" TT7f77rF7v 'WW."PWJUti if mwqipi.pjim.ip urn j' m " mmwmmvK9m,i'"ir'i "ni'Mjiyj .i5 THK SCUAINTUJN T1UJ3UJNE WJ5DiNJL:SDAlr. MARCH 23. 1898. mmm CARBONDALE. IThe CnrbonOato correspondence of The Trlbuno has been placed in the. hands ot Mr. C. n. Munn, Salem avenue and Church street, to whom news Items may be addressed. All complaints as to Ir regular delivery, etc., should be mado to W. J. Roberts, news agent. PROUD WAR RECORD. Life nnd Dsnth nl Jiimen Irwin .Mrs. tlloomcr Dies. James V. Irwin, of Spring street, who died of p.iralysta yesterday morning was horn In England on the twenty second day of February, 1840, and when eighteen months old was brought to Waymnrt by his mother. Soon after ward they went to Soelyvllle tu reside. Mr. Irwin saw Ions and active Borvlce In the navy durlrg the civil war nnd ro- wlth a record of which nny one wcll feel proud. Ho entered the runionricT,ice at New York city May 1, lSCl, as an ordinary seaman, being lisslgnod to the Frigate of "War, "San- lee.1 He wqh discharged at Boston, (September 14, 1S62, the ship going out af commission. He re-enllsted, Joining the crew of tho Frigate "Sabine" at Boston, Octo ber 10, 1862, and was afterward trans ferred to a gunboat In tho gulf squad ron. He was llnally discharged on the Pfteenth of October, 1SC8. having served and one-half years over his cnltat- nent'tlme. , His first tasto of actual warfare was .ed at Hntteras Inlet. He was one crew on tho sloop of war "Hnrt- Admlral Farrgut's famous llag- . In the tight In Mobile bay and also clpated In naval engagements nt Iflton and on a Mississippi gunboat at New Orleans. He was a member of the detachment of seamen In the as sault on Fort Fisher, December 25, 1804, nnd was wounded In the neck by a mln- nle ball. While lying on the ground at this time he received a saber cut In the thigh supposed to have been given by h, confederate ofllccr. From the ef fects of this latter wound Mr. Irwin was. ever after a cripple. After tho war he saw foreign service In the "Hartford." Seven ports on tho coast of China were opened to American com merce and at the last Admiial Bell with twenty-four men wero drowned while attempting to go nshore In a boat. He was mustered Into the Grand Aimy of the Republic July 8, 1SS1. Mr. Irwin had been a resident of this city since the war. He was an indus trious and patriotic citizen, a good par ent and husband and a very compan ionable man who will be greatly mlesed by many friends. He wns a member of Olive Leaf lodge, and Lackawanna en campment, I. O. O. F. He was united In marriage to Miss Phoebe ISerry in 1SC2 and she with one son, Luclen B. Irwin survives him. William II. Davles Post, 1S7 will havo charge of the funeral nnd the deceased will be laid at rest with military hon ors. Rev. T. E. Jepson will conduct the services at the house at two o'clock Thuisday afternoon. Interment will be onado at Brookslde ceme'ery. MRS. BLOOJIi..!. g. Sarah A. Bloomer, aged seven- Cs.'Uied at the home o'f her Mrs. B. llellly on Hosnltnl kterday after a week's Illnens Lchltls. She formerly lived in lunty and by her estimable lade made friends both there icity. Besides her daughter les P. Bloomer of Poyntelle HANCE OF MARRYINQ. Ltlniden Compiles Some FtntUtics for Her Sex. RosseJi;!jes many beautiful wed maldw ladies. Manv InesTt Is fair to presume, are not jrse to becoming the helpmeets of rjgnt sort or men. Despair Is wrlt upon the faces of few and the un due charm of girls from other cities for the eligible local gallants is largely le sponstble for this condition. Most of them contend that while there is life there Is hope and one Industrious maiden of tho Belmont district, who (has Just reached the age of thirty, and who seeks to enlighten her sex, has compiled statistics on a woman's ehanco of mnirying. They will doubtless be perused with great Inteiest by the fair ones who desire to know just where they stand In matters matrimonial. Some old poet has said: "In spring the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," and June's wedding record seems to say that he Is right. Of course It is understood