The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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il)i in,' DIJiWfi
wpypwpm ijpwiip,yf,'
lthlimatlm If'nrn ( minralilatui In h H.iliiltl v
hiirmloM. and n strong tonic In hullding up the weak
nmlfltbllltatnl. Itcure acute or muscular rhoutnu.
turn In from onn lo l a dn a, fibarp, Miootlng palm
lu nnjr part of tho Ixxly eioppfil In a few dene. A
prompt, complete nnrt permanent cure for UmtnMi,
"orenrM, Miff back and nil pain In hip end loins.
Chronlo rheumatism, wlatlcn, llmilmno or pain In
the baric are jpcedlly curoil. meldom falls toeho
relief from one to tnniloc, amlnlmou Invariably
cures before oni-bottloliM bet n ual. 'IlieMiinj-on
Jtemedjr Company prepare n reparole cure for each
dheaw. At all druodstj Slrenina vial, lfyouneed
medical advice wrlto l'rof. Nutiyon, 10US Arch
Street, Philadelphia. It Is absolutely free.
Exciting experience of Farmer Evans
with a Alad Dull.
Ildltor itloro'n .Novel Taper Wnlclit.
A Ten- l'olltlcnl Clilp--Tlie Popu
larity ol U. TroU Wright" Propor
Weight for it Typcvrltcr--Ijocnl
iHcntloncttcs--Au nxplnuatloit.
Special Correspondence ot The Trlbun
Susquehanna, March 22. Kobert Ev
nns, a farmer living at Hlverslde, near
Oreut Benil, owwt hist life to his faithful
doff. A few ilayn since, Kvans attend
ed an auction sale of personal property
and bid off a larfte, blooded bull. Dur
ing the sale a number of boys had been
teaslnp the animal. About dark, Kv
ans started to lend th bull home. It
had been broken to-lead and appeared
kind. Evans was In a hurry and be
Erm to switch the bull, which com
menced to bellow fearfully and paw
the prround. In a moment he attacked
Kvane and pinned him down. At the
next Instant the infuriated animal
tossed him upon his horns as though
he was but a feather weight. At this
juncture, when seconds meant hours to
Kvans, the largo farm dog was at
tracted to the epot by the shouts of the
man. The Intelligent dog took In the
situation at it glanee, and, with a rush,
caught tho bull by the nose at tho mo
ment he was about to charge upon Ev
ans a second time. The bull could not
disengage himself from the dog, and
he wns obliged to give up the light and
surrender. The bull was then secured
and dehorned, and has elnce been do
c'le as a kitten. Mr. Evans ascaped
villi slight injuries'. That dog Is not
for sale.
ZATION. A council of the Knights of Columbus
was organized in this place on Sunday,
with about seventy charter membeiei.
About two hundred visitors were pres
ent from ninghamton, Scranton, Kl
mira, Carbondale, Wllkes-Harre, New
'Vork, AVaverly and other places. In
the evening, at the Starrucca House, a
banquet was enjoyed. Speeches were
made by Itev. P. F. Hroderlck, of Sus
quehanna; Rev. Father Hlgglns, of
lilnghamton; Rev. James Fagan, of
Great Bend; Judge Downs, of Blng-
Jiamton; and others. Baker's Blng-
liamton orchestra furnished music for
hr occasion. The new council starts
lut auspiciously.
Cdltor More, of the Great Bend
lln-Dealer. has a new style paper
slit, In the form of a pet turtle.
p" night the turtle gathers up tho
papers on the clrek. nuts them In
lit pile and sleeps on them. The
is maiKed on tho back, "G. W.,
lout this Is believed to be a fraud,
sh uny doubt uttered In its im.
r Is quickly denied bv vlmmna
reama.oii'the patt of the turtle.
A. H. MeCollum, esq., of Montrose;
ex-Senator William M. Nelson, of Equi
nunk, and F. P. Kimble, esq., of Hones
dale, are said to be Democratic candi
dates for state senator for this dis
trict. Hon. E. n. Hnrdenbergh, of Hones
dale, tho present able and popular state
senator for this district, will undoubt
edly succeed himself. His record in
both houses of the legislature has been
an excellent one. H has been an able,
hard-worklng.vlgilant legislator. Genial
and at nil times approachable, he Is
very popular, and lie has always given
excellent satisfaction to his constitu
ents. He created the Erie bonus bill,
and fought hard for It In season and
out of season. That It did not become
n law Is no fault of his. He will con
tlnuo to chnmplon tho bill, and It will
doubtless yet become a statute. Mr.
