The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 22, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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1 lis III
In r i
r a
S Exclusive newness 5
s marks our 1898 Spring
g, Stock fiue shoemaking g
s brought to its highest 3
2 perfection. The shapes g
5 and leathers are the a
5 smartest. Particular 5
a young women will de- a
a light in their beauty and 5
S style. I
5 Full line of Vici Kid, a
g with Vesting Tops, light g
a flexible soles, newest a
a shape toe, all sizes and g
a widths.
Tho Wllkcs-Darre Ilecora can bo nad
In Scrr n ton at the news stands of M.
Melnhart, 113 Wyoming avenue; Mac,
Lackawanna avenue.
Scranton. P.i March 22, IS")",
Notice Is hereby given to the Hopubll
tan voters of the Second legislative dis
trict that a convention will be held m the
Arbitration room In the Court House on
Tuesday, April G, lSS, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Hharp, for the purpose of electing two
delegates to lepresent this dKtrltt In tho
Republican state convention at Harrlt,
burg Juno 2.
vigilant committees will hold primary
elections- in their several precincts on
Sdturday.yvprll Z, from 4 to 7 o'clock p. m.
rred w. Fleltz. Chairman.
Walter K. Davis, Secretary.
L.ldirman Howe esterday minted Da-
Lewis, of Moscow, and Miss Anna
lie Owens, of Throop. .
, smoker will bo conducted Wedncs-
Icvcnlng In Hulbert's hall by TlnnerV
union. No. Hi.
uular meeting of the Central Wo-
-i Christian Tcmperaneo union this
loon at 3 o clerk.
wns u lleht fall of snow pster.
Srnlntr. DUt ucrore nielit nearlv .ill
i --- . r. . : ------ -----
of the white mantlo had dlsappturod.
Patrick McDonald sustained a dislo
cated shoulder yesterday by tailing down
stairs. Ho Is at tho Lackawanna hos
pital. David Lewis, of Moscow, and Anna
Jane Owens, of Throop: Dlmer Josljn and
-Minnie uovvles, or uarliondale, were jes.
terday granted marriage licenses.
A special meeting of tho Women's guild
of St. Luke's church Is called for Wed
nesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock at tho nr-
isn rooms in ucnra ct trade building. Im
portant to members.
Joseph J. Curt, who has been In chaiso
of Jonas Long's Sons cafe since thut
store was opened, tendered his resigna
tion Saturday last, and expects to engage
In business in some other city.
Thirty-seven deaths, only one of which
was from contagious disease, diphtheria,
wore reported to tho board of health last
week, rivo now cises of diphtheria and
(mo of scarlctlna wero reported.
J. O. liachnmn, representing himself
nnd a number of other propertv holders
of Lehigh township. Hied objection es
terdav to the proposed annexation to
Gouldsboro of a part of the township.
Dr Huntington, superior of the Order
of the Holy Cross, will address the busy
men and women of this city nt tho noon
day meeting in St. Luke's church. Wed
nesday and Thursday of this week at
12 m.
In Tho Tribune's report of the returns
of llcenso court it was erroneously btated
that the llcenso of W. H. Thomas, of 51
Lackawanna avenue, had been refused
for cause. The llcenso was granted to
nrothcr applicant, John W. Williams.
Meeting of tho Green nidge Woman s
Christian Temperanco union at tho homo
of Mrs. Dolph, 1367 Capouse avenue, on
Tuesday afternoon, March 71, at 2 30. It
Is tho morthly business meeting nmt a
good attendarce Is desired by tho presi
dent Tho young people of tho Scranton Turn
vcreln held an enjojublo social in mat
ter's hall, Lackawanna avenue, tho torn
porary quarters of tho society, taut night
There wero pltno selections by Mini
L'mma Wellncr and Miss Hose Mutter
nnd vocal solos by Miss Wellner and
Miss Viola Kahrenholt. Dancing was en
Joyed at tho conclusion of tho musical
Fresh Fish
Every Day.
I ap in mm
Vn Ilonrd Iloforo Judgo IMwnril
A hoarltiR on tro Osborno writ of
habeas corpus was h'ad yesterday by
Juclh'o Edwnrds, In chambers. Mrs.
Flora Osborne, the petitioner, fccelcs to
recover possession of her two children
from her husband, Ocorga Osborne.
Tho parties are residents of Dalton.
About throe weeks nt'o they separated,
the wife, with their two chlldien, Eth
?1 and Hazol, aged reflectively, sovon
and four years, tnklnir up her residence
with' her aunt, Mis. Boardmali also a
resident of Dalton.