that the young woman's fancy turn1 to such thoughts at all seasons. But since the young man Is most susceptible In ver nal time nnd since leap year Is still some distance in the future, the Bel mont lady's work may be considered especially opportune. bhe assumes that there Is some mat rimonial opportunity for every womnn lind fixes her entire chance for the narrlageable years of her life at 100. hen she gives the ratio as follows: etween the ages of 15 nnd 20 years, Ih per cent.; 20 nnd 23, 52 per cent.; L?M 30, 18 per cent.; 30 and 33, 15 I CFiit , So and 40, 3?i per cent.; 40 i 45, 2i per cent.; 45 and DO, of 1 cent.; 50 and 56, V4 of 1 per cent. Jr Internal ana External Use. CURES AND PREVENTS is, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza, llron. khltli. Pneumonia, Swelling ol the 'olntr, Lumbago, Inflammation, t'jjiinatlsiu. Neuralgia, Frostbites, Chilblains, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, DIFFICULT BREATHING. .CURES THK WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR urter read In c this advertisement need anyone BUFFER WITH PAIN. Railway's Ready liellel Is a Sure Cure for Every Pain. Sprains, Urulses, Pains In the Hack, Chest or Limbs. It Was the Plrst and Is the Only PAIN RUMBUY That instantly stops the moat excruciating pains, allays Inflammation, and cures Con gestions, whether of the Lungs, btomuch JlowelB or other elands or orznnn, by ouo ap plication. A luilfloft teMpoouful Hi balfu tumbler of water will In a few minutes euro Cramp, Spasms. Hour Htomnch, Hourt burn, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Hick Headache, Blur rhasa, Dysentery, Colic, Kiutulenoy nud all Intornul pains. There Is not a remedial agent In tin world hut will cure rover mid ague and all other malarious, bilious nud other fovcra, utded by JADWAY's PILLS, so quickly nl KAD WAY'S RtJADY RnLIKI". Fifty Centi Per Uottle. Sold by Druggists. P-JUJVA.V CO, ft Ul.U KT NKV YOU1C w After CO It" la one chance In n thousand. It will bo noticed that the greatest chance Is between 20 nnd 25, more than hnlf the opportunities of a lifetime coming within those five year. Still, tho maiden ot thirty-four years should bo of good cheer for she has 15',4 per cent, chances left, or as many as she was favored with until after her twen tieth year. HINT TO CONGRESSMAN C0NNELL Opportunity ol n Lifetime Presents Itself to IItin-IIov to Servo HI" District. The man who writes "Thoughts of tho Time'' for the Herald and who knows something about the coal IiuhI nesg himself, makes the following sug gestion: "It occurs to me now that Congrem man Conncll cannot better Eorve- tho district he represents than by direct ing tho attention of the- navy depart ment to the excellent quality of tin thracltc In Pennsylvania, with a view to having It used on our naval vessels. Mr. Oonnell Is admirably equipped to do so. He knows mines nnd mining from centre .to circumference. Hn can point out to Secretary Long, or any other one, for that mutter, the super ior and lasting properties of good, hard coal for steaming purposes, better than most men. Ills position, too, would cnnble him to command a deal of at tention In piosecutlng this question to n successful Issue. There Is little doubt that If the naval uuthoiltlcs were made to understand the- many excellent features of anthracite, which are whol ly absent In bituminous, Unit they would use our hard coil, nnd thus llnd an other avenue fcr the sale of our prln clrnl product. The Uire of anthracite in the navy would lie a marked ad vantage to the coal trade- at the pres ent time, when the market Is dull and our mines working shoit time. I rec ommend this ruggction to Congress man Conncll, fnd earnestly urge him to submit it to the authorities at Wash lngton, evidently, to open up nnother market for our coat, nnd supplement the Inadequate consumption which gives us so many Idle days every year." NEW OFFICERS. Olive Leaf lodge of Odd Follows will meet next Monday evening and eleet the following nominees, who are the only candidates in the Held: Noblo grand, A. O. Fldlam; vice grand, Fred Cundy; assls-tnnt