No. 2 red, March, closed $1.00',4; May, 9S".a99'ic, closed 9Sc ; July. S4a 9i'ic , closed 8f),c , September, 7Sa79c, closed 78c Corn Spot weak; No. 2, 3"ic., f. o. b., afloat; options weak, closing Uac. lower. May, 33Uo33C, closed 33',c, July, 34a3t 9-16c. closed 3!e. Oats Spot weaker; No. 2, 30'4c; No. 3, 29V4c; No. 3 white, 3114c: No. 2 white, 32c; track white, 32a3Sc; track mixed, western, 30a32c; options dull and lower, closed ut c. net decline; May, closed 29c. Butter Quiet, western cream ery, 15V4ul9c; do. fuctory, 12al4V4c; Elglns, 19c ; Imitation creamery, 14al6H.c; state dairy, 14al8c; do. creumery, 15Hal9c. Cheese Dull; largo white, September, 7'ic ; small white, September, Sa8Vc; large colored, September, 7',4c; small col ored, Septembtr, SaSUc ; large October, 7 a7c. ; small October, 7?,a8c: light skims, BfiuGUc: part skims, 4abc; full skims, 2a 2c, Hggs Quiet; state and Pennsyl vania, 10al0',ic; western fresh, 10H.C,; southern, 10aloc Tallow Steady, city 3 11-ltic; country, 3ai4c. Petroleum Dull. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, March 23. Wheat-10. lower, contract grade, March, 97a97Uc; April, 97uU7c , May and June, nominal. Corn Weak and 3iC lower; No. 2 mixed March JUWic, April and May, 33J rc , June, nominal. Oats Dull und ' lower; No. 2 white, March, 32a32"i April, May and June, nominal. PotutJ Firm and white potatoes, higher; v choice, por huhel, 83a83c. ; do. fair good, do , 73aS0c. , sw ects, prime red, pi !uket, 70a73c. , do. do. jellow, do. do., 13 a'rte. . do. seconds, do do., 40a50c. Flour , Dull and lower. Butter Steady; fancyj westtin croamciy, 20c , do. prints, 2IcJ I'ggs Stcndv ; fresh, nearby, 10c; dol western, lO'.c . do southern, 10c; duel I'-gs, 18a20c , gocse eggs, 50c Cheosej Dull and easier New York full cren fancy 8'ic ; do do. fair to choice. In Refined Sugars Steady Cotton changed. Tallow Steady, fair demand Mtv prime Ir hoghcals 3c , countiy. do, hi barrels 3',inc , dark do., Sc; cakes, 3a3?4C , guate, 2a3c Live Pool. ti Firm, fowls, 9al0c , oia"f5CifJ 7c , broilers 17a20c ducks, 12c. Dress ;c. Poult! y Film, fowls 10c. , do. fair to good, 9al0c ; thickens, fyincy large, 10ay Uc. . do. good to choice, lOalO'.Cc ; com mon and scalded, do, 7a9c; turkeys, fancy llal2c , choice, do., 10c; fair to good, do, 8,i9c duckH, good to choice, 8a 10c Receipts Flour. 3 000 barrels and 2'f, (H) sacks; wheat, 7.W0 bushels; corn, 21, 000 bubhcls, oats, 10,000 bushels. Ship mentsWheat, 3 000 bushels; corn, COO bushels; oats 11,000 bushels. rli'ciict (rain Market. Chicago, March 25. Liquidation of long; property continued on the board of tradu todaj, the threatening political situation 'dominating all other Influences. Cover ing of shorts contracts rear tho closo caused rallies thioughout. but left de clines In July wheat of ac, c In May coin, ac. In oats nnd 2al"Hc In pro visions, the latter In May pork, Clique brokers accepted all the May wheat of fered and held It at $1.04. Cash quotations were us follows: Flour Dull and weak; No. 2 spring wheat, 90a93c ; No. 3 spring wheat, 89a94c, No, 2 red, $1.00; No. 2 corn, 2Sc ; No 2 ellow. 2Sa2S'ic, No. 2 oats, 2ia26c, No 2 white. 2JHn'50c : No. 3 white, 27a29c , No. 2 rye, 49c; No. 1 flax seed, $1.17al.20; prime timothy seed, $2S5a2.87, mess pork, per barrel, $9,45a 9 50, lard, per 100 pounds, $4 92a4 93, short ribs, sides, loose, $4 82a5.10; dry salted shoulder boxed, 4?,a4c, short ulsar bldeH, boxed, $i23a5 40, whisky $1.19H; sugars, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 60,- 000 barrels, wheat 55 000 bushels, con 2:1,000 bushels, oats, 201,000 bushels; ryel 5 000 bushels, barley, 70 000 bushels. Ship-' ments Flour, 42 000 barrels, wheat, 193, 000 bushels; corn 99 000 bushels, oats, 23b, 000 bushels; rve. 11,000 bushels; barley, 36, 000 bushels F.nt Libeilv Cnttlo Unrlcnt. L'ast Liberty Pa , Murch 23,-Cattl6-Steady; prime, $3 03a5.13, common, SI.GOa, 4 10, bulls, stegs and cows, $3a4.10. Hogs Excited, medium weights thado higher, other grades unchanged prime medium, $1 23u4,30, best Yorkers $1 15a4.23. good light Yorkers $4,05a4 10; fair to light Yorkers. $4a4.05; pigs, $3 50a3.93; heavy hogs, $4 10a4 20, good roughs, 53 10a3,76; common to fair, $2 50a3 23 Sheen Steady; choice, $1 ssaS, common H(0u4; choice lambs, $3.83 iGv common to good, $1 83a5.75; V eal calv es, JCdO 50. CSull.ilo Lno Stork, Hast Buffalo, Mnrch 23. Cattle Noth ing doing. Hogs Fililj active, Yorktrs, gi'od to choice, $l.l0a4 12. roughs, com mon to choice, $3.WaJ.3, pigs, common to choice. $J.75a1 90. Sheep and Lambs Ac tive; lambs, choice to extra, $0 05aG.13; culls to common, Ji25a3.7.i: sheepi choice wethtis, 4 90a5; culls to common, $3 50a 4 2i. Vow York Mvn Stock. New Yoik, Mm eh 23. Beeves Steady; Moors. $1 5',a5 22: bulls, $3.15a4; cows, $1.90 n'l 50. Calves Steady, veals, poor to gooJ, 5a".23. Sheep und Iambs Firm; sheep, $4u5; lambs JtoOCO: clipped, do., $5.25a 5 37. Hogs-$I 1084.40. Oil Market. Oil City I'll, March 23,-Credlt bal ances, 77c, certificates opened 77c, bid for cash; 77c. bid for regular; sales, 2,000 car tels regular delivery at 77c; no bldB or offers at tho close; shipments, 67.899 Imr relt; runs, S2172 barrels . i 1 j- JL AJ HMtfAh. ,. . -."SftV-