On tho afternoon of March 8, the ltwu
band called at Mr?, Itoardnnn's to t.ce
tho children. Ills wlfei dressed them
up and allowed them to so for n walk
with the father, upon his promise to
bo back with them Ijeforo 7.30 o'clock
In the evenlnp. He did not return ns
agreed, but InMcnd took tho children
to this city anil eft them In the caro
of friend. The next day sho began
habeas corpus proceedings to securo
their return.
Tho husband offered as a defense at
the hearing, jestcrday, that he was
not satisfied that his wife was u proper
perstm to care for the chlldien. There
nte morles alloat in Dalton, ho alleged,
coilcernlns her conduct while ho Is at
work In this city, and she has not prov
ed them to be untrue. If she disproves
them, he says, he Is not only vvilllnK
to give back tho children, but to also
take her back to his heart and home.
Judo l'dvard3 announced that ho
would give a decision In the case one
wick from next Monday. Vosburg &
Dawson pre Mrs. Osborne's attorneys.
George W. Beale represents tho bus
Session of tbc United Slates District
Court Wilt Open Here This Morn
ing Prominent Men berc.
Judge BufTinBton, of the U nlted
States District court; Clerk Lindsay,
of Plttsburg.and a host of other oillccrs,
witnesses und Jurors arrived In the city
last evening. Tho court officers made
their headquarters at tho Jermyn.where
Hon. D. I?. Helner, of Kittanlng, Arm
strong county, United States district
attorney, and one of his assistants,
John Meyer, of Lock Haven, hav e been
located since Saturday getting things
In shape for the annual session of the
district court In this city, which opens
at 10 o'clock this morning. Judge Ache
son, of the Circuit court, will not be
here, and Judge Bulllngton will hear
circuit cases after tho district cases
are disposed of.
Mr. Helner's first assistant, D. M.
Miller, of Plttsbuig. will not be here
on account of the death of his wife,
who was buried yesteiday In Pittsburg.
J. M, Langhnm, of Indiana, Indiana
county, another of the assistants, and
Miss Louise Schaffer, of Pittsburg, tho
stenographerand clerk of the dlstrlctnt
tornev's oiflce, were among last night's
arrivals. Miss Schaffer Is an authority
on business inatteis. pertaining to the
district attorney's office. She held the
same position under District Attorneys
Lyon and Hall.
In the session of the district court
which begins this morn'lng, thirty
eight cases await trial. Eleven of the
defendants are charged with counter
feiting nnd eighteen with violating the
Internal revenue laws. One of the Im
portant cases that will come up for
trial is that against Charles T. Hull,
cashier of the First National bank at
Athens, Btadford county, who Is
charged with embezzlement.
Among the distinguished Individuals
who have been summoned as Jurors
for this term are Judge J. II. Long
necker, of Bedford; Judge Harold Mc
Cluie, of Lewlsburg; ex-Marshal Wal
ker, of Urle, and John A. Woodward,
of Howard, Centre county, lecturer of
the State Grange. There are also four
associate Justices among the Jurors.
Ex-Mnyor Wnlter Scott, of hrie. Is
another prominent Juror, who Is in the
city. He has many friends here and
so has Attorney John Pettit, a Pitts
burg lawyer, who arrived last night,
Ex-Asslatant United States Distilct
Attorney David Cameron, of Wells
boro, Is heie to attend the sessions of
the court.
The duties of Fliet Assistant Dis
tilct Attorney Miller will be assumed
by S. B. Griffith, of Mercer, who filled
that office under District Attorney
Hall. Joseph lions, Marshal Leonard's
chief deputy, arrived last night. He
Is a young man who made many
friends here during previous sessions
of the court. Secret Service Officers
William McMnnus and M. A. Grlflln
and Postofflce Inspectors Owen and
Gorman are hero to act as witnesses In
government cases.
King Dramatic ( ompniiy.
There was a largo audience at tho
Academy of Music last night at the open
ing performance of the King Dramatic
company. "The Stowaway" was the
diama selected to begin the engagement
and the excellent manner in which It was
presented was a splendid demonstration
of the merits of tho company.
Miss rio Crowell, tho star, made a
lino lmprtslon b her uctlng und grace
ful stugo presence. Among tho membeis
of the supporting company deserving of
mention are Kendal Weston, Edwin Em
ery. Edwin Burroughs, ltiehard Crollus,
Miss Frances New hall und Miss Margaret
Tennant. Specialties were Intiodueed ly
ltiehard Cdollus and Master McDonald.
The drama was stagod In an exception illy
At the iratlneo this afternoon tho three
net comedy, "Iho Clicus Girl," will bo
piesented and tonight tho "Lights O'
London "
"Sweet InnUcnrru."