secretary, Thomas Booth nnd Alfred M.isttrs; socretniy, Harry J. Hall; trenurer. Edward Hall; trustees, Frank Cohvell, Joseph Itld holls. The members of the Crescent club met on Sunday In their handsome par lors on South Main street and elected the following olllcers for the ensuing term; President, W. J. Bergnn; vice president, Fiank P. Kellv; secretary, J. 10. Brennan; treasurer, John T. I.uf tus; trustee, It. II. Kerwln. QUIET WEDDINQ. Mls Minnie Cowles nnd Llmer Jos lyn will be mnrrled this evening at the home of the prospective bride's parents on Lincoln avenue. Memleis of the Immediate families only will be pres ent. The young personn are well known ard havo the best wishes of their ac quaintances on this happy occasion. Their intentions have been kept very quiet, and tills announcement will cie-ati- some surprise even among their Intimate ones. FUNNY MEN. A couple of Carbondallans d veloped some humor yesterday. J. H. Reese thought the public library ought to be elosed owing to danger of the maga zines blowing up, and George Benton had a baker arrested for beating an egg. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The Berean Baptist choir have re ceived a valuable acquisition In tho person of Howell Davis, who has re turned to thU city after nn absence of borne years. The choir will com mence practicing the Easter music next week. Morgan Watklns, engineer at the Krantz brewery, had occasion at 4 o'clock yesterday morning to descend into one of the largo tanks at that es tablishment nnd slipping fell to the bottom breaking his light leg. Ho waa taken to his home on Wyoming street where the fracturo was reduced by Drs. Shields and M. D. Ballev. Louis Mnncuso and Jennie, his wife, were put under bail for their appear ance at court by Alderman Baker yes terday. They are charged on the oath of Oeorge PerrI with telling liquor without a license, selling it on Sunday nnd allowing card playing to be done In their house. Miss Mumo Bird, of Windsor, X. Y.. who has been a guest at tho home of Dr. H. C. Wheeler for tho past week, returned homo yef-tcrday. Miss Clara Blgelow, who spent Sam day with her Ulster, Verna, of this city, has returned to Honesdale. Miss Mnme Daley Is spending a month in ('range. N. Y. Miss Delia Williams has returned to Scranton. Mls Stella Wedeman has returned from her Scrantun visit. ELMHURST. The Baptist Suniluy School Is making arrangements for un Easter service to be given on Sunday evening, April 10th, In place of tho usual preaching ser vice. Mr. O. W. Mason of Dalton was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Buckingham on Sunday. Mr. Thomafl Qulnton of Scranton was entertained nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams over Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Hoblnson nnd children of Scranton, returned to their home on Monday after a two week's visit with rrlatlves here. Uobert Snyder leaves today for Ilalnesburg, N, J., where ho hns ac cepted a position ns clerk In a store. Mrs. A. B. Wllllamfl Is receiving med dcal treatment ut tho Hahneman hos pital at Scranton. The Lndles' Aid Society of the M. E. church will hold a dime social In the near future. The Ladles' Aid Society of tho Bap tist church will hold their semi-monthly meeting on Thursday nfternoon at the homo of Deacon J. II. Snyder. Sup per will be served for a dime. The Friday night cottage prayer meeting will be held this week at the parsonage and will be led by the pas tor. Mrs. W. 13. Edwards epent last week at the home of her son, C. V. Edwards, of Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Tred Conn, of Dunmore spent Sunday wllh relatives here. Mrs. Conn Is a daughter of the late Joflhua 8, Miller and Mr. Conn Is one of the administrators of thp estate. Mr and Mrs. deorg.