Hardenbergh Is mast popular where he
Is the best known.
Mr C. Fred. Wright, of Susquehanna,
the choice of tho Republicans' conven
tions of Susquehanna and Wayne coun
ties for congress, will undoubtedly suc
ceed Hon. James H, Codding as mem
ber for this district. The remaining
counties in the district will doubtless,
in duo time, concede Susquehanna
county's claims. Mr. Wright is in
every way well equipped to make an
able, energetic, business member of
congress. He is a successful, honor
able business man, a staunch Republi
can, and a genial, companionable
gentleman. The Republicans of the old
Wilmet ought to quickly bury their
little sectional Issues and send Mr.
Wright to congress with one of Its old
time rousing majorities.
A Blnghamton paper has an adver
tisement of a typewriter, described as
"weighing only three pounds; can be
carried in the pocket." It will never
romo popular. Nearly nil prefer the
style; weight about 120 pounds; can
W carried on the arm; about five feet
ilgh, with blue eyes and lovely hair.
He was a tramp. Shambling up to
the door of a Susquehanna residence,
be for a he had a chance lo make known
his wants the lady of the house sharp
ly said: "We haven't anything to give
tramps, so you might as well go along
about your business,"
The seedy Bon of rest drotv himself
up to full length, and in an Indignant
tone answered: "Lady, you wrong me.
It is not food I want. I should not
flare to pat It, -even if you gave It to
me, eo lonsr have I fasted. I merely
doolred to borrow your blcyclo pump,
that I may inflato myself and proceed
on my weary way." Thtn the door
slammed shut and tho incident closed.
The annual Christian Endeavor con
vention of tho Jefferson Branch union
will be held in the Welsh church, at
Clifford, Wednesday, Juno 1.
Thomas J. Davles, esq., of Montrose,
will defend Eagen and Shew, tho al
leged murderers of farmer Andrew J.
Pepper, of Rush township. The trial
will probably occur at the August
Monttosers sit up nights betting wh
tho next postmaster will be.
The grand Jury will meet on Mon
day, March 2S. Court will convene
April 11. The Sweet murder trial will
be the principal case at the coming
The residents of the South Olbson
section are raising money to make a
preliminary survey for ft railroad be
tween Nicholson and Lancsboro, and to
obtain a charter for tho same.
The Democratic county committee
will meet In Montrose on Saturday
next, to arrange for the nominating
convention, etc.
For the past few weeks a young man
nnd woman, claiming to be man and
wife, have been operating along tho
Jeffernon Branch nnd In tho Lackawan
na Valley, with a now dodge. Landing
In a town, the woman seems to be ill,
nnd tho man Informs the people that o
very Interesting event Is in the pro
gramme for the very nenr future. Then
the poor authorities hustle and get the
people out of town, giving her tickets
to omo other point nnd Botno money.
The tenderhearted bystanders usually
chip In a few dollars. Last week they
worked NInovah, Thomson, Forest City
and other towns. They secured $7 In
Thomson, nnd the woman wns heard
to say: "This Is a very small sum for
a place ot this size. Newspapers will
do well to pass this couple along in
the usual way.
The Erie shops have been placed on
nine hours time, a gain of one hour.
Tho Erie Is enjoying a good run of
There Is a lingering suspicion that
the Quakers have captured the Sus
quehanna board of trade.
Lovers of scandal and gossip are
Just now waxing fat on account of a
Lancsboro episode. It doesn't take
much to please some people.
After an Illness of several months
Mrs. Abraham Matttson died at her
home on the Oakland side on Saturday
evening. The remains were on Monday
taken to Paterson for services and In
terment. The fine new Presbyterian church ed
ifice will on Thursday next be dedicat
ed with appropriate ceremonies. In
the morning the eermon will be
preached by Rev. Dr. Edward Taylor,
of Blnghamton. In tho afternoon Rev.
G. Parsons Nichols, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church in Blnghamton.
will preach. In the evening there will
be addresses by former pastors of the
church and a general jubilee.