"Sweet Innlscarra," tho title given to
Chauncey Olcutt's new pla). Is a sweet,
wholesome nnd cnjojablo plav, and an
udequatu setting for the display of Mr.
Olcott'a exceptional power, both as un
nctor and slrger Mr. Olcott's engage
ment Is for Wednesday and Thursday
nights at tho Ljccum und it is said that
no liner scenic production will bo been
this season.
Undo Tom' Cnhln.
A fine presentation of "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" was given at the Linden yester
day afternoon and evening by tho slock
company. Miss Kemp mado a distinct
success In tho role of Topsy, and Chariest
II. McKlnley ns Uncle Tom and Thadous
Grayns Ueoigo Harris did excellent worn,
l.lttlo Ilebecca Finberg. of this city, won
much fuvuiable comment by her Imper
sonation of Llttlo Eva,
The drama will be repeated this and to.
morrow afternoons and evenings. Tho
bicycle contest continues to excite much
I'or Nerroui Kxtiuiiullun
Up HorfforiPx Acid I'lmsphnln.
Dr. A. L. Turner, IJIoomaburg Sani
tarium, Philadelphia, Pa says: "As
an adjunct to the recuperative powers
of the nervous system. I know of noth.
Ing equal to It."
Traver Illegal Llqunr Selling Cases Are
Under Consideration.
Judgo Gunster Slttluc In Kiinlty Lis
tens to ArgumpntR In tho Hull Over
the flight to Vsn Ilia Trade Name ol
the .New York Dental I'nrlors.-Con-slnblos
Mnkn Uetimis-'Onljr Two
Discover Uvldenco of tho Illegal
Sale ol Liquor.
Judge Gtinstor jestcrday charged
the grand Jury, heard the returns of
the county constabulary and opened a
week's session of equity court.
Nothing out of the ordinal y was con
tained In the charge. The Jury 10
tlrcd nnd at once begnn deliberating
on tho cases that have accumulated
slnco tho last ncsslon. Tho C. W.
Traver cases ngalnst twenty Scran
tonlans nnd eleven Carbondnllans for
selling liquor without a llcenso were
taken up during tho afternoon.
The Jury Is composed of M. J. Lov
ern, Scinnton, foreman; M J. Burns,
Scranton; AMIIIam Campbell, Scran
ton; M. II. Carpenter, Scranton; Itob
ein N. Cnrey, Scott! William Cuslck,
Scianton; Thomas It. Davis, Scran
ton; Evan C. Davis. Scranton; John
Gaffrcy, Carbondale: Harry Gould,
Moscow; Douglass II. Jay, Scranton;
J. r. ICenyon, Greenfield; Hugh' J.
Keenan, Scianton; John Tarn, Lehigh;
William Moses, Scranton; William J.
Nclger, Taylor; Charles Oakley, La
Plume; James Surdlv-al, Carbondale;
Cephus Scott, Scranton; V C. Thomp
son, Newton; A. Tilllnchas, La
Plume; John Wnterfleld, Caibi,ndale;
J. II. Wheeler, Jermyn.
Only two constables reported viola
tions of the liquor law. Seth J-mlth, of
the First waid of Scnnton, returned
Michael Dm kin, John P. Neary, Thos.
Hcban and Ell7n)cth llairlngton and
ltiehard Uirien, constable of Dickson
borough, returned Edward J Butke.
None of the South Side constables bad
nn thing to report that would lequlre
tho consideration of the district at
torney. Three cases were set down for hear
ing In equity court: C. C Papp against,
the Now Yoik Dental parlors; Eliza
beth Maynard against Catherine Sta
ples, Isaac B. Felts against the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western l nil
road company. The last named case
ws continued until the net term
The Sapp case was argued by John
M. Harris and John F. Scragg for the
complainant; Charier L Hnwloy, for
the defendant. It Is a suit to deter
mine the right to the use of th trade
name, "Tho New York Dental Pal
lors." Dr. C. C. Sapp, tbc olalntlff, allegeb
that he opened an office at 111 Wyom
ing avenue, March 4, 1S97, styling the
place the New York Dental Parlors
Through extensive advertising in tho
newspapers nnd the superior quality of
the woik performed there he built up
an enviable reputation for the New
York Dental Parlors.
Some months later, he alleges, Dr.
Samuel E. Starr and .several associates,
representing a New York firm estab
lished a "New York Dental Pallors ' at
the corner of Lackawanna and Wyom
ing avenues. Pet sons who wanted
work done at the Dr. Sapp Institution
found their way to the other plae?, it
Is alleged, and as ,.n inferior qualltv
of woik. It Is alleged, was done at the
Dr. Starr establishment, the plaintiffs
aforesaid enviable reputation was dam
aged to a great extent.