-- Emory nnd chil- dien pnent Sunday with friends at ElniRiliiln. ANNUAL STATEMENT op Trtn COMMISSIONERS OP LACKAWANNA COUNTY Showing receipts, disbursements, condition of finances and accounts of State and county Tax Collectors for the fiscal year ending January 5, 1898. RECEIPTS. Amount received by County Trcusurer C. II. Schadt from County nnd Bridpo Tax Dupli cates, sale of Bonds, and other sources of Revenue, ns Bhown by tho statement of said Treas urer, nnd chargeable to County nnd Brldgo Funds $397,433 02 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of Disbursements from general County and Bridge tunds, as shown by the fol lowing Statements of the County Commissioners, includ ed in County Warrants from No. 1 to 471S Inclusive 1277.355 19 Becelpts In Excess of Disburse ments $30,077 E3 ASSESSMENTS. Paid Assessors for making State and County Assessments, mak ing Duplicates School Copies, Transcripts of Mortgages and Judgements, etc $10,499 39 ADVEIlTISINa. Paid for publishing annual state ment of County Commissioners and other advertising $ 1,901 DO NEW ADDITION TO COUUT HOUSE. Paid Conrad Schroeder us per contracts, in cluding expert biipor vlslon of Iron work on roofs $ 35,757 S Paid J. B. McCoy & Co., electric light ap paratus und ilxtures, chandeliers, etc., as per contract 4,800 00 Paid Gaylor & Ente pence. steam heating Ilxtures and ventilat ing machinery, as per contract 11,400 00 Paid James T. Hall & Co., decorating and finishing No. 1 und Su perior Court Bcoms... 6,009 18 Paid Berlin Iron Bridge Co., for Iron work on Court Houso roofs, as per contract, bal 9S0 00 Paid Scranton Illumin ating Heat and Power Co.. Electric wiring nnd fixtures and plac ing electric wires un derground 2.1S7 03 Paid Hunt & Conncll, plumbing work In new addition as per con tract 4,98100 Paid gas fitting nnd ex tra fixtures In old nnd new part of Court Houso , 815 00 Paid Extra work on old part of building Inci dent to tearing down roof and other old parts of building; and material 331 53 Paid T. I. Lacey & Son, architects, commission 2,161 59 Paid National Elevator Co., for elevator and machinery in Court House 3,560 00 Paid Robert Hnrlan, new lightning rod3 .... 274 75 Paid Scranton Iron Fenco Co., for Iron screening around ele vator shaft, and labor und material on eleva tor shaft, etc COO 74 Paid Chas. T. Harris, tllo for turret roofs ... 173 79 Paid John Coolegar. and John Murphy, in terest on advance pay ments on C. H. Imp. Bonds 91 90 $ 74,266 35 BURIAL OF DECEASED SOLDIERS. Paid Burial Expenses of De ceased indigent soldiers, as per Act of Assembly, approved 12th May, 1S&3 $ 7J0 00 BRIDGES Paid E. W. Mott. stone arch bridge, S. Ablng- ton $ 200 00 Paid E. W. Mott, stone arch bridge, S. Ablng- ton 200 00 Paid A. R. Wctherby, stono arch bridge and abutments In Newton Township 370 00 Paid W . I'. Snyder. stone arch bridge, W. Ablngton 223 00 Paid Rofs & Capwell, stone uich bridge, W. Ablngton 300 00 Pam Newton & Adair, Mono arch bridge, W. AUrgton Township .. 225 00 Paid Newton & Adair. stone arch bridge in Scon Township 335 00 Paid W. P. Snyder. Btono urch bridge In Dlcksln City Borough 330 00 Paid Groton Iron Brldse Co.. Iron bridges In Old Forge Township, Newton Township, S. Ablngton Township nnd Glenburn Borough and repair work on two bridges 5,675 00 Tnld Penn Bridge Co. iron bridge in Spring Brook Township 34S 00 Paid Giles Roberts, car fare, etc.. Inspecting bridges 33 55 Paid L. T. Payne, llv- evry bill 31 40 Paid M. A . Lyman, freight on plnnk 43 Puld W. A. Dopue. haul ing plank 7 00 Paid H. S. Gorman & Co., livery bill 1? 00 Told Ellas Smith, for oak nlank 13140 Paid John Demuth, car fare. etc.. locating brldgo sites, eto 7 85 -$ 8.3C0C3 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Paid Assessors In Townships and Boroughs for making returns of births and deaths, as pro vided by law $ 108 50 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Paid QlleB Roberts. County CommlBsloner$ 1,118 54 Paid 8. W. Roberts. County Commissioner 1,095 DO Paid John Demuth, County Commissioner 1,095 50 Paid Chas. F. Wagner, Chief Clerk 1,500 00 Paid E. E. Robathon, Assistant Clerk 1,020 00 Paid F. W. Klrchhoff, Assistant Clerk 800 00 Paid II. A. Knapp, County Solicitor 500 00 - 7,229 51 COUNTY AUDITORS, raid A, E. Klefer, County Auditor $ 930 00 Paid F. L. Ward, Coun ty Auditor 630 00 Paid P. W. Costello, uouniy Auauor , aw 00 - J.790 00 COUNTY OFFICERS. Paid F. H. demons, aherlff $ 10.TCO C2 Paid John R. Janes, District Attorney 11.407 It Paid C. E. Pryor, Pro- thonotary 1.150 U Paid Johu II. Thwnss, Clerk of Courts 7,259 48 Paid Chas. Huester, Recorder S23 10 -4 so .rata iA I'FOR RENT:: ADV. IN THE TRIBUNE WILL. DO riORE COURT HOUSE OROUND3. Paid for mowing and sprinkling lawn, shov eling snow, and other .work .......