Rev. William M. Hlller, the able and
popular pastor of tho Methodist church
is fllowily recovering from a very se
vere attack of pneumonia.
Ex-Sheriff B. F. McKune Is serious
ly HI with pneumonia at his home on
the Oakland side. To-day his condi
tion is perceptibly Improved.
"Whnt's the matter with "Whit?"
In Wednesday's Scranton Tribune he
says: 'Susquehanna county Republi
cans will vote for no man for Governor
who will not veto the Erie Bonus Bill.'
As a matter of fact the Republicans
of this county will vote for no man who
will veto the Erie bill. Montrose Re
publican. The Tribune compositor inadvertent
ly dropped the word "not" into the sea
tonic. That's all. Of course everybody
In Susquehanna county is in favor of
the bonus bill. Some sweet day it will
become a law.
A fcv days since Frank Austin, a
farm hand employed on the Searle
farm, near Montrose, turned a 4-year-old
bull Into a yard to give it exercise.
A rope that had been wound around
the animal's horns had partially un
wound and was dangling in the air,
when Austin again nproached for tho
purpohe of making the rope secure,
when the bull savagely attacked him.
Mr. Searle and his farmer came to the
rescue, and, with pieces of boards, af
ter a sharp battle succeded In driving
the animal away. Austin was serious
ly injured. One shoulder and two ribo
were broken, nnd one of the ribs pene
trated a lung. The injuries will prob
ably not prove fatal.
The hottest people In the world this
week are the Spanish ofllclalB and a
few disgruntled politicians over in
Wayne County. Both ought to think
twice before going to wnr.
Some zealous soula over nt Pleasant
Mount aie preparing to prospect for
coal. May they succeed beyond their
most sanguine expectations!
The Susquehanna Board of Trade has
resolved: "That, in the light of equity,
our county could not, until further de
velopments, be justified in recognizing
the belllgerancy of Cuba, which would
not be an act of war." The Board
favors arbitration before a resort to
war, provided, there is no criminal re
sponsibility on tho part of Snain."
inis wouia appear to settle It. The
Incident Is now closed." Whitney.
That the Salvation Army In Towanda
has done a large amount of good "ji
our poorer class of people is an un
doubted statement made by muny.
Their meetings are lurgely attended
each evening nnd Ensign and Mrs.
Webb are receiving the warm support
ot all. On Thursday evening a wed
ding was held, when Arthur Davidson
and Miss Mabel Wheaton, of this place,
were married, tho services being per
formed "by Maj. Glfford and Lleut.-Col.
Keppel. Tho couple ore soon to enter
a school preparatory for Salvation
Army woilc.
A formal opening of the St. Agnes
school building will occur about April
14. Th'c building Is one of the finest
brick structures In this Bectlcn of the
G. G. Henley, who has been In Aus
tralla the past few years, has Just re
turned to his home in Towanda.
Miss Agnes Miller, of LeRaysvllle,
was a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. W.
Gaylord, the past week,
Towanda was visited by two heavy
thunder storms Friday and Saturday
Wo huve been informed that our wor
thy and estimable townsman, Hon. Jats.
H. Codding, is in the field for re-noml-natlon
to congress in the Fifteenth
district- Tho gentleman, during his
)QBt and present term, lias performed
hla duties much to tho satisfaction of
tho majority of voters, nnd should he
be successful wo hope to see him again
Prof. Parley Coburn, a prominent
educator, died at his homo in Elmtra
last week Monday, after un illness of
two weeks, aged 62 years. Prof. Co
burn was born In Standing Stone, this
county, whero lie resided until the
breaking out of the war, when he en-
r12rTi12O,YA:SHlMST0N Avenue.
Seeing Is R
But feeling is the naked truth. We apply the naked
truth to our Dress Goods. We don't buy Dress
Goods for looks alone. We look for stubborn quali
ties in goods we buy, that assure satisfactory wear
and durability.
We don't sacrifice style to get service. By choos
ing wisely we got both and we ask no more because
our goods are trusty.
Special attention is directed this week to our
60c Redfern Serges
60c Vigoreaux Suitings
The former in all colors, including black. The Vigor
eaux in all the desirable mixtures.
(onnolfy & Wallace
127 and 129 Washington Avenue.
listed and served for three and one
third years. Soon after the war he
went to Elmlra and in 1S71 was made
principal of the school over which ho
has since presided. His wlfo and one
son survive him.