The defense was that Dr. Sapp was
the transgressor. Mr. Haw ley con
tended that the Now York Dental Par
lors, represented by Dr. Starr, was an
Incorporated institution, chartered un
der tho law s of New York and author
ized to do business In tho state of
Pennsylvania, "While It was true that
the company was not chartered until
May 15, 1897, it was In existence nnd
doing business under the name of the
New York Dental Parlcis, as eaily us
1S82 In New York state and 1838 in
Pennsylvania. It was alleged that Dr
Sapp knew of this and that when he
established a "New York Dental Par
lors" In this city he was banking on
the reputation of the New York con
Mr. Hawley also contended that Dr.
Sapp had assigned whatever right he
might have had In the trade name by
lolnlng with Dr. G E. Hill, Dr. Charles
Hill, Mrs. Cella Hill and Mis. Jennie
Hill. In petitioning the governor for a
cliatter for a corporation to bo known
us ' The New York Dentil Parlois."
tho appllcatlan having been made Just
prior to tlo commencement of tho
present suit. Judge Ounster ruled this
offer out as being immaterial. The
arguments in the case were concluded
at 4 o'clock.
This morning the case of Mavnard
against Staples will bo heaid. It is a
suit for tho possession of a piece of land
In tho North End.
Ordinances Providing for Tlirm Have
llcen Mcurd bv (lie llnyor.
In view of the i eduction made fiom
25 to 23 cents per night for electric
lights, Mayor Bailey yesteiday signed
oidlnances for nine additional llght.s.
The lights are for the corner of Moian
court and Broadway in the Eighteenth
ward, Irving avenue and River Btreet
In tho Nineteenth ward, Meadow ave
nue and Elm street in the Nineteenth
ward, Oxford and Ninth streets In the
Fifth ward, Price street and Palrvlew
avenue In the Fourteenth ward, be
tween Twenty-third andTwenty-fourth
streets In the Twenty-fit st wurd, Brick
avenue and Wurien street In the Sec
ond ward, Von Storch avenue and
Breaker street In the Second ward,
Providence road between Court stieet
and Church's corners in tho Second
ward. The last thtee lights, according
to the ordinances providing for them,
are to be paid for "out of tho 1897 ap
propriations for lights." As the 1897
appropriations for lights Is only suffic
ient for tho number now In use, It Is
probable that the three lights In ques
tion will have to be erected under new
The nine lights will cost $755.55 per
Jcnkln Morgans, of the West Bide, was
yesterday committed to Jail for fifteen
dayu for beini; drunk and disorderly.
Prank Slmnron, 4 jears end, u butcher,
was lined $3 for drunkenness,
lfenry Joliiston, 27 pars of age, a
bollermaker, of JIoobIc, wus fined IS for
1 diunkfinnens.
That In hat Mr. Smith Sn Abonl
Charles P. Dcnkln.
Mrs. M,ary 13. Smith, wife of D. C.
Smith, of l'eckvllle, yesterday began
an action agalnnt Charles F. Deakln,
superintendent of the powder mill nt
that place, to recover $2,000 damages.
She Is represented by Attorneys Vos
burg & Dawson.
Mrs. Smith alleges that Deakln cir
culated some ery damaging stories
about her which were absolutely false.
Smith was until recently employed In
tho powder mill under Deakln.
Plenty f Trnlni.
Lack of train service Is said by Euro
peans to be the only one poor feature
of American travel. Those who know
will agree that the Lako Shore nnll
wny Is not remiss even In this respect.
Not only tire Its tinlns the latest pro
duct of car bulldcis' skill but It runs
more of them than any other western
line. Traveleis between Buffalo, Cleve
land, Toledo, Chicago and all points In
west nnd southwest should buy their
tickets over tho Lake Shore.
Jenkins & Morris' Oponlng.
Our Spring opening of the latest de
signs In millinery occuis Thursday,
Friday and Saturday this week.
Jenkins & Morris,
400 Spruce street.
To the hundred or so people who found it so
difficult to be waited on at yesterday's picture
frame sale. It will not be so today.
Yesterday's rush was enormous.
We anticipated a ready lesponse to such
unusual frame selling made preparations for
a huge day but the crowd which came trebled
our expectations.
Wanted Today
6 experienced picture frame
salespeople. Apply at fram
ing department first floor
befoie 8 a. m.
Rexford Co.