$ 459 97 Paid for earth for fill ing 127 CO Paid for manure 100 00 Pnld E. A. Bartl. engi neering sorvlces 51 00 , Pnld Hughes & Dunn, raising nnd repaying driveway 104 83 Pnld Stephen Short, grading grounds 459 20 Paid Chas. Teeter, re laying wnlki and new stono 783 SS Paid for hose, sprink lers, plumbing, tools, etc .7. 115 CI Pnld Grass seed nnd ? o w 1 n g, flowering hulbs, trees, etc 73 30 $ 2,833 77 ELECTION EXPENSES. Faid Election Officers, rent of polling places, etc 7 $ 8,013 48 Paid around rent for .Polling Place 1D0 00 Pnld Printing ballots, cards of Instruction, I aid Repairing, moving. booths, etc COO 92 Pnld Delivering ballots, voting shelves, etc. ... Ill 23 Paid Clerks appointed by Court computing Llectlon returns for eb. 1S37. Kiectlon 73 00 Paid Clerks appointed by Court computing Llectlon returns for .Nov., 1897, Election ... ICO 00 Paid Publishing Shnr- 1IT s Election Procla mation 843 00 Paid Supplies to Elec- Paid Painting Booths"! 170 00 . .' uurus ii .) $ 13,823 23 ELECTION1 rrnNTKSTR Pnld Witnesses in Election con tests $ INQUESTS. Pnld S. P. Longstrcet, Coroner. C23 95 Paid Benjamin & Ben jamin, chemical an- nlvuf. IDA nA 23 C2 Paid Jurors at inquests 405 00 i 1,130 ?5 INSURANCE, raid Insurance on boilers at County Prison $ INSANE CONVICTS. Paid John M. Hnrris. Attorney. appointed by Court to inspect condition of Prisoners in State Penitentiary. 100 CO Paid P. F. Gunster. M. D., appointed by Court to Inspect condition of Prisoners in State Penitentiary 100 00 Pnld W. E. Allen, M. D., to Inspect condition of Prisoners In State Penitentiary 100 00 1 no 300 00 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Paid Alderman, Justic es, Constables and Witnesses In Criminal cases $ 32,304 58 Paid Thomas Loyshon, County Detective 1,141 00 $ 33,503 C4 COURT EXPENSES. Paid Court Crier, Mes sengers and Tipstnves$ 4,912 00 Paid H. H. Cohton, Court Stenographer ... 7,078 76 Paid Lacka. Legal News C4J S3 Paid Referees appoint ed by Court 1.002 95 Paid Grand Jurors 2.153 02 Paid Petit Jurors 7.740 04 Paid Traverse Jurors .. 9,534 79 Paid Constables making returns to Court 1,296 70 Pnld Jury Commission ers nnd Clerk 648 97 Pnld Cent. Penna. Tele phono Co 52 50 Paid Typewriting mate rial, noto book, etc. 173 20 Paid Special Stenogra phic services 12 50 Paid Revising Court Rules 40 00 Pnld Examination Blanks for Law Stu dents 73 95 J 35,350 26 DIVISION OF TOWNSHIPS AND BOR OUGHS Paid Commissioners ap pointed by Court, maps, advertising, etc $ 233 CO DIVISION OF ELECTION DISTRICTS. Paid Ed. A. liartl for making map $ 5 00 EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Pnld Hoard nnd Clothing of Con victs In Eastern Penitentiary. .$ 3,485 23 ENUMERATION OF SCHOOL CHIL DREN. Paid Assessors making enumer ation of children between the ago of 8 and 13 years $ 950 25 PUBLIC BUILDING EXPENSES. Pnld Junltors and Watchmen i 1,90100 Paid Water, Light and Heat 3,087 74 Paid Repairs. Water Closets, Sowers, etc. . 90 GO Paid Telephono rent ... 141 50 Paid E. P. Gross, at tending Court Houso clocks 150 00 Pnld E. P. Gross, re pairs ot Court Houso clocks 41 00 Paid wryrtilng, cleaning, scrubbing 36153 Paid new furniture, re pairing furniture, car pets, etc 1,251 49 Pnld Supplies soap, brooms, brushes, mops, etc 129CS Paid hauling ashes, ref use, etc 3 75 Paid T. J. Kelly, chan deliers C. H. corridor 116 C6 Paid Metallic file mso, Prothonotnry's office. 