Our popular druggist and bicycle
dealer, C. T. Kirby, not only enjoys a
large 'business in that capacity of "ousl
ness, but as the manager of Halo's
orera house. This place of amusement
atforJs many rare entertainments dur
ing tho seasons for our theatregoers,
and Mr. Kirby, during his many years'
management, spares no pains in con
tracting for the best companies on tho
road. He has already secured the fam
ous John L. Sullivan company, the late
Lillian Kennedy's troupe, Magician
Powell, and now he has announced as
the next attraction, for March 31, the
greatest of all, Magician Kellar, all of
which have visited Towanda before.
Mr. Kit by certainly deserves the high
est appreciation of all In his efforts
and when he secures such worthy at
ti actions he should be encouraged more
by giving a full house every time.
A five-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Phllo Gunsnulls died on Sunday
evening. Some time ago she was sick
with diphtheria, but had almost recov
ered when she had n relapse which end
ed in her death. The funeral was held
yesterday and the remains were tak
en to Wavmart, the former home of tho
parents, for interment.
H. M. Kennedy was a visitor at his
old homo in Pleasant Mount, Wayne
county, the first ot the week.
An anlmotoscope entertainment was
given at the Vandllng Congregational
church Monday evening. The attend
ance was fair and tho entertainment
was a good one.
Several Forest City people express
their intention of locating In New Mex
ico this spring-.
A Disease That Prevails During
the Early Spring Months.
There is a disease somewhat resem
bling la grippe, beginning very much
like a common cold, often called in
fluenza, which is
in reality spring
catarrh. The re
laxing influences
together with the
of the tempera
ature, constitute
the chief causes.
Its onset is sud
den. There may
have been no ex
posure to the cli
mate, It often begins In the night
while sleeping, nnd a person ts left to
wonder where ho has caught cold.
Watery discharge from the nose, puffy
feeling in the eyes, headache, more or
less sore throat, sometimes cough, ach
ing of the bones, general lassitude. A
course with Pe-ru-na should be begun
at the appearnnce of tho first symp
tom. Pe-ru-na is the only remedy that
can be relied upon to promptly check
this disease. Mr. A, L. Racevllle, Dela
ware, Ky writes: "Pe-ru-na did me
more good than all the other medicines
recommended for chronic colds. I
speak from self-experience when I say
it Is one ot the best remedies known,"
Everybody should have a copy of Dr.
Hartman's latest book on chronic ca
tarrh. Sent fieo by The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Company, Columbus,
Erie nnd Wyoming Valley,
In Effect Sept. 19, 1607.
Trains leave Scranton for New Vork
and Intermediate paints on Erie railroad,
also for Hawloy and local points at 7.05
a. m. and 2.25 p. m.
Arrive at Scranton from above points
at 10.23 a. m.. 3.15 and 9.33 u. m.
Schedule In Effect Nov. 38, 1897.
Trains Leave Wilkos-Barro as Fol
lows: 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and the West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and the Wost.
3.12 p. m , dally, for Sunbury, Harris
burg. Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, nnd Pittsburg and
tho West.
5.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD, (len'l Pass. Agent.
J. U. HUTCHINSON, Qeneral Manager.
Del.. Lacka. nnd Western.
Effect Monday, Nov, 21, 1SD".
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York nnd all points East,
1.40, 3 00, 5.15, 8.00 and 10.05 a. in.: 12.CS and
3.SS p. m.
Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia and the South, 5.15, 8.W and 10.20 a.
u., 12.55 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations, 3.15 p. m.
Tobyhnnna accommodation, 6,10 p. m.
Express for lilnghamton, Oswego, El
mlra, Corning, li.ith. Dansvllle. Mount
Morris and Uuffalo. 12.10. 2.X5, 9 00 a, m.,
and 1.65 p. m making close connections
nt Uuffalo to nil points in the West,
Northwest and Southwest.
Dlnehamton and viiy stntlons. 1.05 p. m.
Nicholson accnmmoilntlon, 5 15 p. m.
Blncluimton and Elmlra express, 5.63
p. m.
Expiess forl'tlca nnd Rlchtleld Springs,
2.'to u. m und 1.55 p. in.
Ithaca. 2.35, 3.00 a 111., nnd 1.65 p. m.