Many persons came to frame sale yester-
day under the impression that the sale was for
Monday only. This is erroneous.
The sale goes on today just the same as
f yesterday tomorrow same as today every
X day until every frame is sold.
X Such frame selling never took place in
X Scranton before. It is worthy of excitement
X when picture frames are to be had at one-
X fourth their usual
X Today, same
X Pictures Will Be Fitted
X No Charge for Back Board.
X Screw Eyes and Picture Wire Free.
Several instances here of the values which
X appeal to economical shoppers:
Here's One
llIl renl oak frames golden
and dnrlc 6 feet of moulding at II (r
cents worth 4b cents, helling for "w
Here's Another
Olncli 1020cllt frames takes
81ect of moulding to malie, ut 15 "J Of
centi worth 51.2U. Sala price "''
The Rexford Co.,!
303 Lackawanna Avenue. X
I t
-HHM t-H4-f
m m
Splendid assortment
of the Most Stylish
Weaves and Colors.
German Black Goods
All at popular prices.
Call and see them.
Moving Time is near the time when so many dishes are
broken. Hut don't worry if they do break, for you can get a
nice new Guaranteed Set in the latest shapes and decorations at
surprisingly low pi ices, at
MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyomini Aveniu.
"Walls in and look around."
'I rnln Aluy He Itentorcd.
It Is said that the new Leulgh Val
ley time table to be Issued In May will
have a train on the Bowman's Creek
branch to accommodate patrons be
tween Bernlco and this city. Since tho
taking oft of the branch train all com
munications between the smnll towns
have been severed and the merchants
and people have suffered much Incon
venience. Wilkes-Bnrre Hecord.
SCROFULA Is the advertisement of
foul blood. It may be entirely drlvpn
from the system by the faithful use of
Hood'o Sarsapatllla, which thoroughly
purifies the blood.
HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take.easy
to operate. Cure Indigestion, bilious
ness. 25c
as yesterday,
in Frames Free.
1 Another
5-lnch 1(1x20 white Florentine
frnmesvrlth cold leaf tips. 8 feet
of moulding at 75 rents worth f 0. C
Kale price P
2-Inch 11x14 plain and Kloren
tino Kilt, iireen and v bite fiame, OO.
worth 75 cents Mule price Al
Yery choice selection of the
most beautiful styles.
In the Now Plaids and Stripas
M, & H. Kid Gloves
At $1.00.
Soft, flexible, durable, superior
to all other Gloves sold at the
March 22, 1S9S.
The Gem Cafe
128 Washington Avenue,
HuceeiHor to
W. A. Beemer & Son.
Regular meals, 25 cents; 5 meal tickets,
SI 00; 21 meal tickets. 4 00. Ureakfast, C
to 8 30 n. m.; Elnncr. 11 30 to 2 p. m.j Sup-
pet, C p. in. to 7.30 p m.
Penrl of Barley
Sirloin of Roast Beet a li Brown Sauce
Roast Leg of I.umb a la Mint S.iuco
Boiled Corn Beef nnd Cabbage
Entre Short 1Mb! of Beef with Ronst
Mashed Turnips Creamed Potatoes
Stewed Tomatoes Stewed Corn
Apple Plo Custard Pie Mince Plo
Floating Island Pudding
Worcestershire Since
Pickles Salted Wafers
French Drip Coffee Milk Tea
Quick Lunch at All Times
Open All Night. Never Closed
Baby Bazaar
A comfoi table baby
is a "good baby."
ARNOLD'S Knit Night Drawer,
Knit Night Gowns,
Knit Bath Blankets
Secure comfoi t for child and mother
Also Full Line of
Domet Flannel Night Gown's,
Lounging Gowns and
Dressing Sacques
For Ladles and Children.
Heartburn, Gas
trltlH and nil
atomncu Dlsor-
der positively cured. Grover Graham's Uys
pepnia Kemedy Is a suecitlc One dose re
move ull distress, and a permanent euro of
the most chronic and seven) cases Is guaran
teed. Do not sutler I A 60-cent bottlo will
convinco the moat skeptical.
Matthews ilros. Uiugglsts, 320 Lacks
wunna avenue.
Call and be convinced on Low Prices
We are giving on all our
Fine Jewelry
And Silverware
Will be sold regardless of cost, as we are going out
of tbat liiie of goods. We also carry a line of
Step in and
Weichel, Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
415 and 417 ..
Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa,
See Our
Sculptor in
Show Window
Carves Faces
Out of
To introduce this special
brand of Castile Soap,
we put the
price at
310 Lackawanna Ave.
$10, $12 AND $25.
Hear Them.
flll-ll IS
Fit g
and I