500 00 Paid Repairs Court Houso 1,303 55 $ 9,671 0 PRISON EXPENSES. Paid for Feeding Pris oners : $ 12,517 00 Puld Salaries of War dens and Keepers .... fi.642 93 Pnld Fuel, Light and Water 2.136 47 Paid Prisoners' Cloth ing, Bedding, etc 425 90 Paid Supplies, soap, brooms brushes, etc. 115 90 Paid Telephone rent.... 70 00 Pnld Repairs 533 23 Pnld "Physician and medical supplies 300 00 Paid Conveying Prison ers to nnd from Coun ty Prison 194 60 Paid car fare for Prison ers 2180 Paid Repairing Prison Van ; " Pnld Storage of Prison Vans 900 Paid Sharpening lawn mowers 4 10 -$ 23.103 88 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Paid Blank Books, blank forms, etc $ 2,087 47 Paid Hall & McChesney for Indexes 69 45 $ 2,174 92 PREMIUMS. Paid Bounty on wild cats, foxes, etc.. Including fees of Justices. J 283 25 REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Paid Assessors making May and December Registration and Clerks for making for Election Boards $ 9,325 44 ROAD DAMAGES AND ROAD VIEWS. Paid Damages for land taken for Road pur- poses ..-...$ 21500 Paid Viewers appointed by Court 1.145 34 .... $ L30OS4 SUNDRY EXPEN8ES. Paid Transient Clerks A ..mjI... In Countv Commissioners office. ,$ Paid for Dlreotory ...... Paid Rent for Federal Court Room ........... Paid Borubblng Federal Court Room Paid Telegrams Paid Subscriptions for Newspapers Paid Expressage Paid T. H. Thomas, re- indexing Orphans' .A,i.t M1a 496 50 350 100 00 18 00 1 25 1100' 57 25 170 00 Paid Expenses County Commissioners to Coun ty Coramlsslonsrs' con vention j. Paid Fare U Fell Town hlo on law ults. 33 75 nnd Constables' Fe... 4 80 Pnld Traders National ' Bank, Coupon County Bonds 900 00 Pnld Scranton Savings Bank, Interest on War rants 285 61 $ 2,087 C POSTAGE. Pnld rostn.Ro stamps, cards, etc .$ M 00 STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INBANE. Paid Keep ot Insano Convicts from Lacka. County $ 319 50 STATE INDUSTRIAL REFORMATORY. Pnld for care of Inmates from Lackn. County $ 580 71 STATE AUDIT. Paid M. F. San do, auditing ac counts of County olllcers with tho State $ 150 00 TAXES REFUNDED. raid Taxes overcharged and re funded ,,,.$ 41 C2 Clinrlcs II. Schudt, ... . , - I 1 .... . hi 1 I i t 5 1 I wKH top u H' "J'nee on hand nnuary 4th. 1897 $10,000 00 303 76 $2,630 57 ' $1362 C6't 31,152 CO $ 67.85 W Tax dup Icato of 1801 is- 70 1H 70 Tax dupllcato of 1891 2.1 81 32179 348 CO Tax duplicate of 1895 1,346 57 1.3-K 57 rax duplicate of 1W0 3.207 05 20.7&9 36 23.997 01 Tax dupllcato of 1897 118,80190 143.801SO Heated und unseated land tax 1,165 33 4111 59130 1797 74 interest on utiFented lands is IS 18 19 Prison board collected 286 w, 286 C6 Prothonotnry's liens collected na IIS Ivo per cent, penalty collected 20 s a) 4 Cort house Improvements bonds sold 74,51110 74,51110 Lquor licenses, "hotel" 25,763 36 25.7U 3i Liquor licenses, "restaurant" 4.072 45 4,872 45 Redemption fund $105 44 165 44 Rebate, state pprsonal tax, 1696 17,588 98 17.588 98 I'.xoneratod taxes paid 10 SO 10 to J' shlng fines collected 7 50 7 f 0 Allen tax collected $639 45 C33 45 Jury fees fines and costs from J. H.Thomas, clerk of courts 19179 49 7 Jury fees, fines and costs from F. H. demons, sheriff 820 49 820 49 Interest on bonds sold 159 20 159 20 Detective license. W. F. Clifford 25 00 25 00 Detective license, D. McSweeney 25 00 20 09 Interest and costs, lands redeemed from county commis sioners 1152 1152 Rent for election booths 39 00 S9 W John Demuth, county commissioner, for carpet 5 00 5 00 H. Hamcs. four loads wool 5 00 5W Typewriting paper sold by county commissioners 2 00 2 00 Refunded by Morris Bros, nnd others, the same having been overpaid by warrants of county commissioners 153 70 .153 0 Transfer from county to sinking fund 10,000 00 10,100 00 Transfer from bridge to county fund 7,500 00 7,500 OJ Transfer from county to state fund $910 00 310 00 $20,000 00 $639 45 $409 20 $3,801 90 $910 00 $1G,578 23 $335,810 05 $378,238 83 Interest coupons paid Transfer to tax on loans, state fund County lnstltuto City lnstltuto County and bridge warrants pnld, N03. 1 to 4,48, Inclusive, fceries R Township warrants paid. Nos. 37 to 62, inclusive Transferred from Tounty to sinking fund Transferred from bridge to county fund Redemption fund Tax on loans Bonds redeemed. Issue of December 1st, 1W4, Nos. 1 to 20, Inclusive, denomination $1,000 each Countv treasurer's commission Balance on hand, January 3, 1698. 