Tor Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes
Barre. Plymouth, Moomshurs and Dan
ville, making closo toiincctlons at North
umberland fur Willlamtport, Harrisburg,
Baltimore. Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 6.00, 10.05 a. m., and 1.C5 and C.Oo p.
Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations,
8.08 ai,d 11.10 a. m. Plymouth and Intel
mediata stations, 3.35 and 8.50 p. m. For
Kingston, 12.45 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coached on
all express trains. ,
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith. Dis
trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket of
fice. Central Railroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division,)
Stations In New York Foot of Liberty
street, N. It., and South Ferry Whitehall
Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur
ing cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20. 10.10 a. m 1.20,
2.35, 3.20, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m..
1.00. 2.15, 7.10 V. m.
For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.20
a. m.
For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth,
8.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with
Buffet parlor car), 3.20 (express) p. m.
(Sunday, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m.
arrives at Philadelphia. Heading Ter
minal, 7.17 p. m. und New York 7.05 p. m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle
hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.3) a. m.,
1.20, 3.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m.
For Baltimore und Washington nnd
points South and West via Bathlehcm,
8.20 a. m., 1.20 p, m. Sundays, 2.15 p, m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at
.20 a, m. and 1.20 p. m.
For Beading, Lebanon and Harrisburg
via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Sun
day, 2.15 p. m.
For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m.
Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib
erty street, North Itlver, at 4.00. 9.10 (ex
press) u. rn., 1.30 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 u. m.
Leave New York, South Ferry, foot
Whitehall stieet, at 9.08 a. ,m., 1.25 p. m,
Passengers arriving or departing from
thts terminal can connect under cover
with all the elevated railroads, Broadway
cable cars, and ferries to Brooklyn und
Staten Island, making quick transfer to
and from Grand Central Depot and Long
Island Kallroad.
Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal,
9.00 a. m., 2.00 p. in. Sunday, 6.25 a. m.
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rate may be had on application In ad
vance to the ticket agent at the Htatlon.
H. P. BALDWIN, den. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday. Feb. 21, trains will leave
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondale-6.20. 7.55, S.55, 10.15 a.
m.: 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.20. 3.52, B.23, 6.2J, 7.57,
9.15. 11.00 p. m.; 1.18 a. m.
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., 0.20 a. m.,
2.20 p. m.
For HoneBdale 6.20, 8.53, 10.15 a. m.;
12.00 noon; 2.20, 5.25 p. m.
For Wllkes-Barre C.45. 7.60, 8.45. 9.3S,
10.45 a. m.: 12.05, 1.25. 2.21, 3.33, 4.41. 6.10. 7.50,
10.2. 11.30 p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Vnllcy K. R., 6.45 a m.. 12.05. 1.25,
4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Expressl,
11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.43, 9.38
a. m.; 2.21. 4.41 p. m.
For western points via Lehigh Valley
R. R 7.50 a. in., 12 05, 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 10.28, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will urrlvo at Scranton as fol
lows: From Carbondalo and the north 6.40,
7.45, 8.10, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2.18. 3.25. 4.37. 5.45. 7.45. 10.25. 11.27 D. m.
From Wllkes-Barre and the south 6.'5,
7.50, 8.50, 10.10, 11.55 a. m.; 1.16. 2.14, 3.48,
5.20 6.21, 7.53, 9 05. 10.05 p. m. ; 1.13 n. in.
Complete Information regarding rate
to all points In tho United States and
Canada may be obtained ut the ticket of
flco In the depot.
Special attention given to Western and
Southern resort business.
J. W. BURDICK. G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y.
II. W. CROS3, D. P. A- Scranton. Pa.
Lehigh Valley Knilroad System
Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleanli
ness and Comfort.
In Effect Feb. 20, 1S98.
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& II. R. R. at t.15 n, m nnd 12.05, 2.21, 4.41
(Black Diamond Express) und 11.30 p. m.
For Plttston and Wllkes-Barre via D.,
L. & W. H. R 6.00, 11.10 a. m., 1.63, 3.35,
6.00 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Hiiyleton, Pottsville.
and principal points In tho coal regions
"la D. & H. R. R 6.13, 12.05. 2.21 and 1.41
p. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
risburg und principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. R. R 0.45 a. m 12.05,
2.21, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express), 11.30
p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedi
ate stutlons, via D., L. & W. R. 11., S.OS
a. ni 12.45 and 3.33 p. m.
For Goneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls. Chicago nnd all points west via
D. & 11. R. R., 12 05. 3.3J (Black Diamond
Express). 10.28 and 11.30 p. m.
Piillman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley parlor cars on all trains betweou
Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge.
CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Phila
delphia. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Asst. General
Pass. Agt., Philadelphia, Pa.
Scranton office, 303 Lackawanna avenue.
'"" In Effect December 13th. 1807.
North Bound.
south Bound,
201 204
& & Btatlons y
5 fl Trlns Dally. Ex. 3
Z cept Sunday.) Q g
I ......r mArrlve Leave a u
.... m.... 785N. Y. Franklin St. .... 740 ....
.... .. 7iWest nd street .... 7M ....
".! ...... 70Ci weehawken .... 810 ....
r MlArrlYe Leave! r u
, l I6i CadORln ,.,, I 3 el ....
::: .... && staiuznt .... am ....
ia Praston rark- .... S3i ....
40 Wlnwpofl .... 1141 ....
it as royntelie dm ,.
1814 orsou .... sea ....
18 0 I'letsant lit. .... SC-8 ...
flH Unlondale .... 8 0S ....
1149' Forest city .... a 19
1184 carbondale .... 8 54,,.,
fllM White bridge .... f888 ...
til as Narntia .... is 43 ....
11 S3 Jeruiyu .... 846'..,,
1118 Archibald .... SB! ....
1115 Milium .... art ....
, nil "eckvllle . ,. 8fw .
1107 i.'nnaiit ,,,. 4 0i ....
11 OJ ITlceturg . ot ....
1103 Throop .... 410 .
lion Providence ,,, ill ,,,,
.... . .. 11067 rark l'laoe .... til? ....
lose Bcrantoa .... so ....
a ii Leave Arrive r u
I.. i
ill trains run dallr exceot fiundar.
L signifies that trains stop on sunal for pas.
t-ecure rates via Ontario Western betora
RarchaslDK tickets and save money. Day ard
bjat B 1 press to ttie west.
J.O, Anderson, Oen. Pass Agt,
T. FUtorort. Vtv, fass. Act. Borsntao. F.
Dr. E- Grewer
(The Philadelphia Specialist,)
many otuer degrees ana
honorary emblems which he holds. No specialist in this
or any other country is able to show the credentials that
Dr. Grewer holds today.
Ozo-Nite Gas, iucluding generator, warrauted to gener
ate Ozo-Nite Gas for one year, shipped to any part of the
United States. Any child cau handle it. The only and
original home treatment for Catarrh in the United States.
Ozo-Nite Gas is mild, soothing and effective. Ozo-Nite
Gas will positively cure Hoarseness, Catarrhal Deafness
and all diseases of the
Ear, Nose and Throat.
Dr. E. Grewer, the eminent Philadelphia specialist, Is a graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of Practical Physiology
at the Medlco-Chlrurglcal college, of Philadelphia.; honornry member of the
Medlco-Chlrurglcal college; member of tho General Alumni association of the
University of Pennsylvania; member of the Houston club ot tho University
of Pennsylvania; member of the Joseph Leldy Fellowship of Anatomy; mem
ber of the Board of Charity of Scranton, Pa.; member of the Historical Sci
ence association of Lackawanna county, Scranton, Pa.; president ot the Ath
ens Mining and Milling company; president of the International Medical
Association and Advertising League of America; one of the youngest mem
bers of the Grand Army of tho Republic; surgeon of tho Union Veterans'
union; and the doctor comes highly Indorsed by tho leading professors of
thl3 country and abroad.
The doctor nnd his staff of English and German physicians make a spe
cialty of all forms of Chronlo Nervous Diseases, Skin, Womb. Blood Dis
eases. Including Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Histeria, St, Vitus'
dance:, wa
BRAIN WORKERS, both men an
been broken down and shattered fro
cause, can be restored by my method.
All who call upon the Doctor fro
Inatlon, service and examination free.
state will not allow him to accept an
you they will frankly tell you so.