12 o'clock, noon Statement of riSTRICTS. Archbald Boro Blakely Boro Benton Twp Clifton Twp Covington Twp Carbondale Twp Carmondalc City First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fifth ward Sixth ward DIckHon City Boro. ... Dunmoro Boro Dalton Boro Elmhurst Boro Fell Twp Greenfield Twp Glenburn Boro Uloudsboro Boro Jermyn Boro Jefferson Twp La Pluma Boro Lehigh Twp Lackawanna Twp Madison Twp Mnjficld Boro Newton Twp North Ablngton Twp. Old Forgo Twp Olyphant Boro Ransom Twp. Ronrlng Brook Twp .. Scott Twp. Spring Brook Twp .... South Ablngton Twp.. Taylor Boro Throop Boro Wlnton Boro West Ablngton Twp... Wnverly Boro Scranton City . First ward Second ward , Third word Fourth ward Fifth ward Sixth ward Seventh ward Eighth ward Ninth ward Tenth ward. Eleventh ward Twelfth ward. Thirteenth ward. .... Fourteenth ward. ... Fifteenth ward Sixteenth ward Seventeenth ward. .. Eighteenth ward. .... Nineteenth ward .... Twentieth ward. .... Twenty-first ward. .. "Fifth ward, Carbondale City Dunmore Borough Dalton Borough Fell Township Spring Brook Township Wnverly Borough .. Fifth ward, Scranton City Tenth ward, Scranton City Sixteenth ward, Scranton City ... . ,..... Third ward, Scranton Gcs Decker 1$ lw 1895. flnrlnrrBrook Township IH. E. A8SBTTS. Cash In County Treas ury. County and Brldgo Funds, ut noon, Jan. 3rd 1883 $ 33,753 Pa Court House building... 350,000 00 Furniture and Futures In Court House 85.000 00 Court Houso grounds .. 200.000 00 County ITlson UHVlmg. 125.000 00 County ITteon grodnds. 20.000 00 Furniture In County Prison S.oooco Due from Collectors, niVilrM-t in commission and ezeneraUons 70,376 43 $343,10 T corrtrEMNATrorr of turnpikes. Paid Commissioners appointed by Court In the matter of the Condemnation of Prorldnco and Ablngton Turnpike Rortd..$ CO 00 LEGAL EXPENSES. Paid S. H. Btevens, Clerk Supe rior Court $ 10,00 COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY. Pnld Commissioners nppolnted by Court to exnmlno and re port upon mental condition of persons allegod to bo Insane... 60 00 Total amount ot Disbursements by the County commissioners on their Wnrrnnts- from No. 1 to No. 4743 Inclusive, Series R.. $277,355 19 Tho following Disbursements wero mado by the County Treasurer from tho Gen eral County Fund, to wit: Interest on County Bonds $ 9,900 00 Taxes on Loans 893 00 County Institute 200 00 City Institute 200 00 County Treasurer, In Account with DR. CR. to $ 342 30 $ 2,000 00 639 45 120 IJ20.000 00) $639 45 $461 Collectors of State and County Tax Collectors. Q a a o O rt P. J. McDonnell.. D. J. Williams... II. G. Smith A. L. Slglln 3.781 23 2,832 26 67 196 28 156 081 6 00 69 33 6 60 1,456 78 217 67 It. T. Tantleld Patrick Casey.... 672 26 1,162 32 E. A. Wonnacott.... Samuel Moon ....... 3.628 77 2.327 73 1,861 74 998 73 1,661 32 1,490 45 4.099 00 10.670 94 Daniel M. Davis.... Daniel M. Davis.... Jeremiah Cluno. Daniel M. Davis. .. Thco. H. Welland... W. C. Burke Andrew Terwllllgcr 797 15 Chas. Whitney 281 181 John W. White W. T. Bell E. M. Sherwood J. B. Gardner. 3.703 V 1,192 46 569 29 43 06 1,914 43 Joseph Jav u. w. i-ouins 881 81 Geo. W. Patterson.. 250 85 J. a. Bailer 190 31 (1,917 90 John J. Coyne Eugene Noack Robert Roe 1.193 47 1,527 21 1.761 54 J. D. Hopkins F. L. Smith Henry Harding P. J. Hoban. . ..... Lewis McCloskoy .. James McDadc, Jr.. Richard Graves .... Wm. A. Price Qeo. P. Meyers C51 CO D.434 80 4,032 76 1,304 83 503 C3 1.860 97 661 96 1,550 75 3,497 25 2.126 93 3,218 46 398 77 CS7 74 6,769 16 5.880 72 John D. Jones G. R. Stanton. , James J. Lawler. ... O. F. Oethman W. G. Letson Edward Fidlor. A. B, Brlggs John J. Costello. ... Geo. M. Wallace. ... Timothy Jones 2,621 53 b.VJlj HI 7.379 411 w. w. J ones 1.807 92 Wm. Gundlock C. C. Ferber Geo. B Thompson.. Louis Schroeder August Schlmpff.... William Miller 2.418 45 21,817 46 10.533 13 3.203 25 8.731 20 1.4:6 s: L. 11. wmt 9.276 73 Geo. F. Kellow T. T. Morgan J. G. Seamans Robt. J. Haag W. W. Jones William Miller Chas. F. Kloss F. W. Burge 4,363 79 4,033 01 7.104 13 12,837 37 8S7 70 4.016 11 6.766 94 3.953 65 $210,64602 t23J53J7$234J For the Year 180U. c a Jeremiah Cluno ... T. E. Boland E. J. Thomas Patrick McGeever II. E. Arms ........ Charles W. Hall .. Benlamln Grllnths George Farber .... Silas W. Finn $ 109 733 63 267 47 48 618 220 503 1 $2,510 1804. Arms ,, I Coudltlou of the Finances of Lackawanna County. LIABILITIES. Four and one half per cent. refund'g bond Issue of Dec. 1st, 1891 $120.000 00 Less Nos. 1 to 20, Inclusive, redeem'd Deo. 1st, 1697 20,000 00 i $100,000 00 Four per cent. Court House Improvement Bonds lsssue of Dec 1st. 169S 185.000 00 , .... .. .. ,. $235,000 31 Resources In excess of Llabllltles$60S,13a GOOD THAN 100 T Transfer from County .Fund to binning mini for the redemption of County Bonds 10,000 00 Commission chnrgrd by County Treasurer .... 12,539 13 :$ 83.733 13 Total amount disbursed from County and Brldgo Funds for year 1897 $311,087 a BTATE TAX ACCOUNT. Valuation of Money nt Interest, Bonds, Mortgages, Judgments, assessed In Lacka. County for tho year 1697 subject to a 4. mill , tax for stnte purposos, nnd re ported to Board of Revenue Commissioners; valuation, $5,610,991: amount of tax $22,558 1 From which deduct County Treasurer's Commission 225 83 Total amount of State Tax. ......$ 2,338 34 Upon payment of tho above amount to Stnte Treasurer, Lnckavranna County will bo entitled to a rebate amount ing to $10,753 73 Lackawanna County, d a c 3 BE la 3 xa $ 8,300 CS 208,994 El 277JEJ9 SJSM7 10.000(9 7.59 M rwco saswea 12.(33 96 85,093 U $3,130 77 10,000 00 7,500 00 $S93 00 97 83' 47 00 12,539 IS! 33,096.41 90, 573 30 717 55 2O$3,801 901 $0 00$16,578 23$335.810 &1$3782S 83 for the Year 1897. c S S o O 3 I 5. O 41 ?3 o 3,849 02 3,028 64 1,612 66 223 67 3.5S toll" 2.111 n C70 a 159 73 270 22 -an $ 45 92 $12 04 $5 98 741 60 1.1C8 92 4.8(7 CO 3.C52 E6 2,114 01 i,m 12 1.824 16 2vUS7C 1,8613 U8 547 3415 2? 913S6 2,115 li 7,3t 77342 199 1 gCiC 97 1.115 M cno 20 00 1.749 71 7SJW 25394 134 39 5,4000 COO 09 sea 43 L425C 450 00 VMS) 2,75CE UBH 1X1 M 1,401 (0 tuo 1.7VO 00 1.760 W 1,633 00 .-S123 C23U CilES 25 3.CTOW B,0J 74 1.523 U 1,732 82 15.747 14 7,f3J 119 2,821 22 3.C47 25 1.324 96 7,194 87 3,050 00 3.1X1 C.459 47 12,433 48 750 2,009 29 4,8 OC 3,C1 04 1.642 12 4.110 4 11.8S6 55 9S1 27 334 15 8.777 30 1,208 13 M2 97 56 26 2,043 98 929 23 L99 41 TOO 49 7.045 48 1,317 82 1,505 26 47 81 ''6i 85 561 27 87 34 85 35 20 4 00' 684 1.91.2 51 716 64 5,618 23 1,116 94 1,457 53 Gil 43 2,033 66 (89 92 ion; 15 93 25 24 1,721 15 3.633 61 2,128 48 3,221 06 400 67 731 46 7.051 41 6.441 43 2,531 35 6.337 90 7,959 80 1,877 72 2.479 47 24,424 (A 13,100 33 3.591 25 4.533 60 1.480 74 10.M1 19 4,914 30 1 40, 22 CO 15 34 1.313 31 8,714 SO 17.536 91 950 83 4,240 26 fc,8S3 56 8.963 99 S3 203 i a I 2 a Oi c a 5 to 841$ 1,295 83 $ 185 92 937 33 179 27 39 70 29 44 62 92 531 68 127 62 2,018 73 $ 1.591 CSI 1,446 631$ ?0 S5 Ci 51 71 44 17 0( "T 6,tJ.l tx 662 12 3,172 SO 567 26 578 12 0,155 77 2.710 741 U.018 20 10,304 191 897 24 &.vjh a 525 78 3,480 12 644 a CS9 75 MWTv 197 Ol 7.206 79 8.244 04 2.551 a 3,064 63 8,533 97 d I . 5 o o 8 r , $ 9,00000$ i"3o" 940 m . 100 2oooof noa 200 00 ' rfio dtfcS n- it " 1 - UWi 84 371 44 733 4 C44 21 '1S8 51 am 75 513 02 &8S0 COl 1,658 97 53 $29,794 C0 $4,112 41 $30,417 : ($23i2t3 80;fI473 r; 78$ 2,140 20 $ 32 27$ 2.232 25,$ 2422 921$ 1J9 83 1$ 565 76 $25Jjl 590 PC ........ .l$t90J5 Assessed valuation for year, 1897 ..- I .tttOOO.OW 00 Estimated Expenses for year 1893 7500900 Amount of County Tax Dupli cate for 1397 210,000 M Amount of Statu Tax' DiaplV- - cato-for 1837 .'. J--.;...';..2iJStfBl All of which Is respectfully arabiaUledv 8. W. ROBERTS, JOHN DEMUTH. GILES ROBERTS. County Commltsloncrs, Lacka. Co., Atteet:- CHAS. 00 F. WAONER. W. 39 217: "FOR RENT" PLACARDS w 1' C i "e7Ja s-.il "1313 817 43 017 47144 4171 M51 61 en w 4S3 91 703 88 628 77 ljt95 10 y84 Is at es l 17 JJ9183 tests S3 20 3U27 sDCO t,5 4S 717 83 704 t6 G37 55 6d 64 US3U 1.S41 23 2B9 21 Ol c 189 93 730 62 J.W3 tl 80J43 1,571 06 198 23 1.759 27 778 96 X.MJ 96 2.8J3 IS 3C5C4 748 13 ;077 74 546 34 770 C3 EM 41 155 79 3.199 23 U44 SO I.1S3 02 1T53 39 6,103 43 200 30 230 97 1.9S7C0 20 Mieo"6 t