Diseases of the
The symptoms of which are dizziness,
men and women, ball rising In the th
of memory, unable to concentrate th
when spoken suddenly to, and dull, d
performing the actual duties of life,
lng the action of the heart, causing fl
forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams,
feeling as tired In the morning as wh
ness, trembling, confusion of thought,
the limbs, etc. Those so affected Bhou
stored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored, Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and
be examined. He cures the worst kind of Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old
Sores. Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose,
Throat, Asthma, Deafness and Cripples of every description. Tumors, Can
cers and Goiters removed without the use of knife or painful caustics by
our newly devised absorbent method known as tho "ELECTRO-GERMICIDE."
And our OZO-NITE GAS cures Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness.
Consultation free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours dally
from 10 a m tn s ?D p m. Sunday from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
T The
tJUL OVER 10,000
HHIffiSisH; 3-
111 wBAT!.i,.ii.A.'
ilfc5l '.w
Bill Timber cut to order on wliort notice. Hardwood Mine Ralls
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Pooled llMiilock
I'rop Timber promptly l-'tirnlshcd.
MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and Susqiic.
banna Uuilroad. At Allan, Potter County, Pa., on Coudcrsport, und
Port Allegany Hail road. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFl'ICE-lloardof Trade Uuildlng, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
Apollo Nervi-Tablets
m m V
A poJitlra cur for men
tod dlitaatMa. thrftjatantul
of manly fowern.wMtoJ orgua
I vCv I
by ! iceuMimd bua of tbt vital force. Aiurera- IwlaFLIV
Wrr ot JottflUlHr od qultklrtlU kih.i forbaini. HH A IM I V
ulunr or mac red marrlaffa. JL kUl. I,n NK If Vt.TA n f. . x. I VI " I M Wm I
lcur whero all other to-called nine and brain remedlfw fall. Ihei have restored
I thooaandi of men to tho pink fla.bof manhood and Mey trill cure you. A
wsitteu luarBiiion to uu ur movmj rinnai in BTery baft, uon 1 a ei or. uav
V2Z'ii.Jj:OLLO XXHVITAttLKTS. l'ri wifhlnraach ol all. '
Kfl f!FNTl "P?!- Pr '"" trattment utx pkUini tor nil). 0ot by
WV UblllU mail. PUlalr wntnitAdnunn rMtalrilnf nrlra.. AildrMu.
MiUtliows llros., Wbolcsale nnd Hotall DrugjjlutB, hcrantou, I'll.
BcrattlffiuiieoJi a rellabW, monthly, roxoUtlnr modioli.. Oolr hamlHStVS4
Us pareit drugs shsuld bt uJ. If 70a want ihs Utl, rl
G3r. Pcafl's Pennyroyal Pills
'rC5v V?c U
I fs Q TBa
Thy ara prompt, ! c J osrtaln In remit. The Raoala (Dr, l'tal's) Btta4Uaa
' Hi" I nt Cat !. ! wharaa Ol IYi A A A mm Bfifa. Uanjaiai r Dava art A a
Has just returned from his
St. Louis, Chicago aud West
ern offices and will now, re
main at his permanent office
iu the Old Postoffice Build
ing, corner Spruce street and
Penn avenue, where he may
be consulted from ro a. in. to
8,30 p. ra. The doctor, while
Chicago, had several
honors conferred upon him
by Medical Colleges there,
namely, the titles of Doctor
of Philosophy and Bac. of
Science in addition to his
d women, whose nervous systems have
m overwork, no matter from what
m now on will receive advice, exnm-
Dr. Grewer's high standing In the
y Incurable cases. If they cannot euro
Nervous System,
lack of confidence, sexual weakness In
roat, spots floating before the eyes, loss
e mind on one subject, easily startled
(stressed mind, which unfits them for
making happiness impossible, dlstress-
ush of heat, depression of spirits, evil
melancholy, tiro easy of company.
en retiring, lack of energy, nervous-
depression, constipation, weakness of
Id consult us Immediately and be re-
giving a 2,000 candle power light
from kerosene oil.
Invaluable for Engineers, Iron Found
ers, Contractors, Builders. Mines,
Collieries.Street Railways, etc
5 Kin,
M. E, KEELEY, Manager.
709 West Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Telephone 3931.
(jonoi or old) atTerinn from
lniAiiitr. lark of mimnn. Iam
and otter wMknMtwtcituMKl
Phrrnclt &',, wV'imlnavonvo md
Wells Light